Using the HI3026 and HI3026A Evaluation Boards TM Application Note May 1999 Introduction AN9652 TABLE 1. OPERATING CONDITIONS The purpose of this application note is to describe the evaluation boards for either the HI3026 or HI3026A 8-bit ultra high speed analog to digital converters (ADC). The main difference between the two devices is the maximum conversion speed of 120 MSPS and 140 MSPS respectively. This document will use HI3026 for both devices. The boards are shipped with the device soldered onto the PCB. The evaluation board includes many discrete components along with op amps, buffers, logic level conversion (ECL to TTL and TTL to ECL) and a 10-bit D/A converter for reconstructing the output of the HI3026. After latching the HI3026, input data with a frequency divided clock, the analog signal can be regenerated by a 10-bit high speed D/A converter. The latched data can also be extracted externally via a 24 pin cable connector. MIN (V) TYP (V) MAX (V) 4.75 5.0 5.25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCC GND - 0 - VEE -5.50 -5.0 -4.75 +Amp +3 +5 +7 -Amp -7 -5 -3 |(+AMP)-(-AMP)| 9 10 11 -0.75 0 1.05 1.5 2.0 2.2 0.75 0 1.05 ANALOG INPUT AMP.IN DIR.IN (VP-P) CLOCK INPUT Board Description CLK.IN (VP-P) The evaluation platform is a two layer board optimized for high frequency operation. The supplies to the board should be low noise clean regulated linear power supplies. To ensure reliable performance, use the recommended operating conditions and never exceed the absolute maximum ratings shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The signals in and out of the board are defined in the Pin Description table, which details various connectors and their function. 1 TABLE 2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS MIN (V) MAX (V) SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCC -0.5 7.0 VEE -7.0 0.5 +Amp -0.5 7.0 -Amp -7 0.5 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Intersil (and design) is a trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright © Intersil Americas Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved Application Note 9652 Typical Performance Curves (HI3026A) 8 50 7 45 SNR 40 6 35 SINAD 30 dB ENOB 5 4 25 20 3 15 2 10 1 FCLOCK = 140MHz, DEMUX MODE FCLOCK = 140MHz, DEMUX MODE 5 0 0 1 5 20 40 60 1 5 20 60 FIGURE 2. SINAD AND SNR FIGURE 1. ENOB vs FIN 8 50 SNR 45 7 40 6 SINAD 35 5 30 dB ENOB 40 FIN (MHz) INPUT FREQUENCY 4 25 20 3 15 2 10 1 FCLOCK = 100MHz, STRAIGHT MODE FCLOCK = 100MHz, STRAIGHT MODE 5 0 0 1 5 20 FIN (MHz) 1 40 FIGURE 3. ENOB vs FIN 5 20 FIN (MHz) 40 FIGURE 4. SINAD AND SNR 50 8 SNR 45 7 40 6 5 30 dB ENOB SINAD 35 4 25 20 3 15 2 1 0 10 10 5 FCLOCK = 80MHz, STRAIGHT MODE 20 30 FIN (MHz) FIGURE 5. ENOB vs FIN 2 40 0 10 FCLOCK = 80MHz, STRAIGHT MODE 20 30 FIN (MHz) FIGURE 6. SINAD AND SNR 40 Application Note 9652 Pin Descriptions PIN NO. SYMBOL I/O STANDARD I/O LEVEL CURRENT DESCRIPTION CON1 AMP.IN I 0.95Vp-p Doubles the analog input signal amplitude using the operational amplifier. The input impedance is 50Ω . CON2 DIR.IN I 2.0Vp-p AC coupling input. suitable for sine waves and other repeating waveforms. The input impedance is 50Ω. CON3 CLK.IN I 1.0Vp-0 The HI3026 operates at the PECL