ISL6752EVAL1Z Evaluation Board with Synchronous Rectifiers ® Application Note September 13, 2007 AN1341.0 Author: Richard Garcia Introduction The ISL6752EVAL1Z board utilizes Intersil’s zero voltage switching (ZVS) topology. In addition to the ZVS function, this board also incorporates N-Channel FETs as secondary side rectifiers, also known as synchronous rectifiers (SR). Power dissipation of the secondary side rectifiers is reduced because the conduction losses of SRs can be significantly less than the conduction losses of PN or Schottky diodes. Scope This application note will cover the implementation of synchronous rectifiers (SRs) and their associated drive circuits as used on the ISL6752EVAL1Z board. The various implications of using SRs are covered. The implementation of the primary side ZVS controller, based on the ISL6752, is covered extensively in Intersil application note AN1262, “Designing with the ISL6752, ISL6753 Full-Bridge Controllers”. At the end of this application note, the schematic, the bill of materials and the printed circuit board layout are included for reference. TABLE 1. SPECIFICATIONS Max Input Voltage Operating Input Voltage 450VDC 325V to 425VDC Max Input Current 2.5ADC Rated Output Current 50ADC Current Limit 60A±5% Output Voltage 12V±5% Circuit Elements The evalualtion board is composed of several distinct circuit elements. Please reference the schematic at the end of this application note. Also covered is the performance of this evaluation board. Measured waveforms are compared to the theoretical waveforms. Efficiency and regulation is also measured. FIGURE 1. ISL6752EVAL1Z EVALUATION BOARD 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright Intersil Americas Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Application Note 1341 Primary Side Control High Voltage Protection The ISL6752 ZVS controller, U1, is located on the primary side, eliminating the need for two AC line isolating gate drive transformers to drive the primary side bridge FETs. Instead, the low side FETs are driven direcly by MOSFET drivers and the high side FETs are driven by a gate drive transformer that only requires operational insulation. Primary side control also simplifies the design of the current sensing transformers because they also do not have to be AC line isolating. Because a failure of the bridge can cause catastrophic damage to the primary side control elements, a voltage crowbar, F1 and D3, and a voltage blocking diode, D4, are incorporated. D3 clamps the bias voltage to a safe level. If 400V is applied to the VDD bias node, F1 opens shortly after D3 conducts current. D4 provides additional protection by blocking high voltage from being applied to the 13V lab supply. Note that a fully debugged power supply does not need these additional components. These parts are left on the eval board to minimize damage should the user accidently introduce a fault while evaluating the circuits. The designer may want to keep F1 in the final design to prevent a loud bang should the bridge fail. F1 U1 FIGURE 2. PRIMARY SIDE CONTROL CIRCUIT D3 D4 FIGURE 4. HIGH VOLTAGE PROTECTION CIRCUIT Primary Side Current Sensing ZVS Full Bridge The low side FETs, Q3 and Q4, are driven directly by MOSFET drivers, U4. The two high side FETs, Q1 and Q2, are also driven by a MOSFET driver, U5, but are coupled with one gate drive transformer, T3, that has complementary outputs. The design of the gate drive transformer is simplified because it only needs 400V operational insulation and it is always driven with a symmetrical square wave. Q2 The primary side bridge has 2 current sensing transformers (CT), one on each leg. Using two transformers allows each CT to reset during alternate half cycles. Alternative methods of current sensing using only one CT will also be covered. Q1 T4 T2 T3 Q3 Q4 FIGURE 5. PRIMARY SIDE CURRENT SENSING CIRCUIT Synchronous Rectifier Drive Circuit U5 U6 FIGURE 3. ZVS FULL BRIDGE CIRCUIT 2 Two banks of SRs, Q107 through Q110 and Q111 through Q114, are driven by MOSFET drivers, U108 and U109. An RCD network on the inputs to the drivers delay the turn-on of the SRs relative to the turn-off of the primary side bridge AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 FETs. Pulse transformer, T6, crosses the isolation boundary to couple the control signals from the ISL6752 to the MOSFET drivers. Note that this transformer also provides the secondary side bias voltage to the MOSFET drivers. Output Voltage Error Amplifier A line isolation rated opto-coupler, U2, passes the analog error signal generated by the error amplifier, U102 from the secondary to the primary. U102 U2 U109 U108 T6 FIGURE 8. OUTPUT VOLTAGE ERROR AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT Basic SR Principles Replacing diodes with MOSFETs has two major advantages: • dramatically reduces conduction losses • the applied duty cycle remains virtually constant from no load to full load. FIGURE 6. SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER DRIVE CIRCUIT Current Doubler Output and two significant disadvantages: • additional complexity and cost The current doubler output is composed of two banks of SRs, Q107 through Q110 and Q111 through Q114, inductors L102 and L103, and output filter capacitors, C132 through C136. The advantage of this topology is that the output current is shared by the two inductors reducing conduction losses. Another advantage is that the secondary winding of the power transformer does not require a center tap simplifying the construction of the transformer. L103 Q107.. Q110 C132...C136 • when paralleling units for redundancy, provisions must be made to prevent current circulation among the units. SR Drive Timing Requirements To emulate a diode, an SR must be driven on when a diode would be normally conducting. But unlike a diode, if the SR is on, the current through the SR can reverse if the voltage on the SR “cathode” becomes positive. The consequence of this is that if the SR is driven on when the primary side is sourcing voltage to the secondary, the secondary side will be shorted by the SR. Figure 9 illustrates the timing required to drive the SRs. Note the delays to prevent the overlapping of the drive signals. When an SR is turned off when current is flowing from source to drain, the current will divert from the FET channel to the internal body diode. It is desirable to minimize the period that the current flows through the body diode to minimize dissipation. SR Drive and Bias OUTLLN and OUTLRN in Figure 10 are control signals from the ISL6752 that are used to drive the SRs. Because the ISL6752 is located on the primary side, a pulse transformer, T6 is used to cross the isolation boundary. The simplified schematic of Figure 10 illustrates the use of T6 to not only couple OUTLLN and OUTLRN to the secondary, but also to generate the bias for the drivers on the secondary. Q111.. Q114 L102 FIGURE 7. CURRENT DOUBLER OUTPUT CIRCUIT 3 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 When OUTLLN or OUTLRN transition to a logic high, it is necessary to turn off the SRs quickly. For example, when OUTLLN is high, V1 is positive relative to ground charging C125 quickly through CR108. U108 inverts the input and turns off SR1. In a similar manner, when OUTLLRN is high, U109 drives SR2 off. of generating the bias for U108 and U109 in this manner is that the thresholds for the logic transitions on the inputs of U108 and U109 are proportional to VBIAS and the voltage to charge C125 and C124 is also VBIAS. Consequently, the delays generated by the RC networks are independent of the absolute value of VBIAS. When OUTLLN and OUTLRN transition to a logic low, it is necessary to turn on the SRs after a time delay to prevent the SRs from shorting the primary side bridge when it is sourcing current. For example, when OUTLLN transitions to low, V1 is grounded and CR108 prevents C125 from being discharged by V1. CR125 discharges instead through R140 delaying the transition of V2 from high to low on the input of U108. When V2 is low, the output of U108 drives SR1 on. In a similar manner, the transition of OUTLLRN from high to low is delayed to drive SR2 on. Current Doubler Figure 11 illustrates the current flow in the two inductors of the current doubler topology. Color coding is used to correlate the current flow in the circuit with the waveforms. The green waveform represents the sum of the red and blue currents through RLOAD. For circuit clarity, the paralleled SRs and output capacitors of the ISL6752EVAL1Z board are not shown. When using diodes (instead of SRs), if the average load current is less than 1/2 of the ramp current in the output inductors, the current in the inductors becomes discontinuous and the duty cycle of the PWM is shortened to maintain the desired output voltage. Note that the cathodes of CR108 and CR107 are connected together to alternately peak charge C123. Because C123 is large in value, after the initial charging, the voltage does not change significantly from cycle to cycle. An important aspect +400V V PWM 1 V BR1 V SR1 V SR2 V PWM 2 DELAY V PWM 2 RL V BR2 V SR1 V SR2 V BR1 V PWM 1 DELAY V PWM 2 DELAY V BR2 DELAY V PWM1 SRS 400V RTN FIGURE 9. TIMING REQUIRED TO DRIVE SRs OUTLLN V1 V1 V2 ENABLE V SR1 U108 SR1 OUTLLN V2 CR108 V sr1 R140 C125 R139 C124 U109 CR107 V3 OUTLRN SR2 T6 V4 V3 V sr2 V SR2 V4 V BIAS FIGURE 10. SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC 4 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 L1 R LO A D Q1 Q2 L2 UNCHANG ED DUTY CYCLE LIGHT LO AD W ITH SRS LO AD W ITH EITHER DIO DES O R SRS REDUCED DUTY CYCLE UNCHANG ED DUTY CYCLE LIGHT LO AD W ITH DIO DES NO LO AD W HEN USING SRS DISCONTINUO US CURRENTS FIGURE 