RV-8803-C7 Application Manual Date: May 2016 Headquarters: Micro Crystal AG Mühlestrasse 14 CH-2540 Grenchen Switzerland Tel. Fax Internet Email Revision N°: 1.2 1/63 +41 32 655 82 82 +41 32 655 82 83 www.microcrystal.com [email protected] Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 6 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1. PINOUT ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2. PIN DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 9 2.4. DEVICE PROTECTION DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................... 9 3. REGISTER ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.1. REGISTER OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.1. AUTO-INCREMENTING ................................................................................................................... 11 3.2. CLOCK REGISTERS ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.3. CALENDAR REGISTERS ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.4. ALARM REGISTERS ............................................................................................................................... 15 3.5. PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER CONTROL REGISTERS .................................................................. 17 3.6. EXTENSION REGISTER.......................................................................................................................... 18 3.7. FLAG REGISTER ..................................................................................................................................... 19 3.8. CONTROL REGISTER ............................................................................................................................. 20 3.9. OFFSET REGISTER ................................................................................................................................ 21 3.10. CAPTURE BUFFER/EVENT CONTROL REGISTERS ........................................................................... 22 3.11. REGISTER RESET VALUES SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 24 4. DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 25 4.1. POWER ON RESET (POR)...................................................................................................................... 25 4.2. POWER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 25 4.3. CLOCK SOURCE ..................................................................................................................................... 25 4.4. PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER INTERRUPT FUNCTION ................................................................. 25 4.4.1. COMPLETE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER DIAGRAM ............................................................. 26 4.4.2. USE OF THE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER ............................................................................. 27 4.5. PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT FUNCTION ............................................................................. 29 4.5.1. COMPLETE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE DIAGRAM ......................................................................... 29 4.5.2. USE OF THE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT ................................................................... 30 4.6. ALARM INTERRUPT FUNCTION............................................................................................................ 31 4.6.1. COMPLETE ALARM DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................... 31 4.6.2. USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT .................................................................................................. 32 4.7. EXTERNAL EVENT FUNCTION .............................................................................................................. 33 4.7.1. COMPLETE EXTERNAL EVENT DIAGRAM.................................................................................... 33 4.7.2. USE OF THE EXTERNAL EVENT FUNCTION ................................................................................ 34 4.8. SERVICING INTERRUPTS ...................................................................................................................... 35 2/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.9. DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 35 4.10. SYNCHRONICITY BETWEEN INT SIGNALS AND 1 HZ CLKOUT ..................................................... 36 4.11. TIME DATA READ-OUT .......................................................................................................................... 37 4.11.1. PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................... 37 4.11.2. METHODE TO CONFIRM CORRECT TIME AND CALENDAR READ-OUT................................... 37 5. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................... 38 5.1. FREQUENCIES ........................................................................................................................................ 38 5.2. FREQUENCY VS. TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................... 38 5.3. COMPENSATION VALUES ..................................................................................................................... 39 5.4. AGING CORRECTION ............................................................................................................................. 39 5.5. CLOCKING SCHEME .............................................................................................................................. 40 5.6. MEASURING TIME ACCURACY AT CLKOUT PIN................................................................................ 41 5.6.1. MEASURING 1 HZ AT CLKOUT PIN ............................................................................................... 41 5.7. MEASURING TIME ACCURACY AT INT PIN ....................................................................................... 42 5.7.1. MEASURING 1 HZ WITH THE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT FUNCTION .................... 42 2 6. I C INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................................. 43 6.1. BIT TRANSFER ....................................................................................................................................... 43 6.2. START AND STOP CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 43 6.3. DATA VALID ............................................................................................................................................ 44 6.4. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................................... 44 6.5. ACKNOWLEDGE ..................................................................................................................................... 45 6.6. SLAVE ADDRESS ................................................................................................................................... 46 6.7. WRITE OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 46 6.8. READ OPERATION AT SPECIFIC ADDRESS ....................................................................................... 47 6.9. READ OPERATION ................................................................................................................................. 48 7. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................... 49 7.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .......................................................................................................... 49 7.2. OPERATING PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................. 50 7.2.1. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION AND CURRENT CONSUMPTION ......................................... 51 7.3. OSCILLATOR PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 52 7.3.1. TIME ACCURACY 1 HZ EXAMPLE .................................................................................................. 52 7.4. POWER ON AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................ 53 7.5. BACKUP AND RECOVERY .................................................................................................................... 54 2 7.6. I C AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................... 55 8. APPLICATION INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 57 8.1. OPERATING RV-8803-C7 WITH BACKUP CAPACITOR ...................................................................... 57 9. RECOMMENDED REFLOW TEMPERATURE (LEADFREE SOLDERING) ................................................. 58 10. PACKAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 59 10.1. DIMENSIONS AND SOLDER PAD LAYOUT .......................................................................................... 59 3/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 10.2. MARKING AND PIN #1 INDEX ................................................................................................................ 59 11. PACKING INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 60 11.1. CARRIER TAPE ....................................................................................................................................... 60 11.2. PARTS PER REEL ................................................................................................................................... 60 11.3. REEL 7 INCH FOR 12 mm TAPE ............................................................................................................ 61 11.4. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR CRYSTALS OR MODULES WITH EMBEDDED CRYSTALS ........ 62 12. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................. 63 4/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 RV-8803-C7 Highly accurate DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module with I2C Interface 1. OVERVIEW 32.768 kHz built-in “Tuning Fork” crystal oscillator Counters for hundredths, seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year, century and weekday Factory calibrated temperature compensation Very high Time Accuracy o ± 1.5 ppm 0 to +50°C o ± 3.0 ppm -40 to +85°C o Aging compensation with OFFSET value 2 I C (up to 400 kHz) serial interface Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function Periodic Time Update Interrupt function (seconds, minutes) Alarm Interrupts for date, weekday, hour and minute settings External Event Input with Interrupt and Time Stamp function Programmable Clock Output for peripheral devices (32.768 kHz, 1.024 kHz, 1 Hz) with enable/disable function (CLKOE) Automatic leap year calculation (2000 to 2099) Wide operating voltage range: 1.5 V to 5.5 V Very low current consumption: 240 nA (VDD = 3.0 V) Operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C Ultra small and compact C7 package size, RoHS-compliant and 100% leadfree: 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 mm Register compatible with Epson RX-8803SA/LC 1.