level clock using the sine wave-to-PECL conversion circuit. The input impedance is 50Ω. CON4 P1 Side OUT O 0 to -1V Allows the D/A converted waveform of the HI3026, port 1 side data to be observed. The output impedance is 50Ω . CON5 P2 Side OUT O 0 to -1V Allows the D/A converted waveform of the HI3026, port 2 side data to be observed. The output impedance is 50Ω . V CC I 5.0V GND I 0V V EE I -5.0V -0.6A +AMP I 5.0V 40mA + side power supply for the operation amplifier. -AMP I -5.0V -40mA - side power supply for the operation amplifier. CON7 P1 side DATA O TTL The HI3026, port 1 side data output is latched at the frequency divided clock and then output. CON8 P2 side DATA O TTL The HI3026, port side data output is latched at the frequency divided clock and then output. 3 0.8A The inside of the board is divided into analog and digital systems. Application Note 9652 HI3026JCQ Block Diagram 4 Application Note 9652 Board Adjustments and Settings 1. VRB.R1: HI3026, VRB voltage adjusting volume. 2. VRT.R2: HI3026, VRT voltage adjusting volume. 3. OFFSET.R3: Adjusting volume for matching the AMP.IN input and DIR.IN input signal ranges to the HI3026, input range. 4. FULL SCALE.R4: Full-scale adjusting volume for the port 1 D/A output. (-1V: Typ.) 5. FULL SCALE.R5: Full-scale adjusting volume for the port 2 D/A output. (-1V: Typ.) 6. S1: Switching junction for the dual analog input pins. Set as follows according to the input pins used. JUNCTION SYMBOL 7. S2: A B AMP.IN OPEN SHORT DIR.IN 0.1µF 10kΩ Setting junction for the clock frequency division ratio. The operating speed after latching is determined by the frequency division ratio set here. When set to CLK OUT, it operates according to the HI3026, clock output. 8. SW1 SELECT: HI3026, output mode selector switch. 9. SW2 A/D INV: HI3026, output polarity inversion switch. 10. SW# D/A INV: D/A converter output polarity inversion switch. Notes on Board Operation 1. The factory settings for the HI3026, Evaluation Board are as follows: VRB.R1 = 1.5V FULL SCALE.R4 = -1V S1 A···OPEN, B ···SHORT VRT.R2 = 3.0V FULL SCALE.R5 = -1V S2 8···SHORT (1/8 frequency division) OFFSET.R3 = 2.25V When using the board in this condition, the input signals should be input at the amplitudes shown below. (The frequency is set as desired.) 2. When the analog signal is input from the CON1 (AMP.IN) pin, IC2:CLC404 limits the input dynamic range of the A/D converter’s analog input signal according to the +AMP and -AMP supply voltages. The power supply for the operational amplifier can also be shifted to +AMP = +7.0V and -AMP = -3.0V to allow use with a wider input dynamic range. ANALOG INPUT SIGNAL: CON1 (AMP.IN) CLOCK INPUT SIGNAL: CON3 (CLK.IN) 5 3. When the analog input signal is a sine wave or other repeating waveform, the signal can be input form the CON2 (DIR.IN) pin with AC coupling. In these cases, the input dynamic range is not limited by the +AMP and -AMP supply voltages, but the VRT level may be limited by IC3:NJM3403A. Therefore, the power supply for the operational amplifier should be shifted in the same manner as in 2. above. 