11. INDUCTOR FLOW IN TWO INDUCTORS OF CURRENT DOUBLER TOPOLOGY 30A LOAD NO LOAD 50A LOAD FIGURE 12. INDUCTOR CURRENT WAVEFORMS When using SRs, the inductor currents in L1 and L2 can become negative because current can flow in SRs bidirectionally. Consequently, the duty cycle remains virtually unchanged. The benefit of this is that the load transient performance is the same for any load from zero up to current limit. Another advantage is that for very light loads, the duty cycle is not reduced to very small duty cycles, pulse skipping does not occur, and the associated voltage jitter does not happen. An important design consideration for the current doubler topology is that the DC resistance of both halves must be equal. The pcb layout must be as symmetrical as possible and the DCRs of the inductors should also be reasonably equal. If not, the current between the two sides will not split equally. Because perfect physical pcb symmetry is not always possible, it is necessary to confirm the current sharing between the inductors. 5 In Figure 12, the inductor current waveforms are taken from the ISL6752EVAL1Z board. The balance of currents between the two inductors was achieved after two board revisions. Observe how the inductor currents maintain the same waveform shape even at no load. Another design consideration when using SRs is the problem of connecting the outputs of multiple power supplies in parallel for redundancy or for increased power capacity. A consequence of negative current flowing in an SR (when a diode would otherwise be reversed biased and off) is that power can be transferred from the secondary to the primary if one of the paralleled outputs has a higher voltage. The voltage loop of the units with lower set point voltages will attempt to pull down the voltage by sinking current from the higher set point units. The primary side bridge capacitor is charged by the secondary side eventually resulting with excessive voltage damage. This damage can be avoided by using or-ing diodes (or FETs) on the paralleled outputs. Another solution is to turn off the SRs (diode emulation AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 mode) when the current reverses in the SRs but this eliminates some of the advantages of using SRs. Paralleling features are not implemented on the ISL6752EVAL1Z board. +400V Current Sensing Current flowing from the secondary to the primary can result with an unanticipated malfunction of the current sensing transformer circuit if reverse SR currents are not considered. Figure 13 is a commonly used primary side current sensing circuit utilizing one current sensing transformer (CT). This circuit works well for peak current mode control if power is always flowing from primary to secondary, as is the case when diodes are used instead of SRs. Figure 14 illustrates the performance of the current sensing output when power always flows from primary to secondary. NOT RECOMMENDED RS The voltage across RS is as expected. The vertical dashed lines show when the power cycle is terminated at the required peak of the current. Figure 15 illustrates what happens at no load to the sense voltage across RS. Notice that the negative components of the primary transformer current are rectified resulting with two peaks of current across RS for each half cycle. Under steady state conditions, the rectified negative component may cause erratic performance because the cycle can terminate on the first peak (the inverted peak as indicated by the vertical red line) instead of the required second peak. This condition can easily be corrected by having a small load across the output to insure that the negative peak is always less than the positive. However, a minimum load does not correct a more serious problem that occurs when there is a large load step from a heavy load to no load. When the load current is interrupted, the output capacitor charges higher than the regulated voltage. As the regulation loop is starting to respond by slewing to a minimum duty cycle, the excessive voltage on the output capactior starts to discharge back to the primary. This results with a large negative current at the beginning of the duty cycle, which causes the duty cycle to be terminated very early. The imbalance of the applied volt-seconds to the power transformer may saturate the power transformer and damage the power bridge. Another scenario is that the current sensing transformer itself may saturate, which will also damage the bridge. The control loop cannot maintain balanced alternate half cycles applied to the power transformer without valid current sense information. There are two solutions to this problem. Figure 16 illustrates the placements of two current sensing transformers, one on each drain leg of the bottom FETs. 400V RTN FIGURE 13. PRIMARY SIDE CURRENT SENSING CIRCUIT UTILIZING ONE CT PRIMARY TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE PRIMARY TRANSFORMER CURRENT VOLTAGE ACROSS RS FIGURE 14. PERFORMANCE OF CURRENT SENSING OUTPUT PRIMARY TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE PRIMARY TRANSFORMER CURRENT VOLTAGE ACROSS RS FIGURE 15. NO LOAD TO SENSE VOLTAGE ACROSS RS 6 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 In this configuration, only positive current flowing into the drains of the bottom FETs are sensed across RS solving the problem of rectified negative currents being impressed across RS. An advantage of using two CTs is that there is a full half cycle available to reset the cores of the CTs. This is the solution used in the ISL6752EVAL1Z board. Figure 17 is the current sense waveform as seen on SP1 of the ISL6752EVAL1Z board with an output load of 60A. Figure 18 shows a different current sensing implementation that also solves the problem of Figure 13. +400V In this example, both drain currents of the bottom FETs are sensed by only one CT. But there are some limitations that must be considered. To reset the core, the minimum time available is the duration of the selected dead time between the two FETs on the same side of the bridge. This dead time can be made longer to accommodate the resetting of the CT but the consequences of reducing the maximum duty cycle available for output voltage regulation must be considered. If the dead time is kept short, then the peak voltage required for resetting the core will be relatively large. For example, assume that the dead time is selected to be 2% of the duty cycle. The worst case reset voltage is then approximately shown in Equation 1: (EQ. 1) ( 0.98 ⁄ 0.02 ) • V SMAX = 49V where VSMAX is 1V (the current limit voltage of the ISL6752). RS RR RR Notice in Figure 18 that the 400V RTN is slightly more negative than the signal ground. This is recommended for applications that directly drive the bottom FETs with MOSFET drivers. If the 400V RTN and the MOSFET drivers are grounded, regenerative feedback will be present on the output of the MOSFET drivers because of the presence of the CT windings in the gate drive loop. A variation of the current sense circuit of Figure 18 is to place the current sensing transformer in the common drain lead of the two high side FETs, as shown in Figure 19. 400V RTN FIGURE 16. PLACEMENT OF TWO CURRENT SENSING TRANSFORMERS The circuits of Figures 18 and 19 give exactly the same performance, but the problem associated with the gate drives (as explained in Figure 18) is avoided. The disadvantage of placing the CT at this location is that the CT must be designed with 400VDC operational insulation. +400V RS RR 400V RTN FIGURE 17. CURRENT SENSE WAVEFORM AT SP1 OF ISL6752EVAL1Z BOARD 7 FIGURE 18. CURRENT SENSING TRANSFORMERS AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 Setting Up +400V Danger RS -This evaluation unit should be used and operated only by persons experienced and knowledgeable in the design and operation of high voltage power conversion equipment. RR -Use of this evaluation unit constitutes acceptance of all risk inherent in the operation of equipment having accessible hazardous voltage. Careless operation may result in serious injury or death. -Use safety glasses or other suitable eye protection. Lab equipment required: • DC lab power supply, 13VDC @ 200mA minimum • 400VDC regulated lab power supply, 2.5ADC min with current limit • Fan to cool heatsinks • Oscilloscope, digital preferred with 4 channels, 20MHz minimum bandwidth 400V RTN FIGURE 19. CURRENT SENSING TRANSFORMERS IN THE COMMON DRAIN LEAD • DC load, 80A min, >750W • DC Mulitmeter Conclusion This application note investigates the use of MOSFETs as synchronous rectifiers to replace conventional diodes. The advantanges of improved power efficiency and load transient are reviewed along with implemention problems that must be solved. References [1] Fred Greenfeld, Intersil Application Note AN1246, “Techniques to Improve ZVS Full-bridge Performance” [2]Fred Greenfeld, Intersil Application Note AN1262, “Designing with the ISL6752, ISL6753 ZVS Full-bridge Controllers” Appendix The following sections cover the set-up of the ISL6752EVAL1Z board. Also included are the bill of materials, schematic, measured waveforms, parameters and pcb layout. Connect the DC load to the output of the evaluation board. Terminal P102 is negative and terminal P104 is positive. Adjust the load to zero. With both supplies turned off, connect the 13VDC supply to +13V (P3) and PGND (P4). Connect the 400V supply to +400V (P1) and 400V RTN (P2). Turn on the 13V supply and adjust the current limit to 200mA. Adjust the voltage to +13.0VDC. The lab supply current should be approximately 125mA. Caution A voltage clamp, D3, is used to protect the primary side control circuit from catastrophic damage should the high voltage bridge fail. In order to prevent this clamp from conducting, do not adjust the 13VDC lab supply over 13.5VDC. Turn on the 400V supply and adjust the current limit to 2.5A. Adjust the voltage to 400VDC. Do not exceed 450VDC! The current should be approximately 45mA. Turn on the fan and direct the air flow through the heatsinks mounted on the bottom of the board. Using TP120 and TP121, the output voltage should be 12 ±0.5VDC. The output load and input voltage can now be safely adjusted. Because there is no thermal shut down circuit, it is important to maintain adequate airflow over the heatsinks, especially when applying large loads. 8 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 Waveforms In Figure 20, the Drain-Source voltage of the low side FETs is displayed relative to the gate voltage to highlight the ZVS performance of the bridge. The load is at the rated 50A. Notice that full ZVS is not achieved because the minimum resonance voltage is about 160VDC. Even though this not is an optimum design, 85% of the switching losses are still recovered. To improve the ZVS performance, a future version of a ZVS topology evaluation board will use FETs with less body capacitance to achieve optimum ZVS. Alternatively, improvements to the ZVS performance can be made by increasing the leakage inductance of the transformer or by using saturable inductor snubbers for the output SRs. For more information, see application note AN1246, “Techniques to Improve ZVS Full-bridge Performance.” NO LOAD RESONANCE VALLEY GATE THRESHOLD VOLTAGE FIGURE 20. DRAIN SOURCE VOLTAGE OF THE LOW SIDE FET 60A LOAD 50A LOAD 1V CURRENT LIMIT FIGURE 21. CURRENT SENSE VOLTAGE ON SP1 AT NO LOAD, 50A AND 60A (CURRENT LIMIT) 50A LOAD NO LOAD CURRENT SENSE CURRENT SENSE PRIMARY CURRENT PRIMARY CURRENT FIGURE 22. PRIMARY TRANSFORMER CURRENT 9 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 PRIMARY CURRENT CURRENT SENSE CURRENT SENSE NO RINGING ON HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING TRANSITIONS VDS VDS VGS FIGURE 23. PRIMARY GATE DRIVE AND HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING ON BOTTOM BRIDGE FETS SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER GATE DRIVE (TP116) PRIMARY CURRENT GATE TURNED ON AT THE VALLEY OF THE RESONANCE VGS FIGURE 24. PRIMARY GATE DRIVE AND HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING ON BOTTOM BRIDGE FETS (EXPANDED SWEEP) SECONDARY SIDE TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE (TP119) SECONDARY SIDE TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE (TP118) SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER GATE DRIVE (TP115) FIGURE 25. SECONDARY TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE AND SYNCHRONOUS GATE DRIVE VOLTAGE FIGURE 26. OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE, 20MHZ (SP101) FIGURE 27. OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE AND NOISE, 1GHZ (SP101) FIGURE 28. OUTPUT LOAD TRANSIENT, 0A TO 12A 10 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 100 EFFICIENCY (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LOAD (AMPS) FIGURE 29. OUTPUT LOAD TRANSIENT, 12A TO 30A FIGURE 30. EFFICIENCY TABLE 2. LINE AND LOAD REGULATION TABLE 3. EFFICIENCY VIN VOUT AT NO LOAD VOUT AT 25A LOAD VOUT at 50A LOAD VIN IIN VOUT IOUT EFFICIENCY (%) POWER RATED POWER 425 11.833 11.783 11.763 400 0.07 11.84 1 41 12 2 400 11.845 11.799 11.773 400 0.13 11.83 3 67 35 6 375 11.849 11.808 11.779 400 0.19 11.82 5 77 59 10 350 11.852 11.815 11.784 400 0.25 11.82 5 77 59 10 325 11.856 11.821 11.787 400 0.35 11.80 10 86 118 20 400 0.50 11.79 15 89 177 29 400 0.66 11.79 20 90 236 39 400 0.97 11.78 30 91 353 59 400 1.29 11.77 40 92 471 78 400 1.61 11.76 50 91 588 98 400 1.95 11.75 60 91 705 118 References [1] Fred Greenfeld, Intersil Application Note AN1246, “Techniques to Improve ZVS Full-bridge Performance” [2]Fred Greenfeld, Intersil Application Note AN1262, “Designing with the ISL6752, ISL6753 Full-Bridge Controllers” 11 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 ISL6752EVAL1Z Schematic VIN+ F1 P1 0464004 2 C1 33UF C2 33UF C3 33UF C5 0.1UF 1 Q1 FQB6N50 P2 3 3 R13 10K PGND R14 CR3 4.99 SS12 P4 2 E CR4 R16 1 2 1 SS12 P0544 CS R17 10K 3 8 5 C14 1000PF 2 Q5 BSS138 1 1000PF R12 20 1 Q6 BSS138 6 4.99 12 C13 1UF 2 VDD 3 IN T2 1 1 4 8 3 P8205 2 Q4 FQB6N50 1 R42 4.7 OUT SR_A 12V 600W 11 12 9 10 3 CS R19 100 IN T4 7 3 2 R21 2 8 OUTUL 100 3 3 SR_B PA1650 U5 UCC37324DGN R18 100 6 7 C16 1UF TP5 OUT 13 14 300-400V 200KHZ 1 NC 4 NC 5 NC 8 NC VDD 2 7 4.7 U5 U4 UCC37324DGN IN 6 R44 5 C12 1UF 7 R27 30.1 15 16 6 7 TP4 CR1 BAT54S T1 2 3 FB_L IN C121 3300PF C20 3300PF 3 C15 T3 4 100 3 R15 20 2 VIN- R45 Q2 FQB6N50 1 C4 33UF 2 U4 4 CR2 BAT54S 3 P8205 TP11 R20 10K 1 R43 5 1 1 Q3 FQB6N50 4.7 R28 30.1 3 Application Note 1341 R23 10K C10 OUTLL R4 VREF TP6 1000PF 20K R26 VERR 0.1UF OUT 2.21K 1 OUT 2 3 R5 C9 0.1UF R6 