SUPPLEMENTARY DATA FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 【CONSOLIDATED】 1.Financial Highlights (Millions of Yen) 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % Net Sales FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % 1st Half FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % 1,257,098 100.0 +14.9 2,539,859 100.0 +12.5 1,335,547 100.0 (Domestic) 656,006 52.2 +19.2 1,329,711 52.4 +16.3 685,441 (Overseas) 601,092 47.8 +10.6 1,210,148 47.6 +8.7 650,106 Forecast for FY2005 Amount +6.2 2,750,000 100.0 +8.3 51.3 +4.5 1,360,000 49.5 +2.3 48.7 +8.2 1,390,000 50.5 +14.9 Operating Income 77,576 6.2 +32.4 151,020 5.9 +24.1 75,068 5.6 -3.2 160,000 Net Income 39,317 3.1 +40.7 76,845 3.0 +26.6 36,492 2.7 -7.2 87,000 Net Income per Share (Yen) 36.05 70.04 33.45 Home Appliances Information Equipment Consumer/Information Products ICs LCDs Other Electronic Components 5.8 +5.9 3.2 +13.2 79.74 2.Sales by Product Group Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment Ratio Change % % (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % Amount Ratio Change % % Domestic 286,034 22.7 +30.1 599,839 23.6 +26.4 Overseas 175,160 14.0 -2.6 372,724 14.7 +2.7 Total 461,194 36.7 +15.4 972,563 38.3 +16.1 Domestic 61,962 4.9 -0.1 Overseas 47,819 3.8 Total 109,781 8.7 Domestic 102,670 8.2 Overseas 103,556 Total 206,226 16.4 +6.0 416,310 16.4 Domestic 450,666 35.8 +16.7 Overseas 326,535 26.0 Total 777,201 61.8 +10.3 1,600,937 Domestic 30,753 2.5 -11.5 59,183 2.3 -9.8 Overseas 47,824 3.8 -6.4 81,732 3.3 -21.5 6.3 119,652 4.7 -1.2 92,412 3.6 -0.6 212,064 8.3 -1.6 206,240 8.2 8.2 +14.8 210,070 +2.5 +4.3 Forecast for FY2005 1st Half FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % Amount Ratio Change % % 331,747 24.8 +16.0 670,000 24.4 +11.7 182,270 13.7 379,000 13.8 +1.7 514,017 38.5 +11.5 1,049,000 38.2 +7.9 127,000 4.6 +6.1 +4.1 63,658 4.8 +2.7 -1.4 48,306 3.6 +1.0 87,000 3.2 -5.9 +1.7 111,964 8.4 +2.0 214,000 7.8 +0.9 -2.4 98,279 7.4 -4.3 208,000 7.6 +0.9 8.2 +15.8 108,998 8.1 +5.3 219,000 7.9 +4.3 +6.0 207,277 15.5 +0.5 427,000 15.5 +2.6 925,731 36.5 +15.6 493,684 37.0 +9.5 1,005,000 36.6 +8.6 675,206 26.5 +5.8 339,574 25.4 +4.0 685,000 24.9 +1.5 63.0 +11.3 833,258 62.4 +7.2 1,690,000 61.5 +5.6 21,926 1.6 -28.7 45,000 1.7 -24.0 47,159 3.6 -1.4 94,000 3.4 +15.0 Total 78,577 -8.5 140,915 5.6 -17.0 69,085 5.2 -12.1 139,000 5.1 -1.4 Domestic 114,018 9.1 +65.4 226,313 8.9 +49.2 114,266 8.5 +0.2 190,000 6.9 -16.0 Overseas 160,048 12.7 +27.8 317,491 12.5 +17.6 181,367 13.6 +13.3 438,000 15.9 +38.0 Total 274,066 21.8 +41.1 543,804 21.4 +28.9 295,633 22.1 +7.9 628,000 22.8 +15.5 Domestic 60,569 55,565 4.2 -8.3 120,000 4.8 +0.4 118,484 4.7 -5.7 +1.3 Overseas 66,685 5.3 +36.6 135,719 5.3 +33.8 82,006 173,000 6.3 +27.5 Total 127,254 10.1 +16.6 254,203 10.0 +11.9 137,571 10.3 +8.1 293,000 10.6 +15.3 Domestic 205,340 16.4 +25.2 403,980 15.9 +17.8 191,757 14.3 -6.6 355,000 12.9 Electronic Components Overseas Total 6.1 +23.0 4.3 -12.1 274,557 21.8 +21.9 534,942 21.1 +12.5 310,532 23.3 +13.1 705,000 25.6 +31.8 Total 479,897 38.2 +23.3 938,922 37.0 +14.7 502,289 37.6 +4.7 1,060,000 38.5 +12.9 Domestic 656,006 52.2 +19.2 1,329,711 52.4 +16.3 685,441 51.3 +4.5 1,360,000 49.5 Overseas 601,092 47.8 +10.6 1,210,148 47.6 650,106 48.7 +8.2 1,390,000 50.5 +14.9 