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The RV-8803-C7 is a highly accurate real-time clock/calendar module due to its built-in Thermometer and Digital Temperature Compensation circuitry (DTCXO). The Temperature Compensation circuitry is factory calibrated and results in highest time accuracy of ± 3.0 ppm across the temperature range from -40 to +85°C, and additionally offers an aging offset correction. The RV-8803-C7 has the smallest package and the lowest current consumption among all temperature compensated RTC modules. Due to its special architecture the RV-8803-C7 provides a very low current consumption of 240 nA. 5/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 1.2. APPLICATIONS The RV-8803-C7 RTC module combines key functions with outstanding performance in an ultra-small ceramic package: Factory calibrated Temperature Compensation with temperature measuring every second Ultra Low Power consumption Smallest RTC module (embedded XTAL) in an ultra-small 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 mm leadfree ceramic package. These unique features make this product perfectly suitable for many applications: Communication: IoT / Wireless Sensors and Tags / Handsets / Communications equipment Automotive: Navigation & Tracking Systems / Dashboard / Tachometers / Engine Controller / Car Audio & Entertainment Systems Metering: E-Meter / Heating Counter / Smart Meters / PV Converter Outdoor: ATM & POS systems / Surveillance & Safety systems / Ticketing Systems Medical: Glucose Meter / Health Monitoring Systems Safety: DSLR / Security & Camera Systems / Door Lock & Access Control Consumer: Gambling Machines / TV & Set Top Boxes / White Goods Automation: DSC / Data Logger / Home & Factory Automation / Industrial and Consumer Electronics 6/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD VSS SCL SDA 3 Power Control 5 8 2 1 I C-BUS Interface T-Sensor Calibration Engine Xtal Osc CLKOUT CLKOE 2 4 6 INT EVI Divider INPUT OUTPUT CONTROL 7 Reset System Control logic Seconds Minutes Hours Weekday Date Month Year RAM Minutes Alarm Hours Alarm Weekday Alarm Date Alarm Timer Counter 0 Timer Counter 1 Extension Register Flag Register Control register 100th Seconds Seconds Minutes Hours Weekday Date Month Year Minutes Alarm Hours Alarm Weekday Alarm Date Alarm Timer Counter 0 Timer Counter 1 Extension Register Flag Register Control Register 100th Seconds CP Seconds CP Offset Event Control 00 08 0A 0F 10 18 1A 1F 20 21 2C 2F 7/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 2.1. PINOUT C7 Package: (top view) #8 #5 #1 SDA #8 SCL #2 CLKOUT #7 EVI #3 VDD #6 ̅̅̅̅̅ INT #4 CLKOE #5 VSS 8803 #1 #4 2.2. PIN DESCRIPTION Symbol Pin # SDA 1 CLKOUT 2 VDD 3 CLKOE 4 VSS 5 ̅̅̅̅̅ INT 6 EVI SCL 7 8 Description I2C Serial Data; open-drain; requires pull-up resistor. Clock Output; push-pull; controlled by CLKOE. If CLKOE is active HIGH, the CLKOUT pin drives the square wave of 32.768 kHz, 1.024 kHz or 1 Hz (Default value is 32.768 kHz). When CLKOE is tied to Ground, the CLKOUT pin is high impedance (tri-state). Power Supply Voltage. Input to enable the CLKOUT pin. If CLKOE is active HIGH, the CLKOUT pin is in output mode. When CLKOE is tied to Ground, the CLKOUT pin is stopped and is high impedance (tri-state). Ground. Interrupt Output; open-drain; requires pull-up resistor; Used to output Alarm, Periodic Countdown Timer, Periodic Time Update and External Event Interrupt signals. External Event Interrupt Input with Time Stamp function. I2C Serial Clock Input; open-drain; requires pull-up resistor. 8/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 2.3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The RV-8803-C7 is a high accurate, ultra-low power CMOS based Real-Time-Clock Module with embedded 32.768 kHz Crystal. The Xtal 32.768 kHz clock itself is not temperature compensated. The very high Time Accuracy and stability of ± 3.0 ppm over the full temperature range from -40°C to +85°C is achieved by the built-in Digital Temperature Compensation circuitry (DTCXO). The factory calibrated correction values are located in the EEPROM and are not accessible for the user. Additionally, there is an Offset Register customer use for aging correction. The RV-8803-C7 provides standard Clock & Calendar function including seconds, minutes, hours (24), weekdays, date, months, years (with leap year calculation) and interrupt functions for an External Event, Periodic Countdown Timer, Periodic Time Update and Alarm. Beside the standard RTC functions, it includes an integrated Temperature 2 Sensor, a Time Stamp function for the External Event Input and 1 Byte of User RAM and offers an I C-bus (2-wire Interface). Further 2 Bytes can be used as User RAM when the Periodic Countdown Timer is not used (Timer Counter registers 0Bh, 1Bh and 0Ch, 1Ch) and further 3 Bytes when the Alarm function is not used (Alarm registers 08h, 18h; 09h, 19h and 0Ah, 1Ah). The registers are accessed by selecting a register address and then performing read or write operations. Multiple reads or writes may be executed in a single access, with the address automatically incrementing after each byte. 2.4. DEVICE PROTECTION DIAGRAM SDA CLKOUT VDD CLKOE 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 SCL EVI INT VSS 9/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3. REGISTER ORGANIZATION Registers are accessed by selecting a register address and then performing read or write operations. Multiple reads or writes may be executed in a single access, with the address automatically incrementing after each byte. The following tables Register Definitions (00h to 0Fh), (10h to 1Fh) and (20h to 2Fh) summarize the function of each register. In the table Register Definitions (00h to 0Fh) and (10h to 1Fh) the GPx bits (where x is between 0 and 5) are 6 register bits which may be used as general purpose storage. These bits are not described in the sections below. All of the GPx bits are cleared when the RV-8803-C7 powers up, and they can therefore be used to allow software to determine if a true Power On Reset has occurred or hold other initialization data. Address 00h to 0Fh: Basic time and calendar register Address 10h to 1Fh: Extension register Address 20h to 2Fh: Extension register Adds RAM th Adds 100 Seconds counter Capture buffer and Event control Note: When writing or reading a specific function value into/from the Address range 00h to 0Fh the value will be automatically updated in the Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. In order to not corrupt the accuracy of the temperature compensation and the Time Stamp (Capture) function on th the highest 100 Seconds resolution, it is not possible to freeze the clock and calendar register during read-out process, as it is common practice for other RTC’s. Since the time and calendar registers cannot be frozen, there might be a condition that the time registers are incremented while read-out. To avoid reading corrupted (partially incremented) data, special measures and procedures need to be applied (see TIME DATA READ-OUT). 3.1. REGISTER OVERVIEW Register Definitions, Address 00h to 0Fh (Basic time and calendar register): Address 00h 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h 09h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh Function Seconds Minutes Hours Weekday Date Month Year RAM Minutes Alarm Hours Alarm Weekday Alarm Date Alarm Timer Counter 0 Timer Counter 1 Extension Register Flag Register Control Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 80 40 40 ○ 6 ○ ○ 40 20 20 20 5 20 ○ 20 AE_M AE_H 40 GP0 6 GP1 64 GP4 WADA ○ 20 20 5 20 32 GP3 USEL UF UIE AE_WD 128 GP5 TEST ○ X Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 10 8 4 10 8 4 10 8 4 4 3 2 10 8 4 10 8 4 10 8 4 RAM data 10 8 4 10 8 4 4 3 2 10 8 4 16 8 4 GP2 2048 1024 TE FD TF AF EVF TIE AIE EIE Bit 1 Bit 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 512 1 1 0 1 1 256 TD V2F ○ V1F RESET ○ Read only. Always 0. 10/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 Register Definitions, Address 10h to 1Fh (Extension register ): Address Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h th 80 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 80 AE_M AE_H 40 40 40 ○ 6 ○ ○ 40 40 GP0 6 GP1 64 GP4 WADA ○ 20 20 20 20 5 20 ○ 20 20 20 5 20 32 GP3 USEL UF UIE 10 10 10 10 4 10 10 10 10 10 4 10 16 GP2 TE TF TIE 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 2048 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 1024 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 512 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 256 AF AIE EVF EIE V2F ○ V1F RESET 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Dh 1Eh 1Fh 100 Seconds (Read Only) Seconds Minutes Hours Weekday Date Month Year Minutes Alarm Hours Alarm Weekday Alarm Date Alarm Timer Counter 0 Timer Counter 1 Extension Register Flag Register Control Register AE_WD 128 GP5 TEST ○ X FD TD Register Definitions, Address 20h to 2Fh (Extension register ): Address 20h 21h 2Ch 2Fh Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 ○ ○ ECP 40 ○ EHL 20 10 8 4 2 1 ○ ○ ERST 100th Seconds CP (Read Only) Seconds CP (Read Only) Offset Event Control OFFSET ET ○ 3.1.1.AUTO-INCREMENTING When address is automatically incremented, wrap around occurs from the address FFh to the address 00h (see figure below). Auto-incrementing of the registers: Address 00h wrap around 01h 02h 03h autoincrement : FDh FEh FFh 11/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.2. CLOCK REGISTERS th 10h - 100 Seconds (Read Only) This register holds the count of hundredths of seconds, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will be from 00 to 99. Address Function 10h 100th Seconds (Read Only) Reset Bit Symbol 7:0 100th Seconds (Read Only) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 80 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Value 00 to 99 Description Holds the count of hundredths of seconds, coded in BCD format. The 100th Seconds register is cleared to 00 when writing to the Seconds register or when setting the RESET bit to 1 or when the ERST bit is 1 in case of an External Event detection on EVI pin. 00h, 11h - Seconds This register holds the count of seconds, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will be from 00 to 59. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 00h, 11h(1) Seconds Reset ○ 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit Symbol Value 7 6:0 ○ Seconds 0 00 to 59 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the count of seconds, coded in BCD format. 01h, 12h - Minutes This register holds the count of minutes, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will be from 00 to 59. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 01h, 12h(1) Minutes Reset ○ 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit Symbol Value 7 6:0 ○ Minutes 0 00 to 59 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the count of minutes, coded in BCD format. 02h, 13h - Hours This register holds the count of hours, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will be from 00 to 23. (1) Addresses Function 02h, 13h(1) Hours Reset Bit Symbol 7:6 5:0 ○ Hours Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Value 0 00 to 23 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the count of hours, coded in BCD format. This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 12/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.3. CALENDAR REGISTERS 03h, 14h - Weekday This register holds the current day of the week. Each bit represents one weekday that is assigned by the user. Values will range from 1 to 7. Do not set 1 to more than one bit. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Weekday Reset ○ 0 7 1 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 Bit Symbol Value 7 6:0 ○ Weekday 0 1 to 7 03h, 14h (1) Weekday Weekday 1 Weekday 2 Weekday 3 Weekday 4 Weekday 5 Weekday 6 Weekday 7 – Default value Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the weekday counter value. Do not set 1 to more than one bit. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 04h, 15h – Date This register holds the current day of the month, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 00 to 31. The Reset value 00 after POR has to be replaced by a valid initial value (01 to 31). Leap years are correctly handled from 2000 to 2099. Addresses Function 04h, 15h(1) Date Reset Bit Symbol 7:6 ○ 5:0 Date Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Value 0 00 to 31 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the current date of the month, coded in BCD format. The Reset value 00 after POR has to be replaced by a valid initial value (01 to 31). 05h, 16h - Month This register holds the current month, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 01 to 12. (1) Addresses Function 05h, 16h(1) Month Reset Bit Symbol 7:5 4:0 ○ Month Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 1 Value 0 01 to 12 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds the current month, coded in BCD format. This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 13/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 06h, 17h - Year This register holds the current year, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 00 to 99. Addresses Function 06h, 17h(1) Year Reset Bit Symbol 7:0 Year Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 80 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 0 Value 00 to 99 Description Holds the current year, coded in BCD format. 