AN400 Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion Power-Fail Comparator.pdf

Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
Author: Harsha Medu
Associated Part Family: FM31256, FM3164, FM31278, FM31276
FM31L278, FM31L276, FM33256B
Related Application Notes: click here
AN400 describes the implementation of an early power-fail warning using the general-purpose comparator on the
F-RAM Integrated Processor Companion. This warning signal can be used to drive a microcontroller interrupt input.
The F-RAM integrated Processor Companion features a general-purpose comparator that can be used to generate
an early power-fail interrupt (PFI). This warning signal can drive a microcontroller interrupt input and must occur
before VDD drops too low to save all critical data to the nonvolatile RAM. The Processor Companion’s early power-fail
interrupt can also be used as a warning to the system to stop conducting critical activity during a brownout condition.
Power Supply Monitoring
The power supply can be monitored using the F-RAM Processor Companion family of products. The FM31xxx family
is an I C interface product and the FM33xxx family is an SPI interface product. As shown in Figure 1, an analog
comparator compares the PFI input pin to an onboard reference voltage. When the PFI input voltage drops below the
reference threshold, the comparator will drive the PFO output pin (ACS pin on FM33xxx and CAL/PFO pin on
FM31xxx) to a LOW state. This early power-fail warning can be used as a system interrupt for a host microcontroller.
This application note shows two implementations using this comparator. The FM31xxx family is used in this
Note: The FM33xxx comparator is similar to FM31xxx, except for a change in the comparator reference voltage. The
reference voltage in the FM33xxx is 1.5 V, while it is 1.2 V in the FM31xxx comparator.
In a typical system, the comparator’s output is tied to the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) input of a microcontroller as
shown in Figure 1. The comparator provides a single input (PFI pin) for monitoring voltage. The other comparator
input is tied to an on-board 1.2-V precision reference (1.5 V in FM33xxx). Since the comparator is non-inverting, the
output will drive to a low state when the PFI input drops below 1.2 V. To use this function as a PFI, the PFI input
should be connected to the power supply voltage to be monitored through a voltage divider.
Figure 1. System Hookup and Monitor Point
Document No. 001-87076 Rev. *B
Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
First Method: AC line-operated systems use voltage-regulated power to provide a stable voltage to guarantee circuit
operation. The regulator is always preceded by an unregulated power supply. As the unregulated voltage varies, the
regulated voltage remains stable – to a point. Hence, during a power failure or system shutdown, the unregulated
supply voltage will begin to drop before the regulated output (VDD) is affected. Therefore, by generating a NMI when
the unregulated power supply voltage drops below a threshold, the processor and the memory subsystem know that
power will be lost well before the regulator drops out. A common line-operated power supply that is well suited to this
type of application is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Line-Operated Power Supply
Second Method: A regulated LDO output (VDD) can be monitored for a drop below a selected threshold so that the
interrupt occurs at a higher voltage than the processor reset trip point. A typical battery-based power supply that is
suited to this approach is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Battery-based Power Supply
In the first method, the interrupt is generated in response to a voltage drop on the regulator’s unregulated side, that
is, 12 V in the example application given in Figure 2. This will occur well before the regulated output (VDD) drops. In
the second method, the power supply is a primary battery with a low dropout (LDO) regulator. The LDO output may
begin to drop soon after the battery voltage falls, so it can more accurately monitor VDD directly. Most LDO regulators
exhibit a linear relationship between VIN and VOUT when VIN drops below VOUT.
The early power-fail comparator can support either approach, but the first method provides a warning much earlier.
In the case of monitoring an unregulated power supply (first method), power loss due to a brownout condition and
complete power down are shown in Figure 4. An interrupt is generated well before VDD drops because the monitored
voltage occurs at an earlier point in the power supply. In the case of a primary battery (second method) shown in
Figure 5, VDD is directly monitored and there is no brownout case.
