MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual Devices Supported: MPC5606E Document Number: MPC5606ERM Rev. 2, 08/2014 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Chipset overview .............................................................................................................................45 Target applications ..........................................................................................................................46 Features ...........................................................................................................................................46 Block diagram .................................................................................................................................47 Application examples ......................................................................................................................49 1.5.1 CMOS vision sensor gateway ...........................................................................................49 Audio source gateway .....................................................................................................................52 Critical performance parameters .....................................................................................................54 Chip-level features ..........................................................................................................................54 1.8.1 High performance e200z0 core CPU ................................................................................55 1.8.2 Crossbar switch (XBAR) ..................................................................................................56 1.8.3 System clocks and clock generation .................................................................................57 1.8.4 Frequency Modulated Phase Lock Loop (FMPLL) ..........................................................57 1.8.5 Main oscillator ..................................................................................................................57 1.8.6 Internal RC oscillator ........................................................................................................58 1.8.7 Voltage regulator (VREG) ................................................................................................58 1.8.8 System Integration Unit (SIU-Lite) ..................................................................................58 1.8.9 Boot Assist Module (BAM) ..............................................................................................59 1.8.10 Junction temperature sensor ..............................................................................................59 1.8.11 JTAG controller (JTAGC) .................................................................................................59 1.8.12 DMA controller .................................................................................................................60 1.8.13 DMA channel multiplexer (DMA_MUX) ........................................................................60 1.8.14 Software Watchdog Timer (SWT) ....................................................................................60 1.8.15 System Timer Module (STM) ...........................................................................................61 1.8.16 Periodic Interrupt Timers (PIT) ........................................................................................61 1.8.17 FlexCAN module ..............................................................................................................61 1.8.18 Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface (DSPI) ......................................................................62 1.8.19 Serial communication interface module (LINFlex) ..........................................................63 1.8.20 eTimer ...............................................................................................................................64 1.8.21 Successive approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ......................................64 1.8.22 Fault Collection Unit (FCU) .............................................................................................65 1.8.23 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ....................................................................................65 1.8.24 Video encoder ...................................................................................................................66 1.8.25 Serial Audio Interface (SAI) .............................................................................................66 1.8.26 Ethernet AVB (FEC + PTP + RTC) ..................................................................................66 Precision Time Protocol ..................................................................................67 RTC .................................................................................................................67 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 3 Chapter 2 Memory Map Chapter 3 Signal Description 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................73 Signal Properties Summary .............................................................................................................73 Supply pins ......................................................................................................................................80 System pins .....................................................................................................................................83 Pinouts .............................................................................................................................................83 Chapter 4 Clock Architecture 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Clock related modules .....................................................................................................................85 High-level block diagrams ..............................................................................................................85 Memory Map ...................................................................................................................................91 Internal RC oscillator (IRC) digital interface ..................................................................................93 4.4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................93 4.4.2 Functional description .......................................................................................................93 4.4.3 Register description ..........................................................................................................93 External crystal oscillator (XOSC) digital interface .......................................................................94 4.5.1 Main features ....................................................................................................................94 4.5.2 Functional description .......................................................................................................94 4.5.3 Register description ..........................................................................................................95 Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop (FMPLL) .......................................................................96 4.6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................96 4.6.2 Overview ...........................................................................................................................96 4.6.3 Features .............................................................................................................................97 4.6.4 Memory map .....................................................................................................................97 4.6.5 Register description ..........................................................................................................98 Control Register (CR) .....................................................................................98 Modulation Register (MR) ............................................................................101 4.6.6 Functional description .....................................................................................................102 Normal mode ................................................................................................102 Progressive clock switching ..........................................................................102 Normal mode with frequency modulation ....................................................103 Powerdown mode .........................................................................................104 4.6.7 Recommendations ...........................................................................................................104 Clock Monitor Unit (CMU) ..........................................................................................................105 4.7.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................105 4.7.2 Main features ..................................................................................................................105 4.7.3 Functional description .....................................................................................................105 4.7.4 Crystal clock monitor ......................................................................................................105 FMPLL clock monitor ..................................................................................106 Frequency meter ...........................................................................................106 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 4 Freescale Semiconductor 4.7.5 4.8 4.9 Memory map and register description ............................................................................107 Control status register (CMU_CSR) .............................................................107 Frequency display register (CMU_FDR) .....................................................108 High-frequency reference register A (CMU_HFREFR_A) ..........................109 Low-frequency reference register A (CMU_LFREFR_A) ...........................109 Interrupt status register (CMU_ISR) ............................................................110 Measurement duration register (CMU_MDR) ............................................. 111 Boot and power management concept ..........................................................................................111 Safety concept ...............................................................................................................................113 Chapter 5 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................115 5.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................115 5.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................116 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................117 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................117 5.3.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................117 PLL Clock Divider Register (PLL_CLK_DIV) ...........................................118 System Clock Divider Register (SYSTEM_CLK_DIV) ..............................118 RTC Clock Divider Register (RTC_CLK_DIV) ...........................................119 Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN) ...........................................119 Output Clock Division Select Register (CGM_OCDS_SC) .........................120 System Clock Select Status Register (CGM_SC_SS) ..................................121 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................121 5.4.1 System Clock Generation ...............................................................................................121 System Clock Source Selection ....................................................................122 System Clock Disable ...................................................................................122 5.4.2 Output Clock Multiplexing .............................................................................................122 5.4.3 Output Clock Division Selection ....................................................................................123 Chapter 6 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 6.1 6.2 6.3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................125 6.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................125 6.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................127 6.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................127 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................128 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................128 6.3.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................129 6.3.2 Register Description .......................................................................................................137 Global Status Register (ME_GS) ..................................................................137 Mode Control Register (ME_MCTL) ...........................................................139 Mode Enable Register (ME_ME) .................................................................140 Interrupt Status Register (ME_IS) ................................................................142 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 5 6.4 Interrupt Mask Register (ME_IM) ................................................................143 Invalid Mode Transition Status Register (ME_IMTS) .................................144 Debug Mode Transition Status Register (ME_DMTS) ................................145 RESET Mode Configuration Register (ME_RESET_MC) ..........................148 TEST Mode Configuration Register (ME_TEST_MC) ...............................148 SAFE Mode Configuration Register (ME_SAFE_MC) ...............................149 DRUN Mode Configuration Register (ME_DRUN_MC) ............................149 RUN0..3 Mode Configuration Register (ME_RUN0..3_MC) ......................150 HALT0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_HALT0_MC) ..........................150 STOP0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_STOP0_MC) ...........................151 Peripheral Status Register 0 (ME_PS0) ........................................................153 Peripheral Status Register 1 (ME_PS1) ........................................................153 Peripheral Status Register 2 (ME_PS2) ........................................................154 Peripheral Status Register 3 (ME_PS3) ........................................................154 Run Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_RUN_PC0…7) ....................155 Low-Power Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_LP_PC0…7) ............156 Peripheral Control Registers (ME_PCTLn) .................................................156 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................157 6.4.1 Mode Transition Request ................................................................................................157 6.4.2 Modes Details .................................................................................................................159 RESET MODE .............................................................................................159 DRUN Mode .................................................................................................159 SAFE Mode ..................................................................................................160 Test Mode ......................................................................................................161 RUN0..3 Modes ............................................................................................161 HALT0 Mode ................................................................................................162 STOP0 Mode ................................................................................................162 6.4.3 Mode Transition Process .................................................................................................163 Target Mode Request ....................................................................................163 Target Mode Configuration Loading ............................................................164 Peripheral Clocks Disable .............................................................................164 Processor Low-Power Mode Entry ...............................................................165 Processor and System Memory Clock Disable .............................................165 Clock Sources Switch-On .............................................................................165 Flash Modules Switch-On ............................................................................166 Pad Outputs-On .............................................................................................166 Peripheral Clocks Enable ..............................................................................166 Processor and Memory Clock Enable ...........................................................166 Processor Low-Power Mode Exit .................................................................166 System Clock Switching ...............................................................................167 Pad Switch-Off ..............................................................................................168 Clock Sources (with no Dependencies) Switch-Off .....................................168 Clock Sources (with Dependencies) Switch-Off ..........................................168 Flash Switch-Off ...........................................................................................168 Current Mode Update ...................................................................................168 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 6 Freescale Semiconductor 6.4.4 Protection of Mode Configuration Registers ..................................................................171 6.4.5 Mode Transition Interrupts .............................................................................................171 Invalid Mode Configuration Interrupt ..........................................................171 Invalid Mode Transition Interrupt .................................................................172 SAFE Mode Transition Interrupt ..................................................................173 Mode Transition Complete interrupt ............................................................173 6.4.6 Peripheral Clock Gating ..................................................................................................173 6.4.7 Application Example ......................................................................................................174 Chapter 7 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................177 7.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................177 7.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................178 7.1.3 Reset Sources ..................................................................................................................179 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................180 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................180 7.3.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................182 Functional Event Status Register (RGM_FES) ............................................183 Destructive Event Status Register (RGM_DES) ..........................................184 Functional Event Reset Disable Register (RGM_FERD) .............................185 Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR) ......................187 Functional Event Short Sequence Register (RGM_FESS) ...........................188 Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable Register (RGM_FBRE) ..................189 Functional Description .................................................................................................................190 7.4.1 Reset State Machine ........................................................................................................190 PHASE0 Phase .............................................................................................192 PHASE1 Phase .............................................................................................193 PHASE2 Phase .............................................................................................193 PHASE3 Phase .............................................................................................193 IDLE Phase ...................................................................................................193 7.4.2 Destructive Resets ..........................................................................................................193 7.4.3 External Reset .................................................................................................................194 7.4.4 Functional Resets ............................................................................................................194 7.4.5 Alternate Event Generation .........................................................................................195 7.4.6 Boot Mode Capturing .....................................................................................................195 Chapter 8 Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) 8.1 8.2 8.3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................197 8.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................197 8.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................198 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................198 Memory Map and Register Definition .......................................................................................198 8.3.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................198 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 7 8.3.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................199 Power Domain Status Register (PCU_PSTAT) ...........................................199 Chapter 9 Power Management 9.1 9.2 9.3 Power management overview .......................................................................................................201 9.1.1 Internal voltage regulation mode ....................................................................................201 9.1.2 External voltage regulation mode ...................................................................................202 9.1.3 Voltage Regulator Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................202 Power sequencing ..........................................................................................................................203 Power Management Unit (PMU) ..................................................................................................204 Chapter 10 Interrupt Controller (INTC) 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................205 Features .........................................................................................................................................205 Block diagram ...............................................................................................................................206 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................207 10.4.1 Normal mode ..................................................................................................................207 Software vector mode ...................................................................................207 Hardware vector mode ..................................................................................208 Debug mode ..................................................................................................208 Stop mode .....................................................................................................208 10.5 Memory map and registers description .........................................................................................209 10.5.1 Module memory map ......................................................................................................209 10.5.2 Registers description .......................................................................................................209 INTC Module Configuration Register (INTC_MCR) ..................................210 INTC Current Priority Register for Processor (INTC_CPR) ........................210 INTC Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INTC_IACKR) .............................212 INTC End-of-Interrupt Register (INTC_EOIR) ...........................................212 INTC Software Set/Clear Interrupt Registers (INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7) 213 INTC Priority Select Registers (INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR220_221) .......214 10.6 Functional description ...................................................................................................................216 10.6.1 Interrupt request sources .................................................................................................225 Peripheral interrupt requests .........................................................................225 Software configurable interrupt requests ......................................................225 Unique vector for each interrupt request source ...........................................225 10.6.2 Priority management .......................................................................................................225 Current priority and preemption ...................................................................225 arbitrator subblock 226 selector subblock 226 encoder subblock 226 comparator subblock 226 Last-in first-out (LIFO) .................................................................................226 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 8 Freescale Semiconductor 10.6.3 Handshaking with processor ...........................................................................................227 Software vector mode handshaking ..............................................................227 interrupt request to processor 227 of interrupt exception handler 227 Hardware vector mode handshaking .............................................................228 10.7 Initialization/application information ............................................................................................229 10.7.1 Initialization flow ............................................................................................................229 10.7.2 Interrupt exception handler .............................................................................................229 Software vector mode ...................................................................................230 Hardware vector mode ..................................................................................230 10.7.3 ISR, RTOS, and task hierarchy .......................................................................................231 10.7.4 Order of execution ..........................................................................................................232 10.7.5 Priority ceiling protocol ..................................................................................................233 Elevating priority ..........................................................................................233 Ensuring coherency .......................................................................................233 10.7.6 Selecting priorities according to request rates and deadlines .........................................233 10.7.7 Software configurable interrupt requests ........................................................................234 Scheduling a lower priority portion of an ISR ..............................................234 Scheduling an ISR on another processor ......................................................235 10.7.8 Lowering priority within an ISR .....................................................................................235 10.7.9 Negating an interrupt request outside of its ISR .............................................................235 Negating an interrupt request as a side effect of an ISR ...............................235 Negating multiple interrupt requests in one ISR ..........................................235 Proper setting of interrupt request priority ...................................................236 10.7.10Examining LIFO contents ...............................................................................................236 Chapter 11 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) 11.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................237 11.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................237 11.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................237 11.2 External signal description ............................................................................................................238 11.3 Memory map and register description ...........................................................................................238 11.3.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................238 11.3.2 Register descriptions .......................................................................................................238 NMI Status Flag Register (NSR) ..................................................................238 NMI Configuration Register (NCR) .............................................................239 11.4 Functional description ...................................................................................................................241 11.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................241 11.4.2 Non-Maskable Interrupts ................................................................................................241 NMI management .........................................................................................242 Chapter 12 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) 12.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................245 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 9 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................245 12.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................245 12.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................246 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................246 Memory Map/Register Definition .................................................................................................246 12.3.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................246 System Status Register ..................................................................................246 System Memory and ID Register ..................................................................248 Error Configuration .......................................................................................248 Debug Status Port Register ...........................................................................249 Primary Boot Address ...................................................................................252 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................252 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................252 12.5.1 Reset ................................................................................................................................252 Chapter 13 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................253 Overview .......................................................................................................................................253 Features .........................................................................................................................................254 External signal description ............................................................................................................255 13.4.1 Detailed signal descriptions ............................................................................................255 General-purpose I/O pins (GPIO[0:70]) .......................................................255 External interrupt request input pins (EIRQ[0:21]) ......................................255 13.5 Memory map and register description ...........................................................................................255 13.5.1 SIUL memory map .........................................................................................................256 13.5.2 Register protection ..........................................................................................................257 13.5.3 Register description ........................................................................................................257 MCU ID Register #1 (MIDR1) .....................................................................257 MCU ID Register #2 (MIDR2) .....................................................................259 Interrupt Status Flag Register (ISR) .............................................................260 Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER) ...................................................260 Interrupt Rising-Edge Event Enable Register (IREER) ...............................261 Interrupt Falling-Edge Event Enable Register (IFEER) ...............................261 Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) ........................................................262 Pad Configuration Registers (PCR[0:70]) ....................................................262 Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Registers (PSMI0–PSMI25) .............264 GPIO Pad Data Output Registers (GPDO0_3–GPDO68_71) ......................267 GPIO Pad Data Input Registers (GPDI0_3–GPDI68_71) ............................268 Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Registers (PGPDO0 – PGPDO2) ....................269 Parallel GPIO Pad Data In Register (PGPDI0 – PGPDI2) ...........................269 Masked Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Register (MPGPDO0–MPGPDO4) ..270 Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Registers (IFMC0–IFMC31) ................271 Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register (IFCPR) .......................................272 13.6 Functional description ...................................................................................................................273 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 10 Freescale Semiconductor 13.6.1 Pad control ......................................................................................................................273 13.6.2 General purpose input and output pads (GPIO) ..............................................................273 13.6.3 External interrupts ...........................................................................................................274 13.7 Pin muxing ....................................................................................................................................275 Chapter 14 e200z0h Core 14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................277 14.2 Features .........................................................................................................................................277 14.2.1 Microarchitecture summary ............................................................................................278 Block diagram ...............................................................................................279 Instruction unit features ................................................................................279 Integer unit features ......................................................................................280 Load/Store unit features ................................................................................280 e200z0h system bus features .........................................................................280 14.3 Core registers and programmer’s model .......................................................................................280 14.3.1 Unimplemented SPRs and read-only SPRs ....................................................................283 14.4 Instruction summary ......................................................................................................................283 Chapter 15 Crossbar Switch (XBAR) 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................285 Block diagram ...............................................................................................................................285 Overview .......................................................................................................................................286 Features .........................................................................................................................................286 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................286 15.5.1 Normal mode ..................................................................................................................286 15.5.2 Debug mode ....................................................................................................................287 15.6 Functional description ...................................................................................................................287 15.6.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................287 15.6.2 General operation ............................................................................................................287 15.6.3 Master ports ....................................................................................................................288 15.6.4 Slave ports .......................................................................................................................288 15.6.5 Priority assignment .........................................................................................................288 15.6.6 Arbitration .......................................................................................................................289 Fixed priority operation ................................................................................289 289 Chapter 16 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................291 Overview .......................................................................................................................................291 Features .........................................................................................................................................291 Memory Map and Registers Description ......................................................................................291 16.4.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................292 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 11 16.4.2 Registers Description ......................................................................................................293 Processor Core Type (PCT) register .............................................................293 Revision (REV) register ................................................................................293 IPS Module Configuration (IMC) register ....................................................294 Miscellaneous Interrupt Register (MIR) .......................................................295 Miscellaneous User-Defined Control Register (MUDCR) ...........................295 ECC registers ................................................................................................296 ECC Configuration Register (ECR) .............................................................297 ECC Status Register (ESR) ...........................................................................298 ECC Error Generation Register (EEGR) ......................................................300 Flash ECC Address Register (FEAR) ...........................................................302 Flash ECC Master Number Register (FEMR) ..............................................303 Flash ECC Attributes (FEAT) register ..........................................................304 Flash ECC Data Register (FEDR) ................................................................304 RAM ECC Address Register (REAR) ..........................................................305 RAM ECC Syndrome Register (RESR) .......................................................306 RAM ECC Master Number Register (REMR) .............................................308 RAM ECC Attributes (REAT) register .........................................................309 RAM ECC Data Register (REDR) ...............................................................309 16.4.3 MCM_reg_protection .....................................................................................................310 Chapter 17 Internal Static RAM (SRAM) 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................313 SRAM operating mode ..................................................................................................................313 Register memory map ...................................................................................................................313 SRAM ECC mechanism ................................................................................................................313 17.4.1 Access timing ..................................................................................................................314 17.4.2 Reset effects on SRAM accesses ....................................................................................315 17.5 Functional description ...................................................................................................................315 17.6 Initialization and application information .....................................................................................315 Chapter 18 Flash Memory 18.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................317 18.2 Platform flash controller ................................................................................................................318 18.2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................318 Overview .......................................................................................................318 Features .........................................................................................................319 18.2.2 Modes of operation .........................................................................................................319 18.2.3 External signal descriptions ............................................................................................319 18.2.4 Memory map and registers description ...........................................................................319 Memory map .................................................................................................320 Registers description .....................................................................................321 Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0) 322 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 12 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1) 325 Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR) 326 18.2.5 Functional description .....................................................................................................328 18.2.6 Basic interface protocol ..................................................................................................328 18.2.7 Access protections ..........................................................................................................329 18.2.8 Read cycles — buffer miss .............................................................................................329 18.2.9 Read cycles — buffer hit ................................................................................................329 18.2.10Write cycles .....................................................................................................................329 18.2.11Error termination .............................................................................................................330 18.2.12Access pipelining ............................................................................................................330 18.2.13Flash error response operation ........................................................................................330 18.2.14Bank0 page read buffers and prefetch operation ............................................................331 Instruction/data prefetch triggering ..............................................................332 Per-master prefetch triggering ......................................................................332 Buffer allocation ...........................................................................................332 Buffer invalidation ........................................................................................333 18.2.15Bank1 temporary holding register ..................................................................................333 18.2.16Read-While-Write functionality .....................................................................................334 18.2.17Wait state emulation ........................................................................................................335 18.2.18Timing diagrams .............................................................................................................336 18.3 Code Flash Memory (C90LC) .......................................................................................................343 18.3.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................343 18.3.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................343 18.3.3 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................343 18.3.4 Functional Description ....................................................................................................344 Macrocell Structure .......................................................................................344 18.3.5 Code flash sectorization ..................................................................................................345 Test Flash Block ............................................................................................346 Shadow block ................................................................................................347 User Mode Operation ....................................................................................348 Reset ..............................................................................................................348 Disable Mode (Power-Down) .......................................................................349 Sleep Mode (Low Power Mode) ...................................................................349 18.3.6 Registers Description ......................................................................................................350 Module Configuration Register (MCR) ........................................................351 Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) .............................356 Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) .356 High address space Block Locking register (HBL) ......................................358 Non Volatile High address space Block Locking register (NVHBL) ...........359 Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (SLL) ............359 Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) 360 Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) ................................362 High address space Block Select register (HBS) ..........................................363 Address Register (ADR) ...............................................................................364 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 13 Bus Interface Unit 0 register (BIU0) ............................................................365 Bus Interface Unit 1 register (BIU1) ............................................................365 Bus Interface Unit 2 register (BIU2) ............................................................366 Bus Interface Unit 2 register (NVBIU2) 366 Non Volatile Bus Interface Unit 3 register (NVBIU3) .................................367 User Test 0 register (UT0) ............................................................................367 User Test 1 register (UT1) ............................................................................369 User Test 2 register (UT2) ............................................................................370 User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) ...................................371 User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) ...................................371 User Multiple Input Signature Register 2 (UMISR2) ...................................372 User Multiple Input Signature Register 3 (UMISR3) ...................................373 User Multiple Input Signature Register 4 (UMISR4) ...................................373 Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 0 register (NVPWD0) ..............374 Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 1 register (NVPWD1) ..............375 Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 0 register (NVSCI0) ..............375 Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 1 register (NVSCI1) ..............376 Non-Volatile User Options register (NVUSRO) ...........................................377 18.3.7 Programming Considerations .........................................................................................378 Modify Operations ........................................................................................378 Word Program 379 Erase 381 Suspend/Resume 382 Test Mode 382 Error correction code ....................................................................................386 algorithms 387 EEprom emulation ........................................................................................387 Eprom Emulation ..........................................................................................387 ‘1’s No Error 387 Protection strategy ........................................................................................388 protection 388 Mode 388 18.4 Data Flash Memory .......................................................................................................................389 18.4.1 Block Overview ..............................................................................................................389 18.4.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................390 18.4.3 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................390 18.4.4 Functional Description ....................................................................................................391 Macrocell Structure .......................................................................................391 Data flash sectorization .................................................................................391 Test Flash Block ............................................................................................392 Reset ..............................................................................................................393 Power-down mode ........................................................................................393 Slave Mode ...................................................................................................394 18.4.5 Register description ........................................................................................................394 Module Configuration Register (MCR) ........................................................395 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 14 Freescale Semiconductor Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) .............................399 Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) .400 Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (SLL) ............401 Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) 402 Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) ................................403 Address Register (ADR) ...............................................................................404 User Test 0 register (UT0) ............................................................................405 User Test 1 register (UT1) ............................................................................407 User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) ...................................408 User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) ...................................408 18.4.6 Programming considerations ..........................................................................................409 Modify operation ..........................................................................................409 Word program ...............................................................................................410 Sector erase ...................................................................................................411 suspend/resume 412 User Test Mode .............................................................................................413 integrity self check 413 read 414 logic check 415 18.4.7 Error correction code ......................................................................................................416 ECC algorithms .............................................................................................416 ECC Algorithms Features .............................................................................416 18.4.8 Protection strategy ..........................................................................................................417 Modify protection .........................................................................................417 Chapter 19 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................419 Overview .......................................................................................................................................419 Features .........................................................................................................................................420 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................421 19.4.1 Normal mode ..................................................................................................................421 19.4.2 Debug mode ....................................................................................................................421 19.5 Memory map and register definition .............................................................................................421 19.5.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................421 19.5.2 Register descriptions .......................................................................................................423 eDMA Control Register (EDMA_CR) .........................................................423 eDMA Error Status Register (EDMA_ESR) ................................................424 eDMA Enable Request Register (EDMA_ERQRL) ....................................427 eDMA Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_EEIRL) ............................428 eDMA Set Enable Request Register (EDMA_SERQR) ...............................429 eDMA Clear Enable Request Register (EDMA_CERQR) ...........................429 eDMA Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_SEEIR) ......................430 eDMA Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_CEEIR) ..................430 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 15 eDMA Clear Interrupt Request Register (EDMA_CIRQR) .........................431 eDMA Clear Error Register (EDMA_CERR) ..............................................432 eDMA Set START Bit Register (EDMA_SSBR) .........................................432 eDMA Clear DONE Status Bit Register (EDMA_CDSBR) ........................433 eDMA Interrupt Request Register (EDMA_IRQRL) ...................................433 eDMA Error Register (EDMA_ERL) ...........................................................434 DMA Hardware Request Status (DMAHRSL) .............................................435 eDMA Channel n Priority Registers (EDMA_CPRn) ..................................436 Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) ..............................................................437 19.6 Functional description ...................................................................................................................443 19.6.1 eDMA microarchitecture ................................................................................................443 19.6.2 eDMA basic data flow ....................................................................................................445 19.6.3 eDMA performance ........................................................................................................447 19.7 Initialization / application information ..........................................................................................450 19.7.1 eDMA initialization ........................................................................................................450 19.7.2 DMA programming errors ..............................................................................................452 19.7.3 DMA request assignments ..............................................................................................453 19.7.4 DMA arbitration mode considerations ...........................................................................453 Fixed-channel arbitration ..............................................................................453 Fixed-group arbitration, round-robin channel arbitration .............................454 19.7.5 DMA transfer ..................................................................................................................454 Single request ................................................................................................454 Multiple requests ...........................................................................................455 Modulo feature ..............................................................................................456 19.7.6 TCD status ......................................................................................................................457 Minor loop complete .....................................................................................457 Active channel TCD reads ............................................................................458 Preemption status ..........................................................................................458 19.7.7 Channel linking ...............................................................................................................458 19.7.8 Dynamic programming ...................................................................................................459 Dynamic channel linking and dynamic scatter/gather ..................................459 Chapter 20 DMACHMUX 20.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................461 20.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................461 20.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................461 20.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................462 20.2 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................462 20.2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................462 20.3 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................462 20.3.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................463 Channel Configuration Registers ..................................................................463 20.4 DMA request mapping ..................................................................................................................464 20.5 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................466 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 16 Freescale Semiconductor 20.5.1 DMA Channels with periodic triggering capability .......................................................466 20.5.2 DMA Channels with no triggering capability .................................................................468 20.5.3 "Always Enabled" DMA Sources ...................................................................................468 20.6 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................469 20.6.1 Reset ................................................................................................................................469 20.6.2 Enabling and Configuring Sources .................................................................................469 20.6.3 Freezing in STOP and HALT mode ................................................................................472 Chapter 21 Video Encoder Wrapper 21.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................473 21.1.1 Features ...........................................................................................................................474 21.2 Block Diagram ..............................................................................................................................475 21.2.1 MJPEG Video Encoder ...................................................................................................475 21.2.2 MJPEG Operation Modes ...............................................................................................476 Configuration Mode ......................................................................................477 Encoding Mode .............................................................................................479 Rate Control operation ..................................................................................480 21.3 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................481 21.3.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................481 21.3.