4. In the evaluation board of the HI3026, CLC404 (Comlinear) is employed for IC2 to drive the analog input signal. Though, CLC505 (Comlinear) can also be used instead of CLC404, there should be little change in the peripheral circuit in this case. 0V CENTER, 800mVP-P OR LESS 0V CENTER, 1.0VP-P Application Note 9652 Timing Diagram N N+3 N+1 CON2 DIR IN 0V 2VP-P N+2 CON3 CLK IN HI3026 CLK HI3026 P1 SIDE DATA 1VP-P 0V (PECL) (TTL) N -4 N -3 N -2 N -1 APPROXIMATELY 6.0ns CON7 P1 SIDE DATA CLK CON7 P1 SIDE DATA DATA (TTL) (TTL) APPROXIMATELY 9.0ns N -6 N -4 N -2 N -6 N -4 CON4 P1 SIDE OUT N -2 (ANALOG REGENERATION WAVEFORM) 0V TO -1V OPERATING CONDITIONS HI3026 OPERATING MODE : STRAIGHT MODE ANALOG INPUT : DIR IN PIN INPUT S2 SETTING : 1/2 FREQUENCY DIVIDED CLOCK 6 Application Note 9652 Schematic Diagram HI3026 7 Application Note 9652 Schematic Diagram (Continued) HI20201 HI20201 8 Application Note 9652 Component List NO. PRODUCT NAME FUNCTION NO. PRODUCT NAME FUNCTION IC1 HI3026 8-bit A/D converter R2 RJ-5W-1K 1kΩ volume resistor IC2 CLC404AJE OP-AMP R1, 4, 5 RJ-5W-2K 2kΩ volume resistor IC3 NJM3403AM OP-AMP R3 RJ-5W-10K 10kΩ volume resistor IC4 MC10H116L ECL buffer R46 to 50 RGLD4X621J 620Ω network resistor IC5 MC10H136L ECL Countor IC6, 7 74AS574N TTL Latch R6, 18, 19 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 51Ω IC8 100390 PECL¬TTL conversion R7, 8 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 510Ω IC9, 10 MB767P TTL¬ECL conversion R9 FRD-25SR (0.25W)- 7.5kΩ IC11 MC10H124L TTL¬ECL conversion R10 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 22kΩ IC12, 13 HI20201JCB 10-bit D/A converter R11 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 200kΩ IC14 to 16 74ALS34 TTL Buffer R12 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 390kΩ D1 to 3 TL431CP Shunt regulator R13, 23 28 to 33, 37, 38 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 82Ω SW1 to 3 ATE1D-2F3-10 Toggle switch R14, 24 to 27, 34 to 36, 39, 40 FRD-25SR (0.25W) 130Ω S1, 2 JX-1 Short pin R15, 16, 43, 45 FRD-25SR (0.25W 270Ω CON1 to 5 01K0315 BNC connector R17 FRD-25SR (0.25W 43Ω CON6 TJ-563 Power supply connector R20, 22, 42, 44 FRD-25SR (0.25W 1kΩ CON7, 8 (FAP-2601-1202) Flat cable connector R21 FRD-25SR (0.25W 390Ω L1 to 6 ZBF503D-00 Fernite-bead filter R41 FRD-25SR (0.25W 620Ω C1 to 6 Tantal capacitor 33µF C7 to 12 Tantal capacitor 1µF C15 Ceramic capacitor 0.1µF All parts other than those listed above Chip capacitor 0.1µF NOTE: CON7 and 8 are not mounted when boards are shipped. (Manufacturer: YAMAICHI Electronics Co., Ltd.) 9 HI3026 HI3026 FIGURE 7. COMPONENT SIDE SILK DIAGRAM FIGURE 9. SOLDER SIDE SILK DIAGRAM 10 HI20201 HI20201 Application Note 9652 Application Note 9652 FIGURE 8. COMPONENT SIDE PATTERN DIAGRAM All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see Sales Office Headquarters NORTH AMERICA Intersil Corporation 7585 Irvine Center Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 TEL: (949) 341-7000 FAX: (949) 341-7123 Intersil Corporation 2401 Palm Bay Rd. Palm Bay, FL 32905 TEL: (321) 724-7000 FAX: (321) 724-7946 11 EUROPE Intersil Europe Sarl Ave. William Graisse, 3 1006 Lausanne Switzerland TEL: +41 21 6140560 FAX: +41 21 6140579 ASIA Intersil Corporation Unit 1804 18/F Guangdong Water Building 83 Austin Road TST, Kowloon Hong Kong TEL: +852 2723 6339 FAX: +852 2730 1433