Using the HI7190 in a Multiplexed System ® Application Note December 1995 AN9532 Author: John D. Norris Introduction The purpose of this application note is to inform the system designer how to use the HI7190 with a multiplexer. This will enable the designer to perform a high precision 24-bit analog to digital conversion using one sigma delta converter with four fully differential inputs which are individually selectable. Each channel may have a unique gain and filter response as defined by the HI7190 Control Register (CR). Refer to [1] for a complete HI7190 description. Functional Description The HI7190 multiplexing circuit is shown in Figure 2. This includes a HI539 4 channel differential multiplexer, two HA5127 single channel ultra-low noise operational amplifiers (op amps) and the HI7190 Sigma-Delta A/D converter. A fully differential circuit was used to offer the greatest amount of noise immunity and common mode rejection. This type of circuit will only measure the difference between the HI and LO inputs. Noise voltage which is common to both signal lines will cancel out in this balanced differential amplifier. In addition, common mode voltages appearing at the inputs will also be rejected based on the amplifiers Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR). Although differential inputs minimize the effects of noise, proper signal conditioning should be performed (i.e., twisted-pair, isolation, filtering). The inputs of this circuit begin at the HI539 which is a 4 channel differential multiplexer that has been optimized for low level differential signals. The user selects one of the 4 input channels, labeled CH1 to CH4, based on the multiplexer address A0 and A1 (see Table 1 for the address decode). The differential multiplexer outputs labeled OUTA and OUTB are then connected to the non inverting inputs to the HA5127 operational amplifiers. The op amps are used in unity gain to buffer the inputs of the HI7190 and to reduce the loading of the differential input signals being measured. The op amp has been designed for ultranoise (3nV/√Hz) applications and a high CMRR (126dB). INITIAL SYSTEM START FOR CHANNELS 1 TO 4 SELECT DESIRED CHANNEL BY USING SYNC PIN, APPROPRIATE ADDRESS AND CONTROL REGISTER INFORMATION PERFORM SYSTEM OFFSET, POSITIVE FULL SCALE AND NEGATIVE FULL SCALE CALIBRATION. SAVE CALIBRATION COEFFICIENTS TO THE APPROPRIATE SYSTEM RAM SELECT DESIRED CHANNEL BY USING SYNC PIN, APPROPRIATE ADDRESS AND CONTROL REGISTER INFORMATION READ CALIBRATION COEFFICIENTS FROM SYSTEM RAM AND WRITE TO APPROPRIATE CAL REGISTERS PERFORM ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION AND READ DATA NO SELECT NEW CHANNEL? TABLE 1. CHANNEL DECODE YES A1 A0 SELECTED CHANNEL 0 0 1 0 1 2 FIGURE 1. SYSTEM FLOW CHART 1 0 3 1 1 4 NOTE: Any change in ambient temperature, supply voltage or channel programming (outside of original channel calibration) the user should begin at the “initial system start” block. 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright © Intersil Americas Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved Application Note 9532 Power Supplies Example 1 This application circuit is designed to use ±5V for the HI7190 supply and ±10V for the multiplexer and op amps. With these increased op amp supplies, care should be taken to ensure the inputs of the HI7190 do not exceed the HI7190 supplies, or permanent damage may occur. The notch frequency is programmed for 10Hz, each channel has a unique Control Register (CR), SCLK is in the internal mode of 1.25MHz. The user applies an active low to the SYNC pin and changes the multiplexer address. To obtain the new channel information the following bits are transferred from the microprocessor memory. Please refer to the HI7190 datasheet for details of the Serial Interface. System Flow and Control The system flow chart is shown in Figure 1. The details of calibration and channel selection are described in the following sections. NUMBER OF BITS REGISTER 8 IR Calibration 24 CR Reprograms the HI7190 The HI7190 has the ability to null any system offset errors and generate the positive and negative gain slope factors for the transfer function of the converter. The system offset and gain errors are nulled by performing a three point calibration which involves recording conversion results for three different input conditions - “zero-scale,” “positive full-scale,” and “negative full-scale”. 