Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK_UM/D 4/2003 Rev.13.1 DINK32 PowerPC™ Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HOW TO REACH US: USA/EUROPE/LOCATIONS NOT LISTED: Motorola Literature Distribution P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217 1-480-768-2130 (800) 521-6274 JAPAN: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Motorola Japan Ltd. SPS, Technical Information Center 3-20-1, Minami-Azabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8573 Japan 81-3-3440-3569 Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Motorola products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design ASIA/PACIFIC: or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd. Silicon Harbour Centre, 2 Dai King Street Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 852-26668334 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER: limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in (800) 521-6274 Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual HOME PAGE: performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. digital dna is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. The PowerPC name is a trademark of IBM Corp. and is used under license. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. © Motorola, Inc. 2003 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Paragraph Section Number Number Title Title Page Page Number Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Features ................................................................................................................ 1-2 What’s New for DINK Since V13.0 .................................................................... 1-3 DINK32 Design Methodology............................................................................. 1-3 Memory Map ....................................................................................................... 1-4 EDINK Memory Map .......................................................................................... 1-5 Chapter 2 Using DINK 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 Communications Setup ........................................................................................ 2-1 Cables............................................................................................................... 2-1 Terminals ......................................................................................................... 2-2 Hyperterm on NT......................................................................................... 2-2 Zterm on Mac .............................................................................................. 2-3 Starting DINK...................................................................................................... 2-3 Running eDINK on a simulator ........................................................................... 2-4 Running eDINK on e500 Core ISS.................................................................. 2-4 sportal_file ................................................................................................... 2-4 sportal_term ................................................................................................. 2-4 Running eDINK on MPC8540 ISS.................................................................. 2-5 Loading Application Elf Binary to Simulated EDINK.................................... 2-5 DINK Model ........................................................................................................ 2-5 Interacting with DINK ......................................................................................... 2-5 Running External Programs............................................................................. 2-6 Assigning Breakpoints..................................................................................... 2-6 Executing Code................................................................................................ 2-7 Displaying Registers ........................................................................................ 2-7 Advanced Features........................................................................................... 2-7 Chapter 3 DINK32 Commands 3.1 MOTOROLA Definitions ........................................................................................................... 3-1 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: iii Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.20.1 3.20.2 3.20.3 3.20.4 3.20.5 3.20.6 3.20.7 3.20.8 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.28.1 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 iv Title Page Number DINK Command List........................................................................................... 3-2 . (Period) .............................................................................................................. 3-5 About ................................................................................................................... 3-6 Assemble.............................................................................................................. 3-7 Background ........................................................................................................ 3-10 Benchmark ......................................................................................................... 3-11 Boot.................................................................................................................... 3-14 Breakpoint.......................................................................................................... 3-15 Cache ................................................................................................................. 3-17 CPUINFO .......................................................................................................... 3-18 CRC ................................................................................................................... 3-19 DEVDISP........................................................................................................... 3-20 DEVMOD .......................................................................................................... 3-21 DEVTEST.......................................................................................................... 3-23 DISASSEM........................................................................................................ 3-24 Disk.................................................................................................................... 3-26 Download........................................................................................................... 3-28 Echo ................................................................................................................... 3-31 Environment....................................................................................................... 3-32 ENV—BOOT Encoding ................................................................................ 3-34 ENV—IO Encoding....................................................................................... 3-34 ENV —L2CACHE Encoding........................................................................ 3-35 ENV—L2PRIVATE Encoding ...................................................................... 3-36 ENV—L3CACHE Encoding......................................................................... 3-36 ENV—L3PRIVATE Encoding ...................................................................... 3-37 ENV—ONTR Encoding ................................................................................ 3-38 ENV—PROMPT Encoding ........................................................................... 3-38 EX ...................................................................................................................... 3-39 FILESYS............................................................................................................ 3-41 Final Assembly Init............................................................................................ 3-42 Flash................................................................................................................... 3-43 FUPDATE .......................................................................................................... 3-45 FW ..................................................................................................................... 3-48 Go....................................................................................................................... 3-49 GPIC .................................................................................................................. 3-51 DINK32 GPIC Initialization Sequence.......................................................... 3-53 Help.................................................................................................................... 3-55 History ............................................................................................................... 3-56 Identify............................................................................................................... 3-57 Log ..................................................................................................................... 3-58 Memory Compare .............................................................................................. 3-59 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.70 3.71 3.72 MOTOROLA Title Page Number Memory Display ................................................................................................ 3-60 Memory Fill ....................................................................................................... 3-62 Memory Info ...................................................................................................... 3-63 Memory Modify................................................................................................. 3-65 Memory Move ................................................................................................... 3-67 Memory Search.................................................................................................. 3-68 Memory Test ...................................................................................................... 3-69 Menu .................................................................................................................. 3-71 Northbridge Display .......................................................................................... 3-72 Northbridge Modify ........................................................................................... 3-74 Net Info .............................................................................................................. 3-76 .PCI Config List ................................................................................................. 3-77 PCI Display........................................................................................................ 3-79 PCI Map............................................................................................................. 3-80 PCI Modify ........................................................................................................ 3-81 PCI Probe ........................................................................................................... 3-82 Ping .................................................................................................................... 3-83 PX ...................................................................................................................... 3-84 REGDISP........................................................................................................... 3-85 REGMOD .......................................................................................................... 3-89 Reset................................................................................................................... 3-92 SETBAUD ......................................................................................................... 3-93 SQUIT................................................................................................................ 3-94 Show SPRs......................................................................................................... 3-95 STTY ................................................................................................................. 3-96 Switch CPU........................................................................................................ 3-98 SX ...................................................................................................................... 3-99 SYMTAB ......................................................................................................... 3-100 TAU.................................................................................................................. 3-103 Test................................................................................................................... 3-104 Time ................................................................................................................. 3-105 Transparent....................................................................................................... 3-106 Trace................................................................................................................. 3-107 Virtual Host File............................................................................................... 3-108 Virtual Memory File ........................................................................................ 3-109 VQUIT ............................................................................................................. 3-110 Virtual Simulator...............................................................................................3-111 Wait .................................................................................................................. 3-113 Shell Escape ..................................................................................................... 3-114 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: v Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Appendix A History of DINK32 Changes A.1 A.2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.16 A.17 A.18 A.19 vi Version 13.1 April 30, 2003 ................................................................................................. A-1 Version 13.0 November 1, 2002........................................................................................... A-3 Version 12.3 October 25, 2001............................................................................................. A-4 Version 12.2 February 16, 2001 ........................................................................................... A-6 Version 12.1 August 30, 1999.............................................................................................. A-6 Version 12.0 November 30, 1999......................................................................................... A-6 Version 11.0.2 June 1, 1999 .................................................................................................... A-7 Version 11.0.1 May 1, 1999 (Not Released) ........................................................................... A-8 Version 11.0 March 29, 1999 ............................................................................................... A-8 Version 10.7 February 25, 1999 ........................................................................................... A-8 Version 10.6 January 25, 1999 ............................................................................................. A-8 Version 10.5 November 24, 1998......................................................................................... A-9 Version 10.4 November 11, 1998......................................................................................... A-9 Version 10.3 no date............................................................................................................. A-9 Version 10.2 September 11, 1998 ........................................................................................ A-9 Version 10.1 September 10, 1999 ........................................................................................ A-9 Version 9.5 August 5, 1998................................................................................................ A-9 Version 9.4 May 22, 1998 ................................................................................................ A-10 Prior to Version 9.4 Approximately October 10, 1997 ................................................................. A-10 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Appendix B Example Code B.1 B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3 B.1.4 B.2 B.2.1 B.2.2 B.3 B.3.1 B.3.2 B.4 B.4.1 B.5 B.5.1 B.5.2 B.5.3 B.5.4 B.5.5 B.6 B.6.1 B.6.2 B.7 B.7.1 B.7.2 B.8 B.8.1 B.8.2 B.9 B.9.1 B.9.2 B.10 B.10.1 B.10.2 B.11 B.11.1 B.11.2 B.12 B.12.1 MOTOROLA agentboot..............................................................................................................B-2 Background......................................................................................................B-2 In This Directory..............................................................................................B-2 Assumptions ....................................................................................................B-2 Usage ...............................................................................................................B-2 Dink_demo...........................................................................................................B-3 Building ...........................................................................................................B-3 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-3 Dhrystone - mwnosc ............................................................................................B-3 Building ...........................................................................................................B-3 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-4 l1test and l1teststd................................................................................................B-4 Building ...........................................................................................................B-4 l2sizing.................................................................................................................B-4 In This Directory..............................................................................................B-4 Assumptions ....................................................................................................B-4 Usage ...............................................................................................................B-4 To Build ...........................................................................................................B-5 Notes ................................................................................................................B-5 backsideL2test .....................................................................................................B-5 Building ...........................................................................................................B-5 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-5 lab4 (excimer only) ..............................................................................................B-5 Building ...........................................................................................................B-5 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-6 memspeed ............................................................................................................B-6 Building ...........................................................................................................B-6 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-6 printtest ................................................................................................................B-6 Building ...........................................................................................................B-6 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-6 testfile...................................................................................................................B-7 Building ...........................................................................................................B-7 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-7 l3test.....................................................................................................................B-7 Building ...........................................................................................................B-7 Function Addresses..........................................................................................B-7 SPINIT .................................................................................................................B-8 Building ...........................................................................................................B-8 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: vii Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number B.12.2 B.13 B.13.1 B.13.2 B.14 B.14.1 B.14.2 B.15 B.15.1 B.15.2 B.16 B.16.1 B.16.2 B.17 B.17.1 B.17.2 Title Page Number Status................................................................................................................B-8 duart_8245 ...........................................................................................................B-8 Building ...........................................................................................................B-8 Usage ...............................................................................................................B-9 galileo - mvp only ................................................................................................B-9 Building ...........................................................................................................B-9 Usage .............................................................................................................B-10 galileo_read_write - mvp only ...........................................................................B-10 Building .........................................................................................................B-10 Usage .............................................................................................................B-10 linpack................................................................................................................B-10 Building .........................................................................................................B-10 Usage .............................................................................................................B-10 watch - excimer only..........................................................................................B-10 Building .........................................................................................................B-11 Usage .............................................................................................................B-11 Appendix C Building and Extending DINK C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.4.1 C.4.1.1 C.5 C.5.1 C.5.2 Obtaining DINK32 Source ..................................................................................C-1 Building DINK32 ................................................................................................C-1 DINK Software Build Process .............................................................................C-1 Installation ...........................................................................................................C-3 Sandpoint .........................................................................................................C-3 Excimer and Maximer .................................................................................C-3 Extending DINK ..................................................................................................C-4 Writing Commands..........................................................................................C-4 Linking Commands .........................................................................................C-6 Appendix D User-Callable DINK Functions D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 viii General Information............................................................................................ D-1 Methodology and Implementation...................................................................... D-1 Setting Up Static Locations ................................................................................ D-3 Using the Dynamic Functions............................................................................. D-4 Error Conditions ................................................................................................. D-5 Alternative Method for Metaware Only ............................................................. D-5 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Appendix E MPC8240 Drivers E.1 E.1.1 E.1.2 E.1.3 E.1.4 E.1.5 E.1.5.1 E.1.6 E.2 E.2.1 E.2.2 E.2.3 E.2.3.1 E.2.3.2 E.2.4 E.2.4.1 E.2.5 E.2.5.1 E.2.6 E.3 E.3.1 E.3.1.1 E.3.1.2 E.3.1.3 E.3.1.4 E. E. E. E.3.2 E.3.2.1 E.3.2.2 E.3.2.3 E. E. E.3.2.4 E. E. E. E.4 MOTOROLA MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller ..................................................................E-1 Background......................................................................................................E-1 Overview..........................................................................................................E-2 DMA Application Program Interface (API) ....................................................E-3 API Example Usage.........................................................................................E-4 DMA Driver Library Internals (DLI) ..............................................................E-6 Common Data Structures and Values ..........................................................E-6 Function Descriptions of DMA Driver Library Internals..............................E-10 MPC8240 I2C Driver Library............................................................................E-12 Background....................................................................................................E-12 Overview........................................................................................................E-13 I2C Application Program Interface (API) .....................................................E-13 API Functions Description ........................................................................E-13 API Example Usage...................................................................................E-15 I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI)................................................................E-17 Common Data Structures and Values ........................................................E-17 Kahlua I2C Driver Library Internals Function Descriptions .........................E-18 DLI Functions Written but Not Used and Not Tested ...............................E-24 I2C Support Functions ...................................................................................E-25 MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver .........................................................................E-26 I2O Description of Doorbell Communication Between Agent and Host ......E-26 System Startup and Memory Map Initialization........................................E-26 Interrupt Service Routines: I2O_ISR_host() and I2O_ISR_agent()..........E-27 Enable Doorbell Interrupts ........................................................................E-28 Writing and Reading Doorbell Registers...................................................E-29 Host Rings an Agent via Agent’s Inbound Doorbell .............................E-29 Agent Rings a Host via Agent’s Outbound Doorbell ............................E-29 Descriptions of the I2O Library Functions............................................E-32 I2C Driver Library .........................................................................................E-34 Background................................................................................................E-34 Overview....................................................................................................E-34 I2C Application Program Interface (API) .................................................E-35 API Functions Description ....................................................................E-35 API Example Usage...............................................................................E-36 I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI)............................................................E-38 Common Data Structures and Values ....................................................E-39 Kahlua I2C Driver Library Internals Function Descriptions.................E-40 I2C Support Functions...........................................................................E-46 MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver .......................................................................E-47 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: ix Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number E.4.1 E.4.2 E.4.2.1 E.4.2.2 E.4.2.3 E.4.3 E.4.4 E.4.5 E.4.5.1 E.4.5.2 E. E. E. E. E.4.6 E.4.7 E.4.8 E.4.9 E.4.9.1 E.4.9.2 E.4.9.3 E.4.10 Title Page Number General Description .......................................................................................E-47 EPIC Specifics ...............................................................................................E-47 Embedded Utilities Memory Block (EUMB)............................................E-48 EPIC Register Summary............................................................................E-48 EPIC Modes...............................................................................................E-48 Drivers/Epic Directory Structure ...................................................................E-49 EPIC Cross-Reference Table Structure .........................................................E-49 EPIC Sample Routines ..................................................................................E-50 Low-Level Routines ..................................................................................E-50 High Level Routines ..................................................................................E-51 EPIC Initialization Routines ..................................................................E-51 High Level Exception Handler ..............................................................E-51 Direct/Serial Register Control Routines ................................................E-52 Global Timer Register Control Routines ...............................................E-52 EPIC Commands in DINK32 ........................................................................E-52 EPIC Unit Startup ..........................................................................................E-53 External Interrupt Exception Path in DINK32 ..............................................E-54 Example Usage on Sandpoint Reference Platform........................................E-55 Sandpoint X2 Reference Platform .............................................................E-55 Initializing EPIC on Sandpoint X2 ............................................................E-55 Running the EPIC on Sandpoint X3..........................................................E-58 Code and Documentation Updates ................................................................E-60 Appendix F S-Record Format Description F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 General Format .................................................................................................... F-1 Specific Formats .................................................................................................. F-2 Examples.............................................................................................................. F-3 Summary of Formats ........................................................................................... F-3 Appendix G Networking Support G.1 G.2 Troubleshooting Hints......................................................................................... G-3 Known Limitations in Telnet Console ................................................................ G-3 Appendix H Converting Dink32 to Little Endian H.1 x General Information............................................................................................ H-1 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Preparation .......................................................................................................... H-1 Explanation ......................................................................................................... H-2 Two Important Considerations ....................................................................... H-2 Copy Algorithm .............................................................................................. H-2 Little Endian Swap Instruction Sequence................................................... H-4 DINKLE V7.0 10/8/97 makefile .................................................................... H-4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... H.2 H.3 H.3.1 H.3.2 H.3.2.1 H.3.3 Title MOTOROLA Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: xi Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number xii DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figures Figure Number Serial Cable Wiring....................................................................................................... 2-1 DINK32/MDINK32 Directory Organization................................................................C-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2-1 C-1 Title Page Number MOTOROLA Figures For More Information On This Product, Go to: xiii Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figures xiv DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Tables Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table Number 1-1 1-2 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 C-1 D-1 D-2 F-1 F-2 Title Page Number DINK Address Map..................................................................................................... 1-4 EDINK Memory Map.................................................................................................. 1-6 DINK Command List .................................................................................................. 3-2 IDE Drive Letter Association .................................................................................... 3-26 Environment Names .................................................................................................. 3-33 Term Strings .............................................................................................................. 3-35 L3 Cache Descriptions .............................................................................................. 3-36 String Expansions ...................................................................................................... 3-38 DINK32 File Formats .................................................................................................C-2 DINK32 Dynamic Names .......................................................................................... D-3 dinkusr.s Functions..................................................................................................... D-4 SRecord Formats......................................................................................................... F-2 Summary of Formats in Bytes .................................................................................... F-4 MOTOROLA Tables For More Information On This Product, Go to: xv Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Tables xvi DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Introduction Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK is an acronym for Demonstrative Interactive Nano Kernel. DINK32 is a flexible software tool enabling initialization, evaluation, and debugging of the PowerPC™ 32-bit microprocessors. The introduction of the PowerPC architecture provided an opportunity to create an interactive debugger independent from previous debug monitors. Since this family of microprocessors spans a wide market range, DINK32 has to be extensible and portable, as well as being specific enough to be useful for a wide variety of applications. It is designed to be both a hardware and software debugging tool. DINK32 was written in ANSI C and built with modular routines around a central core. Only a few necessary functions were written in PowerPC assembly. This document describes the DINK32 software, the DINK32 command set, utilities, user program execution, errors and exceptions, and restrictions. DINK supports numerous compilers, compilation options, and target platforms. Some of these are used often enough to warrant a distinctive name: DINK Standard DINK MDINK Minimal DINK—fits in one sector of the Excimer/Maximer flash and can load standard DINK32 into the remainder. Only available with Excimer—no source or downloadable code is available. VDINK Virtual DINK—a version of DINK which runs under Linux, Unix, or Windows and can emulate both DINK and the 32-bit PowerPC ISA sufficiently to emulate itself. EDINK DINK for the e500 core processor. SADINK Standalone DINK. For the UnityX4 MPC8245 or UnityLC X1 MPC8241, standalone DINK runs on the MPMC module outside of the Sandpoint environment (see Motorola Application Note AN2207, Using the MPMC8245 Card in Standalone Mode). However, in this user’s manual, all versions of DINK will be referred to as DINK unless a particular variant is specifically referred to. Starting with release R12.3, source files are not supplied for all functions of DINK32 (but are present for the DINK drivers, demos, and utilities). All chapters dealing with the full MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Introduction For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Features source assume that the user has requested a license for these from a Motorola Sales representative or from the Motorola DINK32 website. There is no requirement to obtain any of these sources in order to use the DINK32 S-records supplied on the DINK32 web site above. 1.1 Features The DINK32 software package provides: • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-2 Supports the MPC601, MPC603, MPC603e, MPC604, MPC604e, MPC740, MPC750, MPC7400, MPC7410, MPC7450, MPC7455, MPC7457, MPC8240, and MPC8245. Supports the e500 core using the core Instruction Set Simulator (ISS). See Motorola Application Note AN2336, Creating edink from DINK32 Code Using the e500 ISS. Modification and display of general purpose, floating point, AltiVec™, and special purpose registers. Assembly and disassembly of PowerPC instructions for modification and display of code. Modification, display, and movement of system memory. A simplified breakpoint command, allowing setting, displaying, and removing breakpoints. Single-step trace and continued execution from a specified address. Automatic decompression of compressed s-record files while downloading. Extensive on-line help. Ability to execute user-assembled and/or downloaded software in a controlled environment. Logging function for generating a transcript of a debugging session. Register set includes all of the implementation specific registers. Modification of memory at byte, half-word, word, and double-word lengths. Extensive support for the MPC60x, MPC74x, MPC75x, and MPC74x0 simplified or extended mnemonics during assembly and disassembly of PowerPC instructions. Ability to input immediate values to the assembler as binary, decimal, or hexadecimal. Command line download functionality that allows the user to select the download port and then send the data. An assembler and disassembler that understands branch labels and the ability to see and clear the branch table that DINK32 is using while assembling and disassembling PowerPC instructions. DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. What’s New for DINK Since V13.0 • • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • • • • • • • 1.2 • • • • Ability to read and write MPC106 configuration registers. (Not supported on Excimer and Maximer.) Support for PCI with new ‘pci-’ commands. (Not supported in minimal builds, i.e., Excimer and Maximer.) Support for Excimer and Maximer flash, fl –dsi and –se, and automatically detect flash on Revision 2 versus Revision 3 of the board. fl -dsi has been expanded to display the memory range for each sector. Support for Excimer and Maximer flash, fl -sp, and -su. Support for the Max chip and AltiVec registers and instructions. Support for the Kahlua chip MPC8240 and MPC8245. Support for the MPC107 memory bridge. Support for dynamically assigned DINK function addresses and variables for downloaded programs, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions.” Support for Yellowknife and Sandpoint flash ROMs, fu command. Support for multiprocessing MVP platform. Support for remote access via TELNET protocol Support for network download via TFTP What’s New for DINK Since V13.0 Support for the MPC7447/7457 Enhancements to numerous commands including download and env Support of EDINK enhanced New and better assembler and disassembler integrated See Appendix A, “History of DINK32 Changes,” for more details. 1.3 DINK32 Design Methodology The modular design of the DINK32 program, its extensive commenting, and its design methodology enable efficient user modification of the code. Thus, DINK32 provides a flexible and powerful framework for users who desire additional functionality. The DINK32 software package can be executed on microprocessor boards that include the following devices and minimum memory configuration: • • MPC60x, MPC74x, MPC75x, MPC824x, and MPC74xx microprocessors. Industry-standard ‘PC16x50’ serial port (such as the National Semiconductor PC87308 DUART (Yellowknife and Sandpoint Reference Design) or PC16552 DUART (Excimer and Maximer Minimal Evaluation Board)). MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Introduction For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-3 Memory Map • • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 512 Kbyte EPROM or Flash 512 Kbyte RAM EDINK software package can be executed on simulators or microprocessor boards that include the following devices and minimum memory configuration: • • MPC8540 Instruction Set Simulator e500 core Instruction Set Simulator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Also, on microprocessor boards such as the ‘Mars:Elysium’ MPC8540 reference board that include the following devices: • • • Flash on LCS0 At least 64 MB DDR SDRAM Internal DUART Note that DINK does not currently support the MPC8560, lacking the required DUART. Future revisions will support the HDLC UART and/or the ‘Mars:Arcadia’ motherboard UART through PCI. 1.4 Memory Map The memory model for DINK32 is shown in Table 1-1. The exception vectors and exception code are located within address offsets 0x0000–0x2100. The DINK32 code through 0x7FFFF is copied from the EPROM to RAM so that the data structures can be modified at run time. For example, the data structures for the chip registers need to be modified when the ‘register modify’ command is executed. The EPROM must be located at address 0xFFF00000 because this is the beginning of the exception address space at system reset. The RAM must be located at address 0x00000000, since this is the low-memory exception address space, where the DINK32 code will be copied. Available user memory space begins at address 0x100000 and ends at the RAM’s upper boundary; address space below 0x100000 is reserved for DINK32. DINK32 sets the stack pointer, GPR1, to one of the addresses shown for the indicated processor and to maintain isolation between user’s and DINK’s stack. Table 1-1. DINK Address Map Address 1-4 Description 0xFFFF_FFFF End of ROM space 0xFFF7_FFFF End of DINK32 code 0xFFF0_0100 Start of DINK vectors (reset vector) 0xFFF0_0000 Start of DINK image 0xFFEF_FFFF End of replicated flash images DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: Notes 1 MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. EDINK Memory Map Table 1-1. DINK Address Map (continued) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Address Description Notes 1 0xFF80_0000 Start of replicated flash images 0xFF7F_0000 End of secondary flash images 0xFF00_0000 Start of secondary flash images 0xFEFF_FFFF End of PCI aperture 0x8000_0000 Start of PCI aperture 0x7FFF_FFFF End of user space 0x0010_0000 Start of user space 2 0x000F_FFFF Bottom of CPU0 DINK stack 3 0x000E_0000 Top of CPU0 DINK stack 0x000D_FFFF Bottom of CPU1 DINK stack 0x000C_0000 Top of CPU1 DINK stack 0x000B_FFFF Bottom of CPU1 user stack 0x000A_0000 Top of CPU1 user stack 0x0009_FFFF Bottom of CPU0 user stack 0x0008_0000 Top of CPU0 user stack 0x0007_FFFF Top of ‘.data’ section End of Excimer/Maximer ENV storage 4 0x0007_F000 Start of Excimer/Maximer ENV storage 4 0x0004_0000 Bottom of ‘.data’ section (read-write data) 0x0003_03FF Top of ‘.rodata’ section 0x0002_FD00 Bottom of ‘.rodata’ section (read-only data) 0x0002_FFFF End of ‘.text’ section 0x0000_3000 Start of ‘.text’ section (code) 0x0000_2FFF End of exception table 0x0000_0000 Start of exception table 1 Due to incomplete address decoding, other images of the DINK program will appear at various addresses. 2 This is the new recommended user download address. 3 Note that stacks grow down, so ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ have opposite senses. 4 For Excimer/Maximer, part of the code space is used for NVRAM emulation; Excimer/Maximer builds of DINK are typically smaller and can accommodate this (no networking support, etc.) 1.5 EDINK Memory Map Unlike processors that implement the classic PowerPC architecture, the e500 is based on the embedded PowerPC architecture (Book E). These processors use TLBs rather than BAT MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Introduction For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-5 EDINK Memory Map Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. registers. For a detailed description of TLB entries and how to program them refer to the MPC8540 or MPC8560 processor’s reference manual. At reset, a 4K memory space is predefined starting at 0xFFFF_F000 with supervisor read, write, and execute permission. This memory area is caching inhibited. This startup code (in ‘startup.S’) sets up the processor, the TLBs (to enable more than 4K), the Local Access Windows (LAWs) to access internal peripherals, and then corresponding embedded device setup. Note that the CCSRBAR is relocated from the default 0xFF70_0000 to 0xFC00_0000. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Once initialization is complete and the system has been setup, the memory map shown in Table is available. Table 1-2. EDINK Memory Map Start Address End Address Size (MB) TLB LAW BR/OR FF00_0000 FFFF_FFFF 16 0 0 0 Flash array #1 FE00_0000 FEFF_FFFF 16 1 Flash array #2 FD10_0000 FDFF_FFFF 15 — Unused FD00_0000 FD0F_FFFF 1 2 8K NVRAM FC10_0000 FCFF_FFFF 15 — — Unused FC00_0000 FC0F_FFFF 1 — — CCSRBAR F000_0000 FBFF_FFFF 192 — — Unused E000_0000 EFFF_FFFF 256 3 — — Unused; test C000_0000 DFFF_FFFF — — — — Unused A000_0000 BFFF_FFFF 512 6&7 3 — RapidIO I/O 9000_0000 9FFF_FFFF 256 5 2 — PCI IO space 8000_0000 8FFF_FFFF 256 4 — PCI memory space 2000_0000 7FFF_FFFF — — — — Unused 0000_0000 1FFF_FFFF 512 1&2 1 — DDR SDRAM Description Note that some address spaces require more than one TLB to be covered. For details, see Motorola Application Note AN2336, Creating edink from DINK32 Code Using the e500 ISS. 1-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Chapter 2 Using DINK DINK works with a wide variety of platforms. The only essential features needed to communicate with it is a serial cable connected to a terminal and a terminal or a terminal emulator program on a computer. This chapter covers the setup and use of DINK. 2.1 Communications Setup The following sections describe the hardware and settings necessary to communicate with DINK. 2.1.1 Cables The cable between the target system (Sandpoint, Excimer/Maximer, MVP, Arcadia, Elysium) must be a “null-modem” cable—i.e., a cable designed for connecting two computers together. For the Macintosh, the following cable may be created: Mac Pins PC Pins 1 6 2 1,7,8 3 2 4 5 5 3 6 NC 7 NC 8 5 Male DIN8 Mac Cable Female DB9 PC Cable 4 5 3 2 1 7 6 9 8 7 6 8 5 3 4 1 2 Notice the Gap Between Pins 4 and 5 Figure 2-1. Serial Cable Wiring MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Using DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-1 Communications Setup 2.1.2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Terminals There are numerous terminal emulator programs available, in all cases the following settings should be specified: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • • • Baud rate—9,600 Bits—8 Parity—N Stop bits—1 Flow control—None Terminal—VT100 Note that 9600 baud is slow but can be easily changed to default to other values, up to 115,200 in most cases. Hyperterm on NT In addition to the above, set these properties: • • • Function—terminal keys checked Emulation—ANSI Backscrool buffer lines—500 Use this ASCII setup: • • • • ASCII sending — Send line ends with line feeds—unchecked — Echo typed character locally—unchecked Line delay—0 Character delay—0 ASCII receiving — Wrap lines that exceed teminal width—checked — All others unchecked Use these settings: • • • • • 2-2 Baud —9600 (default) Data bits—8 Parity—none Stop bits—1 Flow control—none DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Starting DINK Zterm on Mac Under Settings, go to Connection and set only the following: • • • • • Service name: SENDIT Data rate: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: none Stop bits: 1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Under Settings, go to Terminal and set only the following: • • Don't drop DTR on exit PC ANSI-BBS Under Settings, go to Text Packing and only set the following: • • Delay between chars: 0 Delay between lines: 1 Under Settings, go to Modem preferences and make sure there is nothing set in this window. All other settings should be the default. To use Z-Term connect excimer and power it on. Z-Term should automatically detect it and display the bootup output on the screen. 2.2 Starting DINK Once the terminal program is running, turn on the power to the Sandpoint, Excimer/Maximer, MVP, or other platform. After a short pause, the DINK prompt should appear: I/O system initialized... Memory Enabled: [ 128MB at CL=2 ] Caches Enabled: [ L1-ICache L1-DCache L2Cache(256K) ] Register Inits: [ 32 GPRs, 32 FPRs, 255 SPRs, 32 VECs ] ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ( MOTOROLA ( ( ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ( (AltiVec) ) ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ) ) ) Chapter 2. Using DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Running eDINK on a simulator Version Released : Written by System Processor Memory : 13.1, GCC Build April 30, 2003, Built on April 30, 2003 11:28:00 : Motorola’s RISC Applications Group, Austin, TX : Sandpoint X3 with Valis MPC7455 : MPC7450 V2.3 @ 1250 MHz, Memory @ 133 MHz : 128MB at 3/1/1/1 Copyright Motorola Inc. 1993-2003 Refer to ‘history.c’ for release info, changes, errata and fixes. DINK32[MPC7455] {1} >> Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.3 Running eDINK on a simulator Besides hardware, eDINK runs on an e500 Core Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) or MPC8540 ISS. 2.3.1 Running eDINK on e500 Core ISS 1. Setup the following variables: a) export ISS_BIN_PATH=$MODEL_PATH/bin b) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MODEL_PATH/simPortal/sim/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_P ATH 2. cd to directory containing the edink executables 3. Run ISS 4. source sportal_file or source sportal_term 5. go sportal_file The sportal_file contains the following lines. The lines setup the sportal to read and write to/from files instead of a simulator terminal. Writing and reading to files is used for regression testing or running in batch mode. Read the ISS user manual for details. sportal open sportal sim_stdin src/my_stdin sportal sim_stdout my_stdout sportal sim_stderr my_stderr ld obj/edink.src sportal_term The sportal_term contains the following lines. The lines setup the sportal to read and write to a simulator terminal. 2-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK Model sportal open sportal sim_stdall term ld obj/edink.src 2.3.2 Running eDINK on MPC8540 ISS 1. Read the MPC8540 ISS for environment setup and other requirements 2. Load the edink image using the simulator’s load command 3. Run the edink image using the simulator’s run command Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTE: The MPC8540 ISS doesn’t support the sportal. However, the simulator must be run with the -s option to enable a serial terminal. 2.3.3 Loading Application Elf Binary to Simulated EDINK The best way to load an application to edink is through the simulator. The same commands used to load edink into the simulator can be used to load an application elf binary. It is important that the application be linked at 0x1000000 as there is no option in the simulator for an offsetted load. 2.4 DINK Model There are two sets of registers maintained in DINK32. One for DINK and one for the user. While the user is running DINK32, the DINK register set is active in the hardware. The user register set is maintained in a table. Register commands access this user table. When the user does a go or trace command, the DINK hardware registers are stored in the DINK table and the user registers are loaded from the table into the hardware. Then control is transferred to the user program. Whenever control is returned to DINK, either via an error or a step or user code completion, the registers are again swapped. 2.5 Interacting with DINK When DINK has successfully initialized the target platform, it then starts up the DINK shell which can be used to execute many built-in tasks (modify/display memory, assemble programs) or can execute downloaded or flash-resident commands. While using the DINK shell, terminal emulators that support VT102-sequences can be used to map the up, down, left, and right arrows. Up and down arrows recall previously executed commands from the ‘history buffer’ (a list of each command entered). Right and left arrows, as well as the backspace and DEL keys can be used to move the cursor and edit the line. MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Using DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-5 Interacting with DINK Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Otherwise (if not an editing or VT102 sequence), DINK stores the characters into a buffer until a newline character is seen (0x0A—generally ENTER on the keyboard). Once a line is complete, the DINK shell looks for the presence of a semicolon (;), indicating that more than one command is present. If found, DINK separates the line into one or more commands and executes them separately. For example, the command ‘rd r; md 1000’ will display the register file and memory starting at location 0x1000. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... For each command portion, DINK examines the line and alters it according to these rules: — The character ‘$’ followed by an existing environment variable name is replaced with the value of the environment variable. For example, assuming ‘env RX=r3-r7,r15-r31’ has been defined, ‘rd $RX’ will show the indicated registers. — The characters ‘@R’ followed by a number from 0 to 31 are replaced with the contents of the indicated GPR. For example, ‘md @R1’ shows memory at the current stack pointer. — The quote characters (‘, “) prevent DINK from examining/altering the value between the starting quote and the ending quote. For example, “env RD=@R1” sets the variable RD to “@R1”, literally. Once the command has been edited as stated previously, it is passed to the various programs for further interpretation. Entering ‘help’ shows a list of commands, and ‘help’ plus the command name (such as he rd) shows details on command options. 2.5.1 Running External Programs In order to run user programs, the user must compile and link a program to start at 0x100000 or higher. Various PowerPC compilers are available to convert user programs to executable files. Once the file is ready, it needs to be transferred to DINK’s memory space. DINK supports S-record or binary file (including ELF), and such files can be downloaded either through a serial port or by ethernet. Once in memory, the loaded code can be set into action with either a go or trace command. The demo directory and Appendix B, “Example Code,” have examples of compiling programs for this purpose. 2.5.2 Assigning Breakpoints A breakpoint halts execution of user code at arbitrary locations, allowing inspection of the processor and memory state at a particular point. Breakpoints are set with the ‘bp’ command along with one or more desired stop-point addresses. When ‘go’ or ‘tr’ are used to run code, execution will be halted and DINK will restart when any breakpoint addresses are encountered. Executing ‘go’ or ‘tr’ on top of a breakpoint deletes the breakpoint—this allows ease in stepping over a breakpoint, but caution is required for breakpoints in loops. 2-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.5.3 Interacting with DINK Executing Code Code can begin executing with the go command. Code will execute until either an error occurs (such as an exception) or until the program exits with a return to DINK. Exceptions are reported by DINK, which regains control. DINK sets up a stack for the user and places DINK’s return address in the link register. Thus, the user can return to DINK via this return address. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.5.4 Displaying Registers Registers are displayed by the register display, rd command. The modify register, rm command is used to modify registers. These commands do not affect the actual hardware registers at the time the command is entered. Rather they affect the user register set maintained by dink. The go and trace commands actually copy the registers to the hardware before the user code begins executing. 2.5.5 Advanced Features DINK contains an assembler, command ‘as’ and a disassembler, command ‘ds.’ MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Using DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Interacting with DINK 2-8 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Chapter 3 DINK32 Commands This chapter describes the DINK32 user commands. The full command mnemonic is listed in the upper left-hand corner and the short command (abbreviation) is listed next in smaller type. All commands listed (except fw -e) are available to DINK32, those commands available to MDINK32 are marked as MDINK32 Compatible. Commands appear in boldface throughout this chapter. NOTE All addresses entered must be in hexadecimal but not preceded by ‘0x.’ Leading zeros will be added as needed. 3.1 Definitions MDINK32 compatible This command is also available in MDINK32. Where commands are different between MDINK32 and DINK32, the DINK32 format will be shown first. Plus Usually implies that the command form includes ‘+.’ This allows the command to continue to the next stopping place appropriate for its functionality. Range Indicates a two-address form, and usually signifies an inclusive area of code or memory that will be operated on by the command. Entire family Refers to a family of registers. The general purpose registers are a family of thirty-two 32-bit registers, numbered 0 to 31. The floating-point registers are a family of thirty-two 64-bit registers, numbered 0 to 31. The AltiVec registers are a family of thirty-two 128-bit registers, numbered 0 to 31.The special purpose registers are not classified as a family due to their architectural design. x Typing ‘x’ will exit a command if DINK32 is in an interactive mode when a particular command form is used. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-1 DINK Command List 3.2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK Command List The DINK command list is shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. DINK Command List Command . about Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... assemble Section 3.3, “. (Period),” on page 3-5 Section 3.4, “About,” on page 3-6 Section 3.5, “Assemble,” on page 3-7 background Section 3.6, “Background,” on page 3-10 benchmark Section 3.7, “Benchmark,” on page 3-11 boot breakpoint Section 3.8, “Boot,” on page 3-14 Section 3.9, “Breakpoint,” on page 3-15 cache Section 3.10, “Cache,” on page 3-17 cpuinfo Section 3.11, “CPUINFO,” on page 3-18 crc Section 3.12, “CRC,” on page 3-19 device display Section 3.13, “DEVDISP,” on page 3-20 device modify Section 3.14, “DEVMOD,” on page 3-21 device test Section 3.15, “DEVTEST,” on page 3-23 disassemble disk download echo environment expr filesys final setup flash flash update Section 3.16, “DISASSEM,” on page 3-24 Section 3.17, “Disk,” on page 3-26 Section 3.18, “Download,” on page 3-28 Section 3.19, “Echo,” on page 3-31 Section 3.20, “Environment,” on page 3-32 Section 3.21, “EX,” on page 3-39 Section 3.22, “FILESYS,” on page 3-41 Section 3.23, “Final Assembly Init,” on page 3-42 Section 3.24, “Flash,” on page 3-43 Section 3.25, “FUPDATE,” on page 3-45 flash write Section 3.26, “FW,” on page 3-48 go Section 3.27, “Go,” on page 3-49 gpic Section 3.28, “GPIC,” on page 3-51 help Section 3.29, “Help,” on page 3-55 history Section 3.30, “History,” on page 3-56 identify Section 3.31, “Identify,” on page 3-57 log memory compare 3-2 Section Section 3.32, “Log,” on page 3-58 Section 3.33, “Memory Compare,” on page 3-59 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK Command List Table 3-1. DINK Command List (continued) Command memory display Section 3.34, “Memory Display,” on page 3-60 memory fill Section 3.35, “Memory Fill,” on page 3-62 memory info Section 3.36, “Memory Info,” on page 3-63 memory modify Section 3.37, “Memory Modify,” on page 3-65 memory move Section 3.38, “Memory Move,” on page 3-67 memory search Section 3.39, “Memory Search,” on page 3-68 memory test menu Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Section Section 3.40, “Memory Test,” on page 3-69 Section 3.41, “Menu,” on page 3-71 northbridge display Section 3.42, “Northbridge Display,” on page 3-72 northbridge modify net initialize Section 3.43, “Northbridge Modify,” on page 3-74 Section 3.44, “Net Info,” on page 3-76 PCI bus probe Section 3.49, “PCI Probe,” on page 3-82 PCI config list Section 3.45, “.PCI Config List,” on page 3-77 PCI register display Section 3.46, “PCI Display,” on page 3-79 PCI map Section 3.47, “PCI Map,” on page 3-80 PCI register modify Section 3.48, “PCI Modify,” on page 3-81 ping px Section 3.51, “PX,” on page 3-84 register display Section 3.52, “REGDISP,” on page 3-85 register modify Section 3.53, “REGMOD,” on page 3-89 reset set baud rate squit Section 3.54, “Reset,” on page 3-92 Section 3.55, “SETBAUD,” on page 3-93 Section 3.56, “SQUIT,” on page 3-94 switch cpu Section 3.59, “Switch CPU,” on page 3-98 show SPRs Section 3.57, “Show SPRs,” on page 3-95 stty Section 3.58, “STTY,” on page 3-96 sx Section 3.60, “SX,” on page 3-99 symbol table Section 3.61, “SYMTAB,” on page 3-100 tau Section 3.62, “TAU,” on page 3-103 test Section 3.63, “Test,” on page 3-104 time Section 3.64, “Time,” on page 3-105 transparent mode trace MOTOROLA Section 3.50, “Ping,” on page 3-83 Section 3.65, “Transparent,” on page 3-106 Section 3.66, “Trace,” on page 3-107 Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK Command List Table 3-1. DINK Command List (continued) Command Section virtual host file Section 3.67, “Virtual Host File,” on page 3-108 virtual memory Section 3.68, “Virtual Memory File,” on page 3-109 virtual quit Section 3.69, “VQUIT,” on page 3-110 virtual sim Section 3.70, “Virtual Simulator,” on page 3-111 wait Section 3.72, “Shell Escape,” on page 3-114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ! Section 3.71, “Wait,” on page 3-113 3-4 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.3 . (Period) Command Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... . (Period) Repeat last command Abbreviation . Syntax . Builds All Boards All Processors All Typing a period will repeat the last command entered. Unlike other commands, a ‘.’ at the start of a line is immediately handled and does not require carriage return/enter. In addition, ‘.’ does not change the last command (on the history stack). Therefore, when tracing a program, you can use ‘.’ to step to the next location. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] {1} >> trace 102100 0x00102104 stw r13, 0xfff8(r01) DINK32 [MPC750] {2} >> trace + 0x00102108 add r03, r00, r01 DINK32 [MPC750] {2} >> . 0x0010210c mfspr r04, s0274 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. About 3.4 About Command about Abbreviation ab Syntax ab Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “about” command displays information on the current implementation of the DINK32 monitor. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC603r] {3} >>ab ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ( Version Released Written by System Processor Memory ( : : : : : : ( ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ( (AltiVec) ) ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ) ) ) 13.1, Metaware Build April 30, 2003 Built on Apr 30 2003 11:28:00 Motorola’s RISC Applications Group, Austin, TX Sandpoint X3 with Valis MPC7455 MPC7450 V2.3 @ 1250 MHz, Memory @ 133 MHz 128MB at 3/1/1/1 Copyright Motorola Inc. 1993-2003 Refer to `history.c’ for release info, changes, errata and fixes. Note that the actual banner varies depending on the platform, processor, speed, and other selections made. 3-6 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.5 Assemble Assemble Command assemble Abbreviation as Syntax as addr [‘+’ | [‘-’ addr2] Builds All except MDINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “as” command assembles user-supplied source code and stores the opcodes at the supplied addresses. The assembler for the DINK32 system will disassemble the contents of memory at the current location and wait for user instructions. A single line of source may be supplied and assembled into a valid opcode, with the results stored at that memory location. A location can be left unmodified by typing <return> to pass over it. Branch labels are recognized by the assembler as a word followed by a colon (:) at the address currently being displayed by the assembler. The assembler tracks the current branch labels and automatically calculates the address to be entered into future instructions. The symtab/st instruction is available for manipulating the branch table in DINK32. Branch labels within PowerPC assembly instructions will not be recognized by the assembler if the branch label has not yet been entered into the table. The user may display the branch table list with the st instruction. The DINK32 assembler ignores any comments preceded by a ‘#’ and any “.org” and “.dc” commands. The assembler does recognize the .word and .long operations. The assembler also accepts simplified mnemonics; in general, immediate values, including condition register bit offsets, are assumed to be decimal unless preceded by 0b (binary), 0x (hexadecimal) or 0d (decimal). Floating point and general purpose registers are recognized just like previous versions of DINK32 where the register number may be preceded by an “r” (general purpose), an “f” (floating point), or a “v” (vector - altivec) but is not necessary. Simplified branch mnemonics involving the condition registers may have the condition register number preceded by “cr” but isn’t necessary. The assembler always expects a “cr” field for compare and branch instructions where, according to the architecture, cr0 is implied if a “cr” field is not given. DINK32 does implement the implied cr0 functionality of the simplified mnemonics. Simple mnemonics that that use the form “4*cr<n>+<cc>” must enter this form with no spaces. n = condition reg, cc = condition. Comments can be specified with the “//” or the “/*” .... “*/ constructs. The rest of the line is ignored following a comment specifier. Arguments: MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-7 Assemble addr addr2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Address to begin assembly. Address to stop assembly NOTE: ‘as’ continues to assemble even if ‘+’ is not specified; enter ‘ESC’ or ‘x’ to stop assembly. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Examples: DINK32[MPC7455] {1} >>as 100000+ 00100000 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 rotlw r4,r6,r8 00100004 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 lfd f0,1000(r1) 00100008 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 rlwnm 0,13,23,1,0xa 0010000C BFFFFFFF stmw r31, -1(r31) loop: 0010000C BFFFFFFF loop: stmw r31, -1(r31) ori r26,r2,0xfff 00100010 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 lfd f0,3000(r1) 00100014 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 cmpw cr3,r26,r0 00100018 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 bne loop 0010001C FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 x DINK32[MPC7455] {2} >>as 110000+ 00110000 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 .word 12345678 00110004 FFFFBFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f23 .word 0x34 00110008 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 .long 0xabcde08 0011000C BFFFFFFF stmw r31, -1(r31) loop1: subf. 1,2,3 00110010 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 bnelr 00110014 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 b loop1 00110018 FFFFFEFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f27, f31 x DINK32[MPC7455] {7} >>st Current list of DINK branch labels: KEYBOARD: 0x0 getchar: 0x111b0 putchar: 0x11188 TBaseInit: 0xd000 TBaseReadLower: 0xd018 TBaseReadUpper: 0xd024 CacheInhibit: 0xce94 InvEnL1Dcache: 0xc9d0 DisL1Dcache: 0xcd9c InvEnL1Icache: 0xc9c4 DisL1Icache: 0xcdc4 dink_loop: 0x367ac dink_printf: 0x2ff10 Current list of USER branch labels: loop: 0x10000c loop1: 0x11000c DINK32[MPC7455] {8} >> DINK32[MPC7455] {10} >>as 120000 00120000 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 vmuleuh v3,v4,v5 00120004 FFFFBFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f23 vmaxsw v4,v5,v6 00120008 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 vspltisw v6,0x2000 0012000C BFFFFFFF stmw r31, -1(r31) x 3-8 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Assemble Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Background 3.6 Background Command background Abbreviation bg Syntax {<address> | ‘rsweep’ | ‘wsweep’ |’blink’ | ‘halt’} Builds DINK Boards MVP Processors MPC745X Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “bg” command causes the idling processor on the MVP platform to begin execution of a dedicated task, or halts it. Arguments: address Address of code for idling CPU to execute. ‘rsweep’ Pre-defined task which reads 16MB starting at 0x0000_0000. ‘wsweep’ Pre-defined task which writes 16MB starting at 0x0100_0000. ‘blink’ Pre-defined task which blinks the MVP LEDs. ‘halt’ Halts pre-defined task, or any user-task which monitors the global variable ‘halt_sema’. If no argument is entered, the current run status is shown. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7455 #0] {2} >> bg blink CPU1 background task = 0x0007E440 DINK32 [MPC7455 #0] {3} >> bg CPU0: DINK 13.0 CPU1: running task @ 0x0007E440 DINK32 [MPC7455 #0] {4} >> bg halt CPU0: DINK 13.0 CPU1: halting DINK32 [MPC7455 #0] {5} >> bg CPU0: DINK 13.0 CPU1: idle 3-10 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.7 Benchmark Benchmark Command benchmark Abbreviation bm Syntax bn address Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “benchmark” command will display how many timebase ticks it takes to execute the user code at ‘address’. This command will take multiple passes at the benchmark with different processor configurations. It will report the timebase ticks on each configuration. If the timebase register is reported to be ‘0x00000000 00000000’ check to see if it is followed by a ‘.’. If it is, then this means that the benchmark actually took less time than it took to measure how long it took just to get to the beginning of the benchmark (which is used as a base run and subtracted out of the full run before being displayed on screen). The result of the benchmark can be converted to seconds by the following formula. These results are time base clicks, which for the MPC7400 (UM p. 2-8) is one fourth the bus rate. So (benchmark tics * 4) * 1/50000000 at 100 Mhz for the MPC7400. Each processor has it’s own specification, which is shown in the appropriate UM (User’s Manual). Thus, for the MPC7400, the time base increments once for every four bus cycles. The formula is: ((benchmark tics * 4) * 40 nanoseconds) for a 100 Mhz clock. Thus for this test, the results of the last configuration, Icache ON Dcache ON, we got 0x1b26e18c time base tics, which is 455,532,940 decimal time tics. Applying our formula (455,532,940 * 4) * 0.00000004 is 72.88 seconds. This is reasonable for this test, because it displays a series of displays each separated by a wait loop. This command requires that the User Code (to be benchmarked) be terminated with an illegal opcode! More discussion on “Bus Speed” for the sandpoint. There are three clock speeds that determine the system performance: • • • PCI Bus Speed System (Memory/CPU) Bus Speed Processor Core Speed We usually refer to these as, say, 400/100/33 indicating a 400 MHz CPU w/a 100 MHz system bus and 33 MHz PCI. The PCI bus should be running at 33 MHz; no other bus speed is supported on SP X2. If the board is misconfigured, it might be in 66 MHz -- make sure the PCI66MHZ LED is OFF. It is unlikely your system would run at all, if that were so. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-11 Benchmark Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The CPU bus and core speeds can be set to various multiples of the PCI clock, as shown in the configuration sheet in the bound manual shipped with the SPX2 system. DINK reports these when it boots up. Note that the decrementer and timebase operate at 1/4th the “bus speed”. Typically, this is 100 MHz, so it ticks at a 25MHz or 40ns rate. The CPU has no concept of the PCI clock speed; it could be 1Hz. It has no concept of PCI, for that matter. Only the MPC107 produces the relationship between PCI clock and system bus clock. Arguments: address Address containing code to benchmark. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Examples: Download a program, such as “demo.src”: DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> dl -k -o 70000 Download from Keyboard Port 132 lines received. Download complete. Locate a function to stop on in the file “xref.txt”, in this case use “001003e4 PackageInfo” and set it to illegal instruction, 0x0. DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> mm 1002b8 0x001002b8 : 0x7c0802a6 : ? 0 Try it out first and ensure illegal instruction is set at the correct place. DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> go 100000 P R E S E N T I N G Motorola E X C I M E R R E F E R E N C E A M I N I M A L Motorola P L A T F O R M S Y S T E M ...etc.... A Program exception 0x00000700 has occurred. Current Instruction Pointer: 0x001002b8 WORD 0x00000000 Now, run the benchmark command, note that it runs it with Icache/Dcache in all possible combinations of off and on. DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> bm 100000 Icache OFF Dcache OFF: P R E S E N T I N G Motorola ...etc... Benchmark 0x00100000 ---> 0x001002b8: 0x00000000 407ffb0e Icache ON Dcache OFF: P R E S E N T I N G 3-12 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1b26deb7 G 407ffcec G 1b26e18c Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Motorola ...etc... Benchmark 0x00100000 ---> 0x001002b8: 0x00000000 Icache OFF Dcache ON: P R E S E N T I N Motorola ...etc... Benchmark 0x00100000 ---> 0x001002b8: 0x00000000 Icache ON Dcache ON: P R E S E N T I N Motorola ...etc... Benchmark 0x00100000 ---> 0x000902b8: 0x00000000 DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> Benchmark MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Boot Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.8 Boot Command boot Abbreviation bo Syntax { “filename” | “env_variable” | { hex_addr[,timeout[,args[,desc]]]} Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “boot” command causes DINK to start execution of the indicated program on a disk or at a specified address. The argument to boot may be a disk filename, an address of flash or downloaded memory, or an environment variable which resolves to either of the above. This command is usually invoked upon startup by the “BOOT” environment variable, which if it exists, passes its argument to the “boot” command. Arguments: file Filename to load from IDE disk or CDROM. The filename must start with [A-D] and a ‘:’ to be recognized. env_var An environment variable, which if found, specifies the boot argument. hex_addr Address of code to execute; typically an address in flash memory. timeout Number of seconds to countdown before switching to boot address. This gives the user an opportunity to cancel a boot and return to DINK. args Optional boot arguments passed to the called program using the dink_transfer table. Should be in quotes. desc Optional description of boot process. Should be quoted. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] {2} >> env LINUX="0xFF000000,15,’-novm’,’MVLinux V2.4’" DINK32 [MPC7450] {3} >> env QNX="0xFF400000,15,’-xyz’,’QNX Photon’" DINK32 [MPC7450] {4} >> boot LINUX BOOT: `LINUX’, args=`-novm’, (@0xFF000000) in 15 ... now! ... DINK32 [MPC7450] {4} >> boot c:rawimage BOOT: `c:rawimage’, args=`’ in 15 3-14 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.9 Breakpoint Breakpoint Command breakpoint Abbreviation bp, bkpt Syntax bp [address] | [-d val] | [-c] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “bp” command allows the user to manage breakpoints. Breakpoints allow the user to run an application program and stop execution when code reaches the specified address. This command will set or delete only one breakpoint at a time, and must be repeated for each breakpoint. Setting a breakpoint will not remove a breakpoint from an address if a breakpoint already exists there. Deleting a breakpoint from an invalid index has no effect. Breakpoints can be set or deleted one at a time and all are displayed during a breakpoint list. A maximum of 20 breakpoints can be set in the system. Arguments: -d val -c address Delete the breakpoint matching the supplied val. On previous versions of DINK, val could be a value from 0..31 and this is still supported, and represents the order in the list of the breakpoint to remove. On DINK 13.0, values > 31 are assumed to be addresses of the breakpoint to remove, and thus the order in the list is not important. Delete all breakpoints. Set a breakpoint at the supplied address. If no argument is supplied, the current breakpoints are listed. Examples: DINK32 [MPC8245] >> bkpt 260100 Breakpoint set at 0x00260100 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> bkpt Current breakpoint list: 1. 0x00260100 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> bkpt -d 260100 Breakpoint deleted DINK32 [MPC8245] >> bp Current Breakpoint List: DINK32 [MPC8245] >> go 260000 Breakpoint Encountered: MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-15 Breakpoint Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 0x00260100 cmp 0, 0, r03, r04 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32 [MPC8245] >> 3-16 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Cache Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.10 Cache Command cache Abbreviation ca Syntax [-fx] [ {[on|1] | {off|0]} ] [L1] [L1I] [L1D] [L2] [L3] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “cache” command allows direct manipulation of the cache settings used by DINK (while running DINK). In addition, these values can be exported to the user settings for manipulating values used while running user code. Arguments: -f -x on 1 off 0 L1 L1I L1D L2 L3 Flush the indicated cache(s). Export any changes made to user register settings (takes effect on ‘go’ or ‘tr’ commands). Sets a flag for enabling specified cache(s). Same as ‘on’. Sets a flag for disabling specified cache(s). Same as ‘off’. Enable or disable L1 I and D cache. Enable or disable L1 Icache only. Enable or disable L1 Dcache only. Enable or disable L2 cache. Enable or disable L3 cache. If no argument is supplied, the current cache status is listed. Examples: DINK32 Caches DINK32 Caches DINK32 Caches DINK32 DINK32 [MPC755] Enabled: [MPC755] Enabled: [MPC755] Enabled: [MPC755] [MPC755] MOTOROLA {1} >> ca [ L1-ICache L1-DCache L2-Cache(512K) ] {2} >> ca off L2 [ L1-ICache L1-DCache ] {3} >> ca off L1 [ none ] {3} >> ca -f {4} >> Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CPUINFO 3.11 CPUINFO Command cpuinfo Abbreviation ci Syntax ci [pvr] Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “ci” command displays the internal database of CPU-specific features known and used by DINK. Unless a PVR value is supplied, the current CPU is described. Arguments: pvr 32-bit PVR value of the processor to display. Examples: DINK32[MPC7455] {1} >>ci Processor Name : MPC7455 ("Apollo") Processor Class : G4+ Exception handler: PPC7455 L1I+D Cache Size : 32K L2 Cache Size : 256K L3 External Cache: 2048K TLBs : 128 BATs : 8 IBAT + 8 DBAT (extendable: Yes) Floating Point : Yes AltiVec : Yes (Classic) PCI Embedded : No RapidIO Ports : 0 Ethernet Ports : 0 DINK32[MPC7455] {5} >>ci 0x80200000 Processor Name : MPC8540 ("Draco") Processor Class : G5 Exception handler: PPCDRACO L1I+D Cache Size : 32K L2 Cache Size : 256K TLBs : 64 BATs : 0 IBAT + 0 DBAT (extendable: No) Floating Point : No AltiVec : Yes (Book E) PCI Embedded : Yes RapidIO Ports : 1 Ethernet Ports : 3 3-18 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CRC Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.12 CRC Command crc Abbreviation crc Syntax crc [-d dev] [-l] addr1-addr2 Builds All Boards Excimer, MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife Processors All The “crc” command calculates the 16-bit cyclic-redundancy-code (CRC) of the specified memory range, using the CCITT-16 algorithm. All memory between the specified address are accessed using byte accesses and the resulting CRC is displayed. Arguments: -d dev -l addr1 addr2 The name of the device to use, instead of system memory. See the “devdisp” command for more details. Loop; the block of memory is repeatedly checked and the results displayed. This may be useful for monitoring a block of memory which may be modified, as the CRC value will change if any bits in the specified range of memory are altered. The starting address to use. The ending address. Examples: DINK32 [MPC603ev] >> crc 1000-2000 CRC[00001000...00002000] = 6E48 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DEVDISP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.13 DEVDISP Command devdisp Abbreviation dd Syntax dd [device [-b|-h|-w] [-r] [-a devaddr] addr1[ ‘-’ addr2] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “devdisp” command displays the contents of memory or device registers in a manner similar to that of the memory display command. While it displays memory as normal, it also handles the one or two levels of indirection necessary to access memory or registers within IO devices. Arguments: device The name of the device. If not entered a list of known devices is shown. -r Displays data byte-reversed. -b, -h, -w Sets size of device accesses. If not specified, the default size is bytes for devices (as shown in the device listing). -a addr Sets the subaddress for a device. Used for I2C EEPROM access, which is typically 0x50-0x57. addr1 The starting address to display. addr2 The optional ending address. The “dd” command with no parameters will display a list of all the known devices. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] {1} >> dd Device Start End Sizes Device Addr ======== ======== ======== ===== =========== mem 00000000 FFFFFFFF [BHW] nvram 00000000 00000FFF [B] i2c 00000000 0000007F [B] 50 rtc 00000080 000000FF [B] apc 00000040 00000048 [B] DINK32 [MPC750] {2} >> dd nvram 40-4F 0x0040 0D 0A 1A 00 00 08 09 0A 0D 1A 41 61 7F FF 80 00 dd> x DINK32 [MPC750] {3} >> dd i2c -a 57 0-ff ... 3-20 .. ...... .Aa DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DEVMOD Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.14 DEVMOD Command devmod Abbreviation dm Syntax dm [device [-b|-h|-w] [-a devaddr] addr1[ ‘-’ addr2] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “devmod” command displays and modifies the contents of memory or device registers in a manner similar to that of the memory modify command. While it displays memory as normal, it also handles the one or two levels of indirection necessary to access memory or registers within IO devices. It also handles modifying these values. Arguments: device The name of the device. If not entered a list of known devices is shown. -r Displays data byte-reversed. -b, -h, -w Sets size of device accesses. If not specified, the default size is bytes for devices (as shown in the device listing). -a addr Sets the subaddress for a device. Used for I2C EEPROM access, which is typically 0x50-0x57. addr1 The starting address to display. addr2 The optional ending address. The “dm” command with no parameters will display a list of all the known devices. The “dm” command will display the contents of a particular location in the requested format, then wait for user commands, which may be any of the following: value ‘abcd’ return v ^ = MOTOROLA Write the hexadecimal value to the current location. The value entered may be truncated, if necessary, to the memory size. Write the character literal value(s) “abcd” to the current location. The leading single quote is required. Go to the next location using the current selected direction (defaults to forward) Set the direction to forward. Upon return, the current location advances by +1 byte, halfword or word. Set the direction to reverse. Upon return, the current location advances by -1 byte, halfword or word. Set the direction to 0. “dm” will keep examining and modifying the same location until ‘v’ or ‘^’ is entered. Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DEVMOD ? ESC x Help Stop Stop The direction commands are “sticky” -- once set, “dm” will continue in that direction until a new direction is entered. The VT100 cursor keys may be used to move up and down. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> dm nvram 40 0x0040 : 14 ? <enter> 0x0041 : 3E ? 47 0x0042 : 27 ? ^ 0x0041 : 47 ? 48 0x0040 : 14 ? v 0x0041 : 48 ? =<enter> 0x0041 : 48 ? <enter> 0x0041 : 48 ? <enter> 0x0041 : 4A ? <enter> 3-22 -- skip -- new value -- go back -- right value -- go forward -- erratic bit? DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DEVTEST Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.15 DEVTEST Command devtest Abbreviation dev Syntax dev epic [command] dev [+] [-r] i2c <addr> <-n> [ <timeout>] dev [+] -w i2c <addr> <-n> <str> [ <timeout>] dev [+] DMA [<type>] <src> <dest> [<chn>] [<n>] dev i2o <mode> [<bit>] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “devtest” command accesses several MPC824x/MPC107-specific embedded utility devices. “dev” is a front-end to several device test/control routines, each with different syntax and capabilities. Arguments: For details on specific sub-device controls and arguments, enter the command: ”he dev [epic | i2c | i2o | dma]”. Examples: Perform a given I/O test on Kahlua. DINK32 [MPC8240] >> devtest -r i2c 0x40: FE FE FE FE 47 4A 4E 4F FE FE FE FE 47 4A 4E 4F MOTOROLA ....GJMN....GJMN Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DISASSEM Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.16 DISASSEM Command disassem Abbreviation ds Syntax ds start_address [+ | {- end_address}] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “disassem” command displays the contents of memory at the given address(es). The contents are shown in hexadecimal opcode format as well as in PowerPC assembly instruction format. Arguments: addr addr2 Address to begin disassembly. Address to stop disassembly If the “plus” argument is used, the command will display multiple lines of disassembled code beginning at the starting address. DINK will pause after 22 lines, and continue when return is pressed, or cancel if the user types “x”. If the “range” form is used, the command will continue reading and disassembling for each inclusive address in the range specified. Branch labels entered during an assemble session are displayed during disassembly. In order for branch labels to be calculated correctly, branch labels must be entered before instructions refer to that label. Simplified mnemonics are dissasembled both as a simplified mnemonic and as a comment in the full assembly form. Examples: DIND32 examples: DINK32[MPC7455] {3} >>ds 100000 00100000 5CC4403E rotlw r4,r6,r8 //rlwnm r4, r6, 8, 0, 31 DINK32[MPC7455] {4} >>ds 100000-100018 00100000 5CC4403E rotlw r4,r6,r8 //rlwnm r4, r6, 8, 0, 31 00100004 C80103E8 lfd f0, 1000(r1) 00100008 5DA0B854 rlwnm r0, r13, 23, 1, 10 0010000C 63420FFF loop: ori r26, r2, 4095 //(0xfff) 00100010 C8010BB8 lfd f0, 3000(r1) 00100014 7D9A0000 cmp cr3, 0, r26, r0 00100018 4082FFF4 bne 0,loop //bc 4, 2, 1048588 //(0x10000c) (loop) DINK32[MPC7455] {5} >>ds 100000-100004 00100000 5CC4403E rotlw r4,r6,r8 //rlwnm r4, r6, 8, 0, 31 00100004 C80103E8 lfd f0, 1000(r1) 3-24 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DISASSEM DINK32[MPC7455] {6} >>ds 110000+ 00110000 00BC614E .word 00bc614e 00110004 00000034 .word 00000034 00110008 ABCDEF08 lha r30, -4344(r13) 0011000C 7C221851 loop1: subf. r1, r2, r3 00110010 4C820020 bnelr 0 //bclr 4, 2 00110014 4BFFFFF8 b 1114124 //(0x11000c) (loop1) 00110018 FFFFFEFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f27, f31 0011001C FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110020 FFFF7FFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f15 00110024 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110028 BFFFFFFF stmw r31, -1(r31) 0011002C FBFFFFEF .word fbffffef 00110030 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110034 FFFFFF9F fctiwz. f31, f31 00110038 FFFFFEFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f27, f31 0011003C EFFFEFFF fnmadds. f31, f31, f31, f29 00110040 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110044 DFFFFFFF stfdu f31, -1(r31) 00110048 FFFBFFFF fnmadd. f31, f27, f31, f31 0011004C FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110050 FFFFFFFF fnmadd. f31, f31, f31, f31 00110054 7FFFBFFF .word 7fffbfff DINK32[MPC7455] {7} >>st Current list of DINK branch labels: KEYBOARD: 0x0 getchar: 0x111b0 putchar: 0x11188 TBaseInit: 0xd000 TBaseReadLower: 0xd018 TBaseReadUpper: 0xd024 CacheInhibit: 0xce94 InvEnL1Dcache: 0xc9d0 DisL1Dcache: 0xcd9c InvEnL1Icache: 0xc9c4 DisL1Icache: 0xcdc4 dink_loop: 0x367ac dink_printf: 0x2ff10 Current list of USER branch labels: loop: 0x10000c loop1: 0x11000c DINK32[MPC7455] {8} >> DINK32[MPC7455] {11} >>ds 120000-12000c 00120000 10642A48 vmuleuh v3, v4, v5 00120004 10853182 vmaxsw v4, v5, v6 00120008 10C0038C vspltisw v6, 0 //(0x0) 0012000C BFFFFFFF stmw r31, -1(r31) DINK32[MPC7455] {12} >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Disk 3.17 Disk Command disk Abbreviation di Syntax di [-iqx][-d n][-r lba][-w lba][-a adr][-l len][-t lba] Builds DINK Boards Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Processors The “di” command allows control of the IDE interface present in the Winbond 53C586, the VIA 82C686, or an external IDE controller in a PCI slot. The performs basic IDE initialization and track-level access (i.e. the disk is not used in any particular filesystem format). Instead, LBA (logical block number) addressing is used, where LBA is a number from 0 to a large value, each LBA representing 512 bytes of data. The DI command, and other commands which use DI, use the following association between drives and external hardware: Table 3-2. IDE Drive Letter Association Drive Controller Master/Slave 0 “A:” Primary Master 1 “B:” Primary Slave 2 “C:” Secondary Master 3 “D:” Secondary Slave NOTE: DI does not handle drives larger than 8GB; or rather it does, but anything over 8GB is unusable. Arguments: -i Initialize the current disk, or disk “A:” if not specified. Initialization refers only to preparation to use the disk; the disk is not altered. -q Report information on the disk. -d n Select drive 0/1/2/3. -x Toggle fast block access (default is off). Faster if multiple blocks are read/written at once, but some disks are less reliable. -t LBA Do a read-write test of the indicated logical block address. -r LBA Read 1MB from the indicated LBA to memory starting at 0x10_0000. -w LBA Write 1MB to the indicated LBA from memory starting at 0x10_0000. -a addr Specifiy a different address for -r or -w (rather than 0x10_0000). -l len Specify a different length for -r or -w (rather than 1MB). 3-26 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Disk Examples: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32 [MPC750] >> di -i A: 6400 MB, Maxtor 12345. D: no drive detected. C: no drive detected. D: no drive detected. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Download Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.18 Download Command download Abbreviation dl Syntax dl -fl [-e] [-o offset] dl {-k|-h|} [-q][-fx]]-v][-b][-o offset] dl {-nw} Builds All Boards All Processors All Excimer/Maximer Sandpoint, MVP Sandpoint, MVP The “download” command captures data from S-record files taken from either the keyboard or host serial ports. The received data is stored in the memory locations specified by the input file. The “download” command comes in two forms: a “flash” version for Excimer version (which has minimal SRAM) downloads into flash, and a “RAM” version for all other platforms, which downloads into SDRAM. The first argument must be “-fl” to select the Excimer/Flash download, or “-nw” to select network download. Otherwise the RAM download is assumed. NOTE: To cancel a download at the terminal, type in 'S9' and ENTER/return to terminate the S-record downloads. For binary downloads, wait for the timeout. Arguments (RAM/SP/MVP/YK version): -nw -k use network download via TFTP protocol. Read S-record files from the keyboard. Use a smart terminal program to send files to DINK. -h Read S-record files from the host port. The host must be ready to send S-record files upon reception of a newline. Use “tm” to setup the host first. -q Select quiet mode, no indication of download progress is supplied. -fx Enables XON/XOFF (software) flow control for downloading at higher speeds. Not usually needed. -v Verifies a previous download, printing an error message for each difference found. -o offset Adds a hexadecimal offset to the address of the each S-Record lines, to relocate code. -b Download using 8-bit binary data in lieu of S-records. The srec2bin program in METDINK2/demos/utilities/srec2bin can translate S-record files to contiguous binary streams. Binary downloads do not have address information, so the “-o offset” option is almost always needed. 3-28 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. -nw -b -nw -f -nw -o Download Once a binary download is started, the user has thirty seconds to begin sending 8-bit binary values; if no data is seen the download is cancelled. After the initial thirty second start period has elapsed, a 3 second idle timeout is in effect. binary file ( Motorola S-record is the default file format) absolute path and filename (required) offset adds a hex offset to the addresses in the S-Record file or overwrite the default load address for binary download. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments (Flash/Excimer version): -fl -e -o addr Download directy into flash. It is always required. Forces all of flash memory to be erased before the load. Specifies the offset address, default is 0xfff00000. For both types of download, the default download baud rate is 9600. To speed up the download rate, the baud rate may be changed; see Section 3.55, “SETBAUD. Examples: DINK32[MPC7455] {17} >>dl -nw -b -fdemo.src Filename = demo.src File format = Plain binary Default Offset = 0x01000000 Successfully read 10159 bytes via TFTP at 1212303 bytes per second. DINK32 [MPC750] >> dl -k 147 lines received. ... DINK32 [MPC750] >> Use the following to do a binary upgrade of DINK. DINK32 [MPC750] >> sb -k 57600 DINK32 [MPC750] >> dl -k -b -o 100000 Binary protocol Offset: 0xffc00000 147387 bytes transferred. DINK32 [MPC750] >> fu -l 100000 fff00000 7ff00 ... Use the following example when upgrading DINK on Excimer with an S-record from our Motorola DINK32 website: MDINK32_603e >> dl -fl -o ffc00000 Offset: 0xffc00000 Writing new data to flash. Line: 50 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-29 Download Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The complete sequence for upgrading DINK on Excimer would be: MDINK32_603e >> fw Reboot the Excimer MDINK32_603e >> sb MDINK32_603e >> dl -e board -k 57600 -fl -o ffc00000 MDINK32_603e >> Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Information on S-Records can be found in the DINK32 User’s Guide. 3-30 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Echo 3.19 Echo Command echo Abbreviation ec Syntax echo args Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “echo” command simply prints all arguments on the terminal. It is used for scripts and printing the value of environment variables. Arguments: arg prints ‘arg’ Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] >> echo hello world hello world MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.20 Environment Command env Abbreviation env Syntax env [-c][-d][-s][var[=value]] Builds All Boards Excimer, MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife Processors All The ‘env’ command manages the environment variables, which is simply a list of names and corresponding definitions. DINK uses environment variables for the following purposes: • • • System initialization Mode selections Command aliases Environment variables are stored in non-volatile memory, the location and type of memory used varies with each system, but is typically battery-backed SRAM or flash. • • • For YK/SP, NVRAM is used and preserved, and 4K bytes are available. For MVP, NVRAM is used and preserved, and 256 bytes are available. For Excimer and Maximer, the uppermost 1K of SRAM is used. The environment will be lost if the command “env -s” is not issued to write the environment to flash. Arguments: If one argument is given, the environment variable named is displayed, defined or deleted, depending on the presence of the “-d” option and/or the “=” character in the name. name Display the value of “name”, if any. name=val Set environment variable “name” to the value “val”. Quotes are often required for variable definitions if special characters will be needed. -c Initialize and erase all environment variables. -d name Erases the named environment variable. -s Write the Excimer/Maximer environment variables in SRAM to the only non-volatile storage available, flash. This command is for Excimer/Maximer only. The environment is automatically preset from flash if present; no command is needed. If no argument is given, all current settings are displayed. Table 3-3 lists the special environment names known to DINK, and their interpretations. 3-32 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 3-3. Environment Names Environment Name When Used AUTO Startup Command to be executed when DINK starts up AUTO=vmem vm BOOT Startup Hex value specifies boot address, otherwise boot command (see below). BOOT=0xFF000000,15,foo BOOT=LINUX DOTCOM With ‘.’ command Command to be executed when ‘.’ command is used DOTCOM=”rd r3-r7” IO Startup IO encoder values (see below) IO=”COM1:57600” IO=”XIO:9600” IO=”PMC:38400@100” L2CACHE Startup Hex value specifies L2CR value, L2CR encoder values L2CACHE=0 (see below). L2CACHE=0x4D012000 L2CACHE=”2M pb2 /2.5” L2PRIVATE Startup Hex value specifies L2PM value or encoded values (see below) L2PRIVATE=”1M L3CACHE Startup Hex value specifies L3CR value or encoded values (see below) L3CACHE=”0x9F024000” L3PRIVATE Startup Hex value specifies L3PM value or encoded values (see below) L3PRIVATE=”1M LINES Always Number of lines to display for “help”, “md”, “dd” and other multi-line print commands. LINES=5 LINES=24 LINES=0 (0 means infinite) ONTR After go/tr Command to execute after GO/TR ONTR=”rd r3-r7” PROMPT Always Encoder values for prompt (see below) PROMPT=”$p $d >> “ RDMODE Always Value of ‘q’ inhibits long display, producing only hex values. Value of ‘e’ replaces long display with field name list. RDMODE=e TAUCAL Always When ‘tau’ command used TAUCAL=0x80000000 VERBOSE Always If defined, commands may produce additional messages VERBOSE=1 other Always Unrecognized command names that are found in the environment variable list may be used as command aliases CMD=”rd r3; tr +” Definition Typical Values If any key is pressed on startup (recommendation is Backspace), then settings listed as used on “Startup” are ignored. If invalid settings are entered, particularly L2/L3 cache settings, DINK may not be able to start. Pressing a key will cause them to be ignored, so the settings can be adjusted. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-33 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment 3.20.1 ENV—BOOT Encoding The “BOOT” variable, if set, contains information that DINK can use to automatically start a user program using the “boot” command. The value of this argument is passed to the “boot” command as-is; see the boot command for format and description. 3.20.2 ENV—IO Encoding The “IO” variable, if set, is used to set information that DINK can use to automatically adjust or redirect IO processes. There are three major . Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The IO value has the following format: device [‘:’ <baud> [ ‘@’ <busspeed> ]][“USE=n”] where: device is the name of the device driver to use, one of “COM1”, “PMC” or “XIO”. COM1 is the standard serial driver on the Sandpoint/Yellowknife/MVP/ Excimer boards. PMC is the serial driver resident on MPMC8245 cards (internal MPC8245 UART). XIO is the mini-VGA driver resident in DINK (Cirrus CLGD543x and S3 only, or true-VGA-compatible) baud Set the baud rate to any serial compatible rate (see “setbaud”). busspeed Set the system bus speed to the supplied value in MHz. DINK uses the serial port to measure the system bus speed, so when using the PMC driver, which is bus-speed-dependant, the system bus speed must be specified. USE=nn Use the VGA card found on slot #nn, even if it doesn’t appear to be a video card (for old cards w/out CLASS codes). NOTE The VGA video driver does not implement x86 emulation, so only VGA cards that power-up in useful modes, or those with custom drivers in the “xio.c” file, can be used. Examples: DINK32 DINK32 DINK32 DINK32 3-34 [MPC8240] [MPC8245] [MPC8245] [MPC8245] env env env env IO="COM1:57600" IO="PMC:9600@100" IO="VGA:" IO="VGA:USE=16" DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment 3.20.3 ENV —L2CACHE Encoding The “L2CACHE” environment variable specifies a value to be used in setting the L2CR register. The value may be a hexadecimal value, which is copied to the L2CR as-is. Alternately, it may be a string of terms separated by a space or comma. The terms allowed depend on the CPU, as shown in Table 3-4. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 3-4. Term Strings L2CACHE Term MPC750, MPC755 MPC7400, MPC7410 MPC745x Description par Y Y Parity support 256K Y Y L2 cache size 512K Y 768K 1M Y 2M Y Only 7400/7410 support 2 MB L2 /1 Y L2 clock divider /1.5 Y /2 Y /2.5 Y /3 Y /3.5 Y /4 Y late Y pb Y pb2 Y pb3 Y flow Y do Y Y io Y Y wt Y zz Y rep L2 SRAM type L2 restrictions L2 sleep enable Y L2 replacement algorithm In addition, the values “0” and “OFF” are allowed, to prevent any other initialization attempts (see “identify”). MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-35 Environment Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] env L2CACHE="0x80000000" DINK32 [MPC7450] env L2CACHE="par" DINK32 [MPC7400] env L2CACHE="0x3D014000" DINK32 [MPC7400] env L2CACHE="2M /2.5 pb2 do" 3.20.4 ENV—L2PRIVATE Encoding Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “L2PRIVATE” environment variable specifies a value to be used in setting the L2PM (private memory) register. The value may be a hexadecimal value, which is copied to the L2PM as-is. Examples: The following will enable the L2 as 1MB of private memory, at address range 0x0D00_0000 - 0x0D0F_FFFF. The L2 interface will be setup as: L2 cache disabled, parity enabled, L2CLK = /3, PB2 SRAM. DINK32 [MPC7410] env L2PRIVATE="0x0D000007" DINK32 [MPC7410] env L2CACHE="0x4D010000" 3.20.5 ENV—L3CACHE Encoding The “L32CACHE” environment variable specifies a value to be used in setting the L3CR register. The value may be a hexadecimal value, which is copied to the L3CR as-is. Alternately, it may be a string of terms separated by a space or comma. The terms allowed depend on the CPU, as shown in Table 3-5. Table 3-5. L3 Cache Descriptions L3CACHE Term Description par Parity support 1M L3 cache size 2M /2 L3 clock divider /2.5 /3 /3.5 /4 /5 3-36 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment Table 3-5. L3 Cache Descriptions (continued) L3CACHE Term Description msug2 L3 SRAM type late ddr pb2 cksp:2 Clock sample points cksp:3 cksp:4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... cksp:5 psp:0 L3 sample points psp:1 psp:2 psp:3 psp:4 psp:5 do L2 options io dmen cya dm1M dm2M rep L2 replacement algorithm In addition, the values “0” and “OFF” are allowed, to prevent any other initialization attempts (see “identify”). Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] env L3CACHE="0x9F032000" DINK32 [MPC7450] env L3CACHE="2M /3 msug2 cksp:3 psp:3 rep" 3.20.6 ENV—L3PRIVATE Encoding The “L3PRIVATE” environment variable specifies a value to be used in setting the L3PM (private memory) register. The value may be a hexadecimal value, which is copied to the L3PM as-is. Examples: MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-37 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Environment The following will enable the L3 as 1MB of private memory, at address range 0x0D00_0000 - 0x0D0F_FFFF. The L3 interface will be setup as: L3 cache disabled, parity enabled, L3CLK = /5, L3CKSP = 4 clocks, DDR SRAM, private memory enabled for 1MB. DINK32 [MPC7450] env L3PRIVATE="0x00D00000" DINK32 [MPC7450] env L3CACHE="0x4F820004" 3.20.7 ENV—ONTR Encoding Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The ONTR environment command can be used to cause a command to be automatically executed after every GO or TR command. It is often set to a register display command so examine the results of registers after each TR command. For example, DINK32 [MPC7450] env ONTR="rd r3-r10" DINK32 [MPC7450] tr + R03=00000000 R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000 R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 will display the contents of registers R3-R10 after each command. 3.20.8 ENV—PROMPT Encoding The PROMPT environment command can be used to dynamically set the prompt shown after every command. The PROMPT environment variable is loaded and printed according to the terms found in the string, using the following rules: Table 3-6. String Expansions String Expansion $d DINK name, either DINK32 or MDINK32 $p Informal processor name; e.g., MPC7400 is “MAX” $P Formal processor name, e.g., MPC7400. $T Current time, e.g., "12:34:56PM" $H Host/Agent selection. $# CPU Number (0..n). $t TAU temperature, e.g., "26" if 26 deg. C or "26u" if not calibrated yet $! History index. $_ Carriage-return and Linefeed. All other characters are copied as-is. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] env PROMPT="$d $p#$#@$T ? " DINK32 Arthur#0@09:33:18 PM ? env -d PROMPT 3-38 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. EX 3.21 EX Command expression Abbreviation ex Syntax ex expression Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “ex” command implements a simple expression evaluator. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: expr the expression to evaluate An expression consists of: values decimal, hexadecimal or binary values. Values follow usual DINK standards of hexadecimal by default, a leading ‘&’ for decimal, and a leading ‘%’ or ‘0b’ for binary. intermingled with one or more operators: ‘+’ ‘-’ ‘*’ ‘/’ ‘|’ ‘&’ ‘^’ ‘~’ ‘<<‘ ‘>>’ ‘==’ ‘!=’ ‘<‘ ‘<=’ ‘>’ ‘>=’ addition subtraction multiplication division logical OR logical AND logical XOR logical NOT shift left shift right (unsigned) equality inequality less than less than or equal greater than greater than or equal Note that no precedence is implemented; therefore, “1+2*3” returns “9”, rather than “7” as precedence would imply. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-39 EX Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Examples: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... VDINK32[MPC750] {1} >>ex 1+2*3 =0x00000009 =9 (unsigned) =9 (signed) VDINK32[MPC750] {4} >>ex 4<<2 =0x00000010 =16 (unsigned) =16 (signed) VDINK32[MPC750] {13} >>ex 1+2*3<<4|5==&149 =0x00000001 =1 (unsigned) =1 (signed) 3-40 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FILESYS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.22 FILESYS Command filesys Abbreviation fs Syntax -{r|x|w|i|l|d|a|A}[-n notes][-a addr] [filename] [addr[-addr]] Builds DINK Boards SANDPOINT, MVP Processors All The “fs” command implements a miniature filesystem for use with the “ide” and “boot” commands. The format is strictly primitive, being in essence a track-based directory catalog. Arguments: -r file -w file -d file -x file -a addr -A file -n note -i n -l file addr -addr read a filename into memory. write a filename to disk. delete the filename from the disk. execute a file (read it and boot from it) set the execution address of a file (set with -w, used with -x) Alter the execution address of file (requires -a). Set the notes field (descriptive text). format a disk with space for <n> files. list the file information. If no file, list the whole disk catalog. Add a second -l for more details. starting address of memory to write ending address of memory to write In all cases ‘file’ may be 1-32 characters, and may be preceeded by [A-D] and ‘:’ to select a different IDE disk drive. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] {1} >> fs -i 10 Are you sure ? y pfs: root created for 10 files. DINK32 [MPC7450] {2} >> fs -w loader 100000-1ffff0 DINK32 [MPC7450] {3} >> fs -l loader 100000-1ffff0 __FILENAME_______________________ __SIZE__ NOTES loader ffff0 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-41 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Final Assembly Init 3.23 Final Assembly Init Command fi Abbreviation fi Syntax fi y Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “fi” command is used to initialize a board environment to that shipped from the factory. It may be used to restore a system when loading a new software environment, etc. Arguments: y extra argument required for safety. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] {1} >> fi y <etc.> 3-42 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Flash 3.24 Flash Command flash Abbreviation fl Syntax env [-dsi][-e][-sp][-su][-se][-n no] Builds DINK, MDINK(partial) Boards Excimer, Maximer Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “flash” command will perform a variety of flash memory operations on the Excimer and maximer only. NOTE: “flash” works only for Excimer/Maximer; for Yellowknife, Sandpoint and MVP see the “fu” command. NOTE: All sector operations require the connection of a 12V power supply. See AMD Bulletin, NVD Flash, Sector Protection, available on the web site. Arguments: -dsi -e -sp -su -se -n value Display sector information Erase all of flash Protect sector specified with “-n” (not supported in MDINK) Unprotect specified with “-n” (not supported in MDINK) Erase the specified with “-n” (not supported in MDINK) A sector number from 0-18. Required for some arguments. Examples: DINK32 [MPC603e] >> fl -se -n 6 Erasing sector 6 DINK32 [MPC603e] >> fl -dsi Display Sector Information 0.7 Excimer Rev 2 and prior Description value Manufacturer ID is 0x1, Device ID is 0x225b Sector SA0 UNPROTECTED Sector SA1 UNPROTECTED Sector SA2 UNPROTECTED Sector SA3 UNPROTECTED Sector SA4 UNPROTECTED Sector SA5 UNPROTECTED Sector SA6 UNPROTECTED Sector SA7 UNPROTECTED Sector SA8 UNPROTECTED Sector SA9 UNPROTECTED Sector SA10 UNPROTECTED Sector SA11 UNPROTECTED MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Flash SA12 SA13 SA14 SA15 SA16 SA17 SA18 UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED UNPROTECTED Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector 3-44 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FUPDATE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.25 FUPDATE Command fupdate Abbreviation fu Syntax fu {-l|-h} [-eno] src_addr dest_addr length Builds DINK Boards Sandpoint, MVP Processors All The “fupdate” command writes blocks of memory to updates various flash devices on the Sandpoint and MVP platforms. “fupdate” handles both the PCI-based boot flash, as well as the local boot and auxiliary flash device. F, and local-bus ROMs on PMC cards. PPMC ROM Initialization. See the fl command for excimer and maximer. Arguments: -l Program a local bus flash (on PPMC cards only). NOTE: The PROGMODE switch must be enabled. -h Program a host flash on the PCI bus (YK/SP systems). -e Erase flash, do not program -n Do not check manufacturer ID’s -o Overwrite flash without erasing src_addr Address of data to copy to flash dest_addr Address of data to store flash data; typically FFF00000 for PCI ROM and FF000000 for PMC ROM (when in PROGMODE). length Length of data to copy (in hex!) Examples: 1. Store a program in the PCI-based ROM of a Sandpoint or Yellowknife (for example, a DINK upgrade). DINK32 [MPC7410] >> dl -k -o 100000 Download from Keyboard Port Offset Srecords by 0x00100000 ... Download Complete. DINK32 [MPC7410] >> fu -h 100000 fff00000 7FF00 YK/SP PCI Flash Programmer Are you sure? Y Check flash type: AMD Am29F040 Erasing flash : OK Program flash : OK Verifying flash : OK DINK32 [MPC7410] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-45 FUPDATE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2. Use the following example to copy DINK32 into a local-bus Flash on a MPMC. Be sure PROGMODE is set and you are booting from the PCI flash. DINK32 [MPC7410] >> fu -l FFF00000 FF700000 7FF00 PPMC Local Flash Programmer Are you sure? Y Check flash type: AMD Am29LV800BB Erasing flash : OK Program flash : OK Verifying flash : OK DINK32 [MPC7410] >> Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3. Add a Linux loader to the local flash. DINK32 [MPC7410] >> dl -k -o 100000 Download from Keyboard Port Offset Srecords by 0x00100000 ... Download Complete. DINK32 [MPC7410] >> fu -l -o 100000 FF600000 7FF00 PPMC Local Flash Programmer Are you sure? Y Check flash type: AMD Am29LV800BB No Erase flash : OK Program flash : OK Verifying flash : OK DINK32 [MPC7410] >> env BOOT=”0xffe00000” 4. Sandpoint: Add a linux kernel/boot, built to use NFS root file system file, to the local flash and execute it. (1) Build the MVL kernel with whatever patches and settings you need: make xconfig make dep make zImage (2) Convert the kernel plus bootwrapper to SRecords like so: cd arch/ppc/boot/images zsrec -s 800000 zImage.sandpoint > vm.srec (3) Download the kernel to the Sandpoint board [on the target]: sb -k 38400 [switch monitor baud rate to 38400] dl -k [ on the host ] ascii-xfr -svn -l 10 vm.srec > /dev/ttyS0 [on the target]: sb -k 9600 [switch monitor baud rate to 9600] 3-46 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FUPDATE (NOTE that the kernel+wrapper gets downloaded to 0x800000) (4) Burn 1 MB of data from 0x800000 into the flash at 0xff000000 after erasing the flash contents: fu -l -o 800000 ff000000 100000 (5) Test the kernel: go ff000000 Kernel should get uncompressed and should run Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (6) Set up for automatic boot: [reset the board] env -c [if necessary -- clears out the environment variables] env LINUX="0xff000000,15,MVLinux 2.1 " env BOOT=LINUX MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-47 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FW 3.26 FW Command fw Abbreviation fw Syntax fw -e [-o flash_addr] Builds MDINK Boards Excimer Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “fw” command copies the contents of the entire 512K of RAM to flash memory, starting at flash address 0xFFF00000. Arguments: -e -o addr Erase the flash. Always required. Specify the specific address to copy from ram to rom address. Examples: MDINK32_603e >> fw -e Chip erase set. Erasing entire flash memory... Entering verify erase loop ... Flash erased!!! Done erasing flash memory. Copying 512K ram to flash address fff00000... 3-48 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Go 3.27 Go Command go Abbreviation go Syntax go [‘+’ | address ] Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “go” command allows the user to execute user code starting at specified address, until one of the following events occurs: • • • A breakpoint is encountered A BLR instruction returns control to DINK An exception is caused Note: If a breakpoint is encountered, the user must clear the breakpoint in order for execution to continue. Note: In order to return from user code to DINK, the stack pointer (the value in R1 initially) must be preserved. Arguments: + address Run code at the address in the SRR0 (Machine Status Save / Restore) register (bits 0-29). This is useful for continuing where a breakpoint had previously stopped execution. Specify the specific address to start executing code at. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> ds 0x001181dc 0x3c600000 0x001181e0 0x60631234 0x001181e4 0x3c800000 0x001181e8 0x60845678 0x001181ec 0x7c632214 0x001181f0 0x38841234 0x001181f4 0x7c032000 0x001181f8 0x4182ffe4 1181dc-1181f8 addis r03, r00, 0x0000 ori r03, r03, 0x1234 addis r04, r00, 0x0000 ori r04, r04, 0x5678 add r03, r03, r04 addi r04, r04, 0x1234 cmp 0, 0, r03, r04 bc 0x0c, 0x02, 0xffe4 DINK32 [MPC750] >> bkpt 1181f4 breakpoint set at 0x001181f4 DINK32 [MPC750] >> go 1181dc Breakpoint Encountered: 0x001181f4 cmp 0, 0, r03, r04 DINK32 [MPC750] >> go + MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-49 Go Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Breakpoint Encountered: 0x001181f4 cmp 0, 0, r03, r04 3-50 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GPIC Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.28 GPIC Command gpic Abbreviation gpic Syntax gpic [command] Builds DINK Boards MVP Processors All The “gpic” command is used on the MPV reference platform only. The gpic commands are used to initialize the Galileo Discovery Programmable Interrupt Controller (GPIC). The initialization process sets the system up in a default configuration for the MVP platform. This default configuration initializes the Discovery Multi Purpose Pins (MPP), General Purpose Port (GPP), and Interrupt Controller. The interrupt scheme on MVP utilizes the MPP on Discovery to map several of the GPP pins to serve as the external interrupt source inputs and interprocessor interrupts. The interrupt sources are the Super IO, PCI 0 Slots 3-0, PCI 1 Slots 3-0, and CPU 0 and CPU 1 cross-processor interrupt inputs. The cross-processor interrupt scheme uses four GPP pins. GPP[5] is used as the CPU 0 cross-processor output signal and GPP[30] is the corresponding CPU 1 cross-processor input. GPP[31] is used as the CPU 1 cross-processor output signal and GPP[4] is the corresponding CPU 0 cross-processor input. Software can write to the GPP Value Register to assert and de-assert GPP[5] for CPU 0 or GPP[31] for CPU 1 to signal a cross-processor interrupt to the other CPU. In DINK32, CPU 1 is only setup to be interrupted by an assertion of the GPP[30] interrupt input, or a Timer 2 or 3 interrupt. An interrupt to CPU 1 is signalled via the Discovery INT1_ interrupt output. All other interrupts detected by Discovery are routed to CPU 0 via the Discovery CPU_INT_ output. Arguments: Usage: gpic [init|eie|eid|...] gpic ex - "gpic" command example uses gpic - Display various GPIC status info gpic init - Initialize the GPIC unit to default mode gpic eie - External interrupt enable gpic eid - External interrupt disable gpic cpu0 - Assert cross-processor interrupt to CPU0 gpic cpu1 - Assert cross-processor interrupt to CPU1 gpic sl - GPIC Sleep Demo gpic tmcnt [timer(0-7)] - Print Timer count value for all or specific timer gpic tmcnt timer[0-7] count - Write given count value to given timer gpic tmcon [timer(0-7)] - Print Timer Config Info for all or specific timer gpic tmcon timer(0-7) enable(0|1) [mode(0|1) trigger(0|1)] - Configure Timer Counters MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-51 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GPIC - gpic gpic Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... gpic gpic Enable: enable (1) disable (0) counting Mode: timer (1) counter (0) Trigger: external (1) none (0) Mode and Trigger parameters optional (left unchanged) - If Trigger is given, Mode must also be given tmmsk [timer(0-7)] - Print Timer Int Mask Info for all or specific timer tmmsk timer[0-7] mask[0|1] - Enble/disable Timer interrupt - Mask: enable (1) disable (0) mask|m code[0-4] mask[0-31] unmask|um code[0-4] mask[0-31] - Mask/Unmask an interrupt - Code: CPU Int Mask High Reg = 0 CPU Int Mask Low Reg = 1 PCI1 Int Mask High Reg = 2 PCI1 Int Mask Low Reg = 3 GPP Int Mask Reg = 4 - Mask/Unmask bit, must be one bit location 0-31 Examples: "gpic" Command Example Uses from the DINK32>> prompt: gpic - Display various GPIC status info - Set ‘env VERBOSE=1’ for more verbose printout gpic init - Initialize the GPIC unit to default mode gpic tmcnt - Display All Timer/Counter Count Values gpic tmcnt 1 - Display Timer/Counter 1 Count Value gpic tmcnt 1 FFFFFF - Set Timer/Counter 1 Count Value to 0xFFFFFF gpic tmen 2 - Enable counting on Timer/Counter 2 Same as ‘gpic tmcon 2 1’ gpic tmdis 2 - Inhibit counting on Timer/Counter 2 Same as ‘gpic tmcon 2 0’ gpic tmcon - Display All Timer/Counter Config Info gpic tmcon 1 - Display Timer/Counter 1 Config Info gpic tmcon 1 1 - Enable Counting on Timer/Counter 1 gpic tmcon 1 0 - Disable Counting on Timer/Counter 1 gpic tmcon 1 1 1 - Set Timer/Counter 1 as a Timer Enable Counting on Timer 1 gpic tmcon 1 1 0 - Set Timer/Counter 1 as a Counter Enable Counting on Counter 1 gpic tmmsk - Display All Timer Mask Values gpic tmmsk 1 1 - Unmask Timer 1 Interrupt gpic tmmsk 1 0 - Mask Timer 1 Interrupt gpic tmen 2 - Enable counting on Timer 2 gpic tmdis 2 - Inhibit counting on Timer 2 gpic mask 1 8 - Mask interrupts from Timer0_1 in the Main Interrupt Mask Low register 3-52 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. gpic mask 4 23 gpic unmask 0 24 GPIC - Mask the GPP[23] interrupt in the GPPInterrupt Mask register - Unmask interrupts from GPP7_0 in the Main Interrupt Mask High register 3.28.1 DINK32 GPIC Initialization Sequence DINK32 [MPC7450 #0] >>gpic init GPIC: Initialize GPIC GPIC: In gpicInit() Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GPIC: Disable External Interrupts GPIC: Mask all external interrupt sources GPIC: Clear all possible GPP interrupts GPIC: Setup MPPs GPIC: MPP[22] = GPP[22] = Super I_O Interrupt GPIC: MPP[9:6] = GPP[9:6] = PCI 0 Slot 3-0 Interrupts GPIC: MPP[13:10] = GPP[13:10] = PCI 1 Slot 3-0 Interrupts GPIC: MPP[30] = GPP[30] = CPU1 Cross-Processor Interrupt Input GPIC: MPP[4] = GPP[4] = CPU0 Cross-Processor Interrupt Input GPIC: MPP[31] = GPP[31] = CPU1 Cross-Processor Interrupt Output GPIC: MPP[5] = GPP[5] = CPU0 Cross-Processor Interrupt Output GPIC: Setup GPPs GPIC: GPP[22] = Super I_O = Input, Active High, Int enabled GPIC: GPP[9:6] = PCI0 Slot 3-0 = Input, Active Low, Int enabled GPIC: GPP[13:10] = PCI1 Slot 3-0 = Input, Active Low, Int enabled GPIC: GPP[30] = CPU1 CPI = Input, Active High, Int enabled GPIC: GPP[4] = CPU0 CPI = Input, Active High, Int enabled GPIC: GPP[31] = CPU1 CPI = Output, Active High GPIC: GPP[5] = CPU0 CPI = Output, Active High GPIC: Setup Timer0 to interrupt CPU0 for sleep demo GPIC: Setup Timer1 to interrupt CPU0 GPIC: User must enable/disable with ‘gpic tmcon 1 [1|0]’ GPIC: Timer Count = 0x0FFFFFFF GPIC: Setup Timer2 to interrupt CPU1 for sleep demo GPIC: Setup Timer3 to interrupt CPU1 GPIC: User must enable/disable with ‘gpic tmcon 3 [1|0]’ GPIC: Timer Count = 0x0FFFFFFF GPIC: Unmask interrupts to CPUINT* (CPU0) GPIC: Unmask GPP[23:16] GPIC: Unmask GPP[15:8] GPIC: Unmask GPP[7:0] GPIC: Unmask Timer0 GPIC: Unmask interrupts to INT1* (CPU1) GPIC: Unmask GPP[31:24] MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-53 GPIC GPIC: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Unmask Timer2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GPIC: Enable External Interrupts DINK32 [MPC7450 #0] >> 3-54 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Help Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.29 Help Command help Abbreviation he Syntax help [name] Builds All Boards All Processors All The “help” command provides information on the available commands in DINK (which varies by board and processor type), or provides additional detailed information on the commands and arguments defined for other commands. Arguments: name ‘cache’ ‘who’ Name of the command for which additional help is needed. Information on setting L2/L3 cache variables. Information on DINK team. If no “name” is supplied, a menu of all available commands is shown. See “menu” for details. Help is also available by adding the argument ‘?’ to any command. Examples: DINK32 [MPC8240] >> help rtc RTC COMMAND =========== Mnemonic: rtc Syntax: rtc [-s][-w] Description: This command sets or displays the Real-Time Clock Flags: -s Set the clock -w Watch the clock (until a key is pressed) If no option is entered, the date and time is printed. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. History Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.30 History Command history Abbreviation hi Syntax hi Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “history” command manages the history table, and buffer containing the most recently executed commands. The only function of the history command is to display the current contents of the history table. The indices reported by the history table can be used to re-enter a recent command. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 DINK32 gpr03: DINK32 1 DINK32 2 1 DINK32 Return DINK32 4 3 2 1 3-56 [MPC7450] >> hi [MPC7450] >> rd r3 0x12345678 gpr04: 0xabcdef01 [MPC7450] >> hi rd r3 [MPC7450] >> hi rd r3 hi [MPC7450] >> go 90100 to DINK via blr [MPC7450] >> hi rd r3 hi hi go 90100 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Identify Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.31 Identify Command identify Abbreviation id Syntax id [-i] Builds DINK Boards MPMC8245, MVP, Sandpoint Processors All The “id” command manages the 256-byte ‘identity’ serial EEPROM present on MPMC cards for Sandpoint/MVP systems. The ‘identify’ EEPROM contains the following information: • • • • • • Board Serial Number Board Revision Board Assembly Date External Cache String Standalone Bus Speed Standalone Environment 6 characters 1 character Set when “-i” option used 30 characters 1 character 100 characters (not managed by “id”) The “id” command alone displays the current information. Note that upon startup, the identity EEPROM is checked for a valid entry for an L2 and/or L3 initialization string. If found, that value is used to initialize the corresponding cache, favoring the identify EEPROM values over any found in the Sandpoint environment variables (since MPMC cards can be moved from Sandpoint to Sandpoint, facing different environments, while the identity EEPROM moves with the card). The standalone environment variables are only used by MPMC8245 cards configured for stand-alone operation. Refer to the corresponding application note for details. Arguments: -i Causes DINK to initialize the Identity EEPROM with values supplied by the user, as well as the current date and time (see “rtc”). If no argument is supplied, the current settings as shown. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7450] >> id -i Serial No: V743 Revision: A L2Init: 0x8000000 L3Init: 0x9F032000 SA Bus Speed: writing I2C@99 DINK32 [MPC7450] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-57 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Log 3.32 Log Command log Abbreviation log Syntax log Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “log” command toggles whether DINK messages and character echos which are sent to the “keyboard”/COM1 port will also be sent to the “host”/COM2 port. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> log Logging enabled: IO is copied to the host port. DINK32 [MPC750] >> log Logging disabled. 3-58 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Compare Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.33 Memory Compare Command memcompare Abbreviation mc Syntax mc [-q] <addr1> <addr2> <addr3> Builds All Boards All Processors All The “memcompare” command compares two blocks of memory, a source and a target, using 32-bit accesses, reporting each difference found. The reports stops at each page, allowing the command to be cancelled in the event of a large number of differences found. Arguments: -q addr1 addr2 addr3 If specified, only the count of differences are shown, not each one. First source address to compare Last source address to compare First target address to compare The last target end address is not specified, comparison stops when the source address range has been checked. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> mc 100000 100200 200000 00100100 = ABCDEF01 <> 00200100 = ABCDEFFF 1 difference(s) found. DINK32 [MPC750] >> mc 400000 500200 200000 64551 difference(s) found. DINK32 [MPC750] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-59 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Display Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.34 Memory Display Command memdisp Abbreviation md Syntax md [-b][-h][-w] [-r] start [ ‘+’ | end ] Builds All Boards All Processors All The “memdisp” command displays data stored in the specified memory locations. The display will always be aligned on a 16-byte boundary in which the address given will be included. By default, “md” displays up to 9 lines of data and then pauses, waiting for <return> before continuing (unless the end address has been reached). This number can be changed with the ENV LINES value. The start address is normalized to the previous quad-word boundary. Likewise, the ending address is normalized to the next quad-word boundary. For example, if the start address was 0x00100104 then the first memory address to be displayed would be 0x00100100. If the end address was 0x00100104 then the last memory location to be displayed would be 0x0010010C. Arguments: -b -h -w -r start + end display data as bytes display data as halfwords display data as words (default) display data as byte-reversed data The starting address to display Display from the starting address to the end of memory Display from the starting address to the ending address Examples: DINK32 [MPC7400] >> md 160100-160130 0x00160100 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 0x00160110 00000045 00000046 00000047 00000048 0x00160120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 DINK32 [MPC7400] >> md 160260+ 0x00160260 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160270 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160280 00000000 00000000 00000000 24002400 ... DINK32 [MPC7400] >> md -w 160260+ 0x00160260 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0x00160270 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3-60 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Display Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 0x00160280 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2400 2400 DINK32 [MPC7400] >> md -r 160260+ 0x00160260 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160270 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160280 00000000 00000000 00000000 00240024 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-61 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Fill 3.35 Memory Fill Command memfill Abbreviation mf Syntax mf <addr1> <addr2> <value> Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “memfill” command writes the fill value, a 32-bit hex value, to every memory location between the two addresses specified. Arguments: addr1 addr2 value First address to fill Last address to fill (inclusive) Value to fill memory with Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> mf 100000 100200 89898989 DINK32 [MPC750] >> memfill 100100 100200 89898989 DINK32 [MPC750] >> memfill 100140 10015c 00000000 DINK32 [MPC750] >> memdisp 100120-100160 0x00100120 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 0x00100130 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 0x00100140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00100150 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00100160 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 DINK32 [MPC750] >> mf 100144 100144 44444444 DINK32 [MPC750] >> md 100120-100160 0x00100120 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 0x00100130 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 0x00100140 00000000 44444444 00000000 00000000 0x00100150 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00100160 89898989 89898989 89898989 89898989 3-62 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Info 3.36 Memory Info Command meminfo Abbreviation mi Syntax mi [-b] [-c] [-r] [-s] [-n no] [-w no] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “meminfo” command displays or controls various memory controller settings, including: • • • memory bank settings DIMM/SODIMM SPD EEPROM data comparison between SPD data and memory controller settings. “meminfo” can also be used to correct memory controller settings based on the I2C SPD information, or to initialize the I2C SPD information for non-SODIMM based MPMC cards. Arguments: -b -s -n no -w no -c -r Causes the ‘-w’ command to select single-bank SPD EEPROM data. The default is for two-bank data. Single-bank data is required for recent non-SODIMM MPMC cards. Causes the I2C SPD EEPROM information to be decoded and displayed. Select DIMM SPD number. The default is ‘1’ on Yellowknife/Sandpoint and ‘0’ on MVP. If specified, default SPD data is written to the SPD EEPROM. “no” may be the values “64” or “128”, and causes 64MB or 128MB SPD data to be written , based upon a 64MB SODIMM. This option is recommended for non-SODIMM-based MPMC cards, and must be executed once to optimize memory settings. Causes “meminfo” to compare the I2C SPD information to the memory controller settings, and recommend changes. If ‘-c’ is entered a second time, the changes recommended will be automatically made. Causes the memory controller to reinitialize the external SDRAM (required if certain parameters need to be updated). If no option is specified, the current memory controller settings are displayed. Examples: DINK32 [MPC755] >> mi MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-63 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Memory Info Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory settings: ROM Speed: 30 ns (2 clocks) SDRAM Bank 0: Enabled Range: [00000000 -> 01ffffff] 32 MBytes Speed: 3/1/1/1 SDRAM Bank 1: Disabled Range: [02000000 -> 03ffffff] 32 MBytes Speed: 3/1/1/1 SDRAM Bank 2: Disabled SDRAM Bank 3: Disabled SDRAM Bank 4: Disabled SDRAM Bank 5: Disabled SDRAM Bank 6: Disabled SDRAM Bank 7: Disabled DINK32 [MPC755] >> mi -s Addr Data Definition Value ==== ==== ================ ========= 02 02 DIMM/SODIMM Type SDRAM ... DINK32 [MPC755] >> mi -c I2C: 14 Rows (12+2) 10X: 14 Rows x N (12+2) 64/128Mb. OK ... 3-64 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Modify Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.37 Memory Modify Command memmod Abbreviation mm Syntax mm [-b] [-h] [-w] [-r] start_address [ ‘+’ | end_address ] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “memmod” command displays and modifies the contents of memory, and allow the user to change the value stored there. Memory is considered to be a contiguous set of 32-bit integers. Arguments: -b -h -w -r start + end display data as bytes display data as halfwords display data as words (default) display data as byte-reversed data The starting address to display Display from the starting address to the end of memory Display from the starting address to the ending address The “mm” command will display the contents of a particular location in the requested format, then wait for user commands, which may be any of the following: value ‘abcd’ return v ^ = ? ESC x MOTOROLA Write the hexadecimal value to the current location. The value entered may be truncated, if necessary, to the memory size. Write the character literal value abcd to the current location. Go to the next location using the current selected direction (defaults to forward) Set the direction to forward. Upon return, the current location advances by +1 byte, halfword or word. Set the direction to reverse. Upon return, the current location advances by -1 byte, halfword or word. Set the direction to 0. “dm” will keep examining and modifying the same location until ‘v’ or ‘^’ is entered. Help Stop Stop Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-65 Memory Modify Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The direction commands are “sticky” -- once set, “mm” will continue in that direction until a new direction is entered. The VT100 cursor keys may be used to move up and down. Examples: DINK32 [MPC8245] >> memod 160100 0x00160100 : 0x89898989 : ? 44444444 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> mm -b 160100 0x00160100 : 0x44444444 : ? 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32 [MPC8245] >> memod -h 160100 0x00160100 : 0x66444444 : ? 3333 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> memod -w 60100 0x00160100 : 0x33334444 : ? 22222222 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> mm 160110-160118 0x00160110 : 0x89898989 : ? 11111111 0x00160114 : 0x89898989 : ? 22222222 0x00160118 : 0x89898989 : ? 33333333 DINK32 [MPC8245] >> memod 0x00160200 : 0x89898989 : 0x00160204 : 0x00000000 : 0x00160208 : 0x00000000 : 3-66 160200+ ? 12341234 ? 12341234 ? x DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Move Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.38 Memory Move Command memmove Abbreviation mv Syntax mv [-g] <addr1> <addr2> <addr3> Builds All Boards All Processors All The “memmove” command copies data from a block of memory, bounded inclusively by the first two addresses, to a block of memory starting at the third address. The result of this command will be two identical blocks of memory. If the third address falls between the first two addresses, an error message is returned and memory will not be modified. Arguments: -g addr1 addr2 addr3 If specified, the move command will move the upper 8 bits of a 64-bit data source to each 8 bits of the destination. The source address is incremented by 64, and the target is incremented by 8. This option allows loading code or data from the 8-bit flash in the 64-bit flash space of an MPC8240. First source address to read Last source address to read First target address to write Examples: DINK32 [MPC755] >> memfill 160100 160110 ffffffff DINK32 [MPC755] >> memdisp 160100-160150 0x00160100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0x00160110 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160150 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 DINK32 [MPC755] >> memove 160100 160110 160140 DINK32 [MPC755] >> memdisp 160100-160150 0x00160100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0x00160110 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x00160140 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0x00160150 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-67 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Search Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.39 Memory Search Command memsrch Abbreviation ms Syntax ms [-n] [-s] <addr1> <addr2> <value> Builds All Boards All Processors All The “memsrch” command searches all memory between the first and second addresses for the third, the 32-bit search value. If the second address is less than the first address, an error message is returned and no search is performed. Matching addresses are printed. Arguments: -n -s addr1 addr2 value Causes non-matching lines to be printed. Causes ‘value’ to be treated as a literal string to search for. First address to search Last address to search (inclusive) Value to search memory for (hexadecimal value or string if -s used). Examples: DINK32 [MPC7400] >> md 160100-160120 0x00160100 10ff7f00 00ffff00 ff2023ff ff0402ff 0x00160110 00ffff00 00ffff00 ff5008ff 474A474A 0x00160120 00efef00 00ffff00 ff0100ff ff0030ff ....... #..... .........PGAGA .............. DINK32 [MPC7400] >> ms 160100 160120 ff5008ff 0x00160118 1 occurrances found. DINK32 [MPC7400] >> ms -n 160100 160120 0 0x001060100 ... 