Total +8.7 1,257,098 100.0 +14.9 2,539,859 100.0 +12.5 1,335,547 100.0 +6.2 2,750,000 100.0 +2.3 +8.3 3.Overseas Sales by Region (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % Amount The Americas 186,502 31.0 +22.5 372,184 30.8 Europe 195,414 32.5 +30.3 407,455 33.7 Asia 113,011 18.8 -21.1 207,186 Other 106,165 17.7 +8.2 Total 601,092 100.0 Forecast for FY2005 1st Half FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % Amount +20.5 200,738 30.9 +7.6 413,000 29.7 +11.0 +23.2 232,083 35.7 +18.8 461,000 33.2 +13.1 17.1 -25.8 103,814 16.0 -8.1 218,000 15.7 +5.2 223,323 18.4 +14.5 113,471 17.4 +6.9 298,000 21.4 +33.4 +10.6 1,210,148 100.0 +8.7 650,106 100.0 +8.2 1,390,000 100.0 +14.9 Ratio Change % % Ratio Change % % 4.Information by Product Group [Sales by Product Group include internal sales between segments (Consumer/Information Products and Electronic Components).] 〈Net Sales〉 (Millions of Yen) Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % 1st Half FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % Forecast for FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % 461,498 36.7 +15.3 973,195 38.3 +16.1 514,285 38.5 38.2 +7.9 Home Appliances 109,898 8.8 -0.5 212,210 8.4 +1.8 111,981 8.4 +1.9 214,200 7.8 +0.9 Information Equipment 211,544 16.8 +6.6 426,625 16.8 +6.5 211,093 15.8 -0.2 439,000 15.9 +2.9 782,940 62.3 +10.4 1,612,030 63.5 +11.4 837,359 62.7 +7.0 1,703,000 61.9 +5.6 Consumer/Information Products +11.4 1,049,800 I C s* 114,878 9.1 -1.0 206,664 8.1 -10.9 99,307 7.4 -13.6 203,000 7.4 -1.8 LCDs 360,029 28.7 +52.3 720,100 28.4 +36.2 403,249 30.2 +12.0 830,000 30.2 +15.3 Other Electronic Components 136,039 10.8 +15.8 270,551 10.6 +11.0 145,319 10.9 +6.8 309,000 11.2 +14.2 610,946 48.6 +30.0 1,197,315 47.1 +19.2 647,875 48.5 +6.0 1,342,000 48.8 +12.1 1,393,886 110.9 +18.2 2,809,345 110.6 +14.6 1,485,234 111.2 +6.6 3,045,000 110.7 +8.4 Electronic Components Sub Total Elimination (136,788) -10.9 Total 1,257,098 100.0 (269,486) -10.6 +14.9 2,539,859 100.0 - (149,687) -11.2 +12.5 1,335,547 100.0 - (295,000) -10.7 - +6.2 2,750,000 100.0 +8.3 - * The IC group's sales do not include internal sales to the LCDs/Other Electronic Components group ( LSIs for LCD, etc : 25,770 million yen for 1st Half FY2004 / 48,948 million yen for FY2004, 15,868 million yen for 1st Half FY2005 / 36,300 million yen for forecast for FY2005). 〈Operating Income〉 Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment (Millions of Yen) 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % 15,232 19.6 FY2004 Amount Ratio Change % % +21.3 32,345 1.7 +218.1 2,092 21.4 Forecast for FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % +16.2 16,245 21.6 +6.7 34,000 21.2 +5.1 1.4 +315.1 1,253 1.7 -3.5 3,000 1.9 +43.4 +18.3 12,133 16.2 +8.8 25,000 15.7 +10.6 +20.2 29,631 39.5 +7.0 62,000 38.8 +8.7 Home Appliances 1,298 Information Equipment 11,153 14.4 +21.0 22,598 15.0 37.8 Consumer/Information Products 1st Half FY2005 Amount Ratio Change % % 27,683 35.7 +24.8 57,035 ICs 8,684 11.2 +15.4 12,777 8.5 -13.0 4,521 6.0 -47.9 10,000 6.3 -21.7 LCDs 29,891 38.5 +59.7 55,615 36.8 +45.6 31,050 41.4 +3.9 64,000 40.0 +15.1 Other Electronic Components 12,728 16.4 +28.4 25,128 16.6 +19.1 11,093 14.8 -12.8 25,500 15.9 +1.5 Electronic Components 51,303 66.1 +41.9 93,520 61.9 +26.4 