07h - RAM This register holds the bits for general purpose use. Address (1) Function 07h RAM Reset Bit Symbol 7:0 RAM Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 0 0 0 Value 00h to FFh Bit 4 Bit 3 RAM data 0 0 Description User RAM This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 14/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.4. ALARM REGISTERS 08h, 18h – Minutes Alarm This register holds the Minutes Alarm Enable bit AE_M and the alarm value for minutes, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 00 to 59. Addresses 08h, 18h (1) Bit 7 6:0 Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Minutes Alarm Reset AE_M 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Symbol AE_M Minutes Alarm Value Description Minutes Alarm Enable bit. Enables alarm together with AE_H and AE_WD (see USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT). 0 Minutes Alarm is enabled. 1 Minutes Alarm is disabled. 00 to 59 Holds the alarm value for minutes, coded in BCD format. 09h, 19h – Hours Alarm This register holds the Hours Alarm Enable bit AE_H and the alarm value for hours, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 00 to 23. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 09h, 19h(1) Hours Alarm Reset AE_H 0 GP0 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit 7 6 5:0 (1) Symbol AE_H GP0 Hours Alarm Value Description Hours Alarm Enable bit. Enables alarm together with AE_M and AE_WD (see USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT). 0 Hours Alarm is enabled. 1 Hours Alarm is disabled. 0 or 1 Register bit for general purpose use. 00 to 23 Holds the alarm value for hours, coded in BCD format. This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 15/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 0Ah, 1Ah – Weekday/Date Alarm This register holds the Weekday/Date Alarm Enable bit AE_WD. If the WADA bit is 0 (Bit 6 in Register 0Dh, 1Dh), it holds the alarm value for the day of the week (weekdays assigned by the user). Multiple days can be selected. Values will range from 0000001 to 1111111. If the WADA bit is 1, it holds the alarm value for the date, in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. Values will range from 01 to 31. Leap years are correctly handled from 2000 to 2099. Weekday Alarm when WADA = 0 (Bit 6 in Register 0Dh, 1Dh) Addresses 0Ah, 1Ah (1) Function Weekday Alarm Reset Bit Symbol 7 AE_WD 6:0 Weekday Alarm Weekday Alarm Weekday 1 Alarm Weekday 2 Alarm Weekday 3 Alarm Weekday 4 Alarm Weekday 5 Alarm Weekday 6 Alarm Weekday 7 Alarm Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 AE_WD 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 Value Description Weekday/Date Alarm Enable bit. Enables alarm together with AE_M and AE_H (see USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT). 0 Weekday/Date Alarm is enabled. 1 Weekday/Date Alarm is disabled. 0000001 to 1111111 Holds the weekday alarm value. Multiple days can be selected. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 or 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Date Alarm when WADA = 1 (Bit 6 in Register 0Dh, 1Dh) Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0Ah, 1Ah(1) Date Alarm Reset AE_WD 0 GP1 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit Symbol 7 AE_WD Value Description Weekday/Date Alarm Enable bit. Enables alarm together with AE_M and AE_H (see USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT). 0 Weekday/Date Alarm is enabled 1 Weekday/Date Alarm is disabled 0 or 1 Register bit for general purpose use. 01 to 31 Holds the alarm value for the date, coded in BCD format. 6 5:0 (1) GP1 Date Alarm This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 16/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.5. PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER CONTROL REGISTERS 0Bh, 1Bh – Timer Counter 0 This register is used to set the lower 8 bits of the preset value for the Periodic Countdown Timer. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0Bh, 1Bh(1) Timer Counter 0 Reset 128 0 64 0 32 0 16 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bit 7:0 Symbol Timer Counter 0 Value Description 00h to FFh The preset value for the Periodic Countdown Timer (lower 8 bit) (see USE OF THE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER). When read, only the preset value is returned and not the actual value. 0Ch, 1Ch – Timer Counter 1 This register is used to set the upper 4 bits of the preset value for the Periodic Countdown Timer. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0Ch, 1Ch(1) Timer Counter 1 Reset GP5 0 GP4 0 GP3 0 GP2 0 2048 0 1024 0 512 0 256 0 Symbol Value GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 Register bit for general purpose use. Register bit for general purpose use. Register bit for general purpose use. Register bit for general purpose use. Timer Counter 1 0h to Fh The preset value for the Periodic Countdown Timer (upper 4 bit) (see USE OF THE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER). When read, only the preset value is returned and not the actual value. Bit 7 6 5 4 3:0 (1) Description This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 17/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.6. EXTENSION REGISTER 0Dh, 1Dh – Extension Register This register is used to specify the target for the Alarm Interrupt function and the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function and to select or set operations for the Periodic Countdown Timer. Addresses 0Dh, 1Dh (1) Bit Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Extension Register Reset TEST 0 WADA 0 USEL 0 TE 0 Symbol Value 7 TEST 6 WADA 5 USEL 4 TE 3:2 FD 1:0 TD TD Value (1) Function Timer source frequency Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 FD 0 Bit 0 TD 0 0 0 Description This is a manufacturer’s test bit. Its value should always be 0. Avoid writing 0 a 1 to this bit when writing in this register. Zero for normal operation. Weekday Alarm / Date Alarm selection bit. This bit is used to specify either the Weekday or Date as the source for the Alarm Interrupt function. 0 Weekday is the source for the Alarm Interrupt function. – Default value 1 Date is the source for the Alarm Interrupt function. Update Interrupt Select bit. Specifies either Second or Minute update for the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function. 0 Second update (Auto reset time tRTN = 500 ms). – Default value 1 Minute update (Auto reset time tRTN = 15.6 ms). Periodic Countdown Timer Enable bit. This bit controls the start/stop setting for the Periodic Countdown Timer Interruption function. 0 Stops the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function. – Default value Starts the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function (a countdown starts 1 from a preset value). CLKOUT frequency selection. Sets the output frequency on the CLKOUT pin. 00 32.768 kHz – Default value 01 1.024 kHz 10 1 Hz 11 32.768 kHz Timer source frequency selection. Sets the countdown source clock for the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function. With this setting the Auto 00 to 11 reset time tRTN and the effect of the RESET bit is also defined. See table below (see also PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER INTERRUPT FUNCTION). Countdown period tRTN 00 4.096 kHz – Default value 244.14 μs 122 μs 01 10 11 64 Hz 1 Hz 1/60 Hz 15.625 ms 1s 60 s 7.813 ms 7.813 ms 7.813 ms RESET bit The RESET bit has no effect. If the RESET bit = 1, the interrupt function is stopped. This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 18/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.7. FLAG REGISTER 0Eh, 1Eh – Flag Register This register holds a variety of status bits. The register may be written at any time to clear any status flag. Addresses Function 0Eh, 1Eh(1) Flag Register Reset Bit Symbol 7:6 ○ 5 UF 4 TF 3 AF Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 UF 0 TF 0 AF 0 EVF X V2F 1 V1F 1 Value Description 0 Read only. Always 0. Periodic Time Update Flag (see PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT FUNCTION) 0 It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. If set to 0 beforehand, indicates the occurrence of a Periodic Time Update 1 Interrupt event. Periodic Countdown Timer Flag (see PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER INTERRUPT FUNCTION) 0 It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. If set to 0 beforehand, indicates the occurrence of a Periodic Countdown 1 Timer Interrupt event. Alarm Flag (see ALARM INTERRUPT FUNCTION) 0 It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. If set to 0 beforehand, indicates the occurrence of an Alarm Interrupt 1 event. External Event Flag (see EXTERNAL EVENT FUNCTION). 2 EVF X 0 1 0 1 V2F 1 0 0 V1F 1 (1) The Reset value X depends on the voltage on the EVI pin at POR and has to be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. Because EHL = 0 at POR, the low level is regarded as an External Event Interrupt. If X =1, a LOW level was detected on EVI pin. If X =0, no LOW level was detected on EVI pin. It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. If set to 0 beforehand, indicates the occurrence of an External Event. Voltage Low Flag 2 Read: No data loss detected. Write: The V2F bit is cleared to prepare for a next low voltage detection. V1F is also cleared. Read: Set if the voltage crosses VLOW2 voltage and the data in the device are no longer valid. All registers must be initialized. It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. The flag is also automatically set to 1 at power on reset (POR) and has to be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. Write: The V2F bit remains unchanged. Voltage Low Flag 1 Read: Temperature compensation is effective. Write: The V1F bit is cleared to prepare for a next low voltage detection. V2F is also cleared. Read: Set if the voltage crosses VLOW1 voltage and the temperature compensation is stopped. It can be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. The flag is also automatically set to 1 at power on reset (POR) and has to be cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. Write: The V1F bit remains unchanged. This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 19/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.8. CONTROL REGISTER 0Fh, 1Fh – Control Register This register is used to control the interrupt event output from the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin and the stop/start status of clock and calendar operations. Addresses Function 0Fh, 1Fh(1) Control Register Reset Bit Symbol 7:6 X Bit 7 0 UIE TIE 0 AIE 1 0 EIE 1 (1) 1 ○ 0 RESET Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 AIE 0 EIE 0 ○ 0 RESET 0 Description 1 2 Bit 3 TIE 0 Unused, but has to be 0 to avoid extraneous leakage. Periodic Time Update Interrupt Enable No interrupt signal is generated on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin when a Periodic Time Update ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. event occurs or the signal is cancelled on INT An interrupt signal is generated on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin when a Periodic Time Update event occurs. The low-level output signal is automatically cleared after tRTN = 500 ms (Second update) or tRTN = 15.6 ms (Minute update). Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt Enable No interrupt signal is generated on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin when a Periodic Countdown ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. Timer event occurs or the signal is cancelled on INT An interrupt signal is generated on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin when a Periodic Countdown Timer event occurs. The low-level output signal is automatically cleared after tRTN = 122 µs (TD = 00) or tRTN = 7.813 ms (TD = 01, 10, 11). Alarm Interrupt Enable ̅̅̅̅̅ pin when an Alarm event occurs or No interrupt signal is generated on INT the signal is cancelled on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin. ̅̅̅̅̅ pin when an Alarm event occurs. An interrupt signal is generated on INT This setting is retained until the AF bit value is cleared to 0 (no automatic cancellation). External Event Interrupt Enable ̅̅̅̅̅ pin when an External Event on EVI No interrupt signal is generated on INT pin occurs. ̅̅̅̅̅ pin when an External Event on EVI An interrupt signal is generated on INT pin occurs. This setting is retained until the EVF bit value is cleared to 0 (no automatic cancellation). Read only. Always 0. The reset is released. Values less than seconds of the counter in the clock and calendar circuitry are reset to 0 (2 Hz to 16 kHz), and the clock also stops. The 100th Seconds register is also reset to 0. The Periodic Countdown Timer, Periodic Time Update and Alarm Interrupts do not occur. 