9 occurrances found. DINK32 [MPC7400] >> ms -s 160100 160120 GAGA 0x0016011C 1 occurrances found. 3-68 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Test 3.40 Memory Test Command memtest Abbreviation mt Syntax mt [-d dev] [-b|-h|-w] [x] [-l loop] [-t] [-h] [-a] [-q] addr1-addr2 Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “memtest” command performs various memory tests on local memory or device registers. mt [-d dev][-b|-h|-w][-l loop][-t][-h][-a][-q] addr1-addr2 Arguments: -d dev Test the indicated device instead of memory. Use the "dm" command to get a list of devices. NOTE: testing non-volatile I2C EEPROM devices can destroy valuable information as well as reduce the life expectancy of those devices. -b, -h, -w Sets size of memory/device tests. If not specified, the default size is bytes for devices (as shown in the device listing). Memory can be tested in any size, while devices may be limited to bytes. If not specified, the default size is word for memory and bytes for devices. -l loop Specify the number of times the memory test should perform all tests. If not specified, each test is performed once, while if ‘0’ is specified, the test(s) are run forever. -x If specified, halt all tests on the first error. This is useful for extended passes to trap on any error. -q Perform only quick tests. -a Perform all non-infinite tests. -n list Perform only test specified by “list”, where list is one or more of the following characters: 0 walking 0’s test (non-destructive, slow) 1 walking 1’s test (non-destructive, slow) A address=data test (destructive, slow) H bus hammer test (destructive, infinite) Q quick pattern test (non-destructive) MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-69 Memory Test Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. R random pattern test (non-destructive) S write sensitivity test (destructive, slow) -t addr1 addr2 Show elapsed time (only on systems with a real-time clock). Starting address of memory to test. Ending address of memory to test. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Addresses must be aligned to the size of the access (as specified by the -b/-h/-w option). Tests labelled “non-destructive” modify memory but restore the contents to the former condition, unless an error occurs. NOTE Be careful not to test memory regions used by DINK, whether the test is destructive or not. Examples: 1. Quick test of memory. DINK32 [MPC750] >> mt -q 100000-1fffffc PASS 1: Quick Test..................................................PASS Completed tests: No errors. 2. Test memory forever until an error is found. DINK32 [MPC750] >> mt -b -a -l 0 -x 100000-1fffffc PASS 1: Quick Test..................................................PASS Random Pattern Test.........................................PASS Walking 1’s Test............................................PASS Walking 0’s Test............................................PASS Address March Test..........................................PASS Write Sensitivity Test......................................PASS PASS 2: ... 3. Test memory using the write sensitivity test and report the elapsed time. DINK32 [MPC750] >> mt -t -n S -x 100000-1fffffc PASS 1: Write Sensitivity Test......................................PASS Completed tests: No errors. Elapsed time: 0:00:16 DINK32 [MPC750] >> 3-70 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Menu 3.41 Menu Command menu Abbreviation me Syntax menu Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “menu” command lists all of the commands that are available in the current implementation of DINK32 (varies by processor and platform detected). Arguments: None. Examples: VDINK32[MPC7450] {1} >>me Virtual emulation DINK COMMAND LIST Command Mnemonic Command Mnemonic ======= ======== ======= ======== About... AB Assemble code AS Breakpoint ops BP Cache Control CA CRC Memory CRC Device Display DD Device Modify DM Disassemble DS Download code DL Echo text EC Environ. Settings ENV Run at address GO Command help HE Command history HI Log session LO Memory Compare MC Memory Display MD Modify Memory MM Memory Fill MF Memory Info MI Memory Move MV Memory Search MS Memory Test MT Menu of commands ME NorthBridge Display ND NorthBridge Modify NM Register Display RD Register Modify RM Real-time clock RTC Set baud rate SB Show SPRs SX Symbol Table ST Transparent Mode TM Trace code TR Virtual Host File VHF Virtual Memory VM Virtual Quit VQ Virtual Simulator VS Unix shell ! Repeat Last Command . Note that list of valid commands vary by platform, processor and target. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-71 Northbridge Display Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.42 Northbridge Display Command northbridge display Abbreviation nd Syntax nd [-vebhw] [nb_reg | nb_reg ‘.’ field_name ] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “ND” command is used to display the contents of registers in the northbridge device (a general term for a CPU-to-PCI interface). Arguments: -d -e -v -b -h -w nbreg ‘.’ field Dump all target registers Display using fields. Display using verbose (bit expansion) format. Used when verbose mode is overridden by ENV RDOPT. Displays NB registers as a byte. Displays NB registers as a halfword. Displays NB registers as a word. Name or PCI index of register to display. If appended to register name, limits display to the following register field name. Examples: DINK32[MPC8245] {7} >>nd stat Status 0x06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------STAT : 0x00A0 0000000010100000 +.......|....... : PERR : PERR Detected +......|....... : SERR : SERR Asserted +.....|....... : RcvMAbt : Received Master Abort +....|....... : RcvTAbt : Received Target Abort +...|....... : SigTAbt : Signalled Target Abort ++.|....... : DEVSELtm : DEVSEL timing +|....... : DPARDet : Data Parity Error +....... : FastB2Bc : Fast Back-to-Back Capable +...... : -------- : +..... : 66MHZ_c : 66MHz Capable +++++ : -------- : DINK32[MPC8245] {11} >>nd -f stat PERR=0 SERR=0 RcvMAbt=0 RcvTAbt=0 SigTAbt=0 DEVSELtm=00 DPARDet=0 FastB2Bc=1 66MHZ_c=1 3-72 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK32[MPC8245] {8} >>nd stat.perr PERR=0 DINK32[MPC8245] {13} >>nd -b 42 42 00 (unknown) DINK32[MPC8245] {13} >>nd -d 00: 1057 0002 0006 0080 0013 0600 0000 10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 20: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 30: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 50: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 70: 0000 CD00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 80: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 90: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 A0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 FF00 060C B0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0004 0000 C0: 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 D0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 E0: 0042 0FFF 0000 0000 0020 0000 0000 F0: 0000 FF02 0003 0000 0000 0000 0000 MOTOROLA Northbridge Display 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000C 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-73 Northbridge Modify Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.43 Northbridge Modify Command northbridge modify Abbreviation nm Syntax nm [-vebhw] [nb_reg | nb_reg ‘.’ field_name ] ‘[‘=’ value] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “NM” command is used to display and modify the contents of registers in the northbridge device (a general term for a CPU-to-PCI interface). Arguments: -e -v Display and modify using fields. Display using verbose (bit expansion) format. Used when verbose mode is overridden by ENV RDOPT. -b Displays and modify NB registers as a byte. -h Displays and modify NB registers as a halfword. -w Displays and modify NB registers as a word. nbreg Name or PCI index of register to display and modify. ‘.’ field If appended to register name, limits display to the following register field name. ‘=’ value If ‘=’ is appended to a register or register field, the supplied value is used to set the register/register field without further prompting from the user. Examples: DINK32[MPC8245] {7} >>nm stat Status 0x06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------STAT : 0x00A0 0000000010100000 +.......|....... : PERR : PERR Detected +......|....... : SERR : SERR Asserted +.....|....... : RcvMAbt : Received Master Abort +....|....... : RcvTAbt : Received Target Abort +...|....... : SigTAbt : Signalled Target Abort ++.|....... : DEVSELtm : DEVSEL timing +|....... : DPARDet : Data Parity Error +....... : FastB2Bc : Fast Back-to-Back Capable +...... : -------- : +..... : 66MHZ_c : 66MHz Capable +++++ : -------- : New value ? VDINK32[MPC8245] {4} >>nm stat.perr 3-74 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Northbridge Modify PERR=0 New field value [1bit] %1 VDINK32[MPC8245] {5} >>nd stat Status 0x06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------STAT : 0x80A0 1000000010100000 +.......|....... : PERR : PERR Detected +......|....... : SERR : SERR Asserted +.....|....... : RcvMAbt : Received Master Abort +....|....... : RcvTAbt : Received Target Abort +...|....... : SigTAbt : Signalled Target Abort ++.|....... : DEVSELtm : DEVSEL timing +|....... : DPARDet : Data Parity Error +....... : FastB2Bc : Fast Back-to-Back Capable +...... : -------- : +..... : 66MHZ_c : 66MHz Capable +++++ : -------- : VDINK32[MPC8245] {9} >>nm stat.perr=0 VDINK32[MPC8245] {10} >>nd stat Status 0x06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------STAT : 0x00A0 0000000010100000 +.......|....... : PERR : PERR Detected +......|....... : SERR : SERR Asserted +.....|....... : RcvMAbt : Received Master Abort +....|....... : RcvTAbt : Received Target Abort +...|....... : SigTAbt : Signalled Target Abort ++.|....... : DEVSELtm : DEVSEL timing +|....... : DPARDet : Data Parity Error +....... : FastB2Bc : Fast Back-to-Back Capable +...... : -------- : +..... : 66MHZ_c : 66MHz Capable +++++ : -------- : MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-75 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Net Info 3.44 Net Info Command net info Abbreviation ni Syntax ni [-i] [-m] [-p] [-r] [-t] Builds DINK Boards Sandpoint, MVP Processors All This command can be used to show, modify the network parameters stored in NVRAM. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: -i -m -p -r -t Initialize network device and TCP/IP parameters Show MAC address of embedded Ethernet controller. (MVP only) Modify TCP/IP network parameters, select TFTP server IP address Resets network information. Set TELNET session timeout (platform will be reset if timeout). Note: No NIC initialization is allowed if connected via TELNET console. Use ni -p to change TFTP server IP address in TELNET console. Currently, only Realtek 8129/8139 or equivalent clones are supported by DINK driver. Examples: DINK32[MPC7455] {8} >>ni NETWORK INFORMATION PCI CARD Type 8139/10EC on slot 16 SETTINGS SERVER(TFTP) GATEWAY NETMASK DHCP CLIENT(DINK) : 10. 18.15.27 : 10. 18.177.254 : 255.255.252. 0 : 0. 0. 0. 0 : 10. 18.177.201 DHCP: Disabled SESSION TIMEOUT: Never df 3-76 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. .PCI Config List 3.45 .PCI Config List Command pciconfig Abbreviation pcf Syntax pcf [-a] [-n fno] dev_num Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “pciconf” command displays the common PCI configuration registers, and 16 additional device specific registers of a PCI device. Arguments: -a -n fno Show all registers, not just the 0x00-0x3F range. Show configuration space for function number “fno” on a multifunction device; default is 0. dev_num PCI device to access, 0 or 10..31. Examples: DINK32 [MPC755] >> ppr devNo PCI ADR. ===== ======== 11 0x80005800 DEVICE ID VENDOR ID ========= ========= 0x0565 0x10ad DINK32 [MPC755] >> pcf 11 ADDR. VALUE ===== ===== 0x00 0x10ad 0x02 0x0565 0x04 0x0007 0x06 0x0200 0x08 0x04 0x09 0x00 0x0a 0x01 0x0b 0x06 0x0c 0x00 0x0d 0x00 0x0e 0x80 0x0f 0x00 0x10 0x00000000 0x14 0x00000000 0x18 0x00000000 0x1c 0x00000000 0x20 0x00000000 0x24 0x00000000 0x28 0x00000000 0x2c 0x0000 0x2e 0x0000 DESCRIPTION =========== Vendor ID Device ID PCI command PCI status Revision ID Standard Programming Interface Subclass code Class code Cache line size Latency timer Header type BIST control Base Address Register 0 Base Address Register 1 Base Address Register 2 Base Address Register 3 Base Address Register 4 Base Address Register 5 Cardbus CIS Pointer Subsystem Vendor ID Subsystem ID MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-77 .PCI Config List 0x00000000 0x00 Interrupt line 0x00 Interrupt pin 0x00 MIN_GNT Expansion ROM Base Address Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 0x30 0x3c 0x3d 0x3e Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3-78 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PCI Display 3.46 PCI Display Command pcidisp Abbreviation pd Syntax pd [-bhw] [-f fno] dev_num reg_addr Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “pcidisp” command causes the contents of the specified PCI device register to be displayed. The PCI devices accessible are 0 and 10 to 31. Arguments: -b -h -w -f fno Displays and modify NB registers as a byte. Displays and modify NB registers as a halfword. Displays and modify NB registers as a word. Show configuration space for function number “fno” on a multifunction device; default is 0. dev_num PCI device to access, 0 or 10..31 reg_addr Register address (hex index of standard PCI configuration registers) Examples: DINK32 0x10 DINK32 0x00 DINK32 0x40 [MPC603e] >> pcidisp 11 10 0x12345678 Base Address Register 0 [MPC603e] >> pd 0 0 0x1057 Vendor ID [MPC603e] >> pd -b 11 40 0x17 (unknown) MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-79 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PCI Map 3.47 PCI Map Command pci map Abbreviation pmap Syntax pmap [-r] Builds DINK Boards Non Excimer/Maximer Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “PMAP” command displays the devices detected and configured during the initialization process. Arguments: -r Re-runs the PCI initialization process, configuring newly discovered devices (already configured devices are not changed). This is typically used for devices which are not automatically detected by DINKs PCI enumeration process, and/or need special enablement procedures. Examples: DINK32 [MPC603e] >> pmap PCI IO Map: No Range == =================== Inbound ======== Outbound ======== Name ==== PCI Mem Map: No Range == =================== Inbound ======== Outbound ======== Name ==== 3-80 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PCI Modify Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.48 PCI Modify Command pcimod Abbreviation pm Syntax pm [-bhw] [-f fno] dev_num reg_addr Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “pcimod” command is used to modify the content of a configuration register (reg_addr) of a PCI device (dev_num). The DevNum depends on the PCI slot the device is attached to, and it can be found by executing the ppr (PCI Device Probe) command. This command first displays the current value of the desired register, then asks the user to enter the new value. The PCI devices accessible are 0 and 10 to 31. This command does not return an error if the register requested is a read-only register. Arguments: -b -h -w -f fno Displays and modify NB registers as a byte. Displays and modify NB registers as a halfword. Displays and modify NB registers as a word. Show configuration space for function number “fno” on a multifunction device; default is 0. dev_num PCI device to access, 0 or 10..31 reg_addr Register address (hex index of standard PCI configuration registers) Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> pcimod 11 10 0x10 0x00000000 Base Address Register 0 New Value? 12345678 DINK32 [MPC750] >> pcidisp 11 10 0x10 0x12345678 Base Address Register 0 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-81 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PCI Probe 3.49 PCI Probe Command pciprobe Abbreviation ppr Syntax ppr Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “pciprobe” command causes the PCI bus to be scanned for PCI devices and cards. For each device found, the vendor and device ID are printed, as well as the device classification. The PCI devices scanned are 0 and 10 to 31. Arguments: None Examples: DINK32 [MPC8240] >> ppr DEV# VENDOR DEVICE MFN ==== ====== ====== === 11 10AD 0565 0 1 12 (cannot probe self) 15 1022 2000 0 3-82 CLASS ================== Bridge Device Mass Storage IDSEL/ADDR =========== 11:80005600 80005680 BASE ADDRESS ============= MEM:80000000 IO: FE0003F0 Network Interface 15:80008800 MEM:81000000 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ping 3.50 Ping Command ping Abbreviation ping Syntax ping [-f][-n no][-l len] <host_ip>" Builds DINK Boards Sandpoint, MVP Processors All The “ping” command executes a typical network ping operation. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: -f -l no -n no host_ip Performs a ‘flood’ ping. Sets the packet length to ‘no’; default is 64. Sets the number of pings to perform; default is 4. IP address to ping. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> ping PING from : 64 bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=20 time=0.004 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=20 time=0.004 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=20 time=0.004 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=20 time=0.004 ms --- ping statistics --4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-83 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PX 3.51 PX Command e500 performance register display Abbreviation px Syntax px Builds EDINK Boards Mars Processors e500 MPC85xx Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “px” command will display the names and register numbers of all the e500 performance registers.. Examples: edink[MPC85x0] {9} >>px e500 PERFORMANCE MONITOR REGISTERS Perf Mon Number Register Name ======== ====== ============= UPMC0 0 User Performance Monitor Counter 0 (Reflects PMC0) UPMC1 1 User Performance Monitor Counter 1 (Reflects PMC1) UPMC2 2 User Performance Monitor Counter 2 (Reflects PMC2) UPMC3 3 User Performance Monitor Counter 3 (Reflects PMC3) PMC0 16 Supervisor Performance Monitor Counter 0 PMC1 17 Supervisor Performance Monitor Counter 1 PMC2 18 Supervisor Performance Monitor Counter 2 PMC3 19 Supervisor Performance Monitor Counter 3 UPMLCa0 128 User Local Control A Register 0 UPMLCa1 129 User Local Control A Register 1 UPMLCa2 130 User Local Control A Register 2 UPMLCa3 131 User Local Control A Register 3 PMLCa0 144 Supervisor Local Control A Register 0 PMLCa1 145 Supervisor Local Control A Register 1 PMLCa2 146 Supervisor Local Control A Register 2 PMLCa3 147 Supervisor Local Control A Register 3 UPMLCb0 256 User Local Control B Register 0 UPMLCb1 257 User Local Control B Register 1 UPMLCb2 258 User Local Control B Register 2 UPMLCb3 259 User Local Control B Register 3 PMLCb0 272 Supervisor Local Control B Register 0 PMLCb1 273 Supervisor Local Control B Register 1 PMLCb2 274 Supervisor Local Control B Register 2 PMLCb3 275 Supervisor Local Control B Register 3 UPMGC0 384 User Performance Global Control Register 0 PMGC0 400 Supervisor Performance Global Control Register 0 3-84 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. REGDISP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.52 REGDISP Command regdisp Abbreviation rd Syntax rd [-b] [-h] [-w] [-d] [-v] [-f] [-e] [r[##[+|-##]] [f[##[+|-##]] [v[##[+|-##]] [s[##]][spr_name[‘.’fieldname] [nb[‘.’ field_name]] [bats] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “rd” command will display the contents of the specified registers. This command offers the user numerous options for viewing different sets or portions of the PowerPC register file, as well as for northbridge or PCI registers. In general, all members of a register family can be displayed by by first letter of the register family name. Otherwise, one or more of the specified registers are displayed. Arguments: The following arguments are all valid for specifying register displays. -b -h -w -f -d -v -e r rx rx+ rx-ry rd f MOTOROLA Displays and modify registers as a byte. Displays and modify registers as a halfword. Displays and modify registers as a word. Displays and modify registers as a single-float value (vector and floating-point registers only). Displays and modify registers as a double-float value (vector and floating-point registers only). Forces display to be ‘verbose’ regardless of RDMODE environment setting. Present register values of all the fields of a SPR or NB register as a list of field names and values. It is longer than a simple hexadecimal display, but shorter than the ‘verbose’ option Show entire general register family Show general purpose register #x (0 to 31) Show general purpose register #x through r31 Show general purpose register #x through #y Show entire floating point family Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-85 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... REGDISP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. fx Show floating point register #x (0 to 31) fx+ Show floating point register #x through f31 fx-fy Show floating point register #x through #y v Show entire Altivec vector register family vx Show Altivec vector register #x (0 to 31) vx+ Show Altivec vector register #x through v31 vx-vy Show Altivec vector register #x through #y p Show entire e500 performance register family (edink only) px Show e500 performance register # (0-1024) (edink only) s Show entire special purpose register family sx Show special purpose register # (0-1024) SPRname Show special purpose register by name, e.g. “msr” sx.field Show field of special purpose register # (0-1024) SPRname.fieldShow field of special purpose register by name nb # Show northbridge (MPC107, etc) register # (0-0xFF) bats Show and decode BAT registers. The GPR and FPR registers are always displayed as hexadecimal values, while SPRs and NB registers may be displayed as hexadecimal values, a list of field names, or a visually expanded bitfield (called ‘verbose’ mode); refer to the ‘-e’ and ‘-v’ for the latter two, or the ENV option for RDMODE. VPRs may be displayed as hex or floating point values, in sizes from byte to word. Examples: VDINK32[MPC7450] {7} >>rd r1-r2 R1 =0008FFE0 R2 =00000000 DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd hid0 Hardware Implementation Dependent 0 SPR #1008 --------------------------------------------------------------HID0 : 0x80010080 10000000000000010000000010000000 +-------------------------------- : EMCP : Enable MCP Check +------------------------------- : DBP : Disable Addr/Data Gener +------------------------------ : EBA : Enable Address Parity +----------------------------- : EBD : Enable Data Parity Check +---------------------------- : BCLK : Select Bus Clock +--------------------------- : --: +-------------------------- : ECLK : Enable External Test +------------------------- : PAR : Disable ARTRY/SHD +------------------------ : DOZE : Doze Mode: PLL/TB/ (etc.) 3-86 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. REGDISP DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd -e HID0 HID0 : 0x80010080 EMCP=1 DBP=0 EBA=0 EBD=0 (etc.) VDINK32[MPC7450] {9} >>rd r23+ R23=00000000 R24=00000000 R25=00000000 R26=00000000 R27=00000000 R28=00000000 R29=00000000 R30=00000000 R31=00000000 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Vector registers have flexible formatting. DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 VDINK32[MPC7450] {5} >>rd -f v2 V02= 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd v V00= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 V01= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 ... V30= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 V31= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd -b v2-v4 V02= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 V03= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 V04= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.00000000 DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd nb a8 PICR1 : 0xA800CE42 In addition, the “rd” command can display fields of the SPRs and NB register, where defined. To display onlyl a field, append a dot “.” and the name of the field to the SPR register name. DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd msr.emcp EMCP = 1 DINK32 [MPC750] >> Lastly, the “rd” command can display and decode all BAT registers (4 or 8 of each, depending on the processor). DINK32 [MPC750] >> rd bats IBAT BLOCK ADDRESS SIZE ==== ================== ==== 0 00000000..0FFFFFFF 256MB 1 FF000000..FFFFFFFF 256MB 2 --------..-------- ---3 --------..-------- ---DBAT BLOCK ADDRESS SIZE ==== ================== ==== 0 00000000..0FFFFFFF 256MB MOTOROLA REPLACEMENT ADDR ================== 00000000..0FFFFFFF FF000000..FFFFFFFF --------..---------------..-------REPLACEMENT ADDR ================== 00000000..0FFFFFFF WIMG ==== 0011 1011 ------WIMG ==== 0011 PROT ==== R/W R/W ------PROT ==== R/W Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: VALID ===== [S,P] [S,P] [off] [off] VALID ===== [S,P] 3-87 REGDISP 1 2 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FF000000..FFFFFFFF 256MB FF000000..FFFFFFFF 80000000..8FFFFFFF 256MB 80000000..8FFFFFFF --------..-------- ---- --------..-------- 1011 1111 ---- R/W R/W ---- [S,P] [S,P] [off] Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32 [MPC750] >> 3-88 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. REGMOD Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.53 REGMOD Command regmod Abbreviation rm Syntax rm[-b|-h|-w] [r[##[+|-##]] [f[##[+|-##]] [v[##[+|-##]] [s[##]][spr_name[‘.’fieldname] [nb[‘.’ field_name]] ‘=’ value Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “rm” command will display the contents of the specified registers, and then prompt for a new value to set the register. This command offers the user numerous options for viewing different sets or portions of the PowerPC register file, as well as for northbridge or PCI registers. NOTE: Changes to registers only take effect when user programs are executed via ‘go’ or ‘tr’, with the exception of the NorthBridge PCI registers. For GPR and SPR registers, the value can also be specified on the command line by following the name with an equals sign and the value to be used. If more than one register is slated for modification, the same suppled value is stored in all the registers. Arguments: The following arguments are all valid for specifying register displays. -b, -h, -w Sets the access size of for northbridge and vector registers; ignored for register accesses, which are always 32-bits. rx Show/modify general purpose register #x (0 to 31) rx+ Show/modify general purpose register #x through r31 rx-ry Show/modify general purpose register #x through #y rd f Show/modify entire floating point family fx Show/modify floating point register #x (0 to 31) fx+ Show/modify floating point register #x through f31 fx-fy Show/modify floating point register #x through #y v Show/modify entire Altivec vector register family vx Show/modify Altivec vector register #x (0 to 31) vx+ Show/modify Altivec vector register #x through v31 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-89 REGMOD Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... vx-vy Show/modify Altivec vector register #x through #y s Show/modify entire special purpose register family sx Show/modify special purpose register # (0-1024) SPRname Show/modify special purpose register by name, e.g. “msr” sx.field Show/modify field of special purpose register # (0-1024) SPRname.fieldShow/modify field of special purpose register by name nb # Show/modify northbridge (MPC107, etc) register # (0-0xFF) The GPR and FPR registers are always displayed as hexadecimal values, while SPRs and NB registers may be displayed as hexadecimal values, a list of field names, or a visually expanded bitfield (called ‘verbose’ mode); refer to the ‘-e’ and ‘-v’ for the latter two, or the ENV option for RDMODE. VPRs may be displayed as hex or floating point values, in sizes from byte to word. Note that special purpose, and northbridge registers can only be accessed individually and not as a family or with the "+" or range forms. Northbridge supports -b, -h, -w options for byte, halfword, and word access. The vector registers are treated in the following manner: Since they are 128 bit registers, they are normally treated as a collection of 4 32 bit values. Thus each 32 bit value can be set individually, or as a set. Each 32 bit value is indicated by a number separated by the '_' underline character. Each 32 bit value will be shifted left into the vector register. Example: "rm v02" modifies the contents of vector register 2. A value x will shift 32 bits into v02, x_x will shift 64 bits into v02, and x_x_x, and x_x_x_x will shift correspondingly into v02. Thus, "0_0_0_0" is required to zero out all of v02. Alternately, the size of the register can be specified, and then DINK will prompt for each particular byte, halfword, or long value. Examples: VDINK32[MPC7450] R06 = 00000000 VDINK32[MPC7450] R6 =00001234 VDINK32[MPC7450] R06 = 00000000 VDINK32[MPC7450] R6 =00007890 {11} >>rm r6 ? 1234 {13} >>rd r6 {11} >>rm r6=7890 ? 7890 {13} >>rd r6 VDINK32[MPC7455] {2} >>rm v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 ?1 VDINK32[MPC7455] {3} >>rd v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001 VDINK32[MPC7455] {4} >>rm v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001 ?abc_34e 3-90 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. REGMOD VDINK32[MPC7455] {5} >>rd v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000001_00000ABC_0000034E VDINK32[MPC7455] {4} >>rm v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001 ?0_0_0_0 VDINK32[MPC7455] {5} >>rd v2 V02= 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 VDINK32[MPC7455] {12} >>rm -w v2 V02.0= = 00000002 ?1234 V02.1= = 00000003 ?5678 V02.2= = 00000004 ?9abc V02.3= = 00000003 ?def0 VDINK32[MPC7455] {12} >>rd v2 V02= 0x00001234_00005678_00009ABC_0000DEF0 VDINK32[MPC7455] {14} >>rm -b v2 V02.0= = 00 ?FF V02.1= = 00 ? V02.2= = 12 ? V02.3= = 34 ? V02.4= = 00 ?FF V02.5= = 00 ? V02.6= = 56 ? V02.7= = 78 ? V02.8= = 00 ?FF V02.9= = 00 ? V02.10= = 9A ? V02.11= = BC ? V02.12= = 00 ?FF V02.13= = 00 ? V02.14= = DE ? V02.15= = F0 ? VDINK32[MPC7455] {14} >>rd v2 V02= 0xFF001234_FF005678_FF009ABC_FF00DEF0 DINK32 [MPC8241] >> rm nb 70 ADDR. VALUE DESCRIPTION ===== ===== =========== 0x70 0x0000 Power management config. 1 new value ? 1234 DINK32 [MPC8241] >> rd nb 70 ADDR. VALUE DESCRIPTION ===== ===== =========== 0x70 0x1234 Power management config. 1 DINK32 [MPC8241] >> rm nb -h 0xaa 0xaa 0x1234 ? ABCD MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-91 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Reset 3.54 Reset Command reset Abbreviation rst Syntax reset Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “reset” command attempts to reset the system, either by using the Port 92 reset facility, or if unavailable, by a software reset (a jump, which is usually unsatisfactory). Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> rst Software reset <By default, 3-92 the system will now restart> DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SETBAUD 3.55 SETBAUD Command setbaud Abbreviation sb Syntax sb [-h] [-k] [rate] Builds All Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “setbaud” command sets or displays the baud rate for the host serial port (“-h” option) or the keyboard serial port (“-k” option). “-k” is assumed if not entered. Arguments: -k -h rate Set baud rate for keyboard port Set baud rate for host port A baud rate; typically 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 Other values may be acceptable; an error is shown if the driver does not support the requested value. If no baud rate is entered, the current baud rate setting for the port is displayed. Examples: DINK32 [MPC8245] >>setbaud 57600 Baud rate changing to 57600...BØ <NOTE: the user must then change the baud rate on the terminal to 57600. Press return a few times to clear any corrupted characters> DINK32 [MPC8245] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-93 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SQUIT 3.56 SQUIT Command sim quit Abbreviation sq Syntax sq Builds EDINK Boards None Processors All The “squit” command exits the simulator. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: None. Examples: EDINK32 [E500] >> sq 3-94 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Show SPRs 3.57 Show SPRs Command show sprs Abbreviation sx Syntax sx Builds DINK Boards All Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “sprs” command displays all SPRs valid for the current processor. It is equivalent to “rd s+”. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC7410] >> sx SPR Number Register Name === ====== ============= XER 1 FXU Exception Register LR 8 Link Register CTR 9 Counter Register ... DINK32 [MPC7410] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-95 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. STTY 3.58 STTY Command stty Abbreviation stty Syntax stty [+ | -] [name] [“sane”] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “stty” command is used to control the behaviour of the DINK IO library. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: “sane” Reset all parameters to defaults. “+” Activate the selected feature “-” De-activate the selected feature. name An IOCTL parameter, one of: INLCR ICRNL IGNCR IGNNL IECHO IUCLC ILCUC ISTRIP ONLCR OCRNL ONLRET OUCLC OLCUC OSTRIP if set, convert newlines to carriage returns on input. if set, convert to carriage returns to newlines on input. if set, ignore carriage returns on input. if set, ignore newlines on input. if set, echo input characters. if set, convert lower-case input characters to upper case. if set, convert lower-case input characters to upper case. if set, clear MSB bit 7 on input characters. if set, convert newlines to carriage returns on input. if set, convert to carriage returns to newlines on output. if set, on writing a newline also write a carriage return if set, convert lower-case output characters to upper case. if set, convert lower-case input characters to upper case. if set, clear MSB bit 7 on output characters. If + or - is not used, the indicated name is reported. If no arguments are all are supplied, all settings are reported. Examples: VDINK32[MPC7455] {1} >>stty INLCR =0 ICRNL =0 IGNCR =0 IUCLC =0 ILCUC =0 ISTRIP=0 ONLRET=0 OUCLC =0 OLCUC =0 vdink32[mpc7455] {3} >>stty +ouclc vdink32[mpc7455] {4} >>he sandpoint/mpc107 dink command list 3-96 IGNNL =0 ONLCR =1 OSTRIP=0 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: IECHO =0 OCRNL =0 MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. mnemonic ======== as bo Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... command mnemonic command ================= ======== ================= about... ab assemble code benchmark, code bm boot program ... vdink32[mpc7455] {5} >>stty -ouclc STTY MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-97 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Switch CPU Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.59 Switch CPU Command switchcpu Abbreviation sc Syntax sc Builds DINK Boards MVP Processors All The “sc” command is used to select between the primary (CPU #0) and secondary (CPU #1) processors in a multi-processor environment. Subsequent DINK commands (including “go”) are handled by the selected processor. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 R03: DINK32 DINK32 R03: DINK32 3-98 [MPC7450#0] 0x12341234 [MPC7450#0] [MPC7450#1] 0xABCDABCD [MPC7450#1] >> rd r3 >> sc >> rd r3 >> DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SX 3.60 SX Command special purpose register display Abbreviation sx Syntax sx Builds DINK Boards all Processors all Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “sx” command will display the names and register numbers of all the special purpose registers. Examples: edink[MPC85x0] {36} >>sx SPECIAL PURPOSE REGISTERS SPR Number Register Name === ====== ============= XER 1 FXU Exception Register LR 8 Link Register CTR 9 Counter Register DEC 22 Decrementer SRR0 26 Status Save/Restore Register 0 SRR1 27 Status Save/Restore Register 1 PID0 48 Processor 0 ID Register DECAR 54 Decrementer Auto Reload CSRR0 58 Critical Status Save/Restore Register 0 CSRR1 59 Critical Status Save/Restore Register 1 DEAR 61 Data Exception Address Register ESR 62 Exception Syndrome Register IVPR 63 Interrupt Vector Prefix Register USPRG0 256 User General Purpose SPR 0 USPRG3 259 User General Purpose SPR 3 USPRG4 260 User General Purpose SPR 4 USPRG5 261 User General Purpose SPR 5 USPRG6 262 User General Purpose SPR 6 USPRG7 263 User General Purpose SPR 7 ... more... MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-99 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SYMTAB Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.61 SYMTAB Command symtab Abbreviation st Syntax st [-c] [-d label] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “symtab” command displays DINK32 symbol table information. Some symbols are built-in, created by DINK. Others are collected by the assembler during code entry. These symbols may be used as the address (@symbol) of the branch instruction while entering assembly code. Arguments: -c Delete all user-defined symbols -d name Delete the named symbol. DINK labels cannot be deleted. If no arguments are present, the symbol table is printed. Examples: DINK32 [MPC603e] >> as 160000+ 0x00160000 0x60000000 nop br1:xor r1,r2,r3 0x00160000 0x60000000 BRANCH LABEL br1: 0x00160000 0x60000000 nop xor r3,r4,r5 0x00160004 0x60000000 br2:xor r1,r5,r6 0x00160004 0x60000000 BRANCH LABEL br2: 0x00160004 0x60000000 x VERIFYING BRANCH LABELS..... DINK32 [MPC603e] >> ds 160000 0x00160000 0x7c832a78 BRANCH LABEL br1: 0x00160000 0x7c832a78 xor r03, r04, r05 DINK32 [MPC603e] >> as 160100 0x00160100 0x60000000 br3:xor r5,r6,r7 0x00160100 0x60000000 BRANCH LABEL br3: 0x00160100 0x60000000 x VERIFYING BRANCH LABELS..... DINK32 [MPC603e] >> st Current list of DINK branch labels: KEYBOARD: 0x0 get_char: 0x1e5e4 write_char: 0x5fac TBaseInit: 0x39c4 TBaseReadLower: 0x39e8 TBaseReadUpper: 0x3a04 CacheInhibit: 0x3a20 InvEnL1Dcache: 0x3a40 DisL1Dcache: 0x3a88 3-100 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... InvEnL1Icache: DisL1Icache: BurstMode: RamInCBk: RamInWThru: dink_loop: dink_printf: SYMTAB 0x3aac 0x3b00 0x3bfc 0x3c3c 0x3c7c 0x5660 0x6368 Current list of USER branch labels: br1: 0x160000 br2: 0x160004 br3: 0x160100 DINK32 [MPC603e] >> st -d br2 DINK32 [MPC603e] >> st Current list of DINK branch labels: KEYBOARD: 0x0 get_char: 0x1e5e4 write_char: 0x5fac TBaseInit: 0x39c4 TBaseReadLower: 0x39e8 TBaseReadUpper: 0x3a04 CacheInhibit: 0x3a20 InvEnL1Dcache: 0x3a40 DisL1Dcache: 0x3a88 InvEnL1Icache: 0x3aac DisL1Icache: 0x3b00 BurstMode: 0x3bfc RamInCBk: 0x3c3c RamInWThru: 0x3c7c dink_loop: 0x5660 dink_printf: 0x6368 Current list of USER branch labels: br1: 0x160000 br3: 0x160100 DINK32 [MPC603e] >> st -c DINK32 [MPC603e] >> st Current list of DINK branch labels: KEYBOARD: 0x0 get_char: 0x1e5e4 write_char: 0x5fac TBaseInit: 0x39c4 TBaseReadLower: 0x39e8 TBaseReadUpper: 0x3a04 CacheInhibit: 0x3a20 InvEnL1Dcache: 0x3a40 DisL1Dcache: 0x3a88 InvEnL1Icache: 0x3aac DisL1Icache: 0x3b00 BurstMode: 0x3bfc RamInCBk: 0x3c3c RamInWThru: 0x3c7c dink_loop: 0x5660 dink_printf: 0x6368 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-101 SYMTAB Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Current list of USER branch labels: DINK32 [MPC603e] >> 3-102 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TAU Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.62 TAU Command tau Abbreviation tau Syntax tau [-c cal][-w][-fh] Builds DINK Boards Maximer, MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife Processors MPC750, MPC755, MPC7410 The “tau” command displays or calibrates the TAU (Thermal Assist Unit). If no option is entered, the current temperature is displayed (with or without calibration). The “^C” notation is intended to (remotely) resemble a degree-notation. Arguments: -c val -w -fh Calibrate the TAU to the supplied correct temperature (in ^C). Display the TAU value repeatedly (until a key is pressed) Show results in Fahrenheit. Tau calibration values are always saved in the environment variable TAUCAL, if the environment variable storage is available and has been initialized. Examples: DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>tau Tjc = 58 ^C (uncalibrated) DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>tau -c 18 Tjc = 18 ^C DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>tau -c 18 TAUCAL = 0x8E001234 DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>tau Tjc = 18 ^C DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>tau -fh Tjc = 32 ^F MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-103 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Test 3.63 Test Command test Abbreviation te Syntax test [k][kl][bt][vga][hwm] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “TE” command is an interface to specialized test code. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: k kl bt vga hwm PS/2 keyboard test PS/2 keyboard loop. BIOS timer test VGA init Hardware monitor test (MVP) Examples: DINK32 [ARTHUR] >>hwm pVCORE=1.5V OVDD=2.3V 3-104 +3.3V=3.6V +5.0V=5.2V DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Time 3.64 Time Command time Abbreviation rtc Syntax time [-w][-d #][-b][-s [date|time] Builds All Boards MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife, Elysium Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “time” command allows setting or displaying the real-time clock available on the MVP, Sandpoint and Yellowknife systems. Arguments: -w -s val -b -d # The date and time are repeatedly displayed until a key is pressed. Set the date and/or time to values specified on line. Report the RTC battery status. Disable DSE mode (# = 0) or enable it (# != 0). If no argument is entered, the current date and time are displayed. If a date or time value is entered, it is interpreted as follows: ‘/’ indicates a date value. If only one, the current year is not changed and the value is interpreted as month ‘/’ date; otherwise it is interpreted as year ‘/’ month ‘/’ date. ‘:’ indicates a time value. If only one, the time is set to hour ‘:’ minute with seconds at zero; if two are detected, seconds are also set. A trailing ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ sets AM/PM mode; otherwise, a 24-hour clock is assumed. Examples: DINK32 [MPC8245] >> time 2001/04/15 03:38:14 PM DINK32 [MPC8245] >> rtc -s 02/09/25 10:02:03pm 2002/09/25 10:02:03PM DINK32 [MPC8245] >>rtc -w 2002/09/25 10:02:14 PM 2002/09/25 10:02:15 PM 2002/09/25 10:02:16 PM ... MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-105 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Transparent 3.65 Transparent Command transparent Abbreviation tm Syntax tm Builds DINK Boards MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “tm” command will put DINK32 into a transparent mode, which essentially connects the DINK console to the host port for remote access to the host system. To exit transparent mode, enter control-A. See Section 3.18, “Download. Arguments: None. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> tm % telnet ... <control-a> DINK32 [MPC750] >> 3-106 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Trace Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.66 Trace Command trace Abbreviation tr Syntax tr {address | +} Builds All Boards Excimer, Maximer, MVP, Sandpoint, Yellowknife Processors All The “trace” command allows the user to single-step through a user program. The processor will execute a single instruction, and then return control back to DINK32. At that point the user can examine and/or modify the processor context (registers, SPRs, memory, etc.) and possibly continue executing additional instructions. After “tr +” has been executed, it is often useful to simply enter “.” to repeat the trace command and step through code. Arguments: + address then the address of the instruction to execute is derived from bits 0-29 of the SRR0 (Machine Status Save / Restore) register. Trace one instruction from the supplied address. Example: DINK32 [MPC8240] >> ds 2100 0x00002100 0x7c0802a6 mfspr r00, s0008 DINK32 [MPC8240] >> trace 2100 0x00002104 stw r13, 0xfff8(r01) DINK32 [MPC8240] >> trace + 0x00002108 add r03, r00, r01 DINK32 [MPC8240] >> . 0x0000210c mfspr r04, s0274 DINK32 [MPC8240] >> tr + ; rd r3 0x00002108 add r03, r00, r01 R03: 0x00000001 DINK32 [MPC8240] >> . 