8 IR Defines pending 3 byte offset calibration RAM write 24 OC RAM Offset calibration coefficients 8 IR Defines pending 3 byte FS + calibration RAM write 24 FS + RAM 8 IR 24 FS + RAM Calibration should be performed for EACH of the four channels to null out the individual channel errors with the results stored in the microprocessor memory. When the user switches channels during normal conversions, the calibration coefficients should be read from the microprocessor memory and written back to the HI7190. In addition, the user may have unique gain and filter performance for each channel and restore during the switch. A calibration routine should be initiated whenever there is a change in the ambient operating temperature, supply voltage or any change in the gain, bipolar, or unipolar input range. Conversion Time The throughput of the multiplexing application is dependent upon many factors including the programmed notch frequency, input level, settling time of the multiplexer and op amps, serial interface clock and the SYNC pin. The SYNC pin guarantees a maximum settling time of 3 conversion periods when switching channels of the multiplexer. The programmed notch frequency defines the number of possible conversions per second. With the default 10MHz crystal the possible notch frequency/conversion rate is 10 to 2000 per second. The input level greatly effects the settling time of the multiplexer, op amps and HI7190. As described in the HI539 and HA5127 datasheets, the multiplexer settles in 0.9μs (0.01%) and op amps settle in 1.5μs (0.1%). The serial interface clock (SCLK) will define the speed of the bit transfer when reading the Control Register and calibration coefficients back to the HI7190 for EACH channel. An active low on the SYNC pin is used to reset the modulator and place it in a stand-by mode (not converting) until the pin is returned to high state. Control/Timing Sequence To maximize the conversion throughput of this application the user would apply an active low to the SYNC pin, change the multiplexer address, write the new channel Control Register and calibration coefficients and return the SYNC pin high. Please refer to Figure 3. Below are examples of minimum and maximum conversion rates, assuming a constant channel switching. 2 128 COMMENTS Defines pending 3 byte CR write Full scale calibration coefficients Defines pending 3 byte FS calibration RAM write Full scale calibration coefficients Total Given a 1.25MHz SCLK, the bit transfer = 1/SCLK = 800ns. The “reprogramming” would take 800ns x 128 bits = 102μs. The SYNC pin can then be returned high since the multiplexer and op amps only needed 0.75μs to switch and 2.4μs to settle but are provided 102μs. The potential programmed conversion rate of 10Hz equates to 10 conversions per second or one conversion every 100ms; thus implies the 102μs to settle the multiplexer, op amp and reprogramming are negligible. With three conversions needed to stabilize the HI7190, valid results would be available after 300ms. The conversion rate is then 1/300ms or 3.3 conversions per second. Example 2 The notch frequency is programmed for 2kHz, each channel has a unique Control Register, SCLK is in the external mode with the maximum of 5MHz. The user applies an active low to the SYNC pin and changes the multiplexer address. To obtain the new channel information the same 128 bits as described in example 1 are transferred from the microprocessor memory. Given a 5MHz SCLK the bit transfer = 1/SCLK = 200ns. The “reprogramming” would take 200ns x 128 bits = 26μs. The SYNC pin can then be returned high since the multiplexer and op amps only need 0.75μs to switch and 2.4μs to settle but are provided 26μs. The potential programmed conversion rate of 2kHz equates to 2000 conversions per second or one conversion every 500μs, again implies the 26μs to settle the multiplexer, op amp and reprogramming is negligible. With three conversions needed to stabilize the HI7190, valid results would be available after 1.5ms. The conversion rate is then 1/1.5ms or 667 conversions per second. Application Note 9532 Reference [1] HI7190 Data Sheet, FN3612, Intersil Corporation +10V VOP+ 10MHz 14 15 AGND V+ HA-5127 HI-539 HI CH 1 LO HI CH 2 LO HI CH 3 LO HI CH 4 LO 4 13 5 12 6 11 7 10 2 IN1A IN1B IN2A IN2B IN3A IN3B IN4A IN4B OUTA OUTB 8 9 3 3 2 VOP+ 7 6 + 4 VOPVOP+ 7 6 + 4 VOP- EN A0 2 1 16 V- A1 17 13 + 4.7μF +5V 0.μF HI-7190 12 11 R1 10 9 8 +2.5V REFERENCE HA-5127 16 15 OSC1 OSC2 DVDD AVDD VINHI SCLK VINLO V CM SDO SYNC VRHI VRLO VOP- CS DRDY 3 A0 SDIO -5V A1 0.1μF 7 AVSS + AGND 4.7μF 14 RESET 1 3 2 19 4 5 18 +5V + 4.7μF 0.1μF DATA I/O DATA OUT SYNC CS DRDY RESET MODE 20 DGND 6 -10V FIGURE 2. MULTIPLEXING CIRCUIT SYNC MUX CHANGE HI7190 REPROGRAM 1-BIT 2-BIT 128-BIT FIGURE 3. CONTROL SEQUENCE All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 3