Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Surface Mount – 1500W > SMCJ series SMCJ Series Description 5IF4.$+TFSJFTJTEFTJHOFETQFDJmDBMMZUPQSPUFDU TFOTJUJWFFMFDUSPOJDFRVJQNFOUGSPNWPMUBHFUSBOTJFOUT JOEVDFECZMJHIUOJOHBOEPUIFSUSBOTJFOUWPMUBHFFWFOUT Features Agency Approvals AGENCY AGENCY FILE NUMBER E230531 Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (TA=25OC unless otherwise noted) 1BSBNFUFS 4ZNCPM Value Unit 1FBL1VMTF1PXFS%JTTJQBUJPOBU TA$CZYTXBWFGPSN 'JH /PUF /PUF 111. 1500 8 1PXFS%JTTJQBUJPOPOJOmOJUFIFBU TJOLBU5A=50OC 1."7 6.5 8 1FBL'PSXBSE4VSHF$VSSFOUNT 4JOHMF)BMG4JOF8BWF/PUF I'4. 200 A .BYJNVN*OTUBOUBOFPVT'PSXBSE 7PMUBHFBU"GPS6OJEJSFDUJPOBM POMZ/PUF V' V T+ , T45( UP °C 5ZQJDBM5IFSNBM3FTJTUBODF+VODUJPO UP-FBE 3V+- 15 ¡$8 5ZQJDBM5IFSNBM3FTJTUBODF+VODUJPO to Ambient 3V+" 75 ¡$8 0QFSBUJOH+VODUJPOBOE4UPSBHF 5FNQFSBUVSF3BOHF t 'BTUSFTQPOTFUJNF UZQJDBMMZMFTTUIBOQT GSPN7UP#7NJO t &YDFMMFOUDMBNQJOH DBQBCJMJUZ t -PXJODSFNFOUBMTVSHF resistance t 5ZQJDBM*3 less than 1μA above 12V ΔV#3Y7#3!¡$Yå5 t )JHI5FNQFSBUVSF TPMEFSJOHHVBSBOUFFE t (MBTTQBTTJWBUFEDIJQ 260°C/40 seconds at junction terminals t 8QFBLQVMTFQPXFS t 1MBTUJDQBDLBHFIBT DBQBCJMJUZBU¨çT 6OEFSXSJUFST-BCPSBUPSZ XBWFGPSNSFQFUJUJPOSBUF 'MBNNBCJMJUZ70 EVUZDZDMFT t .BUUF5JO-FBEoGSFF1MBUFE t)BMPHFO'SFF t 3P)4DPNQMJBOU t 'PSTVSGBDFNPVOUFE applications to optimize board space t -PXQSPmMFQBDLBHF t #VJMUJOTUSBJOSFMJFG t 5ZQJDBMNBYJNVN UFNQFSBUVSFDPFGmDJFOU Applications TVS devices are ideal for the protection of I/O Interfaces, VCC bus and other vulnerable circuits used in Telecom, Computer, Industrial and Consumer electronic applications. Notes: /POSFQFUJUJWFDVSSFOUQVMTFQFS'JHBOEEFSBUFEBCPWF5A = 25O$QFS'JH .PVOUFEPODPQQFSQBEBSFBPGYwYNN UPFBDIUFSNJOBM .FBTVSFEPONTTJOHMFIBMGTJOFXBWFPSFRVJWBMFOUTRVBSFXBWFGPSVOJEJSFDUJPOBM EFWJDFPOMZEVUZDZDMFQFSNJOVUFNBYJNVN __ 200V and V'<5.0V for VBR > _ 201V. 4. V'7GPS7#3 < ©2009 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. SMCJ Series Revision: November 13, 2009 SMCJ Series RoHS Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Surface Mount – 1500W > SMCJ series Electrical Characteristics Part Number (Uni) Part Number (Bi) 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" 4.$+$" UNI BI Reverse Stand off Voltage VR (Volts) (%& (%( (%, (%. (%1 (%3 (%5 (%7 (%9 (%; (&& (&( (&, (&. (&1 (&3 (&5 (&7 (&9 (&; ('& ('( (', ('. ('1 ('3 ('5 ('7 ('9 ('; ((& ((( ((, ((. ((1 ((3 ((5 ((7 ((9 ((; ()& ()( (), (). ()1 ()3 ()5 ()7 ()9 (); (+& (+( (+, (+. #%& #%( #%, #%. #%1 #%3 #%5 #%7 #%9 #%; #&& #&( #&, #&. #&1 #&3 #&5 #&7 #&9 #&; #'& #'( #', #'. #'1 #'3 #'5 #'7 #'9 #'; #(& #(( #(, #(. #(1 #(3 #(5 #(7 #(9 #(; #)& #)( #), #). #)1 #)3 #)5 #)7 #)9 #); #+& #+( #+, #+. 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 40.0 45.0 51.0 54.0 60.0 64.0 70.0 75.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 200.0 220.0 250.0 400.0 440.0 Marking Breakdown Voltage VBR (Volts) @ IT MIN MAX Test Current IT (mA) 6.40 6.67 7.22 10.00 11.10 12.20 14.40 15.60 16.70 20.00 22.20 24.40 26.70 40.00 44.40 50.00 56.70 60.00 64.40 66.70 71.10 100.00 111.00 122.00 144.00 167.00 201.00 224.00 246.00 447.00 7.00 10.40 11.10 14.70 17.20 22.10 24.50 40.60 44.20 62.70 71.20 104.00 111.00 147.00 222.00 247.00 272.00 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maximum Maximum Maximum Agency Peak Reverse Clamping Approval Pulse Leakage IR Voltage VC @ Ipp Current Ipp @ VR (V) (A) (μA) 11.2 12.0 14.4 15.4 17.0 21.5 24.4 26.0 27.6 42.1 45.4 64.5 72.7 77.4 121.0 126.0 146.0 162.0 177.0 275.0 405.0 567.0 145.7 125.0 104.2 75.4 64.7 61.5 57.7 54.4 51.4 21.7 20.6 16.1 15.5 14.6 12.4 11.0 7.2 6.2 5.5 5.1 4.6 4.2 2.6 2.1 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 'PSCJEJSFDUJPOBMUZQFIBWJOH73 of 10 volts and less, the I3 limit is double. 'PSQBSUTXJUIPVU"UIF7#3 is ± 10% and VCJTIJHIFSUIBOXJUI"QBSUT ©2009 Littelfuse, Inc. SMCJ Series Revision: November 13, 2009 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Surface Mount – 1500W > SMCJ series Ratings and Characteristic Curves (T =25°C unless otherwise noted) A 100 Peak Pulse Power (PPP) or Current (IPP) Derating in Percentage % PPPM-Peak Pulse Power (kW) 100 10 0.31x0.31" (8.0x8.0mm) Copper Pad Area 1 0.000001 80 60 40 20 0 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0 Figure 3 - Pulse Waveform 50 75 100 125 150 175 Figure 4 - Typical Junction Capacitance 100000 150 tr=10μsec TJ=25°C Pulse Width(td) is defined as the point where the peak current decays to 50% of IPPM Peak Value IPPM 100 Bi-directional V=0V 10000 Uni-directional V=0V Cj (pF) IPPM- Peak Pulse Current, % IRSM 25 TA-Ambient temperature (ºC) td-Pulse Width (sec.) Half Value IPPM IPPM ( ) 2 50 1000 Uni-directional @VR 100 10/1000μsec. Waveform as defined by R.E.A Bi-directional @VR 10 td 0 1.0 0 2.0 3.0 Tj=25C f=1.0MHz Vsig=50mVp-p 1 1.0 4.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 VBR - Reverse Breakdown Voltage (V) t-Time (ms) Figure 5 - Steady State Power Dissipation Derating Curve Figure 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current Uni-Directional Only 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 IFSM - Peak Forward Surge Current (A) PM(AV), Steady Sate Power Dissipation (W) SMCJ Series Figure 2 - Pulse Derating Curve Figure 1 - Peak Pulse Power Rating 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TA - Ambient Temperature (ºC) 1 175 ©2009 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. 10 100 Number of Cycles at 60 Hz SMCJ Series Revision: November 13, 2009 Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Surface Mount – 1500W > SMCJ series Soldering Parameters -FBEoGSFFBTTFNCMZ Reflow Condition tp TP - Temperature Min (Ts(min)) 150°C - Temperature Max (Ts(max)) 200°C - Time (min to max) (ts) oTFDT Ramp-up Average ramp up rate (Liquidus Temp (TL) to peak ¡$TFDPOENBY TS(max) to TL - Ramp-up Rate ¡$TFDPOENBY Reflow - Temperature (TL) (Liquidus) 217°C - Time (min to max) (ts) oTFDPOET Critical Zone TL to TP TL Temperature (T) Pre Heat tL Ts(max) Ramp-down Ts(min) ts Preheat 25˚C Peak Temperature (TP) 260 Time within 5°C of actual peak Temperature (tp) oTFDPOET Ramp-down Rate ¡$TFDPOENBY Time 25°C to peak Temperature (TP) NJOVUFT.BY Do not exceed ¡$ t 25˚C to Peak Time (t) °C Physical Specifications Environmental Specifications Weight PVODFHSBNT Temperature Cycle +&4%" Case +&%&$%0"#.PMEFEQMBTUJDCPEZ PWFSHMBTTQBTTJWBUFEKVODUJPO Pressure Cooker +&4%" Polarity Color band denotes positive end DBUIPEF FYDFQU#JEJSFDUJPOBM High Temp. Storage +&4%" Terminal .BUUF5JOQMBUFEMFBET4PMEFSBCMFQFS +&4%#% HTRB +&4%" Thermal Shock +&4%" Dimensions DO-214AB (SMC J-Bend) Dimensions Cathode Band C A B H D F E G J K L I Inches Min Millimeters Max Min Max A 0.114 0.126 # 0.260 6.600 7.110 C 0.220 0.245 6.220 % 2.060 2.620 & 0.060 0.760 1.520 ' ( 7.750 ) 0.006 0.012 0.152 I + 2.400 , 0.165 4.200 - 2.400 ©2009 Littelfuse, Inc. SMCJ Series Revision: November 13, 2009 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Surface Mount – 1500W > SMCJ series Part Numbering System Part Marking System SMCJ XXX C A XXX 5% VOLTAGE TOLERANCE BI-DIRECTIONAL SMCJ Series Cathode Band F VOLTAGE SERIES Littelfuse Logo Marking Code Packaging Part number Component Package 4.$+YYY99 %0"# Quantity Packaging Option 5BQF3FFMoNNwUBQF ©2009 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Packaging Specification &*"45%34 SMCJ Series Revision: November 13, 2009