UTMC ERRATA __________________________________________________________________ Date: June 2. 1997 Document: UT69RH051 Radiation-Hardened MicroController The following table has been amended to show tne updated LET Threshold. The number in brackets indicates the previous maximum. RADIATION HARDNESS DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 Total Dose 1.0E6 rads(Si) LET Threshold 20 [14] MeV-cm2/mg 1E-4 cm2 Transient Upset Device Cross Section @ LET= 126 Mev-cm 2/mg (See Note 2) Note: 1. The UT69RH051 will not latchup during radiation exposure under recommended operating conditions. 2. Worst case temperature T A = +100° C 6/3/97 Page 1 of 1