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................483 Status_config .................................................................................................483 Picture_size ...................................................................................................485 Pixel count ....................................................................................................486 Dma_address .................................................................................................486 Dma_vstart_address ......................................................................................487 Dma_vend_address .......................................................................................487 Dma_alarm_address ......................................................................................488 Subchannel buffer start .................................................................................488 JPEG In Offset Address ................................................................................489 RC_REGS_SEL ............................................................................................489 LUMTH ........................................................................................................490 MODE ...........................................................................................................491 CFG_MODE .................................................................................................492 CHRTH .........................................................................................................493 Status registers ..............................................................................................494 JPEG Stat 0 ...................................................................................................494 JPEG Stat 1 ...................................................................................................494 JPEG Stat 2 ...................................................................................................495 JPEG Stat 3 ...................................................................................................495 JPEG Stat 4 ...................................................................................................496 JPEG Stat 5 ...................................................................................................496 JPEG Stat 6 ...................................................................................................497 JPEG Stat 7 ...................................................................................................497 JPEG Stat 8 ...................................................................................................498 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 17 JPEG Stat 9 ...................................................................................................498 JPEG Stat 10 .................................................................................................499 JPEG Stat 11 .................................................................................................499 JPEG Stat 12 .................................................................................................500 JPEG Stat 13 .................................................................................................501 JPEG Stat 14 .................................................................................................501 JPEG Stat 15 .................................................................................................502 21.4 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................502 21.4.1 Input interface .................................................................................................................503 External Sync Interface Timing Diagram .....................................................503 ITU-BT656 sync information extraction ......................................................504 Video In Data Format for embedded Sync Mode .........................................506 Video In Format for External Sync Mode ....................................................507 21.4.2 Circular buffer .................................................................................................................508 21.4.3 Subchannel Mode ...........................................................................................................509 21.4.4 Programming Sequence ..................................................................................................511 Chapter 22 Integrated Interchip Sound (I S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) 2 22.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................513 22.1.1 Features ...........................................................................................................................513 22.1.2 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................513 Run Mode .....................................................................................................513 Debug Mode .................................................................................................513 22.2 External signals .............................................................................................................................514 22.3 Memory Map and Registers ..........................................................................................................514 22.3.1 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2S_TCSR) ..................................................................516 22.3.2 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2S_TCR1) .....................................................518 22.3.3 SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2S_TCR2) .....................................................518 22.3.4 SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2S_TCR3) .....................................................519 22.3.5 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2S_TCR4) .....................................................519 22.3.6 SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register (I2S_TCR5) .....................................................520 22.3.7 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S_TDR) .........................................................................521 22.3.8 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S_TFR) ........................................................................521 22.3.9 SAI Transmit Mask Register (I2S_TMR) .......................................................................522 22.3.10SAI Receive Control Register (I2S_RCSR) ...................................................................523 22.3.11SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register (I2S_RCR1) ......................................................525 22.3.12SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register (I2S_RCR2) ......................................................526 22.3.13SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register (I2S_RCR3) ......................................................527 22.3.14SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register (I2S_RCR4) ......................................................528 22.3.15SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register (I2S_RCR5) ......................................................529 22.3.16SAI Receive Data Register (I2S_RDR) ..........................................................................529 22.3.17SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S_RFR) .........................................................................529 22.3.18SAI Receive Mask Register (I2S_RMR) ........................................................................530 22.3.19SAI MCLK Control Register (I2S_MCR) ......................................................................531 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 18 Freescale Semiconductor 22.3.20MCLK Divide Register (I2S_MDR) ..............................................................................531 22.3.21SAI clocking ...................................................................................................................532 Audio Master Clock ......................................................................................532 Bit Clock .......................................................................................................533 Bus Clock ......................................................................................................533 22.3.22SAI resets ........................................................................................................................533 Software reset ...............................................................................................533 FIFO reset .....................................................................................................533 22.3.23Synchronous Modes ........................................................................................................533 Synchronous Mode .......................................................................................534 Multiple SAI Synchronous Mode .................................................................534 22.3.24Frame sync configuration ...............................................................................................534 22.3.25Data FIFO .......................................................................................................................535 Data alignment ..............................................................................................535 FIFO pointers ................................................................................................536 22.3.26Word mask register .........................................................................................................536 22.3.27Interrupts and DMA requests ..........................................................................................536 FIFO data ready flag .....................................................................................536 FIFO warning flag ........................................................................................537 FIFO error flag ..............................................................................................537 Sync error flag ..............................................................................................537 Word start flag ...............................................................................................537 Chapter 23 SAI Instantiation 23.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................539 23.1.1 SAI/I2S Overview ...........................................................................................................539 23.1.2 External Signals Multiplexing ........................................................................................540 23.1.3 SAI/I2S Clocking ............................................................................................................540 SAI/I2S Clock Selection ...............................................................................540 CLKMODE in SAI/I2S TCR2 Register .......................................................540 CLKMODE in SAI/I2S RCR2 Register .......................................................541 Configuring clock source for SAI/I2S audio master clock ...........................542 Chapter 24 Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface (DSPI) 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................543 Block diagram ...............................................................................................................................543 Overview .......................................................................................................................................543 Features .........................................................................................................................................544 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................545 24.5.1 Master mode ...................................................................................................................545 24.5.2 Slave mode ......................................................................................................................545 24.5.3 Module disable mode ......................................................................................................546 24.5.4 Debug mode ....................................................................................................................546 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 19 24.6 External signal description ............................................................................................................546 24.6.1 Signal overview ..............................................................................................................546 24.6.2 Signal names and descriptions ........................................................................................546 Peripheral Chip Select / Slave Select (CS_0) ...............................................546 Peripheral Chip Selects 1–3 (CS1:3) ............................................................547 Peripheral Chip Select 4 / Master Trigger (CS4/MTRIG) ............................547 Peripheral Chip Select 5/Peripheral Chip Select Strobe (CS_5) ..................547 Serial Input (SIN_x) ......................................................................................547 Serial Output (SOUT_x) ...............................................................................547 Serial Clock (SCK_x) ...................................................................................547 24.7 Memory map and registers description .........................................................................................548 24.7.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................548 24.7.2 Registers description .......................................................................................................549 DSPI Module Configuration Register (DSPIx_MCR) .................................549 DSPI Hardware Configuration Register (DSPI_HCR) .................................552 DSPI Transfer Count Register (DSPIx_TCR) ..............................................553 DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Registers 0–7 (DSPIx_CTARn) .........553 DSPI Status Register (DSPIx_SR) ................................................................559 DSPI DMA / Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (DSPIx_RSER) .... 561 DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register (DSPIx_PUSHR) .......................................562 DSPI POP RX FIFO Register (DSPIx_POPR) .............................................564 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers 0–4 (DSPIx_TXFRn) .................................565 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers 0–4 (DSPIx_RXFRn) ...................................565 24.8 Functional description ...................................................................................................................566 24.8.1 Modes of operation .........................................................................................................567 Master mode .................................................................................................567 Slave mode ....................................................................................................568 Module disable mode ....................................................................................568 Debug mode ..................................................................................................568 24.8.2 Start and stop of DSPI transfers ......................................................................................568 24.8.3 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration ..............................................................569 SPI master mode ...........................................................................................569 SPI slave mode ..............................................................................................570 FIFO disable operation .................................................................................570 Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism ......................570 the TX FIFO 571 the TX FIFO 571 Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism ........................571 the RX FIFO 572 the RX FIFO 572 24.8.4 DSPI baud rate and clock delay generation ....................................................................572 Baud rate generator .......................................................................................572 CS to SCK delay (tCSC) ................................................................................573 After SCK delay (tASC) .................................................................................573 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 20 Freescale Semiconductor Delay after transfer (tDT) .............................................................................574 Peripheral Chip Select strobe enable (CS5_x) ..............................................574 24.8.5 Transfer formats ..............................................................................................................575 Classic SPI transfer format (CPHA = 0) .......................................................576 Classic SPI transfer format (CPHA = 1) .......................................................577 Modified SPI transfer format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 0) ................................577 Modified SPI transfer format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 1) ................................579 Continuous selection format .........................................................................579 Clock polarity switching between DSPI transfers ........................................581 Fast Continuous Selection Format ................................................................581 24.8.6 Continuous Serial communications clock .......................................................................583 24.8.7 Interrupts/DMA requests ................................................................................................584 End of queue interrupt request (EOQF) ........................................................584 Transmit FIFO fill interrupt or DMA request (TFFF) ..................................585 Transfer complete interrupt request (TCF) ...................................................585 Transmit FIFO underflow interrupt request (TFUF) ....................................585 Receive FIFO drain interrupt or DMA request (RFDF) ...............................585 Receive FIFO overflow interrupt request (RFOF) .......................................585 FIFO overrun request (TFUF) or (RFOF) ....................................................585 24.8.8 Power saving features .....................................................................................................586 Module disable mode ....................................................................................586 24.9 Initialization and application information .....................................................................................586 24.9.1 Managing queues ............................................................................................................586 24.9.2 Baud rate settings ............................................................................................................587 24.9.3 Delay settings ..................................................................................................................588 24.9.4 MPC5606E DSPI compatibility with QSPI of the MPC500 MCUs ..............................588 24.9.5 Calculation of FIFO pointer addresses ...........................................................................589 Address calculation for first-in entry and last-in entry in TX FIFO .............590 Address calculation for first-in entry and last-in entry in RX FIFO .............590 Chapter 25 LIN Controller (LINFlex) 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................593 Main features .................................................................................................................................593 General description .......................................................................................................................593 Fractional baud rate generation .....................................................................................................595 Operating modes ...........................................................................................................................597 25.5.1 Initialization mode ..........................................................................................................598 25.5.2 Normal mode ..................................................................................................................598 25.5.3 Low power mode (Sleep) ................................................................................................598 25.6 Test modes .....................................................................................................................................599 25.6.1 Loop Back mode .............................................................................................................599 25.6.2 Self Test mode .................................................................................................................599 25.7 Memory map and registers description .........................................................................................600 25.7.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................600 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 21 25.7.2 Register description ........................................................................................................602 LIN control register 1 (LINCR1) ..................................................................603 LIN interrupt enable register (LINIER) ........................................................606 LIN status register (LINSR) .........................................................................607 LIN error status register (LINESR) ..............................................................610 UART mode control register (UARTCR) .....................................................611 UART mode status register (UARTSR) ........................................................613 LIN timeout control status register (LINTCSR) ...........................................615 LIN output compare register (LINOCR) ......................................................616 LIN timeout control register (LINTOCR) ....................................................616 LIN fractional baud rate register (LINFBRR) ..............................................617 LIN Integer Baud Rate Register (LINIBRR) ................................................618 LIN checksum field register (LINCFR) ........................................................618 LIN control register 2 (LINCR2) ..................................................................619 Buffer identifier register (BIDR) ..................................................................620 Buffer data register least significant (BDRL) ...............................................621 Buffer data register most significant (BDRM) .............................................622 Identifier filter enable register (IFER) ..........................................................622 Identifier filter match index (IFMI) ..............................................................624 Identifier filter mode register (IFMR) ..........................................................624 Identifier filter control register (IFCR2n) .....................................................626 Identifier filter control register (IFCR2n + 1) ...............................................627 25.8 Functional description ...................................................................................................................628 25.8.1 UART mode ....................................................................................................................628 Buffer in UART mode ..................................................................................628 UART transmitter .........................................................................................629 UART receiver ..............................................................................................629 Clock gating ..................................................................................................630 25.8.2 LIN mode ........................................................................................................................630 Master mode .................................................................................................630 header transmission 630 transmission (transceiver as publisher) 630 reception (transceiver as subscriber) 631 discard 631 detection 631 handling 631 Slave mode ....................................................................................................632 transmission (transceiver as publisher) 632 reception (transceiver as subscriber) 632 discard 633 detection 633 handling 633 header 634 message 634 634 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 22 Freescale Semiconductor Slave mode with identifier filtering ..............................................................634 mode 634 filter mode configuration 635 Slave mode with automatic resynchronization .............................................636 error on the Synch Field 637 Clock gating ..................................................................................................638 25.8.3 8-bit timeout counter .......................................................................................................638 LIN timeout mode .........................................................................................638 Master mode 638 Slave mode 639 Output compare mode ...................................................................................639 25.8.4 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................640 Chapter 26 FlexCAN Module 26.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................641 26.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................642 26.1.2 FlexCAN Module Features .............................................................................................642 26.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................643 26.2 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................644 26.2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................644 26.2.2 Signal Descriptions .........................................................................................................644 CAN Rx ........................................................................................................644 CAN Tx .........................................................................................................644 26.3 Memory Map/Register Definition .................................................................................................644 26.3.1 FlexCAN Memory Mapping ...........................................................................................644 26.3.2 Message Buffer Structure ................................................................................................646 26.3.3 Rx FIFO Structure ...........................................................................................................649 26.3.4 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................650 Module Configuration Register (MCR) ........................................................651 Control Register (CTRL) ..............................................................................655 Free Running Timer (TIMER) ......................................................................659 Rx Global Mask (RXGMASK) ....................................................................660 Rx 14 Mask (RX14MASK) ..........................................................................661 Rx 15 Mask (RX15MASK) ..........................................................................661 Error Counter Register (ECR) ......................................................................661 Error and Status Register (ESR) ...................................................................663 Interrupt Masks 1 Register (IMASK1) .........................................................666 Interrupt Flags 1 Register (IFLAG1) ............................................................667 Rx Individual Mask Registers (RXIMR0–RXIMR31) .................................668 26.4 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................669 26.4.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................669 26.4.2 Transmit Process .............................................................................................................669 26.4.3 Arbitration process ..........................................................................................................670 26.4.4 Receive Process ..............................................................................................................670 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 23 26.4.5 Matching Process ............................................................................................................672 26.4.6 Data Coherence ...............................................................................................................673 Message Buffer Deactivation ........................................................................673 Message Buffer Lock Mechanism ................................................................674 26.4.7 Rx FIFO ..........................................................................................................................675 26.4.8 CAN Protocol Related Features ......................................................................................676 Remote Frames .............................................................................................676 Overload Frames ...........................................................................................676 Time Stamp ...................................................................................................676 Protocol Timing ............................................................................................677 Arbitration and Matching Timing .................................................................679 26.4.9 Modes of Operation Details ............................................................................................680 Freeze Mode .................................................................................................680 Module Disable Mode ..................................................................................680 Stop Mode .....................................................................................................681 26.4.10Interrupts .........................................................................................................................682 26.4.11Bus Interface ...................................................................................................................682 26.5 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................683 26.5.1 FlexCAN Initialization Sequence ...................................................................................683 26.5.2 FlexCAN Addressing and RAM size configurations .....................................................684 Chapter 27 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 27.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................685 27.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................685 27.2.1 Features ...........................................................................................................................685 27.2.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................686 27.3 Register descriptions .....................................................................................................................687 27.3.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................687 27.3.2 Control logic registers .....................................................................................................688 Main Configuration Register (MCR) ............................................................688 Main Status Register (MSR) .........................................................................691 27.3.3 Interrupt registers ............................................................................................................692 Interrupt Status Register (ISR) ......................................................................692 Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) .....................................................................693 Watchdog Threshold Interrupt Status Register (WTISR) .............................695 Watchdog Threshold Interrupt Mask Register (WTIMR) ............................696 27.3.4 DMA registers .................................................................................................................697 DMA Enable Register (DMAE) ...................................................................697 DMA Channel Select Register 0 (DMAR0) .................................................698 27.3.5 Threshold registers ..........................................................................................................698 Introduction ...................................................................................................698 Threshold Register (THRHLR[0:3]) ............................................................699 27.3.6 Conversion timing registers CTR[0..1] ...........................................................................699 27.3.7 Mask registers .................................................................................................................702 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 24 Freescale Semiconductor Introduction ...................................................................................................702 Normal Conversion Mask Register 0 (NCMR0) ..........................................702 Injected Conversion Mask Register 0 (JCMR0) ...........................................702 27.3.8 Power Down Exit Delay Register (PDEDR) ..................................................................703 27.3.9 Data registers ..................................................................................................................704 Introduction ...................................................................................................704 Channel Data Register (CDR7) ....................................................................705 Channel Watchdog Select Register (CWSELR0) .........................................705 Channel Watchdog Enable Register (CWENR0) .........................................706 27.4 Functional description ...................................................................................................................707 27.4.1 Analog channel conversion .............................................................................................707 Normal conversion ........................................................................................707 Start of normal conversion ............................................................................707 Normal conversion operating modes ............................................................707 Injected channel conversion ..........................................................................709 27.4.2 Analog clock generator and conversion timings .............................................................709 27.4.3 ADC sampling and conversion timing ............................................................................710 27.4.4 Programmable analog watchdog .....................................................................................711 Introduction ...................................................................................................711 27.4.5 DMA functionality ..........................................................................................................713 27.4.6 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................713 27.4.7 Power-down mode ..........................................................................................................713 27.4.8 Auto-clock-off mode .......................................................................................................714 Chapter 28 Enhanced Motor Control Timer (eTimer) 28.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................715 28.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................715 28.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................715 28.1.3 Customization .................................................................................................................716 28.1.4 Module Block Diagram ..................................................................................................716 28.1.5 Channel Block Diagram ..................................................................................................717 28.2 External Signal Descriptions .........................................................................................................718 28.2.1 TIO[5:0] - Timer Input/Outputs ......................................................................................718 28.2.2 TAI[2] - Timer Auxiliary Input .......................................................................................718 28.3 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................718 28.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................718 28.3.2 Counting Modes ..............................................................................................................719 STOP Mode ..................................................................................................719 COUNT Mode ..............................................................................................720 EDGE-COUNT Mode ..................................................................................720 GATED-COUNT Mode ................................................................................720 QUADRATURE-COUNT Mode ..................................................................720 SIGNED-COUNT Mode ..............................................................................720 TRIGGERED-COUNT Mode ......................................................................721 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 25 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 ONE-SHOT Mode ........................................................................................721 CASCADE-COUNT Mode ..........................................................................721 PULSE-OUTPUT Mode ...............................................................................722 FIXED-FREQUENCY PWM Mode ............................................................722 VARIABLE-FREQUENCY PWM Mode .....................................................722 Usage of Compare Registers .........................................................................724 Usage of Compare Load Registers ...............................................................725 MODULO COUNTING Mode .....................................................................725 Compare Register and OFLAG Operation ...................................................726 28.3.3 Other Features .................................................................................................................727 Redundant OFLAG Checking ......................................................................727 Loopback Checking ......................................................................................727 Input Capture Mode ......................................................................................727 Master/Slave Mode .......................................................................................727 Watchdog Timer ............................................................................................727 Memory Map and Registers ..........................................................................................................728 28.4.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................728 28.4.2 Module Memory Map .....................................................................................................728 28.4.3 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................729 28.4.4 Timer Channel Registers .................................................................................................729 Compare Register 1 (COMP1) .....................................................................729 Compare Register 2 (COMP2) .....................................................................729 Capture Register 1 (CAPT1) .........................................................................730 Capture Register 2 (CAPT2) .........................................................................730 Load Register (LOAD) .................................................................................730 Hold Register (HOLD) .................................................................................731 Counter Register (CNTR) .............................................................................731 Control Register 1 (CTRL1) .........................................................................731 Control Register 2 (CTRL2) .........................................................................735 Control Register 3 (CTRL3) .........................................................................737 Status Register (STS) ....................................................................................738 Interrupt and DMA Enable Register (INTDMA) .........................................740 Comparator Load Register 1 (CMPLD1) .....................................................741 Comparator Load Register 2 (CMPLD2) .....................................................741 Compare and Capture Control Register (CCCTRL) .....................................741 Input Filter Register (FILT) ..........................................................................744 Filter Considerations 744 28.4.5 Watchdog Timer Registers ..............................................................................................744 Watchdog Time-out Registers (WDTOL and WDTOH) ..............................745 28.4.6 Configuration Registers ..................................................................................................745 Channel Enable Register (ENBL) .................................................................745 DMA Request Select Registers (DREQ0, DREQ1) .....................................746 Resets ............................................................................................................................................747 Clocks ............................................................................................................................................747 Interrupts .......................................................................................................................................748 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 26 Freescale Semiconductor 28.8 DMA ..............................................................................................................................................748 28.9 ADC Trigger ..................................................................................................................................749 Chapter 29 Fault Collection Unit (FCU) 29.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................751 29.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................751 General description .......................................................................................751 29.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................754 29.1.3 Modes of operation .........................................................................................................754 Normal mode ................................................................................................754 Test mode ......................................................................................................754 29.2 Memory map and register definition .............................................................................................754 29.2.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................755 29.2.2 Register summary ...........................................................................................................755 29.2.3 Register descriptions .......................................................................................................757 Module Configuration Register (FCU_MCR) ..............................................757 Fault Flag Register (FCU_FFR) ...................................................................758 Frozen Fault Flag Register (FCU_FFFR) .....................................................760 Fake Fault Generation Register (FCU_FFGR) .............................................761 Fault Enable Register (FCU_FER) ...............................................................762 Key Register (FCU_KR) ..............................................................................762 Timeout Register (FCU_TR) ........................................................................763 Timeout Enable Register (FCU_TER) ..........................................................764 Module State Register (FCU_MSR) .............................................................764 Microcontroller State Register (FCU_MCSR) .............................................765 Frozen MC State Register (FCU_FMCSR) ..................................................766 29.3 Functional description ...................................................................................................................767 29.3.1 State machine ..................................................................................................................768 29.3.2 Output generation protocol .............................................................................................769 Dual-rail protocol ..........................................................................................770 Time switching protocol ...............................................................................771 Bi-Stable protocol .........................................................................................771 Chapter 30 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT_RTI) 30.1 Front Matter ...................................................................................................................................773 30.1.1 Preface ............................................................................................................................773 Conventions ..................................................................................................773 Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................773 Glossary ........................................................................................................774 30.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................774 30.2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................775 30.2.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................775 30.3 Signal Description .........................................................................................................................775 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 27 30.4 Memory Map and Register Description ........................................................................................775 30.4.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................775 30.4.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................776 PIT Module Control Register (PITMCR) .....................................................777 Timer Load Value Register n (LDVALn) .....................................................777 Current Timer Value Register n (CVALn) ....................................................778 Timer Control Register n (TCTRLn) ............................................................779 Timer Flag Register n (TFLGn) ....................................................................779 30.5 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................780 30.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................780 Timers ...........................................................................................................780 Debug Mode .................................................................................................781 30.5.2 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................781 30.6 Initialization and Application Information ....................................................................................782 30.6.1 Example Configuration ...................................................................................................782 Chapter 31 Software Watchdog Timer (SWT) 31.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................783 31.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................783 31.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................783 31.1.3 Modes of operation .........................................................................................................783 31.2 External signal description ............................................................................................................783 31.3 Memory map and register definition .............................................................................................783 31.3.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................784 31.3.2 Register descriptions .......................................................................................................784 SWT Module Control Register (SWT_MCR) ..............................................784 SWT Interrupt Register (SWT_IR) ...............................................................786 SWT Time-Out Register (SWT_TO) ............................................................786 SWT Window Register (SWT_WN) ............................................................787 SWT Service Register (SWT_SR) ................................................................787 SWT Counter Output Register (SWT_CO) ..................................................788 SWT Service Key Register (SWT_SK) ........................................................788 31.4 Functional description ...................................................................................................................789 Chapter 32 System Timer Module (STM) 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 Overview .......................................................................................................................................791 Features .........................................................................................................................................791 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................791 External signal description ............................................................................................................791 Memory map and registers description .........................................................................................791 32.5.1 Memory map ...................................................................................................................791 32.5.2 Registers description .......................................................................................................792 STM Control Register (STM_CR) ...............................................................792 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 28 Freescale Semiconductor STM Count Register (STM_CNT) ...............................................................793 STM Channel Control Register (STM_CCRn) ............................................794 STM Channel Interrupt Register (STM_CIRn) ............................................794 STM Channel Compare Register (STM_CMPn) ..........................................795 32.6 Functional description ...................................................................................................................795 Chapter 33 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 33.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................797 33.1.1 Glossary ..........................................................................................................................797 33.2 Main features .................................................................................................................................797 33.2.1 Standard features .............................................................................................................797 33.3 Block diagram ...............................................................................................................................798 33.3.1 IPS bus interface .............................................................................................................798 33.4 Functional description ...................................................................................................................799 33.5 Memory map and registers description .........................................................................................800 33.5.1 CRC Configuration Register (CRC_CFG) .....................................................................801 33.5.2 CRC Input Register (CRC_INP) .....................................................................................802 33.5.3 CRC Current Status Register (CRC_CSTAT) .................................................................803 33.5.4 CRC Output Register (CRC_OUTP) ..............................................................................803 33.6 Use cases and limitations ..............................................................................................................804 Chapter 34 Boot Assist Module (BAM) 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 Overview .......................................................................................................................................809 Features .........................................................................................................................................809 Boot modes ....................................................................................................................................809 Memory map .................................................................................................................................809 Functional description ...................................................................................................................810 34.5.1 Entering boot modes .......................................................................................................810 34.5.2 Reset Configuration Half Word (RCHW) .......................................................................811 34.5.3 Single chip boot mode ....................................................................................................814 Boot and alternate boot .................................................................................814 34.5.4 Boot through BAM .........................................................................................................814 Executing BAM ............................................................................................814 BAM software flow ......................................................................................815 BAM resources .............................................................................................816 Download and execute the new code ............................................................817 Download 64-bit password and password check ..........................................817 Download start address, VLE bit and code size ...........................................819 Download data ..............................................................................................820 Execute code .................................................................................................820 34.5.5 Boot from UART—autobaud disabled ...........................................................................820 Configuration ................................................................................................820 UART boot mode download protocol ...........................................................821 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 29 34.5.6 Bootstrap with FlexCAN—autobaud disabled ...............................................................821 Configuration ................................................................................................821 34.6 FlexCAN boot mode download protocol ......................................................................................822 34.6.1 Autobaud feature .............................................................................................................822 Configuration ................................................................................................823 Boot from UART with autobaud enabled .....................................................823 the host baud rate 824 Boot from FlexCAN with autobaud enabled ................................................827 the host baud rate 829 34.6.2 Interrupt ..........................................................................................................................832 Chapter 35 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus Controller Module (I2C) 35.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................833 35.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................833 35.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................833 35.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................834 35.1.4 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................834 35.2 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................834 35.2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................834 35.2.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..........................................................................................835 SCL ...............................................................................................................835 SDA ..............................................................................................................835 35.3 Memory Map/Register Definition .................................................................................................835 35.3.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................835 35.3.2 Module Memory Map .....................................................................................................835 35.3.3 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................836 I2C Address Register ....................................................................................836 I2C Frequency Divider Register ...................................................................836 I2C Control Register .....................................................................................843 I2C Status Register ........................................................................................844 I2C Data I/O Register ....................................................................................845 I2C Interrupt Config Register .......................................................................846 35.4 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................846 35.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................846 35.4.2 I-Bus Protocol ................................................................................................................846 START Signal ...............................................................................................847 Slave Address Transmission .........................................................................848 Data Transfer .................................................................................................848 STOP Signal ..................................................................................................848 Repeated START Signal ...............................................................................849 Arbitration Procedure ...................................................................................849 Clock Synchronization ..................................................................................849 Handshaking .................................................................................................850 Clock Stretching ............................................................................................850 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 30 Freescale Semiconductor 35.4.3 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................850 General ..........................................................................................................850 Interrupt Description .....................................................................................850 35.5 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................851 35.5.1 I2C Programming Examples ...........................................................................................851 Initialization Sequence ..................................................................................851 Generation of START ...................................................................................851 Post-Transfer Software Response .................................................................851 Generation of STOP ......................................................................................852 Generation of Repeated START ...................................................................853 Slave Mode ...................................................................................................853 Arbitration Lost .............................................................................................853 Chapter 36 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) 36.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................855 36.1.1 Features ...........................................................................................................................857 36.2 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................................................858 36.2.1 Full- and Half-Duplex Operation ....................................................................................858 36.2.2 Interface Options .............................................................................................................858 10-Mbps and 100-Mbps Media Independent Interface (MII) .......................858 36.2.3 Address Recognition Options .........................................................................................858 36.2.4 Internal Loopback ...........................................................................................................858 36.3 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................858 36.3.1 Top Level Module Memory Map ....................................................................................859 36.3.2 Detailed Memory Map (Control/Status Registers) .........................................................859 36.3.3 Message Information Block (MIB) Counters Memory Map ..........................................860 36.3.4 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................862 Ethernet Interrupt Event Register (EIR) .......................................................862 Ethernet Interrupt Mask Register (EIMR) ....................................................864 Receive Descriptor Active Register (RDAR) ...............................................865 Transmit Descriptor Active Register (TDAR) ..............................................866 Ethernet Control Register (ECR) ..................................................................867 MII Management Frame Register (MMFR) .................................................868 MII Speed Control Register (MSCR) ...........................................................869 MIB Control Register (MIBC) .....................................................................871 Receive Control Register (RCR) ..................................................................871 Transmit Control Register (TCR) .................................................................873 Physical Address Low Register (PALR) .......................................................874 Physical Address Upper Register (PAUR) ....................................................875 Opcode/Pause Duration Register (OPDR) ....................................................875 Descriptor Individual Address Upper Register (IAUR) ...............................876 Descriptor Individual Address Lower Register (IALR) ...............................877 Descriptor Group Address Upper Register (GAUR) ....................................877 Descriptor Group Address Lower Register (GALR) ....................................878 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 31 Transmit FIFO Watermark Register (TFWR) ...............................................879 FIFO Receive Bound Register (FRBR) ........................................................879 FIFO Receive Start Register (FRSR) ............................................................880 Receive Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Register (ERDSR) ............................881 Transmit Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Register (ETDSR) ...........................882 Maximum Receive Buffer Size Register (EMRBR) .....................................882 36.4 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................883 36.4.1 Network Interface Options ..............................................................................................883 36.4.2 FEC Frame Transmission ................................................................................................884 Transmit Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) Time .........................................................885 Collision Handling ........................................................................................885 Transmission Error Handling ........................................................................885 Underrun 885 Attempts Limit Expired 886 Collision 886 886 36.4.3 FEC Frame Reception .....................................................................................................886 Receive Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) Time ..........................................................887 Ethernet Address Recognition ......................................................................887 Algorithm 890 Reception Error Handling .............................................................................893 893 (Dribbling Bits) 893 893 Length Violation 894 894 36.4.4 Full-Duplex Flow Control ..............................................................................................894 36.4.5 Internal and External Loopback ......................................................................................895 36.5 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................895 36.5.1 Initialization Sequence ....................................................................................................895 Hardware Controlled Initialization ...............................................................895 User Initialization (Prior to Asserting ECR[ETHER_EN]) ..........................896 Microcontroller Initialization ........................................................................896 User Initialization (after asserting ECR[ETHER_EN]) ................................897 36.5.2 Buffer Descriptors ...........................................................................................................897 Driver/DMA Operation with Buffer Descriptors ..........................................897 Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ...............................................898 Operation with Transmit Buffer Descriptors 899 Ethernet Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ................................................900 Operation with Receive Buffer Descriptors 901 Chapter 37 IEEE 1588 37.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................903 37.2 IEEE1588 Block Diagram .............................................................................................................904 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 32 Freescale Semiconductor 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 Time Stamp Unit (TSU) Key Features ..........................................................................................904 IEEE1588 Real Time Clock (RTC) Key Features .........................................................................905 IEEE1588 Implementation Assumptions ......................................................................................906 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................................................906 Memory Map/Register Definition .................................................................................................907 Time Stamp Unit Mode Registers .................................................................................................909 37.8.1 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 1 (PTP_TSPDR1) .................................909 37.8.2 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 2(PTP_TSPDR2) ..................................910 37.8.3 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 3 (PTP_TSPDR3) .................................911 37.8.4 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 4 (PTP_TSPDR4) .................................912 37.8.5 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 5 (PTP_TSPDR5) .................................913 37.8.6 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 6 (PTP_TSPDR6) .................................914 37.8.7 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Definitions Register 7 (PTP_TSPDR7) .................................916 37.8.8 Time Stamp Unit Parsing Offset Values (PTP_TSPOV) ................................................917 37.8.9 Time Stamp Unit Mode Register (PTP_TSMR) .............................................................919 37.8.10Timer PTP Event Register (PTP_TMR_PEVENT)/ Timer PTP Mask Register (PTP_TMR_PEMASK) 920 37.8.11Time Stamp Unit Receiver Time High (TMR_UC_RXTS_H)/Time Stamp Unit Receiver Time Low (TMR_UC_RXTS_L)/Time Stamp Unit Transmitter Time High (TMR_UC_TXTS_H)/Time Stamp Unit Transmitter Time Low (TMR_UC_TXTS_L) 923 37.9 IEEE1588 Timer Mode Registers .................................................................................................924 37.9.1 Timer Control Register (TMR_CTRL) ...........................................................................924 37.9.2 Timer Event Register (TMR_TEVENT)/Timer Event Mask Register (TMR_TEMASK) .. 926 37.9.3 Timer Counter Register (TMR_CNT_L/TMR_CNT_H) ...............................................928 37.9.4 Timer Addend Register (TMR_ADD) ............................................................................929 37.9.5 Timer Accumulator Register (TMR_ACC) ....................................................................930 37.9.6 Timer Prescale Register (TMR_PRSC) ..........................................................................931 37.9.7 Timer Offset Register (TMROFF_L/TMROFF_H) .......................................................932 37.9.8 Alarm Time Register (TMR_ALARM_L/TMR_ALARM_H) ......................................933 37.9.9 Timer Fixed Interval Period Register (TMR_FIPERn) ..................................................933 37.9.10FIPER Start Register (TMR_FSV_L/TMR_FSV_H) .....................................................935 37.9.11External Trigger Time Stamp Register (TMR_ETTS_L/TMR_ETTS_H) .....................935 37.10 Time Stamp Unit (TSU) ................................................................................................................936 37.10.1PTP Event Interrupts .......................................................................................................937 37.11 IEEE1588 Real Time Clock (RTC) ...............................................................................................938 37.11.1RTC Clock Sources .........................................................................................................940 37.11.2Prescale Output Clock and Pulse per Second Edge Alignment ......................................940 37.12 PTP Frame Reception ....................................................................................................................940 37.12.1Out-of-Band Mode ..........................................................................................................940 37.13 PTP Frame Transmission ...............................................................................................................941 37.14 Cycle Delay from Time Stamp Location .......................................................................................941 37.15 Initialization Sequence ..................................................................................................................941 37.15.1TSU Mode Registers .......................................................................................................941 37.15.2RTC Mode Registers .......................................................................................................942 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 33 37.15.3Enable Sequence .............................................................................................................942 Chapter 38 Register Protection (REG_PROT) 38.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................943 38.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................943 38.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................943 38.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................944 38.2 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................944 38.3 Memory Map and Register Definition ..........................................................................................944 38.3.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................945 38.3.2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................946 Module Registers (MR0-6143) .....................................................................946 Module Register and Set Soft Lock Bit (LMR0-6143) ................................946 Soft Lock Bit Register (SLBR0-1535) .........................................................946 Global Configuration Register (GCR) ..........................................................947 38.4 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................948 38.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................948 38.4.2 Change Lock Settings .....................................................................................................949 Change Lock Settings Directly Via Area #4 .................................................949 Enable Locking Via Mirror Module Space (Area #3) ..................................950 Write Protection for Locking Bits .................................................................951 38.4.3 Access Errors ..................................................................................................................952 38.5 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................952 38.5.1 Reset ................................................................................................................................952 38.5.2 Writing C code using the register protection scheme .....................................................952 38.6 Registers under protection .............................................................................................................954 Chapter 39 Temperature Sensor (TSENS) 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................967 Features .........................................................................................................................................967 Signals ...........................................................................................................................................967 Memory Map and Register Description ........................................................................................967 39.4.1 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................968 39.5 Modes of operation ........................................................................................................................968 39.6 Obtaining the device temperature using TSENS ...........................................................................968 39.6.1 TSENS calibration constants ..........................................................................................968 39.6.2 Equations for converting TSENS voltage to device temperature ...................................969 Chapter 40 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) 40.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................971 40.1.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................971 40.1.2 Features ...........................................................................................................................971 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 34 Freescale Semiconductor 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.1.3 Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................972 Reset ..............................................................................................................972 IEEE 1149.1-2001 Defined Test Modes .......................................................972 Bypass Mode .................................................................................................972 External Signal Description ..........................................................................................................973 40.2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................973 40.2.2 Detailed Signal Descriptions ..........................................................................................973 TCK - Test Clock Input .................................................................................973 TDI - Test Data Input ....................................................................................973 TDO - Test Data Output ................................................................................973 TMS - Test Mode Select ...............................................................................973 Register Definition ........................................................................................................................974 40.3.1 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................974 Instruction Register .......................................................................................974 Bypass Register .............................................................................................974 Device Identification Register ......................................................................974 CENSOR_CTRL Register ............................................................................975 Boundary Scan Register ................................................................................976 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................976 40.4.1 JTAGC Reset Configuration ...........................................................................................976 40.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port ..................................................................976 40.4.3 TAP Controller State Machine ........................................................................................977 Enabling the TAP Controller ........................................................................979 Selecting an IEEE 1149.1-2001 Register ......................................................979 40.4.4 JTAGC Block Instructions ..............................................................................................979 IDCODE Instruction .....................................................................................980 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction .................................................................980 SAMPLE Instruction ....................................................................................980 EXTEST — External Test Instruction ..........................................................980 ENABLE_CENSOR_CTRL Instruction ......................................................980 CLAMP Instruction ......................................................................................981 ACCESS_AUX_TAP_x Instructions ............................................................981 BYPASS Instruction .....................................................................................981 40.4.5 Boundary Scan ................................................................................................................981 Initialization/Application Information ..........................................................................................981 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 35 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 36 Freescale Semiconductor Preface About This Book This reference manual describes the MPC5606E processor for software and hardware developers. Information regarding bus timing, signal behavior, and AC, DC, and thermal characteristics are detailed in the device data sheet (MPC5606E Microcontroller Data Sheet). The information in this book is subject to change without notice, as described in the disclaimers on the title page. As with any technical documentation, the reader needs to make sure to use the most recent version of the documentation. To locate any published errata or updates for this document, refer to the world-wide web at Audience This manual is intended for system software and hardware developers and applications programmers who want to develop products with the MPC5606E processor. It is assumed that the reader understands operating systems, microprocessor system design, basic principles of software and hardware, and basic details of the PowerPC® architecture. Chapter Organization and Device-Specific Information This document includes chapters that describe: • The device as a whole • The functionality of the individual modules on the device In the latter, any device-specific information is presented in the section “Information Specific to This Device” at the beginning of the chapter, where the chapter may describe a superset of features. Suggested Reading This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as general information about PowerPC architecture. General Information Useful information about the PowerPC architecture and computer architecture in general: • Programming Environments Manual for 32-Bit Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture (MPCFPE32B) • Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family, William C. Wray, Ross Bannatyne, Joseph D. Greenfield • Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition, by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson. • Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Second Edition, David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 37 PowerArchitecture Documentation Power Architecture documentation is available from the sources listed on the back cover of this manual, as well as our web site, • Reference manuals (formerly called user’s manuals)—These books provide details about individual PowerPC implementations and are intended to be used in conjunction with the PowerPC Programmers Reference Manual. • Addenda/errata to reference manuals—Because some processors have follow-on parts, an addendum is provided that describes the additional features and functionality changes. Also, if mistakes are found within a reference manual, an errata document may be issued before the next published release of the reference manual. These addenda/errata are intended for use with the corresponding reference manuals. • Data sheets—Data sheets provide specific information regarding pin-out diagrams, bus timing, signal behavior, and AC, DC, and thermal characteristics, as well as other design considerations. • Product briefs—Each device has a product brief that provides an overview of its features. This document is roughly equivalent to the overview (Chapter 1) of a device’s reference manual. • Application notes—These short documents address specific design issues useful to programmers and engineers working with Freescale Semiconductor processors. Additional literature is published as new processors become available. For a current list of PowerPC documentation, refer to Conventions This document uses the following notational conventions: cleared/set When a bit takes the value zero, it is said to be cleared; when it takes a value of one, it is said to be set. reserved When a bit or address is reserved, it should not be written. If read, its value cannot be not guaranteed. Reading or writing to reserved bits or addresses may cause unexpected results. MNEMONICS In text, instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase. mnemonics In code and tables, instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters. Book titles in text are set in italics. 0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number 0b0 Prefix to denote binary number REG[FIELD] Abbreviations for registers are shown in uppercase. Specific bits, fields, or ranges appear in brackets. For example, RAMBAR[BA] identifies the base address field in the RAM base address register. nibble A 4-bit data unit byte An 8-bit data unit halfword A 16-bit data unit1 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 38 Freescale Semiconductor word doubleword x ~ & | A 32-bit data unit A 64-bit data unit In some contexts, such as signal encodings, x (without italics) indicates a “don’t care” condition. With italics, used to express an undefined alphanumeric value (e.g., a variable in an equation); or a variable alphabetic character in a bit, register, or module name (e.g., DSPI_x could refer to DSPI_A or DSPI_B). Used to express an undefined numerical value; or a variable numeric character in a bit, register, or module name (e.g., EIFn could refer to EIF1 or EIF0). NOT logical operator AND logical operator OR logical operator || OVERBAR Field concatenation operator An overbar indicates that a signal is active-low. x n Register Figure Conventions This document uses the following conventions for the register reset values: w1c Write 1 to clear the bit to 0. — Undefined at reset or “not applicable.” U Bit value is uninitialized upon reset. u Bit value is unchanged upon reset. [signal_name] Reset value is determined by the polarity of the indicated signal. The following register fields are used: R 0 Indicates a reserved bit field in a memory-mapped register. These bits are always read as zeros. 1 Indicates a reserved bit field in a memory-mapped register. These bits are always read as ones. W R W R FIELDNAME Indicates a read/write bit. W R FIELDNAME Indicates a read-only bit field in a memory-mapped register. W 1The only exceptions to this appear in the discussion of serial communication modules that support variable-length data transmission units. To simplify the discussion these units are referred to as words regardless of length. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 39 R Indicates a write-only bit field in a memory-mapped register. W FIELDNAME R FIELDNAME W w1c R 0 Write 1 to clear: indicates that writing a 1 to this bit field clears it. Indicates a self-clearing bit. W FIELDNAME Acronyms and Abbreviations Table i lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term Meaning ADC Analog-to-digital conversion ALU Arithmetic logic unit BDM Background debug mode BIST Built-in self test BSDL Boundary-scan description language CODEC Code/decode DAC Digital-to-analog conversion DMA Direct memory access DSP Digital signal processing EA Effective address FIFO First-in, first-out GPIO General-purpose I/O IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers IFP Instruction fetch pipeline IPL Interrupt priority level JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council JTAG Joint Test Action Group LIFO Last-in, first-out LRU Least recently used LSB Least-significant byte lsb Least-significant bit MAC Multiply accumulate unit, also Media access controller MSB Most-significant byte MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 40 Freescale Semiconductor Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning msb Most-significant bit Mux Multiplex NC No connection NOP No operation OEP Operand execution pipeline PC Program counter PLIC Physical layer interface controller PLL Phase-locked loop PIN Referring to an external pin or ball (i.e. external signal) POR Power-on reset RISC Reduced instruction set computing Rx Receive SOF Start of frame STAC Shared Time and Counter TAP Test access port TTL Transistor transistor logic Tx Transmit UART Universal asynchronous/synchronous receiver transmitter USB Universal serial bus Terminology Conventions Table ii shows terminology conventions used throughout this document. Table ii. Notational Conventions Instruction Operand Syntax Opcode Wildcard cc Logical condition (example: NE for not equal) Register Specifications An Ay,Ax Any address register n (example: A3 is address register 3) Source and destination address registers, respectively Dn Any data register n (example: D5 is data register 5) Dy,Dx Source and destination data registers, respectively Rc Any control register (example VBR is the vector base register) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 41 Table ii. Notational Conventions (continued) Instruction Operand Syntax Rm MAC registers (ACC, MAC, MASK) Rn Any address or data register Rw Destination register w (used for MAC instructions only) Ry,Rx Xi Any source and destination registers, respectively Index register i (can be an address or data register: Ai, Di) Miscellaneous Operands #<data> <ea> <ea>y,<ea>x <label> <list> Immediate data following the 16-bit operation word of the instruction Effective address Source and destination effective addresses, respectively Assembly language program label List of registers for MOVEM instruction (example: D3–D0) <shift> Shift operation: shift left (<<), shift right (>>) <size> Operand data size: byte (B), word (W), longword (L) bc Instruction and data caches dc Data cache ic Instruction cache # <vector> <> <xxx> Identifies the 4-bit vector number for trap instructions identifies an indirect data address referencing memory identifies an absolute address referencing memory dn Signal displacement value, n bits wide (example: d16 is a 16-bit displacement) SF Scale factor (x1, x2, x4 for indexed addressing mode, <<1n>> for MAC operations) Operations + Arithmetic addition or postincrement indicator – Arithmetic subtraction or predecrement indicator x Arithmetic multiplication MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 42 Freescale Semiconductor Table ii. Notational Conventions (continued) Instruction Operand Syntax / Arithmetic division ~ Invert; operand is logically complemented & Logical AND | Logical OR ^ Logical exclusive OR << Shift left (example: D0 << 3 is shift D0 left 3 bits) >> Shift right (example: D0 >> 3 is shift D0 right 3 bits) Source operand is moved to destination operand Two operands are exchanged sign-extended All bits of the upper portion are made equal to the high-order bit of the lower portion If <condition> then <operations> else <operations> Test the condition. If true, the operations after then are performed. If the condition is false and the optional else clause is present, the operations after else are performed. If the condition is false and else is omitted, the instruction performs no operation. Refer to the Bcc instruction description as an example. Subfields and Qualifiers {} Optional operation () Identifies an indirect address dn Displacement value, n-bits wide (example: d16 is a 16-bit displacement) Address Calculated effective address (pointer) Bit Bit selection (example: Bit 3 of D0) lsb Least significant bit (example: lsb of D0) LSB Least significant byte LSW Least significant word msb Most significant bit MSB Most significant byte MSW Most significant word MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 43 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 44 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 Chipset overview The MPC5606E microcontroller is a gateway system designed to move data from different sources via Ethernet to a receiving system and vice versa. The supported data sources and sinks are: • Video data (with 8/10/12 bits per data word) • Audio data (6 stereo channels) • RADAR data (2 12 bit with <1s per sample, digitized externally and read in via SPI) • Other serial communication interfaces including CAN, LIN, and SPI The Ethernet module has a bandwidth of 10/100 Mbits/sec and supports precision time stamps (IEEE1588). Unshielded twisted pair cables are used to transfer data (via Ethernet) in the car, resulting in a significant reduction of wiring costs by providing inexpensive high bandwidth data links. The MPC5606E microcontroller integrates MPC5604E device with the Broadcom(R) BCM89810 single-port BroadR-Reach™ 100 Mbps automotive Ethernet transceiver. All information about configuration of the BCM89810 BroadR-Reach™ Ethernet transceivers is available at The user should request for an account to access BCM89810 documentation, if the access is not there. The core selected for the device is the Harvard bus interface version of the e200z0 to cover the low-end chassis application space. The e200 processor family is a set of CPU cores that implement low-cost versions of the Power Architecture Book E architecture. The e200 processors are designed for deeply embedded control applications that require low cost solutions rather than maximum performance. The e200z0 processor integrates an integer execution unit, branch control unit, instruction fetch and load/store units, and a multi-ported register file capable to sustaining three read and two write operations per clock. Most integer instructions execute in a single clock cycle. Branch target prefetching is performed by branch unit to allow single-cycle branches in some cases. The e200z0 core is a single-issue, 32-bit Power Architecture Book E VLE only design with 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs). All arithmetic instructions that execute in the core operate on data in the general purpose registers (GPRs). Instead of the base Power Architecture Book E instruction set support, the e200z0 core only implements the VLE (variable length encoding) APU, providing improved code density. The MPC5606E has a single level of memory hierarchy consisting of 96 KB on-chip SRAM and 578 KB (512 KB code + 64 KB data) of on-chip flash memory. Both the SRAM and the flash memory can hold instructions and data. Multimedia support is provided by a video encoder module and a 6× stereo audio (SAI) module. The timer functions of MPC5606E are performed by the eTimer Modular Timer System and Peripheral Interrupt Timer (PIT) modules. The eTimer module implements enhanced timer features (six channels) including dedicated motor control quadrature decode functionality and DMA support. The PIT module includes four general purpose interrupt timers (32-bit counters) with DMA support for each channel. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 45 Overview Off-chip communication is performed by a suite of serial protocols including CANs, ethernet, enhanced SPIs (DSPI), and SCIs (LINFlex). The System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) performs several chip-wide configuration functions. Pad configuration and general-purpose input/output (GPIO) are controlled from the SIUL. External interrupts are also found in the SIUL. As the MPC5606E is built on a wider legacy of Power Architecture-based devices, when applicable and possible, reusing or enhancement of existing IP, design and concepts is adopted. 1.2 Target applications This device is a gateway system to move data from different sources via Ethernet to a receiving system and vice versa. The supported data sources/sinks combined with the Ethernet are: • Video data (with 8/10/12 bits per data word) • Audio data (6x stereo channels) • RADAR data (2x 12 bit with <1us per sample, digitized externally and read in via SPI) • Other Serial communication interfaces like CAN, LIN, and SPI The Ethernet has a bandwidth of 10/100 Mbits/sec supporting precision time stamps (IEEE1588). Unshielded twisted pair cables are then used to transfer information (via Ethernet) in the car. Thus, a significant reduction of wiring costs in the car can be achieved by providing high bandwidth data links. The Ethernet AVB is an upcoming high-bandwidth communication standard in the automotive area competing with established protocols like LVDS, MOST, and FlexRay (to a sudden extend for some chassis applications). 1.3 Features The table provides a summary of the features of the MPC5606E. Table 1. Device summary MPC5606E Feature 121 MAPBGA CPU e200z0h, 64 MHz, VLE only, no SPE Flash with ECC CFlash: 512 KB (LC) DFlash: 64 KB (LC, area optimized) RAM with ECC 96 KB DMA 16 channels PIT yes SWT yes FCU yes Ethernet Video Encoder 100 Mbits MII-Lite 8bpp/12bpp MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 46 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Table 1. Device summary (continued) MPC5606E Feature 121 MAPBGA Audio Interface 6x Stereo (4x synchronous + 2x synchronous/asynchronous) 14 channels + VDD_IO + VDDCore + TSens ADC (10-bit) 16 channels Timer I/O (eTimer) 2 SCI (LINFlex) SPI (DSPI) DSPI_0: 2 chip selects DSPI_1: 2 chip selects DSPI_2: 4 chip selects CAN (FlexCAN) 1 IIC 2 Supply 3.3 V IO 1.2V Core with dedicated ballast source pin in two modes: • internal ballast or • external supply (using power on reset pin) 1 FMPLL Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Internal RC Oscillator 16 MHz External crystal Oscillator 4 MHz - 40 MHz CRC yes Debug JTAG Ambient Temperature 1.4 –40 to 125 °C Block diagram Figure 1 shows a top-level block diagram of the MPC5606E microcontroller. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 47 Overview Internal and External Ballast e200z0 Core 32-bit General Purpose Registers Integer Execution Unit Special Purpose Registers Exception Handler Instruction Unit Variable Length Encoded Instructions Branch Prediction Unit Load/Store Unit 1.2 V Regulator Control XOSC 16 MHz RC Oscillator FMPLL (System) JTAG Port JTAG eDMA 16 channels Instruction Bus (32-bit) Master Interrupt Controller Data Bus (32-bit) Master FEC Master PTP MII Broadcom(R) BR-100 89810BCM Ehernet PHY Master 96 KB SRAM (ECC) PDI TSENS ME PCU video_clk Slave MJPEG 64 KB Data Flash (ECC) Slave Output Buffer 512 KB Code Flash (ECC) Slave RGM Slave CGM Crossbar Switch (XBAR, AMBA 2.0 v6 AHB) ADC BAM CRC DSPI eDMA eTimer FCD FCU FEC FlexCAN FMPLL I2C SAI LINFlex ME Analog-to-Digital Converter Boot Assist Module Cylic Redundancy Check Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface Enhanced Direct Memory Access Enhanced Timer Fractional Clock Divider Fault Collection Unit Fast Ethernet Controller Flexible Controller Area Network Frequency-Modulated Phase-Locked Loop Inter-Integrated Circuit serial interface Serial Audio Interface 6xStereo Serial Communication Interface (LIN support) Mode Entry Module CGM PCU RGM TSENS MJPEG PDI PIT PTP SIUL SRAM SSCM STM SWT FCU SIUL BAM SWT STM PIT SSCM FCD 3 x SAI 3 x I2C CRC FlexCAN 3 x DSPI 2 x LINFlex ADC 10-bit 4+4 channels eTimer Peripheral Bridge Clock Generation Module Power Control Unit Reset Generation Module Temperature sensor 12-bit Motion JPEG Encoder Parallel Data Interface (image sensor) Periodic Interrupt Timer IEEE 1588 Precision Time Stamps System Integration Unit Static Random-Access Memory System Status and Configuration Module System Timer Module Software Watchdog Timer Figure 1. MPC5606E block diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 48 Freescale Semiconductor Overview 1.5 Application examples The following sections contain examples of applications for the MPC5606E microcontroller. 1.5.1 CMOS vision sensor gateway The active safety and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) support Panorama View Park-Assist providing a high quality view of the vehicle’s surroundings (typically a bird's eye view). For this, up to 5 CMOS cameras with wide-angle lenses attached to the car. A typical installation has one camera at each corner of the front bumper, one in each side mirror and one in the rear. The front-viewing sensors cannot be combined with the front-viewing camera sensor used for active safety applications due to completely different optical requirements. All sensors are connected to a central fusion Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that performs enhancement and image generation. First, the fusion unit corrects the wide-angle distortion in each image, if not done optically. Alternatively, there is an inexpensive optical solution (2nd inverting lens) on the market. The next step is the stitching of the images—similar to the feature found on many of today’s digital cameras. There is a broad range of algorithm complexity depending on the required quality. In principle, similarities in adjacent images need to identified, e.g., by running matching filters. After identifying how the images fit geometrically together, there is some post-processing necessary for a smooth appearance within the overlapping areas. Finally, the stitched images are rendered on a 3D grid model representing the chosen perspective to generate the final image. The interconnect between the remote cameras and central fusion unit is done in a point-to-point manner with a switch located in the central ECU. The switch combines the Ethernet AVB streams and sends them, e.g., via GigE, to the central processing unit. Future systems with more ADAS nodes (e.g., cameras and RADARs in the bumper) might have two dedicated ADAS switches. Figure 2 illustrates a multi-camera system based on the MPC5606E. 100 Mb/s BR-100 Video MPC5606E Gateway . . . Control Switch 3–5 Sensor Units 1 Gb/s Fusion Unit Video MPC5606E Gateway Control 100 Mb/s Figure 2. Multi-camera system level diagram Each camera in Figure 2 is connected to one MPC5606E gateway via a parallel digital interface as shown in Figure 3. The raw data is buffered and the color component is vertically sub-sampled from YUV4:2:2 to YUV4:2:0. A low latency video encoder compresses the image data by a factor of 1:5/1:10 or higher MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 49 Overview into a bit stream. This compression is not lossless, thus, the quality of the image is degraded with higher compression ratios. The video bitstream is then buffered in the MPC5606E (dedicated video bit stream buffer) and transmitted via the Ethernet AVB link. 6V 3.3 V / 1.5 V clk MPC5606E ctrl image Imager sync 3.3 V Vreg BCM89810MII Ethernet PHY I2C or DSPI PDI XTAL Ethernet Transformer JTAG debugging Workstation Figure 3. MPC5606E interfacing for CMOS sensor gateway Figure 4 illustrates the processing flow of video data within the MPC5606E. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 50 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Internal Ballast e200z0 Core @ 64MHz 32-bit General Purpose Registers 1.2V Regulator Control Integer Execution Unit XOSC 16MHz RC Oscillator JTAG JTAG Port FMPLL (System) eDMA 16 Channels Instruction Bus (32-bit) Special Purpose Registers Exception Handler Instruction Unit Variable Length Encoded Instructions Branch Prediction Unit Load/Store Unit Data Bus (32-bit) Interrupt Controller (R) PTP + MII Broadcom BR-100 89810BCM CE_RTC FEC Ehernet PHY Master Master Cross Bar Switch (XBAR, AMBA 2.0v6 AHB) Output Buffer 96kB SRAM (ECC) PCU 64kB Data Flash (ECC) Slave ME 512kB Code Flash (ECC) Slave CGM Slave RGM Slave video_clk1 PDI Master MJPEG Master System Integration Unit Boot Assist Module SWT STM PIT SSCM 3x FCD 3xI2S/I2 ST DM 2x IIC CRC FlexCAN 3x DSPI 2x LinFlex eTimer ADC 10-bit 4+4 Channels Peripheral Bridge Camera (1280x800@30fps, 10-bits/pix) 1. video_clk frequency can be 120/128 MHz depending on the system_clk (60/64 MHz). Video Encoding: Video data is captured by the camera, and streamed via the PDI to the Video Encoder (MJPEG). The MJPEG offers the encoded data via an output buffer memory to the FEC (Ethernet). Besides the video data, also histograms (for exposure control) are streamed to the PDI. The PDI separates these data that are moved via DMA to the SRAM. The CPU processes the information and set up the exposure/white balance via the IIC in the camera. Figure 4. MPC5606E video data path MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 51 Overview 1.6 Audio source gateway The MPC5606E can be effectively used as an audio source gateway. Figure 5 shows the data flow for this application. Six stereo input audio channels at 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz are provided via I2S by an external audio source (radio, CD/DVD player, etc.). The external device provides the clock for its data (master). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 52 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Internal Ballast e200z0 Core @ 64MHz 32-bit General Purpose Registers 16MHz RC Oscillator JTAG JTAG Port FMPLL (System) eDMA 16 Channels Instruction Bus (32-bit) Special Purpose Registers Exception Handler Instruction Unit Variable Length Encoded Instructions Branch Prediction Unit Load/Store Unit Interrupt Controller Data Bus (32-bit) PTP + MII CE_RTC FEC Master Master Master Master Cross Bar Switch (XBAR, AMBA 2.0v6 AHB) Output Buffer video_clk1 Slave 96KB SRAM (ECC) PCU 64KB Data Flash (ECC) ME 512KB Code Flash (ECC) Slave CGM Slave RGM Slave Broadcom(R) BR-100 89810BCM Ehernet PHY PDI Integer Execution Unit XOSC MJPEG 1.2V Regulator Control System Integration Unit Boot Assist Module SWT STM PIT SSCM 3x FCD 3xI2S/I2 ST DM 2x IIC CRC FlexCAN 3x DSPI 2x LinFlex eTimer ADC 10-bit 4+4 Channels Peripheral Bridge Not used Audio Source with 11.29MHz Audio Clock 1. video_clk frequency can be 120/128 MHz depending on the system_clk (60/64 MHz). Audio In: Data is sampled based on the input signals SAI_BCLK (11.29MHz) and SAI_SYNC. The I2S module (SAI) buffers the input data (6 channels) and signals the availability of data to the DMA module (in 64MHz domain). The DMA module moves the data to the SRAM. From here the FEC can move the data via the MII interface to a receiver. Figure 5. Audio to ethernet data path MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 53 Overview 1.7 Critical performance parameters MPC5606E is running under the following critical performance corner points: • Maximum CPU frequency: 64 MHz • Junction temperature range: –40 °C to 132°C1 • Nominal power dissipation of MPC5604E part: Less than 1.5 W • Supply voltages: — VDD_HV_IO = 3.3V — VDD_HV_ADC = 3.3V — VDD_LV_CORE = 1.2 V (with internal ballast or external supply) — OVDD_RGMII = 3V3 or 2V5 — OVDD = 3V3 or 2V5 — DVDD = 1V2 — AVDDL = 1V2 — AVDD = 3V3 — XTALVDD = 3V3 — PLLVDD = 1V2 — BIASVDD = 3V3 1.8 Chip-level features On-chip modules available within the family include the following features: • • • • 32-bit Power Architecture® embedded CPU (e200z0h) with single issue and Harvard architecture Memory — 512 KB on-chip Code Flash with ECC and erase/program controller — additional 64 (4 × 16) KB on-chip Data Flash with ECC for EEPROM emulation — 96 KB on-chip SRAM with ECC Fail-safe protection — Programmable watchdog timer — Non-maskable interrupt — Fault collection unit Interrupts and events — 16-channel eDMA controller — 16 priority level controller — Up to 22 external interrupts — PIT implements four 32-bit timers — 120 interrupts are routed via INTC 1.Ambient temperature is 125 °C, for the video use case with internal core voltage supply the ambient temperature is 105 °C. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 54 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • • • • • • • • • • • General purpose I/Os — 39 — Individually programmable input, out or special function 1 general purpose eTimer unit — 6 timers each with up/down capabilities — 16-bit resolution, cascadeable counters — Quadrature decode with rotation direction flag — Double buffer input capture and output compare Communications interfaces — 2 LINFlex channels (1 × Master/Slave, 1 × Master Only) — 3 DSPI channels with automatic chip select generation (up to 2/2/4 chip selects) — 1 FlexCAN interface (2.0B Active) with 32 message buffers One 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) — 7 input channels – 4 channels routed to the pins – 3 internal connections: 1x temperature sensor, 1x core voltage, 1x IO voltage — Conversion time < 1 s including sampling time at full precision — 4 analog watchdogs with interrupt capability On-chip CAN/UART bootstrap loader with Boot Assist Module (BAM) 100 Mbps Automotive Ethernet Transceiver — Supports precision timestamps Video encoder On chip TSENS 6x stereo audio interface I2C controller module CRC module Module features 1.8.1 High performance e200z0 core CPU The e200z0 Power Architecture core provides the following features: • High performance e200z0 core processor for managing peripherals and interrupts • Single issue 4-stage pipeline in-order execution 32-bit Power Architecture CPU • Harvard architecture • Variable length encoding (VLE), allowing mixed 16-bit and 32-bit instructions • Results in smaller code size footprint • Minimizes impact on performance MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 55 Overview • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.8.2 Branch processing acceleration using lookahead instruction buffer Load/store unit 1-cycle load latency Misaligned access support No load-to-use pipeline bubbles Thirty-two 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs) Separate instruction bus and load/store bus Harvard architecture Hardware vectored interrupt support Reservation instructions for implementing read-modify-write constructs Long cycle time instructions, except for guarded loads, do not increase interrupt latency Extensive system development support through Nexus debug port Non Maskable Interrupt support Crossbar switch (XBAR) The XBAR multi-port crossbar switch supports simultaneous connections between four master ports and four slave ports. The crossbar supports a 32-bit address bus width and a 32-bit data bus width. The crossbar allows for concurrent transactions to occur from any master port to any slave port. If a slave port is simultaneously requested by more than one master port, arbitration logic will select the higher priority master and grant it ownership of the slave port. All other masters requesting that slave port will be stalled until the higher priority master completes its transactions. The default priority scheme is fixed priority based on the master ID. Besides this, the software can select a round robin arbitration. The crossbar provides the following features: • Four master ports — e200z0 core complex Instruction port — e200z0 core complex Load/Store Data port — eDMA — Ethernet • Four slave ports — Flash memory (code flash and data flash) controller — SRAM controller — Video encoder output buffer — Peripheral bridge • 32-bit internal address, 32-bit internal data paths • Fixed Priority Arbitration based on port master • Temporary dynamic priority elevation of masters MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 56 Freescale Semiconductor Overview 1.8.3 System clocks and clock generation The following list summarizes the system clock and clock generation on the MPC5606E: • Lock detect circuitry continuously monitors lock status • Loss of clock (LOC) detection for PLL outputs • Programmable output clock divider (1, 2, 4, 8) • Fractional clock divider clock for close loop controlled clocks — Provides audio clock in medium quality mode (approximately 11.29 MHz) — Provides camera input clock (25–30 MHz) • On-chip oscillator with automatic level control • Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator for rapid start-up and safe mode — Supports frequency trimming by user application • Ethernet TX clock as input for the PLL (via OSC input pin) • Up to 64 MHz for system clock; up to 128 MHz for video encoder clock 1.8.4 Frequency Modulated Phase Lock Loop (FMPLL) The FMPLL allows the user to generate high speed system clocks from a 4 MHz to 40 MHz input clock. Further, the FMPLL supports programmable frequency modulation of the system clock. The PLL multiplication factor, output clock divider ratio are all software configurable. The PLL has the following major features: • • • • • • • • • 1.8.5 Input clock frequency from 4 MHz to 40 MHz Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) range from 256 MHz to 512 MHz Reduced frequency divider (RFD) for reduced frequency operation without forcing the PLL to re-lock Frequency modulated PLL Modulation enabled/disabled through software Triangle wave modulation Programmable modulation depth (±0.25% to ±2% deviation from center frequency) Programmable modulation frequency dependent on reference frequency Self-clocked mode (SCM) operation Main oscillator The main oscillator provides these features: • Input frequency range 4 MHz to 40 MHz • Crystal input mode or Oscillator input mode • PLL reference MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 57 Overview 1.8.6 Internal RC oscillator This device has an RC ladder phase-shift oscillator. The architecture uses constant current charging of a capacitor. The voltage at the capacitor is compared by the stable bandgap reference voltage. The RC Oscillator provides these features: • Nominal frequency 16 MHz • ±5% variation over voltage and temperature after process trim • Clock output of the RC oscillator serves as system clock source in case loss of lock or loss of clock is detected by the PLL • RC oscillator is used as the default system clock during startup 1.8.7 Voltage regulator (VREG) The on-chip voltage regulator module provides the following features: • Available in two modes — Using internal PMOS ballast transistor to regulate external 3.3 V down to 1.2 V for the core logic — Disabled for using external supply for core logic • Low voltage detection on the internal 1.2 V and I/O voltage 3.3 V 1.8.8 System Integration Unit (SIU-Lite) The MPC5606E SIU-Lite controls MCU pad configuration, external interrupt, general purpose I/O (GPIO), and internal peripheral multiplexing. The pad configuration block controls the static electrical characteristics of I/O pins. The GPIO block provides uniform and discrete input/output control of the I/O pins of the MCU. The SIU provides the following features: • Centralized general purpose input output (GPIO) control — 71 GPIO pads (bonding to pins is package dependent) • As many as four internal output functions can be multiplexed onto one pin • All GPIO pins can be independently configured to support pull-up, pull down, or no pull • Reading and writing to GPIO supported both as individual pins and 16-bit wide ports • All peripheral pins can be alternatively configured as both general purpose input or output pins • Direct readback of the pin value is supported on all pins through the SIU supporting 3 external interrupts based on general purpose input pins. • Supports 3 external interrupts based on general purpose input pins (8 pads per interrupt 0 and 1 and 6 pads per interrupt 2) • Configurable digital input filter that can be applied to general purpose input pins with interrupt functions for noise elimination MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 58 Freescale Semiconductor Overview 1.8.9 Boot Assist Module (BAM) The BAM is a block of read-only one-time programmed memory and is identical for all MPC56XX devices that are based on the e200z0h core. The BAM program is executed every time the device is powered-on if the alternate boot mode has been selected by the user. The BAM provides the following features: • Boot from Internal Code Flash — Selected as default (using internal pull down on FAB pin). — Censorship mode to protect the content of the flash memory. • Alternate serial boot-loading via FlexCAN, LINFlex — BAM accepts a password via the used serial communication channel to grant the legitimate user access to the non-volatile memory. 1.8.10 Junction temperature sensor The MPC5606E has a junction temperature sensor to enable measurement of the temperature of the silicon via the ADC. The junction temperature sensor has these key parameters: • Nominal temperature range from –40 °C to 150 °C • Calibrated sensor accuracy: — ±10 °C, –40 to 25 °C ambient — ±7 °C, 25 to 125 °C ambient 1.8.11 JTAG controller (JTAGC) The JTAG controller (JTAGC) block provides the means to test chip functionality and connectivity while remaining transparent to system logic when not in test mode. All data input to and output from the JTAGC block is communicated in serial format. The JTAGC block is compliant with the IEEE standard. The JTAG controller provides the following features: • • • • IEEE Test Access Port (TAP) interface with four pins (TDI, TMS, TCK, TDO) Selectable modes of operation include JTAGC/debug or normal system operation. A 5-bit instruction register that supports the following IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined instructions: — BYPASS — IDCODE — EXTEST — SAMPLE — SAMPLE/PRELOAD A 5-bit instruction register that supports the additional following public instructions: — ACCESS_AUX_TAP_NPC — ACCESS_AUX_TAP_ONCE MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 59 Overview • • Three test data registers: a bypass register, a boundary scan register, and a device identification register. A TAP controller state machine that controls the operation of the data registers, instruction register and associated circuitry. 1.8.12 DMA controller The enhanced direct memory access (eDMA) controller is a second-generation module capable of performing complex data movements via 16 programmable channels, with minimal intervention from the host processor. The hardware micro architecture includes a DMA engine which performs source and destination address calculations, and the actual data movement operations, along with an SRAM-based memory containing the transfer control descriptors (TCD) for the channels. This implementation is utilized to minimize the overall block size. The eDMA module provides the following features: • 16 channels support independent 8-, 16-, or 32-bit single value or block transfers • Supports variable sized queues and circular queues • Source and destination address registers are independently configured to post-increment or remain constant • Each transfer is initiated by a peripheral, CPU, or eDMA channel request • Each eDMA channel can optionally send an interrupt request to the CPU on completion of a single value or block transfer • DMA transfers possible between system memories, DSPIs, ADC, eTimer, audio interface, and video bit stream output buffer • Programmable DMA channel mux allows assignment of any DMA source to any available DMA channel with as many as 30 potential request sources. • eDMA abort operation through software 1.8.13 • • DMA channel multiplexer (DMA_MUX) 32 independently selectable DMA channel routers Each channel router is assigned to one of the following sources: — One of the peripheral DMA sources — The always enabled source 1.8.14 Software Watchdog Timer (SWT) The SWT on the MPC5606E is configured as the SWT found on MPC5604P devices. This includes, e.g., the reset values for the timer clock selection. The SWT has the following features: • 32-bit time-out register to set the time-out period • Timer running on IRC clock for increased functional safety MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 60 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • • • • • Programmable selection of window mode or regular servicing Programmable selection of reset or interrupt on an initial time-out Master access protection Hard and soft configuration lock bits Reset configuration inputs allow timer to be enabled out of reset 1.8.15 System Timer Module (STM) The STM module implements these features: • 32-bit up counter with 8-bit pre-scaler • Four 32-bit compare channels • Independent interrupt source for each channel • Counter can be stopped in debug mode 1.8.16 Periodic Interrupt Timers (PIT) The PIT module implements these features: • As many as four general purpose interrupt timers • 32-bit counter resolution • Clocked by system clock frequency • Each channel can be used as trigger for a DMA request 1.8.17 FlexCAN module The MPC5606E MCU contains one controller area network (FlexCAN) module. This module is a communication controller implementing the CAN protocol according to Bosch Specification version 2.0B. The CAN protocol was designed to be used primarily as a vehicle serial data bus, meeting the specific requirements of this field: real-time processing, reliable operation in the EMI environment of a vehicle, cost-effectiveness and required bandwidth. The FlexCAN module contains 32 message buffers. The FlexCAN module provides the following features: • Supports the full implementation of the CAN Specification Version 2.0, Part B — Standard data and remote frames (up to 109 bits long) — Extended data and remote frames (up to 127 bits long) — 0 to 8 bytes data length — Programmable bit rate up to 1 Mbit/s — Content-related addressing • 32 message buffers of 0 to 8 bytes data length • Each message buffer configurable as RX or TX, all supporting standard and extended messages • Listen-only mode capability • Individual mask registers for each message buffer MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 61 Overview • • • • • • • • • • • • Programmable transmit-first scheme: lowest ID or lowest buffer number Timestamp based on 16-bit free-running timer Global network time, synchronized by a specific message Programmable loop-back mode supporting self-test operation Maskable interrupts Independent of the transmission medium (an external transceiver is assumed) High immunity to EMI Short latency time due to an arbitration scheme for high-priority messages Wake-up when activity on the RX pin — Requires an external glitch filter at the pad (2750 ns of 0-input) — Wake-up via CAN interrupt Transmit features — Supports configuration of multiple mailboxes to form message queues of scalable depth — Arbitration scheme according to message ID or message buffer number — Internal arbitration to guarantee no inner or outer priority inversion Receive features — Individual programmable filters for each mailbox — Eight mailboxes configurable as a six-entry receive FIFO — Eight programmable acceptance filters for receive FIFO Programmable clock source — System clock — Direct oscillator clock to avoid PLL jitter 1.8.18 Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface (DSPI) The deserial serial peripheral interface (DSPI) module provides a synchronous serial interface for communication between the MPC5606E MCU and external devices (e.g., sensors). The DSPI modules provide these features: • Full duplex, three-wire synchronous transfers • Master or slave operation • Programmable master bit rates • Programmable clock polarity and phase • End-of-transmission interrupt flag • Programmable transfer baud rate • Programmable data frames from 4 to 16 bits • As many as four chip select lines available per DSPI module, depending on package and pin multiplexing, enable 12 external devices to be selected using external multiplexing from a single DSPI MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 62 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • • • • • • • • Eight clock and transfer attributes registers Chip select strobe available as alternate function on one of the chip select pins for de-glitching FIFOs for buffering as many as five transfers on the transmit and receive side Queueing operation possible through use of the eDMA TX and RX FIFOs can be disabled individually for low-latency updates to SPI queues Visibility into TX and RX FIFOs for ease of debugging Programmable transfer attributes on a per-frame basis Modified SPI transfer formats for communication with slower peripheral devices 1.8.19 Serial communication interface module (LINFlex) The LINFlex on the MPC5606E features the following: • Supports LIN Master mode, LIN Slave mode and UART mode • LIN state machine compliant to LIN1.3, 2.0, and 2.1 Specifications • Handles LIN frame transmission and reception without CPU intervention • LIN features — Autonomous LIN frame handling — LIN0 supports master and slave mode with 16 identifier filters — LIN1 supports master mode only (no identifier filters required) — Message buffer to store Identifier and as much as 8 data bytes — Supports message length as long as 64 bytes — Detection and flagging of LIN errors: Sync field; Delimiter; ID parity; Bit; Framing; Checksum and Time-out errors — Classic or extended checksum calculation — Configurable Break duration as long as 36-bit times — Programmable Baud rate pre-scalers (13-bit mantissa, 4-bit fractional) — Diagnostic features: Loop back; Self Test; LIN bus stuck dominant detection — Interrupt-driven operation with 16 interrupt sources • LIN slave mode features — Autonomous LIN header handling — Autonomous LIN response handling • UART mode — Full-duplex operation — Standard non return-to-zero (NRZ) mark/space format — Data buffers with 4-byte receive, 4-byte transmit — Configurable word length (8-bit or 9-bit words) — Error detection and flagging — Parity, Noise and Framing errors MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 63 Overview — — — — 1.8.20 Interrupt-driven operation with four interrupt sources Separate transmitter and receiver CPU interrupt sources 16-bit programmable baud-rate modulus counter and 16-bit fractional Two receiver wake-up methods eTimer The eTimer module provides six 16-bit general purpose up/down timer/counter. The following features are implemented: • Individual channel capability — Input capture trigger — Output compare — Double buffer (to capture rising edge and falling edge) — Separate pre-scaler for each counter — Selectable clock source — 0% to 100% pulse measurement — Rotation direction flag (Quad decoder mode) • Maximum count rate • Counters are cascadeable • Programmable count modulo • Quadrature decode capabilities • Counters can share available input pins • Count once or repeatedly • Counters are pre-loadable 1.8.21 Successive approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) The ADC module provides the following features: • Analog part: — One on-chip AD converter — 10-bit AD resolution — Conversion time, including sampling time, less than 1 s (at full precision) — Typical sampling time is 150 ns min. (at full precision) — Differential non-linearity error (DNL) ±1 LSB — Integral non-linearity error (INL) ±1.5 LSB — TUE < 3 LSB — Single-ended input signal range from 0 to VDD_HV_ADC — The ADC supply can be equal to VDD_HV_IO (VDD_HV_ADC = 3.3 V) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 64 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • — The ADC supply and the ADC reference are not independent from each other (they are internally bonded to the same pad) — Sample times of 2 (default), 8, 64, or 128 ADC clock cycles Digital part: — 8 input channels – 4 channels routed to the pins – 4 internal connections: 1 temperature sensor, 1 core voltage, 1 IO voltage — Four analog watchdogs comparing ADC results against predefined levels (low, high, range) before results are stored in the appropriate ADC result location, — Register-based interface with the CPU: control register, status register, and one result register per channel — ADC state machine managing 3 request flows: regular command, hardware injected command through eTimer and software injected command — DMA compatible interface 1.8.22 Fault Collection Unit (FCU) The FCU provides an independent fault reporting mechanism even when the CPU is not performing properly. The FCU module includes following features: • Collection of critical faults (all of these must be glitch free) • Reporting of selected critical faults to external • Fault flag status kept over non-destructive reset for later analysis (in a "Freeze" register) • Continous and synchronous latch of MC state • MC state kept over non-destructive reset for later analysis (in a "Freeze" register) • 4 states finite state machine (Init, Normal, Alarm, Fault) • Different actions can be taken depending on fault type. • Selectable protocols for fault signal indication in Fault state (dual-rail, time-switching, bi-stable) • Programmable clock prescaler for time-switching output signal generation • Protection mechanism to avoid un-wanted clearing of fault flags • Internal logic testing, by using a fake fault generator during initialization phase 1.8.23 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) The CRC has the following major features: • 2 contexts (static parameter) for the concurrent CRC computation • Separate CRC engine for each context • 0-wait states during the CRC computation (pipeline scheme) • 3 hardwired polynomials (CRC-8, CRC-16-CCITT, CRC-32) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 65 Overview • Support for byte/half-word/word width of the input data stream 1.8.24 • • • • • • • Image resolution up to 1280800 at 30 fps Low latency compression with MJPEG format Color sub-sampling from YUV4:2:2 to YUV4:2:0 8 bits per pixel component 12 bits per pixel component Support compression ratio from 1:20 to 1:5 Support for the Ethernet Controller DMA via CPU Interrupt 1.8.25 • • • • • • • Video encoder Serial Audio Interface (SAI) Supports up to 6 (stereo) audio channels Transmitter with independent Bit Clock and Frame Sync supporting 4 data channels Receiver with independent Bit Clock and Frame Sync supporting 4 data channels Maximum Frame Size of 16 Words Word size of between 8-bits and 32-bits Word size configured separately for first word and remaining words in frame Asynchronous 8 × 32-bit FIFO for each Transmit and Receive Channel Restarts after FIFO Error 1.8.26 Ethernet AVB (FEC + PTP + RTC) The Ethernet modules provide 100 MBits/s data communication for all use cases. To support Ethernet AVB (Audio Video Bridging), this module group consists of following modules: • FEC (Ethernet base module) • PTP (IEEE 1588 precision time protocol) • RTC (Real time clock required for precision time protocol) MPC5606E does not integrate the PHY components of the Ethernet, thus, the FEC connects via the MII-Lite interface (14 pins) to the external PHY. In addition to the MII-Lite interface, the RTC provides a single timer pin that is directly linked to the precision time. Support for different Ethernet MAC-PHY interfaces: • 100 Mbits/s IEEE 802.3 MII-Lite 1 • 10 Mbits/s IEEE 802.3 MII-Lite • IEEE 802.3 full duplex flow control and half duplex flow • Programmable max frame length • Address recognition • Word size configured separately for first word and remaining words in frame MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 66 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • • • Asynchronous 4 x 32-bit FIFO for each Transmit and Receive Channel Graceful restart after FIFO Error: — Frames with broadcast address may be always accepted or always rejected — Exact match for single 48-bit individual (unicast) address — Asynchronous 4 x 32-bit FIFO for each Transmit and Receive Channel — Hash (64-bit hash) check of individual (unicast) address — Hash (64-bit hash) check of group (multicast) address — Promiscuous mode Internal loop-back Precision Time Protocol Hardware assistance for IEEE1588 Precision Time Protocol v1.0 • Supports user configured values for PTP header fields • Support timestamp overrun report for TX and RX • Supports interrupts notification due to following: RX PTP frame detection, TX • PTP frame transmission which was marked by the Software as a PTP frame, RX and TX timestamp overrun error RTC Support single IEEE1588 RTC • Support timer frequency compensation • Support timer offset update • One 64-bit FIPER start register. Used to define the starting time of PPS signals generation • Support timer frequency compensation • Separate maskable timer interrupt event register • Phase aligned adjustable (divide by N) clock output The MPC5606E MCU tools and third-party developers are similar to those used for the Freescale MPC5500 product family, offering a widespread, established network of tool and software vendors. The device also features a high-performance Nexus debug interface. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 67 Overview MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 68 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Chapter 2 Memory Map Table 2 shows the memory map for the MPC5606E device. All addresses on the MPC5606E, including those that are reserved, are identified in the table. The addresses represent the physical addresses assigned to each IP block. Table 2. System memory map Start Address End Address Size (KB) Description On-Chip Flash Memory (Code Flash) 0x0000_0000 0x0000_3FFF 16 0x0000_4000 0x0000_7FFF 16 0x0000_8000 0x0000_FFFF 32 0x0001_0000 0x0000_17FF 32 0x0001_8000 0x0001_BFFF 16 0x0001_C000 0x0001_FFFF 16 0x0002_0000 0x0002_FFFF 64 0x0003_0000 0x0003_FFFF 64 0x0004_0000 0x0005_FFFF 128 0x0006_0000 0x0007_FFFF 128 0x0008_0000 0x001F_FFFF 1536 Code Flash Array 0 Reserved On-Chip Flash Memory (Shadow for Code Flash) 0x0020_0000 0x0020_3FFF 16 Code Flash Array 0 Shadow Sector 0x0020_4000 0x003F_FFFF 2032 Reserved On-Chip Flash Memory (Test Sector for Code Flash) 0x0040_0000 0x0040_3FFF 16 Code Flash Array 0 Test Sector 0x0040_4000 0x005F_FFFF 2032 Reserved On-Chip Flash Memory (Data Flash) 0x0080_0000 0x0080_3FFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_4000 0x0080_7FFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_8000 0x0080_BFFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_C000 0x0080_FFFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0081_0000 0x009F_FFFF 1984 Reserved On-Chip Flash Memory (Shadow Sector for Data Flash) 0x00A0_0000 0x00BF_FFFF 2048 Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 69 Memory Map Table 2. System memory map (continued) Start Address End Address Size (KB) Description On-Chip Flash Memory (Test Sector for Data Flash) 0x00C0_0000 0x00C0_1FFF 8 Reserved 0x00C0_2000 0x00C0_3FFF 8 Data Flash Test Sector 0x00C0_4000 0x00FF_FFFF 4080 Reserved Emulation Mapping 0x0100_0000 0x01FF_FFFF 524288 Reserved SRAM 0x4000_0000 0x4000_9FFF 40 SRAM 0x4000_A000 0x4000_FFFF 24 SRAM 0x4001_0000 0x4001_7FFF 32 SRAM 0x4001_8000 0x4FFF_FFFF 262048 Reserved 0x5000_0000 0x5000_1FFF 8 Video Output Buffer 0x5000_2000 0x5000_3FFF 8 Mirrored Video Output Buffer (from 0x50000000) 0x5000_4000 0x5FFF_FFFF 262128 Reserved 0x6000_0000 0x7FFF_FFFF 524288 Reserved Table 3. Peripheral memory map Start Address Size (KB) End Address ME_PCTL Description 0xC3F8_0000 0xC3F8_7FFF 32 — Reserved 0xC3F8_8000 0xC3F8_BFFF 16 — Code Flash Configuration 0 (CFLASH0) 0xC3F8_C000 0xC3F8_FFFF 16 — Data Flash Configuration (DFLASH0) 0xC3F9_0000 0xC3F9_3FFF 16 — System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 0xC3F9_4000 0xC3F9_7FFF 16 — WakeUP Unit (WKUP) 0xC3F9_8000 0xC3FD_7FFF 256 — Reserved 0xC3FD_8000 0xC3FD_BFFF 16 — System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) 0xC3FD_C000 0xC3FD_FFFF 16 — Mode Entry (MC_ME) 0xC3FE_0000 0xC3FE_3FFF 16 — Clock related modules Note: Refer to Table 8 for details. 0xC3FE_4000 0xC3FE_7FFF 16 — Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) 0xC3FE_8000 0xC3FE_BFFF 16 — Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 70 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3. Peripheral memory map Start Address Size (KB) End Address ME_PCTL Description 0xC3FE_C000 0xC3FE_FFFF 16 — Reserved 0xC3FF_0000 0xC3FF_3FFF 16 92 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PTI) 0xC3FF_4000 0xC3FF_FFFF 48 — Reserved AIPS(0) - Off Platform Peripherals 0xFFE0_0000 0xFFE0_3FFF 16 32 Analog to Digital Converter 0 (ADC0) 0xFFE0_4000 0xFFE1_7FFF 80 — Reserved 0xFFE1_8000 0xFFE1_BFFF 16 38 eTimer 0 0xFFE1_C000 0xFFE2_FFFF 80 — Reserved 0xFFE3_0000 0xFFE3_3FFF 16 44 Inter IC Bus Interface Controller 0 (I2C0) 0xFFE3_4000 0xFFE3_7FFF 16 45 Inter IC Bus Interface Controller 1 (I2C1) 0xFFE3_8000 0xFFE3_FFFF 32 — Reserved 0xFFE4_0000 0xFFE4_3FFF 16 48 LinFlex 0 0xFFE4_4000 0xFFE4_7FFF 16 49 LinFlex 1 0xFFE4_8000 0xFFE6_7FFF 128 — Reserved 0xFFE6_8000 0xFFE6_BFFF 16 58 Cyclic Redundany Checker (CRC) 0xFFE6_C000 0xFFE6_FFFF 16 — Fault Collection Unit (FCU) 0xFFE7_0000 0xFFE7_3FFF 16 — Reserved 0xFFE7_4000 0xFFE7_7FFF 16 61 Precision Time Stamps (PTP) 0xFFE7_8000 0xFFE7_BFFF 16 62 Real-Time Counter (CE_RTC) 0xFFE7_C000 0xFFE7_FFFF 80 — Reserved AIPS(0) - Off Platform Peripherals (mirrored from AIPS(1) range 0xC3F80000 - 0xC3FFFFFF) 0xFFE8_0000 0xFFEF_FFFF 512 — Mirrored AIPS(0) - On Platform Peripherals 0xFFF0_0000 0xFFF3_7FFF 224 — Reserved 0xFFF3_8000 0xFFF3_BFFF 16 — Software Watchdog Timer 0 (SWT0) 0xFFF3_C000 0xFFF3_FFFF 16 — System Timer Module 0 (STM0) 0xFFF4_0000 0xFFF4_3FFF 16 — Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 0xFFF4_4000 0xFFF4_7FFF 16 — Direct Memory Access Controller 0 (DMA2x) 0xFFF4_8000 0xFFF4_BFFF 16 — Interrupt Controller (INTC) AIPS(0) - Off Platform Peripherals 0xFFF4_C000 0xFFF4_FFFF 16 — Ethernet (FEC) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 71 Memory Map Table 3. Peripheral memory map Start Address Size (KB) End Address ME_PCTL Description 0xFFF5_0000 0xFFF7_FFFF 192 — Reserved 0xFFF8_0000 0xFFF8_FFFF 64 — Reserved 0xFFF9_0000 0xFFF9_3FFF 16 4 DSPI 0 0xFFF9_4000 0xFFF9_7FFF 16 5 DSPI 1 0xFFF9_8000 0xFFF9_BFFF 16 6 DSPI 2 0xFFF9_C000 0xFFFB_FFFF 144 — Reserved 0xFFFC_0000 0xFFFC_3FFF 16 16 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 0xFFFC_4000 0xFFFD_7FFF 80 — Reserved 0xFFFD_8000 0xFFFD_BFFF 16 22 SAI 0 0xFFFD_C000 0xFFFD_FFFF 16 23 DMA Channel Multiplexer (DMA_CH_MUX) 0xFFFE0000 0xFFFE_FFFF 64 — Reserved 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF_3FFF 16 28 SAI 1 0xFFFF4000 0xFFFF_7FFF 16 29 SAI 2 0xFFFF8000 0xFFFF_BFFF 16 30 Video Data Path/Parallel Digital Interface (PDI) 0xFFFFC000 0xFFFF_FFFF 16 — Boot Assist Module (BAM) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 72 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 3 Signal Description 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes signals that connect off-chip. It includes a signal properties summary, power and ground segmentation summary, package pinouts, and detailed descriptions of signals. Because the MPC5606E comes in multiple packages, some signals may not be available on every package. Refer to the MPC5606E Microcontroller Data Sheet for electrical characteristics. 3.2 Signal Properties Summary The Pin Muxing table shows the signals properties for each pin on MPC5606E. For all port pins that have an associated SIU_PCRn register to control pin properties, the supported functions column lists the functions associated with the programming of the SIU_PCRn[PA] bit in the order: general-purpose input/output (GPIO), function 1, function 2, and function 3. When an alternate function is not implemented for a value of SIU_PCRn[PA], a dash is shown in the Description column and the respective value in the PA bitfield is reserved. Table 4. Pin muxing MPC5 604E Port pin Pad speed5 PCR register Alternate function1,2,6 Functions I/O direction4 Peripheral3 SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A Port A 121 MAPBGA A[0] PCR[0] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[0] D[0] — — D[11] SIN EIRQ[0] SIUL SAI0 — — VID DSPI 1 SIUL I/O I/O — — I I I Slow Medium D1 A[1] PCR[1] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[1] D[1] SOUT — D[10] EIRQ[1] SIUL SAI0 DSPI1 — VID SIUL I/O I/O O — I I Slow Medium D4 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 73 Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin Pad speed5 PCR register Alternate function1,2,6 Functions Peripheral3 I/O direction4 SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A A[2] PCR[2] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[2] D[2] SCK D[0] D[9] ETC[5] EIRQ[2] SIUL SAI0 DSPI1 SAI1 VID ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O I/O I I I Slow Medium E4 A[3] PCR[3] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[3] D[3] — D[0] D[8] SIN EIRQ[3] SIUL SAI0 — SAI2 VID DSPI2 SIUL I/O I/O — I/O I I I Slow Medium E1 A[4] PCR[4] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[4] SYNC SOUT — D[7] ETC[3] EIRQ[4] SIUL SAI0 DSPI2 — VID ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O O — I I I Slow Medium E3 A[5] PCR[5] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[5] SYNC SCK D[0] CLK ETC[4] EIRQ[5] SIUL SAI1 DSPI2 SAI1 VID ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O I/O I I I Medium Fast E2 A[6] PCR[6] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — — GPIO[6] SYNC CS0 — VSYNC D[0] ETC[1] EIRQ[6] SIUL SAI2 DSPI2 — VID VID ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O — I I I I Slow Medium F2 A[7] PCR[7] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — — GPIO[7] BCLK CS1 — HREF D[1] ETC[2] EIRQ[7] SIUL SAI0 DSPI2 — VID VID ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O — I I I I Slow Medium H1 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 74 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin Pad speed5 PCR register Alternate function1,2,6 Functions Peripheral3 I/O direction4 SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A A[8] PCR[8] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[8] BCLK CS0 D[0] D[6] RX EIRQ[8] SIUL SAI1 DSPI1 SAI2 VID LIN1 SIUL I/O I/O I/O I/O I I I Slow Medium H5 A[9] PCR[9] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[9] BCLK CS1 TX D[5] EIRQ[9] SIUL SAI2 DSPI1 LIN1 VID SIUL I/O I/O I/O O I I Slow Medium J6 A[10] PCR[10] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[10] MCLK ETC[5] — D[4] SIN EIRQ[10] SIUL SAI2 ETIMER0 — VID DSPI0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O — I I I Slow Medium L9 A[11] PCR[11] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[11] TX CS1 CS0 D[3] RX RX SIUL CAN0 DSPI0 DSPI1 VID LIN0 LIN1 I/O O O I/O I I I Slow Medium K7 A[12] PCR[12] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[12] TX CS0 TX D[2] RX EIRQ[11] SIUL LIN0 DSPI0 LIN1 VID CAN0 SIUL I/O O I/O O I I I Slow Medium K9 A[13] PCR[13] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPIO[13] CLK F[0] CS0 EIRQ[12] SIUL IIC1 FCU0 DSPI0 SIUL I/O I/O O I/O I Slow Medium K8 A[14] PCR[14] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[14] DATA F[1] CS1 SIN EIRQ[13] SIUL IIC1 FCU0 DSPI0 DSPI0 SIUL I/O I/O O O I I Slow Medium K10 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 75 Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin A[15] Pad speed5 PCR register PCR[15] Alternate function1,2,6 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — Functions GPIO[15] SCK PPS3 MCLK SCK ETC[0] EIRQ[18] I/O direction4 Peripheral3 SIUL DSPI0 CE_RTC SAI1 DSPI1 ETIMER0 SIUL I/O I/O O I/O I I I SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A Slow Medium A3 Port B 121 MAPBGA B[0] PCR[16] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPIO[16] TX ALARM2 BCLK AN[0] SIUL CAN0 CE_RTC SAI1 ADC06 I/O O O I/O I Slow Medium L2 B[1] PCR[17] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[17] — — D[0] AN[1] RX TRIGGER2 SIUL — — SAI1 ADC06 CAN0 CE_RTC I/O — — I/O I I I Slow Medium K1 B[2] PCR[18] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[18] TX PPS2 ALARM1 AN[2] TRIGGER1 SIUL LIN0 CE_RTC CE_RTC ADC06 CE_RTC I/O O O O I I Slow Medium K2 B[3] PCR[19] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[19] ETC[2] SOUT PPS1 AN[3] RX EIRQ[14] SIUL ETIMER0 DSPI0 CE_RTC ADC06 LIN0 SIUL I/O I/O I/O O I I I Slow Medium J2 B[4] PCR[20] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPI[20] — — — RX_DV SIUL — — — FEC I — — — I Slow Medium G8 B[5] PCR[21] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[21] TX_D0 DEBUG[0] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium G10 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 76 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin Pad speed5 PCR register Alternate function1,2,6 Functions Peripheral3 I/O direction4 SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A B[6] PCR[22] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[22] TX_D1 DEBUG[1] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium G11 B[7] PCR[23] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[23] TX_D2 DEBUG[2] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium E9 B[8] PCR[24] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[24] TX_D3 DEBUG[3] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium F11 B[9] PCR[25] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[25] TX_EN DEBUG[4] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium E11 B[10] PCR[26] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[26] MDC DEBUG[5] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O O I/O — Slow Medium D11 B[11] PCR[27] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 GPIO[27] MDIO DEBUG[6] — SIUL FEC SSCM — I/O I/O I/O — Slow Medium C10 B[12] PCR[28] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPIO[28] — DEBUG[7] — TX_CLK SIUL — SSCM — FEC I/O — I/O — I Slow Medium A10 B[13] PCR[29] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPI[29] — — — RX_D0 SIUL — — — FEC I — — — I Slow Medium B8 B[14] PCR[30] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPI[30] — — — RX_D1 SIUL — — — FEC I — — — I Slow Medium C7 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 77 Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin B[15] Pad speed5 PCR register PCR[31] Alternate function1,2,6 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — Functions GPI[31] — — — RX_D2 I/O direction4 Peripheral3 SIUL — — — FEC I — — — I SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A Slow Medium D8 Port C 121MAPBGA C[0] PCR[32] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — GPI[32] — — — RX_D3 SIUL — — — FEC I — — — I Slow Medium C6 C[1] PCR[33] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPI[33] — — — RX_CLK EIRQ[15] SIUL — — — FEC SIUL I — — — I I Slow Medium A7 C[2] PCR[34] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[34] ETC[0] TX PPS1 D[0] RX EIRQ[16] SIUL ETIMER0 CAN0 CE_RTC VID LIN0 SIUL I/O I/O O O I I I Slow Medium B6 C[3] PCR[35] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[35] ETC[1] TX SYNC D[1] RX EIRQ[17] SIUL ETIMER0 LIN0 SAI1 VID CAN0 SIUL I/O I/O O I/O I I I Slow Medium A2 C[4] PCR[36] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — — GPIO[36] CLK_OUT ETC[4] MCLK TRIGGER1 ABS[0] EIRQ[19] SIUL MC_CGL ETIMER0 SAI0 CE_RTC MC_RGM SIUL I/O O I/O I/O I I I Medium Fast G6 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 78 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Description Table 4. Pin muxing (continued) MPC5 604E Port pin Pad speed5 PCR register Alternate function1,2,6 Functions Peripheral3 I/O direction4 SRC = 0 SRC = 1 Pin 121 MAPBG A C[5] PCR[37] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[37] CLK ETC[3] CS2 ABS[2] EIRQ[20] SIUL IIC0 ETIMER0 DSPI2 MC_RGM SIUL I/O — I/O O I I Slow Medium B2 C[6] PCR[38] ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 — — GPIO[38] DATA CS0 CS3 FAB EIRQ[21] SIUL IIC0 DSPI1 DSPI2 MC_RGM SIUL I/O — I/O O I I Slow Medium B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALT0 is the primary (default) function for each port after reset. Alternate functions are chosen by setting the values of the PCR.PA bitfields inside the SIU module. PCR.PA = 00 ALT0; PCR.PA = 01 ALT1; PCR.PA = 10 ALT2; PCR.PA = 11 ALT3. This is intended to select the output functions; to use one of the input functions, the PCR.IBE bit must be written to ‘1’, regardless of the values selected in the PCR.PA bitfields. For this reason, the value corresponding to an input only function is reported as “—”. Module included on the MCU. Multiple inputs are routed to all respective modules internally. The input of some modules must be configured by setting the values of the PSMIO.PADSELx bitfields inside the SIUL module. Programmable via the SRC (Slew Rate Control) bits in the respective Pad Configuration Register. Do not use ALT multiplexing when ADC channels are used. The following conventions are used in the following table: • I = Input • O = Output • I/O = Bidirectional • OT = Tristateable signal • B = Bias • PU = Internal pull-up • PD = Internal pull-down • SOR = Sample on reset • CS = Continously sampled • ST = Schmitt trigger • XT = Crystal inputs/outputs pin type • A = Analog pint type • D = Digital pin type • G = RGMII pin type MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 79 Signal Description Table 5. Pin muxing for BCM89810 I/O Type Functions 3.3 121 MAPBGA GTX_CLK IPD OT G A9 LED1 IPU, O C3 LED2 IPU, O B3 LED3 IPU, O B4 LED4 IPU, O C4 MDC IPD, ST C11 MDIO I/OPU, D, ST B10 PHYA0 IPD, SOR B5 RDAC B L7 RESET_N IPU, CS, ST C2 RXC OT, G B7 RXD0 OT, G B9 RXD1 OT, G C9 RXD2 OT, G D9 RXD3 OT, G D7 RXDV OT, G H8 TDN0 A L4 TDP0 A L5 TEST2 IPD, CS F5 TEST3 IPD, CS F3 TVCOI O J3 TXD0 IPD, G H9 TXD1 IPD, G H10 TXD2 IPD, G E8 TXD3 IPD, G F10 TXEN IPD, G E10 XTALI I/XT H7 Supply pins The following table list the supply pins for the MPC5606E. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 80 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Description Table 6. Supply pins Supply Port Pin Multi-bonded Power Supplies/Ground Pin Description 121 MAPBGA VREG control and power supply pins. Pins available on 121 MAPBGA-pin package. VDD_HV_S_BAL VDD_HV_S_BALLAST0 Ballast Source/Supply Voltage K5 LAST ADC0 reference and supply voltage. Pins available on 121 MAPBGA-pin package. VDD_HV_ADC VDD_HV_ADR0 ADC0 high reference voltage with respect to ground (VSS_HV_ADC) K4 Power supply pins (3.3 V). Pins available on 121 MAPBGA-pin package. VDD_HV VDD_HV_FLA1 Code and data flash supply voltage J11 VDD_HV VDD_HV_FLA0 Code and data flash supply voltage A6 VDD_HV VDD_HV_OSC0_REG0 Code and data flash supply voltage G1 Power supply pins (1.2 V). Pins available on 121 MAPBGA-pin package. VDD_LV VDD_LV_PLL0 1.2 V PLL supply voltage F1 VDD_LV VDD_LV_COR0_1 1.2 V supply pins for core logic and code Flash. Decoupling capacitor must be connected between these pins and the nearest VSS_LV_COR0_1 pin. K11 VSS_LV VSS_LV_COR0_2 1.2 V supply pins for core logic and code Flash. Decoupling capacitor must be connected betwee.n these pins and the nearest VDD_LV_COR0_2 pin. A5 BCM89810 Supply Pins. OVDD_RGMII PWR 2.5V or 3.3 V for RGMII pads; 3.3V for MII pads. F7 OVDD PWR 2.5 V or 3.3V for non RGMII pads. When 2.5V is selected, RESET, MDIO, an dLED pins ar enot 3.3V tolerant C5 DVDD PWR 1.2V power for digital core. D5, E6 AVDDL PWR 1.2V power for analog core. K6 AVDD PWR 3.3V power for analog core. J5 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 81 Signal Description Table 6. Supply pins (continued) Supply Pin Port Pin Multi-bonded Power Supplies/Ground XTALVDD PWR 3.3V Crystal Supply. G4 PLLVDD PWR 1.2V PLL Supply. K3 BIASVDD PWR Bias VDD. +3.3V. Normally filtered with a low resistance ferrite bead such as a Murata® BLM11A601S or equivalent, as well as a 0.1µF capacitor. H4 Description 121 MAPBGA MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 82 Freescale Semiconductor Signal Description 3.4 System pins The following table lists the system pins for the MPC5606E. Table 7. System pins Symbol Description Direction 121MA PBGA Input only D2 Output only G3 Input for oscillator amplifier circuit and internal clock generator Input only H2 JTAG test data input Input only J9 TMS JTAG state machine control Input only H11 TCK1 JTAG clock Input only J8 TDO1 JTAG test data output Output only F9 Bidirectional H3 Input only L10 I/OPU, CS, ST C2 I/XT H7 MPC5604E Dedicated pins NMI Non-maskable Interrupt XTAL Oscillator amplifier output EXTAL TDI1 1 Reset pin RESET_B Bidirectional reset with Schmitt trigger characteristics and noise filter POR_B Power-on reset BCM89810 Supply Pins RESET_N RESET. Active-low, Schmitt Trigger input. The BCM89810 requires a hardware RESET prior to normal operation. configuration settings obtained via hardware strap option pins are latched on the rising edge of RESET. XTALI 1 3.5 25 MHz Crystal Oscillator Input/Output. A continous 25 MHz reference clock must be supplied to the BCM89810 by connecting a 25 MHz crystal between these two pins or by driving XTALI with an external 25 MHz clock. when using a crystal, connect a loading capacito from each pin to GND. Additional board pull resistors are recommended when JTAG pins are not being used on the board or application. Pinouts Figure 6 shows the 121 pin MAPBGA pin assignments. For more information, see the MPC5606E Microcontroller Data Sheet. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 83 Signal Description Figure 6. 121 MAPBGA pinout(top view) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 84 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture Chapter 4 Clock Architecture The goal of this section is to provide designers and users with documentation to help them understand the programming model of the IC clock distribution. The following information is included: • Clock sources • Clock selection architecture • Clock distribution • Power modes 4.1 Clock related modules The following clock related modules are instantiated on MPC5606E devices. • 1 x Clock, Reset and Mode Handling (MagicCarpet) • 1 x High Frequency Oscillator (XOSC) • 1 x High Frequency RC-Oscillator (IRCOSC) • 1 x Frequency Modulated Phase Lock Loop (FMPLL_0) • 1 x Clock Monitoring Unit (CMU_0) • 3 x Fractional Clock Dividers (wrapped to include AUX Clock Selectors) • 4 x Integer Clock Dividers 4.2 High-level block diagrams This section shows the block diagrams for the clock selection, Figure 7, and for the clock distribution, Figure 8, and Figure 9. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 85 Clock Architecture IRCOSC_Clk 16 MHz Vid_Clk 120/128 MHz RC-Oscillator (IRC) 16 MHz 4-40 MHz Oscillator (XOSC) FMPLL_0 . –.. 2 –.. 1, FMPLL_CLK_DIV 0 4 System 5 Clk Sel 0 2 8 120 MHz Reset: 1 –.. 1,–.. 2 Reset: 2 Run: SW sel. typical 2 0 1 2 Clk Out 3 Sel 0 4 5 16 MHz SYS_CLK_DIV –.. 1, –.. 2, –.. 4, –.. 8 Sys_Clk 60/64 MHz RTC_Clk1 30 MHz .–. 1,–.. 2 RTC_CLK_DIV Clk_Out ~30 MHz CMU_0 0 1 FCD: 9b/12b2 2 3 240 MHz All dividers are SW programmable –.. 2 A_Clk[0] 22,5792 MHz MCLK[0] 0 1 FCD: 9b/12b2 2 3 A_Clk[1] 22,5792 MHz MCLK[1] 0 1 FCD: 9b/12b2 2 3 A_Clk[2] 30 MHz/ 22,5792 MHz MCLK[2] Note: The maximum frequency supported by clk_out pad is 32 MHz. RTC_Clk divider is SW programmable. Reset value of this divider is 2. It is requirement in RTC that ipg_clk should be half of ipg_ce_clk. So, the SW should never program this divider = 1. 2 For details, refer to MCLK Divide Register (I2S_MDR) of the Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) chapter. 1. Figure 7. MPC5606E Clock Selection MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 86 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture The block shows a set of clock selectors and their possible inputs sources. The internal RC-Oscillator is a reliable clock source, that run independently from any other components. It is the main clock source during boot or in case of lock loss in the PLL. During Run-Mode the PLL is assumed to be used as main clock source allowing to operate the system at high frequencies. The PLL clock is derived from the Oscillator (XOSC) output. The XOSC module requires an external oscillator source, either a crystal or an external clock generator. The main clock is the system clock Sys_Clk. It drives the CPU core, the crossbar, and the IPS peripheral bus including all peripheral interfaces of the IP blocks. A typical frequency would be 60MHz or 64MHz. To support the external clock frequency required for the MIILite interface of the Ethernet module (FEC) the system clock needs to higher than 50MHz. The system clock is furthermore divided by 2 and provided as possible clock for the real-time counter used to for precision timestamps (RTC_Clk). The MPC5606E allows to supply for different use cases closed loop controlled clocks. For this purpose, the MPC5606E instantiates Fractional Clock Dividers (FCD), for which the frequency can be adjusted with fine granularity. To achieve a minimum clock jitter, the input frequency shall be selected as high as possible, up to the maximum input frequency the FCDs can work on. To create a closed loop control, the real clock frequency can be measured using an eTimer input, by counting the clock edges (up to Sys_Clk/2). Thus, low long term drift can be achieved. The FCD clocks can be provided to: • Clk_Out (to a pin, e.g., used as camera clock) • A0_Clk - A2_Clk (audio bit clocks) For further information about FCD input clock selection, see Section, “SAI/I2S Clock Selection” of Chapter 23, "SAI Instantiation". The MPC5606E allows to clock external components, e.g., the camera sensor. For this purpose the MPC5606E has an output pin (Clk_Out). The clock source for this pin can be selected using the Clk_Out_Sel_0 selector. If this clock needs to have a low long term drift, it can be selected from the A0/1/2_Clk. The Vid_Clk drives the video encoder module. This frequency needs to be higher than the pixel clock provided by the camera sensor. The camera provides a pixel clock up to 80MHz or 100MHz, thus, typically the Vid_Clk will be configured to 120MHz. The external audio interfaces run also on dedicated frequencies that is different from the system clock. This clock can be supplied either from external or from internal. In both cases the frequency of the audio bit clock need to be closed loop controlled to remove long term drift and to prevent buffer overflows or underruns. In case the audio bit clock is provided from internal, the fractional clock divider clock needs to be used. However, this is an easy solution, the fractional clock divider implies a peak jitter from 1/2 x input clock (e.g., 120MHz). Thus, the input clock for the FCD is preferably selected with a frequency as high as possible. Thus, the input selector can also select from the PLL output directly, which is running at 4x Sys_Clk. Because the system clock shall not below 50MHz (due to the FEC minimum clock) the FCD should operate at input frequencies of 200MHz and above. The FCD clocks can be used for low cost audio. For high quality audio an external audio clock should be used with a jitter about 100ps RMS. Figure 8 shows how the clocks from the clock selectors are connected to the system components. All BIU (bus interface units to the IPS peripheral bus) are running on system clock. The IPS clock running on Sys_Clk is only active on active bus cycles. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 87 Clock Architecture Thus, all modules also have a module clock that is typically a gated (per module) version of the system clock Sys_Clk. Besides this, the software watchdog timer SWT uses the more reliable internal RC oscillator clock IRCOSC_CLK. This clock is almost always on and thus well apt for safety functions. The IRCOSC_Clk is also used for safety relevant functions in the Fault Collection Unit (FCU). Furthermore, this clock is used for the digital filters to detect external interrupt events. Thus, the system can resume from STOP mode, while the system clock is gated off and only the IRCOSC_Clk is running. Sys_Clk IPS@Sys_Clk PIT Module Clock BIU INTC Module Clock STM BIU Module Clock BIU IRCOSC_Clk SSCM Module Clock Protocol Clock BIU SWT Module Clock Timeout BIU WK_UP PFlash CTR Code Flash Module Clock BIU IRCOSC_Clk FCU Module Clock Safety Logging BIU Data Flash Module Clock BIU MC Module Clock BIU ME PMU CGM FMPLL RGM RCOSC PCU OSC SRAM Module Clock IRCOSC_Clk SIUL Module Clock IRQ Filter Clk BIU eDMA CRC Module Clock BIU Module Clock BIU DMA_Mux Module Clock BIU Figure 8. MPC5606E Clock Distribution Part A MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 88 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture Figure 9 shows how the clocks are connected to the remaining system components and to the functional IP modules. Again, all BIUs (bus interface units) are running on system clock that is gated on only during active IPS bus cycles. Furthermore, the functional clocks RTC_Clk, Vid_Clk, and A0/1/2_Clk are routed to the corresponding IP modules. The RTC_Clk can be selected as time base for the precision time stamps of the PTP. The A0/1/2_Clk clocks provide the protocol clock for the audio interfaces. The Vid_Clk drives the logic of the video encoder and its input- and output buffers. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 89 Clock Architecture Sys_Clk IPS@Sys_Clk LinFlex_0 Module Clock BIU IIC_0 Module Clock BIU IF Clk LinFlex_1 Module Clock BIU IIC_1 Module Clock BIU IF Clk FlexCAN_0 Module Clock Protocol Clock BIU ADC_0 Vid_Clk A-Clk[0:2] Module Clock BIU DSPI_0 Video_0 Module Clock BIU Pix_Clk Module Clock BIU SAI_0 Module Clock Audio Clock BIU SAI_1 Module Clock Audio Clock BIU SAI_2 Module Clock Audio Clock BIU IF SClk IF DSPI_1 Module Clock BIU IF IF SClk BClk DSPI_2 Module Clock BIU IF SClk BClk RTC_Clk IF IF BClk PTP + RTC cemx_clk ipg_clk ipg_ce_clk BIU TX_Clk IF RX_Clk FEC Module Clock BIU With DMA support BIU = Bus Interface Unit (e.g., IPS bus) eTimer_0 Module Clock BIU Figure 9. MPC5606E Clock Distribution Part B MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 90 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture 4.3 Memory Map This section provides the memory map of the registers that correspond to clock related modules. Table 8. Memory Map Address Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XOSC registers 0xC3FE _0020 … 0xC3FE _005C reserved 0xC3FE _0060 … 0xC3FE _007C IRC registers 0xC3FE _0080 … 0xC3FE _009C reserved 0xC3FE _00A0 … 0xC3FE _00BC FMPLL_0 registers 0xC3FE _00C… 0xC3FE _00FC reserved 0xC3FE _0100 … 0xC3FE _011C CMU0 registers 0xC3FE PLL_CLK_DI _0120 V R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLK_DIV 0xC3FE _0000 … 0xC3FE _001C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W R W MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 91 Clock Architecture Table 8. Memory Map Address Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0xC3FE _0124 … 0xC3FE _013C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLK_DIV 0xC3FE SYSTEM_CL _0140 K_DIV reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W R W 0xC3FE _0144 … 0xC3FE _015C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLK_DIV 0xC3FE RTC_CLK_DI _0160 V reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W R W 0xC3FE _0164 … 0xC3FE _036C reserved 0xC3FE CGM_OC_EN R _0370 1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EN W 0xC3FE CGM_OCDS_ R _0374 SC1 W 0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SELDIV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SELCTL 0 0 0 0 W 0xC3FE CGM_SC_SS _0378 1 R SELSTAT W R 0 0 0 0 W MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 92 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture 1 For details, refer to the chapter Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM). 4.4 Internal RC oscillator (IRC) digital interface 4.4.1 Introduction The IRC digital interface controls the 16 MHz fast internal RC oscillator (IRC). It holds control and status registers accessible for application. 4.4.2 Functional description The IRC provides a high frequency clock of 16 MHz. This clock can be used to accelerate the exit from reset and wakeup sequence from low power modes of the system. It is controlled by the MC_ME module based on the current device mode. The clock source status is updated in ME_GS[S_RC]. Please refer to the MC_ME chapter for further details. The IRC can be further divided by a configurable division factor in the range from 1 to 32 to generate the divided clock to match system requirements. This division factor is specified by RC_CTL[RCDIV] bits. The IRC output frequency can be trimmed by RC_CTL[IRCTRIM] bits. These bits can be programmed to modify internal capacitor/resistor values. After power on reset, the trimming bits are provided by the flash options. Only after a first write access to RC_CTL will the value specified by bits IRCTRIM control the trimming. In this oscillator, two's complement trimming method is implemented. So the trimming code increases from -32 to 31. As the trimming code increases, the internal time constant increases and frequency reduces. Please refer to device datasheet for average frequency variation of the trimming step. 4.4.3 Register description Address offset: 0x0000 0 1 Base Address: 0xC3FE_0060 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Reserved IRCTRIM[5:0] — rw Access Reset 5 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 Reserved Access Reset — 0 0 rw 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 rw 0 0 0 0 Figure 10. IRC Oscillator Control Register (IRC_CTL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 93 Clock Architecture Table 9. RC Oscillator Control Register (IRC_CTL) field descriptions Field Description IRCTRIM[5:0] IRC trimming bits Note: All configurations cannot be used. Please refer to data sheet. NOTE The IRC is trimmed during reset using a factory programmed value stored in flash. After reset, this trim value is not visible at IRC_CTL[TRIM]. Therefore, any read-write operation on the 32-bit register will potentially set the IRC to an unoptimised trim value. Bus access errors are generated in only half of the non-implemented address space of Oscillator External Interface (Crystal XOSC) and RCOSC Digital Interface (16MHz Internal RC oscillator [IRC]). Do not access unimplemented address space for XOSC and RCOSC register areas OR write software that is not dependent on receiving an error when access to unimplemented XOSC and RCOSC space occurs. 4.5 External crystal oscillator (XOSC) digital interface The XOSC digital interface controls the operation of the 4–40 MHz fast external crystal oscillator (XOSC). It holds control and status registers accessible for application. 4.5.1 • • • • 4.5.2 Main features Oscillator powerdown control and status reporting through MC_ME block Oscillator clock available interrupt Oscillator bypass mode Output clock division factors ranging from 1, 2, 3....32 Functional description The XOSC circuit includes an internal oscillator driver and an external crystal circuitry. It provides an output clock that can be provided to the FMPLL or used as a reference clock to specific modules depending on system needs. The XOSC can be controlled by the MC_ME module. The ME_xxx_MC[XOSCON] bit controls the powerdown of the oscillator based on the current device mode while ME_GS[S_XOSC] register provides the oscillator clock available status. After system reset, the oscillator is put into powerdown state and software has to switch on when required. Whenever the crystal oscillator is switched on from the off state, the OSCCNT counter starts and when it reaches the value EOCV[7:0]×512, the oscillator clock is made available to the system. Also, an interrupt pending XOSC_CTL[I_OSC] bit is set. An interrupt is generated if the interrupt mask bit M_OSC is set. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 94 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture The oscillator circuit can be bypassed by setting XOSC_CTL[OSCBYP]. This bit can only be set by software. A system reset is needed to reset this bit. In this bypass mode, the output clock has the same polarity as the external clock applied on the EXTAL pin and the oscillator status is forced to ‘1’. The bypass configuration is independent of the powerdown mode of the oscillator. Table 10 shows the truth table of different oscillator configurations. Table 10. Truth table of crystal oscillator ME_xxx_MC[FXOSCON] FXOSC_CTL[OSCBYP] XTAL EXTAL FXOSC Oscillator MODE 0 0 No crystal, High Z No crystal, High Z 0 Powerdown x 1 x Ext clock EXTAL Bypass, OSC disabled 1 0 Crystal Crystal EXTAL Normal, OSC enabled Gnd Ext clock EXTAL Normal, OSC enabled The XOSC clock can be further divided by a configurable factor in the range 1 to 32 to generate the divided clock to match system requirements. This division factor is specified by XOSC_CTL[OSCDIV] field. 4.5.3 Register description Address offset: 0x0000 1 2 3 OSCBYP 0 Base Address: 0xC3FE0000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reserved EOCV[7:0] — rw 13 14 15 rs Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 M_OSC Access Access rw Reset 0 Reserved — 0 rw 0 0 0 0 0 0 I_OSC Reserved rc — 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 11. External Crystal Oscillator Control Register (XOSC_CTL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 95 Clock Architecture Table 11. External Crystal Oscillator Control Register (XOSC_CTL) field descriptions Field Description OSCBYP Crystal Oscillator bypass This bit specifies whether the oscillator should be bypassed or not. Only software can set this bit. System reset is needed to clear this bit. 0: Oscillator output is used as root clock 1: EXTAL is used as root clock EOCV[7:0] End of Count Value These bits specify the end of count value to be used for comparison by the oscillator stabilization counter OSCCNT after reset or whenever it is switched on from the off state (OSCCNT runs on the FXOSC). This counting period ensures that external oscillator clock signal is stable before it can be selected by the system. When oscillator counter reaches the value EOCV[7:0] × 512, the crystal oscillator clock interrupt (I_OSC) request is generated. The OSCCNT counter will be kept under reset if oscillator bypass mode is selected. M_OSC Crystal oscillator clock interrupt mask 0: Crystal oscillator clock interrupt is masked 1: Crystal oscillator clock interrupt is enabled I_OSC Crystal oscillator clock interrupt This bit is set by hardware when OSCCNT counter reaches the count value EOCV[7:0]×512. It is cleared by software by writing ‘1’. 0: No oscillator clock interrupt occurred 1: Oscillator clock interrupt pending NOTE Bus access errors are generated in only half of the non-implemented address space of Oscillator External Interface (Crystal XOSC) and RCOSC Digital Interface (16MHz Internal RC oscillator [IRC]). Do not access unimplemented address space for XOSC and RCOSC register areas OR write software that is not dependent on receiving an error when access to unimplemented XOSC and RCOSC space occurs." 4.6 4.6.1 Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop (FMPLL) Introduction This section describes the features and functions of the FMPLL module implemented in the device. 4.6.2 Overview The FMPLL enables the generation of high speed system clocks from a common 4–40 MHz input clock. Further, the FMPLL supports programmable frequency modulation of the system clock. The FMPLL multiplication factor and output clock divider ratio are all software configurable. MPC5606E has one FMPLL that can generate the system clock and takes advantage of the FM mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 96 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture NOTE The user must take care not to program device with a frequency higher than allowed (no hardware check). The FMPLL block diagram is shown in Figure 12. Phase clkin Frequency Detector (PFD) IDF Charge Pump Low Pass Filter PHI VCO ODF NDIV Loop Frequency Divider Figure 12. FMPLL block diagram 4.6.3 Features The FMPLL has the following major features: • Input clock frequency 4 MHz – 40 MHz • PFD input clock frequency range in normal mode is 4–16 MHz • Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) range from 256 MHz to 512 MHz • Frequency divider (FD) for reduced frequency operation without forcing the FMPLL to relock • Frequency modulated FMPLL — Modulation enabled/disabled through software — Triangle wave modulation • Programmable modulation depth — ±0.25% to ±4% deviation from center spread frequency1 — 0.5% to +8% deviation from down spread frequency — Programmable modulation frequency dependent on reference frequency • Self-clocked mode (SCM) operation • 4 available modes — Normal mode — Progressive clock switching — Normal mode with frequency modulation — Powerdown mode 4.6.4 Memory map2 Table 12 shows the memory map of the FMPLL. The FMPLL_0 base address is 0xC3FE_00A0. 1. Spread spectrum should be programmed in line with maximum datasheet frequency figures. 2. FMPLL_x are mapped through the MC_CGM register slot MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 97 Clock Architecture Table 12. FMPLL memory map Base address: 0xC3FE00A0 (FMPLL_0) Address offset Register Access Location 0x0 Control Register (CR) R/W (write access in supervisor mode only) on page 98 0x4 Modulation Register (MR) R/W (write access in supervisor mode only) on page 101 Table 13. FMPLL memory map Address offset Register Location 0x0 Control Register (CR) on page 98 0x4 Modulation Register (MR) on page 101 4.6.5 Register description The FMPLL operation is controlled by two registers. Those registers can be accessed and written in supervisor mode only. Control Register (CR) Offset: 0x0 R Access: Supervisor read/write 0 1 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 IDF ODF NDIV 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLL_FAIL_FLAG 1 EN_PLL_SW R W Reset w1c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLL_FAIL_MASK 0 S_LOCK Reset I_LOCK W 0 w1c 0 1 Figure 13. Control Register (CR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 98 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture Table 14. CR field descriptions Field Description IDF The value of this field sets the FMPLL input division factor as described in Table 15. ODF The value of this field sets the FMPLL output division factor as described in Table 16. NDIV The value of this field sets the FMPLL loop division factor as described in Table 17. EN_PLL_SW This bit is used to enable progressive clock switching. After the PLL locks, the PLL output initially is divided by 8, and then progressively decreases until it reaches divide-by-1. 0 Progressive clock switching disabled. 1 Progressive clock switching enabled. Note: Progressive clock switching should not be used if a non-changing clock is needed, such as for serial communications, until the division has finished. I_LOCK This bit is set by hardware whenever there is a lock/unlock event. S_LOCK This bit is an indication of whether the FMPLL has acquired lock. 0: FMPLL unlocked 1: FMPLL locked Note: S_LOCK =1 signals coarse lock. The system clock should not be changed to PLL output for at least 200 µs after S_LOCK is set. PLL_FAIL_MASK This bit is used to mask the pll_fail output. 0 pll_fail not masked. 1 pll_fail masked. PLL_FAIL_FLAG This bit is asynchronously set by hardware whenever a loss of lock event occurs while FMPLL is switched on. It is cleared by software writing ‘1’. Table 15. Input divide ratios IDF[3:0] Input divide ratios 0000 Divide by 1 0001 Divide by 2 0010 Divide by 3 0011 Divide by 4 0100 Divide by 5 0101 Divide by 6 0110 Divide by 7 0111 Divide by 8 1000 Divide by 9 1001 Divide by 10 1010 Divide by 11 1011 Divide by 12 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 99 Clock Architecture Table 15. Input divide ratios (continued) IDF[3:0] Input divide ratios 1100 Divide by 13 1101 Divide by 14 1110 Divide by 15 1111 Clock Inhibit Table 16. Output divide ratios ODF[1:0] Output divide ratios 00 Divide by 2 01 Divide by 4 10 Divide by 8 11 Divide by 16 Table 17. Loop divide ratios NDIV[6:0] Loop divide ratios 0000000–0011111 — 0100000 Divide by 32 0100001 Divide by 33 0100010 Divide by 34 ... ... 1011111 Divide by 95 1100000 Divide by 96 1100001–1111111 — MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 100 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture Modulation Register (MR) Offset: 0x4 RESET: R W RESET: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPRD_SEL STRB_BYPASS W 0 MOD_PERIOD FM_EN R Access: Supervisor read/write 0 INC_STEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 14. Modulation Register (MR) Table 18. MR field descriptions Field Description STRB_BYPASS Strobe bypass. The STRB_BYPASS signal is used to bypass the strobe signal used inside FMPLL to latch the correct values for control bits (INC_STEP, MOD_PERIOD and SPRD_SEL). 0 Strobe is used to latch FMPLL modulation control bits 1 Strobe is bypassed. In this case control bits need to be static. The control bits must be changed only when FMPLL is in powerdown mode. SPRD_SEL Spread type selection. The SPRD_SEL controls the spread type in Frequency Modulation mode. 0 Center SPREAD 1 Down SPREAD MOD_PERIOD Modulation period. The MOD_PERIOD field is the binary equivalent of the value modperiod derived from following formula: f ref modperiod = -------------------4 f mod where: fref: represents the frequency of the feedback divider fmod: represents the modulation frequency MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 101 Clock Architecture Table 18. MR field descriptions (continued) Field Description FM_EN INC_STEP Frequency Modulation Enable. The FM_EN enables the frequency modulation. 0 Frequency modulation disabled 1 Frequency modulation enabled Increment step. The INC_STEP field is the binary equivalent of the value incstep derived from following formula: 15 2 – 1 md MDF incstep = round --------------------------------------------------------------- 100 5 MODPERIOD where: md: represents the peak modulation depth in percentage (Center spread -- pk-pk=+/-md, Downspread -- pk-pk=-2×md) MDF: represents the nominal value of loop divider (CR[NDIV]) 4.6.6 Functional description Normal mode In Normal Mode the FMPLL inputs are driven by the CR. This means that, when the FMPLL is in lock state, the FMPLL output clock (PHI) is derived by the reference clock (CLKIN) through this relation: clkin NDIV phi = ---------------------------------IDF ODF where the value of IDF, NDIV and ODF are set in the CR and can be derived from Table 15, Table 16 and Table 17. Progressive clock switching Progressive clock switching allows to switch the system clock to FMPLL output clock stepping through different division factors. This means that the current consumption gradually increases and, in turn, voltage regulator response is improved. This feature can be enabled by programming CR[EN_PLL_SW] bit. When enabled, the system clock is switched to divided PHI. The FMPLL_clk divider is then progressively decreased to the target divider as shown in Table 19. Table 19. Progressive clock switching on pll_select rising edge Number of FMPLL output clock cycles FMPLL_clk frequency (FMPLL output clock frequency) 8 (FMPLL output clock frequency)/8 16 (FMPLL output clock frequency)/4 32 (FMPLL output clock frequency)/2 onward FMPLL output clock frequency MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 102 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture FMPLL output clock Division factors of 8, 4, 2 or 1 FMPLL_clk Figure 15. FMPLL output clock division flow during progressive switching Normal mode with frequency modulation The FMPLL default mode is without frequency modulation enabled. When frequency modulation is enabled, however, two parameters must be set to generate the desired level of modulation: the PERIOD, and the STEP. The modulation waveform is always a triangle wave and its shape is not programmable. FM mode is activated in two steps: 1. Configure the FM mode characteristics: MOD_PERIOD, INC_STEP. 2. Enable the FM mode by programming bit FM_EN of the MR to ‘1’. FM mode can only be enabled when FMPLL is in lock state. There are two ways to latch these values inside the FMPLL, depending on the value of bit STRB_BYPASS in the MR. If STRB_BYPASS is low, the modulation parameters are latched in the FMPLL only when the strobe signal goes high for at least two cycles of CLKIN clock. The strobe signal is automatically generated in the FMPLL digital interface when the modulation is enabled (FM_EN goes high) if the FMPLL is locked (S_LOCK = 1) or when the modulation has been enabled (FM_EN = 1) and FMPLL enters lock state (S_LOCK goes high). If STRB_BYPASS is high, the strobe signal is bypassed. In this case, control bits (MOD_PERIOD[12:0], INC_STEP[14:0], SPREAD_CONTROL) need to be static or hardwired to constant values. The control bits must be changed only when the FMPLL is in powerdown mode. The modulation depth in % is 100 5 INCSTEPxMODPERIOD ModulationDepth = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 2 – 1 MDF NOTE The user must ensure that the product of INCTEP and MODPERIOD is less than (215-1). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 103 Clock Architecture Figure 16. Frequency modulation Powerdown mode To reduce consumption, the FMPLL can be switched off when not required by programming the registers ME_x_MC on the MC_ME module. 4.6.7 Recommendations To avoid any unpredictable behavior of the FMPLL clock, it is recommended to follow these guidelines: • The FMPLL VCO frequency should reside in the range 256 MHz to 512 MHz. Care is required when programming the multiplication and division factors to respect this requirement. • The user must change the multiplication, division factors only when the FMPLL output clock is not selected as system clock. Use progressive clock switching if system clock changes are required while the PLL is being used as the system clock source. MOD_PERIOD, INC_STEP, SPREAD_SEL bits should be modified before activating the FM mode. Then strobe has to be generated to enable the new settings. If STRB_BYP is set to ‘1’ then MOD_PERIOD, INC_STEP and SPREAD_SEL can be modified only when FMPLL is in powerdown mode. • FMPLL must be powered down before changing the values of NDIV and IDF and then powered up with the new settings. If the power up and power down is not performed, the NDIV and IDF will reflect new configuration values but the PLL frequency will be as per the old configuration. • Use progressive clock switching (FMPLL output clock can be changed when it is the system clock, but only when using progressive clock switching). • Before enabling FMPLL, ensure that the input clock to FMPLL is stable. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 104 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture 4.7 4.7.1 Clock Monitor Unit (CMU) Overview The Clock Monitor Unit (CMU) serves three purposes: • FMPLL clock monitoring: detect if FMPLL leaves an upper or lower frequency boundary • Crystal clock monitoring: monitor the external crystal oscillator clock, which must be greater than the internal RC clock divided by a division factor given by CMU_CSR[RCDIV] • Frequency meter: measure the frequency of RCOSC versus a known reference clock XOSC CMU forwards these kind of events to the MC_CGM, MC_ME, and FCU. These in turn can then switch to a safe mode, generate a reset, or generate or an interrupt. Table 20. CMU module summary Module Monitored clocks CMU_0 4.7.2 • • • • 4.7.3 PLL divider clock Main features RC oscillator frequency measurement External oscillator clock monitoring with respect to CK_IRCn clock FMPLL clock frequency monitoring with respect to CK_IRC4 clock Event generation for various failures detected inside monitoring unit Functional description The names of the clocks involved in this block have the following meaning: • CK_XOSC: clock coming from the external crystal oscillator • CK_IRC: clock coming from the low frequency internal RC oscillator • CK_PLL: clock coming from the FMPLL • FOSC: frequency of external crystal oscillator clock • FRC: frequency of low frequency internal RC oscillator • FPLL: frequency of FMPLL divider clock 4.7.4 Crystal clock monitor If FOSC is smaller than FRC divided by 2RCDIV bits of CMU_0_CSR and the CK_XOSC is ‘ON’ and stable as signaled by the MC_ME, then: • CMU_ISR[OLRI] is set. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 105 Clock Architecture NOTE OSC and FMPLL monitor may produce false events when OSC/FMPLL frequency is less than 2RC/2RCDIV frequency due to the limitation on to compare two clocks accurately. FMPLL clock monitor The FMPLL clock CK_PLL frequency can be monitored by programming CME bit of CMU_CSR register to 1. CK_PLL monitor starts as soon as CME bit is set. This monitor can be disabled at any time by writing CME bit to 0. If CK_PLL frequency (FPLL) is greater than a reference value determined by the HFREF[11:0] bits of CMU_HFREFR and the CK_PLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME then • An event pending bit FHHI in CMU_ISR is set If FPLL is less than a reference clock frequency (FRC/4) and the CK_PLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME, then: • An event pending bit FLCI in CMU_ISR is set If FPLL is less than a reference value determined by the LFREF[11:0] bits of CMU_LFREFR and the CK_PLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME, then: • An event pending bit FLLI in CMU_ISR is set • A failure event is signaled to the MC_RGM and Fault Collection Unit, which in turn can generate an interrupt NOTE OSC and FMPLL monitor may produce false events when OSC/FMPLL frequency is less than 2RC/2RCDIV frequency due to the limitation on to compare two clocks accurately. Frequency meter The frequency meter calibrates the internal RC oscillator (CK_IRC) using a known frequency. NOTE This value can then be stored in the flash memory so that application software can reuse it later on. The reference clock is always the XOSC. A simple frequency meter returns a draft value of CK_IRC. The measure starts when CMU_CSR[SFM] is set. The measurement duration is given by the CMU_MDR register in terms of IRC clock cycles with a width of 20 bits. The SFM bit is cleared by the hardware after the frequency measurement is done and the count is loaded in the CMU_FDR.The frequency FRC can be derived from the value loaded in the CMU_FDR register as follows: FRC = (FOSC × MD) / n Eqn. 1 where n is the value in CMU_FDR register and MD is the value in CMU_MDR. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 106 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture NOTE When FXOSC > FIRC and MDR=0xFFFFF, it will cause overflow of FDR register and the value stored cannot be relied upon. When FXOSC > FIRC, application need to ensure that value of MDR is chosen such that n does not overflow where n is number of XOSC clock edges in duration of MDR IRC clock edges. 4.7.5 Memory map and register description The CMU registers are mapped through the MC_CGM (see the memory map in Chapter 5, Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM)). The base address for CMU is shown in Table 21. Table 21. CMU base address Module Base address CMU_0 0xC3FE_0100 The memory map of CMU is shown in Table 22. Table 22. CMU memory map Address offset Register Location 0x00 Control status register (CMU_CSR) on page 107 0x04 Frequency display register (CMU_FDISP) on page 108 0x08 High-frequency reference register A (CMU_HFREFR_A) on page 109 0x0C Low-frequency reference register A (CMU_LFREFR_A) on page 109 0x10 Interrupt status register (CMU_ISR) on page 110 0x14 Reserved 0x18 Measurement duration register (CMU_MDR) on page 111 Control status register (CMU_CSR) Address: Base + 0x00 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset CKSEL1 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFM RCDIV 1 1 CME _A 0 Figure 17. Control status register (CMU_CSR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 107 Clock Architecture Table 23. CMU_0_CSR field descriptions Field Description SFM Start frequency measure Set this bit to start a clock frequency measure. The bit is cleared by hardware when the measure is ready in the CMU_FDR register. Software cannot clear this bit. 0 Frequency measurement is completed or not yet started. 1 Frequency measurement is started. CKSEL1 Clock selection This field selects the clock to be measured by the frequency meter. Selects IRC 16 MHz as reference clock. This field must not be programmed with value 2. RCDIV RC clock division factor These bits specify the RC clock division factor. The output clock is CK_IRC fast (16 MHz) divided by the factor 2RCDIV. This output clock is compared with CK_XOSC for crystal clock monitor feature.The clock division coding is as follows. 