665 15.4K R7 6 7 20K R8 CS 4 5 TP7 R22 U1 VREF CS R24 100 TP13 C11 8 IN 499 VREF VERR 14 13 OUTUL OUTUR RTD OUTUR 12 TP10 11 OUTLLN RESDEL CT OUT OUTLLN 10 OUTLRN OUTLLN 9 CS TP12 10 15 OUTLL OUTLR CTBUF OUTLR VDD OUT 16 VDD VADJ TP8 GND ISL6752AAZA VDD OUT R2 18.2 R9 1.27K R3 33.2 SP1 C8 1000PF CS R10 45.3K C6 180PF OUTLRN D4 BIAS OUT MURS160T3 OUTLRN P3 TP9 C7 47PF D3 1.5SMC15AT3G +12VOUT IN R130 18K R128 499 R129 9.09K VERR IN R131 649 R127 499 C122 VREF R25 20 IN CR106 U2 4 3 1 COLLECTOR 2 EMITTER CR5 BAT54 C17 330PF 3 C120 CATHODE R132 0.033UF 100K 1K BAT54 PS2701 2 R11 10K 100PF 1 R126 ANODE 3 1 3 1 DRAWN BY: TIM KLEMANN 3 Q17 PMBT3906 TP2 3 VR102 BZX84C6V8LT1 A 1 100 U102 LM431BIM3 C 2 R1 1 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 C18 0.1UF SS NC ENABLE E R133 2.15K UPDATED 2 E RELEASED E BY: BY: DATE: 04/17/2007 DATE: DATE: TESTER ENGINEER: RICHARD GARCIA TITLE: MASK# OUT DATE: ISL6752 EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC HRDWR ID REV. ISL6752EVAL1Z FILENAME: SHEET 1 B 2 ISL6752EVAL1Z Schematic (Continued) SP101 +12VOUT TP120 OUT E L103 SR_B IN Q107 SR_B Q108 3.3UH Q110 Q109 2 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 TP119 IRF6668 IRF6668 IRF6668 1 C137 D1 DNP UPS3100E3 R40 3 P104 R41 C127 0.1UF R29 DNP R149 1.5 13 C129 0.1UF Q111 SR_A TP118 Q112 Q113 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 IRF6668 IRF6668 C134 2200UF C135 2200UF C136 2200UF R148 1K C132 10UF P103 750 R31 DNP R32 DNP R30 DNP R150 1.5 Q114 2 1 IRF6668 C133 2200UF 750 IRF6668 P11 SGND R33 TP121 750 R37 3 D2 UPS3100E3 IRF6668 1 C138 E 750 DNP 2 L102 SR_A IN 3.3UH Application Note 1341 LLN TP115 LRN TP116 VREF IN R36 20K SS R38 10K R143 20K R39 R35 IN 49.9K 1M 8 1 ANODE 2 CATHODE 3 1 2 4 C123 10UF U6 U7 LM393M COLLECTOR 4 EMITTER 3 E PS2701 R34 30.1K E VDD 5 7 IN 6 C19 1UF U7 LM393M 1 OUTLLN CR108 6 2 C22 7 T6 U3 EL7212 1UF 3 4 4 R140 249 8 E C125 1000PF 1 2 CR107 P0584 U108 1IN1 GND 1IN2 1OUT 2IN1 VCC 2IN2 2OUT 8 7 6 5 TPS2814 BAT54A SEC 5 U3 EL7212 3 1 3 7 10 IN 2 SEC 1 PRI OUTLRN 3 4 IN 2 2 E E 3 3 4 1 U109 1IN1 GND 1IN2 1OUT 2IN1 VCC 2IN2 2OUT 8 7 6 5 TPS2814 BAT54A R139 249 E C126 0.1UF C124 1000PF DRAWN BY: TIM KLEMANN RELEASED UPDATED E E BY: BY: DATE: 04/17/2007 DATE: DATE: TESTER ENGINEER: RICHARD GARCIA TITLE: DATE: ISL6752 EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 TABLE 4. ISL6752EVAL1Z BILL OF MATERIALS PART NUMBER REF DES QTY VALUE F1 1 4.0A C12, C13, C16, C19, C22 5 1µF D3 131-4353-00 464004 TOL. VOLTAGE PACKAGE MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION 250V SMD LITTELFUSE NANO2 UMF Fast-Acting Fuse 25V 805 AVX Multilayer Capacitor 1 SMC ON-SEMI 15V 1500W Transient Voltage Suppressor SP1, SP101 2 CONN TEKTRONIX Scope Probe Test Point PCB Mount 1514-2 P1 to P4, P11 5 THOLE KEYSTONE Test Point Turret 0.150 Pad 0.100 Thole 5016 TP2,TP4 to TP13,TP115, TP116, TP118 to TP121 17 SMT KEYSTONE Compact Surface Mount Test Point Pad BAT54 CR5, CR106 2 SOT-23 DIODES 30V Schottky Diode BAT54A CR107, CR108 2 SOT-23 DIODES 30V Schottky Diode BAT54S CR1, CR2 2 SOT-23 DIODES Schottky Barrier (Double) Diode BSS138LT1 Q5, Q6 2 SOT-23 ON-SEMI 200mA 50V N-Channel Power MOSFET BZX84C6V8LT1 VR102 1 SOT-23 ON-SEMI 6.8V 225mW Zener Voltage Regulator C1608COG2A331J C17 1 330pF 5% 100V 603 TDK Multilayer Capacitor C2012COG1H470K C7 1 47pF 10% 50V 805 TDK Multilayer Capacitor C2012COG2A181J C6 1 180pF 5% 100V 805 TDK Multilayer Capacitor C2012X7R2A102K C8, C10, C14, C15 4 1000pF 10% 100V 805 TDK Multilayer Capacitor C4532X7R2J104K C5 1 0.1µF 10% 630V 1812 TDK Multilayer Capacitor EL7212CS U3 1 SOIC INTERSIL HS Dual Channel Power MOSFET Driver ERJ6ENF3012 R34 1 30.1k 1% 805 PANASONIC Precision Thick Film Chip Resistor ERJ6ENF4R99 R14, R16 2 4.99 1% 805 PANASONIC Precision Thick Film Chip Resistor FQB6N50 Q1 to Q4 4 D2PAK FAIRCHILD 500V N-Channel MOSFET C20, C121 2 3300pF 10% 250V 2220 MURATA Chip Monolithic Capacitor C124, C125 2 1000pF 10% 100V 603 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C126 1 0.1µF 10% 25V 603 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C122 1 100pF 5% 50V 805 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C9, C11, C18 3 0.1µF 10% 100V 805 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C127, C129 2 0.1µF 10% 100V 805 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C120 1 0.033µF 10% 50V 805 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C137, C138 2 DNP 5% DNP 805 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor (DNP) C123 1 10µF 20% 25V 1206 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor C132 1 10µF 20% 25V 1206 GENERIC Multilayer Capacitor 08053D105KAT2A 1.5SMC15AT3G GA355QR7GF332KW01L 14 10% AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 TABLE 4. ISL6752EVAL1Z BILL OF MATERIALS (Continued) PART NUMBER REF DES QTY VALUE TOL. R130 1 18k 0.10% 805 GENERIC Metal