EVBUM2260/D KAF-8300 Evaluation Timing Specification Altera Code Version Description The Altera code described in this document is intended for use in the AD984X Timing Board. The code is written specifically for use with the following system configuration: http://onsemi.com EVAL BOARD USER’S MANUAL Table 1. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Evaluation Board Kit: PN 4H0475 Timing Generator Board 3E8092 (AD9845A 28 MHz) KAF−8300 Imager Board 3E8360 Framegrabber Board National Instruments model PCI−1424 ALTERA CODE FEATURES / FUNCTIONS • External Custom Integration Time Option • Pulsed or Non−pulsed INTEGRATE Output Sync The Altera Programmable Logic Device (PLD) has three major functions: Options Timing Generator • Nominal or Extended Clocking Mode Option • Four different AFE Optical Black Clamp (CLPOB) The PLD serves as a state machine−based timing generator whose outputs interface to the KAF−8300, the AD9845A Analog Front End (AFE), and the PCI−1424 Framegrabber. The behavior of these output signals is dependent upon the current state of the state machine. External digital inputs, as well as jumpers on the board can be used to set the conditions of certain state transitions (See Table 2). In this manner, the board may be run in any of the following operating modes: • Three Different Image Capture Modes: ♦ Single Capture Mode using an External Trigger (Still Mode) ♦ Continuous Capture Free−Run Mode ♦ Continuous Capture Still−Run Mode • 32 different Pre−defined Integration Mode Options © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014 September, 2014 − Rev. 2 Modes Delay Line Initialization Upon power up, or when the BOARD_RESET button is depressed, the PLD programs the 10 silicon delay IC’s on the Timing Generator Board to their default delay settings via a 3 wire serial interface. See Table 12 for details. AFE Register Initialization Upon power up, or when the BOARD_RESET button is pressed, the PLD programs the registers of the two AFE chips on the Timing Generator Board to their default settings via a 3 wire serial interface. See Table 13 for details. 1 Publication Order Number: EVBUM2260/D EVBUM2260/D ALTERA CODE I/O Table 2. INPUTS Symbol POWER_ON_DELAY SYSTEM_CLK INTEGRATE_CLK JMP[1..0] Description The rising edge of this signal clears and re−initializes the PLD 56 MHz clock, 2X the desired pixel clock rate (Provides 1 ms unit integration time) Output mode select: JMP1 JMP0 Output Mode 0 X Free−Running Mode 1 0 Still Mode (requires external trigger) 1 1 Still/Run Mode JMP2 Internal/External Integration Control Mode HIGH = External Integration Control using DIO13 LOW = Pre−Set Internal Integration Settings in conjunction with DIO[10..6] JMP3 Overclock Timing Mode HIGH = Extended Overclock Testing LOW = Nominal Timing DIO[1..0] AD9845A CLPOB Mode control lines (See Table 10) DIO[5..2] Pulse INTEGRATE output control lines DIO[10..6] Integration Time control lines (See Table 11) DIO11 Asynchronous Reset Control Line DIO12 Remote capture control line (when Still operating mode selected) DIO13 User defined integration time control line (when External INT mode selected) DIO[19..14] (Not used for ‘Error! Auto Text entry not defined.’ operation) Table 3. OUTPUTS Symbol Description V1_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. V1 Clock V2_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. V2 Clock H1_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. H1 Clock H1BR_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. H1L Clock H2_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. H2 Clock R_CLK Error! AutoText entry not defined. Reset Clock SHP AD9845A Clamp CCD Reset Level SHD AD9845A Sample CCD Data Level DATACLK PBLK AD9845A A/D Convert Clock AD9845A Pixel Blanking CLPOB AD9845A Black Level Clamp CLPDM AD9845A DC Restore Input Clamp VD (not used for KAF−8300) HD (not used for KAF−8300) PIX PCI−1424 Frame Grabber Pixel Rate Synchronization FRAME LINE PCI−1424 Frame Grabber Frame Rate Synchronization PCI−1424 Frame Grabber Line Rate Synchronization CH1_SLOAD Serial Load Enable, Ch1 AD9845A AFE CH2_SLOAD Serial Load Enable, Ch2 AD9845A AFE http://onsemi.com 2 EVBUM2260/D Table 3. OUTPUTS Symbol SLOAD Description Serial Load Enable, Delay Line IC’s SCLOCK Serial Clock (AD9845A, Delay Line IC’s) SDATA Serial Data (AD9845A, Delay Line IC’s) FDG INTEGRATE (not used for KAF−8300) High (or pulsed) during CCD Integration Time V3RD (not used for KAF−8300) V_SHUTTER (not used for KAF−8300) V2B_CLK (not used for KAF−8300) H2BR_CLK (not used for KAF−8300) KAF−8300 TIMING CONDITIONS Table 4. SYSTEM TIMING CONDITIONS Description Symbol Time Notes System Clock Period Tsys 17.86 ns 56 MHz system clock Unit integration time Uint 1 ms Typical Power stable delay Tpwr 30 ms Typical Default Serial Load Time Tsload 192 ms Typical Table 5. CCD TIMING CONDITIONS Description Symbol Time Pixel Counts Notes H1, H2, RESET period Tpix 35.71 ns 1 28 MHz clocking of H1, H1L, H2, RESET VCCD delay Tvd 35.71 ns 1 Between Hclks stopping and V1 rising edge Horizontal setup time Ths 1.0 ms 28 Between V2 falling edge and Hclks startup Vertical transfer period Vperiod 9.07 ms 254 Vperiod = Tvd + TVCCD + Ths VCCD transfer time TVCCD 8.0 ms 224 Between V1 rising edge and V2 falling edge Pixels per line PIX_X 123.63 ms 3462 3448 CCD pixels (3326 active) plus 14 overlock Lines per frame PIX_Y (2584) 2574 CCD lines (2504 active) plus 10 overlock lines RESET clock pulse width Tr 5.0 ns Vertical flush period Fperiod 8.11 ms Tr is set by hardware on imager board Flush duration Flines Flush delay Fdelay 0−1 ms Variable due to synchronization with Integration Clock Flush time Ftime ~22 ms Ftime = (Fperiod x Flines) + Fdelay 227 Time to flush one line (2638) Number of lines flushed = 2638 (2574 + 64 extra) Table 6. AFE TIMING CONDITIONS Description Symbol Time Pixel Counts Notes SHP,SHD,DATACLK period Tpix 35.71 ns 1 28 MHz clocking of SHP,SHD,DATACLK SHP pulse width Tshp 7.5 ns 7.5 ns Tshp is set by hardware on timing board SHD pulse width Tshd CLPOB1 line start CLPOB1_ls 5 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,2 only Tshd is set by hardware on timing board CLPOB1 line end CLPOB1_le 15 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,2 only http://onsemi.com 3 EVBUM2260/D Table 6. AFE TIMING CONDITIONS Description Symbol CLPOB1 start pixel Time Pixel Counts Notes CLPOB1_ps 200 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,2 only CLPOB1 end pixel CLPOB1_pe 2500 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,2 only CLPOB2 start pixel CLPOB2_ps 3450 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,1 only CLPOB2 end pixel CLPOB2_pe 3454 Line transfer counter, CLPOB modes 0,1 only CLPDM start pixel CLPDM_ps 3456 Horizontal transfer counter CLPDM end pixel CLPDM_pe 3460 Horizontal transfer counter PBLK start pixel PBLK_ps 1 Vertical transfer counter PBLK end pixel PBLK_pe 240 Vertical transfer counter Table 7. PCI−1424 TIMING CONDITIONS Description Symbol Time Pixel Counts Notes Pixel period Tpix 35.71 ns 1 28 MHz clocking of PIX sync signal LINE START Delay LSdel 321.4 ns 9 Delay 9 clocks for AFE pipeline delay (See Figure 10) LINE END delay (Normal Mode) LEdel 35.71 ns 1 End of previous line (See Figure 10) LINE END delay (Extended