FINAL PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTIFICATION Generic Copy 09-OCT-2003 SUBJECT: ON Semiconductor Final Product/Process Change Notification #12908 TITLE: Die Technology Conversion for Small Signal MOSFET Products EFFECTIVE DATE: 15-Dec-2003 AFFECTED CHANGE CATEGORY: Design Change AFFECTED PRODUCT DIVISION: MOS Power Products Div ADDITIONAL RELIABILITY DATA: Available Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Representative or Keith Stapley <[email protected]> SAMPLES: Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Representative or Bob Forness <[email protected]> FOR ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS NOTIFICATION: Contact Sales Representative or Bob Forness <[email protected]> NOTIFICATION TYPE: Final Product/Process Change Notification (FPCN) Final change notification sent to customers. FPCNs are issued at least 60 days prior to implementation of the change. ON Semiconductor will consider this change approved unless specific conditions of acceptance are provided in writing within 30 days of receipt of this notice. To do so, contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: This is a final notification announcing ON Semiconductor is changing the die technology used to source the following list of devices. This is the Final PCN to Initial PCN 12908 issued on 07-May-2003 that outlined this change. The new die technology is sourced from the same wafer fab that is supplying the current die for these devices, Phenitec Semiconductor Corp. located in Okayama Japan. The electrical performance now matches closely to the industry standard device performance for these parts, with no change to the datasheet parameters. Issue Date: 09 Oct, 2003 Page 1 of 3 Final Product/Process Change Notification #12908 QUALIFICATION PLAN: High Humidity High Temp Reverse Bias: Testing 85DegC, Relative Humidity= 85%, Vgs=0V, Vds=80% Vdss rating, Duration= 1008Hrs, 3 Lots, 80pcs/Lot High Temperature Reverse Bias: Ta=150DegC, Vgs=0V, Vds=80%Vdss rating, Duration=1008Hrs, 3 Lots, 80pcs/Lot High Temperature Gate Bias: Ta=150DegC, Vgs= 100%Vgss rating, Vds=0V, Duration=1008Hrs, 3 Lots, 80pcs/Lot Intermittent Operating Life: Ton= Toff= 2 minutes, delta Tj= 100DegC, Duration= 15000Cy, 3Lots,80pcs/Lot Temperature Cycling: Temperature extremes= +150DegC/-65DegC, Dwell time= 15 minutes, Duration = 1000Cy, 3 Lots, 80pcs/Lot RELIABILITY DATA SUMMARY: Reliability Qualification Testing was performed and completed with no qualification related anomalies being observed. Three qualification lots were tested from the technology qualification vehicle, NTD4302. A summary of the test results and status is below: Test High Hum-Temp, Rev Bias (H3TRB-PC) Conditions Ta=85C, RH=85%, Vds=48V, 1008Hrs Results 0/240 High Temp Reverse Bias (HTRB) Ta=150C, Vds=48V, 1008Hrs 0/240 High Temp Gate Bias (HTGB) Ta=150C, Vgs=20V, 1008Hrs 0/239 Intermittent Op Life (IOL-PC) 2min on/off, Delta Tj=100C, 15000cyc 0/239 Temperature Cycle (TC-PC) +150C to -65C, 1000cycles 0/240 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC SUMMARY: 2N7002LT1 Data Control Parameter Test Condition Mean StDev Igss (nA) Vgs=20V 62.10 6.060 Idss (nA) Vds=60V 25.60 19.800 Bvdss (V) Id=10uA 87.2 3.49 Vth (V) Id=250uA 1.94 0.045 Rdson1 (Ohms) Id=500mA, Vgs=10V 1.92 0.046 Rdson2 (Ohms) Id=50mA, Vgs=5V 2.24 0.045 Idon (A) Vds=2V, Vgs=10V 0.94 0.020 Vsd (V) Isd=11.5mA 0.67 0.002 Gfs (mhos) Vds=2V, Id=200mA 0.35 0.009 Qual Lot 1 Mean StDev 8.06 1.970 4.84 2.770 72.8 2.36 2.01 0.020 0.82 0.015 1.10 0.015 1.91 0.038 0.67 0.001 0.41 0.002 Qual Lot 2 Mean StDev 7.66 0.902 10.20 9.390 74.8 0.89 1.97 0.020 0.82 0.009 1.10 0.010 1.91 0.023 0.66 0.001 0.40 0.002 Qual Lot 3 Mean StDev 9.03 1.210 10.10 2.180 72.5 0.65 2.00 0.025 0.78 0.007 1.07 0.009 2.00 0.019 0.66 0.002 0.41 0.002 Issue Date: 09 Oct, 2003 Page 2 of 3 Final Product/Process Change Notification #12908 BSS138LT1 Parameter Igss (nA) Idss (nA) Bvdss (V) Vth (V) Rdson1 (Ohms) Rdson2 (Ohms) Gfs (mhos) Test Condition Vgs=20V Vds=50V Id=250uA Id=1mA Id=200mA, Vgs=2.75V Id=200mA, Vgs=5V Vds=2V, Id=200mA Control Mean 3.71 11.10 90.8 0.93 2.32 1.99 0.55 StDev 2.365 5.304 0.96 0.024 0.053 0.050 0.077 Qual Lot 1 Mean StDev 7.03 0.979 5.26 2.670 73.1 0.66 1.05 0.030 1.11 0.015 0.83 0.010 0.54 0.117 Qual Lot 2 Mean StDev 5.39 2.452 3.85 1.171 75.6 0.79 1.13 0.021 1.19 0.011 0.89 0.008 0.52 0.105 Qual Lot 3 Mean StDev 7.28 1.152 9.77 9.063 72.6 1.95 1.09 0.030 1.12 0.009 0.82 0.008 0.52 0.040 Control Mean 9.48 3.08 89.9 2.30 1.98 0.28 StDev 1.897 1.936 3.57 0.050 0.054 0.016 Qual Lot 1 Mean StDev 5.80 1.730 3.61 3.506 74.2 1.64 2.37 0.031 0.83 0.020 0.22 0.001 Qual Lot 2 Mean StDev 5.82 2.090 7.28 3.596 73.5 3.38 2.40 0.041 0.84 0.021 0.23 0.002 Qual Lot 3 Mean StDev 3.01 1.139 6.82 8.170 70.9 2.16 2.33 0.058 0.78 0.019 0.28 0.003 MMBF170LT1 Parameter Igss (nA) Idss (nA) Bvdss (V) Vth (V) Rdson (Ohms) Idoff (uA) Test Condition Vgs=15V Vds=60V Id=100uA Id=1mA Id=200mA, Vgs=10V Vds=25V CHANGED PART IDENTIFICATION: All Products with Date Code 0350 and after could be affected. AFFECTED DEVICE LIST (WITHOUT SPECIALS): PART 2N7002LT1, 2N7002LT3, 2N7008, 2N7008RLRA, 2N7008RLRE, BS170, BS170RL1, BS170RLRA, BS170RLRM, BS170RLRP, BS170ZL1, BSS138LT1, BSS138LT3, MMBF170LT1, MMBF170LT3, SBVS138LT1 Issue Date: 09 Oct, 2003 Page 3 of 3