Film Chip Resistor R22 1 10 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R12, R15, R25 3 20 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R42 to R44 3 4.7 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R1, R18, R19, R21, R24 5 100 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R126 1 1k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R11, R13, R17, R20, R23, R38 6 10k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R132 1 100k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R39 1 1M 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R9 1 1.27k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R6 1 15.4k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R2 1 18.2 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R4, R7, R36, R143 4 20k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R133 1 2.15k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R26 1 2.21k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R139, R140 2 249 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R27, R28 2 30.1 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R3 1 33.2 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R10 1 45.3k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R8, R127, R128 3 499 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R35 1 49.9k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R131 1 649 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R5 1 665 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R129 1 9.09k 1% 805 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R45 1 100 1% 1206 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R148 1 1k 1% 1206 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R149, R150 2 1.5 1% 2512 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R33, R37, R40, R41 4 750 5% 2512 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor R29 to R32 4 DNP 1% 2512 GENERIC Thick Film Chip Resistor (DNP) Q107 to Q114 8 FET IR DIRECTFET Power MOSFET U1 1 SSOP INTERSIL ZVS Full-Bridge Current-Mode Controller KPA8CTP P103, P104 2 CONN BURNDY Wire Connector Lug LM393M U7 1 ALL NATIONAL Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator IRF6668 ISL6752AAZA 15 VOLTAGE PACKAGE MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 Application Note 1341 TABLE 4. ISL6752EVAL1Z BILL OF MATERIALS (Continued) PART NUMBER REF DES QTY VALUE TOL. VOLTAGE PACKAGE MANUFACTURER LMV431AIMF U102 1 SOT23 MURS160T3 D4 1 P0544 T3 P0584 DESCRIPTION NATIONAL Low-Voltage (1.24V) Adjustable Shunt Regulator SMB ON-SEMI Ultrafast Power Rectifier 1 SMD PULSE Gate Drive Transformer T6 1 SMD PULSE Offline Gate Drive Transformers P8205 T2, T4 2 SMD PULSE Smt Current Sense Transformer PA1650 T1 1 SMD PULSE Full Bridge Transformer PMBT3906 Q17 1 SOT Philips -40V 200mA PNP Switching Transistor PS2701-1 U2, U6 2 SOP NEC High Isolation SOP Multi Photocoupler SER2814L-332KL L102, L103 2 SMD CoilCraft Power Inductor High Current SS12T3 CR3, CR4 2 SMA ON-SEMI 1A 20V SCHOTTKY POWER RECTIFIER U108, U109 2 SOIC TI Dual High-speed MOSFET Driver UCC37324DGN U4, U5 2 MSOP TI Dual 4 Power Driver UPS3100E3 D1, D2 2 POWER DIODES 3A High Voltage Schottky Rectifier UUG1C222MNR1MS C133 to C136 4 2200µF 20% 16V SMD NICHICON Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor UUG2W330MNR1ZD C1 to C4 4 33µF 20% 450V SMD NICHICON Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor TPS2814D 3.3µH Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that the Application Note or Technical Brief is current before proceeding. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 16 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 ISL6752EVAL1Z Layout DANGER L103 TP119 Q1 Q109 Q108 Q110 Q107 R33 T1 C137 16 17 C127 1 R41 Q2 F1 + Pb + HIGH VOLTAGE PRESENT ELECTRICAL HAZARD OPERATE WITH EXTREME CAUTION - THIS EVALUATION UNIT SHOULD BE USED AND OPERATED ONLY BY PERSIONS EXPERENCED AND KNOWLEDGABLE IN THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT. - USE OF THIS EVALUATION UNIT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT HAVING ACCESSIBLE HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. CARELESS OPERATION MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. - USE SAFTY GLASSES OR OTHER SUITABLE EYE PROTECTION. P103 TP121 D1 C5 R14 C125 TP115 Q114 TP5 CR3 T3 R30 R32 C132 SP101 C134 P104 C136 Q112 T2 T4 C3 C135 R29 R149 C129 R15 R17 R31 U109 Q6 C133 R139 C124 C126 TP116 R140 Q5 TP4 R13 R12 R148 CR4 C15 U108 R16 C14 C4 + TP120 D2 R150 Q111 R40 Q113 R37 C138 Q4 8 TP118 + 9 + Q3 C2 C121 + R27 R34 P1 R1 400V RTN P2 TP2 P4 ENABLE PGND CS CR108 C123 T6 C22 R132 R131 R130 D3 R133 U102 4 1 C122 R19 TP7 SP1 L102 C120 U1 R21 U3 R9 R6 C8 R8 C6 C7 R2 +400V R7 R129 U2 D4 R3 C18 R25 C17 R10 10 R39 R22 R5 Q17 CR107 R38 7 C11 R36 R26 C10 R4 C9 C19 R35 U6 U7 R24 TP6 R143 C12 R23 R18 CR5 + R11 C1 R42 R20 U4 R44 R28 U5 R43 