Mode) LEdel 1.0 ms 28 End of previous line (See Figure 10) FRAME time (Normal Mode) Tframe 342.9 ms 9,601,890 Tframe = Tpix * ((Vperiod + PIX_X) * (PIX_Y − 1) + + PIX_X) FRAME time (Extended Mode) Tframe 370.3 ms 10,368,358 Tframe = Tpix * ((Vperiod + PIX_X) * (PIX_Y − 1) + + PIX_X) Figure 1. Timing Board J8 Jumpers http://onsemi.com 4 EVBUM2260/D MODES OF OPERATION Output Modes The following modes of operation are available to the user. The output mode is selected by setting the JMP[0..3] inputs to the appropriate level (See Figure 1 and Table 8) Table 8. OUTPUT MODE JUMPER SETTINGS JMP3 JMP2 JMP1 JMP0 Binning Mode Operation HIGH LOW Still Mode HIGH HIGH Still/Run Mode LOW X Free−Run Mode LOW Pre−Set INT settings selected with DIO[10..6] HIGH External INT control using DIO13 LOW Extended Overclock Image Dimensions HIGH Nominal Image Dimension Integration Modes Each of the pre−defined integration times is a multiple of the Unit integration time. See Table 11. The integration time can be controlled in one of two ways: 1. To select the external integration time mode, Set JMP2 high. External integration mode requires an external input via the digital input interface to be synchronized with the timing board to create any number of custom integration times. The rising edge of the external input ends the integration time. 2. To select the internal integration time mode, Set JMP2 low. In Internal integration mode, the unit integration clock timer and the digital input interface (DIO[10..6]) are used to select one of thirty two different pre−defined integration times. Pulsed Integration Mode The INTEGRATE output sync signal can either be set high for the duration of the desired integration time period or it can be pulsed on and off for a number of cycles. When using the pulsed INTEGRATE option the output pulse will have a 2 ms period, 50% duty cycle (for the first ms the pulse is low, for the second ms the pulse is high). The number of pulses are specified via DIO [5..2] (See Table 9). For proper operation, the user must be sure to set the integration time to be equal to or greater than the number of pulses selected times the 2 ms pulse period. Table 9. PULSE MODE SETTINGS Pulse Mode DIO[5..2] Number of Pulses 0 ALWAYS HIGH 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 10 7 20 8 30 9 40 10 50 11 75 12 100 13 150 14 200 15 ALWAYS LOW http://onsemi.com 5 EVBUM2260/D Black Clamp Modes variations in the CCD’s black level. Several options for operating this black clamp are provided and are controlled by the digital inputs D[13..12] (See Table 10). The default CLPOB mode is 0. One of the features of the AD9845A AFE chip is an optical black clamp. The black clamp (CLPOB) is asserted during the CCD’s dark pixels and is used to remove residual offsets in the signal chain, and to track low frequency Table 10. BLACK CLAMP MODES CLPOB Mode DIO[1..0] Black Clamp Operation Notes 0 CLPOB asserted several dark lines per frame, and several dark pixels per line Default Mode 1 CLPOB asserted several dark pixels per line 2 CLPOB asserted several dark lines per frame 3 Off, CLPOB always held high Table 11. PRE−SET INTEGRATION TIMES INT Mode DIO[10..6] Integration Time (ms) 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 6 10 7 14 8 19 9 23 10 39 11 67 12 89 13 100 14 125 15 150 16 189 17 200 18 250 19 300 20 322 21 400 22 489 23 739 24 989 25 1489 26 1989 27 4989 28 9989 29 14989 30 29989 31 59989 http://onsemi.com 6 EVBUM2260/D PIXEL RATE CLOCKS GENERATION The pixel rate clocks are derived from the system clock. They operate at 1/2 the frequency of the system clock. The PIXEL_CLK signal is generated from