USB Interface Handbook USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Copyright/Proprietary Statements This is an unpublished work created in 2013, any copyright in which vests in Silicon Sensing Systems Limited. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is proprietary to Silicon Sensing Systems Limited unless stated otherwise and is made available in confidence; it must not be used or disclosed without the express written permission of Silicon Sensing Systems Limited. This document may not be copied in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of Silicon Sensing Systems Limited which may be given by contract. This document contains commercially-sensitive trade secrets as of the date provided to the original recipient by Silicon Sensing Systems Limited and is provided in confidence. Release of the information to any third party is prohibited without prior written consent from Silicon Sensing Systems Limited. Public authorities are prohibited from releasing the information unless its release would not constitute an actionable breach of confidence. Public authorities should contact Silicon Sensing Systems Limited to determine the current releasability of the information. [5 USC 552(b)(4) and 18 USC 1905]/ [Sections 41 and 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000] are applicable. UK Origin Any enquiries relating to this document or its contents should be addressed in the first instance to: Silicon Sensing Systems Limited, Clittaford Road, Southway, Plymouth, Devon PL6 6DE United Kingdom Telephone: Fax: (01752) 723330 (01752) 723331 International: International: +44 1752 723330 +44 1752 723331 Silicon Sensing Systems Limited is the trademark of Page 2 DCR710005030 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 CONTENTS Section Page 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 5 2. System Requirements ...................................................................................... 5 3. Kit Contents ...................................................................................................... 5 4. Getting Started .................................................................................................. 8 5. Data Logging ................................................................................................... 11 6. File Format ...................................................................................................... 12 7. Using an External Power Supply ................................................................... 14 8. USB Interface Box Pin Assignments ............................................................ 15 9. Contact Details................................................................................................ 16 FIGURES Figure 1 Typical Hardware Setup with the CRG20 Evaluation Board (Item C) ............................................6 Figure 2 Typical Hardware Setup with DMU02 (Item E) ..............................................................................7 Figure 3 GyroConfig.bin launch screenshot .................................................................................................8 Figure 4 USB Interface Main Menu ..............................................................................................................9 Figure 5 Selecting the Number of Sensors...................................................................................................9 Figure 6 Logging settings ...........................................................................................................................10 Figure 7 DMU02 Axes. ...............................................................................................................................12 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 3 DCR710005030 GLOSSARY CD Page 4 DCR710005030 Compact Disk CD-ROM CD-Read Only Memory CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CSV Comma Separated Variables GUI Graphical User Interface LSB Least Significant Byte MSB Most Significant Byte PC Personal Computer PCB Printed Circuit Board RAM Random Access Memory SP Service Pack SPI Serial Peripheral Interface USB Universal Serial Bus USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 1. Introduction The USB Interface Box (USB01-00-0100) connects a Silicon Sensing Systems Limited rate sensor, such as the CRG20 Evaluation Board (Part Number CRG20-01-0300 and CRG2002-0300) or the DMU02 (Part Number DMU02) to a PC via the USB port. This allows the user to interrogate the outputs and log data using the software provided. 