0x0000210c mfspr r04, s0274 R03: 0x00000001 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-107 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Virtual Host File Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.67 Virtual Host File Command virtual hostfile Abbreviation vhf Syntax vhf [-r] filename Builds VDINK Boards None Processors All The “vhf” command specifies the name of the source file that will be used when IO operations are performed to the host port under VDINK. Typically used with the ‘DL’ commands to load S-record or binary files into the virtual memory space. Arguments: -r the file is rewound; that is, the I/O pointer is set to the start of the file. Used to restart I/O operations. filename The name of a Unix, Linux or PC filename to be used. Example: VDINK32 [MPC8240] >> vhf /usr/share/dink32.src VDINK32 [MPC8240] >> dl -h -o 100000 3456 records VDINK32 [MPC8240] >> dl -h -o 100000 3-108 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Virtual Memory File 3.68 Virtual Memory File Command virtual memory Abbreviation vmem Syntax vmem [-w] filename Builds VDINK Boards None Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “VM” command allows reading or writing the virtual memory space of VDINK to an external file. Arguments: -w the virtual memory space is written to the named file. filename The name of a Unix, Linux or PC filename which holds an image of the VDINK virtual memory. If ‘-w’ is not specified, the filename is read and virtual memory is set. “VM” is often used with the “AUTO” ENV variable to load a default setup. Example: VDINK32 [MPC8240] >> vmem -w /tmp/vmem VDINK32 [MPC8240] >> env AUTO=vmem /tmp/vmem MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-109 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. VQUIT 3.69 VQUIT Command virtual quit Abbreviation vq Syntax vq Builds VDINK Boards None Processors All The “VQ” command quits the VDINK and returns to the OS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Arguments: None. Examples: VDINK32 [MPC750] >> vq $ 3-110 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Virtual Simulator 3.70 Virtual Simulator Command vsim Abbreviation vs Syntax vsim [-DIrx][-f n][-d addr[‘-’addr]][-i addr[‘-’addr]][-n no] [t [‘r’][‘w’]] Builds VDINK Boards None Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “vs” command controls various aspects of the VDINK ISS (instruction set simulator) “VSIM”. Arguments: -b -d addr -D -f [0|1] -i -I -n ### -r -t [r/w] -v ### -x Display the backtrace stack and related information. VSIM tracks and records each change of flow initiated by branch operations. Set a data access breakpoint. If any data access to the address is detected, execution is interrupted. Toggle data access breakpoint enable/disable (settings retained). Set the code flow trace flag to 0 or 1. If ‘1’, VSIM prints Set an instruction access breakpoint. Toggle instruction access breakpoint enable/disable (settings retained). Set the number of cycles to trace on each TR command. Default is 1, but larger numbers allow ‘burst’ tracing. Reset the emulation system. Set type of data access breakpoint to ‘r’=read, ‘w’=write, or ‘rw’ for either. Set the simulator verbose level; 0..n where n is fairly quiet and >=2 is quite wordy. Disable IABR/DABR for one cycle, then re-enable. This allows tracing/go’ing across a breakpoint. Examples: VDINK32 [MPC750] >> vs Instructions: 0 issued. RSRV: none IABR: none DABR: none Flow trace: off Trace burst: 1 cycles Verbose: 0 VDINK32[MPC7450] {1} >>as 100 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-111 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Virtual Simulator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 00000100 00000000 00000104 00000000 VDINK32[MPC7450] {2} >>tr 00000104 00000000 VDINK32[MPC7450] {4} >>rd R3 =00001234 VDINK32[MPC7450] {5} >>vs Instructions: 1 issued. RSRV: none IABR: none DABR: none Flow trace: off Trace burst: 1 cycles Verbose: 0 VDINK32[MPC7450] {9} >>vs Stack Information Maximum stack depth = Maximum R1 at blr = Stack backtrace 3-112 .WORD .WORD 0x00000000 0x00000000 .WORD 0x00000000 li r3,1234 100 r3 -b 0 levels 00000000 DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Wait Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.71 Wait Command wait Abbreviation wa Syntax [-k] [nn] Builds DINK Boards All Processors All The “wait” command halts execution of DINK until the specified number of seconds have elapsed, or until a key is pressed if the ‘-k’ option is used. This command is mostly used in script files. Arguments: nn -k Number of seconds to pause. Wait for a key, instead.. Examples: DINK32 [MPC750] >> wait 10 DINK32 [MPC750] >> MOTOROLA Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-113 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Shell Escape 3.72 Shell Escape Command escape Abbreviation ! Syntax ! [args] Builds VDINK Boards None Processors All Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The “!” command escapes the VDINK environment and runs the indicated command. When done, VDINK resumes execution. Arguments: args Command to execute. Examples: VDINK32 [MPC750] >> ! ls v* virtual_dink_io.c virtual_dink_s.c VDINK32 [MPC750] >> 3-114 virtual_dink_sim.c DINK32 PowerPC Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A History of DINK32 Changes Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.1 Version 13.1 April 30, 2003 1. New assembler/dissasembler — works better — all known bugs fixed — asm can assemble all dsm generated instructions — Entering control-B while in the assembler adds a breakpoint at the current spot 2. Common parts of “except2.S” and “except2e.S” moved to “common.S” for better control of dink and edink source. 3. New EDINK target for e500 processors, such as the MPC8540 and MPC8560. 4. A complete “cpuinfo” database is used for DINK control. 5. Debug support for DPRINT/DEBUG_ENTRY/DEBUG_EXIT macros provided. 6. Download command (“dl”) enhancements: — now works with no arguments — “dl -b” (binary) initial timeout is now 30 seconds — SRR0 is set to the code entry (download address or address + 0x10000 if an ELF header is detected). This allows ‘tr +’ to start execution of downloaded code. — New default download address is now 0x100000. 7. Environment (“env”) changes: — Added -w ("wipe") option — added L3HELP alias to L2HELP — L*HELP has timer option now — deleted I2C L2CACHE/L3CACHE options (slow, never was used) — and fixed errors with BOOT arguments — NVRAM on Sandpoint/Elysium set to 8K-100 bytes (upper portion reserved for network parameters and/or RTC). MOTOROLA Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes For More Information On This Product, Go to: A-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Version 13.1 April 30, 2003 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 8. Apollo6 and Apollo7 MPC7455/57 supported, including L2/L3 cache changes, extended BAT tables, and PLL encoding variations. 9. Only MPC8245- and MPC107-based systems set “target_type” for multi-system DINK boots. 10. The MARS Arcadia platform is detected: — Support for the VIA 82C686B PIPC/IO — TSI320 PCI-to-PCI bridge detection/initialization. 11. SMP detection and setting for CPU #1 improved (MVPDINK). 12. Tracing over breakpoints now works with 'tr +' form. 13. Memory initialization: — Support for 15row/256MB SDRAM devices. — MBEN only set to actual number of detected banks (MVLinux request) — Fixed bug preventing double-bank SODIMM detection. — I2C data built dynamically for non-SPD-I2C PMCs — Added ‘mi -r’ to force memory controller re-initialization. 14. Miscellaneous command changes: — “fi” revamped for more platform options. — added “-f” flush option to cache command. — Added -r 'remap' option to pmap (forces PCI remapping to devices that are user-enabled). — Added -d “dump” option to PCI register display. 15. IOLIB enhancements: — Added sprintf(), fprintf(), and printf() interfaces — Added MEM: IO device driver for memory-based scripts — Unified all PC-16x50-based UART drivers into one file: “uart.c”. — RTS/CTS flow control is handled for Sandpoint 16. New RapidIO functions (custom builds) 17. New shell functions/enhancements: — “wait” command - waits for time or keyboard for scripts — “id” command - usable on more platforms. — command line arguments can be entered as hex (default, with or without leading “0x”, decimal (with a leading “&”) or binary (with a leading “%”). — “ex” command - precedentless expression calculator, supports values (hex/dec/bin as per the above) and +, -, *, /, |, &, ^, ~, <, <=, =, >=, >, !=, >>, << A-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,Version Inc. 13.0 November 1, 2002 — command lines can be recalled from the history buffer with a VT52/VT102 up arrow/down arrow command. Requires VT emulation to be enabled on the terminal emulator program. — command lines can be edited with VTxx sequences: left and right arrows move left and right in the command line; DEL deletes to the end of the line Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.2 Version 13.0 November 1, 2002 1. Extensive rewrite to all commands to use the interactive shell and the command line parser it provides. The parser and tokenizer toolbox is gone (arg_tb.*, rfs_tb.*, tok.*, tok_tb.*, help.*); adding and modifying commands is vastly simpler. 2. Networking support for the RealTek 8239 is added. TELNET to DINK supported TFTP downloads supported. 3. Default baud rate of 115200 changed. 4. Most IO is channeled through “iolib.c”, facilitating IO redirection for VDINK and other platforms. 5. Similarly, most commands use “gme.c” drivers for memory and IO access, allowing VDINK to emulate them. EDINK may also. 6. ENV is now case-insensitive; “VERBOSE” and “verbose” are equivalent. 7. RESET_BASE is no longer needed; the reset base is detected via a ‘blr next’ sequence, and is globally saved. 8. More information is made available for Linux via the DINK_TRANSFER table. 9. IDE track-level drivers are added. A tiny filesystem is also provided allowing booting from disk (however, this filesystem is not compatible with anything). 10. More flexible boot options, including disk and network booting. 11. MPC8245-based systems set the secondary flash to 8-bit mode, and the flash algorithms detect and use this. MPC8240 is still 64-bit, though. 12. Upon startup, the PCI bus is enumerated and enabled. 13. Flash programming for MVP and PMCs updated with blank check skips, overwrite skips, etc. 14. Support for MVP X3 including background tasks, easier memory optimization. 15. Register display (‘rd’) can display FPRs and VPRs using various floating point and/or byte/word/long sizes. 16. The RTC clock setting syntax is free-form and works from the command line, instead of prompting. MOTOROLA Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes For More Information On This Product, Go to: A-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Version 12.3 October 25, 2001 17. A final-assy test initialization command was added. 18. More memory optimization commands and data were added. 19. Virtual DINK has a simulator added; all INT instructions supported; most FP and VEC operations. 20. PCI bus number selection was replaced with a automatically detected bus number. 21. Support for the BigBend platform was removed. 22. md and mm were replaced with the more flexible dd/dm commands (invisibly). Therefore, the MDMODE option was deleted. 23. Upon startup, memory is always optimized (unless the env is wiped out or a key is pressed), so MEMOPT is no longer a special ENV variable. 24. For MPC745X processors, L2CACHE is always enabled, so the ENV variable is less useful (but still supported). A.3 Version 12.3 October 25, 2001 1. flag assembly of unknown SPRs. as 90000 mfspr r14,badsprname 2. fix the log and dl -h commands, i.e. the host port. — Restrictions on the dl -h command baud of 19200 or less supported after the download completes it states the error: ERROR: unrecognized command or symbol but in fact there is no error so ignore the error message. 3. Accomodate four stack spaces, two each for each of two cpus. — CPU0: set user’s stack pointer to 0x20 bytes below the user’s load address of 0x90000-32 (8ffe0) == CPU0U_STACK and 10000 bytes above dink’s stack space. So if user uses more than 0x8000 stack it will impact the other CPU. set dink’s stack pointer to 0x80000-32 (7ffe0) == CPU0_STACK — CPU1: (if present) set user’s stack pointer to 0x20 bytes below the user’s load address of 0x89000-32 (88fe0) == CPU1U_STACK and 0x10000 bytes above dink’s stack space So if user uses more than 0x8000 stack it will impact dink set dink’s stack pointer to 0x79000-32 (78fe0) == CPU1_STACK NOTE: dink stack space is 0x70000 to 0x80000-32 user space is 0x80000 to 0x90000-32 user can download programs starting at 0x90000 4. Install the code to support MVP and dual vger. a) galileo bridge chip memory manager b) galileo bridge chip sdma/uart support A-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Version Inc. 12.3 October 25, 2001 — Change Dink Manual to reflect that we are using BAT3 to support the uart descriptors and buffers at 01c00000 (about 29MB decimal) If user want to use this memory space they need to fix except2.s and drivers/galileo_uart/uartMiniDriver.c. 5. Much better cache support with CCs cache management code. a) all cache management routines (flush, flush_disable, inval_enable) have been thoroughly proven on 603e,8240/8245,750/755,7400/7410,7455 and may be useful as example code. b) L2 (and L3 if applicable) can now be enabled on dink boot by setting environment variables L2CACHE and L3CACHE. Dink will always use those settings (i.e. regmod no longer can change dink’s HID0,L2CR, or L3CR) The prescribed way to change L2CR or L3CR is to change env variables and reboot. Dink’s HID0 is programmed to enable the maximum performance features at dink boot up. (Dink’s HID0, L2CR, and L3CR are the user’s initial state.) c) Regmod can modify the user’s cache state and the appropriate flush,disable, invalidate, and enable routines manage the transition between user cache state and dink cache state on every go_trace and return_from_exception (or user_return). d) By enabling VERBOSE=1 in the environment variables you can observe the transitions between dink cache state and user cache state and return. 6. PCI MEM aperture set to 256MB 7. FPRs are set to zero on reset. 8. Corrections for PCI drive strength on PMC cards. 9. Set EXTROM and TBEN for MPC8245, plus reduced size write. 10. New rd/rm parser: ‘rd bats’ -- shows bats ‘rd r’ -- shows registers in condensed column format. ‘rd SPR.FIELD’ -- shows individual bits of an SPR register. ‘rm SPR.FIELD’ -- shows/modifies individual bits of an SPR register. In non-verbose mode, registers are not forced aligned and are printed in a denser format. ‘ENV RDMODE=e’ 11. fu for local flash faster 12. id command extended for L3 support and MPC8245-standalone mode. 13. reg_spr.c maintained with a database/structure system instead of individual procedures. 14. gpic support and new gpic command 15. Reorganize all the makefiles to have one file for the compiler tool paths. 16. Added new demos and utilities directories. MOTOROLA Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes For More Information On This Product, Go to: A-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Version 12.2 February 16, 2001 17. Auto-detect memory. 18. Fixed many bugs and improved register displays. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.4 Version 12.2 February 16, 2001 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Support MPC8245, MPC7410, and MPC7450. Expand more() in help.c to accept ‘x’ for termination Expand help menu for env Two new utilities, dasm and srec2bin. Fixed bugs: #11: ds 0 as 0x now dissasemble as #13: tr no longer trashes srr0 and srr1 #22: ds bc 4,14,-14 and bne cr3,-14 correctly 6. One new demo, generate_s A.5 Version 12.1 August 30, 1999 1. Improved the flash capability for Yellowknife and Sandpoint in the fu command. 2. Reorganized all the demo directories into one highlevel directory demos and added makefile_gcc 3. User spr registers are now initialized during bootup. No need to perform a ‘go’ command to initialize register table. Added a return path through the exception handler for user code to safely return to DINK. The routine is called user_return and is sort of a dummy exception vector that allows the exception handler to take care of all context switching between DINK and USER code. 4. Added “dev epic ISRCnt” to “dev epic” command list. This command allows the user to connect a downloaded Interrupt Service Routine to an epic interrupt vector. 5. PMC ROM support. 6. Add memSpeed (memory bus speed) and processor_type (type of processor MPC603, etc) to the dink_transfer_table. A.6 Version 12.0 November 30, 1999 1. Implement a dink transfer table to dynamically assign dink functions such as printf, dinkloop, getchar, in a table so that it is no longer necessary to statically determine the function address and change them in demo or dhrystones or any user program. A-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Version 11.0.2 June 1, 1999 2. Configuration (environment variables) are saved in NVRAM for yk/sp, saved in RAM for Excimer and Maximer. New command, env, manipulates these configurations. Also implements multiple command aliases, however, da and ra are still available. 3. New command, tau, display and/or calibrate the Thermal Assist Unit. 4. Faster download and no need to set character delays on the serial line, implemented by turning on the duart FIFO. 5. Turn on both banks of memory in the YellowKnife and Sandpoint, now 32Megabytes is available on dink32 startup. 6. Improved printf format facilities, including floating point. 7. Most commands can now be placed into quiet mode, and verbose mode can be used with the -v command. Default is verbose on both, same as always, with or without ENV. The ‘-e’ mode expands fields and can be made default with env RDMODE=e. Only Excimer and Maximer require the setup, and RDMODE can be ‘Q’ (quiet), ‘E’ (expand fields), or anything else. On Excimer and Maximer it can be set up with these commands: env -c, env rdmode=0 8. The dl command can be placed in silent mode with the “-q”. 9. rd or rm can use these aliases for the memory register, northbridge, nb, mpc106, mpc107, or mpc8240. 10. Fixed command termination character, ‘x’, so it will not restart if unexpected. 11. Fixed problems with double prompts printed on startup with DCACHE. 12. Implement a new makefile, makefile_gcc, and conform the dink code to build with the gcc eabi compatible compiler for processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. Build and load works, all memory features are broken. This will be fixed in the next release. 13. Implemented flash programming for PCI-hosted boot ROM on YK/SP platforms. The command ‘fl -h’ transfers 512k from a specified memory location to the flash. 14. Added share memory between host and agent targets using the Address Translation Unit (ATU). A.7 Version 11.0.2 June 1, 1999 1. Fixed invalid cacheing on 603. 603 does not reset the cache invalidate bits in hardware, so added the facility in software. 2. Detects MPC107. 3. About command now reports board and processor identification. 4. Improved the help facility. MOTOROLA Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes For More Information On This Product, Go to: A-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Version 11.0.1 May 1, 1999 (Not Released) 5. Added makefiles for the PC, makefile_pc in every directory. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.8 Version 11.0.1 May 1, 1999 (Not Released) 1. Change the location of Stack pointer load/save. DINK code now occupies through 0x0080000. USER CODE MUST NOT START EARLIER THAN 0x0090000! 2. Fixed vector alignment. 3. Fixed VSCR register implementation issue. 4. Fixed access issue for registers VRSAVE,RSCR,FPSCR,RTCU, RTCL & RPA. 5. Fixed HID1 display for 603e, 604e. 6. Fixed breakpoint/exception problem broken in rev10.7 for 603e. 7. Fixed location of exception vectors after EH1200, they were wrong. 8. Fixed flushhead in except2.s to work correctly. A.9 1. 2. 3. 4. Version 11.0 March 29, 1999 Add AltiVec support for the MAX processor. Added vector registers to register list. Add assembler disassembler code for altivec mnemonics. fl -dsi has been expanded to display the flash memory range for each sector. A.10 Version 10.7 February 25, 1999 1. Add 1999 to copyright dates. 2. Add timeout to flash_write_to_memory, so an unfinished write to flash won’t last for ever, it will timeout and issue an error message. 3. Add test all flash write for protected sector and if protected issue an error and refuse the write. 4. Disable transpar,tm from excimer. 5. Set DCFA bit from 0 to 1 for MAX chips only A.11 Version 10.6 January 25, 1999 1. Implement the history.c file and allow the about command to use constants for Version, Revision, and Release. A-8 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Version 10.5 November 24, 1998 2. Implement the fl –dsi and fl -se commands. 3. Automatically detect flash between Board Rev 2 and 3. 4. Remove the fw -e command from DINK32, it is only available in MDINK32. A.12 Version 10.5 November 24, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1. Changed default reset address to be -xfff0 for standalone dink 2. Fix bugs in trace command A.13 Version 10.4 November 11, 1998 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recapture 10.3 LED post routine in MDINK Add BMC_BASE_HIGH for kahlua to reach the high config registers Added memory test feature during POR. Corrected ending address for kahlua X4 configuartion Added basic Kahlua support A.14 Version 10.3 no date 1. This was never released A.15 Version 10.2 September 11, 1998 1. This release is the same as Version 10 Revision 1 A.16 Version 10.1 September 10, 1999 1. Enable ICACHE and DCACHE A.17 Version 9.5 August 5, 1998 1. Implement flash commands, fw -e and basic flash erase and write support. 2. Split dink into two types, mdink - minimal dink and dink. 3. Implement support for excimer. MOTOROLA Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes For More Information On This Product, Go to: A-9 Version 9.4 May 22, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. A.18 Version 9.4 May 22, 1998 1. Implement L2 Backside Code. 2. Turned on DCACHE and ICACHE as default at boot time. 3. Added Yellowknife X4 boot code (Map A & B) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A.19 Prior to Version 9.4 Approximately October 10, 1997 1. Merged CHRP and PREP 2. Added W_ACCESS (Word access) H_ACCESS, and B_ACCESS 3. One version of dink works with all processors, 601, 603, 604, and ARTHUR. A-10 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix B Example Code Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... These demos are available on the DINK32 web site. Seventeen example directories are included in the DINK32 distribution. These directories include all the source files, makefiles, and readme files(s). All these directories contain examples of using the dynamic DINK addresses as described in Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions.” There is one makefile for each of these demos. • makefile—UNIX metaware The metaware compiled code will complete by returning to DINK without error. The 17 demo programs for this release are: 1. agentboot 2. dink_demo 3. Dhrystone - mwnosc 4. l1test and l1teststd 5. l2sizing 6. backsidel2test 7. lab4 (excimer only) 8. memspeed 9. printtest 10. testfile 11. l3test 12. spinit 13. duart_8245 14. galileo (mvp only) 15. galileo_read_write (mvp only) 16. linpack 17. watch (excimer only) MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. agentboot B.1 agentboot The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This example program is meant to demonstrate how to boot an MPC8240/MPC107 based PCI Agent from Host local memory space on the Sandpoint reference platform. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B.1.1 Background DINK32 V12.0 and later is currently setup up so that once the Host boots up from the DINK image in ROM, it then configures the Agent. Once the Agent is configured, its PCI Command Register is then set and it is allowed to boot up from the same DINK image in ROM. What this example code does is force the Agent to boot up from code it thinks is in ROM, but is actually in Host local memory space. B.1.2 • • • • • README.txt—this appendix main.c—C code routines agentboot.s—ASM code routines makefile—UNIX makefile agentboot.txt—agentboot demo summary file including the source files and readme. B.1.3 • • • • • • B-2 Assumptions Running on a Sandpoint Reference Platform. MPC8240/MPC107 based Agent in 32bit PCI slot #4 (Third from PMC). See Note 3 below on using alternate PCI slots. Running DINK32 V12.0 or later. B.1.4 • In This Directory Usage Compile/Assemble the code below and link into S-Record format downloadable to 0x100000 using makefile or makefile_pc. Simply type make to use the UNIX makefile, or type make -f makefile_pc to use the PC makefile. Download the S-Record to Host local memory using dl -k at the Host’s DINK32 command prompt. Launch the program using go 100000 at the Host’s DINK32 command prompt. The program should set up the Agent to boot from the Host’s local memory space at 0x0100. The agent boot code located there will have the Agent write the value 777 (0x309) to Host local memory at 0x4C04. The user can verify this by using DINK to display that memory location by typing md 4c04 at the DINK command prompt. DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. B.2 Dink_demo Dink_demo The demo directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B.2.1 Building The demo can be built with the UNIX command, make -f makedemo. The demo.src file can be downloaded with the DINK32 command dl -k. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. Demo will run continuously. It can be stopped by a reset, or pressing any key. B.2.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.3 Dhrystone - mwnosc The dhrystone directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. The dhrystone directory has two subdirectories ties, MWnosc and watch. The makefile is contained in the MWnosc directory. This directory contains all the code necessary to build and run a Dhrystone benchmark program. Before starting execution, change the value of hid0 and dbat1l. DINK32 by default starts the downloaded program with caches off and cache inabled in the dbats. Change hid0 to 0000cc00 and dbat1l to 12. Use these commands: rm hid0 | 0000cc00, rm dbat1l | 12. B.3.1 Building The demo can be built with the UNIX command, make. After making the dhrystone src, download the file, dhry.src with the DINK32 command dl -k. Then change the hid0 register to 8000C000 and change the dbat1L to 12. There are two makefiles: • makefile—use the UNIX cross compiler tools for the PowerPC architecture. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-3 l1test and l1teststd B.3.2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.4 l1test and l1teststd The directory contains source ‘c’ code to perform an l1 cache test. B.4.1 Building Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The example program can be built with the UNIX metaware or GNU GCC. There is only the default target. Only the metaware makefile is available. B.5 l2sizing The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This example program is meant to demonstrate how to detect whether a processor is a MPC740 or MPC750. It also detects the size of the L2 Backside Cache. B.5.1 • • • • • • README.txt—this appendix l2sizing1.c—C code routines l2sizing2.s—ASM code routines l2sizing.h—Header file l2sizing.src—Downloadable S-Record makefile—UNIX makefile B.5.2 • • B-4 Assumptions Running DINK32 V12.0 or later. B.5.3 • • In This Directory Usage Download the modified DINK32 V12.0 (See Notes section). Compile/Assemble the code below and link into S-Record format downloadable to 0x100000 using makefile. Simply type make to use the UNIX makefile. Download the S-Record to Host local memory using dl -k at the Host’s DINK32 command prompt. DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. • Launch the program using go 100000 at the Host’s DINK32 command prompt. B.5.4 • To Build UNIX: make [clean] B.5.5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • backsideL2test Notes In order to use DINK’s Dynamic Functions such as printf you must #include dinkusr.h and link dinkusr.s during compilation/link time. Please see this User’s Guide Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more info. B.6 backsideL2test The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This application will test the L2 cache and exercise the performance monitor. Read the l2test.readme for more information. B.6.1 Building The demo can be built with the UNIX command, make. The srecord file can be downloaded with the DINK32 command dl -k. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. • makefile—used for this release of DINK32 R12 and beyond. B.6.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.7 lab4 (excimer only) The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will blink the lights on the Excimer platform when it is downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This test will only work on Excimer. B.7.1 Building The lab4 can be built with one makefile. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. Lab4 will run continuously. MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. memspeed B.7.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.8 memspeed Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This application will demonstrates using the dynamic variable (and dynamic function) capability. The two variables, memSpeed (bus speed), and process_type (Processor type) are available via the dink_transfer_table as described in Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions.” It prints out the memory bus speed and processor name of the board on which it is executing. B.8.1 Building The demo can be built with the UNIX command, make. The memspeed.src file can be downloaded with the DINK32 command dl -k. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. B.8.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses and the two dink variable addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.9 printtest The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. This application will test the various printf features. B.9.1 Building The demo can be built with the UNIX command, make. The printtest.src file can be downloaded with the DINK32 command dl -k. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. B.9.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. testfile B.10 testfile This directory contains source files that can be built to build an application, which is an endless loop, that can then be downloaded into dink at address 0x100000 and run. B.10.1 Building Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The testfile can be built with the UNIX command, makefile. The demo.src file can be downloaded with the DINK32 command dl -k. It can be executed with the DINK32 command, go 100000. testfile will run continuously. It can be used to try out the breakpoint and other features of DINK32. B.10.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. B.11 l3test The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will initialize and test the L3 cache on those processors that have an L3. This is a simple test to see if the caches have been appropriately flushed, disabled, invalidated, and enabled on the various Motorola Processors installed on Sandpoint Reference platforms. B.11.1 Building The makefile can be invoked with two targets. • l3manage—create the l3 test executable, cachetestp.src. There are four versions of the makefile: • metaware on unix—makefile It can be downloaded and executed with the DINK32 commands, dl -k, go 100000. See the README file for more details. B.11.2 Function Addresses All dink function addresses are determined dynamically, see Appendix D, “User-Callable DINK Functions,” for more information. MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-7 SPINIT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. B.12 SPINIT The “SPINIT” (pronounced “S-P-Init”) directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will initialize the sandpoint board with autosizing memory and kernel IO drivers. Unlike the DINK code, SPINIT is streamlined and omits most of the legacy support. Also contains assembly-language drivers for standard PC-16x50 UART (such as the MPC8245 and/or Sandpoint motherboard), allowing early access to console I/O for debugging. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B.12.1 Building The makefile target is spinit.src. The s-record file code begins at 0x0, allowing it to be loaded in place of DINK. SPINIT cannot be downloaded and executed (at least, it will not do anything useful). A more typical use of SPINIT is to add custom modifications and then to replace DINK, whether with a PromJET flash emulator, a COP debugger download function, or even just a re-programmed flash. A user can use this code as a starting place for their own sandpoint monitor code. B.12.2 Status Complete except for interrupt handling, and C-language environment is not fully working (most likely bss copy is not right). B.13 duart_8245 This test is composed of two directories, duart_8245_driver and duart_8245_isr. These directories contain source files that can be built to build an application that will use the duart in the MPC8245. It will read characters from the input stream and echo them to the output stream via the serial port using the 8245 Duart and EPIC interrupt controller. Read the src/readme.txt file for information on running this test. B.13.1 Building Note: This code uses two different load addresses, both different from the normal load address. The driver uses 0x001a0000 and the isr uses 0x001c0000 load addresses. The makefile forces these load addresses upon the elf and src files. Read the readme.txt files The code is contained in two directories: • driver—contains the code to build the function that echos the keyboard • isr—interrupt service routine that is connected to the EPIC 1. Build isr_uart1.src in the isr directory: — cd isr B-8 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. galileo - mvp only — make — isr_uart1.src is built to load at 0x001c0000 2. Build main.src in the driver directory — cd driver — make — main.src is built to load at 0x001a0000 3. Download isr_uart1.src and main.src in dink — dl -k <use the terminal emulator to download isr_uart1.src> — dl -k <use the terminal emulator to download main.src> 4. Attach the isr to epic — dev epic ISRCnt 24 1c0000 — dev epic B.13.2 Usage Attach the SP com1 output to a terminal emulator for com1. Attach the 8245 duart output to a terminal emulator for com2. Once started using the steps outlined in the build instructions above, begin typing into the com2 terminal after the download and performing the dink32 commands above. B.14 galileo - mvp only This directory is used to build an except2.s suitable for initializing a board using the Galileo GT642600 Discovery bridge chip. It is designed for simulation on a synopsis board, however, the s-record file could be downloaded to a board using the Galileo bridge chip. It would require some modifying for the particular bridge chip. This is designed for the Galileo, GT64260 Discovery Bridge Chip. It also contains the capability of running a linpack benchmark. It is called simexcept2.src. This is only useful for someone with a hardware simulator. B.14.1 Building makefile target: all: builds an simexcept2.src file and converts it to a simulator input file sram_data.bin the user must still change the load address from @fff00000 to @0000000 MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. galileo_read_write - mvp only B.14.2 Usage See the readme file for more information. B.15 galileo_read_write - mvp only The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will read the Galileo GT64260 Discovery Bridge Chip config register and modify the PIPELINE bit (bit 13) then write it back. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This program can be modified to read or write any galileo configuration register by modifying the main function. B.15.1 Building There is one way to build it. • metaware on unix—makefile. B.15.2 Usage No input is accepted. Output consists of displaying the register value when read, when modified and then when written. See the readme file for more information. B.16 linpack The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will perform the linpack benchmark. B.16.1 Building There is one way to build it. • metaware on unix—makefile B.16.2 Usage The user is prompted for input. See the readme file for more information. modified and then when written. See the readme file for more information. B.17 watch - excimer only The directory contains source files that can be built to build an application that will read the time base on an excimer. B-10 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. watch - excimer only B.17.1 Building There is one way to build it. • metaware on unix—makefile B.17.2 Usage Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Download and execute the program. MOTOROLA Appendix B. Example Code For More Information On This Product, Go to: B-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... watch - excimer only B-12 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix C Building and Extending DINK Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C.1 Obtaining DINK32 Source Limited source is available for downloading from the Motorla website. Full source can also be requested through the same web site. The DINK32 webpage is available through the Motorola web site at Search for the keyword “DINK32.” C.2 Building DINK32 Instructions are supplied with the full source code. C.3 DINK Software Build Process DINK32 is a sophisticated debug ROM program. Most hardware specific features such as the specific processor, the memory map, the target platforms, etc. are automatically detected at run time. This flexibility allows a single version of DINK32 to run on different platforms with different processors; for example the same version of DINK32 will boot tthe Sandpoint as well as the Excimer and Maximer platforms with all the supported processors. The ROM device on the Sandpoint system is the Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) device. Upgrading the firmware on such system could be as easy as removing and replacing the old ROM with the new one. The ROM devices on the Excimer and Maximer platform however are the thin small surface mount packages (TSSOP). It is not easy to remove such devices on the target hardware for upgrading. To solve this problem, Motorola provides a smaller version of DINK32 called MDINK. The main purpose of mdink is to download DINK32 or other boot program to ROM, thus it provides a robust way for upgrading the firmware. There are four different versions of DINK: 1. DINK32 provides the capability to download and debug application programs, 2. MDINK32 provides the capability to download and upgrade firmware. 3. VDINK provides simulation of PowerPC processors in a UNIX enviornment. MOTOROLA Appendix C. Building and Extending DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DINK Software Build Process 4. EDINK provides simulator of the e500 core processor using an Instruction Set Simulator, ISS, an MPC8240 simulator, and an MPC8240 board, Elysium. Edink is described in the application note AN2236. All the DINK32 are available in executable form. They are delivered in the following file formats as shown in Table C-1. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table C-1. DINK32 File Formats Board S record elf Sandpoint 13.1 dink32.src dink32k standalone 13.1 dink32SA.src n/a MVP 13.1 mvpdink32.src mvpdink32 excimer 12.3 dink32.src n/a vDINK vdink32 (Sun OS) vdink32 (Linux) eDINK for ISS edinkCor.src n/a eDINK for 8240 ISS edinkIss.src n/a eDINK for Elysium edinkEly.src n/a The source files can be used to build DINK32, VDINK32, or EDINK or MDINK32. The source files are *.c, *.s, and *.h. Other files are makefile and README. Motorola uses the Metaware tool set to build MDINK32 and DINK32 in a UNIX environment. The syntax of the makefile, therefore, complies with the make program available on UNIX machines. The command to build DINK32 on a UNIX command line is “make dink”, and the command to build MDINK32 is “make mdink“. MDINK32 is a subset of DINK32. Both versions share many source files. Of all the files that contribute to the making of MDINK32, the files that MDINK32 does not share with DINK32 is mpar_tb.c and mhelp.c. DINK32's version of mpar_tb.c is par_tb.c and mhelp.c is help.c. MDINK is only available on an excimer board; source is no longer supported. Both can also be build on UNIX with the GNU gcc tool set using makefile_gcc, and on a PC/NT with the Metaware tool set using makefile_pc. When the “make dink” command is executed, and the output files produced by “make” are put in “obj”. (see Figure C-1). C-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Installation .../DINK32 (makefile and readme) obj src Figure C-1. DINK32/MDINK32 Directory Organization Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The directory structure, as shown in Figure C-1, consists of a root directory, which contains the makefile and readme files and src and obj subdirectories. Instructions for building DINK32 are included in the full release. C.4 Installation DINK32 is intended to replace any existing boot code. It is not downloaded and executed but must typically be installed into a flash device. C.4.1 Sandpoint Using a ROM burner or in line ROM emulator load the dink32.src srecord file or the dink32 executable. See Section 3.25, “FUPDATE.” C.4.1.1 Excimer and Maximer Using the mdink32 facility running on an Excimer and Maximer board, download the new dink32 with the command dl -fl -o ffc00000, then using your terminals ascii download facility, download the dink32 sfile. See Section 3.26, “FW” and Section 3.18, “Download.” The steps for downloading a new DINK32 into excimer or maximer: 1. Connect the board to the computer by using a null-serial cable to connect port1 from excimer or maximer board to com1 on the host computer PC. 2. Start Hyperterminal on a Windows NT PC see Section, “Hyperterm on NT” or a terminal emulator on a Mac see Section, “Zterm on Mac.” 3. Reset the excimer or maximer board and stop MDINK32 by hitting any key on the keyboard during MDINK32 startup. Perform the command, fw -e, which will erase all of flash memory and recopy MDINK32 to flash. Normally, the MDINK32 flash sector is protected and the copy will be a no operation. 4. When mdink prompt returns, reset board. 5. Reset the baud rate by doing the following: — sb -k 57600 MOTOROLA Appendix C. Building and Extending DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Extending DINK Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. — Press enter — Select Disconnect icon — Select Properties icon — Press Configure button — Change bits per second (baud rate) to 57600 — Press Okay button — Select connect button — Press enter 6. Type fl -dsi (Only required on mdink32 V10.6) 7. Type dl -fl -o ffc00000 8. Select pull down menu “transfer” use option “send text file” and select the dink32.src file from the list of files. (DO NOT use the option “send file”.) MDINK32 is not supplied as elf or sfiles on this site. However, all the code (some code is purposefully removed and the object files are substituted) is available to build mdink32. Loading MDINK32 requires unprotecting sector 15 on the Excimer and Maximer and using some type of emulator to download the code. Selected DINK32 code is available at this site. Some files are not released in source form, and starting with this release R12.3, no objects are supplied so that DINK32 can NOT be built. All the source, including the removed code, is available from the Motorola confidential site and can be obtained from your Motorola Salesperson. C.5 Extending DINK DINK uses a shell processor to collect various command arguments and pass them to the command function, in addition to managing help. To extend DINK functions by adding new commands, the following procedure is used: 1. The command is written in ‘C’ and linked into the DINK executable. The function is passed command arguments and may invoke an argument processor. When the command has completed its task, it returns a status code (SUCCESS or an error code from “errors.h”). 2. A descriptive line is added to the function “shell.c”. C.5.1 Writing Commands To write a new command, it is easiest to use the following template: C-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Extending DINK STATUS my_cmd( DINKCMD *cmd, char *args ) { static char *mycmd_help[] = { "Syntax: mycmd [-a][-n fno] dno", 0 }; int b_arg; char b, *str; ULONG x, no; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... b_arg = 0; while ((b = arg_getopts( &args, "bn#s:x#", &str, &no )) != 0) { switch (b) { case ’?’: return( more_help( cmd, mycmd_help ) ); case ’b’: b_arg++; break; case ’n’: funcNo = no; break; } } (user commands here) return( SUCCESS ); } Each command is passed information via the DINKCMD structure, which is documented below, and the command line arguments. If command arguments are needed, then the DINK function arg_getopts(args, template, str_ptr, long_ptr ) is used to extract them as follows: args Suppled to the command, passed as-is template A string containing which arguments to collect, and what format is expected. See below. str_ptr A pointer to a ‘char *’. If character strings are collected, the data is stored there. long_ptr A pointer to a long. If numeric values are collected, the value is stored there. If more than one argument is collected, the value must be transferred elsewhere. On exit, the “args” character pointer points to the rest of the command line, which is often used by commands for filename collection, etc. The format of ‘template’ is: [a-zA-Z] MOTOROLA A letter alone is detected as ‘-a’, ‘-b’ etc. or in series such as ‘-abc’. Appendix C. Building and Extending DINK For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Extending DINK Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. [a-zA-Z]’:’ A letter followed by ‘:’ is a string argument, and is stored in the accompanying ‘str_ptr’. The argument is re-used for multiple string arguments, to typically the enclosing switch statement copies or processes the string argument. [a-zA-Z]’$’ A letter followed by ‘$’ is a hexadecimal numeric argument, and is convered from hex and stored in the accompanying ‘long_ptr’. As with ’:’, the argument is re-used on subsequent arguments. [a-zA-Z]’#’ A letter followed by ‘#’ is a decimal numeric argument, and is convered from decimal and stored in the accompanying ‘long_ptr’. As with ’:’, the argument is re-used on subsequent arguments. If the argument ‘?’ is detected, the function more_help() is called to show the statically defined text array, in this case mycmd_help(). Embedding the help text in the function allows the shell() command processor to be C.5.2 Linking Commands Once the command has been written, it must be added to the shell processor so DINK can invoke it upon user command. To the file “shell.c” add the following: 1. The line “extern STATUS my_cmd();” at the top of the file. 2. A line such as: { “MYcmd”, “My new command”, C_ALL, my_cmd }, 3. in the command table “DINKCMD sh_dink_cmds[]”. Note that commands MUST be entered in alphabetical order. The upper-case letters in the command indicate the minimum number of characters which must be matched. Thus, “MYcmd” can be invoked with “mycmd” or “my”, but not “m”. C-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix D User-Callable DINK Functions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... D.1 General Information Many library functions such as printf() and memSpeed() are available via the DINK32 debugger. In the past, it has been necessary to ascertain the address of these functions, which change with each compile, from the cross reference listing, and statically set these addresses in the programs that used these features. The demo and dhrystone directories included with the DINK32 distribution contained examples of how to set these static function addresses. With the release of DINK32 V11.1 and V12.0, these addresses are now dynamically ascertained and the user only need call a few functions and set up some #defines. This technique is described in this appendix. Users with access to the entire DINK32 source base can modify or add DINK32 functions. DINK32 global variables can also be ascertained from this table. R12.1 includes the two global variables, memSpeed, and process_type. D.2 Methodology and Implementation This method is implemented with a static structure that is filled with the current functions address during link time. The table is allocated in the file par_tb.c. Only users with access to this file can change the contents of the table, thereby, determining which DINK32 functions are available. par_tb.c is only available via the motorola sales office, it is not included on the web site. However, all users can use the technique for linking their code with the these DINK32 functions. The structure is defined in dink.h as dink_exports //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// Transfer vector -- table of pointers to useful functions within DINK, // callable through R21. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------typedef struct { int version; unsigned long *keyboard; int (*printf)(const char*,...); int (*dink_loop)(); unsigned int (*is_char_in_duart)(); MOTOROLA /* 0 */ /* 4 */ /* 8 */ // 12 // 16 Appendix D. User-Callable DINK Functions For More Information On This Product, Go to: D-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Methodology and Implementation unsigned int (*menu)(); unsigned int (*par_about)(); unsigned int (*disassemble)(/*long, long*/); unsigned char (*get_char)(unsigned long); void (*write_char)(unsigned char); unsigned long *memSpeed; char *process_type; void (*smp_release_cpu)(unsigned long); int (*read_pid)(); ULONG (*pvr_read)(); ULONG *memSize; ULONG *memCL; MACINFO *MAC_info; UCHAR *args; int (*board_ctl)(); CPUINFO **ci; MCAPS **mi; } dink_exports; /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* // // // // // // // 20 */ 24 */ 28 */ 32 */ 36 */ 40 */ 44 */ 48 */ 52 */ 56 */ 60 64 Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset 68 72 76 80 84 and populated in par_tb.c as dink_transfer_table. dink_exports dink_transfer_table = { 4, 0, (int (*)(const char*,...)) dink_printf, dink_loop, is_char_in_duart, shell_help, par_about, disassemble, dink_getchar, dink_putchar, &memSpeed, &process_type, smp_release_cpu, read_pid, pvr_read, &memSize, &memCL, &MAC_nos, NULL, board_ctl, &cpu_info, &mach_info }; These are all of the functions and variables that are supported in V13.1. Additional or replacement DINK32 functions and global variables can be added to the table. This table is allocated and linked into the DINK32 binaries. The user typically downloads his/her program into the starting location of free memory, at this release, address 0x90000. Unfortunately, the user program has no way of determining where the dink_transfer_table is located. Therefore when DINK32 transfers control to the user program, it sets the address D-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Setting Up Static Locations of the dink_transfer_table in general purpose register 21 in go_tr2.s. This register appears to be immune from being used by the compiler prior to the invocation of the user programs start address, usually, main(). Therefore the user must call the supplied function, set_up_transfer_base, or equivalent, which is described below in G.4. After this call the address of the dink_transfer_table is available to the user program. D.3 Setting Up Static Locations Table D-1 shows some of the functions that are currently supported. Table D-1. DINK32 Dynamic Names Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32 Name Version of table &KEYBOARD Common Name 4 value of port for Keyboard support dink_printf printf dink_loop DINK32 idle function is_char_in_duart return 1 if character has been sent entry point for DINK32 menu function par_about entry point for DINK32 about function disassemble entry point for DINK32 disassemble function dink_get_char get_char - get next character from com port dink_put_char put_char - send character to com port memSpeed address of global variable memSpeed process_type smp_release_cpu address of global variable process_type cpu read_pid read process ID pvr_read read PVR memSize memory size memCL MVP_MACs NULL memory burst rate external MAC address for MPV -- board_ctl various board functions cpu_info CPU information mach_info Board information To change or add any new DINK32 functions or variables, one must change the dink_transfer_table. MOTOROLA Appendix D. User-Callable DINK Functions For More Information On This Product, Go to: D-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Using the Dynamic Functions To use any of these functions in user code, define the user code function name to be the dink function name. For example, to link the user code printf to the DINK32 printf function, #define printf dink_printf, to link the user code put_char to DINK32 write_char, #define put_char writechar. See the directories demo and dhrystone for examples of setting up these #define statements. See the directory memspeed for an example of how to use dynamic global variables. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... D.4 Using the Dynamic Functions Using these functions is implemented via the assembly language file, dinkusr.s, and the include file dinkusr.h. The user #includes dinkusr.h and links in dinkusr.s during compilation/link time. All of the functions in this table except set_up_transfer_base, transfer control to the DINK32 function while leaving the link register, lr, unchanged. This effectively transfers control to the DINK32 function and the DINK32 function on completion returns directly to the caller in the user’s code. The functions supplied in dinkusr.s are shown in Table D-2. Table D-2. dinkusr.s Functions Function Name Function Definition set_up_transfer_base Capture the dink_transfer_table address from r21 and store it into a local memory cell for future use. You must call this function before using any of the functions below, and it should be called immediately after entry, such as the first statement in main(). dink_printf DINK32 entry into printf. dink_loop DINK32 idle loop is_char_in_duart shell_help DINK32 display menu function. par_about DINK32 display about function. disassemble DINK32 disassemble instruction get_KEYBOARD Return address of keyboard com port dink_get_char DINK32 get next character from the duart buffer, essentially the keyboard for the user. This function requires the KEYBOARD value, obtained from get_KEYBOARD, as an argument. See G.6 example program _getcannon for an example of the correct way to obtain this value. dink_put_char DINK32 put character to the output buffer. get_memSpeed returns the integer value of memSpeed example: int val; val=get_memSpeed(); get_process_type D-4 DINK32 function to detect if duart has a new character. returns the character value of process_type example: char type; type=get_process_type(); DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Error Conditions Table D-2. dinkusr.s Functions (continued) Function Name smp_release_cpu holds jump address for this cpu read_pid read the PID of this CPU memSize returns the size of memory memCL NULL Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Function Definition memory burst rates unused board_ctl Various control featers of the board cpu_info CPU information like the name, cache sizes, altivect. mach_info Board information like the BoardID, ports, io drivers. The simple steps for using these dynamic addresses are: 1. Use DINK32 V11.1 or later. 2. Use #define for local functions that you wish to connect to the DINK32 functions example: #define printf dink_printf 3. The first executable statement in your C code must be: set_up_transfer_base(); 4. Now whenever your program calls one of these functions, such as printf, it will transfer control to the equivalent DINK32 function. 5. Or, whenver your program needs the value of a DINK32 global value defined in the table, call the associated get function in dinkusr.s. D.5 Error Conditions The only error condition is a trapword exception, which indicates that the dink_transfer_table address is zero. This is caused by one of the following conditions: 1. The user has not called set_up_transfer_base() 2. R21 is getting trashed before set_up_transfer_base() is called. 3. The DINK32 version does not support dynamic functions. DINK32 V11.0.2 was the last version that DID NOT support this feature. Ensure that you are using DINK32 V12.0 or greater. D.6 Alternative Method for Metaware Only While printf is fairly straightforward, scanf is more complex. In the drystone directory, a local copy of scanf is supplied in the file, support.c. Scanf and printf can also be emulated in a simpler program when using the metaware compiler. Two metaware functions are supplied to the user to give control to characters that are scanned into and out of the MOTOROLA Appendix D. User-Callable DINK Functions For More Information On This Product, Go to: D-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Alternative Method for Metaware Only program buffers. Refer to the metaware documentation for more information than is given here. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... When the user compiles and links with the -Hsds flag, two functions, int _putcanon(int a), and int _getcanon() are called whenever the user gets or receives a character. Thus, the user can write the simple functions shown below, and scanf and printf will use the DINK32 functions for printf and scanf. In this case, it is not necessary to use #define to change the name of the printf or scanf functions or write your own printf or scanf function. It is still necessary to call set_up_transfer_base() as the first statement in your program. /******************************************************************* * Functions to capture characters from printf and scanf using * the -Hsds hooks in the metaware compiler * mlo 7/22/99 *******************************************************************/ #include "dinkusr.h" int _putcanon(int a) { /* grab the character sent by printf in -Hsds and * use it in dink putchar */ char c; c=a; write_char(c); return 1; } int _getcanon() { /* extract the character received by scanf in -Hsds and use * it in dink putchar */ unsigned long key; key = get_KEYBOARD(); return (get_char(key )); } D-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix E MPC8240 Drivers Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... There are four drivers for the MPC8240 integrated peripheral devices. • • • • DMA—memory controller I2C—serial controller I2O—doorbell controller EPIC—interrupt controller Sample code for each of these drivers are in the directory, drivers, under dink32. Under the drivers directory are six directories, one for each controller. The following sections describe the driver and the sample code. Each driver is discussed in one of the following four appendices. • • • • Section E.1, “MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller” Section E.2, “MPC8240 I2C Driver Library” Section E.3, “MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver” Section E.4, “MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver” E.1 MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller This section provides information about the generic Application Program Interface (API) to the DMA Driver Library as well as information about the implementation of the Kahlua-specific DMA Driver Library Internals (DLI). E.1.1 Background The intended audience for this document is assumed to be familiar with the DMA protocol. It is a companion document to the Kahlua specification and other documentation which collectively give details of the DMA protocol and the Kahlua implementation. This document provides information about the software written to access the Kahlua DMA interface. This software is intended to assist in the development of higher level applications software that uses the DMA interface. MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller NOTE The DMA driver software is currently under development. The only mode that is functional is a direct transfer (chaining is not yet implemented). Only transfers to and from local memory has been tested. Controlling a remote agent processor is not yet implemented. Of the various DMA transfer control options implemented in Kahlua, the only ones currently available in this release of the DMA library are source address, destination address, length, channel, interrupt steering and snoop enable. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.1.2 Overview This document consists of these parts: • • • • E-2 An Application Program Interface (API) which provides a very simple, "generic", application level programmatic interface to the DMA driver library that hides all details of the Kahlua-specific implementation of the interface (i.e., control register, status register, embedded utilities memory block, etc.). Features provided by the Kahlua implementation that may or may not be common with other implementations (i.e., not "generic" DMA operations) are made available to the application; however, the interface is controlled by passing parameters defined in the API rather than the application having to have any knowledge of the Kahlua implementation (i.e., registers, embedded utilities memory block, etc.) The API will be expanded to include chaining mode and additional DMA transfer control features in future releases. DMA API functions showing the following: — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) parameter definition possible return values brief description of what the function does — an explanation of how the functions are used by an application program (DINK32 usage employed as examples) A DMA Driver Library Internals (DLI) which provides information about the lower level software that is accessing the Kahlua-specific implementation of the DMA interface. DMA DLI functions showing the following: — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) — parameter definition possible — return values — brief description of what the function does DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller E.1.3 DMA Application Program Interface (API) API functions description The DMA API function prototypes, defined return values, and enumerated input parameter values are declared in drivers/dma/dma_export.h. The functions are defined in the source file drivers/dma/dma1.c. DMA_Status DMA_Initialize(int(*app_print_function)(char*,...)); Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • app_print_function is the address of the optional application's print function, otherwise NULL if not available Return: DMA_Status return value is either DMA_SUCCESS or DMA_ERROR. Description: Configure the DMA driver prior to use, as follows: The optional print function, if supplied by the application, must be similar to the C standard library printf library function: accepts a format string and a variable number (zero or more) of additional arguments. This optional function may be used by the library functions to report error and status condition information. If no print function is supplied by the application, the application must provide a NULL value for this parameter, in which case the library will not attempt to access a print function. NOTE Each DMA transfer will be configured individually by the function call that initiates the transfer. If it is desirable to establish a default configuration, these could be added as parameters. Alternately, the first (or most recent) transfer configuration values could also be used to establish defaults. This function call triggers the DMA library to read the eumbbar so that it is available to the driver, so it is a requirement that the application first call DMA_Initialize before starting any DMA transfers. This could be eliminated if the other functions read the eumbbar if it has not already been done. DMA_Status DMA_direct_transfer( DMA_INTERRUPT_STEER int_steer, DMA_TRANSFER_TYPE type, unsigned int source, unsigned int dest, unsigned int len, DMA_CHANNEL channel, DMA_SNOOP_MODE snoop); MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • • • • int_steer controls interrupt steering, use defined constants as follows: DMA_INT_STEER_LOCAL to steer to local processor DMA_INT_STEER_PCI to steer to PCI bus through INTA_ type is the type of transfer, use defined constants as follows: DMA_M2M local memory to local memory (note, this is currently the only one tested) DMA_M2P local memory to PCI DMA_P2M PCI to local memory DMA_P2P PCI to PCI source is the source address of the data to transfer dest is the destination address, the target of the transfer len is the length in bytes of the data channel is the DMA channel to use for the transfer, use defined constants as follows: DMA_CHN_0 Kahlua has two channels, zero and one DMA_CHN_1 snoop controls processor snooping of the DMA channel buffer, use defined constants a follows: DMA_SNOOP_DISABLE DMA_SNOOP_ENABLE Return: DMA_Status return value is either DMA_SUCCESS or DMA_ERROR. Description: Initiate the DMA transfer. This function does not implement any validation of the transfer. It does check the status of the DMA channel to determine if it is OK to initiate a transfer, but the application must handle verification and error conditions via the interrupt mechanisms. E.1.4 API Example Usage The ROM monitor program DINK32 currently uses the DMA API to initiate a direct data transfer in local memory only. The DINK32 program runs interactively to allow the user to transfer a block of data in local memory. DINK32 obtains information from the user as follows: interrupt steering, transfer type, source address of the data, destination (target) address, length of the data to transfer, DMA channel, and snoop control. Note that the initialization call to configure the DMA interface is made once: the first time the user requests a DMA transfer operation. Each transmit or receive operation is initiated by a single call to a DMA API function. The DINK32 program is an interactive application, so it gives the DMA library access to its own print output function. DINK32 does not currently implement any handling of interrupts for error handling or completion of transfer verification. E-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller These are the steps DINK32 takes to perform a DMA transfer: 1. Call DMA_Initialize (if first transfer) to identify the optional print function. 2. Call DMA_direct_transfer to transmit the buffer of data. The following code samples have been excerpted from the DINK32 application to illustrate the use of the DMA API: #define PRINT dink_printf Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... int dink_printf( unsigned char *fmt, ... ) { /* body of application print output function, */ } /* In the function par_devtest, for testing the DMA device interface */ { /* initialize the DMA handler, if needed */ if ( DMAInited == 0 ) { DMA_Status status; if ((status = DMA_Initialize( PRINT ) ) != DMA_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "devtest DMA: error in initiation\n" ); return ERROR; } else { DMAInited = 1; } } return test_dma( en_int ); /* en_int is the steering control option */ } /******************************************************* * function: test_dma * * description: run dma test * * note: * test local dma channel ******************************************************/ static STATUS test_dma( int en_int ) { int len = 0, chn = 0; long src = 0, dest = 0; int mode = 0; DMA_SNOOP_MODE snoop = DMA_SNOOP_DISABLE; DMA_CHANNEL channel; DMA_INTERRUPT_STEER steer; /* The default for is en_int = 0 for DMA, this steers the DMA interrupt to the local processor. If the DINK user puts a ’+’ on the command line, en_int = 1 and the steering for the DMA interrupt is to the PCI bus through INTA_. */ MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller steer = ( en_int == 0 ? DMA_INT_STEER_LOCAL : DMA_INT_STEER_PCI ); /* read source and destination addresses, length, type, snoop and channel */ ... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... /* validate and translate to API defined parameter values */ ... /* call the DMA library to initiate the transfer */ if ( DMA_direct_transfer ( steer, type, (unsigned int)src, (unsigned int)dest, (unsigned int)len, channel, snoop) != DMA_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "dev DMA: error in DMA transfer test\n" ); return ERROR; } return SUCCESS; } E.1.5 DMA Driver Library Internals (DLI) This information is provided to assist in further development of the DMA library. All of these functions are defined as static in the source file drivers/dma/dma1.c. E.1.5.1 Common Data Structures and Values The following data structures, tables and status values are defined (see drivers/dma/dma.h unless otherwise noted) for the Kahlua DMA driver library functions. These are the register offsets in a table of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block addresses for the DMA registers. #define NUM_DMA_REG 7 #define DMA_MR_REG 0 #define DMA_SR_REG 1 #define DMA_CDAR_REG 2 #define DMA_SAR_REG 3 #define DMA_DAR_REG 4 #define DMA_BCR_REG 5 #define DMA_NDAR_REG 6 The table that contains the addresses of the local and remote registers for both DMA channels (defined in drivers/dma/dma1.c): unsigned int dma_reg_tb[][14] = { /* local DMA registers */ { /* DMA_0_MR */ 0x00001100, /* DMA_0_SR */ 0x00001104, /* DMA_0_CDAR */ 0x00001108, /* DMA_0_SAR */ 0x00001110, E-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* }, /* { /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* }, }; DMA_0_DAR */ 0x00001118, DMA_0_BCR */ 0x00001120, DMA_0_NDAR */ 0x00001124, DMA_1_MR */ 0x00001200, DMA_1_SR */ 0x00001204, DMA_1_CDAR */ 0x00001208, DMA_1_SAR */ 0x00001210, DMA_1_DAR */ 0x00001218, DMA_1_BCR */ 0x00001220, DMA_1_NDAR */ 0x00001224, remote DMA registers */ DMA_0_MR */ 0x00000100, DMA_0_SR */ 0x00000104, DMA_0_CDAR */ 0x00000108, DMA_0_SAR */ 0x00000110, DMA_0_DAR */ 0x00000118, DMA_0_BCR */ 0x00000120, DMA_0_NDAR */ 0x00000124, DMA_1_MR */ 0x00000200, DMA_1_SR */ 0x00000204, DMA_1_CDAR */ 0x00000208, DMA_1_SAR */ 0x00000210, DMA_1_DAR */ 0x00000218, DMA_1_BCR */ 0x00000220, DMA_1_NDAR */ 0x00000224, These values are the function status return values: typedef enum _dmastatus { DMASUCCESS = 0x1000, DMALMERROR, DMAPERROR, DMACHNBUSY, DMAEOSINT, DMAEOCAINT, DMAINVALID, DMANOEVENT, } DMAStatus; These structures reflect the bit assignments of the DMA registers. typedef enum dma_mr_bit { IRQS = 0x00080000, PDE = 0x00040000, DAHTS = 0x00030000, SAHTS = 0x0000c000, DAHE = 0x00002000, SAHE = 0x00001000, MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PRC = 0x00000c00, EIE = 0x00000080, EOTIE = 0x00000040, DL = 0x00000008, CTM = 0x00000004, CC = 0x00000002, CS = 0x00000001, } DMA_MR_BIT; typedef enum dma_sr_bit { LME = 0x00000080, PE = 0x00000010, CB = 0x00000004, EOSI = 0x00000002, EOCAI = 0x00000001, } DMA_SR_BIT; /* structure for DMA Mode Register */ typedef struct _dma_mr { unsigned int reserved0 : 12; unsigned int irqs : 1; unsigned int pde : 1; unsigned int dahts : 2; unsigned int sahts : 2; unsigned int dahe : 1; unsigned int sahe : 1; unsigned int prc : 2; unsigned int reserved1 : 1; unsigned int eie : 1; unsigned int eotie : 1; unsigned int reserved2 : 3; unsigned int dl : 1; unsigned int ctm : 1; /* if chaining mode is enabled, any time, user can modify the * descriptor and does not need to halt the current DMA transaction. * Set CC bit, enable DMA to process the modified descriptors * Hardware will clear this bit each time, DMA starts. */ unsigned int cc : 1; /* cs bit has dua role, halt the current DMA transaction and * (re)start DMA transaction. In chaining mode, if the descriptor * needs modification, cs bit shall be used not the cc bit. * Hardware will not set/clear this bit each time DMA transaction * stops or starts. Software shall do it. * * cs bit shall not be used to halt chaining DMA transaction for * modifying the descriptor. That is the role of CC bit. */ unsigned int cs : 1; } DMA_MR; /* structure for DMA Status register */ typedef struct _dma_sr E-8 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... { unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int } DMA_SR; reserved0 : 24; lme : 1; reserved1 : 2; pe : 1; reserved2 : 1; cb : 1; eosi : 1; eocai : 1; /* structure for DMA current descriptor address register */ typedef struct _dma_cdar { unsigned int cda : 27; unsigned int snen : 1; unsigned int eosie : 1; unsigned int ctt : 2; unsigned int eotd : 1; } DMA_CDAR; /* structure for DMA byte count register */ typedef struct _dma_bcr { unsigned int reserved : 6; unsigned int bcr : 26; } DMA_BCR; /* structure for DMA Next Descriptor Address register */ typedef struct _dma_ndar { unsigned int nda : 27; unsigned int ndsnen : 1; unsigned int ndeosie: 1; unsigned int ndctt : 2; unsigned int eotd : 1; } DMA_NDAR; /* structure for DMA current transaction info */ typedef struct _dma_curr { unsigned int src_addr; unsigned int dest_addr; unsigned int byte_cnt; } DMA_CURR; MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller E.1.6 Function Descriptions of DMA Driver Library Internals The API function DMA_direct_transfer (described above) accepts predefined parameter values to initialize a DMA transfer. These parameters are used by the DMA driver library functions to set up the Kahlua DMA status and mode registers so that the application does not have to interface to the Kahlua processor on such a low level. A description of the processing performed in the DMA_direct_transfer function and descriptions of the lower level DMA driver library functions follow. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This is a description of the DMA_direct_transfer processing, which initiates a simple direct transfer: 1. Read the mode register (MR) by calling DMA_Get_Mode 2. Set the values in the mode register as follows: IRSQ is set from the int_steer parameter if steering DMA interrupts to PCI, set EIE and EOTIE the other mode controls are currently hard coded: PDE cleared DAHS = 3; however this is ignored because DAHE is cleared SAHS = 3; however this is ignored because SAHE is cleared PRC is cleared DL is cleared CTM is set (direct mode) CC is cleared 3. Validate the length of transfer value, report error and return if too large 4. Read the current descriptor address register by calling DMA_Poke_Desp 5. Set the values in the CDAR as follows: SNEN is set from the snoop parameter CTT is set from the type parameter 6. Write the CDAR by calling DMA_Bld_Desp, which checks the channel status to ensure it is free 7. Write the source and destination address registers (SAR and DAR) and the byte count register (BCR) by calling DMA_Bld_Curr, which maps them according to channel and host and ensure the channel is free 8. Write the mode register by calling DMA_Set_Mode 9. Begin the DMA transfer by calling DMA_Start, which ensures the channel is free and then clears and sets the mode register channel start (CS) bit 10. The proceeding steps 6 through 9 are done in a sequence so that each call must return a successful status prior to executing the following step. The status is checked and error conditions are reported at this point if all did not execute successfully. E-10 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 DMA Memory Controller 11. If this point is reached, the DMA transfer was initiated successfully, return success status These are descriptions of the DMA library functions reference above in the DMA_direct_transfer processing steps. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DMAStatus DMA_Get_Mode( LOCATION host, unsigned eumbbar, unsigned int channel, DMA_MR *mode); host is LOCAL or REMOTE, only LOCAL is currently tested • • • • eumbbar is EUMBBAR for LOCAL or PCSRBAR for REMOTE channel is DMA_CHN_0 or DMA_CHN_1 mode is a pointer to the structure (DMA_MR) to receive the mode register contents Return value is DMASUCCESS or DMAINVALID Description: Read the DMA mode register. DMAStatus DMA_Poke_Desp( LOCATION host, unsigned eumbbar, unsigned int channel, DMA_CDAR *desp); host is LOCAL or REMOTE, only LOCAL is currently tested • • • • eumbbar is EUMBBAR for LOCAL or PCSRBAR for REMOTE channel is DMA_CHN_0 or DMA_CHN_1 desp is a pointer to the structure (DMA_CDAR) to receive the CDAR contents Return value is DMASUCCESS or DMAINVALID Description: Read the current descriptor address register (CDAR) specified by host and channel. DMAStatus DMA_Bld_Desp( LOCATION host, unsigned eumbbar, unsigned int channel, DMA_CDAR *mode); host is LOCAL or REMOTE, only LOCAL is currently tested • • • • eumbbar is EUMBBAR for LOCAL or PCSRBAR for REMOTE channel is DMA_CHN_0 or DMA_CHN_1 desp is a pointer to the structure (DMA_CDAR) holding the CDAR control bits Return value is DMASUCCESS, DMACHNBUSY or DMAINVALID MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library Description: Set the current descriptor address register (CDAR) specified by host and channel to the given values. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DMAStatus DMA_Bld_Curr( LOCATION host, unsigned eumbbar, unsigned int channel, DMA_CURR *desp); • • • • • host is LOCAL or REMOTE, only LOCAL is currently tested eumbbar is EUMBBAR for LOCAL or PCSRBAR for REMOTE channel is DMA_CHN_0 or DMA_CHN_1 desp is a pointer to the structure (DMA_CURR) holding the source, destination and byte count Return value is DMASUCCESS, DMACHNBUSY or DMAINVALID Description: Set the source address register (SAR), destination address register (DAR) and byte count register (BCR) specified by host and channel to the given values. DMAStatus DMA_Start( LOCATION host, unsigned eumbbar, unsigned int channel); • • • • host is LOCAL or REMOTE, only LOCAL is currently tested eumbbar is EUMBBAR for LOCAL or PCSRBAR for REMOTE channel is DMA_CHN_0 or DMA_CHN_1 Return value is DMASUCCESS, DMACHNBUSY or DMAINVALID Description: Start the DMA transfer on the specified host and channel. Ensure the channel is free, then clear and set the CS bit in the mode register. That 0 to 1 transition triggers the DMA transfer. E.2 MPC8240 I2C Driver Library This section provides information about the generic Application Program Interface (API) to the I2C Driver Library as well as information about the implementation of the Kahlua-specific I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI). E.2.1 Background The intended audience for this document is assumed to be familiar with the I2C bus protocol. It is a companion document to the Kahlua specification and other documentation E-12 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library which collectively give details of the I2C protocol and the Kahlua implementation. This document provides information about the software written to access the Kahlua I2C interface. This software is intended to assist in the development of higher level applications software that uses the I2C interface. NOTE The I2C driver software is currently under development. The only modes that are functional are the master-transmit and master-receive in polling mode. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.2.2 Overview This document consists of these parts: • • • An Application Program Interface (API) which provides a very simple, generic, application level programmatic interface to the I2C driver library that hides all details of the Kahlua-specific implementation of the I2C interface (i.e., control register, status register, embedded utilities memory block, etc.). I2C API functions showing the following: — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) — parameter definition — possible return values — brief description of what the function does — an explanation of how the functions are used by an application program (DINK32 usage employed as examples) An I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI) which provides information about the lower level software that is accessing the Kahlua-specific implementation of the I2C interface. — I2C DLI functions showing the following: — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) — parameter definition — possible return values — brief description of what the function does E.2.3 I2C Application Program Interface (API) E.2.3.1 API Functions Description The I2C API function prototypes, defined return values, and enumerated input parameter values are declared in drivers/i2c/i2c_export.h. MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library The functions are defined in the source file drivers/i2c/i2c1.c. I2C_Status I2C_Initialize( unsigned char addr, I2C_INTERRUPT_MODE en_int, int (*app_print_function)(char *,...)); • • • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • addr is the Kahlua chip's I2C slave device address en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status: I2C_INT_ENABLE = enable, I2C_INT_DISABLE = disable app_print_function is the address of the optional application's print function, otherwise NULL if not available Return: I2C_Status return value is either I2C_SUCCESS or I2C_ERROR. Description: Configure the I2C library prior to use, as follows: The interrupt enable should be set to I2C_INT_DISABLE, the I2C library currently only supports polling mode. The slave address can be set to the I2C listening address of the device running the application program, but the DLI does not yet support the application's device responding as an I2C slave to another I2C master device. The optional print function, if supplied by the application, must be similar to the C standard library printf library function: accepts a format string and a variable number (zero or more) of additional arguments. This optional function may be used by the I2C library functions to report error and status condition information. If no print function is supplied by the application, the call to I2C_Initialize must provide a NULL value for this parameter, in which case the I2C library will not attempt to access a print function. I2C_Status I2C_do_transaction( I2C_INTERRUPT_MODE en_int, I2C_TRANSACTION_MODE act, unsigned char i2c_addr, unsigned char data_addr, int len, char *buffer, I2C_STOP_MODE stop, int retry, I2C_RESTART_MODE rsta); • • • • • E-14 en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status (currently use I2C_INT_DISABLE only, polling mode) act is the type of transaction: I2C_MASTER_RCV or I2C_MASTER_XMIT i2c_addr is the I2C address of the slave device data_addr is the address of the data on the slave device len is the length in bytes of the data DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library • • • • buffer is a pointer to the buffer that contains the data (xmit mode) or receives the data (rcv mode) stop controls sending an I2C STOP signal after completion (curently use I2C_STOP only) retry is the timeout retry value (currently ignored) rsta controls I2C restart (currently use I2C_NO_RESTART only) Return: I2C_Status return value is either I2C_SUCCESS or I2C_ERROR. Description: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Act as the I2C master to transmit (or receive) a buffer of data to (or from) an I2C slave device. This function currently only implements a simple master-transmit or a master-receive transaction. It does not yet support the application retaining I2C bus ownership between transactions, operating in interrupt mode, or acting as an I2C slave device. E.2.3.2 API Example Usage The ROM monitor program DINK32 uses the I2C API in both currently implemented modes: master-transmit and master-receive. The DINK32 program runs interactively to allow the user to transmit or receive a buffer of data from an I2C device at address 0x50 on the Kahlua PMC card. DINK32 obtains information from the user as follows: read/write mode, I2C device address for the data (this is the address of the data on the I2C device, not the I2C bus address of the device itself, which is hard-coded in DINK32), the raw data (if in write mode), and the length of the data to transfer to or from the device. Note that the initialization call to configure the I2C interface is actually made only once, the first time the user requests an I2C transmit or receive operation. Each transmit or receive operation is performed by a single call to an I2C API function. The DINK32 program is an interactive application, so it gives the I2C library access to its own print output function. These are the steps DINK32 takes to perform a master-transmit transaction: 1. Call I2C_Initialize (if needed) to set the Kahlua I2C address, polling mode, and identify the optional print function. 2. Call I2C_do_transaction to transmit the buffer of data. These are the steps DINK32 takes to perform a master-receive transaction in polling mode: 1. Call I2C_Initialize (if needed) to set the Kahlua I2C address, polling mode, and identify the optional print function. 2. Call I2C_do_transaction to receive the buffer of data. The following code samples have been excerpted from the DINK32 application to illustrate the use of the I2C API: #define PRINT dink_printf MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... int dink_printf( unsigned char *fmt, ... ) { /* body of application print output function, see Appendix ??? */ } /* In the function par_devtest, for testing the I2C device interface */ { /* initialize the I2C handler to I2C address 48, if needed */ if ( I2CInited == 0 ) { I2C_Status status; if ((status = I2C_Initialize( 48, en_int, PRINT ) ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "devtest I2C: error in initiation\n" ); return ERROR; } else { I2CInited = 1; } } return test_i2c( action, en_int ); } static unsigned char rcv_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 }; static unsigned char xmit_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 }; /******************************************************* * function: test_i2c * * description: run i2c test by polling the device * * note: * Test i2c device on PMC card, 0x50 serial EPROM. * The device test data is currently only printable characters. * * This function gets some data from the command line, validates it, * and calls the I2C library function to perform the task. ******************************************************/ static STATUS test_i2c( int act, int en_int ) { int retry = 800, len = 0, rsta = 0, addr = 0; unsigned char eprom_addr = 0x50; /* read transaction address */ ... addr ... /* read # of bytes to transfer */ ... len ... /* validate the data address, length, etc. */ ... /* If transmitting, get the raw data into the transmit buffer */ ... xmit_buffer[] ... /* read built-in I2C device on Kahlua PMC card */ if ( act == DISPLAY_TAG ) E-16 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... { if ( I2C_do_transaction ( en_int, I2C_MASTER_RCV, eprom_addr, addr, len, rcv_buffer, I2C_STOP, retry, I2C_NO_RESTART ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "dev I2C: error in master receive test\n" ); return ERROR; } else { rcv_buffer[len] = 0; /* ensure NULL terminated string */ PRINT( "%s",rcv_buffer); /* expecting only printable data */ PRINT( "\n" ); } } /* write to built-in I2C device on Kahlua PMC card */ if ( act == MODIFY_TAG ) { if ( I2C_do_transaction ( en_int, I2C_MASTER_XMIT, eprom_addr, addr, len, xmit_buffer, I2C_STOP, retry, I2C_NO_RESTART ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "dev I2C: error in master transmit test\n" ); return ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } E.2.4 I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI) This information is provided to assist in further development of the I2C library to enable the application to operate as an I2C slave device, interrupt enabled mode, bus retention between consecutive transactions, correct handling of device time out, no slave device response, no acknowledgment, I2C bus arbitration loss, etc. All of these functions are defined as static in the source file drivers/i2c/i2c1.c. E.2.4.1 Common Data Structures and Values These data structures and status values are defined (see drivers/i2c/i2c.h) for the Kahlua I2C driver library functions: These are the offsets in the Embedded Utilities Memory Block for the I2C registers. #define #define #define #define #define I2CADR 0x00003000 I2CFDR 0x00003004 I2CCR 0x00003008 I2CSR 0x0000300C I2CDR 0x00003010 typedef enum _i2cstatus { I2CSUCCESS = 0x3000, I2CADDRESS, MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library I2CERROR, I2CBUFFFULL, I2CBUFFEMPTY, I2CXMITERROR, I2CRCVERROR, I2CBUSBUSY, I2CALOSS, I2CNOEVENT, } I2CStatus; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... These structures reflect the bit assignments of the I2C registers. typedef struct _i2c_ctrl { unsigned int reserved0 : 24; unsigned int men : 1; unsigned int mien : 1; unsigned int msta : 1; unsigned int mtx : 1; unsigned int txak : 1; unsigned int rsta : 1; unsigned int reserved1 : 2; } I2C_CTRL; typedef struct _i2c_stat { unsigned int rsrv0 : 24; unsigned int mcf : 1; unsigned int maas : 1; unsigned int mbb : 1; unsigned int mal : 1; unsigned int rsrv1 : 1; unsigned int srw : 1; unsigned int mif : 1; unsigned int rxak : 1; } I2C_STAT; Values to indicate receive or transmit mode. typedef enum _i2c_mode { RCV = 0, XMIT = 1, } I2C_MODE; E.2.5 Kahlua I2C Driver Library Internals Function Descriptions I2CStatus I2C_Init( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char fdr, unsigned char addr, unsigned int en_int); • • E-18 eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block fdr is the frequency divider value used to set the I2C clock rate DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library • • • addr is the Kahlua chip's I2C slave device address en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status: 1 = enable, 0 = disable Return: I2CStatus return value is always I2CSUCCESS. Description: Set the frequency divider (I2CFDR:FDR), listening address (I2CADR:[7:1]), and interrupt enable mode (I2CCR:MIEN). I2C_CTRL I2C_Get_Ctrl( unsigned int eumbbar ); Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Return: I2C_CTRL is the contents of the I2C control register (I2CCR) Description: Read the I2C control register. void I2C_Set_Ctrl( unsigned int eumbbar, I2C_CTRL ctrl); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block ctrl is the contents of the I2C control register (I2CCR) Return: none Description: Set the I2C control register. I2CStatus I2C_put( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char rcv_addr, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag, unsigned int is_cnt ); • • • • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block rcv_addr is the receiver's I2C device address buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Set up to send a buffer of data to the intended rcv_addr. If stop_flag is set, after the whole buffer is sent, generate a STOP signal provided that the receiver doesn't signal the STOP in MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... the middle. Caller is the master performing transmitting. If no STOP signal is generated at the end of current transaction, the master can generate a START signal to another slave address. NOTE The function does not actually perform the data buffer transmit, it just sets up the DLI global variables to control the transaction and calls I2C_Start to send the slave address out on the I2C bus in transmit mode. The application must check the return status to find out if the bus was obtained, then enter a loop of calling I2C_Timer_Event to poll the I2C handler to actually perform the transaction one byte at a time, while checking the return status to determine if there were any errors and if the transaction has completed. I2CStatus I2C_get( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char sender_addr, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag, unsigned int is_cnt ); • • • • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block sender_addr is the sender's I2C device address buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Set up to receive a buffer of data from the desired sender_addr. If stop_flag is set, when the buffer is full and the sender does not signal STOP, generate a STOP signal. Caller is the master performing receiving. If no STOP signal is generated, the master can generate a START signal to another slave address. E-20 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library NOTE The function does not actually perform the data buffer receive, it just sets up the DLI global variables to control the transaction and calls I2C_Start to send the slave address out on the I2C bus in receive mode. The application must check the return status to find out if the bus was obtained, then enter a loop of calling I2C_Timer_Event to poll the I2C handler to actually perform the transaction one byte at a time, while checking the return status to determine if there were any errors and if the transaction has completed. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... I2CStatus I2C_Timer_Event( unsigned int eumbbar, I2CStatus (*handler)( unsigned int ) ); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block handler is a pointer to the function to call to handle any existing status event, Returns: I2CNOEVENT if there is no completed event, the I2CSR MIF bit is not set results from call to the handler function if there was a pending event completed Description: In polling mode, I2C_Timer_Event can be called to check the I2C status and call the given (or the default: I2C_ISR) handler function if the I2CSR MIF bit is set. I2CStatus I2C_Start( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char slave_addr, I2C_MODE mode, unsigned int is_cnt ); • • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block slave_addr is the I2C address of the receiver mode: XMIT(1) - put (write) RCV(0) - get (read) is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Generate a START signal in the desired mode. Caller is the master. The slave_addr is written to bits 7:1 of the I2CDR and bit 0 of the I2CDR is set to 0 for mode = XMIT or 1 for mode = RCV. A DLI-global variable MasterRcvAddress is set if mode = RCV (used by I2C_ISR function). I2CStatus I2C_Stop( unsigned int eumbbar ); MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Generate a STOP signal to terminate the master transaction. I2CStatus I2C_Master_Xmit( unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Description: Master sends one byte of data to slave receiver. The DLI global variables ByteToXmit, XmitByte, and XmitBufEmptyStop are used to determine which data byte, or STOP, to transmit. If a data byte is sent, it is written to the I2CDR. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CSR.RXAK = 0 I2CCR.MSTA = 1 I2CCR.MTX = 1 I2CStatus I2C_Master_Rcv( unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Master receives one byte of data from slave transmitter. The DLI global variables ByteToRcv, RcvByte, and RcvBufFulStop are used to control the accepting of the data byte or sending of a STOP if the buffer is full. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CCR.MSTA = 1 I2CCR.MTX = 0 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Xmit( unsigned int eumbbar ); NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CSUCCESS if data byte sent I2CBUFFEMPTY if no data in sending buffer Description: Slave sends one byte of data to requesting master. The DLI global variables ByteToXmit, XmitByte, and XmitBuf are used to determine which byte, if any, to send. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CSR.RXAK = 0 I2CCR.MSTA = 0 I2CCR.MTX = 1 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Rcv(unsigned int eumbbar ); E-22 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CSUCCESS if data byte received I2CBUFFFULL if buffer is full or no more data expected Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Description: Slave receives one byte of data from master transmitter. The DLI global variables ByteToRcv, RcvByte, and RcvBufFulStop are used to control the accepting of the data byte or setting the acknowledge bit (I2CCR.TXAK) if the expected number of bytes have been received. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CCR.MSTA = 0 I2CCR.MTX = 0 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Addr( unsigned int eumbbar ); NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CADDRESS if asked to receive data results from call to I2C_Slave_Xmit if asked to transmit data Description: Process slave address phase. Called from I2C_ISR. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MAAS = 1 I2CStatus I2C_ISR(unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: — I2CADDRESS if address phase for master receive — results from call to I2C_Slave_Addr if being addressed as slave ( untested ) — results from call to I2C_Master_Xmit if master transmit data mode — results from call to I2C_Master_Rcv if master receive data mode — results from call to I2C_Slave_Xmit if slave transmit data mode ( untested ) — results from call to I2C_Slave_Rcv if slave receive data mode ( untested ) — I2CSUCCESS if slave has not acknowledged, generated STOP ( untested ) — I2CSUCCESS if master has not acknowledged, wait for STOP ( untested ) — I2CSUCCESS if bus arbitration lost ( untested ) MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library Description: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Read the I2CCR and I2CSR to determine why the I2CSR.MIF bit was set which caused this function to be called. Handle condition, see above in possible return values. This function is called in polling mode as the handler function when an I2C event has occurred. It is intended to be a model for an interrupt service routine for polling mode, but this is untested and the design has not been reviewed or confirmed. This function may only be called when the following condition is met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 NOTE This function is tested only for the master-transmit and master-receive in polling mode. I don’t think it is tested even in those modes for situations when the slave does not acknowledge or bus arbitration is lost or buffers overflow, etc. E.2.5.1 DLI Functions Written but Not Used and Not Tested I2CStatus I2C_write( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag ); • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Send a buffer of data to the requiring master. If stop_flag is set, after the whole buffer is sent, generate a STOP signal provided that the requiring receiver doesn't signal the STOP in the middle. Caller is the slave performing transmitting. I2CStatus I2C_read( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag ); • • • • E-24 eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2C Driver Library • • 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Receive a buffer of data from the sending master. If stop_flag is set, when the buffer is full and the sender does not signal STOP, generate a STOP signal. Caller is the slave performing receiving. E.2.6 I2C Support Functions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... unsigned int get_eumbbar( ); • Returns: base address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Description: See Embedded Utilities Memory Block and Configuration Register Summary for information about the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Base Address Register. This function is defined in kahlua.s. unsigned int load_runtime_reg( unsigned int eumbbar, & nbsp; unsigned int reg); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block reg specifies the register: I2CDR, I2CFDR, I2CADR, I2CSR, I2CCR Returns: register content Description: The content of the specified register is returned. This function is defined in drivers/i2c/i2c2.s. unsigned int store_runtime_reg( unsigned int eumbbar, & nbsp; unsigned int reg, & nbsp; unsigned int val); • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block offset specifies the register: I2CDR, I2CFDR, I2CADR, I2CSR, I2CCR val is the value to be written to the register Return: No return value used, it should be declared void. Description: The value is written to the specified register. This function is defined in drivers/i2c/i2c2.s MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver E.3 E.3.1 MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver I2O Description of Doorbell Communication Between Agent and Host The sequence of events that transpire during communication via the I2O doorbell registers between host and agent applications running on Kahlua are described. This implementation enables basic doorbell communication. It can be expanded to include other Kahlua message unit activity via the message registers and the I2O message queue. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.3.1.1 System Startup and Memory Map Initialization An understanding of the agent’s Embedded Utilities Memory Block Base Address Register (EUMBBAR) and Peripheral Control and Status Registers Base Address Register (PCSRBAR) is important for I2O doorbell communication because both host and agent use the agent’s inbound and outbound doorbell registers and message unit status and control registers. The host accesses the agent’s registers via the agent’s PCSR and the agent accesses its own registers via its own EUMB. It is worth noting that some registers, such as the doorbell registers, can be accessed via either the PCSR or the EUMB. Other registers, such as the message unit’s status and interrupt mask registers, can only be accessed via one or the other of the PCSR or EUMB, but not both. The I2O library functions require the caller to provide the base address (which will be either the PCSR or the EUMB) and a parameter indicating which is used. In the DINK32 environment, functions are provided to obtain both of these base addresses: get_kahlua_pcsrbar() and get_eumbbar(). The methods of setting and obtaining the PCSR and EUMB base addresses are application-specific, but the register offsets and bit definitions of the registers are specified for the Kahlua chip memory map B and will be the same for all applications. Details about the register offsets within the EUMB and PCSR as well as bit definitions within registers are found in the Kahlua or Kahlua User’s Manual. When the Kahlua host and agent come up running the DINK32 application, the host application assigns the agent’s PCI address for the PCSR and writes it in the agent’s PCSRBAR by calling config_kahlua_agent(). The agent application initializes its own EUMBBAR [this actually happens in the KahluaInit() function, defined in .../kahlua.s] and inbound and outbound address translation windows. This is done during initialization in the main() function, main.c. /* ** Try to enable a Kahlua slave device. This is only enabled for Map B. */ if (address_map[0] == ’B’) E-26 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver if (target_mode == 0) /* probe PCI to see if we have a kahlua */ if (pciKahluaProbe( KAHLUA_ID_LO, VENDOR_ID_HI, &target_add r)==1) PRINT("Host ....\n"); config_kahlua_agent( ); Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... } } else if (target_type == (( KAHLUA_ID_LO << 16 ) | VENDOR_ID_HI )) PRINT("Agent ....\n"); /* Inbound address translation */ sysEUMBBARWrite(L_ATU_ITWR, ATU_BASE|ATU_IW_64K); pciRegSet(PCI_REG_BASE, PCI_LMBAR_REG, PCI_MEM_ADR); /* Outbound address translation */ sysEUMBBARWrite(L_ATU_OTWR, 0x100000|ATU_IW_64K); sysEUMBBARWrite(L_ATU_OMBAR, 0x81000000); } } E.3.1.2 Interrupt Service Routines: I2O_ISR_host() and I2O_ISR_agent() There is a fundamental difference in the interrupt service routine (ISR) for the host and agent: the I2O_ISR_agent function only has to handle inbound message unit interrupts, but the I2O_ISR_host must handle any possible interrupt from a Kahlua agent, not limited to the agent’s outbound message unit. The ISRs implemented at present just check for doorbell activity. If a doorbell event occurred, the ISR prints out a simple message including the doorbell register content and the doorbell register is cleared. Otherwise, the ISR prints a message that it was unable to determine the cause of the interrupt. The I2O_ISR_agent function checks the Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR) to determine the cause of the message unit interrupt. The Message Unit interrupt can occur because of doorbell, message register, or message queue activity. The ISR will distinguish and handle the interrupt accordingly; but at first stage implementation, only doorbell interrupts will be handled. MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The I2O library function I2OInMsgStatGet() is used to read the IMISR. It returns the content of the IMISR after applying the mask value in the Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR) and clears the status register. The I2O library function I2ODBGet() is used to read the IDBR. It returns the content and clears the register. Similarly, the I2O_ISR_host function checks the agent’s Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR) to determine if the cause of the interrupt was due to the agent’s outbound doorbell. It is important to note that the I2O_ISR_host must be expanded to check for any kind of expected interrupt from the agent, not just message unit interrupts. The I2O library function I2OOutMsgStatGet() is used to read the OMISR. It returns the content of the OMISR after applying the mask value in the Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR) and clears the status register. The I2O library function I2ODBGet() is used to read the ODBR. It returns the content and clears the register. The two functions I2O_ISR_host() and I2O_ISR_agent() are defined in the source file .../drivers/i2o/i2o1.c and are linked into the libdriver.a library. For testing, they are currently manually called when requested by the user in the function test_i2o(). Eventually, the host and agent will register an interrupt service routine (ISR) with their respective Embedded Programmable Interrupt Controller (EPIC) systems. Details about how to register the ISRs with EPIC are not yet specified. It may take the form of a function call to an EPIC-provided function that accepts a pointer to the ISR function. Alternately, it may be integrated by the linker by placing a reference to the ISR functions in some configuration table. When the integration takes place, this document will be updated to reflect the details. The code for the entire I2O_ISR_host function follows. Note that the only type of interrupt that is currently handled is doorbell interrupt from the message unit, but there are comments in the code indicating where to check for other causes of interrupts. The code can be found in i2o1.c. E.3.1.3 Enable Doorbell Interrupts Since the agent is servicing the inbound doorbell, the agent enables it by calling the I2O library function I2ODBEnable(), which clears the Inbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask (IDIM) bit in the Inbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR). The IMIMR is at offset 0x104 in the agent’s Embedded Utilities Memory Block (EUMB), whose address is in the agent’s EUMBBAR. Similarly, since the host is servicing the agent’s outbound doorbell, the host enables it by calling the I2O library function I2ODBDisable(), which clears the Outbound Doorbell Interrupt Mask (ODIM) bit in the agent’s Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR). The OMIMR is at offset 0x34 in the agent’s PCSR block, whose address is in the agent’s PCSRBAR at offset 0x14 in the agent’s Configuration Registers. The address of the agent’s Configuration Registers are known by the host and are accessible from the PCI bus. At present, the user interface in DINK32 allows the user to set or clear the ODIM or IDIM bit. The functions I2ODBEnable() and I2ODBDisable() are defined in .../drivers/i2o/i2o1.c to perform this task. See the code in test_i2o() for a usage example. It E-28 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver is interesting to note that the observed behavior of the Kahlua chip with regard to message unit registers is not dependant on the ODIM and IDIM bit settings Even if the ODIM or IDIM mask bits are set, writes to the affected doorbell are not blocked and the appropriate bit is set in the message unit’s status register. It is up to software to apply the mask to the status register to determine whether or not to take any action. The interrupt should not occur if the mask bit is set, but this has not yet been tested. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.3.1.4 Writing and Reading Doorbell Registers The functions I2ODBPost() and I2ODBGet() are defined in .../drivers/i2o/i2o1.c to write a bit pattern to or return the contents of the agent’s inbound and outbound doorbell registers. Note that the agent application accesses both inbound and outbound doorbell registers via its own EUMB and the host application accesses these same doorbell registers via the agent’s PCSR. See the code in test_i2o() for usage examples. E. Host Rings an Agent via Agent’s Inbound Doorbell The host application calls the I2O library function I2ODBPost() to write the bit pattern to the agent’s Inbound Door Bell Register (IDBR). If the inbound doorbell is enabled, this generates a Message Unit interrupt to the agent processor and the agent’s EPIC unit will execute the I2O_ISR_agent function to determine the cause of the message unit interrupt and handle it appropriately. If the inbound doorbell is not enabled, no interrupt is generated; but the doorbell and the status register bit are still set. The agent application reads the IDBR by calling the I2O library function I2ODBGet(). This clears the IDBR. E. Agent Rings a Host via Agent’s Outbound Doorbell The agent application calls the I2O library function I2ODBPost() to write the bit pattern to the agent’s Outbound Door Bell Register (ODBR). If the outbound doorbell is enabled, this causes the outbound interrupt signal INTA_ to go active which interrupts the host processor. After the ISR is integrated into the EPIC unit, this mechanism will be documented here. If the outbound doorbell is not enabled, no interrupt is generated; but the doorbell and the status register bit are still set. The host application reads the ODBR by calling the I2O library function I2ODBGet(). This clears the ODBR. Sample application code. Here is some sample code from the DINK32 function test_i2o() in device.c that provides examples of how the I2O library functions can be used by an application. When this section of code is entered, the DINK32 user interface has already set the local variables “mode” and “bit”. Mode reflects the user request. Bit is the doorbell bit number to set. Mode = 4 to manually run the ISR’s for testing prior to integration with EPIC. /* different depending on if DINK = is running on host or agent */ if (target_mode MOTOROLA 0) Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver { /* running on host */ unsigned int kahlua_pcsrbar /* PRINT("kahlua’s pcsrbar get_kahlua_pcsrbar(); 0x%x\n",kahlua_pcsrbar); */ switch (mode) { case 0: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... /* read agent’s outbound DB register and print it out */ db_reg_content I2ODBGet(REMOTE,kahlua_pcsrbar); PRINT("Agent’s outbound doorbell register: 0x%x\n",db_reg_content); break; case = 1: /* set agent’s inbound doorbell register */ db_reg_content 1 << bit; I2ODBPost(REMOTE,kahlua_pcsrbar,db_reg_content); break; case = 2: /* enable agent’s outbound DB register interrupts */ if (I2ODBEnable(REMOTE,kahlua_pcsrbar,0) ! = I2OSUCCESS) PRINT("Cannot enable agent’s outbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); else PRINT("Enabled agent’s outbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); break; case = 3: /* disable agent’s outbound DB register interrupts */ if (I2ODBDisable(REMOTE,kahlua_pcsrbar,0) ! = I2OSUCCESS) PRINT("Cannot disable agent’s outbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); else PRINT("Disabled agent’s outbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); E-30 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver break; #ifdef DBG_I2O case 4: I2O_ISR_host(); break; #endif } Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... } else { /* running on agent */ /* PRINT("kahlua’s eumbbar 0x%x\n",eumbbar); */ switch (mode) { case 0: /* read agent’s inbound DB register and print it out */ db_reg_content I2ODBGet(LOCAL,eumbbar); PRINT("Agent’s inbound doorbell register: 0x%x\n",db_reg_content); break; case = 1: /* set agent’s outbound doorbell register */ db_reg_content 1 << bit; I2ODBPost(LOCAL,eumbbar,db_reg_content); break; case = 2: /* enable if agent’s inbound DB register interrupts */ (I2ODBEnable(LOCAL,eumbbar,3) ! I2OSUCCESS) PRINT("Cannot enable agent’s inbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); else MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver PRINT("Enabled agent’s inbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); break; case = 3: /* disable agent’s inbound DB register interrupts */ if (I2ODBDisable(LOCAL,eumbbar,3) ! I2OSUCCESS) PRINT("Cannot disable agent’s inbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); else Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PRINT("Disabled agent’s inbound doorbell interrupt.\n"); break; #ifdef DBG_I2O case 4: I2O_ISR_agent(); break; #endif } } E. Descriptions of the I2O Library Functions I2OSTATUS I2ODBEnable ( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base,unsigned int in_db ) • • • • loc = LOCAL or REMOTE: Use LOCAL if called from agent, REMOTE if called from host. This controls the use of the base parameter as PCSR (ifREMOTE) or EUMB (if LOCAL) and selection of outbound (if REMOTE) or inbound(if LOCAL) mask registers. base is the base address of PCSR or EUMB. in_db is used for LOCAL to control enabling of doorbell and/or machine check Returns: I2OSUCCESS Description: Enable the specified doorbell interrupt by clearing the appropriate mask bits. I2OSTATUS I2ODBDisable( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base,unsigned int in_db ) • E-32 Same as I2ODBEnable, but it disables the specified interrupts bysetting the mask bits. DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver unsigned int I2ODBGet( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base) • • • loc = LOCAL or REMOTE: Use LOCAL if called from agent, REMOTE ifcalled from host. This controls the use of the base parameter as PCSR (ifREMOTE) or EUMB (ifLOCAL) and selection of outbound (if REMOTE) or inbound(if LOCAL) doorbell registers. base is the base address of PCSR or EUMB. Returns:Contents of agent's inbound (if loc = LOCAL) or outbound (if loc REMOTE) doorbell register. Description: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Returns content of specified doorbell register and clears the doorbell register. void I2ODBPost( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base,unsigned int msg ) • • • loc = LOCAL or REMOTE: Use LOCAL if called from agent, REMOTE ifcalled from host. This controls the use of the base parameter as PCSR (ifREMOTE) or EUMB (if LOCAL) and selection of outbound (if REMOTE) or inbound(if LOCAL) doorbell registers. base is the base address of PCSR or EUMB msg is the 32 bit value written to the specified doorbell register Description: The 32 bit value is written to the specified doorbell register. I2OSTATUS I2OInMsgStatGet(unsigned int eumbbarI2OIMSTAT *val) • • • eumbbar is the base address of the agent's EUMB *val receives the agent's inbound message interrupt statusregister Returns: I2OSUCCESS Description: The agent's Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR)content is masked by the agent's Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register(IMIMR) and placed in the address given in the val parameter. The IMISRregister is cleared. I2OSTATUS I2OOutMsgStatGet(unsigned int pcsrbar,I2OOMSTAT *val) • • • pcsrbar is the base address of the agent's PCSR *val receives the agent's outbound message interrupt statusregister Returns: I2OSUCCESS Description: The agent's Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR)content is masked by the MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-33 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver agent’s Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register(OMIMR) and placed in the address given in the val parameter. The OMISRregister is cleared. E.3.2 I2C Driver Library This section provides information about the generic Application Program Interface (API) to the I2C Driver Library as well as information about the implementation of the Kahlua-specific I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI). Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.3.2.1 Background The intended audience for this document is assumed to be familiar with the I2C bus protocol. It is a companion document to the Kahlua specification and other documentation which collectively give details of the I2C protocol and the Kahlua implementation. This document provides information about the software written to access the Kahlua I2C interface. This software is intended to assist in the development of higher level applications software that uses the I2C interface. NOTE The I2C driver software is currently under development. The only modes that are functional are the master-transmit and master-receive in polling mode. E.3.2.2 Overview This document consists of these parts: • • • • E-34 An Application Program Interface (API) which provides a very simple, generic, application level programmatic interface to the I2C driver library that hides all details of the Kahlua-specific implementation of the I2C interface (i.e., control register, status register, embedded utilities memory block, etc.). I2C API functions showing the following: — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) — parameter definition possible — return values — brief description of what the function does — an explanation of how the functions are used by an application program (DINK32 usage employed as examples) An I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI) which provides information about the lower level software that is accessing the Kahlua-specific implementation of the I2C interface. I2C DLI functions showing the following: DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... — — — — how the function is called (i.e., function prototype) parameter definition possible return values brief description of what the function does E.3.2.3 I2C Application Program Interface (API) E. API Functions Description The I2C API function prototypes, defined return values, and enumerated input parameter values are declared in drivers/i2c/i2c_export.h. The functions are defined in the source file drivers/i2c/i2c1.c. I2C_Status I2C_Initialize( unsigned char addr, I2C_INTERRUPT_MODE en_int, int (*app_print_function)(char *,...)); addr is the Kahlua chip’s I2C slave device address • • • en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status: I2C_INT_ENABLE = enable, I2C_INT_DISABLE = disable app_print_function is the address of the optional application's print function, otherwise NULL if not available Return: I2C_Status return value is either I2C_SUCCESS or I2C_ERROR. Description: Configure the I2C library prior to use, as follows: The interrupt enable should be set to I2C_INT_DISABLE, the I2C library currently only supports polling mode. The slave address can be set to the I2C listening address of the device running the application program, but the DLI does not yet support the application's device responding as an I2C slave to another I2C master device. The optional print function, if supplied by the application, must be similar to the C standard library printf library function: accepts a format string and a variable number (zero or more) of additional arguments. This optional function may be used by the I2C library functions to report error and status condition information. If no print function is supplied by the application, the call to I2C_Initialize must provide a NULL value for this parameter, in which case the I2C library will not attempt to access a print function. I2C_Status I2C_do_transaction( I2C_INTERRUPT_MODE en_int, I2C_TRANSACTION_MODE act, unsigned char i2c_addr, unsigned char data_addr, int len, char *buffer, MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-35 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver I2C_STOP_MODE stop, int retry, I2C_RESTART_MODE rsta); Where: • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • • • • • • en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status (currently use I2C_INT_DISABLE only, polling mode) act is the type of transaction: I2C_MASTER_RCV or I2C_MASTER_XMIT i2c_addr is the I2C address of the slave device data_addr is the address of the data on the slave device len is the length in bytes of the data buffer is a pointer to the buffer that contains the data (xmit mode) or receives the data (rcv mode) stop controls sending an I2C STOP signal after completion (curently use I2C_STOP only) retry is the timeout retry value (currently ignored) rsta controls I2C restart (currently use I2C_NO_RESTART only) Return: I2C_Status return value is either I2C_SUCCESS or I2C_ERROR. Description: Act as the I2C master to transmit (or receive) a buffer of data to (or from) an I2C slave device. This function currently only implements a simple master-transmit or a master-receive transaction. It does not yet support the application retaining I2C bus ownership between transactions, operating in interrupt mode, or acting as an I2C slave device. E. API Example Usage The ROM monitor program DINK32 uses the I2C API in both currently implemented modes: master-transmit and master-receive. The DINK32 program runs interactively to allow the user to transmit or receive a buffer of data from an I2C device at address 0x50 on the Kahlua PMC card. DINK32 obtains information from the user as follows: read/write mode, I2C device address for the data (this is the address of the data on the I2C device, not the I2C bus address of the device itself, which is hard-coded in DINK32), the raw data (if in write mode), and the length of the data to transfer to or from the device. Note that the initialization call to configure the I2C interface is actually made only once, the first time the user requests an I2C transmit or receive operation. Each transmit or receive operation is performed by a single call to an I2C API function. The DINK32 program is an interactive application, so it gives the I2C library access to its own print output function. E-36 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver These are the steps DINK32 takes to perform a master-transmit transaction: 1. Call I2C_Initialize (if needed) to set the Kahlua I2C address, polling mode, and identify the optional print function. 2. Call I2C_do_transaction to transmit the buffer of data. These are the steps DINK32 takes to perform a master-receive transaction in polling mode: 1. Call I2C_Initialize (if needed) to set the Kahlua I2C address, polling mode, and identify the optional print function. 2. Call I2C_do_transaction to receive the buffer of data. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The following code samples have been excerpted from the DINK32 application to illustrate the use of the I2C API from par_devtest in device.c: #define PRINT dink_printf int dink_printf( unsigned char *fmt, ... ) { /* body of application print output function, */ } /* In the function par_devtest, for testing the I2C device interface */ { /* initialize the I2C handler to I2C address 48, if needed */ if ( I2CInited == 0 ) { I2C_Status status; if ((status = I2C_Initialize( 48, en_int, PRINT ) ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "devtest I2C: error in initiation\n" ); return ERROR; } else { I2CInited = 1; } } return test_i2c( action, en_int ); } static unsigned char rcv_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 }; static unsigned char xmit_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 }; /******************************************************* * function: test_i2c * * description: run i2c test by polling the device * * note: * Test i2c device on PMC card, 0x50 serial EPROM. * The device test data is currently only printable characters. * * This function gets some data from the command line, validates it, * and calls the I2C library function to perform the task. ******************************************************/ MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-37 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver static STATUS test_i2c( int act, int en_int ) { int retry = 800, len = 0, rsta = 0, addr = 0; unsigned char eprom_addr = 0x50; /* read transaction address */ ... addr ... /* read # of bytes to transfer */ ... len ... /* validate the data address, length, etc. */ ... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... /* If transmitting, get the raw data into the transmit buffer */ ... xmit_buffer[] ... /* read built-in I2C device on Kahlua PMC card */ if ( act == DISPLAY_TAG ) { if ( I2C_do_transaction ( en_int, I2C_MASTER_RCV, eprom_addr, addr, len, rcv_buffer, I2C_STOP, retry, I2C_NO_RESTART ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "dev I2C: error in master receive test\n" ); return ERROR; } else { rcv_buffer[len] = 0; /* ensure NULL terminated string */ PRINT( "%s",rcv_buffer); /* expecting only printable data */ PRINT( "\n" ); } } /* write to built-in I2C device on Kahlua PMC card */ if ( act == MODIFY_TAG ) { if ( I2C_do_transaction ( en_int, I2C_MASTER_XMIT, eprom_addr, addr, len, xmit_buffer, I2C_STOP, retry, I2C_NO_RESTART ) != I2C_SUCCESS ) { PRINT( "dev I2C: error in master transmit test\n" ); return ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } E.3.2.4 I2C Driver Library Internals (DLI) This information is provided to assist in further development of the I2C library to enable the application to operate as an I2C slave device, interrupt enabled mode, bus retention between consecutive transactions, correct handling of device time out, no slave device response, no acknowledgment, I2C bus arbitration loss, etc. All of these functions are defined as static in the source file drivers/i2c/i2c1.c. E-38 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver E. Common Data Structures and Values These data structures and status values are defined (see drivers/i2c/i2c.h) for the Kahlua I2C driver library functions: These are the offsets in the Embedded Utilities Memory Block for the I2C registers. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... #define #define #define #define #define I2CADR 0x00003000 I2CFDR 0x00003004 I2CCR 0x00003008 I2CSR 0x0000300C I2CDR 0x00003010 typedef enum _i2cstatus { I2CSUCCESS = 0x3000, I2CADDRESS, I2CERROR, I2CBUFFFULL, I2CBUFFEMPTY, I2CXMITERROR, I2CRCVERROR, I2CBUSBUSY, I2CALOSS, I2CNOEVENT, } I2CStatus; These structures reflect the bit assignments of the I2C registers. typedef struct _i2c_ctrl { unsigned int reserved0 : 24; unsigned int men : 1; unsigned int mien : 1; unsigned int msta : 1; unsigned int mtx : 1; unsigned int txak : 1; unsigned int rsta : 1; unsigned int reserved1 : 2; } I2C_CTRL; typedef struct _i2c_stat { unsigned int rsrv0 : 24; unsigned int mcf : 1; unsigned int maas : 1; unsigned int mbb : 1; unsigned int mal : 1; unsigned int rsrv1 : 1; unsigned int srw : 1; unsigned int mif : 1; unsigned int rxak : 1; } I2C_STAT; MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-39 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver Values to indicate receive or transmit mode. typedef enum _i2c_mode { RCV = 0, XMIT = 1, } I2C_MODE; E. Kahlua I2C Driver Library Internals Function Descriptions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... I2CStatus I2C_Init( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char fdr, unsigned char addr, unsigned int en_int); • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block fdr is the frequency divider value used to set the I2C clock rate addr is the Kahlua chip's I2C slave device address en_int controls the I2C interrupt enable status: 1 = enable, 0 = disable Return: I2CStatus return value is always I2CSUCCESS. Description: Set the frequency divider (I2CFDR:FDR), listening address (I2CADR:[7:1]), and interrupt enable mode (I2CCR:MIEN). I2C_CTRL I2C_Get_Ctrl( unsigned int eumbbar ); : eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block • Return: I2C_CTRL is the contents of the I2C control register (I2CCR) Description: Read the I2C control register. void I2C_Set_Ctrl( unsigned int eumbbar, I2C_CTRL ctrl); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block ctrl is the contents of the I2C control register (I2CCR) Return: none Description: Set the I2C control register. I2CStatus I2C_put( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char rcv_addr, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag, unsigned int is_cnt ); E-40 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver • • • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block rcv_addr is the receiver's I2C device address buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Description: Set up to send a buffer of data to the intended rcv_addr. If stop_flag is set, after the whole buffer is sent, generate a STOP signal provided that the receiver doesn't signal the STOP in the middle. Caller is the master performing transmitting. If no STOP signal is generated at the end of current transaction, the master can generate a START signal to another slave address. NOTE The function does not actually perform the data buffer transmit, it just sets up the DLI global variables to control the transaction and calls I2C_Start to send the slave address out on the I2C bus in transmit mode. The application must check the return status to find out if the bus was obtained, then enter a loop of calling I2C_Timer_Event to poll the I2C handler to actually perform the transaction one byte at a time, while checking the return status to determine if there were any errors and if the transaction has completed. I2CStatus I2C_get( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char sender_addr, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag, unsigned int is_cnt ); • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block sender_addr is the sender's I2C device address buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-41 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver • • 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Set up to receive a buffer of data from the desired sender_addr. If stop_flag is set, when the buffer is full and the sender does not signal STOP, generate a STOP signal. Caller is the master performing receiving. If no STOP signal is generated, the master can generate a START signal to another slave address. NOTE The function does not actually perform the data buffer receive, it just sets up the DLI global variables to control the transaction and calls I2C_Start to send the slave address out on the I2C bus in receive mode. The application must check the return status to find out if the bus was obtained, then enter a loop of calling I2C_Timer_Event to poll the I2C handler to actually perform the transaction one byte at a time, while checking the return status to determine if there were any errors and if the transaction has completed. I2CStatus I2C_Timer_Event( unsigned int eumbbar, I2CStatus (*handler)( unsigned int ) ); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block handler is a pointer to the function to call to handle any existing status event, Returns: I2CNOEVENT if there is no completed event, the I2CSR MIF bit is not set results from call to the handler function if there was a pending event completed Description: In polling mode, I2C_Timer_Event can be called to check the I2C status and call the given (or the default: I2C_ISR) handler function if the I2CSR MIF bit is set. I2CStatus I2C_Start( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char slave_addr, I2C_MODE mode, unsigned int is_cnt ); • • • • • • • E-42 eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block slave_addr is the I2C address of the receiver mode: XMIT(1) - put (write) RCV(0) - get (read) is_cnt: 1 - this is a restart, don't check MBB 0 - this is a not restart, check MBB Returns: Any defined status indicator DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver Description: Generate a START signal in the desired mode. Caller is the master. The slave_addr is written to bits 7:1 of the I2CDR and bit 0 of the I2CDR is set to 0 for mode = XMIT or 1 for mode = RCV. A DLI-global variable MasterRcvAddress is set if mode = RCV (used by I2C_ISR function). I2CStatus I2C_Stop( unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Description: Generate a STOP signal to terminate the master transaction. I2CStatus I2C_Master_Xmit( unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Master sends one byte of data to slave receiver. The DLI global variables ByteToXmit, XmitByte, and XmitBufEmptyStop are used to determine which data byte, or STOP, to transmit. If a data byte is sent, it is written to the I2CDR. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CSR.RXAK = 0 I2CCR.MSTA = 1 I2CCR.MTX = 1 I2CStatus I2C_Master_Rcv( unsigned int eumbbar ); • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Master receives one byte of data from slave transmitter. The DLI global variables ByteToRcv, RcvByte, and RcvBufFulStop are used to control the accepting of the data byte or sending of a STOP if the buffer is full. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CCR.MSTA = 1 I2CCR.MTX = 0 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Xmit( unsigned int eumbbar ); NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CSUCCESS if data byte sent I2CBUFFEMPTY if no data in sending buffer MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver Description: Slave sends one byte of data to requesting master. The DLI global variables ByteToXmit, XmitByte, and XmitBuf are used to determine which byte, if any, to send. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CSR.RXAK = 0 I2CCR.MSTA = 0 I2CCR.MTX = 1 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Rcv(unsigned int eumbbar ); Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CSUCCESS if data byte received I2CBUFFFULL if buffer is full or no more data expected Description: Slave receives one byte of data from master transmitter. The DLI global variables ByteToRcv, RcvByte, and RcvBufFulStop are used to control the accepting of the data byte or setting the acknowledge bit (I2CCR.TXAK) if the expected number of bytes have been received. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MCF = 1 I2CCR.MSTA = 0 I2CCR.MTX = 0 I2CStatus I2C_Slave_Addr( unsigned int eumbbar ); NOTE Untested. • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: I2CADDRESS if asked to receive data results from call to I2C_Slave_Xmit if asked to transmit data Description: Process slave address phase. Called from I2C_ISR. This function may only be called when the following conditions are met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 I2CSR.MAAS = 1 I2CStatus I2C_ISR(unsigned int eumbbar ); • • E-44 eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Returns: — I2CADDRESS if address phase for master receive results from call to I2C_Slave_Addr if being addressed as slave ( untested ) — results from call to I2C_Master_Xmit if master transmit data mode — results from call to I2C_Master_Rcv if master receive data mode — results from call to I2C_Slave_Xmit if slave transmit data mode ( untested ) DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver — — — — results from call to I2C_Slave_Rcv if slave receive data mode ( untested ) I2CSUCCESS if slave has not acknowledged, generated STOP ( untested ) I2CSUCCESS if master has not acknowledged, wait for STOP ( untested ) I2CSUCCESS if bus arbitration lost ( untested ) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Description: Read the I2CCR and I2CSR to determine why the I2CSR.MIF bit was set which caused this function to be called. Handle condition, see above in possible return values. This function is called in polling mode as the handler function when an I2C event has occurred. It is intended to be a model for an interrupt service routine for polling mode, but this is untested and the design has not been reviewed or confirmed. This function may only be called when the following condition is met: I2CSR.MIF = 1 NOTE This function is tested only for the master-transmit and master-receive in polling mode. I don't think it is tested even in those modes for situations when the slave does not acknowledge or bus arbitration is lost or buffers overflow, etc. The following DLI functions were written but not used and not tested: I2CStatus I2C_write( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag ); • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Send a buffer of data to the requiring master. If stop_flag is set, after the whole buffer is sent, generate a STOP signal provided that the requiring receiver doesn't signal the STOP in the middle. Caller is the slave performing transmitting. I2CStatus I2C_read( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned char *buffer_ptr, unsigned int length, unsigned int stop_flag ); MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-45 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 I2O Doorbell Driver • • • • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block buffer_ptr is pointer to the data buffer to transmit length is the number of bytes in the buffer stop_flag: 1 - signal STOP when buffer is empty 0 - don't signal STOP when buffer is empty Returns: Any defined status indicator Description: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Receive a buffer of data from the sending master. If stop_flag is set, when the buffer is full and the sender does not signal STOP, generate a STOP signal. Caller is the slave performing receiving. E. I2C Support Functions unsigned int get_eumbbar( ); • Returns: base address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Description: See Embedded Utilities Memory Block and Configuration Register Summary for information about the Embedded Utilities Memory Block Base Address Register. This function is defined in kahlua.s. unsigned int load_runtime_reg( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned int reg); • • • eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block reg specifies the register: I2CDR, I2CFDR, I2CADR, I2CSR, I2CCR Returns: register content Description: The content of the specified register is returned. This function is defined in drivers/i2c/i2c2.s. unsigned int store_runtime_reg( unsigned int eumbbar, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val); • • • • E-46 eumbbar is the address of the Embedded Utilities Memory Block offset specifies the register: I2CDR, I2CFDR, I2CADR, I2CSR, I2CCR val is the value to be written to the register Return: No return value used, it should be declared void. DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver Description: The value is written to the specified register. This function is defined in drivers/i2c/i2c2.s E.4 MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver This appendix describes the sample EPIC driver source code provided in this DINK32 release and its usage on the Sandpoint Reference Platform running DINK32. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.4.1 General Description EPIC is the embedded programmable interrupt controller feature implemented on Motorola’s MPC8240, MPC8245 and MPC107. It is derived from the Open Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) Register Interface Specification R1.2 developed by AMD and Cyrix. EPIC provides support for up to five external interrupts or one serial-style interrupt line (supporting 16 interrupts), four internal logic-driven interrupts (DMA0, DMA1, I2C, I2O), four global timers, and it supports a pass through mode. The MPC8245 also adds DUART support. Please refer to the EPIC Chapter of the MPC8240, MPC8245 or MPC107 User’s Manuals for a more in depth description of EPIC. For simplicity, all manual references in this appendix will be to the MPC8240 User’s Manual, however, the reader should refer to the corresponding manual for their particular processor. E.4.2 EPIC Specifics Unlike other embedded features of the MPC824x and MPC107 such as DMA and I2O, the EPIC unit is accessible from the local processor only. The control and status registers of this unit cannot be accessed by external PCI devices. The EPIC registers are accessed as an offset from the Embedded Utilities Memory Block (EUMB). The EPIC unit supports two modes: Mixed and Pass-through. The DINK32 EPIC driver sample code demonstrates EPIC in mixed mode and also error checks for Pass-through mode in case external interrupts are enabled with no interrupt handler setup. Both Direct and Serial mode are implemented in DINK32, but when EPIC is initialized through DINK32 the default EPIC setup is dependant on the Sandpoint board version. However, the default setups can be overridden using the “dev epic” command set. The Sandpoint board version is detected by a loop back feature implemented on SuperIO of the Sandpoint X3 (please refer to the Sandpoint X3 User’s Manual). DINK32 will attempt to detect this loop-back feature. If the loop-back test is successful, the board version is Sandpoint X3, if the test is unsuccessful the board version is Sandpoint X2. EPIC on a Host PMC will default to serial mode on a Sandpoint X3 and will default to direct mode on a Sandpoint X2. EPIC on an Agent PMC in a PCI slot will default to direct mode on either Sandpoint board version. MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-47 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver The EPIC registers are in little-endian format. If the system is in big-endian mode, the bytes must be appropriately swapped by software. DINK32 is written for big-endian mode and the sample code referred to in this appendix performs the appropriate byte swapping. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.4.2.1 Embedded Utilities Memory Block (EUMB) The EUMB is a block of local and PCI memory space allocated to the control and status registers of the embedded utilities. The embedded utilities are the Messaging Unit (I2O), DMA controller, EPIC, I2C, and ATU. The MPC8245 adds the DUART to the EUMB. The local memory map location of the EUMB is controlled by the embedded utilities memory block base address register (EUMBBAR). The PCI bus memory map location of the EUMB is controlled by the peripheral control and status registers base address register (PCSRBAR). Since EPIC is only accessible from local memory, only the EUMBBAR is of concern for this appendix. Please refer to the following sections in the MPC8420 User’s Manual: Section 3.4 Embedded Utilities Memory Block Section 4.5 Embedded Utilities Memory Block Base Address Register Section 4.1 Configuration Register Access E.4.2.2 EPIC Register Summary The EPIC register map occupies a 256 Kilobyte range of the EUMB. All EPIC registers are 32 bits wide and reside on 128 bit address boundaries. The EPIC registers are divided into four distinct areas whose address offsets are based on the EUMB location in local memory controlled by the value in the EUMBBAR configuration register. The EPIC address offset map areas: • • • • 0x4_1000 - 0x4_10F0: Global EPIC register map 0x4_1100 - 0x4_FFF0: Global timer register map 0x5_0000 - 0x5_FFF0: Interrupt source configuration register map 0x6_0000 - 0x6_0FF0: Processor-related register map Please refer to Section 11.2 in the MPC8420 User's Manual for the complete EPIC register address map table and Section 11.9 for all register definitions. E.4.2.3 • EPIC Modes Pass-Through Mode This mode provides a mechanism to support alternate interrupt controllers such as the 8259 interrupt controller architecture. Pass-through is the default mode of the EPIC unit. • E-48 Mixed Mode DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver This mode supports two subsequent interrupt modes, either a serial interrupt mode (up to 16 serial interrupt sources) or a direct interrupt mode (up to 5 direct interrupt sources). Refer to Sections 11.4–11.6 in the MPC8240 User's Manual for more on EPIC modes. E.4.3 Drivers/Epic Directory Structure Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DINK32/drivers/epic • • • • • • epic.h: contains all EPIC register address macros and all function declarations epic1.c: contains all C language routines epic2.s: contains all Assembly language routines epicUtil.s: contains assembly routines to load and store to registers in the EUMB makefile: used by the DINK32 makefile to build this directory into a driver library Readme.txt: a text version of this appendix E.4.4 EPIC Cross-Reference Table Structure The following table is defined in epic1.c in order to cross reference interrupt vector numbers with the corresponding interrupt vector/priority register address and interrupt service routine address: /* Register Address Offset/ Vector Description /ISR Addr cross-reference table */ struct SrcVecTable SrcVecTable[MAXVEC] = { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { EPIC_EX_INT0_VEC_REG, "External Direct/Serial Source 0", EPIC_EX_INT1_VEC_REG, "External Direct/Serial Source 1", EPIC_EX_INT2_VEC_REG, "External Direct/Serial Source 2", EPIC_EX_INT3_VEC_REG, "External Direct/Serial Source 3", EPIC_EX_INT4_VEC_REG, "External Direct/Serial Source 4", EPIC_SR_INT5_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 5", EPIC_SR_INT6_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 6", EPIC_SR_INT7_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 7", EPIC_SR_INT8_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 8", EPIC_SR_INT9_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 9", EPIC_SR_INT10_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 10", EPIC_SR_INT11_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 11", EPIC_SR_INT12_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 12", EPIC_SR_INT13_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 13", EPIC_SR_INT14_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 14", EPIC_SR_INT15_VEC_REG, "External Serial Source 15", EPIC_TM0_VEC_REG, "Global Timer Source 0", EPIC_TM1_VEC_REG, "Global Timer Source 1", EPIC_TM2_VEC_REG, "Global Timer Source 2", EPIC_TM3_VEC_REG, "Global Timer Source 3", EPIC_I2C_INT_VEC_REG, "Internal I2C Source", MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0}, E-49 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver { { { { { EPIC_DMA0_INT_VEC_REG, "Internal EPIC_DMA1_INT_VEC_REG, "Internal EPIC_MSG_INT_VEC_REG, "Internal EPIC_DUART1_INT_VEC_REG, "DUART EPIC_DUART2_INT_VEC_REG, "DUART DMA0 Source", DMA1 Source", Message Source", Ch1 Source", Ch2 Source", 0x0}, 0x0}, 0x0} 0x0}, 0x0} }; Each of the 26 entries conforms to the following: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... { "vector/priority register address offset", "text description", "Interrupt Service Routine address" }. The first column of the structure contains the macro for each of the 26 interrupt vector/priority register address offsets in EPIC. The middle column is the text description of the interrupt vector, and the last column is the address of the registered interrupt service routine (ISR) for each interrupt vector. Currently the structure is initialized such that each vector ISR address is 0x0. This can be modified such that each defaults to a "catch all ISR" address instead of 0x0. As each interrupt vector is set up, an ISR must be registered with EPIC via the epicISRConnect() routine in the epic1.c source file. This routine takes the ISR function name and stores the address of that function in the ISR Address structure location corresponding to the interrupt vector number. Although each interrupt’s vector/priority register allows the vector number to range from 0–255, this structure limits the vector number range from 0–25. So as each interrupt's vector/priority register is set up, the 8-bit vector field value must match the vector number location in the structure. E.4.5 EPIC Sample Routines The EPIC sample routines are contained in the epic1.c and epic2.s files. All C language routines are in epic1.c and all assembly language routines are in epic2.s. These routines, along with the structure described in E.4.4, “EPIC Cross-Reference Table Structure, can be used as sample code for systems using the EPIC Unit. E.4.6, “EPIC Commands in DINK32 describes how these routines are used by DINK32. E.4.5.1 Low-Level Routines The following routines are in the epic2.s source file: • • E-50 External Interrupt Control Routines: — CoreExtIntEnable(): enables external interrupts by setting the MSR[EE] bit — CoreExtIntDisable(): disables external interrupts by clearing the MSR[EE] bit Low Level Exception Handler: — epic_exception(): Save the current (interrupted) programming model/state Calls epicISR() to service the interrupt DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver Restore the programming model/state and RFI back to interrupted process E.4.5.2 High Level Routines The following routines are in the epic1.c source file: E. EPIC Initialization Routines epicInit(): initialize the EPIC Unit by: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • Setting the reset bit in the Global Configuration Register which will: — Disables all interrupts — Clears all pending and in-service interrupts — Sets EPIC timers to base count — Sets the value of the Processor Current Task Priority to the highest priority (0xF) thus disabling interrupt delivery to the processor — Reset spurious vector to 0xFF — Default to pass-through mode Sets the EPIC operation mode to default Mixed or Serial Mode (vs. Pass Through or 8259 compatible mode) depending on Sandpoint board version. — If IRQType (input) is Direct IRQs: — IRQType is written to the SIE bit of the EPIC Interrupt Configuration Register (ICR) — clkRatio is ignored — If IRQType is Serial IRQs: — both IRQType and clkRatio will be written to the ICR register epicCurTaskPrioSet(): Change the current task priority value epicIntISRConnect(): Register an ISR with the EPIC unit cross-reference table E. High Level Exception Handler epicISR(): this routine is a catch all for all EPIC related interrupts: • • • • • perform IACK (interrupt acknowledge) to get the vector number check if the vector number is a spurious vector cross-reference vector ISR (interrupt service routine) from table call the vector ISR perform EOI (end of interrupt) for the interrupt vector MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-51 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver E. Direct/Serial Register Control Routines epicIntEnable(): enable an interrupt source epicIntDisable(): disable and interrupt source epicIntSourceConfig(): configure and interrupt source E. Global Timer Register Control Routines epicTmBaseSet(): set the base count value for a timer epicTmBaseGet(): get the base count value for a timer Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... epicTmCountGet(): get the current counter value for a timer epicTmInhibit(): inhibit counting for a timer epicTmEnable(): enable counting for a timer E.4.6 EPIC Commands in DINK32 The following commands are typed from the DINK32 command line to control the EPIC unit. • • • • • • • • • • • • E-52 help dev epic - Display usage of EPIC commands dev epic - Display content and addresses of EPIC registers, and current task priority dev epic ex - “dev epic” command example uses dev epic init - Initialize the EPIC unit to default mode Sandpoint X2 default is direct mode Sandpoint X3 default is serial mode Agent in a Host/Agent setup defaults to direct mode dev epic init [Mode(0|1)] [Ratio(1-7)] - Initialize the EPIC unit (this calls the epicInit() routine) dev epic ta [0-15]- Change the Processor Task priority register dev epic en [Vector(0-23)] - Enable a particular interrupt vector dev epic dis [Vector(0-23)] - Disable a particular interrupt vector dev epic con [Vector(0-23)] - Print content of a Source Vector/Priority register dev epic con [Vector(0-23) Polarity(0|1) Sense(0|1) Priority (0-15)] — Program the Source Vector/Priority register dev epic tmbase [Timer(0-3)] - Display a timer current count register dev epic tmbase [Timer(0-3)] Count(hex value) Inhibit(0|1) — Set, enable/disable a Timer Base Count Register DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver • • • • • • dev epic tmcnt [Timer(0-3)] - Display a Timer Current Count Register dev epic tmdis [Timer(0-3)] - Inhibits counting for a timer dev epic tmen [Timer(0-3)] - Enables counting for a timer dev epic ISRCnt [Vector(0-23) Address] — Manually link an ISR to an interrupt vector dev epic eie- External interrupt enable dev epic eid- External interrupt disable Example: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... dev epic init - Initialize EPIC unit to default Mode. dev epic init 0 7 - Initialize EPIC unit to Serial Mode with a clock ratio of 7. dev epic init 1 - Initialize EPIC unit to Direct Mode. dev epic en 1 - Enable interrupt vector 1 dev epic ta 10 - Set the Processor Task priority register to 10 dev epic dis 5 - Disable interrupt vector 5 dev epic con 2- Print the configuration of Interrupt vector 2 dev epic con 7 1 0 5- Configure the source Vector/Priority register of vector 7 to have the following properties: Polarity = 1 Sense = 0 Priority = 5 dev epic tmbase 0 - Display Timer 0 Base Count Register dev epic tmbase 0 7fff 0 Set Timer 0 Base Count Register to 0x7fff and enable counting to proceed dev epic tmcnt 1 - Display Timer 1 Current Count Register dev epic tmdis 2 - Inhibit counting on Timer 2 dev epic tmen 3 - Enable counting on Timer 3 dev epic ISRCnt 1 90000 - Set the ISR address for vector 1 to 0x90000 E.4.7 EPIC Unit Startup When the system comes up running DINK32, the EUMBBAR is configured such that the EUMB is located at an offset of 0xFC00_0000 from local memory. The EPIC unit is untouched by the DINK32 initialization routines and is left in its default state of MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-53 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver Pass-Through mode. External interrupts are also left untouched and left in the default state of disabled. The following list shows the necessary routine calls needed to utilize the EPIC unit: • • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • Initialize the EPIC unit — epicInit() For each interrupt vector to be used: — epicSourceConfig() — epicISRConnect() — epicIntEnable() Set the Processor Current Tast Priority — epicCurTaskPrioSet() Enable External Interrupts — CoreExtIntEnable() E.4.8 External Interrupt Exception Path in DINK32 The path of an external interrupt exception in DINK32 begins at the 0x500 interrupt exception vector. All DINK32 exception vector locations are set up in the same manner which is to save the exception type and pass the exception handling to a catch all exception handler. This handler is called handle_ex and is located in the except2.s DINK32 source file. In the handle_ex handler a check is performed to see if the exception was a 0x500 and if DINK32 is running on an MPC8240, MPC8245 or MPC107. If the two conditions are true, the exception handling is passed to the EPIC low level interrupt handler, epic_exception() located in the epic2.s source file. Epic_exception() handles any necessary context switching and saving of state before calling the EPIC high level interrupt handler, epicISR() located in the epic1.c source file. Note: Currently, epic_exception() first checks the mode of the EPIC unit. If in pass-through mode, an error message is printed stating that the EPIC unit is in pass-through mode and must be initialized. EpicISR() acknowledges the interrupt by calling the epicIACK() which returns the vector number of the interrupting vector source. This vector number is then compared to the spurious vector value located in the EPIC Spurious Vector Register. If the interrupting vector is a spurious vector the interrupt is ignored and state is restored to the interrupted process. If the interrupting vector is a valid interrupt, then the vector number is used to reference the vector ISR from the cross-reference table. The vector ISR is then called to service the particular interrupt. Once the ISR completes and returns, an end-of-interrupt is issued by calling epicEOI(). Control then returns to epic_exception. E-54 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver Epic_exception() finishes by restoring state and performs an RFI (return from interrupt) back to the interrupted process. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E.4.9 Example Usage on Sandpoint Reference Platform The EPIC driver source code currently defaults to a demonstration mode on the Sandpoint Platform. The demo code is located in the epicInit() routine and allows for an interactive demonstration of external interrupts. On Sandpoint X2, the external interrupts can be manually demonstrated on IRQ lines 1 and 2 using the motherboard slide switches, S5 and S6. However, these switches are not available on Sandpoint X3. The use of Global Timers 0 and 1, DMA0, and the Message Unit if in a Host/Agent setup are available on both Sandpoint board versions. A debug mode is also provide and is controlled by the -DEPICDBG compiler directive in the makefile located in the EPIC source directory. The compiler directive allows the driver code to be much more verbose and informative when exercising the EPIC unit features in the debug state. Although manual interrupt demonstration is not available on Sandpoint X3, the platform does implement serial interrupt logic making it very useful in testing serial interrupts using EPIC. E.4.9.1 Sandpoint X2 Reference Platform The Sandpoint X2 Reference Platform provides a means to test external interrupts via two slide switches (S5 and S6) located on the motherboard. Although these switches can be manipulated to demo the EPIC unit, this is not the intended function of the switches. The intended usage of these switches is described in the document titled, "Sandpoint PPMC Processor PCI Mezzanine Card Host Board Technical Summary". Switch S5 manipulates a 5V signal that originates from the interrupt output line of the Winbond southbridge chip in the center of mother board. With S5 slid to the left, a 5V signal is passed on, with S5 slid right, a 0V signal is passed on. The EPIC IRQ0-4 interrupt lines can be configured to be active-low or active-high triggered. Switch S6 specifies to which IRQ line (IRQ1 or IRQ 2) the interrupt signal from S5 is passed. With the S6 slid right, IRQ1 is selected. With S6 slid left, IRQ2 is selected. E.4.9.2 Initializing EPIC on Sandpoint X2 Initializing EPIC requires that DINK32 be running on a Sandpoint X2 system with an MPC8240, MPC8245 or MPC107 PMC module. From the DINK32 command line, initialize the EPIC unit by typing the EPIC initialization, “dev epic init” command. DINK32 will respond with initialization messages and will be ready to handle external interrupts. The user may now also manipulate the S5 and S6 switches to trigger interrupts on the IRQ1 and IRQ2 lines on the Sandpoint X2. The Global Timers can now be manipulated to generated timed interrupts. The Message Unit (I2O) can be used if in a MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver Host/Agent setup. DMA0 can be used in an interrupt driven manner to transfer blocks of data.Of course while all these external interrupts are being handled, DINK32 continues to run and will accept user input at the command line, while simultaneously writing status to the terminal. Host EPIC initialization on Sandpoint X2 running DINK32 in a non Host/Agent setup: Host... Agent in PCI Slot4 detected. DINK32 [MPC7400] >> DINK32 [MPC7400] >>dev epic init Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Initialize EPIC to Default Mode Kahlua agent in Slot: 4 -> IRQ: 3. EPIC: Disable External Interrupts EPIC: Reseting... Mixed Mode... Direct Mode EPIC: Configuring EPIC to Sandpoint X2 default mode... EPIC: Slides switches, S5 and S6, can be used to manually trigger interrupts on IRQ1 and IRQ2. EPIC: IRQ1 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ2 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Agent detected on IRQ 3 EPIC: Use ’help dev i2o’ to manipulate interrupts EPIC: IRQ3 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Enable/disable Timers using ’dev epic tmen/tmdis (0-3)’ EPIC: Timer0 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer1 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer2 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer3 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Use ’help dev dma’ to manipulate DMA0 interrupt EPIC: DMA0 E-56 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver EPIC: Lower Current Task Priority EPIC: Enable External Interrupts in MSR DINK32 [MPC7400] >> Agent EPIC initialization on Sandpoint running DINK32 in a Host/Agent setup: Agent .... DINK32 [MPC8240] >> DINK32 [MPC8240] >>dev epic init Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Initialize EPIC to Default Mode EPIC: Disable External Interrupts EPIC: Reseting... Mixed Mode... Direct Mode EPIC: Configuring EPIC to Sandpoint X2 default mode... EPIC: Host/Agent setup detected EPIC: Use ’help dev i2o’ to manipulate interrupts EPIC: Message Unit Interrupt Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Enable/disable Timers using ’dev epic tmen/tmdis (0-3)’ EPIC: Timer0 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer1 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer2 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer3 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Use ’help dev dma’ to manipulate DMA0 interrupt EPIC: DMA0 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Lower Current Task Priority EPIC: Enable External Interrupts in MSR DINK32 [MPC8240] >> MOTOROLA Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: E-57 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver E.4.9.3 Running the EPIC on Sandpoint X3 Initializing EPIC requires that DINK32 be running on a Sandpoint X3 system with an MPC8240, MPC8245 or MPC107 PMC module. From the DINK32 command line, initialize the EPIC unit by typing the EPIC initialization, “dev epic init” command. DINK32 will respond with initialization messages and will be ready to handle external interrupts. The Global Timers can now be manipulated to generated timed interrupts. The Message Unit (I2O) can be used if in a Host/Agent setup. DMA0 can be used in an interrupt driven manner to transfer blocks of data.Of course while all these external interrupts are being handled, DINK32 continues to run and will accept user input at the command line, while simultaneously writing status to the terminal. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Host EPIC initialization on Sandpoint X3 running DINK32 in a non Host/Agent setup: Host... Agent in PCI Slot3 detected. DINK32 [MPC8240] >> DINK32 [MPC8240] >>dev epic init Initialize EPIC to Default Mode Kahlua agent in Slot: 3 -> IRQ: 4. EPIC: Disable External Interrupts EPIC: Reseting... Mixed Mode... Serial Mode EPIC: Configuring EPIC to Sandpoint X3 default mode... EPIC: For Serial mode on Sandpoint X3 make sure switch S2[3,4,5]=On=Right. EPIC: Agent detected on IRQ 4 EPIC: Use ’help dev i2o’ to manipulate interrupts EPIC: IRQ4 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ0 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ1 Reserved EPIC: IRQ2 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ3 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ5 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable E-58 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor,MPC8240 Inc. EPIC Interrupt Driver EPIC: IRQ6 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ7 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ8 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ9 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: IRQ10-15 Reserved Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... EPIC: Enable/disable Timers using ’dev epic tmen/tmdis (0-3)’ EPIC: Timer0 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer1 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer2 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer3 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Use ’help dev dma’ to manipulate DMA0 interrupt EPIC: DMA0 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Lower Current Task Priority EPIC: Enable External Interrupts in MSR DINK32 [MPC8240] >> Agent EPIC initialization on Sandpoint running DINK32 in a Host/Agent setup: Agent .... DINK32 [MPC8240] >>dev epic init Initialize EPIC to Default Mode EPIC: Disable External Interrupts EPIC: Reseting... Mixed Mode... Direct Mode EPIC: Configuring EPIC to Sandpoint X3 default mode... EPIC: Host/Agent setup detected EPIC: Use ’help dev i2o’ to manipulate interrupts EPIC: Message Unit Interrupt Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Enable/disable Timers using ’dev epic tmen/tmdis (0-3)’ EPIC: Timer0 MOTOROLA Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers For More Information On This Product, Go to: Enable E-59 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8240 EPIC Interrupt Driver EPIC: Timer1 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer2 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Timer3 Configure... Base Count = 0xFFFFFF... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Use ’help dev dma’ to manipulate DMA0 interrupt EPIC: DMA0 Configure... Connect ISR... Enable EPIC: Lower Current Task Priority Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... EPIC: Enable External Interrupts in MSR DINK32 [MPC8240] >> E.4.10 Code and Documentation Updates For the most up-to-date versions of the EPIC sample driver code and this appendix/document, please visit the Motorola DINK32 website. E-60 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix F S-Record Format Description Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... F.1 General Format An S-record is a file that consists of a sequence of specially formatted ASCII character strings. Each line of the S-record file adheres to the same general format (with some variation of the specific fields) and must be 78 bytes or fewer in length. A typical S-record file might look like this: S010000077726974656D656D2E73726563AA S21907000074000000700000003D20DEAD6129BEEF3C60000060E0 S2190700156300003CC0004060C600007D20192E7CE0182E7C07FC S21907002A480040820014386304007C0330004180FFE848000059 S20907003F004800000068 S804070000F4 This information is an encoding of data to be loaded into memory by a S-record loader. The address at which the data is loaded is determined by the information in the S-record. The data is verified through the use of a checksum located at the end of each record. Each record in a file should be followed by a linefeed. The general format of an S-record is as follows: Type char[2] Count char[2] Address char[4,6, or 8] Data char[0-64] Checksum char[2] Note that the fields are composed of characters. Depending on the field, these characters may be interpreted as hexadecimal values or as ASCII characters. Typically, the values in the Type field are interpreted as characters, while the values in all other fields are interpreted as hex digits. MOTOROLA Appendix F. S-Record Format Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: F-1 Specific Formats Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Type: Describes the type of S-record entry. There are S0, S1, S2, S3, S5, S7, S8, and S9 types. This information is used to determine the format of the remainder of the characters in the entry. The specific format for each S-record type is discussed in the next section. Count: When the two characters comprising this field are interpreted as a hex value, indicates the number of remaining character pairs in the record. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Address: These characters are interpreted as a hex address. They indicate the address where the data is to be loaded into memory. The address may be interpreted as a 2, 3, or 4 bytes address, depending on the type of record. 2-byte addresses require 4 characters, 3-byte addresses require 6 characters, and 4-byte addresses require 8 characters. Data: This field can have anywhere from 0 to 64 characters, representing 0-32 hexadecimal bytes. These values will be loaded into memory at the address specified in the address field. Checksum: These 2 characters are interpreted as a hexadecimal byte. This number is determined as follows: Sum the byte values of each pair of hex digits in the count, address, and data fields of the record. Take the one’s complement. The least significant byte of the result is used as the checksum. F.2 Specific Formats Each of the record types has a slightly different format. These are all derived from the general format specified above and are summarized in Table F-1. Table F-1. SRecord Formats Type Description S0 Contains header information for the S-record. This data isn’t actually loaded into memory. The address field of an S0 record is unused and will contain 0x0000. The data field contains the header information, which is divided into several sub-fields: char[20] module name char[2] version number char[2] revision number char[0-36] text comment Each subfield is composed of ASCII characters. These are paired and interpreted as one byte hex values in the case of the revision number and version number fields. For the module name and text comment fields these values should be interpreted as hexadecimal values of ASCII characters. S1 The address field is interpreted as a 2-byte address. The data in the record is loaded into memory at the address specified. S2 The address field is interpreted as a 3-byte address. The data in the record is loaded into memory at the address specified. S3 The address field is interpreted as a 4-byte address. The data in the record is loaded into memory at the address specified. S5 The address field is interpreted as a 2-byte value which represents a count of the number of S1, S2, and S3 records previously transmitted. The data field is unused. S7 The address field is interpreted as a 4-byte address and contains the execution start address. The data field is unused. F-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Examples Table F-1. SRecord Formats (continued) Type Description S8 The address field is interpreted as a 3-byte address and contains the execution start address. The data field is unused. S9 The address field is interpreted as a 2-byte address and contains the execution start address. The data field is unused. F.3 Examples Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Following are some sample S-record entries broken into their parts with a short explanation: Example 1: S010000077726974656D656D2E73726563AA Separated: S0-10-0000-77726974656D656D2E73726563-AA •Type: S0 - this is a header record •Count: 10 - interpreted as 0x10; indicates that 16 character pairs follow •Address: 0000 - interpreted as 0x0000. The address field for S0 is always 0x0000. •Data: Since this is a header record, the information can be interpreted in a number of ways. It doesn't really matter since you usually don't use this field for anything interesting. •Checksum: AA - the checksum Example 2: S21907000074000000700000003D20DEAD6129BEEF3C60000060E0 Separated: S2-19-070000-74000000700000003D20DEAD6129BEEF3C60000060-E0 •Type: S2 - the record consists of memory-loadable data and the address should be interpreted as 3 bytes •Count: 19 - interpreted as 0x19; indicates that 25 character pairs follow •Address: 070000 - data will be loaded at address 0x00070000 •Data: Memory loadable data representing executable code •Checksum: E0 - checksum Example 2: S804070000F4 Separated: S8-04-070000-F4 •Type: S8 - this is the record with the execution start address; also indicates we have reached the end of our s-record •Count: 04 - interpreted as 0x04; indicates that 4 character pairs follow •Address: 070000 - execution will begin at 0x00070000 •Data: None - this field is unused for S8 records. •Checksum: F4 - checksum F.4 Summary of Formats Table F-2 summarizes the length (in characters, bytes) of each field for the different S-record types. It is useful as a reference when parsing records manually during debug. MOTOROLA Appendix F. S-Record Format Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: F-3 Summary of Formats Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table F-2. Summary of Formats in Bytes Count S0 2 S1 Address Data Checksum N/A 0-60 2 2 2 byte address 0-64 2 S2 2 3 byte address 0-64 2 S3 2 4 byte address 0-64 2 S5 2 2 byte count 0 2 S7 2 4 byte execution address 0 2 S8 2 3 byte execution address 0 2 S9 2 4 byte execution address 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Type F-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Appendix G Networking Support This section describes internal mechanism and usage of DINK networking functionality. The purpose is to allow DINK users to access and download code to the reference platforms more conveniently. Current TCP/IP stack in DINK implements: • • • • TFTP client Non-concurrent single user TELNET server PING program based on ICMP ARP server Before using any network functions, user must insert a RealTek8139 PCI NIC into one of the PCI slots, then run ‘ni -i’ command from DINK shell. This command will scan PCI bus for acceptable NIC type. Follow the prompt instruction to fill out card information and the network configurations. If TELNET console is to be used, an environment variable ‘NETIO’ must be created by typing ‘env NETIO=1’. Then power cycle Sandpoint. TFTP download can be invoked by using ‘-nw ‘ option in the download command. There is no difference between using a serial console or a remote TELNET console. The following is an example of how to use TELNET console after setting up the NIC and NETIO environment variable. Firstly, use ni command to verify network status DINK32[MPC7410] {14} >>ni NETWORK INFORMATION PCI CARD Type 8139/10EC on slot 15 SETTINGS SERVER(TFTP) GATEWAY NETMASK DHCP CLIENT(DINK) : : : : : 16. 11.105.182 16. 11.105.254 255.255.255. 0 0. 0. 0. 0 16. 11.105.163 DHCP: Disabled MOTOROLA Appendix G. Networking Support For More Information On This Product, Go to: G-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Before using TELNET server, verify NETIO environment veriable has been set DINK32[MPC7410] {15} >>env NETIO=1 Power cycle Sandpoint. After DINK boots up, the serial console will be disabled. The following console response is expetected if the Telnet server has been initialized properly. I/O system initialized... Baud rate changing to 115200... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Baud rate changing to 115200... Memory Enabled: Caches Enabled: Register Inits: Assembler Init: [ [ [ [ 64MB at CL=3 ] L1-ICache L1-DCache ] 32 GPRs, 32 FPRs, 255 SPRs, 32 VECs ] 895 opcodes ] ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ( Version Released Written by System Processor Memory ( : : : : : : ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ( ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ( (AltiVec) ) ) ) ) 13.0, Metaware Build October 31, 2002 Built on Oct 31 2002 11:28:00 Motorola’s RISC Applications Group, Austin, TX Sandpoint X3 MPC7410 V1.2 @ 300 MHz, Memory @ 100 MHz Map B (CHRP) 64MB at 3/1/1/1 Copyright Motorola Inc. 1993-2002 Refer to ‘history.c’ for release info, changes, errata and fixes. NETMASK GATEWAY SERVER(TFTP) CLIENT(DINK) = = = = ------ TELNET server is started, use remote access ONLY ------ From a remote host computer, run TELNET client to the DINK IP address shown above. e.g. from a DOS console, do Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) (C) Copyright 1985-1996 Microsoft Corp. C:\>telnet G-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Troubleshooting Hints No login is required. The initial prompt is ‘DINK32-TELNET >>’ To close the connection gracefully, disconnect from client Telnet window. There are several ways to redirect console back to serial port. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1. Delete NETIO environment variable from the Telnet console. Reset/Power cycle Sandpoint. 2. Holding down backspace key while DINK is booting. This should allow DINK to bypass all the environment variable settings and use the default serial console. 3. Remove Ethernet NIC from the PCI slot before booting DINK. This would cause DINK to fail to discover Ethernet hardware support for Telnet, therefore switching to serial console. G.1 Troubleshooting Hints Problem 1. Connection lost after about a minute. Solution: If you are using Windows based host, this is due to the TCP keep alive signal sent by Windows host to check if DINK connection is still alive. However, DINK will not respond to this keep-alive polling, (starting with an ARP request). The reason for that is DINK TCP/IP is designed to be purely based on polling such that when running a benchmark via a network, there will be no unpredictable performance impact. The work around is to disable Windows keep alive polling by setting MAC address of the NIC card as a static entry in Windows ARP cache. This problem does not occur in BSD style systems, such as Solaris, Linux, and MacOS. Do the following three steps in the Windows command console to disable keep-alive polling. Obtain the MAC address of the RealTek NIC by doing Telnet to Sandpoint then exit normally by disconnecting from the Telnet client console. There is no exit command from DINK shell. Type ‘arp -a’ to verify the DINK IP and MAC address is marked as ‘dynamic’ Type ‘arp -s zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz’ to set the entry as static. (xxx is the IP address; zz is the MAC address). Problem 2. Can not bypass environment setting by holding backspace key Solution: turn on RTS/CTS flow control or use lower baud rate. G.2 • • • Known Limitations in Telnet Console Does not allow serial console download Does not allow initialize NIC when connection is active. Does not support simultaneous close. MOTOROLA Appendix G. Networking Support For More Information On This Product, Go to: G-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Known Limitations in Telnet Console Does not support certain cache tests which may cause unexpected snoop behavior on Ethernet DMA engine. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • G-4 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix H Converting Dink32 to Little Endian Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... H.1 General Information This information is based on a little endian version of DINK, V7.0 10/8/97 called DINKLE. The makefile is included in this appendix, the other files from this version are not required to understand this appendix, but can be requested from [email protected]. Following the instructions below and having access to this DINKLE version can facilitate the conversion of any version of DINK32 to a little endian version. H.2 Preparation The reset vector EH100S: at 0x00000100 and 0xfff00100 is extracted from except2.s and copied to a new file called reset.s. The system_reset code, which includes the copy DINK32 from ROM to RAM is extracted from except2.s and copied to a new file called reset1.s. Finally the rest of except2.s is copied to a new file called except2l.s. This is necessary, as described later, because the reset vector and reset code must run in Big Endian (BE) and the rest of the code must run in Little Endian (LE). Thus, the two files (reset.s and reset1.s) are compiled as BE and that the rest are compiled as LE. The linker will then link these mixed mode files into a single executable. These two assembly language files need to be compiled as BE. Use the metaware assembler option -lb, which is the default. • • reset.s reset1.s These three assembly language files need to be compiled as LE. Use the metaware assembler option -le. • • • except2l.s reg_swap.s go_tr2.s All the C language files need to be compiled as LE. Use the metaware option flag -HL for Little Endian compilation, the default is -HB Big Endian. MOTOROLA Appendix H. Converting Dink32 to Little Endian For More Information On This Product, Go to: H-1 Explanation Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The CC and two assembler commands for metaware are. • • • CC = /...path.../metaware/bin/hcppc -HL -Hnocopyr -c -Hsds ASOPTL = -big_si -le ASL = /...path.../metaware/bin/asppc -c $(ASOPTL) ASOPTB = -big_si -be ASB = /...path.../metaware/bin/asppc -c $(ASOPTB) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The order of compilation and linking is. • • • • • • • • reset.o except2l.o reset1.o except1.o go_tr1.o go_tr2.o reg_swap.o All the rest of the C files. The makefile included in Section H.3.3, “DINKLE V7.0 10/8/97 makefile” is useful to understand the linking order. H.3 Explanation It is critical to understand that the processors and peripheral logic all come out of reset in Big Endian. Therefore, the first code that is run (this is the reset code located in reset.s and reset1.s) will be compiled in big endian. The reason the reset vector is separated from the other code and other exception handlers (found in except2l.s) is that we want to run the other handlers in LE mode so we will assemble them with our little endian assembler. The linker will then link the files in the following order: reset.s, except2l.s, reset1.s ....... which are Big Endian, Little Endian, and Big Endian, respectively. All of the other files are compiled as little endian. H.3.1 Two Important Considerations The first involves the copy algorithm and the second involves the little endian swap code. H.3.2 Copy Algorithm In DINK, we copy ROM contents to RAM before jumping to the RAM image. The compiler has compiled the rest of DINK as "TRUE" little endian. Little endian on processors that implement the PowerPC architecture is not a "TRUE" little endian but rather a munged Little Endian scheme (see the Programming Environments Manual for H-2 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Explanation more details). The fact that the processor really expects BIG ENDIAN data at little endian addressing is accomplished by the unmunging of data during the copy algorithm (use of stwbr instructions). The copy algorithm is found in except2.s, which has been copied along with all of system_reset to except2l.s The code is shown here. //now copy DINK in ROM to RAM. ROM image is compiler little endian Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... //so,we have to swap the byte and muge the address by K.O. addis r8,r0,0 //use this for copy ROM to RAM ori r8,r8,4 //use for Munge address lwz r10,0(r4) //read word from eprom. lwz r11,4(r4) //muge the address lp1: stwbrx r10,r8,r3 //byte swap stwbrx r11,r0,r3 //byte swap /* original big endian code which is now replaced * stwx r5,0,r3 //store word into dram. * lwzx r7,0,r3 //load word from dram. * cmp 0,0,r7,r5 // check to see if dram got written * bne error_dram_init */ addi r4,r4,8 //go to next double word of eprom and dram. addi r3,r3,8 addic. r6,r6,-8 //decrement word from 256k block //-- set cr0 on this one for branching. bgt lp1 //if count>0, then loop NOTE The memory, which is local to the processor, always has BE ordered data in its physical memory locations (just like the values in the onboard registers and onboard caches are still in big endian order). The byte lane swap is accomplished at the PCI interface. MOTOROLA Appendix H. Converting Dink32 to Little Endian For More Information On This Product, Go to: H-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Explanation Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... H.3.2.1 Little Endian Swap Instruction Sequence The peripheral logic is switched to little endian first (before the processor) in reset1.s (i.e., the specific programming of the bridge chip to be in little endian mode). There is a period of time when the processor and the peripheral logic will not be in the same endian mode. This period should be minimized. It is interesting to note that this period is of interest because the addresses, that you think you are executing from, may not actually be intuitive. In the the V7.0 code this is not a problem (and is not dealt with) because the instructions that are being accessed, when the peripheral logic has been switched to LE and the processor is still in BE, are already in local memory in BE format and the processor hasn’t switched yet. If, however, you were running from code out in PCI then there would be an issue because the ‘unmunge’ logic in the peripheral chip has just been turned ‘on’ but the processor is not munging addresses just yet. There is an elegant way of handling this. Place a sequence (approximately 30) of ‘ORI R0,R0,0x60’ opcodes in the code stream after switching the peripheral logic to LE and then after these ‘ori’ instructions begin, LE code modules which have DUPLICATE opcodes can run until the processor can be put into LE mode (i.e., until the RFI executes). NOTE The ori r0,r0,0x60 opcode is used because it is an opcode that doesn't matter if the bytes are read as BE or LE (i.e., they are the same opcode; a relatively innocuous no-op). 0x60000060 is still 0x60000060 in big or little endian mode. After this assembly code (which has duplicate instructions), ‘regular’ compiler generated LE modules may be located. NOTE The duplicated instructions handle the fact that the address is temporarily ‘unmunged’ so it is coming out as 0x04, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x08, etc. Instead of duplicating instructions you could alternate a no-op with the real instruction or reverse the opcode in memory (not recommended for clarity). H.3.3 DINKLE V7.0 10/8/97 makefile This makefile will only work with V7.0, it is included here only for illustrative purposes. DEBUG = OPTIM = CC = /risc/tools/pkgs/metaware/bin/hcppc -HL CCobj = $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(OPTIM) PREP = $(CC) -P H-4 -Hnocopyr -c -Hsds -fsoft #-Hlist DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Explanation # Assembler used to build the .s files (for the board version) ASOPTL = -big_si -le ASOPTB = -big_si -be ASL = /risc/tools/pkgs/metaware/bin/asppc -c $(ASOPTL) ASB = /risc/tools/pkgs/metaware/bin/asppc -c $(ASOPTB) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... # Linker to bring .o files together into an executable. LKOPT = -Bbase=0 -xm -e system_reset -Bnoheader -Bhardalign -xo=dink32.src -q -Qn -Cglobals -Csections -Csymbols -Ccrossref LINK = /risc/tools/pkgs/metaware/bin/ldppc $(LKOPT) > xref.txt # DOS Utilities DEL = rm COPY = cp LIST = ls -l # These are the modules which have to do with DINK’s registers. REGISTERS = reg_tb.o reg_spr.o # These are the modules which have to do with DINK’s memory access routines. MEMORY = mem_tb.o # These are the modules which have to do with the DINK parser. PARSER = tok_tb.o arg_tb.o rfs_tb.o par_tb.o toks.o # These are the modules which have to do with the error checking # and reporting. ERRORS = errors.o err_tb.o # These are the modules which have to do with the downloader including # DINK’s compression routines. MOTOROLA Appendix H. Converting Dink32 to Little Endian For More Information On This Product, Go to: H-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Explanation DOWNLOAD = downld.o dc_tb.o # # These are the modules which have to do with the input output to the # board level stuff. INPUTOUTPUT = duart.o board.o # These are the modules which have to do with DINK’s assembler/disassembler. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ASMDSM = asm.o dsm.o # These are for the exceptions in the DINK32 system. EXCEPTIONS = reset.o except2l.o reset1.o except1.o # These are for the Go and Trace routines. Please note that the EXCEPTIONS are # very important for the Go/Tr operations. GOTRACE = go_tr1.o go_tr2.o reg_swap.o # These are the modules which have to do with DINK’s help and breakpoints. MISC = help.o brk_pts.o sublib.o # These are the modules which have to do with the main loop and # initialization of DINK32. DINKMAIN = main.o print.o DINKASM = $(EXCEPTIONS) $(GOTRACE) DINKWORKERS =$(REGISTERS) $(MEMORY) $(DOWNLOAD) $(ASMDSM) $(MISC) DINKINTERFACE = $(PARSER) $(ERRORS) $(INPUTOUTPUT) DINKOBJECTS = $(DINKASM) $(DINKMAIN) $(DINKWORKERS) $(DINKINTERFACE) DCOMPOBJECTS = dc_tb_unix.o dc_unix.o dink32: $(DINKOBJECTS) $(LINK) $(DINKOBJECTS) $(LIBS) -o dink32.src clean: H-6 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Explanation $(DEL) -f *.o *.lst *.map dink32.src dcomp zz.* #.s.o: # $(PREP) $*.i # $(AS) $*.s reset.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) reset.s $(ASB) reset.s reset1.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) reset1.s Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $(ASB) reset1.s except2l.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) except2l.s $(ASL) reg_swap.o: except2l.s $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) reg_swap.s $(ASL) reg_swap.s go_tr2.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) go_tr2.s $(ASL) go_tr2.s .c.o: $(CCobj) $*.c INC_ALL = config.h INC_C = dink.h INC_TOK = tok_tb.h toks.h INC_GEN = errors.h cpu.h INC_ASM = dink_asm.h yellowknife.h reg_tb.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) $(INC_GEN) reg_tb.c reg_tb.h reg_spr.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) $(INC_GEN) reg_spr.c reg_tb.h mem_tb.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK)$(INC_GEN) mem_tb.c tok_tb.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) tok_tb.c arg_tb.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) $(INC_GEN) arg_tb.c rfs_tb.h rfs_tb.o:$(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) rfs_tb.c rfs_tb.h par_tb.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) par_tb.c errors.h toks.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) toks.c errors.h MOTOROLA Appendix H. Converting Dink32 to Little Endian For More Information On This Product, Go to: H-7 Explanation Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. err_tb.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) err_tb.c err_tb.h errors.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) errors.c help.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) help.c arg_tb.h rfs_tb.h errors.h brk_pts.o :$(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) brk_pts.c brk_pts.h Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... sublib.o :$(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) sublib.c netrix1.o : $(INC_ALL) netrix1.c netrix.o : $(INC_ALL) netrix.c except1.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) except1.c #except2.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) except2.s #go_tr2.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) go_tr2.s go_tr1.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) go_tr1.c #reg_swap.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_ASM) reg_swap.s dc_tb.o :$(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) dc_tb.c downld.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN)downld.c duart.o: $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) duart.c duart.h print.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) print.c board.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) board.c duart.h asm.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) asm.c asm_dsm.h dsm.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_GEN) dsm.c asm_dsm.h main.o : $(INC_ALL) $(INC_C) $(INC_TOK) main.c errors.h arg_tb.h reg_tb.h duart.h H-8 DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA