MPC5200 Users Guide Document Number: MPC5200UG Rev. 3.1 03/2006 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: [email protected] USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. Alma School Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 +1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130 [email protected] Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) [email protected] Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F 1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan 0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125 [email protected] Asia/Pacific: Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 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Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006. All rights reserved. Document Number: MPC5200UG Rev. 3.1 03/2006 Table of Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.2.10 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................1-1 Features ...............................................................................................................................................................1-1 Architecture ...............................................................................................................................................................1-2 Embedded G2_LE Core ......................................................................................................................................1-6 BestComm I/O Subsystem .................................................................................................................................1-7 Programmable Serial Controllers (PSCs) ....................................................................................................1-7 10/100 Ethernet Controller ..........................................................................................................................1-7 Universal Serial Bus (USB) .........................................................................................................................1-7 Infrared Support ............................................................................................................................................1-7 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I 2 C) ......................................................................................................................1-7 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ..................................................................................................................1-7 Dual Freescale (formerly Motorola) Scalable (MS) Controller Area Network (CAN) .....................................1-7 Byte Data Link Controller - Digital BDLC-D ....................................................................................................1-8 System Level Interfaces ......................................................................................................................................1-8 Chip Selects ..................................................................................................................................................1-8 Interrupt Controller .......................................................................................................................................1-8 Timers ...........................................................................................................................................................1-8 General Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIO) ......................................................................................................1-8 Functional Pin Multiplexing .........................................................................................................................1-9 Real-Time Clock (RTC) ..............................................................................................................................1-9 SDRAM Controller and Interface .......................................................................................................................1-9 Multi-Function External LocalPlus Bus .............................................................................................................1-9 Power Management ............................................................................................................................................1-9 Systems Debug and Test ...................................................................................................................................1-10 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................1-10 Chapter 2 Signal Descriptions 2.1 2.2 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................2-1 Pinout Tables .............................................................................................................................................................2-4 Chapter 3 Memory Map 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................3-1 Internal Register Memory Map .................................................................................................................................3-2 MPC5200 Memory Map ...........................................................................................................................................3-3 MPC5200 Internal Register Space ......................................................................................................................3-3 External Busses ...................................................................................................................................................3-3 SDRAM Bus .................................................................................................................................................3-3 LocalPlus Bus ...............................................................................................................................................3-4 Memory Map Space Register Description ..........................................................................................................3-4 Memory Address Base Register —MBAR + 0x0000 ..................................................................................3-4 Boot and Chip Select Addresses ...................................................................................................................3-5 SDRAM Chip Select Configuration Registers .............................................................................................3-6 IPBI Control Register and Wait State Enable —MBAR+0x0054 ...............................................................3-7 Chapter 4 Resets and Reset Configuration 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................4-1 Hard and Soft Reset Pins ...........................................................................................................................................4-1 Power-On Reset—PORESET .............................................................................................................................4-1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-1 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Page Number Hard Reset—HRESET ........................................................................................................................................4-1 Soft Reset—SRESET ..........................................................................................................................................4-2 Reset Sequence ..........................................................................................................................................................4-2 Reset Operation .........................................................................................................................................................4-2 Other Resets ..............................................................................................................................................................4-3 Reset Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................4-4 Chapter 5 Clocks and Power Management 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 5.5.7 5.5.8 5.5.9 5.5.10 5.5.11 5.5.12 5.5.13 5.5.14 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................5-1 Clock Distribution Module (CDM) ...........................................................................................................................5-1 MPC5200 Clock Domains .........................................................................................................................................5-1 MPC5200 Top Level Clock Relations ................................................................................................................5-3 603e G2_LE Core Clock Domain .......................................................................................................................5-5 Processor Bus (XLB ) Clock Domain .................................................................................................................5-7 SDRAM Memory Controller Clock Domain ......................................................................................................5-7 IPB Clock Domain ..............................................................................................................................................5-8 PCI Clock Domain ..............................................................................................................................................5-8 Power Management ...................................................................................................................................................5-9 Full-Power Mode ................................................................................................................................................5-9 Power Conservation Modes ................................................................................................................................5-9 603e G2_LE Core Power Modes ........................................................................................................................5-9 Dynamic Power Mode ................................................................................................................................5-10 Doze Mode .................................................................................................................................................5-10 Nap Mode ...................................................................................................................................................5-10 Sleep Mode .................................................................................................................................................5-10 Deep-Sleep Mode ..............................................................................................................................................5-10 Entering Deep Sleep ...................................................................................................................................5-11 Exiting Deep Sleep .....................................................................................................................................5-11 CDM Registers ........................................................................................................................................................5-11 CDM JTAG ID Number Register—MBAR + 0x0200 .....................................................................................5-12 CDM Power On Reset Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0204 .................................................................5-12 CDM Bread Crumb Register—MBAR + 0x0208 ............................................................................................5-14 CDM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x020C ...........................................................................................5-14 CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0210 ................................................5-15 CDM Clock Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0214 ............................................................................................5-16 CDM System Oscillator Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0218 ..............................................................5-17 CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x021C ..................................................5-18 CDM Soft Reset Register—MBAR + 0x0220 ..................................................................................................5-19 CDM System PLL Status Register—MBAR + 0x0224 ...................................................................................5-19 PSC1 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0228 ..........................................................................................5-20 PSC2 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x022C .........................................................................................5-21 PSC3 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0230 ..........................................................................................5-21 PSC6 (IrDA) Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0234 ..............................................................................5-22 Chapter 6 G2_LE Processor Core 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................6-1 MPC5200 G2_LE Processor Core Functional Overview ..........................................................................................6-1 G2_LE Core Reference Manual ................................................................................................................................6-2 Not supported G2_LE Core Feature ..........................................................................................................................6-2 Not supported instruction ....................................................................................................................................6-2 Not supported XLB parity feature ......................................................................................................................6-2 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-2 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Chapter 7 System Integration Unit (SIU) 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................7-1 Interrupt Controller ....................................................................................................................................................7-1 Block Description ...............................................................................................................................................7-1 Machine Check Pin—core_mcp ...................................................................................................................7-2 System Management Interrupt—core_smi ...................................................................................................7-2 Standard Interrupt—core_int ........................................................................................................................7-2 Interface Description ...........................................................................................................................................7-4 Programming Note ..............................................................................................................................................7-4 Interrupt Controller Registers .............................................................................................................................7-5 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register—MBAR + 0x0500 .....................................................................7-5 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 1 Register —MBAR + 0x0504 ..............................................7-7 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 2 Register —MBAR + 0x0508 ..............................................7-8 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 3 Register —MBAR + 0x050C ..............................................7-8 ICTL External Enable and External Types Register —MBAR + 0x0510 ...................................................7-9 ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register—MBAR + 0x0514 ..........................................7-10 ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 1 Register —MBAR + 0x0518 .................................7-12 ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 2 Register—MBAR + 0x051C ..................................7-13 ICTL Perstat, MainStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register—MBAR + 0x0524 ..................................7-14 ICTL Critical Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0528 ................................................................7-15 ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x052C ...................................................................7-16 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0530 ............................................................7-17 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0538 ............................................................7-18 ICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0540 .............................................................7-19 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0544 .....................................................7-20 ICTL IRQ Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0548 ..............................................................7-21 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) ..................................................................................................................................7-21 GPIO Pin Multiplexing .....................................................................................................................................7-24 PSC1 (UART1/AC97/CODEC1) .............................................................................................................7-25 PSC2 (CAN1/2/UART2/AC97/CODEC2) ...............................................................................................7-25 PSC3 (USB2/CODEC3/SPI/UART3) .....................................................................................................7-25 USB1/RST_CONFIG .................................................................................................................................7-25 Ethernet/USB2/UART4/5/J1850/RST_CONFIG .....................................................................................7-25 PSC6 ...........................................................................................................................................................7-26 I2C ...............................................................................................................................................................7-26 GPIO Timer Pins ........................................................................................................................................7-26 Dedicated GPIO Port ..................................................................................................................................7-27 GPIO Programmer’s Model ..............................................................................................................................7-27 GPIO Standard Registers—MBAR+0x0B00 ............................................................................................7-27 GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00 ........................................................................7-28 GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register—MBAR + 0x0B04 ...................................................................7-31 GPS Simple GPIO Open Drain Type Register —MBAR + 0x0B08 ...................................................7-32 GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0B0C .......................................................7-33 GPS Simple GPIO Data Output Values Register —MBAR + 0x0B10 ...............................................7-36 GPS Simple GPIO Data Input Values Register —MBAR + 0x0B14 ..................................................7-37 GPS GPIO Output-Only Enables Register —MBAR + 0x0B18 .........................................................7-38 GPS GPIO Output-Only Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0B1C ............................................7-39 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0B20 ......................................................7-40 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Open-Drain Emulation Register —MBAR + 0x0B24 ...........................7-40 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Direction Register —MBAR + 0x0B28 ........................................7-41 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0B2C ......................................7-42 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0B30 ......................................7-42 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register —MBAR + 0x0B34 .......................................7-43 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0B38 .........................................7-44 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-3 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 Page Number GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Status Register—MBAR + 0x0B3C ......................................................7-44 WakeUp GPIO Registers—MBAR+0x0C00 ............................................................................................7-45 GPW WakeUp GPIO Enables Register—MBAR + 0x0C00 ...............................................................7-46 GPW WakeUp GPIO Open Drain Emulation Register —MBAR + 0x0C04 ......................................7-46 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0C08 ....................................................7-47 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0C0C .................................................7-48 GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0C10 .................................................7-48 GPW WakeUp GPIO Individual Interrupt Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0C14 ...............................7-49 GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Types Register—MBAR + 0x0C18 ...................................................7-50 GPW WakeUp GPIO Master Enables Register —MBAR + 0x0C1C .................................................7-51 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Input Values Register —MBAR + 0x0C20 .............................................7-52 GPW WakeUp GPIO Status Register—MBAR + 0x0C24 ..................................................................7-53 General Purpose Timers (GPT) ..............................................................................................................................7-53 Timer Configuration Method ............................................................................................................................7-53 Mode Overview ................................................................................................................................................7-54 Programming Notes ..........................................................................................................................................7-54 GPT Registers—MBAR + 0x0600 ...................................................................................................................7-54 GPT 0 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0600 ...................................................................7-55 GPT 0 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0604 ....................................................................................7-58 GPT 0 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0608 .........................................................................7-59 GPT 0 Status Register—MBAR + 0x060C ................................................................................................7-60 Slice Timers .............................................................................................................................................................7-61 SLT Registers—MBAR + 0x0700 ....................................................................................................................7-61 SLT 0 Terminal Count Register—MBAR + 0x0700 .................................................................................7-62 SLT 0 Control Register—MBAR + 0x0704 ..............................................................................................7-62 SLT 0 Count Value Register—MBAR + 0x0708 ......................................................................................7-63 SLT 0 Timer Status Register—MBAR + 0x070C .....................................................................................7-64 Real-Time Clock .....................................................................................................................................................7-64 Real-Time Clock Signals ..................................................................................................................................7-65 Programming Note ............................................................................................................................................7-65 RTC Interface Registers—MBAR + 0x0800 ....................................................................................................7-65 RTC Time Set Register—MBAR + 0x0800 ..............................................................................................7-66 RTC Date Set Register—MBAR + 0x0804 ...............................................................................................7-67 RTC New Year and Stopwatch Register—MBAR + 0x0808 ....................................................................7-68 RTC Alarm and Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x080C ................................................................7-68 RTC Current Time Register—MBAR + 0x0810 .......................................................................................7-69 RTC Current Date Register—MBAR + 0x0814 ........................................................................................7-70 RTC Alarm and Stopwatch Interrupt Register—MBAR + 0x0818 ...........................................................7-70 RTC Periodic Interrupt and Bus Error Register—MBAR + 0x081C .........................................................7-71 RTC Test Register/Divides Register—MBAR + 0x0820 ..........................................................................7-72 Chapter 8 SDRAM Memory Controller 8.1 8.2 8.1.1 8.3 8.3.1 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................8-1 Terminology and Notation ........................................................................................................................................8-1 “Endian”-ness .....................................................................................................................................................8-1 Features .....................................................................................................................................................................8-2 Devices Supported ..............................................................................................................................................8-3 Functional Description ............................................................................................................................................8-11 External Signals (SDRAM Side) ......................................................................................................................8-11 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................................8-12 Transfer Size .....................................................................................................................................................8-12 Commands ........................................................................................................................................................8-13 Load Mode/Extended Mode Register Command .......................................................................................8-13 Precharge All Banks Command .................................................................................................................8-14 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-4 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.6 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.7.3 8.7.4 8.8 8.8.1 Page Number Bank Active Command ..............................................................................................................................8-14 Read Command ..........................................................................................................................................8-14 Write Command .........................................................................................................................................8-14 Auto Refresh Command .............................................................................................................................8-15 Self Refresh and Power Down Commands ................................................................................................8-15 Operation .................................................................................................................................................................8-15 Power-Up Initialization .....................................................................................................................................8-15 Read Clock ........................................................................................................................................................8-16 Read Clock Programming Algorithm .........................................................................................................8-16 Programming the SDRAM Controller ....................................................................................................................8-17 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) ......................................................................................8-18 Mode Register—MBAR + 0x0100 ...................................................................................................................8-18 Control Register—MBAR + 0x0104 ................................................................................................................8-19 Configuration Register 1—MBAR + 0x0108 ...................................................................................................8-21 Configuration Register 2—MBAR + 0x010C ..................................................................................................8-23 Address Bus Mapping .............................................................................................................................................8-25 Example—Physical Address Multiplexing .......................................................................................................8-25 Chapter 9 LocalPlus Bus (External Bus Interface) 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.6 9.7 9.7.1 9.7.2 9.7.3 9.7.4 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................9-1 Features .....................................................................................................................................................................9-1 Interface .....................................................................................................................................................................9-2 External Signals ..................................................................................................................................................9-2 Block Diagram .....................................................................................................................................................v2 Modes of Operation ...................................................................................................................................................9-4 Non-MUXed Mode .............................................................................................................................................9-4 MUXed Mode .....................................................................................................................................................9-6 Address Tenure .............................................................................................................................................9-7 Data Tenure ..................................................................................................................................................9-8 Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................9-9 Boot Configuration .............................................................................................................................................9-9 Chip Selects Configuration ...............................................................................................................................9-10 Reset Configuration ..........................................................................................................................................9-10 DMA (BestComm) Interface (SCLPC) ...................................................................................................................9-11 Programmer’s Model ...............................................................................................................................................9-11 Interrupt and Bus Errors ....................................................................................................................................9-11 Chip Select/LPC Registers—MBAR + 0x0300 ...............................................................................................9-12 Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0300 ................................................................9-13 Chip Select 1 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0304......................................................................... 9-15 Chip Select Control Register—MBAR + 0x0318 ...................................................................................... 9-17 Chip Select Status Register—MBAR + 0x031C........................................................................................ 9-18 Chip Select Burst Control Register—MBAR + 0x0328 ............................................................................9-19 Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register—MBAR + 0x032C ................................................................... 9-22 SCLPC Registers—MBAR + 0x3C00.............................................................................................................. 9-23 SCLPC Packet Size Register—MBAR + 0x3C00 ..................................................................................... 9-23 SCLPC Start Address Register—MBAR + 0x3C04 ..................................................................................9-24 SCLPC Control Register—MBAR + 0x3C08 ............................................................................................9-25 SCLPC Enable Register—MBAR + 0x3C0C ............................................................................................9-26 SCLPC Bytes Done Status Register—MBAR + 0x3C14 ..........................................................................9-27 SCLPC FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3C40 ....................................................................................................9-27 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register—MBAR + 0x3C40 ......................................................................9-28 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x3C44 .............................................................................9-28 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register—MBAR + 0x3C48 ...........................................................................9-29 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-5 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number Page Number LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register—MBAR + 0x3C4C ............................................................................9-30 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3C50 ..................................................................9-30 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3C54 ..................................................................9-31 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 10.2.5 10.2.6 10.2.7 10.2.8 10.2.9 10.2.10 10.2.11 10.2.12 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................10-1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................10-1 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................................10-2 PCI External Signals ...............................................................................................................................................10-2 PCI_AD[31:0] - Address/Data Bus ..................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_CXBE[3:0] - Command/Byte Enables ......................................................................................................10-3 PCI_DEVSEL - Device Select ..........................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_FRAME - Frame .......................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_IDSEL - Initialization Device Select ........................................................................................................10-3 PCI_IRDY - Initiator Ready .............................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_PAR - Parity .......................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_CLK - PCI Clock ......................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_PERR - Parity Error ..................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_RST - Reset ...............................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_SERR - System Error ................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_STOP - Stop ..............................................................................................................................................10-3 PCI_TRDY - Target Ready ..............................................................................................................................10-3 Registers ..................................................................................................................................................................10-4 PCI Controller Type 0 Configuration Space .....................................................................................................10-6 Device ID/ Vendor ID Registers PCIIDR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D00 ...........................................................10-7 Status/Command Registers PCISCR(R/RW/RWC) —MBAR + 0x0D04 .................................................10-8 Revision ID/ Class Code Registers PCICCRIR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D08 ................................................10-10 Configuration 1 Register PCICR1(R/RW) —MBAR + 0x0D0C ............................................................10-10 Base Address Register 0 PCIBAR0(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D10 ..............................................................10-11 Base Address Register 1 PCIBAR1(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D14 ..............................................................10-12 CardBus CIS Pointer Register PCICCPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D28 ......................................................10-12 Subsystem ID/ Subsystem Vendor ID Registers PCISID(R)—MBAR + 0x0D2C .................................10-12 Expansion ROM Base Address PCIERBAR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D30 ....................................................10-12 Capabilities Pointer (Cap_Ptr) PCICPR(R)—MBAR + 0x0D34 .............................................................10-12 Configuration 2 Register PCICR2 (R/RW) —MBAR + 0x0D3C ...........................................................10-13 General Control/Status Registers ....................................................................................................................10-13 Global Status/Control Register PCIGSCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D60 ....................................................10-13 Target Base Address Translation Register 0 PCITBATR0(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D64 ...........................10-15 Target Base Address Translation Register 1 PCITBATR1(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D68 ...........................10-15 Target Control Register PCITCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D6C .................................................................10-16 Initiator Window 0 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW0BTAR(RW)—MBAR + 0x0D70 ........10-16 Initiator Window 1 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW1BTAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D74 .......10-17 Initiator Window 2 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW2BTAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D78 .......10-18 Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80 ....................................10-18 Initiator Control Register PCIICR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D84 .................................................................10-19 Initiator Status Register PCIISR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x0D88 .................................................................10-20 PCI Arbiter Register PCIARB(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D8C ......................................................................10-20 Configuration Address Register PCICAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x0DF8 ....................................................10-21 Communication Sub-System Interface Registers ...........................................................................................10-21 Multi-Channel DMA Transmit Interface ..................................................................................................10-21 Tx Packet Size PCITPSR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3800 .........................................................................10-22 Tx Start Address PCITSAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3804 .....................................................................10-22 Tx Transaction Control Register PCITTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3808 ............................................10-22 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-6 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.4.5 10.4.6 Page Number Tx Enables PCITER(RW)—MBAR + 0x380C .................................................................................10-24 Tx Next Address PCITNAR(R) —MBAR + 0x3810 ........................................................................10-25 Tx Last Word PCITLWR(R) —MBAR + 0x3814 ............................................................................10-26 Tx Done Counts PCITDCR(R) —MBAR + 0x3818 .........................................................................10-26 Tx Status PCITSR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x381C .................................................................................10-27 Tx FIFO Data Register PCITFDR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3840 ...........................................................10-28 Tx FIFO Status Register PCITFSR(R/RWC) —MBAR + 0x3844 ...................................................10-28 Tx FIFO Control Register PCITFCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3848 .......................................................10-29 Tx FIFO Alarm Register PCITFAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x384C ........................................................10-30 Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register PCITFRPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3850 ............................................10-31 Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register PCITFWPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3854 ..........................................10-31 Multi-Channel DMA Receive Interface ...................................................................................................10-31 Rx Packet Size PCIRPSR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3880 ........................................................................10-32 Rx Start Address PCIRSAR (RW)—MBAR + 0x3884 .....................................................................10-32 Rx Transaction Control Register PCIRTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3888 ............................................10-32 Rx Enables PCIRER (RW) —MBAR + 0x388C ...............................................................................10-34 Rx Next Address PCIRNAR(R) —MBAR + 0x3890 ........................................................................10-35 Rx Last Word PCIRLWR(R) —MBAR + 0x3894 ............................................................................10-35 RxDone Counts PCIRDCR(R) —MBAR + 0x3898 ..........................................................................10-36 Rx Status PCIRSR (R/sw1) —MBAR + 0x389C ..............................................................................10-36 Rx FIFO Data Register PCIRFDR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38C0 ..........................................................10-38 Rx FIFO Status Register PCIRFSR(R/sw1) —MBAR + 0x38C4 .....................................................10-38 Rx FIFO Control Register PCIRFCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38C8 ......................................................10-39 Rx FIFO Alarm Register PCIRFAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38CC .......................................................10-40 Rx FIFO Read Pointer Register PCIRFRPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38D0 ...........................................10-40 Rx FIFO Write Pointer Register PCIRFWPR (RW) —MBAR + 0x38D4 ........................................10-41 Functional Description ..........................................................................................................................................10-41 PCI Bus Protocol .............................................................................................................................................10-41 PCI Bus Background ................................................................................................................................10-41 Basic Transfer Control ..............................................................................................................................10-42 PCI Transactions .......................................................................................................................................10-42 PCI Bus Commands ..................................................................................................................................10-44 Addressing ................................................................................................................................................10-45 Memory space addressing ..................................................................................................................10-45 I/O space addressing ..........................................................................................................................10-46 Configuration space addressing and transactions ..............................................................................10-46 Address decoding ...............................................................................................................................10-47 Initiator Arbitration .........................................................................................................................................10-48 Priority Scheme ........................................................................................................................................10-48 Configuration Interface ...................................................................................................................................10-48 XL bus Initiator Interface ................................................................................................................................10-48 Endian Translation ....................................................................................................................................10-49 Configuration Mechanism ........................................................................................................................10-51 Type 0 Configuration Translation ......................................................................................................10-51 Type 1 Configuration Translation ......................................................................................................10-53 Interrupt Acknowledge Transactions .................................................................................................10-53 Special Cycle Transactions ................................................................................................................10-53 Transaction Termination ...........................................................................................................................10-54 XL bus Target Interface .................................................................................................................................10-54 Reads from Local Memory .......................................................................................................................10-55 Local Memory Writes ...............................................................................................................................10-55 Data Translation .......................................................................................................................................10-55 Target Abort .............................................................................................................................................10-56 Latrule Disable .........................................................................................................................................10-56 Communication Sub-System Initiator Interface .............................................................................................10-56 Access Width ............................................................................................................................................10-57 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-7 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 10.4.7 10.4.8 10.5 10.6 10.6.1 10.6.2 10.6.3 Page Number Addressing ................................................................................................................................................10-57 Data Translation .......................................................................................................................................10-57 Initialization ..............................................................................................................................................10-57 Restart and Reset ......................................................................................................................................10-58 PCI Commands .........................................................................................................................................10-58 FIFO Considerations .................................................................................................................................10-58 Alarms ......................................................................................................................................................10-59 Bus Errors .................................................................................................................................................10-59 PCI - Supported Clock Ratios .........................................................................................................................10-59 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................................................10-59 PCI Bus Interrupts ....................................................................................................................................10-59 Internal Interrupt .......................................................................................................................................10-59 PCI Arbiter ............................................................................................................................................................10-59 Application Information ........................................................................................................................................10-60 XL bus Initiated Transaction Mapping ...........................................................................................................10-60 Address Maps ..................................................................................................................................................10-61 Address Translation ..................................................................................................................................10-61 Inbound Address Translation .............................................................................................................10-61 Outbound Address Translation ..........................................................................................................10-62 Base Address Register Overview .......................................................................................................10-63 XL bus Arbitration Priority .............................................................................................................................10-64 Chapter 11 ATA Controller 11.1 11.2 11.21 11.2.2 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................11-1 BestComm Key Features .........................................................................................................................................11-1 BestComm Read ...............................................................................................................................................11-1 BestComm Write ..............................................................................................................................................11-2 ATA Register Interface ...........................................................................................................................................11-2 ATA Host Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 .........................................................................................................11-2 ATA Host Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x3A00 .............................................................................11-2 ATA Host Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A04 .........................................................................................11-3 ATA PIO Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A08 .....................................................................................11-3 ATA PIO Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A0C .....................................................................................11-4 ATA Multiword DMA Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A10 ................................................................11-4 ATA Multiword DMA Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A14 ................................................................11-5 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A18 ..........................................................................11-5 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A1C .........................................................................11-6 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 3 Register—MBAR + 0x3A20 .........................................................................11-6 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 4 Register—MBAR + 0x3A24 .........................................................................11-7 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 5 Register—MBAR + 0x3A28 .........................................................................11-8 ATA Share Count Register—MBAR + 0x3A2C .......................................................................................11-8 ATA FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 ........................................................................................................11-8 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register—MBAR + 0x3A3C ....................................................................11-9 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A40 ............................................................................11-9 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register—MBAR + 0x3A44 ........................................................................11-10 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register—MBAR + 0x3A48 ..........................................................................11-10 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3A4C ...............................................................11-11 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3A50 ..............................................................11-11 ATA Drive Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 .....................................................................................................11-12 ATA Drive Device Control Register—MBAR + 0x3A5C ......................................................................11-12 ATA Drive Alternate Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A5C .....................................................................11-13 ATA Drive Data Register—MBAR + 0x3A60 ........................................................................................11-13 ATA Drive Features Register—MBAR + 0x3A64 ..................................................................................11-14 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-8 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.7.1 11.7.2 11.7.3 11.7.31 11.7.4 11.8 11.8.1 11.8.2 11.9 Page Number ATA Drive Error Register—MBAR + 0x3A64 .......................................................................................11-14 ATA Drive Sector Count Register—MBAR + 0x3A68 ...........................................................................11-15 ATA Drive Sector Number Register—MBAR + 0x3A6C .......................................................................11-15 ATA Drive Cylinder Low Register—MBAR + 0x3A70 .........................................................................11-16 ATA Drive Cylinder High Register—MBAR + 0x3A74 .........................................................................11-16 ATA Drive Device/Head Register—MBAR + 0x3A78 ..........................................................................11-17 ATA Drive Device Command Register—MBAR + 0x3A7C ..................................................................11-17 ATA Drive Device Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A7C .........................................................................11-19 ATA Host Controller Operation ............................................................................................................................11-20 PIO State Machine ..........................................................................................................................................11-21 DMA State Machine .......................................................................................................................................11-22 Software Requirements .............................................................................................................................11-22 Signals and Connections .......................................................................................................................................11-23 ATA Interface Description ....................................................................................................................................11-24 ATA Bus Background ...........................................................................................................................................11-26 Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................11-26 ATA Modes ....................................................................................................................................................11-27 ATA Addressing .............................................................................................................................................11-27 ATA Register Addressing ........................................................................................................................11-28 Drive Interrupt ..........................................................................................................................................11-28 Sector Addressing .....................................................................................................................................11-28 Physical/Logical Addressing Modes ........................................................................................................11-29 ATA Transactions ...........................................................................................................................................11-30 PIO Mode Transactions ............................................................................................................................11-30 Class 1—PIO Read ............................................................................................................................11-30 Class 2—PIO Write ............................................................................................................................11-31 Class 3—Non-Data Command ...........................................................................................................11-32 DMA Protocol ..........................................................................................................................................11-32 Multiword DMA Transactions .................................................................................................................11-35 Class 4—DMA Command .................................................................................................................11-35 Ultra DMA Protocol .................................................................................................................................11-35 ATA RESET/Power-Up .......................................................................................................................................11-36 Hardware Reset ...............................................................................................................................................11-36 Software Reset ................................................................................................................................................11-36 ATA I/O Cable Specifications ..............................................................................................................................11-37 Chapter 12 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................12-1 Data Transfer Types ................................................................................................................................................12-1 Host Controller Interface .........................................................................................................................................12-2 Communication Channels .................................................................................................................................12-2 Data Structures ..................................................................................................................................................12-2 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers ...............................................................................................................12-5 Programming Note ............................................................................................................................................12-5 Control and Status Partition—MBAR + 0x1000 ..............................................................................................12-6 USB HC Revision Register—MBAR + 0x1000 ........................................................................................12-6 USB HC Control Register—MBAR + 0x1004 ..........................................................................................12-6 USB HC Command Status Register—MBAR + 0x1008 ...........................................................................12-8 USB HC Interrupt Status Register —MBAR + 0x100C ............................................................................12-9 USB HC Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x1010 .........................................................................12-10 USB HC Interrupt Disable Register—MBAR + 0x1014 .........................................................................12-11 Memory Pointer Partition—MBAR + 0x1018 ...............................................................................................12-12 USB HC HCCA Register—MBAR + 0x1018 .........................................................................................12-13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-9 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 12.4.4 12.4.5 Page Number USB HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x101C ..........................................12-13 USB HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x1020 ............................................12-14 USB HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x1024 ........................................12-14 USB HC Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor Register—MBAR + 0x1028 ..................................................12-14 USB HC Bulk Current Endpoint Descriptor Register—MBAR + 0x102C .............................................12-15 USB HC Done Head Register—MBAR + 0x1030 ..................................................................................12-15 Frame Counter Partition—MBAR + 0x1034 ..................................................................................................12-16 USB HC Frame Interval Register—MBAR + 0x1034 .............................................................................12-16 USB HC Frame Remaining Register—MBAR + 0x1038 ........................................................................12-17 USB HC Frame Number Register—MBAR + 0x103C ...........................................................................12-17 USB HC Periodic Start Register—MBAR + 0x1040 ...............................................................................12-18 USB HC LS Threshold Register—MBAR + 0x1044 ...............................................................................12-18 Root Hub Partition—MBAR + 0x1048 ..........................................................................................................12-19 USB HC Rh Descriptor A Register—MBAR + 0x1048 ..........................................................................12-19 USB HC Rh Descriptor B Register—MBAR + 0x104C ..........................................................................12-20 USB HC Rh Status Register—MBAR + 0x1050 .....................................................................................12-21 USB HC Rh Port1 Status Register—MBAR + 0x1054 ...........................................................................12-22 USB HC Rh Port2 Status Register—MBAR + 0x1058 ...........................................................................12-26 chapter 13 BestComm 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.12.1 13.12.2 13.12.3 13.12.4 13.12.5 13.12.6 13.12.7 13.12.8 13.12.9 13.12.10 13.12.11 13.12.12 13.12.13 13.12.14 13.12.15 13.12.16 13.12.17 13.12.18 13.12.19 13.12.20 13.12.21 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................13-1 BestComm Functional Description .........................................................................................................................13-1 Features summary ....................................................................................................................................................13-2 Descriptors ...............................................................................................................................................................13-2 Tasks ........................................................................................................................................................................13-2 Memory Map/ Register Definitions ........................................................................................................................13-2 Task Table (Entry Table) ........................................................................................................................................13-3 Task Descriptor Table .............................................................................................................................................13-3 Variable Table .........................................................................................................................................................13-3 Function Descriptor Table .......................................................................................................................................13-3 Context Save Area ...................................................................................................................................................13-3 BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 ......................................................................................................13-3 SDMA Task Bar Register—MBAR + 0x1200 .................................................................................................13-4 SDMA Current Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x1204 .......................................................................................13-4 SDMA End Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x1208 .............................................................................................13-5 SDMA Variable Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x120C .....................................................................................13-5 SDMA Interrupt Vector, PTD Control Register—MBAR + 0x1210 ...............................................................13-6 SDMA Interrupt Pending Register—MBAR + 0x1214 ....................................................................................13-6 SDMA Interrupt Mask Register—MBAR + 0x1218 ........................................................................................13-7 SDMA Task Control 0 Register—MBAR + 0x121C .......................................................................................13-8 SDMA Task Control 2 Register—MBAR + 0x1220 ........................................................................................13-9 SDMA Task Control 4 Register—MBAR + 0x1224 ......................................................................................13-10 SDMA Task Control 6 Register—MBAR + 0x1228 ......................................................................................13-10 SDMA Task Control 8 Register—MBAR + 0x122C .....................................................................................13-11 SDMA Task Control A Register—MBAR + 0x1230 .....................................................................................13-11 SDMA Task Control C Register—MBAR + 0x1234 .....................................................................................13-12 SDMA Task Control E Register—MBAR + 0x1238 .....................................................................................13-12 SDMA Initiator Priority 0 Register—MBAR + 0x123C ................................................................................13-13 SDMA Initiator Priority 4 Register—MBAR + 0x1240 .................................................................................13-14 SDMA Initiator Priority 8 Register—MBAR + 0x1244 .................................................................................13-14 SDMA Initiator Priority 12 Register—MBAR + 0x1248 ...............................................................................13-15 SDMA Initiator Priority 16 Register—MBAR + 0x124C ..............................................................................13-16 SDMA Initiator Priority 20 Register—MBAR + 0x1250 ...............................................................................13-17 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-10 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number 13.12.22 13.12.23 13.12.24 13.12.25 13.12.26 13.12.27 13.12.28 13.12.29 13.12.30 13.12.31 13.12.32 13.13 13.14 13.14.1 13.14.2 Page Number SDMA Initiator Priority 24 Register—MBAR + 0x1254 ...............................................................................13-17 SDMA Initiator Priority 28 Register—MBAR + 0x1258 ...............................................................................13-18 SDMA Requestor MuxControl—MBAR + 0x125C ......................................................................................13-19 SDMA task Size0—MBAR + 0x1260 ............................................................................................................13-21 SDMA task 0 & task Size 1 map ....................................................................................................................13-21 SDMA Reserved Register 1—MBAR + 0x1268 ............................................................................................13-22 SDMA Reserved Register 2—MBAR + 0x126C ...........................................................................................13-22 SDMA Debug Module Comparator 1, Value1 Register—MBAR + 0x1270 .................................................13-22 SDMA Debug Module Comparator 2, Value2 Register—MBAR + 0x1274 .................................................13-23 SDMA Debug Module Control Register—MBAR + 0x1278 ........................................................................13-23 SDMA Debug Module Status Register—MBAR + 0x127C ..........................................................................13-25 On-Chip SRAM .....................................................................................................................................................13-26 Programming Model ..............................................................................................................................................13-26 Task Table .......................................................................................................................................................13-26 Integer Mode .............................................................................................................................................13-28 Pack ..........................................................................................................................................................13-28 Variable Table .................................................................................................................................................13-28 Chapter 14 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) 14.1 14.1.1 14.2 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.3 14.2.4 14.2.5 14.3 14.3.1 14.4 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 14.5 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.5.3 14.5.4 14.5.5 14.5.6 14.5.7 14.5.8 14.5.9 14.5.10 14.5.11 14.5.12 14.5.13 14.5.14 14.5.15 14.5.16 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................14-1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................14-2 Modes of Operation .................................................................................................................................................14-3 Full- and Half-Duplex Operation ......................................................................................................................14-3 10Mbps and 100Mbps MII Interface Operation ...............................................................................................14-3 10Mbps 7-Wire Interface Operation .................................................................................................................14-3 Address Recognition Options ...........................................................................................................................14-3 Internal Loopback .............................................................................................................................................14-3 I/O Signal Overview ...............................................................................................................................................14-3 Detailed Signal Descriptions .............................................................................................................................14-4 MII Ethernet MAC-PHY Interface .............................................................................................................14-4 MII Management Frame Structure .............................................................................................................14-5 MII Management Register Set .............................................................................................................14-6 FEC Memory Map and Registers ............................................................................................................................14-6 Top Level Module Memory Map .....................................................................................................................14-7 Control and Status (CSR) Memory Map ..........................................................................................................14-7 MIB Block Counters Memory Map ..................................................................................................................14-8 FEC Registers—MBAR + 0x3000 ........................................................................................................................14-10 FEC ID Register—MBAR + 0x3000 ..............................................................................................................14-11 FEC Interrupt Event Register—MBAR + 0x3004 ..........................................................................................14-12 FEC Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x3008 ........................................................................................14-14 FEC Rx Descriptor Active Register—MBAR + 0x3010 ................................................................................14-14 FEC Tx Descriptor Active Register—MBAR + 0x3014 ................................................................................14-15 FEC Ethernet Control Register—MBAR + 0x3024 .......................................................................................14-16 FEC MII Management Frame Register—MBAR + 0x3040 ...........................................................................14-17 FEC MII Speed Control Register—MBAR + 0x3044 ....................................................................................14-18 FEC MIB Control Register—MBAR + 0x3064 .............................................................................................14-19 FEC Receive Control Register—MBAR + 0x3084 ........................................................................................14-20 FEC Hash Register—MBAR + 0x3088 ..........................................................................................................14-21 FEC Tx Control Register—MBAR + 0x30C4 ................................................................................................14-21 FEC Physical Address Low Register—MBAR + 0x30E4 .............................................................................14-22 FEC Physical Address High Register—MBAR + 0x30E8 .............................................................................14-23 FEC Opcode/Pause Duration Register—MBAR + 0x30EC ..........................................................................14-23 FEC Descriptor Individual Address 1 Registe—MBAR + 0x3118 ................................................................14-24 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-11 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 14.5.17 14.5.18 14.5.19 14.5.20 14.6 14.6.1 14.7 14.7.1 14.8 14.8.1 14.8.2 14.8.3 14.8.4 14.8.5 14.8.6 14.8.7 14.8.8 14.9 14.9.1 14.9.2 14.9.3 14.9.4 14.9.5 14.9.6 14.9.7 14.9.8 14.9.9 14.9.10 14.9.11 Page Number FEC Descriptor Individual Address 2 Register—MBAR + 0x311C ..............................................................14-24 FEC Descriptor Group Address 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3120 .....................................................................14-25 FEC Descriptor Group Address 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3124 .....................................................................14-25 FEC Tx FIFO Watermark Register—MBAR + 0x3144 .................................................................................14-26 FIFO Interface .......................................................................................................................................................14-27 FEC Rx FIFO Data Register—MBAR + 0x3184 ...........................................................................................14-28 FEC Tx FIFO Data Register—MBAR + 0x31A4................................................................................................. 14-28 FEC Rx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x3188 .........................................................................................14-28 FEC Tx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x31A8 ...............................................................................................14-28 FEC Rx FIFO Control Register—MBAR + 0x318C ......................................................................................14-29 FEC Rx FIFO Last Read Frame Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3190 ...........................................................14-30 FEC Rx FIFO Last Write Frame Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3194 ..........................................................14-31 FEC Rx FIFO Alarm Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3198 ............................................................................14-31 FEC Rx FIFO Read Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x319C .............................................................................14-32 FEC Rx FIFO Write Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x31A0 ............................................................................14-33 FEC Reset Control Register—MBAR + 0x31C4 ...........................................................................................14-33 FEC Transmit FSM Register—MBAR + 0x31C8 ..........................................................................................14-34 Initialization Sequence ..........................................................................................................................................14-34 Hardware Controlled Initialization .................................................................................................................14-34 User Initialization (Prior to Asserting ETHER_EN) ......................................................................................14-35 Microcontroller Initialization ...................................................................................................................14-35 Frame Control/Status Words ..........................................................................................................................14-35 Receive Frame Status Word .....................................................................................................................14-35 Transmit Frame Control Word .................................................................................................................14-36 Network Interface Options ..............................................................................................................................14-36 FEC Frame Reception .....................................................................................................................................14-37 Ethernet Address Recognition ........................................................................................................................14-37 Full-Duplex Flow Control ...............................................................................................................................14-42 Inter-Packet Gap Time ....................................................................................................................................14-43 Collision Handling ..........................................................................................................................................14-43 Internal and External Loopback ......................................................................................................................14-44 Ethernet Error-Handling Procedure ................................................................................................................14-44 Transmission Errors ..................................................................................................................................14-44 Reception Errors .......................................................................................................................................14-44 Chapter 15 Programmable Serial Controllers (PSC) 15.1 15.1.1 15.1.2 15.2 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 15.2.7 15.2.8 15.2.9 15.2.10 15.2.11 15.2.12 15.2.13 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................15-1 PSC Functions Overview ..................................................................................................................................15-1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................15-2 PSC Registers—MBAR + 0x2000, 0x2200, 0x2400, 0x2600, 0x2800, 0x2C00 ...................................................15-3 Mode Register 1 (0x00)—MR1 ........................................................................................................................15-5 Mode Register 2 (0x00) — MR2 ......................................................................................................................15-6 Status Register (0x04) — SR ............................................................................................................................15-7 Clock Select Register (0x04) — CSR .............................................................................................................15-11 Command Register (0x08)—CR .....................................................................................................................15-11 Rx Buffer Register (0x0C) — RB ..................................................................................................................15-13 Tx Buffer Register (0x0C)—TB .....................................................................................................................15-15 Input Port Change Register (0x10) — IPCR ..................................................................................................15-16 Auxiliary Control Register (0x10) — ACR ....................................................................................................15-17 Interrupt Status Register (0x14) — ISR ..........................................................................................................15-18 Interrupt Mask Register (0x14)—IMR ...........................................................................................................15-18 Counter Timer Upper Register (0x18)—CTUR .............................................................................................15-19 Counter Timer Lower Register (0x1C)—CTLR .............................................................................................15-20 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-12 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number 15.2.14 15.2.15 15.2.16 15.2.17 15.2.18 15.2.19 15.2.20 15.2.21 15.2.22 15.2.23 15.2.24 15.2.25 15.2.26 15.2.27 15.2.28 15.2.29 15.2.30 15.2.31 15.2.32 15.2.33 15.2.34 15.2.35 15.2.36 15.2.37 15.2.38 15.2.39 15.2.40 15.2.41 15.2.42 15.3 15.3.1 15.3.2 15.3.3 Page Number Codec Clock Register (0x20)—CCR ..............................................................................................................15-21 Interrupt Vector Register (0x30)—IVR ..........................................................................................................15-23 Input Port Register (0x34)—IP .......................................................................................................................15-23 Output Port 1 Bit Set (0x38)—OP1 ................................................................................................................15-24 Output Port 0 Bit Set (0x3C)—OP0 ...............................................................................................................15-24 Serial Interface Control Register (0x40)—SICR ............................................................................................15-25 Infrared Control 1 (0x44)—IRCR1 ................................................................................................................15-27 Infrared Control 2 (0x48)—IRCR2 ................................................................................................................15-28 Infrared SIR Divide Register (0x4C)—IRSDR ..............................................................................................15-29 Infrared MIR Divide Register (0x50)—IRMDR ............................................................................................15-30 Infrared FIR Divide Register (0x54)—IRFDR ...............................................................................................15-31 Rx FIFO Number of Data (0x58)—RFNUM .................................................................................................15-33 Tx FIFO Number of Data (0x5C)—TFNUM .................................................................................................15-33 Rx FIFO Data (0x60)—RFDATA ..................................................................................................................15-33 Rx FIFO Status (0x64)—RFSTAT .................................................................................................................15-33 Rx FIFO Control (0x68)—RFCNTL ..............................................................................................................15-34 Rx FIFO Alarm (0x6E)—RFALARM ............................................................................................................15-34 Rx FIFO Read Pointer (0x72)—RFRPTR ......................................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Write Pointer(0x76)—RFWPTR .....................................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Last Read Frame (0x7A)—RFLRFPTR ..........................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Last Write Frame PTR (0x7C)—RFLWFPTR ................................................................................15-36 Tx FIFO Data (0x80)—TFDATA ..................................................................................................................15-36 Tx FIFO Status (0x84)—TFSTAT .................................................................................................................15-36 Tx FIFO Control (0x88)—TFCNTL ..............................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Alarm (0x8E)—TFALARM ............................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Read Pointer (0x92)—TFRPTR ......................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Write Pointer (0x96)—TFWPTR ....................................................................................................15-38 Tx FIFO Last Read Frame (0x9A)—TFLRFPTR ..........................................................................................15-38 Tx FIFO Last Write Frame PTR (0x9C)—TFLWFPTR ................................................................................15-38 PSC Operation Modes ...........................................................................................................................................15-39 PSC in UART Mode .......................................................................................................................................15-39 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for UART Mode ..........................................................................15-39 UART Clock Generation ..........................................................................................................................15-41 Transmitting in UART Mode ...................................................................................................................15-41 Receiver in UART Mode ..........................................................................................................................15-42 Configuration Sequence for UART Mode ................................................................................................15-43 PSC in Codec Mode ........................................................................................................................................15-44 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for Codec Mode ...........................................................................15-45 Codec Clock and Frame Generation .........................................................................................................15-46 BitClk and Frame in “normal” Codec and I2S Mode ........................................................................15-47 BitClk and Frame in “Cell Phone” Mode ..........................................................................................15-47 BitClk and Frame in SPI Mode ..........................................................................................................15-48 Transmitting and Receiving in Codec Mode ............................................................................................15-49 Configuration Sequence Examples for Codec Modes ..............................................................................15-50 PSC1 in 16-bit “soft Modem” Slave Mode ........................................................................................15-50 PSC2 in 32-bit “soft Modem” Master Mode ......................................................................................15-51 PSC 1 in Cell Phone Master Mode, PSC2 is Cell Phone Slave .........................................................15-51 PSC2 in SPI Slave Mode ....................................................................................................................15-52 PSC3 in SPI Master Mode .................................................................................................................15-53 PSC1 in I2S Master Mode ..................................................................................................................15-54 PSC in AC97 Mode ........................................................................................................................................15-55 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for AC97 Mode ............................................................................15-56 Transmitting and Receiving in AC97 Mode .............................................................................................15-57 AC97 Low-Power Mode ..........................................................................................................................15-57 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-13 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 15.3.4 15.3.5 15.3.6 15.3.7 15.3.8 15.3.9 Page Number Configuration Sequence for AC97 Mode .................................................................................................15-58 PSC in SIR Mode ............................................................................................................................................15-58 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for SIR Mode ...............................................................................15-58 Transmitting and Receiving in SIR Mode ................................................................................................15-59 Configuration Sequence Example for SIR Mode .....................................................................................15-59 PSC in MIR Mode ..........................................................................................................................................15-60 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for MIR Mode ..............................................................................15-60 Transmitting and Receiving in MIR Mode ...............................................................................................15-61 Serial Interaction Pulse (SIP) ...................................................................................................................15-62 Configuration Sequence Example for MIR Mode ....................................................................................15-62 PSC in FIR Mode ............................................................................................................................................15-63 Block Diagram and Signal Definition for FIR Mode ...............................................................................15-63 Transmitting and Receiving in FIR Mode ................................................................................................15-63 Configuration Sequence Example for FIR Mode .....................................................................................15-64 PSC FIFO System ...........................................................................................................................................15-64 RX FIFO ...................................................................................................................................................15-66 TX FIFO ...................................................................................................................................................15-67 Looping Modes ...............................................................................................................................................15-67 Automatic Echo Mode ..............................................................................................................................15-67 Local Loop-Back Mode ............................................................................................................................15-67 Remote Loop-Back Mode ........................................................................................................................15-68 Multidrop Mode ..............................................................................................................................................15-68 Chapter 16 XLB Arbiter 16.1 16.1.1 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.2.8 16.2.9 16.2.10 16.2.11 16.2.12 16.2.13 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................16-1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................................16-1 Prioritization ...............................................................................................................................................16-1 Bus Grant Mechanism ................................................................................................................................16-2 Bus Grant .............................................................................................................................................16-2 Parking Modes .....................................................................................................................................16-2 Configuration, Status, and Interrupt Generation ........................................................................................16-2 Watchdog Functions ...................................................................................................................................16-2 Timer Functions ...................................................................................................................................16-2 Other Tenure Ending Conditions .........................................................................................................16-3 XLB Arbiter Registers—MBAR + 0x1F00 ............................................................................................................16-3 Arbiter Configuration Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F40 ..............................................................................16-3 Arbiter Version Register (R)—MBAR + 0x1F44 ............................................................................................16-5 Arbiter Status Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F48 ..........................................................................................16-5 Arbiter Interrupt Enable Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F4C .........................................................................16-6 Arbiter Address Capture Register (R)—MBAR + 0x1F50 ..............................................................................16-7 Arbiter Bus Signal Capture Register (R)—MBAR + 0x1F54 ..........................................................................16-7 Arbiter Address Tenure Time-Out Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F58 ..........................................................16-8 Arbiter Data Tenure Time-Out Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F5C ...............................................................16-9 Arbiter Bus Activity Time-Out Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F60 ...............................................................16-9 Arbiter Master Priority Enable Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F64 ..............................................................16-10 Arbiter Master Priority Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F68 ..........................................................................16-11 Arbiter Snoop Window Register (RW)—MBAR + 0x1F70 ..........................................................................16-11 Arbiter Reserved Registers—MBAR + 0x1F00-1F3C, 0x1F74-1FFF ...........................................................16-13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-14 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 17.1 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.2 17.2.1 17.2.2 17.2.3 17.2.4 17.3 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.3.3 17.3.4 17.3.5 17.3.6 17.3.7 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................17-1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................17-1 Modes of Operation ..........................................................................................................................................17-1 SPI Signal Description ............................................................................................................................................17-2 Master In/Slave Out (MISO) ...........................................................................................................................17-2 Master Out/Slave In (MOSI) ...........................................................................................................................17-2 Serial Clock (SCK) ...........................................................................................................................................17-3 Slave-Select (SS) ..............................................................................................................................................17-3 SPI Registers—MBAR + 0x0F00 ...........................................................................................................................17-3 SPI Control Register 1—MBAR + 0x0F00 ......................................................................................................17-3 SPI Control Register 2—MBAR + 0x0F01 ......................................................................................................17-4 SPI Baud Rate Register—MBAR + 0x0F04 ....................................................................................................17-5 SPI Status Register —MBAR + 0x0F05 ..........................................................................................................17-6 SPI Data Register—MBAR + 0x0F09 ..............................................................................................................17-7 SPI Port Data Register—MBAR + 0x0F0D .....................................................................................................17-7 SPI Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0F10 ..............................................................................................17-7 Chapter 18 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I 2 C) 18.1 18.1.1 18.2 18.2.1 18.2.2 18.3 18.3.1 18.3.2 18.3.3 18.3.4 18.3.5 18.3.6 18.4 18.5 18.5.1 18.5.2 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................18-1 Features .............................................................................................................................................................18-1 I2C Controller ..........................................................................................................................................................18-2 START Signal ...................................................................................................................................................18-2 STOP Signal ......................................................................................................................................................18-2 Slave Address Transmission .......................................................................................................................18-3 Data Transfer ..............................................................................................................................................18-3 Acknowledge ..............................................................................................................................................18-3 Repeated Start .............................................................................................................................................18-4 Clock Synchronization and Arbitration ......................................................................................................18-4 I2C Interface Registers ............................................................................................................................................18-5 I2C Address Register (MADR)—MBAR + 0x3D00 ........................................................................................18-5 I2C Frequency Divider Register (MFDR)—MBAR + 0x3D04 ........................................................................18-6 I2C Control Register (MCR)—MBAR + 0x3D08 ............................................................................................18-7 I2C Status Register (MSR)—MBAR + 0x3D0C ..............................................................................................18-8 I2C Data I/O Register (MDR)—MBAR+ x3D10 ..........................................................................................18-10 I2C Interrupt Control Register—MBAR + 0x3D20 ........................................................................................18-10 Initialization Sequence ..........................................................................................................................................18-11 Transfer Initiation and Interrupt ............................................................................................................................18-11 Post-Transfer Software Response ...................................................................................................................18-12 Slave Mode .....................................................................................................................................................18-12 Chapter 19 Motorola Scalable CAN (MSCAN) 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.3.1 19.3.2 19.4 19.5 19.5.1 19.5.2 19.5.3 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................19-1 Features ...................................................................................................................................................................19-2 External Signals .......................................................................................................................................................19-2 RXCAN — CAN Receiver Input Pin ...............................................................................................................19-2 TXCAN — CAN Transmitter Output Pin ........................................................................................................19-2 CAN System ............................................................................................................................................................19-2 Memory Map / Register Definition .........................................................................................................................19-3 Module Memory Map .......................................................................................................................................19-3 Register Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................19-5 MSCAN Control Register 0 (CANCTL0)—MBAR + 0x0900 ........................................................................19-5 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-15 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 19.5.4 19.5.5 19.5.6 19.5.7 19.5.8 19.5.9 19.5.10 19.5.11 19.5.12 19.5.13 19.5.14 19.5.15 19.5.16 19.5.17 19.5.18 19.6 19.6.1 19.6.2 19.6.3 19.6.4 19.6.5 19.6.6 19.7 19.7.1 19.7.2 19.7.3 19.7.4 19.7.5 19.7.6 19.7.7 19.7.8 19.7.9 19.7.10 19.7.11 Page Number MSCAN Control Register 1 (CANCTL1)—MBAR + 0x0901 ........................................................................19-6 MSCAN Bus Timing Register 0 (CANBTR0)—MBAR + 0x0904 .................................................................19-8 MSCAN Bus Timing Register 1 (CANBTR1)—MBAR + 0x0905 .................................................................19-8 MSCAN Receiver Flag Register (CANRFLG)—MBAR+0x0908 ................................................................19-10 MSCAN Receiver Interrupt Enable Register (CANRIER)—MBAR + 0x0909 ............................................19-11 MSCAN Transmitter Flag Register (CANTFLG)—MBAR + 0x090C .........................................................19-12 MSCAN Transmitter Interrupt Enable Register (CANTIER)—MBAR+0x090D .........................................19-13 MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Request(CANTARQ)—MBAR + 0x0910 .........................................19-13 MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Ack(CANTAAK)—MBAR +0x0911 ................................................19-14 MSCAN Transmit Buffer Selection (CANTBSEL)—MBAR + 0x0914 .......................................................19-14 MSCAN ID Acceptance Control Register (CANIDAC)—MBAR + 0x0915 ................................................19-15 MSCAN Receive Error Counter Register (CANRXERR)—MBAR + 0x091C .............................................19-16 MSCAN Transmit Error Counter Register (CANTXERR)—MBAR + 0x091D ...........................................19-16 MSCAN ID Acceptance Registers (CANIDAR0-7)—MBAR + 0x0915 ......................................................19-17 MSCAN ID Mask Register (CANIDMR0-7)—MBAR + 0x0928 .................................................................19-19 Programmer’s Model of Message Storage ............................................................................................................19-21 Identifier Registers (IDR0-3) ..........................................................................................................................19-23 Data Segment Registers (DSR0-7) .................................................................................................................19-23 Data Length Register (DLR) ...........................................................................................................................19-23 MSCAN Transmit Buffer Priority Register (TBPR)—MBAR + 0x0979 ......................................................19-24 MSCAN Time Stamp Register High (TSRH)—MBAR + 0x097C ................................................................19-24 MSCAN Time Stamp Register Low (TSRL)—MBAR + 0x097D .................................................................19-25 Functional Description ..........................................................................................................................................19-25 General ............................................................................................................................................................19-25 Message Storage .............................................................................................................................................19-26 Message Transmit Background ................................................................................................................19-26 Transmit Structures ...................................................................................................................................19-27 Receive Structures ....................................................................................................................................19-27 Identifier Acceptance Filter ............................................................................................................................19-28 Protocol Violation Protection .........................................................................................................................19-30 Clock System ..................................................................................................................................................19-31 Timer Link ......................................................................................................................................................19-33 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................................................19-33 Normal Modes ..........................................................................................................................................19-33 Listen-Only Mode .....................................................................................................................................19-33 Low Power Options ........................................................................................................................................19-33 CPU Run Mode ........................................................................................................................................19-34 CPU Sleep Mode ......................................................................................................................................19-34 CPU Deep Sleep Mode .............................................................................................................................19-34 MSCAN Sleep Mode ................................................................................................................................19-34 MSCAN Initialization Mode ....................................................................................................................19-35 MSCAN Power Down Mode ....................................................................................................................19-36 Programmable Wake-Up Function ...........................................................................................................19-36 Description of Interrupt Operation ..................................................................................................................19-36 Transmit Interrupt .....................................................................................................................................19-36 Receive Interrupt ......................................................................................................................................19-36 Wake-Up Interrupt ....................................................................................................................................19-36 Error Interrupt ...........................................................................................................................................19-37 Interrupt Acknowledge ...................................................................................................................................19-37 Recovery from STOP or WAIT ......................................................................................................................19-37 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-16 Freescale Semiconductor Table of Contents Paragraph Number Page Number Chapter 20 Byte Data Link Controller (BDLC) 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.6.1 20.7 20.7.1 20.7.2 20.7.3 20.8 20.8.1 20.8.2 20.8.3 20.8.4 20.8.5 20.8.6 20.8.7 20.8.8 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................20-1 Features ...................................................................................................................................................................20-1 Modes of Operation .................................................................................................................................................20-1 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................20-4 Signal Description ...................................................................................................................................................20-5 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................20-5 Detailed Signal Descriptions .............................................................................................................................20-5 TXB - BDLC Transmit Pin ........................................................................................................................20-5 RXB - BDLC Receive Pin ..........................................................................................................................20-5 Memory Map and Registers ....................................................................................................................................20-5 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................................20-5 Module Memory Map .......................................................................................................................................20-5 Register Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................20-5 BDLC Control Register 1 (DLCBCR1)—MBAR + 0x1300 .....................................................................20-5 BDLC State Vector Register (DLCBSVR) - MBAR + 0x1300 .................................................................20-7 BDLC Control Register 2 (DLCBCR2) - MBAR + 0x1304 ......................................................................20-8 BDLC Data Register (DLCBDR) - MBAR + 0x1305 .............................................................................20-12 BDLC Analog Round Trip Delay Register (DLCBARD) - MBAR + 0x1308 ........................................20-12 BDLC Rate Select Register (DLCBRSR) - MBAR + 0x1309 .................................................................20-14 BDLC Control Register (DLCSCR) - MBAR + 0x130C .........................................................................20-15 BDLC Status Register (DLCBSTAT) - MBAR + 0x130D ......................................................................20-15 Functional Description ..........................................................................................................................................20-16 General ............................................................................................................................................................20-16 J1850 Frame Format .................................................................................................................................20-16 J1850 VPW Symbols ................................................................................................................................20-17 