2. System Requirements The USB Interface Kit requires a PC with a USB port. The requirements for the PC are as follows: • Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or greater), Vista or Window 7 Operating Systems. There are some restrictions, detailed below. • Minimum of 100Mb of RAM. • 1Mb of free hard drive space plus space for logged data (typical data rate ≈ 50kb/s). • High power or self-powered USB 2.0 Port. ® ® ® Known restrictions and issues: 1. 2. 3. Problems have been experienced with the USB interface when used on some Laptop and Desktop PC systems. These issues can result in errors introduced into the messages and possible lost of partial or complete messages. Such errors are flagged in the logged files and the user will need to establish how to handle such incidents. ® This will depend on the user’s application. These errors are due to the way Windows handles the USB ports. Such errors can be minimised by: a) minimising the number of other applications and software running on the PC. b) disconnecting the PC from a network or wireless connection. c) using very high speed PCs. The software has not been tested on any other operating systems and therefore correct functionality cannot be guaranteed. Kit Contents The kit should contain the following: • USB Interface Box (USB01-00-0100), Item A as shown in Figures 1 and 2. • Software which can be downloaded from the “Information Centre” Silicon Sensing Website at ( ). The USB software and handbook is located in the “Software” download library section. • Sensor Interface Cable. A specific product interface cable, Item B (Part Number USB03-01-0100) as shown in Figure 1 for interfacing to a CRG20 or Item D (Part Number DMU02-01-0400) as shown in Figure 2 for interfacing to a DMU02. • USB 2.0 Cable, Item F as shown in Figures 1 and 2. USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 5 DCR710005030 ITEM C ITEM B ard 00 n Bo 1-01 atio Cable 03-0 Evalu ace USB RG20 r Interf C enso S ard 00 n Bo le 1-01 atio Cab 03-0 Evalu face USB RG20 or Inter C ens S ITEM A ITEM F Vdd se + Sen se Sen D GN C.G. 18273 Figure 1 Typical Hardware Setup with the CRG20 Evaluation Board (Item C) Page 6 DCR710005030 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 ITEM E DMU 02 ITEM D ITEM F ard 00 n Bo le 1-01 atio Cab 03-0 Evalu face USB RG20 or Inter C ens S ITEM A Vdd se + Sen se Sen D GN C.G. 18373 Figure 2 Typical Hardware Setup with DMU02 (Item E) USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 7 DCR710005030 4. Getting Started 1. Locate and download the software and handbook from the website at 2. The files needed are: USB Interface.exe GyroConfig.bin USBDLL.dll 3. All of these files need to be in the same directory, which may be put on a USB Memory Stick or in a directory set up on the PC. 4. Connect the sensor to the USB Box with the cable provided, as shown in Figures 1 or 2. Make sure that the board sockets, connecting item B to Item D (or Item E) are in the correct way by following the instructions on the connector label. 5. Connect the USB cable from the socket on the USB Interface Box to a free USB 2.0 socket on the PC. 6. The two LED indicators will flash Orange while the USB Interface Box is being recognised by the PC. It is important not to connect or disconnect the sensor during this stage. 7. The flashing will stop after a few seconds and 1 LED will remain illuminated Orange. 8. The program is run by starting the executable file, “USB Interface.exe“. A screenshot of the opening window is shown in Figure 3. Press <OK> to continue. Figure 3 GyroConfig.bin launch screenshot Page 8 DCR710005030 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 9. The main menu will then be launched. A screenshot of this screen is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 USB Interface Main Menu 10. Select <Gyro Settings> and the message shown in Figure 5 will appear. Select 1 or 3 gyros (one for a single CRG20 or one channel of the DMU02, or 3 for all three channels of the DMU02) and then press <Accept>. Figure 5 Selecting the Number of Sensors USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 9 DCR710005030 11. Select Logging Settings (see Figure 4) and the window shown in Figure 6 will appear. Selection the Gyros you wish to log data from (1,2 and 3), plus any additional Analogue input channels (Analogue Inputs 1,2 and 3). Press <Accept>. Figure 6 Logging settings 12. Choose a message type to receive by clicking on the appropriate radio button (see Figure 4 and Table 1 for description/function of radio buttons). Table 1 Radio button functionality Radio Button (See Figure 3) CRG20 Evaluation Board DMU02 Basic Rate Data Rate Only. Not Applicable. Rate/Aux1 Data Rate and Rate 1. Rate and Accelerometer. Rate/Aux2 Data Rate and Rate 2. Not Applicable. Rate/Temp Data Rate and Temperature. Rate and Temperature. Device Config 1 See Specification. See Specification. Device Config 2 See Specification. See Specification. Activate Cbit_A_Test Applies a 10 deg/sec offset to all rate axes. Applies 10 deg/sec offset to all rate axes. 13. Both LEDs will change to Green and the interface will declare itself ‘Connected’ in the top of the main window. 