46,664 62.2 -9.0 99,500 62.2 +6.4 Sub Total 78,986 101.8 +35.4 150,555 99.7 +24.0 76,295 101.7 -3.4 161,500 101.0 +7.3 Elimination (1,410) -1.8 - 465 0.3 - (1,227) -1.7 - (1,500) -1.0 - Total 77,576 100.0 +32.4 151,020 100.0 +24.1 75,068 100.0 -3.2 160,000 100.0 +5.9 5.Overseas Production (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales % Overseas Production 467,516 37.2 Amount % +34.6 1,005,706 Forecast for FY2005 1st Half FY2005 Ratio to Change Net Sales % % 39.6 +36.9 Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales % 569,581 42.6 Amount % +21.8 1,208,000 Ratio to Change Net Sales % % 43.9 +20.1 6.Capital Investment (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount Change % Capital Investment 108,229 -4.7 Amount Change % 213,048 -5.3 1st Half FY2005 Amount Change % 112,817 +4.2 Forecast for FY2005 Amount Change % 220,000 +3.3 7.Depreciation and Amortization (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount Depreciation and Amortization Ratio to Change Net Sales 82,152 % % 6.5 +11.2 Amount 1st Half FY2005 Ratio to Change Net Sales 175,969 Forecast for FY2005 % % 6.9 +10.1 Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales 91,244 % % 6.8 +11.1 190,000 8.R&D Expenditures % % 6.9 +8.0 (Millions of Yen) FY2004 1st Half FY2004 Amount R&D Expenditures Ratio to Change Net Sales Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales 89,478 % % 7.1 +9.2 Amount 175,558 Forecast for FY2005 1st Half FY2005 Ratio to Change Net Sales % % 6.9 +7.7 Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales 92,512 % % 6.9 +3.4 Amount Ratio to Change Net Sales 182,000 % % 6.6 +3.7 9.Number of Employees As of Sept.30, 2004 Number of Employees 47,117 29,750 (Domestic) 17,367 (Overseas) *Sharp Corporation and Consolidated Subsidiaries As of March.31, 2005 As of Sept.30, 2005 46,751 29,437 17,314 47,638 29,765 17,873 10.Exchange Rate (Yen) US$ EURO 1st Half FY2005 FY2004 1st Half FY2004 106.55 133.69 108.86 131.82 Forecast for 2nd Half FY2005 108.48 134.15 110.00 132.00 11.Sales of Main Products LCD Color TV (Over 10 inches) Projectors Color TV DVD players / Recorders Mobile Phones / PHS Facsimiles Refrigerators Air Conditioners Microwave Ovens Personal Computers Copiers / Printers (Billions of Yen) 1st Half FY2004 Amount Change % 131.7 13.8 45.4 16.2 202.4 19.9 25.2 32.7 23.3 21.0 58.9 +93.6 +9.2 -16.4 +74.1 +22.6 -18.5 +6.6 +5.8 -10.0 -19.0 +6.1 FY2004 Amount Change % 308.7 27.3 88.1 42.8 402.2 38.9 46.1 47.8 52.7 39.4 119.3 +77.7 0.0 -19.3 +79.9 +20.6 -15.6 +6.1 -1.7 +1.4 -17.3 +9.6 1st Half FY2005 Amount Change % 184.6 11.0 33.3 19.2 220.0 16.8 26.1 30.3 24.8 18.2 62.1 +40.2 -19.9 -26.6 +18.3 +8.7 -15.3 +3.7 -7.4 +6.2 -13.3 +5.5 12.Sales of Main Electronic Components 360.0 38.5 40.7 52.7 11.9 Amount Change % 400.0 27.0 50.0 50.0 420.0 39.0 48.0 48.0 51.0 38.0 130.0 +29.5 -1.2 -43.3 +16.7 +4.4 +0.2 +4.0 +0.4 -3.4 -3.6 +8.9 (Billions of Yen) 1st Half FY2004 Amount Change % LCDs Flash Memory CCD/CMOS Imagers Solar Cells Laser Diodes Forecast for FY2005 +52.3 -28.5 +39.9 +55.0 -37.5 FY2004 Amount 720.1 63.7 72.1 117.4 20.5 Change % +36.2 -34.3 +2.8 +60.5 -42.7 1st Half FY2005 Amount Change % 403.2 27.7 38.2 74.2 10.5 +12.0 -28.0 -6.0 +40.9 -11.6 Forecast for FY2005 Amount Change % 830.0 55.0 76.0 150.0 21.0 +15.3 -13.7 +5.3 +27.7 +2.1