0 3 Bit 4 UIE 0 0 1 4 Bit 5 Value 0 5 Bit 6 X 0 0 1 This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 20/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.9. OFFSET REGISTER 2Ch – Offset Register This register holds the OFFSET value for the aging correction. Addresses Function 2Ch Offset Reset Bit Symbol 7:6 ○ 5:0 OFFSET Bit 7 Bit 6 ○ 0 ○ 0 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 OFFSET 0 0 0 0 Value Description 0 Read only. Always 0. The amount of the effective frequency offset. This is a two's complement number with a range of -32 to +31 adjustment steps (maximum correction range is roughly +/-7.4 ppm). The correction value of one LSB corresponds to 1/(32768*128) = 0.2384 ppm (see AGING CORRECTION). -32 to +31 OFFSET Unsigned value Two’s complement 011111 011110 : 000001 000000 31 30 : 1 0 31 30 : 1 0 Offset value in ppm(*) 7.391 7.153 : 0.238 0.000 111111 111110 : 100001 100000 63 62 : 33 32 -1 -2 : -31 -32 -0.238 -0.477 : -7.391 -7.629 (*) Calculated with 5 decimal places (1/(32768*128) = 0.23842 ppm) 21/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.10. CAPTURE BUFFER/EVENT CONTROL REGISTERS th 20h – 100 Seconds CP (Read Only) th This register holds a captured (copied) value of the 100 Seconds register (Time Stamp), in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. The values are from 00 to 99. Address 20h Bit 7:0 Function 100th Seconds CP (Read Only) Reset Symbol 100th Seconds CP (Read Only) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value 00 to 99 Description Holds a captured value of the 100th Seconds register, coded in BCD format. 21h - Seconds CP (Read Only) This register holds a captured (copied) value of the Seconds register (Time Stamp), in two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. The values are from 00 to 59. Addresses Function 21h Seconds CP (Read Only) Reset Bit Symbol 7 6:0 ○ Seconds CP (Read Only) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ○ 0 40 0 20 0 10 0 8 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 Value 0 00 to 59 Description Read only. Always 0. Holds a captured value of the Seconds register, coded in BCD format. 22/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 2Fh – Event Control This register controls the event detection on the EVI pin. Depending of the EHL bit a high or a low signal can be detected. Moreover a digital glitch filtering can be applied to the EVI signal by selecting a sampling period in the ET field. Addresses Function Bit 7 Bit 6 2Fh Event Control Reset ECP 0 EHL 0 Bit Symbol Value 7 ECP 6 EHL 5:4 ET 3:1 ○ 0 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ERST 0 ET 0 Description Event Capture Enable (Time Stamp Enable) 0 Disables the Event Capture. An External Event detected on pin EVI will cause a capture of the Seconds 1 and the 100th Seconds, i.e. they are copied into the Seconds CP and 100th Seconds CP registers. Event High/Low detection Select 0 The LOW level is regarded as the External Event Interrupt on pin EVI. 1 The HIGH level is regarded as the External Event Interrupt on pin EVI. Event Filtering Time set. Applies a digital filtering to the EVI pin by sampling the EVI signal. Edge and level detection when ET = 01, 10 or 11 (see USE OF THE EXTERNAL EVENT ). 00 No filtering. Edge detection (minimal pulse time is 30.5 µs). – Default value 01 3.9 ms sampling period (256 Hz). 10 15.6 ms sampling period (64 Hz). 11 125 ms sampling period (8 Hz). 0 Read only. Always 0. Event Reset. This bit is used for a hardware-based time adjustment (synchronizing) (see USE OF THE EXTERNAL EVENT ). 0 No reset if an External Event is detected. In case of an External Event detection at the EVI pin, the counters at below the second are reset to 0 (2 Hz to 16 kHz). This means that the 100th Seconds Register (100 Hz) is reset to 0. Moreover, the 100th Seconds CP and Seconds CP registers are also reset to 0, whatever the ECP value is. After the event detection, the ERST bit is reset to 0. ERST 1 Be aware that the setting back of the counters at below the second influences also the operation of the other three interrupt functions: Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function Periodic Time Update Interrupt function Alarm Interrupt function When 1, the reset function may be cancelled when the ERST bit is set back to 0 before an event occurs. 23/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 3.11. REGISTER RESET VALUES SUMMARY Address Function Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 10h 00h, 11h(1) 01h, 12h(1) 02h, 13h(1) 03h, 14h(1) 04h, 15h(1) 05h, 16h(1) 06h, 17h(1) 07h 08h, 18h(1) 09h, 19h(1) th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ah, 1Ah(1) (1) 0Bh, 1Bh 0Ch, 1Ch(1) 0Dh, 1Dh(1) 0Eh, 1Eh(1) 0Fh, 1Fh(1) 20h 21h 2Ch 2Fh (1) 100 Seconds (Read Only) Seconds Minutes Hours Weekday Date Month Year RAM Minutes Alarm Hours Alarm Weekday Alarm / Date Alarm Timer Counter 0 Timer Counter 1 Extension Register Flag Register Control Register 100th Seconds CP (Read Only) Seconds CP (Read Only) Offset Event Control This specific function accessed in Address range 00h to 0Fh is automatically updated in Address range 10h to 1Fh and vice versa. 24/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4. DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 4.1. POWER ON RESET (POR) The power on reset (POR) is generated at start-up (see POWER ON AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS). All registers including the Counter Registers are initialized to their reset values. 4.2. POWER MANAGEMENT The circuit is always on and each temperature sensing interval, i.e. every second, is temperature compensated. 2 The digital part is always on, but some functions are clock gated (like I C). By default, at power up, the circuit will 2 always go to the lower power consumption mode (power-off). Detecting an activity on the I C will wake-up the digital part of the circuit. To achieve the specified time keeping current consumption, extra features like CLKOUT 2 and I C interface need to be inactive. 4.3. CLOCK SOURCE The built-in 32.768 kHz crystal is the clock source for the digital part. After thermal compensation, the RV-8803-C7 provides a very accurate time with temperature compensation for an outstanding low current consumption. 4.4. PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER INTERRUPT FUNCTION The Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function generates an interrupt event periodically at any period set from 244.14 μs to 4095 minutes. When an interrupt event is generated, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin goes to the low level and the TF flag is set to 1 to indicate that an event has occurred. The output on the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is only effective if the TIE bit in the Control Register is set to 1. The low-level output signal on the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is automatically cleared after the Auto reset time tRTN. tRTN = 122 µs (TD = 00) or tRTN = 7.813 ms (TD = 01, 10, 11). Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt Example: TIE TE INT t RTN event 1. period period period Write operation 25/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.4.1.COMPLETE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER DIAGRAM Complete Diagram of the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function: TIE TE 9 7 1 INT 5 6 t RTN TF 3 event 4 t RTN t RTN t RTN 8 2 1. period period period period Write operation 1 The Periodic Countdown Timer starts from the preset value when writing a 1 to the TE bit. 2 A Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt event starts a countdown based on the countdown source clock. When the count value reaches 000h, an interrupt event occurs. After the interrupt, the counter is automatically reloaded with the preset value, and starts again the countdown. 3 When a Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt occurs, the TF bit is set to 1. 4 The TF bit retains 1 until it is cleared to 0 by software. If the TIE bit is 1 and a Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt occurs, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin output goes low. 6 ̅̅̅̅̅ The INT pin output remains low during the Auto reset time tRTN, and then it is automatically cleared to 1. The TD field determines the source frequency and the Auto reset time tRTN. tRTN = 122 µs (TD = 00) or tRTN = 7.813 ms (TD = 01, 10, 11). 7 When a 0 is written to the TE bit, the Periodic Countdown Timer function is stopped and the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is cleared after the Auto reset time tRTN. 8 If the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is low, its status does not change when the TF bit value is cleared to 0. 5 9 ̅̅̅̅̅ pin is low, its status changes as soon as the TIE bit value is cleared to 0. If the INT 26/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.4.2.USE OF THE PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER The following registers, fields and bits are related to the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function: Timer Counter 0 Register (0Bh, 1Bh) (see PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER CONTROL REGISTERS) Timer Counter 1 Register (0Ch, 1Ch) (see PERIODIC COUNTDOWN TIMER CONTROL REGISTERS) TE bit and TD field (see EXTENSION REGISTER, 0Dh, 1Dh) TF bit (see FLAG REGISTER, 0Eh, 1Eh) TIE bit (see CONTROL REGISTER, 0Fh, 1Fh) Prior to entering any timer settings for the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt, it is recommended to write a 0 to ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. When the RESET bit value is 1, the Periodic the TIE and TE bits to prevent inadvertent interrupts on INT Countdown Timer Interrupt function event does not occur. When the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function is not used, the 2 Bytes of the Timer Counter registers (0Bh, 1Bh and 0Ch, 1Ch) can be used as RAM bytes. The Timer source frequency selection field TD is used to set the countdown period (source clock) for the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function (four settings are possible). Procedure to use the Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function: 1. Initialize bits TIE, TE and TF to 0. 2. Choose the timer source clock and write the corresponding value in the TD field. 3. Choose the interrupt period based on the timer source clock, and write the corresponding preset value to the registers Timer Counter 0 (0Bh, 1Bh) and Timer Counter 1 (0Ch, 1Ch). See following table. ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. 4. Set the TIE bit to 1 if you want to get a hardware interrupt on INT 5. Set the TE bit from 0 to 1 to start the Periodic Countdown Timer. The countdown starts at the rising edge of the SCL signal after Bit 0 of the Address D is transferred. The following Figure shows the countdown start timing. Interrupt period: Timer counter setting (0Bh, 1Bh), (0Ch, 1Ch) 0 1 2 : 41 205 410 2048 : 4095 (FFFh) TD = 00 (4.096 kHz) 244.14 μs 488.28 μs : 10.010 ms 50.049 ms 100.10 ms 500.00 ms : 0.9998 s Interrupt period TD = 01 (64 Hz) TD = 10 (1 Hz) 15.625 ms 31.25 ms : 640.63 ms 3.203 s 6.406 s 32.000 s : 63.984 s 1s 2s : 41 s 205 s 410 s 2048 s : 4095 s TD = 11 (1/60 Hz) 1 min 2 min : 41 min 205 min 410 min 2048 min : 4095 min 27/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 Start timing of the Periodic Countdown Timer: Address D SCL TE FD1 FD0 TD1 TD0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ACK ≈ SDA ≈ Internal Timer INT event 1. period Rising edge of the SCL signal 28/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.5. PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT FUNCTION The Periodic Time Update Interrupt function generates an interrupt event periodically at the One-Second or the One-Minute update time, according to the selected timer source with bit USEL. When an interrupt event is generated, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin goes to the low level and the UF flag is set to 1 to indicate that an event has occurred. The output on the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is only effective if the UIE bit in the Control Register is set to 1. The low-level output signal on the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is automatically cleared after the Auto reset time tRTN. tRTN = 500 ms (Second update) or tRTN = 15.6 ms (Minute update). Periodic Time Update Interrupt Example: UIE INT t RTN event period period period Write operation 4.5.1.COMPLETE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE DIAGRAM Complete Diagram of the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function: UIE INT 7 4 5 t RTN UF event 2 3 t RTN t RTN t RTN 6 1 period period period Write operation 1 A Periodic Time Update Interrupt event occurs when the internal clock value matches either the second or the minute update time. The USEL bit determines whether it is the Second or the Minute period with the corresponding Auto reset time tRTN. tRTN = 500 ms (Second update) or tRTN = 15.6 ms (Minute update). 