J1850 VPW Valid/Invalid Bits & Symbols ..............................................................................................20-19 J1850 Bus Errors ......................................................................................................................................20-26 Mux Interface ..................................................................................................................................................20-27 Mux Interface - Rx Digital Filter ..............................................................................................................20-27 Protocol Handler .............................................................................................................................................20-28 Protocol Architecture ................................................................................................................................20-29 Transmitting A Message ................................................................................................................................20-30 BDLC Transmission Control Bits ............................................................................................................20-30 Transmitting Exceptions ...........................................................................................................................20-31 Aborting a Transmission ..........................................................................................................................20-32 Receiving A Message ....................................................................................................................................20-33 BDLC Reception Control Bits ..................................................................................................................20-34 Receiving a Message with the BDLC module ..........................................................................................20-34 Filtering Received Messages ....................................................................................................................20-34 Receiving Exceptions ...............................................................................................................................20-34 Transmitting An In-Frame Response (IFR) ...................................................................................................20-36 IFR Types Supported by the BDLC module ............................................................................................20-37 BDLC IFR Transmit Control Bits ............................................................................................................20-37 Transmit Single Byte IFR .........................................................................................................................20-38 Transmit Multi-Byte IFR 1 .......................................................................................................................20-38 Transmit Multi-Byte IFR 0 .......................................................................................................................20-38 Transmitting An IFR with the BDLC module ..........................................................................................20-38 Transmitting IFR Exceptions ....................................................................................................................20-42 Receiving An In-Frame Response (IFR) .......................................................................................................20-43 Receiving an IFR with the BDLC module ...............................................................................................20-44 Receiving IFR Exceptions ........................................................................................................................20-45 Special BDLC Module Operations ................................................................................................................20-45 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor TOC-17 Table Of Contents Paragraph Number 20.8.9 20.9 20.9.1 Page Number Transmitting Or Receiving A Block Mode Message ...............................................................................20-45 Transmitting Or Receiving A Message In 4X Mode ................................................................................20-46 BDLC Module Initialization ..........................................................................................................................20-47 Initialization Sequence .............................................................................................................................20-47 Initializing the Configuration Bits ............................................................................................................20-48 Exiting Loopback Mode and Enabling the BDLC module ......................................................................20-48 Enabling BDLC Interrupts ........................................................................................................................20-48 Resets .....................................................................................................................................................................20-50 General ............................................................................................................................................................20-50 Chapter 21 Debug Support and JTAG Interface 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.3.1 21.3.2 21.3.3 21.3.4 21.3.5 21.4 21.4.1 21.4.2 21.4.3 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.7.1 21.7.2 21.8 21.8.1 21.8.2 21.8.3 21.8.4 21.8.5 21.8.6 21.9 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................21-1 TAP Link Module (TLM) and Slave TAP Implementation ....................................................................................21-1 TLM and TAP Signal Descriptions .........................................................................................................................21-4 Test Reset (TRST) ............................................................................................................................................21-4 Test Clock (TCK) .............................................................................................................................................21-4 Test Mode Select (TMS) ..................................................................................................................................21-4 Test Data In (TDI) ............................................................................................................................................21-4 Test Data Out (TDO) ........................................................................................................................................21-5 Slave Test Reset (STRST) ......................................................................................................................................21-5 Enable Slave—ENA[0:n] ................................................................................................................................21-5 Select DR Link—SEL[0:n] .............................................................................................................................21-5 Slave Test Data Out—STDO[0:n] ..................................................................................................................21-5 TAP State Machines ................................................................................................................................................21-5 G2_LE Core JTAG/COP Serial Interface ...............................................................................................................21-6 TLM Link DR Instructions ......................................................................................................................................21-7 TLM:TLMENA ................................................................................................................................................21-8 TLM:PPCENA .................................................................................................................................................21-8 TLM Test Instructions .............................................................................................................................................21-8 IDCODE ...........................................................................................................................................................21-8 Device ID Register .....................................................................................................................................21-8 BYPASS ...........................................................................................................................................................21-8 SAMPLE/PRELOAD .......................................................................................................................................21-8 EXTEST ............................................................................................................................................................21-9 CLAMP .............................................................................................................................................................21-9 HIGHZ ..............................................................................................................................................................21-9 G2_LE COP/BDM Interface ..................................................................................................................................21-9 Appendix A Acronyms and Terms Appendix B List of Registers MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 TOC-18 Freescale Semiconductor List of Figures Figure Number 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 5-3 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 8-1 8-2 8-3 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 12-1 Page Number Simplified Block Diagram—MPC5200 ....................................................................................................................1-4 MPC5200-Based System............................................................................................................................................1-6 272-Pin PBGA Pin Detail ..........................................................................................................................................2-2 272-Pin PBGA — Top View .....................................................................................................................................2-3 MPC5200 Peripheral Muxing ...................................................................................................................................2-4 PSC1 Port Map—5 Pins ..........................................................................................................................................2-31 PSC2 Port Map—5 Pins ..........................................................................................................................................2-34 PSC3 Port Map—10 Pins ........................................................................................................................................2-37 USB Port Map—10 Pins .........................................................................................................................................2-43 Ethernet Output Port Map—8 Pins .........................................................................................................................2-46 Ethernet Input / Control Port Map—10 Pins ..........................................................................................................2-47 Timer Port Map—8 Pins .........................................................................................................................................2-62 PSC6 Port Map—4 Pins ..........................................................................................................................................2-65 I2C Port Map—4 Pins (two pins each, for two I2Cs) .............................................................................................2-67 Reset sequence ..........................................................................................................................................................4-2 PORESET Assertion .................................................................................................................................................4-3 Internal Hard Reset vs External HRESET Assertion ................................................................................................4-3 Primary Synchronous Clock Domains ......................................................................................................................5-2 MPC5200 Clock Relations ........................................................................................................................................5-3 Timing Diagram—Clock Waveforms for SDRAM and DDR Memories .................................................................5-8 Interrupt Sources and Core Interrupt Pins .................................................................................................................7-3 Interrupt Controller Routing Scheme ........................................................................................................................7-4 GPIO/Generic MUX Cell .......................................................................................................................................7-24 Diagram—Suggested Crystal Oscillator Circuit .....................................................................................................7-65 Block Diagram—SDRAM Subsystem Example .....................................................................................................8-10 Block Diagram—SDRAM Memory Controller ......................................................................................................8-12 Address Bus Mapping .............................................................................................................................................8-25 LPC Concept Diagram ..............................................................................................................................................9-3 Muxed Mode Address Latching ................................................................................................................................9-3 Output Enable Signal .................................................................................................................................................9-4 Timing Diagram—Non-MUXed Mode .....................................................................................................................9-6 Timing Diagram - MUXed Mode .............................................................................................................................9-9 PCI Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................................10- 2 PCI Read Terminated by Master ...........................................................................................................................10-43 PCI Write Terminated by Target ...........................................................................................................................10-44 Contents of the AD Bus During Address Phase of a Type 0 Configuration Transaction .....................................10-47 Contents of the AD Bus During Address Phase of a Type 1 Configuration Transaction .....................................10-47 Initiator Arbitration Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................10-48 Type 0 Configuration Translation .........................................................................................................................10-52 Inbound Address Map ...........................................................................................................................................10-62 Outbound Address Map .........................................................................................................................................10-63 ATA Controller Interface ........................................................................................................................................11-1 Connections—Controller Cable, System Board, MPC5200 .................................................................................11-24 Pin Description—ATA Interface ...........................................................................................................................11-26 ATA Sector Format ...............................................................................................................................................11-29 Timing Diagram—PIO Read Command (Class 1) ...............................................................................................11-31 Timing Diagram—PIO Write Command (Class 2) ..............................................................................................11-32 Timing Diagram—Non-Data Command (Class 3) ...............................................................................................11-32 Flow Diagram—DMA Command Protocol ..........................................................................................................11-34 Timing Diagram—DMA Command (Class 4) ......................................................................................................11-35 Timing Diagram—Reset Timing ...........................................................................................................................11-37 USB Focus Areas ....................................................................................................................................................12-1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOF-1 List of Figures Figure Number 12-2 12-3 12-3 12-4 13-1 14-1 14-2 14-3 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-22 15-23 15-24 15-25 15-26 15-27 16-1 17-1 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 Page Number Communication Channels .......................................................................................................................................12-2 Typical List Structure ..............................................................................................................................................12-3 Interrupt ED Structure .............................................................................................................................................12-4 Sample Interrupt Endpoint Schedule .......................................................................................................................12-5 Task Table .............................................................................................................................................................13-27 Block Diagram—FEC .............................................................................................................................................14-2 Ethernet Address Recognition - receive block decisions ......................................................................................14-39 Ethernet Address Recognition - microcode decisions ...........................................................................................14-40 PSC Functions Overview ........................................................................................................................................15-1 Simplified Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................15-2 Signal configuration for a PSC/RS-232 interface .................................................................................................15-41 Clocking Source Diagram .....................................................................................................................................15-41 Timing Diagram—Transmitter ..............................................................................................................................15-42 Timing Diagram—Receiver ..................................................................................................................................15-43 PSC Codec Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................15-45 PSC Codec Interface in Slave Mode .....................................................................................................................15-45 Clock Generation Diagram for Codec Mode ........................................................................................................15-46 Clock distribution network in cell phone mode ....................................................................................................15-48 SPI Parameter ........................................................................................................................................................15-49 Timing Diagram—16-Bit Codec Interface (lsb First, DTS1 = 0) .........................................................................15-50 Timing Diagram—8-Bit Codec Interface (msb First) ...........................................................................................15-50 I2S Data Transmission ..........................................................................................................................................15-55 PSC AC97 Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................................15-56 PSC - AC97 Interface ...........................................................................................................................................15-57 Timing Diagram—AC97 Interface .......................................................................................................................15-57 PSC SIR Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................15-59 Data Format in SIR Mode .....................................................................................................................................15-59 PSC MIR and FIR Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................15-61 Serial Interaction Pulse (SIP) ................................................................................................................................15-62 Data Format in FIR Mode .....................................................................................................................................15-63 PSC FIFO System .................................................................................................................................................15-66 Automatic Echo .....................................................................................................................................................15-67 Local Loop-Back ...................................................................................................................................................15-68 Remote Loop-Back ................................................................................................................................................15-68 Timing Diagram—Multidrop Mode ......................................................................................................................15-69 Block Diagram of XLB Arbiter ...............................................................................................................................16-1 Block Diagram—SPI ...............................................................................................................................................17-2 Block Diagram—I2C Module .................................................................................................................................18-2 Timing Diagram—Start, Address Transfer and Stop Signal ...................................................................................18-3 Timing Diagram—Data Transfer ............................................................................................................................18-3 Timing Diagram—Receiver Acknowledgement .....................................................................................................18-4 Data Transfer, Combined Format ............................................................................................................................18-4 Timing Diagram—Clock Synchronization .............................................................................................................18-5 Timing Diagram—Arbitration Procedure ...............................................................................................................18-5 MSCAN Block Diagram .........................................................................................................................................19-1 The CAN System .....................................................................................................................................................19-3 User Model for Message Buffer Organization ......................................................................................................19-26 32-bit Maskable Identifier Acceptance Filter ........................................................................................................19-29 16-bit Maskable Identifier Acceptance Filters ......................................................................................................19-29 8-bit Maskable Identifier Acceptance Filters ........................................................................................................19-30 MSCAN Clocking Scheme ...................................................................................................................................19-31 Segments within the Bit Time ...............................................................................................................................19-32 Sleep Request / Acknowledge Cycle .....................................................................................................................19-34 Simplified State Transitions for Entering/Leaving Sleep Mode ...........................................................................19-35 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOF-2 Freescale Semiconductor List of Figures Figure Number 19-11 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 Page Number Initialization Request/Acknowledge Cycle ...........................................................................................................19-35 BDLC Operating Modes State Diagram .................................................................................................................20-2 BDLC Block Diagram .............................................................................................................................................20-4 Types of In-Frame Response .................................................................................................................................20-10 J1850 Bus Message Format (VPW) ......................................................................................................................20-16 J1850 VPW Symbols .............................................................................................................................................20-18 J1850 VPW Passive Symbols ................................................................................................................................20-22 J1850 VPW EOF and IFS Symbols ......................................................................................................................20-23 J1850 VPW Active Symbols .................................................................................................................................20-24 J1850 VPW BREAK Symbol ................................................................................................................................20-24 J1850 VPW Bitwise Arbitrations ..........................................................................................................................20-25 BDLC Module Rx Digital Filter Block Diagram ..................................................................................................20-28 BDLC Protocol Handler Outline ...........................................................................................................................20-29 Basic BDLC Transmit Flowchart ..........................................................................................................................20-33 Basic BDLC Receive Flowchart ...........................................................................................................................20-36 Transmitting A Type 1 IFR ...................................................................................................................................20-40 Transmitting A Type 2 IFR ...................................................................................................................................20-41 Transmitting A Type 3 IFR ...................................................................................................................................20-43 Receiving An IFR With the BDLC module ..........................................................................................................20-45 Basic BDLC Module Transmit Flowchart ............................................................................................................20-47 Basic BDLC Module Initialization Flowchart ......................................................................................................20-50 Generic TLM/TAP Architecture Diagram ..............................................................................................................21-2 Generic TAP Link Module (TLM) Diagram ..........................................................................................................21-3 Generic Slave TAP ..................................................................................................................................................21-4 State Diagram—TAP Controller .............................................................................................................................21-6 G2_LE Core JTAG/COP Serial Interface ...............................................................................................................21-7 COP Connector Diagram .......................................................................................................................................21-11 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOF-3 List of Figures Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOF-4 Freescale Semiconductor List of Tables Table Number 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 3-1 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 Page Number Signals by Ball/Pin ...................................................................................................................................................2-4 Signals by Signal Name ............................................................................................................................................2-9 LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Pin Assignments .....................................................................................................2-13 LocalPlus Pin Functions ..........................................................................................................................................2-14 LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals ....................................................................................................................2-16 PCI Dedicated Signals .............................................................................................................................................2-27 ATA Dedicated Signals ...........................................................................................................................................2-29 LocalPlus Dedicated Signals ...................................................................................................................................2-30 PSC1 Pin Functions .................................................................................................................................................2-31 PSC1 Functions by Pin ............................................................................................................................................2-32 PSC2 Pin Functions .................................................................................................................................................2-34 PSC2 Functions by Pin ............................................................................................................................................2-35 PSC3 Pin Functions .................................................................................................................................................2-37 PSC3 Pin Functions (cont.) .....................................................................................................................................2-38 PSC3 Functions by Pin ............................................................................................................................................2-38 USB Pin Functions ..................................................................................................................................................2-44 USB Pin Functions by Pin .......................................................................................................................................2-44 Ethernet Pin Functions ............................................................................................................................................2-47 Ethernet Pin Functions (cont.) .................................................................................................................................2-48 Ethernet Output Functions by Pin ...........................................................................................................................2-49 Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin ...............................................................................................................2-57 Timer Pin Functions ................................................................................................................................................2-62 Timer Functions by Pin ...........................................................................................................................................2-63 PSC6 Pin Functions .................................................................................................................................................2-66 PSC6 Functions by Pin ............................................................................................................................................2-66 I2C Functions by Pin ...............................................................................................................................................2-67 SDRAM Bus Pin Functions ....................................................................................................................................2-68 JTAG Access Port Pin .............................................................................................................................................2-71 CLOCK / RESET Pin Functions .............................................................................................................................2-72 Dedicated GPIO Pin Function .................................................................................................................................2-72 Systems Integration Unit Pin Functions ..................................................................................................................2-72 Internal Register Memory Map .................................................................................................................................3-2 Module Specific Reset Signals ..................................................................................................................................4-3 Reset Configuration Word Source Pins .....................................................................................................................4-4 Clock Distribution Module ........................................................................................................................................5-1 System PLL Ratios ....................................................................................................................................................5-4 MPC5200 Clock Ratios .............................................................................................................................................5-4 Typical System Clock Frequencies ...........................................................................................................................5-5 603e G2_LE Core Frequencies vs. XLB Frequencies ..............................................................................................5-6 603e G2_LE Core APLL Configuration Options ......................................................................................................5-6 SDRAM Memory Controller Clock Domain ............................................................................................................5-8 CDM JTAG ID Number Register ...........................................................................................................................5-12 CDM Power On Reset Configuration Register .......................................................................................................5-12 CDM Bread Crumb Register ...................................................................................................................................5-14 CDM Configuration Register ..................................................................................................................................5-14 CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register ......................................................................................5-15 CDM Clock Enable Register ...................................................................................................................................5-16 CDM System Oscillator Configuration Register .....................................................................................................5-17 CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register .........................................................................................5-18 CDM Soft Reset Register ........................................................................................................................................5-19 CDM System PLL Status Register ..........................................................................................................................5-19 CDM PSC1 Mclock Config ....................................................................................................................................5-20 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOT-1 List of Tables Table Number 5-19 5-20 5-21 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-27 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-31 7-32 7-33 7-34 7-35 7-36 7-37 7-38 7-39 7-40 7-41 7-42 7-43 7-44 7-45 7-46 7-47 7-48 7-49 7-50 Page Number CDM PSC2 Mclock Config ....................................................................................................................................5-21 CDM PSC3 Mclock Config ....................................................................................................................................5-21 CDM PSC6 Mclock Config ....................................................................................................................................5-22 SVR Values ...............................................................................................................................................................6-1 Interrupt Sources .......................................................................................................................................................7-1 System Management Interrupt Pin Interrupts ...........................................................................................................7-2 Core Interrupt Pins Summary ....................................................................................................................................7-2 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register .................................................................................................................7-5 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 1 Register ............................................................................................7-7 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 2 Register ............................................................................................7-8 ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 3 Register ............................................................................................7-8 ICTL External Enable and External Types Register .................................................................................................7-9 ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register) .....................................................................................7-10 ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 1 Register ...............................................................................7-12 ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 2 Register ...............................................................................7-13 ICTL PerStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register ...............................................................................................7-14 ICTL Critical Interrupt Status All Register .............................................................................................................7-15 ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register ................................................................................................................7-16 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register ........................................................................................................7-17 ICTL Bus Error Status Register ..............................................................................................................................7-18 ICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register ..........................................................................................................7-19 ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Emulation All Register ..................................................................................................7-20 ICTL IRQ Interrupt Emulation All Register ...........................................................................................................7-21 GPIO Pin List ..........................................................................................................................................................7-22 GPS Port Configuration Register ............................................................................................................................7-28 GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register .......................................................................................................................7-31 GPS Simple GPIO Open Drain Type Register ........................................................................................................7-32 GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register ............................................................................................................7-33 GPS Simple GPIO Data Output Values Register ....................................................................................................7-36 GPS Simple GPIO Data Input Values Register .......................................................................................................7-37 GPS GPIO Output-Only Enables Register ..............................................................................................................7-38 GPS GPIO Output-Only Data Value Out Register .................................................................................................7-39 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Enables Register ........................................................................................................7-40 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Open-Drain Emulation Register ................................................................................7-40 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Direction Register .............................................................................................7-41 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Value Out Register ............................................................................................7-42 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Enable Register ...........................................................................................7-42 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register ............................................................................................7-43 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register .............................................................................................7-44 GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Status Register ...........................................................................................................7-44 GPW WakeUp GPIO Enables Register ...................................................................................................................7-46 GPW WakeUp GPIO Open Drain Emulation Register ...........................................................................................7-46 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Direction Register ........................................................................................................7-47 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Value Out Register ......................................................................................................7-48 GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Enable Register .....................................................................................................7-48 GPW WakeUp GPIO Individual Interrupt Enable Register ....................................................................................7-49 GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Types Register ......................................................................................................7-50 GPW WakeUp GPIO Master Enables Register ......................................................................................................7-51 GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Input Values Register ..................................................................................................7-52 GPW WakeUp GPIO Status Register .....................................................................................................................7-53 GPT 0 Enable and Mode Select Register ................................................................................................................7-55 GPT 0 Counter Input Register .................................................................................................................................7-58 GPT 0 PWM Configuration Register ......................................................................................................................7-59 GPT 0 Status Register .............................................................................................................................................7-60 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOT-2 Freescale Semiconductor List of Tables Table Number 7-51 7-52 7-53 7-54 7-55 7-56 7-57 7-58 7-59 7-60 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 Page Number SLT 0 Terminal Count Register ..............................................................................................................................7-62 SLT 0 Control Register ...........................................................................................................................................7-62 SLT 0 Count Value Register ...................................................................................................................................7-63 SLT 0 Timer Status Register ...................................................................................................................................7-64 Real-Time Clock Signals .........................................................................................................................................7-65 RTC Time Set Register ...........................................................................................................................................7-66 RTC Date Set Register ............................................................................................................................................7-67 RTC New Year and Stopwatch Register .................................................................................................................7-68 RTC Alarm and Interrupt Enable Register ..............................................................................................................7-68 RTC Current Time Register ....................................................................................................................................7-69 RTC Current Date Register .....................................................................................................................................7-70 RTC Alarm and Stopwatch Interrupt Register ........................................................................................................7-70 RTC Periodic Interrupt and Bus Error Register ......................................................................................................7-71 RTC Test Register/Divides Register .......................................................................................................................7-72 Legal Memory Configurations ..................................................................................................................................8-4 SDRAM External Signals .......................................................................................................................................8-11 SDRAM Commands ................................................................................................................................................8-13 Memory Controller Mode Register .........................................................................................................................8-18 Memory Controller Control Register ......................................................................................................................8-19 High Address Usage ................................................................................................................................................8-20 SDRAM Address Multiplexing ...............................................................................................................................8-20 Memory Controller Configuration Register 1 .........................................................................................................8-22 Memory Controller Configuration Register 2 .........................................................................................................8-23 LocalPlus External Signals ........................................................................................................................................9-2 Non-Muxed Mode Options .......................................................................................................................................9-4 Non-Muxed Aligned Data Transfers .........................................................................................................................9-5 MUXed Mode Options ..............................................................................................................................................9-6 Non-Muxed Aligned Data Transfers .........................................................................................................................9-8 BOOT_CONFIG (RST_CONFIG) Options ............................................................................................................9-11 Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register .............................................................................................................9-13 Chip Select 1 Configuration Register ......................................................................................................................9-15 Chip Select Control Register ...................................................................................................................................9-17 Chip Select Status Register .....................................................................................................................................9-18 Chip Select Burst Control Register .........................................................................................................................9-19 Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register .................................................................................................................9-22 SCLPC Packet Size Register ...................................................................................................................................9-23 SCLPC Start Address Register ................................................................................................................................9-24 SCLPC Control Register .........................................................................................................................................9-25 SCLPC Enable Register ..........................................................................................................................................9-26 SCLPC Bytes Done Status Register ........................................................................................................................9-27 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register ...................................................................................................................9-28 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register ...........................................................................................................................9-28 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register .........................................................................................................................9-29 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register ...........................................................................................................................9-30 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register ................................................................................................................9-30 LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register ...............................................................................................................9-31 PCI External Signals ...............................................................................................................................................10-2 PCI Register Map ....................................................................................................................................................10-4 PCI Communication System Interface Register Map .............................................................................................10-5 PCI Command encoding .......................................................................................................................................10-42 PCI Bus Commands ..............................................................................................................................................10-44 PCI I/O space byte decoding .................................................................................................................................10-46 XLB bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memory Transactions .......................................................................................10-49 Type 0 Configuration Device Number to IDSEL Translation ..............................................................................10-52 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOT-3 List of Tables Table Number 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-23 11-33 11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39 11-40 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 Page Number Special Cycle Message Encodings ........................................................................................................................10-54 Unsupported XLB Transfers .................................................................................................................................10-54 Aligned PCI to XL bus Transfers ..........................................................................................................................10-55 Non-contiguous PCI to XL bus Transfers (require two XLB bus accesses) .........................................................10-56 Comm bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memory Transactions .....................................................................................10-57 XLB:IP:PCI Clock Ratios .....................................................................................................................................10-59 Transaction Mapping: XLB -> PCI .......................................................................................................................10-60 ATA Host Configuration Register ..........................................................................................................................11-2 ATA Host Status Register .......................................................................................................................................11-3 ATA PIO Timing 1 Register ...................................................................................................................................11-3 ATA PIO Timing 2 Register ...................................................................................................................................11-4 ATA Multiword DMA Timing 1 Register ..............................................................................................................11-4 ATA Multiword DMA Timing 2 Register ..............................................................................................................11-5 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 1 Register .......................................................................................................................11-5 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 2 Register .......................................................................................................................11-6 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 3 Register .......................................................................................................................11-6 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 4 Register .......................................................................................................................11-7 ATA Ultra DMA Timing 5 Register .......................................................................................................................11-8 ata_shre_cnt .............................................................................................................................................................11-8 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register ..................................................................................................................11-9 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register ..........................................................................................................................11-9 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register ......................................................................................................................11-10 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register ........................................................................................................................11-10 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register .............................................................................................................11-11 ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register ............................................................................................................11-11 ATA Drive Device Control Register .....................................................................................................................11-12 ATA Drive Alternate Status Register ....................................................................................................................11-13 ATA Drive Data Register ......................................................................................................................................11-13 ATA Drive Features Register ................................................................................................................................11-14 ATA Drive Error Register .....................................................................................................................................11-14 ATA Drive Sector Count Register ........................................................................................................................11-15 ATA Drive Sector Number Register .....................................................................................................................11-15 ATA Drive Cylinder Low Register .......................................................................................................................11-16 ATA Drive Cylinder High Register ......................................................................................................................11-16 ATA Drive Device/Head Register ........................................................................................................................11-17 ATA Drive Device Command Register ................................................................................................................11-17 ATA Drive Device Status Register .......................................................................................................................11-19 PIO Timing Requirements .....................................................................................................................................11-21 Multiword DMA Timing Requirements ................................................................................................................11-22 MPC5200 External Signals ...................................................................................................................................11-23 ATA Controller External Connections ..................................................................................................................11-24 ATA Standards ......................................................................................................................................................11-27 ATA Physical Level Modes ..................................................................................................................................11-27 ATA Register Address/Chip Select Decoding .....................................................................................................11-28 DMA Command Parameters .................................................................................................................................11-33 Redefinition of Signal Lines for Ultra DMA Protocol ..........................................................................................11-36 Reset Timing Characteristics .................................................................................................................................11-37 USB HC Revision Register .....................................................................................................................................12-6 USB HC Control Register .......................................................................................................................................12-6 USB HC Command Status Register ........................................................................................................................12-8 USB HC Interrupt Status Register ...........................................................................................................................12-9 USB HC Interrupt Enable Register .......................................................................................................................12-10 USB HC Interrupt Disable Register ......................................................................................................................12-11 USB HC HCCA Register ......................................................................................................................................12-13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOT-4 Freescale Semiconductor List of Tables Table Number 12-8 12-9 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-22 12-23 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22 13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31 13-32 13-33 13-34 13-35 13-36 13-37 13-38 Page Number USB HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor Register ........................................................................................12-13 USB HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor Register ..........................................................................................12-14 USB HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor Register ......................................................................................12-14 USB HC Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor Register ...............................................................................................12-15 USB HC Bulk Current Endpint Descriptor Register .............................................................................................12-15 USB HC Done Head Register ...............................................................................................................................12-16 USB HC Frame Interval Register ..........................................................................................................................12-16 USB HC Frame Remaining Register .....................................................................................................................12-17 USB HC Frame Number Register .........................................................................................................................12-17 USB HC Periodic Start Register ...........................................................................................................................12-18 USB HC LS Threshold Register ...........................................................................................................................12-18 USB HC Rh Descriptor A Register .......................................................................................................................12-19 USB HC Rh Descriptor B Register .......................................................................................................................12-21 USB HC Rh Status Register ..................................................................................................................................12-21 USB HC Rh Port1 Status Register ........................................................................................................................12-23 USB HC Rh Port2 Status Register ........................................................................................................................12-26 SDMA Task Bar Register ........................................................................................................................................13-4 SDMA Current Pointer Register .............................................................................................................................13-4 SDMA End Pointer Register ...................................................................................................................................13-5 SDMA Variable Pointer Register ............................................................................................................................13-5 SDMA Interrupt Vector, PTD Control Register .....................................................................................................13-6 SDMA Interrupt Pending Register ..........................................................................................................................13-6 SDMA Interrupt Mask Register ..............................................................................................................................13-7 SDMA Tas k Control 0 Register .............................................................................................................................13-8 SDMA Task Control 2 Register ..............................................................................................................................13-9 SDMA Task Control 4 Register ............................................................................................................................13-10 SDMA Task Control 6 Register ............................................................................................................................13-10 SDMA Task Control 8 Register ............................................................................................................................13-11 SDMA Task Control A Register ...........................................................................................................................13-11 SDMA Task Control C Register ...........................................................................................................................13-12 SDMA Task Control E Register ............................................................................................................................13-12 SDMA Initiator Priority 0 Register .......................................................................................................................13-13 SDMA Initiator Priority 4 Register .......................................................................................................................13-14 SDMA Initiator Priority 8 Register .......................................................................................................................13-14 SDMA Initiator Priority 12 Register .....................................................................................................................13-15 SDMA Initiator Priority 16 Register .....................................................................................................................13-16 SDMA Initiator Priority 20 Register .....................................................................................................................13-17 SDMA Initiator Priority 24 Register .....................................................................................................................13-17 SDMA Initiator Priority 28 Register .....................................................................................................................13-18 SDMA Request MuxControl .................................................................................................................................13-19 FIxed REquestors Table ........................................................................................................................................13-20 SDMA task Size 0/1 ..............................................................................................................................................13-21 SDMA task Size Map ............................................................................................................................................13-21 SDMA Reserved Register 4 ..................................................................................................................................13-22 SDMA Reserved Register 2 ..................................................................................................................................13-22 SDMA Debug Module Comparator 1, Value1 Register .......................................................................................13-22 SDMA Debug Module Comparator 2, Value2 Register .......................................................................................13-23 SDMA Debug Module Control Register ...............................................................................................................13-23 Comparator 1 Type Bit Encoding .........................................................................................................................13-24 Comparator 2 Type Bit Encoding .........................................................................................................................13-25 EU Breakpoint encoding .......................................................................................................................................13-25 SDMA Debug Module Status Register .................................................................................................................13-25 Behavior of Task Table Control Bits ....................................................................................................................13-28 Variable Table per Task ........................................................................................................................................13-29 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOT-5 List of Tables Table Number 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24 14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36 14-37 14-38 14-39 14-40 14-41 14-42 14-43 14-44 14-45 14-46 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 Page Number Signal Properties ......................................................................................................................................................14-3 MII: Valid Encoding of TxD, Tx_EN and Tx_ER ..................................................................................................14-5 MII: Valid Encoding of RxD, Rx_ER and Rx_DV .................................................................................................14-5 MMI Format Definitions .........................................................................................................................................14-6 MII Management Register Set ................................................................................................................................14-6 Module Memory Map .............................................................................................................................................14-7 MIB Counters ..........................................................................................................................................................14-9 FEC ID Register ....................................................................................................................................................14-11 FEC Interrupt Event Register ................................................................................................................................14-12 FEC Interrupt Enable Register ..............................................................................................................................14-14 FEC Rx Descriptor Active Register ......................................................................................................................14-15 FEC Tx Descriptor Active Register ......................................................................................................................14-15 FEC Ethernet Control Register ..............................................................................................................................14-16 FEC MII Management Frame Register .................................................................................................................14-17 FEC MII Speed Control Register ..........................................................................................................................14-18 Programming Examples for MII_SPEED Register ...............................................................................................14-19 FEC MIB Control Register ....................................................................................................................................14-19 FEC Receive Control Register ..............................................................................................................................14-20 FEC Hash Register ................................................................................................................................................14-21 FEC Tx Control Register .......................................................................................................................................14-21 FEC Physical Address Low Register ....................................................................................................................14-22 FEC Physical Address High Register ....................................................................................................................14-23 FEC Opcode/Pause Duration Register ..................................................................................................................14-23 FEC Descriptor Individual Address 1 Register .....................................................................................................14-24 FEC Descriptor Individual Address 2 Register .....................................................................................................14-24 FEC Descriptor Group Address 1 Register ...........................................................................................................14-25 FEC Descriptor Group Address 2 Register ...........................................................................................................14-25 FEC Tx FIFO Watermark Register .......................................................................................................................14-26 FIFO Interface Register Map ................................................................................................................................14-27 FEC Rx FIFO Status Register ...............................................................................................................................14-28 FEC Rx FIFO Control Register .............................................................................................................................14-30 FEC Rx FIFO Last Read Frame Pointer Register .................................................................................................14-30 FEC Rx FIFO Last Write Frame Pointer Register ................................................................................................14-31 FEC Rx FIFO Alarm Pointer Register ..................................................................................................................14-32 FEC Rx FIFO Read Pointer Register ....................................................................................................................14-32 FEC Rx FIFO Write Pointer Register ...................................................................................................................14-33 FEC Reset Control Register ..................................................................................................................................14-33 FEC Transmit FSM Register .................................................................................................................................14-34 ETHER_EN De-Assertion Affect on FEC ............................................................................................................14-34 User Initialization (Before ETHER_EN) ..............................................................................................................14-35 Microcontroller Initialization (FEC) .....................................................................................................................14-35 Receive Frame Status Word Format .....................................................................................................................14-35 Transmit Frame Control Word Format .................................................................................................................14-36 Destination Address to 6-Bit Hash ........................................................................................................................14-41 PAUSE Frame Field Specification ........................................................................................................................14-43 Transmit Pause Frame Registers ...........................................................................................................................14-43 PSC Functions Overview ........................................................................................................................................15-1 PSC Memory Map ...................................................................................................................................................15-3 Mode Register 1 (0x00) for UART Mode ...............................................................................................................15-5 Mode Register 1 (0x00) for SIR Mode ...................................................................................................................15-5 Mode Register 1 (0x00) for other Modes ................................................................................................................15-5 Parity Mode/Parity Type Definitions ......................................................................................................................15-6 Mode Register 2 (0x00) for UART / SIR Mode .....................................................................................................15-6 Mode Register 2 (0x00) for other Modes ................................................................................................................15-6 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOT-6 Freescale Semiconductor List of Tables Table Number 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-22 15-23 15-24 15-25 15-26 15-27 15-28 15-29 15-30 15-31 15-32 15-33 15-34 15-35 15-36 15-37 15-38 15-39 15-40 15-41 15-42 15-43 15-44 15-45 15-46 15-47 15-48 15-49 15-50 15-51 15-52 15-53 15-54 15-55 15-56 15-57 15-58 15-59 15-60 15-61 15-62 Page Number Stop-Bit Lengths ......................................................................................................................................................15-7 Status Register (0x04) for UART Mode .................................................................................................................15-8 Status Register (0x04) for SIR Mode ......................................................................................................................15-8 Status Register (0x04) for MIR / FIR Mode ...........................................................................................................15-8 Status Register (0x04) for other Modes ..................................................................................................................15-8 Clock Select Register (0x04) for UART / SIR Mode ...........................................................................................15-11 Clock Select Register (0x04) for other Modes ......................................................................................................15-11 Command Register (0x08) for all Modes ..............................................................................................................15-11 Rx Buffer Register (0x0C) for UART/SIR/MIR/FIR/Codec8/16/32 ..................................................................15-14 Rx Buffer Register (0x0C) for AC97 ...................................................................................................................15-14 Rx Buffer Register (0x0C) for Codec24 ..............................................................................................................15-14 Tx Buffer Register (0x0C) for UART/SIR/MIR/FIR/Codec8/16/32 Modes ........................................................15-15 TX Buffer Register (0x0C) for AC97) Modes ......................................................................................................15-15 Tx Buffer Register (0x0c) for Codec24 ................................................................................................................15-16 Input Port Change Register (0x10) for UART/SIR/MIR/FIR Modes ...................................................................15-16 PSC 1 Auxiliary Control Register (0x10) for all Modes .......................................................................................15-17 Interrupt Status Register (0x14) for UART / SIR Mode .......................................................................................15-18 Interrupt Status Register (0x14) other Modes .......................................................................................................15-18 Interrupt Mask Register (0x14) for UART / SIR Mode ........................................................................................15-19 Interrupt Mask Register (0x14) for other Modes ..................................................................................................15-19 Counter Timer Upper Register (0x18) for all Modes ............................................................................................15-20 Counter Timer Lower Register (0x1C) for all Modes ...........................................................................................15-20 Codec Clock Register (0x20)—CCR for Codec Mode .........................................................................................15-21 Codec Clock Register (0x20)—CCR for MIR/FIR Mode ....................................................................................15-21 Codec Clock Register (0x20)—CCR for other Modes .........................................................................................15-22 Interrupt Vector Register (0x30) for all Modes .....................................................................................................15-23 Input Port Register (0x34) for UART/SIR/MIR/FIR Modes ................................................................................15-23 Input Port Register (0x34) for Codec Mode ..........................................................................................................15-23 Input Port Register (0x34) for AC97 Mode ..........................................................................................................15-23 Output Port 1 Bit Set Register (0x38) for all Modes .............................................................................................15-24 Output Port 0 Bit Set Register (0x3C) for all Modes ............................................................................................15-24 Serial Interface Control Register (0x40) for all Modes .........................................................................................15-25 Infrared Control 1 (0x44) for SIR Mode ...............................................................................................................15-28 Infrared Control 1 (0x44) for MIR/FIR Modes .....................................................................................................15-28 Infrared Control 2 (0x48) for MIR/FIR Modes .....................................................................................................15-28 Infrared Control 2 (0x48) for other Modes ...........................................................................................................15-28 Infrared SIR Divide Register (0x48) for SIR Mode ..............................................................................................15-29 Infrared SIR Divide Register (0x48) for other Modes ..........................................................................................15-29 Infrared MIR Divide Register (0x50) for MIR Mode ...........................................................................................15-30 Infrared MIR Divide Register (0x50) for other Modes .........................................................................................15-30 Frequency Selection in MIR Mode .......................................................................................................................15-31 Infrared FIR Divide Register (0x54) for MIR Mode ............................................................................................15-31 Infrared FIR Divide Register (0x54) for other Modes ..........................................................................................15-31 Frequency Selection for FIR Mode .......................................................................................................................15-32 RX FIFO Number of DATA (0x58) ......................................................................................................................15-33 Tx FIFO Number of Data (0x5C) ..........................................................................................................................15-33 Rx FIFO Status (0x64) ..........................................................................................................................................15-33 Rx FIFO Control (0x68) ........................................................................................................................................15-34 Rx FIFO Alarm (0x6E) .........................................................................................................................................15-34 Rx FIFO Read Pointer (0x72) ...............................................................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Write Pointer (0x76) ..............................................................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Last Read Frame (0x7A) ........................................................................................................................15-35 Rx FIFO Last Write Frame PTR (0x7C) ...............................................................................................................15-36 Tx FIFO STAT (0x84) ..........................................................................................................................................15-36 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOT-7 List of Tables Table Number 15-63 15-64 15-65 15-66 15-67 15-68 15-69 15-70 15-71 15-72 15-73 15-74 15-75 15-76 15-77 15-78 15-79 15-80 15-81 15-82 15-83 15-84 15-85 15-86 15-87 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 17-10 17-11 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 Page Number Tx FIFO Control (0x88) ........................................................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Alarm (0x8E) ..........................................................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Read Pointer (0x92) ...............................................................................................................................15-37 Tx FIFO Write Pointer (0x96) ...............................................................................................................................15-38 Tx FIFO Last Read Frame PTR (0x9A) ................................................................................................................15-38 Tx FIFO Last Write Frame PTR(0x9C) ................................................................................................................15-38 PSC Modes Overview ...........................................................................................................................................15-39 Clock Short Cuts ...................................................................................................................................................15-39 PSC Signal Description for UART Mode .............................................................................................................15-40 General Configuration Sequence for UART mode ...............................................................................................15-43 Signal Definition for all Codec Modes ..................................................................................................................15-44 PSC Signal Description for Codec Mode ..............................................................................................................15-46 16-Bit “soft Modem“ Slave Mode .........................................................................................................................15-50 32-Bit “soft Modem“ Master Mode ......................................................................................................................15-51 24-Bit Cell Phone Master Mode for PSC1 ............................................................................................................15-52 24-Bit Cell Phone Slave Mode for PSC2 ..............................................................................................................15-52 8-bit SPI Slave mode for PSC2 .............................................................................................................................15-53 32-bit SPI Master mode for PSC3 .........................................................................................................................15-53 32-bit I2S Master Mode for PSC1 .........................................................................................................................15-54 PSC Signal Description for AC97Mode ...............................................................................................................15-56 General Configuration Sequence for AC97 Mode ................................................................................................15-58 Signal Description for IrDa Mode .........................................................................................................................15-58 Configuration Sequence Example for SIR Mode ..................................................................................................15-60 Configuration Sequence Example for MIR Mode ................................................................................................15-62 Configuration Sequence Example for FIR Mode ..................................................................................................15-64 Arbiter Configuration Register ................................................................................................................................16-4 Arbiter Version Register .........................................................................................................................................16-5 Arbiter Status Register ............................................................................................................................................16-5 Arbiter Interrupt Enable Register ............................................................................................................................16-6 Arbiter Address Capture Register ...........................................................................................................................16-7 Arbiter Bus Signal Capture Register .......................................................................................................................16-8 Arbiter Address Tenure Time-Out Register ............................................................................................................16-8 Arbiter Data Tenure Time-Out Register .................................................................................................................16-9 Arbiter Bus Activity Time-Out Register .................................................................................................................16-9 Arbiter Master Priority Enable Register ................................................................................................................16-10 Hardware Assignments of Master Priority ............................................................................................................16-10 Arbiter Master Priority Register ............................................................................................................................16-11 Arbiter Snoop Window Register ...........................................................................................................................16-12 Arbiter Reserved Registers ....................................................................................................................................16-13 SPI External Signal Descriptions ............................................................................................................................17-2 SPI Control Register 1 .............................................................................................................................................17-3 SS Input/Output Selection ......................................................................................................................................17-4 SPI Control Register 2 .............................................................................................................................................17-4 Bidirectional Pin Configurations .............................................................................................................................17-5 SPI Baud Rate Register ...........................................................................................................................................17-5 SPI Baud Rate Selection ..........................................................................................................................................17-6 SPI Status Register ..................................................................................................................................................17-6 SPI Data Register ....................................................................................................................................................17-7 SPI Port Data Register .............................................................................................................................................17-7 SPI Data Direction Register ....................................................................................................................................17-7 I2C Terminology ......................................................................................................................................................18-2 I2C Address Register ...............................................................................................................................................18-5 I2C Frequency Divider Register ..............................................................................................................................18-6 I2C Tap and Prescale Values ...................................................................................................................................18-6 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOT-8 Freescale Semiconductor List of Tables Table Number 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21 19-22 19-23 19-24 19-25 19-26 19-27 19-28 19-29 19-30 19-31 19-32 19-33 19-34 19-35 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 Page Number I2C Control Register ................................................................................................................................................18-7 I2C Status Register ..................................................................................................................................................18-8 I2C Data I/O Register ............................................................................................................................................18-10 I2C Interrupt Control Register ...............................................................................................................................18-10 MSCAN Register Organization ...............................................................................................................................19-3 Module Memory Map .............................................................................................................................................19-4 MSCAN Control Register 0 ....................................................................................................................................19-5 MSCAN Control Register 1 ....................................................................................................................................19-6 MSCAN Bus Timing Register 0 .............................................................................................................................19-8 Baud Rate Prescaler .................................................................................................................................................19-8 MSCAN Bus Timing Register 1 .............................................................................................................................19-8 Time Segment 1 Values ..........................................................................................................................................19-9 Time Segment 2 Values ..........................................................................................................................................19-9 MSCAN Receiver Flag Register ...........................................................................................................................19-10 MSCAN Receiver Interrupt Enable Register ........................................................................................................19-11 MSCAN Transmitter Flag Register .......................................................................................................................19-12 MSCAN Transmitter Interrupt Enable Register ....................................................................................................19-13 MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Request Register ........................................................................................19-13 MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Acknowledgement Register ......................................................................19-14 MSCAN Transmit Buffer Selection Register ........................................................................................................19-14 MSCAN ID Acceptance Control Register ............................................................................................................19-15 Identifier Acceptance Hit Indication .....................................................................................................................19-15 Identifier Acceptance Mode Settings ....................................................................................................................19-15 MSCAN Receive Error Counter Register .............................................................................................................19-16 MSCAN Transmit Error Counter Register ............................................................................................................19-16 MSCAN ID Acceptance Registers (1st Bank) ......................................................................................................19-17 MSCAN ID Acceptance Registers (2nd Bank) .....................................................................................................19-18 MSCAN ID MaskRegisters (1st Bank) .................................................................................................................19-19 MSCAN ID MaskRegisters (2nd Bank) ................................................................................................................19-20 Message Buffer Organization ................................................................................................................................19-21 Receive / Transmit Message Buffer Extended Identifier ......................................................................................19-21 Standard Identifier Mapping .................................................................................................................................19-22 Data Length Codes ................................................................................................................................................19-24 MSCAN Transmit Buffer Priority Register ..........................................................................................................19-24 MSCAN Time Stamp Register (High Byte) ..........................................................................................................19-24 MSCAN Time Stamp Register (Low Byte) ..........................................................................................................19-25 Time Segment Syntax ...........................................................................................................................................19-32 CAN Standard Compliant Bit Time Segment Settings .........................................................................................19-32 CPU vs. MSCAN Operating Modes ......................................................................................................................19-33 Module Memory Map .............................................................................................................................................20-5 BDLC Control Register 1 ........................................................................................................................................20-6 BDLC State Vector Register ...................................................................................................................................20-7 BDLC Control Register 2 ........................................................................................................................................20-8 BDLC Data Register .............................................................................................................................................20-12 BDLC Analog Round Trip Delay Register ...........................................................................................................20-13 BARD Values vs. Transceiver Delay and Transmitter Timing Adjustment .........................................................20-13 BDLC Rate Select Register ...................................................................................................................................20-14 BDLC Rate Selection for Binary Frequencies [CLKS = 1] ..................................................................................20-15 BDLC Rate Selection for Integer Frequencies [CLKS = 0] ..................................................................................20-15 BDLC Control Register .........................................................................................................................................20-15 BDLC Status Register ...........................................................................................................................................20-16 BDLC Transmitter VPW Symbol Timing for Integer Frequencies ......................................................................20-19 BDLC Transmitter VPW Symbol Timing for Binary Frequencies .......................................................................20-20 BDLC Receiver VPW Symbol Timing for Integer Frequencies ...........................................................................20-20 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor LOT-9 List of Tables Table Number 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 Page Number BDLC Receiver VPW Symbol Timing for Binary Frequencies ...........................................................................20-21 BDLC Receiver VPW 4X Symbol Timing for Integer Frequencies .....................................................................20-21 BDLC Receiver VPW 4X Symbol Timing for Binary Frequencies .....................................................................20-21 BDLC module J1850 Error Summary ...................................................................................................................20-27 IFR Control Bit Priority Encoding ........................................................................................................................20-38 TLM Link-DR Instructions .....................................................................................................................................21-7 TLM Test Instruction Encoding ..............................................................................................................................21-8 Device ID Register = 0001101D hex ......................................................................................................................21-8 COP/BDM Interface Signals ..................................................................................................................................21-9 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 LOT-10 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History Release Date Author Summary of Changes 0 01Jul03 Various First Version of User’s Manual. 1 27Oct03 AS/TB/RM/CM Errata fixes all chapters 2 22Jul04 AS/TB/PL Enhancements and corrections, change to Freescale format 3 26Jan04 AS/TB/PL Updates to PSC, SPI, MSCAN, LPC, SDRAM, Signals and SystemIntegration chapters 3.1 24Mar06 KL/AE New title page (no Launched by Motorola, added back page); updated bit 19’s description on pg. 15-27. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview The digital communication networking and consumer markets require significant processor performance to enable operating systems and applications such as VxWorks™, QNX™, JAVA and soft modems. High integration is essential to reducing device and systems costs. The MPC5200 is specifically designed to meet these market needs while building on the family of microprocessors that use PowerPC™ architecture. For more information on PowerPC architecture, see “The Programming Environments Manual for 32-bit Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture”. MPC5200 integrates a high performance 603e G2_LE core with a rich set of peripheral functions focused on communications and systems integration. The 603e G2_LE core design is based on the PowerPC™ core architecture. The MPC5200 incorporates an innovative I/O subsystem, which isolates routine maintenance of peripheral functions from the embedded 603e G2_LE core. The MPC5200 supports a dual external bus architecture. It has a high speed SDRAM Bus interface that connects directly to the 603e G2_LE core. In addition, the MPC5200 has a LocalPlus Bus used as a generalized interface to system level peripheral devices and debug environments. 1.1.1 Features Key features are shown below. • 603e G2_LE core — Superscalar architecture — 760MIPS at 400MHz (-40 to +85 oC) — 16k Instruction cache, 16k Data cache — Double precision FPU — Instruction and Data MMU — Standard & Critical interrupt capability • SDRAM / DDR Memory Interface — up to 132MHz operation — SDRAM and DDR SDRAM support — 256-MByte addressing range per Chip Select (Two CS lines available) — 32-bit data bus — Built-in initialization and refresh • Flexible multi-function External Bus Interface — Supports interfacing to ROM/Flash/SRAM memories or other memory mapped devices — 8 programmable Chip Selects — Non multiplexed data access using 8/16/32 bit databus with up to 26 bit address — Short or Long Burst capable — Multiplexed data access using 8/16/32 bit databus with up to 25 bit address • Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Controller — Version 2.2 PCI compatibility — PCI initiator and target operation — 32-bit PCI Address/Data bus — 33 and 66 MHz operation — PCI arbitration function • ATA Controller — Version 4 ATA compatible external interface—IDE Disk Drive connectivity • BestComm DMA subsystem — Intelligent virtual DMA Controller — Dedicated DMA channels to control peripheral reception and transmission — Local memory (SRAM 16kBytes) • 6 Programmable Serial Controllers (PSC), configurable for: — UART or RS232 interface — CODEC interface for Soft Modem, Master/Slave CODEC Mode, I2S and AC97 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-1 Architecture • • • • • • • • • • 1.2 — Full duplex SPI mode — IrDA mode from 2400 bps to 4 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) — Supports 100Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII, 10Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII, 10Mbps 7-wire interface Universal Serial Bus Controller (USB) — USB Revision 1.1 Host — Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) — Integrated USB Hub, with two ports. Two Inter-Integrated Circuit Interfaces (I2C) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Dual CAN 2.0 A/B Controller (MSCAN) — Motorola Scalable CAN (MSCAN) architecture — Implementation of version 2.0A/B CAN protocol — Standard and extended data frames J1850 Byte Data Link Controller (BDLC) — J1850 Class B data communication network interface compatible and ISO compatible for low speed (<125kbps) serial data communications in automotive applications. — Supports 4X mode, 41.6 kbps — In-frame response (IFR) types 0, 1, 2, and 3 supported Systems level features — Interrupt Controller supports 4 external interrupt request lines and 47 internal interrupt sources — GPIO/Timer functions – Up to 56 total GPIO pins (depending on functional multiplexing selections) that support a variety of interrupt/Wake Up capabilities. – 8 GPIO pins with timer capability supporting input capture, output compare and pulse width modulation (PWM) functions — Real-time Clock with 1 second resolution — Systems Protection (watch dog timer, bus monitor) — Individual control of functional block clock sources — Power management: Nap, Doze, Sleep, Deep Sleep modes — Support of Wake Up from low power modes by different sources (GPIO, RTC, CAN) Test/Debug features — JTAG (IEEE 1149.1 test access port) — Common On-Chip Processor (COP) debug port On-board PLL and clock generation Software — QNX — VXWorks — Linux — Software Modem capable — JAVA Architecture The following areas comprise the MPC5200 system architecture: • Embedded G2_LE Core • BestComm I/O Subsystem • Controller Area Network (CAN) • Byte Data Link Controller - Digital BDLC-D • System Level Interfaces • SDRAM Controller and Interface • Multi-Function External LocalPlus Bus • Power Management • Systems Debug and Test • Physical Characteristics MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 1-2 Freescale Semiconductor Architecture A dynamically managed external pin multiplexing scheme minimizes overall pin count. The result is low cost packaging and board assembly costs. Local Bus Figure 1-1 shows a simplified MPC5200 block diagram. ATA Host Controller PCI Bus Controller LocalPlus Controller GPIO/Timers Interrupt Controller Real-Time Clock System Functions J1850 SDRAM / DDR Memory Controller SDRAM / DDR Systems Interface Unit (SIU) MSCAN 2x USB 2x SPI I2C 2x BestComm DMA Ethernet PSC 6x CommBus Reset / Clock Generation JTAG / COP Interface G2_LE Core 603e SRAM 16K Figure 1-1. Simplified Block Diagram—MPC5200 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-3 Architecture The MPC5200 supports a dual external bus architecture consisting of: 1. an SDRAM Bus 2. a multi-function LocalPlus Bus The SDRAM Bus has a Memory Controller interface supports standard SDRAM and Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM devices. The Memory Controller has 13-bit Memory Address (MA) lines multiplexed with 32-bit Data Bus lines. Standard SDRAM control signals are included. The high-speed Memory Controller SDRAM interface connects directly to the microprocessor, allowing optimized instruction and data bursting. The dedicated memory interface, coupled with on-chip 16Kilobyte instruction and 16Kilobyte data caches, enables high performance, computer intensive applications, such as Java and soft modems. Still, plenty of processing power remains for peripheral management and system control tasks. The LocalPlus Bus provides for connection of external peripheral devices, disk storage, and slower speed memory. The LocalPlus Bus supports: • an external Boot ROM/FLASH/SRAM interface The MPC5200 integrates a high performance 603e G2_LE core with an I/O subsystem containing an intelligent Direct Memory Access (DMA) unit. The MPC5200 is capable of: • responding to peripheral interrupts, independent of the 603e G2_LE core. • providing low level peripheral management, protocol processing, and peripheral data movement functions. The MPC5200 has an optimized peripheral mix to support today’s embedded automotive and telematics requirements. Figure 1-2 shows an MPC5200-based system. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 1-4 Freescale Semiconductor Architecture SDRAM/DDR Controller Demodulator MPC5200 Audio Memory Controller SIU Transport & Video Decoder/ Encoder PCI Bus Embedded G2_LE Core (MPC603e) SDRAM ATA Interface SRAM Interface Control Video SRAM Graphics SDRAM DMA Ethernet IrDA Rx/Tx I2C1 USB ENET PSC6 PSC5 PSC4 PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 Flash, Boot ROM IDE Disk Interface IC Control Printer or I/O port UART UART Codec AC97 Debug Interface Figure 1-2. MPC5200-Based System 1.2.1 Embedded G2_LE Core The MPC5200 embedded 603e G2_LE core is derived from Freescale’s (formerly Motorola) MPC603e family of Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) microprocessors. The 603e G2_LE core is a high-performance low-power implementation of the PowerPC superscalar architecture. The MPC5200 603e G2_LE core contains: • 16KBytes of instruction cache • 16KBytes of data cache Caches are 4-way set associative and use the Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement algorithm. Four independent execution units are used: 1. Branch Processing Unit (BPU) 2. Integer Unit (IU) 3. Load/Store Unit (LSU) 4. System Register Unit (SRU) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-5 Architecture Up to 3 instructions can be issued and retired per clock. Most instructions execute in a single cycle. The core contains an integrated Floating Point Unit (FPU), a Data Cache Memory Management Unit and an Instruction Cache Memory Management Unit.. The core implements the 32-bit portion of the PowerPC architecture, which provides 32-bit effective addressing and integer data types of 8-, 16-, and 32-bits. Enhancements in this core version, specific to embedded automotive/telematics include: • Improved interrupt latency (critical interrupt) • New MMU with additional 8 BAT (16 total) registers and 1KByte page management The 603e G2_LE core performance for SPEC95 benchmark integer operations, ranges between 4.4 and 5.1 at 200MHz. In Drystone 2.1MIPS, the 603e G2_LE core is 280MIPS at 200MHz. 1.2.2 BestComm I/O Subsystem BestComm contains an intelligent DMA unit. This unit provides a front-line interrupt control and data movement interface via a separate peripheral bus to the on-chip peripheral functions. This leaves the 603e G2_LE core free for higher level activities. The concurrent operation enables a significant boost in overall systems performance. BestComm supports up to 16 simultaneously enabled DMA tasks from up to 32 DMA requestors. Also included is: • a hardware logic unit • a hardware CRC unit BestComm uses internal buffers for prefetched reads and post writes. Bursting is used whenever possible. This optimizes both internal and external bus activity. Programmable Serial Controllers (PSCs) The MPC5200 supports six PSCs. Each can be configured to operate in different modes. PSCs support both synchronous and asynchronous protocols. They are used to interface to external full-function modems or external CODECs for soft modem support. 8, 16, 24 and 32-bit data widths are supported. PSCs can be configured to support 1200 baud POTS modem, SPI, I2S, V.34 or V.90 protocols. The standard UART interface supports connection to an external terminal/computer for debug support. 10/100 Ethernet Controller The Ethernet Controller supports the following standard MAC-PHY interfaces: • 100Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII • 10Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII • 10Mbps 7-wire interface The controller is full duplex, supports a programmable maximum frame length and retransmission from the Tx FIFO following a collision. Universal Serial Bus (USB) The MPC5200 supports two USB channels. The USB Controller implements the USB Host Controller/Root Hub in compliance with the USB1.1 specification. The user may choose to have either one or two USB ports on the root hub, each of which can interface to an off-chip USB transceiver. The Host Controller supports the Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) standard. Infrared Support The MPC5200 supports the IrDA format. All three IrDA modes are supported (SIR, MIR, FIR) to 4.0Mbps. The required 48MHz clock can be generated internally or supplied externally on an input pin. Inter-Integrated Circuit (I 2 C) The MPC5200 supports two I2C channels. Both master and slave interfaces can be controlled directly by the processor or can use the BestComm Controller to buffer Tx/Rx data when the I2C data rate is high. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The SPI module allows full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MPC5200 and peripheral devices. It supports master and slave mode, double-buffered operation and can operate in a polling or interrupt driven environment. 1.2.3 Controller Area Network (CAN) The MPC5200 supports two CAN channels. The CAN is an asynchronous communications protocol used in automotive and industrial control systems. It is a high speed (1Mbps), short distance, priority based protocol that runs on a variety of mediums. For example, transmission media of fiber optic cable or unshielded twisted wire pairs can be used. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 1-6 Freescale Semiconductor Architecture MSCAN supports both standard and extended identifier (ID) message formats specified in BOSCH CAN protocol specification, revision 2.0, part B. Each MSCAN module contains: • 4 receive buffers (with FIFO storage scheme) • 3 transmit buffers • flexible mask able identifier filters 1.2.4 Byte Data Link Controller - Digital BDLC-D The MPC5200 supports J1850 Class B data communication network interface compatible and ISO compatible for low speed (<125kbps) serial data communications in automotive applications. • Hardware cyclical redundancy check (CRC) generation and checking • Two power saving modes with automatic wake up on network activity • Polling and CPU interrupt available • Block mode receive/transmit supported • Supports 4X mode, 41.6 kbps • In-frame response (IFR) types 0, 1, 2, and 3 supported • Wake up on J1850 message 1.2.5 System Level Interfaces System Level Interfaces are listed below and described in the sections that follow: • Chip Selects • Interrupt Controller • Timers • General Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIO) • Functional Pin Multiplexing • Real-Time Clock (RTC) Chip Selects The MPC5200 integrates the most common system integration interfaces and signals. There are 8 fully programmable external chip selects, which are independent of the SDRAM interface. LP_CS0 has special features to support a Boot ROM. Two of the chip selects may be used by the IDE disk drive interface, when enabled. Interrupt Controller The Interrupt Controller has 4 external interrupt signals and manages both external and internal interrupts. All interrupt levels and priorities are programmable. The Interrupt Controller takes advantage of the new critical interrupt feature defined by the PowerPC architecture. This allows 603e G2_LE core interrupts outside operating system boundaries, for critical functions such as real-time packet processing. Timers MPC5200 integrates several timer functions required by most embedded systems: • Two internal Slice timers can create short-cycle periodic interrupts. • A WatchDog timer can interrupt the processor if not regularly serviced, catching software hang-ups. A bus monitor monitors bus cycles and provides an interrupt if transactions take longer than a prescribed time. General Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIO) A total of 56 pins on the MPC5200 can be programmed as GPIOs. • 8 pins can interrupt the processor. • 8 pins can support a “Wake Up” capability that lets the MPC5200 be brought out of low power modes. • 8 pins are “output only” GPIOs. The remaining GPIO pins support a simple “set the output level” or “detect the input level” type GPIO function. Eight I/Os can be connected to one of eight general purpose timers to support input capture, output compare or pulse width modulation functions. The number of GPIOs available in the various modes depends on the peripheral functionality required. See pin descriptions and I/O port maps below for more information. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-7 Architecture Functional Pin Multiplexing Many serial/parallel port pins serve multiple functions, allowing flexibility in optimizing the system to meet a specific set of integration requirements. For example, when PSC3 interfaces to a full function external modem, 10 pins are required: • PSC3_TXD—Transmit Data • PSC3_RXD—Receive Data • PSC3_RTS—Ready to Send • PSC3_CTS—Clear to Send • PSC3_CD—Carrier Detect • MODEM_RI—Ring Indicator • MODEM_DSR—Hook Switch • MODEM_IO—Control I/O (A0 gain) • MODEM_IO—Control I/O (Mode 1) • MODEM_IO—Control I/O (Mode 2) If PSC3 connects to a simple UART, only the first four signals (shown above) are required. The remaining 6 signals can be used as GPIOs. If a 7-wire Ethernet connection is adequate, the additional 11 Ethernet I/Os can be used as GPIOs. Real-Time Clock (RTC) An RTC is included on the MPC5200. The RTC provides a 2-pin interface to an external 32.768KHz crystal. This allows internal time-of-day/calendar tracking, as well as clock based periodic interrupts. 1.2.6 SDRAM Controller and Interface The MPC5200 high speed SDRAM Controller supports both standard SDRAM and Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM devices. It supports up to 256MBytes per chip select (2 Chip Select lines available) with a 32-bit interface. Memory sizes of 64-Mbit, 128-Mbit, 256-Mbit and 512-Mbit are supported. 1.2.7 Multi-Function External LocalPlus Bus The MPC5200 supports a multi-function external LocalPlus Bus to allow connections to PCI and ATA compliant devices, as well as external ROM/SRAM. The MPC5200 integrates a 3.3V, PCI V2.2 compatible external LocalPlus Bus controller and interface. This bus is a 32-bit multiplexed address/data bus. The external LocalPlus Bus provides support for an ATA disk drive interface. ATA control signals (chip selects, write/read, etc.) are provided independent of the PCI control signals. This prevents bus contention. However, the 32-bit data bus is shared. When The MPC5200 recognizes an external LocalPlus Bus access meant for the ATA Controller, ATA control logic arbitrates for PCI interface control. The 32-bit address/data bus function is transformed into 16bits of ATA data and 3bits of ATA address. The external LocalPlus Bus also allows connection to external memory or peripheral devices that adhere to a ROM or SRAM-like interface. These devices occupy a separate location in the memory map and have independent control signals. When an internal access is decoded to fall in the SRAM/ROM memory space, the 32-bit PCI address/data bus is transformed into either: • 24bits of address and 8bits of data • 16bits of address and 16bits of data. The MPC5200 supports a reset configuration mode common on the family of processors that use the PowerPC architecture. 16 bits of configuration information is driven and sampled during reset to establish the initial processor configuration. 1.2.8 Power Management The MPC5200 is processed in a low-power static CMOS technology. In addition, it supports the dynamic power management modes available on the MPC603e series processors. These modes include: • nap • dose • sleep • deep sleep In deep sleep, all internal clocks can be disabled, thus, reducing the power draw to CMOS leakage levels. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 1-8 Freescale Semiconductor Architecture A Wake Up capability is supported by CAN, RTC, several GPIOs and the interrupt lines. Therefore, the MPC5200 can be shut down to a low-power standby mode, then re-enabled by one of the Wake Up inputs without resetting the MPC5200. 1.2.9 Systems Debug and Test The MPC5200 supports the Common On-chip Processor (COP) debug capability common on other microprocessors that use the PowerPC architecture. The COP interface supports features such as: • memory down load • single step instruction execution • break/watch point capability • access to internal registers • pipeline tracking, etc. The MPC5200 also supports a JTAG IEEE 1149.1 controller and test access port (TAP). 1.2.10 • • • Physical Characteristics 1.5V internal, 3.3V external operation (2.5v for DDR interface) TTL compatible I/O pins 272-pin Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-9 Architecture MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 1-10 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 2 Signal Descriptions 2.1 Overview The MPC5200 contains a 603e G2_LE CPU core, an internal DMA engine, BestComm, multiple functional blocks and associated I/O ports. There are two external data/address bus structures, the LocalPlus bus and SDRAM bus. A block diagram of the MPC5200 structure is shown in Figure 1-1. In general, the LocalPlus bus connects to external SRAM, FLASH, peripheral devices, etc. The LocalPlus bus is capable of executing standard memory cycles, PCI cycles and ATA cycles. In addition to the data and address bus pins on the LocalPlus bus, there are pins specifically dedicated to ATA transactions, PCI transactions and standard memory transactions. When the MPC5200 is released from reset, Chip Select 0 is the only active chip select. Program execution must always start from the “boot device” on the LocalPlus bus. There are 8 chip select signals associated with the LocalPlus bus. It’s possible to execute from every CS. Also every CS can address “data space”. The SDRAM bus interfaces to Synchronous DRAM. Both Single Data Rate and Double Data Rate DRAMs are supported. Executable programs are generally loaded into memory residing on the SDRAM bus. The SDRAM bus has a 32-bit wide data/address bus structure and is capable of burst accesses. It is possible to execute program code over the LocalPlus bus. However, the data transfer rate on the SDRAM bus is many times faster than LocalPlus. There are 16 peripheral functional blocks on the MPC5200. These are General Purpose I/O, I2C, TIMER, PSC1, PSC2, PSC3, PSC4, PSC5, PSC6, Ethernet, USB, MSCAN, SPI and J1850. Each of these functional blocks are routed to one or more I/O ports through a system of multiplexers. A functional block can only be routed to one I/O port at a time and in many cases, several functional blocks can be routed to the same I/O port. The I/O ports are Dedicated GPIO Group, I2C Group, Timer Group, PSC1 Group, PSC2 Group, PSC3 Group, PSC6 Group, Ethernet Group, and the USB Group. Figures 2-2 through 2-10 present detailed on the multiplexing options for each I/O port. MPC5200 is packaged in a 272-pin Plastic Ball Gate Array (PBGA). Package ball locations are shown in Figure 2-1. See Appendix D, for case diagram. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-1 Overview Y1 signal: ext_ad_27 View Looking at Pins (Balls) Y20 signal: timer0 Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A A1 signal: test_mode_1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A20 signal: mem_dqm_2 Note: Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 give the signals on each pin/ball. Figure 2-1. 272-Pin PBGA Pin Detail Table 2-1 gives a list of MPC5200 I/O signals sorted by package ball name. Table 2-2 gives the same list sorted by signal name. Many signal pins can have multiple functions depending on internal register settings. These additional functions are described in Table 2-3 through Table 2-31. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-2 Freescale Semiconductor Freescale Semiconductor A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 TEST_MODE_1 JTAG_TDO JTAG_TDI JTAG_TMS PSC3_8 PSC3_5 PSC3_2 PSC2_4 PSC2_2 PSC1_4 PSC1_1 PSC6_2 PORRESET SRESET SYS_XTAL_IN MEM_MA_1 MEM_MBA_1 MEM_RAS MEM_WE MEM_DQM_2 B14 B15 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B12 B13 TEST_SEL_0 TEST_MODE_0 JTAG_TRST JTAG_TCK PSC3_7 PSC3_4 PSC3_1 PSC2_3 PSC2_1 PSC1_3 PSC1_0 PSC6_0 HRESET C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 PSC3_9 PSC3_6 PSC3_3 PSC3_0 CORE_PLL_AVDD PSC2_0 PSC1_2 PSC6_1 GPIO_WKUP_7 PSC6_3 SYS_PLL_AVSS GPIO_WKUP_6 MEM_MA_3 MEM_MA_0 MEM_MBA_0 MEM_MA_5 MEM_MA_6 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 VSS VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQS_2 MEM_MA_7 MEM_MA_8 RTC_XTAL_OUT RTC_XTAL_IN TEST_SEL_1 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 TIMER_4 TIMER_3 TIMER_2 VSS VDD_CORE VDD_IO VDD_CORE LP_OE VDD_IO VDD_CORE VDD_CORE SYS_PLL_AVDD SYS_PLL_TPA VDD_MEM_IO VDD_MEM_IO SYS_XTAL_OUT VDD_MEM_IO B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 MEM_MA_2 MEM_MA_10 MEM_CS_0 MEM_CAS MEM_MA_4 E01 E02 E03 E04 E17 E18 E19 E20 TIMER_7 TIMER_6 TIMER_5 VDD_IO VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_16 MEM_MA_9 MEM_MA_11 F01 F02 F03 F04 USB_7 USB_8 USB_9 VDD_IO G01 G02 G03 G04 USB_3 USB_4 USB_5 USB_6 H01 H02 H03 H04 Key for IO Balls: A6 PSC3_5 <– Ball <– Signal Name F17 F18 F19 F20 VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_17 MEM_MA_12 MEM_CLK_EN G17 G18 MEM_MDQ_18 MEM_MDQ_19 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 USB_0 USB_1 USB_2 VDD_IO J01 J02 J03 J04 J09 J10 J11 J12 ETH_3 ETH_4 ETH_10 ETH_17 VSS VSS VSS VSS K01 K02 K03 K04 K09 K10 K11 K12 VSS VSS VSS VSS G19 G20 MEM_CLK MEM_CLK H17 d H18 203 H19 204 H20 206 VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_20 MEM_DQM_1 MEM_MDQS_1 J17 J18 J19 J20 MEM_MDQ_8 MEM_MDQ_9 K19 194 K20 196 MEM_MDQ_22 MEM_MDQ_21 K17 d ETH_0 ETH_1 ETH_2 VDD_CORE L01 L02 L03 L04 L09 L10 L11 L12 L17 ETH_9 ETH_16 ETH_5 ETH_11 VSS VSS VSS VSS MEM_DQM_3 M09 M10 M11 M12 VSS VSS VSS VSS M17 d M18 182 M19 184 M20 186 MEM_MDQ_15 M01 M02 M03 VDD_MEM_IO K18 193 M04 MEM_MDQ_23 MEM_MDQ_10 L18 L19 MEM_MDQ_11 L20 MEM_MDQS_3 MEM_MDQ_12 MEM_MDQ_13 ETH_13 ETH_12 ETH_8 VDD_CORE VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_24 MEM_MDQ_14 N01 N02 N03 N04 N17 N18 N19 N20 ETH_7 ETH_6 ETH_15 ETH_14 MEM_DQM_0 MEM_MDQS_0 P01 P02 P03 P04 IRQ1 IRQ2 IRQ0 VDD_CORE R01 R02 R03 R04 IRQ3 PCI_RESET EXT_AD_30 PCI_GNT T01 T02 T03 T04 PCI_CLOCK EXT_AD_26 EXT_AD_28 VDD_IO MEM_MDQ_25 MEM_MDQ_26 Key for PWR/GND Balls: VSS VDD_CORE VDD IO VDD_MEM_IO Core and IO VSS 1.5V Core VDD 3.3V IO VDD P17 d P18 172 P19 174 P20 176 VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_27 MEM_MDQ_7 MEM_MDQ_6 R17 R18 R19 R20 MEM_MDQ_5 MEM_MDQ_4 MEM_MDQ_28 MEM_MDQ_29 Memory VDD T17 T18 T19 T20 VDD_MEM_IO MEM_MDQ_30 MEM_MDQ_3 MEM_MDQ_2 U01 U02 U03 U04 U05 U06 U07 U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 PCI_REQ PCI_IDSEL EXT_AD_24 VSS VDD_IO VDD_IO VDD_CORE EXT_AD_15 VDD_IO VDD_IO EXT_AD_6 VDD_CORE VDD_IO LP_ACK VDD_CORE VDD_IO VSS MEM_MDQ_31 MEM_MDQ_1 MEM_MDQ_0 V20 V01 V02 V03 V04 V05 V06 V07 V08 V09 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 EXT_AD_31 EXT_AD_20 EXT_AD_22 EXT_AD_18 PCI_FRAME PCI_STOP PCI_PAR EXT_AD_13 EXT_AD_11 EXT_AD_9 EXT_AD_4 EXT_AD_2 EXT_AD_0 LP_ALE LP_CS2 LP_CS5 ATA_DRQ TIMER_1 I2C_0 I2C_2 W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18 W19 W20 EXT_AD_29 EXT_AD_25 EXT_AD_23 EXT_AD_16 PCI_TRDY PCI_CBE_2 PCI_DEVSEL PCI_SERR EXT_AD_14 PCI_CBE_0 EXT_AD_8 EXT_AD_5 EXT_AD_1 LP_CS0 LP_CS3 LP_RW ATA_IOW ATA_IOCHRDY I2C_1 I2C_3 Y01 Y02 Y03 Y04 Y05 Y06 Y07 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18 Y19 Y20 EXT_AD_27 PCI_CBE_3 EXT_AD_21 EXT_AD_19 EXT_AD_17 PCI_IRDY PCI_PERR PCI_CBE_1 EXT_AD_12 EXT_AD_10 EXT_AD_7 EXT_AD_3 LP_TS LP_CS1 LP_CS4 ATA_ISOLATION ATA_IOR ATA_DACK ATA_INTRQ TIMER_0 Figure 2-2. 272-Pin PBGA — Top View 2-3 Pinout Tables M S C A N SDRAM CS1 S P I P S C 5 System chip selects TSIZE_1 4 G P I O I 2 C 4 T I M E R S 4 P S C 1 8 P S C 2 5 5 P S C 3 5 E T H E R U S B P2 10 100 5 7 2 ATA chip selects 4 2 P S C 4 5 P S C 6 J 1 8 5 0 P1 10 10 18 Reset Conf. 2 2 mux 1 4 mux 8 2 5 4 5 10 mux mux mux mux 8 Pins 5 pins 5 pins 10 pins 14 mux mux 8 2 5 4 mux mux 18 pins 10 pins 4 pins Ethernet Group USB Group PSC6 Group 1 Dedicated GPIO 4 pins I2C Group Timer Group PSC1 Group PSC2 Group PSC3 Group Figure 2-3. MPC5200 Peripheral Muxing 2.2 Pinout Tables Table 2-1. Signals by Ball/Pin Ball/Pin Pin Name Ball/Pin Pin Name A01 TEST_MODE_1 B16 MEM_MA_2 A02 JTAG_TDO B17 MEM_MA_10 A03 JTAG_TDI B18 MEM_CS_0 A04 JTAG_TMS B19 MEM_CAS A05 PSC3_8 B20 MEM_MA_4 A06 PSC3_5 C01 RTC_XTAL_OUT A07 PSC3_2 C02 RTC_XTAL_IN A08 PSC2_4 C03 TEST_SEL_1 A09 PSC2_2 C04 PSC3_9 A10 PSC1_4 C05 PSC3_6 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-4 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-1. Signals by Ball/Pin (continued) Ball/Pin Pin Name Ball/Pin Pin Name A11 PSC1_1 C06 PSC3_3 A12 PSC6_2 C07 PSC3_0 A13 PORRESET C08 CORE_PLL_AVDD A14 SRESET C09 PSC2_0 A15 SYS_XTAL_IN C10 PSC1_2 A16 MEM_MA_1 C11 PSC6_1 A17 MEM_MBA_1 C12 GPIO_WKUP_7 A18 MEM_RAS C13 PSC6_3 A19 MEM_WE C14 SYS_PLL_AVSS A20 MEM_DQM_2 C15 GPIO_WKUP_6 B01 TEST_SEL_0 C16 MEM_MA_3 B02 TEST_MODE_0 C17 MEM_MA_0 B03 JTAG_TRST C18 MEM_MBA_0 B04 JTAG_TCK C19 MEM_MA_5 B05 PSC3_7 C20 MEM_MA_6 B06 PSC3_4 D01 TIMER_4 B07 PSC3_1 D02 TIMER_3 B08 PSC2_3 D03 TIMER_2 B09 PSC2_1 D04 VSS_IO/CORE B10 PSC1_3 D05 VDD_CORE B11 PSC1_0 D06 VDD_IO B12 PSC6_0 D07 VDD_CORE B13 HRESET D08 LP_OE B14 SYS_PLL_AVDD D09 VDD_IO B15 SYS_PLL_TPA D10 VDD_CORE D11 VDD_CORE H04 VDD_IO D12 VDD_MEM_IO H17 VDD_MEM_IO D13 VDD_MEM_IO H18 MEM_MDQ_20 D14 SYS_XTAL_OUT H19 MEM_DQM_1 D15 VDD_MEM_IO H20 MEM_MDQS_1 D16 VSS_IO/CORE J01 ETH_3 D17 VDD_MEM_IO J02 ETH_4 D18 MEM_MDQS_2 J03 ETH_10 D19 MEM_MA_7 J04 ETH_17 D20 MEM_MA_8 J09 VSS_IO/CORE MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-5 Pinout Tables Table 2-1. Signals by Ball/Pin (continued) Ball/Pin Pin Name Ball/Pin Pin Name E01 TIMER_7 J10 VSS_IO/CORE E02 TIMER_6 J11 VSS_IO/CORE E03 TIMER_5 J12 VSS_IO/CORE E04 VDD_IO J17 MEM_MDQ_22 E17 VDD_MEM_IO J18 MEM_MDQ_21 E18 MEM_MDQ_16 J19 MEM_MDQ_8 E19 MEM_MA_9 J20 MEM_MDQ_9 E20 MEM_MA_11 K01 ETH_0 F01 USB_7 K02 ETH_1 F02 USB_8 K03 ETH_2 F03 USB_9 K04 VDD_CORE F04 VDD_IO K09 VSS_IO/CORE F17 VDD_MEM_IO K10 VSS_IO/CORE F18 MEM_MDQ_17 K11 VSS_IO/CORE F19 MEM_MA_12 K12 VSS_IO/CORE F20 MEM_CLK_EN K17 VDD_MEM_IO G01 USB_3 K18 MEM_MDQ_23 G02 USB_4 K19 MEM_MDQ_10 G03 USB_5 K20 MEM_MDQ_11 G04 USB_6 L01 ETH_9 G17 MEM_MDQ_18 L02 ETH_16 G18 MEM_MDQ_19 L03 ETH_5 G19 MEM_CLK L04 ETH_11 G20 MEM_CLK L09 VSS_IO/CORE H01 USB_0 L10 VSS_IO/CORE H02 USB_1 L11 VSS_IO/CORE H03 USB_2 L12 VSS_IO/CORE L17 MEM_DQM_3 R18 MEM_MDQ_29 L18 MEM_MDQS_3 R19 MEM_MDQ_5 L19 MEM_MDQ_12 R20 MEM_MDQ_4 L20 MEM_MDQ_13 T01 PCI_CLOCK M01 ETH_13 T02 EXT_AD_26 M02 ETH_12 T03 EXT_AD_28 M03 ETH_8 T04 VDD_IO M04 VDD_CORE T17 VDD_MEM_IO MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-6 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-1. Signals by Ball/Pin (continued) Ball/Pin Pin Name Ball/Pin Pin Name M09 VSS_IO/CORE T18 MEM_MDQ_30 M10 VSS_IO/CORE T19 MEM_MDQ_3 M11 VSS_IO/CORE T20 MEM_MDQ_2 M12 VSS_IO/CORE U01 PCI_REQ M17 VDD_MEM_IO U02 PCI_IDSEL M18 MEM_MDQ_24 U03 EXT_AD_24 M19 MEM_MDQ_14 U04 VSS_IO/CORE M20 MEM_MDQ_15 U05 VDD_IO N01 ETH_7 U06 VDD_IO N02 ETH_6 U07 VDD_CORE N03 ETH_15 U08 EXT_AD_15 N04 ETH_14 U09 VDD_IO N17 MEM_MDQ_25 U10 VDD_IO N18 MEM_MDQ_26 U11 EXT_AD_6 N19 MEM_DQM_0 U12 VDD_CORE N20 MEM_MDQS_0 U13 VDD_IO P01 IRQ1 U14 LP_ACK P02 IRQ2 U15 VDD_CORE P03 IRQ0 U16 VDD_IO P04 VDD_CORE U17 VSS_IO/CORE P17 VDD_MEM_IO U18 MEM_MDQ_31 P18 MEM_MDQ_27 U19 MEM_MDQ_1 P19 MEM_MDQ_7 U20 MEM_MDQ_0 P20 MEM_MDQ_6 V01 EXT_AD_31 R01 IRQ3 V02 EXT_AD_20 R02 PCI_RESET V03 EXT_AD_22 R03 EXT_AD_30 V04 EXT_AD_18 R04 PCI_GNT V05 PCI_FRAME R17 MEM_MDQ_28 V06 PCI_STOP V07 PCI_PAR Y04 EXT_AD_19 V08 EXT_AD_13 Y05 EXT_AD_17 V09 EXT_AD_11 Y06 PCI_IRDY V10 EXT_AD_9 Y07 PCI_PERR V11 EXT_AD_4 Y08 PCI_CBE_1 V12 EXT_AD_2 Y09 EXT_AD_12 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-7 Pinout Tables Table 2-1. Signals by Ball/Pin (continued) Ball/Pin Pin Name Ball/Pin Pin Name V13 EXT_AD_0 Y10 EXT_AD_10 V14 LP_ALE Y11 EXT_AD_7 V15 LP_CS2 Y12 EXT_AD_3 V16 LP_CS5 Y13 LP_TS V17 ATA_DRQ Y14 LP_CS1 V18 TIMER_1 Y15 LP_CS4 V19 I2C_0 Y16 ATA_ISOLATION V20 I2C_2 Y17 ATA_IOR W01 EXT_AD_29 Y18 ATA_DACK W02 EXT_AD_25 Y19 ATA_INTRQ W03 EXT_AD_23 Y20 TIMER_0 W04 EXT_AD_16 W05 PCI_TRDY W06 PCI_CBE_2 W07 PCI_DEVSEL W08 PCI_SERR W09 EXT_AD_14 W10 PCI_CBE_0 W11 EXT_AD_8 W12 EXT_AD_5 W13 EXT_AD_1 W14 LP_CS0 W15 LP_CS3 W16 LP_RW W17 ATA_IOW W18 ATA_IOCHRDY W19 I2C_1 W20 I2C_3 Y01 EXT_AD_27 Y02 PCI_CBE_3 Y03 EXT_AD_21 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-8 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-2. Signals by Signal Name Signal Name Ball/Pin Signal Name Ball/Pin ATA_DACK Y18 EXT_AD_6 U11 ATA_DRQ V17 EXT_AD_7 Y11 ATA_INTRQ Y19 EXT_AD_8 W11 ATA_IOCHRDY W18 EXT_AD_9 V10 ATA_IOR Y17 EXT_AD_10 Y10 ATA_IOW W17 EXT_AD_11 V09 ATA_ISOLATION Y16 EXT_AD_12 Y09 LP_CS0 W14 EXT_AD_13 V08 LP_CS1 Y14 EXT_AD_14 W09 LP_CS2 V15 EXT_AD_15 U08 LP_CS3 W15 EXT_AD_16 W04 LP_CS4 Y15 EXT_AD_17 Y05 LP_CS5 V16 EXT_AD_18 V04 ETH_0 K01 EXT_AD_19 Y04 ETH_1 K02 EXT_AD_20 V02 ETH_2 K03 EXT_AD_21 Y03 ETH_3 J01 EXT_AD_22 V03 ETH_4 J02 EXT_AD_23 W03 ETH_5 L03 EXT_AD_24 U03 ETH_6 N02 EXT_AD_25 W02 ETH_7 N01 EXT_AD_26 T02 ETH_8 M03 EXT_AD_27 Y01 ETH_9 L01 EXT_AD_28 T03 ETH_10 J03 EXT_AD_29 W01 ETH_11 L04 EXT_AD_30 R03 ETH_12 M02 EXT_AD_31 V01 ETH_13 M01 GPIO_WKUP_6 C15 ETH_14 N04 GPIO_WKUP_7 C12 ETH_15 N03 CORE_PLL_AVDD C08 ETH_16 L02 CORE_PLL_AVSS NC (no connection) ETH_17 J04 HRESET B13 EXT_AD_0 V13 I2C_0 V19 EXT_AD_1 W13 I2C_1 W19 EXT_AD_2 V12 I2C_2 V20 EXT_AD_3 Y12 I2C_3 W20 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-9 Pinout Tables Table 2-2. Signals by Signal Name (continued) Signal Name Ball/Pin Signal Name Ball/Pin EXT_AD_4 V11 PSC6_0 B12 EXT_AD_5 W12 PSC6_2 A12 PSC6_3 C13 MEM_MBA_1 A17 PSC6_1 C11 MEM_MDQ_0 U20 IRQ0 P03 MEM_MDQ_1 U19 IRQ1 P01 MEM_MDQ_2 T20 IRQ2 P02 MEM_MDQ_3 T19 IRQ3 R01 MEM_MDQ_4 R20 JTAG_TCK B04 MEM_MDQ_5 R19 JTAG_TDI A03 MEM_MDQ_6 P20 JTAG_TDO A02 MEM_MDQ_7 P19 JTAG_TMS A04 MEM_MDQ_8 J19 JTAG_TRST B03 MEM_MDQ_9 J20 LP_ACK U14 MEM_MDQ_10 K19 LP_ALE V14 MEM_MDQ_11 K20 LP_OE D08 MEM_MDQ_12 L19 LP_RW W16 MEM_MDQ_13 L20 LP_TS Y13 MEM_MDQ_14 M19 MEM_CAS B19 MEM_MDQ_15 M20 MEM_CLK_EN F20 MEM_MDQ_16 E18 MEM_CS_0 B18 MEM_MDQ_17 F18 MEM_DQM_0 N19 MEM_MDQ_18 G17 MEM_DQM_1 H19 MEM_MDQ_19 G18 MEM_DQM_2 A20 MEM_MDQ_20 H18 MEM_DQM_3 L17 MEM_MDQ_21 J18 MEM_MA_0 C17 MEM_MDQ_22 J17 MEM_MA_1 A16 MEM_MDQ_23 K18 MEM_MA_2 B16 MEM_MDQ_24 M18 MEM_MA_3 C16 MEM_MDQ_25 N17 MEM_MA_4 B20 MEM_MDQ_26 N18 MEM_MA_5 C19 MEM_MDQ_27 P18 MEM_MA_6 C20 MEM_MDQ_28 R17 MEM_MA_7 D19 MEM_MDQ_29 R18 MEM_MA_8 D20 MEM_MDQ_30 T18 MEM_MA_9 E19 MEM_MDQ_31 U18 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-10 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-2. Signals by Signal Name (continued) Signal Name Ball/Pin Signal Name Ball/Pin MEM_MA_10 B17 MEM_MDQS_0 N20 MEM_MA_11 E20 MEM_MDQS_1 H20 MEM_MA_12 F19 MEM_MDQS_2 D18 MEM_MBA_0 C18 MEM_MDQS_3 L18 MEM_CLK G19 PSC3_5 A06 MEM_CLK G20 PSC3_6 C05 MEM_RAS A18 PSC3_7 B05 MEM_WE A19 PSC3_8 A05 PCI_CBE_0 W10 PSC3_9 C04 PCI_CBE_1 Y08 RTC_XTAL_IN C02 PCI_CBE_2 W06 RTC_XTAL_OUT C01 PCI_CBE_3 Y02 SRESET A14 PCI_CLOCK T01 SYS_PLL_AVDD B14 PCI_DEVSEL W07 SYS_PLL_AVSS C14 PCI_FRAME V05 SYS_PLL_TPA B15 PCI_GNT R04 SYS_XTAL_IN A15 PCI_IDSEL U02 SYS_XTAL_OUT D14 PCI_IRDY Y06 TEST_MODE_0 B02 PCI_PAR V07 TEST_MODE_1 A01 PCI_PERR Y07 TEST_SEL_0 B01 PCI_REQ U01 TEST_SEL_1 C03 PCI_RESET R02 TIMER_0 Y20 PCI_SERR W08 TIMER_1 V18 PCI_STOP V06 TIMER_2 D03 PCI_TRDY W05 TIMER_3 D02 PORRESET A13 TIMER_4 D01 PSC1_0 B11 TIMER_5 E03 PSC1_1 A11 TIMER_6 E02 PSC1_2 C10 TIMER_7 E01 PSC1_3 B10 USB_0 H01 PSC1_4 A10 USB_1 H02 PSC2_0 C09 USB_2 H03 PSC2_1 B09 USB_3 G01 PSC2_2 A09 USB_4 G02 PSC2_3 B08 USB_5 G03 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-11 Pinout Tables Table 2-2. Signals by Signal Name (continued) Signal Name Ball/Pin Signal Name Ball/Pin PSC2_4 A08 USB_6 G04 PSC3_0 C07 USB_7 F01 PSC3_1 B07 USB_8 F02 PSC3_2 A07 USB_9 F03 PSC3_3 C06 VDD_CORE D05 PSC3_4 B06 VSS_IO/CORE J12 VDD_CORE D10 VSS_IO/CORE K09 VDD_CORE D11 VSS_IO/CORE K10 VDD_CORE K04 VSS_IO/CORE K11 VDD_CORE M04 VSS_IO/CORE K12 VDD_CORE P04 VSS_IO/CORE L09 VDD_CORE U07 VSS_IO/CORE L10 VDD_CORE U12 VSS_IO/CORE L11 VDD_CORE U15 VSS_IO/CORE L12 VDD_IO D06 VSS_IO/CORE M09 VDD_IO D09 VSS_IO/CORE M10 VDD_IO E04 VSS_IO/CORE M11 VDD_IO F04 VSS_IO/CORE M12 VDD_IO H4 VSS_IO/CORE U04 VDD_IO T4 VSS_IO/CORE U17 VDD_IO U05 VDD_CORE D07 VDD_IO U06 VDD_IO U09 VDD_IO U10 VDD_IO U13 VDD_IO U16 VDD_MEM_IO D12 VDD_MEM_IO D13 VDD_MEM_IO D15 VDD_MEM_IO D17 VDD_MEM_IO E17 VDD_MEM_IO F17 VDD_MEM_IO H17 VDD_MEM_IO K17 VDD_MEM_IO M17 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-12 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-2. Signals by Signal Name (continued) Signal Name Ball/Pin VDD_MEM_IO P17 VDD_MEM_IO T17 VSS_IO/CORE D04 VSS_IO/CORE D16 VSS_IO/CORE J09 VSS_IO/CORE J10 VSS_IO/CORE J11 Signal Name Ball/Pin Table 2-3. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Pin Assignments MPC5200 LocaLPlus Bus Address / Data Pins E X T _ A D 3 1 E X T _ A D 3 0 E X T _ A D 2 9 E X T _ A D 2 8 E X T _ A D 2 7 E X T _ A D 2 6 E X T _ A D 2 5 E X T _ A D 2 4 E X T _ A D 2 3 E X T _ A D 2 2 E X T _ A D 2 1 E X T _ A D 2 0 E X T _ A D 1 9 E X T _ A D 1 8 E X T _ A D 1 7 E X T _ A D 1 6 E X T _ A D 1 5 E X T _ A D 1 4 E X T _ A D 1 3 E X T _ A D 1 2 E X T _ A D 1 1 E X T _ A D 1 0 E X T _ A D 9 E X T _ A D 8 E X T _ A D 7 E X T _ A D 6 E X T _ A D 5 E X T _ A D 4 E X T _ A D 3 E X T _ A D 2 E X T _ A D 1 E X T _ A D 0 16 bit Adr, 16 bit Data D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 5 4 3 2 1 0 24 bit Adr, 8 bit Data D D D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Muxed modes All Muxed mode Address tenures 8 bit Data tenure 0 T S 1 Z E 2 T S 1 Z E 1 T 0 B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A S S S 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Z E 0 D D D D D D D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 16 bit Data tenure 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 32 bit Data tenure 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-13 Pinout Tables Table 2-4. LocalPlus Pin Functions LocalPlus Non-mux Pin name BALL LocalPlus MULTIPLEXED BUS PCI BUS Addr /Data 24/8 Addr /Data 16/16 Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase 8-bit Data Phase PCI Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase 8-bit Data Phase ATA MOST Large Flash EXT_AD_31 V01 D7 D15 0 D31 D15 D7 A31 D31 0 0 D31 D15 EXT_AD_30 R03 D6 D14 TSIZ0 D30 D14 D6 A30 D30 0 0 D30 D14 EXT_AD_29 W01 D5 D13 TSIZ1 D29 D13 D5 A29 D29 0 0 D29 D13 EXT_AD_28 T03 D4 D12 TSIZ2 D28 D12 D4 A28 D28 0 0 D28 D12 EXT_AD_27 Y01 D3 D11 0 D27 D11 D3 A27 D27 0 0 D27 D11 EXT_AD_26 T02 D2 D10 BS1 D26 D10 D2 A26 D26 0 0 D26 D10 EXT_AD_25 W02 D1 D9 BS0 D25 D9 D1 A25 D25 0 0 D25 D9 EXT_AD_24 U03 D0 D8 A24 D24 D8 D0 A24 D24 0 0 D24 D8 EXT_AD_23 W03 A23 D7 A23 D23 D7 0 A23 D23 0 0 D23 D7 EXT_AD_22 V03 A22 D6 A22 D22 D6 0 A22 D22 0 0 D22 D6 EXT_AD_21 Y03 A21 D5 A21 D21 D5 0 A21 D21 0 0 D21 D5 EXT_AD_20 V02 A20 D4 A20 D20 D4 0 A20 D20 0 0 D20 D4 EXT_AD_19 Y04 A19 D3 A19 D19 D3 0 A19 D19 0 0 D19 D3 EXT_AD_18 V04 A18 D2 A18 D18 D2 0 A18 D18 0 0 SA_2 D18 D2 EXT_AD_17 Y05 A17 D1 A17 D17 D1 0 A17 D17 0 0 SA_1 D17 D1 EXT_AD_16 W04 A16 D0 A16 D16 D0 0 A16 D16 0 0 SA_0 D16 D0 EXT_AD_15 U08 A15 A15 A15 D15 0 0 A15 D15 D15 0 D15 D15 A15 EXT_AD_14 W09 A14 A14 A14 D14 0 0 A14 D14 D14 0 D14 D14 A14 EXT_AD_13 V08 A13 A13 A13 D13 0 0 A13 D13 D13 0 D13 D13 A13 EXT_AD_12 Y09 A12 A12 A12 D12 0 0 A12 D12 D12 0 D12 D12 A12 EXT_AD_11 V09 A11 A11 A11 D11 0 0 A11 D11 D11 0 D11 D11 A11 EXT_AD_10 Y10 A10 A10 A10 D10 0 0 A10 D10 D10 0 D10 D10 A10 EXT_AD_9 V10 A9 A9 A9 D9 0 0 A9 D9 D9 0 D9 D9 A9 EXT_AD_8 W11 A8 A8 A8 D8 0 0 A8 D8 D8 0 D8 D8 A8 EXT_AD_7 Y11 A7 A7 A7 D7 0 0 A7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 A7 EXT_AD_6 U11 A6 A6 A6 D6 0 0 A6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 A6 EXT_AD_5 W12 A5 A5 A5 D5 0 0 A5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 A5 EXT_AD_4 V11 A4 A4 A4 D4 0 0 A4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 A4 EXT_AD_3 Y12 A3 A3 A3 D3 0 0 A3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 A3 EXT_AD_2 V12 A2 A2 A2 D2 0 0 A2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 A2 EXT_AD_1 W13 A1 A1 A1 D1 0 0 A1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 A1 EXT_AD_0 V13 A0 A0 A0 D0 0 0 A0 D0 D0 D0 D0 D0 A0 RESET PCI Dedicated Signals PCI_PAR V07 PCI_PAR A0 A16 PCI_CBE_0 W10 PCI_CBE_0 A1 A17 PCI_CBE_1 Y08 PCI_CBE_1 A2 A18 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-14 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-4. LocalPlus Pin Functions (continued) LocalPlus Non-mux Pin name BALL Addr /Data 24/8 Addr /Data 16/16 LocalPlus MULTIPLEXED BUS Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase PCI BUS 8-bit Data Phase PCI Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase 8-bit Data Phase ATA MOST Large Flash PCI_CBE_2 W06 PCI_CBE_2 A3 A19 PCI_CBE_3 Y02 PCI_CBE_3 A4 A20 PCI_TRDY W05 PCI_TRDY A5 A21 PCI_IRDY Y06 PCI_IRDY A6 A22 PCI_STOP V06 PCI_STOP A7 A23 PCI_DEVS EL W07 PCI_DEVSEL A8 A24 PCI_FRAM E V05 PCI_FRAME A9 A25 PCI_SERR W08 PCI_SERR A10 Note 1 PCI_PERR Y07 PCI_PERR A11 Note 1 PCI_IDSEL U02 PCI_IDSEL A12 Note 1 PCI_REQ U01 PCI_REQ A13 Note 1 PCI_GNT R04 PCI_GNT A14 Note 1 PCI_CL0CK T01 Same as PCI_CLOCK CLK OUT CLK OUT PCI_RESET R02 PCI_RESET A15 Note 1 CLK OUT CLK OUT CLK OUT CLK OUT CLK OUT CLK OUT RESET ATA Dedicated Signals ATA_DRQ V17 ATA_D RQ A16 ATA_DACK Y18 ATA_D ACK A17 RST_CF G0 ATA_IOR Y17 ATA_I OR A18 RST_CF G1 ATA_IOW W17 ATA_I OW A19 RST_CF G2 ATA_IOCHR DY W18 ATA_I OCHR DY A20 ATA_INTRQ Y19 ATA_IN TRQ A21 ATA_ISOLA TION Y16 ATA_IS OLATI ON A22 LocalPlus Dedicated Signals LP_RW W16 LP_ALE V14 LP_ACK U14 LP_TS Y13 LP_RW LP_RW LP_ALE LP_ACK A23 RST_CF G3 RST_CF G4 LP_ACK, Note 2 LP_TS LP_TS RST_CF G5 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-15 Pinout Tables Table 2-4. LocalPlus Pin Functions (continued) LocalPlus Non-mux Pin name BALL Addr /Data 24/8 Addr /Data 16/16 LocalPlus MULTIPLEXED BUS Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase PCI BUS 8-bit Data Phase PCI Address Phase 32-bit Data Phase 16-bit Data Phase 8-bit Data Phase ATA MOST Large Flash LP_OE D08 LP_OE LP_OE LP_CS0 W14 CS_0 / CS_BOOT CS_0 / CS_BOOT LP_CS1 Y14 CS_1 CS_1 LP_CS2 V15 CS_2 CS_2 LP_CS3 W15 CS_3 CS_3 LP_CS4 Y15 CS_4 ATA_C S_0 CS_4 LP_CS5 V16 CS_5 ATA_C S_1 CS_5 RESET PSC 3 Dedicated Signals PSC3_4 B06 CS_6 CS_6 PSC3_5 A06 CS_7 CS_7 GPIO_WKUP Dedicated Signals GPIO_WKU P_7 C12 TSIZ1 JTAG Access Dedicated Signals TEST_SEL_ 1 C03 TSIZ2 1. The PCI signals, which are not used as address in Large Flash mode, are drive low during a Large Flash access. 2. For a burst transaction LP_ACK signal indicates the burst . Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_31 Function Reset Value Description Ball V01 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase logic 0 D7 D15 D31 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D15 D7 LFLASH hi - z logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 7 LocalPlus Data Bit 15 LocalPlus Data Bit 31 hi - z logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 15 D15 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D15 MOST Graphics D31 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D31 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase hi - z A31 logic 0 logic 0 D31 PCI Address Bit A31 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 31 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-16 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_30 Function Reset Value Description Ball R03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase TSIZE0 D6 D14 D30 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D14 D6 LFLASH D14 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D14 MOST Graphics D30 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D30 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A30 logic 0 logic 0 D30 Pin EXT_AD_29 hi - z LocalPlus TSIZE0 LocalPlus Data Bit 6 LocalPlus Data Bit 14 LocalPlus Data Bit 30 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 14 LocalPlus Data Bit 6 hi - z PCI Address Bit A30 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 30 Ball W01 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase TSIZE1 D5 D13 D29 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D13 D5 LFLASH D13 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D13 MOST Graphics D29 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D29 ATA ----- ----- ----- LocalPlus TSIZE1 LocalPlus Data Bit 5 LocalPlus Data Bit 13 LocalPlus Data Bit 29 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_28 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 13 LocalPlus Data Bit 5 hi - z A31 logic 0 logic 0 D29 PCI Address Bit A29 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 29 Ball T03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase TSIZE2 D4 D12 D28 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D12 D4 LFLASH D12 hi - z MOST Graphics D28 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D28 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A28 logic 0 logic 0 D28 hi - z TSIZE2 LocalPlus Data Bit 4 LocalPlus Data Bit 12 LocalPlus Data Bit 28 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 12 LocalPlus Data Bit 4 Large Flash Data Bit D12 hi - z PCI Address Bit A28 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 28 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-17 Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_27 Function Reset Value Description Ball Y01 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase logic 0 D3 D11 D27 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D11 D3 LFLASH D11 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D11 MOST Graphics D27 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D27 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A27 logic 0 logic 0 D27 Pin EXT_AD_26 hi - z logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 3 LocalPlus Data Bit 11 LocalPlus Data Bit 27 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 11 LocalPlus Data Bit 3 hi - z PCI Address Bit A27 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 27 Ball T02 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase BS1 D2 D10 D26 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D10 D2 LFLASH D10 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D10 MOST Graphics D26 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D26 ATA ----- ----- ----- LocalPlus BS1 LocalPlus Data Bit 2 LocalPlus Data Bit 10 LocalPlus Data Bit 26 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_25 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 10 LocalPlus Data Bit 2 hi - z A26 logic 0 logic 0 D26 PCI Address Bit A26 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 26 Ball W02 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase BS0 D1 D9 D25 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D9 D1 LFLASH D9 hi - z MOST Graphics D25 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D25 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A25 logic 0 logic 0 D25 hi - z BS0 LocalPlus Data Bit 1 LocalPlus Data Bit 9 LocalPlus Data Bit 25 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 9 LocalPlus Data Bit 1 Large Flash Data Bit D9 hi - z PCI Address Bit A25 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 25 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-18 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_24 Function Reset Value Description Ball U03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A24 D0 D8 D24 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D8 D0 LFLASH D8 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D8 MOST Graphics D24 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D24 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A24 logic 0 logic 0 D24 Pin EXT_AD_23 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit 24 LocalPlus Data Bit 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 8 LocalPlus Data Bit 24 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 8 LocalPlus Data Bit 0 hi - z PCI Address Bit A24 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit 24 Ball W03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A23 logic 0 D7 D23 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D7 A23 LFLASH D7 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D7 MOST Graphics D23 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D23 ATA ----- ----- ----- Local Address Bit A23 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 7 LocalPlus Data Bit 23 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_22 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit 7 LocalPlus Address Bit A23 hi - z A23 logic 0 logic 0 D23 PCI Address Bit A23 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D23 Ball V03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A22 logic 0 D6 D22 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D6 A22 LFLASH D6 hi - z MOST Graphics D22 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D22 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A22 logic 0 logic 0 D22 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A22 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 6 LocalPlus Data Bit D22 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D6 LocalPlus Address Bit A22 Large Flash Data Bit D6 hi - z PCI Address Bit A22 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D22 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-19 Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_21 Function Reset Value Description Ball Y03 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A21 logic 0 D5 D21 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D5 A21 LFLASH D5 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D5 MOST Graphics D21 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D21 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A21 logic 0 logic 0 D21 Pin EXT_AD_20 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A21 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 5 LocalPlus Data Bit D21 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D5 LocalPlus Address Bit A21 hi - z PCI Address Bit A21 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D21 Ball V02 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A20 logic 0 D4 D20 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D4 A20 LFLASH D4 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D4 MOST Graphics D20 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D20 ATA ----- ----- ----- LocalPlus Address Bit A20 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 4 LocalPlus Data Bit D20 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_19 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D4 LocalPlus Address Bit A20 hi - z A20 logic 0 logic 0 D20 PCI Address Bit A20 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D20 Ball Y04 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A19 logic 0 D3 D19 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D3 A19 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A19 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 3 LocalPlus Data Bit D19 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D3 LocalPlus Address Bit A19 LFLASH D3 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D3 MOST Graphics D19 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D19 ATA ----- ----- ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A19 logic 0 logic 0 D19 hi - z PCI Address Bit A19 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D19 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-20 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_18 Function Reset Value Description Ball V04 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A18 logic 0 D2 D18 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D2 A18 LFLASH D2 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D2 MOST Graphics D18 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D18 ATA ATA_SA_2 hi - z ----- PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A18 logic 0 logic 0 D18 Pin EXT_AD_17 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A18 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 2 LocalPlus Data Bit D18 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D2 LocalPlus Address Bit A18 hi - z PCI Address Bit A18 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D18 Ball Y05 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A17 logic 0 D1 D17 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D1 A17 LFLASH D1 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D1 MOST Graphics D17 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D17 ATA ----- ----- ----- LocalPlus Address Bit A17 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 1 LocalPlus Data Bit D17 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_16 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D1 LocalPlus Address Bit A17 hi - z A17 logic 0 logic 0 D17 PCI Address Bit A17 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D17 Ball W04 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A16 logic 0 D0 D16 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data D0 A16 LFLASH D0 hi - z Large Flash Data Bit D0 MOST Graphics D16 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D16 ATA ATA_SA_0 hi - z ATA_SA_0 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A16 logic 0 logic 0 D16 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A16 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D16 hi - z LocalPlus Data Bit D0 LocalPlus Address Bit A16 hi - z PCI Address Bit A16 logic 0 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D16 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-21 Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_15 Function Reset Value Description Ball U08 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A15 logic 0 logic 0 D15 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A15 A15 LFLASH A15 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A15 MOST Graphics D15 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D15 ATA ATA_DATA_1 5 hi - z ATA Data Bit 15 LocalPlus Address Bit A15 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D15 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_14 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A15 LocalPlus Address Bit A15 hi - z A15 logic 0 D15 D15 PCI Address Bit A15 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D15 PCI Data Bit D15 Ball W09 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A14 logic 0 logic 0 D14 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A14 A14 LFLASH A14 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A14 MOST Graphics D14 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D14 ATA ATA_DATA_1 4 hi - z ATA_DATA_14 LocalPlus Address Bit A14 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D14 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_13 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A14 LocalPlus Address Bit A14 hi - z A14 logic 0 D14 D14 PCI Address Bit A14 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D14 PCI Data Bit D14 Ball V08 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A13 logic 0 logic 03 D13 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A13 A13 LFLASH A13 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A13 MOST Graphics D13 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D13 ATA ATA_DATA_1 3 hi - z ATA Data Bit D13 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A13 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D13 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A13 LocalPlus Address Bit A13 hi - z A13 logic 0 D13 D13 PCI Address Bit A13 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D13 PCI Data Bit D13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-22 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_12 Function Reset Value Description Ball Y09 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A12 logic 0 logic 0 D12 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A12 A12 LFLASH A12 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A12 MOST Graphics D12 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D12 ATA ATA_DATA_1 2 hi - z ATA_DATA_12 LocalPlus Address Bit A12 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D12 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_11 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A12 LocalPlus Address Bit A12 hi - z A12 logic 0 D12 D12 PCI Address Bit A12 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D12 PCI Data Bit D12 Ball V09 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A11 logic 0 logic 0 D11 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A11 A11 LFLASH A11 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A11 MOST Graphics D11 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D11 ATA ATA_DATA_1 1 hi - z ATA_DATA_11 LocalPlus Address Bit A11 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D11 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_10 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A11 LocalPlus Address Bit A11 hi - z A11 logic 0 D11 D11 PCI Address Bit A11 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D11 PCI Data Bit D11 Ball Y10 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A10 logic 0 logic 0 D10 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A10 A10 LFLASH A10 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A10 MOST Graphics D10 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D10 ATA ATA_DATA_1 0 hi - z ATA_DATA_10 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A10 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D10 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A10 LocalPlus Address Bit A10 hi - z A10 logic 0 D10 D10 PCI Address Bit A10 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D10 PCI Data Bit D10 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-23 Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_9 Function Reset Value Description Ball V10 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A9 logic 0 logic 0 D9 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A9 A9 LFLASH A9 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A9 MOST Graphics D9 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D22 ATA ATA_DATA_9 hi - z ATA_DATA_9 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A9 logic 0 D9 D9 Pin EXT_AD_8 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A9 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D9 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A9 LocalPlus Address Bit A9 hi - z PCI Address Bit A9 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D9 PCI Data Bit D9 Ball W11 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A8 logic 0 logic 0 D8 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A8 A8 LFLASH A8 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A8 MOST Graphics D8 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D8 ATA ATA_DATA_8 hi - z ATA_DATA_8 LocalPlus Address Bit A8 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D8 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_7 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A8 LocalPlus Address Bit A8 hi - z A8 logic 0 D8 D8 PCI Address Bit A8 logic 0 PCI Data Bit D8 PCI Data Bit D8 Ball Y11 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A7 logic 0 logic 0 D7 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A7 A7 LFLASH A7 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A7 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A7 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D7 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A7 LocalPlus Address Bit A7 MOST Graphics D7 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D7 ATA ATA_DATA_7 hi - z ATA_DATA_7 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A7 D7 D7 D7 hi - z PCI Address Bit A7 PCI Data Bit D7 PCI Data Bit D7 PCI Data Bit D7 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-24 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_6 Function Reset Value Description Ball U11 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A6 logic 0 logic 0 D6 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A6 A6 LFLASH A6 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A6 MOST Graphics D6 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D6 ATA ATA_DATA_6 hi - z ATA_DATA_6 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A6 D6 D6 D6 Pin EXT_AD_5 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A6 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D6 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A6 LocalPlus Address Bit A6 hi - z PCI Address Bit A6 PCI Data Bit D6 PCI Data Bit D6 PCI Data Bit D6 Ball W12 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A5 logic 0 logic 0 D5 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A5 A5 LFLASH A5 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A5 MOST Graphics D5 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D5 ATA ATA_DATA_5 hi - z ATA_DATA_5 LocalPlus Address Bit A5 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D5 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_4 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A5 LocalPlus Address Bit A5 hi - z A5 D5 D5 D5 PCI Address Bit A5 PCI Data Bit D5 PCI Data Bit D5 PCI Data Bit D5 Ball V11 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A4 logic 0 logic 0 D4 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A4 A4 LFLASH A4 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A4 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A4 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D4 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A4 LocalPlus Address Bit A4 MOST Graphics D4 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D4 ATA ATA_DATA_4 hi - z ATA_DATA_4 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A4 D4 D4 D4 hi - z PCI Address Bit A4 PCI Data Bit D4 PCI Data Bit D4 PCI Data Bit D4 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-25 Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball Y12 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A3 logic 0 logic 0 D3 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A3 A3 LFLASH A3 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A3 MOST Graphics D3 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D3 ATA ATA_DATA_3 hi - z ATA_DATA_3 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A3 D3 D3 D3 Pin EXT_AD_2 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A3 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D3 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A3 LocalPlus Address Bit A3 hi - z PCI Address Bit A3 PCI Data Bit D3 PCI Data Bit D3 PCI Data Bit D3 Ball V12 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A2 logic 0 logic 0 D2 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A2 A2 LFLASH A2 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A2 MOST Graphics D2 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D2 ATA ATA_DATA_2 hi - z ATA_DATA_2 LocalPlus Address Bit A2 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D2 hi - z PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase Pin EXT_AD_1 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A2 LocalPlus Address Bit A2 hi - z A2 D2 D2 D2 PCI Address Bit A2 PCI Data Bit D2 PCI Data Bit D2 PCI Data Bit D2 Ball W13 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A1 logic 0 logic 0 D1 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A1 A1 LFLASH A1 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A1 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A1 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D1 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A1 LocalPlus Address Bit A1 MOST Graphics D1 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D1 ATA ATA_DATA_1 hi - z ATA_DATA_1 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A1 D1 D1 D1 hi - z PCI Address Bit A1 PCI Data Bit D1 PCI Data Bit D1 PCI Data Bit D1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-26 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-5. LocalPlus Bus Address / Data Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin EXT_AD_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball V13 LocalPlus Bus multiplexed mode Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A0 logic 0 logic 0 D0 LocalPlus non-mux 16-bit addr/16-bit data 24-bit addr/8-bit data A0 A0 LFLASH A0 hi - z Large Flash Address Bit A0 MOST Graphics D0 hi - z MOST Graphics Data Bit D0 ATA ATA_DATA_0 hi - z ATA_DATA_0 PCI Address Phase 8-Bit Data Phase 16-Bit Data Phase 32-Bit Data Phase A0 logic 0 logic 0 D0 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A0 logic 0 logic 0 LocalPlus Data Bit D0 hi - z LocalPlus Address Bit A0 LocalPlus Address Bit A0 hi - z PCI Address Bit A0 PCI Data Bit 0 PCI Data Bit 0 PCI Data Bit D0 Table 2-6. PCI Dedicated Signals PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PCI_PAR Function Reset Value Description Ball V07 PCI PCI_PAR logic 1 PCI Bus Parity LFLASH A16 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A16 MOST Graphics A0 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A0 PCI PCI_CBE_0 logic 1 PCI Command Byte Enable 0 LFLASH A17 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A17 MOST Graphics A1 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A1 PCI PCI_CBE_1 logic 1 PCI Command Byte Enable 1 LFLASH A18 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A17 MOST Graphics A2 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A1 PCI PCI_CBE_2 logic 1 PCI Command Byte Enable 2 LFLASH A19 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A19 MOST Graphics A3 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A3 PCI PCI_CBE_3 logic 1 PCI Command Byte Enable 3 LFLASH A20 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A20 MOST Graphics A4 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A4 Pin PCI_CBE_0 Pin PCI_CBE_1 Pin PCI_CBE_2 Pin PCI_CBE_3 Ball W10 Ball Y08 Ball W06 Ball Y02 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-27 Pinout Tables Table 2-6. PCI Dedicated Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PCI_TRDY Function Reset Value Description Ball W05 PCI PCI_TRDY logic 1 PCI_TRDY PCI Target Ready LFLASH A21 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A21 MOST Graphics A5 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A5 PCI PCI_IRDY logic 1 PCI Initiator (HOST) Ready LFLASH A22 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A22 MOST Graphics A6 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A6 PCI PCI_STOP logic 1 PCI Transition Stop LFLASH A23 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A23 MOST Graphics A7 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A7 Pin PCI_IRDY Pin PCI_STOP Pin PCI_DEVSEL Ball Y06 Ball V06 Ball W07 PCI PCI_DEVSEL logic 1 PCI Device Select LFLASH A24 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A24 MOST Graphics A8 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A8 PCI PCI_FRAME logic 1 PCI Frame Start LFLASH A25 logic 1 Large Flash Address Bit A25 MOST Graphics A9 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A9 PCI PCI_SERR logic 1 PCI System Error (open drain) MOST Graphics A10 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A10 PCI PCI_SERR logic 1 PCI Parity Error MOST Graphics A11 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A11 PCI PCI_IDSEL logic 1 PCI Initial Device Select MOST Graphics A12 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A12 PCI PCI_REQ logic 1 PCI Bus Request MOST Graphics A13 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A13 PCI PCI_GNT logic 1 PCI Bus Grant MOST Graphics A14 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A14 PCI_CLOCK clk PCI Clock Pin PCI_FRAME Pin PCI_SERR Pin PCI_PERR Pin PCI_IDSEL Pin PCI_REQ Pin PCI_GNT Pin PCI_CLOCK PCI Ball V05 Ball W08 Ball Y07 Ball U02 Ball U01 Ball R04 Ball T01 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-28 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-6. PCI Dedicated Signals (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PCI_RESET Function Reset Value Description Ball R02 PCI PCI_RESET logic 0 PCI Reset Output (open drain) MOST Graphics A15 logic 0 MOST Graphics Address Bit A15 Table 2-7. ATA Dedicated Signals PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ATA_DRQ Function Reset Value Description Ball V17 ATA ATA_DRQ logic 0 ATA DMA Request MOST Graphics A16 logic 0 MOST Graphics Address Bit A16 ATA ATA_DACK logic 1 ATA DMA Request MOST Graphics A17 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A17 Pin ATA_DACK Ball Y18 RESET Config. Pin ATA_IOR bit 0 -- ppc_pll_cfg_4 Ball Y17 ATA ATA_IOR logic 1 ATA read - 0, no read - 1 MOST Graphics A18 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A18 RESET Config. RST_CFG1 Pin ATA_IOW bit 1 -- ppc_pll_cfg_3 Ball W17 ATA ATA_IOW logic 1 ATA write - 0, no write - 1 MOST Graphics A19 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A19 RESET Config. RST_CFG2 Pin ATA_IOCHDRY bit 2 -- ppc_pll_cfg_2 Ball W18 ATA ATA_IOCHDRY logic 1 ATA negated to extend transfer MOST Graphics A20 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A20 ATA ATA_INTRQ logic 1 ATA Interrupt Request MOST Graphics A21 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A21 ATA ATA_ISOLATION logic 1 ATA Levelshifter control signal MOST Graphics A22 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A22 Pin ATA_INTRQ Pin ATA_ISOLATION Ball Y19 Ball Y16 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-29 Pinout Tables Table 2-8. LocalPlus Dedicated Signals PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin LP_RW Function Reset Value Description Ball W16 LocalPlus Read/Write logic 1 LocalPlus Read/Write LIne Reset Configuration RST_CFG3 logic 1 Bit 3 -- ppc_pll_cfg_1 LocalPlus Address Latch Enable logic 1 LocalPlus Address Latch Enable for Multiplexed Transitions MOST Graphics A23 logic 1 MOST Graphics Address Bit A23 Reset Configuration RST_CFG4 logic 1 Bit 4 ppc_pll_cfg_0 LocalPlus LP Acknowledge logic 1 Acknowledge signal for LP peripherals. Acknowledge signal for Large Flash or MOST Graphics, if bursts are not enabled. LFLASH BRST logic 1 BURST indication for Large Flash, if bursts are enabled MOST Graphics BRST logic 1 BURST indication for MOST Graphics, if bursts are enabled LocalPlus LP Transfer Start logic 1 LocalPlus Transfer Start Reset Configuration 5 RST_CFG5 logic 1 Bit 5 -- xlb_clk_sel bit = 0: XLB_CLK = fsystem / 4 bit = 1: XLB_CLK = fsystem / 8 LP Output Enable logic 1 LocalPlus Output Enable Pin LP_ALE Pin LP_ACK Pin LP_TS Pin LP_OE LocalPlus Ball V14 Ball U14 Ball Y13 Ball D08 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-30 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables UART1(e) CODEC1 5 4 AC971 GPIO 5 5 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic PSC_0 Function Port_conf [29:31] GPIO 00X GPIO AC97_1 01X UART1 PSC_2 PSC_1 PSC_0 PSC_1 GPIO PSC_2 PSC_3 PSC_3 GPIO PSC_4 PSC_4 GPIO GPIO_W/WAKE_UP AC97_1_SDATA_O AC97_1_SDATA_IN AC97_1_SYNC UT AC97_1_BITCLK AC97_1_RES 100 UART1_TXD UART1_RXD UART1_RTS UART2_CTS GPIO_W/WAKE_UP UART1e 101 UART1e_TXD UART1e_RXD UART1e_RTS UART1e_CTS UART1e_DCD CODEC1 110 CODEC1_TXD CODEC1_RXD GPIO CODEC1_CLK CODEC1_FRAME CODEC1 w/ MCLK 111 CODEC1_w/ MCLK_TXD CODEC1_w/ MCLK_RXD CODEC1_w/ MCLK_MCLK CODEC1_w/ MCLK_CLK CODEC1_w/ MCLK_FRAME Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. CODEC usage leaves pin 3 open for simple GPIO. If port otherwise unused, all five pins are available as GPIO. CODEC plus additional GPIO from elsewhere can implement Soft Modem or RS-232 functionality. AC’97 usage is limited to PSC1 and PSC2. Figure 2-4. PSC1 Port Map—5 Pins Table 2-9. PSC1 Pin Functions CODEC1 w/ MCLK Pin Name Dir. GPIO AC97_1 UART1 UART1e CODEC1 PSC1_0 I/O GPIO AC97_1_SDATA_OUT UART1_TXD UART1e_TXD CODEC1_TXD CODEC1_w/ MCLK_TXD PSC1_1 I/O GPIO AC97_1_SDATA_IN UART1_RXD UART1e_RXD CODEC1_RXD CODEC1_w/ MCLK_RXD PSC1_2 I/O GPIO AC97_1_SYNC UART1_RTS UART1e_RTS GPIO CODEC1_w/ MCLK_MCLK PSC1_3 I/O GPIO AC97_1_BITCLK UART1_CTS UART1e_CTS CODEC1_CLK CODEC1_w/ MCLK_CLK PSC1_4 I/O GPIO_W/W AKE_UP AC97_1_RES GPIO_W/WAKE_UP UART1e_DCD CODEC1_FRAME CODEC1_w/ MCLK_FRAME MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-31 Pinout Tables Table 2-10. PSC1 Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC1_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball B11 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O AC97_1 hi - z AC97_1_SDATA_OUT AC97 Serial Data Out UART1 hi - z UART1_TXD Transmit Data UART1e hi - z UART1e_TXD Transmit Data CODEC1 hi - z CODEC1_TXD Transmit Data CODEC1_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC1_w/MCLK_TXD Transmit Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O AC97_1 hi - z AC97_1_SDATA_IN AC97 Serial Data In UART1 hi - z UART1_RXD Receive Data UART1e hi - z UART1e_RXD Receive Data CODEC1 hi - z CODEC1_RXD Receive Data CODEC1_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC1_w/MCLK_RXD Receive Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O AC97_1 hi - z AC97_1_SYNC AC97 Frame Sync UART1 hi - z UART1_RTS Ready To Send UART1e hi - z UART1e_RTS Ready To Send CODEC1 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CODEC1_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC1_w/MCLK _MCLK Pin PSC1_1 Pin PSC1_2 Ball A11 Ball C10 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-32 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-10. PSC1 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC1_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball B10 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O AC97_1 hi - z AC97_1_BITCLK AC97 Bit Clock UART1 hi - z UART1_CTS UART Clear To Send UART1e hi - z UART1e_CTS UARTe Clear To Send CODEC1 hi - z CODEC1_CLK CODEC Bit Clock CODEC1_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC1_w/MCLK_CLK CODEC Bit Clock GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP AC97_1 hi - z AC97_1_RES AC97 Reset UART1 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP UART1e hi - z UART1e_DCD UARTe Carrier Detect CODEC1 hi - z CODEC1_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync CODEC1_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC1_w/MCLK_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync Pin PSC1_4 Ball A10 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-33 Pinout Tables UART2(e) CODEC2 5 AC972 4 CAN1/2 GPIO 4 5 5 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic PSC2_0 PSC2_1 PSC2_2 PSC2_3 PSC2_4 Function Port_conf [25:27] GPIO 000 GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO_W/WAKE_UP CAN1/2 001 CAN1_TX CAN1_RX CAN2_TX CAN2_RX GPIO_W/WAKE_UP AC97_2 01X AC97_2_SDATA_OUT AC97_2_SDATA_IN AC97_2_SYNC AC97_2_BITCLK AC97_2_RES PSC_0 PSC_1 PSC_2 PSC_3 PSC_4 UART2 100 UART2_TXD UART2_RXD UART2_RTS UART2_CTS GPIO_W/WAKE_UP UART2e 101 UART2e_TXD UART2e_RXD UART2e_RTS UART2e_CTS UART2e_DCD CODEC2 110 CODEC2_TXD CODEC2_RXD GPIO CODEC2_CLK CODEC2_FRAME CODEC2 w/ MCLK 111 CODEC2_w/ MCLK_TXD CODEC2_w/ MCLK_RXD CODEC2_w/ MCLK_MCLK CODEC2_w/ MCLK_CLK CODEC2_w/ MCLK_FRAME Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CODEC usage leaves pin 3 open for simple GPIO. CAN usage leaves pin 5 open for WakeUp GPIO. CODEC plus additional GPIO from elsewhere can implement Soft Modem or RS-232 functionality. AC97 usage is limited to PSC1 or PSC2. MSCAN ports 1 and 2 can be configured here or on timer/I2C ports. They cannot be split. (i.e., put CAN1 on PSC2 and CAN2 on the timer port). 6. CAN RX input supports WakeUp functionality. Figure 2-5. PSC2 Port Map—5 Pins Table 2-11. PSC2 Pin Functions Pin Name Dir. GPIO CAN1/2 AC97_2 UART2 UART2e CODEC2 PSC2_0 I/O GPIO CAN1_TX AC97_2_SDATA_OUT UART2_TXD UART2e_TXD CODEC2_TXD CODEC2_w/ MCLK_TXD PSC2_1 I/O GPIO CAN1_RX AC97_2_SDATA_IN UART2_RXD UART2e_RXD CODEC2_RXD CODEC2_w/ MCLK_RXD PSC2_2 I/O GPIO CAN2_TX AC97_2_SYNC UART2_RTS UART2e_RTS GPIO CODEC2_w/ MCLK_MCLK PSC2_3 I/O GPIO CAN2_RX AC97_2_BITCLK UART2_CTS UART2e_CTS CODEC2_CLK CODEC2_w/ MCLK_CLK PSC2_4 I/O GPIO_w/ WAKE_UP GPIO_w/ WAKE_UP AC97_2_RES GPIO_w/ WAKE_UP UART2e_DCD CODEC2_FRAME CODEC2 w/ MCLK CODEC2_w/ MCLK_FRAME MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-34 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-12. PSC2 Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC2_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball C09 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN1, CAN2 hi - z CAN1_TX CAN Transmit AC97_2 hi - z AC97_2_SDATA_OUT AC97 Serial Data Out UART2 hi - z UART2_TXD Transmit Data UART2e hi - z UART2e_TXD Transmit Data CODEC2 hi - z CODEC2_TXD Transmit Data CODEC2_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC2_w/MCLK_TXD Transmit Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN_1, CAN_2 hi - z CAN1_RX CAN Receive AC97_2 hi - z AC97_2_SDATA_IN AC97 Serial Data In UART2 hi - z UART2_RXD Receive Data UART2e hi - z UART2e_RXD Receive Data CODEC2 hi - z CODEC2_RXD Receive Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN1, CAN2 hi - z CAN2_TX CAN Transmit AC97_2 hi - z AC97_2_SYNC AC97 Frame Sync UART2 hi - z UART2_RTS Ready To Send UART2e hi - z UART2e_RTS Ready To Send CODEC2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O Pin PSC2_1 Pin PSC2_2 Ball B09 Ball A09 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-35 Pinout Tables Table 2-12. PSC2 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC2_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball B08 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN1, CAN2 hi - z CAN2_RX CAN Receive Data AC97_2 hi - z AC97_2_BITCLK AC97 Bit Clock UART2 hi - z UART2_CTS UART Clear To Send UART2e hi - z UART2e_CTS UARTe Clear To Send CODEC2 hi - z CODEC2_CLK CODEC Bit Clock GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP CAN1, CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP AC97_2 hi - z AC97_2_RES AC97 Reset UART2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP UART2e hi - z UART2e_DCD UARTe Carrier Detect CODEC2 hi - z CODEC2_FRAME CODEC Frame Pin PSC2_4 Ball A08 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-36 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables UART3(e) CODEC3 5 USB2 4 SPI 10 GPIO 10 4 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic PSC3_0 PSC3_1 Function Port_conf [20:23] GPIO 0000 GPIO GPIO GPIO USB2 0001 USB2_OE USB2_TXN UART3 0100 UART3_TXD UART3_RXD PSC3_0 PSC3_1 PSC3_2 PSC3_2 PSC3_3 PSC3_3 PSC3_4 PSC3_5 PSC3_6 PSC3_6 PSC3_7 PSC3_7 PSC3_8 PSC3_4 PSC3_5 GPIO LP_CS_6 or INTERRUPT LP_CS_7 or INTERRUPT GPIO USB2_TXP USB2_RXD USB2_RXP USB2_RXN USB2_PRTPW USB2_SPEED USB2_SUSPE USB2_OVRCNT R ND UART3_RTS UART3_CTS LP_CS_6 LP_CS_7 GPIO GPIO GPIO PSC3_8 PSC3_9 INTERRUPT INTERRUPT PSC3_9 GPIO_W/WAKE-UP GPIO_W/WAKE_UP UART3e 0101 UART3e_TXD UART3e_RXD UART3e_RTS UART3e_CTS UART3e_DCD LP_CS_7 GPIO GPIO INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAKE_UP CODEC3 0110 CODEC3_TXD CODEC3_RXD CODEC3_CLK CODEC3_FRA LP_CS_6 ME LP_CS_7 GPIO GPIO INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAKE_UP CODEC3 w/ MCLK 0111 CODEC3_w/ MCLK_TXD CODEC3_w/ MCLK_RXD CODEC3_w/M CODEC3_w/M LP_CS_6 CLK_CLK CLK_FRAME LP_CS_7 CODEC3_w/M GPIO CLK_MCLK INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAKE-UP SPI 100X GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO LP_CS_6 LP_CS_7 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK UART3 / SPI 1100 UART3_TXD UART3_RXD UART3_RTS UART3_CTS LP_CS_6 LP_CS_7 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK UART3e / SPI 1101 UART3e_TXD UART3e_RXD UART3e_RTS UART3e_CTS UART3e_DCD LP_CS_7 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK CODEC3 / SPI 111X CODEC3_TXD CODEC3_RXD CODEC3_CLK CODEC3_FRA LP_CS_6 ME SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK LP_CS_7 NOTES: 1. If Soft Modem or RS-232 functionality is desired, use UARTe/CODEC function and use available GPIO from this or any other port. 2. Second USB port (USB2) can be configured on PSC3 or on the Ethernet port, but not both locations. 3. PSC3_4 can be configured to be LP_CS6 or an interrupt GPIO, except when PS3 is in USB2 or UART3e modes In these modes, CS6 is not available. 4. PSC3_5 can be configured to be LP_CS7 or an interrupt GPIO, except when PS3 is in USB2 mode. In this mode, LP_CS7 is not available. Figure 2-6. PSC3 Port Map—10 Pins Table 2-13. PSC3 Pin Functions Pin name Dir. GPIO USB2 UART3 UART3e CODEC3 PSC3_0 I/O (O) GPIO USB2_OE UART3_TXD UART3e_TXD CODEC3_TXD PSC3_1 I/O(I) GPIO USB2_TXN UART3_RXD UART3e_RXD CODEC3_RXD PSC3_2 I/O(I) GPIO USB2_TXP UART3_RTS UART3e_RTS CODEC3_CLK PSC3_3 I/O(I) GPIO USB2_RXD UART3_CTS UART3e_CTS CODEC3_FRAME PSC3_4 I/O(I) LP_CS_6 USB2_RXP LP_CS_6 UART3e_DCD LP_CS_6 PSC3_5 I/O LP_CS_7 USB2_RXN LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 PSC3_6 I/O GPIO USB2_PRTPWR GPIO GPIO GPIO PSC3_7 I/O GPIO USB2_SPEED GPIO GPIO GPIO PSC3_8 I/O INTERRUPT_8 USB2_SUSPEND INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT PSC3_9 I/O GPIO_W/WAKE-UP USB2_OVRCNT GPIO_W/WAKE_UP GPIO_W/WAKE_UP GPIO_W/WAKE_UP MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-37 Pinout Tables Table 2-14. PSC3 Pin Functions (cont.) Pin name Dir. CODEC3 w/ M SPI UART3 / SPI UART3e / SPI CODEC3 / SPI PSC3_0 I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK_TXD GPIO UART3_TXD UART3e_TXD CODEC3_TXD PSC3_1 I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK_RXD GPIO UART3_RXD UART3e_RXD CODEC3_RXD PSC3_2 I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK_CLK GPIO UART3_RTS UART3e_RTS CODEC3_CLK PSC3_3 I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK_FRAME GPIO UART3_CTS UART3e_CTS CODEC3_FRAME PSC3_4 I/O LP_CS_6 LP_CS_6 LP_CS_6 UART3e_DCD LP_CS_6 PSC3_5 I/O LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 LP_CS_7 PSC3_6 I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK_MCLK SPI_MOSI SPI_MOSI SPI_MOSI SPI_MOSI PSC3_7 I/O GPIO SPI_MISO SPI_MISO SPI_MISO SPI_MISO PSC3_8 I/O INTERRUPT SPI_SS SPI_SS SPI_SS SPI_SS PSC3_9 I/O GPIO_W/WAKE-UP SPI_CLK SPI_CLK SPI_CLK SPI_CLK Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball C07 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_OE USB Output Enable UART3 hi - z UART3_TXD Uart Transmit Data UART3e hi - z UART3e_TXD Uart Transmit Data CODEC3 hi - z CODEC3_TXD CODEC Transmit Data CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC3_w/MCLK_TXD CODEC Transmit Data SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3, SPI hi - z UART3_TXD Uart Transmit Data UART3e,SPI hi - z UART3e_TXD Uart Transmit Data CODEC3, SPI hi - z CODEC3_TXD CODEC Transmit Data MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-38 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_1 Function Reset Value Description Ball B07 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_TXN USB Transmit Negative UART3 hi - z UART3_RXD Uart Receive Data UART3e hi - z UART3e_RXD Uart Receive Data CODEC3 hi - z CODEC3_RXD CODEC Receive Data CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC3_w/MCLK_RXD CODEC Receive Data SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3, SPI hi - z UART3_RXD Uart Receive Data UART3e,SPI hi - z UART3e_RXD Uart Receive Data CODEC3, SPI hi - z CODEC3_RXD CODEC Receive Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_TXP USB Transmit Positive UART3 hi - z UART3_RTS Uart Ready To Send UART3e hi - z UART3e_RTS Uart Ready To Send CODEC3 hi - z CODEC3_CLK CODEC Bit Clock CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC3_w/MCLK_CLK CODEC Bit Clock SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3, SPI hi - z UART3_RTS Uart Ready to Send UART3e, SPI hi - z UART3_RTS Uart Ready To Send CODEC3, SPI hi - z CODEC3_CLK CODEC Clock Pin PSC3_2 Ball A07 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-39 Pinout Tables Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball C06 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_RXD USB Receive Data UART3 hi - z UART3_CTS Uart Clear To Send UART3e hi - z UART3e_CTS Uart Clear To Send CODEC3 hi - z CODEC3_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC3_w/MCLK_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3, SPI hi - z UART3_CTS Uart Clear to Send UART3e, SPI hi - z UART3e_CTS Uart Clear To Send CODEC3, SPI hi - z CODEC3_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync GPIO hi - z LP_CS_6 USB2 hi - z USB2_RXP USB Receive Positive UART3 hi - z LP_CS_6 UART3e hi - z UART3e_DCD UART3e Carrier Detect CODEC3 hi - z LP_CS_6 CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z LP_CS_6 SPI hi - z LP_CS_6 UART3, SPI hi - z LP_CS_6 UART3e,SPI hi - z UART3e_DCD UART3e Carrier Detect CODEC3, SPI hi - z LP_CS_6 Pin PSC3_4 Ball B06 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-40 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_5 Function Reset Value Description Ball A06 GPIO hi - z LP_CS_7 USB2 hi - z USB2_RXN USB Receive Positive UART3 hi - z LP_CS_7 UART3e hi - z LP_CS_7 CODEC3 hi - z LP_CS_7 CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z CODEC3_w/MCLK_MCLK CODEC Clock SPI hi - z LP_CS_7 UART3, SPI hi - z LP_CS_7 UART3e,SPI hi - z LP_CS_7 CODEC3, SPI hi - z LP_CS_7 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_PRTPWR USB Port Power UART3 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3e hi - z GPIO_ Simple General Purpose I/O CODEC3 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z LP_CS_7 SPI hi - z SPI_MOSI SPI_Master Out Slave In UART3, SPI hi - z SPI_MOSI SPI_Master Out Slave In UART3e, SPI hi - z SPI_MOSI SPI_Master Out Slave In CODEC3, SPI hi - z SPI_MOSI SPI_Master Out Slave In Pin PSC3_6 Ball C05 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-41 Pinout Tables Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_7 Function Reset Value Description Ball B05 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB2 hi - z USB2_SPEED USB Speed UART3 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART3e hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CODEC3 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z SPI_MISO SPI Master In Slave Out UART3, SPI hi - z SPI_MISO SPI Master In Slave Out UART3e, SPI hi - z SPI_MISO SPI Master In Slave Out CODEC3, SPI hi - z SPI_MISO SPI Master In Slave Out GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB_2 hi - z USB2_SUSPEND USB Susupend UART3 hi - z INTERRUPT UART3e hi - z INTERRUPT CODEC3 hi - z INTERRUPT CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z INTERRUPT SPI hi - z SPI_SS SPI Slave Select UART_3, SPI hi - z SPI_SS SPI Slave Select UART3e, SPI hi - z SPI_SS SPI Slave Select CODEC3, SPI hi - z SPI_SS SPI Slave Select Pin PSC3_8 Ball A05 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-42 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-15. PSC3 Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC3_9 Reset Value Function Description Ball C04 GPIO hi - z GPIO_W/WAKE_UP Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP USB2 hi - z USB2_OVRCRNT USB Over Current UART3 hi - z GPIO_W/WAKE_UP Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP UART3e hi - z GPIO_W/WAKE_UP Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP CODEC3 hi - z GPIO_W/WAKE_UP Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP CODEC3_w/MCLK hi - z GPIO_W/WAKE_UP Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP SPI hi - z SPI_CLK SPI Clock UART3, SPI hi - z SPI_CLK SPI Clock UART3e, SPI hi - z SPI_CLK SPI Clock CODEC3, SPI hi - z SPI_CLK SPI Clock USB Clock from PSC6 Port USB Host 10 PSC4 PSC5 4 4 RST_CFG GPIO 5 2 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic USB_0 Function Port_conf [18:19] RST_CFG --- GPIO 00 USB 01 2x UART4/5 10 USB_0 USB_1 USB_1 USB_2 USB_2 USB_3 USB_3 USB_4 USB_4 USB_5 USB_5 USB_6 USB_7 USB_8 USB_9 USB_6 USB_7 USB_8 USB_9 GPIO GPIO GPIO INTERRUPT RST_CFG6 RST_CFG7 GPIO USB1_OE USB1_TXN USB1_TXP USB1_RXD USB1_RXP USB1_RXN USB1_POR USB1_SPEED USB1_SUS USB1_OVERCNT TPWR PEND GPIO UART4_RT UART4_TX UART4_RXD UART4_CTS UART5_RXD UART5_TXD S D UART5_RTS UART5_CTS INTERRUPT NOTE: 1. If not used for USB, this port is available as a GPIO resource. 2. USB clock source can be generated internally or sourced fromUSB_CLK input. 3. Pins 3–5 are not mapped to any function other than USB. 4. RST_config bits are sampled only during Reset. 5. PSC4/5 can be used here or on the Ethernet port, but not in both places. Figure 2-7. USB Port Map—10 Pins MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-43 Pinout Tables Table 2-16. USB Pin Functions Pin Name Dir. USB_0 I/O USB_1 I/O USB_2 I/O USB_3 Reset Configuration GPIO USB 2x UART4/5 GPIO USB1_OE GPIO RST_CFG6 USB1_TXN UART4_RTS RST_CFG7 USB1_TXP UART4_TXD I USB1_RXD UART4_RXD USB_4 I USB1_RXP UART4_CTS USB_5 I USB1_RXN UART5_RXD USB_6 I/O GPIO USB1_PORTPWR UART5_TXD USB_7 I/O GPIO USB1_SPEED UART5_RTS USB_8 I/O GPIO USB1_SUSPEND UART5_CTS USB_9 I/O INTERRUPT USB1_OVERCNT INTERRUPT Table 2-17. USB Pin Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin USB_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball H01 GPIO hi - z GPIO USB1 hi - z USB1_OE RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z GPIO GPIO hi - z ---- USB1 hi - z USB1_TXN USB1 Transmit Negative RESET Config. hi - z RST_CFG6 -- sys_pll_cfg_0 bit =0 : fsystem = 16x SYS_XTAL_IN bit =1 : fsystem = 12x SYS_XTAL_IN UART4, UART5 hi - z UART4_RTS GPIO hi - z ---- USB1 hi - z USB1_TXP USB1 Transmit Positive RESET Config. hi - z RST_CFG7 (Pull bit low) UART4, UART5 hi - z UART4_TXD Uart Transmit Data Pin USB_1 Pin USB_2 Ball H02 Ball H03 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-44 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-17. USB Pin Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin USB_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball G01 GPIO hi - z ---- USB1 hi - z USB1_RXD USB1 Receive Data RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z UART4_RXD Uart Receive Data GPIO hi - z ---- USB1 hi - z USB1_RXP USB1 Receive Positive RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART_, UART5 hi - z UART4_CTS Uart Clear To Send GPIO hi - z ---- USB1 hi - z USB1_RXN USB1 Receive Negative RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z UART5_RXD Uart Recieve Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB1 hi - z USB1_PRTPWR USB Receive Negative RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z UART5_TXD Uart Transmit Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB1 hi - z USB1_SPEED USB Speed RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z UART5_RTS Uart Ready To Send GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB1 hi - z USB1_SUSPEND USB Suspend RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z UART5_CTS Uart Clear To Send Pin USB_4 Pin USB_5 Pin USB_6 Pin USB_7 Pin USB_8 Ball G02 Ball G03 Ball G04 Ball F01 Ball F02 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-45 Pinout Tables Table 2-17. USB Pin Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin USB_9 Reset Value Function Description Ball F03 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O USB1 hi - z USB1_OVRCRNT USB1 Over Current RESET Config. hi - z ---- UART4, UART5 hi - z INTERRUPT J1850 PSC4 PSC5 Ethernet (Outputs) RST_CFG 2 5 5 8 8 USB2 (output portion) 6 GPIO 8 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic ETH_0 Function Port_conf [12:15] ETH_0 ETH_1 ETH_2 ETH_3 ETH_4 ETH_5 ETH_6 ETH_1 ETH_2 ETH_3 ETH_4 ETH_5 ETH_6 ETH_7 ETH_7 RST_CFG ----- RST_CFG8 RST_CFG15 RST_CFG10 RST_CFG11 RST_CFG12 RST_CFG13 RST_CFG14 ----- GPIO 0000 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT USB2 0001 OUTPUT OUTPUT USB2_TXP USB2_PRTPWR USB2_SPEED ETH7 0010 ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXD_0 OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH7 / USB2 0011 ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXD_0 USB2_TXP USB2_PRTPWR USB2_SPEED USB2_SUSPEN USB2_OE D ETH_18 no MD 0100 ETH18_TXEN ETH18_TXD_0 ETH18_TXD_1 ETH18_TXD_2 ETH18_TXERR OUTPUT ETH_18 w/ MD 0101 ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_T ETH18_w/MD_ XEN XD_0 XD_1 XD_2 XD_3 XERR MDC ETH18_w/MD_ MDIO ETH7 / UART4e/J1850 1000 ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXD_0 OUTPUT UART4e_TXD J1850_TX UART4e_RTS OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH7 /J1850 1001 OUTPUT ETH18_TXD_3 USB2_SUSPEN USB2_OE D OUTPUT OUTPUT USB2_TXN OUTPUT USB2_TXN OUTPUT ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXD_0 OUTPUT OUTPUT J1850_TX OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT UART4/5e/J1850 1010 OUTPUT UART5e_TXD UART5e_RTS UART4_TXD J1850_TX UART4_RTS OUTPUT OUTPUT UART5e/J1850 1011 OUTPUT UART5e__TXD UART5e_RTS OUTPUT J1850_TX OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT J1850 1100 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT J1850_TX OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT Figure 2-8. Ethernet Output Port Map—8 Pins MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-46 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables J1850 PSC4 PSC5 2 5 5 Ethernet (Inputs) USB2 (I/O portion) 10 GPIO 4 9 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic ETH_8 ETH_9 ETH_10 ETH_11 ETH_12 ETH_13 ETH_14 ETH_15 ETH_16 ETH_17 Port_ conf [12:15] ETH_8 ETH_9 ETH_10 ETH_11 GPIO 0000 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT USB2 0001 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH7 0010 ETH7 / USB2 0011 ETH_18 no MD 0100 ETH18_RXDV ETH18_RXCL ETH18_COL ETH18_TXC ETH18_RX ETH18_RXD ETH18_RXD_ ETH18_RXD ETH18_RXE ETH18_CRS K LK D_0 _1 2 _3 RR ETH_18 w/ MD 0101 ETH18_w/MD_ ETH18_w/MD_ ETH18_w/M ETH18_TXD ETH18_w/ ETH18_w/M ETH18_w/MD ETH18_w/M ETH18_w/M ETH18_W/MD RXDV RXCLK D_COL MD_RXD_0 D_RXD_1 _RXD_2 D_RXD_3 D_RXERR _CRS ETH7 / UART4e/J18 50 1000 ETH7_CD ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_COL ETH7_TXCL ETH7_RXD K _0 J1850_RX ETH7 /J1850 1001 ETH7_CD ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_COL ETH7_TXCL ETH7_RXD K _0 J1850_RX INTERRUPT UART4/5e/J1 850 1010 UART5e_CD UART5e_CTS OUTPUT OUTPUT UART5e_R XD J1850_RX UART4_RXD UART4_CTS UART4_CD GPIO_W/WAK E_UP UART5e/J18 50 1011 UART5e_DCD UART5e_CTS OUTPUT OUTPUT UART5e_R XD J1850_RX INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAK E_UP J1850 1100 OUTPUT OUTPUT J1850_RX INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAK E_UP Function ETH_12 ETH_13 ETH_14 ETH_15 ETH_16 ETH_17 OUTPUT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAK E_UP OUTPUT USB2_RXD USB2_RXP USB2_RXN ETH7_CD ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_COL ETH7_TXCL ETH7_RXD INTERRUPT K _0 INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAK E_UP ETH7_CD ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_COL ETH7_TXCL ETH7_RXD USB2_RXD K _0 USB2_RXP USB2_RXN RST_CFG GPIO OUTPUT USB2_OVR GPIO_W/WAK CNT E_UP USB2_OVR GPIO_W/WAK CNT E_UP UART4e_RXD UART4e_CT UART4_DCD GPIO_W/WAK S E_UP INTERRUPT INTERRUPT GPIO_W/WAK E_UP Figure 2-9. Ethernet Input / Control Port Map—10 Pins Table 2-18. Ethernet Pin Functions Pin name Dir. Reset Configuration GPIO USB2 ETH7 ETH7 / USB2 ETH_0 I/O RST_CFG8 OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXEN ETH_1 I/O RST_CFG15 OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH7_TXD_0 ETH7_TXD_0 ETH_2 I/O RST_CFG10 OUTPUT USB2_TXP OUTPUT USB2_TXP ETH_3 I/O RST_CFG11 OUTPUT USB2_PRTPWR OUTPUT USB2_PRTPWR ETH_4 I/O RST_CFG12 OUTPUT USB2_SPEED OUTPUT USB2_SPEED ETH_5 I/O RST_CFG13 OUTPUT USB2_SUSPEND OUTPUT USB2_SUSPEND ETH_6 I/O RST_CFG14 OUTPUT USB2_OE OUTPUT USB2_OE ETH_7 I/O OUTPUT USB2_TXN OUTPUT USB2_TXN ETH_8 I/O GPIO GPIO ETH7__CD ETH7__CD MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-47 Pinout Tables Table 2-18. Ethernet Pin Functions (continued) Pin name Dir. ETH_9 Reset Configuration GPIO USB2 ETH7 ETH7 / USB2 I/O GPIO GPIO ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_RXCLK ETH_10 I/O GPIO GPIO ETH7_COL ETH7_COL ETH_11 I/O GPIO GPIO ETH7_TXCLK ETH7_TXCLK ETH_12 I ETH7_RXD_0 ETH7_RXD_0 ETH_13 I/O INTERRUPT USB2_RXD INTERRUPT USB2_RXD ETH_14 I/O INTERRUPT USB2_RXP INTERRUPT USB2_RXP ETH_15 I/O INTERRUPT USB2_RXN INTERRUPT USB2_RXN ETH_16 I/O INTERRUPT USB2_OVRCNT INTERRUPT USB2_OVRCNT ETH_17 I/O GPIO_W/WAKE-UP GPIO_W/WAKE-UP GPIO_W/WAKE-UP GPIO_W/ WAKE-UP Table 2-19. Ethernet Pin Functions (cont.) Pin name Dir. ETH_18 no MD ETH_18 w/ MD ETH7 / UART4e/J1850 ETH7 /J1850 2UART4/5e/J1850 UART5e/J1850 J1850 ETH_0 I/O ETH18_TXEN ETH18_w/|MD_ TXEN ETH7_TXEN ETH7_TXEN OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH_1 I/O ETH18_TXD_0 ETH18_w/ MD_TXD_0 ETH7_TXD_0 ETH7_TXD_0 UART5e__TXD UART5e__TXD OUTPUT ETH_2 I/O ETH18_TXD_1 ETH18_w/ MD_TXD_1 OUTPUT OUTPUT UART5e__RTS UART5e__RTS OUTPUT ETH_3 I/O ETH18_TXD_2 ETH18_w/ MD_TXD_2 UART4e_TXD OUTPUT P4_TXD OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH_4 I/O ETH18_TXD_3 ETH18_w/ MD_TXD_3 J1850_TX J1850_TX J1850_TX J1850_TX J1850_TX ETH_5 I/O ETH18_TXERR ETH18_w/ MD_TXERR UART4e__RTS OUTPUT UART4_RTS OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH_6 I/O OUTPUT ETH18_w/ MD_MDC OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH_7 I/O OUTPUT ETH18_w/ MD_MDIO OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT ETH_8 I/O ETH18_RXDV ETH18_w/ MD_RXDV ETH7__CD ETH7__CD UART5e__DCD UART5e__DCD GPIO ETH_9 I/O ETH18_RXCLK ETH18_w/ MD_RXCLK ETH7_RXCLK ETH7_RXCLK UART5e__CTS UART5e__CTS GPIO ETH_10 I/O ETH18_COL ETH18_w/ MD_COL ETH7_COL ETH7_COL GPIO GPIO GPIO ETH_11 I/O ETH18_TXCLK ETH18_w/ MD_TXCLK ETH7_TXCLK ETH7_TXCLK GPIO GPIO GPIO ETH_12 I ETH18_RXD_0 ETH18_w/ MD_RXD_0 ETH7_RXD_O ETH7_RXD_O UART5e__RXD UART5e__RXD - ETH_13 I/O ETH18_RXD_1 ETH18_w/ MD_RXD_1 J1850_RX J1850_RX J1850_RX J1850_RX J1850_RX ETH_14 I/O ETH18_RXD_2 ETH18_w/ MD_RXD_2 UART4e__RXD INTERRUPT UART4_RXD INTERRUPT INTERRUPT ETH_15 I/O ETH18_RXD_3 ETH18_w/ MD_RXD_3 UART4e__CTS INTERRUPT UART4_CTS INTERRUPT INTERRUPT MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-48 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-19. Ethernet Pin Functions (cont.) Pin name Dir. ETH_18 no MD ETH_18 w/ MD ETH7 / UART4e/J1850 ETH7 /J1850 2UART4/5e/J1850 UART5e/J1850 J1850 ETH_16 I/O ETH18_RXERR ETH18_w/ MD_RXERR UART4e__DCD INTERRUPT UART4_CD INTERRUPT INTERRUPT ETH_17 I/O ETH18_CRS ETH18_w/ MD_CRS GPIO_W/WAKEUP GPIO_W/WAKEUP GPIO_W/WAKE- GPIO_W/WAKE-UP GPIO_W/WAKE-UP UP Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball K01 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable ETH7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_TX_EN Ethernet Transmit Enable UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. 8 hi - z bit 8 -- most_graphics_sel bit = 0: Most Graphics boot not enabled bit = 1: Most Graphics boot enabled. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-49 Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_1 Function Reset Value Description Ball K02 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_TXD_0 Ethernet Transmit Data Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_TXD Uart Transmit Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_TXD Uart Transmit Data J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. hi - z bit 15 -- large_flash_sel bit = 0: Large Flash boot not enabled bit = 1: Large Flash boot enabled. Note 3. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-50 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_2 Function Reset Value Description Ball K03 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_TXP USB Transmit Positive ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2_TXP USB Transmit Positive ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXD_1 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXD_1 Ethernet Transmit Data Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_RTS Uart Transmit Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_RTS Uart Transmit Data J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. hi - z bit 10 -- ppc_msrip PPC Boot Address / Exception Table Loc. bit = 0: 0000 0100 (hex) bit = 1: fff0 0100 (hex) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-51 Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball J01 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_PrtPWR USB Port Power ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2_PrtPWR USB Port Power ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXD_2 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXD_2 Ethernet Transmit Data Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z UART_4_TXD Uart Transmit Data ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART_4_TXD Uart Transmit Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. hi - z bit 11 -- boot_rom_wait bit = 0: 4 IPbus clocks of waitstate* bit = 1: 48 IPbus clocks of waitstate* MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-52 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_4 Function Reset Value Description Ball J02 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_Speed USB Speed ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2_Speed USB Speed ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXD_3 Ethernet Transmit Data Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXD_3 Ethernet Transmit Data Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z J1850_TX J1850 Transmit Data ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z J1850_TX J1850 Transmit Datat UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z J1850_TX J1850 Transmit Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z J1850_TX J1850 Transmit Data J1850 hi - z J1850_TX J1850 Transmit Data RESET Config. hi - z bit 12 -- boot_rom_swap bit = 0: no byte lane swap - same endian ROM image bit = 1: byte lane swap - different endian ROM image MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-53 Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_5 Function Reset Value Description Ball L03 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_Suspend USB Suspend ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2_Suspend USB Suspend ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXERR Ethernet Transmit Error Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXERR Ethernet Transmit Error Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z UART_4_RTS Uart Ready To Send ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART_4_RTS Uart Ready To Send UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. hi - z bit 13 -- boot_rom_size For “non-muxed” boot ROMs bit = 0: 8-bit boot ROM data bus / 24-bit boot ROM address bit = 1: 16-bit boot ROM data bus / 16-bit boot ROM address For "muxed" boot ROMs boot ROM addr is max 25 significant bits during address tenure. bit = 0: 16-bit ROM data bus bit = 1: 32-bit ROM data bus For "large flash" boot case boot Flash addr is 25 bits. bit = 0: 8-bit Flash data bus bit = 1: 16-bit Flash data bus MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-54 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_6 Function Reset Value Description Ball N02 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_OE USB Output Enable ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2__OE USB Output Enable ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_MDC Ethernet Transmit Error Output EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output RESET Config. hi - z bit 14 -- boot_rom_type bit = 0: non-muxed boot ROM bus, single tenure transfer. bit = 1: muxed boot ROM bus, PPC like with address & data tenures, ALE_b & TS_b active. Note 3. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-55 Pinout Tables Table 2-20. Ethernet Output Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_7 Function Reset Value Description Ball N01 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z USB2_TXN USB Transmit Negative ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB2_TXN USB Transmit Negative ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_MDIO Ethernet Management Data I/O EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output Notes: 1. The external bus clock (pci_clk) will be 1/2 the frequency of the internal bus clock (ipb_clk) at powerup. Therefore, 4 IPbus wait states will translate to as little as 1 external wait state (i.e. peripheral must respond within 2 external clocks). The "slow" setting represents 48 IPbus clocks of wait, or 23 external clocks of wait External waits are "minus-1" because Chip Select may assert on falling edge of external bus clock (dependant on internal timing). 2. For muxed boot ROM types, the width of ALE_b & TS_b will be 2 IPbus clocks (i.e. 1 external clock). This represents the "wide ALE" setting in the LocalPlus Controller (LPC). Care must be taken if these clock relationships are to be changed during the boot process. For the 1-to-1 internal-to-external clock setting (which must be programmed by software into the CDM), be sure to change the ALE width setting (in LPC) *after* adjusting the clock relationship. Any fetches to the boot device between these two settings will result in ALE and TS being 2 external clocks wide. 3. Only one boot mode can be enabled at a time. Large Flash and Most Graphics cannot be enabled at the same time. If neither Large Flash or Most Graphics is enabled, boot will occur from the normal LocalPlus mode, either muxed or nonmuxed (depending on the "boot_rom_type" configuration input). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-56 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-21. Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_8 Function Reset Value Description Ball M03 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_CD Ethernet Carrier Detect ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_CD Ethernet Carrier Detect ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXDV Ethernet Receive Data Valid ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXDV Ethernet Receive Data Valid EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_CD Ethernet Carrier Detect ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_CD Ethernet Carrier Detect UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_DCD Uart Carrier Detect UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_DCD Uart Carrier Detect J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z ETH_RXCLK Ethernet Receive Clock UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_CTS Uart Clear To Send J1850 hi - z UART5e_CTS Uart Clear To Send Pin ETH_9 Ball L01 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-57 Pinout Tables Table 2-21. Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_10 Function Reset Value Description Ball J03 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_COL Ethernet Collision Detect Input UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_TXCLK Ethernet Transmit Clock Input UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output Pin ETH_11 Ball L04 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-58 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-21. Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_12 Function Reset Value Description Ball M02 GPIO hi - z USB2 hi - z ETH7 Wire hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z ETH_RXD0 Ethernet Receive Data Input UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_RXD Uart Receive Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART5e_RXD Uart Receive Data J1850 hi - z ---- GPIO hi - z INTERRUPT USB2 hi - z USB_2_RECEIVE DIFFERENTIAL ETH7 Wire hi - z INTERRUPT ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB_2_RECEIVE DIFFERENTIAL ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXD1 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXD1 Ethernet Receive Data Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z J1850_RX J1850 Receive Data ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z J1850_RX J1850 Receive Data UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z J1850_RX J1850 Receive Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z J1850_RX J1850 Receive Data J1850 hi - z J1850_RX J1850 Receive Data Pin ETH_13 Ball M01 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-59 Pinout Tables Table 2-21. Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_14 Function Reset Value Description Ball N04 GPIO hi - z INTERRUPT USB2 hi - z USB_2_RXP USB Receive Positive ETH7 Wire hi - z INTERRUPT ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB_2_RXP USB Receive Positive ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXD2 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXD2 Ethernet Receive Data Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z UART4e_RXD Uart Receive Data ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART4e_RXD Uart Receive Data UART5e, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT GPIO hi - z INTERRUPT USB2 hi - z USB_2_RXN USB Receive Negative ETH7 Wire hi - z INTERRUPT ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB_2_RXN USB Receive Negative ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXD3 Ethernet Receive Data Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXD3 Ethernet Receive Data Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z UART4e_CTS Uart Clear To Send ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z UART4e_CTS Uart Clear To Send UART5e, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT Pin ETH_15 Ball N03 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-60 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-21. Ethernet Input / Control Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin ETH_16 Function Reset Value Description Ball L02 GPIO hi - z INTERRUPT USB2 hi - z USB_2_OVRCNT USB Over Current ETH7 Wire hi - z INTERRUPT ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z USB_2_OVRCNT USB Over Current ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_RXERR Ethernet Receive Error Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_RXERR Ethernet Receive Error Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z UART4e_DCD Uart Carrier Detect ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT UART5e, J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT J1850 hi - z INTERRUPT GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP ETH7 Wire hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP ETH7 Wire / USB2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP ETH18 Wire w/o MD hi - z ETH_CRS Ethernet Carrier Sense Input ETH18 Wire w/ MD hi - z ETH_CRS Ethernet Carrier Sense Input EHT7 Wire, UART4e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP ETH7 Wire, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP UART_4, UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP UART5e, J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP J1850 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose Output with WAKE UP Pin ETH_17 Ball J04 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-61 Pinout Tables Timer0 (IC/OC/PWM) 1 Timer1 (IC/OC/PWM) Timer7 (IC/OC/PWM) 1 1 ATA Chip Selects CAN2 2 SPI 2 GPIO 4 8 TMR_5 TMR_6 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic TMR_0 Function Port_config [2:3_6:7] TIMER0 TMR_1 TIMER1 TMR_2 TIMER2 TIMER3 TMR_3 TMR_4 TIMER4 TIMER5 TIMER6 TIMER7 GPIO TIMER 00_0X 00_10 GPIO TIMER_0 GPIO TIMER_1 GPIO TIMER_2 GPIO TIMER_3 GPIO TIMER_4 GPIO TIMER_5 GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 ATA_CS 00_11 ATA_CS_0 ATA_CS_1 GPIO TIMER_2 GPIO TIMER_3 GPIO TIMER_4 GPIO TIMER_5 GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 CAN2 01_00 CAN2_TX CAN2_RX GPIO TIMER_2 GPIO TIMER_3 GPIO TIMER_4 GPIO TIMER_5 GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 SPI 10_00 GPIO TIMER_0 GPIO TIMER_1 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 SPI/ATA_CS 10_11 ATA_CS_0 ATA_CS_1 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 CAN2/SPI CAN2_TX CAN2_RX SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SS SPI_CLK GPIO TIMER_6 GPIO TIMER_7 11_00 TMR_7 NOTES: 1. Each pin is individually selectable as a Timer or GPIO. Each Timer can be individually configured as Input Capture (IC), Output Compare (OC), or Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) (GPT X Enable and Mode Select Register). If a timer pin is configured as a GPIO or some other function (SPI, chip select or CAN), the timer module can still be used internally by software. 2. Timers 6 and 7, when configured as input capture, contain WakeUp functionality. 3. All Timer and GPIO function controls are within the Timer module register set. 4. CAN RX input supports WakeUp functionality. Figure 2-10. Timer Port Map—8 Pins Table 2-22. Timer Pin Functions Pin Name Dir. GPIO TIMER ATA CHIP SEL CAN2 SPI CAN2 / SPI TIMER 0 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 0 ATA_CS_0 CAN2_TX SIMPLE GPIO CAN2_TX TIMER 1 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 1 ATA_CS_1 CAN2_RX SIMPLE GPIO CAN2_RX TIMER 2 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 2 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SPI_MOSI SPI_MOSI TIMER 3 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 3 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SPI_MISO SPI_MISO TIMER 4 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 4 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SPI_SS SPI_SS TIMER 5 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 5 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SPI_CLK SPI_CLK TIMER 6 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 6 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 7 I/O SIMPLE GPIO TIMER 7 SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO SIMPLE GPIO MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-62 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-23. Timer Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin TIMER_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball Y20 TIMER hi - z TIMER_0 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z ATA_CS0 ATA Chip Select 0 CAN2 hi - z CAN2_TX CAN 2 Transmit Data SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 / SPI hi - z CAN2_TX CAN 2 Transmit Data TIMER hi - z TIMER_1 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z ATA_CS0 ATA Chip Select 1 CAN2 hi - z CAN2_RX CAN 2 Receive Data SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 / SPI hi - z CAN2_RX CAN 2 Receive Data TIMER hi - z TIMER_2 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z SPI _MOSI SPI Master Out Slave In CAN2 / SPI hi - z SPI MOSI SPI Master Out Slave In Pin TIMER_1 Pin TIMER_2 Ball V18 Ball D03 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-63 Pinout Tables Table 2-23. Timer Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin TIMER_3 Function Reset Value Description Ball D02 TIMER hi - z TIMER_3 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z SPI _MISO SPI Master In Slave Out CAN2 / SPI hi - z SPI MISO SPI Master In Slave Out TIMER hi - z TIMER_4 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z SPI _SS SPI Slave Select CAN2 / SPI hi - z SPI SS SPI Slave Select TIMER hi - z TIMER_5 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z SPI _CLK SPI Clock CAN2 / SPI hi - z SPI CLK SPI Clock Pin TIMER_4 Pin TIMER_5 Ball D01 Ball E03 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-64 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-23. Timer Functions by Pin (continued) PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin TIMER_6 Reset Value Function Description Ball E02 TIMER hi - z TIMER_6 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 / SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O TIMER hi - z TIMER_7 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O ATA CHIP SELECTS hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O CAN2 / SPI hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O Pin TIMER_7 Ball E01 PSC6 GPIO 4 4 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic PSC6_0 Function Port_conf [9:11] PSC6_0 PSC6_2 PSC6_1 PSC6_1 PSC6_3 PSC6_2 PSC6_3 GPIO 000 GPIO_W/WAKE_ GPIO_W/WAKE_UP GPIO UP GPIO UART6/ IrDA 101 UART6_RXD/ IrDA_RX UART6_CTS UART6_TXD/ IrDA_TX UART6_RTS CODEC6/ IrDA 111 CODEC6_RXD/ IrDA_RX CODEC6_FRAME CODEC6_TXD/ IrDA_TX CODEC6_CLK/ IR_USB_CLK Figure 2-11. PSC6 Port Map—4 Pins MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-65 Pinout Tables Table 2-24. PSC6 Pin Functions Pin name Dir. GPIO UART6/ IrDA CODEC6 / IrDA PSC6_0 I/O WAKE_UP UART6_RXD IrDA_RX CODEC6_RXD Irda_RX PSC6_1 I/O WAKE_UP UART6_CTS CODEC6_FRAME PSC6_2 I/O SIMPLE GPIO UART6_TXD IrDA_TX CODEC6_TXD IrDA_TX PSC6_3 I/O SIMPLE GPIO UART6_RTS CODEC6_CLK/ IR_USB_CLK Table 2-25. PSC6 Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin PSC6_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball B12 GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP UART6 / IrDA hi - z UART6_RXD Uart Receive Data IrDA_RX IrDA Receive Data CODEC6 / IrDA hi - z CODEC6_RXD CODEC Receive Data IrDA_RX IrDA Receive Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O with WAKE UP UART6 hi - z UART6_CTS Uart Clear To Send CODEC6 hi - z CODEC6_FRAME CODEC Frame Sync GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART6 / IrDA hi - z UART6_TXD Uart Transmit Data IrDA_TX Irda Transmit Data CODEC6 / IrDA hi - z CODEC6_TXD CODEC Transmit Data IrDA_TX Irda Transmit Data GPIO hi - z GPIO Simple General Purpose I/O UART6 hi - z UART6_RTS Uart Clear To Send CODEC6 / IrDA hi - z CODEC6_CLK IR_USB_CLK Pin PSC6_1 Pin PSC6_2 Pin PSC6_3 Ball C11 Ball A12 Ball C13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-66 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables I2C2 I2C1 2 ATA Chip Selects CAN1 2 2 2 Pin Drivers and MUX Logic I2C_0 Function Port_conf I2C_0 I2C_1 I2C_2 I2C_1 I2C_2 I2C_3 I2C_3 I2C1 / I2C2 default I2C1_CLK I2C1_IO I2C2_CLK I2C2_IO CAN1 / I2C2 Port_conf[2:3]=01 CAN1_TX CAN1_RX I2C2_CLK I2C2_IO I2C1 / ATA CHIP Port_conf[6:7]=10 SELECTS I2C1_CLK I2C1_IO ATA_CS_0 ATA_CS_1 NOTE: 1. CAN RX input supports WakeUp functionality. Figure 2-12. I2C Port Map—4 Pins (two pins each, for two I2Cs) Table 2-26. I2C Functions by Pin PIN / BALL NUMBER Pin I2C_0 Function Reset Value Description Ball V19 I2C_1 / I2C_2 I2C_1_CLK I2C Clock CAN_1/I2C_2 CAN1_TX CAN Transmit Data I2C_1/ATA_CS I2C_1_CLK I2C Clock Pin I2C_1 Ball W19 I2C_1 / I2C_2 I2C_1_I/O CAN1/CAN2 CAN1_RX I2C_1/ATA_CS I2C_1_I/O Pin I2C_2 Ball V20 I2C_1 / I2C_2 I2C_2_CLK I2C Clock CAN1/CAN2 I2C_2_CLK I2C Clock I2C_1/ATA_CS ATA_CS0 ATA Chip Select 0 Pin I2C_3 Ball W20 I2C_1 / I2C_2 I2C_2_I/O I2C I/O line CAN1/CAN2 I2C_2_I/O I2C I/O line I2C_1/ATA_CS ATA_CS1 ATA Chip Select 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-67 Pinout Tables Table 2-27. SDRAM Bus Pin Functions PIN BALL NUMBER Pin MEM_RAS Function Reset Value Description logic 0 SDRAM Bus Row Address Strobe logic 0 SDRAM Bus Column Address Strobe logic 0 SDRAM Bus Write enable logic 1 SDRAM Bus Chip Select 0 logic 1 SDRAM Bus Chip Select 1 Ball A18 Pin MEM_CAS Ball B19 Pin MEM_WE Ball A19 Pin MEM_CS_0 Ball B18 Pin MEM_CS_1 Ball C15 (GPIO_WKUP_6) Pin MEM_CLK_EN (shared with GPIO_WKUP_6) logic 0 SDRAM Bus Clock Enable logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Clock logic 1 SDRAM Bus Inverted Memory Clock logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Bank Address 1 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Bank Address 0 hi - z SDRAM Bus Bidirectional Data Bus Strobe 3 hi - z SDRAM Bus Bidirectional Data Bus Strobe 2 hi - z SDRAM Bus Bidirectional Data Bus Strobe 1 hi - z SDRAM Bus Bidirectional Data Bus Strobe 0 Ball F20 Pin MEM_CLK Ball G19 Pin MEM_CLK Ball G20 Pin MEM_MBA_1 Ball A17 Pin MEM_MBA_0 Ball C18 Pin MEM_MDQS_3 Ball L18 Pin MEM_MDQS_2 Ball D18 Pin MEM_MDQS_1 Ball H20 Pin MEM_MDQS_0 Ball N20 Pin MEM_DQM_3 SDRAM Bus Data Mask 3 Ball L17 Pin MEM_DQM_2 SDRAM Bus Data Mask 2 Ball A20 Pin MEM_DQM_1 SDRAM Bus Data Mask 1 Ball H19 Pin MEM_DQM_0 SDRAM Bus Data Mask 0 Ball N19 Pin MEM_MA_12 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 12 Ball F19 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-68 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-27. SDRAM Bus Pin Functions (continued) PIN BALL NUMBER Pin MEM_MA_11 Function Reset Value Description logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 11 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 10 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 9 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 8 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 7 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 6 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 5 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 4 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 3 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 2 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 1 logic 0 SDRAM Bus Memory Address 0 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 31 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 30 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 29 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 28 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 27 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 26 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 25 Ball E20 Pin MEM_MA_10 Ball B17 Pin MEM_MA_9 Ball E19 Pin MEM_MA_8 Ball D20 Pin MEM_MA_7 Ball D19 Pin MEM_MA_6 Ball C20 Pin MEM_MA_5 Ball C19 Pin MEM_MA_4 Ball B20 Pin MEM_MA_3 Ball C16 Pin MEM_MA_2 Ball B16 Pin MEM_MA_1 Ball A16 Pin MEM_MA_0 Ball C17 Pin MEM_MDQ_31 Ball U18 Pin MEM_MDQ_30 Ball T18 Pin MEM_MDQ_29 Ball R18 Pin MEM_MDQ_28 Ball R17 Pin MEM_MDQ_27 Ball P18 Pin MEM_MDQ_26 Ball N18 Pin MEM_MDQ_25 Ball N17 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-69 Pinout Tables Table 2-27. SDRAM Bus Pin Functions (continued) PIN BALL NUMBER Pin MEM_MDQ_24 Function Reset Value Description hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 24 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 23 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 22 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 21 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 20 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 19 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 18 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 17 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 16 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 15 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 14 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 13 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 12 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 11 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 10 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 9 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 8 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 7 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 6 Ball M18 Pin MEM_MDQ_23 Ball K18 Pin MEM_MDQ_22 Ball J17 Pin MEM_MDQ_21 Ball J18 Pin MEM_MDQ_20 Ball H18 Pin MEM_MDQ_19 Ball G18 Pin MEM_MDQ_18 Ball G17 Pin MEM_MDQ_17 Ball F18 Pin MEM_MDQ_16 Ball E18 Pin MEM_MDQ_15 Ball M20 Pin MEM_MDQ_14 Ball M19 Pin MEM_MDQ_13 Ball L20 Pin MEM_MDQ_12 Ball L19 Pin MEM_MDQ_11 Ball K20 Pin MEM_MDQ_10 Ball K19 Pin MEM_MDQ_9 Ball J20 Pin MEM_MDQ_8 Ball J19 Pin MEM_MDQ_7 Ball P19 Pin MEM_MDQ_6 Ball P20 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-70 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-27. SDRAM Bus Pin Functions (continued) PIN BALL NUMBER Function Pin MEM_MDQ_5 Reset Value Description hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 5 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 4 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 3 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 2 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 1 hi - z SDRAM Bus Data 0 clk SDRAM Bus Memory Read Clock Ball R19 Pin MEM_MDQ_4 Ball R20 Pin MEM_MDQ_3 Ball T19 Pin MEM_MDQ_2 Ball T20 Pin MEM_MDQ_1 Ball U19 Pin MEM_MDQ_0 Ball U20 Pin MEM_RDCLK Ball not pinned out (not pinned out) Table 2-28. JTAG and Test Pin Functions PIN BALL NUMBER Function Reset Value Description Pin JTAG_TCK Ball B04 JTAG Test Clock Pin JTAG_TMS Ball A04 JTAG Test Mode Select Pin JTAG_TDI Ball A03 JTAG Test Data In Pin JTAG_TRST Ball B03 JTAG Reset Pin JTAG_TDO Ball A02 JTAG Test Data Out Pin TEST_MODE_0 Ball B02 Test Mode Select 0 (for production test) NOTE: This pin requires a pull-down resistor. Pin TEST_MODE_1 Ball A01 Test Mode Select 1 (for production test) NOTE: This pin requires a pull-down resistor. Pin TEST_SEL_0 Ball B01 Scan Enable (for production test), PLL_BYPASS input, CK_STOP - output Pin TEST_SEL_1 Ball C03 ENID Input in Test Mode (for production test) NOTE: This pin requires a pull-down resistor. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-71 Pinout Tables Table 2-29. CLOCK / RESET Pin Functions CLOCK / RESET Functions Pin PORRESET Reset Value Description logic 1 Power On Reset logic 1 Hard Reset logic 1 Soft Reset Ball A13 Pin HRESET Ball B13 Pin SRESET Ball A14 Pin SYS_XTAL_IN APLL Chip clock crystal / external clock input Ball A15 Pin SYS_XTAL_OUT clk APLL Chip Clock Crystal Ball D14 Pin SYS_PLL_TPA MPC5200 System Test Pll Output (analog output) Ball B15 Table 2-30. Dedicated GPIO Pin Function DEDICATED GPIO Functions Reset Value Description Pin GPIO_WKUP_6 Ball C15 GPIO Wake_Up logic 0 Asynchronous GPIO with Wake_Up Capability GPIO_WKUP_6 Memory Chip Select logic 0 SDRAM Chip Select 1 GPIO Wake_Up hi - z Asynchronous GPIO with Wake_Up Capability GPIO_WKUP_7 LocalPlus MOST/Graphics TSIZ hi - z TSIZ1 for LocalPlus MOST/GRAPHICS mode Pin GPIO_WKUP_7 Ball C12 Table 2-31. Systems Integration Unit Pin Functions SYSTEMS INTEGRATION UNIT Pin LP_CS0 Functions Reset Value Descriptions logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 0 logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 1 logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 2 logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 3 logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 4 logic 1 LocalPlus Bus Chip Select 5 Ball W14 Pin LP_CS1 Ball Y14 Pin LP_CS2 Ball V15 Pin LP_CS3 Ball W15 Pin LP_CS4 Ball Y15 Pin LP_CS5 Ball V16 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-72 Freescale Semiconductor Pinout Tables Table 2-31. Systems Integration Unit Pin Functions (continued) SYSTEMS INTEGRATION UNIT Pin LP_OE Functions Reset Value logic 1 Descriptions LocalPlus Bus Output Enable Ball D08 Pin IRQ0 External Interrupt 0 Ball P03 Pin IRQ1 External Interrupt 1 Ball P01 Pin IRQ2 External Interrupt 2 Ball P02 Pin IRQ3 External Interrupt 3 Ball R01 Pin RTC_XTAL_IN Ball C02 Real Time Clock Crystal Input / External Clock Input Pin RTC_XTAL_OUT Real Time Clock Crystal Ouput Ball C01 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-73 Signal Descriptions Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 2-74 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 3 Memory Map 3.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • MPC5200 Internal Register Memory Map • MPC5200 Memory Map • SDRAM Bus • LocalPlus Bus — Memory Cycles – Boot Chip Select – Chip Selects — ATA Cycles — PCI Cycles • MPC5200 Register Summaries — Memory Map Registers -- MBAR + 0x0000 — SDRAM Registers -- MBAR + 0x0100 — Clock Distribution Module Registers -- MBAR + 0x0200 — Chip Select Configuration Registers -- MBAR + 0x0300 — Interrupt Controller Registers -- MBAR + 0x0500 — General Purpose Timer Registers -- MBAR + 0x0600 — Slice Timer Control Registers -- MBAR + 0x0700 — Real Time Clock Registers -- MBAR + 0x0800 — MSCAN Registers -- MBAR + 0x0900 — Simple GPIO Registers -- MBAR + 0x0B00 — Wake-up GPIO Registers -- MBAR + 0x0C00 — PCI Registers -- MBAR + 0x0D00 — Serial Peripheral Interface Registers -- MBAR + 0x0F00 — USB Host Registers -- MBAR + 0x1000 — BestComm Registers -- MBAR + 0x1200 — J1850 (BDLC Controller) Registers -- MBAR + 0x1300 — XL BUS ARbitration Registers -- MBAR + 0x1F00 — PSC1 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2000 — PSC2 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2200 — PSC3 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2400 — PSC4 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2600 — PSC5 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2800 — PSC6 Registers -- MBAR + 0x2C00 — Ethernet Registers -- MBAR + 0x3000 — BestComm / PCI Interface Registers -- MBAR + 0x3800 — ATA Bus Configuration Registers -- MBAR + 0x3A00 — BestComm / LocalPlus Interface Registers -- MBAR + 0x3C00 — I2C Configuration Registers -- MBAR + 0x3D00 — SRAM Module -- MBAR + 0x8000 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-1 Internal Register Memory Map 3.2 Internal Register Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Register Memory Map Address Name MBAR + 0x0000 MM MBAR + 0x0100 Description Memory Map Registers SDRAM SDRAM Memory Controller registers. Reference Section 3.3.3 Section 8.7 MBAR + 0x0200 CDM Clock Distribution Module registers. Section 5.5 MBAR + 0x0300 CSC Chip Select Controller registers. Section 9.7.2 MBAR + 0x0500 ICTL Interrupt Controller registers. Section 7.2.3 MBAR + 0x0600 GPT General Purpose Timer registers. Section 7.4.4 MBAR + 0x0700 SLT Slice Time registers. Section 7.5.1 MBAR + 0x0800 RTC Real-Time Clock registers. Section 7.6.3 MBAR + 0x0900 CAN MSCAN registers. Section 19.5.2 MBAR + 0x0B00 GPS GPIO Standard registers Section MBAR + 0x0C00 GPW GPIO Wake up registers. Section MBAR + 0x0D00 PCI PCI XLB Configuration registers Section 10.3 MBAR + 0x0F00 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface registers. Section 17.3 MBAR + 0x1000 USB Universal Serial Bus registers. Section 12.4 MBAR + 0x1200 BDMA BestComm DMA registers. Section 13.12 MBAR + 0x1300 BDLC J1850 (BDLC) registers Section 19.7 MBAR + 0x1F00 XLARB XL BUS ARBITRATION Registers Section 16.2 MBAR + 0x2000 PSC1 Programmable Serial Controller 1 registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x2200 PSC2 Programmable Serial Controller 2 registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x2400 PSC3 Programmable Serial Controller 3 registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x2600 PSC4 Programmable Serial Controller 4 registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x2800 PSC5 Programmable Serial Controller 5 registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x2C00 PSC6 Programmable Serial Controller 6 / Infra-Red Data Association registers. Section 15.2 MBAR + 0x3000 ETH Ethernet registers. Section 14.5 MBAR + 0x3800 BPCI BestComm DMA PCI registers. Section 10.3 MBAR + 0x3A00 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment registers. Section 11.3.1 Section 11.3.2 Section 11.3.3 MBAR + 0x3C00 BLPC BestComm DMA LocalPlus registers Section 9.7.2 MBAR + 0x3D00 I 2C Inter-Integrated Circuit registers. Section 18.3 MBAR + 0x8000 SRAM On-chip Static RAM memory locations. Section 13.13 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 3-2 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Memory Map 3.3 MPC5200 Memory Map The MPC5200 memory map has the following main regions: • MPC5200 Internal Register Space • External Busses — SDRAM Bus — LocalPlus Bus – External Chip Selects 0 - 7 – Memory Space – Boot Space – Program Space – Data Space • ATA Space 3.3.1 MPC5200 Internal Register Space The internal registers of the MPC5200 are memory mapped, just like external RAM or any other peripheral devices. The addresses of the internal registers are expressed as offsets to the contents of the MBAR Register (Memory Base Address Register). The Memory Base Address Register contains the upper 16 bits of the register address space. This sixteen bit value is contained in the lower 16 bits (bit 16 - bit 31) of the Memory Base Address Register. The default value at the release of RESET contained in the MBAR Register is 0x0000 8000. To form a register address, the lower sixteen bits of MBAR are left-justified, forming address bits A31 - A16. Then the 16-bit register offset address for a particular register is concatenated with this value to form a 32-bit address. NOTE On the LocalPlus Bus, A31 is the Most Significant Bit and A0 is the Least Significant Bit. It is most important to note that the internal registers of the MPC5200 use bit 0 as the Most Significant Bit and bit 31 as the Least Significant Bit. The Memory Base Address Register is memory mapped, itself, and it is also the first register in the Internal Register Space. Because the default value in MBAR from the release of RESET is 0x0000 8000 and the MBAR register has an offset address of 0x0000 0000, the absolute address of MBAR becomes 0x8000 0000. For an additional example, the offset addresses of the Clock Distribution Module Registers start at 0x0200. Using the default value in MBAR, the address of the first register in the Clock Distribution Module is 0x8000 0200. NOTE While the MBAR register can be read or written at anytime, the system software must remember the location to which MBAR gets reassigned. Once the contents of the MBAR register are changed, thus reassigning the entire register set to other memory locations, there is no mechanism for finding out the current contents of MBAR except by reading the register at its new address. Thus, it is good practice to store the current contents of MBAR in a predefined, user accessible location. 3.3.2 External Busses There are two external data / address bus structures on the MPC5200. These are the LocalPlus Bus and the SDRAM Bus. The MPC5200 always begins execution from the release of RESET on the LocalPlus Bus and from the memory device connected to LP_CS0. SDRAM Bus The SDRAM BUS is designed to accommodate Synchronous Single Data Rate DRAM and Synchronous Double Data Rate DRAM. Program execution generally occurs from programs stored in the memory located on the SDRAM Bus. The SDRAM bus has burst read capability which greatly enhances the bandwidth of the SDRAM Bus. The Memory Clock that drives the SDRAM bus is equal to the XL Bus clock frequency. From Power On Reset the SDRAM Bus is inactive, that is, the chip select line for the SDRAMs is inactive. The appropriate registers must first be programmed to configure the SDRAM Bus chip select line and make it active before program execution can begin on the SDRAM bus. In general, when a system begins operation from a Power On Reset, “programs stored as data” in memory devices on the LocalPlus Bus are transferred to the SDRAM bus memory by a program stored in the Boot Device on the LocalPlus Bus. Once the “programs stored as data” are transferred to the SDRAM bus memory, the Boot program then causes the CPU to jump to the start address of the program which is now located in SDRAM Bus memory and execution continues from the SDRAM Bus memory. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-3 MPC5200 Memory Map LocalPlus Bus The LocalPlus Bus is designed to connect to ROM, FLASH, static RAM and other peripheral devices. It is not designed to accommodate DRAM’s. Program execution begins from the LocalPlus Bus memory device connected to LP_CS0. In actual practice, the only programs that are usually executed from LocalPlus Bus memory are those used to initialize the MPC5200 and to transfer data from LocalPlus Bus memory to SDRAM bus memory. In general, programs are stored as data in non-volatile memory on the LocalPlus Bus and then transferred to the SDRAM Bus. Once the transfer occurs, program execution is transferred to a program residing in memory on the SDRAM Bus. The LocalPlus Bus can be accessed by the CPU to perform direct reads and writes of external memory or the LocalPlus Bus can be a BestComm Peripheral. In this case, the CPU programs the BestComm Controller to automatically transfer data from a particular source address to the LocalPlus memory or from the LocalPlus memory to a particular destination address. Almost all peripheral modules, such as the PSC modules, and both the SDRAM Bus and LocalPlus Bus can be BestComm data sources or destinations. There are 8 chip select lines, CS0 - CS7, associated with the LocalPlus Bus. Also, there are three basic memory access types that can be run on the LocalPlus bus. These are normal memory accesses, PCI cycles and ATA cycles. The LocalPlus LP_CS0 pin can have two configurations. It can be the BOOT Chip Select line, which is its default condition from the release of RESET, and it can be configured after RESET to be LP_CS0. When configured as the BOOT Chip Select, this chip select line can select Program Space. Thus, program execution can occur from the memory device selected by LP_CS0. If the LP_CS0 pin is configured for data space by user software, then only Data Space Memory can be read or written. Associated with each Chip Select line is a Start Address Register and a Stop Address Register. There are two Chip Select Start/Stop Address Register pairs associated with the LP_CS0 pin. One Chip Select Start/Stop Register pair is used to configure the LP_CS0 pin as the BOOT Chip Select and the other register pair configures the LP_CS0 pin to run normal memory access cycles in data space, only. Only one of the LP_CS0 Chip Select Start/Stop Address Register pairs should be active at any given time. When enabled as the Boot Chip Select, only reads are possible. Reads of 64-bits are supported for instruction fetches. Burst reads are also supported. When enabled as a data space memory chip select, only Data Space reads and writes are supported. Code cannot be executed from a memory device connected to LP_CS0 when it is configured as a data space chip select. Bursting is not supported and reads are limited to 32-bits. There are two additional Start/Stop Address Register pairs used for PCI cycles. These registers are not associated with any chip select line. Chip Select 4 and Chip Select 5 can be configured to run normal memory cycles or ATA cycles. Chip Select 1 - 3 and Chip Select 6 - 7 can only run normal memory cycles. All the address related registers in this module are in the form of Start/Stop pairs. An address appearing on XL Bus is compared as equal-to-or-greater than the Start value and less-than-or-equal-to the Stop value. If both tests pass then a valid address “hit” occurs for the associated space. For Start values the unused bits are assumed to be zero, for Stop values the unused bits are assumed to be high. Address registers (and the MBAR itself) have only 16 significant bits. Although these bits are right-justified in the registers they are actually interpreted as the most significant 17 bits of the address for comparison tests. For this reason, software must right shift an absolute address by 16 before writing it as a value into the desired START or STOP Address register. The same is true when reading values from these registers. Start/Stop comparisons are enabled only if the corresponding enable bit in the MM Address Space Enable Register is high. The proper method for updating Start/Stop registers is to first write the enable bit to zero, update both the Start and Stop registers, and then re-enable the corresponding enable bit by writing it high. NOTE Failure to follow the above procedure could result in bus hanging and machine check errors. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 3-4 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Memory Map 3.3.3 Memory Map Space Register Description These registers exist in the Memory Map register space relative to Memory Base Address Register (MBAR). Memory Address Base Register —MBAR + 0x0000 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 R Reserved W RESET 0 0 16 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Base Address Register W RESET 1 0 Bits Name 0:15 Reserved 16:31 Base Address Register MBAR offset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description These bits are reserved. Provides the offset to which all register space for MPC5200 is accessed. The reset value of this register is 0x8000, which provides for a MBAR of 0x8000 0000. All of MPC5200 registers are then accessible at MBAR+offset, where offset refers to the given value in Table 3-1 for the respective module. Boot and Chip Select Addresses Name Description 0x0004 CS0 Start Address Chip Select 0 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. 0x0008 CS0 Stop Address 0x000C CS1 Start Address 0x0010 CS1 Stop Address 0x0014 CS2 Start Address 0x0018 CS2 Stop Address 0x001C CS3 Start Address 0x0020 CS3 Stop Address 0x0024 CS4 Start Address 0x0028 CS4 Stop Address Chip Select 1 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. Chip Select 2 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. Chip Select 3 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. Chip Select 4 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-5 MPC5200 Memory Map MBAR offset Name Description 0x002C CS5 Start Address Chip Select 5 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. 0x0030 CS5 Stop Address 0x004C Boot Start Address 0x0050 Boot Stop Address 0x0058 CS6 Start Address 0x005C CS6 Stop Address 0x0060 CS7 Start Address 0x0064 CS7 Stop Address Boot Addressing through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses accesses the boot space. By default, the address space accessed starts at 0x0000 0000 or 0xFFF0 0000 depends on the reset configuration. The size of the boot address space after reset is 512Kbytes. Chip Select 6 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. Chip Select 7 through the LocalPlus Bus. Any access on an address between the Start and Stop Addresses enables this chip select. All of these Base Address Registers work the same msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 Reserved W RESET 0 0 16 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Base Address R W RESET 1 1 Bits Name 0:15 Reserved 16:31 Base Address MBAR offset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description These bits are reserved. The 16 most significant bits of the Base Address. A value of 0x4000 would translate into a base address of 0x4000 0000. SDRAM Chip Select Configuration Registers Name 0x0034 SDRAM Chip Select 0 0x0038 SDRAM Chip Select 1 Description Contains the Base Addresses and configurations for SDRAM’s connected to the SDRAM controller. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 3-6 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Memory Map msb 0 1 2 3 4 R 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Base XLB Address 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET 0 0 16 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 R 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Reserved 0 31 lsb SDRAM Size W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:11 Base XLB Address Start address for memory 12:26 Reserved These bits are reserved. 27:31 SDRAM size 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Should be set to size of SDRAM at corresponding SDRAM chip select. Settings are included in the following table. Note: The Base XLB Address has to be SDRAM size aligned. SDRAM Memory Size SDRAM size bit setting 11111 4GB 11110 2GB 11101 1GB 11100 512MB 11011 256MB 11010 128MB 11001 64MB 11000 32MB 10111 16MB 10110 8MB 10101 4MB 10100 2MB 10011 1MB 00001-10010 Reserved 0000 Disable MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-7 MPC5200 Memory Map IPBI Control Register and Wait State Enable —MBAR+0x0054 The IPBI Control Register consists of the Enables for the Base Addresses set in Memory Map Space msb 0 R 1 2 3 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 16 17 18 4 5 6 CS7 Ena CS6 Ena Boot Ena 0 0 1 0 0 21 22 23 24 0 19 20 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CS5 Ena CS4 Ena CS3 Ena CS2 Ena CS1 Ena CS0 Ena 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved Reserved WSE W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 Reserved These bits are reserved. 4 CS7 Ena Chip Select 7 Enable 5 CS6 Ena Chip Select 6 Enable 6 Boot Ena Boot Enable 7:9 Reserved These bits are reserved. 10 CS5 Ena Chip Select 5 Enable 11 CS4 Ena Chip Select 4 Enable 12 CS3 Ena Chip Select 3 Enable 13 CS2 Ena Chip Select 2 Enable 14 CS1 Ena Chip Select 1 Enable 15 CS0 Ena Chip Select 0 Enable 16:30 Reserved These bits are reserved. 31 WSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Description Wait State Enable bit. This bit should always be enabled when running an IP bus frequency of >66MHz. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 3-8 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 4 Resets and Reset Configuration 4.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Hard and Soft Reset Pins • Reset Sequence • Reset Operation • Other Resets • Reset Configuration 4.2 Hard and Soft Reset Pins MPC5200 has three primary reset pins, which are implemented as open drain I/Os1: • Power-On Reset—PORRESET • Hard Reset—HRESET • Soft Reset—SRESET PORRESET is a power-on reset input. It is asserted by an external source and must be held active for a specified period of time until power is stable to the MPC5200. HRESET and SRESET can be asserted by an external source or they can be asserted by reset generation logic internal to MPC5200. Internal reset logic analyzes all internal and external reset sources and asserts internal and external reset signals appropriately. When a hard reset (HRESET) is detected, reset logic counters hold internal and external PORRESETor a minimum of 4096 reference clock cycles, or until the external reset source releases the reset, whichever is longer. 4.2.1 Power-On Reset—PORRESET PORRESET must be asserted externally when power is applied to the system for a required period of time (see Section 4.4, Reset Operation). When PORRESET is asserted, internal logic forces HRESET and SRESET active. The MPC5200 system oscillator must begin oscillation during PORRESET assertion, and the system APLL establishes a locked condition. During PORRESET or HRESET the reset configuration word is sampled to establish the initial state of various vital internal MPC5200 functions. The reset configuration word is latched internally when PORRESET or HRESET is released. When initiated by PORRESET, the 4096 reference clock period minimum HRESET begins counting when PORRESET is released. Source of power-on reset is an external, board level reset source like a push button, reset control logic, etc. 4.2.2 Hard Reset—HRESET HRESET is a bidirectional signal with a Schmitt-trigger input and an open drain output. HRESET requires an external pull-up. Assertion of external HRESET causes external HRESET and SRESET, and internal hard and soft resets, to be asserted for at least 4096 reference clock cycles. During PORRESET or HRESET the reset configuration word is sampled to establish the initial state of various vital internal MPC5200 functions. The reset configuration word is latched internally when PORRESET or HRESET is released. HRESET can also be asserted by internal sources. When HRESET is asserted internally, external HRESET and SRESET are also asserted. Sources of hard reset are: • PORRESET or HRESET pins asserted • Hard reset asserted by debug module • Reset signal asserted by watchdog timer or checkstop reset 1. All “open drain” outputs of MPC5200 are actually regular 3-state output drivers with the output data tied low, and the output enable controlled. Thus, unlike a true open drain, there is a current path from the external system to the MPC5200 I/O power rail if the external signal is driven above the MPC5200 I/O power rail voltage. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-1 Reset Sequence 4.2.3 Soft Reset—SRESET External SRESET is an open drain signal. SRESET requires an external pull-up. Assertion of SRESET causes assertion of the internal soft reset. Internal soft reset is actually an interrupt that takes the same exception vector as HRESET. In particular, this means that SRESET cannot abort a hung XLB operation, and no device should use SRESET in a way that interferes with any bus operation in progress. SRESET can also be asserted by internal sources. When SRESET is asserted internally, external SRESET is also asserted. Sources of soft reset: • PORRESET, HRESET, or SRESET external pins asserted • Soft reset bit in Clock Distribution Module (CDM) register asserted by processor • Soft reset asserted by debug module 4.3 Reset Sequence Assert internal and external HRESET and SRESET PORRESET is asserted Power-On Reset Sample configuration from RST_CONFIG[15:0] Power becomes stable PORRESET is negated and Reset configuration is latched Internal or External HRESET is asserted HRESET Reset Hold Assert internal and external HRESET for 4096 reference clock cycles APLLs Lock Sample configuration from RST_CONFIG[15:0] Internal or External SRESET is asserted Wait No Reset signals recognized for 2 reference clock cycles Additional HRESET, SRESET Recognized Figure 4-1. Reset sequence 4.4 Reset Operation PORRESET must remain asserted for at least 100µs after all power supplies and the system oscillator input are stable and operating within specs. Following deassertion of power-on reset, HRESET and SRESET remain low for 4096 reference clock cycles. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 4-2 Freescale Semiconductor Other Resets ≥100 us 4096 ref cycles All Power Supplies SYS_XTAL PORRESET HRESET SRESET Figure 4-2. PORRESET Assertion When external HRESET is asserted, internal reset logic catches the reset signal held low and asserts internal hard and soft resets for 4096 reference clock cycles. The external reset signal must be held low for at least 4 reference clock cycles (must catch 4 rising edges of reference clock) to be recognized and assert the internal reset signals. 4 Reference clock HRESET 4096 ref cycles 1 edge 2 edges 3 edges Internal Reset Figure 4-3. Internal Hard Reset vs External HRESET Assertion The Clock Distribution Module contains a register that can be written by the microprocessor to assert soft reset. Writing the SRESET bit in this register to zero causes external SRESET and internal soft reset to be asserted. 4.5 Other Resets MPC5200 has four other reset signals. These signals are specific to certain peripheral modules and are controlled in the context of that module, not globally. . Table 4-1. Module Specific Reset Signals Definition PCI_RESET PCI bus reset output. Generated by processor write to a PCI register. AC97_1_RES AC97 reset output. Generated from the AC97 PSC1 module. AC97_2_RES AC97 reset output. Generated from the AC97 PSC2 module. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-3 Reset Configuration Table 4-1. Module Specific Reset Signals (continued) Definition JTAG_TRST JTAG reset input. Generated externally from JTAG or debug control logic. This input only resets the JTAG logic. Other system resets (PORRESET, HRESET, and SRESET) do not reset the JTAG logic. Note: For information on the reset signal JTAG_TRST and the relationship to other reset signals refer to the MPC5200 Hardware Specifications. ATA Reset 4.6 This is NOT a reset pin on MPC5200. The ATA reset for the external drive must be supplied by the board level reset source, or if software control is required, generated via a GPIO. Reset Configuration The MPC5200 is initialized by sampling values found on specific device pins during power-on reset (PORRESET) or hard-reset (HRESET). These pins are outputs in normal operation, but are sampled as inputs during power-on reset or hard-reset. External pull-up or pull-down resistors on the board are used to force a value on these pins during power-on reset or hard-reset. These values are latched into the CDM Reset Configuration register at the end of power-on reset or hard-reset, then distributed to various peripherals. After power-on reset or hard-reset, these outputs overdrive the external pull-up or pull-down resistors and behave as functional outputs. Only during power-on reset or hard-reset these pins are inputs. Table 4-2 gives the power-on reset or hard-reset configuration inputs. Table 4-2. Reset Configuration Word Source Pins Pkg Ball Reset Config Pin I/O Signal Name CDM Reset Config Register Bit Config Signal from CDM Y18 RST_CFG0 ATA_DACK PORCFG[31] ppc_pll_cfg_4 Y17 RST_CFG1 ATA_IOR PORCFG[30] ppc_pll_cfg_3 W17 RST_CFG2 ATA_IOW PORCFG[29] ppc_pll_cfg_2 W16 RST_CFG3 LP_RWB PORCFG[28] ppc_pll_cfg_1 V14 RST_CFG4 LP_ALE PORCFG[27] ppc_pll_cfg_0 Y13 RST_CFG5 LP_TS PORCFG[26] xlb_clk_sel Description MPC5200 G2_LE PPC Core PLL Configuration bit=0:XLB_CLK=fsystem / 4 bit=1:XLB_CLK=fsystem / 8 H02 RST_CFG6 USB1_1 PORCFG[25] sys_pll_cfg_0 bit=0:fsystem =16 x SYS_XTAL_IN bit=1:fsystem =12 x SYS_XTAL_IN H03 RST_CFG7 USB1_2 PORCFG[24] sys_pll_cfg1 bit=0:fvcosys = fsystem bit=1:fvcosys = 2 x fsystem K01 RST_CFG8 ETH0 PORCFG[23] boot_rom_mg bit=0:No Boot in Most Graphics Mode 1 bit=1:Boot in Most Graphics Mode 1,2,4 K03 RST_CFG10 ETH2 PORCFG[21] ppc_msrip Microprocessor Boot Address/Exception table location. bit=0:0000_0100 (hex) bit=1:FFF0_0100 (hex) J01 RST_CFG11 ETH3 PORCFG[20] boot_rom_wait bit=0:4 PCI bus clocks of wait state1 bit=1:48 PCI bus clocks of wait state1 J02 RST_CFG12 ETH4 PORCFG[19] boot_rom_swap bit=0:no byte lane swap, same endian ROM image bit=1:byte lane swap, different endian ROM image MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 4-4 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Configuration Table 4-2. Reset Configuration Word Source Pins (continued) Pkg Ball Reset Config Pin I/O Signal Name CDM Reset Config Register Bit Config Signal from CDM L03 RST_CFG13 ETH5 PORCFG[18] boot_rom_size Description For non-muxed boot ROMs: 2,3 bit=0:8bit boot ROM data bus, 24bit max boot ROM address bus bit=1:16bit boot ROM data bus, 16bit boot ROM address bus For muxed boot ROMs: boot ROM address is max 25 significant bits during address tenure. bit=0:16bit ROM data bus bit=1:32bit ROM data bus N02 RST_CFG14 ETH6 PORCFG[17] boot_rom_type bit=0:non-muxed boot ROM bus, single tenure transfer. 1 bit=1:muxed boot ROM bus, with address and data tenures, ALE and TS active. 1 K02 RST_CFG15 ETH1 PORCFG[16] large_flash_sel bit=0:No Boot in Large Flash Mode 1 bit=1:Boot in Large Flash Mode 1,3,4 Note: 1. If multipe settings are choosen the following priorities are valid: 1. large_flash_sel 2. boot_rom_mg 3. boot_rom_type 2. The boot_rom_size configuration signal doesn’t influence the address and data bus width of the MOST Graphics boot mode configuration. The maximum address bus width is fixed to 24 bit and the data bus width is fixed to 32 bit. 3. The boot_rom_size configurationsignal doesn’t influence the address bus width of the Large Flash boot mode configuration. The maximum address bus width is fixed to 26 bit. 4. The PCI controller is disabled, if booting in Large Flash or MOST Graphics mode is selected. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-5 Resets and Reset Configuration Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 4-6 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 5 Clocks and Power Management 5.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Clock Distribution Module (CDM) • MPC5200 Clock Domains • Power Management • CDM Registers 5.2 Clock Distribution Module (CDM) The CDM is the source of all internally generated clocks and reset signals. The MPC5200 clock generation uses two analog phase locked loop (APLL) blocks. The system APLL takes an external reference frequency (nominal 27–33MHz) and generates the following internal clocks. See Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Clock Distribution Module Clock Name XLB CLOCK (xlb_clk) MEM_CLOCK (mem_clock) IPB CLock (ipb_clk) PCI CLOCK (pci_clk) 5.3 Description Microprocessor on-chip 64-bit XLB clock. This is the fundamental MPC5200 frequency. SDRAM Controller memory clock supplied to external SDRAM devices. Max frequency is 132MHz. The memory clock frequency is always equal to the XLB frequency. Intellectual Property Bus (IPB) clock. PCI Controller clock. CORE CLOCK Clock for the 603e G2_LE Core. The core APLL takes the XLB clock and generates the G2_LE CORE clock. 48MHz CLOCK USB CLOCK 48MHz clock for USB and IrDA (PSC6). This clock can be sourced internally from the CDM or from an external source via the IrDA_USB_CLK pin. MPC5200 Clock Domains The MPC5200 has 5 major clock domains, which are listed below. Details are given in the sections that follow. • 603e G2_LE Core Clock Domain—internal processor core frequency • Processor Bus (XLB ) Clock Domain —internal 603e G2_LE Core processor bus • SDRAM Memory Controller Clock Domain • IPB Clock Domain—programming register and peripheral interface frequency • PCI Clock Domain The following smaller peripheral clock domains can be asynchronous to the fundamental clock frequencies on MPC5200: Ethernet—The Ethernet Controller requires a 10MHz or 25MHz Tx/Rx clock. Both clocks are inputs to MPC5200, supplied from the Ethernet physical device (ETH_RXCLK, ETH_TXCLK pins). The Ethernet Controller Tx/Rx portion of MPC5200 is asynchronous to the rest of MPC5200. USB—The Universal Serial Bus module Tx/Rx portion can be clocked by an external clock source (IR_USB_CLK pin) or can be clocked by an internally generated clock. Clock frequency must be 48MHz. When the clock source is externally supplied, the USB module Tx/Rx portion is asynchronous to the rest of MPC5200. PSC—The PSC (Programmable Serial Controller) module is instantiated in the MPC5200 6 times (PSC1 to PSC6). The PSC has different modes of operation. In some cases the logic is clocked by internally generated clocks (i.e., UART mode), and in others the PSC is clocked by external clock sources (i.e., CODEC mode). If the PSC logic clocked from an external source then the logic is asynchronous to the rest of the chip. When the PSC6 is configured as IrDA—The Infrared Data Association module Tx/Rx portion can be clocked by an external clock source (IR_USB_CLK pin) or can be clocked by an internally generated clock. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-1 MPC5200 Clock Domains — When generated internally, the clock source can be a fix 48MHz clock generator or a programmable clock generator (Mclk). — When generated externally, the frequency can be different NOTE Only one pin is allocated to supply the USB and PSC6/IrDA clock. If both modules require external clock generation, the frequency must be 48MHz. SPI—The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) has a clock input pin, SPI_CLK, that can be supplied externally. The SPI module therefore has a small asynchronous clock domain. I2C—There are two I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) modules on MPC5200. Both have input source clocks (I2Cx_CLK) and therefore asynchronous clock domains. RTC—The RTC (Real-Time Clock) has its own clock domain, which is clocked by an external 32.768KHz oscillator. The two oscillator pins are RTC_XTAL_IN and RTC_XTL_OUT. There is an asynchronous boundary between this clock domain and the IPB register interface. JTAG—The JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) has its own clock domain clocked by the JTAG_TCK pin. The following peripheral functions use clocks generated from CDM. MSCAN—The MSCAN (Freescale [formerly Motorola] Scalable Controller Area Network) internal baud rate generator also uses the ipb_clk or can be derived from the oscillator clock sys_xtal_in. The resultant divided clock samples an incoming CAN data stream and generates an outgoing data stream. SDRAM / DDR Memory Controller 603e G2_LE Core Clock System Divider PLL XL Bus Arbiter XLB XLB IPB CommBus IPBI CONF REG ATA Controller IPB SIO timers interrupt PCI Bus Controller LocalPlus Bus Controller BestComm DMA BestComm SRAM SYS_XTAL Clock Domain VCO Clock Domain Processor Clock Domain MEM_CLK Clock Domain XLB_CLK Clock Domain IPB_CLK Clock Domain PCI_CLK Clock Domain PCI Bus Control Shared External Bus Local Bus Control ATA Control IPB USB GPIO WKUP CommBus GPIO MSCAN1 MSCAN2 J1850 SPI I2C_1 I2C_2 PSC_1 PSC_6 Ethernet PERIPHERAL/FUNCTIONAL PIN MUXING Figure 5-1. Primary Synchronous Clock Domains MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-2 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Clock Domains 5.3.1 MPC5200 Top Level Clock Relations Figure 5-2 shows the CDM clock divide circuitry. This picture shows only the functional clocks. The clock network regarding the scan and bypass modes is not included. VCO fVCOcore divide by 2 or 4 603e G2_LE CORE CLOCK 603e G2_LE Core APLL divide by 2, 2.5,3.0 ...7.5, 8 Core APLL Control Logic rst_cfg[0:4] ppc_pll_cfg[0:4] XLB CLOCK MEM CLOCK XLB Clock Divider fsystem / (8 or 4) xlb_clk_sel 0 divide by 2 IPB CLOCK 1 ipb_clk_sel PCI Clock Divider PCI CLOCK xlb_clk_sel ipb_clk_sel pci_clk_sel[1:0] fsystem fVCOsys VCO divide by 2 SYS_XTAL_IN 0 1 Fractional Divider fsystem / (6, 6.25, 6.5 ...11) System APLL sys_pll_cfg[1] 1 divide by 12 0 divide by 16 sys_pll_cfg[0] USB CLOCK 48 MHz CLOCK PSC1 MCLK DIVIDER fsystem / (MclkDiv[8:0]+1) PSC1 MCLK PSC2 MCLK DIVIDER fsystem / (MclkDiv[8:0]+1) PSC2 MCLK PSC3 MCLK DIVIDER fsystem / (MclkDiv[8:0]+1) PSC3 MCLK PSC6 MCLK DIVIDER fsystem / (MclkDiv[8:0]+1) PSC6 MCLK Figure 5-2. MPC5200 Clock Relations MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-3 MPC5200 Clock Domains Table 5-2 shows the System PLL configuration and the corresponding fsystem frequencies for a 27.0 MHz and 33.0 MHz input clock. Table 5-3 shows all possible clock ratios. Table 5-2. System PLL Ratios SYS_XTAL_IN sys_pll_cfg[1] sys_pll_cfg[0] fVCOsys [MHz] fsystem [MHz] 0 0 432.0 432.0 0 1 324.0 324.0 1a 0 864.0 432.0 1 1 648.0 324.0 0 0 528.0 528.0 0 1 396.0 396.0 1a 0 1056.0 528.0 1 1 792.0 396.0 27.0 33.0 a These are invalid configurations. The fVCOsys frequencies exceed the maximum operation frequency. See MPC5200 Hardware Specification. Table 5-3. MPC5200 Clock Ratios xlb_clk_sel XLB CLOCK ipb_clk_sel IPB CLOCK pci_clk_sel[1:0] PCI CLOCK CLOCK Ratio XLB:IPB:PCI 0 fsystem / 4 0 XLB 00 XLB 4:4:4 0 fsystem / 4 0 XLB 01 XLB/2 4:4:2 0 fsystem / 4 0 XLB 10 XLB/4 4:4:1 0 fsystem / 4 0 XLB 11 XLB/4 4:4:1 0 fsystem / 4 1 XLB /2 00 XLB/2 4:2:2 0 fsystem / 4 1 XLB /2 01 XLB/4 4:2:1 0 fsystem / 4 1 XLB /2 10 XLB/4 4:2:1 0 fsystem / 4 1 XLB /2 11 XLB/4 4:2:1 1 fsystem / 8 0 XLB 00 XLB 2:2:2 1 fsystem / 8 0 XLB 01 XLB/2 2:2:1 1 fsystem / 8 0 XLB 10 XLB/4 2:2:0.5 1 fsystem / 8 0 XLB 11 XLB/4 2:2:0.5 1 fsystem / 8 1 XLB /2 00 XLB/2 2:1:1 1 fsystem / 8 1 XLB /2 01 XLB/4 2:1:0.5 1 fsystem / 8 1 XLB /2 10 XLB/4 2:1:0.5 1 fsystem / 8 1 XLB /2 11 XLB/4 2:1:0.5 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-4 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Clock Domains Table 5-4. Typical System Clock Frequencies fsystem [MHz] XLB Clock [MHz] IPB CLock [MHz] PCI CLOCK [MHz] Clock Ratio XLB:IPB:PCI 132.0 66.0 4:4:2 33.0 4:4:1 66.0 4:2:2 33.0 4:2:1 33.0 33.0 4:1:1 66.0 66.0 2:2:2 33.0 2:2:1 33.0 2:1:1 132.0 528.0 66.0 66.0 33.0 Table 5-4 shows the typical clock ratios with a 33.0 MHz clock input on the SYS_XTAL_IN pin and a System PLL divide value 16 (sys_pll_cfg[0] = 0). NOTE Frequency ranges in Table 5-3 and Table 5-4 represent possible ranges of operation. A variety of conditions may prevent the part from actually performing at these frequency ranges. For data relating to actual performance, see Section A.2, AC Timing. 5.3.2 603e G2_LE Core Clock Domain The 603e G2_LE Core has its own APLL and clock domain, which is separate from, but synchronous with, the rest of the chip. The reference for the processor APLL is XLB clock. The 603e G2_LE Core can run at all integer and half-integer multiples of xlb_clk from 2x to 8x (i.e., 2x, 2.5x, 3x, 3.5x, 4x, 4.5x, 5x, 5.5x, 6x, 6.5x, 7x, 7.5x, 8x) to a maximum frequency of 396MHz. Table 5-5 shows the available core frequencies based on the xlb_clk frequency range. NOTE These frequencies are not guaranteed. Actual operation frequencies will depend on silicon characterization and operating conditions. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-5 MPC5200 Clock Domains Table 5-5. 603e G2_LE Core Frequencies vs. XLB Frequencies 132 108 99 81 66 54 49.5 40.5 33 27 x1 — — — — — — — — — — x1.5 — — — — — — — — — — x2 264 216 198 162 132 108 99 81 66 54 x2.5 330 270 247.5 202.5 165 135 123.8 101.3 82.5 67.5 x3 396 324 297 243 198 162 148.4 121.5 99 81 378 346.5 283.5 231 189 173.3 141.8 115.5 94.5 396 324 264 216 198 162 132 108 364.5 297 243 222.8 182.3 148.5 121.5 x5 330 270 247.5 202.5 165 135 x5.5 363 297 272.3 222.8 181.5 148.5 x6 396 324 297 243 198 162 x6.5 351 321.8 263.3 214.5 175.5 x7 378 346.5 283.5 231 189 x7.5 371.3 303.8 247.5 202.5 x8 396 324 264 216 G2 Core PLL Bus to Core Multipliera XLB Clock (MHz) x3.5 x4 x4.5 Note: 1x and 1.5x multiply ratios are not available in this version of the MPC5200. a See Table 5-6, XLB to CORE clock ratio. Table 5-6 gives the 603e G2_LE Core APLL and operating frequency options compared to the xlb_clk reference input (shown in Figure 5-2). The selection of a 603e G2_LE Core frequency is made at Power-On Reset (POR) via the reset configuration inputs. For more information see Section 4.6, Reset Configuration. Frequency ranges indicated in Table 5-6 represent possible ranges for the processor APLL. A variety of conditions may prevent the part from actually performing at these frequency ranges. For data relating to actual performance, see the MPC5200 Hardware Specification. Table 5-6. 603e G2_LE Core APLL Configuration Options ppc_pll_cfg Bus:Core Ratio (XLB : CORE CLOCK) Core:VCO Ratio (CORE CLOCK: fVCOcore) Bus:VCO Ratio (XLB : fVCOcore) hex [0:1:2:3:4] 0x00 00000 — — — 0x01 00001 — — — 0x02 00010 — — — 0x04 00100 1:2 1:2 1:4 0x05 00101 1:2 1:4 1:8 0x06 00110 1:2.5 1:2 1:5 0x07 00111 1:4.5 1:2 1:9 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-6 Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200 Clock Domains Table 5-6. 603e G2_LE Core APLL Configuration Options (continued) ppc_pll_cfg Bus:Core Ratio (XLB : CORE CLOCK) Core:VCO Ratio (CORE CLOCK: fVCOcore) Bus:VCO Ratio (XLB : fVCOcore) hex [0:1:2:3:4] 0x08 01000 1:3 1:2 1:6 0x09 01001 1:5.5 1:2 1:11 0x0A 01010 1:4 1:2 1:8 0x0B 01011 1:5 1:2 1:10 0x0C 01100 — — — 0x0D 01101 1:6 1:2 1:12 0x0E 01110 1:3.5 1:2 1:7 0x10 10000 1:3 1:4 1:12 0x11 10001 1:2.5 1:4 1:10 0x12 10010 1:6.5 1:2 1:13 0x14 10100 1:7 1:2 1:14 0x16 10110 1:7.5 1:2 1:15 0x18 11000 — — — 0x1C 11100 1:8 1:2 1:16 0x03 0x13 00011 10011 PLL off/bypassed xlb_clk clocks core directly, 1x bus-to-core 0x0F 0x1F 01111 11111 PLL off, no core clocking occurs. 0x15 0x17 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1D 0x1E 10101 10111 11001 11010 11011 11101 11110 Reserved, should not be used. Note: Shading implies same mode can be configured with ppc_pll_cfg[0]=0 NOTE The XLB CLOCK frequency and the ppc_pll_cfg[0:4] must be chosen such that resulting CORE CLOCK frequency and PLL (fVCOcore) frequency do not exceed their respective maximium or minimum operating frequencies. Refer to Table 5-5 and MPC5200 Hareware Specification. 5.3.3 Processor Bus (XLB ) Clock Domain The XLB clock (xlb_clk) is the fundamental MPC5200 clock frequency. The following operate at this frequency: • The internal processor address/data bus • The internal SDRAM Controller • External SDRAM All functional blocks that interface to the XLB must operate at this frequency, or have a section of logic that operates at this frequency. 5.3.4 SDRAM Memory Controller Clock Domain The Memory Controller uses the clocks shown in Table 5-7. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-7 MPC5200 Clock Domains Table 5-7. SDRAM Memory Controller Clock Domain Bits Description mem_clk mem_clk is always the same frequency as xlb_clk. mem_2x_clk, mem_2x_clk These internal clocks are twice the frequency of xlb_clk and are used to add more resolution to SDRAMC control signals mem2x1x_clk (becomes mem_rd_clk) This is the source of the internal memory read clock. It always operates at the memory data rate, 1x mem_clk for SDR, 2x mem_clk for DDR. The physical circuit path of mem2x1x_clk is matched as closely as possible to the on-chip portion of the memory clock output and the read data input; a tapped delay chain is used to match off-chip portions of the memory clock and read data path. Figure 5-3 shows the clock relationships for the SDRAM Controller. SDR SDRAM Memory Clocks xlb_clk MEM_MEMCLK, mem_clk mem_2x_clk mem_2x_clk mem2x1x_clk DDR SDRAM Memory Clocks xlb_clk MEM_MEMCLK, mem_clk mem_2x_clk mem_2x_clk mem2x1x_clk Figure 5-3. Timing Diagram—Clock Waveforms for SDRAM and DDR Memories Since the XLB is 64bits and the SDRAM external bus is 32bits, when SDR (single data rate) SDRAM memory is used, the XLB bandwidth is only half utilized. When DDR (dual data rate) memory is used, the XLB bandwidth is fully used on SDRAM transactions. MPC5200 supplies 2 external memory clocks as part of the SDRAM interface: • MEM_MEMCLK • MEM_MEMCLK These 2 clocks are always the same frequency as XLB clock. SDR memory uses MEM_MEMCLK only; DDR memory uses both. 5.3.5 IPB Clock Domain IPB clock can run at the same frequency as XLB clock, or 1/2 the frequency. BestComm runs at the IPB clock frequency as do all IPB control register access logic. 5.3.6 PCI Clock Domain The PCI bus clock is the fundamental frequency of the PCI bus interface. The PCI clock can run at the XLB clock frequency, or 1/2 the XLB clock frequency, or 1/4 the XLB clock frequency, but PCI clock cannot be faster than IPB Clock. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-8 Freescale Semiconductor Power Management 5.4 Power Management Power Management modes are listed below. Details are given in the sections that follow. • Full-Power Mode • Power Conservation Modes The MPC5200 design is equipped with many power conservation features, which are supported in the peripherals and system logic. The 603e G2_LE Core has its own power-down modes: • nap • doze • sleep Individual peripheral functions can be disabled by stopping the module clock. In addition to clock control of individual peripheral functions, clock control sequencer (CCS) logic sequences the MPC5200 clock system to enter and exit a deep-sleep power mode. This limits power consumption to device leakage levels. The MPC5200 system is driven by: • a 27/33MHz system OSC, and • a 32KHz real-time clock (RTC) OSC. The 27/33MHz OSC drives the main clock system through a PLL that multiplies the frequency for the system buses and peripherals on the chip. The 603e G2_LE Core uses the XLB frequency as an input to the microprocessor PLL that generates the internal core frequencies. The RTC clock domain is completely separate from the 27/33MHz clock domain, and all interactions between the RTC clock domain and any other are handled with synchronizers. 5.4.1 Full-Power Mode In Full-Power mode both the system PLL and microprocessor PLL are locked and the main system clocks are supplied to the MPC5200 system. In this mode, the 603e G2_LE Core may use the Dynamic Power Mode (DPM). If this mode is enabled, logic not required for instruction execution, is not activated. This results in power reduction over a design that would be fully clocked during normal operation. Performance in not decreased in Dynamic Power Mode, so it is recommended that it should never be disabled (although it is possible) when running the core at full speed. MPC5200 peripherals can be individually enabled based on what functionality is required by the application running and the external stimulus presented to MPC5200. Peripherals not required can be powered-down through a write to an MPC5200 system control register which disables the peripheral and gates the peripheral clock. 5.4.2 Power Conservation Modes Sleep modes in the MPC5200 design can be exercised through microprocessor sleep mode control and peripheral clock disables. In all modes except Deep-Sleep mode, the system crystal oscillator is enabled, and the system PLL and microprocessor PLL remain locked. Response time to WakeUP interrupts is faster than in the deep-sleep mode (see Section 5.4.4, Deep-Sleep Mode). Since clocks are still running in the MPC5200 chip, any interrupt normally present in the MPC5200 design can be used to wake up the power-down logic. See Section 5.5.6, CDM Clock Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0214, Clock Enable register. 5.4.3 603e G2_LE Core Power Modes The 603e G2_LE Core power management modes are listed below. Details are given in the sections that follow. • Dynamic Power Mode (default power state) • Doze Mode • Nap Mode • Sleep Mode These modes are controlled by writes to an internal 603e G2_LE Core control register. These modes only apply to the 603e G2_LE Core. Logic outside the 603e G2_LE Core remains active unless separately disabled. In any of these modes, peripherals can be enabled or disabled by writing to an MPC5200 system control register. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-9 Power Management Dynamic Power Mode This is the default power state mode. The core is fully powered and internal functional units are operating at the full processor clock speed. If Dynamic Mode is enabled, idle functional units automatically enter a low-power state. This does not effect: • performance • software execution • external hardware Doze Mode All functional 603e G2_LE Core units are disabled except for the time base/decrementer registers and the bus snooping logic. When the processor is in Doze Mode, any of the following actions returns the core to Full-Power Mode: • an external asynchronous interrupt • a system management interrupt • a decrementer (DEC) exception • a hard or soft reset • a machine check input (MCP) signal In Doze Mode, the core maintains the PLL in a fully powered state and locked to the system XLB clock input. Transition to Full-Power Mod takes only a few processor clock cycles. Nap Mode The Nap Mode further reduces 603e G2_LE Core power consumption by disabling bus snooping, leaving only the time base register and the PLL in a powered state. When in Nap Mode, any of the following actions returns the core to Full-Power Mod: • an external asynchronous interrupt • a system management interrupt • a DEC exception • a hard or soft reset • an MCP signal Transition to Full-Power Mode takes only a few processor clock cycles. NOTE: It is not allowed to set the ccs_sleep_en bit of CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register before entering the nap mode. Otherwise all clocks will be disabled by entering the nap mode. Sleep Mode Sleep Mode reduces 603e G2_LE Core power consumption to a minimum. It does this by disabling all internal functional units. Any of the following actions returns the core to Full-Power Mode: • an external asynchronous interrupt • a system management interrupt • a hard or soft reset • an MCP signal In Sleep Mode it is possible to disable the 603e G2_LE Core PLL, further reducing power. this requires special sequencing logic external to the 603e G2_LE Core and is discussed in Section 5.4.4, Deep-Sleep Mode. 5.4.4 Deep-Sleep Mode The MPC5200 system provides a very low power consumption mode where the 27/33MHz system oscillator, system PLL and 603e G2_LE Core PLL are shut down and disabled. Once MPC5200 is sequenced into this mode and clocks are static, the current draw of the device (except the RTC) is reduced to leakage levels. The internal state of the device is maintained in Deep Sleep as long as power is maintained. The real-time clock (RTC) is not disabled in Deep Sleep. If the RTC is used, that portion of the chip still consumes power in Deep Sleep. Exiting Deep Sleep mode is initiated in one of the following ways: • An interrupt from the RTC logic • An external asynchronous interrupt (wake up interrupt) • An interrupt from one of the MSCAN modules (which occurs when a data transition occurs on the serial input). The RTC clock is necessary to wake up MPC5200 using an RTC interrupt. However, no clock is required to trigger the wake up process in the case of an external interrupt or the MSCAN module interrupt. This means the RTC clock does not have to be present to use Deep Sleep MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-10 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers mode. The 603e G2_LE Core must enable the deep sleep process in the CDM module, then put itself into sleep mode before the 603e G2_LE Core PLL can be disabled. Since MPC5200 clocks are stopped in Deep Sleep mode, the wake-up time is longer than in the 603e G2_LE Core-only power down modes. A power-on sequence must occur which re-locks both the MPC5200 system and processor PLLs. The sequence of events to enter and exit Deep Sleep mode are initiated by the 603e G2_LE Core under software control and then sequenced in hardware by the Clock Control Sequencer (CCS) in CDM. Entering Deep Sleep When entering Deep Sleep mode, the following occurs: • 603e G2_LE Core prepares the system for Deep Sleep power down. This could involve disabling peripheral interfaces, waiting for transmit/receive messages to complete, putting the SDRAM into self refresh mode, etc. 603e G2_LE Core finishes instructions in the execution pipeline. 603e G2_LE Core software enables the Deep Sleep mode with a write to a MPC5200 control register. 603e G2_LE Core Processor software writes sleep mode configuration to 603e G2_LE Core Processor control register. 603e G2_LE Core Processor asserts the QREQ signal indicating that it would like to enter sleep mode. CCS waits for 603e G2_LE Core Processor sleep (initiated by QREQ, since QACK is always asserted in MPC5200). CCS disables interrupts. CCS waits for the 603e G2_LE Core Processor to enter the sleep mode. CCS disables the OSC, system PLL, 603e G2_LE Core Processor PLL and gates the system clocks. • • • • • • • • Exiting Deep Sleep When exiting Deep Sleep mode, the following occurs: • CCS receives an interrupt from a GPIO pin, RTC or a MSCAN peripheral. • CCS enables the OSC and waits for the OSC to stabilize. • CCS enables the system PLL and waits for the PLL to lock to the OSC clock. • CCS enables system clocks. • CCS enables the 603e G2_LE Core Processor PLL and waits for the PLL to lock to the system PLL clock. • CCS enables interrupts, which triggers a wakeup interrupt to the 603e G2_LE Core Processor (from the WakeUp source). • 603e G2_LE Core Processor wakes up and puts MPC5200 into full power mode and then services the wakeup interrupt Waking up from Deep Sleep mode does not require the system to be reset or a boot sequence. The functional state of MPC5200 should remain the same as when it went into Deep Sleep. If the SDRAM was put into self refresh mode, its contents should also remain unchanged. 5.5 CDM Registers The Clock Distribution Module (CDM) contains 14 32-bit registers. All registers are located at an offset from the value in the Module Base Address Register (MBAR). The CDM base offset is 0x0200. Hyperlinks to the CDM registers are provided below: • CDM JTAG ID Number Register—MBAR + 0x0200 (0x0200), read-only • CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register (0x021C) • CDM Power On Reset Configuration Register (0x0204) • CDM Soft Reset Register (0x0220) • CDM Bread Crumb Register—MBAR + 0x0208 (0x0208), never reset • CDM System PLL Status Register (0x0224) • CDM Configuration Register (0x020C) • PSC1 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0228 (0x0228) • CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register (0x0210) • CDM PSC2 Mclock Config (0x022C) • CDM Clock Enable Register (0x0214) • CDM PSC3 Mclock Config (0x0230) • CDM System Oscillator Configuration Register (0x0218) • (0x0234) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-11 CDM Registers 5.5.1 CDM JTAG ID Number Register—MBAR + 0x0200 The CDM JTAG ID Number Register is a read-only register that contains the JTAG Identification number identifying MPC5200. The value is hard coded (0001101D hex) and cannot be modified. Table 5-8. CDM JTAG ID Number Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R JTAG Identification Number Register W Unused RESET: 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 0 1 R JTAG Identification Number Register W Unused RESET: 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Device I.D. Register = 0001101D hex Device (MPC5200 – Version 0000 5.5.2 Initial Release) Manufacturer (Freescale [formerly Motorola]) 0000 0000 0001 0001 0000 0001 110 1 CDM Power On Reset Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0204 This is a mostly read-only register containing the configuration value latched at POR, and the SDRAM Controller Read Clock delay tap select. Table 5-9. CDM Power On Reset Configuration Register R 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tap_ select_0 tap_ select_1 tap_ select_2 tap_ select_3 tap_ select_4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb boot_ ram_swap boot_ ram_wait ppc_ msrip boot_ ram_mg sys_pll_ cfg_1 sys_pll_ cfg_0 xlb_ clk_sel ppc_pll _cfg_0 ppc_pll _cfg_1 ppc_pll _cfg_2 ppc_pll _cfg_3 ppc_pll _cfg_4 Reserved, Read Only boot_ ram_size 7 0 V V V V V V W RESET: 6 boot_ ram_type R 5 0 W RESET: 4 boot_ ram_lf Reserved Write 0 3 sys_pll _bypass msb 0 Reserved, Read Only V V V Bit Name 0–2 — 3 tap_select_0 4 tap_select_1 5 tap_select_2 6 tap_select_3 7 tap_select_4 V V V — V V V Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. Indicates the delay of the internal sdram controller read clock with respect to the internal memory clock mem_clk (SDR) or mem_2x_clk (DDR). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-12 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers Bit Name 8-14 — 15 sys_pll_bypass Description Read Only. Do not write. bit=0:Normal mode. The SYS OSC clock input is multiplied up by the system PLL, then the PLL VCO is divided down to produce internal clocks. bit=1:The SYS OSC clock input is used directly, bypassing the system PLL. No multiplication of the input frequency is performed, but the input frequency is divided to produce internal clocks just as the system PLL VCO frequency would be. sys_pll_cfg_1 and sys_pll_cfg_0 are ignored. 16 boot_rom_lf 17 boot_rom_type Large Flash mode is selected Latched pin value at reset. bit=0:non-muxed boot ROM bus, single tenure transfer. bit=1:muxed boot ROM bus, with address and data tenures, ALE and TS active. 18 boot_rom_size Latched pin value at reset. For non-muxed boot ROMs: bit=0:8bit boot ROM data bus, 24bit max boot ROM address bus bit=1:16bit boot ROM data bus, 16bit boot ROM address bus For muxed boot ROMs: boot ROM address is max 25 significant bits during address tenure. bit=0:16bit ROM data bus bit=1:32bit ROM data bus 19 boot_rom_swap Latched pin value at reset. bit=0:no byte lane swap, same endian ROM image bit=1:byte lane swap, different endian ROM image 20 boot_rom_wait Latched pin value at reset. bit=0:4 PCI clocks of wait state bit=1:48 PCI clocks of wait state 21 ppc_msrip Latched pin value at reset. microprocessor Boot Address/Exception table location. bit=0:0000_0100 (hex) bit=1:FFF0_0100 (hex) 22 — Read Only. Do not write. 23 boot_rom_mg Most/Graphic Mode is selected as BOOT mode 24 sys_pll_cfg_1 Latched pin value at reset. bit=0:No operation. bit=1:Internal System PLL frequency multiplication ratio specified by sys_pll_cfg_0 is doubled (24x, 32x). No net effect on any internal clocks, except that PLL VCO runs twice as fast. Useful in low frequency applications to keep VCO frequency (fvcosys) above min, see MPC5200 Hardware Specification. 25 sys_pll_cfg_0 Latched pin value at reset. bit=0: fsystem =16x SYS_XTAL_IN Frequency bit=1: fsystem =12x SYS_XTAL_IN Frequency 26 xlb_clk_sel Latched pin value at reset. bit=0:XLB_CLK= fsystem / 4 bit=1:XLB_CLK= fsystem / 8 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-13 CDM Registers Bit Name 27 ppc_pll_cfg_0 28 ppc_pll_cfg_1 29 ppc_pll_cfg_2 30 ppc_pll_cfg_3 31 ppc_pll_cfg_4 5.5.3 Description 603e G2_LE Core core pll config pins. See also Table 5-6 CDM Bread Crumb Register—MBAR + 0x0208 The CDM Bread Crumb Register is a 32-bit register that is not reset. Its purpose is to let firmware designers leave some status code before entering a reset condition. Since this register is never reset, the value written is available after the reset condition has ended. There is no additional functionality to this register. Table 5-10. CDM Bread Crumb Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 R 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CDM Bread Crumb Register (Never Reset) W RESET: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb — — — — — R CDM Bread Crumb Register (Never Reset) W RESET: 5.5.4 — — — — — — — — — — — CDM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x020C The CDM Configuration Register contains 3 bits that set IPB_CLK and PCI_CLK ratios. Table 5-11. CDM Configuration Register 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reserved Write 0 ddr_ mode Reserved Write 0 R 7 15 xlb_ clk_sel msb 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved Write 0 R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 Reserved Write 0 ipb_ clk_sel RESET: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 pci_ clk_sel 0 0 0 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-14 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers Bit Name 0–6 — 7 ddr_mode Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. SDRAM Controller DDR memory mode, read-only. bit=0:SDRAM Controller configured for SDR SDRAM (single data rate) bit=1:SDRAM Controller configured for DDR SDRAM (double data rate) This register location is a read-only status bit; write 0. The controlling register is in the SDRAM Controller register map. In the CDM this bit determines the frequency and phase of memory read clock. Reserved for future use. Write 0. 8–14 — 15 xlb_clk_sel XLB Clock Frequency bit=0:XLB CLK = fsystem /4 bit=1:XLB CLK = fsystem /8 This register location is a read-only status bit. The controlling register is the POR Configuration register - cdm_power_on_reset_configuration_register [26]. 16–22 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 23 ipb_clk_sel IPB Clock Select bit=0:IPB CLK = XLB_CLK bit=1:IPB CLK = XLB_CLK/2 24–29 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 30-31 pci_clk_sel PCI Clock Select 00–PCI_CLK = IPB_CLK 01–PCI_CLK = IPB_CLK/2 10–PCI_CLK = XLB_CLK/4 See also Table 5-3 and Table 5-4. NOTE The clock ratio should only be changed if no module, which is clocked by the IPB and/or PCI clock, is currently running. Suggestion is to change the clock ratio during the boot time only. 5.5.5 CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0210 The CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register contains the control bits used in the 48MHz fractional divider. Table 5-12. CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Configuration Register 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 cfgd_p2_cntt 0 0 0 0 cfgd_p1_cnt 0 0 fd_en Rsrvd Write 0 Rsrvd Write 0 RESET: cfgd_p3_cnt Reserved Write 0 Rsrvd Write 0 W Rsrvd Write 0 W R 4 Reserved Write 0 R RESET: 3 ext_irda_ 48mhz_en 1 ext_usb_ 48mhz_en msb 0 0 0 cfgd_p0_cnt 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-15 CDM Registers Bit Name Description 0–5 — 6 ext_usb_48MHz_en Reserved for future use. Write 0. USB External 48MHz Clock Select bit=1:USB 48MHz clock tree sourced from external clock from GPIO. bit=0:USB 48MHz clock tree sourced from CDM Fractional Divider. 7 ext_irda_48MHz_en IrDA (PSC6) External 48MHz Clock Select bit=1:IRDA 48MHz clock tree sourced from external clock from GPIO. bit=0:IRDA 48MHz clock tree sourced from CDM Fractional Divider. 8–14 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 15 fd_en CDM 48MHz Fractional Divider Enable bit=1:enable CDM Fractional Divider. bit=0:disable CDM Fractional Divider. 16 — 17–19 cgfd_p3_cnt[2:0] 20 — 111–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem/7 21–23 cgfd_p2_cnt[2:0] 000–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem/8 24 — 25–27 cgfd_p1_cnt[2:0] 28 — 29–31 cgfd_p0_cnt[2:0] 5.5.6 These fields hold 4 phase divide ratios used by the fractional divider. The fields are incompletely decoded; fsystem /11 is obtained with 3 values. 110–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem /6 001–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem /9 010–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem/10 011–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem/11 10X–fractional counter divide ratio fsystem/11 CDM Clock Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0214 The CDM Clock Enable Register, or power management register, contains control bits that enable/disable peripheral clocks. Unused peripherals can have their clock stopped, reducing power consumption. Table 5-13. CDM Clock Enable Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Reserved Write 0 mem_ clk_en pci_ clk_en lpc_ clk_en slt_ clk_en 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb W usb_ clk_en spi_ clk_en bdlc_clk_ en irrx_ clk_en irtx_ clk_en psc345_ clk_en psc2_ clk_en psc1_ clk_en psc6 clk_en mscan_ clk_en i2c_ clk_en timer_ clk_en gpio_ clk_en 15 eth_ clk_en 14 ata_ clk_en 13 scom_ clk_en R 12 RESET: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W RESET: R Bit Name Description 0 — Reserved for test. Write 0. 1–11 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 12 mem_clk_en Memory Clock Enable—controls SDRAM Controller module clocks Memory Controller IPB_CLK is not controlled by mem_clk_en. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-16 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers Bit Name 13 pci_clk_en Description PCI Bus Clock Enable—controls PCI bus control module clocks Note: PCI Arbiter and external PCI Bus clocks are not controlled by pci_clk_en. 14 lpc_clk_en Local Plus Bus Clock Enable—controls LP bus control module clocks 15 slt_clk_en Slice Timer Clock Enable—controls slice timer module clocks 16 scom_clk_en BestComm Clock Enable—controls BestComm module clocks 17 ata_clk_en ATA Clock Enable—controls ATA disk drive control module clocks 18 eth_clk_en Ethernet Clock Enable—controls Ethernet Controller module clocks 19 usb_clk_en Universal Serial Bus Clock Enable—controls USB module clock 20 spi_clk_en SPI Clock Enable—controls SPI module clocks 21 bdlc_clk_en BDLC Clock Enable—controls BDLC module clocks 22 irrx_clk_en Infrared Receive Clock Enable—controls IrRx module clocks 23 irtx_clk_en Infrared Transmit Clock Enable—controls IrTx module clocks 24 psc345_clk_en 25 psc2_clk_en PSC2 Clock Enable—control clock to the PSC2 module 26 psc1_clk_en PSC1 Clock Enable—control clock to the PSC1 module 27 psc6_clk_en PSC6 Clock Enable—control clock to the PSC6 module 28 mscan_clk_en MSCAN Clock Enable—controls MSCAN module clocks 29 i2c_clk_en 30 timer_clk_en PSC345 Clock Enable—control clock to the PSC3, PSC4 and PSC5 module I2C Clock Enable—controls I2C module clocks Timer Clock Enable—controls timer module clocks Note: 2 timers for wake-up mode do not have gated clocks. 31 gpio_clk_en GPIO Clock Enable—controls some GPIO module clocks Note: GPIO wake-up mode circuitry uses free running IPB_CLK Note: Enable value 1, enables the corresponding clock. Enable value 0, disables corresponding clock. 5.5.7 CDM System Oscillator Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0218 This register contains the System Oscillator disable bit. The system oscillator is disabled if an external clock source (not a crystal) drives the oscillator in package pin. The crystal oscillator pad cell is disabled to reduce power consumption (~6mW for system oscillator). Table 5-14. CDM System Oscillator Configuration Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 W RESET: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved Write 0 W RESET: 8 sys_osc_ disable Reserved Write 0 R 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-17 CDM Registers Bit Name Description 0–6 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 7 sys_osc_disable CDM System Oscillator Disable bit=1:System Oscillator is disabled. External clock source is required. bit=0:System Oscillator is enabled. 27–33MHz crystal is being used. 8–31 5.5.8 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x021C This register contains the configuration that controls the CCS module. The CCS module lets MPC5200 enter deep sleep power down mode (all clocks stopped). Table 5-15. CDM Clock Control Sequencer Configuration Register 2 4 5 6 Reserved Write 0 R W 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved Write 0 W RESE T: 7 ccs_qreq _test RESE T: 3 ccs_osc_ sleep_en 1 ccs_ sleep_en msb 0 0 0 0 Bit Name 0–6 — 7 ccs_sleep_en 0 0 0 0 0 1 Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. CCS Module Enable bit=1:CCS enabled. 603e G2_LE Core QREQ signal triggers deep sleep cycle. bit=0:CCS disabled and inactive. No deep sleep mode possible. Note: This bit should only be set before the processor should go into deep sleep mode. And it should be reseted after wake up. Note: It is not allowed to set this bit if a JTAG debugger or the nap mode should be used. 8–14 — 15 ccs_osc_sleep_en Reserved for future use. Write 0. CCS System Oscillator Disable Control bit=1:CCS can disable System Oscillator in deep sleep mode. bit=0:CCS cannot disable System Oscillator in deep sleep mode. Oscillator remains active. 16–30 — 31 ccs_qreq_test Reserved for future use. Write 0. CCS Test bit—Used in CCS module functional simulation to simulate a QREQ signal. bit=0:QREQ input to CCS forced active. bit=1:QREQ input to CCS comes directly from 603e G2_LE Core. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-18 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers 5.5.9 CDM Soft Reset Register—MBAR + 0x0220 This register contains 2 reset control bits. Table 5-16. CDM Soft Reset Register 1 2 4 5 6 W 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 13 14 15 R Reserved Write 0 W RESET: 7 cdm_soft _reset Reserved Write 0 R RESET: 3 cdm_no_ ckstp_reset msb 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name 0–6 — 7 cdm_soft_reset 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. CDM Soft Reset bit. bit=0:requests CDM soft reset. bit=1:CDM soft reset request inactive. 8–14 15 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. cdm_no_ckstp_reset CDM No reset on checkstop. bit=0:Checkstop-in assertion causes HRESET. bit=1:Checkstop-in does not cause HRESET. 16–31 5.5.10 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. CDM System PLL Status Register—MBAR + 0x0224 This register contains control and status bits of the CDM PLL lock detect module. 1 2 W 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 pll_small_ lock_window 0 Reserved Write 0 R W RESET: 4 Reserved Write 0 R RESET: 3 pll_lock msb 0 pll_lost _lock Table 5-17. CDM System PLL Status Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Reserved Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-19 CDM Registers Bit Name 0–6 — 7 pll_lock Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. 1 CDM System PLL Lock Detect—read-only status bit. bit=1:CDM has detected System PLL lock condition. bit=0:CDM has NOT detected System PLL lock condition. 8–14 — 15 pll_lost_lock Reserved for future use. Write 0. CDM System PLL Lock Lost—hardware can only set this bit, register write must clear bit. bit=1:CDM detected loss of PLL lock after PLL lock has been achieved. bit=0:CDM has not detected loss of PLL lock (state before PLL lock occurs). 16–22 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. 23 pll_small_ lock_window PLL Small Lock Window—pulse width used to detect rising edge of PLL FREF clock. bit=1:lock window pulse width 2 fVCOsys clock periods. bit=0:lock window pulse width 4 fVCOsys clock periods. 24–31 — Reserved for future use. Write 0. Note: 1. System PLL Lock Condition—256 System PLL FREF clock rising edges within PLL_Lock_Window (System PLL FFB rising edge). In PLL bypass mode, Lock is active after 256 System Oscillator clock rising edges. 2. In current MPC5200 CDM the PLL Lock Circuitry is for information only. CDM does not wait for PLL lock to start clocks or use PLL_LOST_LOCK as an interrupt source. 5.5.11 PSC1 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0228 This register controls the generation of the Mclk for PSC1. Before modify the register value the divider must be disabled. Table 5-18. CDM PSC1 Mclock Config msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 Mclock Enable 0 W RESET: 1 R 8 Reserved Write 0 W RESET: 7 Reserved MclkDiv[8:0] Write 0 0 0 Bit Name 0–15 — 16 Mclock Enable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. PSC1 Mclock enable. bit=0:Turns off internally generated Mclock. bit=1:Turns on internally generated Mclock. 17-22 — 23-31 MclkDiv[8:0] Reserved for future use. Write 0. The counter divide the fsystem frequency by MclkDiv+1. A vallue of 0x00 in this register turns off internally generated Mclock. For example, a value of 7 in this register, where fsystem clock is at a frequency of 528MHz would result in a Mclock rate of 528/8, or 66 MHz. Note: fsystem clock is always 12 or 16 times the reference clock, sys_xtal_in, depending on sys_pll_cfg_0 at reset. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-20 Freescale Semiconductor CDM Registers 5.5.12 PSC2 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x022C This register controls the generation of the Mclock for PSC2. Before modify the register value the divider must be disabled. Table 5-19. CDM PSC2 Mclock Config msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 W 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 W RESET: 1 R 8 0 Mclock Enable RESET: 7 Reserved Write 0 R Reserved 0 Bit MclkDiv[8:0] Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name 0 0 0 Description 0–15 — 16 Mclock Enable Reserved for future use. Write 0. PSC2 Mclock enable. bit=0:Turns off internally generated Mclock. bit=1:Turns on internally generated Mclock. 17-22 — 23-31 MclkDiv[8:0] Reserved for future use. Write 0. The counter divide the fsystem frequency by MclkDiv+1. A vallue of 0x00 in this register turns off internally generated Mclock. For example, a value of 7 in this register, where fsystem clock is at a frequency of 528MHz would result in a Mclock rate of 528/8, or 66 MHz. Note: fsystem clock is always 12 or 16 times the reference clock, sys_xtal_in, depending on sys_pll_cfg_0 at reset. 5.5.13 PSC3 Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0230 This register controls the generation of the Mclock for PSC3. Before modify the register value the divider must be disabled. Table 5-20. CDM PSC3 Mclock Config 17 W Mclock Enable 16 RESET: 1 R 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Reserved Write 0 0 0 Bit Name 0–15 — 16 Mclock Enable 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 MclkDiv[8:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. PSC3 Mclock enable. bit=0:Turns off internally generated Mclock. bit=1:Turns on internally generated Mclock. 17-22 — 23-31 MclkDiv[8:0] Reserved for future use. Write 0. The counter divide the fsystem frequency by MclkDiv+1. A vallue of 0x00 in this register turns off internally generated Mclock. For example, a value of 7 in this register, where fsystem clock is at a frequency of 528MHz would result in a Mclock rate of 528/8, or 66 MHz. Note: fsystem clock is always 12 or 16 times the reference clock, sys_xtal_in, depending on sys_pll_cfg_0 at reset. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-21 CDM Registers 5.5.14 PSC6 (IrDA) Mclock Config Register—MBAR + 0x0234 This register controls the generation of the Mclock for PSC6. Before modify the register value the divider must be disabled. Table 5-21. CDM PSC6 Mclock Config msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 W 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 W Mclock Enable R 8 Reserved Write 0 R RESET: 7 RESET: 1 Reserved MclkDiv[8:0] Write 0 0 0 Bit Name 0–15 — 16 Mclock Enable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved for future use. Write 0. PSC6 Mclock enable. bit=0:Turns off internally generated Mclock. bit=1:Turns on internally generated Mclock. 17-22 — 23-31 MclkDiv[8:0] Reserved for future use. Write 0. The counter divide the fsystem frequency by MclkDiv+1. A vallue of 0x00 in this register turns off internally generated Mclock. For example, a value of 7 in this register, where fsystem clock is at a frequency of 528MHz would result in a Mclock rate of 528/8, or 66 MHz. Note: fsystem clock is always 12 or 16 times the reference clock, sys_xtal_in, depending on sys_pll_cfg_0 at reset. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 5-22 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 6 G2_LE Processor Core 6.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • MPC5200 G2_LE Processor Core Functional Overview • G2_LE Core Reference Manual 6.2 MPC5200 G2_LE Processor Core Functional Overview The MPC5200 integrates a G2_LE processor core based on, and compatible with, the 603e which is a PowerPC compliant microprocessor. The G2_LE core is completely embedded, as its address, data, and control signals are not visible external to MPC5200. The G2_LE core has the following features: • 603e series PowerPC compliant processor core • Dual Issue, superscalar architecture • 16K instruction cache, 16K data cache • Double precision FPU • Instruction and data MMU • Power management modes: — Nap — Doze — Sleep — Deep Sleep • Standard & critical interrupt capability For additional information on the capabilities and features of the G2_LE core, refer to 603e user documentation. The G2_LE processor has a 32-bit address/64-bit data bus refered to as the 60X Local Bus (XLB). This bus is the main system connecting all internal mastering and slave modules. In addition to the G2_LE core, the USB host controller, PCI controller (as target) and BestComm controller can master the XLB. The G2_LE core fetches 32-bit instructions (one word), two words at a time. After power-on reset, initial boot instructions are fetched from the LocalPlus bus, with CS0 active. The processor can execute code from the local bus or from the SDRAM controller. To facilitate high speed execution, boot code is typically copied from a Flash or ROM device attached to the LocalPlus bus, to SDRAM. The G2_LE core can execute code from the on-chip SRAM. The G2_LE core has memory mapped access to all MPC5200 resources including: • all on-chip programming registers • all on-chip FIFOs and memories • external SDRAM • internal SRAM • PCI-controlled address space • external disk drive control register space (via PIO mode), etc. When a master device wants access to the XLB, a request is made to the XLB Arbiter. When access is granted, the mastering device controls the XLB during the subsequent address tenure and data tenure. Bursting is supported on the XLB. Critical Word First protocol is employed when the G2_LE core attempts to fill its address and data caches. Pipelining and cache coherency support (XLB address snooping) has been added to the MPC5200 to improve performance. MPC5200 use the version 1.1 of the G2_LE core. The Processor version register (PVR) is 0x80822011. The G2_LE core has a System version register (SVR). The SVR numbers of MPC5200 are: Table 6-1. SVR Values Revision SVR 1.0 80110010 1.1 80110011 1.2 80110012 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-1 G2_LE Core Reference Manual 6.3 G2_LE Core Reference Manual A complete specification for the G2_LE core implementation used on the MPC5200 is obtained through a collection of documentation. • PowerPC MicroprocessorFamily: The Programming Environments for 32-bit Microprocessors, Rev. 2: MPCFPE32B/AD • G2 PowerPC Core Reference Manual, Rev. 1: G2CORERM/D The programming environments manual provides information about resources defined by the PowerPC architecture that are common to PowerPC processors. Implementation variances relative to Rev. 2 of the Programming Environments Manual are available in the G2 Core Reference Manual. The G2 Core Reference Manual can be obtained from the Freescale (formerly Motorola) Literature Distribution center at Click on the Dovumentation link to proceed to the Semiconductor Documentation Library. In the documentation form window, select “Reference Manual” and set the matching pages option button to “All”. An alphabetical list of refernce manuals will appear and the G2 core document ID is ‘G2CORERM/D’. From this line entry, you may order hard copies of the G2 Core Reference Manual or download a PDF copy of the manual. 6.4 6.4.1 Not supported G2_LE Core Feature Not supported instruction The G2_LE core supports two instructions that are not supported by the MPC5200. This two instructions are eciowx and ecowx. The execution of this two instruction will generate a TEA signal on XLB. This will cause a machine check exception or a checkstop. 6.4.2 Not supported XLB parity feature The G2_LE core supports a address and data parity error detection for the XL bus. This feature is not supported by the MPC5200. The core input signals core_ap_in [0:3] are pulled-down to 0 and the core input signals core_dp_in [0:7] are pulled-up to 1. Enabling of the address or data parity error check by the HID0 [EBA, EBD] bits will generate a machine check exception or a checkstop depending on the HID0 [EMCP] bit. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 6-2 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 7 System Integration Unit (SIU) 7.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Interrupt Controller, includes: — Interrupt Controller Registers • General Purpose I/O (GPIO), includes: — GPIO Standard Registers—MBAR+0x0B00 — WakeUp GPIO Registers—MBAR+0x0C00 • General Purpose Timers (GPT), includes: — GPT Registers—MBAR + 0x0600 • Slice Timers, includes: — SLT Registers—MBAR + 0x0700 • Real-Time Clock, includes: — RTC Interface Registers—MBAR + 0x0800 NOTE Watchdog timer functions are included in the GPT section. The System Integration Unit (SIU) controls and support the functions listed above. 7.2 Interrupt Controller A highly configurable Interrupt Controller directs all interrupt sources to the following 3 603e core interrupt pins: • core_cint -- critical interrupt • core_smi -- system management interrupt • core_int -- standard interrupt 7.2.1 Block Description The Interrupt Controller MUXes a variety of interrupt sources to the limited interrupt pins on the core. The interrupt sources and their descriptions are summarized in Table 7-1. Table 7-1. Interrupt Sources Source No. Description External IRQ Interrupts 4 Can be programmed as level or edge sensitive. Provides interrupt requests to Interrupt Controller for external devices. Slice Timers 2 “Tick” generators. Suitable for operating system update tick. General Timers 8 Generates interrupt in Input Capture mode or Internal Timer mode. Timers 6 and 7 can interrupt from NAP/DOZE power-down. BestComm and Peripherals 19 Various peripherals are priority programmed and encoded into HI or LO interrupt to the Interrupt Controller. BestComm Controller interrupt is connected to HI interrupt. RTC 2 Stopwatch and periodic WakeUp 8 These are special GPIO pins with WakeUP capability. There are 8 such pins funneled into one interrupt. The source module is gpio_wkup. GPIO 8 GPIO pins with simple interrupt capability (not available in power down mode). The source module is gpio_std. WatchDog Timer 0 No vector handler, generates SRESET output indication. Total 51 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-1 Interrupt Controller Table 7-1 does not include machine-check bus errors or transaction handshaking. Core interrupt pins given in Section, Machine Check Pin—core_mcp through Section, Standard Interrupt—core_int show core interrupt priority. Machine Check Pin—core_mcp NOTE The core_mcp pin is not used. Bus errors occur on the XL bus, thus generating an internal machine-check exception, or are reflected as a normal interrupt from the offending source module. Internally, bus errors (TEA, APE, DPE, etc.) cause a machine check exception to a single exception vector. This pin allows additional, external to the core, interrupts of the same type, but is not connected in this device. System Management Interrupt—core_smi The core_smi is a core pin for high priority interrupts. Table 7-2 defines the interrupts. Table 7-2. System Management Interrupt Pin Interrupts Interrupt Description Enables The MSR[ee] bit must be set to enable interrupts at this core pin. The MSR[ee] bit is automatically cleared when an interrupt occurs. Therefore, the exception handler must re-set this bit when interrupt is cleared. Recovery/Status Recovery is highly dependant on system and software design. Where multiple sources are tied to the same interrupt, a status register is provided to distinguish the interrupting source. Timing Assertion of this interrupt is persistent (i.e., interrupt remains until cleared). If other interrupts are pending when first interrupt is cleared, the core_smi pin should remain asserted for handling once the current exception handler re-sets the MSR[ee] bit. Connections Standard external and internal interrupts can be connected to this high priority interrupt. Slice timer 1 is a dedicated connection. Standard Interrupt—core_int Identical to core_smi, but of lower priority. This interrupt is shared by a variety of internal low priority interrupts such as GPIO and RTC functions. Some programmable connection are provided. Table 7-3 gives a summary of the interrupt pins. Figure 7-2 shows the interrupt sources and core pins. Table 7-3. Core Interrupt Pins Summary Pin Description Sources To Enable Timing core_mcp Machine Check Pin Tied inactive — — core_cint Critical Interrupt BestComm HI, IRQ0, Slice Timer 0, CCS WakeUp MSR[ce] Persistent (remains until cleared) core_smi System Management Interrupt Slice Timer 1, Programmable interrupts MSR[ee] Persistent core_int Standard Interrupt Programmable interrupts MSR[ee] Persistent MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-2 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller IRQ[0] Slice Timer 0 CCS Wkup core_cint BestComm HI_int Peripherals (ATA/PCI etc.) LO_int Slice Timer 1 core_smi IRQ[1:3] core_int SIU interrupts (RTC/GPIO/WKUP/TMRS) Indicates it can be masked in controller. Indicates priority encoding programmability. Figure 7-1. Interrupt Sources and Core Interrupt Pins IRQ[0:3] Interrupt Requests IRQ[0:3] provides interrupt requests to Interrupt Controllers for external devices such as: • graphics controllers • PCI interrupt controller • ATAs • transport de-multiplexers • external I/O devices, etc. These interrupts are programmable as edge or level sensitive. See Figure 7-1. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-3 Interrupt Controller 7.2.2 Interface Description 4 Timers (IC, OC, PWM) Slice Timers CORE 4 core_mcp 0 core_cint 1 core_smi Real Time Clock 8 8 core_int GPIO/Std Main Interrupt Controller GPIO/WakeUp IRQ0 Peripheral 1 IRQ1 Peripheral 2 IRQ2 Peripheral 3 IRQ3 cint_ded Encoder smi_ded int_ded Grouper Encoder programmable inputs Peripheral 4 Grouper Encoder Peripheral 5 HI Peripheral 6 LO Peripheral … XLB Arbiter BestComm Controller NOTE: 1. Grouper and Encoder functions imply programmability in software. Figure 7-2. Interrupt Controller Routing Scheme 7.2.3 Programming Note Under specific conditions, the Interrupt Controller may not support nested interrupts. The Interrupt Controller may prevent the assertion of a core_cint interrupt if a core_int or a core_smi is pending. Similarly, the Interrupt Controller may block a core_smi if a core_int is pending. If the 603e core received the core_cint assertion during an core_int or core_smi assertion, it would preempt the current interrupt service routine and process the Critical Interrupt Service routine immediately. Since the MPC5200 Interrupt Controller postpones the core_cint assertion until after a current core_int or core_smi is finished, there can be a delay before the 603e receives and services Critical Interrupt Sources. The interrupt Controller always supports nested interrupt if the Critical Interrupt sources come from IRQ0, Slice TImer 0 or the wakeup logic. There is a difference when the critical source comes from HI_int (Peripheral Interrupt Group). As shown in Figure 7-2, each Peripheral Interrupt can assert a HI_int or LO_int condition. But only one Peripheral Interrupt can be active at the time, so the Interrupt Controller has not the ability to simultaneously assert both HI_int and LO_int. Therefore, the peripheral 2 which generated by default a core_int (LO_int) interrupt will prevent a BestComm Interrupt to generate a core_cint (HI_int) interrupt. In addition, a Peripheral Interrupt directed to a core_cint can be prevented by a pending core_smi interrupt. Each Peripheral Interrupt (LO_int) can be programmed to cause a core_smi by setting the Main4_pri msb. Once again, the Interrupt Controller does not has the ability to simultaneously generate the HI_int and LO_int. Then, a Peripheral Interrupt, which generates a core_smi, prevents any Peripheral Interrupts to assert a core_cint. Similarly, the Interrupt Controller can activate only one Main Interrupt source at the time. Main4 source is the collection of all LO_int Peripheral Interrupts. The Main4_pri can be programmed in order to generate a core_smi or a core_int. As result, a Peripheral Interrupt that causes a core_int will prevent all other Main Interrupt sources to generate a core_smi. Although the Interrupt Controller does not exhibit the MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-4 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller correct behavior, the 603e core always completes the core_int before treating the core_smi. In this case, the CPU does not authorize nested interrupt at the exception if the ISR set the 603e’s MSR[EE] to support nested interrupt (core_smi and core_int). In order to guaranty the assertion of the core_cint when a core_int is pending, the ISR needs to force the re-evaluation of the Peripheral Interrupt condition by writing “1” to the Peripheral Status Encoded Pse msb. The ISR has to repeatedly set this bit since the interrupt events are indeterministic. Moreover, the Peripheral Interrupt sources directed to core_cint needs to have their priorities to be higher than the LO_int Peripheral Interrupt sources. The Interrupt Controller always activates first the pending interrupt having the highest priority. Like for the Peripheral Interrupt Group, the ISR needs to set the Main Status Encoded MSe msb to force re-evaluation of the Main Interrupt Condition and each Main Interrupt Priority needs to be properly programmed. 7.2.4 Interrupt Controller Registers The Interrupt Controller uses 13 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0500. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0500 + register address Hyperlinks to the Interrupt Controller registers are provided below: • ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register (0x0500) • ICTL PerStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register (0x0524) • ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 1 Register (0x0504) • ICTL Critical Interrupt Status All Register (0x0528) • ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 2 Register (0x0508) • ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register (0x052C) • ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 3 Register (0x050C) • ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register (0x0530) • ICTL External Enable and External Types Register (0x0510) • ICTL Bus Error Status Register (0x0538) • ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register) (0x0514) • ICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register (0x0540) • ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 1 Register (0x0518) • ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Emulation All Register (0x0544) • ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 2 Register (0x051C) • ICTL IRQ Interrupt Emulation All Register (0x0544) ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register—MBAR + 0x0500 Table 7-4. ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Per_mask W RESET: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved Per_mask W RESET: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-5 Interrupt Controller Bits Name — Per_mask Description Bits 0:23—To mask/accept individual peripheral interrupt sources. This masking is in addition to interrupt enables, which may exist in each source module. 0=Accept interrupt from source module. 1=Ignore interrupt from source module. Important—See Note 1. 0 Per_mask BestComm interrupt source 1 Per_mask Peripheral 1 (PSC1) 2 Per_mask Peripheral 2 (PSC2) 3 Per_mask Peripheral 3 (PSC3) 4 Per_mask Peripheral 4 (PSC6) 5 Per_mask Peripheral 5 (Ethernet) 6 Per_mask Peripheral 6 (USB) 7 Per_mask Peripheral 7 (ATA) 8 Per_mask Peripheral 8 (PCI Control module) 9 Per_mask Peripheral 9 (PCI SC Initiator RX) 10 Per_mask Peripheral 10 (PCI SC Initiator TX) 11 Per_mask Peripheral 11 (PSC4) 12 Per_mask Peripheral 12 (PSC5) 13 Per_mask Peripheral 13 (SPI modf) 14 Per_mask Peripheral 14 (SPI spif) 15 Per_mask Peripheral 15 (I2C1) 16 Per_mask Peripheral 16 (I2C2) 17 Per_mask Peripheral 17 (CAN1) 18 Per_mask Peripheral 18 (CAN2) 19 Per_mask Reserved 20 Per_mask Reserved 21 Per_mask Peripheral 21 (XLB Arbiter) 22 Per_mask Peripheral 22 (BDLC) 23 Per_mask Peripheral 23 (BestComm LocalPlus) 24:31 — Reserved Note: 1. Setting these bits prevents an interrupt being presented to the core pins for the masked sources. Encoded status indications in the ICTL Perstat, MainStat, CritiStat Encoded Register are suppressed, but the binary "all" status bits (PSa in ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register) are active as long as the source module is presenting an active input to the Interrupt Controller. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-6 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 1 Register —MBAR + 0x0504 Table 7-5. ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 1 Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 5 Per0_pri 6 7 8 9 Per1_pri 10 11 12 13 Per2_pri 14 15 Per3_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Per4_pri Per5_pri Per6_pri Per7_pri W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name — Per[x]_pri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Priority encoding is done using 4 configuration bits per input source. Each group of 4bits controls the source priority in relation to other peripheral sources. The most significant bit (msb) of each config nibble is called the HI/LO or "bank" bit. If this bit is high it implies not only a high priority, but causes this interrupt source to assert a HI interrupt condition. Under most circumstances this creates a Critical Interrupt assertion to the core. See Note 1. Peripherals with identical priority settings (either zero or non-zero) are default prioritized with "lower peripheral has higher priority". In other words, Per1 has a default priority higher than Per2. 0:3 Per0_pri Peripheral 0 = BestComm interrupt (fixed as highest peripheral) 4:7 Per1_pri Peripheral 1 = PSC1 interrupt source 8:11 Per2_pri Peripheral 2 = PSC2 12:15 Per3_pri Peripheral 3 = PSC3 16:19 Per4_pri Peripheral 4 = PSC6 20:23 Per5_pri Peripheral 5 = Ethernet 24:27 Per6_pri Peripheral 6 = USB 28:31 Per7_pri Peripheral 7 = ATA Note: 1. Per0_pri, associated with the BestComm interrupt source, is not programmable and always has the highest peripheral priority and always results in a HI interrupt condition to the Interrupt Controller. These bits are writable and readable, but have no effect on controller operation. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-7 Interrupt Controller ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 2 Register —MBAR + 0x0508 Table 7-6. ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 2 Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Per8_pri 5 6 7 8 9 Per9_pri 10 11 12 Per10_pri 13 14 15 Per11_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Per12_pri Per13_pri Per14_pri Per15_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name — Per[x]_pri 0:3 Per8_pri Peripheral 8 = PCI Control module 4:7 Per9_pri Peripheral 9 = PCI SC Initiator RX 8:11 Per10_pri Peripheral 10 = PCI SC Initiator TX 12:15 Per11_pri Peripheral 11 = PSC4 16:19 Per12_pri Peripheral 12 = PSC5 20:23 Per13_pri Peripheral 13 = SPI modf 24:27 Per14_pri Peripheral 14 = SPI spif 28:31 Per15_pri Peripheral 15 = I2C1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Identical to Peripheral_Priority 1 Register, but related to peripheral interrupt sources 8 through 15. All bits are programmable and significant. ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 3 Register —MBAR + 0x050C Table 7-7. ICTL Peripheral Priority and HI/LO Select 3 Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Per16_pri 5 6 7 8 9 Per17_pri 10 11 12 Per18_pri 13 14 15 Per19_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Per20_pri Per21_pri Per22_pri Per23_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description — Per[x]_pri Identical to Peripheral_Priority 2 register, but related to peripheral interrupt sources 16–21. All bits are programmable and significant. 0:3 Per16_pri Peripheral 16 = I2C2 4:7 Per17_pri Peripheral 17 = CAN1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-8 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller Bits Name 8:11 Per18_pri Peripheral 18 = CAN2 12:15 Per19_pri Reserved 16:19 Per20_pri Reserved 20:23 Per21_pri Peripheral 21 = XLB Arbiter 24 :27 Per22_pri Peripheral 22 = BDLC 28 :31 Per23_pri Peripheral 23 = BestComm LocalPlus Description ICTL External Enable and External Types Register —MBAR + 0x0510 Table 7-8. ICTL External Enable and External Types Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Reserved 5 6 7 ECLR(4) 8 9 10 Etype0 11 Etype1 12 13 14 Etype2 15 Etype3 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved R MEE EENA(4) Reserved CEb W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 — — ECLR[x] 4 ECLR0 IRQ[0], write 1 to clear 5 ECLR1 IRQ[1], write 1 to clear 6 ECLR2 IRQ[2], write 1 to clear 7 ECLR3 IRQ[3], write 1 to clear 8:9 Etype0 These bits control how the Interrupt Controller interprets the IRQ[0] input pin. 0 0 Description Reserved These bits clear external IRQ interrupt indications. When an IRQ input is configured as an edge-sensitive input, the Interrupt Controller must be notified that the specific interrupt has been serviced. Software must write 1 to the appropriate bit position to clear the interrupt indication. ECLR bits are always read as 0 (i.e., they do not contain status). 00 = Input is level sensitive and active hi 01 = Input is edge sensitive, rising edge active” 10 = Input is edge sensitive, falling edge active” 11 = Input is level sensitive, and active low” 10:11 Etype1 Same as above, but for the IRQ[1] input pin. 12:13 Etype2 Same as above, but for the IRQ[2] input pin. 14:15 Etype3 Same as above, but for the IRQ[3] input pin. 16:18 — 19 MEE Reserved—unused bits, writing has no effect, always read as 0. Master External Enable—clearing this bit masks all IRQ input transitions (including status indications). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-9 Interrupt Controller Bits Name Description — EENA[x] Individual enable bits for each IRQ input pin. Setting the associated bit lets the related IRQ pin generate interrupts. In either case, status indications in PSa and CSa (ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register) are active. 20 EENA0 IRQ[0] 21 EENA1 IRQ[1] 22 EENA2 IRQ[2] 23 EENA3 IRQ[3] 24:30 — 31 CEb Reserved Critical Enable—a special control bit, which if set, directs critical interrupt sources to the normal core Interrupt pin. This is for system programmer who prefers to handle all interrupts in a single ISR. The status operation remains unchanged, it is necessary to parse Critical Status information prior to Normal Status information to detect critical interrupt sources routed to the normal interrupt pin. ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register—MBAR + 0x0514 Table 7-9. ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register) msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reserved Main_ Mask Crit0_pri Crit1_pri Crit2_pri Crit3_pri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: 15 R Main_Mask W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:1 Crit0_pri Priority encoding value for Critical Interrupt 0, IRQ[0] input pin. There are four Critical Interrupt sources that can be uniquely prioritized (a higher Priority value creates a higher priority, i.e. a value of 3 is the highest priority value). In the case of identical priority value, the lower numbered interrupt source has priority. This makes IRQ[0] the highest default priority (being the lowest numbered source). 2:3 Crit1_pri Priority encoding value for Slice Timer 0 interrupt source. Hard-wired as critical interrupt source number 1, it has the second highest default priority. 4:5 Crit2_pri Priority encoding value for HI_int interrupt source. Hard-wired as critical interrupt source number 2. It is programmable such that any peripheral source can be directed to it, and thus get maximum priority service. 6:7 Crit3_pri Priority encoding value for CCS WakeUp source. Hard-wired as critical interrupt source number 3. 8:14 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-10 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller Bits Name Description — Main_Mask[x] To mask/accept individual main interrupt sources (as opposed to peripheral or critical interrupt sources). This masking is in addition to interrupt enables, which may exist in each source module. 0=Default. Accept interrupt from source module. 1=Ignore interrupt from source module. Take care if masking LO_int, which is a collection of multiple Peripheral sources in a single presentation. Masking LO_int essentially prevents any LO Peripheral from generating an interrupt, even when those interrupts are enabled (i.e., unmasked) in Per_Mask, Reg0. Important—See Note 1. 15 Main_Mask0 Slice Timer 1, which is hardwired to SMI interrupt output. See Note 2. — — 16 Main_Mask1 IRQ[1] (IRQ[1] input pin interrupt) 17 Main_Mask2 IRQ[2] (IRQ[2] input pin interrupt) 18 Main_Mask3 IRQ[3] (IRQ[3] input pin interrupt) 19 Main_Mask4 LO_int (source programmable from Peripheral ints) 20 Main_Mask5 RTC_pint (Real time clock, periodic interrupt) 21 Main_Mask6 RTC_sint (Real time clock, stopwatch and alarm interrupt) 22 Main_Mask7 GPIO_std (collected GPIO interrupts, non-WakeUp) 23 Main_Mask8 GPIO_wkup (collected WakeUp interrupts) 24 Main_Mask9 TMR0 (internal Timer resource) 25 Main_Mask10 TMR1 (internal Timer resource) 26 Main_Mask11 TMR2 (internal Timer resource) 27 Main_Mask12 TMR3 (internal Timer resource) 28 Main_Mask13 TMR4 (internal Timer resource) 29 Main_Mask14 TMR5 (internal Timer resource) 30 Main_Mask15 TMR6 (internal Timer resource) 31 Main_Mask16 TMR7 (internal Timer resource) Interrupt sources below are bank/priority programmable (in Reg6 and Reg7). Note: 1. Setting these bits prevents an interrupt being presented to the masked sources core pins. Encoded status indications (MSe in Reg9) are therefore suppressed, but the binary all status bits (MSa in RegB) are active as long as the source module is presenting an active input to the Interrupt Controller. Masking IRQ[1:3], is redundant with External ENA bits in Reg4, but both masks are applied. 2. Slice Timer 1 is hard-coded and neither bank nor priority adjustable. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-11 Interrupt Controller ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 1 Register —MBAR + 0x0518 Table 7-10. ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 1 Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Main1_pri 5 6 7 8 9 Main2_pri 10 11 12 Main3_pri 13 14 15 Main4_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Main5_pri Main6_pri Main7_pri Main8_pri W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 Main1_pri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Main interrupt source 1 (IRQ[1]) priority encoding value. All four bits are used to set a priority value (higher value equals higher priority). MSbit is also used as a bank bit to direct this interrupt source to SMI interrupt output (if bank = 1), or to normal INT interrupt output (if bank = 0). For interrupt sources set at the same priority value, default priority is the lower numbered interrupt has higher priority. This means main source 1 has a higher default priority than main source 2. See Note 1. 4:7 Main2_pri Main interrupt source 2 (IRQ[2] input pin) priority encoding value. 8:11 Main3_pri Main interrupt source 3 (IRQ[3] input pin) priority encoding value. 12:15 Main4_pri Main interrupt source 4 (LO_int) priority encoding value. LO_int is a collection of any Peripheral Interrupts directed to this interrupt source. Peripheral interrupts sources are directed to either LO_int, or to the critical interrupt source HI_int. 16:19 Main5_pri Main interrupt source 5 (RTC_periodic) priority encoding value. 20:23 Main6_pri Main interrupt source 6 (RTC_stopwatch and RTC_alarm) priority encoding value. 24:27 Main7_pri Main interrupt source 7 (GPIO_std) priority encoding value. GPIO_std is a collection of all simple interrupt GPIO pins enabled for Interrupt operation. 28:31 Main8_pri Main Interrupt source 8 (GPIO_wkup) priority encoding value. GPIO_wkup is a collection of all enabled WakeUp capable GPIO sources. WakeUp interrupt sources also operate in normal powered-up modes so all GPIO interrupt sources are represented by main interrupt sources 7 and 8 (also see Timer GPIOs in Reg7). Note: 1. Main source 0 (Slice Timer 1) is not listed, it is fixed as both the highest priority main interrupt and to generate an SMI interrupt output only. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-12 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 2 Register—MBAR + 0x051C Table 7-11. ICTL Main Interrupt Priority and INT/SMI Select 2 Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Main9_pri 5 6 7 8 9 Main10_pri 10 11 12 Main11_pri 13 14 15 Main12_pri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Main13_pri Main14_pri Main15_pri Main16_pri W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 Main9_pri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Main interrupt source 9 (TMR0) priority encoding value. All 4bits are used to set a priority value (higher value equals higher priority). The msb is also used as a bank bit to direct this interrupt source to SMI interrupt output (if bank = 1), or to normal INT interrupt output (if bank = 0). For interrupt sources set at the same priority value, default priority is the lower numbered interrupt has higher priority. This means main source 9 has a higher default priority than main source 10. Timer 0 is one of eight internal timer resources that can be configured as input capture, output compare, or PWM output. As such, there is an I/O pin associated with each timer. The timer can use this pin as GPIO, in which case the internal timer function becomes available. These eight timers complete the MPC5200 GPIO structure. All potential GPIO interrupt sources are represented by main sources 7, 8, and 9–16. 4:7 Main10_pri Main interrupt source 10 (TMR1) priority encoding value. 8:11 Main11_pri Main interrupt source 11 (TMR2) priority encoding value. 12:15 Main12_pri Main interrupt source 12 (TMR3) priority encoding value. 16:19 Main13_pri Main interrupt source 13 (TMR4) priority encoding value. 20:23 Main14_pri Main interrupt source 14 (TMR5) priority encoding value. 24:27 Main15_pri Main interrupt source 15 (TMR6) priority encoding value. See Note 1. 28:31 Main16_pri Main interrupt source 16 (TMR7) priority encoding value. See Note 1. Note: 1. This timer has WakeUp functionality and therefore can provide a WakeUp interrupt source. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-13 Interrupt Controller ICTL Perstat, MainStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register—MBAR + 0x0524 Table 7-12. ICTL PerStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Reserved 5 6 7 PSe 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved 13 14 15 MSe W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved CSe Reserved CEbSh W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:1 — 2:7 PSe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Peripheral Status Encoded—makes a singular indication of the current peripheral interrupt (6bits indicating 1 of 24 possible peripheral interrupts). The msb operates as a flag bit and is set if any peripheral interrupt is currently being presented by the Interrupt Controller (e.g., if peripheral interrupt source 0 is current, then this register reads as 0x20). Normally it would not be necessary to clear this status register since all peripheral interrupt sources are level sensitive. Once an interrupt source negates at the input of the controller, the new input condition is re-evaluated without software intervention. However, if ISR does not clear the interrupt source (at the source module), then the controller is locked on the current interrupt and cannot re-evaluate the input condition (possibly to detect the presence of a higher priority interrupt). Therefore, ISR can force a re-evaluation of the input condition by writing 1 to the msb of PSe. This sticky-bit clear operation is optional and can be used at the discretion of the ISR writer. The encoded value cross-reference to a specific source is described in ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register and re-stated in ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register. In all cases, the peripheral status encoded value converts to a single source module (i.e., no additional status parsing is required at the Interrupt Controller). 8:9 — 10:15 MSe Reserved Main Status Encoded—makes a singular indication of the current main interrupt (6 bits indicating 1 of 17 possible main interrupts). The msb operates as a flag bit, as described above. The msb can also be written to 1 to force a re-evaluation of the main interrupt sources. The cross-reference of the encoded value to a particular source is described in Reg5 (main mask) and re-stated in ICTL Main Status All Register. All MSe values convert to a single source module, EXCEPT Main source 4 (LO_int), which indicates a peripheral source is active. In this case it is necessary to parse the PSe to determine which peripheral source is active. See Note 1. 16:20 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-14 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller Bits Name Description 21:23 CSe Critical Status Encoded—makes a singular indication of the current critical interrupt (3bits indicating 1 of 4 possible interrupts). The msb operates as a Flag bit, as described above. This msb can also be written to 1 to force a re-evaluation of the critical interrupt sources. 00 = IRQ input pin is the source. See Note 2. 01 = Slice Timer 0 is the source. 10 = HI_int is the source. See Note 3. 11 = CCS module is the source. WakeUp from deep-sleep. See Note 4. 24:30 — Reserved 31 CEbSh Critical Enable bar Shadow bit—this is a special bit that shadows the setting programmed into ICTL External Enable and External Types Register. This bit indicates whether Critical interrupt sources have or have not been directed to the normal INT core pin. If Critical interrupts are directed to INT (CEbSh = 1), to detect higher priority interrupt sources, INT ISR must always parse the CSe prior to MSe or PSe. All other processing remains the same. This shadow bit is provided here so a single read to this register can obtain all necessary information to make the interrupt source determination. Note: 1. For Main sources 1, 2, and 3 that represent IRQ[1:3] respectively, if the IRQ pin is set as edge sensitive, it is REQUIRED that the MSe flag bit be cleared (i.e., written to 1) or the appropriate ECLR bit in ICTL External Enable and External Types Register be set to clear this interrupt indication. Only one method should be used, not both (this limit is only true for multiple edge-sensitive IRQ inputs). 2. For IRQ[0] set as edge sensitive, it is REQUIRED that either the CSe flag bit be cleared (i.e., written to 1) or the ECLR[0] bit in ICTL External Enable and External Types Register be set to clear this interrupt indication. You can do both if desired, and you can do it regardless of the IRQ[0] interrupt type. 3. This indicates a peripheral source programmed for HI bank priority is the source. It is necessary to parse the PSe value to determine the peripheral source module. 4. For recovery from deep-sleep mode, it is necessary to acknowledge this WakeUp interrupt by writing 1 to the msb of this field (CSe). Only then does the CCS module release it's power-down internal signal and let MPC5200 operate normally. ICTL Critical Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0528 Table 7-13. ICTL Critical Interrupt Status All Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reserved R 6 7 8 9 10 CSa 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-15 Interrupt Controller Bits Name 0:3 — — CSa[x] Description Reserved Critical Interrupt Status All—Indicates all pending interrupts, including the currently active interrupt (if any). CSa is binary, showing each active interrupt input in its corresponding bit position. See Note 1. Number in parenthesis indicates equivalent encoded value in CSe, ICTL PerStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register. 4 CSa0 indicates IRQ[0] interrupt 5 CSa1 Slice Timer 0 interrupt 6 CSa2 HI_int interrupt 7 CSa3 WakeUp from deep-sleep mode (CCS) interrupt 8:31 — Reserved Note: 1. No direct mask register is defined for critical interrupts. However, IRQ[0] can be masked by the MEE bit in Reg4, in which case CSa status does not occur. If only the EENA[0] bit in ICTL External Enable and External Types Register is cleared, then CSa status occurs, but controller does not assert a core interrupt. ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x052C Table 7-14. ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reserved R 15 MSa W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MSa W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:14 — — MSa[x] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Main Interrupt Status All. Indicates all pending interrupts. Is binary, showing each active interrupt in its corresponding bit position. See Note 1. Number in parenthesis indicates equivalent encoded value in MSe, Reg9. 15 MSa0 Slice_Timer 1 (SMI interrupt only) 16 MSa1 IRQ[1] input pin 17 MSa2 IRQ[2] input pin 18 MSa3 IRQ[3] input pin 19 MSa4 LO_int (some Peripheral source) 20 MSa5 RTC_periodic interrupt 21 MSa6 RTC_stopwatch interrupt 22 MSa7 GPIO std interrupt MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-16 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller Bits Name Description 23 MSa8 GPIO WakeUp interrupt 24 MSa9 TMR0 interrupt 25 MSa10 TMR1 interrupt 26 MSa11 TMR2 interrupt 27 MSa12 TMR3 interrupt 28 MSa13 TMR4 interrupt 29 MSa14 TMR5 interrupt 30 MSa15 TMR6 interrupt 31 MSa16 TMR7 interrupt Note: 1. All main interrupt sources are directly maskable in Main_Mask, ICTL Critical Priority and Main Interrupt Mask Register. If masked in Main_Mask, status information still shows in MSa. However, if interrupt is not enabled at the source module (i.e., in source module registers) the Interrupt Controller cannot observe or record status information for that interrupt. ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0530 Table 7-15. ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Reserved R 12 13 14 15 PSa W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSa21 R PSa W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 — — PSa[x] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Peripheral Interrupt Status All. Indicates all pending interrupts. Is binary, showing each active interrupt in its corresponding bit position. See Note 1. Number in parenthesis indicates equivalent encoded value in PSe, ICTL PerStat, MainStat, CritStat Encoded Register. 8 PSa23 BestComm LocalPlus 9 PSa22 BDLC 10 PSa0 BestComm interrupt source 11 PSa1 PSC1 12 PSa2 PSC2 13 PSa3 PSC3 14 PSa4 PSC6 15 PSa5 Ethernet MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-17 Interrupt Controller Bits Name Description 16 PSa6 USB 17 PSa7 ATA 18 PSa8 PCI Control module 19 PSa9 PCI SC Initiator Rx 20 PSa10 PCI SC Initiator Tx 21 PSa11 PSC4 22 PSa12 PSC5 23 PSa13 SPI modf 24 PSa14 SPI spif 25 PSa15 I2C1 26 PSa16 I2C2 27 PSa17 CAN1 28 PSa18 CAN2 29:30 — 31 PSa21 Reserved XLB Arbiter Note: 1. These interrupts are directly maskable by ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Mask Register. However, PSa status occurs regardless of Per_Mask setting, as long as the source module interrupt is enabled in the source module registers. ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register—MBAR + 0x0538 Table 7-16. ICTL Bus Error Status Register msb 0 1 R 2 3 4 5 Reserved 6 7 8 BE1 BE0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:5 — 6 BE1 Bus Error 1—Indicates write attempt to read-only register, clear with a write to 1. 7 BE2 Bus Error 0—Indicates access to unimplemented register, clear with a write to 1. 8:31 — Reserved Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-18 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller ICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0540 Table 7-17. ICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reserved R 15 MEa W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEa W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:14 — — MEa[x] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved This register provides a way for software to emulate the assertion of a particular Main/SIU interrupt. The actual interrupt is the OR or the normal interrupt source and each of these test register bits. The order is exactly the same as the MSa in ICTL Main Interrupt Status All Register. The MEa[x] bits ARE masked by the Main_Mask setting, so they operate as much as possible as the real interrupt source. Even the IRQ sources, which may be programmed as edge sensitive, will react just like the pin when emulated here with test bit assertion/negation. One exception is LO-int, which if asserted here, will NOT create a corresponding Peripheral Status indication. If relying on MEa [x] assertion/negation to emulate and test an ISR routine it is important to disable all source modules so that real source interrupts will not disturb the test generated interrupt. 15 MEa0 Slice_Timer 1 (SMI interrupt only) 16 MEa1 IRQ[1] input pin 17 MEa2 IRQ[2] input pin 18 MEa3 IRQ[3] input pin 19 MEa4 LO_int (some Peripheral source) 20 MEa5 RTC_periodic interrupt 21 MEa6 RTC_stopwatch interrupt 22 MEa7 GPIO std interrupt 23 MEa8 GPIO WakeUp interrupt 24 MEa9 TMR0 interrupt 25 MEa10 TMR1 interrupt 26 MEa11 TMR2 interrupt 27 MEa12 TMR3 interrupt 28 MEa13 TMR4 interrupt 29 MEa14 TMR5 interrupt 30 MEa15 TMR6 interrupt 31 MEa16 TMR7 interrupt MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-19 Interrupt Controller ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0544 Table 7-18. ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Emulation All Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Reserved R 12 13 14 15 PEa W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PEa21 R PEa W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 — — PEa[x] This register provides a way for software to emulate the assertion of a particular Peripheral interrupt. The actual interrupt is the OR or the normal interrupt source and each of these test register bits. The order is exactly the same as the PSa in ICTL Peripheral Interrupt Status All Register. The PEa[x] bits ARE masked by the Per_Mask setting, so they operate as much as possible as the real interrupt source. Test assertion of a Periperhal source will cause HI-int or LO-int indications which will be reflected in the Main or Critical status registers. If relying on PEa[x] assertion/negation to emulate and test an ISR routine it is important to disable all source modules so that real source interrupts will not disturb the test generated interrupt. 8 PEa23 BestComm LocalPlus 9 PEa22 BDLC 10 PEa0 BestComm interrupt source 11 PEa1 PSC1 12 PEa2 PSC2 13 PEa3 PSC3 14 PEa4 PSC6 15 PEa5 Ethernet 16 PEa6 USB 17 PEa7 ATA 18 PEa8 PCI Control module 19 PEa9 PCI SC Initiator Rx 20 PEa10 PCI SC Initiator Tx 21 PEa11 PSC4 22 PEa12 PSC5 23 PEa13 SPI modf 24 PEa14 SPI spif 25 PEa15 I2C1 26 PEa16 I2C2 Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-20 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller Bits Name 27 PEa17 CAN1 28 PEa18 CAN2 29:30 — 31 PEa21 Description Reserved XLB Arbiter ICTL IRQ Interrupt Emulation All Register—MBAR + 0x0548 Table 7-19. ICTL IRQ Interrupt Emulation All Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Reserved 5 6 7 8 9 10 IRQEa 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 — — IRQEa[x] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved This register provides a way for software to emulate the assertion of a particular external interrupt pin. The actual interrupt is the OR of the normal interrupt source and each of these IRQEa[x] bits. This register represents the four IRQ inputs. This register is redundant with IICTL Main Interrupt Emulation All Register for IRQ1-3 but is the only source to emulate IRQ0. It provides a single register with which to test and develop an ISR for the external interrupt sources. Each bit operates as if it were the pin itself, i.e. edge sensitive operation would require multiple test writes to create the emulation of a pulsing input. See Note 1 4 IRQEa0 IRQ[0] input pin emulation 5 IRQEa1 IRQ[1] input pin emulation 6 IRQEa2 IRQ[2] input pin emulation 7 IRQEa3 IRQ[3] input pin emulation 8:31 — Reserved Note: 1. The emulation is only possible if the IRQ pins are externally pulled down. Otherwise the OR between the external pin values and the IRQEa[x] bits is whole the time one. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-21 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 7.3 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) There are a total of 56 possible GPIO pins on the MPC5200. Virtually all of these pins are shared with alternate hardware functions. Therefore, GPIO availability is entirely dependant on the peripheral set a particular application requires. There are 5 basic types of GPIO pins, controlled by separate register groupings, and in some cases, different register modules: • 24 “Simple” GPIO, controlled in the standard GPIO register module. • 8 “Output Only” GPIO, controlled in the standard GPIO register module. • 8 “Interrupt” GPIO, controlled in the standard GPIO register module. • 8 “Wakeup” GPIO, controlled in the WakeUp GPIO register module. • 8 “Timer” GPIO, controlled in the General Purpose Timer register module. There is a hierarchy of GPIO functionality. Higher function GPIO can be programmed to operate at any lower functional level. The hierarchy, from lowest to highest, is as follows: • Output Only—As the name suggests, these GPIO cannot be programmed as Inputs. As outputs, they can be programmed to emulate an Open-Drain output. • Simple—Same as Output Only, but with additional capability to be programmed as inputs, with a corresponding Input Value register that can be read by software. • Interrupt—Same as Simple, but with additional capability of generating an Interrupt to the CPU during normal powered-up mode. The Interrupt Type can be programmed as edge (any/rising/falling/2nd edge) sensitive. These GPIO are sometimes referred to as “Simple Interrupt”. • Wakeup—Same as Interrupt, but with additional capability of generating an Interrupt during Deep Sleep mode. Includes Interrupt Type registers and has an extra enable bit to distinguish between Simple Interrupt or WakeUp Interrupt operation. • Timer GPIO—Operates with Simple GPIO capability, but can generate CPU Interrupts if configured as Input Capture timer mode. These Timer GPIO have special capabilities and limitations, which are described in Section 7.4, General Purpose Timers (GPT). Timer GPIO does not fit cleanly into the GPIO functional hierarchy concept, and should therefore be considered as a unique GPIO function. GPIO functionality is available on an I/O pin only if the pin is enabled for GPIO usage in the Section, GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00. The GPIOPCR register controls the top level pin-muxing, which sets an I/O pin’s usage between some hardware function(s) and GPIO. If the pin is available for GPIO, the associated GPIO registers must be enabled and configured by software to complete the GPIO operation for that specific pin. If a Timer GPIO is consumed by an alternate hardware function, it is still available to work as an internal General Purpose Timer (GPT). Simple GPIO are controlled by a group of registers in the Standard GPIO module. They are organized in relation to the multi-function hardware port groupings. For example, you will see a GPIO field named PSC1 (4 bits) that corresponds to the 4 Simple GPIO available on the PSC1 port group. There is also a WakeUp GPIO on the PSC1 port. However, this pin, as GPIO, would be controlled by a separate register in the Wakeup GPIO module. Even though the pins are physically scattered throughout the multi-function port groups, register control groupings exist for the: • 8 Wakeup GPIO pins • 8 Interrupt GPIO pins, and • 8 Output-Only GPIO pins. Only Simple GPIO register groupings correspond to the physical pin groupings. Table 7-20 lists all 56 GPIO pins. Table 7-20. GPIO Pin List GPIO PIN Alternate Functionality Interrupt WakeUp TIMER_0 Timer_GPIO/ATA/CAN2 Only as Timer No TIMER_1 Timer_GPIO/ATA/CAN2 Only as Timer No TIMER_2 Timer_GPIO/SPI Only as Timer No TIMER_3 Timer_GPIO/SPI Only as Timer No TIMER_4 Timer_GPIO/SPI Only as Timer No TIMER_5 Timer_GPIO/SPI Only as Timer No TIMER_6 Timer_GPIO Only as Timer Yes (Timer IC) TIMER_7 Timer_GPIO Only as Timer Yes (Timer IC) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-22 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Table 7-20. GPIO Pin List (continued) GPIO PIN Alternate Functionality Interrupt WakeUp PSC1_0 UART1/AC971/CODEC1 No No PSC1_1 UART1/AC971/CODEC1 No No PSC1_2 UART1/AC971 No No PSC1_3 UART1/AC971/CODEC1 No No PSC1_4 UART1/AC971/CODEC1 Yes Yes PSC2_0 UART2/AC972/CODEC2/CAN1 No No PSC2_1 UART2/AC972/CODEC2/CAN1 No No PSC2_2 UART2/AC972/CAN2 No No PSC2_3 UART2/AC972/CODEC2/CAN2 No No GPIO_WKUP_1(PSC2_4) UART2/AC972/CODEC2 Yes Yes GPIO_PSC3_0 USB2/CODEC3/UART3 No No GPIO_PSC3_1 USB2/CODEC3/UART3 No No GPIO_PSC3_2 USB2/CODEC3/UART3 No No GPIO_PSC3_3 USB2/CODEC3/UART3 No No GPIO_SINT_0(PSC3_4) USB2/UART3 Yes No GPIO_SINT_1(PSC3_5) USB2 Yes No GPIO_PSC3_6 USB2/SPI No No GPIO_PSC3_7 USB2/SPI No No GPIO_SINT_2(PSC3_8) USB2/SPI Yes No GPIO_WKUP_2(PSC3_9) USB2/SPI Yes Yes GPIO_USB_0 USB1 (OE) No No GPIO_USB_1 USB1 (PORTPWR)/UART5 (TXD) No No GPIO_USB_2 USB1 (SPEED)/UART5 (RTS) No No GPIO_USB_3 USB1 (SUSPEND)/UART5 (CTS) No No GPIO_SINT_3(USB) USB1 (OvrCrnt) Yes No GPIO_ETHO_0(out only) Ethernet No No GPIO_ETHO_1(out only) Ethernet/UART5 No No GPIO_ETHO_2(out only) Ethernet/USB2/UART5 No No GPIO_ETHO_3(out only) Ethernet/USB2/UART4 No No GPIO_ETHO_4(out only) Ethernet/USB2/J1850 No No GPIO_ETHO_5(out only) Ethernet/USB2/UART4 No No GPIO_ETHO_6(out only) Ethernet/USB2 No No GPIO_ETHO_7(out only) Ethernet/USB2 No No GPIO_ETHI_0 Ethernet/UART5 No No GPIO_ETHI_1 Ethernet/UART5 No No MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-23 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Table 7-20. GPIO Pin List (continued) GPIO PIN Alternate Functionality Interrupt WakeUp GPIO_ETHI_2 Ethernet No No GPIO_ETHI_3 Ethernet No No GPIO_SINT_4(ETH) Ethernet/USB2/J1850 Yes No GPIO_SINT_5(ETH) Ethernet/USB2/UART4 Yes No GPIO_SINT_6(ETH) Ethernet/USB2/UART4 Yes No GPIO_SINT_7(ETH) Ethernet/USB2/UART4 Yes No GPIO_WKUP_3(ETH) Ethernet Yes Yes GPIO_IRDA_0 IRDA/UART6/Codec6 No No GPIO_IRDA_1 IRDA(and/or USB)/UART6/Codec6 No No GPIO_WKUP_4(IRDA) IRDA/UART6/Codec6 Yes Yes GPIO_WKUP_5(IRDA) IRDA/UART6/Codec6 Yes Yes GPIO_WKUP_6 Dedicated GPIO Pin/SDRAM CS1 Yes Yes GPIO_WKUP_7 Dedicated GPIO Pin/LocalPlus Most/Graphics mode TSIZ1 Yes Yes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-24 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 7.3.1 GPIO Pin Multiplexing Figure 7-3 shows the GPIO/Generic MUX cell. Alternate Func 1 IN Pin MUX Logic OUT BC Enabled Alternate Func 2 IN OUT BC Enabled I/O Cell TIMER MultiFunction I/O OUT IN BC Enabled GPIO/d/W ODconfig IN OUT Awake BC Enabled Priority Output Enable Logic Interrupt for WakeUp supported GPIO pins only Note: 1. Open-Drain Emulation is supported on the GPIO function. 2. Pin MUX Logic is controlled by the Port Configuration Register and supersedes any individual GPIO register programming. Figure 7-3. GPIO/Generic MUX Cell MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-25 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) PSC1 (UART1/AC97/CODEC1) The PSC1 port has 5 pins with hardware support for: • CODEC • UART (4 pins consumed) • UARTe (expanded with carrier detect input–5 pins consumed) • AC97 Unused pins can serve as simple GPIOs, with one available as a WakeUp input. For use as AC97, this WakeUp GPIO becomes available. A special mode is available in which the CD input for UART use can be unused. This makes a WakeUp GPIO available on this port. CODEC usage makes one simple GPIO available. Use of this port for AC97 consumes all 5 pins and leaves no GPIO available. Refer to the port-mapping illustrations Figure 2-4. PSC2 (CAN1/2/UART2/AC97/CODEC2) The PSC2 port has 5 pins with hardware support for: • CAN • CODEC • UART (4 pins consumed) • UARTe (expanded with carrier detect input–5 pins consumed) • AC97 Unused pins can serve as simple GPIOs, with one available as a WakeUp input. For use as AC97, this WakeUp GPIO becomes available. A special mode is available in which the CD input for UART use can be unused. This makes a WakeUp GPIO available on this port. CODEC usage makes one simple GPIO available. Use of this port for AC97 consumes all 5 pins and leaves no GPIO available. Refer to the port-mapping illustrations Figure 2-5. PSC3 (USB2/CODEC3/SPI/UART3) The PSC3 port has 10pins with hardware support for: • CODEC • Expanded UART (5 pins consumed) • SPI (4 pins consumed) • USB secondary port (10 pins consumed) SPI can simultaneously exist, with no pins leftover for GPIO. Similarly, CODEC or UART can exist with SPI leaving no leftover pins. Unless, CD input on UART is designated unused, in which case a WakeUp GPIO becomes available. Any unused pins are available for related RS232 GPIO functionality. Refer to the port-mapping illustrations Figure 2-6. USB1/RST_CONFIG This is a 10-bit port dedicated to primary USB. GPIO becomes available only if the USB function is not used. When this occurs, the following GPIO becomes available: • 4 Simple GPIO • 1 Interrupt GPIO Other pins on this port serve as Reset Configuration inputs. Ethernet/USB2/UART4/5/J1850/RST_CONFIG This port consists of 8 output data pins and 10 control pins (in ethernet mode). For GPIO grouping these are the EthO and EthI ports, respectively. The output-only pins (EthO) are also used for input reset configuration data, therefore these pins must act as output only in all other cases. No peripheral is allowed to overdrive the reset configuration pull-up/pull-down settings. The 8 GPIOs on the EthO port are therefore output-only, and only available if the pin is otherwise unused (beyond reset config). NOTE The ethernet pin, MDIO, is actually an I/O. However, there should be no danger of an external chip driving this pin during power-up. This port is configured such that 7-wire Ethernet and a secondary USB port can exist simultanaeouly. This configuration makes available 1 GPIO WakeUp pin. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-26 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Full Ethernet consumes all 18 pins, unless the optional MDIO and MDC pins are specified as unused. In this case, 2 Output Only GPIO are available. Meanwhile, there are other cases becasue many pins can be used for UART, J1850. Please Refer to the port-mapping illustrations for details. USB stand-alone usage leaves available: • 2 Output Only GPIO • 4 Simple GPIO • 1 WakeUp GPIO 7-wire Ethernet stand-alone leaves available: • 6 Output Only GPIO • 4 Interrupt GPIO • 1 WakeUp GPIO 1850 stand-alone leaves available: • 7 Output Only GPIO • 4 Simple GPIO • 3 Interrupt GPIO • 1 WakeUp GPIO Total GPIO available on this port is: • 8 Output Only GPIO • 4 Simple GPIO • 4 Interrupt GPIO • 1 WakeUp GPIO PSC6 The PSC6 port has 4 pins, which includes: • 2 Simple GPIO • 2 WakeUp GPIO Hardware functions available are: • IRDA — 3 pins with clock input — 2 pins with internal clock • UART (4 pins) • Codec (4 pins) The IRDA clock pin can be used as a Input USB clock and is separately programmable for this use. • If unused, the IRDA Receive pins are available as WakeUp GPIO. • If unused, the IRDA Transmit pin and the Clock pin are available as Simple GPIO. I2 C There are 2 I2C ports consisting of 2 pins each. Although no GPIO is available on these pins, they can be alternately programmed as CAN1 pins (on I2C1) and/or as the ATA Chip Selects (on I2C2). If the alternate function is specified, the associated I2C port is consumed and unavailable. GPIO Timer Pins The GPIO Timer port consists of 8 pins. Each pin is driven by a internal timer module, which can do either of the following: • drive the pin in Output Compare mode and Pulse Width Modulation mode, or • monitor the pin as input in Input Capture mode. Additionally, the timer module can operate the pin as a Simple GPIO. This GPIO control is handled in the Timer Module register, see Section 7.4.4, GPT Registers—MBAR + 0x0600. If the pin is controlled as a GPIO, then the Timer Module timer can be used as an internal CPU timer. The Timer pins can be reconfigured for alternate functionality in the Port Configuration Register, as follows: • Timer pins 0 and 1 can operate as CAN2 Tx/Rx or ATA Chip Selects. • Timer pins 2–5 can operate as the SPI port. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-27 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) • Timer pins 6 and 7 are dedicated as Timer GPIO and have no alternate function. Although the Timer as GPIO only operates to the Simple GPIO level, Interrupt capability can be achieved by configuring the Timer for Input Capture mode. Dedicated GPIO Port There is a dedicated GPIO port group that consists of 2 pins. Both pins operate at the WakeUp GPIO level. They are designated: • GPIO_WKUP_6 • GPIO_WKUP_7 However, GPIO_WKUP_6 is not dedicated and can be programmed to operate as a second SDRAM memory chip select. As such, this pin is connected to the Memory Vdd supply. For Dual Data Rate memory, the GPIO_WKUP_6 pin is driven at the reduced 2.5V level. If not used as a memory chip select, the GPIO_WKUP_6 pin serves as a memory voltage compatible GPIO. 7.3.2 GPIO Programmer’s Model The GPIO programmer’s model contains 3 separate register sets (or modules), each at different offsets from MBAR. These register sets are: 1. GPIO Standard Registers—MBAR+0x0B00. Output Only, Simple, and Interrupt GPIO are controlled by registers within this module. There are 3 register groupings for individual control of each of the named GPIO types. 