PJSD03W~PJSD36W SINGLE LINE TVS DIODE FOR ESD PROTECTION PORTABLE ELECTRONICS VOLTAGE SOD-323 320 Watts POWER 3~36 Volts Unit: inch (mm) FEATURES • 320 Watts peak pules power( tp=8/20µs) .014(.35) • Suitable replacement for MLV’S in ESD protection applications .009(.25) .054(1.35) • Small package for use in portable electronics .045(1.15) .078(1.95) .068(1.75) • Low clamping voltage and leakage current • Pb free product are available : 99% Sn above can meet RoHS .006(.15) .002(.05) .038(.95) .027(.70) environment substance directive request .107(2.7) .090(2.3) APPLICATIONS .012(.30)MIN. • Case: SOD-323 plastic • Terminals : Solderable per MIL-STD-750,Method 2026 • Approx Weight: 0.0041 grams MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHATACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Rating Symbol Value Units Peak Pulse Power (tp=8/20 µs) P PK 320 W ESD Voltage V ESD 25 KV TJ -50OC to 150 OC O TSTG -50OC to 150 OC O Operating Temperature Storage Temperature C C ELECTRICAL CHARA CTERISTICS P JS D 0 3 W Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 3.3 V V BR IBR=1mA 4 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=3.3V - - 125 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 6.5 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 450 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 150 - pF Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage REV.0-JAN.6.2005 PAGE . 1 PJSD03W~PJSD36W P JS D 0 5 W Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 5 V V BR IBR=1mA 6 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=5V - - 10 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 9.8 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 300 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 100 - pF Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 8 V V BR IBR=1mA 8.5 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=8V - - 10 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 13.4 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 150 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 80 - pF Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 12 V V BR IBR=1mA 13.3 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=12V - - 1 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 19 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 130 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 50 - pF Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 15 V V BR IBR=1mA 16.7 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=15V - - 1 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 24 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 120 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 30 - pF Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage P JS D 0 8 W Parameter Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage P JS D 1 2 W Parameter Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage P JS D 1 5 W Parameter Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage REV.0-JAN.6.2005 PAGE . 2 PJSD03W~PJSD36W P JS D 2 4 W Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 24 V V BR IBR=1mA 26.7 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=24V - - 1 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 43 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 80 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 10 - pF Symbol Conditions Min. Typical Max. Units VRWM - - - 36 V V BR IBR=1mA 40 - - V Reverse Leakage Current IR VR=36V - - 1 µA Clamping Voltage(8/20 µs) VC IPP=1A - - 60 V Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 0Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 30 - pF Off State Junction Capacitance CJ 5Vdc Bias=f=1MHz - 1 - pF Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage P JS D 3 6 W Parameter Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage REV.0-JAN.6.2005 PAGE . 3 100 120 tf 100 WAVEFORM PARAMETERS m 80 e -t m 60 40 80 60 40 20 t d=t I PP/2 20 0 0 0 5 Peak Pulse Power 8/20 m s Peak Value I PP TEST %Of Rated Power I PP-Peak Pulse Current-% of I PP PJSD03W~PJSD36W 10 15 20 Average Power 0 25 75 100 125 150 T L-Lead Temperature- OC T-Time- m s FIG. 2-Power Derating Curve FIG. 1- Pulse Wave Form P PP-Peak Pulse Current-Watts 50 30 25 10000 1000 320W,8/20 m s Waveform 100 10 0.01 10 1 100 1000 10000 t d-Pulse Duration- m s FIG. 3-Peak Pulse Power vs Pulse Time C-Ca pacit ance -pF 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 V R=Reverse Voltage-Volts FIG. 4-Typical Reverse Voltage vs Capacitance REV.0-JAN.6.2005 PAGE . 4 PJSD03W~PJSD36W MOUNTING PAD LAYOUT ORDER INFORMATION • Packing information T/R - 12K per 13" plastic Reel T/R - 5K per 7" plastic Reel LEGAL STATEMENT Copyright PanJit International, Inc 2006 The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. Pan Jit makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. Pan Jit products are not authorized for use in life support devices or systems. Pan Jit does not convey any license under its patent rights or rights of others. REV.0-JAN.6.2006 PAGE . 5