2 When a Periodic Time Update Interrupt occurs, the UF bit is set to 1. 3 The UF bit retains 1 until it is cleared to 0 by software. If the UIE bit is 1 and a Periodic Time Update Interrupt occurs, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin output goes low. 5 ̅̅̅̅̅ The INT pin output remains low during the Auto reset time tRTN, and then it is automatically cleared to 1. 4 6 7 ̅̅̅̅̅ pin is low, its status does not change when the UF bit value is cleared to 0. If the INT ̅̅̅̅̅ pin is low, its status changes as soon as the UIE bit value is cleared to 0. If the INT 29/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.5.2.USE OF THE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT The following bits are related to the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function: USEL bit (see EXTENSION REGISTER, 0Dh, 1Dh) UF bit (see FLAG REGISTER, 0Eh, 1Eh) UIE bit (see CONTROL REGISTER, 0Fh, 1Fh) Prior to entering any other settings, it is recommended to write a 0 to the UIE bit to prevent inadvertent interrupts ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. If the RESET bit is set to 1 (see CONTROL REGISTER, 0Fh, 1Fh) the divider chain is reset and the on INT Periodic Time Update Interrupt function will not be triggered. The reset function only interrupts the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function but does not turn it off. Procedure to use the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function: 1. 2. 3. 4. Initialize bits UIE and UF to 0. Choose the timer source clock and write the corresponding value in the USEL bit. Set the UIE bit to 1 if you want to get a hardware interrupt on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin. The first interrupt will occur after the next event, either second or minute change. 30/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.6. ALARM INTERRUPT FUNCTION The Alarm Interrupt function generates an interrupt for alarm settings such as date, weekday, hour or minute settings. When an interrupt event is generated, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin goes to the low level and the AF flag is set to 1 to indicate that an event has occurred. Alarm Interrupt Example: or AF AIE INT event alarm Write operation 4.6.1.COMPLETE ALARM DIAGRAM Complete Diagram of the Alarm Interrupt function: AIE 5 INT 4 AF 2 event 3 6 7 1 alarm alarm Write operation 1 A date, weekday, hour or minute alarm interrupt event occurs when the selected Alarm register match the respective counter. The WADA bit determines whether it is the date or weekday. 2 When an Alarm Interrupt event occurs, the AF bit value is set to 1. 3 The AF bit retains 1 until it is cleared to 0 by software. ̅̅̅̅̅ pin output goes low. If the AIE bit is 1 and an Alarm Interrupt occurs, the INT 4 If the AIE value is changed from 1 to 0 while the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin output is low, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin immediately changes its status. While the AF bit value is 1, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT status can be controlled by the AIE bit. 6 If the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is low, its status changes as soon as the AF bit value is cleared from 1 to 0. 5 7 If the AIE bit value is 0 when an Alarm Interrupt occurs, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin status does not go low. 31/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.6.2.USE OF THE ALARM INTERRUPT The following registers and bits are related to the Alarm Interrupt function: Minutes Register (01h, 12h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) Hours Register (02h, 13h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) Weekday Register (03h, 14h) (see CALENDAR REGISTERS) Date Register (04h, 15h) (see CALENDAR REGISTERS) Minutes Alarm Register and AE_M bit (08h, 18h) (see ALARM REGISTERS) Hours Alarm Register and AE_H bit (09h, 19h) (see ALARM REGISTERS) Weekday/Date Alarm Register and AE_WD bit (0Ah, 1Ah) (see ALARM REGISTERS) WADA bit (see EXTENSION REGISTER, 0Dh, 1Dh) AF bit (see FLAG REGISTER, 0Eh, 1Eh) AIE bit (see CONTROL REGISTER, 0Fh, 1Fh) Prior to entering any timer settings for the Alarm Interrupt, it is recommended to write a 0 to the AIE bit to prevent inadvertent interrupts on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin. When the RESET bit value is 1, the Alarm Interrupt function event does not occur. When the Alarm Interrupt function is not used, the 3 Bytes of the Alarm registers (08h, 18h; 09h, 19h and 0Ah, 1Ah) can be used as RAM bytes. In such case, be sure to write a 0 to the AIE bit (if the AIE bit value is 1 and ̅̅̅̅̅ may change to low level unintentionally). the Alarm registers are used as RAM registers, INT Procedure to use the Alarm Interrupt function: 1. Initialize bits AIE and AF to 0. 2. Choose the weekday alarm or date alarm by setting the WADA bit. 3. Write the desired alarm settings in registers 08h, 18h to 0Ah, 1Ah. The three alarm enable bits, AE_M, AE_H and AE_WD, are used to select the corresponding register that has to be taken into account for match or not. See the following table. 4. Set the AIE bit to 1 if you want to get a hardware interrupt on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin. Alarm Interrupt: AE_WD Alarm enable bits AE_H AE_M 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Alarm event When minutes, hours and weekday/date match (once per weekday/date)(1) – Default value When hours and weekday/date match (once per weekday/date)(1) When minutes and weekday/date match (once per hour per weekday/date)(1) When weekday/date match (once per weekday/date)(1) When hours and minutes match (once per day)(1) When hours match (once per day)(1) When minutes match (once per hour)(1) Every minute(2) (1) AE_x bits (where x is M, H and WD) AE_x = 0: Alarm is enabled AE_x = 1: Alarm is disabled (2) If all AE_x = 1: Alarm event every minute 32/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.7. EXTERNAL EVENT FUNCTION The External Event Interrupt and Time Stamp function is enabled by the control bits EIE and ECP. Depending of the EHL bit a high or low level signal can be regarded as an event and furthermore a digital glitch filtering is applied to the EVI signal when selecting a sampling period in the ET field. th If enabled and an External Event on EVI pin is detected, the seconds and 100 seconds are captured and copied th ̅̅̅̅̅ is issued and the EVF flag is set to 1 to indicate that into the Seconds CP and 100 Seconds CP registers, the INT an external event has occurred. 4.7.1.COMPLETE EXTERNAL EVENT DIAGRAM Complete Diagram of the External Event function: EIE 8 1 INT 4 EVF 3 EVI 2 5 CP registers Set Time to A All = 0 7 6 event event Time 9 A+1 A+2 A+1 event A+3 All = 0 event A+4 A+3 Write operation 1 ̅̅̅̅̅ pin and to prepare the Initialize time and set EIE bit to 1. The EVF flag need to be cleared to reset the INT system for an event. 2 An External Event on EVI pin is detected. Pay attention to the debounce time when using the filtering. 3 When an External Event Interrupt occurs, the EVF flag is set to 1. If the EIE bit is 1 and an External Event Interrupt occurs, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin output goes low. 4 5 The EVF flag retains 1 until it is cleared to 0 by software. 6 7 No interrupt occurs because the EVF flag was not set back to 0. The CP register values do not change. If the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is low, its status changes as soon as the EVF flag is cleared to 0. 8 If the EIE bit value is 0 when an External Event occurs, the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin status does not go low. 9 If the EVI input is 1 (steady state) and the EIE bit is set from 0 to 1 no event is detected. 33/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.7.2.USE OF THE EXTERNAL EVENT FUNCTION The following registers and bits are related to the External Event Interrupt and Time Stamp function: th 100 Seconds Register (10h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) Seconds Register (00h, 11h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) th 100 Seconds CP Register (20h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) Seconds CP Register (21h) (see CLOCK REGISTERS) ECP bit, EHL bit, ET field and ERST bit (see CAPTURE BUFFER/EVENT CONTROL REGISTERS, 2Fh) EVF bit (see FLAG REGISTER, 0Eh, 1Eh) EIE bit (see CONTROL REGISTER, 0Fh, 1Fh) Prior to entering any timer settings for the event interrupt, it is recommended to write a 0 to the EIE bit to prevent ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. inadvertent interrupts on INT Procedure to use the External Event Interrupt and Time Stamp function: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Initialize bits EIE and EVF to 0. th Set the ECP bit to 1 if you want to capture the seconds and 100 seconds. Set the EHL bit to 1 or 0 to choose high or low level detection on pin EVI Set the ET field to apply filtering to the EVI pin. See following two diagrams. th th Set the ERST bit to 1 if you want to reset the100 seconds, Seconds CP and 100 Seconds CP registers to 0 in case of an event detection. After the event detection, the ERST bit is reset to 0. ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. 6. Set the EIE bit to 1 if you want to get a hardware interrupt on INT No filtering: ET = 00. Example with positive edge detection: EVI min. 30.5 µs INT tDELAY Between 0 and 30.5 µs (random) With digital filtering: ET = 01, 10 or 11 (sampling period tSP = 3.9 ms, 15.6 ms or 125 ms). Example with positive edge/level detection: EVI sampling 1 1 tSP 1 tSP 2 tSP INT tDELAY tSP < tDELAY < (2 x tSP) 1 Up to this sampling pulse a positive edge was detected but no steady state. 2 If a positive edge was detected and a steady state (high level) was detected between 1 and 2 the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin output goes low. The delay time tDELAY varies between tSP and (2 x tSP) depending on the bouncing signal on the EVI pin. 34/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.8. SERVICING INTERRUPTS The ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin can indicate four types of interrupts. It outputs the logic OR operation result of these interrupt outputs. When an interrupt is detected, (when the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin is at low level), the EVF, TF, UF and AF flags can be read to determine which interrupt event has occurred. To keep the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin from changing to low level, clear the EIE, TIE, UIE and AIE bits. To check whether an event has occurred without outputting any interrupts via the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin, software can read the EVF, TF, UF and AF interrupt flags (polling). 4.9. DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY The following Figure illustrates the overall architecture of the pin inputs and outputs of the RV-8803-C7. Digital Architecture Summary: Power On V2F Temp. Comp. V1F Clkout Controller CLKOUT CLKOE Clocks Capture Registers Calendar EVI EIE External Event EVF TIE Periodic Countdown Timer TF UIE Periodic Time Update UF AIE Alarm Interrupt Interrupt OR + Mask INT AF 35/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.10. SYNCHRONICITY BETWEEN INT SIGNALS AND 1 HZ CLKOUT ̅̅̅̅̅ signals from the Periodic Time Update Interrupt The following Figure illustrates the synchronicity between the INT function and Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt function to the 1 Hz CLKOUT signal. ̅̅̅̅̅ signals and the 1 Hz CLKOUT: Synchronicity between the INT CLKOUT 1 Hz clock output INT Periodic Time Update Interrupt function 1 INT Alarm Interrupt function 2 1 At the exact same time. 2 Delay between 0 and 30.52 µs (random). 