2. WakeUp GPIO Registers—MBAR+0x0C00. WakeUp GPIO are controlled by this register set 3. GPT Registers—MBAR + 0x0600. Timer functions and Timer GPIO are controlled by this module. All GPIO functionality is dependent on the Port Configuration Register (PCR) setting. The PCR is the first register in the GPIO Standard Module. This register controls the Pin MUX Logic. Therefore, the PCR also controls the physical routing of MPC5200 I/O pins to and from internal logic. The PCR is expected to be configured early in the boot process and set to a static value that supports the given peripheral set of a specific application. NOTE The PCR is not accessible during Deep Sleep mode. GPIO Standard Registers—MBAR+0x0B00 The GPIO Standard Register set has separate registers for each GPIO type. • Simple • Output Only • Interrupt These registers are at an offset of MBAR + 0x0B00. The GPIO Standard Register set uses 16 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0B00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0B00 + register address Hyperlinks to the GPIO pin type registers are provided below: • GPS Port Configuration Register (0x0B00) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Enables Register (0x0B20) • GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register (0x0B04) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Open-Drain Emulation Register (0x0B24) • GPS Simple GPIO Open Drain Type Register (0x0B08) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Direction Register (0x0B28) • GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register (0x0B0C) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Value Out Register (0x0B2C) • GPS Simple GPIO Data Output Values Register (0x0B10) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Enable Register (0x0B30) • GPS Simple GPIO Data Input Values Register (0x0B14) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register (0x0B34) • GPS GPIO Output-Only Enables Register (0x0B18) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register (0x0B38) • GPS GPIO Output-Only Data Value Out Register (0x0B1C) • GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Status Register (0x0B3C) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-28 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00 Table 7-21. GPS Port Configuration Register 1 2 CS1 Rsvd 0 0 3 ALTs 4 5 6 CS7 CS6 0 0 7 8 ATA W RESET: R 0 16 17 PCI_DIS USB_SE 0 0 0 18 19 20 0 21 USB 22 9 0 0 23 24 0 25 Rsvd PSC3 10 11 12 13 IRDA IR_USB_CLK R msb 0 15 Ether 0 26 14 0 27 PSC2 0 28 0 29 Rsvd 0 30 0 31 lsb PSC1 W RESET: Bit Name 0 CS1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Memory Chip Select bit 0 = gpio_wkup_6 1 = mem_cs1 (second SDRAMC chip select) on gpio_wkup_6 pin 1 — 2:3 ALTs Reserved Alternatives, see Note 2 00 = No Alternatives: CAN1/2 on PSC2 according to PSC2 setting. SPI on PSC3 according to PSC3 setting. 01 = ALT CAN position: CAN1 on I2C1, CAN2 on Tmr0/1 pins, see Note 1 10 = ALT SPI position: SPI on Tmr2/3/4/5 pins, see Note 2 11 = Both on ALT 4 CS7 0 = Interrupt GPIO on PSC3_5 (see note 6) 1 = CS7 on PSC3_5 5 CS6 0 = Interrupt GPIO on PSC3_4 (see note 6) 1 = CS6 on PSC3_4 6:7 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment 00 = No ATA chip selects, csb_4/5 used as normal chip select 01 = ATA cs0/1 on csb_4/5 10 = ATA cs0/1 on i2c2 clk/io 11 = ATA cs0/1 on Tmr0/1, see Note 1 8 IR_USB_CLK Infrared USB Clock 0 = IrDA/USB 48MHz clock generated internally, pin is GPIO 1 = IrDA/USB clock is sourced externally, input only MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-29 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 9:11 IRDA Description Infrared Data Association 000 = All IrDA pins are GPIOs 001 = Reserved 010 = Reserved 011 = Reserved 100 = Reserved 101 = UART (without CD) / IrDA 110 = Reserved 111 = CODEC (without MCLK) / IrDA 12: 15 Ether Ethernet 0000 = All 18 Ethernet pins are GPIOs 0001 = USB2 on Ethernet, see Note 3 0010 = Ethernet 10Mbit (7-wire) mode 0011 = Ethernet 7-wire and USB2, see Note 3 0100 = Ethernet 100Mbit without MD 0101 = Ethernet 100Mbit with MD 011X = Reserved 1000 = Ether 7-wire, UARTe, J1850 1001 = Ether 7-wire, J1850 1010 = Two UARTes, J1850 1011 = One UARTe, J1850 1100 = J1850 1101 = Reserved 111X = Reserved 16 PCI_DIS 0 = PCI controller enabled 1 = PCI controller disabled. When Large Flash or Most Graphics modes are enabled on the localPlus bus interface, the PCI interface can not be used (PCI control signals are used to support these modes). When these modes are enabled (see LocalPlus control registers), the PCI controller must be disabled to prevent interference. If these modes are enabled at boot, this bit will come out of reset set to 1. If these modes are not enabled at boot, this bit will come out of reset set to 0. 17 USB_SE USB Single Ended mode. The USB interface is able to support both Differential and Single Ended modes. This bit allows the USB I/O interface to be programmed to Single Ended mode. Differential mode supplies TXP/TXN and RXP/TXN. Single ended mode supplies TXP/TX_SE0 and RXP/RX_SE0. This bit controls "all" USB ports (i.e. they are not individually programmable). Default is Differential mode. 0 = Differential mode (Default after reset) 1 = Single ended mode 18:19 USB 00 = 4 GPIOs and 1 Interrupt GPIO 01 = USB 10 = Two UARTs 11 = Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-30 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 20:23 PSC3 Description Programmable Serial Controller 3 0000 = All PSC3 pins are GPIOs 0001 = USB2 on PSC3, no GPIOs available, see Note 3 001X = Reserved 0100 = UART functionality without CD 0101 = UARTe functionality with CD 0110 = CODEC3 functionality 0111 = CODEC3 functionality (with MCLK) 100X = SPI 101X = Reserved 1100 = SPI with UART3 1101 = SPI with UART3e 111X = SPI with CODEC3 24 — Reserved 25:27 PSC2 Programmable Serial Controller 2 000 = All PSC2 pins are GPIOs 001 = CAN1&2 on PSC2 pins, see Note 3 01X = AC97 functionality 100 = UART functionality without CD 101 = UARTe functionality with CD 110 = CODEC2 functionality(without MCLK) 111 = CODEC2 functionality (with MCLK) 28 — Reserved 29:31 PSC1 Programmable Serial Controller 1 00X = All PSC1 pins are GPIOs 01X = AC97 functionality 100 = UART functionality without CD 101 = UARTe functionality with CD 110 = CODEC1 functionality (without MCLK) 111 = CODEC1 functionality (with MCLK) Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. ALT CAN cannot exist with ATA on Tmr0/1, not with CAN on PSC2. ALT SPI cannot exist with any SPI on PCS3. USB cannot exist on both Either and PSC3. See Section 7.3.1, GPIO Pin Multiplexing or Table 2-1 or Table 2-2 to determine GPIO availability for the various PCR field settings. 5. If Large Flash or Most Graphics mode is enabled at boot, using a reset configuration bit, PCI disable will come out of reset set to 1. If these modes are not enabled at boot, this bit will come out of reset set to 0. 6. PSC3_4 and PSC3_5 default to zero (interrupt gpio) after reset. However, if the PSC3 is pro-grammed to USB2 mode RXP and RXN will be on these pins. If PSC is programmed to UARTe mode, CD will be on the PSC3_4 pin. GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register—MBAR + 0x0B04 Table 7-22. GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register RESET: msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-31 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Table 7-22. GPS Simple GPIO Enables Register R Reserved IRDA ETHR Reserved USB W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:1 — 2:3 IRDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Individual enable bits for the 2 Simple GPIO on IRDA port. bit 2 controls GPIO_IRDA_1 (IR_USB_CLK pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_IRDA_0 (IRDA_TX pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO 4:7 ETHR Individual enable bits for the 4 Simple GPIO on ETHR port. bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHI_3 (ETH_11 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHI_2 (ETH_10 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHI_1 (ETH_9 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHI_0 (ETH_8 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO 8:11 — 12:15 USB Reserved Individual enable bits for the 4 Simple GPIO on USB port. bit 12 controls GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin) bit 13 controls GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin) bit 14 controls GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin) bit 15 controls GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO 16:17 — 18:23 PSC3 Reserved Individual enable bits for the 6 Simple GPIO on PSC3 port. bit 18 controls GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin) bit 19 controls GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin) bit 20 controls GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin) bit 21 controls GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin) bit 22 controls GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin) bit 23 controls GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-32 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 24:27 PSC2 Description Individual enable bits for the 4 Simple GPIO on PSC2 port. bit 24 controls GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin) bit 25 controls GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin) bit 26 controls GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin) bit 27 controls GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO 28:31 PSC1 Individual enable bits for the 4 Simple GPIO on PSC1 port. bit 28 controls GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin) bit 29 controls GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin) bit 30 controls GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin) bit 31 controls GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO GPS Simple GPIO Open Drain Type Register —MBAR + 0x0B08 Table 7-23. GPS Simple GPIO Open Drain Type Register msb 0 R 1 2 Reserved 3 4 5 IRDA 6 7 8 ETHR 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 USB W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:1 — 2:3 IRDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 2 controls GPIO_IRDA_1 (IR_USB_CLK pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_IRDA_0 (IRDA_TX pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 4:7 ETHR Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHI_3 (ETH_11 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHI_2 (ETH_10 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHI_1 (ETH_9 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHI_0 (ETH_8 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 8:11 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-33 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 12:15 USB Description Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 12 controls GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin) bit 13 controls GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin) bit 14 controls GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin) bit 15 controls GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 16:17 — Reserved 18:23 PSC3 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 18 controls GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin) bit 19 controls GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin) bit 20 controls GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin) bit 21 controls GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin) bit 22 controls GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin) bit 23 controls GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 24:27 PSC2 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 24 controls GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin) bit 25 controls GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin) bit 26 controls GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin) bit 27 controls GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 28:31 PSC1 Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 28 controls GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin) bit 29 controls GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin) bit 30 controls GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin) bit 31 controls GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0B0C Table 7-24. GPS Simple GPIO Data Direction Register msb 0 R 1 2 Reserved 3 4 5 IRDA 6 7 8 ETHR 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 USB W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-34 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:1 — 2:3 IRDA Description Reserved Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 2 controls GPIO_IRDA_1 (IR_USB_CLK pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_IRDA_0 (IRDA_TX pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output 4:7 ETHR Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHI_3 (ETH_11 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHI_2 (ETH_10 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHI_1 (ETH_9 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHI_0 (ETH_8 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output 8:11 — 12:15 USB Reserved Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 12 controls GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin) bit 13 controls GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin) bit 14 controls GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin) bit 15 controls GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output 16:17 — 18:23 PSC3 Reserved Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 18 controls GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin) bit 19 controls GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin) bit 20 controls GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin) bit 21 controls GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin) bit 22 controls GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin) bit 23 controls GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-35 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 24:27 PSC2 Description Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 24 controls GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin) bit 25 controls GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin) bit 26 controls GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin) bit 27 controls GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output 28:31 PSC1 Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. bit 28 controls GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin) bit 29 controls GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin) bit 30 controls GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin) bit 31 controls GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-36 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS Simple GPIO Data Output Values Register —MBAR + 0x0B10 Table 7-25. GPS Simple GPIO Data Output Values Register msb 0 R 1 2 Reserved 3 4 5 IRDA 6 7 8 ETHR 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 USB W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:1 — 2:3 IRDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 2 controls GPIO_IRDA_1 (IR_USB_CLK pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_IRDA_0 (IRDA_TX pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 4:7 ETHR Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHI_3 (ETH_11 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHI_2 (ETH_10 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHI_1 (ETH_9 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHI_0 (ETH_8 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 8:11 — 12:15 USB Reserved Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 12 controls GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin) bit 13 controls GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin) bit 14 controls GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin) bit 15 controls GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 16:17 — 18:23 PSC3 Reserved Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 18 controls GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin) bit 19 controls GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin) bit 20 controls GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin) bit 21 controls GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin) bit 22 controls GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin) bit 23 controls GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-37 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 24:27 PSC2 Description Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 24 controls GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin) bit 25 controls GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin) bit 26 controls GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin) bit 27 controls GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 28:31 PSC1 Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 28 controls GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin) bit 29 controls GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin) bit 30 controls GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin) bit 31 controls GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin GPS Simple GPIO Data Input Values Register —MBAR + 0x0B14 Table 7-26. GPS Simple GPIO Data Input Values Register msb 0 R 1 2 Reserved 3 4 5 IRDA 6 7 8 ETHR 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 USB W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved PSC3 PSC2 PSC1 W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:1 — 2:3 IRDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 2 reflects GPIO_IRDA_1 (IR_USB_CLK pin) bit 3 reflects GPIO_IRDA_0 (IRDA_TX pin) 4:7 ETHR Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 4 reflects GPIO_ETHI_3 (ETH_11 pin) bit 5 reflects GPIO_ETHI_2 (ETH_10 pin) bit 6 reflects GPIO_ETHI_1 (ETH_9 pin) bit 7 reflects GPIO_ETHI_0 (ETH_8 pin) 8:11 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-38 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 12:15 USB Description Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 12 reflects GPIO_USB_3 (USB1_8 pin) bit 13 reflects GPIO_USB_2 (USB1_7 pin) bit 14 reflects GPIO_USB_1 (USB1_6 pin) bit 15 reflects GPIO_USB_0 (USB1_0 pin) 16:17 — Reserved 18:23 PSC3 Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 18 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_5 (PSC3_7 pin) bit 19 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_4 (PSC3_6 pin) bit 20 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_3 (PSC3_3 pin) bit 21 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_2 (PSC3_2 pin) bit 22 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_1 (PSC3_1 pin) bit 23 reflects GPIO_ PSC3_0 (PSC3_0 pin) 24:27 PSC2 Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 24 reflects GPIO_PSC2_3 (PSC2_3 pin) bit 25 reflects GPIO_PSC2_2 (PSC2_2 pin) bit 26 reflects GPIO_PSC2_1 (PSC2_1 pin) bit 27 reflects GPIO_PSC2_0 (PSC2_0 pin) 28:31 PSC1 Individual status bits reflecting the state of corresponding GPIO pins. bit 28 reflects GPIO_PSC1_3 (PSC1_3 pin) bit 29 reflects GPIO_PSC1_2 (PSC1_2 pin) bit 30 reflects GPIO_PSC1_1 (PSC1_1 pin) bit 31 reflects GPIO_PSC1_0 (PSC1_0 pin) Note: These status bits operate regardless of the function on the pin. GPS GPIO Output-Only Enables Register —MBAR + 0x0B18 Table 7-27. GPS GPIO Output-Only Enables Register msb 0 1 2 R 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 7 ETHR W RESET: 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-39 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 ETHR Description Individual bits to enable each Output Only GPIO pin—all reside on the Ethernet port. bit 0 controls GPIO_ETHO_7 (ETH_7 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_ETHO_6 (ETH_6 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_ETHO_5 (ETH_5 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_ETHO_4 (ETH_4 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHO_3 (ETH_3 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHO_2 (ETH_2 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHO_1 (ETH_1 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHO_0 (ETH_0 pin) 0 = Disabled for GPIO use (default) 1 = Enabled for GPIO use 8:31 — Reserved GPS GPIO Output-Only Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0B1C Table 7-28. GPS GPIO Output-Only Data Value Out Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ETHR 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 ETHR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to control the state of enabled Output Only GPIO pins. bit 0 controls GPIO_ETHO_7 (ETH_7 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_ETHO_6 (ETH_6 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_ETHO_5 (ETH_5 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_ETHO_4 (ETH_4 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_ETHO_3 (ETH_3 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_ETHO_2 (ETH_2 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_ETHO_1 (ETH_1 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_ETHO_0 (ETH_0 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-40 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0B20 Table 7-29. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Enables Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIGPIOe 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 SIGPIOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to enable each Interrupt GPIO pin (pins are scattered). bit 0 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 0 = disabled for GPIO use (default) 1 = enabled for GPIO use 8:31 — Reserved GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Open-Drain Emulation Register —MBAR + 0x0B24 Table 7-30. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Open-Drain Emulation Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved SIODe W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-41 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 SIODe Description Individual bits to cause open drain emulation for pins configured as GPIO output. bit 0 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default) 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z) 8:31 — Reserved GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Direction Register —MBAR + 0x0B28 Table 7-31. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Direction Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDDR 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 SIDDR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to control direction of the pin as GPIO. bit 0 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default) 1 = Pin is Output 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-42 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0B2C Table 7-32. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Data Value Out Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDVO 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 SIDVO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. bit 0 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default) 1 = Drive 1 on the pin 8:31 — Reserved GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0B30 Table 7-33. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Enable Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved SIINTEN W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-43 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 SIINTEN Description Individual bits to enable Interrupt generation for each GPIO pin configured as an Input. bit 0 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) bit 1 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) bit 2 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) bit 3 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) bit 4 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) bit 5 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) bit 6 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) bit 7 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 0 = Pin cannot generate an Interrupt (default) 1 = Pin can generate an Interrupt if configured as an Input GPIO 8:31 — Reserved Note: See Interrupt Type data in GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register —MBAR + 0x0B34 Register. Also, the Master Interrupt Enable bit must be set in the GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0B38 Register, before any Simple Interrupt pin can generate an Interrupt. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register —MBAR + 0x0B34 Table 7-34. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Interrupt Types Register msb 0 R 1 ITYP7 2 3 4 ITYP6 5 ITYP5 6 7 8 ITYP4 9 10 ITYP3 11 ITYP2 12 13 14 ITYP1 15 ITYP0 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:15 ITYP[0:7] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description GPIO Interrupt Type bits for Simple-Interrupt GPIO pin 7. ITYP7—bits 0:1 controls GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) ITYP6—bits 2:3 controls GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) ITYP5—bits 4:5 controls GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) ITYP4—bits 6:7 controls GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) ITYP3—bits 8:9 controls GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) ITYP2—bits 10:11 controls GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) ITYP1—bits 12:13 controls GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) ITYP0—bits 14:15 controls GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 00 = Interrupt on any transition 01 = Interrupt on rising edge 10 = Interrupt on falling edge 11 = Interrupt on pulse (any two transitions) 16:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-44 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0B38 Table 7-35. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 Reserved 4 5 6 7 8 9 ME 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name 0:2 — Reserved 3 ME GPIO Simple Interrupt Master Enable pin—This pin must be high before any Simple Interrupt pin can generate an interrupt. This bit should remain clear while programming individual interrupts, then set high as a final step. This prevents any spurious interrupt occurring during programming. 4:31 — Reserved Description GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Status Register—MBAR + 0x0B3C Table 7-36. GPS GPIO Simple Interrupt Status Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ISTAT 12 13 14 15 IVAL W rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-45 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 ISTAT Description Interrupt Status—status bit for GPIO Simple interrupt pins 7 to 0, where 1 indicates an interrupt has occurred. Clear bit with a Sticky bit write to 1. Bit 0 reflects GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) Bit 1 reflects GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) Bit 2 reflects GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) Bit 3 reflects GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) Bit 4 reflects GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) Bit 5 reflects GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) Bit 6 reflects GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) Bit 7 reflects GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) 8:15 IVAL Input Value—status bit for GPIO Simple Interrupt pins 7 to 0. This is the raw state of the input pin at the time this register is read. It is not latched to the state that caused the Interrupt (if any). Bit 8 reflects GPIO_SINT_7 (ETH_16 pin) Bit 9 reflects GPIO_SINT_6 (ETH_15 pin) Bit 10 reflects GPIO_SINT_5 (ETH_14 pin) Bit 11 reflects GPIO_SINT_4 (ETH_13 pin) Bit 12 reflects GPIO_SINT_3 (USB1_9 pin) Bit 13 reflects GPIO_SINT_2 (PSC3_8 pin) Bit 14 reflects GPIO_SINT_1 (PSC3_5 pin) Bit 15 reflects GPIO_SINT_0 (PSC3_4 pin) IVAL is always available regardless of enable or setting, even if not used as GPIO. Writing to this byte has no effect. 16:31 — Reserved WakeUp GPIO Registers—MBAR+0x0C00 The WakeUp GPIO Register Set provides GPIO control for the 8 WakeUp GPIO pins. These pins are scattered throughout the pin groups, but are all controlled in this module. It should be noted that WakeUp GPIO can operate as Simple Interrupt GPIO. Because of this, there are separate registers to enable these pins as Wakeup interupts and/or Simple Interrupts. The distiniction between these two types of interrupts is made according to the powered state of MPC5200. • In Deep Sleep mode, the WakeUp Interrupt enables are used. • In all other modes, the Simple Interrupt enables are used. In either of the above types of interrupts, we are referring to the WakeUp GPIO and the registers in this module. These are not to be confused with the Simple Interrupt GPIO pins, which are controlled in the previous module, GPIO Standard. This WakeUp GPIO register set uses 10 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0C00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0C00 + register address Hyperlinks to the WakeUp GPIO registers are provided below: • GPW WakeUp GPIO Enables Register (0x0C00) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Individual Interrupt Enable Register (0x0C14) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Open Drain Emulation Register (0x0C04) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Types Register (0x0C18) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Direction Register (0x0C08) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Master Enables Register (0x0C1C) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Value Out Register (0x0C0C) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Input Values Register (0x0C20) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Enable Register (0x0C10) • GPW WakeUp GPIO Status Register (0x0C24) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-46 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPW WakeUp GPIO Enables Register—MBAR + 0x0C00 Table 7-37. GPW WakeUp GPIO Enables Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WGPIOe 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 WGPIOe 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Bits to enable the operation of individual WaleUp GPIO pins. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Pin not enabled for any GPIO use (default). 1 = Pin enabled for use as GPIO. 8:31 — Reserved GPW WakeUp GPIO Open Drain Emulation Register —MBAR + 0x0C04 Table 7-38. GPW WakeUp GPIO Open Drain Emulation Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved WODe W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-47 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 WODe Description Bits to control open drain emulation for individual WakeUp GPIO configured as outputs. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Normal CMOS output (default). 1 = Open Drain emulation (a drive to high creates Hi-Z). 8:31 — Reserved GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Direction Register—MBAR + 0x0C08 Table 7-39. GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Direction Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WDDR[7:0] 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 WDDR[7:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to control directionality of the pin as GPIO. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Pin is Input (default). 1 = Pin is Output. 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-48 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Value Out Register —MBAR + 0x0C0C Table 7-40. GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Value Out Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WDVO 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 WDVO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Individual bits to control the state of pins configured as GPIO output. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Drive 0 on the pin (default). 1 = Drive 1 on the pin. Note: If pin is emulating open drain, this setting results in Hi-Z 8:31 — Reserved GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0C10 Table 7-41. GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Enable Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WUPe 11 12 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-49 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name Description 0:7 WUPe Individual bits to enable generation of WakeUp interrupt for WakeUp GPIO configured as input. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Pin cannot generate WakeUp Interrupt (default). 1 = Pin can generate WakeUp Interrupt while MPC5200 is in Deep Sleep mode. Note: These enable bits apply ONLY when MPC5200 is in Deep Sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved Note: Only valid when Port Configuration indicates GPIO usage and pin is configured as input in the associated DDR bit in GPIOWDO. Also, Master Interrupt Enable bit in GPIOWME must be set. GPW WakeUp GPIO Individual Interrupt Enable Register —MBAR + 0x0C14 Table 7-42. GPW WakeUp GPIO Individual Interrupt Enable Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved WINe W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-50 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:7 WINe Description Individual bits to enable generation of Simple interrupt for WakeUp GPIO configured as input. Bit 0 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 0 = Pin cannot generate Simple Interrupt (default). 1 = Pin can generate Simple Interrupt while MPC5200 is not in Deep Sleep mode. Note: These enable bits apply only when MPC5200 is not in Deep Sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved Note: Only valid when Port Configuration indicates GPIO usage and pin is configured as input in the associated DDR bit in GPIOWDO. Also, Master Interrupt Enable bit in GPIOWME must be set. GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Types Register—MBAR + 0x0C18 Table 7-43. GPW WakeUp GPIO Interrupt Types Register msb 0 R 1 2 Ityp7 3 4 Ityp6 5 6 Ityp5 7 8 Ityp4 9 10 Ityp3 11 12 Ityp2 13 14 Ityp7 15 Ityp0 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-51 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:1 Ityp7 2:3 Ityp6 4:5 Ityp5 6:7 Ityp4 8:9 Ityp3 10:11 Ityp2 12:13 Ityp1 14:15 Ityp0 Description GPIO Interrupt Type bits for WakeUp GPIO pins 7–0 00=Interrupt at any transition 01=Interrupt on rising edge 10=Interrupt on falling edge 11=Interrupt on pulse (any 2 transitions) The above interrupt types describe operation for interrupts occuring while MPC5200 is not in Deep Sleep mode (i.e., Simple Interrupt types). For operation while in Deep Sleep mode the interpretation of these bits is slightly different, because no clocking is present in this mode and it is therefore impossible to detect an edge on the input. For Deep Sleep mode the bits are interpretted as follows: 00 = Not Valid, no interrupt can be detected 01 = Level High, any high creates WakeUp from Deep Sleep 10 = Level Low, any low creates WakeUp from Deep Sleep 11 = Not Valid, no interrupt can be detected. ITYP7 controls GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) ITYP6 controls GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) ITYP5 controls GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) ITYP4 controls GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) ITYP3 controls GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) ITYP2 controls GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) ITYP1 controls GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) ITYP0 controls GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) Note: Any GPIO WakeUp interrupt creates a Main Level 2 interrupt in the Interrupt Controller. 16:31 — Reserved GPW WakeUp GPIO Master Enables Register —MBAR + 0x0C1C Table 7-44. GPW WakeUp GPIO Master Enables Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 ME 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-52 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Bit Name 0:6 — Reserved 7 ME WakeUp GPIO Master Enable pin. This pin must be high before any WakeUp GPIO pin can generate an interrupt. This bit should remain clear while programming individual interrupts and then set high as a final step. This prevents any spurious interrupt occuring during programming. 8:31 — Reserved Description GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Input Values Register —MBAR + 0x0C20 Table 7-45. GPW WakeUp GPIO Data Input Values Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved WIVAL W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:7 WIVAL Input Value bits for GPIO WakeUp pins 7–0. This is the raw state of the input pin at the time this register is read. It is not latched to the state that caused the interrupt (if any). This status bit is always available, regardless of any enable or setting. For example, even if the pin is not used as GPIO. Writing to this byte has no effect. Bit 0 reflects GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 reflects GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 reflects GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 reflects GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 reflects GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 reflects GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 reflects GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 reflects GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-53 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPW WakeUp GPIO Status Register—MBAR + 0x0C24 Table 7-46. GPW WakeUp GPIO Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 R 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Istat 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc RESET: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 Istat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Interrupt status bits for GPIO WakeUp pins 7–0. 1 indicates an interrupt occurred. Cleared with a sticky-bit write to a 1 to clear the interrupt condition. Bit 0 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_7 (GPIO_WKUP_7 pin) Bit 1 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_6 (GPIO_WKUP_6 pin) Bit 2 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_5 (PSC6_1 pin) Bit 3 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_4 (PSC6_0 pin) Bit 4 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_3 (ETH_17 pin) Bit 5 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_2 (PSC3_9 pin) Bit 6 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_1 (PSC2_4 pin) Bit 7 reflects interrupt on GPIO_WKUP_0 (PSC1_4 pin) 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-54 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose Timers (GPT) 7.4 General Purpose Timers (GPT) Eight (8) General-Purpose Timer (GPT) pins are configurable for: • Input Capture • Output Compare • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output • Simple GPIO • Internal CPU timer • Watchdog Timer (on GPT0 only) Timer modules run off the internal IP bus clock. Each Timer is associated to a single I/O pin. Each Timer has a 16-bit prescaler and 16-bit counter, thus achieving a 32-bit range (but only 16-bit resolution). 7.4.1 Timer Configuration Method Use the following method to configure each timer: 1. Determine the Mode Select field (Timer_MS) value for the desired operation. 2. Program any other registers associated with this mode. 3. Program Interrupt enable as desired. 4. Enable the Timer by writing the Mode Select value into the Timer_MS field. 7.4.2 Mode Overview The following gives a brief description of the available modes: 1. Input Capture—In this mode the I/O pin is an Input. Once enabled, the counters run until the specified “Capture Event” occurs (rise, fall, either, or pulse). At the Capture Event, the counter value is latched in the status register. If enabled, a CPU interrupt is generated. The GP Timers 6 & 7 are active during low power modes (except for deep sleep), and therefore have the ability to initiate a wake up the device from a low-power mode. 2. Output Compare—In this mode the I/O pin is an Output. When enabled the counters run until they reach the programmed Terminal Count value. At this point, the specified “Output Event” is generated (toggle, pulse hi, or pulse low). If enabled, a CPU interrupt is generated. 3. PWM—In this mode the I/O pin is an Output. The user can program “Period” and “Width” values to create an adjustable, repeating output waveform on the I/O pin. A CPU interrupt can be generated at the beginning of each PWM Period, at which time a new Width value can be loaded. The new Width value, which represents “ON time”, is automatically applied at the beginning of the next period. Note that there is no interrupt at the beginning of the first PWM Period. This mode is suitable for PWM audio encoding. 4. Simple GPIO—In this mode the I/O pin operates as a GPIO pin. It can be specified as Input or Output, according to the programmable GPIO field. GPIO mode is mutually exclusive of modes 1 through 3 (listed above). In GPIO mode, modes 5 through 6 (listed below) remain available. 5. CPU Timer—The I/O pin is not used in this mode. Once enabled, the counters run until they reach a programmed Terminal Count. When this occurs, an interrupt can be generated to the CPU. This Timer mode can be used simultaneously with the Simple GPIO mode. 6. Watchdog Timer—This is a special CPU Timer mode, available only on Timer 0. The user must enable the Watchdog Timer mode, which is not active upon reset. The Terminal Count value is programmable. If the counter is allowed to expire, a full MPC5200 reset occurs. To prevent the Watchdog Timer from expiring, software must periodically write a specific value to a specific register (in Timer 0). This causes the counter to reset. 7.4.3 Programming Notes Programmers should observe the following notes: 1. Intermediate values of the Timer internal counters are not readable by software. 2. The Stop_Cont bit operates differently for different modes. In general, this bit controls whether the Timer halts at the end of a current mode, or resets and continues with a repetition of the mode. See the Bit Description for precise operation. 3. The Timer_MS field operates somewhat as a Global Enable. If it is zero, then all Timer modes are disabled and internal counters are reset. See the Bit Descriptions for more detail. 4. There is a CE (Counter Enable) bit that operates somewhat independently of the Timer_MS field. This bit controls the Counter for CPU Timer or Watchdog Timer modes only. See the Bit Descriptions to understand the operation of these bits across the various modes. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-55 General Purpose Timers (GPT) 7.4.4 GPT Registers—MBAR + 0x0600 Each GPT uses 4 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0600. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0600 + register address Hyperlinks to the Interrupt Controller registers are provided below: • • • • • • • • GPT 0 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0600) GPT 1 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0610) GPT 2 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0620) GPT 3 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0630) GPT 4 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0640) GPT 5 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0650) GPT 6 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0660) GPT 7 Enable and Mode Select Register (0x0670) • • • • • • • • GPT 0 PWM Configuration Register (0x0608) GPT 1 PWM Configuration Register (0x0618) GPT 2 PWM Configuration Register (0x0628) GPT 3 PWM Configuration Register (0x0638) GPT 4 PWM Configuration Register (0x0648) GPT 5 PWM Configuration Register (0x0658) GPT 6 PWM Configuration Register (0x0668) GPT 7 PWM Configuration Register (0x0678) • • • • • • • • GPT 0 Counter Input Register (0x0604) GPT 1 Counter Input Register (0x0614) GPT 2 Counter Input Register (0x0624) GPT 3 Counter Input Register (0x0634) GPT 4 Counter Input Register (0x0644) GPT 5 Counter Input Register (0x0654) GPT 6 Counter Input Register (0x0664) GPT 7 Counter Input Register (0x0674) • • • • • • • • GPT 0 Status Register (0x060C) GPT 1 Status Register (0x061C) GPT 2 Status Register (0x062C) GPT 3 Status Register (0x063C) GPT 4 Status Register (0x064C) GPT 5 Status Register (0x065C) GPT 6 Status Register (0x066C) GPT 7 Status Register (0x067C) GPT 0 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0600 GPT 1 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0610 GPT 2 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0620 GPT 3 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0630 GPT 4 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0640 GPT 5 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0650 GPT 6 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0660 GPT 7 Enable and Mode Select Register—MBAR + 0x0670 Table 7-47. GPT 0 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 1 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 2 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 3 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 4 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 5 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 6 Enable and Mode Select Register GPT 7 Enable and Mode Select Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 OCPW 8 9 10 Reserved 11 OCT 12 13 14 Reserved 15 ICT W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved CE Rsvd 0 0 WDen W RESET: 0 0 0 0 Open_Drn R 0 Stop_Cont RESET : 0 IntEn 0 Reserved 0 0 GPIO 0 Rsvd 0 0 Timer_MS 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-56 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose Timers (GPT) Bit Name Description 0:7 OCPW Output Compare Pulse Width—Applies to OC Pulse types only. This field specifies the number of IP bus clocks (non-prescaled) to create a short output pulse at each Output Event. This pulse is generated at the end of the OC period and overlays the next OC period (rather than adding to the period). Note: This field is alternately used as the Watchdog reset field if Watchdog Timer mode is enabled. 8:9 — 10:11 OCT Reserved Output Compare Type—describes action to occur at each output compare event, as follows: 00=Special case, output is immediately forced low without respect to each output compare event. 01=Output pulse highs, initial value is low (OCPW field applies). 10=Output pulses low, initial value is high (OCPW field applies). 11=Output toggles. GPIO modalities can be used to achieve an initial output state prior to enabling OC mode. It is important to move directly from GPIO output mode to OC mode and not to pass through the Timer_MS=000 state. To prevent the Internal Timer Mode from engaging during the GPIO state, CE bit should be held low during the configuration steps. GPIO initialization is needed when presetting the I/O to 1 in conjunction with a simple toggle OCT setting. Note: For Stop Mode operation (see Stop_Cont bit below) it is necessary to pass through the mode_sel = 0 state to restart the output compare counters with their programmed values. See prescale and count fields in GPT 0 Counter Input Register. 12:13 — 14:15 ICT Reserved Input Capture Type—describes the input transition type required to trigger an input capture event, as follows: 00=Any input transition causes an IC event. 01=IC event occurs at input rising edge. 10=IC event occurs at input falling edge. 11=IC event occurs at any input pulse (i.e., at 2nd input edge). BE AWARE: For ICT=11 (pulse capture), status register records only the pulse width. 16 WDen Watchdog enable—bit enables watchdog operation. A timer expiration causes an internal MPC5200 reset. Watchdog operation requires the Timer_MS field be set for internal timer mode and the CE bit to be set high. In this mode the OCPW byte field operates as a watchdog reset field. Writing A5 to the OCPW field resets the watchdog timer, preventing it from expiring. As long as the timer is properly configured, the watchdog operation continues. This bit (and functionality) is implemented only for Timer 0. 1 = enabled 17:18 — Reserved 19 CE Counter Enable—bit enables or resets the internal counter during Internal timer modes only. CE must be high to enable these modes. If low, counter is held in reset. This bit is secondary to the timer mode select bits (Timer_MS). If Timer_MS is1XX, internal timer modes are enabled. CE can then enable or reset the internal counter without changing the Timer_MS field. GPIO operation is also available in this mode. 1 = enabled 20 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-57 General Purpose Timers (GPT) Bit Name 21 Stop_Cont Description Stop Continuous—Applies to multiple modes, as follows: 0 = Stop 1 = Continuous • IC mode Stop operation—At each IC event, counter is reset. Continuous operation—counter is not reset at each IC event. Effect is to create Status count values that are cumulative between Capture events. If the special Pulse Mode Capture type is specified, the Stop_Cont bit is not used, operation fixed as if it were Stop. • OC mode Stop operation—Counter resets and stops at first OC event. Note: Software needs to pass through Timer_MS=000 state to restart timer. Continuous operation—counter resets and continues at each OC event. Effect to is create back-to-back periodic OC events. BE AWARE—In this mode the polarity of Stop_cont is reversed. Also, in Stop Mode, the output event falsely retriggers at the expiration of the prescale count. This means the software has to service and output event prior to the prescale expiring. Service is defined as programming mode_sel field to 0, which causes the programmed prescale and count values to be reset. • PWM mode Bit not used, operation is always Continuous. • CPU Timer mode Stop operation—On counter expiration, Timer waits until Status bit is cleared by passing through Timer_MS=000 state before beginning a new cycle. Continuous operation—On counter expiration, Timer resets and immediately begin a new cycle. Effect is to generate fixed periodic timeouts. • 22 Open_Drn WatchDog Timer and GPIO modes Bit not used. Open Drain 0 = Normal I/O 1 = Open Drain emulation—affects all modes that drive the I/O pin (GPIO, OC, & PWM). Any output “1” is converted to a tri-state at the I/O pin. 23 IntEn 24:25 — 26:27 GPIO Enable interrupt—enables interrupt generation to the CPU for all modes (IC, OC, PWM, and Internal Timer). IntEn is not required for watchdog expiration to create a reset. 1 = enabled Reserved GPIO mode type. Simple GPIO functionality that can be used simultaneously with the Internal Timer mode. It is not compatible with IC, OC, or PWM modes, since these modes dictate the usage of the I/O pin. 0x=Timer enabled as simple GPIO input 10=Timer enabled as simple GPIO output, value=0 11=Timer enabled as simple GPIO output, value=1 (tri-state if Open_Drn=1) While in GPIO modes, internal timer mode is also available. To prevent undesired timer expiration, keep the CE bit low. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-58 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose Timers (GPT) Bit Name Description 28 — 29:31 Timer_MS Reserved Timer Mode Select (and module enable). 000=Timer module not enabled. Associated I/O pin is in input state. All Timer operation is completely disabled. Control and status registers are still accessible. This mode should be entered when timer is to be re-configured, except where the user does not want the I/O pin to become an input. 001=Timer enabled for input capture. 010=Timer enabled for output compare. 011=Timer enabled for PWM. 1xx=timer enabled for simple GPIO. Internal timer modes available. CE bit controls timer counter. GPT 0 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0604 GPT 1 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0614 GPT 2 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0624 GPT 3 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0634 GPT 4 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0644 GPT 5 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0654 GPT 6 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0664 GPT 7 Counter Input Register—MBAR + 0x0674 Table 7-48. GPT 0 Counter Input Register GPT 1 Counter Input Register GPT 2 Counter Input Register GPT 3 Counter Input Register GPT 4 Counter Input Register GPT 5 Counter Input Register GPT 6 Counter Input Register GPT 7 Counter Input Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Prescale W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Count W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-59 General Purpose Timers (GPT) Bit Name Description 0:15 Prescale Prescale amount applied to internal counter (in IP bus clocks). BE AWARE—The prescale field should be written prior to enabling any timer mode. A prescale of 0x0001 means one IP bus clock per count increment. If prescale is 0 when any timer mode is started, it results in an effective prescale of 64K. The counter will immediately begin and an output event will occur with the 64K prescale, rather than the desired value. 16:31 COUNT Sets number of prescaled counts applied to reference events, as follows: IC—Field has no effect, internal counter starts at 0. OC—Number of prescaled counts counted before creating output event. PWM—Number of prescaled counts defining the PWM output period. Internal Timer—Number of prescaled counts counted before timer (or watchdog) expires. Note: Reading this register only returns the programmed value, intermediate values of the internal counter are not available to software. GPT 0 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0608 GPT 1 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0618 GPT 2 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0628 GPT 3 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0638 GPT 4 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0648 GPT 5 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0658 GPT 6 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0668 GPT 7 PWM Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0678 Table 7-49. GPT 0 PWM Configuration Register GPT 1 PWM Configuration Register GPT 2 PWM Configuration Register GPT 3 PWM Configuration Register GPT 4 PWM Configuration Register GPT 5 PWM Configuration Register GPT 6 PWM Configuration Register GPT 7 PWM Configuration Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WIDTH W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved R PWMOP Reserved LOAD W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:15 WIDTH PWM only. Defines ON time for output in prescaled counts. Similar to count value, which defines the period. ON time overlays the period time. If WIDTH = 0, output is always OFF. If WIDTH exceeds count value, output is always ON. ON and OFF polarity is set by the PWMOP bit. 16:22 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-60 Freescale Semiconductor General Purpose Timers (GPT) Bit Name Description 23 PWMOP Pulse Width Mode Output Polarity—Defines PWM output polarity for OFF time. Opposite state is ON time polarity. PWM cycles begin with ON time. 24:30 — 31 LOAD Reserved Bit forces immediate period update. Bit auto clears itself. A new period begins immediately with the current count and width settings. If LOAD = 0, new count or width settings are not updated until end of current period. Note: Prescale setting is not part of this process. Changing prescale value while PWM is active causes unpredictable results for the period in which it was changed. The same is true for PWMOP bit. GPT 0 Status Register—MBAR + 0x060C GPT 1 Status Register—MBAR + 0x061C GPT 2 Status Register—MBAR + 0x062C GPT 3 Status Register—MBAR + 0x063C GPT 4 Status Register—MBAR + 0x064C GPT 5 Status Register—MBAR + 0x065C GPT 6 Status Register—MBAR + 0x066C GPT 7 Status Register—MBAR + 0x067C This is a read-only register. Table 7-50. GPT 0 Status Register GPT 1 Status Register GPT 2 Status Register GPT 3 Status Register GPT 4 Status Register GPT 5 Status Register GPT 6 Status Register GPT 7 Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CAPTURE W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb COMP CAFT 0 0 Rsvd OVF Reserved PIN Reserved TEXP PWMP W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:15 Capture Read of internal counter, latch at reference event. This is pertinent only in IC mode, in which case it represents the count value at the time the Input Event occurred. Capture status does not shadow the internal counter while an event is pending, it is updated only at the time the Input Event occurs. Note: If ICT is set to 11, which is Pulse Capture Mode, the Capture value records the width of the pulse. Also, the Stop_Cont bit is irrelevant in Pulse Capture Mode, operation is as if Stop_Cont were 0. 16 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-61 Slice Timers Bit Name Description 17:19 OVF Represents how many times internal counter has rolled over. This is pertinent only during IC mode and would represent an extremely long period of time between Input Events. However, if Stop_Cont = 1 (indicating cumulative reporting of Input Events), this field could come into play. Note: This field is cleared by any “sticky bit” status write in the 4 bit fields below (28, 29, 30, 31). 20:22 — Reserved 23 PIN 24:27 — 28 TEXP Timer Expired in Internal Timer mode. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Also cleared if Timer_MS is 000 (i.e., Timer not enabled). See Note. 29 PWMP PWM end of period occurred. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Also cleared if Timer_MS is 000 (i.e., Timer not enabled). See Note. 30 COMP OC reference event occurred. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Also cleared if Timer_MS is 000 (i.e., Timer not enabled). See Note. 31 CAPT IC reference event occurred. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Also cleared if Timer_MS is 000 (i.e., Timer not enabled). See Note. Registered state of the I/O PIN (all modes). The IP bus Clock registers the state of the I/O input. Valid, even if Timer is not enabled. Reserved Note: To clear any of these bits, it is necessary to clear all of them. An F must be written to bits 28:31. 7.5 Slice Timers Two Slice Timers are included to provide shorter term periodic interrupts. Each timer consists of a 24-bit counter with no prescale. Running off the IP bus clock, each timer can generate interrupts from 7.75uS to 508mS in 30nS steps (based on 33MHz IP bus clock). The counters count up from zero and expire/interrupt when they reach the programmed terminal count. They can be configured to automatically reset to zero and resume counting or wait until the Status/Interrupt is serviced before beginning a new cycle. The current count value can be read without disturbing the count operation. Each Slice Timer has a Status bit to indicate the Timer has expired. If enabled, a CPU interrupt is generated at count expiration. Each Timer has a separate Interrupt. Slice Timer 0 represents CPU interrupt Critical Level 2 and Slice Timer 1 represents Main Level 0 (which is hardwired to the core_smi pin). Clearing the Status and/or Interrupt is accomplished by writing 1 to the Status bit, or disabling the Timer entirely with the Timer Enable (TE) bit. As a safety, the Timer does not count until a Terminal Count value of greater than 255 is programmed into it. Also, writing a Terminal Count value of 0 is converted to all 1s, resulting in a maximum duration timeout. 7.5.1 SLT Registers—MBAR + 0x0700 There are two SLT Timers. Each one uses four 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0700. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0700 + register address Hyperlinks to the Interrupt Controller registers are provided below: • • SLT 0 Terminal Count Register (0x0700) SLT 1 Terminal Count Register (0x0710) • • SLT 0 Control Register (0x0704) SLT 1 Control Register (0x0714) • • SLT 0 Count Value Register (0x0708) Read Only SLT 1 Count Value Register (0x0718) Read Only • • SLT 0 Timer Status Register (0x070C) Read Only SLT 1 Timer Status Register (0x071C) Read Only MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-62 Freescale Semiconductor Slice Timers SLT 0 Terminal Count Register—MBAR + 0x0700 SLT 1 Terminal Count Register—MBAR + 0x0710 Table 7-51. SLT 0 Terminal Count Register SLT 1 Terminal Count Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved R 11 12 13 14 15 Terminal Count W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R Terminal Count W RESET: 1 1 Bit Name 0:7 — 8:31 Terminal Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Reserved The user programs this register to set the Terminal Count value to be used by the Timer. This register can be updated even if the Timer is running, the new value takes effect immediately. The internal counter is compared to this register to determine if Terminal Count has been reached. Note: The Timer will not begin counting until a value greater than 255 is programmed into the Terminal Count Register. A value less than 255 will essentially suspend the Timer. Writing a value of zero to this register is considered invalid and will be converted to all ones, creating a maximum duration count period. Defaults at reset: TerminalCount will default to all ones, all other control bits willn default to zero. SLT 0 Control Register—MBAR + 0x0704 SLT 1 Control Register—MBAR + 0x0714 Table 7-52. SLT 0 Control Register SLT 1 Control Register msb 0 1 R 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Timer Enable Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: 6 Interrupt Enable Run_Wait Reserved 5 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-63 Slice Timers Bit Name 0:4 — 5 Run_ Wait A high indicates the Timer should run continuously while enabled. When the Timer counter reaches terminal count it immediately resets to 0 and resumes counting. If the Run/Wait bit is set low, the Timer Counter expires, but then waits until the Timer is cleared (either by writing 1 to the status bit or by disabling and re-enabling the Timer), before resuming operation. 6 Interrupt Enable CPU Interrupt is generated only if this bit is high. This bit does not affect operation of the Timer Counter or Status Bit registers. 7 Timer Enable While this bit is high the Timer operates normally, while low the Timer is reset and remains idle. 8:32 — Description Reserved Reserved SLT 0 Count Value Register—MBAR + 0x0708 SLT 1 Count Value Register—MBAR + 0x0718 Table 7-53. SLT 0 Count Value Register SLT 1 Count Value Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved 11 12 13 14 15 TimerCount W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R TimerCount W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:7 — 8:31 Timer Count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Provides current state of the Timer counter. This register does not chodange while a read is in progress, but the actual Timer counter continues unaffected. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-64 Freescale Semiconductor Real-Time Clock SLT 0 Timer Status Register—MBAR + 0x070C SLT 1 Timer Status Register—MBAR + 0x071C Table 7-54. SLT 0 Timer Status Register SLT 1 Timer Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 ST 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 7.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:6 — Reserved 7 ST This status bit goes high whenever the Timer has reached Terminal Count. The bit is cleared by writing 1 to its bit position. If Interrupts are enabled, clearing this status bit also clears the interrupt. 8:31 — Reserved Real-Time Clock The Real-Time Clock (RTC) uses an external 32KHz crystal to provide: • alarm • stop-watch • periodic interrupts — minute — second — midnight rollover(day) The clock runs as long as power is maintained and the crystal is running, regardless of MPC5200 power-down states. The RTC module has the following features: • full clock features • minute countdown timer—provides 256-minute capability, slightly over 4 hours • programmable alarm—operates on time of day only, not related to calendar • periodic interrupts for: — 1 second — 1 minute — 1 day—operates only at midnight rollover • calendar features: — day — date — year • Crystal support (32.768KHz only) RTC registers are writable, letting time and date be updated. If software enabled, RTC operates during all MPC5200 power-down modes. At a reset , control registers are put in a default state such that no interrupts generate until software enabled. The RTC has two CPU interrupt signals connected to the Interrupt Controller, they are: • RTC_Periodic, which is Main Level 5 fed by the Day, Minute, or Second sources. • RTC_Stopwatch, which is Main Level 6 fed by the Alarm or Stopwatch sources. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-65 Real-Time Clock Periodic interrupts are separately enabled by control bits, and a global enable must be asserted to allow any of the periodic sources to generate a CPU interrupt. Clearing Periodic interrupts is accomplished by writing 1 to the appropriate status bit. Stopwatch and Alarm interrupts are enabled simply by initiating the function. In the Stopwatch case, this means starting the Stopwatch, in the Alarm case, this means enabling the Alarm. Clearing Stopwatch or Alarm interrupts is accomplished by writing 1 to the appropriate status bit. Either of the RTC interrupts to the CPU can be used to awaken the MPC5200 from any power down mode. 7.6.1 Real-Time Clock Signals Table 7-55. Real-Time Clock Signals Signal I/O Definition RTC_XTAL_IN I Real-time Clock External Crystal/External Clock Input RTC_XTAL_OUT O Real-time Clock External Crystal Figure 7-4 shows a suggested circuit using an Epson ® MC-405 32.768KHz quartz crystal oscillator. NOTE External component values are highly dependent on the crystal. These values will be different for different brands of crystals. RTC_XTAL_IN RTC_XTAL_OUT R1 20MΩ C1 12pF R2 500KΩ MC-405 C2 12pF Figure 7-4. Diagram—Suggested Crystal Oscillator Circuit 7.6.2 Programming Note Accesses to the RTC control registers are performed on the IP bus clock domain, but the RTC itself runs on the (much) slower 32KHz crystal domain. When software initiates a setting of the Time and/or Date, it must be realized that many IP bus clocks may go by before the setting actually takes effect. If this is a system concern then it is recommended that software poll the Time and/or Date Status fields to confirm the setting has occurred. This requires some careful bit manipulation of the expected status versus the written control values, particularly if the output status is designated as 12-Hour format (input control format is always 24-Hour). It should be noted that updates to the RTC control registers, such as time and date set, must be synchronized with the 32KHz clock domain. It can take four 32KHz clock cycles for this synchronizing hand shake to complete. Multiple time/date updates made within this four clock synchronizing period may not be properly accepted by the RTC logic. 7.6.3 RTC Interface Registers—MBAR + 0x0800 RTC uses 8 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0800. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0800 + register address Hyperlinks to the Interrupt Controller registers are provided below: • RTC Time Set Register (0x0800) • RTC Current Date Register (0x0814), read-only • RTC Date Set Register (0x0804) • RTC Alarm and Stopwatch Interrupt Register (0x0818), read-only MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-66 Freescale Semiconductor Real-Time Clock • RTC New Year and Stopwatch Register (0x0808) • RTC Periodic Interrupt and Bus Error Register (0x081C), read-only • RTC Alarm and Interrupt Enable Register (0x080C) • RTC Test Register/Divides Register (0x0820) • RTC Current Time Register (0x0810), read-only RTC Time Set Register—MBAR + 0x0800 Table 7-56. RTC Time Set Register 2 3 4 5 Reserved set_time R W RESET: R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved 13 14 15 C24Hour_set SlctHour 1 pause_time msb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 Reserved Minute_set Reserved Second_set W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:5 — 6 set_time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved A bit used in conjunction with pause_time bit (below) to cause a new time to be programmed into the RTC. After a proper software sequence, the values in the *_set fields below are loaded. The proper software sequence is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Write register with pause_time 1 and set_time 0 Write register with pause_time 1 and set_time 1 Write register with pause_time 1 and set_time 0 Write register with pause_time 0 and set_time 0 At completion of Step 4, RTC is updated with the new time. The C24Hour_set, Minute_set, and the Second_set fields should remain consistent values throughout the four steps (i.e., at the desired new time values). Note: Read-modify-write operations may disrupt this procedure, it is advised that four simple writes occur. Byte writes to this byte are also acceptable. 7 pause_time 8:9 — 10 SlctHour Used with set_time above to perform time update. Must be zero for normal operation. Reserved This bit determines the hour output format. • low bit = 24-hour format • high bit = 12-hour format with AM/PM Note: This bit does NOT affect time set procedure, it only affects how the Hour Status field is presented. 11:15 C24Hour_set Hour in 24-hour format written in RTC after successful state machine transition by set_time and pause_time bits. Note: This field is always written with 24-Hour format, it is NOT affected by SlctHour bit above. 16:17 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-67 Real-Time Clock Bits Name Description 18:23 Minute_set Minute written in RTC after successful state machine transition by set_time and pause_time bits. 24:25 — 26:31 Second_set Reserved Second written in RTC after successful state machine transition by set_time and pause_time bits. RTC Date Set Register—MBAR + 0x0804 Table 7-57. RTC Date Set Register 1 2 3 4 5 set_date Reserved R W RESET: R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved pause_date msb 0 13 14 15 Month_set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 Reserved Weekday_set Reserved Day_set W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:5 — 6 set_date 7 pause_date 8:10 — 11:15 Month_set 16:17 — 18:23 Weekday_set 24:25 — 26:31 Date_set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Operation of pause_date and set_date is similar to pause_time and set_time described in the time set register. Used with set_date above to perform date update. Must be zero for normal operation. Reserved New month written in RTC after successful state machine transition by set_date and pause_date bits. Actually the lower 4 bits is used Reserved New weekday written in RTC after state machine transition by set_date and pause_date bits. 1 = Monday; 7 = Sunday. Actually the lower 3 bits is used. Reserved New date written in RTC after state machine transition by set_date and pause_date bits. Actually the lower 5 bits is used. Note: Year_set in the following register is also part of the date set function. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-68 Freescale Semiconductor Real-Time Clock RTC New Year and Stopwatch Register—MBAR + 0x0808 Table 7-58. RTC New Year and Stopwatch Register 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R W RESET: 7 8 9 10 write_SW msb 0 11 12 13 14 15 SW_set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R Year_set W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 — 7 write_SW 8:15 SW_set 16:19 — 20:31 Year_set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Typical stopwatch operation is to write initial value into 8-bit wide SW_set and assert write_SW bit. The write_SW bit is immediately auto cleared, but it triggers the stopwatch minute countdown to begin. Number of minutes to be written into stopwatch. Max is 255, a little over 4 hours. Reserved New year written in RTC after successful state machine transition by set_date and pause_date bits. Note: This is part of date set function in the previous register. RTC Alarm and Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x080C Table 7-59. RTC Alarm and Interrupt Enable Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 W 10 11 Reserved 13 14 15 Alm_24H_set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Alm_Min_set Reserved 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 — 7 Alm_enable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 IntEn_sec Reserved IntEn_min 0 W RESET: 12 IntEn_day R 9 MPEb RESET: 8 Alm_enable Reserved R 7 0 0 Description Reserved Alarm Enable bit for once-a-day Alarm. If high, Alarm status/interrupt operation is enabled. If low, Alarm setting is not compared to time of day. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-69 Real-Time Clock Bits Name Description 8:10 — 11:15 Alm_24Hset 16:17 — 18:23 Alm_Min_set 24:27 — 28 MPEb 29 IntEn_day Enable bit of periodic interrupts at midnight rollover. 30 IntEn_min Enable bit of periodic interrupts at minute rollover. 31 IntEn_sec Enable bit of periodic interrupts at second rollover. Reserved Hour setting (in 24 hour format) to be compared to time of day for the purpose of generating Alarm Status/Interrupt. Can be written at any time. Reserved Minute setting to be compared to time of day for the purpose of generating Alarm Status/Interrupt. Can be written at any time. Reserved Master Periodic Enable bar. Must be written low after reset to allow periodic interrupts. Note: The Interrupt enable bits (28, 29, 30, 31) control the Periodic Interrupt coming from the RTC. The separate Stopwatch/Alarm Interrupt signal does not have a specific interrupt enable bit. An Alarm interrupt is automatically generated if Alarm is enabled and the Alarm setting matches time of day. Similarly, a Stopwatch expiration, which shares the Alarm interrupt signal, automatically occurs once the Stopwatch is initiated and the Stopwatch counter expires. RTC Current Time Register—MBAR + 0x0810 This is a read-only register. Table 7-60. RTC Current Time Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved R 13 14 15 Hour W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 Reserved Minute Reserved Second W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:10 — 11:15 Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Hour format can be either 24-hour or 12-hour with AM/PM. If 24-hour format is selected (SlctHour low in Reg 0), the whole 5-bit hour field designates current time in 24-hour format. If 12-hour format is selected (SlctHour high in Reg 0), the MSB of hour field indicates: • Hour[0]=0: AM, • Hour[0]=1: PM and • Hour[1:4] designates current time in 12-hour format. 16:17 — 18:23 Minute Reserved Shows minutes in current time. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-70 Freescale Semiconductor Real-Time Clock Bits Name 24:25 — 26:31 Second Description Reserved Shows seconds in current time. RTC Current Date Register—MBAR + 0x0814 This is a read-only register. Table 7-61. RTC Current Date Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 Reserved R 5 6 7 8 9 Month 10 11 12 Weekday 13 14 15 Day W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R Year W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 — 4:7 Month 8:10 Weekday 11:15 Date 16:19 — 20:31 Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Shows current month. 1 = January; 12 = December Indicates day of week. (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7) Shows current date. Calendar feature is implemented, therefore, day rollover at the end of month including February (and Leap Years) is automatic. Reserved Shows current year. Max is 4052. RTC Alarm and Stopwatch Interrupt Register—MBAR + 0x0818 This is a read-only register. Table 7-62. RTC Alarm and Stopwatch Interrupt Register 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Int_SW 1 Int_alm msb 0 Reserved W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 Alm_status RESET: Reserved R SW_min W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-71 Real-Time Clock Bits Name 0:6 — 7 Int_alm Description Reserved Status bit indicating that enabled once-a-day Alarm has occurred (active high). Alarm interrupt has been activated. This bit and the Interrupt is cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Note: A Stopwatch interrupt, if also active, must be cleared before the interrupt signal to the CPU is negated. 8:14 — 15 Int_SW Reserved Status bit indicating that Stopwatch expiration has occurred (active high). Stopwatch interrupt has been activated. This bit and the Interrupt are cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. Note: An Alarm interrupt, if also active, must be cleared before the interrupt signal to the CPU is negated. 16:22 — 23 Alm_status 24:31 SW_min Reserved Status bit indicating that once-a-day Alarm has occurred. Same as Int_alm bit above except that clearing this bit does NOT clear the interrupt. Minutes remaining in stopwatch. RTC Periodic Interrupt and Bus Error Register—MBAR + 0x081C This is a read-only register. Table 7-63. RTC Periodic Interrupt and Bus Error Register 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Int_day 1 Bus_error_1 msb 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 Reserved R Int_sec 0 Int_min RESET: Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 — 7 Bus_error_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Internal status register—If high, indicates software has attempted a write access to a read-only register in this module. No actual register contents are corrupted if this happens. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. 8:14 — 15 Int_day Reserved Periodic interrupt at midnight. High indicates interrupt has occurred. OR’d function of Int_day, Int_min and Int_sec produces RTC periodic interrupt to CPU interface. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-72 Freescale Semiconductor Real-Time Clock Bits Name 16:22 — 23 Int_min Description Reserved Periodic interrupt at each minute rollover. High indicates interrupt has occurred. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. 24:30 — Reserved 31 Int_sec Periodic interrupt at each second rollover. High indicates interrupt has occurred. Cleared by writing 1 to this bit position. RTC Test Register/Divides Register—MBAR + 0x0820 This register is used during manufacturing test to expedite RTC testing and is not intended to be a user register. However, no protection from software access is provided. Table 7-64. RTC Test Register/Divides Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 Rsvd 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PTERM 11 12 13 14 15 ETERM W RESET: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0 — 1:7 PTERM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Prescale Termination value, the number of 32KHz clocks per 7-bit prescale counter. Default at reset is the maximum (and proper) value of 128 decimal. Any value lower than this causes the RTC to run fast. 8:15 ETERM External Termination value, the number of prescaled counts per 8-bit external counter. Default at reset is the maximum (and proper) value of 256 decimal. Any value lower than this causes the RTC to run fast. 16:31 — Reserved Note: The 32.768KHz crystal frequency is divided by PTERM, which is then divided by ETERM to produce a 1 second time interval. It is conceivable that a system might wish to adjust these values to produce a more locally accurate clock rate. However, be aware that these values are affected by reset. Therefore, any adjustment value must be stored and retrieved from non-volatile memory. Further, the adjustment could only increase the clock rate, not decrease it. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-73 Real-Time Clock MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 7-74 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 8 SDRAM Memory Controller 8.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Section 8.2, Terminology and Notation • Section 8.3, Features — Section 8.3.1, Devices Supported • Section 8.4, Functional Description — Section 8.4.1, External Signals (SDRAM Side) — Section 8.4.2, Block Diagram — Section 8.4.3, Transfer Size — Section 8.4.4, Commands • Section 8.5, Operation — Section 8.5.1, Power-Up Initialization • Section 8.6, Programming the SDRAM Controller • Section 8.7, Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) 8.2 Terminology and Notation Synchronous DRAM devices (SDR-SDRAM, DDR-SDRAM) are organized internally as columns by rows by “banks”. Older type asynchronous DRAMs (FP, EDO) had rows and columns, but no internal banks. Historically, the word “bank” was often used to refer to the set of memory devices all activated for the same address range (same RAS). To avoid confusion between these two meanings of “bank”, this document uses the term “bank” for the internal banks of an SDRAM device, and the term “space” to indicate the memory device(s) activated for a common address range (same CS). 8.2.1 “Endian”-ness Endian-ness is a source of seemingly endless confusion, yet it need not be. The source of the confusion usually seems to be that bit number and/or byte address are improperly equated with significance. In fact, bit number and byte address neither govern, nor imply, significance. • Significance can only exist within an arithmetic context. An arithmetic context can be explicit or implicit. • An explicit arithmetic context is the scope of an arithmetic operator, that is, the operand(s) and result(s). • An implicit arithmetic context exists within any collection of bits representing an atomic arithmetic object, that is, a number. Significance does not extend beyond the boundaries of the bit range. • With a single exception, an arithmetic context, and therefore significance, can only exist within an execution context, that is, an abstract process or the actual hardware to which it is mapped. The single exception is an implicit context: A byte is an implicit arithmetic context. • Within an atomic object “obj[m:n]”, in an arithmetic context, the most significant bit(byte) is on the left (m), and the least significant bit(byte) is on the right (n), unless otherwise specified. The bit numbering and byte addressing order from left to right (ascending or descending) is strictly cosmetic. Note that “:” in “m:n” is an arithmetic operator, and therefore m and n are arithmetic objects within the operator scope. (If they weren’t, then the terms “ascending” and “descending” would be meaningless.) Note furthermore that the scope of the “:” operator does not include “obj”: obj could be of a non-arithmetic type. One particular value (pattern of the bit range) of obj could represent “red”; another value might represent “cold”. The bit patterns are enumerations of the legal values of obj; sometimes arithmetic operations on enumeration values are valid for the concepts they represent, sometimes not. An enumeration value is not an arithmetic context. An enumeration value is a representation of an object value; the nature of the object itself need not be numeric. The enumeration value of a collection of bits (e.g. process variable) is only meaningful in the context of a process which manipulates those bits in a manner consistent with the concept they represent. (A process itself may be just a concept represented by a collection of bits manipulated (by a processing unit) in a manner consistent with the concept they represent.) And in the context of the concept they represent, bits and bytes may have significance. But while transporting bits from one location to another, the hardware transport media almost never have any knowledge of the concepts represented by the data, or the contexts in which they are valid (this does not include protocol bits of the media, which may be added and MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-1 Features stripped along the way). Nor is the transportation of data an execution context. Without knowledge of atom boundaries and significance (if any), the following convention is the de facto standard: • “Bit significance, byte address”: From every observation point in a system, the relative address order of bytes shall be maintained, and the relative significance of bits within each individual byte shall be maintained, as if they represented an 8 bit unsigned binary integer. This is the implicit arithmetic context of bytes. The “native” bit numbering and address significance order of different observers shall have no bearing on the byte address or bit significance order of visible data. Byte “swapping”, the intentional transposition of bytes’ relative addresses between a source and a destination to maintain inter-byte significance, is improper. Bit “swizzling”, the intentional renumbering of bit positions, is perfectly legal if necessary to maintain intra-byte bit significance or inter-byte address order. When necessary, it is required; when not necessary, it is prohibited. To correctly join data path segments in accordance with this convention, the bit significance and byte addressing of each segment must be specified. In this document, significance is always msb on the left, lsb on the right, if any significance relationship exists. All multi-bit components of the internal XL bus are defined with bit numbers and byte addresses (if any) ascending from left to right: XLA[0:31], XLD[0:63]. The address of byte XLD[0:7] is a modulo 8 boundary, 8n (0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x18); the address of byte XLD[56:63] is a modulo 8 boundary plus offset 7, 8n+7 (0x07, 0x0F, 0x17, 0x1F). All internal IP busses are defined with bit numbers descending from left to right: IPA[31:0], IPD[31:0]. The byte addresses of IPD[31:0] are defined acsending from left to right: IPD[31:24] is a modulo 4 address boundary, 4n (0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C); IPD[7:0] is a modulo 4 address boundary plus offset 3, 4n+3 (0x03, 0x07, 0x0B, 0x0F). IPA[31:0] correspond left-to-right with XLA[0:31]. IPD[31:0] correspond left-to-right with XLD[0:31] (XLA[29] == 0) or XLD[32:63] (XLA[29] == 1). The Memory Controller registers are defined with byte addresses and bus bit numbers ascending from left to right; but object bit fields within the registers may have ascending or descending bit numbers. The numbering order of bits as a bus does not govern the numbering order of bits within a data object. All external memory interface busses are defined with descending bit numbers: MEM_MA[12:0], MEM_MBA[1:0], MEM_MDQ[31:0], MEM_DQM[3:0], MEM_MDQS[3:0]. Byte addressing of MEM_MDQ[31:0], MEM_DQM[3:0], and MEM_MDQS[3:0] is ascending: MEM_MDQ[31:24], MEM_DQM[3], and MEM_MDQS[3] are associated with address offset 0 modulo 4 (4n); MEM_MDQ[7:0], MEM_DQM[0], and MEM_MDQS[0] are associated with address offset 3 modulo 4 (4n+3). 8.3 Features The MPC5200 SDRAM Memory Controller has the following features: • Supports either: — SDR SDRAM—memory I/Os are powered at 3.3V — DDR SDRAM—memory I/Os are powered at 2.5V • DDR SDRAM transfers data at twice the rate and uses MEM_CLK and MEM_CLK as a differential pair. 32-bit memory data bus NOTE It is not possible to connect only a 16-bit device to one half of the data bus. • Maximum address space 512MB; 256MB per CS: — Up to 13 bits of row address (RA[12:0]) — Up to 12 bits of column address (CA[11:0]) — 2 bits of bank address (BA[1:0]) — Cannot use all 13 bits of RA and all 12 bits of CA at the same time. Maximum total address bits (RA+CA+BA) ≤ 26; 26 address bits x 4Byte data bus = 256MB. NOTE In this document the Auto Precharge control signal (A10 usually), conveyed on the memory address bus along with column address, is never included in the stated CA width; it is always in addition to the CA width. The Memory Controller does not support memory devices with >8 CA bits, but <12 RA bits. RA[12:0] correspond directly with MEM_MA[12:0]. CA[7:0] correspond directly with MEM_MA[7:0]. CA[11:8] do not correspond directly with MEM_MA[12:8]. • Maximum of 2 pinned-out Chip Selects (CS). — CS0 is pinned out all the time (i.e., a dedicated pin). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-2 Freescale Semiconductor Features — CS1 is only available if the GPIO_WKUP6 pin is programmed to be an SDRAM chip select. The default function of the pin is GPIO_WKUP6. — To configure the GPIO_WKUP6 pin as SDRAM chip select, write 1 to the Port Configuration register msb.Section, GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00 — The size of each CS space is independent. It is possible but not recommended to overlap the address space pointed to by the 2 independent chip select. NOTE Maximum 4 physical memory devices total, all CS. • Minimum allocatable address space 1MB: — 8 bits of row address; — 8 bits of column address; — 2 bits of bank address; — 1 chip select; NOTE Minimum allocatable address space is much smaller (8Mb) than the lowest density available (64Mb). Excess memory bits are not used or simply wasted. • • • • 32 Byte PowerPC G2_LE critical word first burst transfer; Supports PowerPC G2_LE bus, 2-stage address/data pipeline (one data tenure in progress, one pipelined address tenure); Supports SDRAM Power Down and Self Refresh modes; Supports page mode and bursting to maximize the data rate; NOTE The SDRAM Memory Controller (MC) does not support error detect or parity check. 8.3.1 Devices Supported Supported SDRAM devices (SDR and DDR both) are: • 64Mbit; • 128Mbit; • 256Mbit; • 512Mbit; • 1Gbit when available, assuming the same interface style; • 2Gbit when available, assuming the same interface style; The MPC5200 limits external memory to a maximum of 4 memory chips placed within 5 cm of the MPC5200 processor. Flight delay on the board should be no more than 0.5 ns each way, and all signals must be matched. The maximum load is 20pF/pin (for the address/control signals) and 6 pF for the data and data strobe signals for the DDR case. These restrictions allow the read data clock to be obtained from a simple programmable tapped delay line. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-3 Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits Spaces (CS) 11 8 2 12 8 2 Physical Address Range 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 8MB 2 2 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 16MB 1 2 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 16MB 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 2 4 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 32MB 2 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 12 13 9 8 2 2 1 4 x 64Mb 2M x 4bank x 8bit 32MB 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 2 4 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 64MB 2 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 12 13 10 9 2 2 1 4 x 128Mb 4M x 4bank x 8bit 64MB 2 x 256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 2 4 x 256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 128MB 2 x 512Mb, 2 CS 4M x 4bank x 32bit 12 13 11 10 2 2 1 4 x 256Mb 8M x 4bank x 8bit 128MB 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 2 4 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 256MB 2 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-4 Freescale Semiconductor Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations (continued) Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits 12 13 12 11 2 2 Spaces (CS) 1 Physical Address Range 4 x 512Mb 16M x 4bank x 8bit 256MB 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 2 4 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 512MB 2 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 11 8 2 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 24MB + 12 8 2 1 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 11 8 2 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 40MB + 12 13 9 8 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 11 8 2 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 72MB + 12 13 10 9 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 11 8 2 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 136MB + 12 13 11 10 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 11 8 2 1 1 x 64Mb 512K x 4bank x 32bit 264MB + 12 13 12 11 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 12 8 2 1 2 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 48MB + 12 13 9 8 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 12 8 2 1 2 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 80MB + 12 13 10 9 2 1 2 x 256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-5 Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations (continued) Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits Spaces (CS) 12 8 2 1 Physical Address Range 2 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 144MB + 12 13 11 10 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 12 8 2 1 2 x 64Mb 1M x 4bank x 16bit 12 13 12 11 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 12 8 2 1 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 272MB + 48MB + 12 13 9 8 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 12 8 2 1 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 80MB + 12 13 10 9 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 12 8 2 1 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 144MB + 12 13 11 10 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 12 8 2 1 1 x 128Mb 1M x 4bank x 32bit 272MB + 12 13 12 11 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 12 9 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 96MB + 12 10 2 1 2 x 256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 13 8 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 96MB + 13 9 2 1 2 x 256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 12 9 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 160MB + 12 11 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-6 Freescale Semiconductor Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations (continued) Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits Spaces (CS) 13 8 2 1 Physical Address Range 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 160MB + 13 10 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 12 9 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 12 12 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 13 8 2 1 2 x 128Mb 2M x 4bank x 16bit 288MB + 288MB + 13 11 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 12 9 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 96MB + 12 10 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 13 8 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 96MB + 13 9 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 12 9 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 160MB + 12 11 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 13 8 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 160MB + 13 10 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 12 9 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 288MB + 12 12 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 13 8 2 1 1 x 256Mb 2M x 4bank x 32bit 288MB + 13 11 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-7 Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations (continued) Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits Spaces (CS) 12 10 2 1 Physical Address Range 2 x256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 192MB + 12 11 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 13 9 2 1 2 x256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 13 10 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 16bit 12 10 2 1 2 x256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 192MB + 320MB + 12 12 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 13 9 2 1 2 x256Mb 4M x 4bank x 16bit 320MB + 13 11 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 16bit 12 10 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 192MB + 12 11 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 13 9 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 192MB + 13 10 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 12 10 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 320MB + 12 12 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 13 9 2 1 1 x 512Mb 4M x 4bank x 32bit 320MB + 13 11 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 12 10 2 1 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 384MB + 12 12 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-8 Freescale Semiconductor Features Table 8-1. Legal Memory Configurations (continued) Row Bits Column Bits Bank Bits Spaces (CS) 13 9 2 1 Physical Address Range 2 x 512Mb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 384MB + 13 11 2 1 2 x 1Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 12 11 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 12 12 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit 13 10 2 1 1 x 1Gb 8M x 4bank x 32bit 384MB + 384MB + 13 11 2 1 1 x 2Gb 16M x 4bank x 32bit Figure 8-1 shows an example memory configuration of 1 space (CS) of 4 devices of 128Mbit (4M x 4 banks x 8bit) DDR SDRAM, for a total memory size of 64MB. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-9 Features 7:0 Glue A_CS D_CS SDRAM Memory Controller A_CS D_CS R/W DM[0:7] R/W DM_I[0:7] REG_CS REG_CS REGD_CS processor bus DQ[7:0] BA[1:0] DQ[31:0] BA[1:0] CLK CLK CKE DQ[7:0] BA[1:0] CLK CLK CLK CKE CS RAS CLK CKE CS RAS CAS DQS DM A[11:0] 0 0 15:8 1 1 WE CAS DQS DM A[11:0] WE REGD_CS DI[0:63] ADDR[4:29] AACK ARTRY TBST DO[0:63] TA RESET CLK CS[0] CS[1] RAS CAS DQS[3:0] DM[3:0] MA[11:0] A[11:0] WE DQ[31:0] 23:16 2 2 31:24 DQ[7:0] BA[1:0] DQ[7:0] BA[1:0] CLK CLK CLK CKE CS RAS CLK CKE CS RAS CAS DQS DM A[11:0] WE 3 3 CAS DQS DM A[11:0] WE Figure 8-1. Block Diagram—SDRAM Subsystem Example Both chip selects contribute together to access the whole memory. Each CS base address and size are programmed independently. Each CS base address must be size-aligned. The MPC5200 does not support DIMM memory modules, however it can support a DIMM-compatible EEPROM using an on-chip I2C chip interface (with appropriate configuration of pin functions). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-10 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description 8.4 Functional Description 8.4.1 External Signals (SDRAM Side) Table 8-2. SDRAM External Signals Signal Name Description Outputs MEM_CLK Memory Clock (frequency is the same as the internal XL bus clock). Maximum allowed value is 132 MHz. MEM_CLK Inverted Memory Clock, used for DDR-SDRAM devices only. MEM_CLK_EN MEM_CS[0], MEM_CS[1] Memory Clock Enable (CKE). When low, the SDRAM is disabled. Used to switch memory into and out of self-refresh/power-down modes. Memory Command Select. Each space has a command select to enable commands MEM_RAS Memory Row Address Select MEM_CAS Memory Column Address Select MEM_WE Memory Write Enable MEM_MA[12:0] Memory Multiplexed Address. These are used as row address, column address, or Mode(Extended Mode) register data, depending on the command issued. Row address during Active command. Column address during Read and Write commands. MEM_MA10 is used as a control signal instead of an address line, to control Auto Precharge operation. The Auto Precharge control bit is not counted as a column address bit. The Memory Controller does not use Auto Precharge. Mode register data during Load Mode Register and Load Extended Mode Register (DDR only) commands. MEM_MBA[1:0] Memory Bank Address, or Mode register select, depending on the command issued. Bank address during Precharge Selected, Active, Read, and Write commands. The Memory Controller does not use the Precharge Selected command. Mode register select during Load Mode Register and Load Extended Mode Register (DDR only) commands. Although SDR memory only has a single internal Mode register, the Bank Address bits must still be valid. MEM_DQM[3:0] Memory Data Mask. Addressing = 0:3 0 Data byte read/write is enabled 1 Data byte read/write is inhibited SDR memories 3-state inhibited data during reads; DDR memories ignore Data Mask during reads. The memory controller never masks read data. Bidirectional Signals MEM_MDQ[31:0] Memory Data. Addressing = 0:3. MEM_MDQS[3:0] Memory Data Strobe, DDR only. Addressing = 0:3. Note: Signals MEM_RAS, MEM_CAS, MEM_WE, and MEM_CLK_EN encode the SDRAM commands to control the different SDRAM operations. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-11 Functional Description 8.4.2 Block Diagram Figure 8-2 shows the SDRAM MC block diagram. It is important to notice: • the internal XL bus is 64 bits wide • the external interface to the SDRAM is only 32 bits wide Internal XL bus The SDRAM row, column, and bank address bits are extracted from internal address XLA[4:29]; XLA[29:31], TSIZ[0:2], and TBST control the data path (MDQ, DQM). Col Col ADDR[4:29] Address Input MUX Bk Row Address Pipeline Latches Bk Row Sel A_CS Address Output MUX A[12:0] BA[1:0] CS MUX External Interface CS[1:0] RAS SDRAM Memory Controller State Machine D_CS ADDR[30:31] WE CKE DQM[3:0] OUT_EN[3:0] TSIZ[0:2] DQSOUT TBST Internal XL bus CAS DQSIN DIN[0:63] DOUT[0:63] Write Data Buffer Read Data Buffer MDOUT[31:0] MDIN[31:0] Figure 8-2. Block Diagram—SDRAM Memory Controller 8.4.3 Transfer Size All SDRAMs are “burst oriented” for read and write operations. The memory will move a full burst of data for every Read and Write command unless the command is interrupted by a new command, explicitely terminated, or the data is masked. (Data mask does not shorten the command, it only inhibits data capture.) The Memory Controller can interrupt certain commands, but does not support the explicit Burst Terminate command. The Memory Controller supports Burst and Non-Burst, or Single, transfers corresponding to the homonymous XL bus transfer types. A Burst transfer is a 32 Byte block, 4 XLB data beats (8 memory data beats), spanning a modulo 32 address range. The starting address can be any modulo 8 boundary within the modulo 32 range; the address “wraps” from the highest address to the lowest address of the range if the starting address is not aligned at the beginning of the range. No data is masked during a burst. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-12 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description The beat address order of the XL bus is sequential. Based on the start address issued by the internal master, the address order of the 4 XLD beats in a burst transfer is one of the following: • 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x18 (memory data address order 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0c, ...) • 0x08, 0x10, 0x18, 0x00 • 0x10, 0x18, 0x00, 0x08 • 0x18, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10 To implement single-beat transfers, the Memory Controller uses DM[3:0] to mask unwanted bytes or words. The Memory Controller supports all single-beat transfer sizes from 1 to 8 contiguous bytes within a single modulo 8 address range. A Single transfer is exactly 1 beat on the XLD bus. The relevant data for a Single transfer is always within the first 2 beats on the memory bus, allowing the command to be aborted (interrupt) as soon as possible. 8.4.4 Commands When an internal bus master accesses SDRAM address space, the Memory Controller generates the corresponding SDRAM command. Table 8-3 lists SDRAM commands supported by the Memory Controller. Table 8-3. SDRAM Commands Function Symbol CKE CS RAS CAS WE BA[1:0] A10 Other A Command Inhibit INH H H X X X X X X No Operation NOP H L H H H X X X Read READ H L H L H V L V Write WRIT H L H L L V L V Bank Active ACT H L L H H V V V Precharge All Banks PALL H L L H L X H X Load Mode Register LMR H L L L L LL V V Load Extended Mode Register LEMR H L L L L LH V V CBR Auto Refresh AREF H L L L H X X X Self Refresh SREF H→L L L L H X X X Power Down PDWN H→L H X X X X X X Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. H = High L = Low V = Valid X = Don’t care Many commands require a delay before the next command may be issued; sometimes the delay depends on the type of the next command. These delay requirements are managed by the values programmed in the Memory Controller Configuration registers. Load Mode/Extended Mode Register Command The Load Mode Register (LMR) and Load Extended Mode Register (LEMR) commands are used during SDRAM initialization only. When a bus master writes to the Memory Controller Mode register, the Memory Controller generates the LMR or LEMR command to forward the data to the memory. In these two operations, data written to the Memory Controller is put on the SDRAM address and bank select busses. The bank select data selects the Mode or Extended Mode register. The Memory Controller Mode register must be enabled before writing, and disabled after all memory Mode register operations are complete. This is done by setting or clearing the Control register mode_en bit.See Section 8.7.1, Mode Register—MBAR + 0x0100 Some of the configuration parameters required by the memory are also needed by the Memory Controller for command generation. The parameters are: • burst length • latency MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-13 Functional Description These must be programmed in the Memory Controller Configuration registers separately from setting the memory Mode register. Precharge All Banks Command The Memory Controller issues the Precharge command only when necessary for one of the following conditions: • Access to a new row • Refresh interval elapsed • Software commanded Precharge NOTE DRAMs also have a maximum bank open period, after which a precharge is required. The Memory Controller does not time the bank open period because the refresh interval is always less. The Precharge command puts SDRAM into an idle state. In this state, the following commands can be issued: • Refresh • Bank Active • Load Mode/Extended Mode Register NOTE The Memory Controller does not support the Precharge Selected Bank memory command. Bank Active Command SDRAM devices have 4 internal banks. A particular row and bank of memory must be activated to allow read and write accesses. For page mode support, the Memory Controller keeps the active row and bank(s) open as long as possible. In an SDRAM device each internal bank can have one active row. The Bank Active command activates a row of one bank. The Memory Controller only supports the same active row in all banks of each CS space independently. The page size of a CS space is equal to the space size divided by the number of rows; but the page may not be contiguous in the XLB address space because the XLA bits for memory column address bits [11:8] and memory column address [7:0] are not consecutive. The size of a contiguous page segment is 4KB, corresponding to 8 CA bits plus 2 BA bits times 4Bytes of data. Each CS space almost always has an active row. If no row is already active, any read or write access will activate one; and the only reasons that a row is deactivated are to activate a different one instead, or to perform a refresh. Read Command When the Memory Controller receives a read request via the XL bus, it first checks the row and bank of the new access. If the address falls within the active row of an active bank, it is a page hit, and the Read command is issued as soon as possible (pending any delays required by previous commands). If the address is within the active row, but the needed bank is inactive, or if there is no active row, the Memory Controller will issue a Bank Active command followed by the Read command. If the address is not within the active row, the Memory Controller will issue a Precharge command to close the active row, followed by a Bank Active command to activate the necessary bank and row for the new access, followed finally by the Read command. The Precharge and Bank Active commands (if necessary) can sometimes be issued in parallel with an on-going data movement. All Reads, whether Burst or Single, must be allowed to complete the entire burst length on the memory bus. With SDR memory, the Data Masks are negated throughout the entire Read burst length. With DDR memory, the Data Masks are asserted throughout the entire Read burst length; but DDR memory ignores the Data Masks during Reads. Write Command When the Memory Controller receives a write request via the XL bus, it first checks the row and bank of the new access. If the address falls within the active row of an active bank, it is a page hit, and the Write command is issued as soon as possible (pending any delays required by previous commands). If the address is within the active row but the needed bank is inactive, or if there is no active row, the Memory Controller will issue a Bank Active command followed by the Write command. If the address is not within the active row, the Memory Controller will issue a Precharge command to close the active row, followed by a Bank Active command to activate the necessary row and bank for the new access, followed finally by the Write command. The Precharge and Bank Active commands (if necessary) can sometimes be issued in parallel with an on-going data movement. With both SDR and DDR memory, a Read command can be issued overlapping the masked beats at the end of a previous Single Write of the same CS; the Read command aborts the remaining (unnecessary) Write beats. With DDR memory, a Read of one CS can even overlap the masked beats at the end of a previous Single Write of the other CS. The Write is not aborted, but the masks remain asserted. This is not possible with SDR memory, because SDR memory cannot be read with the masks asserted. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-14 Freescale Semiconductor Operation Auto Refresh Command The Memory Controller issues Auto Refresh commands according to the ref_interval value specified in the Memory Controller Control register. Each time the programmed refresh interval elapses, the Memory Controller issues a Precharge All Banks command followed by an Auto Refresh command. If a memory access is in progress at the time the refresh interval elapses, the Memory Controller schedules the refresh after the transfer is finished; but the interval timer continues counting so that the average refresh rate is constant. After refresh, the SDRAM is in an idle state and waits for an Active command. Self Refresh and Power Down Commands The Memory Controller issues either a Power Down or a Self Refresh command if the Control register cke bit is changed from asserted to negated. If the ref_en bit of the same register is asserted when cke is negated, the controller issues a Self Refresh command; if the ref_en bit is negated, the controller issues a Power Down command. The ref_en bit may be changed in the same register write that changes the cke bit; the controller will act upon the new value of the ref_en bit. Unlike an Auto Refresh, the controller does not automatically issue a Precharge command before the Self Refresh command. It is a software responsibility to command a Precharge, using the Control register soft_pre bit, by a separate write before negating the cke bit. The memory is reactivated from Power Down or Self Refresh mode by reasserting the cke bit. If a normal refresh interval elapses while the memory is in Self Refresh mode, a Precharge and Auto Refresh will be performed as soon as the memory is reactivated. If the memory is put into and brought out of Self Refresh all within a single refresh interval, the next automatic refresh will occur on schedule. In Self Refresh mode, the memory does not require an external clock. The MEM_CLK can be stopped for maximum power savings by negating the Memory Controller Clock Enable bit of the CDM Clock Enable register. See Section 5.5.6, CDM Clock Enable Register—MBAR + 0x0214. If the Memory Controller clock is stopped, the refresh interval timer must be reset before the memory is reactivated (if periodic refresh is to be resumed). The refresh interval timer is reset by negating the Control register ref_en bit. This can be done at any time while the memory is in Self Refresh mode, before or after the Memory Controller clock is stopped/restarted, but not with the same Control register write that negates cke; this would put the memory in Power Down mode. To restart periodic refresh when the memory is reactivated, the ref_en bit must be reasserted; this can be done before the memory is reactivated, or in the same Control register write that cke is reasserted. NOTE As soon as the CKE signal is negated (set to a logical 0) a SDRAM memory device does NOT answer any longer to any command (all its input but the CKE are ignored) until the CKE is re-asserted and a minimum time has elapsed (as specified by the memory vendor). 8.5 8.5.1 Operation Power-Up Initialization The SDRAM and SDRAM MC must be initialized after power-up. SDRAM parameters may be read from an I2C serial EEPROM, or compiled into the boot ROM. See Section 18, Inter-Integrated Circuit (I 2 C) if using serial EEPROM. The steps below should be followed to initialize the memory system. NOTE The sequence might change slightly from device to device. Refer to the device data sheet for the most up-to-date information. In any case of conflict between this document and the device data sheet, the data sheet shall prevail. Step 1. After reset is deactivated, pause for the amount of time indicated in the SDRAM specification. Usually 100 µs or 200 µs. Step 2. Determine the number of SDRAM CS spaces. If using both CS spaces, configure GPIO_WKUP6/CS1 for CS1 mode. If all the memory and controller register values have been precalculated and stored in ROM, skip step 3 and go directly to step 4. Otherwise, continue with step 3. Step 3. Read the SDRAM parameters (type, size, address muxing, timing), and determine the memory clock frequency. (The memory clock frequency is always equal to the XLB frequency.) Using the SDRAM parameters and the clock frequency, calculate all the memory and controller register values now. Certain register fields are mandatory: — Memory Mode register Burst Mode = Sequential — Memory Mode register Burst Length = 8 — Controller Configuration register 2 burst_length = 7 — Controller Control register cke = 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-15 Operation Do not write any registers yet. Use these register values as default values for the following operations. An operation can override the default, but overrides do not carry forward to subsequent operations. Step 4. Write the SDRAMCS Configuration registers and the controller Config registers 1 & 2. Step 5. Write the controller Control register with these overrides: — assert the mode_en bit (1). — negate ref_en (0). Step 6. (DDR only) Write the controller Control register to issue a Precharge All Banks command (soft_pre=1); maintain mode_en=1, ref_en=0, all other bits default. Step 7. (DDR only) Write to the memory Extended Mode register to enable the DLL. Step 8. (DDR only) Write to the memory Mode register to reset the DLL. Step 9. (DDR only) Pause for the DLL lock time specified by the memory (roughly 100 µs. See memory datasheet for detailed time). Step 10.Write to the controller Control register to issue a Precharge All Banks command (soft_pre=1); maintain mode_en=1, ref_en=0. Step 11.Write to the controller Control register to issue 2 or more Auto Refresh commands (soft_ref=1); maintain mode_en=1, ref_en=0. Each command requires a separate write. Step 12.Write to the memory Mode register to specify normal operation. Step 13.Write to the controller Control register to specify normal operation. 8.5.2 Read Clock The MPC5200 implements a simple, software adjustable, tapped delay circuit, which consists of a buffer string with 32 selectable tap points. This circuit delays an on-chip clock to match the off-chip round-trip path delay of the clock out plus read data return. This delayed clock is used to latch read data from the memories into the controller. The delay tap must be programmed after controller and memory device initialization, and before normal read accesses begin. It must also be rechecked periodically during normal operation, and adjusted if necessary. The maximum rechecking interval depends on voltage and especially temperature (Tj) stability of the MPC5200 device. The delay chain may require frequent adjustment during periods of rapid temperature change, such as boot or wake up. For DDR memories, the MDQS signals from the memories are used as data capture qualifiers. The data is latched with the internally generated read clock, not derived from the MDQS signals from the memories. The MDQS signals are not used with SDR memories, and require pull-up or pull-down resistors. Read Clock Programming Algorithm Set 32 flag variables “valid[0:31]” all true; // valid[0:31] is a single 32bit unit. Each bit is an independent // flag. For each sdram chip select { Write a known data pattern to a small address region; // Note 1. For (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { Write 1byte RstCfg reg (MBAR + 0x0204) = i; // tapSel=i. For each starting address within the region { // Note 2. Read burst from the starting address; // MUST be BURST read. If (read data != known pattern) { A: // Label “A”. valid[i] = false; next i; } } } } firstGoodTap = lastGoodTap = 32; countGoodTap = 0; If (valid[0]) { valid[0:31] = ~valid[0:31] // Invert all bits. invert = true; } For (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { If (valid[i]) { If (firstGoodTap == 32) { firstGoodTap = i; } lastGoodTap = i; MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-16 Freescale Semiconductor Programming the SDRAM Controller countGoodTap++; } } If (firstGoodTap + countGoodTap - lastGoodTap - 1 != 0) { die; // "Holes" in the range. Note 3. } bestTap = (lastGoodTap + firstGoodTap)/2; If (invert) { valid[0:31] = ~valid[0:31]; // Invert bits back to original. firstGoodTap ^= lastGoodTap; // Swap firstGood Tap ... lastGoodTap ^= firstGoodTap; // ... and lastGoodTap ... firstGoodTap ^= lastGoodTap; // ... in place. firstGoodTap = (firstGoodTap + 1) % 32; lastGoodTap = (lastGoodTap + 31) % 32; countGoodTap = 32 - countGoodTap; bestTap = (bestTap + 16) % 32; } If (countGoodTap < magicNumber) { die; // Note 4. } Write 1byte RstCfg reg (MBAR + 0x00000204) = bestTap; xxx00200: // tea exception address, Note 5. Restore SPRs; // No stacking or unstacking necessary. Go to Label A; Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8.6 A region must be reserved in every active CS space. The minimum region size is the length of a burst. A suggested data pattern: Write (region_base + 0x0000:0x005C) = 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xFFFF0000, 0x0000FFFF, 0xFFFF0000, 0x0000FFFF, 0xFF00FF00, 0x00FF00FF, 0xFF00FF00, 0x00FF00FF, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0x0F0F0F0F, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0x0F0F0F0F, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0x33333333, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0x33333333, 0xAAAAAAAA, 0x55555555, 0xAAAAAAAA, 0x55555555 Multiple reads must be performed, and the correct data must be different for each. For the pattern suggested above, the read addresses could be: For (addr = 0x0000; addr < 0x0060, addr += 0x0020) The definition of “die” may be different for different systems. One implementation could be “run the algorithm again”. Another implementation could be “rerun the algorithm separately on each CS space, and boot with the space with the most margin only”. Another implementation could be “boot a failsafe kernel in on-chip SRAM and send a service request”. The larger the value of countGoodTap, the greater the tolerance for voltage and temperature drift, and the less often the delay tap needs to be rechecked. A small value of countGoodTap indicates little margin for drift tolerance, and the delay tap should be rechecked more often. magicNumber is a minimum acceptable margin to proceed with system boot. Different values may be appropriate for different systems. A value somewhere in the range 3 to 9 is suggested as a guideline. In DDR mode, as the SDRAM read is attempted with every possible value of tap select, it is possible for the access to hang; therefore timeout must be enabled and a tea handler routine is necessary. Timeout cannot occur in SDR mode. Programming the SDRAM Controller The Memory Controller registers consist of: • Section Table 8-4., Memory Controller Mode Register / SDRAM MC Extended Mode Register (MBAR+0x0100), write only • Section Table 8-5., Memory Controller Control Register (MBAR+0x0104) • Section Table 8-8., Memory Controller Configuration Register 1 (MBAR+0x0108) • Section Table 8-9., Memory Controller Configuration Register 2 (MBAR+0x010C) All registers are 32bit-aligned in memory (modulo 4 address boundary). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-17 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) 8.7 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) 8.7.1 Mode Register—MBAR + 0x0100 Each time the 32-bit write-only Mode register (mode[0:31]) is written (and cmd is set to 1), the controller generates a Load Mode Register or Load Extended Mode Register command to memory. The memory Mode/Extended Mode registers must be initialized during the system boot sequence; but before writing to the controller Mode register, the mode_en and cke bits in the Control register must be set to 1. After memory initialization is complete, the Control register mode_en bit should be cleared to prevent subsequent access to the controller Mode register. Table 8-4. Memory Controller Mode Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RESET: 15 Rsvd R W 14 MEM_MBA [1:0] MEM_MA[11:0] cmd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:1 MEM_MBA [1:0] See SDRAM data sheet. Select either the memory device Mode register or the memory device Extended Mode register, if present. 2:13 MEM_MA[11:0] See SDRAM data sheet. MPC5200 supports: Read CAS Latency, SDR: 2, 3 Read CAS Latency, DDR: 2, 2.5 Burst type: Sequential only Burst length: 8 only Other fields: As appropriate Specific bit allocation can vary from device to device. All devices in all CS spaces must have compatible format(s), because all are written at the same time with the same value. 14 — 15 cmd Reserved 1 Generate a (Extended) Mode Register Set memory command. Applied to all CS at once. 0 Do not generate any memory command. 16:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-18 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) 8.7.2 Control Register—MBAR + 0x0104 The 32-bit read/write Control register controls specific operations and generates some SDRAM commands. This register is reset only by a power-up reset signal. Table 8-5. Memory Controller Control Register R W RESET: msb 0 1 2 3 mode _en cke ddr ref _en 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 R 4 5 6 7 8 9 hi_ addr Rsvd drive _rule 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rsvd Reserved dqs_oe 10 11 12 0 0 Bit Name 0 mode_en 1 cke 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 0 0 0 29 30 31 lsb ref_interval[0:5] Reserved Rsvd W RESET: 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 soft _ref soft _pre 0 0 0 Description 0 Mode register locked, cannot be written. 1 Mode register enabled, can be written. 0 MEM_CLK_EN negated (low). 1 MEM_CLK_EN asserted (high). cke must be set to 1 to perform normal read and write operations. Set cke to 0 to put the memory in Self Refresh or Power Down mode. 2 ddr 0 SDR mode. 1 DDR mode. 3 ref_en 0 Automatic refresh disabled. 1 Automatic refresh enabled. In general, refresh must be enabled, unless the system is known to access memory in a pattern that is guaranteed to open every row in every bank within every refresh period tREF. Some memory data sheets do not spec tREF, but spec tREFI instead. In this case, tREF = tREFI x #rows. NOTE: The number of Refresh commands required in tREF is #rows; if refresh is disabled, the number of Read/Write commands required in tREF is #rows x 4banks. 4:6 — 7 hi_addr 8 — 9 drive_rule Reserved Control the use of internal address bits XLA[4:7] as row or column bits on the MEM_MA bus. See Table 8-6. Reserved (must be written 0) 0 “Tri-state except to write” mode: MPC5200 drives the MDQ and MDQS lines only when necessary to perform write commands. 1 “Drive except to read” mode: MPC5200 tri-states the MDQ and MDQS lines only when necessary to perform read commands. “Drive except to read” mode prevents unterminated memory signals from floating for extended periods. However, terminated routing is always recommended over unterminated. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-19 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) Bit Name 10:15 ref_interval[0:5] Description The average periodic interval at which the controller generates refresh commands to memory; measured in increments of 64 x MEM_CLK period. 1) Multiply tREFI by the MEM_CLK frequency. (If the memory data sheet does not define tREFI, it can be calculated by tREFI = tREF / #rows.) Example: Assume tREF = 64ms, #rows = 4K, MEM_CLK = 133MHz. Then: tREFI = 64ms / 4K = 15.625µs; 15.625µs x 133MHz = 2078.1 2) Divide the previous result by 64, rounding toward 0 2078.1 / 64 = 32.471; discard the fractional part. 3) Subtract 1 from the previous result. The new result is ref_interval. 32 - 1 = 31 = 0x1f 16:19 — 20:23 dqs_oe[3:0] Reserved Each bit individually controls one MEM_MDQS output. 0 The corresponding MEM_MDQS pin is never driven, regardless of memory operation and drive_rule. Always set to 0000 for SDR. 1 The corresponding MEM_MDQS pin can be driven, depending on memory operations and drive_rule. DDR only. 24:28 — 29 soft_ref Reserved 0 No operation. 1 Generate a non-periodic Auto Refresh command as soon as possible. This is a write-only bit; always returns 0 on a read. A software requested refresh is completely independent of the periodic refresh interval counter. Software refresh is only possible when mode_en==1. 30 soft_pre 0 No operation. 1 Generate a Precharge All command as soon as possible. This is a write-only bit; always returns 0 on a read. Software precharge is only possible when mode_en==1. 31 — Reserved The Table 8-6 indicates how the internal address bits XLA[4:7] are multiplexed internally to support higher column or row address bits. Table 8-6. High Address Usage XL Bus Address Line Mapping to Column or Row Address hi_addr 4 5 6 7 0 CA12 CA11 CA9 CA8 1 CA11 CA9 CA8 RA12 Table 8-7. SDRAM Address Multiplexing Device 64Mbit Row bits × Col bits × hi_ Structure Bank bits addr Internal XLA[4:29] 4 5 6 7 8 9:19 20:21 22:29 — — — — RA [10:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] 2Mx32bit 11x8x2 0 —a 4M×16bit 12×8×2 0 — — — — 8M×8bit 12×9×2 0 — — — CA8 13×8×2 1 — — — RA12 RA[11:0] MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-20 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) Table 8-7. SDRAM Address Multiplexing Device Row bits × Col bits × hi_ Structure Bank bits addr 4 5 6 7 128Mbit 4M×32bit 12×8×2 0 — — — — 8M×16bit 12×9×2 0 — — — CA8 13×8×2 1 — — — RA12 12×10×2 0 — — CA9 CA8 13×9×2 1 — — CA8 RA12 12×9×2 0 — — — CA8 13×8×2 1 — — — RA12 12×10×2 0 — — CA9 CA8 13×9×2 1 — — CA8 RA12 12×11×2 0 — CA11 CA9 CA8 13×10×2 1 — CA9 CA8 RA12 12×10×2 0 — — CA9 CA8 13×9×2 1 — — CA8 RA12 12×11×2 0 — CA11 CA9 CA8 13×10×2 1 — CA9 CA8 RA12 12×12×2 0 CA12 CA11 CA9 CA8 13×11×2 1 CA11 CA9 CA8 RA12 12×11×2 0 — CA11 CA9 CA8 13×10×2 1 — CA9 CA8 RA12 12×12×2 0 CA12 CA11 CA9 CA8 13×11×2 1 CA11 CA9 CA8 RA12 12×12×2 0 CA12 CA11 CA9 CA8 13×11×2 1 CA11 CA8 RA12 16M×8bit 256Mbit 8M×32bit 16M×16bit 32M×8bit 512Mbit 16M×32bit 32M×16bit 64M×8bit 1Gbit 32Mx32bit 64Mx16bit 2Gbit a 8.7.3 64Mx32bit Internal XLA[4:29] CA9 8 9:19 20:21 22:29 RA[11:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] RA[11:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] RA[11:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] RA[11:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] RA[11:0] BA [1:0] CA [7:0] All MEM_MA pins are driven in all cases, but only the bits used by memory are listed. Configuration Register 1—MBAR + 0x0108 The 32-bit read/write Configuration register 1 stores delay values necessary between specific SDRAM commands. During initialization, software loads values to the register according to the SDRAM information obtained from the data sheet. This register is reset only by a power-up reset signal. The Read and Write Latency fields govern the relative timing of commands and data, and must be exact values. All other fields govern the relative timing from one command to another, they have minimum values but any larger value is also legal (but with decreased performance). The “suggested values” are based on the maximum routing delay of memory signals and the MPC5200 maximum memory frequency of 133MHz; they do not guarantee maximum performance for actual board routing delay or operating frequency. The minimum values of certain fields can be different for SDR and DDR SDRAM, even if the data sheet timing is the same, because: • In SDR mode, the Memory Controller counts the delay in MEM_CLK • In DDR mode, the Memory Controller counts the delay in 2xMEM_CLK (also referred to as MEM_CLK2) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-21 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) MEM_CLK—Memory Controller clock—is the speed of the SDRAM interface and is equal to the internal XL bus clock. MEM_CLK is fixed at boot time along with the XL bus clock, via the HW RESET WORD setting. It is an integer multiple of the external reference clock (e.g., 66MHz, 99MHz or 132MHz if a 33MHz reference is used). MEM_CLK2—double frequency of MEM_CLK—DDR uses both edges of the bus-frequency clock (MEM_CLK) to read/write data. Table 8-8. Memory Controller Configuration Register 1 msb 0 R 1 2 3 srd2rwp 4 5 Rsvd 6 7 8 9 swt2rwp 10 11 rd_latency 12 13 Rsvd 14 15 act2rw W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Rsvd pre2act ref2act Rsvd wr_latency Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:3 srd2rwp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Single Read to Read/Write/Precharge delay. Limiting case is Read to Write: CL + burst + round trip delay + bus turnaround - tDQSS(DDR only) - 1; round up. For DDR, tDQSS=1clk, bus turnaround=tHZ + 0.5clk: If CL==2: 2 + 4 + 1 + 0.75ns + 0.5 - 1 - 1 = 5.5clk + 0.75ns, round to 0x6. If CL==2.5: 2.5 + 4 + 1 + 0.75ns + 0.5 -1 - 1 = 6clk + 0.75ns, round to 0x7. Note: This controller does not support Burst Terminate, therefore a single read will take as long as a Burst read. For SDR, bus turnaround=tHZ + 1clk: If CL==2: 2 + 8 + 1 + 5.4ns + 1 - 1 = 11clk + 5.4ns, round to 0xC. If CL==3: 3 + 8 + 1 + 5.4ns + 1 - 1 = 12clk + 5.4ns, round to 0xD. 4 — 5:7 swt2rwp Reserved Single Write to Read/Write/Precharge delay. Limiting case is Write to Precharge. For DDR, suggested value = 0x3 (tWR + 1 clk) For SDR, suggested value = 0x2 (tWR) 8:11 rd_latency Read CAS Latency. For DDR: If CL==2, write 0x6 If CL==2.5, write 0x7 For SDR: If CL==2, write 0x2 If CL==3, write 0x3 Note: NOTE: CL=2.5 is not supported for SDR. 12 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-22 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) Bit Name 13:15 act2rw Description Active to Read/Write delay. Suggested value at 132 MHz = 0x02 Rule: tRCD/MEM_CLK-1. Round up to nearest integer. EXAMPLE: If tRCD = 20ns and MEM_CLK = 99 MHz 20ns / 10.1 ns = 1.98; round to 2; write 0x1. If tRCD = 20 ns and MEM_CLK = 132 MHz 20ns / 7.5 ns = 2.66; round to 3; write 0x2. 16 — 17:19 pre2act Reserved Precharge to Active or Refresh delay. Suggested value at 132 MHz = 0x02 Rule: tRP/MEM_CLK-1. Round up to nearest integer. EXAMPLE: If tRP = 20ns and MEM_CLK = 99 MHz 20ns / 10.1 ns = 1.98; round to 2; write 0x1. If tRP = 20 ns and MEM_CLK = 132 MHz 20ns / 7.5 ns = 2.66; round to 3; write 0x2. 20:23 ref2act Refresh to Active delay. Suggested value at 132 MHz = 0x9 Rule: tRFC/MEM_CLK - 1. Round up to nearest integer. EXAMPLE: If tRFC = 75ns and MEM_CLK = 99 MHz 75ns / 10.1ns = 7.425; round to 8; write 0x7. If tRFC = 75ns and MEM_CLK = 132 MHz 75ns / 7.5ns = 10; round to 9; write 0x9. 24 — 25:27 wr_latency Reserved Write latency. For DDR, write 0x3 For SDR, write 0x0 28:31 8.7.4 — Reserved Configuration Register 2—MBAR + 0x010C The 32-bit read/write Configuration register 2 stores delay values necessary between specific SDRAM commands. During initialization, software loads values to the register according to the SDRAM information obtained from the data sheet. This register is reset only by a power-up reset signal. The Burst Length field must be exact. All other fields govern the relative timing from one command to another, they have minimum values but any larger value is also legal (but with decreased performance). All delays in this register are expressed in MEM_CLK. Table 8-9. Memory Controller Configuration Register 2 msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 brd2rp 5 6 7 8 9 bwt2rwp 10 11 12 brd2wt 13 14 15 burst_length W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-23 Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:3 brd2rp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Burst Read to Read/Precharge delay. Limiting case is Read to Read. For DDR, suggested value = 0x4 (BurstLength/2) For SDR, suggested value = 0x8 (BurstLength) 4:7 bwt2rwp Burst Write to Read/Write/Precharge delay. Limiting case is Write to Precharge. For DDR, suggested value = 0x6 (BurstLength/2 + tWR) For SDR, suggested value = 0x8 (BurstLength + tWR - 2) 8:11 brd2wt Burst Read to Read/Write/Precharge delay. Limiting case is Read to Write: CL + burst + round trip delay + bus turnaround - tDQSS(DDR only) - 1; round up. For DDR, tDQSS=1clk, bus turnaround=tHZ + 0.5clk: If CL==2: 2 + 4 + 1 + 0.75ns + 0.5 - 1 - 1 = 5.5clk + 0.75ns, round to 0x6. If CL==2.5: 2.5 + 4 + 1 + 0.75ns + 0.5 -1 - 1 = 6clk + 0.75ns, round to 0x7. For SDR, bus turnaround=tHZ + 1clk: If CL==2: 2 + 8 + 1 + 5.4ns + 1 - 1 = 11clk + 5.4ns, round to 0xC. If CL==3: 3 + 8 + 1 + 5.4ns + 1 - 1 = 12clk + 5.4ns, round to 0xD. 12:15 burst_length 16:31 — Write 0x07 (Burst Length - 1) Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-24 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Registers (MBAR+0x0100:0x010C) The Figure 8-3. Programmable Command Timings shows the timings which can be programmed by the two Controller Configuration Register. The timing diagram uses the suggested values for a DDR memory and a 132 MHz memory clock. The displayed Commands are the limiting cases. MEM_CLK (srd2rwp +1) or (brd2wt + 1) Read Single Read to Read/Write/Precharge Burst Read to Write/Precharge Write CL wr_latency/3 Data brd2rp + 1 Burst Read to Read Read Read swt2rwp + 1 Single Write to Read/Write/Precharge Write Prech bwt2rwp + 1 Write Burst Write to Read/Write/Precharge Prech pre2act + 1 Prech Precharge to Active/Refresh Active act2rw + 1 Active Active to Read/Write Read ref2act + 1 Ref Refresh to Active Active Figure 8-3. Programmable Command Timings MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-25 Address Bus Mapping 8.8 Address Bus Mapping This is an illustration of how the XL bus address enters the Memory Controller and is broken down into Row, Column, and Bank Address fields. Shown below is the 32-bit XL bus address. The Memory Controller uses bits 4:31. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Can be used as most significant row or column address bits: {CA12, CA11, CA9, CA8} or {CA11, CA9, CA8, RA12} XL bus address bits 29:31 control the data mask pins, MEM_DQM[3:0]. The Memory Controller extracts the Row Address from the XL bus address. The Row Address is presented on the MPC5200 MEM_MA[12:0] pins during SDRAM Active commands. Row Address bit 12 depends on the Control register hi_addr bit. 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 Internal XL address bus hi_addr = 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ext MEM_MA pins, row 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Internal XL address bus hi_addr = 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ext MEM_MA pins, row XL bus address bits 20:21 select the internal bank of an SDRAM device. Each SDRAM device has 4 internal banks. XL bus address bits 20:21 are presented on the MPC5200 MEM_BA[1:0] pins during SDRAM Active, Read, and Write commands. The Memory Controller extracts the Column Address from the XL bus address. The Column Address is presented on the MPC5200 MEM_MA[12:0] pins during SDRAM Read and Write commands. Column Address bits 12:8 depend on the Control register hi_addr bits. Auto Precharge (MEM_MA[10])is always inhibited (0). 4 5 0 6 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 6 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 12 11 5 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Internal XL address bus hi_addr = 0 External MEM_MA pins, column Internal XL address bus hi_addr = 1 External MEM_MA pins, column Figure 8-4. Address Bus Mapping 8.8.1 Example—Physical Address Multiplexing The mapping of XL address bus to memory address bus is shown in Figure 8-4. The default mapping is: • Row address comes from XLA[8:19] • Column address comes from XLA[4:7, 22:29] • Bank address comes from XLA[20:21] Using the MT46V32M16 DDR SDRAM memory from Micron as an example, the device holds 512Mb organized as 8M x 16bit x 4banks. 2 devices are required to support the MPC5200 32bit memory data bus, giving a total 128MB of address space (assuming just one CS). The Micron data sheet shows the following requirements: • 13 row address bits • 10 column address bits • 2 bank select bits By default, the Memory Controller only provides 12 row address bits and 12 column address bits. To enable the 13th row address bit, the hi_addr bit of the Control register must be set to 1 (MBAR+0x0104, Control[7]). This also reduces the column address width to 11 bits. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 8-26 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 9 LocalPlus Bus (External Bus Interface) 9.1 Overview The LocalPlus Bus is the external bus interface of the MPC5200. This multi-function bus system supports interfacing to external Boot ROM or Flash memories, external SRAM memories or other memory mapped devices. The following sections are contained herein: • Section 9.1, Overview • Section 9.2, Features • Section 9.3, Interface — Section 9.3.1, External Signals — Section 9.3.2, Block Diagram • Section 9.4, Modes of Operation — Section 9.4.1, Non-MUXed Mode — Section 9.4.2, MUXed Mode • Section 9.5, Configuration — Section 9.5.1, Boot Configuration — Section 9.5.2, Chip Selects Configuration — Section 9.5.3, Reset Configuration • Section 9.6, DMA (BestComm) Interface (SCLPC) • Section 9.7, Programmer’s Model — Section 9.7.1, Interrupt and Bus Errors — Section 9.7.1, Chip Select/LPC Registers—MBAR + 0x0300 — Section 9.7.2, SCLPC Registers—MBAR + 0x3C00 — Section 9.7.3, SCLPC FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3C40 The MPC5200 offers a shared external 32-bit address/data bus, which supports connections to PCI and ATA compliant devices, as well as memory mapped devices such as Flash memories, ROM, SRAM, gate-array logic, or other simple target (slave) devices with little or no additional circuitry. Separate control signals are used by each interface. The on-chip arbiter (called PCI Arbiter) controls the access to the shared AD bus for the different clients. NOTE If the PCI interface is NOT used (and internally disabled) the PCI control pins must be terminated as indicated by the PCI Local Bus specification. PCI control signals always require pull-up resistors on the motherboard (not the expansion board) to ensure that they contain stable values when no agent is actively driving the bus. This includes PCI_FRAME, PCI_TRDY, PCI_IRDY, PCI_DEVSEL, PCI_STOP, PCI_SERR, PCI_PERR, and PCI_REQ. The PCI signals, which are not used as address in Large Flash mode, are drive low during a Large Flash access. This includes PCI_SERR, PCI_PERR, PCI_IDSEL, PCI_REQ, PCI_GNT and PCI_RESET. The PCI interface is described in Chapter 10, PCI Controller. The ATA compliant interface is described in Chapter 11, ATA Controller. The interface for memory mapped devices, called LocalPlus Bus, is described in this chapter. The MPC5200 LocalPlus Controller (LPC) module implements the LocalPlus Bus interface. The LocalPlus Bus interface provides a high flexibility and all its different operating modes can be selected by means of software configuration and in some cases minimal external logic (in multiplexed mode). 9.2 Features LocalPlus has the following features: • Interface to memory mapped or chip selected devices • Two main modes of operation : — non-MUXed Modes Legacy Modes (Address 8, 16, or 24 bits, Data 8 or 16 bits) Most Graphics Mode (Address 24 bits, Data 32 bits) Large Flash Mode (Address 26 bits, Data 8 or 16 bits) — MUXed Modes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-1 Interface – (Address 8, 16, 24 or 25 bits, Data 8,16 or 32 bits, 2 Bank Selects) 8 Chip Select (CS) signals — Programmable Wait States per CS — Programmable Deadcycles per CS — Programmable Byte Swapping per CS Configurable Boot interface supporting PowerPC architecture code execution Dynamic bus sizing on some interfaces Support of BURST MODE FLASH devices DMA (BestComm) support allows data movement independently from the CPU NO support of misaligned accesses • • • • • • 9.3 Interface The LocalPlus interface consists of: • Address Bus • Data Bus • Chip Select signals CS0-7 • control signals: — R/W (Read/Write) — ALE (Address Latch Enable) — ACK (Acknowledge) — TS (Transfer Start) — OE (Output Enable) — TSIZ bits (Transfer Size) — Bank Select bits • reference clock PCI_CLOCK The reference clock PCI_CLOCK is always running, even if the PCI Controller is disabled. 9.3.1 External Signals The external I/O bus is shared with the PCI AD bus and the ATA bus and requires arbitration for access to the external bus. Table 9-1. LocalPlus External Signals Signal I/O Definition CS [7:0] O Chip Selects (active low), CS[4] and CS[5] shared with ATA, CS[6 ] and CS[7] shared with PSC3. R/W O Read/Write. 1 = Read, 0 = Write EXT_AD[31:0] I/O AD Address / Data bus (bi-directional when used as data; bit 31=msb) ACK I/O External Acknowledge input (non-burst transactions), BURST indication for Most Graphics or Large Flash Modes (Open Drain) TS O Transfer Start (multiplexed transactions only) OE O Output Enable TSIZ[1:2] O Transfer Size (available in MOST Graphics only). Note: The MUXed Mode provides 3 bits TSIZ[0:2], which are available on EX_AD[30:28]. 9.3.2 Block Diagram The block diagram of the LocalPlus Controller (LPC) is shown in Figure 9-1. This diagram shows the non-multiplexed implementation of address and data lines. The LPC is driven by the internal IP bus clock and the PCI_CLOCK. The supported ratios of the IP bus clock to the reference clock PCI_CLOCK (the one externally seen by peripherals) are 4:1, 2:1 and 1:1. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-2 Freescale Semiconductor Interface The reference clock is the PCI_CLOCK and all clock counts are referred to this clock. All transitions are synchronized to the rising edge of the PCI_CLOCK. Start/Stop registers to define the CS address range for each CS output are contained in the MPC5200 MMAP register group, see Section, Boot and Chip Select Addresses. Registers in the LPC are accessed through the address range specified in the MPC5200 Internal Register Map. For more information, see Section 9.7, Programmer’s Model. These registers control the operation of a particular CS and peripheral, when a "hit" occurs in the MMAP module for the corresponding CS space. XL Bus IP bus Data IPBI Registers Variable Width R/W Data Shared Data MMAP 8 cs “hit” 32 ext_add Variable Width Address AD[31:0] multiplexed with PCI, ATA R/W ACK LPC ALE AD bus Request TS AD bus Grant OE PCI Arbiter IPB_CLK 2 TSIZ[1:2] 8 CS[0:7] CDM PCI_CLOCK Figure 9-1. LPC Concept Diagram NOTE BestComm Interface + FiFo not shown Not all pins are used in all modes. For multiplexed bus implementation, external logic is required to capture the address phase as shown in Figure 9-2. Peripheral MPC5200 DATA[31:0] AD[31:0] AD Bus ALE Bank Bits Address External Logic ADD[6:5] ADD[31:7] TSIZ[0:2] LPC Interface TS CS TS CS ACK ACK Figure 9-2. Muxed Mode Address Latching MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-3 Modes of Operation 9.4 Modes of Operation There are 2 primary modes of operation: • MUXed • non-MUXed (Legacy, Large Flash, Most/Graphic modes, Burst and Non-Burst) Within each mode, there is considerable flexibility to control the operation. Each CS can be programmed to a different mode of operation (MUXed, non-MUXed, number of wait states, byte swapping etc.). The MPC5200 always begins execution from the release of HRESET on the LocalPlus Bus and from the memory device connected to CS0. If an ATA Disk drive is present in the system, 2 CS signals may be taken up by the ATA interface. The ATA CSs can also be programmed to appear on other signals. For more information, see Chapter 11, ATA Controller. MUXed mode allows devices with a larger address range be attached to the LocalPlus bus. In this mode the same 32-bit local bus presents an Address in an address tenure and Data in a data tenure, in a multiplexed fashion (similar to PCI protocol). MUXed mode provides an ALE during the address phase and a TS during a separate data phase. This mode requires external logic to latch the address during the address tenure. An ACK input is provided and can be asserted to shorten (but not extend) wait states. The MUXed mode is available for all CSs, including CS0 (i.e., Boot Device). The LocalPlus Bus on MPC5200 provides an Output Enable signal OE to achieve a complete glue less interface for most devices. The logic equation for the internal generation of the OE signal is : OE = CSx + (NOT R/W) CSx OE R/W Figure 9-3. Output Enable Signal MUXed and non MUXed modes support a variety of device configurations and are configurable on a per CS basis. 9.4.1 Non-MUXed Mode In Non-MUXed mode the 32-bit address/data bus is divided into address and data lines. Eight different partitionings of address and data lines can be configured. Table 9-2. Non-Muxed Mode Options Category Address Size Data Size Pins used Memory size Comments Small 8 8 16 256 Bytes Legacy Mode Small 8 16 24 256 Bytes Legacy Mode Small 16 8 24 64 kBytes Legacy Mode Small 16 16 32 64 kBytes Legacy Mode (BOOT OPTION) Medium 24 8 32 16 MBytes Legacy Mode (BOOT OPTION) MOST/G 24 32 56 16 MBytes MOST Graphics (BOOT OPTION) Burst support. No PCI or ATA support Large 26 8 34 64 MBytes Large Flash Mode (BOOT OPTION). Burst support. No PCI support. Large 26 16 42 64 MBytes Large Flash Mode (BOOT OPTION) Burst support. No PCI support NOTE The 24-bit data width is not supported. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-4 Freescale Semiconductor Modes of Operation The total pin number requires also the addition of the control signals CS, R/W, ACK, OE, TS (MOST/Graphis and Large Flash mode) and TSIZ (MOST/Graphics mode) where available. The total supported memory size has been calculated taking into account that when accessing 16/32 bit devices A1 and/or A0 can NOT be used. The above options defined as BOOT Option are selectable via the reset configuration word. Other configurations are possible via software configuration (e.g., 8-bit data and 16-bit address). Figure 9-4 shows the operation of Non-MUXed Read/Write accesses. TSIZ bits are available for MOST/Graphics mode. They appear on GPIO_WKUP_7 (TSIZ most significant bit, TSIZ 1) and TEST_SEL_1 (TSIZ least significant bit, TSIZ 2). Only TSIZEs of 1, 2, or 4 are supported. TSIZ[1:2] are driven as follows: 01 = Transaction is 1 byte. 10 = Transaction is 2 bytes. 00 = Transaction is 4 bytes. Other values are invalid and should not be required by the external peripheral! Table 9-3 describes the various combinations of TSIZ, address and byte lanes for MOST/Graphis mode. Table 9-3. Non-Muxed Aligned Data Transfers Data lanes Transfer Size TSIZ[1:2] 1 Byte 2 Bytes 4 Bytes 01 10 00 Addr[1:0] AD[31:24] AD[23:16] AD[15:8] AD[7:0] 00 Data -- -- -- 01 -- Data -- -- 10 -- -- Data -- 11 -- -- -- Data 00 Data Data -- -- 10 -- -- Data Data 00 Data Data Data Data MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-5 Modes of Operation CS[x] ADDR Valid Address OE R/W DATA (wr) Valid write Data Valid read Data DATA (rd) ACK TS TSIZ[1:2] NOTE: 1. ACK can shorten the CS pulse width. 2. TS is only available in Large Flash and MOST Graphics mode. 3. TSIZ[1:2] are only available in MOST Graphics mode. Figure 9-4. Timing Diagram—Non-MUXed Mode PCI CLK CS[x] ADDR Valid Address OE R/W Valid read Data DATA (rd) ACK TS NOTE: 1. ACK is output and indicates the burst. Figure 9-5. Timing Diagram—Burst Mode MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-6 Freescale Semiconductor Modes of Operation In this mode, the peripheral address and data lines are limited to a total of 32 in Legacy Modes, to 40 or 48 in Large Flash or to 56 in MOST Graphics mode. They are driven/read simultaneously on the external AD bus. A single dedicated R/W pin is driven to indicate read or write. An individually dedicated CS pin is driven low while an external access is active. Wait states are programmable and simply select how many PCI clocks the CS pin (and related signals) remain asserted. Separate values are available for Read cycles versus Write Cycles. These values can be combined to create extremely long (up to 16 bits) Write cycles. Byte lane swapping is separately programmable between Reads versus Writes and can be used to perform Endian conversions. The 24-bit data width is not supported. Peripherals can be marked as read-only or write-only by setting a control bit in the appropriate LPC register. Attempted accesses in violation of this setting are prevented and result in either a Bus Error and/or an Interrupt as controlled by corresponding Enable bits. Each CS pin can be individually enabled/disabled and the entire LPC module has a Master Enable bit. No software reset bit is provided or needed. The non-multiplexed mode requires no external logic for interfacing to simple devices such as Flash ROM, E2PROM or SRAM. It is faster than the multiplexed mode because data and address are provided in a single tenure. The supported address space is limited by the 26 address lines. 9.4.2 MUXed Mode In MUXed mode the addresses and data are multiplexed using dual tenure. First, the address is put on the shared address/data bus and ALE is asserted. Then the data is driven when the chip select is asserted. Twelve different modes of address and data sizes can be configured: Table 9-4. MUXed Mode Options Category Address Size Data Size Memory Size per Bank Memory Size Total Legacy 8 8 256 Bytes 1 kBytes Legacy 8 16 256 Bytes 1 kBytes A0 not used. Legacy 8 32 256 Bytes 1 kBytes A0, A1 not used. Legacy 16 8 64 kBytes 256 kBytes Legacy 16 16 64 kBytes 256 kBytes A0 not used. Legacy 16 32 64 kBytes 256 kBytes A0, A1 not used. Legacy 24 8 16 MBytes 64 MBytes Legacy 24 16 16 MBytes 64 MBytes A0 not used. Legacy 24 32 16 MBytes 64 MBytes A0, A1 not used. Legacy 25 8 32 MBytes 128 MBytes Legacy 25 16 32 MBytes 128 MBytes BOOT Legacy 25 32 32 MBytes 128 MBytes BOOT Comments NOTE The 24-bit data width is not supported. The total supported Memory space consists of four banks. Bank select bits are written in a register by the G2_LE processor. They can be used as individual selects or as encoded values. They are presented on the bus during the address tenure as additional upper address bits. In this mode, an address tenure is generated that can be up to 25bits of active address. The additional address bits drive: • a TSIZE value (3 bits) • a Bank Select value (2 bits) An ALE signal is asserted (active lo) during this address tenure. ALE width is always one PCI bus clock. The dedicated R/W output is also driven with ALE (and throughout the cycle). When ALE negates, the appropriate CS pin asserts (low) and the AD bus enters the data tenure. The CS pin and this data tenure remain active until the programmed wait states expire, or the peripheral responds with an ACK assertion. ACK polarity is active low, but can be programmed to be ignored. The data tenure can contain up to the full 32-bit width. However, the data width is programmable to support dynamically bus-sized transactions. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-7 Modes of Operation The MUXed mode requires external logic to latch the address during the address tenure and to decode bank selects if they are encoded. This mode is slower than the non-MUXed mode because data and address are multiplexed in time. The supported address space is limited by the 25 address lines. In MUXed mode, LocalPlus can access up to 128 MBytes of data divided into four banks each of 32 MBytes maximum. Address Tenure The address is presented on the corresponding AD bus bits up to a maximum of 25bits (i.e., AD[24:0]). Smaller devices (with address ranges at 8, 16, or 24 respectively) must use the corresponding AD bits, beginning with AD[0]. AD[0] is the least significant address bit. Regardless of address size, the entire AD bus is driven during the address phase. The Bank Select bits appear on AD[26] (Bank Select most significant bit) and AD[25] (Bank Select least significant bit). These bit values are pre-programmed into the corresponding LPC control register prior to initiating an external transaction. The TSIZ bits appear on AD[30] (TSIZ most significant bit) to AD[28] (TSIZ least significant bit). These bits are calculated and driven by the LPC based on the internal Byte Lane enables on the IP bus. NOTE Only TSIZs of 1, 2, or 4 are supported. TSIZ [0:2]/AD[30:28] are driven as follows: 001 = Transaction is 1 byte. 010 = Transaction is 2 bytes. 100 = Transaction is 4 bytes. NOTE Other values are invalid and should not be required by the external peripheral ! Table 9-5 describes the various combinations of TSIZ, address and byte lanes for 32 bit wide data bus. Table 9-5. Non-Muxed Aligned Data Transfers Data lanes Transfer Size TSIZ[0:2] AD[1:0] AD[31:24] 1 Byte 2 Bytes 4 Bytes 001 010 100 AD[23:16] AD[15:8] AD[7:0] 00 Data -- -- -- 01 -- Data -- -- 10 -- -- Data -- 11 -- -- -- Data 00 Data Data -- -- 10 -- -- Data Data 00 Data Data Data Data The ALE signal is active low and remains asserted for 1 external PCI bus clocks. When active any external latch should be transparent. AD[31] & AD[27] are unused and are driven low by the LPC during the address tenure, they are used as data lines during the data phase in 32-bit modes. Data Tenure During Data Tenure, the following occurs: • In the case of a write to the peripheral, the LPC drives the indicated AD data bits. • In the case of a read, the indicated AD bits are tri-stated by the LPC. NOTE AD[0] is treated as the least significant data bit. Any unused data bits (as indicated by the Data Size field in the associated control register) are driven low by the LPC. Therefore, they should NOT be driven by the peripheral or glue chip. At the first PCI clock edge where the ACK input is detected as asserted, the LPC terminates the transaction and releases the bus on the next PCI Bus clock. AD bus control reverts to the PCI Controller, which is then responsible for driving default values on the bus. Obviously, any peripheral device must tri-state the AD bus when it is not in use. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-8 Freescale Semiconductor Configuration Figure 9-6 shows a MUXed transaction type timing diagram. PCI CLK AD[31,27] (wr) valid write Data AD[30:28] (wr) TSIZ[0:2] bits valid write Data AD[26:25] (wr) Bank[0:1] bits valid write Data AD[24:0] (wr) Address[7:31] valid write Data valid read Data AD[31:0] (rd) ALE Address latch TS CSx OE RW ACK Address tenure Data tenure NOTE: 1. ACK can shorten the CS pulse width. 2. Address should be latched during the low phase of ALE with the negative edge of the PCI clock. Figure 9-6. Timing Diagram—MUXed Mode 9.5 Configuration The LPC supports several options in terms of modes, address and data sizes, speed, and configuration which are described below. 9.5.1 Boot Configuration After power-on reset (POR) the G2_LE processor accesses the local bus to fetch initial code sequences. Chip Select Boot (CS Boot) is dedicated for this purpose. CS Boot and CS0 are physically the same pins. The difference is that CS Boot is impacted by the reset configuration and is enabled after reset. Several options are also available for boot code fetches. The boot configuration is determined during POR using the reset_configuration word. The following boot code configuration options are available, see Table 9-6. • MUXed or non-MUXed mode. — In MUXed mode Data bus can be 16- or 32-bits wide. — In non-MUXed Legacy mode Data bus can be 8- or 16-bits wide. — In non-MUXed MOST Graphics mode Data bus can be 32-bits wide. — In non-MUXed Large Flash modes Data bus can be 8- or 16-bits wide. • The number of wait states during boot can be 4 or 48 PCI bus clock cycles. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-9 Configuration • The boot address/exception table can be located at 0x0000 0100 or 0xfff0 0100. The PowerPC architecture compatible processor core requires 64-bit instruction fetches. During boot code accesses from CS Boot space on-chip logic is provided to perform enough LocalPlus accesses to accumulate 64-bit instructions to be given to the G2_LE processor. For example, before passing the resulting 64-bit instruction to the G2_LE processor, LocalPlus logic does either: • 8 accesses to an 8-bit device • 4 accesses to a 16-bit device • 2 accesses to a 32-bit device NOTE The Boot space supports cached instruction reads and "critical doubleword word first" transactions. The Boot space does NOT support: • an 8-bit wide MUXed mode configuration during boot. After boot, CS Boot space can be programmed to act as other MPC5200 Chip Select spaces (CS0-7). This capability is described in the sections below. 9.5.2 Chip Selects Configuration All Chip Selects CS0-7 have the same functionality. Only one CS can be active at any given time. Multiple CS windows should not overlap. In the case that an address "hit" is located in multiple CS windows, only one CS, the one with the highest priority, becomes active. The CS with the lowest number has the highest priority (CS0 highest priority, CS7 lowest priority). CS Boot and CS0 are identical with the exception of their control registers contained in the MPC5200 MMAP register group, see Section, Boot and Chip Select Addresses. CS Boot and CS0 are physically the same pins. The difference is that CS Boot is impacted by the reset configuration and is enabled after reset, so boot is always performed only at CS Boot. To change from CS Boot to CS0 the CS0 start and stop addresses must be configured and the disable of CS Boot must occur together with the Enable of CS0 (see example). ipbi->control_reg = (ipbi->control_reg & ~CSCTRL_BOOT_EN) | CSCTRL_CS0_EN; Deadcycles from 0 to 3 can be added to any CS read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which already exist. The configuration of Dead cycles are done by the Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register. Burst Mode operations are supported on all CS and can be configured by the Chip Select Burst Control Register. CS0-CS7 in MUXed mode: • Supports 8-, 16- and 32-bit data reads and writes. • Support of Dynamic bus sizing. This means read and write transactions greater than the defined port size are possible (up to a maximum of 32 bits). • The LPC Controller creates multiple transactions at the defined port size to satisfy the transaction size requested up to a maximum of 32 bits. Transactions less than the defined port size are supported only if the peripheral can decode the TSIZE[0:2] bits, which indicate the current transaction size. • 64-bit access is not supported. Internal logic is limited to 32-bits accesses. • Support of Code execution The G2_LE processor can execute code from the LP bus from all CS. CS0-CS7 non-MUXed mode: • In non-MUXed mode the data port size can be 8, 16 or 32bits. • Dynamic Bus Sizing for read and write transactions are supported at the defined port sizes. However, transactions that are less than the port size fail because no control signals exist to alert the peripheral to the current transaction size. TSIZE[1:2] bits are available in MOST Graphics mode on separate pins. • Support of Burst access 9.5.3 Reset Configuration The mode of the LocalPlus interface at boot is controlled by bits in the RST_CONFIG word described in Chapter 4, Resets and Reset Configuration. The following 6 RST_CONFIG bits control boot device operation from reset: • BootType • BootSize • BootMostGraphics • BootLargeFlash • BootWait MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-10 Freescale Semiconductor DMA (BestComm) Interface (SCLPC) • BootSwap Table 9-1 describes possible boot settings. Table 9-6. BOOT_CONFIG (RST_CONFIG) Options Parameter If Pulled Down (0) If Pulled Up (1) BootType non-MUXed boot mode MUXed boot mode BootSize non-MUXed type: non-MUXed type: 8-bit data 16-bit data 24-bit address 16-bit address MUXed type: 16-bit data (25 bit address) Notes MUXed type: 32-bit data (25 bit address) BootMostGr aphics MostGraphics boot mode. LargeFlash Large Flash boot mode when active BootSize defines data size (8/16) Maximum Wait states: The ACK input can shorten wait states, if BootDevice supports it. BootWait Minimum Wait states 4 ipb_clk cycles BootSwap 48 ipb_clk cycles no Endian swapping applied to Standard Endian swapping read from Boot Device performed on reads from Boot Device If swap indicated: 8-bit access = no swap 16-bit access = 2Byte swap 32-bit access = 4Byte swap 9.6 DMA (BestComm) Interface (SCLPC) The SCLPC interface provides a separate path from BestComm directly (on CommBus) to any peripheral. The supported transactions are limited to 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes only. A single FIFO with a size of 512 bytes (32 x 128 bits) supports half duplex operation (Transmit or Receive) only. If software configures a Transmit Packet, the Packet must be complete before a Receive operation can be configured and started. 9.7 Programmer’s Model Table 9-7 through Table 9-12 describe in detail the registers and bit meanings for configuring CS operation. There are eight identical chip select configuration registers, one for each CS output. However, the CS Boot ROM Configuration Register has active defaults for use by BOOTROM on CS0. All other configuration registers power-up disabled and require software intervention before the corresponding CS operates. The Chip Select Control Register is the enable register and the Chip Select Status Register serves as a status register. For Burst Mode the Chip Select Burst Control Register exists and the configuration of Dead cycles are done by the Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register. NOTE The address range registers for each CS reside in the MMAP register set rather than in the LPC register set. See Section, Boot and Chip Select Addresses. 9.7.1 Chip Select/LPC Registers—MBAR + 0x0300 There are 12 32-bit Chip Select/LocalPlus (CS/LP) registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x0300. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x0300 + register address The following registers are available: • Section 9-7, Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register (0x0300) • Section 9-8, Chip Select 1 Configuration Register (0x0304) • Section 9-9, Chip Select Control Register (0x0318) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-11 Programmer’s Model • Section 9-7, Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register (0x0300) • Section 9-10, Chip Select Status Register (0x031C) • Section 9-11, Chip Select Burst Control Register (0x0328) • Section 9-12, Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register (0x032C) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-12 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0300 Table 9-7. Chip Select 0/Boot Configuration Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WaitP 12 13 14 15 WaitX W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cfg cfg cfg cfg cfg cfg cfg cfg 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb MX Rsvd AA CE WS RS WO RO cfg 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 AS DS Bank WTyp W RESET: cfg cfg cfg cfg 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 WaitP Number of wait states to insert. Can be applied as a prescale to WaitX or used by itself, as specified by WTyp bits below. Wait states control how many PCI clocks the corresponding CS pin remains active. 8:15 WaitX Base number of wait states to insert, or combined with WaitP as specified by WTyp bits below. cfg operation—If rstcfg[11] (on pad_eth_03) is zero then 4 wait states are in effect, else 48 wait states are in effect. Wait States equals the number of PCI clocks from CS assertion to when data must be valid from boot device. 16 MX MX bit specifies whether a transaction operates as multiplexed or non-multiplexed. A multiplexed transaction presents address and data in different tenures. During the address tenure, ALE is asserted. At the end of ALE, AD bus is switched to data tenure and CSx pin is asserted. 0 = Non-multiplexed 1 = Multiplexed cfg operation—If rstcfg[14] on pad_eth_06 is low, boot operation is non-multiplexed (single tenure), else boot operation is multiplexed (dual tenure). 17 — Reserved 18 AA ACK Active. This bit defines whether ACK input is active or not. If AA is 1, programmed wait states can be overridden when/if the external device drives the ACK input low. If AA is 0, the ACK input is ignored. Wait states are still in effect. If no ACK is received, cycle terminates at end of wait state period. Note: Bit must be set to 0, to use ACK as burst indication signal during a burst transaction. 19 CE An individual Enable bit—allows CS operation for the corresponding CS pin. CE must be high to allow operation. Chip Select Control Register ME bit must also be high, except when CS[0] is used for boot ROM. 1 = Enable 0 = Disabled, register writes can occur but no external access is generated. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-13 Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 20:21 AS Address Size field—defines size of peripheral Address bus (in bytes) and must be consistent with physical connections. 00 = 8 bits 01 = 16 bits 10 = 24 bits 11 = > 25 bits See documentation for Physical Connection requirements. The combination of address size, data size, and transaction type (MX) must be consistent with the peripheral physical connection. In case of a multiplexed transaction, the entire address is driven regardless of address size field. cfg operation—If rstcfg[13] on pad_eth_05 is low, then the address size for non-multiplexed boot device is set to 24 bits (AS=10), else the boot device is treated as a 16 bit address (AS=01) device. For multiplexed mode boot devices the maximum 25 bits of address is always driven. This rstcfg bit more particularly affects the DS field below, and can be thought of as the “small” or “big” data size config bit. 22:23 DS Data Size field—represents the peripheral data bus size (in bytes): 00 =1Byte 01 = 2 Bytes 10 = 3 Bytes (Not Supported) 11 = 4Bytes cfg operation—If rstcfg[13] on pad_eth_05 is low, then the data size for non-multiplexed boot device is set to 8 bits (DS=00), else the boot device is treated as a 16 bit (DS=01) device. For multiplexed mode boot device the selection is 16 bit data or 32 bit data respectively. 24:25 Bank Bank bits—are reflected on external AD lines (AD[26:25]) during Address tenure of a multiplexed transaction. Register bit 24 is the msb and appears on AD[26]. 26:27 WTyp Wait state Type bits—define the application of wait states contained in WaitP and WaitX fields, as follows: 00 = WaitX is applied to read and write cycles (WaitP is ignored). 01 = WaitX is applied to Read cycles, WaitP is applied to Write cycles. 10 = WaitX is applied to Reads, WaitP/WaitX (16-bit value) is applied to Writes. 11 = WaitP/Waitx (as a full 16-bit value) is applied to Reads and Writes. 28 WS Write Swap bit—If high, Endian byte swapping occurs during writes to a peripheral. • • • For 8-bit peripherals, this bit has no effect. For 16-bit peripherals, byte swapping can occur. For 32-bit peripherals (possible in MUXed mode only) byte swap can occur. 1 = swap 0 = NO swap 2-byte swap is AB to BA, 4-byte swap is ABCD to DCBA. Note: Transactions at less than the defined port size (i.e., data size) apply swap rules as above, according to the current transaction size. 29 RS Read Swap bit—Same as WS, but swapping is done when reading data from a peripheral. 1 = swap 0 = NO swap cfg operation—If rstcfg[12] on pad_eth_04 is low, data from the boot device is Endian swapped when read. This only has effect for boot devices configured as 16- or 32-bit data size. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-14 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 30 WO Write Only bit—If high, peripheral is treated as a write-only device. An attempted Read access doesn’t generate a transaction to the peripheral. Additionally, the Write Only error bit is set. 31 RO Read Only bit—If high, peripheral is treated as a read-only device. An attempted Write access doesn’t generate a transaction to the peripheral. Additionally, the Read Only error bit is set. Note: This bit is high from Reset, indicating Boot Device is Read-Only. Note: 1. The reset values defined as "cfg” depends on the Reset Configuration. 2. Large Flash mode is used, if AS is set to 11 and DS is set to 00 or 01. 3. MOST/Graphics mode is used, if AS is set to 10 and DS is set to 11. Chip Select 1 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0304 Chip Select 2 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0308 Chip Select 3 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x030C Chip Select 4 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0310 Chip Select 5 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0314 Chip Select 6 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0320 Chip Select 7 Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0324 Table 9-8. Chip Select 1 Configuration Register Chip Select 2 Configuration Register Chip Select 3 Configuration Register Chip Select 4 Configuration Register Chip Select 5 Configuration Register Chip Select 6 Configuration Register Chip Select 7 Configuration Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WaitP 12 13 14 15 WaitX W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb MX Rsvd AA CE WS RS WO RO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AS DS Bank WTyp W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 WaitP Number of Wait States to insert. Can be applied as a prescale to Wait X or used by itself, as dictated by the WTyp bits (see below). Wait States control how many PCI clocks the corresponding CS pin remains active. 8:15 WaitX The base number of wait states to insert, or combined with WaitP as dictated by the WTyp bits below. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-15 Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 16 MX MX bit specifies whether transaction operates as multiplexed or non-multiplexed. A multiplexed transaction presents address and data in different tenures. During the address tenure, ALE is asserted. At the end of ALE, AD bus is switched to data tenure and CSx pin is asserted. 0 = Non-multiplexed 1 = Multiplexed 17 — Reserved 18 AA ACK Active. This bit defines whether ACK input is active or not. If AA is 1, programmed wait states can be overridden when/if the external device drives the ACK input low. If AA is 0, the ACK input is ignored. Wait states are still in effect. If no ACK is received, cycle terminates at end of wait state period. Note: Bit must be set to 0, to use ACK as burst indication signal during a burst transaction. 19 CE Chip Enable—bit allows CS operation for the corresponding CS pin. Must be high to allow operation. Chip Select Control Register ME bit must also be high. Enabled. 0 = Disabled, register writes can occur but no external access is generated. 20:21 AS Address Size field—defines the peripheral address bus size in bytes, and must be consistent with the physical connections. 00 = 8 bits 01 = 16 bits 10 = 24 bits 11 = > 25 bits Note: The combination of address size, data size, and transaction type (MX) must be consistent with the physical peripheral connection. In a multiplexed transaction, the entire address is driven, regardless of the address size field. 22:23 DS Data Size field—represents the peripheral data bus size (in bytes): 00 =1Byte 01 = 2 Bytes 10 = 3 Bytes (Not Supported) 11 = 4Bytes 24:25 Bank Bank bits—are reflected on external AD lines (AD[26:25]) during address tenure of a multiplexed transaction. Register bit 24 is the msb and appears on AD[26]. 26:27 WTyp Wait state Type bits—define application of wait states contained in WaitP and WaitX fields, as follows: 00 = WaitX is applied to Read and Write cycles (WaitP is ignored) 01 = WaitX is applied to Read cycles, WaitP is applied to Write cycles 10 = WaitX is applied to Reads, WaitP/WaitX (16-bit value) is applied to Writes 11 = WaitP/Waitx (as a full 16-bit value) is applied to Reads and Writes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-16 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name 28 WS Description Write Swap bit—If high, Endian byte swapping occurs during writes to a peripheral. • • • For 8-bit peripherals, this bit has no effect. For 16-bit peripherals, byte swapping can occur. For 32-bit peripherals (possible in MUXed mode only) byte swap can occur. 1 = swap 0 = NO swap 2-byte swap is AB to BA, 4-byte swap is ABCD to DCBA. Note: Transactions at less than the defined port size (i.e., data size) apply swap rules as above, according to the current transaction size. 29 RS Read Swap bit—Same as WS, but swapping is done when reading data from a peripheral. 1 = swap 0 = NO swap Note: Transactions at less than the defined port size (i.e., data size) apply swap rules as above, according to the current transaction size. 30 WO Write Only bit—If high, peripheral is treated as a write-only device. An attempted Read access doesn’t generate a transaction to the peripheral. Additionally, the Write Only error bit is set. 31 RO Read Only bit—If high, peripheral is treated as a read-only device. An attempted Write access doesn’t generate a transaction to the peripheral. Additionally, the Read Only error bit is set. Note: 1. Large Flash mode is used, if AS is set to 11 and DS is set to 00 or 01. 2. MOST Graphics mode is used, if AS is set to 10 and DS is set to 11. Chip Select Control Register—MBAR + 0x0318 Table 9-9. Chip Select Control Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 ME 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:6 — Reserved 7 ME Master Enable bit—a global module enable bit. If this bit is low, register access can still occur, but no external transactions are accepted. However, ME does not affect boot ROM operation on CS[0]. If software wishes to disable CS[0], it must write 0 to the Chip Select Boot ROM Configuration Register enable bit (CE). 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-17 Programmer’s Model Chip Select Status Register—MBAR + 0x031C Table 9-10. Chip Select Status Register Reserved W RESET: 2 3 ROerr R 1 WOerr msb 0 4 5 Rsvd 6 7 8 9 10 11 CSxerr 12 13 14 15 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:1 — 2 WOerr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Write Only error—If 1, it indicates a Read access was attempted on a peripheral marked as write-only. This is a sticky bit and must be written with 1 to be cleared. The CS number that relates to the error is reflected in the CSxerr field. 3 ROerr Read Only error—If 1, it indicates a Write access was attempted on a peripheral marked as read-only. This is a sticky bit and must be written with 1 to be cleared. The CS number that relates to the error is reflected in the CSxerr field. 4 — 5:7 CSxerr 8:31 — Reserved Chip Select error—Indicates CS number associated with WOerr or ROerr. Reserved Chip Select Burst Control Register—MBAR + 0x0328 Table 9-11. Chip Select Burst Control Register Rsvd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Rsvd W RESET: 0 0 0 0 CW2 SLB2 0 0 Rsvd 0 0 8 9 CW5 SLB5 CW1 SLB1 0 0 10 Rsvd Rsvd 0 11 0 12 13 CW4 SLB4 CW0 SLB0 0 0 14 Rsvd Rsvd 0 15 BRE0 CW3 SLB3 Rsvd 7 BRE4 SLB7 CW6 SLB6 6 BRE1 R 5 BRE2 RESET: 4 BRE5 CW7 W 3 BRE6 2 BRE7 1 BRE3 R msb 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-18 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 0 CW7 Chip Select 7 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 1 SLB7 Chip Select 7 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 2 — 3 BRE7 Reserved Chip Select 7 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 4 CW6 Chip Select 6 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 5 SLB6 Chip Select 6 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 6 — 7 BRE6 Reserved Chip Select 6 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 8 CW5 Chip Select 5 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 9 SLB5 Chip Select 5 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 10 — 11 BRE5 Reserved Chip Select 5 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 12 CW4 Chip Select 4 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 13 SLB4 Chip Select 4 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 14 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-19 Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 15 BRE4 Chip Select 4 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 16 CW3 Chip Select 3 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 17 SLB3 Chip Select 3 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 18 — 19 BRE3 Reserved Chip Select 3 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 20 CW2 Chip Select 2 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 21 SLB2 Chip Select 2 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 22 — 23 BRE2 Reserved Chip Select 2 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 24 CW1 Chip Select 1 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 25 SLB1 Chip Select 1 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 26 — 27 BRE1 Reserved Chip Select 1 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 28 CW0 Chip Select 0 Cache Wrap capable, set if peripheral burst can perform PPC cache wrap. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. 29 SLB0 Chip Select 0 Short/Long Burst, 0 for Short Burst only, 1 for Long Burst capable. Short burst is 8-bytes, used for Instruction fetches, and CDWF cache line bursts on XLB if cache wrap not capable. Long Burst capable means that peripheral can do 32-byte burst which hardware will generate for cache line aligned XLB bursts (and CDWF if peripheral tagged as cache wrap capable also). This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-20 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name 30 — 31 BRE0 Description Reserved Chip Select 0 Burst Read Enable, 1 to enable peripheral bursting for given chip select. Must be set to enable any Bursting reads. This bit setting only applies in Large Flash or MOST Graphics Mode. Note: 1. CDWF is defined as "critical doubleword word first". 2. The bits for Chip Select 0 (CS0) control CS Boot too. 3. With a clock ratio 1:1:1 (66:66:66 MHz) it is not possible to burst in Large Flash mode. Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register—MBAR + 0x032C Table 9-12. Chip Select Deadcycle Control Register msb 0 R 1 2 Reserved 3 DC7 4 5 6 Reserved 7 DC6 8 9 10 Reserved 11 DC5 12 13 14 Reserved 15 DC4 W RESET: R 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved DC3 Reserved DC2 Reserved DC1 Reserved DC0 W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:1 — 2:3 DC7 4:5 — 6:7 DC6 8:9 — 10:11 DC5 12:13 — 14:15 DC4 16:17 — 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Description Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 7 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 6 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 5 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 4 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-21 Programmer’s Model Bits Name Description 18:19 DC3 Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 3 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. 20:21 — 22:23 DC2 24:25 — 26:27 DC1 28:29 — 30:31 DC0 Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 2 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 1 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. Reserved Deadcycles can be specified as 0 to 3. Dead cycles will be added to the end of Chip Select 0 read access and will occur in addition to any cycles which may already exist. These cycles are to provide peripheral additional time to tri-state it's bus after a read operation. This is for all access types. NOTE Deadcycle counter is only used, if no arbitration to an other module (ATA or PCI) of the shared local bus happens. If an arbitration happens the bus can be dirven within 4 IPB clocks by an other module. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-22 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model 9.7.2 SCLPC Registers—MBAR + 0x3C00 There are 6 32-bit BestComm Registers for the LocalPlus (SCLPC). These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x3C00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x3C00 + register address The following registers are available: • Section 9-13, SCLPC Packet Size Register (0x3C00) • Section 9-14, SCLPC Start Address Register (0x3C04) • Section 9-15, SCLPC Control Register (0x3C08) • Section 9-16, SCLPC Enable Register (0x3C0C) • Section 9-17, SCLPC Bytes Done Status Register (0x3C14) SCLPC Packet Size Register—MBAR + 0x3C00 Table 9-13. SCLPC Packet Size Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved 9 10 0 W RESET: 8 11 12 13 14 15 Packet Size Restart R 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Packet Size W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:6 — 7 Restart Once all registers have been programmed, software writes a 1 to this bit to begin a transfer. It will auto-clear and always reads back as zero. 8:31 Packet Size This 24-bit field represents the number of bytes SCLPC is to transact before going idle and waiting for a Restart. Reserved Note: The co-location of Restart bit and Packet_Size field allows Software to both Restart a transaction AND change the Packet_Size in a single write. Maximum packet size is 16M-1 bytes. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-23 Programmer’s Model SCLPC Start Address Register—MBAR + 0x3C04 Table 9-14. SCLPC Start Address Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Start Address W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Start Address W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Start Address Address of the first byte in the packet to be sent. This value must be aligned with the "BPT" (Bytes Per Transaction) field, described below. This address will appear directly at the peripheral and is completely independent of XLB address decoding logic. SCLPC Control Register—MBAR + 0x3C08 Table 9-15. SCLPC Control Register msb 0 1 R 2 3 4 5 Reserved 6 7 8 9 CSX 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 Flush RWb W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved R DAI Reserved BPT W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:4 — 5:7 CSX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved This field should be written with the Chip Select number associated with each DMA transaction. Note: LPC configuration registers associated with this CS also affect SCLPC transactions. The two work together. 8:13 — Reserved 14 Flush If set to 1, enables the assertion of SCLPC requestor at the completion of a *Read* Packet, regardless of the actual state of the physical fifo ALarm. Requestor will de-assert once the fifo goes empty. This is the fix for the familiar "Stale Read Data" fifo problem. 15 RWb Read - Write bar. Controls direction of DMA transaction. 1 = SCLPC will read from the peripheral, i.e. Fifo Receive 0 = SCLPC will write to the peripheral, i.e. Fifo Transmit MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-24 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name 16:22 — 23 DAI Description Reserved Disable Auto Increment. Normally, SCLPC and LPC will present sequential incrementing addresses to the peripheral as the Packet proceeds. If the peripheral is operating as a single address Fifo, then the DAI bit should be set to 1. When set, addresses to the peripheral will be stuck at Start_Address for every transaction. For DAI operation, the BPT field *MUST* be set to the port size of the peripheral. 24:27 — 28:31 BPT Reserved Bytes Per Transaction. Indicates number of bytes per transaction. The "only" valid entries in this field are decimal/hex 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (i.e. binary 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000). BPT should not be set to less than the peripheral port size, but certainly can be set to larger than the peripheral port size. The higher the BPT value, the greater the throughput. Note: Start_Address and Packet_Size values *must* be aligned/multiples of BPT. For DAI operation, BPT must be set to the peripheral port size. SCLPC Enable Register—MBAR + 0x3C0C Table 9-16. SCLPC Enable Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 RC 11 12 13 14 Reserved 15 RF W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb AIE NIE 0 0 R Reserved Reserved ME W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:6 — Reserved 7 RC Reset Controller. This bit allows for a Software reset of the SCLPC state machine. Writing a 1 to this bit will reset the SCLPC state machine. Reset will be maintained as long as this bit is high. Software must write this bit low to release the reset and start operation. Note: 1. Although RC does *not* reset this register interface, it does clear interrupt and interrupt status conditions. 2. Never reset the SCLPC Controller during a transaction (tx or rx). 8:14 — Reserved 15 RF Reset Fifo. This is the Fifo software reset bit. Writing a 1 to this bit will reset the SCLPC Fifo. The Fifo must not be in reset for normal operation. Software reset of the Fifo will clear the fifo of data, reset its read/write pointers, but *not* disturb previously programmed Alarm and Granularity settings. Note: Good Practice would be for software to set and clear the RC and RF bits prior to programming and starting a Packet. 16:21 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-25 LocalPlus Bus (External Bus Interface) Bits Name 22 AIE Notes Description Abort Interrupt Enable. If set, and a fifo error occurs during packet transmission, a cpu interrupt from SCLPC will be generated. In any case, the Packet will be terminated and an Abort Status bit will be set. Note: This bit does *not* affect the Requestor to BestComm in any way. 23 NIE Normal Interrupt Enable. This bit, if set enables a cpu interrupt to occur at the end of a normally terminated Packet. There is also a NT status bit which sets in any case. Note: This bit does *not* affect the Requestor to BestComm in any way. 24:30 — Reserved 31 ME Master Enable. This bit must be set to 1 to allow a Restart to be generated to the SCLPC state machine. Restart is achieved by writing 1 to Byte 0 of the Packet_Size register. This ME bit must also be set for a Restart to occur. Note: ME being low (inactive) will also clear Interrupt and Interrupt status. But it does *NOT* affect the BestComm Requestor. SCLPC Bytes Done Status Register—MBAR + 0x3C14 Table 9-17. SCLPC Bytes Done Status Register msb 0 1 2 Reserved R 4 AT 5 6 Reserved rwc W RESET: 3 7 8 10 11 12 NT Bytes Done rwc Read Only 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb X X X X X X X R Bytes Done W Read Only RESET: 9 X X X X X X X X X Note: X: Bit does not reset to a defined value. Bits Name Description 0:2 — Reserved 3 AT Abort Termination. This bit will be set to 1 if the Packet has terminated abnormally (which is only possible if a fifoError occurred). Note: This bit is ANDed with the AIE bit above to generate a single CPU interrupt signal to the core. This bit is "sticky write to 1" for clearing the bit and clearing the interrupt. Note: This bit (and any interrupt) is also cleared if; 1) RC bit is set, 2) ME bit is clear, or 3) Restart occurs. 4:6 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-26 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model Bits Name 7 NT Description Normal Termination. This bit is set to 1 whenever a complete Packet has been transferred successfully. Note: This bit is ANDed with the NIE bit above to generate a single CPU interrupt signal to the core. This bit is "sticky write to 1" for clearing the bit and clearing the interrupt. 8:31 Bytes Done Bytes Done is updated dynamically by the SCLPC state machine to represent the actual number of bytes transmitted at a given point in time. At the normal conclusion of a Packet, the bytes_done field should match the Packet_Size field. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-27 Programmer’s Model 9.7.3 SCLPC FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3C40 LPC uses a single FIFO that changes direction based on the Rx/Tx mode. Software controls direction change and flushes FIFO before changing directions. FIFO memory is 512Bytes (32 x 128). LPC FIFO is controlled by six 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x3C40. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x3C40 + register address Hyperlinks to the LPC FIFO registers are provided below: • Section 9-18, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register (0x3C40) • Section 9-21, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register (0x3C4C) • Section 9-19, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register (0x3C44) • Section 9-22, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register (0x3C50) • Section 9-20, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register (0x3C48) • Section 9-23, LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register (0x3C54) LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register—MBAR + 0x3C40 LPC_rx/tx_fifo_data_word_register Table 9-18. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FIFO_Data_Word W RESET: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb X X X X X X R FIFO_Data_Word W RESET: X X X X X X X X X X Note: X: Bit does not reset to a defined value. Bits Name 0:31 FIFO_Data_Word Description The FIFO data port. Reading from this location “pops” data from the FIFO, writing “pushes” data into the FIFO. During normal operation the BestComm Controller pushes data here. Note: ONLY full word access is allowed. If all byte enables are not asserted when accessing this location, a FIFO error flag is generated. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-28 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x3C44 Table 9-19. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reserved R 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Err UF OF Full HI LO Emty W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:8 — Reserved 9 Err Error—flag bit is essentially the logical "OR" of other flag bits and can be polled for detection of any FIFO error. After clearing the offending condition, writing 1 to this bit clears flag. 10 UF UnderFlow—flag indicates read pointer has surpassed the write pointer. FIFO was read beyond empty. Resetting FIFO clears this condition; writing 1 to this bit clears flag. 11 OF OverFlow—flag indicates write pointer surpassed read pointer. FIFO was written beyond full. Resetting FIFO clears this condition; writing 1 to this bit clears flag. 12 Full FIFO full—this is NOT a sticky bit or error condition. Full indication tracks with FIFO state. 13 HI High—FIFO requests attention, because high level alarm is asserted. To clear this condition, FIFO must be read to a level below the setting in granularity bits. 14 LO Low—FIFO requests attention, because Low level alarm is asserted. To clear this condition, FIFO must be written to a level in which the space remaining is less than the granularity bit setting. 15 Emty FIFO empty—this is NOT a sticky bit or error condition. Full indication tracks with FIFO state. 16:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-29 Programmer’s Model LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register—MBAR + 0x3C48 Table 9-20. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register msb 0 R 1 Reserved 2 3 WFR 4 5 Reserved 6 7 8 9 10 11 GR 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:1 — 2 WFR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved When bit sets, FIFO Controller assumes next data write is End of Frame (EOF). Note: This module does not support Framing. This bit should remain low. 3:4 — Reserved 5:7 GR Granularity—bits control high “watermark” point at which FIFO negates Alarm condition (i.e., request for data). It represents the number of free bytes times 4. 000 = FIFO waits to become completely full before stopping data request. 001 = FIFO stops data request when only one long word of space remains. 8:31 — Reserved LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register—MBAR + 0x3C4C Table 9-21. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 Reserved R Alarm W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:22 — 23:31 Alarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved User writes these bits to set low level “watermark”, which is the point where FIFO asserts request for BestComm Controller data filling. Value is in bytes. For example, with Alarm = 32, alarm condition occurs when FIFO contains 32Bytes or less. Once asserted, alarm does not negate until high level mark is reached, as specified by FIFO control register granularity bits. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-30 Freescale Semiconductor Programmer’s Model LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3C50 Table 9-22. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 R Reserved ReadPtr W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:22 — 23:31 ReadPtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. Value represents the Read address presented to the FIFO RAM. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3C54 Table 9-23. LPC Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 R Reserved WritePtr W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:22 — 23:31 WritePtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. Value represents the Read address presented to the FIFO RAM. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-31 LocalPlus Bus (External Bus Interface) Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 9-32 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.1 Overview The Peripheral Component Interface (PCI) Bus is a high-performance bus with multiplexed address and data lines. It is especially suitable for high data-rate applications. The MPC5200 PCI Controller module supports a 32-bit PCI initiator and target interface. As a target, access to the internal XL bus is supported. As an initiator, the PCI controller is coupled directly to the XL bus (as a slave) and available on the Communication Sub-System as a Multi-Channel DMA peripheral. The 32-bit multiplexed address/data is shared with the ATA Controller and LocalPlus Controllers. However, control signals are on separate pins and only one operation (PCI, ATA, or LocalPlus) can be done at any given time. The LocalPlus Large Flash and Most/Graphic interfaces are not compatible with any PCI operation. When these interfaces are needed, the PCI internal controller must be disabled by setting bit 16 (PCI_DIS) of the GPS Configuration register. Section, GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00 The MPC5200 contains PCI central resource functions such as the PCI Arbiter (Section 10.5, PCI Arbiter) and PCI reset control. The PCI bus clock is always sourced from the MPC5200 and either equal to 1, 1/2 the frequency of the Slave bus clock (IP bus clock) or 1/4 the frequency of the XLB clock. Even when the PCI internal controller is disabled, the PCI clock is sourced by the MPC5200. A PCI reset signal is provided and implemented as an open-drain pin. An external (on board) pull-up resistor (e.g. 5.6 kOhm) is then required to ensure proper operation. NOTE If the PCI interface is NOT used (and internally disabled) the PCI control pins must be terminated as indicated by the PCI Local Bus specification. PCI control signals always require pull-up resistors on the motherboard (not the expansion board) to ensure that they contain stable values when no agent is actively driving the bus. This includes PCI_FRAME, PCI_TRDY, PCI_IRDY, PCI_DEVSEL, PCI_STOP, PCI_SERR, PCI_PERR, and PCI_REQ. 10.1.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Features Supports system clock: Slave (IP) bus (internal peripheral slave bus) to PCI bus frequency ratios 1:1, 2:1. Or the XLB to PCI bus frequency ratio 4:1 (e.g. PCI runs at 33 MHz while the XLB bus runs at 132 MHz). Compatible with PCI 2.2 specification PCI initiator and target operation Fully synchronous design 32-bit PCI Address/Data bus PCI 2.2 Type 0 Configuration Space header Supports the PCI 16/8 clock rule PCI master Multi-Channel DMA or CPU access to PCI Bus High transfer rates at 66Mhz PCI clock, 512 byte buffer PCI to system bus address translation Target response is medium DEVSEL generation Initiator latency time-outs are NOT supported. Automatic retry of target disconnects Fast Back-to-Back transactions are NOT supported. NOTE The corresponding FC bit in the Configuration Status Register is fixed to ‘1’ indicating the opposite. Nonetheless no Fast Back-to-Back transaction is supported. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-1 PCI External Signals 10.1.2 Block Diagram PCI Arbiter Req/Gnt PCI Controller Block Config Master bus/ CommBus Initiator CommBus XL bus Slave bus Master bus Target External REQ/GNT PCI Controller External Config Interface PCI bus Target Interface Initiator Interface Figure 10-1. PCI Block Diagram 10.2 PCI External Signals Table 10-1. PCI External Signals Signal I/O Definition AD[31:0] I/O Multiplexed Address and Data Bus (Shared with ATA and LPC). AD31 is the most significant bit while AD0 is the least significant as per the PCI specification. The entire PCI external bus is little Endian ordered. PCI_CXBE[3:0] I/O Command/Bytes Enables PCI_DEVSEL I/O Device Select PCI_FRAME I/O Frame PCI_IDSEL I Initialization Device Select PCI_IRDY I/O Initiator Ready PCI_PAR I/O Parity PCI_CLK O PCI Clock PCI_PERR I/O Parity Error PCI_RST O PCI Reset PCI_SERR I/O System Error PCI_STOP I/O Stop PCI_TRDY I/O Target Ready MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-2 Freescale Semiconductor PCI External Signals For detailed description of the PCI bus signals, see the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. 10.2.1 PCI_AD[31:0] - Address/Data Bus The PCI_AD[31:0] lines are a time multiplexed address data bus. The address is presented on the bus during the address phase while the data is presented on the bus during one or more data phases. 10.2.2 PCI_CXBE[3:0] - Command/Byte Enables The PCI_CXBE[3:0] lines are time multiplexed. The PCI command is presented during the address phase and the byte enables are presented during the data phase. 10.2.3 PCI_DEVSEL - Device Select The PCI_DEVSEL signal is asserted active low when MPC5200 decodes that it is the target of a PCI transaction from the address presented on the PCI bus during the address phase. 10.2.4 PCI_FRAME - Frame The PCI_FRAME signal is asserted by a PCI initiator to indicate the beginning of a transaction. It is deasserted when the initiator is ready to complete the final data phase. 10.2.5 PCI_IDSEL - Initialization Device Select The PCI_IDSEL signal is asserted during a PCI Type 0 Configuration Cycle to address the PCI Configuration header. 10.2.6 PCI_IRDY - Initiator Ready The PCI_IRDY signal is asserted to indicate that the PCI initiator is ready to transfer data. During a write operation, assertion indicates that the master is driving valid data on the bus. During a read operation, assertion indicates that the master is ready to accept data. PCI_PAR - Parity The PCI_PAR signal indicates the parity of data on the PCI_AD[31:0] and PCI_CXBE[3:0] lines. 10.2.7 PCI_CLK - PCI Clock The PCI_CLK signal is the clock for the internal PCI Controller and the external PCI system. The PCI clock is also used as reference clock for the LocalPlus synchronous interfaces (Burst Flash, ATA). The PCI_CLK is always (at all time) sourced by the MPC5200. 10.2.8 PCI_PERR - Parity Error The PCI_PERR signal is asserted when a data phase parity error is detected if enabled. 10.2.9 PCI_RST - Reset The PCI_RST signal is asserted active low by MPC5200 to reset the PCI bus. This signal is asserted after MPC5200 reset and must be negated (see <st-bold> Global Status/Control Register PCIGSCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D60) to enable usage of the PCI bus. An external shared pull-up resistor is needed connected to this pin. 10.2.10 PCI_SERR - System Error The PCI_SERR signal, if enabled, is asserted by the MPC5200 only when an address phase parity error is detected. 10.2.11 PCI_STOP - Stop The PCI_STOP signal is asserted by the currently addressed target to indicate that it wishes to stop the current transaction. 10.2.12 PCI_TRDY - Target Ready The PCI_TRDY signal is asserted by the currently addressed target to indicate that it is ready to complete the current data phase. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-3 Registers 10.3 Registers MPC5200 has several sets of registers that control and report status for the different interfaces to the PCI controller: PCI Type 0 Configuration Space Registers, General Status/Control Registers, and Communication Sub-System Interface Registers. All of these registers are accessible as offsets of MBAR (the PCI interface is located starting at offset 0x0D00 relative to the MBAR register’s value, while the BestComm interface starts at offset 0x3800). As an XL bus master, an external PCI bus master can access MBAR space for register updates and the internal SRAM. NOTE PCI_RST is controlled by a bit in the register space and must first be cleared before external PCI devices wake-up. In other words, an external PCI master cannot load configuration software across the PCI bus until this bit is cleared by internal means. All registers are accessible at an offset of MBAR in the memory space. There are two module offsets for PCI configuration space. One is allocated to the Communication Sub-System Interface registers and the other to all other PCI Controller Registers including the standard Type 0 PCI Configuration Space. Software reads from unimplemented registers return 0x00000000 and writes have no effect. See Section 3.2, Internal Register Memory Map for module offsets and descriptions of module responses. Table 10-2. PCI Register Map Register Offset Mnemonic Name PCI Type 0 Configuration Registers 0x00 PCIIDR Device ID/Vendor ID 0x04 PCISCR Status/Command 0x08 PCICCRIR Class Code/Revision ID 0x0C PCICR1 Configuration 1Register 0x10 PCIBAR0 Base Address Register 0 0x14 PCIBAR1 Base Address Register 1 0x18 Reserved ... 0x24 0x28 PCICCPR Cardbus CIS Pointer 0x2C PCISID Subsystem ID/Subsystem Vendor ID 0x30 PCIERBAR Expansion ROM 0x34 PCICPR Capabilities Pointer Reserved 0x38 0x3C PCICR2 0x40 Configuration 2 Register Reserved ... 0x5C General Control/Status Registers 0x60 PCIGSCR Global Status/Control Register 0x64 PCITBATR0 Target Base Address Translation Register 0 0x68 PCITBATR1 Target Base Address Translation Register 1 0x6C PCITCR Target Control Register 0x70 PCIIW0BTAR Initiator Window 0 Base/Translation Address Register MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-4 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Table 10-2. PCI Register Map (continued) Register Offset Mnemonic Name 0x74 PCIIW1BTAR Initiator Window 1 Base/Translation Address Register 0x78 PCIIW2BTAR Initiator Window 2 Base/Translation Address Register Reserved 0x7C 0x80 PCIIWCR Initiator Window Configuration Register 0x84 PCIICR Initiator Control Register 0x88 PCIISR Initiator Status Register 0x8C PCIARB PCI Arbiter Register 0x90 Reserved ... 0xF4 0xF8 PCICAR 0xFC Configuration Address Register Reserved Table 10-3. PCI Communication System Interface Register Map Register Offset Mnemonic Name 0x00 PCITPSR Tx Packet Size 0x04 PCITSAR Tx Start Address 0x08 PCITTCR Tx Transaction Control Register 0x0C PCITER Tx Enables 0x10 PCITNAR Tx Next Address 0x14 PCITLWR Tx Last Word 0x18 PCITDCR Tx Done Counts 0x1C PCITSR Tx Status 0x20 Reserved ... 0x3C 0x40 PCITFDR Tx FIFO Data 0x44 PCITFSR Tx FIFO Status 0x48 PCITFCR Tx FIFO Control 0x4C PCITFAR Tx FIFO Alarm 0x50 PCITFRPR Tx FIFO Read Pointer 0x54 PCITFWPR Tx FIFO Write Pointer MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-5 Registers Table 10-3. PCI Communication System Interface Register Map (continued) Register Offset Mnemonic Name Reserved 0x58 ... 0x7C 0x80 PCIRPSR Rx Packet Size 0x84 PCIRSAR Rx Start Address 0x88 PCIRTCR Rx Transaction Control Register 0x8C PCIRER Rx Enables 0x90 PCIRNAR Rx Next Address 0x94 PCIRLWR Rx Last Word 0x98 PCIRDCR Rx Done Counts 0x9C PCIRSR Rx Status 0xA0 Reserved ... 0xBC 0xC0 PCIRFDR Rx FIFO Data 0xC4 PCIRFSR Rx FIFO Status 0xC8 PCIRFCR Rx FIFO Control 0xCC PCIRFAR Rx FIFO Alarm 0xD0 PCIRFRPR Rx FIFO Read Pointer 0xD4 PCIRFWPR Rx FIFO Write Pointer 0xD8 Reserved ... 0xFC 10.3.1 PCI Controller Type 0 Configuration Space MPC5200 supplies a type 0 PCI Configuration Space header. These registers are accessible as an offset from MBAR (Section 3.2, Internal Register Memory Map) or through externally mastered PCI Configuration Cycles. NOTE The internal PCI controller can discover itself (by means of connecting an AD line [preferably AD24 to AD31]to the PCI _IDSEL input). It is essential, when the PCI interface is used as a Target, to enable the internal PCI controller to access via the external PCI bus its own PCI registers. This is the only available way in order to clear any error flag RWC bit (Read/WriteClear bit). PCI DWord Offset Reg Reg Addr [31:24] [23:16] 0x100 0x00 PCIIDR Device ID Vendor ID 0x104 0x01 PCISCR Status Command 0x108 0x02 PCICCRIR Class Code [15:8] [7:0] Revision ID MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-6 Freescale Semiconductor Registers 0x10C 0x03 PCICR1 BIST Header Type Latency Timer 0x110 0x04 PCIBAR0 BAR0 0x114 0x05 PCIBAR0 BAR1 0x118 0x06 ... ... 0x124 0x09 0x128 0x0A PCICCPR 0x12C 0x0B PCISID 0x130 0x0C Expansion ROM Base Address 0x134 0x0D Reserved 0x138 0x0E 0x13C 0x0F na 0x10 na ... na 0x3F Cache Line Size Reserved CardBus CIS Pointer Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID Cap_Ptr Reserved PCICR2 Min_Gnt Max_Lat Int Pin Int Line Reserved PCI Dword Reserved space (0x10 - 0x3F) can be accessed only from an external PCI Configuration access. NOTE A PCI Double Word (DWORD) is a 32 bit long word. A PowerPC Double Word is instead a 64 bit word (according to the EABI rule) while a Word is a 32 bit value. In the following PCI Configuration space a DWORD refers always to a 32 bit word. Device ID/ Vendor ID Registers PCIIDR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D00 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Device ID W RESET 0x5803 16 17 18 19 20 21 R 22 23 24 Vendor ID W RESET 0x1057 Bits Name 0:15 Device ID Description This field is read-only and represents the PCI Device Id assigned to MPC5200 Its value is: 0x5803. 16:31 Vendor ID This field is read-only and represents the PCI Vendor Id assigned to MPC5200 Its value is: 0x1057. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-7 Registers Status/Command Registers PCISCR(R/RW/RWC) —MBAR + 0x0D04 msb 0 1 2 3 4 R PE SE MA TR TS W rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 5 DT 7 8 9 10 11 DP FC R 66M C 12 13 14 15 Reserved rwc 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb F S St PER V MW Sp B M IO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R 6 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits 31-27 and 24 are read-write-clear (RWC). • Hardware can set RWC bits, but cannot clear them. • Only PCI configuration cycles can clear RWC bits that are currently set by writing a 1 to the bit location. Writing a 1 to a RWC bit that is currently a 0 or writing a 0 to any RWC bit has no effect. Bits Name 0 Parity Error Detected (PE) This bit is set when a parity error is detected, even if the Parity Error Response bit in the Command Register (bit 6) is disabled. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIGSCR[PEE] bit is set. This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. 1 System Error Signalled (SE) This bit is set whenever MPC5200 generates a PCI System Error on the SERR line. This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. 2 Master Abort Received (MA) This bit is set whenever MPC5200 is the PCI master and terminates a transaction (except for Special Cycle) with a Master-Abort. This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. 3 Target Abort Received (TR) This bit is set whenever MPC5200 is the PCI master and a transaction is terminated by a Target Abort from the currently-addressed target. This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. 4 Target Abort Signalled (TS) This bit is set whenever MPC5200 is the PCI target and it terminates a transaction with a Target Abort. This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. 5:6 DEVSEL# Timing (DT) 7 Master Data Parity Error (DP) 8 Fast Back-to-Back Capable (FC) Description Fixed to 01. These bits encode a medium DEVSEL timing. This defines the slowest DEVSEL timing when MPC5200 is the PCI target (except configuration accesses). This bit applies only when MPC5200 is PCI master and is set only if the following conditions are met: • MPC5200-as-master sets PERR itself during a read or detected it asserted by the target during a write • The Parity Error Response bit in the Command Register, bit 6, is set to 1 This register is read-write-clear (RWC) via PCI configuration cycles. Fixed to 1. The MPC5200 PCI controller does NOT support Fast Back-to-Back transactions. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-8 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Bits Name Description 9 Reserved (R) Fixed to 0. Prior to the 2.2 PCI Spec, this was the UDF (User Defined Features) Supported bit. 1 = Supported User Defined Features 0 = Does not support UDF 10 66 MHz Capable (66M) 11 Capabilities List (C) 12:21 Reserved 22 23 Fixed to 1. This bit indicates that the PCI controller is 66 MHz capable. Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that the PCI controller does not implement the New Capabilities List Pointer Configuration Register in DWORD 13 of the Configuration Space. These bits are reserved. Fast The MPC5200 PCI controller does NOT support Fast Back-to-Back transactions. Back-to-Back Setting this bit has no effect. Transfer Enable (F) SERR enable (S) This bit is an enable bit for the SERR driver. A value of zero disables the SERR driver. A value of 1 enables the SERR driver. Note: Address parity errors are reported only if this bit and bit 6 are 1. This bit is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). 24 Address and Data Stepping (St) 25 Parity Error Response (PER) Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that the PCI controller never uses address/data stepping. Initialization software should write a 0 to this bit location. This bit controls the device’s response to parity errors. When set and a parity error is detected, the PCI controller asserts PERR. When the bit is “0”, the device sets its Detected Parity Error status bit (bit 0) in the event of a parity error, but does not assert PERR. This bit is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). 26 VGA Palette Snoop Enable (V) Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that the PCI controller is not VGA compatible. Initialization software should write a 0 to this bit location. 27 Memory Write and Invalidate Enable (MW) This bit is an enable for using the Memory Write and Invalidate command. When this bit is 1, MPC5200-as-master may generate the command. When it is 0, Memory Write must be used instead. This bit is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). 28 Special Cycle Monitor or Ignore (Sp) This bit is to determine whether or not to ignore PCI Special Cycles. Since MPC5200-as-target does not recognize messages delivered via the Special Cycle operation, a value of 1 should never be programmed to this register. This bit, however, is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). 29 Bus Master Enable (B) This bit indicates whether or not MPC5200 has the ability to serve as a master on the PCI bus. A value of 1 indicates this ability is enabled. If MPC5200 is used as a master on the PCI bus (via XL bus or CommBus), a 1 should be written to this bit during initialization. Even if set to 0, a transaction initiated by an internal master (the core, BestComm) is allowed to take place. It is meant to be read by configuration software. This bit is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-9 Registers Bits Name 30 Memory Access Control (M) 31 Description This bit controls the PCI controller’s response to Memory Space accesses. A value of 0 disables the response. A value of 1 allows the controller to recognize a Memory access. This bit is programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). IO access Control (IO) Fixed to 0. This bit is not implemented because there is no MPC5200 IO type space accessible from the PCI bus. The PCI base address registers are Memory address ranges only. Initialization software should write a 0 to this bit location. Revision ID/ Class Code Registers PCICCRIR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D08 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Class Code W RESET 0x0680 16 17 R 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Class Code (continued) Revision ID 0x00 0x00 W RESET Bits Name 0:23 Class Code Description This field is read-only and represents the PCI Class Code assigned to MPC5200 Its value is: 0x068000. (Other bridge device) 24:31 Revision ID This field is read-only and represents the PCI Revision Id for this version of MPC5200. Its value is: 0x00. Configuration 1 Register PCICR1(R/RW) —MBAR + 0x0D0C msb 0 1 2 3 R 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BIST 11 12 13 14 15 Header Type W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Lat timer[7:3] Reserved Lat Timer[2:0] Cache Line Size W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-10 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Bits Name Description 0:7 Built-In Self Test (BIST) Fixed to 0x00. The PCI controller does not implement the Built-In Self Test register. Initialization software should write a 0x00 to this register location. 8:15 Header Type Fixed to 0x00. The PCI controller implements a Type 0 PCI Configuration Space Header. Initialization software should write a 0x00 to this register location. 16:23 Latency Timer This register contains the latency timer value, in PCI clocks, used when MPC5200 is the PCI master. The lower three bits of the register are hardwired low and the upper five bits are programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). Note: The MPC5200 does NOT support initiator latency time-outs, the internal PCI Arbiter does not support preemption of the internal masters XIPCI or SCPCI. The internal master is granted until the transaction has been completed. The Latency Timer (LT) cannot terminate any transfer. 28:31 Cache Line Size The four lower bits of this register are programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). The value programmed specifies the cacheline size in units of DWORDs. Base Address Register 0 PCIBAR0(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D10 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Base Address 0 R 15 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R Reserved 0 29 pref 0 30 range 0 31 lsb IO/M# W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:13 Base Address Register 0 (BAR0) MPC5200 PCI Base Address Register 0 (256Kbyte). Applies only when MPC5200 is target. These bits are programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). This BAR register should be used to point at the internal MPC5200 register space (MBAR) 14:27 Reserved 28 prefetchable access (pref) Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that the memory space defined by BAR0 is NOT prefetchable. Configuration software should write a 0 to this bit location. 29:30 range Fixed to 00. This register indicates that base address 0 is 32 bits wide and can be mapped anywhere in 32-bit address space. Configuration software should write 00 to these bit locations. 31 IO or Memory Space (IO/M#) Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that BAR0 is for memory space. Configuration software should write a 0 to this bit location. These bits are reserved. 0 = Memory 1 = I/O MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-11 Registers Base Address Register 1 PCIBAR1(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D14 msb 0 R W RESET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Base Address 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Reserved R pref range 31 lsb IO/M# W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:1 Base Address Register 1 (BAR1) MPC5200 PCI Base Address Register 1 (1Gbyte). Applies only when MPC5200 is target. These bits are programmable (read/write from both the IP bus and PCI bus Configuration cycles). This BAR register shall be used to point at the local SDRAM/DDR Memory Space. Note: The address ‘Window’ is much larger than the maximum theoretically supported physical memory. Note: This register should not point to the LocalPlus Memory Space. This is not supported. 2:27 Reserved These bits are reserved. 28 prefetchable access (pref) 29:30 range Fixed to 00. This register indicates that base address 1 is 32 bits wide and can be mapped anywhere in 32-bit address space. Configuration software should write 00 to these bit locations. 31 IO or Memory Space (IO/M#) Fixed to 0. This bit indicates that BAR1 is for memory space. Configuration software should write a 0 to this bit location. Fixed to 1. This bit indicates that the memory space defined by BAR1 is prefetchable. Configuration software should write a 1 to this bit location. 0 = Memory 1 = I/O CardBus CIS Pointer Register PCICCPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D28 This optional register contains the pointer to the Card Information Structure (CIS) for the CardBus card. All 32 bits of the register are programmable by the Slave bus. It can only be read from the PCI Bus. Its reset value is 0x00000000. Subsystem ID/ Subsystem Vendor ID Registers PCISID(R)—MBAR + 0x0D2C The Subsystem Vendor ID register contains the 16-bit manufacturer identification number of the add-in board or subsystem that contains this PCI device. The Subsystem ID register contains the 16-bit subsystem identification number of the add-in board or subsystem that contains this PCI device. A value of zero in these registers indicates there isn’t a Subsystem Vendor and Subsystem ID associated with the device. If used, software must write to these registers before any PCI bus master reads them. All 32 bits of the register are programmable by the Slave bus. They can only be read from the PCI Bus. The reset value is 0x00000000. Expansion ROM Base Address PCIERBAR(R) —MBAR + 0x0D30 Not implemented. Fixed to 0x00000000. Capabilities Pointer (Cap_Ptr) PCICPR(R)—MBAR + 0x0D34 Not implemented. Fixed to 0x00000000. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-12 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Configuration 2 Register PCICR2 (R/RW) —MBAR + 0x0D3C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Latency R 11 12 13 14 15 Minimum Grant W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Maximum Latency (Max_Lat) Specifies how often, in units of 1/4 microseconds, the PCI controller would like to have access to the PCI bus as master. A value of zero indicates the device has no stringent requirement in this area. The register is read/write to/from the Slave bus, but read only from the PCI bus. Note: The MPC5200 does NOT support initiator latency time-outs, the internal PCI Arbiter does not support preemption of the internal masters XIPCI or SCPCI. The internal master is granted until the transaction has been completed. The Latency Timer (LT) cannot terminate any transfer. 8:15 Minimum Grant The value programmed to this register indicates how long the PCI controller as master (Min_Gnt) would like to retain PCI bus ownership whenever it initiates a transaction. The register is programmable from the Slave bus, but read only from the PCI bus. 16:23 Interrupt Pin Fixed to 0x00. Indicates that this device does NOT use an interrupt request pin. 24:31 Interrupt Line Fixed to 0x00. The Interrupt Line register stores a value that identifies which input on a PCI interrupt controller the function’s PCI interrupt request pin. Since no interrupt request pin is used, as specified in the Interrupt Pin register, this register has no function. 10.3.2 General Control/Status Registers The General Control/Status Registers primarily address the configurability of the XL bus Initiator and Target Interfaces, though some also address global options which affect the Multi-Channel DMA interface (BestComm). These registers are accessed primarily internally as offsets of MBAR, but can also be accessed by an external PCI master if PCI base and Target base address registers are configured to access the space. See Section 10.6.2, Address Maps on configuring address windows. R Global Status/Control Register PCIGSCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D60 msb 0 1 2 3 4 Rsvd BM PE SE Rsvd rwc rwc rwc 0 0 0 0 0 x x x 0 0 0 0 0 x x x 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Rsvd BME PEE SEE 0 0 0 0 W RESET R 5 6 7 8 9 xlb_clk to PCI_CLK differential 10 11 12 Reserved 13 14 15 ipg_clk to PCI_CLK differential Reserved PR W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-13 Registers Bits Name 0 Reserved 1 Broken Master Detected (BM) Description Unused bit. Software should write zero to this register. This bit is set when the PCI Arbiter detects a broken external PCI master. Note: In case of broken master detection the external PCI request will be ignored until external deassertion of PCI request or until a software reset (PCI Arbiter Softreset) or by Hardreset is detected. After broken master detection (PCI bus idle for 16 clocks) the arbiter will ignore any FRAME# assertion. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIGSCR[BME] bit is set. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 2 PERR Detected (PE) This bit is set when the PCI Parity Error line, PERR, asserts (any device). A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIGSCR[PEE] bit is set. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 3 SERR Detected (SE) This bit is set when a PCI System Error line, SERR, asserts (any device). A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIGSCR[SEE] bit is set. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 4 Reserved Unused bit. Software should write zero to this register. 5:7 xlb_clk to PCI_CLK differential (read only) This bit field stores the XL bus clock to the PCI clock divide ratio. This field is read-only and the reset value is determined by the PLL multiplier (either 1, 2, or 4). Software can read these bits to determine a valid ratio. If the register contains a differential value that does not reflect the PLL settings, the PCI controller could malfunction. 8:12 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. 13:15 ipg_clk to PCI_CLK differential (read only) This bit field stores the Slave bus clock to the PCI clock divide ratio. This field is read-only and the reset value is determined by the PLL multiplier (either 1, 2, or 4). Software can read these bits to determine a valid ratio. If the register contains a differential value that does not reflect the PLL settings, the PCI controller could malfunction. 16 Reserved Unused bit. Software should write zero to this register. 17 Broken Master Interrupt Enable (BME) This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation when a broken Master is detected. When enabled, software must clear the BM status bit to clear the interrupt condition. 18 Parity Error Interrupt Enable (PEE) This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation when the PCI Parity Error signal, PERR, is sampled asserted. When enabled and PERR asserts, software must clear the PE status bit to clear the interrupt condition. 19 System Error Interrupt Enable (SEE) This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation when a PCI System Error is detected on the SERR line. When enabled and SERR asserts, software must clear the SE status bit to clear the interrupt condition. 20:30 Reserved 31 PCI Reset (PR) Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. This bit controls the external PCI RST. When this bit is cleared, the external PCI RST deasserts. Setting this bit does not reset the internal PCI controller. The application software must not initiate PCI transactions while this bit is set. It is recommended that this bit be programmed last. The reset value of the bit is 1 (PCI RST asserted). Note: A global PCI reset should be asserted just by the MPC5200 controller. Any external common reset controller signal will be ignored by the internal PCI controller. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-14 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Target Base Address Translation Register 0 PCITBATR0(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D64 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Base Address Translation 0 R 14 15 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb Reserved R En W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:13 Base Address Translation 0 This base address register corresponds to a hit on the BAR0 in MPC5200 PCI Type 0 Configuration space register from PCI space. When there is a hit on MPC5200 PCI BAR0 (MPC5200 as Target), the upper 14 bits of the external PCI address (256Kbyte boundary) are written over by this register value to address some space in MPC5200. In normal operation, this value should be written during the initialization sequence only to point to the internal Register space. 14:30 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. 31 Enable 0 This bit enables a transaction in BAR0 space. If this bit is zero and a hit on MPC5200 PCIBAR0 occurs, the target interface gasket will abort the PCI transaction. Target Base Address Translation Register 1 PCITBATR1(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D68 msb 0 R W RESET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Base Address Translation 1 0 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 29 30 Reserved 0 17 8 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 R 0 23 0 24 0 25 26 27 Reserved 31 lsb En W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-15 Registers Bits Name Description 0:1 Base Address Translation 1 This base address register corresponds to a hit on the BAR1 in MPC5200 PCI Type 0 Configuration space register (PCI space). When there is a hit on MPC5200 PCI BAR1 (MPC5200 as Target), the upper 2 bits of the external PCI address (1Gbyte boundary) are written over by this register value to address some 1Gbyte space in MPC5200. This register can be reprogrammed to move the window of MPC5200 address space accessed during a hit in PCIBAR1. It should be written by software during initialization to point to the internal SDR/DDR memory space. Note: This register should not point to the LocalPlus Memory Space. This is not supported. 2:30 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. 31 Enable 1 This bit enables a transaction in BAR1 space. If this bit is zero and a hit on MPC5200 PCI BAR1 occurs, the target interface gasket will abort the PCI transaction. Target Control Register PCITCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D6C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 LD 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved P W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 Reserved 7 Latrule Disable (LD) 8:14 15 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. This control bit applies only when MPC5200 is Target. When set, it prevents the PCI Controller from automatically issuing a retry disconnect due to the PCI 16/8 clock rule. The bit must be set before the 15th PCI clock for the first transfer and before the 7th clock for other transfers. Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. Prefetch Reads This bit controls fetching a line from memory in anticipation of a request from the external (P) master. The target interface will continue to prefetch lines from memory as long as PCI_FRAME is asserted and there is space to store the data in the target read buffer. Note: This bit only applies to PCI reads in the address range for BAR 1 (prefetchable memory). Note: Prefetching is performed in response to a PCI memory-read-multiple command even if this bit is cleared. 16:31 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-16 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Initiator Window 0 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW0BTAR(RW)—MBAR + 0x0D70 msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Window 0 Base Address 10 11 12 13 14 15 Window 0 Address Mask W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved Window 0 Translation Address W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Window 0 Base Address One of three base address registers to determine an XL bus hit on PCI. At most, the upper byte of the address is decoded. The Window 0 Address Mask register determines what bits of this register to compare the XL bus address against to generate the hit. Note: The smallest possible Window is a 16 MByte block. 8:15 Window 0 Address Mask The Window 0 Address Mask Register masks the corresponding XL bus base address bit of the base address for Window 0 (Window 0 Base Address) to instruct the address decode logic to ignore or “don’t care” the bit. If the base address mask bit is set, the associated base address bit of Window 0 is ignored when generating the PCI hit. Bit 16 masks bit 24, bit 17 masks bit 25, and so on. 0 Corresponding address bit is used in address decode 1 Corresponding address bit is ignored in address decode For XLB accesses to Window 0 address range, this byte also determines which upper 8 bits of the XLB address to pass on for presentation as a PCI address. Any address bit used to decode the XLB address, indicated by a “0”, will be translated. This provides a way to overlay a PCI page address onto the XLB address. A “1” in the Address Mask byte indicates that the XLB address bit will be passed to PCI unaltered. 16:23 24:31 Window 0 Translation Address For any translated bit (described above), the corresponding value here will be driven onto the PCI address bus for the XL bus Window 0 address hit. Note: The Window Translation operation can not be turned off. If a direct mapping from XLB to PCI space is desired, program the same value to both the Window Base Address Register and Window Translation Address Register. Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. Initiator Window 1 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW1BTAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D74 Table 1. msb 0 1 R 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Window 1 Base Address 10 11 12 13 14 15 Window 1 Address Mask W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-17 Registers R Window 1 Translation Address Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-18 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Initiator Window 2 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW2BTAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D78 msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Window 2 Base Address 10 11 12 13 14 15 Window 2 Address Mask W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved Window 2 Translation Address W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Reserved R 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved 13 14 15 Window 1 Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved Window 2 Control W 0 0 Bits Name 0:3 Reserved 4:7 0 Window 0 Control W RESET 0 Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80 msb 0 RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved register. Write a zero to this register. Window 0 Control Bit[3] - IO/M#. [3:0] 0 = Window is mapped to PCI memory 1 = Window is mapped to PCI I/O Bit[2:1] - PCI Read Command (PRC). If bit[3] is programmed memory, “0”, then these bits are used to determine the type of PCI memory command to issue. See Table 10-15. If bit[3] is set to “1”, the value of these bits are meaningless. 00 = PCI Memory Read 01 = PCI Memory Read Line 10 = PCI Memory Read Multiple 11 = Reserved Note: A PCI write command is automatically detected and needs not to be explicitly configured. No PCI Write and Invalidate command is allowed in any case with this interface. Bit[0] - Enable. This bit is set to indicate the address registers that control the XLB initiator interface access to PCI initialized and will be used. The PCI Controller can begin to decode XLB PCI accesses. 0 = Do not decode XLB PCI accesses to Window 1 = Registers initialized - decode accesses to Window MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-19 Registers 8:11 12:15 Reserved Reserved register. Write a zero to this register. Window 1Control Bit[3] - IO/M#. [3:0] Bit[2:1] - PRC. Bit[0] - Enable. 16:19 20:23 Reserved Reserved register. Write a zero to this register. Window 0 Control Bit[3] - IO/M#. [3:0] Bit[2:1] - PRC. Bit[0] - Enable. 24:31 Reserved Reserved register. Write a zero to this register. Initiator Control Register PCIICR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D84 msb 0 1 2 3 4 Reserved R 5 6 7 REE IAE TAE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 1 1 R Reserved Maximum Retries W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Bits Name Description 0:4 Reserved 5 Retry Error Enable (RE) 6 Initiator Abort Enable (IAE) This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation in the case of Initiator Abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts, but in such a case, software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 7 Target Abort Enable (TAE) This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation in the case of Target Abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts, but in such a case, software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 8:23 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. 24:31 Maximum Retries This bit field controls the maximum number of automatic PCI retries or master latency time-outs to permit per transaction. The retry counter is reset at the beginning of each transaction (i.e. it is not cumulative). Setting the Maximum Retries to 0x00 allows infinite automatic retry cycles and latency time-outs before the transaction will be abort and send back an error on XLB. A slow or malfunctioning Target might issue infinite retry disconnects or hold the data tenure open indefinitely, and therefore, permanently tie up the PCI bus if no Target Abort occurs. Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. This bit enables CPU Interrupt generation in the case of Retry Error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts, but in such a case, software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-20 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Initiator Status Register PCIISR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x0D88 msb 0 1 2 3 4 Reserved R W RESET 5 6 7 RE IA TA rwc rwc rwc 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:4 Reserved 5 Retry Error (RE) This flag is set if Max_Retries is set to a finite value (0x01 through 0xff) and the Target has performed Max_Retries number of retry disconnects for a single transaction. A retry error would generally indicate a broken or improperly accessed Target. A CPU interrupt will be generated if PCIICR[RE] bit is set. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 6 Initiator Abort (IA) This flag bit is set if the PCI controller issues an Initiator Abort flag. This indicates that no Target responded by asserting DEVSEL within the time allowed for subtractive decoding. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIICR[IAE] bit is set. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 7 Target Abort (TA) This flag bit is set if the addressed PCI Target has signalled an Abort. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the PCIICR[TAE] bit is set. It is up to application software to query the Target’s status register and determine the source of the error. This is a RWC (Read/WriteClear) bit: to clear it, software must write a ‘1’ at this position. 8:31 Reserved Description Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. PCI Arbiter Register PCIARB(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D8C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R 7 8 9 10 ASR 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-21 Registers 7 PCI Arbiter Soft This bit puts the PCI Arbiter in a reset condition. Reset (ASR) 1 = reset the PCI Arbiter 0 = release the PCI Arbiter Note: Resetting the PCI arbiter will disrupt any related transaction in progress and should be reserved only for error conditions, or when it is known that no PCI or AD bus transactions are in progress. 8:31 Reserved Configuration Address Register PCICAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x0DF8 msb 0 R Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved E 11 12 13 14 15 Bus Number W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Device Number Function Number dword Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 Enable (E) The enable flag that controls configuration space mapping. When enabled, subsequent access to initiator window space defined as I/O in the PCIIWCR is translated into a PCI configuration access using the Configuration Address Register information (Section 10.6, Application Information). When disabled, a read or write to the window is passed through to the PCI bus as an I/O transaction using the. 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled 1:7 Reserved 8:15 Bus Number This register field is an encoded value used to select the target bus of the configuration access. For target devices on the PCI bus connected to MPC5200, this field should be set to 0x00. 16:20 Device Number This field is used to select a specific device on the target bus. 21:23 Function Number This field is used to select a specific function in the requested device. Single-function devices should respond to function number 0b000. 24:29 dword 30:31 Reserved 10.3.3 Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. This field is used to select the dword address offset in the configuration space of the target device. Unused bits. Software should write zero to this register. Communication Sub-System Interface Registers The Communication Sub-System/Multi-Channel DMA interface (also shortly referred to as SCPCI) has separate control registers for transmit and receive operations. Multi-Channel DMA Transmit Interface PCI Tx is controlled by 14 ‘32-bit’ registers. These registers are located at an offset 0x3800 from MBAR. Register addresses are relative to this offset. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-22 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Tx Packet Size PCITPSR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3800 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Packet_Size[16:2] 14 15 Packet_Size[1:0] W RESET 0 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:15 Packet_Size User writes the number of bytes for transmit controller to send over PCI.The two low bits are hardwired low; only 32-bit data transfers to the FIFO are allowed. Writing to this register also completes a Restart Sequence as long as the Master Enable bit, PCITER[ME], is high and Reset Controller bit, PCITER[RC], is low. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Tx Start Address PCITSAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3804 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Start_Add W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Start_Add W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Start_Add User writes the PCI address to be presented for the first DWORD (32 bit) of a PCI packet. The PCI Tx controller will track and calculate the necessary address for subsequent transactions (addressing is assumed to be sequential from the start address). Tx Transaction Control Register PCITTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3808 msb 0 R 1 2 3 Reserved 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PCI_cmnd 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 Max_Retries W RESET 0 0 0 0 0111 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-23 Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 Reserved R 22 23 24 Max_Beats 25 26 Reserved 27 28 W 29 30 Reserved 31 lsb DI W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:3 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 4:7 PCI_cmd The user writes this field with the desired PCI command to present during the address phase of each PCI transaction. The default is Memory Write. This field is not checked for consistency and if written to an illegal value, unpredictable results will occur. If not using the default value, the user should write this register only once prior to any packet Restart. 8:15 Max_Retries The user writes this field with the maximum number of retries to permit “perpacket”. The retry counter is reset when the packet completes normally or is terminated by a master abort, target abort, or an abort due to exceeding the retry limit. A slow or malfunctioning Target might issue infinite disconnects and therefore permanently tie up the PCI bus. A finite (0x01 to 0xfe) Max_Retries value will detect this condition and generate an interrupt. Setting Max_Retries to 0x00 or 0xff will not generate any interrupt. 16:20 Reserved 21:23 Max_Beats 24:26 Reserved 27 Word Transfer (W) 28:30 Reserved 31 Unused bits. Software should write zero to these bits. The user writes this register with the desired number of PCI data beats to attempt on each PCI transaction. The default setting of 0 represents the maximum of eight beats per transaction. The transmit controller will wait until sufficient bytes are in the Transmit FIFO to support the indicated number of beats (NOTE: Each beat is four bytes). In the case that a packet is nearly complete and less than the Max_Beats number of bytes remain to complete the packet, the Transmit Controller will issue single-beat transactions automatically until the packet is finished. Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. The user writes this register to disable the two high byte enables of the PCI bus during scpci initiated write transactions. The default setting is 0, enable all 4 byte enables. Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Disable address The user writes this register to disable PCI address incrementing between transactions. Incrementing The default setting is 0, incrementing the address by 4 (4 byte data bus). (DI) Note: This feature is recommended when an external FIFO (with a fixed address) must be written. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-24 Freescale Semiconductor Registers R Tx Enables PCITER(RW)—MBAR + 0x380C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 RC RF Rsvd CM BE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reserved 7 8 ME 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FEE SE RE TAE IAE NE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 Reset Controller (RC) User writes this bit high to put Transmit Controller in a reset state. Other register bits are not affected. This Reset is intended for recovery from an error condition or to reload the Start Address when Continuous mode is selected. This Reset bit does not prohibit register access but it must be negated in order to initiate a Restart sequence (i.e. writing the Packet_Size register). If it is used to reload a Start Address then the Start_Add register must be written prior to asserting this Reset bit. 1 Reset FIFO (RF) The FIFO will be reset and flushed of any existing data when set high. The Reset Controller bit and the Reset FIFO bit operate independently but clearly both must be low for normal operation. 2 Reserved 3 Continuous mode (CM) User writes this bit high to activate Continuous mode. In Continuous mode the Start_Add value is ignored at each packet restart and the PCI address is auto-incremented from one packet to the next. Also, the Packets_Done status byte will become active, indicating how many packets have been transmitted since the last Reset Controller condition. If the Continuous bit is low, software is responsible for updating the Start_Add value at each packet Restart. 4 Bus error Enable (BE) User writes this bit high to enable Bus Error indications. Section, Tx Status PCITSR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x381C for Bus Error descriptions. Normally this bit will be low (negated) since illegal Slave bus accesses are not destructive to register contents (although it may indicate broken software). This bit does not affect interrupt generation. 5:6 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 7 Master Enable (ME) 8:9 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 10 FIFO Error Enable (FEE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of FIFO error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 11 System error Enable (SE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of system error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case someone should be polling the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. Unused bit. Software should write a zero to this bit. This is the Transmit Controller master enable signal. User must write it high to enable operation. It can be toggled low to permit out-of-order register updates prior to generating a Restart sequence (in which case transmission will begin when Master Enable is written back high), but it should not be used as such in Continuous mode because it has the side effect of resetting the Packets_Done status counter. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-25 Registers Bits Name Description 12 Retry abort Enable (RE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of retry abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 13 Target Abort Enable (TAE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of target abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 14 Initiator Abort Enable (IAE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of initiator abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 15 Normal termination Enable (NE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation at the conclusion of a normally terminated packet transmission. This may or may not be desirable depending on the nature of program control by Multi-Channel DMA or the processor core. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Tx Next Address PCITNAR(R) —MBAR + 0x3810 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next_Address W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Next_Address W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Next_Address This status register contains the next (unwritten) PCI address and is updated at the successful completion of each PCI data beat. It represents a byte address and is updated with the user-written Start_Add value whenever the Start_Add is reloaded. It is intended to be accurate even in the case of abnormal terminations on the PCI bus. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-26 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Tx Last Word PCITLWR(R) —MBAR + 0x3814 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Last_Word W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Last_Word W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Last_Word This status register indicates the last 32-bit data fetched from the FIFO and is designed for the case in which an abnormal PCI termination has corrupted the integrity of the FIFO data (for that word). Tx Done Counts PCITDCR(R) —MBAR + 0x3818 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bytes_Done W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Packets_Done W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:15 Bytes_Done This status register indicates the number of bytes transmitted since the start of a packet. It is updated at the end of each successful PCI data beat. For normally terminated packets the Bytes_Done value and the Packet_Size values will be equal. If Continuous Mode is active the Bytes_Done value will read zero at the end of a successful packet and the Packets_Done field will be incremented. 16:31 Packets_Done This status register indicates the number of packets transmitted and is active only if continuous mode is in effect. The counter is reset if the following occurs: • Reset Controller bit, PCITER[RC], is asserted (normal way to restart continuous mode) • Master Enable bit, PCITER[ME], becomes negated Master enable can reset Packets_Done status without disturbing continuous mode addressing. At any point in time, the total number of Bytes transmitted can be calculated as: (Packets_Done x Packet_Size) + Bytes_Done assuming Packet_Size is the same for all restart sequences MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-27 Registers Tx Status PCITSR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x381C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved R W RESET 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NT BE3 BE2 BE1 FE SE RE TA IA rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 Reserved 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Normal This flag is set when any packet terminates normally. It is NOT set for abnormally terminated Termination packets. (NT) Note: Flag does not require clearing, but does not clear until 1 is written, in which case 0 is read back (i.e., negated). The following flag bits operate similarly. Bus Error type 3 (BE3) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to write to a Read-Only register. This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. No register bit corruption occurs for this (or any other) bus error case. 9 Bus Error type 2 (BE2) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to write to a Reserved register (an entire 32-bit register, not just a Reserved bit or byte). This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. 10 Bus Error type 1 (BE1) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to read a Reserved register (an entire 32-bit register, not just a Reserved bit or byte). This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. 11 FIFO Error (FE) This flag is set whenever the Transmit FIFO asserts its FIFO Error output. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the FIFO Error Enable (FEE) bit is set. The source of the error must be determined by reading the FIFO Error status register. Also, the error condition must be cleared at the FIFO prior to clearing this Sticky bit or this flag will continue to assert. 12 System Error (SE) This flag is set in response to the Transmit Controller entering an illegal state. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the System error Enable (SE) bit is set. In normal operation this should never occur. The only recovery is to assert the Reset Controller bit, PCITER[RC], and clear this flag. 13 Retry Error (RE) This flag is set if Max_Retries is set to a finite value (0x01 to 0xff) and the PCI transaction has performed retries in excess of the setting. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Retry error Enable (RE) bit is set. The retry counter is reset at the beginning of each transaction (i.e. it is not cumulative throughout a packet) and would generally indicate a broken or improperly accessed Target. 14 Target Abort This flag bit is set if the PCI controller has issued a Target Abort (which means the addressed (TA) PCI Target has signalled an Abort). A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Target Abort Enable (TAE) bit is set. It is up to application software to query the Target’s status register and determine the source of the error. The coherency of the Transmit FIFO data and the Transmit Controller’s status registers (Next_Address, Bytes_Done, etc.) should remain valid. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-28 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Bits Name Description 15 Initiator Abort (IA) This flag bit is set if the PCI controller issues an Initiator Abort flag. This indicates that no Target responded but further status information can be read from the PCI Configuration interface. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Initiator Abort error Enable (IAE) bit is set. The coherency of the Transmit FIFO data and the Transmit Controller’s status registers (Next_Address, Bytes_Done, etc.) should remain valid. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Tx FIFO Data Register PCITFDR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3840 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 27 28 29 30 31 lsb FIFO_Data_Word W RESET uninitialized random 16 bit value 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 23 24 25 26 FIFO_Data_Word W RESET uninitialized random 16 bit value Bits Name Description 0:31 FIFO_Data_Word This is the data port to the FIFO. Reading from this location will “pop” data from the FIFO, writing data will “push” data into the FIFO. During normal operation the Multi-Channel DMA controller will be pushing data here. The PCI controller will pop data for transmission from a dedicated peripheral port, so the user program should not be reading here. At reset any uninitialized random 32 bit value is read at this address. A FIFO reset must be always performed before first accessing the FIFO. Note: Only full 32-bit accesses are allowed. If all Byte enables are not asserted when accessing this location, FIFO data will be corrupted. Tx FIFO Status Register PCITFSR(R/RWC) —MBAR + 0x3844 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reserved R W RESET 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RXW UF OF FR Full Alarm Empty rwc rwc rwc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-29 Registers Bits Name 0:8 Reserved 9 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Receive Wait This flag bit indicates that the ipf_rcv bus is incurring wait states because there is not enough Condition room in the FIFO to accept the data without causing overflow. This bit will cause the error (RXW) outputs (fifoError, ipf_rcv_error, ipf_xmit_error) to assert unless the RXW_MASK bit in the FIFO Control register is set. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. 10 UnderFlow (UF) This flag bit indicates that the read pointer has surpassed the write pointer. In other words the FIFO has been read beyond Empty. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. 11 OverFlow (OF) This flag bit indicates that the write pointer has surpassed the read pointer. In other words the FIFO has been written beyond Full. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. 12 Frame Ready The FIFO has a complete Frame of data ready for transmission. This module (FR) does not provide support for Data Framing applications, so this bit should be ignored. 13 Full The FIFO is Full. This is not a sticky bit or error condition. The Full indication tracks with the state of the FIFO. 14 Alarm When the FIFO pointer is at or below the Alarm “watermark”, as written by the user according to the Alarm and Control registers settings, this bit is set, automatically signalling to the DMA engine the need to re-fill the FIFO. By writing a ‘1’ to this bit software can enforce a re-evaluation of the ‘alarm’ condition. 15 Empty The FIFO is empty. This is not a sticky bit or error condition. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Tx FIFO Control Register PCITFCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3848 5 Reserved R 6 7 GR W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 1 21 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved OF_MASK 4 UF_MASK 3 RXW_MASK 2 FAE_MASK 1 IP_MASK msb 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:4 Reserved Unused. Software shall write zero to these bits. (R/W) 5:7 Granularity (GR) Granularity bits control high “watermark” point at which FIFO negates Alarm condition (i.e., request for data). It represents the number of free Bytes, which is given by the granularity value multiplied by 4. Note: A granularity setting of zero should be avoided because it means the Alarm bit (and the Requestor signal) will not negate until the FIFO is completely full. The Multi-Channel DMA module may perform up to 2 additional data writes after the negation of a Requestor due to its internal pipelining MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-30 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Bits Name 8 IP_MASK Description Illegal Pointer Mask When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status register’s IP bit from generating an error. 9 FAE_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s FAE bit from generating an error. 10 RXW_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s RXW bit from generating an error. (To help with backward compatibility, this bit is asserted at reset.) 11 UF_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s UF bit from generating an error. 12 OF_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s OF bit from generating an error. 13:15 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. (R/W) Tx FIFO Alarm Register PCITFAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x384C msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved Alarm Alarm W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 Reserved 20:31 Alarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. User writes these bits to set low level “watermark”, which is the point where FIFO asserts request for Multi-Channel DMA controller data filling. Value is in Bytes. For example, with Alarm = 32, alarm condition occurs when FIFO contains less than 32Bytes. Once asserted, alarm does not negate until high level mark is reached, as specified by FIFO control register granularity (GR) bits. Note: An Alarm setting less than the value of Max_Beats x 4 should be avoided. The transmit operation waits for the data to be stored in the FIFO before transmission onto the PCI bus. (e.g. A Max_setting of 0 represents eight beats (32-bits each) per transaction. The value of Alarm is in bytes. Ex: the value programmed to the Alarm register should be at least 0x20 (32 bytes) for the Multi-Channel DMA to continue to write enough data to complete at least one PCI burst.) Note: TX PCI FIFO is 512 bytes deep. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-31 Registers Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register PCITFRPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3850 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R ReadPtr W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 Reserved 20:31 ReadPtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. This value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. The value represents the Read address presented to the FIFO RAM. Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register PCITFWPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3854 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved WritePtr W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 Reserved 20:31 WritePtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused bits. Software should write zero to these bits. Value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. Value represents the Write address presented to the FIFO RAM. This marks the end of the PCI Multi-Channel DMA Transmit Interface description. Multi-Channel DMA Receive Interface PCI Rx is controlled by 13 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR. Register addresses are relative to this offset. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-32 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Rx Packet Size PCIRPSR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3880 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Packet_Size[16:2] 14 15 Packet_Size[1: 0!] W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:15 Packet_Size The user writes this register with the number of bytes for Receive Controller to fetch over PCI. The two low bits are hardwired low; only 32-bit data transfers to the FIFO are allowed. Writing to this register also completes a Restart Sequence as long as Master Enable bit, PCIRER[ME], is high and Reset Controller bit, PCIRER[RC], is low. 16:31 Reserved Unused bits. Software should write zero to these bits. No Bus Error is generated Rx Start Address PCIRSAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x3884 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Start_Add W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Start_Add W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Start_Add The user writes this register with the desired Starting Address for the current packet. This is the address which will be first presented on the external PCI bus and then auto-incremented as necessary. This register will not increment as the PCI packet proceeds. Rx Transaction Control Register PCIRTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3888 msb 0 R 1 2 3 Reserved 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PCI_cmnd 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 Max_Retries W RESET 0 0 0 0 1100 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-33 Registers 16 17 18 Reserved R 19 20 FB R 0 0 21 22 23 24 Max_Beats 25 26 Reserved 27 28 W 29 30 Reserved 31 lsb DI W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:3 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 4:7 PCI_cmd The user writes this field with the desired PCI command to present during the address phase of each PCI transaction. The default is Memory Read Multiple. This field is not checked for consistency and if written to an illegal value, unpredictable results will occur. If not using the default value, the user should write this register only once prior to any packet Restart. 8:15 Max_Retries The user writes this field with the maximum number of retries to permit “per packet”. The retry counter is reset when the packet completes normally or is terminated by a master abort, target abort, or an abort due to exceeding the retry limit. A slow or malfunctioning Target might issue infinite disconnects and therefore permanently tie up the PCI bus. A finite (0x01 to 0xfe) Max_Retries value will detect this condition and generate an interrupt. Setting Max_Retries to 0x00 or 0xff will not generate any interrupt. 16:18 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 19 Full Burst (FB) This is the Full Burst bit. If Full Burst is set, no check of the Receive Fifo emptiness is done and the PCI transaction is immediately started when Packet_Size register is written (and SCPCI RX gains the PCI bus). The PCI transaction will continue with multiple data beats UNTIL THE FULL PACKET IS TRANSFERRED (up to 65K bytes). The Full Burst operation avoids latency time-out and will not relinquish the bus until all Packet Bytes are received. Note: All Fifo checks (by scpci Rx) are disabled in this mode. It is up to the Multi-Channel DMA to keep the Rx Fifo from being overrun by the continuous incoming PCI burst data. Note: It is recommended to use the Full Burst mode only for transactions where more than 32 Bytes should be received. Note: Max_Beats must be set to 0. 20 Reserved 21:23 Max_Beats 24:26 Reserved 27 Word Transfer (W) 28:30 Reserved 31 Disable address Incrementing (DI) Unused. Software should write zero to this bit. The user writes this register with the desired number of PCI data beats to attempt on each PCI transaction. The default setting of 0 represents the maximum of eight beats per transaction. The receive controller will wait until sufficient space is in the Receive FIFO to support the indicated number of beats (Note: Each beat is four bytes). In the case that a packet is nearly complete and less than the Max_Beats number of bytes remain to complete the packet, the Receive Controller will issue single-beat transactions automatically until the packet is finished. Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. The user writes this register to disable the two high byte enables of the PCI bus during initiated read transactions. The default setting is 0, enable all 4 byte enables. Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. The user writes this register to disable PCI address incrementing between transactions. The default setting is 0, increment address by 4 (4 byte data bus). Note: This feature is recommended when reading from an external FIFO (having a fixed address). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-34 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Rx Enables PCIRER (RW) —MBAR + 0x388C msb 0 1 2 3 4 RC RF FE CM BE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 5 6 Reserved 7 8 ME 9 Reserved 10 11 12 13 14 15 FEE SE RE TAE IAE NE 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET 16 R 0 Reserved W RESET 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 Reset Controller (RC) User writes this bit high to put Receive Controller in a reset state. Note that other register bits are not affected. This Reset is intended for recovery from an error condition or to reload the Start Address when Continuous mode is selected. This Reset bit does not prohibit register access but it must be negated in order to initiate a Restart sequence (i.e. writing the Packet_Size register). If it is used to reload a Start Address then the Start_Add register must be written prior to asserting this Reset bit. 1 Reset FIFO (RF) The FIFO will be reset and flushed of any existing data when set high. The Reset Controller bit and the Reset FIFO bit operate independently, but clearly both must be low for normal operation. 2 FE Flush enable. This is an important bit which causes a flush signal to be generated to the Receive FIFO Controller when the end of the current packet occurs. This Flush is necessary to insure that the Multi-Channel DMA will get all data left in the Receive FIFO. FE is active high. 3 Continuous mode (CM) User writes this bit high to activate Continuous mode. In Continuous mode the Start_Add value is ignored at each packet restart and the PCI address is auto-incremented from one packet to the next. Also, the Packets_Done status byte will become active, indicating how many packets have been received since the last Reset Controller condition. If the Continuous bit is low, software is responsible for updating the Start_Add value at each packet Restart. 4 Bus error Enable (BE) User writes this bit high to enable Bus Error indications. Section, Rx Status PCIRSR (R/sw1) —MBAR + 0x389C for Bus Error descriptions. Normally this bit will be 0 since illegal Slave bus accesses are not destructive to register contents, although it may indicate broken software. Note that this bit does not affect interrupt generation. 5:6 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 7 Master Enable (ME) 8:9 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 10 FIFO Error Enable (FEE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of FIFO error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. This is the Receive Controller master enable signal. User must write it high to enable operation. It can be toggled low to permit out-of-order register updates prior to generating a Restart sequence (in which case transmission will begin when Master Enable is written back high), but it should not be used as such in Continuous mode because it has the side effect of resetting the Packets_Done status counter. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-35 Registers Bits Name Description 11 System error Enable (SE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of system error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case someone should be polling the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 12 Retry abort Enable (RE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of retry abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case, software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 13 Target Abort Enable (TAE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of target abort termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 14 Initiator Abort error Enable (IAE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation in the case of initiator abort error termination of a packet transmission. It may be desirable to mask CPU interrupts in the case that Multi-Channel DMA is controlling operation, but in such a case software should poll the status bits to prevent a possible lock-up condition. 15 Normal termination Enable (NE) User writes this bit high to enable CPU Interrupt generation at the conclusion of a normally terminated packet transmission. This may or may not be desirable depending on the nature of program control by Multi-Channel DMA or the processor core. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Rx Next Address PCIRNAR(R) —MBAR + 0x3890 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next_Address W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Next_Address W RESET 0 Bits 0:31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Description Next_Address This status register contains the next (unread) PCI address and is updated at the successful completion of each PCI data beat. It represents a Byte address and is updated with a user-written Start_Add value when Start_Add is reloaded. This register is intended to be accurate even if an abnormal PCI bus termination occurs. Rx Last Word PCIRLWR(R) —MBAR + 0x3894 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Last_Word W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-36 Freescale Semiconductor Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Last_Word W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:31 Last_Word This status register indicates the last 32-bit data fetched from the FIFO and is designed for the case in which an abnormal PCI termination has corrupted the integrity of the FIFO data (for that word). RxDone Counts PCIRDCR(R) —MBAR + 0x3898 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bytes_Done W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Packets_Done W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:15 Bytes_Done This status register indicates the number of Bytes received since the start of a packet. It is updated at the end of each successful PCI data beat. For normally terminated packets, the Bytes_Done value and the Packet_Size values are equal. If continuous mode is active, the Bytes_Done value reads 0 at the end of a successful packet and the Packets_Done field is incremented. 16:31 Packets_Done This status register indicates the number of packets received. It is active only if continuous mode is in effect. If the following occurs, the counter is reset: • • Reset Controller bit, PCIRER[RC], is asserted (normal way to restart continuous mode) Master Enable bit, PCIRER[ME], is negated In this way, master enable can be used to reset Packets_Done status without disturbing continuous mode addressing. At any point in time the total number of Bytes received can be calculated as: (Packets_Done x Packet_Size) + Bytes_Done This assumes Packet_Size is the same for all restart sequences. Rx Status PCIRSR (R/sw1) —MBAR + 0x389C msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 Reserved W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NT BE3 BE2 BE1 FE SE RE TA IA rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc rwc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-37 Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET 23 0 0 Bits Name 0:6 Reserved 7 Normal Termination (NT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. This flag is set when any packet terminates normally. It is not set in the case of an abnormally terminated packet. It does not require clearing but will not clear until it is written to a one (in which case it will now read back as zero, i.e. negated). >ALL THE FOLLOWING FLAG BITS OPERATE SIMILARLY< 8 Bus Error type 3 (BE3) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to write to a Read-Only register. This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. No corruption of the register bits occur for this (or any other) Bus Error case. 9 Bus Error type 2 (BE2) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to write to a Reserved register (an entire 32-bit register, not just a Reserved bit or byte). This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. 10 Bus Error type 1 (BE1) This flag is set whenever a Slave bus transaction attempts to read a Reserved register (an entire 32-bit register, not just a Reserved bit or byte). This flag bit is set regardless of the Bus error Enable bit (BE). If software is polling this Byte and wishes to disregard this error it must mask this bit out. 11 FIFO Error (FE) This flag is set whenever the Receive FIFO asserts its FIFO Error output. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the FIFO Error Enable (FEE) bit is set. The source of the error must be determined by reading the FIFO Error status register. Also, the error condition must be cleared at the FIFO prior to clearing this Sticky bit or this flag will continue to assert. 12 System Error (SE) This flag is set in response to the Transmit Controller entering an illegal state. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the System error Enable (SE) bit is set. In normal operation this should never occur. The only recovery is to assert the Reset Controller bit, PCIRER[RC], and clear this flag. 13 Retry Error (RE) This flag is set if Max_Retries is set to a finite value (0x01 to 0xff) and the PCI transaction has performed retries in excess of the setting. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Retry error Enable (RE) bit is set. The retry counter is reset at the beginning of each transaction (i.e. it is not cumulative throughout a packet) and would generally indicate a broken or improperly accessed Target. 14 Target Abort (TA) This flag bit is set if the PCI controller has issued a Target Abort (which means the addressed PCI Target has signalled an Abort). A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Target Abort Enable (TAE) bit is set. It is up to application software to query the Target’s status register and determine the source of the error. The coherency of the Receive FIFO data and the Receive Controller’s status registers (Next_Address, Bytes_Done, etc.) should remain valid. 15 Initiator Abort (IA) This flag bit is set if the PCI controller issues an Initiator Abort flag. This indicates that no Target responded but further status information can be read from the PCI Configuration interface. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the Initiator Abort error Enable (IAE) bit is set. The coherency of the Receive FIFO data and the Receive Controller’s status registers (Next_Address, Bytes_Done, etc.) should remain valid. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-38 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Rx FIFO Data Register PCIRFDR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38C0 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 27 28 29 30 31 lsb FIFO_Data_Word W RESET uninitailized random 16 bit value 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 23 24 25 26 FIFO_Data_Word W RESET uninitalized random 16 bit value Bits Name Description 0:31 FIFO_Data_Word FIFO data port—Reading from this location “pops” data from the FIFO; writing “pushes” data into the FIFO. During normal operation the Multi-Channel DMA controller pops data here. The receive controller pushes data. Therefore, user programs should not write here. At power on reset an uninitialized random value is read at this register. A FIFO reset must be always performed before first accessing the FIFO. Note: Only full 32-bit accesses are allowed. If all Byte enables are not asserted when accessing this location, FIFO data will be corrupted. Rx FIFO Status Register PCIRFSR(R/sw1) —MBAR + 0x38C4 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reserved R W RESET 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RXW UF OF FR Full Alarm Empty rwc rwc rwc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:8 Reserved 9 Receive Wait Condition (RXW) This flag bit indicates that the ipf_rcv bus is incurring wait states because there is not enough room in the FIFO to accept the data without causing overflow. This bit will cause the error outputs (fifoError, ipf_rcv_error, ipf_xmit_error) to assert unless the RXW_MASK bit in the FIFO Control register is set. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. 10 UnderFlow (UF) This flag bit indicates that the read pointer has surpassed the write pointer. In other words the FIFO has been read beyond Empty. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. 11 OverFlow (OF) This flag bit indicates that the write pointer has surpassed the read pointer. In other words the FIFO has been written beyond Full. Resetting the FIFO will clear this condition and the flag bit is cleared by writing a one to its bit position. Unused byte. Software should write zero to these bits. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-39 Registers Bits Name Description 12 Frame Ready (FR) The FIFO has a complete Frame of data ready for transmission. This module does not provide support for Data Framing applications, so this bit should be ignored. 13 Full The FIFO is Full. This is not a sticky bit or error condition. The Full indication tracks with the state of the FIFO. 14 Alarm When the FIFO pointer is at or above the Alarm “watermark”, as written by the user according to the Alarm and Control registers settings, the Alarm bit is asserted, thus automatically signalling to the DMA engine that the FIFO needs to be ‘emptied’. By writing a ‘1’ to this location software can enforce re-evaluation of the alarm condition. 15 Empty The FIFO is empty. This is not a sticky bit or error condition. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. Rx FIFO Control Register PCIRFCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38C8 5 Reserved 6 7 8 GR W RESET 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved OF_MASK 4 UF_MASK 3 RXW_MASK R 2 FAE_MASK 1 IP_MASK msb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:4 Reserved Unused. Software shall write zero to these bits. (R/W) 5:7 Granularity (GR) Granularity bits control high “watermark” point at which FIFO negates Alarm condition (i.e., request for data). It represents the number of free Bytes times 4. Note: A granularity setting of zero should be avoided because it means the Alarm bit (and the Requestor signal) will not negate until the FIFO is completely full. The Multi-Channel DMA module may perform up to 2 additional data writes after the negation of a Requestor due to its internal pipelining 8 IP_MASK Illegal Pointer Mask When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status register’s IP bit from generating an error. 9 FAE_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s FAE bit from generating an error. 10 RXW_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s RXW bit from generating an error. (To help with backward compatibility, this bit is asserted at reset.) 11 UF_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s UF bit from generating an error. 12 OF_MASK When this bit is set, the FIFO controller masks the Status Register’s OF bit from generating an error. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-40 Freescale Semiconductor Registers Bits Name Description 13:15 Reserved Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. 16:31 Reserved Unused. Software shall write zero to these bits. (R/W) Rx FIFO Alarm Register PCIRFAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38CC msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 Reserved R Alarm Alarm W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 Reserved 20:31 Alarm [11:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. User writes these bits to set the low level watermark, which is the point at which the FIFO asserts its request for data emptying to the Multi-Channel DMA controller. This value is in bytes. For example, with Alarm = 32, the alarm condition will occur when the FIFO has 32 or less free bytes in it. The alarm, once asserted, will not negate until the high level mark is reached, as specified by the Granularity bits in the Rx FIFO Control Register. Note: The PCI RX FIFO is 512 bytes deep. Rx FIFO Read Pointer Register PCIRFRPR(RW) —MBAR + 0x38D0 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved ReadPtr W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 Reserved 20:31 ReadPtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. This value is maintained by the FIFO hardware and is not normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases but will disrupt the integrity of the data flow. This value represents the Read address being presented to the FIFO RAM. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-41 Functional Description Rx FIFO Write Pointer Register PCIRFWPR (RW) —MBAR + 0x38D4 msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R WritePtr W RESET 0 0 Bits Name 12:19 Reserved 20:31 WritePtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Unused. Software should write zero to these bits. This value is maintained by the FIFO hardware and is not normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases but will of course disrupt the integrity of the data flow. This value represents the Write address being presented to the FIFO RAM. This marks the end of the PCI Multi-Channel DMA Receive Interface description. 10.4 Functional Description The MPC5200 PCI module provides both master and target PCI bus interfaces as shown in Figure 10-1. The internal PCI master, or initiator, interface is accessible by any XL bus master such as the processor core and also provides a DMA interface (for BEstComm) through the Communication Sub-System, which can be accessed by the Multi-Channel DMA engine. The internal PCI target interface provides external PCI masters access into two memory windows of MPC5200 address space. PCI arbitration is handled external to this module, by the MPC5200 internal PCI arbiter. NOTE Only the internal PCI arbiter of the MPC5200 can be used as PCI arbiter for the PCI bus. An external PCI arbiter cannot be used. The registers, described in Section 10.3, Registers, control and provide information about these multiple interfaces. An additional Configuration interface allows internal access through the Slave bus(also referred to as IP bus) to the PCI Type 0 Configuration registers, which are accessible to both MPC5200 and external masters through the PCI bus. The following sections describe the operation of the PCI module. 10.4.1 PCI Bus Protocol This section will provide a simple overview of the PCI bus protocol, including some details of MPC5200 implementation. For details regarding PCI bus operation, refer to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. PCI Bus Background The PCI interface is synchronous and is best used for bursting data in large chunks. Its maximum theoretical bandwidth approaches 266 Megabytes per second for the 32-bit implementation running at 66MHz. A system will contain one device that is responsible for configuring all other devices on the bus upon reset. Each device has 256 bytes of configuration space that define individual requirements to the system controller. These registers are read and written through a “configuration access” command. A PCI transfer is started by the master and is directed toward a specific target. A provision is made for broadcasting to several targets through the “special command.” Data is transferred through the use of memory and IO read and write commands. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-42 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description . Table 10-4. PCI Command encoding C/BE[3:0] Command Type 0000 Interrupt Acknowledge 0001 Special Cycle 0010 I/O Read 0011 I/O Write 0100 Reserved 0101 Reserved 0110 Memory Read 0111 Memory Write 1000 Reserved 1001 Reserved 1010 Configuration Read 1011 Configuration Write 1100 Memory Read Multiple 1101 Dual Address Cycle 1110 Memory Read Line 1111 Memory Write and Invalidate Basic Transfer Control The basic PCI bus transfer mechanism is a burst. A burst is composed of an address phase followed by one or more data phases. Fundamentally, all PCI data transfers are controlled by three signals FRAME, IRDY, and TRDY. An initiator asserts FRAME to indicate the beginning of a PCI bus transaction and negates FRAME to indicate the end of a PCI bus transaction. An initiator negates IRDY to force wait cycles. A target negates TRDY to force wait cycles. The PCI bus is considered idle when both FRAME and IRDY are negated. The first clock cycle in which FRAME is asserted indicates the beginning of the address phase. The address and bus command code are transferred in that first cycle. The next cycle begins the first of one or more data phases. Data is transferred between initiator and target in each cycle that both IRDY and TRDY are asserted. Wait cycles may be inserted in a data phase by the initiator (by negating IRDY) or by the target (by negating TRDY). Once an initiator has asserted IRDY, it cannot change IRDY or FRAME until the current data phase completes regardless of the state of TRDY. Once a target has asserted TRDY or STOP, it cannot change DEVSEL,TRDY, or STOP until the current data phase completes. In simpler terms, once an initiator or target has committed to the data transfer, it cannot back out. When the initiator intends to complete only one more data transfer (which could be immediately after the address phase), FRAME is negated and IRDY is asserted (or kept asserted) indicating the initiator is ready. After the target indicates the final data transfer (by asserting TRDY), the PCI bus may return to the idle state (both FRAME and IRDY are negated). NOTE No Fast Back-to-Back transactions are supported by the MPC5200. PCI Transactions The figures in this section show the basic “memory read” and “memory write” command transactions. Figure 10-2 shows a PCI burst read transaction (2-beat). The signal FRAME is driven low to initiate the transfer. Cycle 1 is the address phase with valid address information driven on the AD bus and a PCI command driven on the C/BE bus. In cycle 2, the AD bus is in a turnaround cycle because of the read on a muxed bus. The byte enables, which are active low, are driven onto the C/BE bus in this clock. Any combination of byte enables can be asserted (none may be asserted). A target will respond to an address phase by driving the DEVSEL signal. The specification allows for four types of decode operations. The target can drive DEVSEL in 1, 2 or 3 clocks depending on whether the target is a fast, medium or slow decode device. A single device is allowed to drive DEVSEL should another agent fail to respond by the fourth clock. This is called “subtractive decoding” in PCI terminology. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-43 Functional Description A valid transfer occurs when both IRDY and TRDY are asserted. If either are negated during a data phase, it is considered a wait state. The target asserts a wait state in cycles 3 and 5 of Figure 10-2. A master indicates that the final data phase is to occur by negating FRAME. The final data phase occurs in cycle 6. Another agent cannot start an access until cycle 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLK FRAME AD A1 D1 C/BE CMD D2 Byte Enables IRDY TRDY (wait) (wait) DEVSEL Address Phase Data Phase 1 Data Phase 2 Figure 10-2. PCI Read Terminated by Master Figure 10-3 shows a write cycle which is terminated by the target. In this diagram the target responds as a slow device, driving DEVSEL in cycle 4. The first data is transferred in cycle 4. The master inserts a wait state at cycle 5. The target indicates that it can accept only one more transfer by asserting both TRDY and STOP at the same time in cycle 5. The signal STOP must remain asserted until FRAME negates. The final data phase does not have to transfer data. If STOP and IRDY are both asserted while TRDY is negated, it is considered a target disconnect without a transfer. See the PCI specification for more details. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-44 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLK FRAME AD A1 C/BE CMD D2 D1 Byte Enables IRDY TRDY (wait) DEVSEL STOP Address Phase Data Phase 1 Data Phase 2 Figure 10-3. PCI Write Terminated by Target PCI Bus Commands PCI supports a number of different commands. These commands are presented by the initiator on the C/BE[3:0] lines during the address phase of a PCI transaction. Table 10-5. PCI Bus Commands C/BE[3:0] PCI Bus Command MPC5200 supports as Initiator MPC5200 supports as Target Definition 0000 Interrupt Acknowledge Yes No The interrupt acknowledge command is a read (implicitly addressing an external interrupt controller). Only one device on the PCI bus should respond to the interrupt acknowledge command. 0001 Special Cycle Yes No The Special Cycle command provides a mechanism to broadcast select messages to all devices on the PCI bus. 0010 I/O-read Yes No The I/O-read command accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0011 I/O-write Yes No The I/O-write command accesses agents mapped into the PCI I/O space. 0100 Reserved No No -- 0101 Reserved No No -- 0110 Memory-read Yes Yes The memory read command accesses agents mapped into PCI memory space. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-45 Functional Description Table 10-5. PCI Bus Commands (continued) C/BE[3:0] PCI Bus Command MPC5200 supports as Initiator MPC5200 supports as Target 0111 Memory-write Yes Yes The memory write command accesses agents mapped into PCI memory space. 1000 Reserved No No -- 1001 Reserved No No -- 1010 Configuration read Yes Yes The configuration read command accesses the 256 byte configuration space of a PCI agent. 1011 Configuration write Yes Yes The configuration read command accesses the 256 byte configuration space of a PCI agent. 1100 Memory read multiple Yes Yes For MPC5200, the memory read multiple command functions the same as the memory read command. Cache line wrap is implemented when XLB is the transaction initiator and it also wraps. 1101 Dual address cycle No No The dual address cycle command is used to transfer a 64-bit address (in two 32-bit address cycles) to 64-bit addressable devices. MPC5200 device does not respond to this command. 1110 Memory read line Yes Yes The memory read line command indicates that an initiator is requesting the transfer of an entire cache line.For MPC5200, the memory read line functions the same as the memory read command. Cache line wrap is not implemented. 1111 Memory write and invalidate Yes (DMA access only) Yes The memory write and invalidate command indicates that an initiator is transferring an entire cache line, and, if this data is in any cacheable memory, that cache line needs to be invalidated. The memory write and invalidate functions the same as the memory write command. Cache line wrap is implemented. Definition Software must make sure that the cache line register and max_beats register are set to the same value and the packet size must be a multiple of the cache line size. This instruction is supported only by the TX SCPCI initiator interface and when the MPC5200 acts as a target. Though MPC5200 supports many PCI commands as an initiator, the Communication Sub-System Initiator interface is intended to use PCI Memory Read, and Memory Write commands. Addressing PCI defines three physical address spaces: PCI memory space, PCI I/O space, and PCI configuration space. Address decoding on the PCI bus is performed by every device for every PCI transaction. Each agent is responsible for decoding its own address. PCI supports two types of address decoding: positive decoding and subtractive decoding. The address space which is accessed depends primarily on the type of PCI command that is used. Memory space addressing For memory accesses, PCI defines two types of burst ordering controlled by the two low-order bits of the address: linear incrementing(AD[1:0] = 0b00) and cache wrap mode (AD[1:0] = 0b10). The other two AD[1:0] encodings (0b01 and 0b11) are reserved. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-46 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description For linear incrementing mode, the memory address is encoded/decoded using AD[31:2]. Thereafter, the address is incremented by 4 bytes after each data phase completes until the transaction is terminated or completed (a 4 byte data width per data phase is implied). Note, the two low-order bits of the address are still included in all the parity calculations. MPC5200 supports both linear incrementing and cache wrap mode as an initiator. For memory transactions, when an XLB burst transaction is wrapped, the cache wrap mode is automatically generated. For zero-word-aligned bursts and single-beat transactions, MPC5200 drives AD[1:0] to 0b00. As a target, the MPC5200 treats cache wrap mode as a reserved memory mode. MPC5200 will return the first beat of data and then signal a disconnect without data on the second data phase. I/O space addressing For PCI I/O accesses, all 32 address signals are used to provide an address with granularity of a single byte. Once a target has claimed an I/O access, it must determine if it can complete the entire access as indicated by the byte enable signals. If all the selected bytes are not in the address range of the target, the entire access cannot complete. In this case, the target does not transfer any data, and terminates the transaction with a target-abort. Table 10-6. PCI I/O space byte decoding Access Size AD[1:0] C/BE[3:0] Data 8-bit 00 xxx0 AD[7:0] 01 xx01 AD[15:8] 10 x011 AD[23:16] 11 0111 AD[31:24] 00 xxx0 AD[15:0] 01 xx01 AD[23:8] 10 x011 AD[31:16] 00 xxx0 AD[23:0] 01 xx01 AD[31:8] 00 xxx0 AD[31:0] 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit Configuration space addressing and transactions PCI supports two types of configuration accesses. Their primary difference is the format of the address on the AD[31:0] signals during the address phase. The two low-order bits of the address indicate the format used for the configuration address phase: type 0 (AD[1:0] = 0b00) or type 1 (AD[1:0] = 0b01). Both address formats identify a specific device and a specific configuration register for that device. Type 0 configuration accesses are used to select a device on the local PCI bus. They do not propagate beyond the local PCI bus and are either claimed by a local device or terminated with a master-abort. Type 1 configuration accesses are used to target a device on a subordinate bus through a PCI-to-PCI bridge. Type 1 accesses are ignored by all targets except PCI-to-PCI bridges that pass the configuration request to another PCI bus. When the controller initiates a configuration access on the PCI bus, it places the configuration address information on the AD bus and the configuration command on the C/BE[3:0] bus. A Type 0 configuration transaction is indicated by setting AD[1:0] to 0b00 during the address phase. The bit pattern tells the community of devices on the PCI bus that the bridge that “owns” that bus has already performed the bus number comparison and verified that the request targets a device on its bus. Figure 10-4 shows the contents of the AD bus during the address phase of the Type 0 configuration access. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-47 Functional Description Target configuration doubleword number 31 11 10 87 Function Number Reserved 21 0 DW Number 0 0 Figure 10-4. Contents of the AD Bus During Address Phase of a Type 0 Configuration Transaction Address bits [10:8] identify the target function and bits AD[7:2] select one of the 64 configuration dwords within the target function’s configuration space. For Type 0 configuration transactions, the target device’s IDSEL pin must be asserted. The upper 21 address lines are commonly used as IDSELs since they are not used during the address phase of a type 0 configuration transaction. If the target bus is a bus that is subordinate to the local PCI bus (bus 0), the configuration transaction is still initiated on bus 0, but indicates that none of the devices on this bus are the target of the transaction. Rather, only PCI-to-PCI bridges residing on the bus should pay attention to the transaction because it targets a device on a bus further out in the hierarchy beyond a PCI-to-PCI bridge that is attached to the local PCI bus (bus 0). This is accomplished by initiating a Type 1 configuration transaction (setting AD[1:0] to 01b during the address phase). This pattern instructs all functions other than PCI-to-PCI bridges that the transaction is not for any of them. Figure 10-5 illustrates the contents of the AD bus during the address phase of the Type 1 configuration access. Doubleword number in the device’s configuration space 31 24 23 Reserved 16 15 Bus Number 8 7 11 10 Function Device Number Number 21 0 DW Number 0 1 Figure 10-5. Contents of the AD Bus During Address Phase of a Type 1 Configuration Transaction During the address phase of a Type 1 configuration access, the information on the AD bus if formatted as follows: • AD[1:0] contain a 01b, identifying this as a Type 1 configuration access. • AD[7:2] identifies one of 64 configuration dwords within the target devices’s configuration space. • AD[10:8] identifies one of the eight functions within the target physical device. • AD[15:11] identifies one of 32 physical devices. This field is used by the bridge to select which device’s IDSEL line to assert. • AD[23:16] identifies one of 256 PCI buses in the system. • AD[31:24] are reserved and are cleared to zero. During a Type 1 configuration access, PCI devices ignore the state of their IDSEL inputs. When any PCI-to-PCI bridge latches a Type 1 configuration access (command = configuration read or write and AD[1:0] = 01b) on its primary side, it must determine whether the bus number field on the AD bus matches the number of its secondary bus or if it’s within the range of its subordinate buses. If the bus number matches, it should claim and pass the configuration access onto its secondary bus as a Type 0 configuration access, decoding the device number to select one of the IDSEL lines. If the bus number isn’t equal to its secondary bus, but is within the range of buses that are subordinate to the bridge, the bridge claims and passes that access through as a Type 1 access. Address decoding For positive address decoding, an address hits when the address on the address bus matches an assigned address range. Multiple devices on the same PCI bus may use positive address decoding, though there can not be any overlap in the assigned address ranges. For subtractive address decoding, an address hits when the address on the address bus does not match any address range for any of the PCI devices on the bus. Only one device on a PCI bus may use subtractive address decoding, and its use is optional. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-48 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description 10.4.2 Initiator Arbitration There are three possible internal initiator sources - CommBus Transmit, CommBus Receive, or the XL bus (from Internal System Arbiter). Custom interface logic arbitrates and provides mux select control for these sources to the PCI controller. Figure 10-6 illustrates the arbitration block connection. PCI request/grant (to PCI Arbiter) XLB Arbiter XLB Initiator PCI Initiator Arbiter PCI Controller External PCI bus tx_req Multi-Channel DMA Controller Comm Bus Initiator tx_gnt rx_req Initiator Interface rx_gnt Figure 10-6. Initiator Arbitration Block Diagram Priority Scheme The PCI Initiator arbiter uses the following fixed priority scheme. 1. XL bus Initiator 2. CommBus Transmit (Tx) 3. CommBus Receive (Rx) (lowest) 10.4.3 Configuration Interface The PCI bus protocol requires the implementation of a standardized set of registers for most devices on the PCI bus. MPC5200 implements a Type 0 Configuration register set or header. They are described in Section 10.3.1, PCI Controller Type 0 Configuration Space. These registers are primarily intended to be read or written by the PCI configuring master at initialization time through the PCI bus. MPC5200 provides internal access to these registers through a Slave bus interface. As with most MPC5200 registers, they are accessible by software in the address space at offsets of MBAR. Internal accesses to the Type 0 Configuration header do not require PCI arbitration when they are accessed as offsets of MBAR and are allowed to execute regardless of whether any write data is posted in the PCI Controller. If MPC5200 is the configuring master, the Slave bus interface should be used to configure the PCI Controller. An external master would configure the PCI controller through the external PCI bus. More information on the standard PCI Configuration register can be found in the PCI 2.2 specification. 10.4.4 XL bus Initiator Interface The XL bus Initiator Interface provides access to the PCI bus for XL bus masters, primarily the processor core. This interface is accessed through three windows in MPC5200 address space set up by base address and base address mask registers (Section, Initiator Window 0 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW0BTAR(RW)—MBAR + 0x0D70). The base address registers must be enabled by setting their respective Enable bits in the Section, Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80. Accesses to this area are translated into PCI transactions on the PCI bus. See Section 10.6.2, Address Maps for examples on setting up address windows. The particular type of PCI transaction generated is determined by the PCI configuration bits associated with the address window (PCIIWCR). For example, the user might set one window to do PCI memory read multiple accesses, one window for PCI I/O accesses, and the other window to do non-prefetchable (memory-mapped I/O) PCI memory accesses. Table 10-15 for command translation. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-49 Functional Description In addition to the configurable address window mapping logic, the register interface provides a Configuration Address Register, which provides the ability to generate Configuration, Interrupt Acknowledge and Special Cycles. External PCI devices should be configured through this interface. Section, Configuration Mechanism for configuration, interrupt acknowledge, and special cycle command support. The PCI XLB Initiator interface supports all XLB transactions, including single-beat transfers and bursts (32 bytes). Single-beat 64-bit data transactions are automatically translated into 2-beats burst transfers on the PCI bus. Standard XL bus burst transactions are supported as well, however, buffering is implemented to boost performance during writes and avoid deadlock scenario for all reads and memory writes. If the target for an XL bus read from PCI disconnects part way through the burst, MPC5200 may have to handle a local memory access from an alternate PCI master before the disconnected transfer can continue. XLB initiator read requests are decoded into four types: PCI Memory, I/O, Configuration, and Interrupt Acknowledge. The PCI Controller must first gain access to the PCI bus before acknowledging the XLB read request. The specific timing of the address acknowledge is dependent upon the type of transfer. When the XL bus requests burst data from PCI space, the data received from PCI is stored in a buffer until all requested data has been latched. The PCI Controller does not terminate the address tenure of the XLB transaction until all requested data is latched. This is because PCI targets are allowed to disconnect in the middle of a transfer, and the XL bus requires burst transfers to be atomic. If the PCI target disconnects in the middle of the data transfer and an alternate PCI master acquires the bus and initiates a local memory access, the Controller retries the internal read transaction on the XL bus. The PCI Controller continues to request mastership of the PCI bus until the original request is completed. For example, if the XL bus initiates a burst read, and the PCI target disconnects after transferring the first half of the burst, MPC5200 re-arbitrates for the PCI bus, and when granted, initiates a new transaction with the address of the third beat of the burst (4-beat XLB bus bursts). If an alternate PCI master requests data from local memory while the PCI Controller is waiting for the PCI bus grant, the PCI controller retries the XLB bus transaction to allow the PCI-initiated transaction to complete and the read buffer will be emptied. PCI critical-word-first (CWF) burst operation (i.e. cache line wrap burst) is supported and the 2-bit cache line wrap address mode is driven on the address bus when the XLB bus starts the burst at a non-zero-word-first address. Note that this option is only provided as a means to support memory targets that support cache-line wrap. NOTE A processor is not permitted to cache from any external memory targets residing on the PCI bus. This was allowed previously in the PCI spec. 2.1. The PCI spec. 2.2. took this requirements away. XL bus writes are decoded into PCI memory, PCI I/O, PCI configuration, or special cycles. If the transaction decodes into an I/O, configuration, or special cycle, the write is connected. The PCI controller gains access to the PCI bus and successfully transfers the data before it asserts address acknowledge to the XL bus. If the address maps to PCI memory space, the XLB address tenure is immediately acknowledged and write data is posted. A 32-byte buffer is used to post memory writes from XLB to PCI. Buffering minimizes the effect of the slower PCI bus on the higher-speed XL bus. It may contain single-beat XLB write transactions or a single burst. After the XL bus write data is latched internally, the bus is available for subsequent transactions without having to wait for the write to the PCI target to complete. If a subsequent XLB write request to the PCI bus comes in, the data transfer is delayed until all previous writes to the PCI bus are completed. Only when the write buffer is empty can burst data from the XL bus be posted. Endian Translation The PCI bus is inherently little endian in its byte ordering. The internal XLB bus, however, is big endian. XLB bus transactions are limited to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 32 byte (burst) transactions within the data bus byte lanes on any 32-bit address boundary for burst transfers. Table 10-7 shows the byte lane mapping between the two buses. Table 10-7. XLB bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memorya Transactions XL bus A Data Bus Byte Lanes TSIZ [29:31] [0:2] PCI Bus AD BE [3:0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [2:0] 31:2 23:1 15:8 4 6 7:0 000 001 OP7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 000 1110 -- -- -- OP7 001 001 -- OP7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 000 1101 -- -- OP7 -- 010 001 -- -- OP7 -- -- -- -- -- 000 1011 -- OP7 -- -- 011 001 -- -- -- OP7 -- -- -- -- 000 0111 OP7 -- -- -- 100 001 -- -- -- -- OP7 -- -- -- 100 1110 -- -- -- OP7 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-50 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description Table 10-7. XLB bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memorya Transactions (continued) XL bus A PCI Bus Data Bus Byte Lanes TSIZ [29:31] [0:2] AD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [2:0] BE 31:2 23:1 15:8 4 6 [3:0] 7:0 101 001 -- -- -- -- -- OP7 -- -- 100 1101 -- -- OP7 -- 110 001 -- -- -- -- -- -- OP7 -- 100 1011 -- OP7 -- -- 111 001 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- OP7 100 0111 OP7 -- -- -- 000 010 -- -- -- -- -- -- 000 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 001 010 -- -- -- -- -- -- 000 1001 -- OP7 OP6 -- 010 010 -- -- -- -- -- -- 000 0011 OP7 OP6 -- -- 011 010 -- -- -- -- -- 000 0111 OP6 -- -- -- 100 1110 -- -- -- OP7 -- 100 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 -- 100 1001 -- OP7 OP6 -- OP6 OP7 OP6 OP7 OP6 OP7 -- OP6 OP7 100 010 -- -- -- -- 101 010 -- -- -- -- -- 110 010 -- -- -- -- -- -- OP6 OP7 100 0011 OP7 OP6 -- -- 000 011 -- -- -- -- -- 000 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 001 011 -- -- -- -- -- 000 0001 OP7 OP6 OP5 -- 010 011 -- -- -- -- 000 0011 OP6 OP5 -- -- 100 1110 -- -- -- OP7 000 0111 OP5 -- -- -- 100 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 -- 100 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 OP7 00 0001 OP7 OP6 OP5 -- 011 OP5 OP6 OP7 011 -- OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- OP5 OP6 OP7 -- 011 -- -- -- -- 101 011 -- -- -- -- 000 100 001 100 011 100 100 100 100 000 101 001 010 -- -- -- -- -- OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- -- -- -- 101 -- -- -- -- 00 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 -- -- -- 000 0001 OP6 OP5 OP4 -- 100 1110 -- -- -- OP7 000 0011 OP5 OP4 -- -- 100 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 000 0111 OP4 -- -- -- 100 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 OP7 100 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 -- 000 0000 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 100 1110 -- -- -- OP7 000 0001 OP5 OP4 OP3 -- 100 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 000 0011 OP4 OP3 -- -- 100 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 -- OP4 OP5 OP6 -- OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- -- OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 101 OP5 OP6 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- OP6 OP7 OP5 OP6 OP7 100 010 OP6 OP7 -- -- OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- -- -- -- MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-51 Functional Description Table 10-7. XLB bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memorya Transactions (continued) XL bus A 011 000 001 010 000 001 000 a Data Bus Byte Lanes TSIZ [29:31] [0:2] 101 110 110 110 111 111 000 PCI Bus 0 1 2 -- -- -- 3 4 5 -- 6 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- AD -- OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 -- OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 BE 31:2 23:1 15:8 4 6 [3:0] 7:0 7 [2:0] OP7 000 0111 OP3 -- -- -- 100 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 000 0000 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 100 1100 -- -- OP7 OP6 000 0001 OP4 OP3 OP2 -- 100 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 000 0011 OP3 OP2 -- -- 100 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 000 0000 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 100 1000 -- OP7 OP6 OP5 000 0001 OP3 OP2 OP1 -- 100 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 000 0000 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 100 0000 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 -- -- OP7 -- OP7 OP7 The byte lane translation will be similar for other types of transactions. However, the PCI address may be different as explained in Section, Addressing. Configuration Mechanism In order to support both Type 0 and Type 1 configuration transactions, MPC5200 provides the 32 bit Configuration Address Register (CAR), located at module address 0x1F8. The register specifies the target PCI bus, device, function, and configuration register to be accessed. A read or a write to the MPC5200 window defined as PCI I/O space, in PCIIWCR, causes the host bridge to translate the access into a PCI configuration cycle if the enable bit in the Configuration Address Register is set and the device number does not equal 0b1_1111. For space to be defined as I/O space, the accessed space (one of the initiator Windows) must be programmed as I/O, not memory. Section, Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80. The format of the Configuration Address Register is shown in Section, Configuration Address Register PCICAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x0DF8. When MPC5200 detects an access to an I/O Window, it checks the enable flag and the device number in the Configuration Address Register. If the enable bit is set, and the device number is not 0b1_1111, the MPC5200 performs a configuration cycle translation function and runs a configuration read or configuration write transaction on the PCI bus. The device number 0b1_1111 is used for performing interrupt acknowledge and Special Cycle transactions. See Section, Interrupt Acknowledge Transactions and Section, Special Cycle Transactions for more information. If the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), a Type 0 configuration cycle transaction is performed. If the bus number indicates a remote PCI bus, MPC5200 performs a Type 1 configuration cycle translation. If the enable bit is not set, the access to the Configuration Window is passed through to the PCI bus as a I/O space transaction at the internal address (window translation applies). Note that the PCI data byte enables (C/BE[3:0]) are determined by the size access to the Window. Type 0 Configuration Translation Figure 10-7 shows the Type 0 translation function performed on the contents of the Configuration Address Register to the AD[31:0] signals on the PCI bus during the address phase of the configuration cycle (only applies when the Enable bit in the Configuration Address Register is set). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-52 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description Reserved Contents of Configuration Address Register 31 30 E 24 23 0000000 16 15 Bus Number 11 10 Device Number 8 7 2 10 Function Number dword 00 AD[31:0] Signals During Address Phase See Table 10-8 31 11 10 IDSEL (only one signal high) 2 10 Function Number/dword 00 Figure 10-7. Type 0 Configuration Translation For Type 0 configuration cycles, MPC5200 translates the device number field of the Configuration Address Register into a unique IDSEL line shown in Table 10-8. (allows for 21 different devices). Table 10-8. Type 0 Configuration Device Number to IDSEL Translation Device Number IDSEL Binary Decimal 0b0_0000-0b0_1001 0-9 - 0b0_1010 10 AD31 0b0_1011 11 AD11 0b0_1100 12 AD12 0b0_1101 13 AD13 0b0_1110 14 AD14 0b0_1111 15 AD15 0b1_0000 16 AD16 0b1_0001 17 AD17 0b1_0010 18 AD18 0b1_0011 19 AD19 0b1_0100 20 AD20 0b1_0101 21 AD21 0b1_0110 22 AD22 0b1_0111 23 AD23 0b1_1000 24 AD24 0b1_1001 25 AD25 0b1_1010 26 AD26 0b1_1011 27 AD27 0b1_1100 28 AD28 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-53 Functional Description Table 10-8. Type 0 Configuration Device Number to IDSEL Translation (continued) Device Number IDSEL Binary Decimal 0b1_1101 29 AD29 0b1_1110 30 AD30 0b1_1111 31 - NOTE: Device numbers 0b0_0000 to 0b0_1001 are reserved. Programming to these values and issuing a configuration transaction will result in a PCI configuration cycle with AD31-AD11 driven low. MPC5200 can issue PCI configuration transactions to itself. A Type 0 configuration initiated by MPC5200 can access its own configuration space by asserting its IDSEL input signal. This is the only way MPC5200 can clear its own status register bits (read-write-clear). For Type 0 translations, the function number and dword fields are copied without modification onto the AD[10:2] signals and AD[1:0] are driven low during the address phase. Type 1 Configuration Translation For Type 1 translations, the 30 high-order bits of the Configuration Address Register are copied without modification onto the AD[31:2] signals during the address phase. The AD[1:0] signals are driven to 0b01 during the address phase to indicate a Type 1 configuration cycle. Interrupt Acknowledge Transactions When MPC5200 detects a read from an I/O-defined Window (Section, Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80), it checks the enable flag, bus number, and the device number in the Configuration Address Register (Section, Configuration Address Register PCICAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x0DF8). If the enable bit is set, the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), and the device number is all 1’s (device number = 0b1_1111), then an interrupt acknowledge transaction is initiated. If the bus number indicates a subordinate PCI bus (bus number != 0x00), a Type 1 configuration cycle is initiated, similar to any other configuration cycle for which the bus number does not match. The function number and dword values are ignored. The interrupt acknowledge command (0b0000) is driven on the C/BE[3:0] signals and the address bus is driven with a stable pattern during the address phase, but a valid address is not driven. The address of the target device during an interrupt acknowledge is implicit in the command type. Only the system interrupt controller on the PCI bus should respond to the interrupt acknowledge and return the interrupt vector on the data bus during the data phase. The size of the interrupt vector returned is indicated by the value driven on the C/BE[3:0] signals. Special Cycle Transactions When the MPC5200 detects a write to an I/O-defined Window (Section, Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80), it checks the enable flag, bus number, and the device number in the Configuration Address Register (Section, Configuration Address Register PCICAR (RW) —MBAR + 0x0DF8). If the enable bit is set, the bus number corresponds to the local PCI bus (bus number = 0x00), and the device number is all 1’s (device number = 0b1_1111), then a Special Cycle transaction is initiated. If the bus number indicates a subordinate PCI bus (bus number != 0x00), a Type 1 configuration cycle is initiated, similar to any other configuration cycle for which the bus number does not match. The function number and dword values are ignored. The Special Cycle command (0b0001) is driven on the C/BE[3:0] signals and the address bus is driven with a stable pattern during the address phase, but contains no valid address information. The Special Cycle command contains no explicit destination address, but broadcast to all agents on the same bus segment. Each receiving agent must determine whether the message is applicable to it. PCI agent will never assert DEVSEL in response to a Special Cycle command. Master Abort is the normal termination for a Special Cycle and no errors are reported for this case of Master Abort termination. This command is basically a broadcast to all agents, and interested agents accept the command and process the request. NOTE Special Cycle commands do not cross PCI-to-PCI bridges. If a master wants to generate a Special Cycle command on a specific bus in the hierarchy that is not its local bus, it must use a Type 1 configuration write command to do so. Type 1 configuration write commands can traverse PCI-to-PCI bridges in both directions for the purpose of generating Special Cycle commands on any bus in the hierarchy and are restricted to a single data phase in length. However, the master must know the specific bus on which it desires to generate the Special Cycle command and cannot simply do a broadcast to one bus and expect it to propagate to all buses. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-54 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description During the data phase, AD[31:0] contain the Special Cycle message and an optional data field. The Special Cycle message is encoded on the 16 least significant bits (AD[15:0]) and the optional data field is encoded on the most significant bits (AD[31:16]). The Special Cycle message encodings are assigned by the PCI SIG Steering Committee. The current list of defined encodings are provided in Table 10-9. Table 10-9. Special Cycle Message Encodings AD[15:0] 0x0000 SHUTDOWN 0x0001 HALT 0x0002 x86 architecture-specific 0x0003-0xFFFF Message reserved Transaction Termination If the PCI cycle Master Aborts, interface will return 0xFFFFFFFF as read data, but complete without error. It will issue an interrupt to the internal interrupt controller if enabled. For abnormal transaction termination during an XL bus-initiated transaction (unsupported transfer types, retry limit reached, or target abort), an error is generated. It will issue an interrupt to the MPC5200 Interrupt controller if such interrupts are enabled. Transfers that cross the 32-bit boundary (greater than 4 bytes) to a PCI non-memory address range result in a transfer error. The space is defined as nonmemory if the IO/M# configuration bit associated with that window is programmed “0”. Table 10-10. Unsupported XLB Transfers 10.4.5 • • • • • • XLB Transaction PCI Address Space Burst (32-byte) Nonmemory > 4 byte Single Beat Nonmemory 4 byte Single Beat at a[29:31] 001, 010, or 011 Nonmemory 3 byte Single Beat at a[29:31] 010 or 011 Nonmemory 2 byte Single Beat at a[29:31] 011 Nonmemory XL bus Target Interface The target interface can issue target abort, target retry, and target disconnect terminations. The target interface does NOT support fast back-to-back cycles. No support of dual address cycles as a PCI target. Target transactions are not snooped by the processor. Medium device selection timing Three 32-byte buffers enhance data throughput. The XLB Target Interface provides access for external PCI masters to two windows of MPC5200 address space. Target Base Address Translation Registers 0 and 1 allow the user to map PCI address hits on MPC5200 PCI Base Address Registers to areas in the internal address space. All of these registers must be enabled for this interface to operate. Upon detection of a PCI address phase, the PCI controller decodes the address and bus command to determine if the transaction is for local memory (BAR0 or BAR1hit). If the transaction falls within MPC5200 PCI space (a PCI memory space only), the PCI Controller target interface asserts DEVSEL, latches the address, decodes the PCI bus command, and forwards them to the internal control unit. On writes, data is forwarded along with the byte enables to the internal gasket. On reads, four bytes of data are provided to the PCI bus and the byte enables determine which byte lanes contain meaningful data. If no byte enables are asserted, MPC5200 completes a read access with valid data and completes a write access by discarding the data internally. All target transactions will be translated into XL bus master transactions. There are two address translation registers that must be initialized before data transfer can begin. These address registers correspond to BAR0 and BAR1 in MPC5200 PCI Type 00h Configuration space register (PCI space). When there is a hit on MPC5200 PCI base address ranges (0 or 1), the upper bits of the address are written over by this register value to address some space in MPC5200. One 256Kbyte base address range (BAR0) maps to non-prefetchable local memory and one 1Gbyte range (BAR1) targeted to prefetchable memory. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-55 Functional Description Reads from Local Memory MPC5200 can provide continuous data to a PCI master using two 32-byte buffers. The PCI controller bursts reads internally at each 32-byte PCI address boundary. The data is stored in the first 32-byte buffer until either the PCI master flushes the data or the transaction terminates (FRAME deasserts). For prefetchable memory (BAR1 space), the next line can be fetched from memory in anticipation of the next PCI request (speculative read) and stored in the second buffer. Prefetching is performed for BAR1-addressed transactions if the PCI command is a Memory-Read-Multiple or the prefetch bit is set in the Section, Target Control Register PCITCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D6C. Local Memory Writes A 32-byte write buffer is implemented to improve data throughput. This allows a write operation to be “posted”, that is to successfully complete even when the PCI internal controller is requesting access to the local memory. In other words, data is latched while waiting for internal access to local memory to complete. While PCI burst transactions are accepted, writes are sent out on the internal bus as single-beat. NOTE Before a read from XLB to PCI or PCI to XLB can complete, all posted writes are flushed. If the PCI controller aborts the transaction in the middle of PCI burst due to internal conflicts, the external master recognizes some of the data as transferred. (Subsequent transfers of a burst will be aborted on PCI bus). The external PCI master must query the “Target abort signalled” bit in the PCI Type 00h configuration status register to determine if a target abort occurred. Data Translation The XL bus supports misaligned operations, however, it is strongly recommended that software attempt to transfer contiguous code and data where possible. Non-contiguous transfers degrade performance. PCI-to-XLB transaction data translation is shown in Table 10-11 and Table 10-12. Table 10-11. Aligned PCI to XL bus Transfers PCI Bus BE [3:0] XL bus Data Bus Byte Lanes AD[2:0] 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 A[29:31] 0 1110 000 1101 000 1011 000 0111 000 1110 100 1101 100 1011 100 0111 100 1100 000 1001 000 0011 000 1100 100 1001 100 0011 100 1000 000 0001 000 1000 100 0001 OP3 OP3 OP3 OP3 5 6 OP3 OP3 110 OP3 111 OP3 OP3 OP2 OP2 OP3 OP2 001 OP2 OP3 OP2 010 OP3 OP3 000 OP2 OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 100 OP2 101 OP2 OP3 OP2 110 OP3 OP2 OP1 000 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP3 OP2 100 OP3 OP2 OP1 0000 000 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 000 0000 100 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 100 OP3 OP2 OP1 000 OP1 7 OP3 100 101 OP3 OP3 4 OP3 011 OP3 3 OP3 010 OP3 2 OP3 001 OP3 OP3 000 1 OP2 OP3 OP1 OP2 OP3 100 OP1 101 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP3 OP0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-56 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description Table 10-12. Non-contiguous PCI to XL bus Transfers (require two XLB bus accesses) PCI Bus BE [3:0] 1010 XL bus Data Bus Byte Lanes AD[2:0] 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 A[29:31] 0 000 OP3 OP2 000 1 100 OP3 OP2 3 4 5 000 OP3 OP2 100 000 OP2 OP3 OP2 011 0110 100 OP3 OP2 OP3 100 OP2 111 0101 000 OP3 OP2 OP3 001 OP2 011 0101 100 OP3 OP2 OP3 101 OP2 111 0010 000 OP3 OP2 OP1 000 OP3 OP1 010 0010 100 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP2 OP3 100 OP1 110 0100 000 OP3 OP2 OP1 000 OP2 OP1 100 OP3 OP2 OP1 100 111 OP3 OP2 011 0100 7 OP3 110 0110 6 OP2 010 1010 2 OP3 OP1 OP2 OP3 Target Abort A target abort will occur if the PCI address falls within a base address window (BAR0 or BAR1) that has not been enabled. Section, Target Base Address Translation Register 0 PCITBATR0(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D64 and Section, Target Base Address Translation Register 1 PCITBATR1(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D68. Latrule Disable The latrule disable bit in the interface control register, Section, Target Control Register PCITCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D6C, prevents the PCI controller from automatically disconnecting a target transaction due to the PCI 16/8 clock rule. With this bit set, it is possible to hang the PCI bus if the internal bus does not complete the data transfer. 10.4.6 Communication Sub-System Initiator Interface This interface provides for high-speed, autonomous DMA transactions to PCI with the PCI Controller operating as a standard Communication Sub-System peripheral. Full duplex operation is supported and direct XL bus transactions can also be interleaved while CommBus transactions are in progress. Internal arbitration will occur continuously to support transaction interleaving. (Section 10.4.2, Initiator Arbitration.) Multi-Channel DMA operation operates independently of the XL bus. Non-PCI transactions on the XL bus will have 100% bandwidth available to them during PCI Multi-Channel DMA activities. In general, this block will be used by functions in the Multi-Channel DMA API. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-57 Functional Description The Communication Sub-System Initiator Interface consists of Receive and Transmit FIFOs, integrated as separate Multi-Channel DMA peripherals. Therefore, it is generally controlled by the Multi-Channel DMA controller through a pre-described program loop. As with all Communication Sub-System peripherals, it can be accessed and controlled directly through the Slave bus interface if desired, but this path does not generally lend itself to high throughput. The Transmit and Receive FIFOs are 512 bytes deep and support PCI bursts up to 8 beats, each beat being a 32 bit word. The burst size is programmable. The general approach is to write a PCI command and address to the control register along with the number of bytes to be transmitted (Packet_Size). When transmitting data, the module will wait for the Transmit FIFO to fill at least to the minimum number of bytes required to perform the programmed burst; then it begins transmitting the data onto the PCI bus. Multi-Channel DMA must handle filling the Transmit FIFO to support the specified number of bytes. Transmission will continue until the specified number of bytes have been sent. When reading data, the module will check that enough space is available in the Receive FIFO and immediately begin PCI read transactions. Multi-Channel DMA must handle emptying the Receive FIFO to support the specified number of bytes. Transmission will continue until the specified number of bytes have been received. To avoid stale data while receiving the last burst flushing of the RX FIFO can be forced with the set of the flush bit FE. Section, Rx Enables PCIRER (RW) —MBAR + 0x388C At this point, software must restart the procedure by at least re-writing the Packet_Size register. Each transmission of the specified number of bytes is considered a “packet”. A new packet can be instructed to continue at the last valid PCI address or software may choose to write a new starting address. The largest burst size is 8 PowerPC words and the largest Packet_Size is 65,535 bytes, so a packet will typically consist of many PCI data bursts. The Transmit Controller will wait until sufficient bytes are in the Transmit FIFO to support a full burst and will continue in this mode until the entire packet is transmitted. Similarly, the Receive Controller will stall until sufficient space is available in the Receive FIFO to support a full burst. If the packet is nearly done and the number of bytes remaining to complete the packet is less than Max_beats, the remaining data will be performed as single-beat PCI transactions. Access Width This Multi-Channel DMA module primarily performs 32-bit data accesses to and from PCI, even though some signals are referred to in bytes. The two least significant bits of the PCITPSR and PCIRPSR value are ignored. All PCI byte enables are enabled during these types of accesses. Additionally, the FIFOs should only be accessed using 32-bit accesses. The Communication Sub-System interface optionally supports 16 bit accesses on the PCI bus. Since reads and writes to and from the FIFO require 32-bit accesses, using this option requires padding the remaining 16 bits of data. Addressing The Communication Sub-System Initiator interface does not use the addressing windows that are set up for the XL bus Initiator Interface. Instead, the Tx Start Address register and Rx Start Address register are used. Software programs these registers with the initial starting address for the packet. The module contains an internal counter which will present the incremented PCI address at the beginning of each successive burst for packet transfers. Data Translation The PCI bus is inherently little endian in its byte ordering. The Comm bus however is big endian. Table 10-13 shows the byte lane mapping between the two buses. Since this interface only allows 32-bit accesses, there is only one entry. Table 10-13. Comm bus to PCI Byte Lanes for Memorya Transactions Comm bus Transfer long a cAddress [1:0] cByte Enable [3:0] 00 1111 PCI data bus Data Bus 31: 24 23: 16 15:8 7:0 PCI_ AD [1:0] OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 00 Data Bus BE [3:0] 0000 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 The byte lane translation will be similar for other types of transactions. However, the PCI address may be different as explained in Section, Addressing. Initialization The following list is the recommended procedure for setting up either the Transmit or Receive controller. 1. Set the Start Address MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-58 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set the PCI command, Max_Retries, and Max_Beats Set mode, Continuous or Non-continuous Reset the FIFO Set the FIFO Alarm and Granularity fields Set the Master Enable bit (eventually enable the wanted interrupt in case of errors or even of a normal termination) Set the Reset Controller bit low Setup the BestComm (eventually passing the parameters to the task if needed, enabling, if required, the Task to interrupt the Core when finished, etc.) 9. Start the Task(s). It is not strictly necessary to start a PCI RX or TX task before starting the PCI to transmit/receive as one will ‘wait’ for the other to fill the data in or out of the FIFO. 10. Write the Packet Size value to fire off the transfer Restart and Reset A Restart sequence (namely writing of the Packet Size register) is required whenever the controller ends a packet transmission, either normally or abnormally. In non-continuous mode, a new Start_Add address is generally required since this value is re-used as the start of the next packet once it is Restarted. In Continuous mode, the Start_Add value is not reused. Instead, the next packet begins where the last one left off, but a Restart sequence is still required to get this next packet started. Writing a non-zero value to the Packet_Size register generates a Restart pulse to the controller. Depending on the desired mode of operation other register accesses may be required, as described in the following paragraphs. If Continuous mode is not selected, operation is fairly straight forward. Upon packet termination, Restart will not occur until Packet_Size is written with a non-zero value, even if the packet size is the same it must be re-written. Master Enable bit was previously high and can remain so. Reset Controller bit was previously low and can remain so. Toggling the Master Enable or Reset bit is unnecessary but would not disrupt the transmit controller. If any other Control values, e.g. Start_Add, are to be changed they should be written either prior to writing the Packet_Size value or written while the Master Enable bit is negated and the Reset Controller bit is negated. The recommended approach is to write the control values in order (Packet_Size must be last) and not toggle the Master Enable bit. The Reset bit should remain negated. If Continuous mode is active, basic operation is still straight forward. A Restart is achieved by writing the Packet_Size register to a non-zero value (just as before). However, the Master Enable and Reset bits must not toggle in this case. If the Master Enable bit goes low the Packets_Done counter will be reset. If the Reset bit goes high the Start_Add value will be re-loaded and subsequent transactions will begin at this address. Therefore, the Master Enable bit can be used to reset the Packets_Done counter but without disturbing the current PCI address. The Reset Controller bit will reset the counter and reload the Start_Add value into the transmit controller, thus achieving a total restart of a continuous mode sequence. In any case, it is still required that the Packet_Size register be written to complete a Restart sequence. The Master Enable bit, if negated, will prevent a Restart sequence but allows Control values to be updated without order dependency. A side effect is to reset the Packets_Done counter and status, which is a concern in continuous mode only. The Reset bit (RC bit of the RX/TX Enables register, NOT the external PCI RESET line), if asserted, will force a Reset of the controller. All continuous mode effects will be reset and the Start_Add value is re-loaded. However, the Reset bit must be negated while the required write to the Packet_Size register is accomplished. The Reset bit provides the only means to re-load the Start_Add value into the transmit controller while Continuous mode is active. In either mode it provides a means to clear the transmit controller in cases of abnormal termination. Note, a new Start_Add value must be written prior to setting the Reset bit. PCI Commands The expected PCI commands are Memory Write for transmit and Memory Read for receive. These are independent of cache or line size. This permits the number of data beats per transaction to be flexible. If any requirements exist on number of data beats, then the software must carefully consider the possibilities. If the Max_Beats setting does not divide properly into the Packet_Size setting then the packet will end up with one or more single-beat transaction(s). Setting Max_Beats to 1 will force all transactions to be single-beat but will affect throughput. In normal operation, all PCI byte enables will be asserted for PCI transactions through this interface, except if the 16-bit Word register bit is set in the Section, Tx Transaction Control Register PCITTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3808 or Section, Rx Transaction Control Register PCIRTCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x3888, in which case BE[3:0] = 1100. Configuration writes to an external target should be handled exclusively by the XL bus Initiator interface. FIFO Considerations Careful consideration must also be given to filling and counting bytes of the Transmit FIFO and emptying and counting bytes of the Receive FIFO. This operation is expected to be accomplished through Multi-Channel DMA which can also perform the register writes to the controller, including necessary Restart sequences. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-59 PCI Arbiter Alarms The FIFO alarm registers allow software to control when the DMA fills or empties the appropriate FIFO. Bus Errors Since Bus Errors are particular to the module register set and that register set includes both Transmit and Receive Controller and FIFO settings, the Bus Error status bits and Bus error Enable bit(s) are duplicated in the Transmit and Receive register groupings. Clearing or setting one will clear or set the other. From a software point of view, then, they can be treated separately or together, as desired. 10.4.7 PCI - Supported Clock Ratios MPC5200 supports the following XLB:IP:PCI clock ratios. Table 10-14. XLB:IP:PCI Clock Ratios 10.4.8 XLB:IP:PCI XLB CLK IP CLK PCI CLK 4:4:2 132 MHz 132 MHz 66 MHz 4:4:1 132 MHz 132 MHz 33 MHz 4:2:2 132 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 4:2:1 132 MHz 66 MHz 33 MHz 2:2:2 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 2:2:1 66 MHz 66 MHz 33 MHz 2:1:1 66 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz Interrupts PCI Bus Interrupts MPC5200 does not generate interrupts on the PCI bus interrupt lines INTA - INTD. Internal Interrupt The PCI module is capable of generating 3 interrupts to MPC5200 interrupt controller in MPC5200 SIU. Each interrupt can be enabled for a variety of conditions, mostly error conditions. For the XL bus Initiator interface, the internal interrupt can be enabled for Retry errors, Target Aborts and Initiator (Master) Aborts. See Section, Initiator Control Register PCIICR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D84 and Section, Initiator Status Register PCIISR(RWC) —MBAR + 0x0D88 for more information. For the Comm bus Initiator interface, an internal interrupt can be enabled for FIFO errors and Normal Termination of a packet transfer for either the Receive (rx) or Transmit (tx) interface. For more information, see the Enable and Status registers for the Comm bus Transmit and Receive interfaces, Section, Multi-Channel DMA Transmit Interface and Section, Multi-Channel DMA Receive Interface. 10.5 PCI Arbiter The PCI Arbiter is a separate module, it is not part of the PCI Controller module. The 32-bit multiplexed PCI A/D bus is shared with the ATA Controller and LocalPlus Controller. The on-chip arbiter (called PCI Arbiter) controls the access to the AD bus for the different clients: • PCI clients — XIPCI (XLB-PCI interface) — SCPCI (BestComm-PCI interface) — external PCI • non-PCI clients — LPC (LocalPlus bus interface) — SCLPC (BestComm LocalPlus bus interface) — ATA One pair only of external PCI REQ#/GNT# signals is supported by the PCI Arbiter. By an external Priority Encoder multiple external masters could be connected. The PCI bus clock is always sourced from the MPC5200. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-60 Freescale Semiconductor Application Information The PCI Arbiter implements a Round-Robin fairness algorithm, which avoids the domination of the bus by high-priority masters and exclusion of low-priority masters. The PCI Arbiter is capable of Parking the current Master to stay on last master in absence of other requests. The support of the non-PCI clients presents special challenges to the arbitration scheme. The PCI Arbiter runs independently. The programmability consists of a Soft Reset, which allows to reset the PCI Arbiter, and one status bit to detect the Broken Master condition. and a corresponding enable bit for the generation of a CPU interrupt for the Broken Master condition. All these register bits are located in registers of the PCI Controller. In case of broken master detection the external PCI REQ# will be dis-connected internally and will be re-connected after external deassertion of PCI REQ# or by software (Softreset) or by Hardreset. After broken master detection (bus idle for 16 clocks) the arbiter will ignore any PCI FRAME# assertion. The PCI Arbiter does not support preemption of the internal masters XIPCI or SCPCI. The internal master is granted until the transaction has been completed. The Latency Timer (LT) cannot terminate any transfer. 10.6 Application Information This section provides example usage of some of the features of the PCI module. 10.6.1 XL bus Initiated Transaction Mapping The use of the PCI Configuration Address Register along with the initiator window registers provide many possibilities for PCI command and address generation. Table 10-15 shows how the PCI Controller accepts read and write requests from a XLB bus master and decodes them to different address ranges resulting in the generation of memory, I/O, configuration, interrupt acknowledge and special cycles on the PCI bus. The Window Registers are defined in Section, Initiator Window 1 Base/Translation Address Register PCIIW1BTAR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D74 through Section, Initiator Window Configuration Register PCIIWCR(RW) —MBAR + 0x0D80. Table 10-15. Transaction Mapping: XLB -> PCI Initiator Register Settings XL bus Transaction (XLB Slave Interface) Cache Line Size Register= 8 Initiator Window Configuration bits Configuration Address Register IO/M# PRC En device number == b1_1111 PCI Transaction Controller (XLB Initiator Interface) -> PCI Target Single-Beat 1 -> 8 byte Read x 0 b00 x x Memory Read Burst Read (32 bytes) x 0 b00 x x Memory Read Single-Beat 1 -> 8 byte Read x 0 b01 x x Memory Read Burst Read false 0 b01 x x Memory Read Burst Read true 0 b01 x x Memory Read Line Single-Beat 1 -> 8 byte Read x 0 b10 x x Memory Read Multiple Burst Read x 0 b10 x x Memory Read Multiple Single-Beat 1 -> 8 byte, or Burst Write x 0 x x x Memory Write Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Read x 1 x 0 x I/O Read Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Write x 1 x 0 x I/O Write Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Read x 1 x 1 false Configuration Read Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Write x 1 x 1 false Configuration Write Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Read x 1 x 1 true Interrupt acknowledge MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-61 Application Information Table 10-15. Transaction Mapping: XLB -> PCI (continued) Initiator Register Settings XL bus Transaction (XLB Slave Interface) Single-Beat 1 -> 4 byte Write Cache Line Size Register= 8 Initiator Window Configuration bits x Configuration Address Register IO/M# PRC En device number == b1_1111 1 x 1 true PCI Transaction Controller (XLB Initiator Interface) -> PCI Target Special Cycle Note: 1. Dual Address Cycles and Memory Write and Invalidate Commands are not supported 2. x means “don’t care” 10.6.2 Address Maps The address mapping in MPC5200 system is setup by software through a number of base address registers. (Section 3.2, Internal Register Memory Map for more detail). The internal CPU writes the base address value to module base address register MBAR. MBAR holds the base address for the 256 Kbyte space allocated to internal registers. Address Translation Inbound Address Translation The MPC5200-as-Target occupies 2 memory target address windows on the PCI bus. The location is determined by the values programmed to BAR0 and BAR1 of the PCI Type 00h Configuration space. These inbound memory window sizes are fixed to one 256 Kbyte window (BAR0) and one 1 Gbyte window (BAR1). PCI inbound address translation allows address translation to any space in the MPC5200 space (4 Gbyte of address space). The target base address translation registers TBATR0 and TBATR1 specify the location of the inbound memory window. These registers are described in Section Section 10.4.3, Configuration Interface. Address translation occurs for all enabled inbound transactions. If the enable bit of the Target Base Address Translation Registers is cleared, MPC5200 aborts all PCI memory transactions to that base address window. Note, the PCI configuring master can program BAR0 to overlap BAR1. The default address translation value is TBATR0 in that case. It is not recommended to program overlapping BAR0 and BAR1 or overlapping TBATR0 and TBATR1. An overlap of TBATRs can cause data write-over of BAR0 data. The Initiator Window Base Address Registers are used to decode XL bus addresses for PCI bus transactions. The base address and base address mask values define the upper byte of address to decode. The XL bus address space in MPC5200 dedicated to PCI transactions can be mapped to two 16-Mbyte or larger address spaces in MPC5200. In normal operation, software should not program either Target Address Window Translation Register to address Initiator Window space. In that event, MPC5200-as-Target transaction would propagate through MPC5200’s internal bus and request PCI bus access as the PCI Initiator. The PCI arbiter could see the PCI bus as busy (target read transaction in progress) and only a time-out would free the PCI bus. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-62 Freescale Semiconductor Application Information MPC5200 PCI Space (Memory View) 0 Inbound Translation base address 0 0 TBATR0 Address Translation Register Space 1G System Memory 1G MPC5200 BAR1 Not Recommended Initiator Window(s) MPC5200 memory PCI Space TBATR1 Address Translation Inbound Translation 2G base address 1 2G MPC5200 memory MPC5200 BAR0 Sdram Space 3G 3G 4G 4G Figure 10-8. Inbound Address Map Outbound Address Translation Figure 10-9 shows example XLB Initiator Window configurations. Overlapping the inbound memory window (MPC5200 Memory) and the outbound translation window is not supported and can cause unpredictable behavior. This figure doesn’t show configuration mechanism. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-63 Application Information 0 PCI Space (Memory View) MPC5200 Space 0 PCI Space (IO View) PCI Space (Configuration View) 0 0 1G 1G Window 0 MBAR Register Space Window 0 Translation 1G 1G Window 0 Not Recommended XLB Initiator Windows MPC5200 memory Window 1 Translation Window 1 2G Window 1 2G 2G 2G 3G 3G 4G 4G MPC5200 memory Window 2 Not Recommended Window 2 Translation 3G 3G Window 2 4G 4G Associated with PCI Prefetchable Memory Window 0 Base Address = 0x40 Window 0 Address Mask = 0x1F Window 0 Translation Address = 0x00 Window 2 Base Address = 0x80 Window 2 Address Mask = 0x3F Window 2 Translation Address = 0xC0 Associated with PCI I/O Associated with PCI Non-Prefetchable Memory Window 1 Base Address = 0x70 Window 1 Address Mask = 0x0F Window 1 Translation Address = 0x70 Figure 10-9. Outbound Address Map Base Address Register Overview Table 10-15 shows the available accessibility for all PCI associated base address and translation address registers in MPC5200. Base Address Register Register Function PCI Bus Configuration Access Processor Access Any XL bus Master Access BAR0 PCI Base Address Register 0 (256 Kbyte) X X X BAR1 PCI Base Address Register 1 (1 Gbyte) X X X TBATR0 Target Base Address Translation Register 0 (256Kbyte) X X TBATR1 Target Base Address Translation Register 0 (1 Gbyte) X X IMWBAR Initiator Window Base/Translation Address Registers X X MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-64 Freescale Semiconductor Application Information 10.6.3 XL bus Arbitration Priority When the XLB Arbiter Master Priority Register (Section 16.2.11, Arbiter Master Priority Register (R/W)—MBAR + 0x1F68) is set to any configuration except all-master fair-share (all masters have the same priority), live lock can occur on the shared PCI bus and the XLB, which results in system-wide live lock. The only resolution that guarantees that this live lock scenario will not occur is to set all the XLB Arbiter master priorities to be equal. Additionally, it is usually preferable that all master priorities are not set to zero, as this can generate an interrupt by the XLB Arbiter, if enabled. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-65 Application Information MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 10-66 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 11 ATA Controller 11.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Section 11.2, BestComm Key Features — Section 11.3, ATA Register Interface, includes: — Section 11.3.1, ATA Host Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 — Section 11.3.2, ATA FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 — Section 11.3.3, ATA Drive Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 • Section 11.4, ATA Host Controller Operation • Section 11.5, Signals and Connections • Section 11.6, ATA Interface Description • Section 11.7, ATA Bus Background • Section 11.8, ATA RESET/Power-Up • Section 11.9, ATA I/O Cable Specifications The Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) Controller provides full functional compatibility with ATA-4 documentation, supporting Ultra-33. For more ATA Standards information, refer to "American National Standard for Information Technology—AT Attachment with Packet Interface Extension (ATA/ATAPI-4)". A dedicated MPC5200 pin for ATA reset is not provided. An appropriate signal on the board should be routed to the reset input on the ATA connector. If ATA reset is tied to HRESET or SRESET on MPC5200 pins, they are asserted and internally held low for an appropriate period of time to satisfy ATA reset. An MPC5200 GPIO may be used to drive ATA reset independently if special software control is needed. Figure 11-1 shows the ATA Controller Interface. PCI Handshake ATA Host Controller BestComm Ultra DMA Channel (higher priority) IP bus Rx/Tx FIFO Interface Multiword DMA Channel ARB IPBI IPBI Program Registers (Host/Driver) Local Bus PIO Channel Figure 11-1. ATA Controller Interface 11.2 11.2.1 1. 2. 3. BestComm Key Features BestComm Read microprocessor sets up descriptors in BC RAM and initiates a transfer. BC hits on an ATA command FIFO space and writes a command (ATA drive register address, transfer size) into FIFO. ATA Controller reads data from the drive and puts data in FIFO. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-1 ATA Register Interface 4. As FIFO fills, BC is interrupted and moves data from FIFO to an internal destination. 11.2.2 1. 2. 3. 4. BestComm Write microprocessor sets up descriptors in BC RAM and initiates a transfer. BC hits on an ATA command FIFO space and writes a command (ATA drive register address, transfer size) into FIFO. BC reads data from internal source and puts data in FIFO ATA Controller transfers data from FIFO and writes to drive. NOTE Any DMA transfer, where source and destination are both on the local bus, requires internal BC SRAM buffering. 11.3 ATA Register Interface The IPBI module contains all software-programmable ATA Controller registers and the IPB glue logic needed to read and write these registers. The IPBI registers are listed below. Unless otherwise noted, each register is written and read from the same address. 11.3.1 ATA Host Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 ATA is controlled by 10 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x3A00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x3A00 + register address Hyperlinks to the ATA Host registers are provided below: • ATA Host Configuration Register (0x3A00) • ATA Ultra DMA Timing 1 Register (0x3A18) • ATA Host Status Register (0x3A04) • ATA Ultra DMA Timing 2 Register (0x3A1C) • ATA PIO Timing 1 Register (0x3A08) • ATA Ultra DMA Timing 3 Register (0x3A20) • ATA PIO Timing 2 Register (0x3A0C) • ATA Ultra DMA Timing 4 Register (0x3A24) • ATA Multiword DMA Timing 1 Register (0x3A10) • ATA Ultra DMA Timing 5 Register (0x3A28) • ATA Multiword DMA Timing 2 Register (0x3A14) ATA Host Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x3A00 Table 11-1. ATA Host Configuration Register R msb 0 1 2 3 4 SMR FR 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 5 6 7 IE IORDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 Reserved 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 SMR State Machine Reset—bit resets ATA state machine to IDLE state for PIO, DMA and UDMA read/write. 1 FR FIFO Reset—bit can be used to reset FIFO when bit 0 of this register is set to reset the ATA state machine. During normal ATA transaction, FIFO can be reset by setting ATA Drive Command Register FR bit (see Table 11-29.) 2:5 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-2 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface Bits Name 6 IE 7 IORDY 16:31 — Description Enables drive interrupt to pass to CPU in PIO modes. Set by software when the drive supports IORDY. Required for PIO mode 3 and above. Reserved ATA Host Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A04 Table 11-2. ATA Host Status Register R msb 0 1 2 3 4 TIP UREP 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 5 6 7 RERR WERR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 Reserved 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0 TIP 1 UREP 2:5 — 6 RERR Read Error—An un-implemented register read. 7 WERR Write Error—An un-implemented register write. 8:31 — Description Transaction in Progress—indicator bit MUST be polled by software before PIO access. System bus (XL bus) locks up if PIO access is attempted while this bit is set. This bit is read-only. UDMA Read Extended Pause—bit sets when drive stops strobing for an extended period without initiating burst termination by negating DMARQ, during an UDMA read burst. Software may initiate an Ultra DMA read burst termination, in this case by setting ATA Drive Device Command Register HUT bit (see Table 11-29.). Reserved Reserved ATA PIO Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A08 Table 11-3. ATA PIO Timing 1 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pio_t0 11 12 13 14 15 pio_t2_8 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved pio_t2_16 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-3 ATA Register Interface Bits Name 0:7 pio_t0 8:15 pio_t2_8 PIO read/write pulse width for 8-bit transfers. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 pio_t2_16 PIO read/write pulse width for 16-bit transfers. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 — Description PIO cycle time count value is based on system clock operating frequency. Reserved ATA PIO Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A0C Table 11-4. ATA PIO Timing 2 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pio_t4 12 13 14 15 pio_t1 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved pio_ta W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 pio_t4 PIO write (DIOW) data hold time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 pio_t1 Address valid to DIOR/DIOW setup. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 pio_ta IORDY setup time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 — Reserved ATA Multiword DMA Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A10 Table 11-5. ATA Multiword DMA Timing 1 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 dma_t0 11 12 13 14 15 dma_td W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R dma_tk dma_tm W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-4 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface Bits Name 0:7 dma_t0 Multiword DMA cycle time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 dma_td Multiword DMA read/write (DIOR/DIOW) asserted pulse width. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 dma_tk Multiword DMA read/write (DIOR/DIOW) negated pulse width. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 dma_tm CS[0], CS[1] valid to DIOR/DIOW. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. Description ATA Multiword DMA Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A14 Table 11-6. ATA Multiword DMA Timing 2 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 dma_th 12 13 14 15 dma_tj W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved dma_tn W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 dma_th Multiword DMA write (DIOW) data hold time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 dma_tj Multiword DMA read/write (DIOR/DIOW) asserted pulse width. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 dma_tn CS[0], CS[1] hold. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 — Description Reserved ATA Ultra DMA Timing 1 Register—MBAR + 0x3A18 Table 11-7. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 1 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 udma_t2cyc 11 12 13 14 15 udma_tcyc W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R udma_tds udma_tdh W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-5 ATA Register Interface Bits Name 0:7 udma_t2cyc Ultra DMA sustained average two cycle time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 udma_tcyc Ultra DMA strobe edge to strobe edge cycle time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 udma_tds Ultra DMA read data setup time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 udma_tdh Ultra DMA read data hold time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. Description ATA Ultra DMA Timing 2 Register—MBAR + 0x3A1C Table 11-8. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 2 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 udma_tdvs 11 12 13 14 15 udma_tdvh W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R udma_tfs udma_tli W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 udma_tdvs Ultra DMA write data setup time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 udma_tdvh Ultra DMA write data hold time. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 udma_tfs First strobe time during the initiation of ultra DMA data transfer. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 udma_tli Limited interlock time with a defined maximum, when drive or host are waiting for response from each other. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. Description ATA Ultra DMA Timing 3 Register—MBAR + 0x3A20 Table 11-9. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 3 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 udma_tmli 11 12 13 14 15 udma_taz W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R udma_tenv udma_tsri W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-6 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface Bits Name Description 0:7 udma_tmli Limited interlock time with a defined minimum, when drive or host are waiting for response from each other. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 udma_taz Maximum time allowed for output drivers to release from being driven. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 udma_tenv Envelope time from DMACK to STOP and HDMARDY during data-out burst initiation. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 udma_tsr Strobe to DMARDY time. If DMARDY is negated before this long after strobe edge the recipient receives no more than one additional data word. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 4 Register—MBAR + 0x3A24 Table 11-10. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 4 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 udma_tss 11 12 13 14 15 udma_trfs W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R udma_trp udma_tac W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 udma_tss Time from strobe edge to negation of DMARQ (when drive terminates burst) or assertion of STOP (when host terminates burst). Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 8:15 udma_trfs Ready-to-final-strobe time. No strobe edges are sent this long after negation of DMARDY. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 16:23 udma_trp Ready-to-pause time. The time that recipient waits to initiate pause after negating DMARDY. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. 24:31 udma_tack Setup and hold times for DMACK before negation or assertion. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-7 ATA Register Interface ATA Ultra DMA Timing 5 Register—MBAR + 0x3A28 Table 11-11. ATA Ultra DMA Timing 5 Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved udma_tzah W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 udma_tzah 8:31 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Minimum delay time required for output drivers to assert or negate from release state. Count value is based on system clock operating frequency. Reserved ATA Share Count Register—MBAR + 0x3A2C Table 11-12. ata_shre_cnt msb0 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved R 11 12 13 14 15 ata_share_cnt W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 — 8:15 ata_share_cnt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved This 8-bit value controls the length of the “time slot” assigned to ATA transactions when PCI arbiter provides a grant to the ATA device. This is in IPB clocks. The arbiter will maintain the grant to ATA for (at least) the ata_share_cnt value. When this value has expired, ATA may be interrupted (paused) by the arbiter, to service other pending requests for the AD bus. Default value at reset is 128 Note: The maximal allowed setting is 0xFE. 16:31 11.3.2 — Reserved ATA FIFO Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 ATA uses a single FIFO that changes direction based on the Rx/Tx mode. Software controls direction change and flushes FIFO before changing directions. FIFO memory is 512Bytes (Four 8 x 128 memories). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-8 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface ATA FIFO is controlled by 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x3a00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x3A00 + register address Hyperlinks to the ATA FIFO registers are provided below: • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register (0x3A3C) • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register (0x3A48) • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register (0x3A40) • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register (0x3A4C) • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register (0x3A44) • ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register (0x3A50) ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register—MBAR + 0x3A3C Table 11-13. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Data Word Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FIFO_Data_Word W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 R FIFO_Data_Word W RESET: 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:31 FIFO_Data_Word 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description The FIFO data port. Reading from this location “pops” data from the FIFO, writing “pushes” data into the FIFO. During normal operation the BestComm Controller pushes data here. Note: NOTE: ONLY full long-word access is allowed. If all byte enables are not asserted when accessing this location, a FIFO error flag is generated. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A40 Table 11-14. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reserved R 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Err UF OF Full HI LO Emty W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:8 — Reserved 9 Err Error—flag bit is essentially the logical "OR" of other flag bits and can be polled for detection of any FIFO error. After clearing the offending condition, writing 1 to this bit clears flag. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-9 ATA Register Interface Bits Name 10 UF UnderFlow—flag indicates read pointer has surpassed the write pointer. FIFO was read beyond empty. Resetting FIFO clears this condition; writing 1 to this bit clears flag. 11 OF OverFlow—flag indicates write pointer surpassed read pointer. FIFO was written beyond full. Resetting FIFO clears this condition; writing 1 to this bit clears flag. 12 Full FIFO full—this is NOT a sticky bit or error condition. Full indication tracks with FIFO state. 13 HI High—FIFO requests attention, because high level alarm is asserted. To clear this condition, FIFO must be read to a level below the setting in granularity bits. 14 LO Low—FIFO requests attention, because Low level alarm is asserted. To clear this condition, FIFO must be written to a level in which the space remaining is less than the granularity bit setting. 15 Emty FIFO empty—this is NOT a sticky bit or error condition. Full indication tracks with FIFO state. 16:31 — Description Reserved ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register—MBAR + 0x3A44 Table 11-15. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Control Register msb 0 R 1 Reserved 2 WFR 3 4 5 Reserved 6 7 8 9 10 11 GR 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:1 — 2 WFR 3:4 — Reserved 5:7 GR Granularity—bits control high “watermark” point at which FIFO negates Alarm condition (i.e., request for data). It represents the number of free bytes times 4. Reserved Write End of Frame (EOF) This bis should remain low. 000 = FIFO waits to become completely full before stopping data request. 001 = FIFO stops data request when only one long word of space remains. 8:31 — Reserved ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register—MBAR + 0x3A48 Table 11-16. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Alarm Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-10 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface 16 17 R 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Reserved 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Alarm W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 — 20:31 Alarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved User writes these bits to set low level “watermark”, which is the point where FIFO asserts request for BestComm Controller data filling. Value is in bytes. For example, with Alarm = 32, alarm condition occurs when FIFO contains 32Bytes or less. Once asserted, alarm does not negate until high level mark is reached, as specified by FIFO control register granularity bits. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3A4C Table 11-17. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Read Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved ReadPtr W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 — 20:31 ReadPtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. Value represents the Read address presented to the FIFO RAM. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x3A50 Table 11-18. ATA Rx/Tx FIFO Write Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R WritePtr W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-11 ATA Register Interface Bits Name 0:19 — 20:31 WritePtr 11.3.3 Description Reserved Value is maintained by FIFO hardware and is NOT normally written. It can be adjusted in special cases, but this disrupts data flow integrity. Value represents the Read address presented to the FIFO RAM. ATA Drive Registers—MBAR + 0x3A00 The ATA drive registers are physically located inside the drive controller on the ATA disk drive. The MPC5200 ATA Host Controller provides access to these registers using the chip selects and address bits. ATA Drive is controlled by 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x3a00. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x3A00 + register address Hyperlinks to the ATA Drive registers are provided below: • ATA Drive Device Control Register (0x3A5C), write-only • ATA Drive Sector Number Register (0x3A6C), R/W • ATA Drive Alternate Status Register (0x3A5C), read-only • ATA Drive Cylinder Low Register (0x3A70), R/W • ATA Drive Data Register (0x3A60), R/W • ATA Drive Cylinder High Register (0x3A74), R/W • ATA Drive Features Register (0x3A64), write-only • ATA Drive Device/Head Register (0x3A78), R/W • ATA Drive Error Register (0x3A64), read-only • ATA Drive Device Command Register (0x3A7C), write-only • ATA Drive Sector Count Register (0x3A68), R/W • ATA Drive Device Status Register, (0x3A7C) read-only ATA Drive Device Control Register—MBAR + 0x3A5C Table 11-19. ATA Drive Device Control Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved R 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 5 SRST nIEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:4 — 5 SRST Software Reset—Host controlled software reset bit. Drive executes software reset protocol when bit is set to 1 by host. 6 nIEN Interrupt Enable—Host controlled interrupt enable. INTRQ is enabled when this bit is cleared to 0. Reserved Note: NOTE: For MPC5200 ATA Host Controller, enabling INTRQ is mandatory for DMA/UDMA data transfer modes. 7:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-12 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Alternate Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A5C Table 11-20. ATA Drive Alternate Status Register R msb 0 1 2 3 4 BSY DRDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 Reserved 5 DRQ 6 Rsvd 7 8 9 10 ERR 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0 BSY 1 DRDY 2:3 — 4 DRQ 5:6 — 7 ERR 8:31 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Drive Busy—Transactions internal to drive are in progress. Host must wait. Drive Ready Reserved Set to 1 indicates drive is ready to transfer a word of data. Reserved Indicates an error during the execution of the previous command. Reserved ATA Drive Data Register—MBAR + 0x3A60 Table 11-21. ATA Drive Data Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Data H 12 Data L W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:7 Data Upper byte of drive data (read/write) 8:15 Data Lower byte of drive data (read/write) 16:31 — 0 Description Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-13 ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Features Register—MBAR + 0x3A64 Table 11-22. ATA Drive Features Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 11 Data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Data Register content is command dependent. Contents become command parameters when the ATA drive command register is written. 