00 Clock divided by 1 (No division). 01 Clock divided by 2. 10 Clock divided by 4. 11 Clock divided by 8. CME_A Clock monitor enable 0 Monitor is disabled. 1 Monitor is enabled. Frequency display register (CMU_FDR) Address: Base + 0x04 R Access: User read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FD[19:16] W Reset R FD[15:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 18. Frequency display Register (CMU_FDR) Table 24. CMU_FDR field descriptions Field Description FD Measured frequency bits This register displays the measured frequency fRC with respect to fOSC. The measured value is given by the following formula: fRC = (fOSC × MD) / n where n is the value in CMU_FDR register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 108 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture High-frequency reference register A (CMU_HFREFR_A) Address: Base + 0x08 Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 R W Reset R HFREF_A W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 19. High-frequency reference register A (CMU_HFREFR_A) Table 25. CMU_HFREFR_A field descriptions Field Description HFREF_A High-frequency reference value These bits determine the high reference value for the FMPLL clock. The reference value is given by: (HFREF_A/16) × (fRC/4). Low-frequency reference register A (CMU_LFREFR_A) Address: Base + 0x0C Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset R LFREF_A W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 20. Low-frequency reference register A (CMU_LFREFR_A) Table 26. CMU_LFREFR_A fields descriptions Field LFREF_A Description Low-frequency reference value These bits determine the low reference value for the FMPLL clock. The reference value is given by: (LFREF_A/16) × (fRC/4). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 109 Clock Architecture Interrupt status register (CMU_ISR) Address: Base + 0x10 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OLRI W FLLI_A R FHHI_A Reset FLCI_A W w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 Figure 21. Interrupt status register (CMU_ISR) Table 27. CMU_ISR field descriptions Field Description FLCI_A FMPLL clock frequency less than reference clock interrupt This bit is set by hardware when both of the following are true: • The FMPLL frequency becomes lower than reference clock frequency (FRC/4) value • CK_FMPLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME. It can be cleared by software by writing 1. 0 No FLC event. 1 FLC event is pending. FHHI_A FMPLL_0 Clock frequency higher than high reference interrupt This bit is set by hardware when both of the following are true: • The FMPLL frequency becomes higher than HFREF_A value • CK_FMPLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME. It can be cleared by software by writing 1. 0 No FHH event. 1 FHH event is pending. FLLI_A FMPLL_0 Clock frequency less than low reference event This bit is set by hardware when both of the following are true: • The FMPLL frequency becomes lower than LFREF_A value • CK_FMPLL is ‘ON’ and the FMPLL locked as signaled by the MC_ME. It can be cleared by software by writing 1. 0 No FLL event. 1 FLL event is pending. OLRI Oscillator frequency less than RC frequency event This bit is set by hardware when both of the following are true: • The frequency of CK_XOSC is less than CK_IRCfast/2RCDIV frequency • CK_XOSC is ‘ON’ and stable as signaled by the MC_ME. It can be cleared by software by writing 1. 0 No OLR event. 1 OLR event is pending. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 110 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture Measurement duration register (CMU_MDR) Address: Base + 0x18 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 15 MD[15:0] W Reset 14 MD[19:16] W Reset 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 22. Measurement duration register (CMU_MDR) Table 28. CMU_MDR field descriptions 4.8 Field Description MD Measurement duration bits This register displays the measured duration in term of IRC clock cycles. This value is loaded in the frequency meter down-counter. When CMU_CSR[SFM] = 1, the down-counter starts counting. Boot and power management concept At boot time, the MPC5606E is using the IRCOSC_Clk to start. At this time (after reset), the system clock divider is set to a value of "1", thus, the system clock is 16MHz. Then, the MPC5606E can configure the module to connect the external oscillator (XOSC) and the PLL. Once the PLL is locked, the SW can change the system clock divider to "2" and switch the system clock selector to be driven by the PLL. One output of the PLL can be reconfigured without producing glitches on the clock signal. This clock is used to drive the system clock (Sys_Clk). The other output clock of the PLL is used to drive all the other clocks. Because this port cannot be reconfigured free of glitches, all attached IP modules need to be gated off before changing the clock frequency. The other clock selectors (Clk Out Sel and the FCDs) do not allow glitch-less clock selection. Thus, SW need to gate off all attached IP modules before changing the clock source. In case the PLL lock gets lost during operation, the MPC5606E switches to safe mode and automatically selects the IRCOSC_Clk as input at the system clock selector so that the system clock runs now at 8MHz. In safe mode, the SW can switch the divider value again to "1" thus, the system clock is 16MHz. The loss of lock event also creates an entry in the Fault Collection Unit (FCU). The MPC5606E also supports two low power modes, the STOP mode and the HALT mode. These modes distinguish between different clock and clock gating settings. In both modes the clocks need to be configured to allow a resume to the RUN mode. Figure 23 shows which modules need to use the reliable IRCOSC_Clk that remains active during STOP mode. These are the safety relevant functions in • FCU • SWT MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 111 Clock Architecture and the functions need for wake-up, which are • digital input filters for external interrupt detection (part of the SIUL). The non maskable interrupt (NMI) is driven via an input pin. This signal is routed purely in a combinatorial way through the system. This allows to wake-up as long as only the Mode Entry (ME) unit is clocked. MagicCarpet CGL IRCOSC_CLK SYS_CLK_G#1 System Clock Selector 0 XOSC_CLK FMPLL_0_CLK SYS_CLK • • • Clock Gates SYS_CLK_G#n IRCOSC_CLK SYS_CLK_G#z IRCOSC_CLK Platform SIU-Lite SWT Filter (digital) IRQ #n IRQ #m INTC Pad (external IRQ capable) • • • 4 IRQ #p Filter (digital) IRQ #q • • • Pad (external IRQ capable) mcp nmi Core SYS_CLK_G#x PIT crifint STOP/HALT mode request • • • STOP/HALT mode ack SYS_CLK_G#y Any peripheral MC_CGL WakeUp wakeup MagicCarpet ME SYS_CLK PLL ON Filter (analog) FMPLL_0 Pad (NMI) FMPLL_0_CLK XOSC_CLK Legend: Combinatorial Available in STOP mode Available in HALT mode Figure 23. MPC5606E Clock Selection for Power Modes MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 112 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Architecture 4.9 Safety concept This section gives a brief overview on the safety aspects of the clock architecture. This includes two items: • reliable clock for safety modules • clock frequency monitoring A safety relevant unit of the MPC5606E is the Software Watchdog Timer (SWT). To ensure that this modules operates also in case of failure of the system clock, the watchdog counter decrements every cycle of the IRCOSC_Clk. This clock is more robust against failure compared to the PLL clock because it does not depend on other components. In case of the PLL clock, proper performance also depends on the external crystal or clock generator, the XOSC and loss of clock lock. Besides the loss of PLL lock detection, the MPC5606E also has a Clock Monitoring Unit (CMU). Its main features are: • RC oscillator (IRCOSC_Clk) frequency measurement • External oscillator clock monitoring with respect to IRCOSC_Clk/n clock (turned off at reset) • PLL clock frequency monitoring with respect to IRCOSC_Clk/4 clock (turned off at reset) • Event generation for various failures detected inside monitoring unit Figure 24 shows how the clock monitoring unit is integrated into the MPC5606E clocking system. XOSC valid (on AND stable)/off CMU_0 FMPLL_0 valid (on AND locked)/off IRCOSC_CLK CK 1 16MHz CK 0(reference) XOSC_CLK 4-40MHz FMPLL_0 120/128 MHZ CK XOSC CK PLL Loss of crystal OLR FHH MagicCarpet FMPLL_0 frequency out of range FLL Logical OR FCU Figure 24. MPC5606E Clock Monitoring Unit Integration In case of clock monitoring event, the CMU signals the Clock Generation Module, Reset Generation Module, and Mode Entry Module, which might take appropriate actions (e.g., switching the system clock to the IRCOSC_Clk), and to the fault collection unit (FCU) to keep record of the event. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 113 Clock Architecture THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 114 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) Chapter 5 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) 5.1 5.1.1 Introduction Overview The clock generation module (MC_CGM) generates reference clocks for all the chip blocks. The MC_CGM selects one of the system clock sources to supply the system clock. The MC_ME controls the system clock selection (see the MC_ME chapter for more details). The memory spaces of system and peripheral clock sources which have addressable memory spaces are accessed through the MC_CGM memory space. The MC_CGM also selects and generates an output clock. Figure 25 shows the MC_CGM block diagram. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 115 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) IRC MC_CGM MC_ME XOSC Registers Register Interface MC_RGM FMPLL_0 System Clock Multiplexer peripherals CLKOUT core Mapped Modules Interface Output Clock Selector/Divider mapped peripherals Figure 25. MC_CGM block diagram 5.1.2 Features The MC_CGM includes the following features: • generates system and peripheral clocks • selects and enables/disables the system clock supply from system clock sources according to MC_ME control MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 116 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) • • • • supports multiple clock sources and maps their address spaces to its memory map generates an output clock guarantees glitch-less clock transitions when changing the system clock selection supports 8, 16, and 32-bit wide read/write accesses 5.2 External Signal Description The MC_CGM delivers an output clock to the CLKOUT pin for off-chip use and/or observation. 5.3 Memory Map and Register Definition Table 29. MC_CGM Register Description Access Address Name Description Size Location User Supervisor Test 0xC3FE PLL_DIVIDER _0120 PLL Clock Divider byte read read/write read/write on page 118 0xC3FE SYSTEM_CLK_DIVI _0140 DER System Clock Divider byte read read/write read/write on page 118 0xC3FE RTC_CLK_DIVIDER RTC Clock Divider _0160 byte read read/write read/write on page 119 0xC3FE CGM_OC_EN _0370 Output Clock Enable word read read/write read/write on page 119 0xC3FE CGM_OCDS_SC _0374 Output Clock Division Select byte read read/write read/write on page 120 0xC3FE CGM_SC_SS _0378 System Clock Select Status byte read read read on page 121 NOTE Any access to unused registers as well as write accesses to read-only registers will: • • 5.3.1 not change register content cause a transfer error Register Descriptions All registers may be accessed as 32-bit words, 16-bit half-words, or 8-bit bytes. The bytes are ordered according to big endian. For example, the CGM_OC_EN register may be accessed as a word at address 0xC3FE_0370, as a half-word at address 0xC3FE_0372, or as a byte at address 0xC3FE_0373. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 117 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) PLL Clock Divider Register (PLL_CLK_DIV) Address 0xC3FE_0120 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 7 CLK_DIV 0 Figure 26. PLL Clock Divider Register (PLL_CLK_DIV) This register sets the FMPLL_0 PCS clock division factor. Table 30. PLL Clock Divider Register (PLL_CLK_DIV) Field Descriptions Field Description CLK_DIV Clock Divider Enable 0 FMPLL_0 PCS clock to system clock selector is divided by 1 (no division) 1 FMPLL_0 PCS clock to system clock selector is divided by 2 System Clock Divider Register (SYSTEM_CLK_DIV) Address 0xC3FE_0140 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 7 CLK_DIV 0 Figure 27. System Clock Divider Register (SYSTEM_CLK_DIV) This register sets the system clock division factor. Table 31. System Clock Divider Register (SYSTEM_CLK_DIV) Field Descriptions Field CLK_DIV Description Clock Divider Enable 0 system clock is divided by 1 (no division) 1 system clock is divided by 2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 118 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) RTC Clock Divider Register (RTC_CLK_DIV) Address 0xC3FE_0160 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 CLK_DIV W Reset 0 Figure 28. RTC Clock Divider Register (RTC_CLK_DIV) This register sets the RTC clock division factor. Table 32. RTC Clock Divider Register (RTC_CLK_DIV) Field Descriptions Field Description CLK_DIV Clock Divider Enable 0 RTC clock is divided by 1 (no division) 1 RTC clock is divided by 2 Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN) Address 0xC3FE_0370 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset EN 0 Figure 29. Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN) This register is used to enable and disable the output clock. Table 33. Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN) Field Descriptions Field EN Description Output Clock Enable control 0 Output Clock is disabled 1 Output Clock is enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 119 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) Output Clock Division Select Register (CGM_OCDS_SC) Address 0xC3FE_0374 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 5 SELDIV W Reset 3 0 6 7 0 0 SELCTL 0 0 0 Figure 30. Output Clock Division Select Register (CGM_OCDS_SC) This register is used to select the current output clock source and by which factor it is divided before being delivered at the output clock. Table 34. Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN) Field Descriptions Field Description SELDIV Output Clock Division Select 00 output selected Output Clock without division 01 output selected Output Clock divided by 2 10 output selected Output Clock divided by 4 11 output selected Output Clock divided by 8 SELCTL Output Clock Source Selection Control — This value selects the current source for the output clock. 0000 IRC 0001 XOSC 0010 FMPLL_0 0011 FCD0 A0_CLK 0100 FCD1 A1_CLK 0101 FCD2 A2_CLK 0110 reserved 0111 reserved 1000 reserved 1001 reserved 1010 reserved 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 120 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) System Clock Select Status Register (CGM_SC_SS) Address 0xC3FE_0378 R Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SELSTAT W Reset R W Reset Figure 31. System Clock Select Status Register (CGM_SC_SS) This register provides the current system clock source selection. Table 35. System Clock Select Status Register (CGM_SC_SS) Field Descriptions Field Description SELSTAT System Clock Source Selection Status — This value indicates the current source for the system clock. 0000 IRC 0001 reserved 0010 XOSC 0011 reserved 0100 FMPLL_0 PCS 0101 reserved 0110 reserved 0111 reserved 1000 reserved 1001 reserved 1010 reserved 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 system clock is disabled 5.4 5.4.1 Functional Description System Clock Generation Figure 32 shows the block diagram of the system clock generation logic. The MC_ME provides the system clock select and switch mask (see MC_ME chapter for more details), and the MC_RGM provides the safe clock request (see MC_RGM chapter for more details). The safe clock request forces the selector to select the IRC as the system clock and to ignore the system clock select. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 121 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) IRC 0 XOSC 2 FMPLL_0 PCS clock divider 4 system clock is disabled if ME_<current mode>_MC.SYSCLK = “1111” ‚Äô video clock PLL_CLK_DIV Register SYSTEM_CLK_DIV Register clock divider system clock MC_RGM SAFE mode request clock divider ‚Äú000 1 ME_<current mode> _MC.SYSCLK 0 RTC clock RTC_CLK_DIV Register CGM_SC_SS Register Figure 32. MC_CGM System Clock Generation Overview System Clock Source Selection During normal operation, the system clock selection is controlled • on a SAFE mode or reset event, by the MC_RGM • otherwise, by the MC_ME System Clock Disable During the TEST mode, the system clock can be disabled by the MC_ME. 5.4.2 Output Clock Multiplexing The MC_CGM contains a multiplexing function for a number of clock sources which can then be used as output clock sources. The selection is done via the CGM_OCDS_SC register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 122 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) 5.4.3 Output Clock Division Selection IRC XOSC FMPLL_0 FCD0 A0_CLK FCD1 A1_CLK FCD2 A2_CLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 CGM_OC_EN Register 3 2 ‚Äô 1 CLKOUT 0 CGM_OCDS_SC.SELCTL Register CGM_OCDS_SC.SELDIV Register Figure 33. MC_CGM Output Clock Multiplexer and CLKOUT Generation The MC_CGM provides the following output signal for the output clock generation: • CLKOUT (see Figure 33). This signal is generated by using one of the 3-stage ripple counter outputs or the selected signal without division. The non-divided signal is not guaranteed to be 50% duty cycle by the MC_CGM. The MC_CGM also has an output clock enable register (see Section, “Output Clock Enable Register (CGM_OC_EN)”) that contains the output clock enable/disable control bit. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 123 Clock Generation Module (MC_CGM) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 124 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Chapter 6 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 6.1 6.1.1 Introduction Overview The MC_ME controls the chip mode and mode transition sequences in all functional states. It also contains configuration, control and status registers accessible for the application. Figure 34 shows the MC_ME block diagram. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 125 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) VREG Flashes MC_ME Registers Register Interface MC_RGM IRC MC_CGM XOSC FMPLL_0 core Chip Mode State Machine peripherals WKPU Figure 34. MC_ME Block Diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 126 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 6.1.2 Features The MC_ME includes the following features: • control of the available modes by the ME_ME register • definition of various chip mode configurations by the ME_<mode>_MC registers • control of the actual chip mode by the ME_MCTL register • capture of the current mode and various resource status within the contents of the ME_GS register • optional generation of various mode transition interrupts • status bits for each cause of invalid mode transitions • peripheral clock gating control based on the ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and ME_PCTLn registers • capture of current peripheral clock gated/enabled status 6.1.3 Modes of Operation The MC_ME is based on several chip modes corresponding to different usage models of the chip. Each mode is configurable and can define a policy for energy and processing power management to fit particular system requirements. An application can easily switch from one mode to another depending on the current needs of the system. The operating modes controlled by the MC_ME are divided into system and user modes. The system modes are modes such as RESET, DRUN, SAFE, and TEST. These modes aim to ease the configuration and monitoring of the system. The user modes are modes such as RUN0…3, HALT0, and STOP0 which can be configured to meet the application requirements in terms of energy management and available processing power. The modes DRUN, SAFE, TEST, and RUN0…3 are the chip software running modes. Table 36 describes the MC_ME modes. Table 36. MC_ME Mode Descriptions Name Description Entry Exit RESET This is a chip-wide virtual mode during which the application is not active. The system remains in this mode until all resources are available for the embedded software to take control of the chip. It manages hardware initialization of chip configuration, voltage regulators, clock sources, and flash modules. system reset assertion from MC_RGM system reset deassertion from MC_RGM DRUN This is the entry mode for the embedded software. It provides full accessibility to the system and enables the configuration of the system at startup. It provides the unique gate to enter user modes. BAM when present is executed in DRUN mode. system reset deassertion from MC_RGM, software request from SAFE, TEST and RUN0…3 system reset assertion, RUN0…3, TEST via software, SAFE via software or hardware failure. SAFE This is a chip-wide service mode which may be entered on the detection of a recoverable error. It forces the system into a pre-defined safe configuration from which the system may try to recover. hardware failure, software request from DRUN, and RUN0…3 system reset assertion, DRUN via software MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 127 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 36. MC_ME Mode Descriptions (continued) Name 6.2 Description Entry Exit TEST This is a chip-wide service mode which is intended to provide a control environment for chip software testing. software request from DRUN system reset assertion, DRUN via software RUN0…3 These are software running modes where most processing activity is done. These various run modes allow to enable different clock & power configurations of the system with respect to each other. software request from DRUN or other RUN0…3, interrupt event from HALT0, interrupt or wakeup event from STOP0 system reset assertion, SAFE via software or hardware failure, other RUN0…3 modes, HALT0, STOP0 via software HALT0 This is a reduced-activity low-power mode during which the software request clock to the core is disabled. It can be configured to switch from RUN0…3 off analog peripherals like clock sources, flash, main regulator, etc. for efficient power management at the cost of higher wakeup latency. system reset assertion, SAFE on recoverable hardware failure, RUN0…3 on off-platform interrupt event STOP0 software request This is an advanced low-power mode during which the clock to the core is disabled. It may be configured to switch from RUN0…3 off most of the peripherals including clock sources for efficient power management at the cost of higher wakeup latency. system reset assertion, SAFE on recoverable hardware failure, RUN0…3 on interrupt event or wakeup event External Signal Description The MC_ME has no connections to any external pins. 6.3 Memory Map and Register Definition The MC_ME contains registers for: • mode selection and status reporting • mode configuration • mode transition interrupts status and mask control • scalable number of peripheral sub-mode selection and status reporting MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 128 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 6.3.1 Memory Map Table 37. MC_ME Register Description Access Address Name Description Size Location User Supervisor Test read 0xC3FD ME_GS _C000 Global Status word read read on page 137 0xC3FD ME_MCTL _C004 Mode Control word read read/write read/write on page 139 0xC3FD ME_ME _C008 Mode Enable word read read/write read/write on page 140 0xC3FD ME_IS _C00C Interrupt Status word read read/write read/write on page 142 0xC3FD ME_IM _C010 Interrupt Mask word read read/write read/write on page 143 0xC3FD ME_IMTS _C014 Invalid Mode Transition Status word read read/write read/write on page 144 0xC3FD ME_DMTS _C018 Debug Mode Transition Status word read read read on page 145 0xC3FD ME_RESET_MC _C020 RESET Mode Configuration word read read read on page 148 0xC3FD ME_TEST_MC _C024 TEST Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 148 0xC3FD ME_SAFE_MC _C028 SAFE Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 149 0xC3FD ME_DRUN_MC _C02C DRUN Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 149 0xC3FD ME_RUN0_MC _C030 RUN0 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 150 0xC3FD ME_RUN1_MC _C034 RUN1 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 150 0xC3FD ME_RUN2_MC _C038 RUN2 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 150 0xC3FD ME_RUN3_MC _C03C RUN3 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 150 0xC3FD ME_HALT0_MC _C040 HALT0 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 150 0xC3FD ME_STOP0_MC _C048 STOP0 Mode Configuration word read read/write read/write on page 151 0xC3FD ME_PS0 _C060 Peripheral Status 0 word read read read on page 153 0xC3FD ME_PS1 _C064 Peripheral Status 1 word read read read on page 153 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 129 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 37. MC_ME Register Description (continued) Access Address Name Description Size Location User Supervisor Test 0xC3FD ME_PS2 _C068 Peripheral Status 2 word read read read on page 154 0xC3FD ME_PS3 _C06C Peripheral Status 3 word read read read on page 154 0xC3FD ME_RUN_PC0 _C080 Run Peripheral Configuration 0 word read read/write read/write on page 155 0xC3FD ME_RUN_PC1 _C084 Run Peripheral Configuration 1 word read read/write read/write on page 155 … 0xC3FD ME_RUN_PC7 _C09C Run Peripheral Configuration 7 word read read/write read/write on page 155 0xC3FD ME_LP_PC0 _C0A0 Low-Power Peripheral Configuration 0 word read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_LP_PC1 _C0A4 Low-Power Peripheral Configuration 1 word read read/write read/write on page 156 … 0xC3FD ME_LP_PC7 _C0BC Low-Power Peripheral Configuration 7 word read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL4 _C0C4 DSPI0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL5 _C0C5 DSPI1 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL6 _C0C6 DSPI2 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL16 _C0D0 FlexCAN0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL22 _C0D6 SAI0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL23 _C0D7 DMA_CH_MUX Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL28 _C0DC SAI1 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL29 _C0DD SAI2 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL30 _C0DE Video Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL32 _C0E0 ADC0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 130 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 37. MC_ME Register Description (continued) Access Address Name Description Size Location User Supervisor Test 0xC3FD ME_PCTL38 _C0E6 eTimer0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL44 _C0EC I2C_DMA0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL45 _C0ED I2C_DMA1 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL48 _C0F0 LIN_FLEX0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL49 _C0F1 LIN_FLEX1 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL58 _C0FA CRC Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL61 _C0FD PTP Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL62 _C0FE CE_RTC Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL92 _C11C PIT_RTI Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 0xC3FD ME_PCTL104 _C128 CMU0 Control byte read read/write read/write on page 156 NOTE Any access to unused registers as well as write accesses to read-only registers will: • • not change register content cause a transfer error MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 131 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 0xC3FD ME_GS _C000 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 0 0 0 0 S_MVR Name S_PDO Address S_MTRANS Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map S_DFLA R S_CURRENT_MODE S_CFLA S_FMPLL_0 S_XOSC S_IRC W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 R S_SYSCLK W R TARGET_MODE W R 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUN3 RUN2 RUN1 R HALT0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRUN SAFE TEST RESET_FUNC 0 0 0 0 0 I_IMODE I_SAFE I_MTC R I_ICONF W RUN0 0xC3FD ME_ME _C008 KEY STOP0 W I_ICONF_CU 0xC3FD ME_MCTL _C004 W R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M_MTC R M_ICONF 0xC3FD ME_IM _C010 w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c M_ICONF_CU W M_SAFE R M_IMODE 0xC3FD ME_IS _C00C W R W MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 132 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S_NMA R 1 0 0 0 CDP_PRPH_64_95 0 0 DFLAON 0 SMR 0 CORE_DBG CFLASH_SC 0 0 CDP_PRPH_96_127 0 PMC_PROG 0 MVRON 0 MPH_BUSY 0 DFLASH_SC PREVIOUS_MODE SYSCLK_SW R SCSRC_SC 0xC3FD ME_DMTS _C018 CDP_PRPH_0_143 w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c PDO W CDP_PRPH_0_31 R S_SEA W CDP_PRPH_32_63 0xC3FD ME_IMTS _C014 0 S_DMA Name S_MTI Address S_MRI Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map (continued) IRC_SC 0 CSRC_CSRC_SC R VREG_CSRC_SC W W 0xC3FD _C01C 0xC3FD ME_RESET_ _C020 MC reserved R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CFLAON FMPLL_0ON XOSCON IRCON PDO 0 0 MVRON 0 FMPLL_0ON W R SYSCLK W 0xC3FD ME_TEST_M _C024 C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DFLAON CFLAON W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRCON R XOSCON W SYSCLK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 133 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MVRON DFLAON IRCON R 1 0 0 MVRON 0xC3FD ME_SAFE_M _C028 C 0 XOSCON Name PDO Address FMPLL_0ON Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map (continued) CFLAON W R SYSCLK 0xC3FD ME_DRUN_M _C02C C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO W DFLAON CFLAON 0 0 0 0xC3FD ME_RUN0…3 _C030 _MC R … 0xC3FD W _C03C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO W 0 0xC3FD ME_HALT0_ _C040 MC R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO W 0 0 0 0 IRCON 0 MVRON 0 IRCON 0 MVRON 0 XOSCON 0 XOSCON 0 FMPLL_0ON R FMPLL_0ON W SYSCLK DFLAON CFLAON SYSCLK DFLAON CFLAON 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0xC3FD _C044 0 0 IRCON 0 XOSCON R FMPLL_0ON W SYSCLK reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 134 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Name 0xC3FD ME_STOP0_ _C048 MC R 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MVRON Address PDO Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map (continued) 0 0 DFLAON CFLAON 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRCON 0 S_DSPI0 0 XOSCON R S_DSPI1 W SYSCLK W 0xC3FD _C04C … 0xC3FD _C05C S_FlexCAN0 S_SAI0 S_DMA_CH_MUX S_SAI1 R S_SAI2 0xC3FD ME_PS0 _C060 S_Video reserved S_DSPI2 W R S_LIN_FLEX0 S_LIN_FLEX1 S_CRC R S_PTP 0xC3FD ME_PS1 _C064 S_CE_RTC W S_ADC0 S_eTimer0 S_I2C_DMA0 R S_I2C_DMA1 W W MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 135 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map (continued) Name 0xC3FD ME_PS2 _C068 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 S_PIT_RTI Address R W R W R W S_CMU0 0xC3FD ME_PS3 _C06C R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUN0 DRUN SAFE TEST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET 0 RUN1 0xC3FD ME_RUN_PC R _C080 0…7 W … 0xC3FD _C09C R RUN2 reserved RUN3 0xC3FD _C074 … 0xC3FD _C07C HALT0 reserved STOP0 0xC3FD _C070 W 0xC3FD ME_LP_PC0 _C0A0 …7 … 0xC3FD _C0BC R W R W MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 136 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Name 0xC3FD ME_PCTL0… R _C0C0 1431 W … 0xC3FD R _C14C W 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 DBG_F DBG_F Address DBG_F DBG_F Table 38. MC_ME Memory Map (continued) 0 LP_CFG RUN_CFG LP_CFG RUN_CFG 0 0xC3FD _C150 … 0xC3FD _FFFC 1 LP_CFG RUN_CFG LP_CFG RUN_CFG reserved There is space in the register map for 144 peripherals. Please refer to Table 37 for the ME_PCTLn locations actually occupied. The unoccupied locations contain a read-only byte value of 0x00. 6.3.2 Register Description Unless otherwise noted, all registers may be accessed as 32-bit words, 16-bit half-words, or 8-bit bytes. The bytes are ordered according to big endian. For example, the ME_RUN_PC0 register may be accessed as a word at address 0xC3FD_C080, as a half-word at address 0xC3FD_C082, or as a byte at address 0xC3FD_C083. Some fields may be read-only, and their reset value of ‘1’ or ‘0’ and the corresponding behavior cannot be changed. Global Status Register (ME_GS) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S_CURRENT_MODE 1 0 0 S_PDO 0 0 S_MVR S_DFLA S_CFLA 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S_FMPLL_0 S_XOSC S_IRC 0 1 2 Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read S_MTRANS Address 0xC3FD_C000 0 0 1 R 13 14 15 W Reset R S_SYSCLK W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 35. Global Status Register (ME_GS) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 137 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) This register contains global mode status. Table 39. Global Status Register (ME_GS) Field Descriptions Field Description S_CURREN Current chip mode status T_MODE 0000 RESET 0001 TEST 0010 SAFE 0011 DRUN 0100 RUN0 0101 RUN1 0110 RUN2 0111 RUN3 1000 HALT0 1001 reserved 1010 STOP0 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 reserved S_MTRANS Mode transition status 0 Mode transition process is not active 1 Mode transition is ongoing S_PDO Output power-down status — This bit specifies output power-down status of I/Os. This bit is asserted whenever outputs of pads are forced to high impedance state or the pads power sequence driver is switched off. 0 No automatic safe gating of I/Os used and pads power sequence driver is enabled 1 In SAFE/TEST modes, outputs of pads are forced to high impedance state and the pads power sequence driver is disabled. The inputs are level unchanged. In STOP0 mode, only the pad power sequence driver is disabled, but the state of the output remains functional. S_MVR Main voltage regulator status 0 Main voltage regulator is not ready 1 Main voltage regulator is ready for use S_DFLA Data flash availability status 00 Data flash is not available 01 Data flash is in power-down mode 10 Data flash is not available 11 Data flash is in normal mode and available for use S_CFLA Code flash availability status 00 Code flash is not available 01 Code flash is in power-down mode 10 Code flash is in low-power mode 11 Code flash is in normal mode and available for use S_FMPLL_0 system PLL status 0 system PLL is not stable 1 system PLL is providing a stable clock S_XOSC external oscillator status 0 external oscillator is not stable 1 external oscillator is providing a stable clock MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 138 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 39. Global Status Register (ME_GS) Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description S_IRC internal RC oscillator status 0 internal RC oscillator is not stable 1 internal RC oscillator is providing a stable clock S_SYSCLK System clock switch status — These bits specify the system clock currently used by the system. 0000 IRC 0001 reserved 0010 XOSC 0011 reserved 0100 FMPLL_0 PCS 0101 reserved 0110 reserved 0111 reserved 1000 reserved 1001 reserved 1010 reserved 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 system clock is disabled Mode Control Register (ME_MCTL) Address 0xC3FD_C004 0 R R 2 3 TARGET_MODE W Reset 1 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 W Reset KEY Figure 36. Mode Control Register (ME_MCTL) This register is used to trigger software-controlled mode changes. Depending on the modes as enabled by ME_ME register bits, configurations corresponding to unavailable modes are reserved and access to ME_<mode>_MC registers must respect this for successful mode requests. NOTE Byte and half-word write accesses are not allowed for this register as a predefined key is required to change its value. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 139 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 40. Mode Control Register (ME_MCTL) Field Descriptions Field Description TARGET_M ODE KEY Target chip mode — These bits provide the target chip mode to be entered by software programming. The mechanism to enter into any mode by software requires the write operation twice: first time with key, and second time with inverted key. These bits are automatically updated by hardware while entering SAFE on hardware request. Also, while exiting from the HALT0 and STOP0 modes on hardware exit events, these are updated with the appropriate RUN0…3 mode value. 0000 RESET (triggers a ‘functional’ reset event) 0001 TEST 0010 SAFE 0011 DRUN 0100 RUN0 0101 RUN1 0110 RUN2 0111 RUN3 1000 HALT0 1001 reserved 1010 STOP0 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 disabled 1110 reserved 1111 disabled Note: 1101 and 1111 modes are permanently disabled. Setting these modes will set S_DMA bit in ME_IMTS register. Control key — These bits enable write access to this register. Any write access to the register with a value different from the keys is ignored. Read access will always return inverted key. KEY:0101101011110000 (0x5AF0) INVERTED KEY:1010010100001111 (0xA50F) Mode Enable Register (ME_ME) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 HALT0 RUN3 RUN2 RUN1 RUN0 DRUN SAFE R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write STOP0 Address 0xC3FD_C008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 TEST R RESET_FUNC W Reset W Reset 0 0 01 Figure 37. Mode Enable Register (ME_ME) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 140 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) This register allows a way to disable the chip modes which are not required for a given chip. RESET, SAFE, DRUN, and RUN0 modes are always enabled. Table 41. Mode Enable Register (ME_ME) Field Descriptions Field Description STOP0 STOP0 mode enable 0 STOP0 mode is disabled 1 STOP0 mode is enabled HALT0 HALT0 mode enable 0 HALT0 mode is disabled 1 HALT0 mode is enabled RUN3 RUN3 mode enable 0 RUN3 mode is disabled 1 RUN3 mode is enabled RUN2 RUN2 mode enable 0 RUN2 mode is disabled 1 RUN2 mode is enabled RUN1 RUN1 mode enable 0 RUN1 mode is disabled 1 RUN1 mode is enabled RUN0 RUN0 mode enable 1 RUN0 mode is enabled DRUN DRUN mode enable 1 DRUN mode is enabled SAFE SAFE mode enable 1 SAFE mode is enabled TEST TEST mode enable 0 TEST mode is disabled 1 TEST mode is enabled RESET_FUN ‘functional’ RESET mode enable C 1 ‘functional’ RESET mode is enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 141 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Interrupt Status Register (ME_IS) Address 0xC3FD_C00C R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I_ICONF I_IMODE I_SAFE I_MTC Reset I_ICONF_CU W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 38. Interrupt Status Register (ME_IS) This register provides the current interrupt status. Table 42. Interrupt Status Register (ME_IS) Field Descriptions Field Description I_ICONF_CU Invalid mode configuration interrupt (Clock Usage) — This bit is set during a mode transition if a clock which is required to be on by an enabled peripheral is configured to be turned off. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 No invalid mode configuration (clock usage) interrupt occurred 1 Invalid mode configuration (clock usage) interrupt is pending I_ICONF Invalid mode configuration interrupt — This bit is set whenever a write operation to ME_<mode>_MC registers with invalid mode configuration is attempted. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 No invalid mode configuration interrupt occurred 1 Invalid mode configuration interrupt is pending I_IMODE Invalid mode interrupt — This bit is set whenever an invalid mode transition is requested. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 No invalid mode interrupt occurred 1 Invalid mode interrupt is pending I_SAFE SAFE mode interrupt — This bit is set whenever the chip enters SAFE mode on hardware requests generated in the system. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 No SAFE mode interrupt occurred 1 SAFE mode interrupt is pending I_MTC Mode transition complete interrupt — This bit is set whenever the mode transition process completes (S_MTRANS transits from 1 to 0). It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. This mode transition interrupt bit will not be set while entering low-power modes HALT0, or STOP0. 0 No mode transition complete interrupt occurred 1 Mode transition complete interrupt is pending MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 142 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Interrupt Mask Register (ME_IM) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M_ICONF M_IMODE M_SAFE M_MTC R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write M_ICONF_CU Address 0xC3FD_C010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 39. Interrupt Mask Register (ME_IM) This register controls whether an event generates an interrupt or not. Table 43. Interrupt Mask Register (ME_IM) Field Descriptions Field Description M_ICONF_C Invalid mode configuration (clock usage) interrupt mask U 0 Invalid mode interrupt is masked 1 Invalid mode interrupt is enabled M_ICONF Invalid mode configuration interrupt mask 0 Invalid mode interrupt is masked 1 Invalid mode interrupt is enabled M_IMODE Invalid mode interrupt mask 0 Invalid mode interrupt is masked 1 Invalid mode interrupt is enabled M_SAFE SAFE mode interrupt mask 0 SAFE mode interrupt is masked 1 SAFE mode interrupt is enabled M_MTC Mode transition complete interrupt mask 0 Mode transition complete interrupt is masked 1 Mode transition complete interrupt is enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 143 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Invalid Mode Transition Status Register (ME_IMTS) Address 0xC3FD_C014 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S_NMA S_SEA W Reset S_DMA R S_MRI Reset S_MTI W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 40. Invalid Mode Transition Status Register (ME_IMTS) This register provides the status bits for the possible causes of an invalid mode interrupt. Table 44. Invalid Mode Transition Status Register (ME_IMTS) Field Descriptions Field Description S_MTI Mode Transition Illegal status — This bit is set whenever a new mode is requested while some other mode transition process is active (S_MTRANS is ‘1’). Please refer to Section 6.4.5, “Mode Transition Interrupts” for the exceptions to this behavior. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 Mode transition requested is not illegal 1 Mode transition requested is illegal S_MRI Mode Request Illegal status — This bit is set whenever the target mode requested is not a valid mode with respect to current mode. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 Target mode requested is not illegal with respect to current mode 1 Target mode requested is illegal with respect to current mode S_DMA Disabled Mode Access status — This bit is set whenever the target mode requested is one of those disabled modes determined by ME_ME register. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 Target mode requested is not a disabled mode 1 Target mode requested is a disabled mode S_NMA Non-existing Mode Access status — This bit is set whenever the target mode requested is one of those non existing modes determined by ME_MCTL register. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 Target mode requested is an existing mode 1 Target mode requested is a non-existing mode S_SEA SAFE Event Active status — This bit is set whenever the chip is in SAFE mode, SAFE event bit is pending and a new mode requested other than RESET/SAFE modes. It is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to this bit. 0 No new mode requested other than RESET/SAFE while SAFE event is pending 1 New mode requested other than RESET/SAFE while SAFE event is pending MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 144 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Debug Mode Transition Status Register (ME_DMTS) 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 CDP_PRPH_0_31 14 CDP_PRPH_32_63 13 CDP_PRPH_64_95 12 CORE_DBG 11 CDP_PRPH_96_127 10 PMC_PROG 9 MPH_BUSY 8 CDP_PRPH_0_143 7 CFLASH_SC 6 DFLASH_SC 5 SYSCLK_SW 4 SCSRC_SC 3 IRC_SC 2 CSRC_CSRC_SC 1 VREG_CSRC_SC 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write SMR Address 0xC3FD_C018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R PREVIOUS_MODE W Reset R W Reset 0 Figure 41. Debug Mode Transition Status Register (ME_DMTS) This register provides the status of different factors which influence mode transitions. It is used to give an indication of why a mode transition indicated by ME_GS.S_MTRANS may be taking longer than expected. NOTE The ME_DMTS register does not indicate whether a mode transition is ongoing. Therefore, some ME_DMTS bits may still be asserted after the mode transition has completed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 145 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 45. Debug Mode Transition Status Register (ME_DMTS) Field Descriptions Field Description PREVIOUS_ Previous chip mode — These bits show the mode in which the chip was prior to the latest change to MODE the current mode. 0000 RESET 0001 TEST 0010 SAFE 0011 DRUN 0100 RUN0 0101 RUN1 0110 RUN2 0111 RUN3 1000 HALT0 1001 reserved 1010 STOP0 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 reserved MPH_BUSY MC_ME/MC_PCU Handshake Busy indicator — This bit is set if the MC_ME has requested a mode change from the MC_PCU and the MC_PCU has not yet responded. It is cleared when the MC_PCU has responded. 0 Handshake is not busy 1 Handshake is busy PMC_PROG MC_PCU Mode Change in Progress indicator — This bit is set if the MC_PCU is in the process of powering up or down power domains. It is cleared when all power-up/down processes have completed. 0 Power-up/down transition is not in progress 1 Power-up/down transition is in progress CORE_DBG Processor is in Debug mode indicator — This bit is set while the processor is in debug mode. 0 The processor is not in debug mode 1 The processor is in debug mode SMR SAFE mode request from MC_RGM is active indicator — This bit is set if a hardware SAFE mode request has been triggered. It is cleared when the hardware SAFE mode request has been cleared. 0 A SAFE mode request is not active 1 A SAFE mode request is active VREG_CSR Main VREG dependent Clock Source State Change during mode transition indicator — This bit is set C_SC when a clock source which depends on the main voltage regulator to be powered-up is requested to change its power up/down state. It is cleared when the clock source has completed its state change. 0 No state change is taking place 1 A state change is taking place CSRC_CSR (Other) Clock Source dependent Clock Source State Change during mode transition indicator — This C_SC bit is set when a clock source which depends on another clock source to be powered-up is requested to change its power up/down state. It is cleared when the clock source has completed its state change. 0 No state change is taking place 1 A state change is taking place MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 146 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 45. Debug Mode Transition Status Register (ME_DMTS) Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description IRC_SC IRC State Change during mode transition indicator — This bit is set when the internal RC oscillator is requested to change its power up/down state. It is cleared when the internal RC oscillator has completed its state change. 0 No state change is taking place 1 A state change is taking place SYSCLK_S W System Clock Switching pending status — 0 No system clock source switching is pending 1 A system clock source switching is pending DFLASH_SC DFLASH State Change during mode transition indicator — This bit is set when the DFLASH is requested to change its power up/down state. It is cleared when the DFLASH has completed its state change. 0 No state change is taking place 1 A state change is taking place CFLASH_SC CFLASH State Change during mode transition indicator — This bit is set when the CFLASH is requested to change its power up/down state. It is cleared when the DFLASH has completed its state change. 0 No state change is taking place 1 A state change is taking place CDP_PRPH Clock Disable Process Pending status for Peripherals 0…1431 — This bit is set when any peripheral has been requested to have its clock disabled. It is cleared when all the peripherals which have been _0_143 requested to have their clocks disabled have entered the state in which their clocks may be disabled. 0 No peripheral clock disabling is pending 1 Clock disabling is pending for at least one peripheral CDP_PRPH Clock Disable Process Pending status for Peripherals 96…1271— This bit is set when any peripheral appearing in ME_PS3 has been requested to have its clock disabled. It is cleared when all these _96_127 peripherals which have been requested to have their clocks disabled have entered the state in which their clocks may be disabled. 0 No peripheral clock disabling is pending 1 Clock disabling is pending for at least one peripheral CDP_PRPH Clock Disable Process Pending status for Peripherals 64…951 — This bit is set when any peripheral appearing in ME_PS2 has been requested to have its clock disabled. It is cleared when all these _64_95 peripherals which have been requested to have their clocks disabled have entered the state in which their clocks may be disabled. 0 No peripheral clock disabling is pending 1 Clock disabling is pending for at least one peripheral CDP_PRPH Clock Disable Process Pending status for Peripherals 32…631 — This bit is set when any peripheral appearing in ME_PS1 has been requested to have its clock disabled. It is cleared when all these _32_63 peripherals which have been requested to have their clocks disabled have entered the state in which their clocks may be disabled. 0 No peripheral clock disabling is pending 1 Clock disabling is pending for at least one peripheral CDP_PRPH Clock Disable Process Pending status for Peripherals 0…311 — This bit is set when any peripheral appearing in ME_PS0 has been requested to have its clock disabled. It is cleared when all these _0_31 peripherals which have been requested to have their clocks disabled have entered the state in which their clocks may be disabled. 0 No peripheral clock disabling is pending 1 Clock disabling is pending for at least one peripheral MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 147 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 1 Peripheral n corresponds to the ME_PCTLn register. Please refer to Table 37 for the ME_PCTLn locations actually occupied, which in turn indicates which peripherals are reported in the ME_DMTS register. RESET Mode Configuration Register (ME_RESET_MC) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO 0 0 MVRON DFLAON CFLAON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 XOSCON IRCON Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write FMPLL_0ON Address 0xC3FD_C020 0 0 1 R 13 14 15 W Reset R SYSCLK W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 42. RESET Mode Configuration Register (ME_RESET_MC) This register configures system behavior during RESET mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. TEST Mode Configuration Register (ME_TEST_MC) Address 0xC3FD_C024 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 9 10 11 0 0 MVRON 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 23 24 25 0 0 14 15 DFLAON CFLAON 1 1 1 1 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 IRCON 13 XOSCON PDO 12 FMPLL_0ON R 0 0 1 W Reset R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYSCLK 0 0 0 0 Figure 43. TEST Mode Configuration Register (ME_TEST_MC) This register configures system behavior during TEST mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 148 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) SAFE Mode Configuration Register (ME_SAFE_MC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 10 11 12 0 0 MVRON 0 DFLAON CFLAON 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IRCON Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write XOSCON Address 0xC3FD_C028 FMPLL_0ON 8 0 0 1 R PDO 13 14 15 W Reset R SYSCLK W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 44. SAFE Mode Configuration Register (ME_SAFE_MC) This register configures system behavior during SAFE mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. DRUN Mode Configuration Register (ME_DRUN_MC) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO 0 0 MVRON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XOSCON Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write FMPLL_0ON Address 0xC3FD_C02C 0 0 R 12 13 14 15 DFLAON CFLAON 1 1 1 1 1 27 28 29 30 31 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRCON W Reset 1 SYSCLK 0 0 0 0 Figure 45. DRUN Mode Configuration Register (ME_DRUN_MC) This register configures system behavior during DRUN mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 149 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) RUN0..3 Mode Configuration Register (ME_RUN0..3_MC) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO 0 0 MVRON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XOSCON Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write FMPLL_0ON Address 0xC3FD_C030 - 0xC3FD_C03C 0 0 R 12 13 14 15 DFLAON CFLAON 1 1 1 1 1 27 28 29 30 31 Reset R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRCON W 1 SYSCLK 0 0 0 0 Figure 46. RUN0…3 Mode Configuration Registers (ME_RUN0…3_MC) This register configures system behavior during RUN0…3 modes. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. HALT0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_HALT0_MC) Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO 0 0 MVRON Address 0xC3FD_C040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 DFLAON CFLAON 1 1 1 1 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 IRCON 13 XOSCON 12 FMPLL_0ON R 0 0 1 W Reset R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYSCLK 0 0 0 0 Figure 47. HALT0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_HALT0_MC) This register configures system behavior during HALT0 mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 150 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) STOP0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_STOP0_MC) Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 9 10 11 0 0 MVRON Address 0xC3FD_C048 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 23 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 DFLAON CFLAON 1 0 1 0 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 IRCON 14 XOSCON PDO 13 FMPLL_0ON1 R 12 0 0 1 W Reset R SYSCLK W Reset 0 0 0 0 Figure 48. STOP0 Mode Configuration Register (ME_STOP0_MC) 1 Invalid mode configuration interrupt (I_ICONF) is generated if software tries to set this bit. This register configures system behavior during STOP0 mode. Please refer to Table 46 for details. NOTE Byte write accesses are not allowed to this register. Table 46. Mode Configuration Registers (ME_<mode>_MC) Field Descriptions Field Description PDO I/O output power-down control — This bit controls the output power-down of I/Os. 0 No automatic safe gating of I/Os used and pads power sequence driver is enabled 1 In SAFE/TEST modes, outputs of pads are forced to high impedance state and pads power sequence driver is disabled. The inputs are level unchanged. In STOP0 mode, only the pad power sequence driver is disabled, but the state of the output remains functional. MVRON Main voltage regulator control — This bit specifies whether main voltage regulator is switched off or not while entering this mode. 1 Main voltage regulator is switched on DFLAON Data flash power-down control — This bit specifies the operating mode of the data flash after entering this mode. 00 reserved 01 reserved 10 reserved 11 Data flash is in normal mode Note: Data flash should be kept in Normal mode in Stop and Halt mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 151 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 46. Mode Configuration Registers (ME_<mode>_MC) Field Descriptions (continued) Field CFLAON Description Code flash power-down control — This bit specifies the operating mode of the code flash after entering this mode. 00 reserved 01 reserved 10 reserved 11 Code flash is in normal mode Note: Code flash should be kept in Normal mode in Stop and Halt mode. FMPLL_0ON System PLL control 0 system PLL is switched off 1 system PLL is switched on XOSCON IRCON SYSCLK external oscillator control 0 external oscillator is switched off 1 external oscillator is switched on internal RC oscillator control 0 internal RC oscillator is switched off 1 internal RC oscillator is switched on System clock switch control — These bits specify the system clock to be used by the system. 0000 IRC 0001 reserved 0010 XOSC 0011 reserved 0100 FMPLL_0 PCS 0101 reserved 0110 reserved 0111 reserved 1000 reserved 1001 reserved 1010 reserved 1011 reserved 1100 reserved 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 system clock is disabled in TEST mode, reserved in all other modes MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 152 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Peripheral Status Register 0 (ME_PS0) Address 0xC3FD_C060 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S_DSPI0 7 S_DSPI1 6 S_SAI0 5 S_DSPI2 4 S_DMA_CH_MUX 3 S_SAI1 2 S_SAI2 1 S_Video 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R S_FlexCAN0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 49. Peripheral Status Register 0 (ME_PS0) This register provides the status of the peripherals. Please refer to Table 47 for details. Peripheral Status Register 1 (ME_PS1) Address 0xC3FD_C064 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R S_CRC S_LIN_FLEX0 5 S_LIN_FLEX1 4 S_I2C_DMA0 3 S_PTP 2 S_I2C_DMA1 1 S_CE_RTC 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read R S_ADC0 Reset S_eTimer0 W W Reset 0 0 Figure 50. Peripheral Status Register 1 (ME_PS1) This register provides the status of the peripherals. Please refer to Table 47 for details. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 153 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Peripheral Status Register 2 (ME_PS2) Address 0xC3FD_C068 1 2 0 0 0 16 17 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S_PIT_RTI 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read R W Reset R W Reset Figure 51. Peripheral Status Register 2 (ME_PS2) This register provides the status of the peripherals. Please refer to Table 47 for details. Peripheral Status Register 3 (ME_PS3) Address 0xC3FD_C06C Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reset S_CMU0 W R W Reset 0 Figure 52. Peripheral Status Register 3 (ME_PS3) This register provides the status of the peripherals. Please refer to Table 47 for details. Table 47. Peripheral Status Registers (ME_PSn) Field Descriptions Field Description S_<periph> Peripheral status — These bits specify the current status of each peripheral which is controlled by the MC_ME. 0 Peripheral is frozen 1 Peripheral is active MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 154 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Run Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_RUN_PC0…7) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUN2 RUN1 RUN0 DRUN SAFE TEST RESET R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write RUN3 Address 0xC3FD_C080 - 0xC3FD_C09C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 53. Run Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_RUN_PC0…7) These registers configure eight different types of peripheral behavior during run modes. Table 48. Run Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_RUN_PC0…7) Field Descriptions Field Description RUN3 Peripheral control during RUN3 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active RUN2 Peripheral control during RUN2 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active RUN1 Peripheral control during RUN1 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active RUN0 Peripheral control during RUN0 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active DRUN Peripheral control during DRUN 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active SAFE Peripheral control during SAFE 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active TEST Peripheral control during TEST 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active RESET Peripheral control during RESET 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 155 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Low-Power Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_LP_PC0…7) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 HALT0 R Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write STOP0 Address 0xC3FD_C0A0 - 0xC3FD_C0BC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 54. Low-Power Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_LP_PC0…7) These registers configure eight different types of peripheral behavior during non-run modes. Table 49. Low-Power Peripheral Configuration Registers (ME_LP_PC0…7) Field Descriptions Field Description STOP0 Peripheral control during STOP0 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active HALT0 Peripheral control during HALT0 0 Peripheral is frozen with clock gated 1 Peripheral is active Peripheral Control Registers (ME_PCTLn) Address 0xC3FD_C0C0 - 0xC3FD_C14F 0 R 0 W Reset 0 1 2 DBG_F 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write 3 4 5 LP_CFG 0 0 6 7 RUN_CFG 0 0 0 0 Figure 55. Peripheral Control Registers (ME_PCTLn) These registers select the configurations during run and non-run modes for each peripheral. Please refer to Table 37 for information on which ME_PCTLn locations are actually occupied. The unoccupied locations contain a read-only byte value of 0x00. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 156 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Table 50. Peripheral Control Registers (ME_PCTLn) Field Descriptions Field Description DBG_F Peripheral control in debug mode — This bit controls the state of the peripheral in debug mode 0 Peripheral state depends on RUN_CFG/LP_CFG bits and the chip mode 1 Peripheral is frozen if not already frozen in chip modes. NOTE This feature is useful to freeze the peripheral state while entering debug. For example, this may be used to prevent a reference timer from running while making a debug accesses. LP_CFG Peripheral configuration select for non-run modes — These bits associate a configuration as defined in the ME_LP_PC0…7 registers to the peripheral. 000 Selects ME_LP_PC0 configuration 001 Selects ME_LP_PC1 configuration 010 Selects ME_LP_PC2 configuration 011 Selects ME_LP_PC3 configuration 100 Selects ME_LP_PC4 configuration 101 Selects ME_LP_PC5 configuration 110 Selects ME_LP_PC6 configuration 111 Selects ME_LP_PC7 configuration RUN_CFG Peripheral configuration select for run modes — These bits associate a configuration as defined in the ME_RUN_PC0…7 registers to the peripheral. 