OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier VCC RB1 OP284B R3 R4 QB6 QB5 RB3 Q11 Q7 TP Flat Pack Q1 JB1 Q3 QL1 -IN Q4 Q8 RB4 Q16 Q12 Q17 QB9 QB10 Q2 QL2 R11 +IN Q10 Q9 Q5 CC2 Q6 OUT CFF CO R6 Q18 QB2 QB3 RB2 CB1 N+ M P+ OP284B R7 Q13 Q14 Q15 R9 QB4 QB1 JB2 R1 R2 QB7 CC1 R5 QB8 R8 R10 VEE Logic Diagram FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • RAD-PAK® radiation-hardened against natural space • radiation • Package: - 8-pin RAD-PAK® flat pack - 16-pin RAD-PAK® Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC) pack • Single-Supply Operation • Wide Bandwidth: 4 MHz • Unity-Gain Stable • High Slew Rate: 4.0 V/us • Low Noise: 3.9 nV/(Hz)½ Maxwell Technologies’ OP284B is a dual single-supply, 4 MHz bandwidth amplifier featuring rail-to-rail inputs and outputs. Using Maxwell Technologies’ radiation-hardened RADPAK® technology, it is guaranteed to operate from +3 to +36 (or ±1.5 to ±18) volts and will function with a single supply as low as +1.5 volts. This amplifier is superb for single supply applications requiring both ac and precision dc performance. The combination of bandwidth, low noise and precision makes the OP284B useful in a wide variety of applications, including filters and instrumentation. Other applications for this amplifier include portable telecom equipment, power supply control and protection, and as an amplifier or buffer for transducers with wide output ranges. The ability to swing rail-to-rail at both the input and output enables designers to build multi-stage filters in single-supply systems and to maintain high signal-to-noise ratios. Maxwell Technologies' patented RAD-PAK® packaging technology incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit package. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing the radiation shielding for a space mission. This product is available with screening up to Class S. 01.16.15 Rev 2 (858) 503-3300 - Fax: (858) 503-3301 - www.maxwell.com All data sheets are subject to change without notice 1 ©2015Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. Memory Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC) OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier TABLE 1. FLAT PACK PINOUT DESCRIPTION PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1, 7 OUT A, B 2, 6 -IN A, B Negative Inputs 3, 5 +IN A, B Positive Inputs 4 V- Ground 8 V+ Supply Voltage Outputs TABLE 2. LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER (LCC) PINOUT DESCRIPTION PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1, 13 OUT A, B 3, 11 -IN A, B Negative Inputs 5, 9 +IN A, B Positive Inputs 7 V- Ground 15 V+ Supply Voltage Outputs Memory TABLE 3. OP284A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Supply Voltage Input Voltage Differential Input Voltage1 SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT VCC -- ±18 V VI -- ±18 V VDIF -- ±0.6 V Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND Indefinite Storage Temperature Range TS -65 +150 °C Operating Temperature Range TA -40 +125 °C Junction Temperature Range TJ -65 +150 °C 0.75 Grams 6.48 °C/W Package Weight JC Thermal Impedance -- 1. For input voltages greater than 0.6 volts, the input current should be limited to less 5 mA to prevent degradation or destruction of the input devices. TABLE 4. DELTA LIMITS PARAMETER VARIATION ICC ±10% of specified value in Table 5 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice 2 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier TABLE 5. OP284B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, VOUT = 0V, RS = 50, RL = 100K, VCM = 0V, TA = -40°C TO +125°C UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.) PARAMETER Input offset voltage SYMBOL VIO TEST CONDITIONS +25°C -40 to +125°C Average offset voltage drift1 Offset voltage match1 VIOTC RL=2k VIO |VIO (max) - VIO (min)|, +25°C |VIO (max) - VIO (min)|, -40 to +125°C Input bias current IB RS = 50, +25°C RS = 50-40 to +125°C Input offset current IOS RS =50, +25°C RS = 50, -40 to +125°C IIBTC Input voltage range IVR Common mode rejection ratio Output current RS = 50 +ICC UNIT 1 -175 -- 175 µV 2, 3 -375 -- 375 1, 2, 3 -- -- 2 µV/°C 1 - -- 100 µV 2, 3 - -- 200 1 -350 -- 350 nA 2, 3 -575 -- 575 nA 1 -35 -- 35 nA 2, 3 -50 -- 50 nA -- 200 pA/°C -15 -- 15 V 4,5,6 86 -- -- dB VCM = -15V to +15V, TA=25°C 4 80 -- -- dB VOUT = -10V, 1ms pulse, TA=25°C 1 10 -- -- mA 2, 3 5 -- -- 1 -- -10 2, 3 -- -5 VOUT = +10V, 1ms pulse, TA=25°C VOUT = -10V, 1ms pulse Quiescent