36/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 4.11. TIME DATA READ-OUT In order to not corrupt the accuracy of the temperature compensation and the Time Capture (Time Stamp) function th on the highest 100 Seconds resolution, it is not possible to freeze the clock and calendar register during read-out process, as it is common practice for other RTC’s. Since the time and calendar registers cannot be frozen, there might be a condition that the time registers are incremented while read-out. To avoid reading corrupted (partially incremented) data, special measures and procedures need to be applied. 4.11.1. PROCEDURE If a time read-out sequence starts at the end of a minute there is a special condition that subsequent registers might be incremented by the time update. To prevent using corrupted data from partially incremented time and calendar registers, it is recommended to repeat and confirm time and calendar data when reading Seconds = 59 (see METHODE TO CONFIRM CORRECT TIME AND CALENDAR READ-OUT). 2 Note that the device itself has an automatic timeout function which cuts the I C interface after 950 ms (see START AND STOP CONDITIONS). 4.11.2. METHODE TO CONFIRM CORRECT TIME AND CALENDAR READ-OUT When reading Seconds = 59, it is recommended to repeat and compare the read-out of the Seconds register. If the Seconds register data matches, it confirms that the time and calendar data are valid (no time increment occurred during data read-out). If the Seconds value has changed to 00, the second set of time and calendar data is valid. 1. 2. 3. 4. Read required time and calendar information. If Seconds data = 59, a repeated reading is required. If Seconds data is again 59 seconds, then the first data from the first reading is confirmed to be valid. If the Seconds register was incremented (not 59 seconds anymore), then the time and calendar information has been incremented and the second set of data is confirmed to be valid (the first set of data is supposed to be partially incremented during the read-out sequence and therefore is invalid). 37/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 5. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION 5.1. FREQUENCIES Xtal 32.768 kHz The Xtal 32.768 kHz clock is not temperature compensated. Due to its negative temperature coefficient with a parabolic frequency deviation, a change of up to -150 ppm across the entire operating temperature range of -40°C to 85°C can result. The oscillator frequency on all devices is tested not to exceed a time deviation of ± 20 ppm (parts per million) at 25°C. Frequencies from 4.096 kHz to 64 Hz These frequencies are digitally temperature compensated with a Time Accuracy of +/- 3 ppm over the whole temperature range (-40°C to 85°C). The clock at the 16.384 kHz level of the divider chain is modified by adding or subtracting 32.768 kHz level pulses. The pulses are added or subtracted according to the expected frequency deviation computed by the temperature compensation algorithm. The digital compensation method (adding and subtracting clock pulses) is affecting the cycle-to-cycle jitter of the digitally compensated frequencies shown below. 4.096 kHz (Periodic Countdown Timer) 1.024 kHz (CLKOUT) 100 Hz (External Event Interrupt) 64 Hz (Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt) Aging compensation can be done with the OFFSET value (see AGING CORRECTION). 1 Hz and Clock / Calendar The 1 Hz clock is temperature compensated and using both, digital compensation and analog fine adjustment. The Time Accuracy and the Frequency Accuracy is +/- 3 ppm for every 1 Hz period over the whole temperature range (40°C to 85°C). The temperature compensation algorithm adjusts every 1 Hz period with a resolution of about 0.1 ppm. This precise and accurate 1 Hz clock is used to increment all subsequent clock and calendar registers. Aging compensation can be done with the OFFSET value (see AGING CORRECTION). 5.2. FREQUENCY VS. TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS 20 T0 = 25°C (± 5°C) Δ t/t in ppm 0 -20 4096 Hz to 64 Hz -40 1 Hz and Clock / Calendar -60 -80 Xtal 32.768 kHz 2 -0.035 * (T-T0) ppm (±10%) -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature in °C 50 60 70 80 90 38/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 5.3. COMPENSATION VALUES Each device is factory calibrated over the full temperature range, and the individual compensation values are stored in the EEPROM of the Digital Temperature Compensation Unit (DTCU). The EEPROM is not accessible for the user. 5.4. AGING CORRECTION An aging adjustment or accuracy tuning can be done with the OFFSET value. The correction is purely digitally and has only the effect of shifting the time vs. temperature curve vertically up or down. It has no effect on the time vs. temperature characteristics of the final frequency. The OFFSET value contains a two's complement number with a 6 6 range of -2 to +2 -1 adjustment steps. The minimal correction step (one LSB) is +/-1/(32768*128) = +/-0.2384 ppm. The maximum correction range is roughly +/-7.4 ppm. Note that the signed offset value OFFSET corresponds to the actual offset value of the measured frequency. The user has access to this field (see OFFSET REGISTER). The OFFSET value is determined by the following process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set the OFFSET field to 0 to ensure correction is not occurring. Select the 1 Hz frequency on the CLKOUT pin. Measure the frequency Fmeas at the output pin in Hz. Compute the offset value required in ppm: POffset = ((Fmeas – 1)*1’000’000) Compute the offset value in steps: Offset = POffset/(1/(32768*128)) = POffset/(0.2384) If Offset > 31, the frequency is too high to be corrected. Else if 0 ≤ Offset ≤ 31, set OFFSET = Offset Else if -32 ≤ Offset ≤ -1, set OFFSET = Offset + 64 Else the frequency is too low to be corrected. Examples: If 1.0000012 Hz is measured when the 1 Hz clock is selected, the offset is +0.0000012 Hz, which is -6 +0.0000012 Hz / 10 Hz = +1.2 ppm. The positive offset value is then calculated as follows: +1.2 ppm / 0.2384 ppm = +5.03, the rounded integral part is +5. In binary, OFFSET = 000101. If 0.9999949 Hz is measured when the 1 Hz clock is selected, the offset is -0.0000051 Hz, which is -6 -0.0000051 Hz / 10 Hz = -5.1 ppm. The negative offset value is then calculated as follows: -5.1 ppm / 0.2384 ppm = -21.39, the rounded integral part is -21. The unsigned value is then -21 +64 = +43. In binary, OFFSET = 101011. 39/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 5.5. CLOCKING SCHEME Clocking Scheme with CLKOUT and Interrupts: 32.768 kHz Xtal 32.768 kHz DTCU Digital OFFSET 4.096 kHz 1.024 kHz Divider & Counter 100 Hz Time Accuracy +/- 3 ppm 64 Hz DTCU Analog 1 Hz CLKOUT Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt CLKOUT External Event Interrupt Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt CLKOUT External Event Interrupt Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt Periodic Time Update Interrupt Time Accuracy +/- 3 ppm Minutes Divider & Counter Hours, Weekday/Date Periodic Countdown Timer Interrupt Periodic Time Update Interrupt Alarm Interrupt Alarm Interrupt 40/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 5.6. MEASURING TIME ACCURACY AT CLKOUT PIN The simplest method to verify the time accuracy of the Digital Temperature Compensation Unit (DTCU) is to measure the compensated 1 Hz frequency at the CLKOUT pin. The 1 Hz clock frequency contains digitally temperature compensation clocks with analog fine adjustment and represents the fully time accuracy of the device. 5.6.1.MEASURING 1 HZ AT CLKOUT PIN 1. Select the 1 Hz frequency at CLKOUT: a. Set the FD field to 10 = 1 Hz (see EXTENSION REGISTER, 0Dh, 1Dh). b. Set the CLKOUT pin into output mode by setting the CLKOE pin to high level. 2. Measuring equipment and setup: a. Use a high-precision universal counter to observe the 1 Hz frequency accuracy on CLKOUT pin. b. Trigger on the rising edge of the hybrid signal (gate time ≥ 1 second). Each 1 Hz clock measured at the rising edge fully representing the accuracy of the DTCU. 1 Hz time accuracy at CLKOUT pin (hybrid signal): 1 second CLKOUT 1 2 500 ms 1 CLKOUT Output is active HIGH. When measuring the time accuracy it is mandatory to trigger on the rising edge of the CLKOUT signal. The resolution of the compensated 1 Hz period is about 0.1 ppm (minimal step). 2 The falling edge of the CLKOUT signal is generated when the RV-8803-C7 clears the signal after 500 ms. The negative edge is created by the 32.768 kHz Xtal and must not be used to test the time accuracy. 41/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 5.7. MEASURING TIME ACCURACY AT INT PIN The Periodic Time Update Interrupt function can also be used to verify the time accuracy of the Digital Temperature ̅̅̅̅̅ output pin. However this Compensation Unit (DTCU) by measuring the compensated 1 Hz frequency at the INT procedure is a little more sophisticated than using the method with the CLKOUT pin. 5.7.1.MEASURING 1 HZ WITH THE PERIODIC TIME UPDATE INTERRUPT FUNCTION ̅̅̅̅̅ output pin: 1. Select the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function with the frequency 1 Hz at the INT a. Write 0 to UIE and UF bits b. Choose USEL = 0 = 1 Hz, tRTN = 500 ms (Default value) (see EXTENSION REGISTER, 0Dh, 1Dh) ̅̅̅̅̅ pin. c. Set UIE bit to 1 to enable the INT d. The first interrupt will occur after the next event. 2. Measuring equipment and setup: a. Use a high-precision universal counter to observe the frequency stability on ̅̅̅̅̅ INT output pin b. If measuring the 1 Hz clock it suffices to measure only one period to verify the time accuracy. Trigger on the falling edge of the hybrid signal (gate time ≥ 1 second). 1 Hz time accuracy at ̅̅̅̅̅ INT pin with the Periodic Time Update Interrupt function (hybrid signal): 1 second INT 1 2 tRTN 500 ms ̅̅̅̅̅ INT Output is active LOW. When measuring the time accuracy it is mandatory to trigger on the falling edge of the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT signal. The resolution of the compensated 1 Hz period is about 0.1 ppm (minimal step). 2 The rising edge of the ̅̅̅̅̅ INT signal is generated when the RV-8803-C7 clears the signal after the auto reset time tRTN = 500 ms. The positive edge is created by the 32.768 kHz Xtal and must not be used to test the time accuracy. 1 42/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6. I2C INTERFACE 2 The I C interface is for bidirectional, two-line communication between different ICs or modules. The RV-8803-C7 is 2 accessed at addresses 64h/65h, and supports Fast Mode (up to 400 kHz). The I C interface consists of two lines: one bi-directional data line (SDA) and one clock line (SCL). Both lines are connected to a positive supply via pullup resistors. Data transfer is initiated only when the interface is not busy. 6.1. BIT TRANSFER One data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. The data on the SDA line remains stable during the HIGH period of the clock pulse, as changes in the data line at this time are interpreted as a control signals. Data changes should be executed during the LOW period of the clock pulse (see Figure below). Bit transfer: SDA SCL data line stable; data valid change of data allowed 6.2. START AND STOP CONDITIONS Both data and clock lines remain HIGH when the bus is not busy. A HIGH-to-LOW transition of the data line, while the clock is HIGH, is defined as the START condition (S). A LOW-to-HIGH transition of the data line, while the clock is HIGH, is defined as the STOP condition (P) (see Figure below). Definition of START and STOP conditions: SDA SDA SCL SCL S P START condition STOP condition A START condition which occurs after a previous START but before a STOP is called a Repeated START condition, and functions exactly like a normal STOP followed by a normal START. Caution: When communicating with the RV-8803-C7 module, the series of operations from transmitting the START condition to transmitting the STOP condition should occur within 950 ms. 2 If this series of operations requires 950 ms or longer, the I C bus interface will be automatically cleared and set to standby mode by the bus timeout function of the RV-8803-C7 module. Note with caution that both write and read operations are invalid for communications that occur during or after this auto clearing operation (when the read operation is invalid, all data that is read has a value of FFh). Restarting of communications begins with transfer of the START condition again. 