14. An explanation of each message type can found on the appropriate datasheets and specifications for the CRG20 and the DMU02. 15 The check box labelled “Activate CBIT_A” (see Figure 4) will activate the commanded bit functionality when checked and the appropriate offsets will be output from the devices. Page 10 DCR710005030 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 5. Data Logging After completing the steps detailed in Getting Started: 1. The data appearing in the ‘White’ boxes is the data which will be logged to file when logging begins. Data in the ‘Grey’ boxes will not be logged. To select different logging, click on the <Logging Settings>. For a detailed explanation of the message outputs see the appropriate product datasheets. 2. Data will start to be displayed in the boxes. To log the data, enter the logging time required and press the <Begin Logging> button. Note: Data logging cannot start unless a data type radio button has been selected and the interface declares itself connected. 3. A <Save> box will appear that will allow the user to choose the file name and destination. 4. The <Begin Logging> button label will change to <Abort Logging>, which can be pressed at any time to abort the logging. 5. The File Path and File Name will be displayed on the GUI (Lower Left hand corner) and will remain until another file is logged. 6. Once the log has finished, the <Abort Logging> button label will disappear again until logging is started again. 7. The logged data will be stored as hexadecimal numbers in a comma separated variable (CSV) format in a text file as described in the next section. USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 11 DCR710005030 6. File Format The data is logged in a CSV format. This can be imported into an excel spreadsheet or read using MATLAB or other similar analysis tools. Each message is stored as a row of 16 bytes, which will import into excel as 16 cell row. The data is stored as hexadecimal numbers and these have the following meaning. More information about the specific meaning of the bytes can be found in the product specifications for the CRG20 and the DMU02. The 16 bytes are labelled below as Byte 15 down to Byte 0. Byte 15 Byte 14 Byte 13 Byte 12 Byte 11 Byte 10 Byte 9 Byte 7,8 Byte 5,6 Byte 3,4 Byte 1,2 Byte 0 SS SB MSB LSB MSB LSB CHK AN 0 AN 1 AN 2 PS MS Byte 15: Bits 0-3: Cyclic message counter, range 0-15. Bits 4-6: Slave select lines Bit 7: Sensor Power Status (1=OK) The combination of Bits 4-6 and Bit 7, assuming Bit 7 is normally high, means a message associated with slave select line 0 has Bits 4-7 = 9, with slave select line 1 has Bits 4-7 = A and with slave select line 2 has Bits 4-7 = C. When the DMU02 is attached, the data indicates which axis from the DMU02 has been selected: Figure 7 DMU02 Axes DMU02 Axes Bits 4-7 Value (in Hex) Page 12 DCR710005030 DMU02 Axis Selected 9 S0: Pitch Gyro, Y Accelerometer A S1: Yaw Gyro, Z Accelerometer C S2: Roll Gyro, X Accelerometer USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Byte 14: Bits 0-2: Bit 3: Bit 4: Bit 5: Bits 6-7 Message/Data type selected 1 = CBITA in Progress 1 = BIT Fail 1 = Comms Failure Sensor cyclic counter Byte 13-12: 16 Bit signed integer containing the data sent from a Gyroscope. The data depends on which radio buttons have been selected on the Main Menu. Usually these bytes contain the angular rate data. Byte 11-10: 16 bit signed integer containing the data sent from a Gyroscope. The data depends on which radio buttons have been selected on the Main Menu. Usually these bytes contain the Aux1, Aux2, Temperature or in the case of the DMU02, acceleration data. Byte 9: CHK: Checksum (1’s compliment) of the preceding 5 Bytes (bytes 14 through to 10). Byte 8-7: AN 0: Analogue 0 input voltage 16 bit unsigned integer, scaled to 0.0049 V/bit, logged as one number. If the Analogue Input 0 option has not been selected (see Figure 5), then XXXX will be output instead. Byte 6-5: AN 1: Analogue 1 input voltage 16 bit unsigned integer, scaled to 0.0049 V/bit, logged as one number If the Analogue Input 1 option has not been selected (see Figure 5), then XXXX will be output instead. Byte 4-3: AN 2: Analogue 2 input voltage 16 bit unsigned integer, scaled to 0.0049 V/bit, logged as one number. If the Analogue Input 2 option has not been selected (see Figure 5), then XXXX will be output instead. Byte 2-1: PS: Power supply voltage, 16bit unsigned integer, scaled