Power Bank Data Sheet PB1005AC(-F)(-G)(-H)(-HE) AC/DC Power Supply Up to 5 Outputs 1000W Low-Profile 1.68" All specifications are at nominal input, full load, 25°C, all models, unless otherwise noted. Input Model Nominal Input Voltage -F 1 115VAC Input Voltage Range 95-132VAC AC Input Frequency Voltage Sag Immunity to SEMI F47-0200 Hold-Up Time (Max Load, Nominal Line, Typical) Input Fuse (Internal) Inrush Current (264 VAC peak line, cold start.) Power Factor (typical) 47-440Hz No 20 ms 20 A 30Apk,max -G 115/230 VAC 95-132VAC or 180-264VAC 47-440Hz No 20 ms 15 A 30Apk,max -H 230VAC/300VDC 180-264VAC or 250-375VDC 47-440Hz No 20ms 20A 200Apk,typical 0.60 -HE 230VAC 180-264VAC 47-440Hz Yes 30ms 20A 200Apk,typical Output 2 Output # Maximum Output Current (Connector Limit) Output Voltage (Factory configurable) Output Voltage Setpoint (50% load) Load Regulation, No load to full load (max.) Line Regulation, Low Line to High Line (max.) Maximum Output Power Remote Sense Output Ripple and Noise Enable/inhibit function will affect this output Trim range A B C D E 80A 18A 40A 1.8 to 52V 1.8 to 52V ±1.2% ±1.2% ±0.2% ±0.5% ±0.2% ±0.5% 500W 150W Yes No See individual Vicor modules specifications. Yes or No (Configurable for each output individually at the factory.) 10% to 110% of module nominal Vo3 N/A Environmental Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Relative Humidity Safety -20°C to 70°C -40°C to 70°C 5% -95% non-condensing Important (!): Does not apply to (-F) operating at 230VAC cTUVus, CE EN60950 Agency Approvals Safety Standard Compliance Isolation Primary-to-Secondary Primary-Earth Secondary-Earth 3,000Vrms 1,500Vrms 250Vrms 1 Model -F will operate at 230VAC, but operation at 230VAC has not been evaluated for safety purposes. Output voltage, current and power are limited to Vicor modules available. 3 Minimum load may be required to trim below 90%. Contact factory for details. 2 Northwest Power, Inc. (503)-652-6161 www.npi-inc.com Document No. 6997 Rev H Print Date: 2014-05-19 Page 1 of 4 PB1005AC(-F)(-G)(-H)(-HE) EMI and EMC EN55022 Class A (150kHz-30MHz) Conducted Noise Mechanical 10.5" x 7" x 1.68" Dimensions Cooling Weight (Typical, depends on configuration) Internal Fans 6.6 lb. (3 kg) Maximum Output Power vs. Ambient Air Temperature Model -F -G -G -H -HE Input Voltage 115 VAC 115 VAC 230 VAC 230 VAC or 300 VDC 230 VAC -20 to 60°°C 60 to 70°°C 70°°C 800 W 600 W 1,000 W 1,000 W 1,000 W 800W 600W Derate 20W/°C Derate 20W/°C Derate 20W/°C 800W 600W 800W 800W 800W Mechanical Outline Drawing Northwest Power, Inc. (503)-652-6161 www.npi-inc.com Document No. 6997 Rev H Print Date: 2014-05-19 Page 2 of 4 PB1005AC(-F)(-G)(-H)(-HE) Connections Input Pin 1 Signal Description or Symbol L1 Details AC Line 1 2 Safety Ground 3 L2 / N AC Line 2 or Neutral Outputs A and B Details Option -B Pin Signal Description 1 Positive Terminal, 49A max 2 + + 3 - Negative Terminal, 49A max 4 - Negative Terminal, 49A max Option -M Positive Terminal, 49A max Option -R Positive Terminal 1/4" hole, 100A max Positive Terminal #8 tapped hole 5/16" deep, 100A max Negative Terminal 1/4" hole, 100A max Negative Terminal #8 tapped hole 5/16" deep, 100A max Outputs A and B - Remote Sense/Trim Connector Pin Signal Description Details 1 + Positive Sense Connection 2 Trim Trim input 3 - Negative Sense Connection Pin Signal Description Details 1 - Negative Terminal, 18A max 2 + Positive Terminal, 18A max Pin Signal Description Details 1 + - Positive Terminal, 20A max Output C Outputs D and E 2 I/O Connections Negative Terminal, 20A max Note: All control signals are isolated; Input - 3,000 Vrms; Output - 250 Vrms; Chassis - 250 Vrms Pin Signal Description 1 Output Inhibit or Enable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not Connected Output A Power Good Output B Power Good Output C Power Good Output D Power Good Output E Power Good I/O Control Signal Return Northwest Power, Inc. (503)-652-6161 www.npi-inc.com Details Option -N Option -E Application of 5V to 24V signal Application of 5V to 24V signal inhibits all controlled outputs. enables all controlled outputs. Optoisolator input with 4.5kΩ Optoisolator input with 4.5kΩ series resistor. series resistor. Reserved for future use. Open Collector, 60V/1mA, Active Low = Power Good Open Collector, 60V/1mA, Active Low = Power Good Open Collector, 60V/1mA, Active Low = Power Good Open Collector, 60V/1mA, Active Low = Power Good Open Collector, 60V/1mA, Active Low = Power Good All I/O control signals on pins 1-7 are referenced to this pin. Document No. 6997 Rev H Print Date: 2014-05-19 Page 3 of 4 PB1005AC(-F)(-G)(-H)(-HE) Vicor Custom Northwest Power designs and manufactures custom and standard power supplies using Vicor modules as core components. Information furnished by NORTHWEST POWER is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by NORTHWEST POWER or Vicor for its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of NORTHWEST POWER or Vicor. NORTHWEST POWER products are not designed to be used in applications, such as life support systems, wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death. All sales are subject to NORTHWEST POWER 's Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are available upon request. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Northwest Power, Inc. 4211 SE International Way, Suite F Milwaukie, OR, USA Tel: 503-652-6161 Fax: 503-652-6868 www.npi-inc.com Northwest Power, Inc. (503)-652-6161 www.npi-inc.com Document No. 6997 Rev H Print Date: 2014-05-19 Page 4 of 4 PB1005AC(-F)(-G)(-H)(-HE)