43/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6.3. DATA VALID After a START condition, SDA is stable for the duration of the high period of SCL. The data on SDA may be changed during the low period of SCL. There is one clock pulse per bit of data. Each data transfer is initiated with a START condition and terminated with a STOP condition. The number of data bytes transferred between the START and STOP conditions is not limited (however, the transfer time must be no longer than 950 ms). The information is transmitted byte-wide and each receiver acknowledges with a ninth bit. In order to not corrupt the accuracy of the temperature compensation and the Time Capture (Time Stamp) function th on the highest 100 Seconds resolution, it is not possible to freeze the clock and calendar register during read-out process, as it is common practice for other RTC’s. Since the time and calendar registers cannot be frozen, there might be a condition that the time registers are incremented while read-out. To avoid reading corrupted (partially incremented) data, special measures and procedures need to be applied (see TIME DATA READ-OUT). 6.4. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2 2 Since multiple devices can be connected with the I C bus, all I C bus devices have a fixed and unique device number built-in to allow individual addressing of each device. 2 The device that controls the I C bus is the Master; the devices which are controlled by the Master are the Slaves. A device generating a message is a Transmitter; a device receiving a message is the Receiver. The RV-8803-C7 acts as a Slave-Receiver or Slave-Transmitter. 2 Before any data is transmitted on the I C bus, the device which should respond is addressed first. The addressing is always carried out with the first byte transmitted after the START procedure. The clock signal SCL is only an input signal, but the data signal SDA is a bidirectional line. System configuration: SDA SCL MASTER TRANSMITTER RECEIVER SLAVE RECEIVER SLAVE TRANSMITTER RECEIVER MASTER TRANSMITTER MASTER TRANSMITTER RECEIVER 44/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6.5. ACKNOWLEDGE The number of data bytes transferred between the START and STOP conditions from transmitter to receiver is unlimited (however, the transfer time must be no longer than 950 ms). Each byte of eight bits is followed by an acknowledge cycle. A slave receiver, which is addressed, must generate an acknowledge cycle after the reception of each byte. Also a master receiver must generate an acknowledge cycle after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of the slave transmitter. The device that acknowledges must pull-down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse, so that the SDA line is stable LOW during the HIGH period of the acknowledge-related clock pulse (set-up and hold times must be taken into consideration). A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an acknowledge cycle on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this event the transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the master to generate a STOP condition. 2 Data transfer and acknowledge on the I C bus: data output by transmitter not acknowledge data output by receiver acknowledge SCL from master 1 2 8 9 S START condition clock pulse for acknowledgement 45/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6.6. SLAVE ADDRESS 2 2 On the I C bus the 7-bit slave address 0110010b is reserved for the RV-8803-C7. The entire I C bus slave address byte is shown in the following table. Slave address R/ W Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Transfer data Bit 0 1(R) 65h (read) 64h (write) 0(W) 2 After a START condition, the I C slave address has to be sent to the RV-8803-C7 device. The R/ W bit defines the direction of the following single or multiple byte data transfer. The 7-bit address is transmitted MSB first. If this address is 0110010b, the RV-8803-C7 is selected, the eighth bit indicates a read ( R/ W = 1) or a write ( R/ W = 0) operation (results in 65h or 64h) and the RV-8803-C7 supplies the ACK. The RV-8803-C7 ignores all other address values and does not respond with an ACK. In the write operation, a data transfer is terminated by sending either the STOP condition or the START condition of the next data transfer. 6.7. WRITE OPERATION Master transmits to Slave-Receiver at specified address. The Register Address is an 8-bit value that defines which register is to be accessed next. After writing one byte, the Register Address is automatically incremented by 1. Master writes to slave RV-8803-C7 at specific address: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Master sends out the START condition. Master sends out Slave Address, 64h for the RV-8803-C7; the R/ W bit is a 0 indicating a write operation. Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. Master sends out the Register Address to RV-8803-C7. Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. Master sends out the Data to write to the specified address in step 4). Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. Steps 6) and 7) can be repeated if necessary. The address is automatically incremented in the RV-8803-C7. 9) Master sends out the STOP Condition. 2 S SLAVE ADDRESS 3 0 A R/W 1 4 5 6 7 8 REGISTER ADDRESS A DATA A DATA 9 A P Acknowledge from RV-8803-C7 46/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6.8. READ OPERATION AT SPECIFIC ADDRESS Master reads data from slave RV-8803-C7 at specific address: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Master sends out the START condition. Master sends out Slave Address, 64h for the RV-8803-C7; the R/ W bit is a 0 indicating a write operation. Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. Master sends out the Register Address to RV-8803-C7. Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. Master sends out the Repeated START condition (or STOP condition followed by START condition) Master sends out Slave Address, 65h for the RV-8803-C7; the R/ W bit is a 1 indicating a read operation. Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. At this point, the Master becomes a Receiver and the Slave becomes the Transmitter. 9) The Slave sends out the Data from the Register Address specified in step 4). 10) Acknowledgement from Master. 11) Steps 9) and 10) can be repeated if necessary. The address is automatically incremented in the RV-8803-C7. 12) The Master, addressed as Receiver, can stop data transmission by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been sent from the Slave-Transmitter. In this event, the Slave-Transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the Master to generate a STOP condition. 13) Master sends out the STOP condition. SLAVE ADDRESS 3 0 A 4 5 6 7 REGISTER ADDRESS A S SLAVE ADDRESS Repeated START Acknowledge from RV-8803-C7 8 1 A 9 10 11 DATA A DATA 12 13 A P R/W S 2 R/W 1 Acknowledge from Master No acknowledge from Master 47/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 6.9. READ OPERATION Master reads data from slave RV-8803-C7 immediately after first byte: 1) Master sends out the START condition. 2) Master sends out Slave Address, 65h for the RV-8803-C7; the R/ W bit is a 1 indicating a read operation. 3) Acknowledgement from RV-8803-C7. At this point, the Master becomes a Receiver and the Slave becomes the Transmitter. 4) The RV-8803-C7 sends out the Data from the last accessed Register Address incremented by 1. 5) Acknowledgement from Master. 6) Steps 4) and 5) can be repeated if necessary. The address is automatically incremented in the RV-8803-C7. 7) The Master, addressed as Receiver, can stop data transmission by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been sent from the Slave-Transmitter. In this event, the Slave-Transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the Master to generate a STOP condition. 8) Master sends out the STOP condition. 2 3 S SLAVE ADDRESS 1 A 4 5 DATA A 6 DATA 7 8 A P R/W 1 Acknowledge from RV-8803-C7 Acknowledge from Master No acknowledge from Master 48/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS The following Table lists the absolute maximum ratings. Absolute Maximum Ratings according to IEC 60134: SYMBOL PARAMETER VDD VI VO II IO Power Supply Voltage Input voltage Output voltage Input current Output current VESD ESD Voltage ILU TOPR TSTO TPEAK Latch-up Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Maximum reflow condition CONDITIONS Input Pin Output Pin MIN -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -10 -10 HBM(1) MM(2) Jedec(3) -40 -55 JEDEC J-STD-020C TYP MAX UNIT 6.0 VDD +0.3 VDD +0.3 10 10 ±2000 ±200 +/-100 85 125 265 V V V mA mA V V mA °C °C °C (1) HBM: Human Body Model, according to JESD22-A114. (2) MM: Machine Model, according to JESD22-A115. (3) Latch-up testing, according to JESD78., Class I (room temperature), level A (100 mA) 49/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.2. OPERATING PARAMETERS For this Table, TA = -40 °C to +85 °C unless otherwise indicated. VDD = 1.5 to 5.5 V, fOSC= 32.768 kHz, TYP values at 25 °C and 3.0 V. Operating Parameters: SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 5.5 5.5 5.5 V Supplies VDD VLOW1 VLOW2 Power Supply Voltage VDD low and POR(2) detection. Temperature compensation stops (flag V1F). VDD low and POR(2) detection. Data no longer valid (flag V2F). IVDD VDD supply current timekeeping. I2C bus inactive, CLKOUT disabled, average current IVDD:I2C VDD supply current during I2C burst read/write, CLKOUT disabled IVDD:TSP IVDD:CK32 IVDD:CK1024 IVDD:CK1 Time-keeping mode(1) I2C bus (100 kHz) I2C bus (400 kHz) VDD supply current temperature sensing peak Additional VDD supply current with CLKOUT at 32.768 kHz, average current Additional VDD supply current with CLKOUT at 1.024 kHz, average current Additional VDD supply current with CLKOUT at 1 Hz (duty cycle = 500 ms), average current Inputs VIL VIH IILEAK LOW level input voltage HIGH level input voltage Input leakage current CI Input capacitance 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 V 1.1 1.2 1.3 V VDD = 1.5 VDD = 3.0 V(3) VDD = 5.0 V(3) VDD = 1.5 V, SCL = 100 kHz(4) VDD = 3.0 V, SCL = 400 kHz(4) VDD = 5.0 V, SCL = 400 kHz(4) 240 240 250 2 5 7 600 600 1200 15 40 60 Typical duration = 1.3 ms 19 µA VDD = 3.0 V(5) 3.25 μA VDD = 3.0 V(5) 250 nA VDD = 3.0 V(5) 150 nA V(3) VDD = 1.5 V to 5.5 V Pins: SCL, SDA CLKOE, EVI VSS ≤ VI ≤ VDD VDD = 3.0 V, TA = 25°C, f = 1MHz 0.2 VDD 0.8 VDD -0.5 nA µA 0.5 V V µA 7 pF Outputs VDD = 1.5 V, IOH = 0.1 mA 1.2 VDD = 3.0 V, IOH = 1.0 mA 2.5 V VDD = 5.0 V, IOH = 1.0 mA 4.5 VDD = 1.5 V, IOL = -0.1 mA 0.2 LOW level output voltage VOL:CLK VDD = 3.0 V, IOL = -1.0 mA 0.5 V CLKOUT VDD = 5.0 V, IOL = -1.0 mA 0.5 VDD = 1.5 V, IOL = -2.0 mA 0.4 LOW level output voltage VOL V = 3.0 V, I = -3.0 mA 0.4 V DD OL ̅̅̅̅̅ Pins: SDA, INT VDD = 5.0 V, IOL = -3.0 mA 0.3 IOLEAK Output leakage current VO = VDD or VSS -0.5 0.5 µA VDD = 3.0 V, TA = 25°C, COUT Output capacitance 7 pF f = 1MHz (1) Clocks operating and RAM and registers retained. Including temperature sensing and compensation. (2) CLKOUT is hold LOW during the first POR delay t POR1 and goes HIGH during the second POR delay t POR2. (3) All inputs and outputs are at 0 V or V . DD (4) 2.2k pull-up resistors on SCL/SDA, excluding external peripherals and pull-up resistor current. All other inputs (besides SDA and SCL) are at 0 V or VDD. Test conditions: Continuous burst read/write, 55h data pattern, 25 μs between each data byte, 20 pF load on each bus pin. (5) All inputs and outputs except CLKOUT are at 0 V or V . 