8:31 — Reserved ATA Drive Error Register—MBAR + 0x3A64 Table 11-23. ATA Drive Error Register msb 0 1 R 2 3 4 Data 5 6 ABRT 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Data W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:4 Data Register content is command dependent. Contents become command parameters when the ATA drive command register is written. Register content is valid when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 0 and ERR bit is set to 1 in the ATA drive status register. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 5 ABRT Bit is set to 1 to indicate requested command has been aborted, because command code or a command parameter is invalid or some other error occurred. 0:7 Data Register content is command dependent. Contents become command parameters when the ATA drive command register is written. Register content is valid when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 0 and ERR bit is set to 1 in the ATA drive status register. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-14 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Sector Count Register—MBAR + 0x3A68 Table 11-24. ATA Drive Sector Count Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Data W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Data Bit content is command dependent. For most read/write commands, this register indicates the total number of sectors requested for transfer. Register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved ATA Drive Sector Number Register—MBAR + 0x3A6C Table 11-25. ATA Drive Sector Number Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Data W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Data Bit content is command dependent. For most commands, this register indicates the data transfer starting sector number for when CHS addressing is enabled. This register indicates part of the LBA address when the LBA addressing is enabled. Register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-15 ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Cylinder Low Register—MBAR + 0x3A70 Table 11-26. ATA Drive Cylinder Low Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved Data W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Data Bit content is command dependent. For most commands, this register indicates the data transfer starting sector number for when CHS addressing is enabled. This register indicates part of the LBA address when the LBA addressing is enabled. Register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved ATA Drive Cylinder High Register—MBAR + 0x3A74 Table 11-27. ATA Drive Cylinder High Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Data 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 Data Bit content is command dependent. For most commands, this register indicates the data transfer starting sector number for when CHS addressing is enabled. This register indicates part of the LBA address when the LBA addressing is enabled. This register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-16 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Device/Head Register—MBAR + 0x3A78 Table 11-28. ATA Drive Device/Head Register msb 0 R Rsvd 1 2 3 4 5 Data Rsvd DEV 6 7 8 9 10 11 Data 12 13 14 15 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 Bits Name 0 — 1 Data 2 — Reserved 3 — Reserved 4:7 Data 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Bit is command dependent. In LBA addressing mode, this bit is set to 1 to indicate LBA addressing is chosen for data transfer. Bit content is command dependent. For most commands, this register indicates the data transfer starting sector number for when CHS addressing is enabled. This register indicates part of the LBA address when the LBA addressing is enabled. This register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 8:31 — Reserved ATA Drive Device Command Register—MBAR + 0x3A7C Table 11-29. ATA Drive Device Command Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R W RESET: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rsvd HUT FR FE IE UDMA READ WRITE Data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-17 ATA Register Interface Bits Name Description 0:7 Data 8 — 9 HUT Host UDMA burst Terminate—Software can terminate UDMA burst prematurely by setting this bit. Bits 15 through 10 are unaffected and retain previous values. 10 FR FIFO Reset—Hardware resets FIFO when the direction is switched from Tx to Rx. No hardware reset is done for Rx to Tx switch. Software must verify FIFO is empty before filling it for Tx. When bit 10 is set, FIFO is being reset and bits 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9 and 8 are invalid. 11 FE Enable FIFO flush in Rx mode—For all commands except DEVICE RESET, this register is written only when the ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY or DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate except for the DEVICE RESET command. Register contains the command code sent to the drive. When this register is written, command execution begins immediately. Writing this register clears any pending interrupt condition. Reserved Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 12 IE Enables drive interrupt to pass to CPU in DMA/UDMA modes. Software writes to this register as follows: • • FE (bit 11) and IE (bit 12) Clear IE and set FE if SDMA task loop count is the same as the data transfer requested from the drive. The following is a typical sequence if the BestComm task loop is a larger count than data request programmed for the drive: 1. Start transaction with IE set and FE cleared. 2. Repeat 1 until task loop count expires. 3. Start last transaction with IE clear and FE set. • • • • Controller issues flush at end. Task loop completes and interrupts CPU. CPU responds to SDMA interrupt instead of drive interrupt. UDMA (bit 13)—Set when UDMA protocol is selected for data transfer, cleared for DMA protocol. • READ (bit 14)—Set when read command for DMA/UDMA protocols is written to drive command register, cleared otherwise. • WRITE (bit 15)—Set when write command for DMA/UDMA protocols is written to drive command register, cleared otherwise. MANDATORY—Be Aware: Drive interrupt must be enabled by clearing bit 1 of drive control register for DMA/UDMA mode transfers. 13 UDAMA Bit is set when UDMA protocol is selected, cleared when multiword DMA protocol is selected. 14 READ Bit is set when READ DMA command is issued. 15 WRITE Bit is set when WRITE DMA command is issued. 16:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-18 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Register Interface ATA Drive Device Status Register—MBAR + 0x3A7C Table 11-30. ATA Drive Device Status Register R msb 0 1 2 3 BSY DRDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Data 4 DRQ 5 6 Reserved 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HUT FR FE IE UDMA Read Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERR Rsvd W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0 BSY 1 DRDY 2:3 Data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Indicates drive is busy processing a command. Indicates drive is ready to accept executable commands. Command dependent—Register is written only when ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY and DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate. Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. 4 DRQ Indicates drive is ready to transfer a data word. 5:6 — 7 ERR 8 — 9 HUT Host UDMA burst Terminate—Software can terminate UDMA burst prematurely by setting this bit. Bits 15 through 10 are unaffected and retain previous values. 10 FR FIFO Reset—Hardware resets FIFO when the direction is switched from Tx to Rx. No hardware reset is done for Rx to Tx switch. Software must verify FIFO is empty before filling it for Tx. When bit 10 is set, FIFO is being reset and bits 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9 and 8 are invalid. 11 FE Enable FIFO flush in Rx mode—For all commands except DEVICE RESET, this register is written only when the ATA drive status register bits BSY and DRQ equal 0 and DMACK is not asserted. If this register is written when BSY or DRQ bits are set to 1, the result is indeterminate except for the DEVICE RESET command. Reserved Set to 1 indicates ATA drive error register bits are valid. Reserved Register content is not valid when drive is in sleep mode. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-19 ATA Host Controller Operation Bits Name Description 12 IE Enables drive interrupt to pass to CPU in DMA/UDMA modes. Software writes to this register as follows: • • FE (bit 11) and IE (bit 12) Clear IE and set FE if SDMA task loop count is the same as the data transfer requested from the drive. The following is a typical sequence if the SDMA task loop is a larger count than data request programmed for the drive: 1. Start transaction with IE set and FE cleared. 2. Repeat 1 until task loop count expires. 3. Start last transaction with IE clear and FE set. • • • • Controller issues flush at end. Task loop completes and interrupts CPU. CPU responds to BestComm interrupt instead of drive interrupt. UDMA (bit 13)—Set when UDMA protocol is selected for data transfer, cleared for DMA protocol. • READ (bit 14)—Set when read command for DMA/UDMA protocols is written to drive command register, cleared otherwise. • WRITE (bit 15)—Set when write command for DMA/UDMA protocols is written to drive command register, cleared otherwise. MANDATORY—Be Aware: Drive interrupt must be enabled by clearing bit 1 of drive control register for DMA/UDMA mode transfers. 11.4 13 UDAMA Bit is set when UDMA protocol is selected, cleared when multiword DMA protocol is selected. 14 READ Bit is set when READ DMA command is issued. 15 WRITE Bit is set when WRITE DMA command is issued. 16:31 — Reserved ATA Host Controller Operation With the asynchronous ATA interface, an interface must be implemented that meets the timing specifications, given an input clock from the processor that is not fixed among all applications. The challenge is to meet the minimum ATA specifications while minimizing wasted time. Time is wasted because of differences between the minimum specification and the number of clock-cycles, multiplied by the clock-cycle period. This indicates the counter compare value depends on: • the data transfer mode • the clock frequency driving the ATA state machine (IPB clock) • the minimum data transfer mode cycle-time passed in the INDENTIFY block from the drive to the ATA Host Controller Software requirements for setting up the Host Controller are as follows: 1. Write into ata_config register to enable (ata_config[7] == 1) support for IORDY for PIO modes 3 and 4. 2. Software determines ATA mode timing based on the operating clock frequency ATA_mode_timing_spec + ipbi_clock_period – 1 Count = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------clock_period This rounds up to the smallest integer number of clock counts that meet the minimum specification. In the case of counters that control duration of a read strobe (pio_t2_8, pio_t2_16 and dma_td), the added transceiver propagation delay must be taken into account so the read data meets setup time to the rising edge of the strobe. Therefore: ATA_mode_timing_spec + 2 × XCVR_PROP_DLY + clock_period – 1 Count = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------clock_period MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-20 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Host Controller Operation udma_t2cyc is another special case. Unlike the name implies, this register does not control 2 UDMA timing cycles. Rather, it controls how long the host continues to accept data after it has de-asserted HDMARDY–. According to the ATA-4 specification—if tSR is met, the host should accept 0–1 more data words, or if tSR is exceeded, 0–2 more data words. A safe value to ensure the host accepts these data words after HDMARDY– de-asserts is: 4 + t2CYC_sec[mode] + clock_period – 1 Count = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------clock_period 1. 2. Write the calculated count in the timing registers provided in the ATA host register memory map. Write ATA drive registers per ATA-4 specification using Host Controller register memory map to the setup drive for desired operation. Read/Write to unimplemented registers or read of a write-only or vice versa errors set flag bits in the ATA Host Controller status register. The status register is cleared by writing 1 to the flag bit set to indicate an error. Write ata_dma_mode register to indicate UDMA/DMA READ/WRITE operations for UDMA/DMA data transfer modes. Initiate and complete data transfers according to protocols described in ATA-4 specification. 3. 4. 5. ATA host hardware does data transfers per chosen protocol. Hardware also maintains proper handshaking with the MPC5200 system. The ATA state machine is a combination of several small state machines. The data transfers is initiated by the software. The software chooses the mode of operation and sets up needed registers in the ATA Host Controller IPBI module. The ATA drive registers are also set up by the software through ATA IPBI module using PIO mode. The ATA drive command and control block registers are mapped into ATA Host Controller register memory map. The software writes a command to be executed in the ATA drive command register. The command code is decoded by the drive electronics. The software, at the same time indicates to the host if UDMA/DMA protocol is used for READ/WRITE of the data. This is done by setting proper bits in the ata_dma_mode register in the ATA IPBI module. 11.4.1 PIO State Machine In the ATA-4 spec, 16 timing characteristics must be met for a PIO data or register access: • 9 are driven by the ATA drive controller—2 (t1 and ta) are counted by the Host Controller for checking/latching purposes. • 7 are driven by the ATA Host Controller To simplify Host Controller design, the following implementation is used: • Counter—The counter used to count this timing spec (pio_<name>_counter). All non-zero counters count down from an initial value to 1 (end) • Start from—Where this counter is initialized. • Activity at end—What activity to perform when counter reaches 1 • Dependencies—When counter reaches 0, what signals must be checked before counter is finished (cleared to 0) Table 11-31. PIO Timing Requirements Counter Start from Activity at end Dependencies t0 t1 go to IDLE t2=0, t2i=0, t4=0 t11 N/A (Use t1 instead) — — t2 t1 Latch Read_Data IORDY_reg=1 t2i t2 — — t32 N/A (Use t2 instead) — — t4 t3 write_enable=0 — address_enable=0 — t5 N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — t6 N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — t6z N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-21 ATA Host Controller Operation Table 11-31. PIO Timing Requirements (continued) Counter Start from Activity at end Dependencies t93 N/A (Use t4 instead) — — tA t1 Check IORDY IORDY=1 tB N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — tC N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — Note: 1. Since t1 and t1 are both minimum specs, and t1 <= t1 for PIO modes 0–2, and t1 >= t1 for PIO modes 3–4, t1 is used to count both, by loading in an initial value that depends on the PIO mode being used. This is the responsibility of software. 2. Since t3 (WDATA setup time) is a minimum, and t3 <= t2 for all PIO modes, t2 is used to determine when to drive Write_Data on DD. 3. Since t4 and t9 are both minimum specs, and t4 >= t9 for all PIO modes, t4 is used to count from DIOR/DIOW negate to CS[1]FX/CS[3]FX/ADDR negate. If ATA drive address space is hit by microprocessor, the ATA IPBI module generates: • a signal to enable the PIO mode state machine • a wait state to the IPBI module to hold off any further IPBI module access The PIO state machine indicates transfer is in progress to the IPBI module. This extends the transfer wait to the IPBI module until the PIO transaction is complete. 11.4.2 DMA State Machine The interface between the ATA Controller DMA channel and the rest of the system is through a standard Type 1 BestComm FIFO interface. When this interface is fully defined, the design specifics may be detailed. Table 11-32 shows the timing requirements specified in the ATA-4 spec for multiword DMA data transfers. Table 11-32. Multiword DMA Timing Requirements Counter Start from Activity at end Dependencies TM START (Negate CS0, CS1, set DMA_In_Progress flag) Assert DMACK, Assert DIOR/DIOW, Write Data ready DMARQ asserted by drive TE N/A (Timing controlled by drive controller) — — TD TM Negate DIOR/DIOW, Latch Read Data/Drive Write Data DMARQ=1 TK TD Assert DIOR/DIOW DMARQ=1 TH TD Ready for new write data DMARQ=1 T0 TD Begin next cycle DMARQ=1 Start TJ, Start TN DMARQ=0 TJ T0 Negate DMACK, Go to Idle DMARQ Negated, DMACK asserted, T0=0 TN T0 Clear DMA_In_Progress flag. Allow CS0, CS1 to be driven DMARQ Negated, DMACK asserted, T0=0 Software Requirements Software calculates the appropriate values of TD and TK based on information reported for the cycle time (T0) in the drive’s IDENTIFY DEVICE data and the operating clock frequency. Cycle time (T0) must be greater than the sum of TD and TK. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-22 Freescale Semiconductor Signals and Connections 11.5 Signals and Connections Table 11-33. MPC5200 External Signals Signal I/O Description DATA[15:0] I/O SA[2:0] O Address—3-bit address, when combined with the two chip-selects, CS1FX and CS3FX, is used to address Control and Command Block Registers in an ATA drive controller (DA2, DA1 and DA0 on ATA cable, respectively). CS[1]FX O Chip select connected to CS[0] on ATA cable. CS[3]FX O Chip select connected to CS[1] on ATA cable. Signal I/O IOW O I/O Write—Active low signal that denotes a WRITE transaction (DIOW on ATA cable). IOR O I/O Read—Active low signal that denotes a READ transaction (DIOR on ATA cable). DACK O DMA Acknowledge (DMACK on ATA cable). INTRQ O ATA interrupt. ATA_ISOLATION O ATA Write Enable to allow sharing of the ATA DD bus with PCI Bus. IOCHRDY I I/O Channel Ready (IORDY pin on ATA cable) DRQ I DMA Request (DMARQ pin on ATA cable) RESET NC1 Data—16-bit Data Bus (DD pins on ATA cable). Description Reset—Handled at the board level Note: 1. NC=No Connection MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-23 ATA Interface Description Cable System Board See Notes MPC5200 ATA Controller Pin1 N/A–GPIO Optional RESET GND 33 Ohms ATA_DATA[15:0] 82 Ohms ATA_DRQ 22 Ohms ATA_IOW 22 Ohms ATA_IOR 82 Ohms ATA_IOCHRDY 22 Ohms ATA_DACK 82 Ohms ATA_INTRQ 22 Ohms ATA_SA[1] DA[0] 22 Ohms ATA_SA[0] DA[2] 22 Ohms ATA_SA[2] CS[0] 22 Ohms ATA_CS[1]FX(CS[4]) CS[1] DASP GND 22 Ohms ATA_CS[3]FX(CS[5]) DD[15:0] GND KEY DMARQ GND DIOW:STOP GND DIOR:HDMARDY:HSTROBE GND IORDY:DDMARDY:DSTROBE CSEL DMACK GND INTRQ Reserved DA[1] PDIAG Pin 40 Note: On system board: 1. All outgoing signals need 3.3V to 5V level shifters. 2. All incoming signals need 5V to 3.3V level shifters or 5V tolerant input buffers on MPC5200 ATA signals. LEGEND Bidirectional Output Input Figure 11-2. Connections—Controller Cable, System Board, MPC5200 11.6 ATA Interface Description Table 11-34. ATA Controller External Connections Pin# Cable I/O System Board I/O MPC5200 1 RESET O RESET:Reset — N/A—GPIO optional 2 GND — — — — 3–18 DD[15:0] 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17→DD[7:0] 18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4→DD[15:8] I/O DD[0:15] I/O ATA_DATA[15:0] 19 GND — — — — MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-24 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Interface Description Table 11-34. ATA Controller External Connections (continued) Pin# Cable I/O System Board I/O MPC5200 20 KEY — No Signal:Alignment key — — 2 DMARQ I DMARQ:DMA Request I ATA_DRQ 22 GND — — — — 23 DIOW:STOP O DIOW O ATA_IOW 24 GND — — — — 25 DIOR:HDMARDY:HSTROBE O DIOR O ATA_IOR 26 GND — — — — 27 IORDY:DDMARDY:DSTROBE I IORDY I ATA_IOCHRDY 28 CSEL — NC — — 29 DMACK O DMACK O ATA_DACK 30 GND — — — — 31 INTRQ I INTRQ I ATA_INTRQ 32 Reserved — — — — 33 DA[1] O DA[1]:Address Bus Bit1 O ATA_SA[1] 34 PDIAG — NC — — 35 DA[0] O DA[0]:Address Bus Bit0 O ATA_SA[0] 36 DA[2] O DA[2]:Address Bus Bit2 O ATA_SA[2] 37 CS[0] O CS[1]FX:Chip Select 0 O ATA_CS[1]FX(CS[4]) 38 CS[1] O CS[3]FX:Chip Select 1 O ATA_CS[3]FX(CS[5]) 39 DASP — NC — — 40 GND — — — — NOTE MPC5200 provides the ATA_ISOLATION output signal. This signal is shared with the A22 output of the LocalPlus Most/Graphics mode. The ATA_ISOLATION is not a signal defined by the ATA Standard. It is provided to support an external ATA transceiver. ATA_ISOLATION is an active high signal to control external transceiver devices and to ‘isolate’ the ATA bus from the LocalPlus (shared) bus. It can force the transceiver direction "MPC5200 -> disk drive". Only during an ATA read is this signal allowed to go low, forcing tranceiver direction "disk drive ->MPC5200". The ATA_ISOLATION should be connected to the Direction input of the transceiver. • High = Write to drive • Low = Read from drive MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-25 ATA Bus Background HOST DEVICE CS[0], CS[1] DA[2:0] DD[15:0] DIOR:HDMARDY:HSTROBE Chip Select to select Command Block registers. Address to access drive registers or data ports. 8-, 16-bit data interface. DIOR → Asserted by host to read drive registers or data ports. HDMARDY → Host ready to receive UDMA data in bursts. Negated to pause. HSTROBE → Host signal for UDMA data out bursts. Data latched in drive registers from DD[15:0] on both edges of HSTROBE. Host stops generating HSTROBE edges to pause. DIOW:STOP DIOW → Asserted by host to write drive registers or data ports. Negated by host before initiation of UDMA. STOP → Negated by host before UDMA burst. Assertion by host signals termination of UDMA. DMACK Host response to DMARQ by drive to initiate DMA transfers. DMARQ Asserted by drive for DMA data transfers from/to host. For multiword DMA, data direction is controlled by DIOR and DIOW. MARQ is negated by drive when DMACK is received from host.drivere-asserts DMARQ for more DMA transfers. INTRQ INTRQ used by selected drive to interrupt host. If (nIEN bit == 0 && drive is selected), INTRQ must be enabled through tri-state and must be driven asserted or negated. If (nIEN == 1 || drive is not selected), INTRQ = 1'bz. When INTRQ asserted, drive must negate it within 400ns of negation of DIOR that reads STATUS register or within 400ns of negation of DIOW that writes the COMMAND register. When drive is selected by writing to Device/Head register and interrupt is pending, INTRQ must be asserted within 400ns of negation of DIOW that writes the Device/Head register. When drive is de-selected by writing to Device/Head register and interrupt is pending, INTRQ must be negated within 400ns of negation of DIOW that writes the Device/Head register. IORDY:DDMARDY:DSTROBE IORDY is negated by drive to extend host transfer cycle (read or write) for PIO modes 3 and above. DDMARDY → drive ready to receive UDMA data out bursts. Negated to pause. DSTROBE → drive signal from UDMA data in bursts. Data latched in host registers from DD[15:0] on both edges of DSTROBE. Drive stops generating DSTROBE edges to pause. PDIAG:CBLID PDIAG → is asserted by drive 1 to indicate to drive 0 that it has completed diagnostics. CBLID → Host may sample CBLID after Power-ON or hardware reset is completed for all drives on the cable, to detect presence or absence of 80 conductor cable. If CBLID is detected as connected to ground then 80-conductor cable is present. If drive 1 is present, Host should issue IDENTIFY DEVICE or IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE and use returned data to determine if drive is compliant with ATA-3 or subsequent standards. Drives compliant with ATA-3 or above, release PDIAG no later than after the first command following a Power-ON or hardware reset sequence. RESET CSEL RESET used by host to reset drive. CSEL negated, drive address is 0 CSEL asserted, drive address is 1 Figure 11-3. Pin Description—ATA Interface 11.7 11.7.1 ATA Bus Background Terminology The most popular interface used in modern hard disks is the Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) interface, also known by various other names such as: ATA, EIDE, ATA-2, Fast ATA, Ultra ATA, etc. • Western Digital ® used the term IDE when they first integrated the drive controller logic board on the disk drive. • Quantum ® and Seagate ® used the term ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) or AT-Attachment, because it has a 16-bit data interface like original AT machines. ATA is the interface name adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Thus far, ANSI has published ATA, ATA-2, ATA-3 and ATA-4 interfaces. More work is underway for ATA-5 and future extensions of the ATA interface. Table 11-35 summarizes the different ATA standards. MPC5200 is compliant with the latest officially published ANSI ATA-4 interface. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-26 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Bus Background Table 11-35. ATA Standards Interface Standard Standard Type PIO Modes IDE/ATA ANSI 0,1,2 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0 — ATA-2 ANSI 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2 Block transfers, logical block addressing, improved identify drive command FAST ATA Marketing 0,1,2,3 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword 0,1 Same as ATA-2 Fast ATA-2 Marketing 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2 Same as ATA-2 ATA-3 Unofficial 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2 Same as ATA-2, plus improved reliability, SMART Ultra ATA Unofficial 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2,3 Same as ATA-3 ATAPI ANSI 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2 Support for non-hard-disk devices CD-ROM, Tape drives, etc. EIDE Marketing 0,1,2,3,4 Single word—0,1,2 Multiword—0,1,2 Same as ATA-2, plus ATAPI and dual host adapters ATA-4 ANSI 0,1,2,3,4 Multiword—0,1,2 Ultra DMA—0,1,2 Same as ATA-3, Single word DMA retired 11.7.2 Special Features or Enhancements introduced Relative to IDE/ATA DMA Modes ATA Modes Table 11-36. ATA Physical Level Modes 11.7.3 Mode Cycle Time (ns) Transfer Rate (MB/s) Standard PIO mode 0 600 3.3 ATA PIO mode 1 383 5.2 ATA PIO mode 2 240 8.3 ATA PIO mode 3 180 11.1 ATA-2 (IORDY required) PIO mode 4 120 16.7 ATA-2 (IORDY required) DMA mode 0 (Multiword) 480 4.2 ATA DMA mode 1 (Multiword) 150 13.3 ATA-2 DMA mode 2 (Multiword) 120 16.7 ATA-2 Ultra DMA mode 0 114 16.7 ATA-4 Ultra DMA mode 1 75 25 ATA-4 Ultra DMA mode 2 55 33 ATA-4 ATA Addressing In the ATA interface, there are two aspects of addressing that are present: register addressing and sector addressing. These are discussed in the next sections. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-27 ATA Bus Background ATA Register Addressing The address used to reference an ATA drive register. This is the actual address (CS[1]FX, CS[3]FX, DA[2:0]) present on the physical ATA interface. Table 11-37 gives details. Table 11-37. ATA Register Address/Chip Select Decoding Address Function READ (DIOR) WRITE (DIOW) System Address CS[1]FX — 1 1 x x x Data bus high impedance Not used 03F0–03F3 1 0 0 x x Data bus high impedance Not used 03F4–03F5 1 0 1 0 x Data bus high impedance Not used 03F6 1 0 1 1 0 Alternate status Device control 03F7 1 0 1 1 1 Obsolete Not used CS[3]FX DA[2] DA[1] DA[0] Control Block Registers Command Block Registers 01F0 0 1 0 0 0 Data Data 01F1 0 1 0 0 1 Error register Features 01F2 0 1 0 1 0 Sector count Sector count 01F3 0 1 0 1 1 Sector number Sector number 01F3 0 1 0 1 1 LBA bits 0–71 LBA bits 0–71 01F4 0 1 1 0 0 Cylinder low Cylinder low 01F4 0 1 1 0 0 LBA bits 8–151 LBA bits 8–151 01F5 0 1 1 0 1 Cylinder high Cylinder high 01F5 0 1 1 0 1 LBA bits 16–231 LBA bits 16–231 01F6 0 1 1 1 0 Drive/head Drive/head 01F6 0 1 1 1 0 LBA bits 24–271 LBA bits 24–271 01F7 0 1 1 1 1 Status Command — 0 0 x x x Invalid address Invalid address Note: 1. LBA mode register mapping—system addresses are for a single channel, accommodating two drives only. Drive Interrupt A pending drive interrupt is cleared by the following actions: • Read of status (not the alternate status) register • Write to command register Sector Addressing Sector addressing is the address used to reference data on the drive. It is the address used by the low-level drivers to access a particular piece of data and to place it into one or more ATA registers as part of a command block. To understand the data addressing, it is necessary to understand the physical organization of data in a drive, as presented in Figure 11-1. Each drive contains a number of disks, each with one or two heads (one head per surface). Each disk is divided into concentric tracks that are then divided into a number of sectors. A sector is the smallest unit of data that can be written or read by a drive. The collections of tracks that can be accessed by the heads at a single position is called a cylinder. Therefore, a sector can be uniquely identified by a sector number, a head number and a cylinder number. From this addressing scheme there are two ways to address an individual sector: physical addressing and logical block addressing, which are described in the next two sections. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-28 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Bus Background Notes 1. 2. LBA mode is only available in ATA-2 or later specifications. A block mode exists (not to be confused with logical block addressing), in which sectors are grouped into a unit, called a block, for purposes of data transfer. The number of sectors is set with SET MULTIPLE MODE command and is used by the READ MULTIPLE and WRITE MULTIPLE commands. When specifying sectors within a block, either CHS or LBA mode may be used. Physical/Logical Addressing Modes Addressing is done by referencing the sector, head and cylinder for a particular sector. Using a physical addressing mode, there are two mappings available: • Natural—Sector, head and cylinder numbers represent actual physical sectors, heads and cylinders on the drive. • Logical—Sector, head and cylinder numbers map to different physical sectors, heads and cylinders on the drive. Most modern hard disks usually have 2, 3 or 4 platters. All platters are connected together on a common spindle to spin as a single assembly. Each platter has two surfaces and two heads to access each surface. The platter is a collection of concentric circles called tracks, to store data. Each track is subdivided into sectors. Each sector can hold 540Bytes of information, with 512Bytes being used for data and 28Bytes being used for error correction code (ECC). A set of tracks under each head at the same track position is called a cylinder. So to get to the disk read/write data point, a cylinder address, a head address and a sector address is needed. Hence the basic addressing mode is called cylinder head sector (CHS) addressing. In this mode, the address is written into the ATA registers as follows: • Cylinder→{Cylinder High (0x01F5), Cylinder Low (0x01F4)} • Head→Drive/Head (0x01F6) • Sector→Sector Number (0x01F3) To most efficiently use the drive for data storage, the physical geometry is translated into logical geometry by the hard disk manufacturers. The BIOS or overlay software from the disk manufacturer translates the logical geometry to physical geometry to get to the physical location of the data written/read on/from the disk. The CHS method is limited to 1024 cylinders, 16 heads and 63 sectors. This limits the hard disk recognition to a maximum of 504MBytes. This limit is increased for larger disks by enhancing the CHS translation. BIOS limits cylinder size to 1024 (10bits allocated), but allows the number of heads to be 256 (8bits allocated). Therefore, a 3.1GByte hard disk with 6136 cylinders and 16 heads is translated by dividing the cylinders by 8 (6136 ÷ 8 = 767). The number of heads is then multiplied by the same number (16 x 8 = 128). This fits well within the limits set by the BIOS and a larger disk is recognized for its true size (767 x 128 x 63 x 512 = 3.1GBytes). Another form of addressing is called logical block addressing (LBA). This uses 28bits in the ATA standard to address a particular sector on a hard disk. A sum total of sectors on a drive is available and each unique sector is addressed using LBA. Mapping from physical organization to logical block numbers is done using the following formula: LBA→(Cylinder# x HeadCount + Head#) x SectorCount + Sector# –1 In this mode, the address is written in the ATA Registers as follows: LBA→{LBA[0:7](0x01F3), LBA[8:15](0x01F4), LBA[16:23](0x01F5), LBA[24:27] (0x01F6)} GAP1 VFO Sync Sync GAP1 Sync Cylinder Head Write Splice Head GAP2 Header Cylinder Header Sector Sector Sync VFO Sync CRC 512 Bytes data 512 Bytes data ECC GAP3 Soft-Sector Format ECC CRC GAP3 Hard-Sector Format Figure 11-4. ATA Sector Format MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-29 ATA Bus Background 11.7.4 ATA Transactions ATA Transactions are divided into three types: • PIO Mode • Multiword DMA • Ultra DMA PIO Mode Transactions PIO mode transactions are the simplest transaction available on the ATA interface. They essentially consist of single word accesses across the ATA interface. There are currently 6 PIO modes available, which are summarized in Table 11-36. Timing and sequence information are given in the MPC5200 datasheet. Three classes of ATA commands use PIO Mode: • Class 1—PIO Read • Class 2—PIO Write • Class Non-Data Command Class 1—PIO Read Figure 11-5 shows the PIO Read process. — PIO Single sector read [identify drive, read buffer, read sector(s)] — Interrupt is generated after each sector is read into the sector buffer: 1. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to setup for data read. 2. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute read command. 3. HOST: Poll drive to see if it is ready. 4. DRIVE: Read sector from physical medium to sector buffer. 5. DRIVE: Interrupt HOST when done. 6. HOST: Read ATA control/command block registers to get status 7. DRIVE: Clear interrupt after reading status register. 8. HOST: Read ATA data register 256 times to get all 512Bytes from sector buffer. 9. Repeat steps 4–8 for multiple sectors. — PIO Block mode read [read multiple] — Interrupt is generated after each block is read into sector buffer: 1. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to setup for data read. 2. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute read command. 3. HOST: Poll drive to see if it is ready. 4. DRIVE: Read block of sectors from physical medium to sector buffer. 5. DRIVE: Interrupt HOST when done. 6. HOST: Read ATA control/command block registers to get status. 7. DRIVE: Clear interrupt after reading status register. 8. HOST: Read ATA data register to get all sectors from sector buffer. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-30 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Bus Background Host Set Up Register Block Send Command Read Status Read Sector Buffer Read Sector Drive Read Status Read Sector Buffer Read Sector DRDY BSY DRQ INTRQ Figure 11-5. Timing Diagram—PIO Read Command (Class 1) Class 2—PIO Write The PIO single sector write command [format, write buffer, write sector(s)] is as follows: 1. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to setup for data write. 2. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute write command. 3. HOST: Poll drive to see if it is ready. 4. HOST: Write ATA data register 256 times to get all 512Bytes into sector buffer. 5. DRIVE: When sector buffer is filled, write sector to physical medium. 6. DRIVE: Interrupt HOST when done. 7. HOST: Read ATA control/command block registers to get status. 8. DRIVE: Clear interrupt after reading status register. 9. Repeat steps 4–8 for multiple sector writes. The PIO block mode write command (write multiple) is as follows: 1. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to set up for data write. 2. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute write command. 3. HOST: Poll drive to see if it is ready. 4. HOST: Write ATA data register 256 times to get all sectors into sector buffer. 5. DRIVE: When sector buffer is filled, write sector to physical medium. 6. DRIVE: Interrupt HOST when done. 7. HOST: Read ATA control/command block registers to get status. 8. DRIVE: Clear interrupt after reading status register. Figure 11-6 shows the PIO Write process. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-31 ATA Bus Background Host Set Up Register Block Send Command Write Sector Buffer Write Sector Buffer Read Status Write Sector Write Sector Drive Read Status DRDY BSY DRQ INTRQ Figure 11-6. Timing Diagram—PIO Write Command (Class 2) Class 3—Non-Data Command The Non-Data Command is as follows: 1. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to setup for data read. 2. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute read command. 3. DRIVE: Execute command. Figure 11-7 shows the Non-Data Command. Host Set Up Register Block Set Up Register Block Send Command Execute Command Drive Send Command Execute Command DRDY BSY DRQ INTRQ Figure 11-7. Timing Diagram—Non-Data Command (Class 3) DMA Protocol The DMA protocol has the following commands: • READ DMA • WRITE DMA The Host selects the multiword DMA protocol as follows: 1. Write 00100b to upper 5 bits ([7:3]) of sector count register to select multiword DMA protocol. Write desired mode value to lower 3 bits ([2:0]) of sector count register to set multiword DMA transfer mode (mode 0=000b, mode 1=001b, etc.). 2. Write sub-command code 0x03 to features register to set transfer mode, based on value in sector count register. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-32 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Bus Background 3. Write command code 0xEF to command register to execute SET FEATURES command. This sets the data transfer protocol to multiword DMA with desired mode. Data transfers into DMA differ from a PIO transfer in that: • Data is transferred using the DMA channel. • A single interrupt is issued at command completion. The Host initializes the DMA channel prior to issuing DMA mode commands. The drive asserts an interrupt when data transfer is complete. The DMA command protocol is as follows: 1. HOST: Read status or alternate status register until BSY and DRQ are both 0. (ATA-4, 41, 48). 2. HOST: Write device/head register with appropriate DEV bit value to select drive. (ATA-4, 45). 3. HOST: Wait 400 ns, read status or alternate status register until BSY & DRQ are set to 0. The required drive is then assured to be selected. 4. HOST: Write required command parameters to the features, sector count, sector number, cylinder high, cylinder low, and device/head registers. (ATA-4, chapter 7). 5. HOST: Write command code to command register for drive to start processing command using parameters from the command block registers. (ATA-4, 41). 6. DRIVE: If no drive error exists, set BSY=1 and begin processing command. 7. HOST: Wait 400ns, read status or alternate status register to ensure valid contents. 8. DRIVE: Set BSY=1 or BSY=0 && DRQ=1. 9. DRIVE: Assert DMARQ when ready, transfer data per multiword DMA timing or ultra DMA protocol. 10. HOST: Assert DMACK, negate CS [0] and CS [1] when ready to transfer data per multiword DMA timing or ultra DMA protocol. Transfers are 16-bit wide from the data port. DMA data out (drive→host) transfers are processed by a series of reads to the data port. Each read transfers the data that follows the previous read. DMA in data (host→drive) transfers are processed by a series of writes to this port. Each write transfers the data that follows the previous write. Results are indeterminate if data port is written during a DMA data out or data port is read during a DMA data in transfers. 11. DRIVE: Negate DMARQ when transfer is complete. 12. DRIVE: Set error status in error register if error exists. 13. DRIVE: Clear BSY and DRQ. 14. DRIVE: Assert INTRQ if Host has enabled nIEN (set to 0) in command control register. This register is written by the host to enable interrupt from the drive by clearing nIEN bit to 0. INTRQ is in a high impedance state if nIEN bit is set to 1. When host sets command control register bit SRST to 1, software can reset selected drive. However, the command control register must be written while DMACK is not asserted. Bit 0 must be cleared to 0. 1. HOST: To clear pending interrupt, read status register (regardless of nIEN status). 2. DRIVE: If enabled by nIEN (nIEN = 0), negate INTRQ. 3. DMA command completes. Table 11-38. DMA Command Parameters Parameters Used (Registers) DMA Command Command Code READ DMA WRITE DMA Features Sector Count Sector Number/LBA Cylinder HI/LO/LBA Device/Head/LBA C8h Yes Yes Yes Yes D/H Both CAh Yes Yes Yes Yes D/H Both Figure 11-8 shows the DMA command protocol flow diagram. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-33 ATA Bus Background START Drive: Assert DMARQ when ready to transfer data Host: Read Status or Alternate Status register Host: BSY = 0 & DRQ = 0 Host: Assert DMACK when ready to transfer data No Yes Drive: Transfer Done Host: Write Device/Head register to select drive No Yes Host: Read Status or Alternate Status register No Drive: Error Yes Host: BSY = 0 & DRQ = 0 No Drive: Set error status Yes Drive: Clear BSY = 0 and DRQ = 0 Write Control/Command block registers to setup data transfer No Drive: nIEN = 0 Write Command Code to Command register Yes Drive: Set BSY = 1 and begin command execution Drive: Assert INTRQ Host: Read Status register Drive: Error Host: Read Status register Yes Drive: Negate INTRQ No END Drive: Set BSY = 1, or BSY = 0 & DRQ = 1 Figure 11-8. Flow Diagram—DMA Command Protocol MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-34 Freescale Semiconductor ATA Bus Background Multiword DMA Transactions Multiword DMA transactions differ from PIO mode transactions in three ways: 1. Data transfers are done using a drive DMA and a host DMA (optional). 2. Handshaking is done with DMARQ and DMACK, no address is necessary. 3. Interrupts do not occur after every sector for multi-sector transfers Class 4—DMA Command Figure 11-9 shows the DMA timing diagram. The DMA command (Read DMA, Write DMA) is as follows: 1. HOST: Set up HOST DMA (in ATA Host Controller or system DMA). 2. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to setup drive DMA. 3. HOST: Write to ATA control/command block registers to set up data read/write. 4. HOST: Write to ATA command register to execute the read/write command. 5. DRIVE: Assert DMARQ. 6. HOST: When DMARQ is asserted, assert DMACK. 7. DRIVE: Read sector from physical medium to sector buffer. 8. DRIVE: Transfer data to HOST using DMA handshaking. 9. Repeat steps 7–8 as needed for multiple sectors. 10. DRIVE: De-assert DMARQ. 11. HOST: De-assert DMACK. 12. DRIVE: Interrupt HOST. 13. HOST: Stop HOST DMA. 14. HOST: Read ATA control/command block registers to get status. 15. DRIVE: Clear interrupt after reading status register. Host Set Up DMA Set Up Command /Registers Drive Carry out DMA Reset DMA Reset Status Read Sector Read Sector DRDY UNDEFINED BSY UNDEFINED IEN Figure 11-9. Timing Diagram—DMA Command (Class 4) Ultra DMA Protocol The Ultra DMA protocol has the following commands: • READ DMA • WRITE DMA The host selects the Ultra DMA protocol as follows: • Write 01000b to upper 5 bits ([7:3]) of sector count register to select ultra DMA protocol. Write desired mode value to lower 3 bits ([2:0]) of sector count register to set ultra DMA transfer mode (mode 0=000b, mode 1=001b, etc.). • Write sub-command code 03h to features register to set transfer mode based on value in sector count register. • Write command code EFh to command register to execute SET FEATURES command, which sets the data transfer protocol to ultra DMA with desired mode. When enabled, the ultra DMA protocol is used instead of the multiword DMA protocol. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-35 ATA RESET/Power-Up NOTE Ultra DMA mode 2 (UDMA2) requires that the ipb_clk speed is at least 66MHz. Table 11-39 lists the redefined ultra DMA protocol signal lines. These lines provide new functions during the ultra DMA mode. At termination of an ultra DMA burst, the host negates DMACK and the lines revert to the definitions used for non-ultra DMA transfers. Table 11-39. Redefinition of Signal Lines for Ultra DMA Protocol Non-Ultra DMA modes Ultra DMA Modes DIOR HDMARDY Host DMA ready during Ultra DMA data in bursts HSTROBE Host data strobe during Ultra DMA data out bursts DDMARDY Drive DMA ready during Ultra DMA data out bursts DSTROBE Drive data strobe during Ultra DMA data in bursts IORDY DIOW STOP Description Host stop ultra DMA bursts Both the host and drive do a CRC function during an ultra DMA burst: • The host sends CRC data to the drive. • The drive does a CRC data comparison. If the CRC comparison fails, the error register ERR bit is set. The drive always reports the first error that occurs. 11.8 11.8.1 ATA RESET/Power-Up Hardware Reset The host asserts RESET for a minimum of 25µs after power has stabilized within system specified tolerance. A signal assertion less than 20ns is not recognized by the drive. The host should not do the following: • set the device control register bit SRST to 1 to enable the drive for software reset • issue a DEVICE RESET command while the status register BSY bit is set to 1. NOTE Hardware reset is a board requirement, not an MPC5200 function unless GPIO is used. 11.8.2 Software Reset The host sets the device control register bit SRST to 1. Any subsequent setting and clearing of the SRST bit must be at least 5µs apart. Figure 11-10 shows the Reset timing diagram. Table 11-40 gives timing characteristics. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-36 Freescale Semiconductor ATA I/O Cable Specifications tM RESET Can set BSY=0 if Drive 1 not present tN BSY Drive 0 tP tR Drive 0 Can assert DASP to indicate active if Drive 1 not present DASP Control Registers tN BSY tQ Drive 1 tP PDIAG tS tR Drive 1 DASP Figure 11-10. Timing Diagram—Reset Timing Table 11-40. Reset Timing Characteristics Name Min/Max Timing tM Reset pulse width Min 25µs tN Reset negated to BSY active setup Max 400ns tP Reset negated to DASP inactive setup Max 1ms tQ DASP active to PDIAG active setup Max 30s tR Drive 0—Reset negated to DASP active setup Max 450ms Drive 1—Reset negated to DASP active setup Max 400ms DASP active to PDIAG inactive setup Max 30.5s tS 11.9 PIO Timing Parameter ATA I/O Cable Specifications For reference, the standard ATA cable specifications affects stem integrity and should not exceed 18inches or 0.46m. Total cable capacitance should not exceed 35pF. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-37 ATA Controller Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 11-38 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 12 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 12.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Section 12.2, Data Transfer Types • Section 12.4, Host Control (HC) Operational Registers, includes: — Section 12.4.2, Control and Status Partition—MBAR + 0x1000 — Section 12.4.3, Memory Pointer Partition—MBAR + 0x1018 — Section 12.4.4, Frame Counter Partition—MBAR + 0x1034 — Section 12.4.5, Root Hub Partition—MBAR + 0x1048 The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12Mbps. Figure 12-1 shows the four main areas of a USB system, which are: • Client software/USB driver—software implemented • Host Controller Driver (HCD)—software implemented • Host Controller (HC)—hardware implemented • USB device—hardware implemented Client Software USB Driver Software Host Controller Driver Scope of OHCI Host Controller Hardware USB Device Figure 12-1. USB Focus Areas The Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) is a register-level description of a HC for the Universal Serial Bus (USB). OHCI specifies the interface between and the fundamental HCD operation and the HC. The HCD and HC work in tandem to transfer data between client software and a USB device. Data is translated from shared-memory data structures at the client software end, to USB signal protocols at the USB device end, and vice-versa. 12.2 Data Transfer Types Four data transfer types are defined in the USB. Each type is optimized to match the service requirements between client software and the USB device. These types are: • Interrupt Transfers—Small data transfers used to communicate information from the USB device to the client software. The HCD polls the USB device by issuing tokens to the device at a periodic interval sufficient for the requirements of the device. • Isochronous Transfers—Periodic data transfers with a constant data rate. Data transfers are correlated in time between the sender and receiver. • Control Transfers—Non-periodic data transfers used to communicate configuration/command/status type information between client software and the USB device. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-1 Host Controller Interface • Bulk Transfers—Non-periodic data transfers used to communicate large amounts of information between client software and the USB device. In OpenHCI the data transfer types are classified into two categories: periodic and nonperiodic. Periodic transfers are interrupt and isochronous since they are scheduled to run at periodic intervals. Non-periodic transfers are control and bulk since they are not scheduled to run at any specific time, but rather on a time-available basis. 12.3 12.3.1 Host Controller Interface Communication Channels There are two communication channels between the HC and HCD. 1. The first channel uses a set of operational registers located on the HC. The HC is the target for all communication on this channel. The operational registers contain control, status, and list pointer registers. Within the operational register set is a pointer to a location in shared memory named the HC Communications Area (HCCA). 2. The HCCA is the second communication channel. The HC is the master for all communication on this channel. The HCCA contains the head pointers to the interrupt endpoint descriptor lists, the head pointer to the done queue, and status information associated with start-of-frame processing. Device Enumeration OpenHCI Operational Registers Host Controller Communications Area Mode Interrupt 0 HCCA Interrupt 1 Status Interrupt 2 . . . Event Frame Int Ratio Interrupt 31 . . . Control Bulk . . . Done Device Register in Memory Space Shared RAM Figure 12-2. Communication Channels 12.3.2 Data Structures The basic building blocks for communication across the interface are the endpoint descriptor (ED) and transfer descriptor (TD). The HCD assigns an endpoint descriptor to each endpoint in the system. The endpoint descriptor contains the information necessary for the HC to communicate with the endpoint. The fields include the maximum packet size, the endpoint address, the speed of the endpoint, and the direction of data flow. Endpoint descriptors are linked in a list. A queue of transfer descriptors is linked to the endpoint descriptor for the specific endpoint. The transfer descriptor contains the information necessary to describe the data packets to be transferred. The fields include data toggle information, shared memory buffer location, and MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-2 Freescale Semiconductor Host Controller Interface completion status codes. Each transfer descriptor contains information that describes one or more data packets. The data buffer for each transfer descriptor ranges in size from 0 to 8192Bytes with a maximum of one physical page crossing. Transfer descriptors are linked in a queue; the first one queued is the first one processed. Each data transfer type has its own linked list of endpoint descriptors to be processed. Figure 12-3 shows the data structure relationship. Head Ptr ED ED ED ED TD TD TD TD TD TD TD Figure 12-3. Typical List Structure The head pointers to the bulk and control endpoint descriptor lists are maintained within the operational registers in the HC. The HCD initializes these pointers prior to the HC gaining access to them. Should these pointers need to be updated, the HCD may need to stop the HC from processing the specific list, update the pointer, then re-enable the HC. The head pointers to the interrupt endpoint descriptor lists are maintained within the HCCA. There is no separate head pointer for isochronous transfers. The first isochronous endpoint descriptor simply links to the last interrupt endpoint descriptor. There are 32 interrupt head pointers. The head pointer used for a particular frame is determined by using the last five bits of the frame counter as an offset into the interrupt array within the HCCA. The interrupt endpoint descriptors are organized into a tree structure with the head pointers being the leaf nodes. The desired interrupt endpoint polling rate is achieved by scheduling the endpoint descriptor at the appropriate depth in the tree. The higher the polling rate, the closer to the root of the tree the endpoint descriptor is placed. Figure 12-4 shows the interrupt endpoint structure. The Interrupt endpoint descriptor placeholder indicates where zero or more endpoint descriptors may be queued. The numbers on the left are the index into the HCCA interrupt head pointer array. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-3 Host Controller Interface Interrupt Headpointers 0 16 8 24 4 20 12 28 2 18 10 26 6 22 14 30 1 17 9 25 5 21 13 29 3 19 11 27 7 23 15 31 Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor Placeholder 32 16 8 4 2 1 Endpoint Poll Interval (ms) Figure 12-4. Interrupt ED Structure Figure 12-5 shows a sample interrupt endpoint schedule. The schedule shows: • two endpoint descriptors at a 1ms poll interval • two endpoint descriptors at a 2ms poll interval • one endpoint descriptor at a 4ms poll interval • two endpoint descriptors at an 8ms poll interval • two endpoint descriptors at a 16ms poll interval • two endpoint descriptors at a 32ms poll interval. NOTE Unused interrupt endpoint placeholders are bypassed and the link is connected to the next available endpoint in the hierarchy. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-4 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Interrupt Headpointers 0 16 8 24 4 20 12 28 2 18 10 26 6 22 14 30 1 17 9 25 5 21 13 29 3 19 11 27 7 23 15 31 Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor 32 16 8 4 2 1 Endpoint Poll Interval (ms) Figure 12-5. Sample Interrupt Endpoint Schedule 12.4 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Host Control contains a set of on-chip operational registers which are mapped into a non-cacheable portion of the system addressable space. These registers are used by the HCD. According to the function of these registers, they are divided into four partitions, specifically for control and status, memory pointer, frame counter and root hub. All of the registers should be read and written as D-words. Reserved bits may be allocated in future releases of this specification. To ensure interoperability, the HCD that does not use a reserved field should not assume the reserved field contains 0. In addition, HCD should always preserve the reserved field value(s). When a R/ W register is modified, the HCD should first read the register and modify the bits desired. Then, HCD should write the register with the reserved bits still containing the read value. Alternatively, HCD can maintain an in-memory copy of previously written values that can be modified and written to the HC register. When a write to the set/clear register is written, bits written to reserved fields should be 0. 12.4.1 Programming Note Programmers should observe the following notes: 1. The Clock Distribution Module (CDM) (0x0210) must be initialized before you can access any USB registers. If this register is not initialized, every USB register access will cause a machine check interrupt. For Example: If the SYS_XTAL_IN frequency is 33 MHz and the RST_CFG6 pin is low (multiplier 16), than the four phase divide ratios must be set to 0x5,fractional counter divide ration of fsystem /11. 33 MHz * 16 / 11 = 48 MHz (USB frequency) 2. The GPS Port Configuration Register—MBAR + 0x0B00 (0xB00) must be initialized to communicate over the muxed USB port. It configures USB for Differential or SE0 mode, the port to be used for USB2 and if the IrDA/USB 48MHz clock is generated internally or externally. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-5 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers 12.4.2 Control and Status Partition—MBAR + 0x1000 This HC partition uses 6 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x1000. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x1000 + register address The following registers are available: • USB HC Revision Register (0x1000) • USB HC Control Register (0x1004) • USB HC Command Status Register (0x1008) • USB HC Interrupt Status Register (0x100C) • USB HC Interrupt Enable Register (0x1010) • USB HC Interrupt Disable Register (0x1014) USB HC Revision Register—MBAR + 0x1000 Table 12-1. USB HC Revision Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved REV W RESET: 0 0 0 Bits Name 0:23 – 24:31 REV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Description Reserved Revision—a read-only field containing the BCD representation of the HCI specification version implemented by this HC. For example, a value of 11h corresponds to version 1.1. All HC implementations compliant with this specification have a value of 10h. USB HC Control Register—MBAR + 0x1004 The HC Control register defines HC operating modes. Except for HostController FunctionalState and RemoteWakeUpConnected, most fields in this register are modified only by the HCD. Table 12-2. USB HC Control Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb RWE RWC IR BLE CLE IE PLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R HCFS CBSR W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-6 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 0:20 — 21 RWE Description Reserved RemoteWakeUpEnable—HCD uses bit to enable or disable the remote WakeUp feature on detection of upstream resume signaling. When this bit is set and the ResumeDetected bit in HcInterruptStatus is set, a remote WakeUp is signaled to the host system. Setting this bit has no impact on the generation of hardware interrupt. 22 RWC RemoteWakeUpConnected—bit indicates whether HC supports remote WakeUp signaling. If remote WakeUp is supported and used by the system it is the responsibility of system firmware to set this bit during POST. HC clears bit on a hardware reset, but does not alter it on a software reset. Host system remote WakeUp signaling is host-bus-specific and not described in this specification. 23 IR InterruptRouting—bit determines routing of interrupts generated by events registered in HcInterruptStatus. • If clear, all interrupts are routed to the normal host bus interrupt mechanism. • If set, interrupts are routed to the System Management Interrupt. HCD clears this bit on a hardware reset, but does not alter it on a software reset. HCD uses this bit as a tag to indicate HC ownership. 24:25 HCFS HostControllerFunctionalState—a USB field: 00=USBRESET 01=USBRESUME 10=USBOPERATIONAL 11=USBSUSPEND Transition to USBOPERATIONAL from another state causes SOF generation to begin 1ms later. HCD may determine if HC has begun sending SOFs by reading the StartofFrame field of HcInterruptStatus. This field may be changed by HC, only when in the USBSUSPEND state. HC may move from the USBSUSPEND state to the USBRESUME state after detecting resume signaling from a downstream port. HC enters USBSUSPEND after a software reset, whereas it enters USBRESET after a hardware reset. A hardware reset also resets the Root Hub and asserts subsequent reset signaling to downstream ports. 26 BLE BulkListEnable—setting bit enables Bulk list processing in next Frame. • • 27 CLE ControlListEnable—setting bit enables Control list processing in next Frame. • • 28 IE If cleared by HCD, Bulk list processing does not occur after next SOF. HC checks this bit whenever it determines to process the list. When disabled, HCD may modify the list. If HcBulkCurrentED points to an ED to be removed, HCD advances pointer by updating HcBulkCurrentED before re-enabling list processing. If cleared by HCD, Control list processing does not occur after next SOF. HC checks this bit whenever it determines to process the list. When disabled, HCD may modify the list. If HcControlCurrentED points to an ED to be removed, HCD advances pointer by updating HcControlCurrentED before re-enabling list processing. IsochronousEnable—HCD uses bit to enable/disable isochronous EDs processing. While processing the periodic list in a Frame, HC checks bit status when it finds an Isochronous ED (F=1). • • If set (enabled), HC continues processing the EDs. If cleared (disabled), HC halts periodic list processing, which now contains only isochronous EDs, and begins processing Bulk/Control lists. Setting this bit is guaranteed to take effect in the next Frame, not the current Frame. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-7 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name Description 29 PLE PeriodicListEnable—setting bit enables periodic list processing in next Frame. If cleared by HCD, periodic list processing does not occur after the next SOF. HC checks this bit prior to starting list processing. 30:31 CBSR ControlBulkServiceRatio—field specifies the service ratio between Control and Bulk EDs. Before processing non-periodic lists, HC compares the ratio specified with its internal count on how many non-empty Control EDs have been processed, in determining whether to continue serving another Control ED or switching to Bulk EDs. When crossing the frame boundary, the internal count is retained. In case of reset, HCD is responsible for restoring this value. CBSR=Number of Control EDs Over Bulk EDs Served 0=1:1 1=2:1 2=3:1 3=4:1 USB HC Command Status Register—MBAR + 0x1008 HC uses the HC Command Status register to receive (Rx) commands issued by HCD. It reflects the current HC status. To HCD, it appears to be a write-to-set register. HC ensures bits written as 1 are set in the register, while bits written as 0 remain unchanged in the register. HCD may issue multiple distinct commands to HC without concern for corrupting previously issued commands. HCD has normal read access to all bits. The SchedulingOverrunCount field indicates the number of frames in which HC detects scheduling overrun errors. This occurs when the Periodic list does not complete before EOF. When a scheduling overrun error is detected, HC increments the counter and sets SchedulingOverrun field in HcInterruptStatus register. Table 12-3. USB HC Command Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reserved 15 SOC W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb OCR BLF CLF HCR 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:13 — 14:15 SOC 16:27 — 28 OCR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved SchedulingOverrunCount—bits are incremented on each scheduling overrun error. SOC is initialized to 00 and wraps at 11. SOC increments when a scheduling overrun is detected, even if SchedulingOverrun in HcInterruptStatus has already been set. HCD uses SOC to monitor any persistent scheduling problems. Reserved OwnershipChangeRequest—OS HCD sets this bit to request an HC change of control. When set, HC sets the OwnershipChange field in HcInterruptStatus. After changeover, this bit is cleared and remains clear until the next OS HCD request. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-8 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name Description 29 BLF BulkListFilled—bit indicates whether there are Bulk List TDs. HCD sets this bit when it adds a TD to a Bulk List ED. When HC begins processing the Bulk List head, it checks BF. • • • • 30 CLF ControlListFilled—bit indicates whether there are Control List TDs. HCD sets this bit when it adds a TD to a Control List ED. When HC begins processing the Control List head, it checks CLF. • • • • 31 HCR If BLF is 0, HC does not start Bulk List processing. If BLF is 1, HC starts Bulk List processing and sets BF to 0. If HC finds a Bulk List TD, HC sets BLF to 1, causing Bulk List processing to continue. If HC does not find a Bulk List TD and HCD does not set BLF, then BLF remains 0 when HC completes processing and Bulk List processing stops. If CLF is 0, HC does not start Control List processing. If CF is 1, HC starts Control List processing and sets CLF to 0. If HC finds a Control List TD, CLF is set to 1, causing Control List processing to continue. If HC does not find a Control List TD and HCD does not set CLF, then CLF remains 0 when HC completes processing and Control List processing stops. HostControllerReset—HCD sets bit to initiate a software reset of HC. Regardless of the HC functional state, it moves to the USBSUSPEND state in which most of the operational registers are reset except those stated otherwise. For example, HcControl Interrupt Routing field and no Host bus access is allowed. On completion of the reset operation, HC clears this bit. Completion must be within 10ms. When set, this bit should not cause a root hub reset and no subsequent reset signaling should be asserted to downstream ports. USB HC Interrupt Status Register —MBAR + 0x100C This register provides status on various events that cause hardware interrupts. When an event occurs, HC sets the corresponding register bit. When a bit is set, a hardware interrupt is generated, if the interrupt is enabled in the HcInterruptEnable register and the MasterInterruptEnable bit is set. HCD may clear specific bits in this register by writing 1 to bit positions to be cleared. HCD may not set any of these bits. HC never clears the bit. Table 12-4. USB HC Interrupt Status Register R msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rsvd OC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb RHSC FNO UE RD SF WDH SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 — Reserved 1 OC OwnershipChange—HC sets this bit when HCD sets the HcCommandStatus OwnershipChangeRequest field. This event, when unmasked, always generate an immediate System Management Interrupt (SMI). When the SMI pin is not implemented, the OC bit is tied to 0. 2:24 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-9 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 25 RHSC 26 FNO FrameNumberOverflow—bit is set when HcFmNumber msb (bit 15) changes value (from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0) and after HccaFrameNumber is updated. 27 UE UnrecoverableError—bit is set when HC detects a system error not related to USB. HC should not proceed with processing or signaling prior to the system error being corrected. HCD clears this bit after HC is reset. 28 RD ResumeDetected—bit is set when HC detects a USB device asserting a resume signal. It is the transition from no resume signaling to resume signaling that causes this bit to be set. This bit is not set when HCD sets the USBRESUME state. 29 SF StartofFrame—bit is set by HC at each start of a frame and after updating the HccaFrameNumber. HC also generates an SOF token at the same time. 30 WDH WritebackDoneHead—bit is set immediately after HC writes HcDoneHead to HccaDoneHead. Further HccaDoneHead updates do not occur until this bit is cleared. HCD should only clear this bit after saving HccaDoneHead contents. 31 SO SchedulingOverrun—bit is set when USB schedule for the current Frame overruns and after an HccaFrameNumber update. A scheduling overrun also causes the HcCommandStatus SOC to increment. Description RootHubStatusChange—bit is set when HcRhStatus content or content of any HcRhPortStatus[Number of Downstream Port] changes. USB HC Interrupt Enable Register—MBAR + 0x1010 Each enable bit in the HC Interrupt Enable register corresponds to an associated interrupt bit in the HcInterruptStatus register. The HcInterruptEnable register is used to control which events generate a hardware interrupt. When: 1. a bit is set in the HcInterruptStatus register, and 2. the corresponding bit is set in the HcInterruptEnable register, and 3. the MasterInterruptEnable bit is set, then 4. a hardware interrupt is requested on the host bus. Writing 1 to a bit in this register sets the corresponding bit, whereas writing 0 to a bit in this register leaves the corresponding bit unchanged. On read, the current value of this register is returned. Table 12-5. USB HC Interrupt Enable Register R msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MIE OC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb RHSC FNO UE RD SF WDH SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-10 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 0 MIE Description Master Interrupt Enable—used by HCD. 0 written to this bit is ignored by HC. 1 written to this bit enables interrupt generation, due to events specified in other bits of this register. 1 OC OwnershipChange Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to ownership change 2:24 — Reserved 25 RHSC RootHubStatusChange Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to root hub status change. 26 FNO FrameNumberOverflow Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to frame number overflow. 27 UE UnrecoverableError Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to unrecoverable error. 28 RD ResumeDetected Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to resume detect. 29 SF StartofFrame Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to start of frame. 30 WDH WritebackDoneHead Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to HcDoneHead writeback. 31 SO SchedulingOverrun Ignore Enable interrupt generation due to scheduling overrun. USB HC Interrupt Disable Register—MBAR + 0x1014 Each disable bit in the HC Interrupt Disable register corresponds to an associated interrupt bit in the HcInterruptStatus register. The HcInterruptDisable register is coupled with the HcInterruptEnable register. Thus, writing a ‘1’ to a bit in this register clears the corresponding bit in the HcInterruptEnable register, whereas writing a ‘0’ to a bit in this register leaves the corresponding bit in the HcInterruptEnable register unchanged. On read, the current value of the HcInterruptEnable register is returned. Table 12-6. USB HC Interrupt Disable Register R msb 0 1 MIE OC 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-11 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reserved R 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb RHSC FNO UE RD SF WDH SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0 MIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Master Interrupt Enable—bit is set after a hardware or software reset. 0 written to this bit is ignored by HC. 1 written to this bit disables interrupt generation, due to events specified in other bits of this register. 1 OC OwnershipChange Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to Ownership Change 2:24 — 25 RHSC Reserved RootHubStatusChange Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to root hub status change. 26 FNO FrameNumberOverflow Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to frame number overflow. 27 UE UnrecoverableError Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to unrecoverable error. 28 RD ResumeDetected Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to resume detect. 29 SF StartofFrame Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to start of frame. 30 WDH WritebackDoneHead Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to HcDoneHead writeback. 31 SO SchedulingOverrun Ignore Disable interrupt generation due to scheduling overrun. 12.4.3 Memory Pointer Partition—MBAR + 0x1018 This HC partition uses 7 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x1018. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x1018 + register address The following registers are available: • USB HC HCCA Register (0x1018) • USB HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor Register (0x101C) • USB HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor Register (0x1020) • USB HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor Register (0x1024) • USB HC Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor Register (0x1028) MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-12 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers • • USB HC Bulk Current Endpint Descriptor Register (0x102C) USB HC Done Head Register (0x1030) USB HC HCCA Register—MBAR + 0x1018 The HC HCCA register contains the physical address of the Host Controller Communication Area. HCD determines alignment restrictions by writing all 1s to HcHCCA and reading the HcHCCA content. Alignment is evaluated by examining the number of 0s in the lower order bits. Minimum alignment is 256Bytes. Bits 0 through 7 must always return 0 when read. This area holds control structures and the interrupt table, which are accessed by both the HC and HCD. Table 12-7. USB HC HCCA Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HCCA W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 R Reserved HCCA W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:23 HCCA Host Controller Communication Area—base address. 24:31 — 0 0 0 Reserved USB HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x101C The HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor (ED) register contains the physical address of the current isochronous or interrupt endpoint descriptor. Table 12-8. USB HC Period Current Endpoint Descriptor Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PCED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved PCED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:27 PCED PeriodCurrentED—HC uses this field to point to the head of one of the Periodic lists, which is processed in the current Frame. HC updates register content after a periodic ED is processed. HCD may read the content in determining which ED is currently being processed at the time of reading. 28:31 — Reserved MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-13 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers USB HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x1020 The HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor register contains the physical address of the first endpoint descriptor of the Control list. Table 12-9. USB HC Control Head Endpoint Descriptor Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CHED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved CHED W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:27 CHED 28:31 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description ControlHeadED—HC traverses the control list starting with the HcControlHeadED pointer. Content is loaded from HCCA during HC initialization. Reserved USB HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor Register —MBAR + 0x1024 The HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor register contains the physical address of the current control list endpoint descriptor. Table 12-10. USB HC Control Current Endpoint Descriptor Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CCED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved CCED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:27 CCED ControlCurrentED—pointer is advanced to next ED after serving the present one. HC continues processing the list from where it left off in the last frame. When it reaches the control list end, HC checks the HcCommandStatus ControlListFilled. • If set, CCED copies HcControlHeadED content to HcControlCurrentED and clears bit. • If not set, it does nothing. HCD is allowed to modify this register only when the ControlListEnable of HcControl is cleared. When set, HCD only reads the instantaneous value of this register. Initially, this is set to 0 to indicate the end of the Control List. 28:31 — Reserved USB HC Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor Register—MBAR + 0x1028 The HC Head Endpoint Descriptor register contains the physical address of the first bulk list endpoint descriptor. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-14 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Table 12-11. USB HC Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BHED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved BHED W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:27 BHED 28:31 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description BulkHeadED—HC traverses the Bulk List starting with the HcBulkHeadED pointer. The content is loaded from HCCA during the HC initialization. Reserved USB HC Bulk Current Endpoint Descriptor Register—MBAR + 0x102C The HC Bulk Current Endpoint Descriptor register contains the physical address of the current endpoint of the bulk list. The bulk list is served in a round-robin fashion, therefore endpoints are ordered according to their insertion into the list. Table 12-12. USB HC Bulk Current Endpint Descriptor Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BCED W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved BCED W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:27 BHED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description BulkCurrentED—advances to the next ED after HC has served the present ED. HC continues processing the list from where it left off in the last Frame. When it reaches the end of the Bulk List, HC checks the HcCommandStatus BulkListFilled. • If set, BHED copies HcBulkHeadED content to HcBulkCurrentED and clears bit. • If not set, it does nothing. HCD is only allowed to modify this register when HcControl BulkListEnable is cleared. When set, HCD only reads the instantaneous value of this register. This is initially set to 0 to indicate the end of the Bulk List. 28:31 — Reserved USB HC Done Head Register—MBAR + 0x1030 The HC Done Head register contains the physical address of the last completed transfer descriptor that was added to the done queue. In normal operation, HCD does not need to read this register as its content is periodically written to the HCCA. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-15 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Table 12-13. USB HC Done Head Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DH W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb R Reserved DH W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:27 DH DoneHead—When a TD is complete, HC writes the HcDoneHead content to the TD NextTD field. HC then overwrites the HcDoneHead content with the TD address. This is set to 0 when HC writes the register content to HCCA. HcInterruptStatus WritebackDoneHead is also set. 28:31 — Reserved 12.4.4 Frame Counter Partition—MBAR + 0x1034 This HC partition uses 5 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x1034. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x1034 + register address The following registers are available: • USB HC Frame Interval Register (0x1034) • USB HC Frame Remaining Register (0x1038) • USB HC Frame Number Register (0x103C) • USB HC Periodic Start Register (0x1040) • USB HC LS Threshold Register (0x1044) USB HC Frame Interval Register—MBAR + 0x1034 The HC Frame Interval register contains a 14-bit value that indicates: • the bit-time interval in a Frame. For example, between two consecutive SOFs. • a 15-bit value that indicates the full speed maximum packet size the HC may transmit or receive without causing scheduling overruns. HCD may carry out minor adjustment on the frame interval by writing a new value over the present one at each SOF. This provides the programmability necessary for the HC to synchronize with an external clocking resource and to adjust any unknown local clock offset. Table 12-14. USB HC Frame Interval Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FIT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FSMPS W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 1 1 1 1 1 Reserved FI W RESET: 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-16 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 0 FIT 1:15 FSMPS 16:17 — Reserved 18:31 FI FrameInterval—specifies the bit-time interval between two consecutive SOFs. Nominally, this value is set to 11,999. HCD should store the field’s current value before resetting HC. Setting the HcCommandStatus HostControllerReset field causes the HC to reset this field to its nominal value. HCD may choose to restore the stored value when the reset sequence completes. Description FrameIntervalToggle—HCD toggles this bit when it loads a new value to the frame interval. FSLargestDataPacket—specifies a value that is loaded into the largest data packet counter at the beginning of each frame. The counter value represents the largest amount of data in bits that the HC can send or received in a single transaction at any given time without causing scheduling overrun. HCD calculates this field value. USB HC Frame Remaining Register—MBAR + 0x1038 This register is a 14-bit count-down counter containing the remaining current Frame bit-time. Table 12-15. USB HC Frame Remaining Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved FRT W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved FR W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0 FRT 1:17 — Reserved 18:31 FR FrameRemaining—is a counter that is decremented at each bit-time. When it reaches 0, it is reset by loading the FrameInterval value specified in HcFmInterval at the next bit-time boundary. FrameRemainingToggle—bit is loaded from the HcFmInterval FrameIntervalToggle field when FrameRemaining reaches 0. HCD uses this bit for synchronization between FrameInterval and FrameRemaining. When entering the USBOPERATIONAL state, HC reloads the content with the HcFmInterval Frame Interval and uses the updated value from the next SOF. USB HC Frame Number Register—MBAR + 0x103C The HC Frame Number register is a 16-bit counter. It provides a timing reference among events happening in the HC and HCD. The HC driver may use the 16-bit value specified in this register and generate a 32-bit frame number without requiring frequent access to the register. Table 12-16. USB HC Frame Number Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-17 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 R 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FN W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 16:31 FN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description FrameNumber—is incremented when HcFmRemaining is re-loaded. FN rolls over to 0 after ffff. When entering the USBOPERATIONAL state, this is automatically incremented. Content is written to HCCA after HC has incremented the FN at each frame boundary and sent a SOF, but before HC reads the first ED in that frame. After writing to HCCA, HC sets the HcInterruptStatus StartofFrame. 0:15 — Reserved USB HC Periodic Start Register—MBAR + 0x1040 This register has a 14-bit programmable value that determines when is the earliest time HC should start processing the periodic list. Table 12-17. USB HC Periodic Start Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reserved R W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved PS W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:17 — Reserved 18:31 PS PeriodicStart—field is cleared after a hardware reset. PS is then set by HCD during HC initialization. PS value is calculated roughly as 10% off from HcFmInterval. A typical value is 3E67. When HcFmRemaining reaches the value specified, processing of periodic lists has priority over Control/Bulk processing. HC then starts processing the Interrupt list after completing the current Control or Bulk transaction in progress. USB HC LS Threshold Register—MBAR + 0x1044 This register contains an 11-bit value used by the HC to determine whether to commit to the transfer of a maximum 8-Byte LS packet before EOF. Neither the HC nor HCD are allowed to change this value. Table 12-18. USB HC LS Threshold Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-18 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Reserved R 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 1 0 0 0 0 LST W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:19 — 20:31 LST 12.4.5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Description Reserved LSThreshold—field contains a value which is compared to the FrameRemaining field prior to initiating a low speed transaction. The transaction is started only if FrameRemaining is greater than or equal to this field. HCD calculates this value with the consideration of transmission and setup overhead. Root Hub Partition—MBAR + 0x1048 This HC partition uses 5 32-bit registers. These registers are located at an offset from MBAR of 0x1048. Register addresses are relative to this offset. Therefore, the actual register address is: MBAR + 0x1048 + register address The following registers are available: • USB HC Rh Descriptor A Register (0x1048) • USB HC Rh Descriptor B Register (0x104C) • USB HC Rh Status Register (0x1050) • USB HC Rh Port1 Status Register (0x1054) • USB HC Rh Port2 Status Register (0x1058) All registers included in this partition are dedicated to the USB root hub, which is an integral part of the HC though still a functionally separate entity. HCD emulates USBD access to the root hub via a register interface. HCD maintains many USB-defined hub features which are not required to be supported in hardware. For example, the hub’s device, configuration, interface, and endpoint descriptors are maintained only in the HCD and some class descriptor static fields. HCD also maintains and decodes the root hub device address as well as other trivial operations better suited to software than hardware. The root hub register interface is otherwise developed to maintain similarity of bit organization and operation to typical hubs which are found in the system. Each register is read and written as a D-word. These registers are only written during initialization to correspond with the system implementation. • HcRhDescriptorA and HcRhDescriptorB registers should be implemented such that they are writeable regardless of the HC USB state. • HcRhStatus and HcRhPortStatus must be writeable during the USBOPERATIONAL state. NOTE IS denotes an implementation-specific reset value for that field. USB HC Rh Descriptor A Register—MBAR + 0x1048 This register is the first of two registers describing the root hub characteristics. Reset values are implementation-specific. The HCD emulates the following hub class descriptor fields: • descriptor length (11) • descriptor type (TBD) • hub controller current (0) All other fields are located in the HcRhDescriptorA and HcRhDescriptorB registers. Table 12-19. USB HC Rh Descriptor A Register msb 0 1 2 R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 Reserved POTPGT W RESET: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-19 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers 16 17 18 Reserved R 0 20 NOC OCP P M W RESET: 19 0 0 1 0 21 22 23 DT NPS PSM 0 1 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 1 0 NDP 0 0 0 0 0 Bits Name Description 0:7 POTPGT PowerOnToPowerGoodTime—specifies the duration HCD must wait before accessing a Root Hub powered-on port. POTPGT is implementation-specific. The time unit is 2ms. Duration is calculated as POTPGT x 2ms. 8:18 — 19 NOCP Reserved NoOverCurrentProtection—describes how the Root Hub port overcurrent status is reported. When NOCP is cleared, OCPM specifies global or per-port reporting. 0 = Overcurrent status is reported collectively for all downstream ports. 1 = No overcurrent protection supported. 20 OCPM OverCurrentProtectionMode—describes how the Root Hub port overcurrent status is reported. At reset, OCPM should reflect the same mode as PowerSwitchingMode. OCPM is valid only if NoOverCurrentProtection is cleared. 0 = Overcurrent status is reported collectively for all downstream ports. 1 = Overcurrent status is reported on a per-port basis. 21 DT 22 NPS DeviceType—specifies Root Hub is not a compound device. Root Hub is not permitted to be a compound device. DT should always read/write 0. NoPowerSwitching—specifies whether power switching is supported or ports are always powered. NPS is implementation specific. When this bit is cleared, PSM specifies global or per-port switching. 0 = Ports are power switched. 1 = Ports are always powered on when HC is powered on. 23 PSM PowerSwitchingMode—specifies how the root hub port power switching is controlled. PSM is implementation-specific and is only valid if the NoPowerSwitching field is cleared. 0 = All ports are powered at the same time. 1 = Each port is powered individually. This mode lets port power be controlled by either the global switch or per-port switching. • • 24:31 NDP NumberDownstreamPorts—specifies the number of downstream ports supported by the Root Hub. NDP is implementation-specific. • • If PortPowerControlMask bit is set, port responds only to port power commands (Set/ClearPor tPower). If port mask is cleared, port is controlled only by the global power switch (Set/ClearGlobalPower). Minimum number of ports is 1. Maximum number of ports (supported by OpenHCI) is 15. USB HC Rh Descriptor B Register—MBAR + 0x104C This register is the second of two registers describing the Root Hub characteristics. These fields are written during initialization to correspond with the system implementation. Reset values are implementation-specific. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-20 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Table 12-20. USB HC Rh Descriptor B Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PPCM W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R DR W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:15 PPCM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description PortPowerControlMask—each bit indicates whether a port is affected by a global power control command when PSM is set. • When set, port power state is only affected by per-port power control (Set/ClearPortPower). • When cleared, port is controlled by the global power switch (Set/ClearGlobalPower). If device is configured to Global Switching Mode (PSM=0), this field is not valid. bit 0—Reserved bit 1—Ganged-power mask on Port #1 bit 2—Ganged-power mask on Port #2 … bit15—Ganged-power mask on Port #15 16:31 DR NDeviceRemovable—each bit is dedicated to a Root Hub port. When cleared, the attached device is removable. When set, the attached device is not removable. bit 0—Reserved bit 1—Device attached to Port #1 bit 2—Device attached to Port #2 … bit15—Device attached to Port #15 USB HC Rh Status Register—MBAR + 0x1050 This register is divided into two parts. The lower word of a D-word represents the hub status field; the upper word represents the hub status change field. Reserved bits should always be written 0. Table 12-21. USB HC Rh Status Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 5 6 CRWE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved 14 15 OCIC LPSC W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb OCI LPS 0 0 Reserved DRWE W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-21 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 0 CRWE Description ClearRemoteWakeUpEnable (write) • • 1:13 — 14 OCIC Reserved OverCurrentIndicatorChange—is set by hardware when a change occurs to the OCI field of this register. • • 15 LPSC Writing 1 clears DRWE. Writing 0 has no effect. Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. LocalPowerStatusChange (read)—Root Hub does not support the local power status feature. Thus, this bit is always read as 0. SetGlobalPower (write) • In global power mode (PSM=0), LPSC is written to 1 to turn on power to all ports (clear PortPowerStatus). • In per-port power mode, LPSC sets PortPowerStatus only on ports whose PPCM bit is not set. Writing 0 has no effect. 16 DRWE DeviceRemoteWakeUpEnable (write)—enables a ConnectStatusChange bit as a resume event, causing a USBSUSPEND to USBRESUME state transition and setting the ResumeDetected interrupt. 0 = ConnectStatusChange is not a remote WakeUp event. 1 = ConnectStatusChange is a remote WakeUp event. SetRemoteWakeUpEnable (read). 1 = Sets DRWE. 0 = Has no effect. 17:29 — 30 OCI Reserved OverCurrentIndicator—reports overcurrent conditions when global reporting is implemented. When set, an overcurrent condition exists. When cleared, all power operations are normal. If per-port overcurrent protection is implemented this bit is always 0. 31 LPS LocalPowerStatus—Root Hub does not support the local power status feature. This bit is always read as 0 (write) ClearGlobalPower. In global power mode (PSM=0), bit is written to 1 to turn off power to all ports (clear PortPowerStatus). In per-port power mode, bit clears PortPowerStatus only on ports whose PPCM bit is not set. Writing 0 has no effect. USB HC Rh Port1 Status Register—MBAR + 0x1054 This register is controls and reports port events on a per-port basis. The Number of Downstream Ports (NDP) represents the number of HcRhPortStatus registers that are implemented in hardware. The lower word is used to reflect the port status; the upper word reflects the status change bits. MPC5200 has NDP = 2, therefore, HcRhPort1Status (MBAR + 1054) and HcRhPort2Status (MBAR + 1058). Some status bits are implemented with special write behavior. If a transaction (token through handshake) is in progress when a write to change port status occurs, the resulting port status change is postponed until the transaction completes. Reserved bits should always be written 0. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-22 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Table 12-22. USB HC Rh Port1 Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved R 11 PRSC 12 13 14 OCIC PSSC PESC 15 CSC W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb LSDA PPS PRS POCI PSS PES CCS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved Reserved W RESET: 0 0 Bits Name 0:10 — 11 PRSC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved PortResetStatusChange—bit is set at the end of the 10ms port reset signal. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = Port reset not complete 1 = Port reset complete 12 OCIC PortOverCurrentIndicatorChange—bit is valid only if overcurrent conditions are reported on a per-port basis. This bit is set when Root Hub changes the PortOverCurrentIndicator bit. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = No change in POCI 1 = POCI has changed 13 PSSC PortSuspendStatusChange—bit is set when the full resume sequence completes. Sequence includes a 20s resume pulse, LS EOP, and 3ms resychronization delay. • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. This bit is also cleared when ResetStatusChange is set. 0 = Resume not complete 1 = Resume complete 14 PESC PortEnableStatusChange—bit is set when hardware events cause the PES bit to be cleared. Changes from HCD writes do not set this bit. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = No change in PES 1 = Change in PES MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-23 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 15 CSC Description ConnectStatusChange—bit is set whenever a connect or disconnect event occurs. • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CCS is cleared when a SetPortReset, SetPortEnable, or SetPortSuspend write occurs, this bit is set to force the driver to re-evaluate the connection status since these writes should not occur if the port is disconnected. 0 = No change in CCS 1 = Change in CCS If the DeviceRemovable[NDP] bit is set, this bit is set only after a Root Hub reset to notify the system that the device is attached. 16:21 — 22 LSDA Reserved LowSpeedDeviceAttached (read)—bit indicates the speed of the device attached to this port. 0 = Full speed device attached 1 = Low speed device attached This field is valid only when CurrentConnectStatus is set. ClearPortPower (write) • • 23 PPS Writing 1 causes HCD to clear the PortPowerStatus bit. Writing 0 has no effect. PortPowerStatus (read)—bit reflects the port power status, regardless of the type of power switching implemented. If an overcurrent condition is detected, this bit is cleared. HCD sets this bit by writing SetPortPower or SetGlobalPower. HCD clears this bit by writing ClearPortPower or ClearGlobalPower. Which power control switches are enabled is determined by PowerSwitchingMode and PortPortControlMask[NDP]. In global switching mode (PSM=0), only Set/ClearGlobalPower controls this bit. In per-port power switching (PSM=1), if the PortPowerControlMask[NDP] bit for the port is set, only Set/ClearPortPower commands are enabled. If the mask is not set, only Set/ClearGlobalPower commands are enabled. If port power is disabled, CurrentConnectStatus, PortEnableStatus, PortSuspendStatus, and PortResetStatus should be reset. 0 = Port power is off 1 = Port power is on SetPortPower (write) • Writing causes HCD to set the PortPowerStatus bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If power switching is not supported, this bit always reads ‘1b’. 24:26 — 27 PRS Reserved PortResetStatus (read)—When this bit is set by a write to SetPortReset, port reset signaling is asserted. When reset is completed, this bit is cleared when PortResetStatusChange is set. This bit cannot be set if CurrentConnectStatus is cleared. 0 = Port reset signal is not active 1 = Port reset signal is active SetPortReset (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to set port reset signaling. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CurrentConnectStatus is cleared, a write does not set PortResetStatus. Instead, it sets ConnectStatusChange. This notifies the driver that an attempt was made to reset a disconnected port. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-24 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name Description 28 POCI PortOverCurrentIndicator (read)—bit is only valid when root hub is configured in such a way that overcurrent conditions are reported on a per-port basis. If per-port overcurrent reporting is not supported, this bit is set to 0. If cleared, all power operations are normal for this port. If set, an overcurrent condition exists on this port. This bit always reflects the overcurrent input signal 0 = No overcurrent condition. 1 = Overcurrent condition detected. ClearSuspendStatus (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to initiate a resume. • Writing 0 has no effect. A resume is initiated only if PSS is set. 29 PSS PortSuspendStatus (read)—bit indicates port is suspended or in resume sequence. It is set by a SetSuspendState write and cleared when PortSuspendStatusChange is set at the end of the resume interval. This bit cannot be set if CCS. This bit is cleared when: • PortResetStatusChange is set at the end of the port reset, or • when HC is placed in the USBRESUME state. If an upstream resume is in progress, it should propagate to the HC. 0 = Port is not suspended 1 = Port is suspended SetPortSuspend (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to set PSS bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CurrentConnectStatus is cleared, this write does not set PSS. Instead it sets ConnectStatusChange. This notifies the driver an attempt was made to suspend a disconnected port. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-25 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 30 PES Description PortEnableStatus (read)—indicates whether the port is enabled or disabled. The Root Hub may clear this bit when the following conditions are detected: • an overcurrent condition • disconnect event • switched-off power • operational bus error (such as babble) This change causes PESC to be set. HCD sets this bit by writing SetPortEnable and clears it by writing ClearPortEnable. PES cannot be set when CurrentConnectStatus is cleared. If not already set, PES is set at the completion of a port reset when ResetStatusChange is set or port suspend when SuspendStatusChange is set. 0 = port is disabled 1 = port is enabled SetPortEnable (write)—HCD sets PES by writing 1. Writing 0 has no effect. If CCS is cleared, this write does not set PES, but instead sets CSC. This notifies the driver that an attempt was made to enable a disconnected port. 31 CCS CurrentConnectStatus (read)—reflects current state of downstream port. 0 = No device connected 1 = Device connected ClearPortEnable (write)—HCD writes 1 to this bit to clear PortEnableStatus bit. Writing 0 has no effect. CCS is not affected by any write. Note: This bit is always read ‘1b’ when the attached device is non-removable (DeviceRemoveable[NDP]). USB HC Rh Port2 Status Register—MBAR + 0x1058 This register is controls and reports port events on a per-port basis. The Number of Downstream Ports (NDP) represents the number of HcRhPortStatus registers that are implemented in hardware. The lower word is used to reflect the port status; the upper word reflects the status change bits. MPC5200 has NDP = 2, therefore, HcRhPort1Status (MBAR + 1054) and HcRhPort2Status (MBAR + 1058). Some status bits are implemented with special write behavior. If a transaction (token through handshake) is in progress when a write to change port status occurs, the resulting port status change is postponed until the transaction completes. Reserved bits should always be written 0. Table 12-23. USB HC Rh Port2 Status Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reserved R 11 PRSC 12 13 14 OCIC PSSC PESC 15 CSC W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb LSDA PPS PRS POCI PSS PES CCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved Reserved W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-26 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 0:10 — 11 PRSC Description Reserved PortResetStatusChange—bit is set at the end of the 10ms port reset signal. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = Port reset not complete 1 = Port reset complete 12 OCIC PortOverCurrentIndicatorChange—bit is valid only if overcurrent conditions are reported on a per-port basis. This bit is set when Root Hub changes the PortOverCurrentIndicator bit. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = No change in POCI 1 = POCI has changed 13 PSSC PortSuspendStatusChange—bit is set when the full resume sequence completes. Sequence includes a 20s resume pulse, LS EOP, and 3ms resychronization delay. • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. This bit is also cleared when ResetStatusChange is set. 0 = Resume not complete 1 = Resume complete 14 PESC PortEnableStatusChange—bit is set when hardware events cause the PES bit to be cleared. Changes from HCD writes do not set this bit. • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 = No change in PES 1 = Change in PES 15 CSC ConnectStatusChange—bit is set whenever a connect or disconnect event occurs. • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear this bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CCS is cleared when a SetPortReset, SetPortEnable, or SetPortSuspend write occurs, this bit is set to force the driver to re-evaluate the connection status since these writes should not occur if the port is disconnected. 0 = No change in CCS 1 = Change in CCS If the DeviceRemovable[NDP] bit is set, this bit is set only after a Root Hub reset to notify the system that the device is attached. 16:21 — 22 LSDA Reserved LowSpeedDeviceAttached (read)—bit indicates the speed of the device attached to this port. 0 = Full speed device attached 1 = Low speed device attached This field is valid only when CurrentConnectStatus is set. ClearPortPower (write) • • Writing 1 causes HCD to clear the PortPowerStatus bit. Writing 0 has no effect. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-27 Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name 23 PPS Description PortPowerStatus (read)—bit reflects the port power status, regardless of the type of power switching implemented. If an overcurrent condition is detected, this bit is cleared. HCD sets this bit by writing SetPortPower or SetGlobalPower. HCD clears this bit by writing ClearPortPower or ClearGlobalPower. Which power control switches are enabled is determined by PowerSwitchingMode and PortPortControlMask[NDP]. In global switching mode (PSM=0), only Set/ClearGlobalPower controls this bit. In per-port power switching (PSM=1), if the PortPowerControlMask[NDP] bit for the port is set, only Set/ClearPortPower commands are enabled. If the mask is not set, only Set/ClearGlobalPower commands are enabled. If port power is disabled, CurrentConnectStatus, PortEnableStatus, PortSuspendStatus, and PortResetStatus should be reset. 0 = Port power is off 1 = Port power is on SetPortPower (write) • Writing causes HCD to set the PortPowerStatus bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If power switching is not supported, this bit always reads ‘1b’. 24:26 — 27 PRS Reserved PortResetStatus (read)—When this bit is set by a write to SetPortReset, port reset signaling is asserted. When reset is completed, this bit is cleared when PortResetStatusChange is set. This bit cannot be set if CurrentConnectStatus is cleared. 0 = Port reset signal is not active 1 = Port reset signal is active SetPortReset (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to set port reset signaling. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CurrentConnectStatus is cleared, a write does not set PortResetStatus. Instead, it sets ConnectStatusChange. This notifies the driver that an attempt was made to reset a disconnected port. 28 POCI PortOverCurrentIndicator (read)—bit is only valid when root hub is configured in such a way that overcurrent conditions are reported on a per-port basis. If per-port overcurrent reporting is not supported, this bit is set to 0. If cleared, all power operations are normal for this port. If set, an overcurrent condition exists on this port. This bit always reflects the overcurrent input signal 0 = No overcurrent condition. 1 = Overcurrent condition detected. ClearSuspendStatus (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to initiate a resume. • Writing 0 has no effect. A resume is initiated only if PSS is set. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-28 Freescale Semiconductor Host Control (HC) Operational Registers Bits Name Description 29 PSS PortSuspendStatus (read)—bit indicates port is suspended or in resume sequence. It is set by a SetSuspendState write and cleared when PortSuspendStatusChange is set at the end of the resume interval. This bit cannot be set if CCS. This bit is cleared when: • PortResetStatusChange is set at the end of the port reset, or • when HC is placed in the USBRESUME state. If an upstream resume is in progress, it should propagate to the HC. 0 = Port is not suspended 1 = Port is suspended SetPortSuspend (write) • Writing 1 causes HCD to set PSS bit. • Writing 0 has no effect. If CurrentConnectStatus is cleared, this write does not set PSS. Instead it sets ConnectStatusChange. This notifies the driver an attempt was made to suspend a disconnected port. 30 PES PortEnableStatus (read)—indicates whether the port is enabled or disabled. The Root Hub may clear this bit when the following conditions are detected: • an overcurrent condition • disconnect event • switched-off power • operational bus error (such as babble) This change causes PESC to be set. HCD sets this bit by writing SetPortEnable and clears it by writing ClearPortEnable. PES cannot be set when CurrentConnectStatus is cleared. If not already set, PES is set at the completion of a port reset when ResetStatusChange is set or port suspend when SuspendStatusChange is set. 0 = port is disabled 1 = port is enabled SetPortEnable (write)—HCD sets PES by writing 1. Writing 0 has no effect. If CCS is cleared, this write does not set PES, but instead sets CSC. This notifies the driver that an attempt was made to enable a disconnected port. 31 CCS CurrentConnectStatus (read)—reflects current state of downstream port. 0 = No device connected 1 = Device connected ClearPortEnable (write)—HCD writes 1 to this bit to clear PortEnableStatus bit. Writing 0 has no effect. CCS is not affected by any write. Note: This bit is always read ‘1b’ when the attached device is non-removable (DeviceRemoveable[NDP]). MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 12-29 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Notes MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 12-30 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 13 BestComm 13.1 Overview The following sections are contained in this document: • Section 13.2, BestComm Functional Description • Section 13.12, BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 • Section 13.13, On-Chip SRAM BestComm provides an efficient, integrated approach to gathering and manipulating data sets from a broad range of communication interfaces. BestComm consists of: • BestComm (based on the SmartDMA [SDMA] module), with interfaces to: — peripherals using the CommBus, — the processor using an IP bus, — the system main SDRAM via the processor bus interface (XLB), • a defined set of communication-oriented peripherals, • local buffer memory, • standard bus interfaces. The Direct Memory Access controller (DMA) module provides a flexible and efficient means to move blocks of data within the system. The DMA controller reduces the workload on the microprocessor, allowing it to continue execution of system software. The DMA microcode engine is tailored to efficiently transfer data across the internal bus architecture to memory and peripheral devices. The DMA controller processes microcode tasks that are stored in local memory (SRAM 16 kBytes). A task is a sequence of instructions, referred to as descriptors, that specifies a series of data movements or manipulations. The DMA controller steps through the descriptors and executes the specified function in a similar fashion to a CPU executing a program. For the MPC5200, BestComm consists of SDMA and the following peripheral interfaces: • 10/100 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) • I2C • PCI • ATA • LocalPlus • Peripheral Serial Controller (implementing a different mix of functionalities such as SPI, UART, CODEC 8-16-32 bits, AC97 controller, I2S, IrDA controller) Many of the peripherals’ port pins serve multiple functions, allowing flexibility in optimizing the system to meet a specific set of integration requirements. For a description of the pin multiplexing scheme and supported functions, refer to Chapter 2, Signal Descriptions. Other peripheral functions are included in MPC5200, but are not directly supported by BestComm. These peripherals include: • A separate Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), which: — supports a 6.25MHz rate as a master — supports a 12.5MHz rate as a slave • USB Host/Hub controller • MSCAN controller • General Purposes Timers 13.2 BestComm Functional Description The BestComm I/O subsystem consists of the following: • a BestComm DMA Controller • an on-chip 16 kBytes SRAM • a set of peripheral interface modules with DMA controllable: — transmit (Tx) — receive (Rx) The BestComm unit provides an interrupt control and data movement interface. The Interface is on a separate peripheral bus to several on-chip peripheral functions. This independent control of data movement leaves the G2_LE core free to concentrate on higher level activities, which increases overall system performance. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 13-1 Features summary BestComm DMA can control data movement on the following peripherals and interfaces: • PCI bus • ATA Controller • Ethernet • PSC • I2C • IrDA • LP bus interface BestComm DMA performs general purpose DMA transfers. Most data transactions are between the peripheral/interface (typically a FIFO) and the system SDRAM. BestComm allows up to 16 tasks to run simultaneously under the control of up to 32 DMA hardware requestors, user selectable from a possible 64 DMA request sources. A hardware logic unit capable of basic logic operations (boolean arbitrary operations, shift, byte swap) plus some precoded CRC (CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, CRC-32, Internet Checksum) is also integrated in the SDMA engine. BestComm uses internal buffers to prefetch reads and post writes such that bursting is used whenever possible. This optimizes both internal and external bus activity. Speculative reads from system SDRAM may also be enabled to increase performance. FIFO interfaces are implemented between the DMA and each peripheral/interface. As FIFOs are filled or emptied, automatic requests are made to the DMA unit. Based on programmable water mark levels (called ALARM and GRANULARITY level), the DMA unit moves data to and from the FIFOs. This method insures uninterrupted data movement at the given peripheral/interface rate. 13.3 • • • • • • • • • • 13.4 Features summary A programmatic, deterministic capability for managing bus resources while servicing many data streams with individual latency and processing requirements. Single cycle access of peripheral and memory data. Support for up to 16 simultaneously enabled tasks (channels). Support for up to 32 separate DMA requestors at a time, user selectable from a possible 64 DMA request sources. Support for operations with up to 12 sources, or 11 sources and 1 destination. Simultaneous 32-bit reads and writes. Checksum generation. Endian conversion. Chaining/Scatter-gather capability. Support for packet-based I/O protocols (limitation might be dictated by performance when too much control is implemented within the task). Descriptors The DMA controller interprets a series of descriptors that specifies a sequence of data movements and manipulations. A collection of these descriptors is much like a program. The two types of descriptors are Loop Control Descriptors (LCDs) and Data Routing Descriptors (DRDs). These descriptors allow a “for”-loop programming style for the SDMA engine. The LCDs specify the index variables (memory pointers, byte counters, etc.) along with the termination and increment values, while the DRDs specify the nature of the operation to perform. 13.5 Tasks A task is a microcode program that embodies a desired function. An example could be to gather an ethernet frame, store it in memory and interrupt the processor when done. The multi-channel DMA supports sixteen simultaneously enabled tasks. By dynamically swapping task pointers in the task table, an unlimited number of tasks could be supported. 13.6 Memory Map/ Register Definitions Memory organization is described in the register array pointed to by the Task Base Address Register (TaskBAR). The TaskBAR identifies a location for a table of pointers to multi-channel DMA tasks (Task TABLE or Entry Table). Each task has an entry (8 long words) that contains information about the microcode’s location (start address and stop address) in memory as well as pointers to the variable table to be used in the task, the Function Descriptor Table for the logic functions used within the task, the MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 13-2 Freescale Semiconductor Task Table (Entry Table) Context Save area used during task switch/swap and some specific flags to enable performance affecting modes such as speculative reads, prefetch enable, readline and combined write. A task’s code should always be loaded into SRAM as the SDMA engine can fetch its descriptors from this internal memory with one cycle access per instruction. It is not recommended to place the code in SDRAM as there will then be a few overhead clocks which are needed to load the SDMA instruction unit. 13.7 Task Table (Entry Table) The Task Table (or Entry Table) is a memory region containing pointers to each SDMA task. A Task Table Base Address Register (taskBAR) sets the location of the Task Table itself. Each entry in the Task Table contains pointers to the task’s first descriptor, last descriptor, Variable Table, and other task-specific information. 13.8 Task Descriptor Table Each Task Descriptor Table is a memory region containing the descriptors that comprise the task. The pointers in the Task Table define the beginning and end of each Task Descriptor Table. 13.9 Variable Table Each task has a private 32-word Variable Table, where a word is four bytes (32 bits). According to the application requirements, the user initializes some of the words in the Variable Table as follows. The first 24 words are for pointers, counter values and initial data. The DMA Engine manipulates these variables as it executes loops. The next 8 words hold words-aligned, two-byte (“short word” or 16 bit word) increment variables. 13.10 Function Descriptor Table An area of 256 bytes divided in 4 groups of 64 bytes. Each group can represent a set of 16 different Logic Functions belonging to a single execution unit. Every function is encoded with a single word (32 bits). The implemented SDMA engine uses only one out of four potential Execution Units, execution unit 3, so all the functions needed by the task will be encoded in the third group (starting at offset 0xC0 from the start address of the Function Descriptor Table). The other words are reserved and must be written to ‘0’ to maintain memory alignment. For space optimization, tasks which use the same logic functions could share a single Function Descriptor Table avoiding the redundancy of re-writing the same table many times in SRAM. 13.11 Context Save Area This is an area allocated for each task to allow the SDMA engine to save vital data (such as index values, etc.) during a task switch operation to allow later restoration. The context save area should never be used or modified by the user as it is managed directly by the SDMA engine. 13.12 BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 A register overview is provided in Section 3.2, Internal Register Memory Map. Hyperlinks to the BestComm DMA registers are provided below: MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 13-3 BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Section 13-1, SDMA Task Bar Register (0x1200) Section 13-2, SDMA Current Pointer Register (0x1204) Section 13-3, SDMA End Pointer Register (0x1208) Section 13-4, SDMA Variable Pointer Register (0x120C) Section 13-5, SDMA Interrupt Vector, PTD Control Register (0x1210) Section 13-6, SDMA Interrupt Pending Register (0x1214) Section 13-7, SDMA Interrupt Mask Register (0x1218) Section 13-8, SDMA Tas k Control 0 Register (0x121C) Section 13-9, SDMA Task Control 2 Register (0x1220) Section 13-10, SDMA Task Control 4 Register (0x1224) Section 13-11, SDMA Task Control 6 Register (0x1228) Section 13-12, SDMA Task Control 8 Register (0x122C) Section 13-13, SDMA Task Control A Register (0x1230) Section 13-14, SDMA Task Control C Register (0x1234) Section 13-15, SDMA Task Control E Register (0x1238) Section 13-16, SDMA Initiator Priority 0 Register (0x123C) Section 13-17, SDMA Initiator Priority 4 Register (0x1240) 13.12.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Section 13-18, SDMA Initiator Priority 8 Register (0x1244) Section 13-19, SDMA Initiator Priority 12 Register (0x1248) Section 13-20, SDMA Initiator Priority 16 Register (0x124C) Section 13-21, SDMA Initiator Priority 20 Register (0x1250) Section 13-22, SDMA Initiator Priority 24 Register (0x1254) Section 13-23, SDMA Initiator Priority 28 Register (0x1258) Section 13-24, SDMA Request MuxControl (0x125C) Section 13-26, SDMA task Size 0/1 (0x1260) Section 13-26, SDMA task Size 0/1 (0x1264) Section 13-30, SDMA Debug Module Comparator 1, Value1 Register (0x1270) Section 13-31, SDMA Debug Module Comparator 2, Value2 Register (0x1274) Section 13-31, SDMA Debug Module Comparator 2, Value2 Register (0x1278) Section 13-36, SDMA Debug Module Status Register (0x127C) SDMA Reserved Register 3 (0x1280) SDMA Task Bar Register—MBAR + 0x1200 sdma_task_bar_register Table 13-1. SDMA Task Bar Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 taskBar W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R taskBar W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:31 taskBar 13.12.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description TaskBAR is the pointer to the base address of the Task Table (Entry Table) SDMA Current Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x1204 Table 13-2. SDMA Current Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CurrentPointer W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 13-4 Freescale Semiconductor BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CurrentPointer W RESET: 0 0 Bit Name 0:31 currentPointer 13.12.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description CurrentPointer contains the address of the currently executing DMA descriptor. SDMA End Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x1208 Table 13-3. SDMA End Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 EndPointer W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R EndPointer W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:31 endPointer EndPointer contains the address of the last descriptor in the currently executing SDMA task. 13.12.4 SDMA Variable Pointer Register—MBAR + 0x120C Table 13-4. SDMA Variable Pointer Register msb 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 VariablePointer W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R VariablePointer W RESET: 0 0 0 Bit Name 0:31 variablePointer 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description VariablePointer contains the starting address of the variable table for the currently executing task. MPC5200 Users Guide, Rev. 3.1 Freescale Semiconductor 13-5 BestComm DMA Registers—MBAR+0x1200 13.12.5 SDMA Interrupt Vector, PTD Control Register—MBAR + 0x1210 Table 13-5. SDMA Interrupt Vector, PTD Control Register msb 0 R 1 2 3 4 Vector A[7:6] 5 6 7 8 9 INA[3:0] 10 11 12 13 Vector B[7:6] 14 15 INB[3:0] W RESET: R 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lsb T/I TEA HE 0 0 0 Reserved PE W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name Description 0:7 IntVect1 The Interrupt Vector register is used during interrupt acknowledge read cycles. The high order four bits are programmed by the user, and the low order four bits are decoded from either the current task number or execution unit. If any task interrupts are asserted, Interrupt Vector 1 is driven during the interrupt acknowledge cycle. If the task interrupts are negated and the execution unit interrupts are asserted, Interrupt Vector 2 is driven during the interrupt acknowledge cycle. The registers are set to the uninitialized vector $0F by system reset. The interrupt A number is prioritized with IPR[15] the highest and IPR[0] the lowest. If all interrupt mask bits are set, then INA[3:0] = 1111 is read from this location. The interrupt B number is prioritized with the dbgInterrupt as the highest and euInterrupt[0] the lowest. If all interrupt mask bits are set, then INB[3:0] = 1111 is read from this location. 8:15 IntVect2 16 T/I See above T/I: Task/Iniator priority. Set to ‘1’ to switch to “TASK priority” control; set to ‘0’ to revert to INITIATOR (Requestor) Pri