000 Selects ME_RUN_PC0 configuration 001 Selects ME_RUN_PC1 configuration 010 Selects ME_RUN_PC2 configuration 011 Selects ME_RUN_PC3 configuration 100 Selects ME_RUN_PC4 configuration 101 Selects ME_RUN_PC5 configuration 110 Selects ME_RUN_PC6 configuration 111 Selects ME_RUN_PC7 configuration NOTE After modifying any of the ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and ME_PCTLn registers, software must request a mode change and wait for the mode change to be completed before entering debug mode in order to have consistent behavior between the peripheral clock control process and the clock status reporting in the ME_PSn registers. 6.4 6.4.1 Functional Description Mode Transition Request The transition from one mode to another mode is normally handled by software by accessing the mode control register ME_MCTL. But in case of special events, the mode transition can be automatically managed by hardware. In order to switch from one mode to another, the application should access the ME_MCTL register twice by writing MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 157 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) • • the first time with the value of the key (0x5AF0) into the KEY bit field and the required target mode into the TARGET_MODE bit field, and the second time with the inverted value of the key (0xA50F) into the KEY bit field and the required target mode into the TARGET_MODE bit field. Once a valid mode transition request is detected, the target mode configuration information is loaded from the corresponding ME_<mode>_MC register.The mode transition request may require a number of cycles depending on the programmed configuration, and software should check the S_CURRENT_MODE bit field and the S_MTRANS bit of the global status register ME_GS to verify when the mode has been correctly entered and the transition process has completed. For a description of valid mode requests, please refer to Section 6.4.5, “Mode Transition Interrupts”. Any modification of the mode configuration register of the currently selected mode will not be taken into account immediately but on the next request to enter this mode. This means that transition requests such as RUN0…3 RUN0…3, DRUN DRUN, SAFE SAFE, and TEST TEST are considered valid mode transition requests. As soon as the mode request is accepted as valid, the S_MTRANS bit is set till the status in the ME_GS register matches the configuration programmed in the respective ME_<mode>_MC register. NOTE It is recommended that software poll the S_MTRANS bit in the ME_GS register after requesting a transition to HALT0 or STOP0 modes. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 158 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) SYSTEM MODES recoverable hardware failure USER MODES RUN0 software request SAFE HALT0 RUN1 RESET DRUN RUN2 STOP0 RUN3 non-recoverable failure TEST Figure 56. MC_ME Mode Diagram 6.4.2 Modes Details RESET MODE The chip enters this mode on the following events: • from SAFE, DRUN, RUN0…3, or TEST mode when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “0000” for a ‘functional’ reset • from any mode due to a system reset by the MC_RGM because of some non-recoverable hardware failure in the system (see the MC_RGM chapter for details) Transition to this mode is instantaneous, and the system remains in this mode until the reset sequence is finished. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by the ME_RESET_MC register. This mode has a pre-defined configuration, and the IRC is selected as the system clock. DRUN Mode The chip enters this mode on the following events: • automatically from RESET mode after completion of the reset sequence MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 159 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) • from RUN0…3, SAFE, or TEST mode when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “0011” As soon as any of the above events has occurred, a DRUN mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by the ME_DRUN_MC register. In this mode, the flashes, all clock sources, and the system clock configuration can be controlled by software as required. After system reset, the software execution starts with the default configuration selecting the IRC as the system clock. This mode is intended to be used by software • to initialize all registers as per the system needs NOTE Software must ensure that the code executes from RAM before changing to this mode if the flashes are configured to be in the low-power or power-down state in this mode. SAFE Mode The chip enters this mode on the following events: • from DRUN, RUN0…3 when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “0010” • from any mode except RESET due to a SAFE mode request generated by the MC_RGM because of some potentially recoverable hardware failure in the system (see the MC_RGM chapter for details) NOTE If a hardware SAFE mode request occurs during RESET, depending on the timing of the SAFE mode request, SAFE mode may be entered immediately after the normal completion of the reset sequence or several system clock cycles after DRUN entry. The SAFE mode request does not have any influence on the execution of the reset sequence itself. As soon as any of the above events has occurred, a SAFE mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by the ME_SAFE_MC register. This mode has a pre-defined configuration, and the IRC is selected as the system clock. If the SAFE mode is requested by software while some other mode transition process is ongoing, the new target mode becomes the SAFE mode regardless of other pending requests or new requests during the mode transition. Any new mode request made during a transition to the SAFE mode will cause an invalid mode interrupt. NOTE If software requests to change to the SAFE mode and then requests to change back to the parent mode before the mode transition is completed, the chip’s final mode after mode transition will be the SAFE mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 160 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) As long as a SAFE event is active, the system remains in the SAFE mode, and any software mode request during this time is ignored and lost. This mode is intended to be used by software • to assess the severity of the cause of failure and then to either — re-initialize the chip via the DRUN mode, or — completely reset the chip via the RESET mode. If the outputs of the system I/Os need to be forced to a high impedance state upon entering this mode, the PDO bit of the ME_SAFE_MC register should be set. The input levels remain unchanged. Test Mode The chip enters this mode on the following event: • from the DRUN mode when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “0001” As soon as the above event has occurred, a TEST mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by the ME_TEST_MC register. Except for the main voltage regulator, all resources of the system are configurable in this mode. The system clock to the whole system can be stopped by programming the SYSCLK bit field to “1111”, and in this case, the only way to exit this mode is via a chip reset. This mode is intended to be used by software • to execute software test routines NOTE Software must ensure that the code executes from RAM before changing to this mode if the flashes are configured to be in the low-power or power-down state in this mode. RUN0..3 Modes The chip enters one of these modes on the following events: • from the DRUN, SAFE, or another RUN0…3 mode when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “0100…0111” • from the HALT0 mode due to an off-platform interrupt event • from the STOP0 mode due to an interrupt or wakeup event As soon as any of the above events has occurred, a RUN0…3 mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for these modes is provided by the ME_RUN0…3_MC registers. In these modes, the flashes, all clock sources, and the system clock configuration can be controlled by software as required. These modes are intended to be used by software • to execute application routines MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 161 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) NOTE Software must ensure that the code executes from RAM before changing to this mode if the flashes are configured to be in the low-power or power-down state in this mode. HALT0 Mode The chip enters this mode on the following event: • from one of the RUN0…3 modes when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “1000”. As soon as the above event has occurred, a HALT0 mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by ME_HALT0_MC register. This mode is quite configurable, and the ME_HALT0_MC register should be programmed according to the system needs. The flashes can be put in low-power or power-down mode as needed. If there is a HALT0 mode request while an interrupt request is active, the transition to HALT0 is aborted with the resultant mode being the current mode, SAFE (on SAFE mode request), or DRUN (on reset), and an invalid mode interrupt is not generated. This mode is intended as a first-level low-power mode with • the core clock frozen • only a few peripherals running and to be used by software • to wait until it is required to do something and then to react quickly (i.e., within a few system clock cycles of an interrupt event) NOTE It is good practice for software to ensure that the S_MTRANS bit in the ME_GS register has been cleared on HALT0 mode exit to ensure that the previous RUN0…3 mode configuratoin has been fully restored before executing critical code. STOP0 Mode The chip enters this mode on the following event: • from one of the RUN0…3 modes when the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with “1010”. As soon as the above event has occurred, a STOP0 mode transition request is generated. The mode configuration information for this mode is provided by the ME_STOP0_MC register. This mode is fully configurable, and the ME_STOP0_MC register should be programmed according to the system needs. The flashes can be put in power-down mode as needed. If there is a STOP0 mode request while any interrupt or wakeup event is active, the transition to STOP0 is aborted with the resultant mode being the MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 162 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) current mode, SAFE (on SAFE mode request), or DRUN (on reset), and an invalid mode interrupt is not generated. This can be used as an advanced low-power mode with the core clock frozen and almost all peripherals stopped. This mode is intended as an advanced low-power mode with • the core clock frozen • almost all peripherals stopped and to be used by software • to wait until it is required to do something with no need to react quickly (e.g., allow for system clock source to be re-started) This mode can be used to stop all clock sources and thus preserve the chip status. When exiting the STOP0 mode, the internal RC oscillator clock is selected as the system clock until the target clock is available. NOTE It is good practice for software to ensure that the S_MTRANS bit in the ME_GS register has been cleared on STOP0 mode exit to ensure that the previous RUN0…3 mode configuratoin has been fully restored before executing critical code. 6.4.3 Mode Transition Process The process of mode transition follows the following steps in a pre-defined manner depending on the current chip mode and the requested target mode. In many cases of mode transition, not all steps need to be executed based on the mode control information, and some steps may not be applicable according to the mode definition itself. Target Mode Request The target mode is requested by accessing the ME_MCTL register with the required keys. This mode transition request by software must be a valid request satisfying a set of pre-defined rules to initiate the process. If the request fails to satisfy these rules, it is ignored, and the TARGET_MODE bit field is not updated. An optional interrupt can be generated for invalid mode requests. Refer to Section 6.4.5, “Mode Transition Interrupts” for details. In the case of mode transitions occurring because of hardware events such as a reset, a SAFE mode request, or interrupt requests and wakeup events to exit from low-power modes, the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is automatically updated with the appropriate target mode. The mode change process start is indicated by the setting of the mode transition status bit S_MTRANS of the ME_GS register. A RESET mode requested via the ME_MCTL register is passed to the MC_RGM, which generates a global system reset and initiates the reset sequence. The RESET mode request has the highest priority, and the MC_ME is kept in the RESET mode during the entire reset sequence. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 163 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) The SAFE mode request has the next highest priority after reset. It can be generated either by software via the ME_MCTL register from all software running modes including DRUN, RUN0…3, and TEST or by the MC_RGM after the detection of system hardware failures, which may occur in any mode. Target Mode Configuration Loading On completion of the Target Mode Request step, the target mode configuration from the ME_<target mode>_MC register is loaded to start the resources (voltage sources, clock sources, flashes, pads, etc.) control process. An overview of resource control possibilities for each mode is shown in . A ‘’ indicates that a given resource is configurable for a given mode. Table 51. MC_ME Resource Control Overview Resourc e Mode RESET TEST SAFE DRUN RUN0…3 HALT0 STOP0 IRC on on on XOSC off off off FMPLL_0 off off off CFLASH normal normal normal DFLASH normal normal normal on on on on off on off off off on off off normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal on on MVREG on on on on on Peripheral Clocks Disable On completion of the Target Mode Request step, the MC_ME requests each peripheral to enter its stop mode when: • the peripheral is configured to be disabled via the target mode, the peripheral configuration registers ME_RUN_PC0…7 and ME_LP_PC0…7, and the peripheral control registers ME_PCTLn MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 164 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) NOTE The MC_ME automatically requests peripherals to enter their stop modes if the power domains in which they are residing are to be turned off due to a mode change. However, it is good practice for software to ensure that those peripherals that are to be powered down are configured in the MC_ME to be frozen. Each peripheral acknowledges its stop mode request after closing its internal activity. The MC_ME then disables the corresponding clock(s) to this peripheral. In the case of a SAFE mode transition request, the MC_ME does not wait for the peripherals to acknowledge the stop requests. The SAFE mode clock gating configuration is applied immediately regardless of the status of the peripherals’ stop acknowledges. Please refer to Section 6.4.6, “Peripheral Clock Gating” for more details. Each peripheral that may block or disrupt a communication bus to which it is connected ensures that these outputs are forced to a safe or recessive state when the chip enters the SAFE mode. Processor Low-Power Mode Entry If, on completion of the Peripheral Clocks Disable step, the mode transition is to the HALT0 mode, the MC_ME requests the processor to enter its halted state. The processor acknowledges its halt state request after completing all outstanding bus transactions. If, on completion of the Peripheral Clocks Disable step, the mode transition is to the STOP0 mode, the MC_ME requests the processor to enter its stopped state. The processor acknowledges its stop state request after completing all outstanding bus transactions. Processor and System Memory Clock Disable If, on completion of the Processor Low-Power Mode Entry step, the mode transition is to the HALT0 or STOP0 mode and the processor is in its appropriate halted or stopped state, the MC_ME disables the processor and system memory clocks to achieve further power saving. The clocks to the processor and system memory are unaffected while transitioning between software running modes such as DRUN, RUN0…3, and SAFE. WARNING Clocks to the whole chip including the processor and system memory can be disabled in TEST mode. Clock Sources Switch-On On completion of the Processor Low-Power Mode Entry step, the MC_ME switches on all clock sources based on the <clock source>ON bits of the ME_<current mode>_MC and ME_<target mode>_MC registers. The following clock sources are switched on at this step: • the internal RC oscillator MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 165 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) • • the external oscillator the system PLL The clock sources that are required by the target mode are switched on. The duration required for the output clocks to be stable depends on the type of source, and all further steps of mode transition depending on one or more of these clocks waits for the stable status of the respective clocks. The availability status of these clocks is updated in the S_<clock source> bits of ME_GS register. The clock sources which need to be switched off are unaffected during this process in order to not disturb the system clock which might require one of these clocks before switching to a different target clock. Flash Modules Switch-On On completion of the step, if one or more of the flashes needs to be switched to normal mode from its low-power or power-down mode based on the CFLAON and DFLAON bit fields of the ME_<current mode>_MC and ME_<target mode>_MC registers, the MC_ME requests the flash to exit from its low-power/power-down mode. When the flashes are available for access, the S_CFLA and S_DFLA bit fields of the ME_GS register are updated to “11” by hardware. WARNING It is illegal to switch the CFLASH from low-power mode to power-down mode and from power-down mode to low-power mode. The MC_ME, however, does not prevent this nor does it flag it. Pad Outputs-On On completion of the step, if the PDO bit of the ME_<target mode>_MC register is cleared, then • all pad outputs are enabled to return to their previous state • the I/O pads power sequence driver is switched on Peripheral Clocks Enable Based on the current and target chip modes, the peripheral configuration registers ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and the peripheral control registers ME_PCTLn, the MC_ME enables the clocks for selected modules as required. This step is executed only after the process is completed. Processor and Memory Clock Enable If the mode transition is from any of the low-power modes HALT0 or STOP0 to RUN0…3, the clocks to the processor and system memory are enabled. The process of enabling these clocks is executed only after the Flash Modules Switch-On process is completed. Processor Low-Power Mode Exit If the mode transition is from any of the low-power modes HALT0 orSTOP0 to RUN0…3, the MC_ME requests the processor to exit from its halted or stopped state. This step is executed only after the Processor and Memory Clock Enable process is completed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 166 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) System Clock Switching Based on the SYSCLK bit field of the ME_<current mode>_MC and ME_<target mode>_MC registers, if the target and current system clock configurations differ, the following method is implemented for clock switching. • The target clock configuration for the IRC takes effect only after the S_IRC bit of the ME_GS register is set by hardware (i.e., the internal RC oscillator has stabilized). • The target clock configuration for the XOSC takes effect only after the S_XOSC bit of the ME_GS register is set by hardware (i.e., the external oscillator has stabilized). • The target clock configuration for the FMPLL_0 PCS takes effect only after the S_FMPLL_0 bit of the ME_GS register is set by hardware (i.e., the system PLL has stabilized). • If the clock is to be disabled, the SYSCLK bit field should be programmed with “1111”. This is possible only in theTEST mode. The current system clock configuration can be observed by reading the S_SYSCLK bit field of the ME_GS register, which is updated after every system clock switching. Until the target clock is available, the system uses the previous clock configuration. System clock switching starts only after • the Clock Sources Switch-On process has completed if the target system clock source is one of the following: — the internal RC oscillator — the system PLL • the Peripheral Clocks Disable process has completed in order not to change the system clock frequency before peripherals close their internal activities An overview of system clock source selection possibilities for each mode is shown in Table 52. A ‘’ indicates that a given clock source is selectable for a given mode. Table 52. MC_ME System Clock Selection Overview System Clock Source IRC Mode RESET TEST SAFE DRUN RUN0…3 HALT0 STOP0 (default) (default) (default) (default) (default) (default) (default) XOSC FMPLL_0 PCS system clock is disabled 1 1 disabling the system clock during TEST mode will require a reset in order to exit TEST mode MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 167 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Pad Switch-Off If the PDO bit of the ME_<target mode>_MC register is ‘1’ then • the outputs of the pads are forced to the high impedance state if the target mode is SAFE or TEST This step is executed only after the Peripheral Clocks Disable process has completed. Clock Sources (with no Dependencies) Switch-Off Based on the chip mode and the <clock source>ON bits of the ME_<mode>_MC registers, if a given clock source is to be switched off and no other clock source needs it to be on, the MC_ME requests the clock source to power down and updates its availability status bit S_<clock source> of the ME_GS register to ‘0’. The following clock sources switched off at this step: • the system PLL This step is executed only after the System Clock Switching process has completed. Clock Sources (with Dependencies) Switch-Off Based on the chip mode and the <clock source>ON bits of the ME_<mode>_MC registers, if a given clock source is to be switched off and all clock sources which need this clock source to be on have been switched off, the MC_ME requests the clock source to power down and updates its availability status bit S_<clock source> of the ME_GS register to ‘0’. The following clock sources switched off at this step: • the external oscillator This step is executed only after • the System Clock Switching process has completed in order not to lose the current system clock during mode transition • the Clock Sources (with no Dependencies) Switch-Off process has completed in order to, for example, prevent unwanted lock transitions Flash Switch-Off Based on the CFLAON and DFLAON bit fields of the ME_<current mode>_MC and ME_<target mode>_MC registers, if any of the flashes is to be put in its low-power or power-down mode, the MC_ME requests the flash to enter the corresponding power mode and waits for the flash to acknowledge. The exact power mode status of the flashes is updated in the S_CFLA and S_DFLA bit fields of the ME_GS register. This step is executed only when the Processor and System Memory Clock Disable process has completed. Current Mode Update The current mode status bit field S_CURRENT_MODE of the ME_GS register is updated with the target mode bit field TARGET_MODE of the ME_MCTL register when : • all the updated status bits in the ME_GS register match the configuration specified in the ME_<target mode>_MC register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 168 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) • • • power sequences are done clock disable/enable process is finished processor low-power mode (halt/stop) entry and exit processes are finished NOTE SAFE mode entry does not wait for the clock disable/enable process to finish. It only waits for the ME_GS.S_RC bit to be set. This is to ensure that the SAFE mode is entered as quickly as possible. Software can monitor the mode transition status by reading the S_MTRANS bit of the ME_GS register. The mode transition latency can differ from one mode to another depending on the resources’ availability before the new mode request and the target mode’s requirements. If a mode transition is taking longer to complete than is expected, the ME_DMTS register can indicate which process is still in progress. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 169 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Start Write ME_MCTL register SAFE mode request interrupt/wakeup event ANALOG ON Clock Sources Switch-On Pad Outputs On FLASH Switch-On Peripheral Clocks Disable Processor & Memory Clock Enable Processor Low-Power Entry Processor & Memory Clock Disable Peripheral Clocks Enable System Clock Switching Processor Low-Power Exit DIGITAL CONTROL S_MTRANS = ‘1’ Target Mode Request FLASH Switch-Off PAD Outputs Off Current Mode Update Clock Sources With Dependencies Switch-Off ANALOG OFF Clock Sources Without Dependencies Switch-Off S_MTRANS = ‘0’ End Figure 57. MC_ME Transition Diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 170 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) 6.4.4 Protection of Mode Configuration Registers While programming the mode configuration registers ME_<mode>_MC, the following rules must be respected. Otherwise, the write operation is ignored and an invalid mode configuration interrupt may be generated. • If the IRC is selected as the system clock, IRC must be on. • If the XOSC clock is selected as the system clock, OSC must be on. • If the FMPLL_0 PCS clock is selected as the system clock, PLL must be on. • If FMPLL_0 is on, XOSC must also be on. NOTE Software must ensure that clock sources with dependencies other than those mentioned above are switched on as needed. There is no automatic protection mechanism to check this in the MC_ME. • • • • • • Configuration “00” for the CFLAON bit field is reserved. Configuration “00” for the DFLAON bit field is reserved. Configuration “10” for the DFLAON bit field is reserved. Configuration "11" for the DFLAON bit field with "01" or "10" for the CFLAON bit field is reserved. System clock configurations marked as ‘reserved’ may not be selected. Configuration “1111” for the SYSCLK bit field is allowed only for theTEST mode, and only in this case may all system clock sources be turned off. WARNING If the system clock is stopped during TEST mode, the chip can exit only via a system reset. 6.4.5 Mode Transition Interrupts The MC_ME provides interrupts for incorrectly configuring a mode, requesting an invalid mode transition, indicating a SAFE mode transition not due to a software request, and indicating when a mode transition has completed. Invalid Mode Configuration Interrupt Whenever a write operation is attempted to the ME_<mode>_MC registers violating the protection rules mentioned in the Section 6.4.4, “Protection of Mode Configuration Registers”, the interrupt pending bit I_ICONF of the ME_IS register is set and an interrupt request is generated if the mask bit M_ICONF of the ME_IM register is ‘1’. In addition, during a mode transition, if a clock source has been configured in the ME_<target mode>_MC register to be off and a peripheral requiring this clock source to be on has been enabled via the ME_RUN_PC0…7/ME_LP_PC0…7 and ME_PCTLn registers, the interrupt pending MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 171 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) bit I_ICONF_CU of the ME_IS register is set and an iterrupt request is generated if the mask bit M_ICONF_CU of the ME_IM register is ‘1’. Invalid Mode Transition Interrupt The mode transition request is considered invalid under the following conditions: • If the system is in the SAFE mode and the SAFE mode request from MC_RGM is active, and if the target mode requested is other than RESET or SAFE, then this new mode request is considered to be invalid, and the S_SEA bit of the ME_IMTS register is set. • If the TARGET_MODE bit field of the ME_MCTL register is written with a value different from the specified mode values (i.e., a non-existing mode), an invalid mode transition event is generated. When such a non existing mode is requested, the S_NMA bit of the ME_IMTS register is set. This condition is detected regardless of whether the proper key mechanism is followed while writing the ME_MCTL register. • If some of the chip modes are disabled as programmed in the ME_ME register, their respective configurations are considered reserved, and any access to the ME_MCTL register with those values results in an invalid mode transition request. When such a disabled mode is requested, the S_DMA bit of the ME_IMTS register is set. This condition is detected regardless of whether the proper key mechanism is followed while writing the ME_MCTL register. • If the target mode is not a valid mode with respect to the current mode, the mode request illegal status bit S_MRI of the ME_IMTS register is set. This condition is detected only when the proper key mechanism is followed while writing the ME_MCTL register. Otherwise, the write operation is ignored. • If further new mode requests occur while a mode transition is in progress (the S_MTRANS bit of the ME_GS register is ‘1’), the mode transition illegal status bit S_MTI of the ME_IMTS register is set. This condition is detected only when the proper key mechanism is followed while writing the ME_MCTL register. Otherwise, the write operation is ignored. NOTE As the causes of invalid mode transitions may overlap at the same time, the priority implemented for invalid mode transition status bits of the ME_IMTS register in the order from highest to lowest is S_SEA, S_NMA, S_DMA, S_MRI, and S_MTI. As an exception, the mode transition request is not considered as invalid under the following conditions: • A new request is allowed to enter the RESET or SAFE mode irrespective of the mode transition status. • As the exit of HALT0 and STOP0 modes depends on the interrupts of the system which can occur at any instant, these requests to return to RUN0…3 modes are always valid. • In order to avoid any unwanted lockup of the chip modes, software can abort a mode transition by requesting the parent mode if, for example, the mode transition has not completed after a software determined ‘reasonable’ amount of time for whatever reason. The parent mode is the chip mode before a valid mode request was made. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 172 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) • Self-transition requests (e.g., RUN0 RUN0) are not considered as invalid even when the mode transition process is active (i.e., S_MTRANS is ‘1’). During the low-power mode exit process, if the system is not able to enter the respective RUN0…3 mode properly (i.e., all status bits of the ME_GS register match with configuration bits in the ME_<mode>_MC register), then software can only request the SAFE or RESET mode. It is not possible to request any other mode or to go back to the low-power mode again. Whenever an invalid mode request is detected, the interrupt pending bit I_IMODE of the ME_IS register is set, and an interrupt request is generated if the mask bit M_IMODE of the ME_IM register is ‘1’. SAFE Mode Transition Interrupt Whenever the system enters the SAFE mode as a result of a SAFE mode request from the MC_RGM due to a hardware failure, the interrupt pending bit I_SAFE of the ME_IS register is set, and an interrupt is generated if the mask bit M_SAFE of ME_IM register is ‘1’ . The SAFE mode interrupt pending bit can be cleared only when the SAFE mode request is deasserted by the MC_RGM (see the MC_RGM chapter for details on how to clear a SAFE mode request). If the system is already in SAFE mode, any new SAFE mode request by the MC_RGM also sets the interrupt pending bit I_SAFE. However, the SAFE mode interrupt pending bit is not set when the SAFE mode is entered by a software request (i.e., programming of ME_MCTL register). Mode Transition Complete interrupt Whenever the system fully completes a mode transition (i.e., the S_MTRANS bit of ME_GS register transits from ‘1’ to ‘0’), the interrupt pending bit I_MTC of the ME_IS register is set, and an interrupt request is generated if the mask bit M_MTC of the ME_IM register is ‘1’. The interrupt bit I_MTC is not set when entering low-power modes HALT0 and STOP0 in order to avoid the same event requesting the immediate exit of these low-power modes. 6.4.6 Peripheral Clock Gating During all chip modes, each peripheral can be associated with a particular clock gating policy determined by two groups of peripheral configuration registers. The run peripheral configuration registers ME_RUN_PC0…7 are chosen only during the software running modes DRUN, TEST, SAFE, and RUN0…3. All configurations are programmable by software according to the needs of the application. Each configuration register contains a mode bit which determines whether or not a peripheral clock is to be gated. Run configuration selection for each peripheral is done by the RUN_CFG bit field of the ME_PCTLn registers. The low-power peripheral configuration registers ME_LP_PC0…7 are chosen only during the low-power modes HALT0 and STOP0. All configurations are programmable by software according to the needs of the application. Each configuration register contains a mode bit which determines whether or not a peripheral clock is to be gated. Low-power configuration selection for each peripheral is done by the LP_CFG bit field of the ME_PCTLn registers. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 173 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) Any modifications to the ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and ME_PCTLn registers do not affect the clock gating behavior until a new mode transition request is generated. Whenever the processor enters a debug session during any mode, the following occurs for each peripheral: • The clock is gated if the DBG_F bit of the associated ME_PCTLn register is set. Otherwise, the peripheral clock gating status depends on the RUN_CFG and LP_CFG bits. Any further modifications of the ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and ME_PCTLn registers during a debug session will take affect immediately without requiring any new mode request. 6.4.7 Application Example Figure 58 shows an example application flow for requesting a mode change and then waiting until the mode transition has completed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 174 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) START of mode change config for target mode okay? N write ME_<target mode>_MC, ME_RUN_PC0…7, ME_LP_PC0…7, and ME_PCTLn registers Y write ME_MCTL with target mode and key write ME_MCTL with target mode and inverted key start timer S_MTRANS cleared? N Y timer expired? N stop timer Y mode change DONE write ME_MCTL with current or SAFE mode and key write ME_MCTL with current or SAFE mode and inverted key Figure 58. MC_ME Application Example Flow Diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 175 Mode Entry Module (MC_ME) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 176 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Chapter 7 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) 7.1 7.1.1 Introduction Overview The reset generation module (MC_RGM) centralizes the different reset sources and manages the reset sequence of the chip. It provides a register interface and the reset sequencer. Various registers are available to monitor and control the chip reset sequence. The reset sequencer is a state machine which controls the different phases (PHASE0, PHASE1, PHASE2, PHASE3, and IDLE) of the reset sequence and controls the reset signals generated in the system. Figure 59 shows the MC_RGM block diagram. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 177 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) MC_RGM power-on MC_ME 1.2V low-voltage detected software watchdog timer 2.7V low-voltage detected (VREG) Registers Destructive Reset Filter Register Interface FAB, ABS[1:0] peripherals Reset State Machine RESET_B core Functional Reset Filter JTAG initiated reset core reset software reset checkstop reset FMPLL_0 fail oscillator frequency lower than reference FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference code or data flash fatal error MC_CGM Boot Mode Capture SSCM Figure 59. MC_RGM Block Diagram 7.1.2 Features The MC_RGM contains the functionality for the following features: • ‘destructive’ resets management • ‘functional’ resets management • signalling of reset events after each reset sequence (reset status flags) • conversion of reset events to SAFE mode or interrupt request events • short reset sequence configuration MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 178 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) • • 7.1.3 bidirectional reset behavior configuration boot mode capture on RESET_B deassertion Reset Sources The different reset sources are organized into two families: ‘destructive’ and ‘functional’. • A ‘destructive’ reset source is associated with an event related to a critical - usually hardware error or dysfunction. When a ‘destructive’ reset event occurs, the full reset sequence is applied to the chip starting from PHASE0. This resets the full chip ensuring a safe start-up state for both digital and analog modules, and the memory content must be considered to be unknown. ‘Destructive’ resets are – power-on reset – 1.2V low-voltage detected – software watchdog timer – 2.7V low-voltage detected (VREG) • A ‘functional’ reset source is associated with an event related to a less-critical - usually non-hardware - error or dysfunction. When a ‘functional’ reset event occurs, a partial reset sequence is applied to the chip starting from PHASE1. In this case, most digital modules are reset normally, while the state of analog modules or specific digital modules (e.g., debug modules, flash modules) is preserved. ‘Functional’ resets are – external reset – JTAG initiated reset – core reset – software reset – checkstop reset – FMPLL_0 fail – oscillator frequency lower than reference – FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference – code or data flash fatal error When a reset is triggered, the MC_RGM state machine is activated and proceeds through the different phases (i.e., PHASEn states). Each phase is associated with a particular chip reset being provided to the system. A phase is completed when all corresponding phase completion gates from either the system or internal to the MC_RGM are acknowledged. The chip reset associated with the phase is then released, and the state machine proceeds to the next phase up to entering the IDLE phase. During this entire process, the MC_ME state machine is held in RESET mode. Only at the end of the reset sequence, when the IDLE phase is reached, does the MC_ME enter the DRUN mode. Alternatively, it is possible for software to configure some reset source events to be converted from a reset to either a SAFE mode request issued to the MC_ME or to an interrupt issued to the core (see Section, “Functional Event Reset Disable Register (RGM_FERD)” and Section, “Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR)” for ‘functional’ resets). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 179 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) 7.2 External Signal Description The MC_RGM interfaces to the bidirectional reset pin RESET_B and the boot mode pins FAB, ABS[1:0]. 7.3 Memory Map and Register Definition Table 53. MC_RGM Register Description Access Address 1 2 Name Description Location Size User Supervisor Test 0xC3FE RGM_FES _4000 Functional Event Status half-word read read/write1 read/write1 on page 183 0xC3FE RGM_DES _4002 Destructive Event Status half-word read read/write1 read/write1 on page 184 0xC3FE RGM_FERD _4004 Functional Event Reset Disable half-word read read/write2 read/write2 on page 185 0xC3FE RGM_FEAR _4010 Functional Event Alternate half-word Request read read/write read/write on page 187 0xC3FE RGM_FESS _4018 Functional Event Short Sequence half-word read read/write read/write on page 188 0xC3FE RGM_FBRE _401C Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable half-word read read/write read/write on page 189 individual bits cleared on writing ‘1’ write once: ‘0’ = enable, ‘1’ = disable. NOTE Any access to unused registers as well as write accesses to read-only registers will: • • not change register content cause a transfer error MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 180 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 F_PLL0 F_CHKSTOP F_SOFT F_CORE F_LVD12 D_JTAG 0 AR_JTAG 0 D_CORE 0 AR_CORE D_PLL0 AR_PLL0 F_SWT D_CMU0_OLR w1c AR_CMU0_OLR w1c D_CMU0_FHL w1c AR_CMU0_FHL R D_EXR 0xC3FE RGM_ _4004 FERD D_FLASH W w1c D_SOFT F_POR R w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c D_CHKSTOP w1c W w1c F_JTAG 2 F_LVD27_VREG R 1 F_CMU0_OLR 0xC3FE RGM_ _4000 FES / RGM_ DES 0 F_FLASH Name F_EXR Address F_CMU0_FHL Table 54. MC_RGM Memory Map 0 0 D_LVD12 0 D_SWT R D_LVD27_VREG W W 0xC3FE _4008 … 0xC3FE _400C reserved 0xC3FE RGM_ _4010 FEAR R W R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0xC3FE _4014 reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 181 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Table 54. MC_RGM Memory Map (continued) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS_JTAG 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BE_JTAG 12 SS_CORE 11 BE_CORE 10 SS_SOFT 9 BE_SOFT 8 SS_CHKSTOP 7 BE_CHKSTOP 6 SS_PLL0 5 BE_PLL0 27 SS_CMU0_OLR 3 BE_CMU0_OLR 2 SS_CMU0_FHL R 1 BE_CMU0_FHL 0xC3FE RGM_ _4018 FESS 0 SS_FLASH Name SS_EXR Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W R 0 0 0 R BE_EXR 0xC3FE RGM_ _401C FBRE BE_FLASH W W R 0 0 0 W 0xC3FE _4020 … 0xC3FE _7FFC 7.3.1 reserved Register Descriptions Unless otherwise noted, all registers may be accessed as 32-bit words, 16-bit half-words, or 8-bit bytes. The bytes are ordered according to big endian. For example, the RGM_DES[8:15] register bits may be accessed as a word at address 0xC3FE_4000, as a half-word at address 0xC3FE_4002, or as a byte at address 0xC3FE_4003. Some fields may be read-only, and their reset value of ‘1’ or ‘0’ and the corresponding behavior cannot be changed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 182 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Functional Event Status Register (RGM_FES) 6 F_EXR R W w1c POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F_JTAG 5 F_CORE 4 F_SOFT 3 F_CHKSTOP 2 F_PLL0 1 F_CMU0_OLR 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write F_CMU0_FHL Address 0xC3FE_4000 F_FLASH w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 60. Functional Event Status Register (RGM_FES) This register contains the status of the last asserted functional reset sources. It can be accessed in read/write on either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read only in user mode. Register bits are cleared on write ‘1’ if the triggering event has already been cleared at the source. NOTE If a ‘functional’ reset source is configured to generate a SAFE mode request or an interrupt request, software needs to clear the event in the source module at least three system clock cycles before it clears the associated RGM_FES status bit in order to avoid multiple SAFE mode requests or interrupts for the same event. In order to avoid having to count cycles, it is good practice for software to check whether the RGM_FES has been properly cleared, and if not, clear it again. Table 55. Functional Event Status Register (RGM_FES) Field Descriptions Field F_EXR F_FLASH Description Flag for External Reset 0 No external reset event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 An external reset event has occurred Flag for code or data flash fatal error 0 No code or data flash fatal error event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A code or data flash fatal error event has occurred F_CMU0_FH Flag for FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference L 0 No FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event has occurred F_CMU0_OL Flag for oscillator frequency lower than reference R 0 No oscillator frequency lower than reference event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A oscillator frequency lower than reference event has occurred MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 183 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Table 55. Functional Event Status Register (RGM_FES) Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description F_PLL0 Flag for FMPLL_0 fail 0 No FMPLL_0 fail event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A FMPLL_0 fail event has occurred F_CHKSTOP Flag for checkstop reset 0 No checkstop reset event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A checkstop reset event has occurred F_SOFT Flag for software reset 0 No software reset event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A software reset event has occurred F_CORE Flag for core reset 0 No core reset event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A core reset event has occurred F_JTAG Flag for JTAG initiated reset 0 No JTAG initiated reset event has occurred since either the last clear or the last destructive reset assertion 1 A JTAG initiated reset event has occurred Destructive Event Status Register (RGM_DES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F_POR R W w1c POR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 13 14 15 F_LVD12 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write F_SWT Address 0xC3FE_4002 F_LVD27_VREG w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 61. Destructive Event Status Register (RGM_DES) This register contains the status of the last asserted destructive reset sources. It can be accessed in read/write on either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read only in user mode. Register bits are cleared on write ‘1’. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 184 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Table 56. Destructive Event Status Register (RGM_DES) Field Descriptions Field Description F_POR Flag for Power-On reset 0 No power-on event has occurred since the last clear 1 A power-on event has occurred F_LVD27_V Flag for 2.7V low-voltage detected (VREG) REG 0 No 2.7V low-voltage detected (VREG) event has occurred since either the last clear or the last power-on reset assertion 1 A 2.7V low-voltage detected (VREG) event has occurred F_SWT F_LVD12 Flag for software watchdog timer 0 No software watchdog timer event has occurred since either the last clear or the last power-on reset assertion 1 A software watchdog timer event has occurred Flag for 1.2V low-voltage detected 0 No 1.2V low-voltage detected event has occurred since either the last clear or the last power-on reset assertion 1 A 1.2V low-voltage detected event has occurred NOTE The F_POR flag is automatically cleared on a 1.2 V low-voltage detected or a 2.7 V low-voltage detected. This means that if the power-up sequence is not monotonic (i.e., the voltage rises and then drops enough to trigger a low-voltage detection), the F_POR flag may not be set but instead the F_LVD12 or F_LVD27_VREG flag is set on exiting the reset sequence. Therefore, if the F_POR, F_LVD12 or F_LVD27_VREG flags are set on reset exit, software should interpret the reset cause as power-on. Functional Event Reset Disable Register (RGM_FERD) 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 D_FLASH D_EXR 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 D_JTAG 4 D_CORE 3 D_SOFT 2 D_CHKSTOP 1 R D_PLL0 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write D_CMU0_OLR Address 0xC3FE_4004 D_CMU0_FHL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W POR 0 0 0 Figure 62. Functional Event Reset Disable Register (RGM_FERD) This register provides dedicated bits to disable functional reset sources.When a functional reset source is disabled, the associated functional event will trigger either a SAFE mode request or an interrupt request (see Section, “Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR)”). It can be accessed in read/write in either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read only in user mode. Each byte can be written only once after power-on reset. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 185 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) WARNING It is important to clear the RGM_FES register before setting any of the bits in the RGM_FERD register to ‘1’. Otherwise a redundant SAFE mode request or interrupt request may occur. Table 57. Functional Event Reset Disable Register (RGM_FERD) Field Descriptions Field D_EXR D_FLASH D_CMU0_F HL Description Disable External Reset 0 An external reset event triggers a reset sequence Disable code or data flash fatal error 0 A code or data flash fatal error event triggers a reset sequence Disable FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference 0 A FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event triggers a reset sequence 1 A FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event generates either a SAFE mode or an interrupt request depending on the value of RGM_FEAR.AR_CMU0_FHL D_CMU0_O Disable oscillator frequency lower than reference LR 0 A oscillator frequency lower than reference event triggers a reset sequence 1 A oscillator frequency lower than reference event generates either a SAFE mode or an interrupt request depending on the value of RGM_FEAR.AR_CMU0_OLR D_PLL0 Disable FMPLL_0 fail 0 A FMPLL_0 fail event triggers a reset sequence 1 A FMPLL_0 fail event generates either a SAFE mode or an interrupt request depending on the value of RGM_FEAR.AR_PLL0 D_CHKSTO Disable checkstop reset P 0 A checkstop reset event triggers a reset sequence D_SOFT Disable software reset 0 A software reset event triggers a reset sequence D_CORE Disable core reset 0 A core reset event triggers a reset sequence 1 A core reset event generates either a SAFE mode or an interrupt request depending on the value of RGM_FEAR.AR_CORE D_JTAG Disable JTAG initiated reset 0 A JTAG initiated reset event triggers a reset sequence 1 A JTAG initiated reset event generates either a SAFE mode or an interrupt request depending on the value of RGM_FEAR.AR_JTAG MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 186 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 9 10 11 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 14 15 AR_JTAG 1 AR_CORE 0 AR_PLL0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write AR_CMU0_OLR Address 0xC3FE_4010 AR_CMU0_FHL 0 0 W POR Figure 63. Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR) This register defines an alternate request to be generated when a reset on a functional event has been disabled. The alternate request can be either a SAFE mode request to MC_ME or an interrupt request to the system. It can be accessed in read/write in either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read only in user mode. Table 58. Functional Event Alternate Request Register (RGM_FEAR) Field Descriptions Field Description AR_CMU0_F Alternate Request for FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference HL 0 Generate a SAFE mode request on a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event if the reset is disabled 1 Generate an interrupt request on a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event if the reset is disabled AR_CMU0_ Alternate Request for oscillator frequency lower than reference OLR 0 Generate a SAFE mode request on a oscillator frequency lower than reference event if the reset is disabled 1 Generate an interrupt request on a oscillator frequency lower than reference event if the reset is disabled AR_PLL0 Alternate Request for FMPLL_0 fail 0 Generate a SAFE mode request on a FMPLL_0 fail event if the reset is disabled 1 Generate an interrupt request on a FMPLL_0 fail event if the reset is disabled AR_CORE Alternate Request for core reset 0 Generate a SAFE mode request on a core reset event if the reset is disabled 1 Generate an interrupt request on a core reset event if the reset is disabled AR_JTAG Alternate Request for JTAG initiated reset 0 Generate a SAFE mode request on a JTAG initiated reset event if the reset is disabled 1 Generate an interrupt request on a JTAG initiated reset event if the reset is disabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 187 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Functional Event Short Sequence Register (RGM_FESS) 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 SS_EXR SS_FLASH R 9 10 11 0 0 0 12 13 14 15 SS_JTAG 4 SS_CORE 3 SS_SOFT 2 SS_CHKSTOP 1 SS_PLL0 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write SS_CMU0_OLR Address 0xC3FE_4018 SS_CMU0_FHL 0 0 W POR 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 64. Functional Event Short Sequence Register (RGM_FESS) This register defines which reset sequence will be done when a functional reset sequence is triggered. The functional reset sequence can either start from PHASE1 or from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2. NOTE This could be useful for fast reset sequence, for example to skip flash reset. It can be accessed in read/write in either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read in user mode. Table 59. Functional Event Short Sequence Register (RGM_FESS) Field Descriptions Field SS_EXR SS_FLASH Description Short Sequence for External Reset 0 The reset sequence triggered by an external reset event will start from PHASE1 Short Sequence for code or data flash fatal error 0 The reset sequence triggered by a code or data flash fatal error event will start from PHASE1 SS_CMU0_F Short Sequence for FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference HL 0 The reset sequence triggered by a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 SS_CMU0_ OLR Short Sequence for oscillator frequency lower than reference 0 The reset sequence triggered by a oscillator frequency lower than reference event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a oscillator frequency lower than reference event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 SS_PLL0 Short Sequence for FMPLL_0 fail 0 The reset sequence triggered by a FMPLL_0 fail event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a FMPLL_0 fail event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 SS_CHKST OP Short Sequence for checkstop reset 0 The reset sequence triggered by a checkstop reset event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a checkstop reset event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 188 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Table 59. Functional Event Short Sequence Register (RGM_FESS) Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description SS_SOFT Short Sequence for software reset 0 The reset sequence triggered by a software reset event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a software reset event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 SS_CORE Short Sequence for core reset 0 The reset sequence triggered by a core reset event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a core reset event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 SS_JTAG Short Sequence for JTAG initiated reset 0 The reset sequence triggered by a JTAG initiated reset event will start from PHASE1 1 The reset sequence triggered by a JTAG initiated reset event will start from PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2 NOTE This register is reset on any enabled ‘destructive’ or ‘functional’ reset event. Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable Register (RGM_FBRE) 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 BE_FLASH BE_EXR 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BE_JTAG 4 BE_CORE 3 BE_SOFT 2 BE_CHKSTOP 1 R BE_PLL0 0 Access: User read, Supervisor read/write, Test read/write BE_CMU0_OLR Address 0xC3FE_401C BE_CMU0_FHL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W POR 0 0 0 Figure 65. Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable Register (RGM_FBRE) This register enables the generation of an external reset on functional reset. It can be accessed in read/write in either supervisor mode or test mode. It can be accessed in read in user mode.reset Table 60. Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable Register (RGM_FBRE) Field Descriptions Field BE_EXR BE_FLASH Description Bidirectional Reset Enable for External Reset 0 RESET_B is asserted on an external reset event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on an external reset event Bidirectional Reset Enable for code or data flash fatal error 0 RESET_B is asserted on a code or data flash fatal error event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a code or data flash fatal error event BE_CMU0_F Bidirectional Reset Enable for FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference HL 0 RESET_B is asserted on a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a FMPLL_0 clock frequency higher/lower than reference event MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 189 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) Table 60. Functional Bidirectional Reset Enable Register (RGM_FBRE) Field Descriptions (continued) Field Description BE_CMU0_ OLR Bidirectional Reset Enable for oscillator frequency lower than reference 0 RESET_B is asserted on a oscillator frequency lower than reference event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a oscillator frequency lower than reference event BE_PLL0 BE_CHKST OP Bidirectional Reset Enable for FMPLL_0 fail 0 RESET_B is asserted on a FMPLL_0 fail event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a FMPLL_0 fail event Bidirectional Reset Enable for checkstop reset 0 RESET_B is asserted on a checkstop reset event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a checkstop reset event BE_SOFT Bidirectional Reset Enable for software reset 0 RESET_B is asserted on a software reset event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a software reset event BE_CORE Bidirectional Reset Enable for core reset 0 RESET_B is asserted on a core reset event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a core reset event BE_JTAG Bidirectional Reset Enable for JTAG initiated reset 0 RESET_B is asserted on a JTAG initiated reset event if the reset is enabled 1 RESET_B is not asserted on a JTAG initiated reset event 7.4 Functional Description 7.4.1 Reset State Machine The main role of MC_RGM is the generation of the reset sequence which ensures that the correct parts of the chip are reset based on the reset source event. This is summarized in Table 61. Table 61. MC_RGM Reset Implications Source What Gets Reset External Reset Assertion1 Boot Mode Capture power-on reset all yes yes ‘destructive’ resets all except some clock/reset management yes yes external reset all except some clock/reset management and debug programmable2 yes ‘functional’ resets all except some clock/reset management and debug programmable2 programmable3 shortened ‘functional’ resets4 flip-flops except some clock/reset management programmable2 programmable3 1 ‘external reset assertion’ means that the RESET_B pin is asserted by the MC_RGM until the end of reset PHASE3 the assertion of the external reset is controlled via the RGM_FBRE register 3 the boot mode is captured if the external reset is asserted 4 the short sequence is enabled via the RGM_FESS register 2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 190 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) NOTE JTAG logic has its own independent reset control and is not controlled by the MC_RGM in any way. The reset sequence is comprised of five phases managed by a state machine, which ensures that all phases are correctly processed through waiting for a minimum duration and until all processes that need to occur during that phase have been completed before proceeding to the next phase. The state machine used to produce the reset sequence is shown in Figure 66. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 191 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) power-on or any other ‘destructive’ reset PHASE0 duration 3 internal RC oscillator clock cycles 16 MHz IRC stable, VREG voltage okay done enabled non-shortened external or ‘functional’ PHASE1 duration 350 internal RC oscillator clock cycles PHASE2 duration internal RC oscillator clock cycles code and data flash initialization done PHASE3 enabled shortened external or ‘functional’ duration 40internal RC oscillator clock cycles RESET_B released code and data flash initialization done IDLE Figure 66. MC_RGM State Machine PHASE0 Phase This phase is entered immediately from any phase on a power-on or any other ‘destructive’ reset event. The reset state machine exits PHASE0 and enters PHASE1 on verification of the following: • all enabled ‘destructive’ resets have been processed • all processes that need to be done in PHASE0 are completed MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 192 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) • — 16 MHz IRC stable, VREG voltage okay a minimum of 3 internal RC oscillator clock cycles have elapsed since power-up completion and the last enabled ‘destructive’ reset event PHASE1 Phase This phase is entered either on exit from PHASE0 or immediately from PHASE2, PHASE3, or IDLE on a non-masked external or ‘functional’ reset event if it has not been configured to trigger a ‘short’ sequence. The reset state machine exits PHASE1 and enters PHASE2 on verification of the following: • all enabled, non-shortened ‘functional’ resets have been processed • a minimum of 350 internal RC oscillator clock cycles have elapsed since the last enabled external or non-shortened ‘functional’ reset event PHASE2 Phase This phase is entered on exit from PHASE1. The reset state machine exits PHASE2 and enters PHASE3 on verification of the following: • all processes that need to be done in PHASE2 are completed — code and data flash initialization • a minimum of 8 internal RC oscillator clock cycles have elapsed since entering PHASE2 PHASE3 Phase This phase is a entered either on exit from PHASE2 or immediately from IDLE on an enabled, shortened ‘functional’ reset event. The reset state machine exits PHASE3 and enters IDLE on verification of the following: • all processes that need to be done in PHASE3 are completed — code and data flash initialization • a minimum of 40 internal RC oscillator clock cycles have elapsed since the last enabled, shortened ‘functional’ reset event IDLE Phase This is the final phase and is entered on exit from PHASE3. When this phase is reached, the MC_RGM releases control of the chip to the core and waits for new reset events that can trigger a reset sequence. 7.4.2 Destructive Resets A ‘destructive’ reset indicates that an event has occurred after which critical register or memory content can no longer be guaranteed. The status flag associated with a given ‘destructive’ reset event (RGM_DES.F_<destructive reset> bit) is set when the ‘destructive’ reset is asserted and the power-on reset is not asserted. It is possible for multiple status bits to be set simultaneously, and it is software’s responsibility to determine which reset source is the most critical for the application. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 193 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) The chip’s low-voltage detector threshold ensures that, when 1.2V low-voltage detected, the supply is sufficient to have the destructive event correctly propagated through the digital logic. Therefore, if a given ‘destructive’ reset is asserted, the MC_RGM ensures that the associated reset event will be correctly triggered to the full system. A destructive reset will trigger a reset sequence starting from the beginning of PHASE0. 7.4.3 External Reset The MC_RGM manages the external reset coming from RESET_B. The detection of a falling edge on RESET_B will start the reset sequence from the beginning of PHASE1. The status flag associated with the external reset falling edge event (RGM_FES.F_EXR bit) is set when the external reset is asserted and the power-on reset is not asserted. NOTE The RGM_FERD register can be written only once between two power-on reset events. External reset will trigger a reset sequence starting from the beginning of PHASE1. The MC_RGM may also assert the external reset if the reset sequence was triggered by one of the following: • a power-on reset • a ‘destructive’ reset event • an external reset event • a ‘functional’ reset event configured via the RGM_FBRE register to assert the external reset In this case, the external reset is asserted until the end of PHASE3. 7.4.4 Functional Resets A ‘functional’ reset indicates that an event has occurred after which it can be guaranteed that critical register and memory content is still intact. The status flag associated with a given ‘functional’ reset event (RGM_FES.F_<functional reset> bit) is set when the ‘functional’ reset is asserted and the power-on reset is not asserted. It is possible for multiple status bits to be set simultaneously, and it is software’s responsibility to determine which reset source is the most critical for the application. The ‘functional’ reset can be optionally disabled by software writing bit RGM_FERD.D_<functional reset>. NOTE The RGM_FERD register can be written only once between two power-on reset events. An enabled ‘functional’ reset will normally trigger a reset sequence starting from the beginning of PHASE1. Nevertheless, the RGM_FESS register enables the further configuring of the reset sequence MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 194 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) triggered by a functional reset. When RGM_FESS.SS_<functional reset> is set, the associated ‘functional’ reset will trigger a reset sequence starting directly from the beginning of PHASE3, skipping PHASE1 and PHASE2. This can be useful especially in case a functional reset should not reset the flash module. 7.4.5 Alternate Event Generation The MC_RGM provides alternative events to be generated on reset source assertion. When a reset source is asserted, the MC_RGM normally enters the reset sequence. Alternatively, it is possible for some reset source events to be converted from a reset to either a SAFE mode request issued to the MC_ME or to an interrupt request issued to the core. Alternate event selection for a given reset source is made via the RGM_FERD and RGM_FEAR registers as shown in Table 62. Table 62. MC_RGM Alternate Event Selection RGM_FERD Bit Value RGM_FEAR Bit Value 0 X reset 1 0 SAFE mode request 1 1 interrupt request Generated Event The alternate event is cleared by deasserting the source of the request (i.e., at the reset source that caused the alternate request) and also clearing the appropriate RGM_FES status bit. NOTE Alternate requests (SAFE mode as well as interrupt requests) are generated regardless of whether the system clock is running. NOTE If a masked ‘functional’ reset event which is configured to generate a SAFE mode/interrupt request occurs during PHASE1, it is ignored, and the MC_RGM will not send any safe mode/interrupt request to the MC_ME. 7.4.6 Boot Mode Capturing The MC_RGM samples FAB, ABS[1:0] whenever RESET_B is asserted until five internal RC oscillator clock cycles before its deassertion edge. The result of the sampling is used at the beginning of reset PHASE3 for boot mode selection and is retained after RESET_B has been deasserted for subsequent boots after reset sequences during which RESET_B is not asserted. NOTE In order to ensure that the boot mode is correctly captured, the application needs to apply the valid boot mode value the entire time that RESET_B is asserted. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 195 Reset Generation Module (MC_RGM) NOTE RESET_B can be asserted as a consequence of the internal reset generation. This will force re-sampling of the boot mode pins. (See Table 61 for details.) fs MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 196 Freescale Semiconductor Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) Chapter 8 Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) 8.1 8.1.1 Introduction Overview The power control unit (MC_PCU) acts as a bridge for mapping the PMU peripheral to the MC_PCU address space. Figure 67 depicts the MC_PCU block diagram. MC_PCU Registers Register Interface Mapped Module Interface core mapped peripheral Figure 67. MC_PCU Block Diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 197 Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) 8.1.2 Features The MC_PCU includes the following features: • maps the PMU registers to the MC_PCU address space 8.2 External Signal Description The MC_PCU has no connections to any external pins. 8.3 Memory Map and Register Definition 8.3.1 Memory Map Table 63. MC_PCU Register Description Access Address Name 0xC3FE PCU_PSTAT _8040 Description Size Power Domain Status Register Location word User Supervisor Test read read read on page 199 NOTE Any access to unused registers as well as write accesses to read-only registers will: • • not change register content cause a transfer error Table 64. MC_PCU Memory Map Name 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0xC3FE _80004 … 0xC3FE _803C 0xC3FE PCU_PSTAT _8040 reserved R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W PD0 Address R W 0x044 … 0x07C reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 198 Freescale Semiconductor Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) Table 64. MC_PCU Memory Map (continued) Address Name 0 1 2 3 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0xC3FE _8080 … 0xC3FE _80FC PMU registers 0xC3FE _8100 … 0xC3FE _BFFC reserved 8.3.2 Register Descriptions All registers may be accessed as 32-bit words, 16-bit half-words, or 8-bit bytes. The bytes are ordered according to big endian. For example, the PD0 field of the PCU_PSTAT register may be accessed as a word at address 0xC3FE_8040, as a half-word at address 0xC3FE_8042, or as a byte at address 0xC3FE_8043. Power Domain Status Register (PCU_PSTAT) Address 0xC3FE_8040 R Access: User read, Supervisor read, Test read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset PD0 W R W Reset 1 Figure 68. Power Domain Status Register (PCU_PSTAT) This register reflects the power status of all available power domains. Table 65. Power Domain Status Register (PCU_PSTAT) Field Descriptions Field PDn Description Power status for power domain #n 0 Power domain is inoperable 1 Power domain is operable MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 199 Power Control Unit (MC_PCU) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 200 Freescale Semiconductor Power Management Chapter 9 Power Management 9.1 Power management overview The device supports the following power modes: • • 9.1.1 Internal voltage regulation mode External voltage regulation mode Internal voltage regulation mode In this mode, the following supplies are involved: • • VDD_HV_IO (3.3V) — This is the main supply provided externally. VDD_LV_CORE (1.2 V) — This is the core logic supply. In the internal regulation mode, the core supply is derived from the main supply via an on-chip linear regulator driving an internal PMOS ballast transistor. The PMOS ballast transistors are located in the pad ring and their source connectors are directly bonded to a dedicated pin. See Figure 69 . Pads Pins Vss_HV_IO0_X 3.3V Vdd_HV_IO0_X Vdd_HV_S_Ballast0/1 Vreg LVD ... POR_B 1.2V ... Vdd_LV_REGCOR0 Vdd_LV_COR0_X (3 supply pairs) Vss_LV_COR0_X Figure 69. Internal Regulation Mode The core supply can also be provided externally. Table 66 shows how to connect VDD_HV_S_BALLAST pin for internal and external core supply mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 201 Power Management Table 66. Core Supply Select Mode 9.1.2 Vdd_S_Ballast Internal supply mode (via internal PMOS ballast transistors) VDD_HV_IO (3.3V) External supply mode (e.g., via external switched regulator) VDD_LV_CORE (1.2V) External voltage regulation mode In the external regulation mode, the core supply is provided externally using a switched regulator. This saves on-chip power consumption by avoiding the voltage drop over the ballast transistor. The external supply mode is selected via a board level supply change at the Vdd_HV_S_Ballast pin. Pads Pins Vss_HV_IO0_X Vdd_HV_IO0_X 3.3V Vdd_HV_S_Ballast0/1 1.2V (1.15V-1.32V) Vreg relaxed LVD ... POR_B Power Supply, e.g., switched or linear 1.2V ... Vdd_LV_REGCOR0 Vdd_LV_COR0_X (3 supply pairs) Vss_LV_COR0_X Figure 70. External Regulation Mode 9.1.3 Voltage Regulator Electrical Characteristics MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 202 Freescale Semiconductor Power Management \ CREG2 (LV_COR/LV_CFLA) GND 600 nF VDD_HV_IO VDD_LV_COR0_2 VSS_LV_COR0_2 VDD_HV_S_BALLAST0 - Voltage Regulator I VDD_HV_S_BALLAST1 CREG1 (LV_COR/LV_DFLA) VDD_LV_COR0_0 CDEC1 (Ballast decoupling) VREF + VDD_LV_COR0_3 DEVICE VSS_HV_IO GND DEVICE VSS_LV_COR0_0 VSS_LV_COR0_1 VSS_HV_IO VDD_HV_IO VDD_LV_COR0_1 600 nF GND GND CREG3 (LV_COR/LV_PLL) CDEC2 (supply/IO decoupling) Figure 71. Voltage regulator capacitance connection 9.2 Power sequencing As shown in Figure 72 the MPC5606E includes on-chip diodes for ESD protection. VDD_HV_IO (3.3 V) VDD_HV_CORE (1.2 V) VDD_HV_S_BALLAST (3.3 V/1.2 V) VDD_HV_ADC (3.3 V) Figure 72. Internal diodes between supply pads MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 203 Power Management For both internal and external core voltage supply modes the following conditions must be guaranteed at power up and power down: • VDD_HV_IO >= VDD_LV_CORE • VDD_HV_IO >= VDD_HV_S_BALLAST • VDD_HV_IO>= VDD_HV_ADC 9.3 Power Management Unit (PMU) The primary function of the MPC5606E’s power management unit (PMU) is to generate the 1.2 V core logic supply from the 3.3 V main supply. To allow an easy integration into a system The PMU includes an internal PMOS ballast transistor. In addition the PMU monitors the operation voltages using a set of supervisory circuits: the LVDs (Low Voltage Detectors). Furthermore, the Power On Reset (POR) circuit monitors VddREG, the voltage used internally by the PMU. When VddREG is below the POR threshold voltage, the POR output is asserted, otherwise it is deasserted. The purpose of the POR circuit is to keep the MPC5606E in the reset state as long as the supply voltage to the LVD circuits is below their minimum operating voltage. By the time the POR output deasserts, the LVDs are operating and able to assert their outputs properly. In summary the PMU has the following features: • Internal PMOS ballast transistor • Power On Reset (POR) • Low voltage detection • Internal power on reset (POR) circuit to detect minimal voltage to operate voltage regulator. • LVD27 for VddIO. The minimum threshold value must not be below 2.60V to guarantee correct flash memory read operations. • LVD12 for VddCore (trimmed during testing) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 204 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Chapter 10 Interrupt Controller (INTC) 10.1 Introduction The INTC provides priority-based preemptive scheduling of interrupt service requests (ISRs). This scheduling scheme is suitable for statically scheduled hard real-time systems. The INTC supports 106 interrupt requests. It is targeted to work with Power Architecture technology and automotive applications where the ISRs nest to multiple levels, but it also can be used with other processors and applications. For high-priority interrupt requests in these target applications, the time from the assertion of the peripheral’s interrupt request to when the processor is performing useful work to service the interrupt request needs to be minimized. The INTC supports this goal by providing a unique vector for each interrupt request source. It also provides 16 priorities so that lower priority ISRs do not delay the execution of higher priority ISRs. Because each individual application will have different priorities for each source of interrupt request, the priority of each interrupt request is configurable. When multiple tasks share a resource, coherent accesses to that resource need to be supported. The INTC supports the priority ceiling protocol for coherent accesses. By providing a modifiable priority mask, the priority can be raised temporarily so that tasks sharing the resource will not preempt each other. Multiple processors can assert interrupt requests to each other through software configurable interrupt requests. These software configurable interrupt requests can also be used to separate the work involved in servicing an interrupt request into a high-priority portion and a low-priority portion. The high-priority portion is initiated by a peripheral interrupt request, but then the ISR can assert a software configurable interrupt request to finish the servicing in a lower priority ISR. Therefore these software configurable interrupt requests can be used instead of the peripheral ISR scheduling a task through the RTOS. 10.2 • • • • • Features Supports 106 peripheral interrupts and 8 software-configurable interrupt request sources Unique 9-bit vector per interrupt source Each interrupt source programmable to one of 16 priorities Preemption — Preemptive prioritized interrupt requests to processor — ISR at a higher priority preempts ISRs or tasks at lower priorities — Automatic pushing or popping of preempted priority to or from a LIFO — Ability to modify the ISR or task priority; modifying the priority can be used to implement the priority ceiling protocol for accessing shared resources. Low latency—3 clock cycles from receipt of interrupt request from peripheral to interrupt request to processor MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 205 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 67. Interrupt sources available 10.3 Interrupt sources (106) Number available Software 8 eDMA2x 17 SWT 1 STM 4 SIUL 4 MC_ME 4 MC_RGM 1 MCM 3 I2C 2 Video Encoder 6 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) 3 CE_RTC 1 XOSC 1 PTP 1 SAI 6 PIT 4 ADC 3 FlexCAN 8 eTimer 8 DSPI 15 LINFlex 6 Block diagram Figure 73 shows a block diagram of the interrupt controller (INTC). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 206 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Software Set/Clear Interrupt Registers n1 Flag Bits Peripheral Interrupt Requests x 4-bits 8 n1 Priority Arbitrator 4 Popped Priority 4 Highest Priority Interrupt Requests n1 Request Selector Lowest Vector Interrupt Request n1 End of Interrupt Register Processor 0 Current Priority Register Interrupt Vector 9 Vector Encoder Processor 0 Interrupt Acknowledge Register Highest Priority Update Interrupt Vector Current Priority 4 Hardware Vector Enable 1 Vector Table Entry Size 1 New Priority 4 Pushed Priority 4 Processor 0 Priority LIFO Module Configuration Register Priority Select Registers Interrupt Vector 9 Interrupt Request to Processor 1 Priority Comparator 1 Interrupt Acknowledge 1 Push/Update/Acknowledge 1 Pop 1 Slave Interface for Reads & Writes Peripheral Memory Mapped Registers Non-Memory Mapped Logic 1 The total number of available interrupt sources is 106, which includes 8 software sources. Figure 73. INTC block diagram 10.4 Modes of operation 10.4.1 Normal mode In normal mode, the INTC has two handshaking modes with the processor: software vector mode and hardware vector mode. NOTE To correctly configure the interrupts in both software and hardware vector mode, the user must also configure the IVPR. The core register IVPR contains the base address for the interrupt handlers. Please refer to the core reference manual for more information. Software vector mode In software vector mode, the interrupt exception handler software must read a register in the INTC to obtain the vector associated with the interrupt request to the processor. The INTC will use software vector mode for a given processor when its associated HVEN bit in INTC_MCR is negated. The hardware vector enable signal to processor 0 or processor 1 is driven as negated when its associated HVEN bit is negated. The vector is read from INC_IACKR. Reading the INTC_IACKR negates the interrupt request to the MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 207 Interrupt Controller (INTC) associated processor. Even if a higher priority interrupt request arrived while waiting for this interrupt acknowledge, the interrupt request to the processor will negate for at least one clock. The reading also pushes the PRI value in INTC_CPR onto the associated LIFO and updates PRI in the associated INTC_CPR with the new priority. Furthermore, the interrupt vector to the processor is driven as all 0s. The interrupt acknowledge signal from the associated processor is ignored. Hardware vector mode In hardware vector mode, the hardware signals the interrupt vector from the INTC in conjunction with a processor that can use that vector. This hardware causes the first instruction to be executed in handling the interrupt request to the processor to be specific to that vector. Therefore, the interrupt exception handler is specific to a peripheral or software configurable interrupt request rather than being common to all of them. The INTC uses hardware vector mode for a given processor when the associated HVEN bit in the INTC_MCR is asserted. The hardware vector enable signal to the associated processor is driven as asserted. When the interrupt request to the associated processor asserts, the interrupt vector signal is updated. The value of that interrupt vector is the unique vector associated with the preempting peripheral or software configurable interrupt request. The vector value matches the value of the INTVEC field in the INTC_IACKR field in the INTC_IACKR, depending on which processor was assigned to handle a given interrupt source. The processor negates the interrupt request to the processor driven by the INTC by asserting the interrupt acknowledge signal for one clock. Even if a higher priority interrupt request arrived while waiting for the interrupt acknowledge, the interrupt request to the processor will negate for at least one clock. The assertion of the interrupt acknowledge signal for a given processor pushes the associated PRI value in the associated INTC_CPR register onto the associated LIFO and updates the associated PRI in the associated INTC_CPR register with the new priority. This pushing of the PRI value onto the associated LIFO and updating PRI in the associated INTC_CPR does not occur when the associated interrupt acknowledge signal asserts and INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7 is written at a time such that the PRI value in the associated INTC_CPR register would need to be pushed and the previously last pushed PRI value would need to be popped simultaneously. In this case, PRI in the associated INTC_CPR is updated with the new priority, and the associated LIFO is neither pushed or popped. Debug mode The INTC operation in debug mode is identical to its operation in normal mode. Stop mode The INTC supports stop mode. The INTC can have its clock input disabled at any time by the clock driver on the device. While its clocks are disabled, the INTC registers are not accessible. The INTC requires clocking in order for a peripheral interrupt request to generate an interrupt request to the processor. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 208 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) 10.5 10.5.1 Memory map and registers description Module memory map Table 68 shows the INTC memory map. Table 68. INTC memory map Offset from INTC_BASE (0xFFF4_8000) Register 0x0000 INTC Module Configuration Register (INTC_MCR) 0x0004 Reserved 0x0008 INTC Current Priority Register for Processor (INTC_CPR) 0x000C Reserved 0x0010 INTC Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INTC_IACKR) 0x0014 Reserved 0x0018 INTC End-of-Interrupt Register (INTC_EOIR) 0x001C Reserved 0x0020–0x0027 INTC Software Set/Clear Interrupt Registers (INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7) Access Reset value Location R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 210 R/W 0x0000_000F on page 210 R1/W 0x0000_0000 on page 212 W 0x0000_0000 on page 212 R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 213 R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 214 0x0028– 0x003C Reserved 0x0040–0x011C INTC Priority Select Registers (INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR220_221)2 0x0120–0x3FFF Reserved 1 When the HVEN bit in the INTC module configuration register (INTC_MCR) is asserted, a read of the INTC_IACKR has no side effects. 2 The PRI fields are “reserved” for peripheral interrupt requests whose vectors are labeled as Reserved in Table 75. 10.5.2 Registers description With exception of the INTC_SSCIn and INTC_PSRn, all registers are 32 bits in width. Any combination of accessing the four bytes of a register with a single access is supported, provided that the access does not cross a register boundary. These supported accesses include types and sizes of 8 bits, aligned 16 bits, misaligned 16 bits to the middle 2 bytes, and aligned 32 bits. Although INTC_SSCIn and INTC_PSRn are 8 bits wide, they can be accessed with a single 16-bit or 32-bit access, provided that the access does not cross a 32-bit boundary. In software vector mode, the side effects of a read of INTC_IACKR are the same regardless of the size of the read. In either software or hardware vector mode, the size of a write to either INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7 or INTC_EOIR does not affect the operation of the write. INTC registers are accessible only when the core is in supervisor mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 209 Interrupt Controller (INTC) INTC Module Configuration Register (INTC_MCR) The module configuration register configures options of the INTC. Address: Base + 0x0000 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset VTES 0 HVEN 0 Figure 74. INTC Module Configuration Register (INTC_MCR) Table 69. INTC_MCR field descriptions Field Description 26 VTES Vector table entry size Controls the number of 0s to the right of INTVEC in Section, “INTC Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INTC_IACKR)”. If the contents of INTC_IACKR are used as an address of an entry in a vector table as in software vector mode, then the number of right most 0s will determine the size of each vector table entry. VTES impacts software vector mode operation but also affects INTC_IACKR[INTVEC] position in both hardware vector mode and software vector mode. 0 4 bytes 1 8 bytes 31 HVEN Hardware vector enable Controls whether the INTC is in hardware vector mode or software vector mode. Refer to Section 10.4, “Modes of operation”, for the details of the handshaking with the processor in each mode. 0 Software vector mode 1 Hardware vector mode INTC Current Priority Register for Processor (INTC_CPR) Address: Base + 0x0008 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 W Reset R PRI W Reset 1 1 Figure 75. INTC Current Priority Register (INTC_CPR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 210 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 70. INTC_CPR field descriptions Field 28–31 PRI[] Description Priority PRI is the priority of the currently executing ISR according to the following: 1111 Priority 15—highest priority 1110 Priority 14 1101 Priority 13 1100 Priority 12 1011 Priority 11 1010 Priority 10 1001 Priority 9 1000 Priority 8 0111 Priority 7 0110 Priority 6 0101 Priority 5 0100 Priority 4 0011 Priority 3 0010 Priority 2 0001 Priority 1 0000 Priority 0—lowest priority The INTC_CPR masks any peripheral or software settable interrupt request set at the same or lower priority as the current value of the INTC_CPR[PRI] field from generating an interrupt request to the processor. When the INTC interrupt acknowledge register (INTC_IACKR) is read in software vector mode or the interrupt acknowledge signal from the processor is asserted in hardware vector mode, the value of PRI is pushed onto the LIFO, and PRI is updated with the priority of the preempting interrupt request. When the INTC end-of-interrupt register (INTC_EOIR) is written, the LIFO is popped into the INTC_CPR’s PRI field. The masking priority can be raised or lowered by writing to the PRI field, supporting the PCP. Refer to Section 10.7.5, “Priority ceiling protocol”. NOTE A store to modify the PRI field that closely precedes or follows an access to a shared resource can result in a non-coherent access to the resource. Refer to Section, “Ensuring coherency”, for example code to ensure coherency. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 211 Interrupt Controller (INTC) INTC Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INTC_IACKR) Address Base + 0x0010 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 VTBA (most significant 16 bits) W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R INTVEC1 VTBA (least significant 5 bits) W Reset 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When the VTES bit in INTC_MCR is asserted, INTVEC is shifted to the left one bit. Bit is read as a ‘0’. VTBA is narrowed to 20 bits in width. Figure 76. INTC Interrupt Acknowledge Register (INTC_IACKR) Table 71. INTC_IACKR field descriptions Field Description 0–20 or 0–19 VTBA Vector Table Base Address Can be the base address of a vector table of addresses of ISRs. The VTBA only uses the leftmost 20 bits when the VTES bit in INTC_MCR is asserted. 21–29 or 20–28 INTVEC Interrupt Vector It is the vector of the peripheral or software configurable interrupt request that caused the interrupt request to the processor. When the interrupt request to the processor asserts, the INTVEC is updated, whether the INTC is in software or hardware vector mode. Note: If INTC_MCR[VTES] = 1, then the INTVEC field is shifted left one position to bits 20–28. VTBA is then shortened by one bit to bits 0–19. The interrupt acknowledge register provides a value that can be used to load the address of an ISR from a vector table. The vector table can be composed of addresses of the ISRs specific to their respective interrupt vectors. In software vector mode, the INTC_IACKR has side effects from reads. Therefore, it must not be speculatively read while in this mode. The side effects are the same regardless of the size of the read. Reading the INTC_IACKR does not have side effects in hardware vector mode. INTC End-of-Interrupt Register (INTC_EOIR) Writing to the end-of-interrupt register signals the end of the servicing of the interrupt request. When the INTC_EOIR is written, the priority last pushed on the LIFO is popped into INTC_CPR. An exception to this behavior is described in Section, “Hardware vector mode”. The values and size of data written to the INTC_EOIR are ignored. The values and sizes written to this register neither update the INTC_EOIR contents or affect whether the LIFO pops. For possible future compatibility, write four bytes of all 0s to the INTC_EOIR. Reading the INTC_EOIR has no effect on the LIFO. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 212 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Offsets: Base + 0x0018 (IINTC_EOIR) R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W EOI[31:16] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W EOI[15:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 77. INTC End of Interrupt Register for Processor (INTC_EOIR) Table 72. INTC_EOIR field descriptions Field Description EOI End of Interrupt. Write four all-zero bytes to this field to signal the end of the servicing of an interrupt request. INTC Software Set/Clear Interrupt Registers (INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7) Access: User read/write Address Base + 0x0020 R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 SET0 CLR 0 0 SET1 CLR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 7 CLR SET2 2 0 0 CLR SET3 3 0 0 Figure 78. INTC Software Set/Clear Interrupt Register 0–3 (INTC_SSCIR[0:3]) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 213 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Address Base + 0x0024 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 SET4 CLR 4 0 SET5 CLR 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R CLR SET6 6 W Reset 0 0 CLR SET7 7 0 0 Figure 79. INTC Software Set/Clear Interrupt Register 4–7 (INTC_SSCIR[4:7]) Table 73. INTC_SSCIR[0:7] field descriptions Field Description 6, 14, 22, 30 SET[0:7] Set Flag Bits Writing a ‘1’ sets the corresponding CLRx bit. Writing a ‘0’ has no effect. Each SETx always will be read as a ‘0’. 7, 15, 23, 31 CLR[0:7] Clear Flag Bits CLRx is the flag bit. Writing a ‘1’ to CLRx clears it provided that a ‘1’ is not written simultaneously to its corresponding SETx bit. Writing a ‘0’ to CLRx has no effect. 0 Interrupt request not pending within INTC 1 Interrupt request pending within INTC The software set/clear interrupt registers support the setting or clearing of software configurable interrupt request. These registers contain eight independent sets of bits to set and clear a corresponding flag bit by software. Excepting being set by software, this flag bit behaves the same as a flag bit set within a peripheral. This flag bit generates an interrupt request within the INTC like a peripheral interrupt request. Writing a ‘1’ to SETx will leave SETx unchanged at 0 but sets CLRx. Writing a ‘0’ to SETx has no effect. CLRx is the flag bit. Writing a ‘1’ to CLRx clears it. Writing a ‘0’ to CLRx has no effect. If a ‘1’ is written simultaneously to a pair of SETx and CLRx bits, CLRx will be asserted, regardless of whether CLRx was asserted before the write. INTC Priority Select Registers (INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR220_221) Address Base + 0x0040 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRI2 W Reset 7 PRI0 W Reset 6 0 0 0 0 12 13 14 15 PRI1 PRI3 0 0 0 0 Figure 80. INTC Priority Select Register 0–3 (INTC_PSR[0:3]) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 214 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Address Base + 0x011C R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 4 R 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRI220 W Reset 5 12 13 14 15 PRI221 W Reset Figure 81. INTC Priority Select Register220–221 (INTC_PSR[220:221]) Table 74. INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR220–221 field descriptions Field Description 4–7, 12–15, 20–23, 28–31 PRI[]– PRI220:221 Priority Select PRIx selects the priority for interrupt requests. Refer to Section 10.6, “Functional description”. Table 75. INTC Priority Select Register address offsets INTC_PSRx_x Offset Address INTC_PSRx_x Offset Address INTC_PSR0_3 0x0040 INTC_PSR112_115 0x00B0 INTC_PSR4_7 0x0044 INTC_PSR116_119 0x00B4 INTC_PSR8_11 0x0048 INTC_PSR120_123 0x00B8 INTC_PSR12_15 0x004C INTC_PSR124_127 0x00BC INTC_PSR16_19 0x0050 INTC_PSR128_131 0x00C0 INTC_PSR20_23 0x0054 INTC_PSR132_135 0x00C4 INTC_PSR24_27 0x0058 INTC_PSR136_139 0x00C8 INTC_PSR28_31 0x005C INTC_PSR140_143 0x00CC INTC_PSR32_35 0x0060 INTC_PSR144_147 0x00D0 INTC_PSR36_39 0x0064 INTC_PSR148_151 0x00D4 INTC_PSR40_43 0x0068 INTC_PSR152_155 0x00D8 INTC_PSR44_47 0x006C INTC_PSR156_159 0x00DC INTC_PSR48_51 0x0070 INTC_PSR160_163 0x00E0 INTC_PSR52_55 0x0074 INTC_PSR164_167 0x00E4 INTC_PSR56_59 0x0078 INTC_PSR168_171 0x00E8 INTC_PSR60_63 0x007C INTC_PSR172_175 0x00EC INTC_PSR64_67 0x0080 INTC_PSR176_179 0x00F0 INTC_PSR68_71 0x0084 INTC_PSR180_183 0x00F4 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 215 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 75. INTC Priority Select Register address offsets (continued) 10.6 INTC_PSRx_x Offset Address INTC_PSRx_x Offset Address INTC_PSR72_75 0x0088 INTC_PSR184_187 0x00F8 INTC_PSR76_79 0x008C INTC_PSR188_191 0x00FC INTC_PSR80_83 0x0090 INTC_PSR192_195 0x0100 INTC_PSR84_87 0x0094 INTC_PSR196_199 0x0104 INTC_PSR88_91 0x0098 INTC_PSR200_203 0x0108 INTC_PSR92_95 0x009C INTC_PSR204_207 0x010C INTC_PSR96_99 0x00A0 INTC_PSR208_211 0x0110 INTC_PSR100_103 0x00A4 INTC_PSR212_215 0x0114 INTC_PSR104_107 0x00A8 INTC_PSR216_219 0x0118 INTC_PSR108_111 0x00AC INTC_PSR220_221 0x011C Functional description The functional description involves the areas of interrupt request sources, priority management, and handshaking with the processor. NOTE The INTC has no spurious vector support. Therefore, if an asserted peripheral or software settable interrupt request, whose PRIn value in INTC_PSR0–INTC_PSR221 is higher than the PRI value in INTC_CPR, negates before the interrupt request to the processor for that peripheral or software settable interrupt request is acknowledged, the interrupt request to the processor still can assert or will remain asserted for that peripheral or software settable interrupt request. In this case, the interrupt vector will correspond to that peripheral or software settable interrupt request. Also, the PRI value in the INTC_CPR will be updated with the corresponding PRIn value in INTC_PSRn. Furthermore, clearing the peripheral interrupt request’s enable bit in the peripheral or, alternatively, setting its mask bit has the same consequences as clearing its flag bit. Setting its enable bit or clearing its mask bit while its flag bit is asserted has the same effect on the INTC as an interrupt event setting the flag bit. Table 76. Interrupt vectors IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt Module Core Interrupts — 0x0000 16 — Critical Input (INTC software vector mode) / NMI Core — 0x0010 16 — Machine check / NMI Core MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 216 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt Module — 0x0020 16 — Data Storage Core — 0x0030 16 — Instruction Storage Core — 0x0040 16 — External Input (INTC software vector mode) Core — 0x0050 16 — Alignment Core — 0x0060 16 — Program Core — 0x0070 16 — Reserved Core — 0x0080 16 — System call Core — 0x0090 96 — Unused Core — 0x00F0 16 — Debug Core — 0x0100 1792 — Unused Core On-Platform Peripheral Interrupts 0 0x0800 4 — Software setable flag 0 Software 1 0x0804 4 — Software setable flag 1 Software 2 0x0808 4 — Software setable flag 2 Software 3 0x080C 4 — Software setable flag 3 Software 4 0x0810 4 — Software setable flag 4 Software 5 0x0814 4 — Software setable flag 5 Software 6 0x0818 4 — Software setable flag 6 Software 7 0x081C 4 — Software setable flag 7 Software 8 0x0820 4 9 0x0824 4 — Platform Flash Bank 0 Abort | Platform Flash Bank 0 Stall | Platform Flash Bank 1 Abort | Platform Flash Bank 1 Stall | Platform Flash Bank 2 Abort | Platform Flash Bank 2 Stall | Platform Flash Bank 3 Abort | Platform Flash Bank 3 Stall MCM 10 0x0828 4 — Combined Error DMA2x 11 0x082C 4 — Channel 0 DMA2x 12 0x0830 4 — Channel 1 DMA2x 13 0x0834 4 — Channel 2 DMA2x 14 0x0838 4 — Channel 3 DMA2x 15 0x083C 4 — Channel 4 DMA2x Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 217 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt Module 16 0x0840 4 — Channel 5 DMA2x 17 0x0844 4 — Channel 6 DMA2x 18 0x0848 4 — Channel 7 DMA2x 19 0x084C 4 — Channel 8 DMA2x 20 0x0850 4 — Channel 9 DMA2x 21 0x0854 4 — Channel 10 DMA2x 22 0x0858 4 — Channel 11 DMA2x 23 0x085C 4 — Channel 12 DMA2x 24 0x0860 4 — Channel 13 DMA2x 25 0x0864 4 — Channel 14 DMA2x 26 0x0868 4 — Channel 15 DMA2x 27 0x086C 4 28 0x0870 4 29 0x0874 4 30 0x0878 4 — Match on channel 0 STM 31 0x087C 4 — Match on channel 1 STM 32 0x0880 4 — Match on channel 2 STM 33 0x0884 4 — Match on channel 3 STM 34 0x0888 4 35 0x088C 4 — ECC_DBD_PlatformFlash | ECC_DBD_PlatformRAM MCM 36 0x0890 4 — ECC_SBC_PlatformFlash | ECC_SBC_PlatformRAM MCM 37 0x0894 4 Reserved — Timeout Software Watchdog (SWT) Reserved Reserved Reserved Common module interrupts 38 0x0898 4 Reserved 39 0x089C 4 Reserved 40 0x08A0 4 Reserved 41 0x08A4 4 GROUP_0 SIU External IRQ_0 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 42 0x08A8 4 GROUP_1 SIU External IRQ_1 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 43 0x08AC 4 GROUP_2 SIU External IRQ_2 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 218 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt Module 44 0x08B0 4 Reserved 45 0x08B4 4 Reserved 46 0x08B8 4 Reserved 47 0x08BC 4 Reserved 48 0x08C0 4 Reserved 49 0x08C4 4 Reserved 50 0x08C8 4 Reserved 51 0x08CC 4 ME_SAFE_MODE Safe Mode Interrupt MC_ME 52 0x08D0 4 ME_MODE_TRANS Mode Transition Interrupt MC_ME 53 0x08D4 4 ME_INVALID_MODE Invalid Mode Interrupt MC_ME 54 0x08D8 4 ME_INVALID_CONFIG Invalid Mode Config MC_ME 55 0x08DC 4 56 0x08E0 4 IRQ Functional and destructive reset alternate event interrupt (ipi_int) MC_RGM 57 0x08E4 4 IRQ XOSC counter expired (ipi_int_osc) XOSC 58 0x08E8 4 59 0x08EC 4 PIT_0 PITimer Channel 0 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 60 0x08F0 4 PIT_1 PITimer Channel 1 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 61 0x08F4 4 PIT_2 PITimer Channel 2 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 62 0x08F8 4 all ADC_EOC Analog to Digital Converter 0 (ADC0) 63 0x08FC 4 wdg_high ADC_ER Analog to Digital Converter 0 (ADC0) 64 0x0900 4 wdg_low ADC_WD Analog to Digital Converter 0 (ADC0) 65 0x0904 4 CAN_ERROR FLEXCAN_ESR[ERR_INT] FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 66 0x0908 4 CAN_WARN FLEXCAN_ESR_BOFF | FLEXCAN_Transmit_Warning | FLEXCAN_Receive_Warning FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 67 0x090C 4 CAN_WAK FLEXCAN_ESR_WAK FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 68 0x0910 4 CAN_03_00 FLEXCAN_BUF_00_03 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 69 0x0914 4 CAN_07_04 FLEXCAN_BUF_04_07 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 70 0x0918 4 CAN_11_08 FLEXCAN_BUF_08_11 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 71 0x091C 4 CAN_15_12 FLEXCAN_BUF_12_15 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) Reserved Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 219 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt Module CAN_31_16 FLEXCAN_BUF_16_31 FlexCan 0 (CAN0) 72 0x0920 4 73 0x0924 4 74 0x0928 4 DSPI_TFUF_OF DSPI_SR[TFUF] DSPI_SR[RFOF] DSPI_SR[SPEF] DSPI 0 75 0x092C 4 DSPI_EOQF DSPI_SR[EOQF] DSPI 0 76 0x0930 4 DSPI_TFFF DSPI_SR[TFFF] DSPI 0 77 0x0934 4 DSPI_TCF DSPI_SR[TCF] DSPI 0 78 0x0938 4 DSPI_RFDF DSPI_SR[RFDF] DSPI 0 79 0x093C 4 LINFLEX_INT_RX LINFlex_RXI LIN FLEX 0 80 0x0940 4 LINFLEX_INT_TX LINFlex_TXI LIN FLEX 0 81 0x0944 4 LINFLEX_ERR LINFlex_ERR LIN FLEX 0 82 0x0948 4 Reserved 83 0x094C 4 Reserved 84 0x0950 4 Reserved 85 0x0954 4 Reserved 86 0x0958 4 Reserved 87 0x095C 4 Reserved 88 0x0960 4 Reserved 89 0x0964 4 Reserved 90 0x0968 4 Reserved 91 0x096C 4 Reserved 92 0x0970 4 Reserved 93 0x0974 4 Reserved 94 0x0978 4 DSPI_TFUF_OF DSPI_SR[TFUF] DSPI_SR[RFOF] DSPI_SR[SPEF] DSPI 1 95 0x097C 4 DSPI_EOQF DSPI_SR[EOQF] DSPI 1 96 0x0980 4 DSPI_TFFF DSPI_SR[TFFF] DSPI 1 97 0x0984 4 DSPI_TCF DSPI_SR[TCF] DSPI 1 98 0x0988 4 DSPI_RFDF DSPI_SR[RFDF] DSPI 1 99 0x098C 4 LINFLEX_INT_RX LINFlex_RXI LIN FLEX 1 100 0x0990 4 LINFLEX_INT_TX LINFlex_TXI LIN FLEX 1 101 0x0994 4 LINFLEX_ERR LINFlex_ERR LIN FLEX 1 102 0x0998 4 Reserved Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 220 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) Size [Bytes] IRQ# Offset Resource Interrupt 103- 0x099C 4 Reserved 104 0x09A0 4 Reserved 105 0x09A4 4 Reserved 106 0x09A8 4 Reserved 107 0x09AC 4 Reserved 108 0x09B0 4 Reserved 109 0x09B4 4 Reserved 110 0x09B8 4 Reserved 111 0x09BC 4 Reserved 112 0x09C0 4 Reserved 113 0x09C4 4 Reserved 114 0x09C8 4 DSPI_TFUF_OF 115 0x09CC 4 DSPI_EOQF DSPI_SR[EOQF] DSPI 2 116 0x09D0 4 DSPI_TFFF DSPI_SR[TFFF] DSPI 2 117 0x09D4 4 DSPI_TCF DSPI_SR[TCF] DSPI 2 118 0x09D8 4 DSPI_RFDF DSPI_SR[RFDF] DSPI 2 119 0x09DC 4 Reserved 120 0x09E0 4 Reserved 121 0x09E4 4 Reserved 122 0x09E8 4 Reserved 123 0x09EC 4 Reserved 124 0x09F0 4 Reserved 125 0x09F4 4 — IBIF Inter-IC Bus Interface Controller 0 (I2C0) 126 0x09F8 4 — IBIF Inter-IC bus interface controller 1 (I2C1) 127 0x09FC 4 PIT_3 PITimer Channel 3 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 128 0x0A00 4 Reserved 129 0x0A04 4 Reserved 130 0x0A08 4 Reserved 131 0x0A0C 4 Reserved 132 0x0A10 4 Reserved DSPI_SR[TFUF] DSPI_SR[RFOF] DSPI_SR[SPEF] Module DSPI 2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 221 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] Resource Interrupt 133 0x0A14 4 Reserved 134 0x0A18 4 Reserved 135 0x0A1C 4 Reserved 136 0x0A20 4 Reserved 137 0x0A24 4 Reserved 138 0x0A28 4 Reserved 139 0x0A2C 4 Reserved 140 0x0A30 4 Reserved 141 0x0A34 4 Reserved 142 0x0A38 4 Reserved 143 0x0A3C 4 Reserved 144 0x0A40 4 Reserved 145 0x0A44 4 Reserved 146 0x0A48 4 Reserved 147 0x0A4C 4 Reserved 148 0x0A50 4 Reserved 149 0x0A54 4 Reserved 150 0x0A58 4 Reserved 151 0x0A5C 4 Reserved 152 0x0A60 4 Reserved 153 0x0A64 4 Reserved 154 0x0A68 4 Reserved 155 0x0A6C 4 Reserved 156 0x0A70 4 Reserved Module MPC5606E-specific interrupts 157 0x0A74 4 tmr0 TC0IR eTimer_0 158 0x0A78 4 tmr1 TC1IR eTimer_0 159 0x0A7C 4 tmr2 TC2IR eTimer_0 160 0x0A80 4 tmr3 TC3IR eTimer_0 161 0x0A84 4 tmr4 TC4IR eTimer_0 162 0x0A8C 4 tmr5 TC5IR eTimer_0 163 0x0A90 4 Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 222 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] 164 0x0A94 4 165 0x0A98 4 166 0x0A9C 4 167 0x0AA0 4 168 0x0AA4 4 Reserved 169 0x0AA8 4 Reserved 170 0x0AAC 4 Reserved 171 0x0AB0 4 Reserved 172 0x0AB4 4 Reserved 173 0x0AB8 4 Reserved 174 0x0ABC 4 Reserved 175 0x0AC0 4 Reserved 176 0x0AC4 4 Reserved 177 0x0AC8 4 Reserved 178 0x0ACC 4 Reserved 179 0x0AD0 4 encoder VIS (Vertical Image Start) VidEnc_0 180 0x0AD4 4 encoder VIE (Vertical Image End) VidEnc_0 181 0x0AD8 4 input buffer SCR (Sub-Channel Ready) VidEnc_0 182 0x0ADC 4 output buffer PDR (Package Data Ready) VidEnc_0 183 0x0AE0 4 all INT1 VidEnc_0 VidEnc_0 Resource Interrupt Module Reserved wdog WTIF eTimer_0 Reserved rcf RCF eTimer_0 184 0x0AE4 4 all ERR2 185 0x0AE8 4 all FEC FEC_0 186 0x0AEC 4 tx TX FEC_0 187 0x0AF0 4 rx RX FEC_0 188 0x0AF4 4 cept TIMESTAMP PTP 189 0x0AF8 4 ce_rtc TIMER CE_RTC 190 0x0AFC 4 tx_fifo TX SAI_0 191 0x0B00 4 rx_fifo RX SAI_0 192 0x0B04 4 tx_fifo TX SAI_1 193 0x0B08 4 rx_fifo RX SAI_1 194 0x0B0C 4 tx_fifo TX SAI_2 195 0x0B10 4 rx_fifo RX SAI_2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 223 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Table 76. Interrupt vectors (continued) IRQ# Offset Size [Bytes] 196 0x0B14 4 Reserved 197 0x0B18 4 Reserved 198 0x0B1C 4 Reserved 199 0x0B20 4 Reserved 200 0x0B24 4 Reserved 201 0x0B28 4 Reserved 202 0x0B30 4 Reserved 203 0x0B34 4 Reserved 204 0x0B38 4 Reserved 205 0x0B3C 4 Reserved 206 0x0B40 4 Reserved 207 0x0B44 4 Reserved 208 0x0B48 4 Reserved 209 0x0B4C 4 Reserved 210 0x0B50 4 Reserved 211 0x0B54 4 Reserved 212 0x0B58 4 Reserved 213 0x0B5C 4 Reserved 214 0x0B60 4 Reserved 215 0x0B64 4 Reserved 216 0x0B68 4 Reserved 217 0x0B6C 4 Reserved 218 0x0B70 4 Reserved 219 0x0B74 4 Reserved 220 0x0B78 4 Reserved 221 0x0B7C 4 Reserved Resource Interrupt Module 1 183 is INT which is a single interrupt line ORing all the interrupts that are generated by the video encoder. This is an Active Low Line. 2 184 is the interrupt for the errors i.e Length error and count error line. Len_err_irq(Interrupt signalling mismatch between active line length and programmed line length). count err irq(Interrupt signalling mismatch between active image height and programmed image height) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 224 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) 10.6.1 Interrupt request sources The INTC has two types of interrupt requests, peripheral and software configurable. These interrupt requests can assert on any clock cycle. Peripheral interrupt requests An interrupt event in a peripheral’s hardware sets a flag bit that resides in the peripheral. The interrupt request from the peripheral is driven by that flag bit. The time from when the peripheral starts to drive its peripheral interrupt request to the INTC to the time that the INTC starts to drive the interrupt request to the processor is three clocks. External interrupts are handled by the SIU (see Section 13.6.3, “External interrupts”). Software configurable interrupt requests An interrupt request is triggered by software by writing a ‘1’ to a SETx bit in INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7. This write sets the corresponding flag bit, CLRx, resulting in the interrupt request. The interrupt request is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to the CLRx bit. The time from the write to the SETx bit to the time that the INTC starts to drive the interrupt request to the processor is four clocks. Unique vector for each interrupt request source Each peripheral and software configurable interrupt request is assigned a hardwired unique 9-bit vector. Software configurable interrupts 0–7 are assigned vectors 0–7 respectively. The peripheral interrupt requests are assigned vectors 8 to as high as needed to include all the peripheral interrupt requests. The peripheral interrupt request input ports at the boundary of the INTC block are assigned specific hardwired vectors within the INTC (see Table 67). 10.6.2 Priority management The asserted interrupt requests are compared to each other based on their PRIx values set in INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR292_293. The result is compared to PRI in the associated INTC_CPR. The results of those comparisons manage the priority of the ISR executed by the associated processor. The associated LIFO also assists in managing that priority. Current priority and preemption The priority arbitrator, selector, encoder, and comparator subblocks shown in Figure 73 compare the priority of the asserted interrupt requests to the current priority. If the priority of any asserted peripheral or software configurable interrupt request is higher than the current priority for a given processor, then the interrupt request to the processor is asserted. Also, a unique vector for the preempting peripheral or software settable interrupt request is generated for INTC interrupt acknowledge register (INTC_IACKR), and if in hardware vector mode, for the interrupt vector provided to the processor. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 225 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Priority arbitrator subblock The priority arbitrator subblock for each processor compares all the priorities of all of the asserted interrupt requests assigned to that processor, both peripheral and software configurable. The output of the priority arbitrator subblock is the highest of those priorities assigned to a given processor. Also, any interrupt requests that have this highest priority are output as asserted interrupt requests to the associated request selector subblock. Request selector subblock If only one interrupt request from the associated priority arbitrator subblock is asserted, then it is passed as asserted to the associated vector encoder subblock. If multiple interrupt requests from the associated priority arbitrator subblock are asserted, only the one with the lowest vector passes as asserted to the associated vector encoder subblock. The lower vector is chosen regardless of the time order of the assertions of the peripheral or software configurable interrupt requests. Vector encoder subblock The vector encoder subblock generates the unique 9-bit vector for the asserted interrupt request from the request selector subblock for the associated processor. Priority comparator subblock The priority comparator submodule compares the highest priority output from the priority arbitrator submodule with PRI in INTC_CPR. If the priority comparator submodule detects that this highest priority is higher than the current priority, then it asserts the interrupt request to the processor. This interrupt request to the processor asserts whether this highest priority is raised above the value of PRI in INTC_CPR or the PRI value in INTC_CPR is lowered below this highest priority. This highest priority then becomes the new priority that will be written to PRI in INTC_CPR when the interrupt request to the processor is acknowledged. Interrupt requests whose PRIn in INTC_PSRn are zero will not cause a preemption because their PRIn will not be higher than PRI in INTC_CPR. Last-in first-out (LIFO) The LIFO stores the preempted PRI values from the INTC_CPR. Therefore, because these priorities are stacked within the INTC, if interrupts need to be enabled during the ISR, at the beginning of the interrupt exception handler the PRI value in the INTC_CPR does not need to be loaded from the INTC_CPR and stored onto the context stack. Likewise at the end of the interrupt exception handler, the priority does not need to be loaded from the context stack and stored into the INTC_CPR. The PRI value in the INTC_CPR is pushed onto the LIFO when the INTC_IACKR is read in software vector mode or the interrupt acknowledge signal from the processor is asserted in hardware vector mode. The priority is popped into PRI in the INTC_CPR whenever the INTC_EOIR is written. Although the INTC supports 16 priorities, an ISR executing with PRI in the INTC_CPR equal to 15 will not be preempted. Therefore, the LIFO supports the stacking of 15 priorities. However, the LIFO is only 14 entries deep. An entry for a priority of 0 is not needed because of how pushing onto a full LIFO and popping an empty LIFO are treated. If the LIFO is pushed 15 or more times than it is popped, the priorities MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 226 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) first pushed are overwritten. A priority of 0 would be an overwritten priority. However, the LIFO will pop 0s if it is popped more times than it is pushed. Therefore, although a priority of 0 was overwritten, it is regenerated with the popping of an empty LIFO. The LIFO is not memory mapped. 10.6.3 Handshaking with processor Software vector mode handshaking This section describes handshaking in software vector mode. Acknowledging interrupt request to processor A timing diagram of the interrupt request and acknowledge handshaking in software vector mode and the handshake near the end of the interrupt exception handler, is shown in Figure 82. The INTC examines the peripheral and software configurable interrupt requests. When it finds an asserted peripheral or software configurable interrupt request with a higher priority than PRI in the associated INTC_CPR, it asserts the interrupt request to the processor. The INTVEC field in the associated INTC_IACKR is updated with the preempting interrupt request’s vector when the interrupt request to the processor is asserted. The INTVEC field retains that value until the next time the interrupt request to the processor is asserted. The rest of handshaking process is described in Section, “Software vector mode”. End of interrupt exception handler Before the interrupt exception handling completes, INTC end-of-interrupt register (INTC_EOIR) must be written.When written, the associated LIFO is popped so the preempted priority is restored into PRI of the INTC_CPR. Before it is written, the peripheral or software configurable flag bit must be cleared so that the peripheral or software configurable interrupt request is negated. NOTE To ensure proper operation across all eSys MCUs, execute an MBAR or MSYNC instruction between the access to clear the flag bit and the write to the INTC_EOIR. When returning from the preemption, the INTC does not search for the peripheral or software settable interrupt request whose ISR was preempted. Depending on how much the ISR progressed, that interrupt request may no longer even be asserted. When PRI in INTC_CPR is lowered to the priority of the preempted ISR, the interrupt request for the preempted ISR or any other asserted peripheral or software settable interrupt request at or below that priority will not cause a preemption. Instead, after the restoration of the preempted context, the processor will return to the instruction address that it was to next execute before it was preempted. This next instruction is part of the preempted ISR or the interrupt exception handler’s prolog or epilog. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 227 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Clock Interrupt request to processor Hardware vector enable Interrupt vector 0 Interrupt acknowledge Read INTC_IACKR Write INTC_EOIR INTVEC in INTC_IACKR 0 PRI in INTC_CPR 0 108 1 0 Peripheral interrupt request 100 Figure 82. Software vector mode handshaking timing diagram Hardware vector mode handshaking A timing diagram of the interrupt request and acknowledge handshaking in hardware vector mode, along with the handshaking near the end of the interrupt exception handler, is shown in Figure 83. As in software vector mode, the INTC examines the peripheral and software settable interrupt requests, and when it finds an asserted one with a higher priority than PRI in INTC_CPR, it asserts the interrupt request to the processor. The INTVEC field in the INTC_IACKR is updated with the preempting peripheral or software settable interrupt request’s vector when the interrupt request to the processor is asserted. The INTVEC field retains that value until the next time the interrupt request to the processor is asserted. In addition, the value of the interrupt vector to the processor matches the value of the INTVEC field in the INTC_IACKR. The rest of the handshaking is described in” Section, “Hardware vector mode”. The handshaking near the end of the interrupt exception handler, that is the writing to the INTC_EOIR, is the same as in software vector mode. Refer to Section, “End of interrupt exception handler”. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 228 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Clock Interrupt request to processor Hardware vector enable Interrupt vector 0 108 INTVEC in INTC_IACKR 0 108 PRI in INTC_CPR 0 Interrupt acknowledge Read INTC_IACKR Write INTC_EOIR 1 0 Peripheral interrupt request 100 Figure 83. Hardware vector mode handshaking timing diagram 10.7 Initialization/application information 10.7.1 Initialization flow After exiting reset, all of the PRIn fields in INTC priority select registers (INTC_PSR0–INTC_PSR211) will be zero, and PRI in INTC current priority register (INTC_CPR) will be 15. These reset values will prevent the INTC from asserting the interrupt request to the processor. The enable or mask bits in the peripherals are reset such that the peripheral interrupt requests are negated. An initialization sequence for allowing the peripheral and software settable interrupt requests to cause an interrupt request to the processor is: interrupt_request_initialization: interrupt_request_initialization: configure VTES and HVEN in INTC_MCR configure VTBA in INTC_IACKR raise the PRIn fields in INTC_PSRn set the enable bits or clear the mask bits for the peripheral interrupt requests lower PRI in INTC_CPR to zero enable processor recognition of interrupts 10.7.2 Interrupt exception handler These example interrupt exception handlers use Power Architecture assembly code. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 229 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Software vector mode interrupt_exception_handler: code to create stack frame, save working register, and save SRR0 and SRR1 lis r3,INTC_IACKR@ha # form adjusted upper half of INTC_IACKR address lwz r3,INTC_IACKR@l(r3) # load INTC_IACKR, which clears request to processor lwz r3,0x0(r3) # load address of ISR from vector table wrteei 1 # enable processor recognition of interrupts code to save rest of context required by e500 EABI mtlr blrl r3 # move INTC_IACKR contents into link register # branch to ISR; link register updated with epilog # address epilog: code to restore most of context required by e500 EABI # Popping the LIFO after the restoration of most of the context and the disabling of processor # recognition of interrupts eases the calculation of the maximum stack depth at the cost of # postponing the servicing of the next interrupt request. mbar # ensure store to clear flag bit has completed lis r3,INTC_EOIR@ha # form adjusted upper half of INTC_EOIR address li r4,0x0 # form 0 to write to INTC_EOIR wrteei 0 # disable processor recognition of interrupts stw r4,INTC_EOIR@l(r3) # store to INTC_EOIR, informing INTC to lower priority code to restore SRR0 and SRR1, restore working registers, and delete stack frame rfi vector_table_base_address: address of ISR for interrupt address of ISR for interrupt . . . address of ISR for interrupt address of ISR for interrupt with vector 0 with vector 1 with vector 510 with vector 511 ISRx: code to service the interrupt event code to clear flag bit that drives interrupt request to INTC blr # return to epilog Hardware vector mode This interrupt exception handler is useful with processor and system bus implementations that support a hardware vector. This example assumes that each interrupt_exception_handlerx only has space for four instructions, and therefore a branch to interrupt_exception_handler_continuedx is needed. interrupt_exception_handlerx: b interrupt_exception_handler_continuedx# 4 instructions available, branch to continue MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 230 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) interrupt_exception_handler_continuedx: code to create stack frame, save working register, and save SRR0 and SRR1 wrteei 1 # enable processor recognition of interrupts code to save rest of context required by e500 EABI bl ISRx # branch to ISR for interrupt with vector x epilog: code to restore most of context required by e500 EABI # Popping the LIFO after the restoration of most of the context and the disabling of processor # recognition of interrupts eases the calculation of the maximum stack depth at the cost of # postponing the servicing of the next interrupt request. mbar # ensure store to clear flag bit has completed lis r3,INTC_EOIR@ha # form adjusted upper half of INTC_EOIR address li r4,0x0 # form 0 to write to INTC_EOIR wrteei 0 # disable processor recognition of interrupts stw r4,INTC_EOIR@l(r3) # store to INTC_EOIR, informing INTC to lower priority code to restore SRR0 and SRR1, restore working registers, and delete stack frame rfi ISRx: code to service the interrupt event code to clear flag bit that drives interrupt request to INTC blr # branch to epilog 10.7.3 ISR, RTOS, and task hierarchy The RTOS and all of the tasks under its control typically execute with PRI in INTC current priority register (INTC_CPR) having a value of 0. The RTOS will execute the tasks according to whatever priority scheme that it may have, but that priority scheme is independent and has a lower priority of execution than the priority scheme of the INTC. In other words, the ISRs execute above INTC_CPR priority 0 and outside the control of the RTOS, the RTOS executes at INTC_CPR priority 0, and while the tasks execute at different priorities under the control of the RTOS, they also execute at INTC_CPR priority 0. If a task shares a resource with an ISR and the PCP is being used to manage that shared resource, then the task’s priority can be elevated in the INTC_CPR while the shared resource is being accessed. An ISR whose PRIn in INTC priority select registers (INTC_PSR0–INTC_PSR211) has a value of 0 will not cause an interrupt request to the processor, even if its peripheral or software settable interrupt request is asserted. For a peripheral interrupt request, not setting its enable bit or disabling the mask bit will cause it to remain negated, which consequently also will not cause an interrupt request to the processor. Since the ISRs are outside the control of the RTOS, this ISR will not run unless called by another ISR or the interrupt exception handler, perhaps after executing another ISR. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 231 Interrupt Controller (INTC) 10.7.4 Order of execution An ISR with a higher priority can preempt an ISR with a lower priority, regardless of the unique vectors associated with each of their peripheral or software configurable interrupt requests. However, if multiple peripheral or software configurable interrupt requests are asserted, more than one has the highest priority, and that priority is high enough to cause preemption, the INTC selects the one with the lowest unique vector regardless of the order in time that they asserted. However, the ability to meet deadlines with this scheduling scheme is no less than if the ISRs execute in the time order that their peripheral or software configurable interrupt requests asserted. The example in Table 77 shows the order of execution of both ISRs with different priorities and the same priority Table 77. Order of ISR execution example Code Executing at End of Step Step # Step Description RTOS ISR108 1 ISR20 8 ISR30 8 PRI in INTC_CPR Interrupt ISR40 at End of Exception 8 Step Handler 1 RTOS at priority 0 is executing. X 0 2 Peripheral interrupt request 100 at priority 1 asserts. Interrupt taken. 3 Peripheral interrupt request 400 at priority 4 is asserts. Interrupt taken. X 4 4 Peripheral interrupt request 300 at priority 3 is asserts. X 4 5 Peripheral interrupt request 200 at priority 3 is asserts. X 4 6 ISR408 completes. Interrupt exception handler writes to INTC_EOIR. 7 Interrupt taken. ISR208 starts to execute, even though peripheral interrupt request 300 asserted first. 8 ISR208 completes. Interrupt exception handler writes to INTC_EOIR. 9 Interrupt taken. ISR308 starts to execute. 10 ISR308 completes. Interrupt exception handler writes to INTC_EOIR. X 1 11 ISR108 completes. Interrupt exception handler writes to INTC_EOIR. X 0 12 RTOS continues execution. X 1 X X 1 3 X X X 1 3 0 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 232 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) 1 ISR108 executes for peripheral interrupt request 100 because the first eight ISRs are for software configurable interrupt requests. 