10 MΩ, 15 pF load on CLKOUT. DD VOH:CLK HIGH level output voltage CLKOUT 50/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.2.1.TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION AND CURRENT CONSUMPTION Typical IVDD average current: I VDD Sensing ON IVDD:TSP IVDD_Average IVDD_Sensing OFF time 0 Sensing OFF Compensation interval (1 second) IVDD_Average = ((IVDD:TSP * 1.3 ms) + (IVDD_Sensing OFF * (1 s – 1.3 ms)) / 1 s IVDD_Average = ((19 µA * 1.3 ms) + (220 nA * 998.7 ms )) / 1 s = 244 nA 51/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.3. OSCILLATOR PARAMETERS For this Table, TA = -40 °C to +85 °C unless otherwise indicated. VDD = 1.5 to 5.5 V, fOSC= 32.768 kHz, TYP values at 25 °C and 3.0 V. Oscillator Parameters: SYMBOL PARAMETER Xtal General F CONDITIONS Crystal Frequency Oscillator start-up time tSTART = tPOR1 + tPOR2 tSTART δCLKOUT CLKOE = VDD MAX UNIT TA = 25°C, calibration disabled TOPR = -40°C to +85°C VDD = 3.0 V kHz 80 FCLKOUT = 32.768 kHz TA = 25°C Xtal Frequency Characteristics ΔF/F Frequency accuracy Frequency vs. temperature ΔF/FTOPR characteristics T0 Turnover temperature ΔF/F Aging first year max. Digital Temperature Compensated Xtal DTCXO 500 ms 50 ±10 % ±10 ppm -0.035 /°C2 ±20 ppm (TOPR-T0) ±10% ppm 2 +25 ±5 TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.0 V ±1.5 ±0.13 ±3 ±0.26 TA = -40°C to +85°C 1 Hz OFFSET value Min. corr. step (LSB) and Max. corr. range TA = -40°C to +85°C °C ppm ±3 TA = 0°C to +50°C Time accuracy calibrated, CLKOUT measured on rising edge of One 1 Hz period ΔF/F TYP 32.768 CLKOUT duty cycle Δf/f MIN ±0.2384 ppm s/day ppm s/day ±7.4 ppm 7.3.1.TIME ACCURACY 1 HZ EXAMPLE Time accuracy of the temperature compensated 1 Hz signal: Time Accuracy 1 Hz 4 3 ∆t/t in ppm 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -40 -25 0 25 Temperature in °C 50 75 85 52/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.4. POWER ON AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following Figure and table describe the power on AC electrical characteristics for the CLKOUT pin. Power On AC Electrical Characteristics: VDD 0.6 V VDDR1 0V CLKOUT t POR2 t POR1 State Operating POR For this Table, TA = -40 °C to +85 °C and VDD = 1.5 to 5.5 V, TYP values at 25 °C and 3.0 V. Power On AC Electrical Parameters: SYMBOL VDDR1 tPOR1 tPOR2 PARAMETER VDD rising slew rate at initial power on reset (POR) First POR delay Second POR delay CONDITIONS MIN TYP 0.1 CLKOE = VDD 3 80 MAX UNIT 1 V/ms 10 500 ms ms 53/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.5. BACKUP AND RECOVERY During a backup event with a backup voltage VDD higher than VLOW1 (VLOW2) the CLKOUT function is operating including the Temperature compensation and the RAM and registers are retained. Pay attention to the CLKOUT function if the power supply voltage VDD of the RV-8803-C7 sharply goes up and down, meaning VDD is changing between Main power voltage and Backup capacitor voltage. The CLKOUT signal can then disappear for several milliseconds when the voltage change is to sharp. 1. Choose a valid VDD range for the CLKOUT function. E.g. 1.6 V to 3.6 V (see OPERATING PARAMETERS). 2. Ensure that the slew rates VDDF and VDDR2 fulfill their specifications. 3. Check if these required specifications are fulfilled on your system. The following Figure and Table describe the backup and recovery AC electrical characteristics (valid example with a backup voltage > VLOW1 (VLOW2)). VDD Backup and recovery AC Electrical Characteristics: VDD V DDF VDDR2 ≈ VDD VLOW1 (V LOW2) 0V Backup Capacitor For the following Table, TA = -40 °C to 85 °C. VDD Backup and recovery AC Electrical Parameters: SYMBOL VDDF VDDR2 PARAMETER CONDITIONS VDD falling slew rate VDD rising slew rate Rising from VDD = 1.5 V to VDD ≤ 3.5 V Rising from VDD = 1.5 V to VDD > 3.5 V MIN TYP MAX UNIT 0.5 V/µs 0.2 V/µs 0.07 54/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 7.6. I2C AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2 The following Figure and Table describe the I C AC electrical parameters. 2 I C AC Parameter Definitions: SDA t BUF t LOW t HD:DAT t SU:DAT SCL t HD:STA t HIGH t RISE P t FALL S t SU:STO t SU:STA SDA Sr P For the following Table, TA = -40 °C to 85 °C, TYP values at 25 °C. 2 I C AC Electrical Parameters: SYMBOL PARAMETER Conditions MIN VDD ≥ 1.5 V fSCL SCL input clock frequency VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tLOW Low period of SCL clock VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tHIGH High period of SCL clock VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tRISE Rise time of SDA and SCL VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tFALL Fall time of SDA and SCL VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tHD:STA START condition hold time VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tSU:STA START condition setup time VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tSU:DAT SDA setup time VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tHD:DAT SDA hold time VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tSU:STO STOP condition setup time VDD ≥ 2.0 V VDD ≥ 1.5 V tBUF Bus free time before a new transmission VDD ≥ 2.0 V S = Start condition, Sr = Repeated Start condition, P = Stop condition 0 0 4.7 1.3 4.0 0.6 TYP MAX UNIT 100 400 kHz µs µs 1000 300 300 300 4.0 0.6 4.7 0.6 250 100 0 0 4.0 0.6 4.7 1.3 ns ns µs µs ns µs µs µs 55/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 Bus-Timeout reset: When accessing the RV-8803-C7, all communication from transmitting the Start condition to transmitting the Stop condition after access should be completed within 950 ms. 2 If such communication requires 950 ms or longer, the I C bus interface is reset by the internal bus timeout function. Special attention: 2 2 Due to the automatic initialization of the I C timeout function at I C START it is possible that the RV-8803-C7 triggers an erroneous Bus-Timeout Reset and consequently responds with “no acknowledge” for the duration of 2 maximum 61 μs. This unwanted Bus-Timeout Reset of the I C Interface occurs when a START condition is sent 950 ms + n * 1000 ms (n = 0, 1, 2, …) after a previous START condition. 2 To avoid wrong communication results check the Acknowledge. If “no acknowledge” is received, repeat the I C-bus communication. Maximum 4 read addressing are needed. For detailed technical advice see Errata_Sheet_RV8803-C7. 56/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 8. APPLICATION INFORMATION 8.1. OPERATING RV-8803-C7 WITH BACKUP CAPACITOR 10nF 2 1 3 Backup Capacitor 4 VDD RV-8803-C7 VDD EVI INT INT SDA SDA SCL SCL CLKOE VDD MCU GPIO VSS VSS 1 2 3 4 5 CLKOUT 5 Low-cost MLCC (*) ceramic capacitor or supercapacitor. Schottky Diode. A 10 nF decoupling capacitor is recommended close to the device. ̅̅̅̅̅ output are open drain and require pull-up resistors to VDD. Interface lines SCL, SDA and the INT CLKOUT offers the selectable frequencies 32.768 kHz, 1.024 kHz and 1 Hz for application use. If not used, it is recommended to disable CLKOUT for optimized current consumption (tie CLKOE to Ground). (*) Note, that low-cost MLCCs are normally used for short time keeping (minutes) and the more expensive supercapacitors for a longer backup time (day). 57/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 9. RECOMMENDED REFLOW TEMPERATURE (LEADFREE SOLDERING) Maximum Reflow Conditions in accordance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C “Pb-free” tP TP Critical Zone TL to TP Temperature Ramp-up TL tL Tsmax Tsmin Ramp-down ts Preheat 25 t 25°C to Peak Temperature Profile Average ramp-up rate Ramp down Rate Time 25°C to Peak Temperature Preheat Temperature min Temperature max Time Tsmin to Tsmax Soldering above liquidus Temperature liquidus Time above liquidus Peak temperature Peak Temperature Time within 5°C of peak temperature Time Symbol (Tsmax to TP) Tcool Tto-peak Condition 3°C / second max 6°C / second max 8 minutes max Unit °C / s °C / s min Tsmin Tsmax ts 150 200 60 – 180 °C °C sec TL tL 217 60 – 150 °C sec Tp tp 260 20 – 40 °C sec 58/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 10. PACKAGE 10.1. DIMENSIONS AND SOLDER PAD LAYOUT C7 Package: Package dimensions (bottom view): Recommended solder pad layout: 3,2 0,9 0,9 0,5 4 8 7 6 5 0,4 0,8 2,0 3 0,5 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,9 0,9 3,2 0,1 max.0,80 0,4 All dimensions in mm typical. 10.2. MARKING AND PIN #1 INDEX C7 Package: (top view) Production Date Code #8 #5 M 303 A 1 8803 #1 Pin 1 Index #4 Part Designation 59/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 11. PACKING INFORMATION 11.1. CARRIER TAPE 12 mm Carrier-Tape: Material: Polystyrene / Butadine or Polystyrol black, conductive Cover Tape: Base Material: Adhesive Material: Peel Method: Polyester, conductive 0.061 mm Pressure-sensitive Synthetic Polymer Middle part removed, sticky sides remain on carrier Ø1 ±0,1 ±0,02 1,75 5,5 ±0,05 ,5 ±0 ,1 Ø1 ,5 2 ±0,1 0,3 ±0,2 3,45 ±0,1 4 ±0,1 ±0 ,1 C7 Package: 12 8803 8803 4 ±0,1 1,75 ±0,1 0.9 ±0,1 User Direction of Feed Tape Leader and Trailer: 300 mm minimum. All dimensions in mm. 11.2. PARTS PER REEL C7 Package: Reels: Diameter 7” 7” Material Plastic, Polystyrol Plastic, Polystyrol RTC’s per reel 1’000 5’000 60/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 11.3. REEL 7 INCH FOR 12 mm TAPE ø 10 60 60 ° ° 1,8 ø 178 ø 61,5 min.12,4 max.17 Reel: Diameter 7” Material Plastic, Polystyrol 61/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 11.4. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR CRYSTALS OR MODULES WITH EMBEDDED CRYSTALS The built-in tuning-fork crystal consists of pure Silicon Dioxide in crystalline form. The cavity inside the package is evacuated and hermetically sealed in order for the crystal blank to function undisturbed from air molecules, humidity and other influences. Shock and vibration: Keep the crystal / module from being exposed to excessive mechanical shock and vibration. Micro Crystal guarantees that the crystal / module will bear a mechanical shock of 5000g / 0.3 ms. The following special situations may generate either shock or vibration: Multiple PCB panels - Usually at the end of the pick & place process the single PCBs are cut out with a router. These machines sometimes generate vibrations on the PCB that have a fundamental or harmonic frequency close to 32.768 kHz. This might cause breakage of crystal blanks due to resonance. Router speed should be adjusted to avoid resonant vibration. Ultrasonic cleaning - Avoid cleaning processes using ultrasonic energy. These processes can damages crystals due to mechanical resonance of the crystal blank. Overheating, rework high temperature exposure: Avoid overheating the package. The package is sealed with a seal ring consisting of 80% Gold and 20% Tin. The eutectic melting temperature of this alloy is at 280°C. Heating the seal ring up to >280°C will cause melting of the metal seal which then, due to the vacuum, is sucked into the cavity forming an air duct. This happens when using hot-air-gun set at temperatures >300°C. Use the following methods for rework: Use a hot-air- gun set at 270°C. Use 2 temperature controlled soldering irons, set at 270°C, with special-tips to contact all solder-joints from both sides of the package at the same time, remove part with tweezers when pad solder is liquid. 62/63 Micro Crystal DTCXO Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock / Calendar Module RV-8803-C7 12. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Date Revision # Revision Details January 2015 1.0 April 2016 1.1 May 2016 1.2 First release Added term Time Stamp. 1. pp Added pin numbers in device protection diagram, 2.4 Added additional specification for Timer Counter 0 and 1 registers, 3.5 Corrected tRTN from 7.183 ms to 7.813 ms (Periodic Countdown Timer), 3.6 Added additional specification for flags V1F and V2F, 3.7 Corrected drawing ‘Start timing of the Periodic Countdown Timer’, 4.4.2 Corrected drawing ‘Digital Architecture Summary’, 4.9 Updated text in TIME DATA READ-OUT/PROCDURE, 4.11.1 Corrected formula to POffset = ((Fmeas – 1)*1’000’000), 5.4 ̅̅̅̅̅ PIN, 5.7 Updated text in MEASURING TIME ACCURACY AT INT Added VDDR1 maximum value, 7.4 Added detailed explanation about I2C timeout function, 7.6 Updated detailed explanation about I2C timeout function, 7.6 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Micro Crystal assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. In accordance with our policy of continuous development and improvement, Micro Crystal reserves the right to modify specifications mentioned in this publication without prior notice. This product is not authorized for use as critical component in life support devices or systems. 63/63