power supply current/amplifier MAX 1, 2, 3 VOUT = -10V, 1ms pulse -IO TYP 1, 2, 3 CMRR VCM = -14V to +14V +IO MIN IOUT = 0mA VS=±18V, TA=25°C mA 1 -- -- 1.80 2, 3 -- -- 2.25 1 -1.80 -- -- 2, 3 2.25 -- -- Power supply rejection ratio +PSRR VS=±2V to ±18V 1, 2, 3 90 -- -- dB -PSRR VS=±2V to ±18V 1, 2, 3 90 -- -- dB 0.1Hz to 10Hz, RL=2k, CL=50pF, TA=+25°C 1 -- 0.30 -- µVp-p IOUT = 0mA VS=±18V -ICC IOUT = 0mA VS=±18V, TA=25°C IOUT = 0mA VS=±18V Low frequency, peak-topeak noise1 Enp-p mA mA Input noise voltage density1 En RS=20, fO=1kHz, RL=2k, CL=50pF, TA=+25°C 1 -- 3.9 -- nV/ (Hz)½ Input noise current density1 In RS=20M, fO=1kHz, RL=2k, CL=50pF, TA=+25°C 1 -- 0.4 -- pA/ (Hz)½ Power consumption1,2 PC +10V, IOUT=0mA, RL=2k 1, 2, 3 -- 81 mW Large signal voltage gain AVO +10V, RL=2.0k, TA=25°C 4 150 +10V, RL=2.0kTA=125°C 5,6 75 +VOUT1 IL=1.0mA 4,5,6 14.8 -- -- V -VOUT1 IL=1.0mA 4,5,6 -- -- -14.8 V 4 -- 4.25 -- MHz Output voltage swing Gain bandwidth product1 GBWP VO=200mV, RL=2.0k, CL=50pF, TA=+25°C 01.16.15 Rev 2 240 Memory Input bias current drift1 SUBGROUPS V/mV All data sheets are subject to change without notice 3 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier TABLE 5. OP284B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, VOUT = 0V, RS = 50, RL = 100K, VCM = 0V, TA = -40°C TO +125°C UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.) PARAMETER Full power bandwidth1,3 SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS FPBW VPEAK=29vp-p, RL=2.0k, CL=50pF, TA=+25°C, 1% distortion SUBGROUPS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 4 -- 35 -- kHz Settling time tS AV=+1.0, CL=50pF, RL=2.0k To 0.01%, 10V step 9 -- -- 5 µs Phase margin FO AV=1.0, CL=50pF, RL=2.0k, TA=+25°C 4 -- -- 50 Degrees +SR CL=50pF, RL=2.0k 4,5,6 2.4 4.0 -- V/µs -SR CL=50pF, RL=2.0k 4,5,6 2.4 4.0 -- V/µs Slew rate 1. Guaranteed by design. 2. Power consumption is based upon quiescent supply current maximum test limit. No load on outputs. 3. Full power bandwidth is based on slew rate measurement using FBBW = slew rate/(2PVPEAK). Memory 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice 4 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier 8-PIN RAD-PAK® FLAT PACKAGE SYMBOL DIMENSION MIN NOM MAX A 0.119 0.132 0.149 b 0.010 0.017 0.022 c 0.004 0.005 0.009 D 0.250 0.255 0.260 E 0.250 0.255 0.260 E1 -- -- 0.290 E2 0.125 0.145 -- E3 0.030 0.040 -- e 0.050 BSC 0.338 0.348 0.358 Q 0.021 0.025 0.045 S1 0.005 0.019 -- N Memory L 8 F8-01 Note: All dimensions in inches 16-PIN RAD-PAK® LCC PACKAGE SYMBOL DIMENSION MIN NOM MAX A 0.123 0.135 0.150 b 0.018 0.020 0.025 D 0.245 0.250 0.260 D1 0.150 BSC 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice 5 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier 16-PIN RAD-PAK® LCC PACKAGE SYMBOL DIMENSION MIN NOM S1 0.050 BSC e 0.050 BSC A1 0.095 0.105 N MAX 0.116 16 LC16-01 Note: All dimensions in inches. Memory 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice 6 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier Important Notice: These data sheets are created using the chip manufacturer’s published specifications. Maxwell Technologies verifies functionality by testing key parameters either by 100% testing, sample testing or characterization. The specifications presented within these data sheets represent the latest and most accurate information available to date. However, these specifications are subject to change without notice and Maxwell Technologies assumes no responsibility for the use of this information. Maxwell Technologies’ products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from Maxwell Technologies. Any claim against Maxwell Technologies must be made within 90 days from the date of shipment from Maxwell Technologies. Maxwell Technologies’ liability shall be limited to replacement of defective parts. Memory 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice 7 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved. OP284B Dual Operational Amplifier Product Ordering Options Model Number OP284B RP F X Option Details Feature Monolithic S = Maxwell Class S B = Maxwell Class B I = Industrial (testing @ -40°C, +25°C, +125°C) E = Engineering (testing @ +25°C) Package F = Flat Pack L = Leadless Chip Carrier (LLC) Radiation Feature RP = RAD-PAK® package Base Product Nomenclature Operational Amplifier 01.16.15 Rev 2 All data sheets are subject to change without notice Memory Screening Flow 8 ©2015 Maxwell Technologies All rights reserved.