CN-0216-A Change Notice HB Series Change of Super Bright LED Specifications for AT630F (Green) used in HB Pushbuttons & Indicators Type of Change: Engineering Product Part Number Appearance All models of HB Pushbuttons and Indicators with the super bright LED AT630F will have a change to the specifications. The change will effect all standard and custom products with a green LED for the HB Series. HB Pushbutton HB Indicator SUPER BRIGHT LED CODES & SPECIFICATIONS Before Change Super Bright LEDs are Electrostatic Sensitive. Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. The lamp circuit is isolated and requires an external power source. ATTENTION ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES 6F Color Green After Change 6F Green Maximum Forward Current I FM 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 3.5V 3.3V ( I F = 20 ) ( I F = 20 ) Maximum Reverse Voltage VR M 5V 7V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆I F 0.50mA/°C 0.40mA/°C –25°C ~ +50°C –25°C ~ +50°C Ambient Temperature Range If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula shown here. Notes: There are no changes to external dimensions for the LED. Contact factory if further details are needed. R + IF Anode VF E Cathode – R = Where: R = E = VF = IF = E – VF IF Resistor Value (Ohms) Source Voltage (V) Forward Voltage (V) Forward Current (A) Effective Date Changes to LEDs will be effective with January 2014 production. • 1.877.2BUYNKK (228.9655) 7850 East Gelding Drive • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 • Telephone 480.991.0942 • Fax 480.998.1435 2014/02/03 Engineering Department