the rising edge of the system clock. The DELAYED_PIX_CLK signal is generated from the falling edge of the system clock. By utilizing both edges of the system clock, four start positions for the pixel rate clocks are achieved: 1. The PIXEL_CLK signal 2. The DELAYED_PIX_CLK signal occurs 25% later than the PIXEL_CLK signal 3. The inverse of the PIXEL_CLK signal occurs 50% later than the PIXEL_CLK signal 4. The inverse of the DELAYED_PIX_CLK signal occurs 75% later than the PIXEL_CLK signal SYSTEM CLOCK PIXEL CLOCK INVERTED PIXEL CLOCK DELAYED PIXEL CLOCK INVERTED DELAYED PIXEL CLOCK PIXEL PERIOD 1 2 3 4 Figure 2. Pixel Clock Generation Timing One of these four signals is chosen to be the input signal source for a particular pixel rate signal, and then the position of the signal is optimized using a programmable delay line IC. http://onsemi.com 7 EVBUM2260/D TIMING GENERATOR STATE MACHINE DESCRIPTION POWER_ON/ BOARD RESET CLEAR SETUP INITIALIZE NO TRIGGERED? STILL FREE−RUN IMAGE CAPTURE MODE STILL/RUN YES FLUSH INTEGRATE V_TRANSFER LINE_TRANSFER LINE_CHECK NO FRAME DONE? YES Figure 3. Timing Generator State Machine http://onsemi.com 8 EVBUM2260/D Power−On / Board Reset State and then serially load the initial default values into the AFE registers. Upon completion of the serial load of the AFE, the board will be ready to proceed according to the output mode selected. When the board is powered up or the Board Reset button is pressed, the Altera PLD is internally reset. When this occurs, state machines in the PLD will first serially load the initial default values into the ten delay line IC’s on the board, CLOCKING STATE MACHINE DEFAULT DELAY CLEAR / SETUP POWER−ON/BOARD RESET POWER ON DEFAULT AFE DONE AFE WAIT ALL DONE SCLOCK SDATA SLOAD CH1 SLOAD Tpwr Tsload Figure 4. Power on Initialization Timing Delay Register Initialization serial input pin of device 2 and so on. Therefore, when making an adjustment to one or more delay lines, all the delay lines must be reprogrammed. The total number of serial bits must be eight times the number of units daisy−chained and each group of 8 bits must be sent in MSB−to−LSB order (See References). The total delay on each output signal is calculated as: Delay = 10.0 + 0.25 * [Delay Code] (ns) The DS1020 Programmable Silicon Delay Lines allow the Horizontal Clocks, Reset Clock, Clamp, Sample, and Data Clock signals to be adjusted within the sub−pixel timing. On Power−Up or Board Reset, the delay lines are programmed with values stored in the Altera device. These values are chosen to comply with the timing requirements of the CCD image sensor (See the References for details). The delay values shown in Table 12 are typical values, and may vary on an individual Evaluation Board set. For programming purposes, the silicon delay lines are cascaded, i.e., the serial output pin of device 1 is tied to the Refer to the Dallas Semiconductor DS1020 Programmable Silicon Delay Line Specification Sheet (References) for details. http://onsemi.com 9 EVBUM2260/D Table 12. DEFAULT DELAY IC PROGRAMMING Programming Order Delay IC Output Signal Delay IC Input Signal Source Delay Code (Typical) Delay (ns) (Typical) 1 AD9845A DATACLK DELAYED PIXEL CLK 0 10.00 2 CH2 AD9845A SHP (not used) 32 18.00 3 CH1 AD9845A SHP PIXEL CLK 22 15.50 4 CH2 AD9845A SHD (not used) 48 22.00 5 CH1 AD9845A SHD DELAYED PIXEL CLK 38 19.50 6 H1 CLOCK PIXEL CLK 16 14.00 7 H1BR CLOCK PIXEL CLK 16 14.00 8 H2 CLOCK PIXEL CLK 16 14.00 9 H2BR CLOCK (not used) 16 14.00 10 RESET CLOCK INVERTED DELAYED PIXEL CLK 30 17.50 AFE Register Initialization On power up or board−reset, the AFE registers are programmed to the default