To trigger the NMI, as shown in Figure 4, the NMI trip point must be carefully chosen. The goal is to generate an NMI
signal as soon as possible when power drops, but not generate an NMI within the normal tolerance or ripple of the
power supply, yet not so late that the voltage regulator starts to drop out.
Document No. 001-87076 Rev. *B
Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
Figure 4. Power-down Events for Line-Operated Supply
Figure 5. Power-down Events for Battery Supply
Example: A 12-V power supply with a ± 10% tolerance is allowed a 10.8-V output level; therefore, the PFO pin
should be set to trip no higher than 10.3 V to provide an additional 0.5-V margin. A lower limit on the supply trip point
is the minimum VIN specification for the linear regulator. A LDO regulator requires very little headroom whereas a
conventional linear regulator needs more input voltage. For example, a 5-V linear regulator may have a dropout
specification of 2 V, meaning that VOUT, or system VDD, will begin to drop when the input voltage reaches 7 V.
Therefore, in this example, the PFO trip point should be set between 10.3 V and 7 V.
The power supply sense circuit is a simple voltage divider, tied to the unregulated supply with the tap point connected
to the PFI pin, which is the input to the on-chip comparator. The resistor values are chosen to generate an NMI when
the divided voltage on the PFI input goes below the 1.2-V comparator reference (1.5 V for FM33xxx). The trip point is
defined by a simple resistor divider ratio.
Note: Ensure the PFI pin voltage level cannot exceed VDD (min).
The equation is:
For example, if the power supply is 12 V ± 10%, the regulated output VDD is 5 V ± 10%, and the desired NMI trip point
VTRIP is 9 V, then the divider ratio R2 / (R1 + R2) is 0.133.
Note: Resistors R1 and R2 are labeled in Figure 1.
Document No. 001-87076 Rev. *B
Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
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The easiest solution is to choose one resistor and then solve for the other.
Additional Considerations
The slew rate of the power supply on the unregulated side can dictate the amount of time that is available for backing
up data after an NMI occurs and before a reset occurs. For example, assume the nominal 12-V supply has a slew
rate of 0.5 V/ms. In this example, an NMI is generated at 9 V, and the 5-V linear regulator begins to drop out at 7 V.
The NMI will occur 4 ms before the regulator drops out causing the F-RAM Processor Companion VDD input level to
drop. The comparator is a convenient way to generate an interrupt, which provides enough time for the processor to
save critical data to the nonvolatile RAM. It can also be used to poll the power conditions. After the NMI occurs, it is
advisable to monitor the signal continuously and to avoid conducting critical activity until the NMI clears. If the NMI is
the result of a brownout, then eventually the condition will clear and normal operation can resume. If it is not a
brownout, the reset pin (
will eventually be asserted.
From this application note it is clear that system designers can use the F-RAM Processor Companion for dual
purposes in a system. In addition to be being an F-RAM nonvolatile memory, it can be used to generate a power-fail
interrupt to the host controller, which eliminates a separate power-fail detection circuit. A well-implemented early
power-fail detection signal can give the host controller enough time to prepare the system for a power down.
Related Application Notes
You can refer to the following application notes for better understanding of the F-RAM Processor Companion devices.
AN407 - A Design Guide to I2C F-RAM Processor Companions – FM31278, FM31276, FM31L278, and
AN408 - A Design Guide to SPI F-RAM Processor Companion - FM33256B
AN401 – Charging Methods for the F-RAM RTC Backup Capacitor
AN402 - F-RAM RTC Oscillator Design Guide
AN404 - F-RAM RTC Backup Supply (VBAK pin) and UL Compliance
Document No. 001-87076 Rev. *B
Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
Document History
Document Title: AN400 – Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
Document Number: 001-87076
Orig. of
Description of Change
New Spec.
Changed title from “Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor
Companion Power-Fail Comparator” to “Generating a Po er-Fail Interrupt using
the F- M Processor Companion”
Added Related Application Notes
Copyright year update.
Document No. 001-87076 Rev. *B
Generating a Power-Fail Interrupt using the F-RAM Processor Companion
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