R45 C20 CR1 C13 C16 CR2 TP11 TP10 TP12 TP13 P3 TP8 TP9 OUTUL OUTUR OUTLR OUTLL +13V OUTLLN OUTLRN R126 CR106 VR102 R127 R128 P11 SGND FIGURE 31. LAYER 1, TOP ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B Application Note 1341 + AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 ISL6752EVAL1Z Layout y (Continued) DANGER - THIS EVALUATION UNIT SHOULD BE USED AND OPERATED ONLY BY PERSIONS EXPERENCED AND KNOWLEDGABLE IN THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT. - USE OF THIS EVALUATION UNIT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT HAVING ACCESSIBLE HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. CARELESS OPERATION MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. - USE SAFTY GLASSES OR OTHER SUITABLE EYE PROTECTION. L103 TP119 Q1 Q109 Q108 Q110 Q107 R33 T1 C137 16 18 C127 1 R41 Q2 F1 + Pb + HIGH VOLTAGE PRESENT ELECTRICAL HAZARD OPERATE WITH EXTREME CAUTION ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B P103 TP121 D1 C5 R14 C125 TP115 Q114 TP5 CR3 T3 R30 R32 C132 SP101 C134 P104 C136 Q112 T2 T4 C3 C135 R29 R149 C129 R17 R31 U109 Q6 R15 C133 R139 C124 C126 TP116 R140 C15 Q5 TP4 R13 R12 R148 CR4 U108 R16 C14 C4 + TP120 D2 R150 Q111 R40 Q113 R37 C138 Q4 8 TP118 + 9 + Q3 C2 C121 + R27 R34 P1 R1 400V RTN P2 TP2 P4 ENABLE PGND CS CR108 C123 T6 C22 R132 R131 R130 D3 R133 U102 4 1 C122 R19 TP7 SP1 L102 C120 U1 R21 U3 R9 R6 C8 R8 C6 C7 R2 +400V R7 R129 U2 D4 R3 C18 R25 C17 R10 10 R39 R22 R5 Q17 CR107 R38 7 C11 R36 R4 C9 R26 C10 C19 R35 U6 U7 R24 TP6 R143 C12 R23 R18 CR5 + R11 C1 R42 R20 U4 R44 R28 U5 R43 R45 C20 CR1 C13 C16 CR2 TP11 TP10 TP12 TP13 P3 TP8 TP9 OUTUL OUTUR OUTLR OUTLL +13V OUTLLN OUTLRN R126 CR106 VR102 R127 R128 P11 SGND FIGURE 32. LAYER 2 ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B Application Note 1341 + AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 ISL6752EVAL1Z Layout y (Continued) DANGER - THIS EVALUATION UNIT SHOULD BE USED AND OPERATED ONLY BY PERSIONS EXPERENCED AND KNOWLEDGABLE IN THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT. - USE OF THIS EVALUATION UNIT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT HAVING ACCESSIBLE HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. CARELESS OPERATION MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. - USE SAFTY GLASSES OR OTHER SUITABLE EYE PROTECTION. L103 TP119 Q1 Q109 Q108 Q110 Q107 R33 T1 C137 16 19 C127 1 R41 Q2 F1 + Pb + HIGH VOLTAGE PRESENT ELECTRICAL HAZARD OPERATE WITH EXTREME CAUTION ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B P103 TP121 D1 C5 R14 C125 TP115 Q114 TP5 CR3 T3 R30 R32 C132 SP101 C134 P104 C136 Q112 T2 T4 C3 C135 R29 R149 C129 R17 R31 U109 Q6 R15 C133 R139 C124 C126 TP116 R140 C15 Q5 TP4 R13 R12 R148 CR4 U108 R16 C14 C4 + TP120 D2 R150 Q111 R40 Q113 R37 C138 Q4 8 TP118 + 9 + Q3 C2 C121 + R27 R34 P1 R1 400V RTN P2 TP2 P4 ENABLE PGND CS CR108 C123 T6 C22 R132 R131 R130 D3 R133 U102 4 1 C122 R19 TP7 SP1 L102 C120 U1 R21 U3 R9 R6 C8 R8 C6 C7 R2 +400V R7 R129 U2 D4 R3 C18 R25 C17 R10 10 R39 R22 R5 Q17 CR107 R38 7 C11 R36 R4 C9 R26 C10 C19 R35 U6 U7 R24 TP6 R143 C12 R23 R18 CR5 + R11 C1 R42 R20 U4 R44 R28 U5 R43 R45 C20 CR1 C13 C16 CR2 TP11 TP10 TP12 TP13 P3 TP8 TP9 OUTUL OUTUR OUTLR OUTLL +13V OUTLLN OUTLRN R126 CR106 VR102 R127 R128 P11 SGND FIGURE 33. LAYER 3 ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B Application Note 1341 + AN1341.0 September 13, 2007 ISL6752EVAL1Z Layout (Continued) DANGER L103 TP119 Q1 Q108 C137 16 20 Q110 Q107 C127 T1 R33 Q109 1 F1 R41 Q2 + Pb + HIGH VOLTAGE PRESENT ELECTRICAL HAZARD OPERATE WITH EXTREME CAUTION - THIS EVALUATION UNIT SHOULD BE USED AND OPERATED ONLY BY PERSIONS EXPERENCED AND KNOWLEDGABLE IN THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT. - USE OF THIS EVALUATION UNIT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT HAVING ACCESSIBLE HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. CARELESS OPERATION MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. - USE SAFTY GLASSES OR OTHER SUITABLE EYE PROTECTION. P103 TP121 D1 C5 R14 C125 TP115 Q114 TP5 CR3 T3 R30 R32 C132 SP101 C134 P104 C136 Q112 T2 T4 C3 C135 R29 R149 C129 R15 R17 R31 U109 TP116 Q6 C133 R139 C124 C126 Q5 TP4 R13 R12 R140 C15 R148 CR4 U108 R16 C14 C4 + TP120 + D2 R150 R40 Q111 R37 C138 Q4 8 TP118 + 9 + Q3 C2 C121 + R27 R34 P1 400V RTN P2 TP2 P4 ENABLE PGND CS CR108 C123 T6 C22 R132 R131 R130 D3 R133 U102 4 1 C122 R19 TP7 SP1 L102 C120 U1 R21 U3 R9 R6 C8 R8 C6 C7 R2 +400V R1 R7 R129 U2 D4 R3 C18 R25 C17 R10 10 R39 R22 R5 Q17 CR107 R38 7 C11 R36 R26 C10 R4 C9 C19 R35 U6 U7 R24 TP6 R143 C12 R23 R18 CR5 + R11 C1 R42 R20 U4 R44 R28 U5 R43 R45 C20 CR1 C13 C16 CR2 TP11 TP10 TP12 TP13 P3 TP8 TP9 OUTUL OUTUR OUTLR OUTLL +13V OUTLLN OUTLRN R126 CR106 VR102 R127 R128 P11 SGND FIGURE 34. LAYER 4, BOTTOM ISL6752EVAL1Z REV.B Application Note 1341 Q113 AN1341.0 September 13, 2007