levels shown in Table 13. See the AD9845A specifications sheet (References) for details. Table 13. DEFAULT AD9845A AFE REGISTER PROGRAMMING Register Description Value (decimal) Notes 0 Operation 128 1 VGA Gain 267 Corresponds to a VGA stage gain of 7.1 dB 2 Clamp 200 The output of the AD9845A will be clamped to code 200 during the CLPOB period 3 Control 10 CDS gain enabled 4 CDS Gain 43 Corresponds to a CDS stage gain of 0.0 dB CLEAR / SETUP and INITIALIZE States FLUSH State The timing generator state machine is free running. It cycles through the states depending on the jumper settings and DIO inputs, and then returns back to the clear/setup state to begin the next frame. The clear/setup state is used to reset the internal PLD counters at the beginning of each frame. The INITIALIZE state is used to determine the selected operating modes, and to synchronize with the INTEGRATE_CLK as needed. The state machine will wait in the INITIALIZE state for the next rising edge of INTEGRATE_CLK (See Figure 6). During the FLUSH state, the CCD is flushed of any accumulated charge by running the vertical clocks continuously for a number of lines. Upon flush completion, the state machine will wait in the flush state until the next rising edge of the INT_CLK. The reason for the delay before entering the INTEGRATE state is so that state machine is re−synchronized with the INT_CLK after the asynchronous external trigger, ensuring that consistent integration times are achieved when using the pre−defined internal integration modes (See Figure 5 and Table 11). http://onsemi.com 10 EVBUM2260/D CLOCKING STATE MACHINE INITIALIZE FLUSH INTEGRATE V2_CLK Fdelay V1_CLK Fperiod EXT TRIGGER Ftime INT_CLK H1_CLK H2_CLK Figure 5. Still Mode Flush Timing INTEGRATE State pre−defined multiple of the unit integration time depending on the digital inputs D[10..6] (See Table 10). There is a fixed delay of 2 INT_CLK periods (Int Delay2) after INTEGRATE goes low, before the INTEGRATE state is exited and V_TRANSFER begins. Normal Integration During the INTEGRATE state, there is a delay of 2 INT_CLK periods (Int Delay1) before the output signal INTEGRATE goes high. INTEGRATE stays high a CLOCKING STATE MACHINE V2_CLK INTEGRATE FLUSH V_TRANSFER Fdelay V1_CLK Uint Tint INT_CLK Int Delay1 Int Delay2 INTEGRATE H2_CLK H1_CLK Figure 6. Normal Integration Timing default (Normal Integration), INTEGRATE is always on during the entire Integration window; alternatively from 0 to 200 pulses may be issued. For proper operation, the user must be sure to set the INTEGRATE window to be equal to or greater than twice the number of pulses selected. Pulsed Integration In Pulsed Integration Mode, the INTEGRATE signal may be pulsed a preset number of times without altering the Integration Timing. The pulses are 1 Unit Integration wide, and the pulse period is 2 Unit Integration times. The number of pulses issued is controlled by DIO[5..2] (See Table 9). By http://onsemi.com 11 EVBUM2260/D CLOCKING STATE MACHINE INTEGRATE FLUSH V_TRANSFER V2_CLK Fdelay V1_CLK Uint Int Delay2 INTEGRATE Window (DIO[10..6]) Int Delay1 INT_CLK 1 INTEGRATE 2 n Pulses (DIO[5..2]) H2_CLK H1_CLK Figure 7. Pulsed Integration Timing V_TRANSFER State PLD is used to determine when the vertical clocks are forced high and low and when the vertical transfer time and horizontal delay time (Ths) are completed. During the V_TRANSFER state, each line (row) of charge is transported towards the horizontal CCD register using the Vertical clocks. A vertical transfer counter in the CLOCKING STATE MACHINE INTEGRATE V_TRANSFER LINE_TRANSFER V1_CLK V2_CLK H1_CLK H2_CLK Vperiod PIXEL COUNTS