to 0.0098 V/bit. This is always logged and is not selectable. Byte 0: MS: Message Status. The message from the USB Interface Box is checked for integrity by the Software running on the PC. If the message is good, the MS Byte is 00. If there is a checksum error, this is flagged by the MS being set to 10. If there has been lost messages due to communication restrictions between the USB Interface Box and the PC, then the MS is set to 01. This declares that the message has been coasted from the previous message. If there are lost messages and a checksum error, then MS is set to 11. The user must decide how to handle such errors in the message. Below is the output from a typical message from a DMU02 94,81,00,03,FE,A6,D7,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 A4,81,FF,FD,FD,D1,B4,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 C4,81,FF,DB,FF,FD,A8,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 95,C1,00,01,FE,A8,97,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 A5,C1,00,09,FD,D1,67,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 C5,C1,FF,E1,FF,FB,64,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 96,01,00,09,FE,A7,50,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 A6,01,00,14,FD,D0,1D,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 C6,01,FF,EA,FF,F9,1D,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 97,41,00,0C,FE,AA,0A,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 A7,41,00,10,FD,D0,E1,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 C7,41,FF,F4,FF,F8,D4,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,01FE,00 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 13 DCR710005030 7. Using an External Power Supply The default configuration for the USB Interface Box is to use the USB supply provided by the PC. The four 4mm sockets mounted above the USB Port allow the user to supply an external power supply to the attached sensors. The supply is specified as 5V ±0.25V. To configure the USB Interface to use an external power supply: 1. Unscrew the lid of the USB Interface Box and expose the PCB. 2. Use the 2 way jumper currently connecting pins PL2-5 and PL2-6 to connect PL2-5 and PL2-4 instead (PL2-1 identified at PL2 silkscreen). 3. Screw the lid back on the USB Interface Box. 4. The USB Interface Box is now configured to use an external power supply. 5. Before turning the power supply on, connect the positive supply to the Red 4mm connector and connect the negative supply (ground) to the Black 4mm connector. 6. The Yellow (positive sense) and Blue (negative sense) 4mm connectors can be used to measure the voltage supply to the sensor at the PCB. Before turning the power supply on, do not forget to ensure that the voltage has been set to that stated in the product data sheets i.e. 5V. The voltage can be monitored when using the interface software in the Display box labelled ‘Sensor Supply’. ® Note: SPI communications must only take place with the CRG20 and DMU02 products after they are powered with the correct supply voltage. Page 14 DCR710005030 USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 8. USB Interface Box Pin Assignments The pin out for the 15 way D type socket is as follows: Pin Name Pin Number Pin Type* Expected Value Description Power Supply Connections SENSOR_SUPPLY 2 O See Sensor Data Sheet Power supply to sensor under test DGND 7 G 0V Digital Ground AGND 15 G 0V Analogue Ground SENSE+ 1 I SENSOR_SUPPLY – Voltage Drop Over Cable Positive sense line SENSE- 8 I 0V Negative sense line SPI_RST 3 O Active Low Resets attached sensor when active SPI_MISO 4 I 5 V CMOS Logic Master Input, Slave Output SPI_MOSI 5 O 5 V CMOS Logic Master Output, Slave Input SPI_CLK 12 O 5 V CMOS Logic Clock SPI_SS0 11 O Active Low Slave Select Line 0 SPI_SS1 13 O Active Low Slave Select Line 1 SPI_SS2 6 O Active Low Slave Select Line 2 Analogue Input 0 9 I Analogue Input 1 10 I AGND to SENSOR_SUPPLY Analogue Input 2 14 I Analogue inputs sampled at 500Hz and converted into 12bit integer representations Digital Signals Analogue Signals *Pin types include: Input (I), Output (O) and Ground (G). USB01-00-0100-910 Revision 3 Page 15 DCR710005030 9. Contact Details If you require any additional information about the USB Interface Kit or any other products please visit the Silicon Sensing website at: Silicon Sensing Systems can be contacted by email at the following address: [email protected] Silicon Sensing Systems can be contacted in writing at the following address: Silicon Sensing Systems Limited Clittaford Road, Southway Plymouth, Devon PL6 6DE United Kingdom. SILICON SENSING, Clittaford Road, Southway, Plymouth, Devon PL6 6DE ©SILICON SENSING, 2013. All rights reserved USB01-0100-910 Revision 3 DCR710005030