Tvd Ths TVCCD PIX_X Figure 8. Vertical Transfer Timing LINE_TRANSFER and LINE_CHECK State At the end of each line transfer, the Line counter is incremented in the LINE_CHECK State. If all of the lines have been clocked out of the CCD, the state machine goes to the CLEAR/SETUP state; if not, the state machine returns to the V_TRANSFER state, and transfers another line of charge into the horizontal register. During the LINE_TRANSFER state, charge is transported to the CCD output structure pixel by pixel. A line transfer counter in the PLD is used to keep track of how many pixels have been transported, and to synchronize the AD9845A timing signals and the PCI−1424 timing signals with the appropriate pixels (dark pixels for black clamping, for example). http://onsemi.com 12 EVBUM2260/D CLOCKING STATE MACHINE V_TRANSFER LINE TRANSFER Vpix Vsat VOUT_CCD Tr RESET_CCD H2_CCD Tpix H1_CCD Tshp SHP Tshd SHD DATACLK PIX Figure 9. Horizontal Timing − Line Transfer CLOCKING STATE MACHINE INTEGRATE LINE TRANSFER V_TRANSFER LINE V_TRANSFER CHECK LINE 2 LINE 1 FRAME LSdelay LINE PIX PIXEL COUNTS Vperiod PIX_X Figure 10. PCI−1424 Frame Grabber Timing http://onsemi.com 13 1 LEdelay Vperiod EVBUM2260/D CLOCKING STATE MACHINE INTEGRATE LINE TRANSFER V_TRANSFER LINE_CHECK V2_CLK V1_CLK PBLK CLPOB1 CLPOB2 CLPDM SHP, SHD DATACLK PIXEL COUNTS Vperiod 1 PIX_X Figure 11. AD9845A Timing VIDEO SIGNAL PATH The entire video signal path through the Imager Board and Timing Board is represented in Figure 12. The individual +15V blocks are discussed in the Imager Board User Manual and the Timing Board User Manual. Imager Board Timing Board VOUT_CCD +15V CCD +15V − − AFE + + −15V −15V Emitter−Follower Av = ~0.96 Coax Cable (75ohm, terminated) Av = 0.5 Op−Amp Buffer Av = 1.25 Op−Amp Buffer Av = 1.25 Figure 12. Video Signal Path Diagram The gain for the entire signal path can be calculated by multiplying the gains of the individual stages: 0.96 × 1.25 × 0.5 × 1.25 = 0.75 The gain of the entire signal path is designed so that the AFE input is not overloaded (See References). The default AFE programmable gain settings (See Table 13) are designed to maximize the dynamic range of the AFE. http://onsemi.com 14 EVBUM2260/D Warnings and Advisories References • • • • • • When programming the Timing Board, the Imager Board must be disconnected from the Timing Board before power is applied. If the Imager Board is connected to the Timing Board during the reprogramming of the Altera PLD, damage to the Imager Board will occur. Purchasers of an Evaluation Board Kit may, at their discretion, make changes to the Timing Generator Board firmware. ON Semiconductor can only support firmware developed by, and supplied by, ON Semiconductor. Changes to the firmware are at the risk of the customer. KAF−8300 Device Specification KAF−8300 Imager Board User Manual KAF−8300 Imager Board Schematic AD984X Timing Generator Board User Manual AD984X Timing Generator Board Schematic Analog Devices AD9845 Product Data Sheet (28 and 30 MHz operation) Ordering Information Please address all inquiries and purchase orders to: Truesense Imaging, Inc. 1964 Lake Avenue Rochester, New York 14615 Phone: (585) 784−5500 E−mail: info@truesenseimaging.com ON Semiconductor reserves the right to change any information contained herein without notice. All information furnished by ON Semiconductor is believed to be accurate. ON Semiconductor and the are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: orderlit@onsemi.com N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5817−1050 http://onsemi.com 15 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative EVBUM2260/D