10.7.5 Priority ceiling protocol Elevating priority The PRI field in INTC_CPR is elevated in the OSEK PCP to the ceiling of all of the priorities of the ISRs that share a resource. This protocol allows coherent accesses of the ISRs to that shared resource. For example, ISR1 has a priority of 1, ISR2 has a priority of 2, and ISR3 has a priority of 3. They share the same resource. Before ISR1 or ISR2 can access that resource, they must raise the PRI value in INTC_CPR to 3, the ceiling of all of the ISR priorities. After they release the resource, the PRI value in INTC_CPR can be lowered. If they do not raise their priority, ISR2 can preempt ISR1, and ISR3 can preempt ISR1 or ISR2, possibly corrupting the shared resource. Another possible failure mechanism is deadlock if the higher priority ISR needs the lower priority ISR to release the resource before it can continue, but the lower priority ISR cannot release the resource until the higher priority ISR completes and execution returns to the lower priority ISR. Using the PCP instead of disabling processor recognition of all interrupts eliminates the time when accessing a shared resource that all higher priority interrupts are blocked. For example, while ISR3 cannot preempt ISR1 while it is accessing the shared resource, all of the ISRs with a priority higher than 3 can preempt ISR1. Ensuring coherency A scenario can cause non-coherent accesses to the shared resource. For example, ISR1 and ISR2 are both running on the same core and both share a resource. ISR1 has a lower priority than ISR2. ISR1 is executing and writes to the INTC_CPR. The instruction following this store is a store to a value in a shared coherent data block. Either immediately before or at the same time as the first store, the INTC asserts the interrupt request to the processor because the peripheral interrupt request for ISR2 has asserted. As the processor is responding to the interrupt request from the INTC, and as it is aborting transactions and flushing its pipeline, it is possible that both stores will be executed. ISR2 thereby thinks that it can access the data block coherently, but the data block has been corrupted. OSEK uses the GetResource and ReleaseResource system services to manage access to a shared resource. To prevent corruption of a coherent data block, modifications to PRI in INTC_CPR can be made by those system services with the code sequence: disable processor recognition of interrupts PRI modification enable processor recognition of interrupts 10.7.6 Selecting priorities according to request rates and deadlines The selection of the priorities for the ISRs can be made using rate monotonic scheduling (RMS) or a superset of it, deadline monotonic scheduling (DMS). In RMS, the ISRs that have higher request rates have higher priorities. In DMS, if the deadline is before the next time the ISR is requested, then the ISR is MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 233 Interrupt Controller (INTC) assigned a priority according to the time from the request for the ISR to the deadline, not from the time of the request for the ISR to the next request for it. For example, ISR1 executes every 100 µs, ISR2 executes every 200 µs, and ISR3 executes every 300 µs. ISR1 has a higher priority than ISR2, which has a higher priority than ISR3; however, if ISR3 has a deadline of 150 µs, then it has a higher priority than ISR2. The INTC has 16 priorities, which may be less than the number of ISRs. In this case, the ISRs should be grouped with other ISRs that have similar deadlines. For example, a priority could be allocated for every time the request rate doubles. ISRs with request rates around 1 ms would share a priority, ISRs with request rates around 500 µs would share a priority, ISRs with request rates around 250 µs would share a priority, etc. With this approach, a range of ISR request rates of 216 could be included, regardless of the number of ISRs. Reducing the number of priorities reduces the processor’s ability to meet its deadlines. However, reducing the number of priorities can reduce the size and latency through the interrupt controller. It also allows easier management of ISRs with similar deadlines that share a resource. They do not need to use the PCP to access the shared resource. 10.7.7 Software configurable interrupt requests The software configurable interrupt requests can be used in two ways. They can be used to schedule a lower priority portion of an ISR and they may also be used by processors to interrupt other processors in a multiple processor system. Scheduling a lower priority portion of an ISR A portion of an ISR needs to be executed at the PRIx value in INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR292_293, which becomes the PRI value in INTC_CPR with the interrupt acknowledge. The ISR, however, can have a portion that does not need to be executed at this higher priority. Therefore, executing the later portion that does not need to be executed at this higher priority can prevent the execution of ISRs that do not have a higher priority than the earlier portion of the ISR but do have a higher priority than what the later portion of the ISR needs. This preemptive scheduling inefficiency reduces the processor’s ability to meet its deadlines. One option is for the ISR to complete the earlier higher priority portion, but then schedule through the RTOS a task to execute the later lower priority portion. However, some RTOSs can require a large amount of time for an ISR to schedule a task. Therefore, a second option is for the ISR, after completing the higher priority portion, to set a SETx bit in INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7. Writing a ‘1’ to SETx causes a software configurable interrupt request. This software configurable interrupt request will usually have a lower PRIx value in the INTC_PSRx_x and will not cause preemptive scheduling inefficiencies. After generating a software settable interrupt request, the higher priority ISR completes. The lower priority ISR is scheduled according to its priority. Execution of the higher priority ISR is not resumed after the completion of the lower priority ISR. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 234 Freescale Semiconductor Interrupt Controller (INTC) Scheduling an ISR on another processor Because the SETx bits in the INTC_SSCIRx_x are memory mapped, processors in multiple-processor systems can schedule ISRs on the other processors. One application is that one processor wants to command another processor to perform a piece of work and the initiating processor does not need to use the results of that work. If the initiating processor is concerned that the processor executing the software configurable ISR has not completed the work before asking it to again execute the ISR, it can check if the corresponding CLRx bit in INTC_SSCIRx_x is asserted before again writing a ‘1’ to the SETx bit. Another application is the sharing of a block of data. For example, a first processor has completed accessing a block of data and wants a second processor to then access it. Furthermore, after the second processor has completed accessing the block of data, the first processor again wants to access it. The accesses to the block of data must be done coherently. To do this, the first processor writes a ‘1’ to a SETx bit on the second processor. After accessing the block of data, the second processor clears the corresponding CLRx bit and then writes 1 to a SETx bit on the first processor, informing it that it can now access the block of data. 10.7.8 Lowering priority within an ISR A common method for avoiding preemptive scheduling inefficiencies with an ISR whose work spans multiple priorities (see Section, “Scheduling a lower priority portion of an ISR”) is to lower the current priority. However, the INTC has a LIFO whose depth is determined by the number of priorities. NOTE Lowering the PRI value in INTC_CPR within an ISR to below the ISR’s corresponding PRI value in INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR292_293 allows more preemptions than the LIFO depth can support. Therefore, the INTC does not support lowering the current priority within an ISR as a way to avoid preemptive scheduling inefficiencies. 10.7.9 Negating an interrupt request outside of its ISR Negating an interrupt request as a side effect of an ISR Some peripherals have flag bits that can be cleared as a side effect of servicing a peripheral interrupt request. For example, reading a specific register can clear the flag bits and their corresponding interrupt requests. This clearing as a side effect of servicing a peripheral interrupt request can cause the negation of other peripheral interrupt requests besides the peripheral interrupt request whose ISR presently is executing. This negating of a peripheral interrupt request outside of its ISR can be a desired effect. Negating multiple interrupt requests in one ISR An ISR can clear other flag bits besides its own. One reason that an ISR clears multiple flag bits is because it serviced those flag bits, and therefore the ISRs for these flag bits do not need to be executed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 235 Interrupt Controller (INTC) Proper setting of interrupt request priority Whether an interrupt request negates outside its own ISR due to the side effect of an ISR execution or the intentional clearing a flag bit, the priorities of the peripheral or software configurable interrupt requests for these other flag bits must be selected properly. Their PRIx values in INTC_PSR0_3–INTC_PSR292_293 must be selected to be at or lower than the priority of the ISR that cleared their flag bits. Otherwise, those flag bits can cause the interrupt request to the processor to assert. Furthermore, the clearing of these other flag bits also has the same timing relationship to the writing to INTC_SSCIR0_3–INTC_SSCIR4_7 as the clearing of the flag bit that caused the present ISR to be executed (see Section, “End of interrupt exception handler”). A flag bit whose enable bit or mask bit negates its peripheral interrupt request can be cleared at any time, regardless of the peripheral interrupt request’s PRIx value in INTC_PSRx_x. 10.7.10 Examining LIFO contents In normal mode, the user does not need to know the contents of the LIFO. He may not even know how deeply the LIFO is nested. However, if he wants to read the contents, such as in debug mode, they are not memory mapped. The contents can be read by popping the LIFO and reading the PRI field in either INTC_CPR. The code sequence is: pop_lifo: store to INTC_EOIR load INTC_CPR, examine PRI, and store onto stack if PRI is not zero or value when interrupts were enabled, branch to pop_lifo When the examination is complete, the LIFO can be restored using this code sequence: push_lifo: load stacked PRI value and store to INTC_CPR load INTC_IACKR if stacked PRI values are not depleted, branch to push_lifo MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 236 Freescale Semiconductor Wakeup Unit (WKPU) Chapter 11 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Overview The WKPU supports one external source that can cause non-maskable interrupt requests or wakeup events. Figure 84 is a block diagram of the WKPU and its interfaces to other system components. Wakeup Unit Machine Check Request NMI / Wakeup - Configuration Critical Interrupt PLATFORM Non-Maskable Interrupt NMI enable filter bypass PBRIDGE wakeup NMI filter PADS IOMUX Mode / Power Ctl IPS BUS Figure 84. WKPU block diagram 11.1.2 Features The WKPU supports: • 1 NMI source • 1 analog glitch filter • Independent interrupt destination: non-maskable interrupt, critical interrupt, or machine check request • Edge detection • Configurable system wakeup triggering from NMI sources MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 237 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) 11.2 External signal description The module has 1 signal input that can be used as a non-maskable interrupt source in normal run mode or as system wakeup sources in certain power down modes. 11.3 Memory map and register description This section provides a detailed description of all registers accessible in the WKPU module. 11.3.1 Memory map Figure 78 gives an overview on the WKPU registers implemented. Table 78. WKPU memory map Address Offset Use Abbreviation Size Supported Access Sizes 0x0000 NMI Status Flag Register NSR 32 32/16/8 0x0004 - 0x0007 Reserved 0x0008 NMI Configuration Register NCR 32 32/16/8 0x000C - 0x3FFF Reserved NOTE Reserved registers will read as 0, writes will have no effect. If supported and enabled by the SoC, a transfer error will be issued when trying to access completely reserved register space. 11.3.2 Register descriptions This section describes in address order all the WKPU registers. Each description includes a standard register diagram with an associated figure number. Details of register bit and field function follow the register diagrams, in bit order. Figure 85. Key to Register Fields Always reads 1 1 Always reads 0 0 R/W BIT Read- BIT WriteWrite 1 BIT Self-clear 0 bit only bit only bit BIT to clear w1c bit BIT N/A NMI Status Flag Register (NSR) This register holds the non-maskable interrupt status flags. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 238 Freescale Semiconductor Wakeup Unit (WKPU) Address 0x0000 : Access: User read/write (write 1 to clear) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R NIF0 NOVF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset R W Reset R W Reset R W Reset Figure 86. NMI Status Flag Register (NSR) Table 79. NSR Field Descriptions Field Description NIF0 NMI Status Flag 0. This flag can be cleared only by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. If enabled (NREE0 or NFEE0 set), NIF0 causes an interrupt request. 1 An event as defined by NREE0 and NFEE0 has occurred 0 No event has occurred on the pad NOVF0 NMI Overrun Status Flag 0. This flag can be cleared only by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. It will be a copy of the current NIF0 value whenever a NMI event occurs, thereby indicating to the software that a NMI occurred while the last one was not yet serviced. If enabled (NREE0 or NFEE0 set), NOVF0 causes an interrupt request. 1 An overrun has occurred on NMI input 0 0 No overrun has occurred on NMI input 0 NMI Configuration Register (NCR) This register holds the configuration bits for the non-maskable interrupt settings. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 239 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) Address: 0x0008 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 R 5 6 7 NREE0 NFEE0 NFE0 0 NLOCK0 NDSS0 NWRE0 W Reset R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset R W Reset Figure 87. NMI Configuration Register (NCR) Table 80. NCR Field Descriptions Field Description NLOCK0 NMI Configuration Lock Register 0. Writing a 1 to this bit locks the configuration for the NMI until it is unlocked by a system reset. Writing a 0 has no effect. NDSS0 NMI Destination Source Select 0. 00 non-maskable interrupt 01 critical interrupt 10 machine check request 11 reserved - no NMI, critical interrupt, or machine check request generated NWRE0 NMI Wakeup Request Enable 0. 1 A set NIF0 bit or set NOVF0 bit causes a system wakeup request 0 System wakeup requests from the corresponding NIF0 bit are disabled NREE0 NMI Rising-edge Events Enable 0. 1 Rising-edge event is enabled 0 Rising-edge event is disabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 240 Freescale Semiconductor Wakeup Unit (WKPU) Table 80. NCR Field Descriptions (continued) Field NFEE0 NFE0 Description NMI Falling-edge Events Enable 0. 1 Falling-edge event is enabled 0 Falling-edge event is disabled NMI Filter Enable 0. Enable analog glitch filter on the NMI pad input. 1 Filter is enabled 0 Filter is disabled NOTE Writing a ‘0’ to both NREE0 and NFEE0 disables the NMI functionality completely (i.e. no system wakeup or interrupt will be generated on any pad activity)! 11.4 11.4.1 Functional description General This section provides a complete functional description of the WKPU. 11.4.2 Non-Maskable Interrupts The WKPU supports one non-maskable interrupt. The WKPU supports the generation of 3 types of interrupts per NMI input to the SoC. The WKPU supports the capturing of a second event per NMI input before the interrupt is cleared, thus reducing the chance of losing an NMI event. Each NMI passes through a bypassable analog glitch filter. NOTE Glitch filter control and pad configuration should be done while the NMI is disabled in order to avoid erroneous triggering by glitches caused by the configuration process itself. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 241 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) Mode/ Pwr Ctl machine check critical IRQ NMI CPU Destination Wakeup Enable Flag Overrun Edge Detect NFE[0] NFEE[0] NREE[0] NWRE[0] NDSS[0] Glitch Filter NMI Configuration Register (NCR) Figure 88. NMI pad diagram NMI management Each NMI can be enabled or disabled independently. This can be performed using the single NCR register laid out to contain all configuration bits for a given NMI in a single byte (see Figure 87). A pad defined as an NMI can be configured by the user to recognize interrupts with an active rising edge, an active falling edge or both edges being active. A setting of having both edge events disabled results in no interrupt being detected and should not be configured. The active NMI edge is controlled by the user through the configuration of the NREE and NFEE bits. NOTE After reset, NREE and NFEE are set to ‘0’, therefore the NMI functionality is disabled after reset and must be enabled explicitly by software. Once a pad’s NMI functionality has been enabled, the pad cannot be reconfigured in the IOMUX to override or disable the NMI. The NMI destination interrupt is controlled by the user through the configuration of the NDSS bits. See Table 80 for details. Each NMI supports a status flag and an overrun flag which are located in the NSR register (see Figure 86). This register is a clear-by-write-1 register type, preventing inadvertent overwriting of other flags in the MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 242 Freescale Semiconductor Wakeup Unit (WKPU) same register. The status flag is set whenever an NMI event is detected. The overrun flag is set whenever an NMI event is detected and the status flag is set (i.e. has not yet been cleared). NOTE The overrun flag is cleared by writing a ‘1’ to the appropriate overrun bit in the NSR register. If the status bit is cleared and the overrun bit is still set, the pending interrupt will not be cleared. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 243 Wakeup Unit (WKPU) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 244 Freescale Semiconductor System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Chapter 12 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) 12.1 12.1.1 Introduction Overview The System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) provides central SOC functionality. System Status and Configuration Module RevID Hardmacro Core Logic Debug Port Bus Interface Peripheral Bus Interface System Status Password Comparator Figure 89. System Status and Configuration Module Block Diagram 12.1.2 Features The SSCM includes these distinctive features: • System Configuration and Status — Memory sizes/status — Device Mode and Security Status — Determine boot vector — Search Code Flash for bootable sector — DMA Status • Device identification information (MCU ID Registers) • Debug Status Port enable and selection MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 245 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) • Bus and peripheral abort enable/disable 12.1.3 Modes of Operation The SSCM operates identically in all system modes. 12.2 External Signal Description The SSCM has no external pins. 12.3 Memory Map/Register Definition This section provides a detailed description of all memory-mapped registers in the SSCM. Table 81 shows the memory map for the SSCM. Note that all addresses are offsets; the absolute address may be calculated by adding the specified offset to the base address of the SSCM. Table 81. Module Memory Map 1 Address Register Size Access Mode1 Base + 0x0000 System Status (STATUS) 16 bits R A Base + 0x0002 System Memory and ID (MEMCONFIG) 16 bits R A Base + 0x0004 Reserved 16 bits Reads/Writes have no effect. A Base + 0x0006 Error Configuration (ERROR) 16 bits R/W A Base + 0x0008 Debug Status Port (DEBUGPORT) 16 bits R/W A Base + 0x000A Reserved 16 bits Reads/Writes have no effect. A Base + 0x0014 to Base + 0x001C Reserved 32 bits Reads/Writes have no effect. A Base + 0x0028 Primary Boot Address 32 bits R A Base + 0x002C Reserved 32 bits Reads/Writes have no effect. A U = User Mode, S = Supervisor Mode, T = Test Mode, V = DFV Mode, A = All (No restrictions) All registers are accessible via 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit accesses. However, 16-bit accesses must be aligned to 16-bit boundaries, and 32-bit accesses must be aligned to 32-bit boundaries. As an example, the STATUS register is accessible by a 16-bit READ/WRITE to address ’Base + 0x0002’, but performing a 16-bit access to ’Base + 0x0003’ is illegal. 12.3.1 Register Descriptions The following registers are available in the SSCM. Those bits that are shaded out are reserved for future use. To optimize future compatibility, these bits should be masked out during any read/write operations to avoid conflict with future revisions. System Status Register The System Status register is a read-only register that reflects the current state of the system. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 246 Freescale Semiconductor System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Address: Base + 0x0000 R Access: Read / Write 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 5 NXEN PUB 6 7 SEC 0 8 9 10 BMODE 11 12 13 14 15 0 ABD 0 0 0 W RESET: 1 = Reserved Figure 90. Status (STATUS) Register 1 Reset values for this register depend on the associated option bits, or on the device status after leaving reset. Table 82. STATUS Allowed Register Accesses 1 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit1 READ Allowed Allowed Allowed WRITE Allowed Allowed Allowed All 32-bit accesses must be aligned to 32-bit addresses (i.e. 0x0, 0x4, 0x8 or 0xC). Table 83. STATUS Field Descriptions Field NXEN Description Nexus enabled. PUB Public Serial Access Status. This bit indicates whether serial boot mode with public password is allowed. 1 Serial boot mode with public password is allowed 0 Serial boot mode with private Flash password is allowed, provided the key hasn’t been swallowed SEC Security Status. This bit reflects the current security state of the Flash. 1 The Flash is secured 0 The Flash is not secured BMODE Device Boot Mode. 000 (reserved for FlexRay Boot Serial Boot Loader) 001 CAN Serial Boot Loader 010 SCI Serial Boot Loader 011 Single Chip 100 Expanded Chip This field is only updated during reset. If the device goes into standby mode and wakes up from it again, the bits retain their original value. ABD Autobaud. Indicates that autobaud detection is active when in SCI or CAN serial boot loader mode. No meaning in other modes. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 247 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) System Memory and ID Register The System Memory Configuration register is a read-only register that reflects the memory configuration of the system. It also contains the JTAG ID. Address Base + 0x0002 R 0 1 Access: Read Only 2 3 4 R 5 6 7 8 9 JPIN 10 11 IVLD 12 13 14 MREV 15 DVLD W RESET: 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 = Reserved Figure 91. System Memory and ID (MEMCONFIG) Register Table 84. MEMCONFIG Field Descriptions Field Description JPIN JTAG Part ID Number IVLD Instruction Flash Valid. This bit identifies whether or not the on-chip Instruction Flash is accessible in the system memory map. The Flash may not be accessible due to security limitations, or because there is no Flash in the system. 1 Instruction Flash is accessible 0 Instruction Flash is not accessible MREV Minor Mask Revision DVLD Data Flash Valid. This bit identifies whether or not the on-chip Data Flash is visible in the system memory map. The Flash may not be accessible due to security limitations, or because there is no Flash in the system. 1 Data Flash is visible 0 Data Flash is not visible Table 85. MEMCONFIG Allowed Register Accesses 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit READ Allowed Allowed Allowed (also reads STATUS register) WRITE Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Error Configuration The Error Configuration register is a read-write register that controls the error handling of the system. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 248 Freescale Semiconductor System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Address : Base + 0x0006 R Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAE RAE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: = Reserved Figure 92. Error Configuration (ERROR) Register Table 86. ERROR Field Descriptions Field Description PAE Peripheral Bus Abort Enable. This bit enables bus aborts on any access to a peripheral slot that is not used on the device. This feature is intended to aid in debugging when developing application code. 1 Illegal accesses to non-existing peripherals produce a Prefetch or Data Abort exception 0 Illegal accesses to non-existing peripherals do not produce a Prefetch or Data Abort exception RAE Register Bus Abort Enable. This bit enables bus aborts on illegal accesses to off-platform peripherals. Illegal accesses are defined as reads or writes to reserved addresses within the address space for a particular peripheral. This feature is intended to aid in debugging when developing application code. 1 Illegal accesses to peripherals produce a Prefetch or Data Abort exception 0 Illegal accesses to peripherals do not produce a Prefetch or Data Abort exception Note: Transfers to Peripheral Bus resources may be aborted even before they reach the Peripheral Bus (i.e. at the AIPS level). In this case, the PER_ABORT and REG_ABORT register bits will have no effect on the abort. Table 87. ERROR Allowed Register Accesses 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit READ Allowed Allowed Allowed WRITE Allowed Allowed Not Allowed Debug Status Port Register The Debug Status Port register is used to (optionally) provide debug data on a set of pins. Consult the SOC guide for this information. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 249 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Address: Base + 0x0008 R Access: Read/Write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEBUG_MODE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: 0 0 = Reserved for future use Figure 93. Debug Status Port (DEBUGPORT) Register Table 88. DEBUGPORT Field Descriptions Field Description DEBUG_ Debug Status Port Mode. This field selects the alternate debug functionality for the Debug Status Port MODE 000 undefined 001 Mode 1 Selected 010 Mode 2 Selected 011 Mode 3 Selected 100 Mode 4 Selected 101 Mode 5 Selected 110 Mode 6 Selected 111 Mode 7 Selected Table 89 describes the functionality of the Debug Status Port in each mode. Table 89. Debug Status Port Modes Pin1 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6 Mode 7 0 STATUS[0] STATUS[8] MEMCONFIG[0] MEMCONFIG[8] Reserved Reserved Reserved 1 STATUS[1] STATUS[9] MEMCONFIG[1] MEMCONFIG[9] Reserved Reserved Reserved 2 STATUS[2] STATUS[10] MEMCONFIG[2] MEMCONFIG[10] Reserved Reserved Reserved 3 STATUS[3] STATUS[11] MEMCONFIG[3] MEMCONFIG[11] Reserved Reserved Reserved 4 STATUS[4] STATUS[12] MEMCONFIG[4] MEMCONFIG[12] Reserved Reserved Reserved 5 STATUS[5] STATUS[13] MEMCONFIG[5] MEMCONFIG[13] Reserved Reserved Reserved 6 STATUS[6] STATUS[14] MEMCONFIG[6] MEMCONFIG[14] Reserved Reserved Reserved 7 STATUS[7] STATUS[15] MEMCONFIG[7] MEMCONFIG[15] Reserved Reserved Reserved 1 All signals are active high, unless otherwise noted MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 250 Freescale Semiconductor System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Table 90. DEBUGPORT Allowed Register Accesses 1 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit1 READ Allowed Allowed Not Allowed WRITE Allowed Allowed Not Allowed All 32-bit accesses must be aligned to 32-bit addresses (i.e. 0x0, 0x4, 0x8 or 0xC). Table 91. Debug Status Port Signals Debug Status Port Signals sscm__ipg_debug_soc__wire DS6 platform__zcor_pstat__wire[6:0] video_wrap__valid_frame__wire video_wrap__sub_start__wire video_wrap__seq_luma__wire video_wrap__seq_chroma__wire dflash0__f90_done__wire DS7 cflash0__f90_done__wire vreg_dig0__vreg_ok__wire fmpll0__i_lock__wire fmpll0__i_lock__wire MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 251 System Status and Configuration Module (SSCM) Primary Boot Address Address: Base + 0x28 0 1 Access: Read/Write 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SADR W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R SADR W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Writes have no effect on this bit Figure 94. Table 92. PSA Field Descriptions Field SADR 12.4 Description Start Address - the boot processor will start executing application code from this address Functional Description The primary purpose of the SSCM is to provide information about the current state and configuration of the system that may be useful for configuring application software and for debug of the system. 12.5 12.5.1 Initialization/Application Information Reset The reset state of each individual bit is shown within the Register Description section (see Section 12.3.1, “Register Descriptions”). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 252 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Chapter 13 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 13.1 Introduction This chapter describes the System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL), which is used for the management of the pads and their configuration. It controls the multiplexing of the alternate functions used on all pads as well as being responsible for the management of the external interrupts to the device. 13.2 Overview The System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) controls the MCU pad configuration, ports, general-purpose input and output (GPIO) signals and external interrupts with trigger event configuration. Figure 95 provides a block diagram of the SIUL and its interfaces to other system components. The module provides dedicated general-purpose pads that can be configured as either inputs or outputs. • When a pad is configured as an input, the state of the pad (logic high or low) is obtained by reading an associated data input register. • When a pad is configured as an output, the value driven onto the pad is determined by writing to an associated data output register. Enabling the input buffers when a pad is configured as an output allows the actual state of the pad to be read. • To enable monitoring of an output pad value, the pad can be configured as both output and input so the actual pad value can be read back and compared with the expected value.Rev. 2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 253 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) SIUL Module Pad Config (IOMUXC) 71 Pad Cfg (PCRs) GPIO Functionality 71 Data 71 Pad Input IO MUX 7‘1 PADS IPS Master Interrupt Functionality 32 Interrupt - Configuration - Glitch Filter 4 Interrupt Controller IPS BUS Figure 95. System Integration Unit Lite block diagram 13.3 Features The System Integration Unit Lite supports these distinctive features: The System Integration Unit Lite provides these features: • GPIO — GPIO function on up to 71 I/O pins — Dedicated input and output registers for each GPIO pin • External interrupts MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 254 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) — 3 system interrupt vectors for up to 22 interrupt sources — 22 programmable digital glitch filters — Independent interrupt mask — Edge detection System configuration — Pad configuration control • 13.4 External signal description Most device pads support multiple device functions. Pad configuration registers are provided to enable selection between GPIO and other signals. These other signals, also referred to as alternate functions, are typically peripheral functions. GPIO pads are grouped in “ports”, with each port containing up to 16 pads. With appropriate configuration, all pins in a port can be read or written to in parallel with a single R/W access. Table 93 lists the external pins used by the SIUL. ( Table 93. SIUL signal properties GPIO[0:198] category Name System configuration GPIO[0:70] External interrupt A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A12, A13, A14, A15, B3, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C8, C9, C10, C12, C13, C14, D9, D13, D14, and E2 13.4.1 I/O direction I/O Input Function General-purpose input/output Pins with External Interrupt Request functionality. Please refer to the signal description chapter of this reference manual for details. Detailed signal descriptions General-purpose I/O pins (GPIO[0:70]) The GPIO pins provide general-purpose input and output function. The GPIO pins are generally multiplexed with other I/O pin functions. Each GPIO input and output is separately controlled by an input (GPDIn_n) or output (GPDOn_n) register. External interrupt request input pins (EIRQ[0:21]) The EIRQ[0:21] pins are connected to the SIUL inputs. Rising- or falling-edge events are enabled by setting the corresponding bits in the SIUL_IREER or the SIUL_IFEER register. 13.5 Memory map and register description This section provides a detailed description of all registers accessible in the SIUL module. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 255 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) 13.5.1 SIUL memory map Table 94 gives an overview of the SIUL registers implemented. Table 94. SIUL memory map Register Offset Register name Location 0xC3F9_0000 Reserved — 0x0004 MCU ID Register #1 (MIDR1) on page 257 0x0008 MCU ID Register #2 (MIDR2) on page 259 0x000C–0x0013 Reserved 0x0014 Interrupt Status Flag Register (ISR) on page 260 0x0018 Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER) on page 260 0x001C–0x0027 Reserved 0x0028 Interrupt Rising-Edge Event Enable Register (IREER) on page 261 0x002C Interrupt Falling-Edge Event Enable Register (IFEER) on page 261 0x0030 Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) on page 262 0x0034–0x003F Reserved 0x0040–0x00CC Pad Configuration Registers (PCR[0:70]) 0x00CE–0x04FF Reserved 0x500–0x519 Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Registers (PSMI0–PSMI25) 0x0520–0x05FF Reserved 0x0600–0x0644 GPIO Pad Data Output Registers (GPDO0_3–GPDO68_71) 0x06C8–0x07FF Reserved 0x0800–0x0844 GPIO Pad Data Input Registers (GPDI0_3–GPDI68_71) 0x08C8–0x0BFF Reserved 0x0C00–0x0C08 Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Registers (PGPDO0–PGPDO2) on page 269 0x0C0C–0x0C3F Reserved 0x0C40–0x0C48 Parallel GPIO Pad Data In Register (PGPDI0–PGPDI2) 0x0C4C–0x0C7F Reserved 0x0C80–0x0C90 Masked Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Register (MPGPDO0–MPGPDO4) 0x0C94–0x0FFF Reserved 0x1000–0x107C Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Registers (IFMC0–IFMC31) on page 271 0x1080 Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register (IFCPR) 0x1084–0x3FF Reserved — — — on page 262 — on page 264 — on page 267 — on page 268 — — on page 269 — on page 270 — on page 273 — MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 256 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) NOTE A transfer error will be issued when trying to access completely reserved register space. 13.5.2 Register protection Individual registers in System Integration Unit Lite can be protected from accidental writes using the Register Protection module (Chapter 38, "Register Protection (REG_PROT)"). The following registers can be protected: • Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER) • Interrupt Rising-Edge Event Enable Register (IREER) • Interrupt Falling-Edge Event Enable Register (IFEER) • Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) • Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) • Pad Configuration Registers (PCR[0:70]) • Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Registers (PSMI0–PSMI25) • Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Registers (IFMC0–IFMC31) • Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register (IFCPR) Refer to Chapter 38, "Register Protection (REG_PROT)"for details. 13.5.3 Register description This section describes in address order all the SIUL registers. Each description includes a standard register diagram. Details of register bit and field function follow the register diagrams, in bit order. The numbering convention of the registers is MSB = 0, however the numbering of the internal fields is LSB = 0, for example, PARTNUM[5] = MIDR1[10]. Always 1 Always 0 Read- R/W BIT Write- Write 1 BIT Self- 0 w1 c clear bit BIT BIT reads 1 reads 0 bit only bit only bit BIT to clear N/A Figure 96. Key to register fields MCU ID Register #1 (MIDR1) This register contains the part number and the package ID of the device. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 257 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Address: Base + 0x0004 0 1 Access: User read-only 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PARTNUM[15:0] W Reset 0 1 0 16 17 18 R CSP 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 MAJOR_MASK[3:0]1 MINOR_MASK[3:0]1 0 0 0 0 PKG[4:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Figure 97. MCU ID Register #1 (MIDR1) 1 See Table 95. Table 95. MIDR1 field descriptions Field PARTNUM[15:0] CSP PKG[4:0] Description MCU Part Number Device part number of the MCU. 0101_0110_0000_0110: 5606 For the full part number this field needs to be combined with MIDR2.PARTNUM[7:0] Always reads back 0 Package Settings Can by read by software to determine the package type that is used for the particular device: 00001: 121 MAPBGA MAJOR_MASK[3:0] Major Mask Revision Counter starting at 0x0. Incremented each time a resynthesis is done. 0b0000 MINOR_MASK[3:0] Minor Mask Revision Counter starting at 0x0. Incremented each time a mask change is done. 0000: Silicon Cut 1.0 0001: Silicon Cut 1.1 0010: Silicon Cut 1.2 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 258 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) MCU ID Register #2 (MIDR2) This register contains additional configuration information about the device. Address: Base + 0x0008 0 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FLASH_SIZE_1[3:0] FLASH_SIZE_2[3:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 SF 1 Access: User read-only 2 3 4 5 6 7 W Reset1 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 EE 0 0 0 FR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 PARTNUM[7:0] W Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Figure 98. MCU ID Register #2 (MIDR2) 1 See Table 96. Table 96. MIDR2 field descriptions Field SF Description Manufacturer 0: Freescale 1: Reserved FLASH_SIZE_1[3:0] Coarse granularity for Flash memory size Needs to be combined with FLASH_SIZE_2 to calculate the actual memory size. 0101: 512 KB Other values are reserved. FLASH_SIZE_2[3:0] Fine granularity for Flash memory size Needs to be combined with FLASH_SIZE_1 to calculate the actual memory size. PARTNUM[7:0] ASCII character in MCU Part Number 0x45: ascii 'E' (MPC5606E) EE Data Flash present 0: No Data Flash present 1: Data Flash present FR FlexRay present 0: No FlexRay present 1: FlexRay present MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 259 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Interrupt Status Flag Register (ISR) This register holds the interrupt flags. Address: Base + 0x0014 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R EIF[31:16] W w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w1c 0 12 0 W 0 11 0 EIF[15:0] 0 10 0 R Reset 9 0 0 Figure 99. Interrupt Status Flag Register (ISR) Table 97. ISR field descriptions Field Description EIFn External Interrupt Status Flag n This flag can be cleared only by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. If enabled (IRERn), EIFn causes an interrupt request. 0: No interrupt event has occurred on the pad. 1: An interrupt event as defined by IREERn and IFEERn has occurred. Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER) This register enables the interrupt messaging to the interrupt controller. Address: Base + 0x0018 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 R 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R IRE[15:0] W Reset 8 IRE[31:16] W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 100. Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER) Table 98. IRER field descriptions Field IREn Description External Interrupt Request Enable n 0: Interrupt requests from the corresponding EIFn bit are disabled. 1: A set EIFn bit causes an interrupt request. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 260 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Interrupt Rising-Edge Event Enable Register (IREER) This register allows rising-edge triggered events to be enabled on the corresponding interrupt pads. Address: Base + 0x0028 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IREE[31:16] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R IREE[15:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 101. Interrupt Rising-Edge Event Enable Register (IREER) Table 99. IREER field descriptions Field Description IREEn Enable rising-edge events to cause the EIFn bit to be set. 0: Rising-edge event disabled 1: Rising-edge event enabled Interrupt Falling-Edge Event Enable Register (IFEER) This register allows falling-edge triggered events to be enabled on the corresponding interrupt pads. Address: Base + 0x002C 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 R 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R IFEE[15:0] W Reset 8 IFEE[31:16] W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 102. Interrupt Falling-Edge Event Enable Register (IFEER) Table 100. IFEER field descriptions Field IFEEn Description Enable falling-edge events to cause the EIFn bit to be set. 0: Falling-edge event disabled 1: Falling-edge event enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 261 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) NOTE If both the IREER.IREE and IFEER.IFEE bits are cleared for the same interrupt source, the interrupt status flag for the corresponding external interrupt will never be set. Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) This register enables a digital filter counter on the corresponding interrupt pads to filter out glitches on the inputs. Address: Base + 0x0030 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IFE[31:16] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R IFE[15:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 103. Interrupt Filter Enable Register (IFER) Table 101. IFER field descriptions Field Description IFEn Enable digital glitch filter on the interrupt pad input. 0: Filter disabled 1: Filter enabled Pad Configuration Registers (PCR[0:70]) The Pad Configuration Registers allow configuration of the static electrical and functional characteristics associated with I/O pads. Each PCR controls the characteristics of a single pad. Address: Base + 0x0040 (PCR0) ... Base + 0x00CC (PCR70) 71 registers 0 R 0 W Reset1 1 2 SMC APC 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 5 PA[1:0] 0 0 Access: User read/write 6 7 OBE IBE 0 0 8 9 0 0 0 0 10 ODE 0 11 12 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 SRC WPE WPS 0 0 0 Figure 104. Pad Configuration Registers 0–70 (PCR[0:70]) 1 See Table 103. NOTE 16/32-bit access is supported for the PCR[0:70] registers. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 262 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 102. PCR[0:70] field descriptions Field Description SMC Safe Mode Control This bit supports the overriding of the automatic deactivation of the output buffer of the associated pad upon entering Safe mode of the device. 0: In Safe mode, output buffer of the pad disabled 1: In Safe mode, output buffer remains functional APC Analog Pad Control This bit enables the usage of the pad as analog input. 0: Analog input path from the pad is gated and cannot be used. 1: Analog input path switch can be enabled by the ADC. PA[1:0] Pad Output Assignment This field selects the function that is allowed to drive the output of a multiplexed pad. The PA field size can vary from 0 to 2 bits, depending on the number of output functions associated with this pad. 00: Alternative mode 0: GPIO 01: Alternative mode 1 (see Signal Description) 10: Alternative mode 2 (see Signal Description) 11: Alternative mode 3 (see Signal Description) Note: The number of bits in the PA bitfield depends of the number of actual alternate functions provided for each pad. Please see the MPC5606E Microcontroller Data Sheet. OBE Output Buffer Enable This bit enables the output buffer of the pad in case the pad is in GPIO mode. 0: Output buffer of the pad disabled when PA = 00 1: Output buffer of the pad enabled when PA = 00 IBE Input Buffer Enable This bit enables the input buffer of the pad. 0: Input buffer of the pad disabled 1: Input buffer of the pad enabled ODE Open Drain Output Enable This bit controls output driver configuration for the pads connected to this signal. Either open drain or push/pull driver configurations can be selected. This feature applies to output pads only. 0: Open drain enable signal negated for the pad 1: Open drain enable signal asserted for the pad SRC Slew Rate Control 0: Slowest configuration 1: Fastest configuration WPE Weak Pull Up/Down Enable This bit controls whether the weak pull up/down devices are enabled/disabled for the pad connected to this signal. 0: Weak pull device enable signal negated for the pad 1: Weak pull device enable signal asserted for the pad WPS Weak Pull Up/Down Select This bit controls whether weak pull up or weak pull down devices are used for the pads connected to this signal when weak pull up/down devices are enabled. 0: Pull down enabled 1: Pull up enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 263 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 103. PCR[n] reset value exceptions Field Description PCR[36] PCR[37] PCR[38] These registers correspond to the ABS[0], ABS[2], and FAB boot pins, respectively. Their default state is input, pull enabled. Their reset value is 0x0102. This register corresponds to the TDO pin. Its default state is ALT1, slew rate = 1. Its reset value is 0x0604. This register corresponds to the TDI pin. Its default state is input, pull enabled, pull selected, slew enabled. So its reset value is 0x0107. PCR[n] For other PCR[n] registers, the reset value is 0x0000. Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Registers (PSMI0–PSMI25) Figure 105 is the generic figure for PSMI register set. To see actual implementation, refer to Table 105. Via routing it is possible to define different pads to be possible inputs for a certain peripheral function. Address: Base + SIUL address offset1 R 4 Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PADSEL0 12 13 14 15 PADSEL1 W Reset R PADSEL2 PADSEL3 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 105. Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Register (PSMI) 1 For SIUL address offset, refer to Table 105. Table 104. PSMI field descriptions Field PADSEL0–3, PADSEL4–7, ... Description Pad Selection Bits Each PADSEL field selects the pad currently used for a certain input function. See Table 105. In order to multiplex different pads to the same peripheral input, the SIUL provides a register that controls the selection between the different sources. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 264 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 105. Peripheral input pin selection PSMI registers PADSEL fields SIUL address offset PADSEL35 0x500 Function / Peripheral Mapping1 CAN0RX 10: PCR[35] PADSEL12 01: PCR[12] PADSEL17 00: PCR[17] PADSEL57 11: PCR[57] PSMI0 PADSEL15 0x501 DSPI0 0: PCR[15] PSMI1 PADSEL69 PADSEL10 PSMI2 000: PCR[10] PADSEL 41 010: PCR[41] PADSEL 60 011: PCR[60] PADSEL 70 100: PCR[70] 0x503 DSPI 0 00: PCR[12] PADSEL 13 01: PCR[13] PADSEL 68 10: PCR[68] 0x504 DSPI 1 00: PCR[2] PADSEL 69 01: PCR[69] PADSEL 15 10: PCR[15] PADSEL 0 PSMI5 DSPI 0 001: PCR[14] PADSEL 2 PSMI4 0x502 PADSEL14 PADSEL12 PSMI3 1: PCR[69] 0x505 DSPI 1 00: PCR[0] PADSEL 42 01: PCR[42] PADSEL 70 10: PCR[70] PADSEL 8 0x506 DSPI 1 00: PCR[8] PADSEL 11 01: PCR[11] PADSEL 38 10: PCR[38] PADSEL 68 11: PCR[68] PSMI6 PSMI7 PADSEL 5 0x507 DSPI 2 PADSEL 69 PSMI8 PADSEL 3 1: PCR[69] 0x508 DSPI 2 PADSEL 70 PSMI9 PADSEL 6 0: PCR[5] 0: PCR[3] 1: PCR[70] 0x509 DSPI 2 PADSEL 68 0: PCR[6] 1: PCR[68] MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 265 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 105. Peripheral input pin selection (continued) PSMI registers PADSEL fields SIUL address offset PADSEL 34 0x50A Function / Peripheral Mapping1 eTimer0 00: PCR[34] PADSEL 59 01: PCR[59] PADSEL 60 10: PCR[60] PADSEL 15 11: PCR[15] PSMI10 PADSEL 35 0x50B eTimer0 00: PCR[35] PADSEL 43 01: PCR[43] PADSEL 60 10: PCR[60] PADSEL 6 11: PCR[6] PSMI11 PADSEL 19 0x50C eTimer0 00: PCR[19] PADSEL 43 01: PCR[43] PADSEL 57 10: PCR[57] PADSEL 7 11: PCR[7] PSMI12 PADSEL 37 0x50D eTimer0 00: PCR[37] PADSEL 43 01: PCR[43] PADSEL 57 10: PCR[57] PADSEL 4 11: PCR[4] PSMI13 PADSEL 36 0x50E eTimer0 00: PCR[36] PADSEL 42 01: PCR[42] PADSEL 59 10: PCR[59] PADSEL 5 11: PCR[5] PSMI14 PADSEL 10 0x50F eTimer0 00: PCR[10] PADSEL 42 01: PCR[42] PADSEL 59 10: PCR[59] PADSEL 2 11: PCR[2] PSMI15 PADSEL 34 0x510 LIN0 00: PCR[19] PADSEL 11 01: PCR[11] PADSEL 19 10: PCR[34] PADSEL 40 11: PCR[40] PSMI16 PADSEL 8 0x511 LIN1 00: PCR[8] PADSEL 11 01: PCR[11] PADSEL 39 10: PCR[39] PADSEL 66 11: PCR[66] PSMI17 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 266 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 105. Peripheral input pin selection (continued) PSMI registers PADSEL fields SIUL address offset PADSEL 18 PSMI18 PSMI19 0x512 Function / Peripheral Mapping1 RTC 00: PCR[18] PADSEL 36 01: PCR[36] PADSEL 44 10: PCR[44] PADSEL 17 0x513 RTC PADSEL 44 PSMI20 PADSEL 8 1: PCR[44] 0x514 SAI1 BCLK PADSEL 16 PADSEL 2 PSMI21 PSMI22 0x515 SAI1 RXDATA 01: PCR[5] PADSEL 17 10: PCR[17] PADSEL 5 PADSEL 3 PADSEL 6 0x516 SAI1 1 0: PCR[5] 1: PCR[35] 0x517 SAI2 0: PCR[3] 1: PCR[8] 0x518 Video 00: PCR[6] PADSEL 34 01: PCR[34] PADSEL 46 10: PCR[46] PADSEL 7 PSMI25 00: PCR[2] PADSEL 5 PADSEL 8 PSMI24 0: PCR[8] 1: PCR[16] PADSEL 35 PSMI23 0: PCR[17] 0x519 Video 00: PCR[7] PADSEL 35 01: PCR[35] PADSEL 45 10: PCR[45] See the signal description chapter of this reference manual for correspondence between PCR and pinout GPIO Pad Data Output Registers (GPDO0_3–GPDO68_71) These registers are used to set or clear GPIO pads. Each pad data out bit can be controlled separately with a byte access. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 267 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Address: Base + (0x0600–0x0644) R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO [0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO [2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO [3] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 106. Port GPIO Pad Data Output Register 0–3 (GPDO0_3) Table 106. GPDO0_3 field descriptions Field Description PDO[x] Pad Data Out This bit stores the data to be driven out on the external GPIO pad controlled by this register. 0: Logic low value is driven on the corresponding GPIO pad when the pad is configured as an output 1: Logic high value is driven on the corresponding GPIO pad when the pad is configured as an output GPIO Pad Data Input Registers (GPDI0_3–GPDI68_71) These registers are used to read the GPIO pad data with a byte access. Address: Base + (0x0800–0x0844) R Access: User read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDI [0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDI [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDI [2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDI [3] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 107. Port GPIO Pad Data Input Register 0–3 (GPDI0_3) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 268 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 107. GPDO0_3 field descriptions Field PDI[x] Description Pad Data In This bit stores the value of the external GPIO pad associated with this register. 0: Value of the data in signal for the corresponding GPIO pad is logic low 1: Value of the data in signal for the corresponding GPIO pad is logic high Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Registers (PGPDO0 – PGPDO2) MPC5606E devices ports are constructed such that they contain 16 GPIO pins, for example PortA[0..15]. Parallel port registers for input (PGPDI) and output (PGPDO) are provided to allow a complete port to be written or read in one operation, dependent on the individual pad configuration. Writing a parallel PGPDO register directly sets the associated GPDO register bits. There is also a masked parallel port output register allowing the user to determine which pins within a port are written. While very convenient and fast, this approach does have implications regarding current consumption for the device power segment containing the port GPIO pads. Toggling several GPIO pins simultaneously can significantly increase current consumption. WARNING Caution must be taken to avoid exceeding maximum current thresholds when toggling multiple GPIO pins simultaneously. Please refer to data sheet. Table 108 shows the locations and structure of the PGPDOx registers. Table 108. PGPDO0 – PGPDO6 Register Map Field Register 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Offset1 0x0C00 PGPDO0 Port A Port B 0x0C04 PGPDO1 Port C Port D 0x0C08 PGPDO2 1 Port E Reserved SIU base address is 0xC3F9_0000. To calculate register address add offset to base address It is important to note the bit ordering of the ports in the parallel port registers. The most significant bit of the parallel port register corresponds to the least significant pin in the port. For example in Table 108, the PGPDO0 register contains fields for Port A and Port B. • Bit 0 is mapped to Port A[0], bit 1 is mapped to Port A[1] and so on, through bit 15, which is mapped to Port A[15] • Bit 16 is mapped to Port B[0], bit 17 is mapped to Port B[1] and so on, through bit 31, which is mapped to Port B[15]. Parallel GPIO Pad Data In Register (PGPDI0 – PGPDI2) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 269 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) The SIU_PGPDI registers are similar in operation to the PGPDIO registers, described in the previous section (Section, “Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Registers (PGPDO0 – PGPDO2)”) but they are used to read port pins simultaneously. NOTE The port pins to be read need to be configured as inputs but even if a single pin within a port has IBE set, then you can still read that pin using the parallel port register. However, this does mean you need to be very careful. Reads of PGPDI registers are equivalent to reading the corresponding GPDI registers but significantly faster since as many as two ports can be read simultaneously with a single 32-bit read operation. Table 109 shows the locations and structure of the PGPDIx registers. Each 32-bit PGPDIx register contains two 16-bit fields, each field containing the values for a separate port. Table 109. PGPDI0 – PGPDI6 Register Map Field Register 0x0C40 PGPDI0 Port A Port B 0x0C44 PGPDI1 Port C Port D 0x0C48 PGPDI2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Offset1 1 Port E Reserved SIU base address is 0xC3F9_0000. To calculate register address add offset to base address It is important to note the bit ordering of the ports in the parallel port registers. The most significant bit of the parallel port register corresponds to the least significant pin in the port. For example in Table 109, the PGPDI0 register contains fields for Port A and Port B. • Bit 0 is mapped to Port A[0], bit 1 is mapped to Port A[1] and so on, through bit 15, which is mapped to Port A[15] • Bit 16 is mapped to Port B[0], bit 17 is mapped to Port B[1] and so on, through bit 31, which is mapped to Port B[15]. Masked Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Register (MPGPDO0–MPGPDO4) The MPGPDOx registers are similar in operation to the PGPDOx ports described in Section, “Parallel GPIO Pad Data Out Registers (PGPDO0 – PGPDO2)”, but with two significant differences: • The MPGPDOx registers support masked port-wide changes to the data out on the pads of the respective port. Masking effectively allows selective bitwise writes to the full 16-bit port. • Each 32-bit MPGPDOx register is associated to only one port. NOTE The MPGPDOx registers may only be accessed with 32-bit writes. 8-bit or 16-bit writes will not modify any bits in the register and will cause a transfer error response by the module. Read accesses return ‘0’. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 270 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Table 110 shows the locations and structure of the MPGPDOx registers. Each 32-bit MPGPDOx register contains two 16-bit fields (MASKx and MPPDOx). The MASK field is a bitwise mask for its associated port. The MPPDO0 field contains the data to be written to the port. Table 110. MPGPDO0 – MPGPDO4 Register Map Field Register 0x0C80 MPGPDO0 MASK0 (Port A) MPPDO0 (Port A) 0x0C84 MPGPDO1 MASK1 (Port B) MPPDO1 (Port B) 0x0C88 MPGPDO2 MASK2 (Port C) MPPDO2 (Port C) 0x0C8C MPGPDO3 MASK3 (Port D) MPPDO3 (Port D) 0x0C90 MPGPDO4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Offset1 1 MASK4 (Port E) Reserved MPPDO4 (Port E) SIU base address is 0xC3F9_0000. To calculate register address add offset to base address It is important to note the bit ordering of the ports in the parallel port registers. The most significant bit of the parallel port register corresponds to the least significant pin in the port. For example in Table 110, the MPGPDO0 register contains field MASK0, which is the bitwise mask for Port A and field MPPDO0, which contains data to be written to Port A. • MPGPDO0[0] is the mask bit for Port A[0], MPGPDO0[1] is the mask bit for Port A[1] and so on, through MPGPDO0[15], which is the mask bit for Port A[15] • MPGPDO0[16] is the data bit mapped to Port A[0], MPGPDO0[17] is mapped to Port A[1] and so on, through MPGPDO0[31], which is mapped to Port A[15]. Table 111. MPGPDO0..MPGPDO4 field descriptions Field MASKx [15:0] MPPDOx [15:0] Description Mask Field Each bit corresponds to one data bit in the MPPDOx register at the same bit location. 0: Associated bit value in the MPPDOxfield is ignored 1: Associated bit value in the MPPDOx field is written Masked Parallel Pad Data Out Write the data register that stores the value to be driven on the pad in output mode. Accesses to this register location are coherent with accesses to the bitwise GPIO Pad Data Output Registers (GPDO0_3–GPDO68_71). The x and bit index define which MPPDO register bit is equivalent to which PDO register bit according to the following equation: MPPDO[x][y] = PDO[(x*16)+y] Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Registers (IFMC0–IFMC31) These registers are used to configure the filter counter associated with each digital glitch filter. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 271 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) NOTE For the pad transition to trigger an interrupt it must be steady for at least the filter period. Address: Base + (0x1000–0x107C) R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R MAXCNTx[3:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 Figure 108. Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Registers (IFMC0–IFMC31) Table 112. IFMC field descriptions Field MAXCNTx Description Maximum Interrupt Filter Counter setting. Filter Period = T(CK)*3 (for 2 < MAXCNT < 6 ) Filter Period = T(CK)*MAXCNTx (for MAXCNT = 6,7,.... 15 ) For MAXCNT = 0, 1, 2 the filter behaves as ALL PASS filter. MAXCNTx can be 0 to 15; T(CK): Prescaled Filter Clock Period, which is IRC clock prescaled to IFCP value; T(IRC): Basic Filter Clock Period: 62.5 ns (F = 16 MHz). Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register (IFCPR) This register is used to configure a clock prescaler which is used to select the clock for all digital filter counters in the SIUL. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 272 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Address: Base + 0x1080 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R IFCP[3:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 Figure 109. Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register (IFCPR) Table 113. IFCPR field descriptions Field IFCP 13.6 13.6.1 Description Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler setting Prescaled Filter Clock Period = T(FIRC) x (IFCP + 1) T(FIRC) is the fast internal RC oscillator period. IFCP can be 0 to 15. Functional description Pad control The SIUL controls the configuration and electrical characteristic of the device pads. It provides a consistent interface for all pads, both on a by-port and a by-bit basis. The pad configuration registers (PCRn, see Section, “Pad Configuration Registers (PCR[0:70])”) allow software control of the static electrical characteristics of external pins with a single write. These are used to configure the following pad features: • Open drain output enable • Slew rate control • Pull control • Pad assignment • Control of analog path switches • Safe mode behavior configuration 13.6.2 General purpose input and output pads (GPIO) The SIUL manages up to 199 GPIO pads organized as ports that can be accessed for data reads and writes as 32, 16 or 8-bit.1 1. There are exceptions. Some pads, e.g., precision analog pads, are input only. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 273 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) As shown in Figure 110, all port accesses are identical with each read or write being performed only at a different location to access a different port width. 23 31 SIUL Base+ 0x0C00 SIUL Base+ 0x0C02 SIUL Base+ 0x0C03 15 7 7 0 15 7 16-bit Access (full port) 32-bit Access (2 ports) 7 16-bit Access (full port) 0 8-bit Access (half port) 15 SIUL Base+ 0x0C02 0 7 SIUL Base+ 0x0C00 0 8-bit Access (half port) SIUL Base+ 0x0C01 7 0 8-bit Access (half port) 0 SIUL Base+ 0x0C00 7 0 8-bit Access (half port) Figure 110. Data Port example arrangement showing configuration for different port width accesses The SIUL has separate data input (GPDIn_n, see Section, “GPIO Pad Data Input Registers (GPDI0_3–GPDI68_71)”) and data output (GPDOn_n, see Section, “GPIO Pad Data Output Registers (GPDO0_3–GPDO68_71)”) registers for all pads, allowing the possibility of reading back an input or output value of a pad directly. This supports the ability to validate what is present on the pad rather than simply confirming the value that was written to the data register by accessing the data input registers. Data output registers allow an output pad to be driven high or low (with the option of push-pull or open drain drive). Input registers are read-only and reflect the respective pad value. When the pad is configured to use one of its alternate functions, the data input value reflects the respective value of the pad. If a write operation is performed to the data output register for a pad configured as an alternate function (non-GPIO), this write will not be reflected by the pad value until reconfigured to GPIO. The allocation of what input function is connected to the pin is defined by the PSMI registers (PCRn, see Section, “Pad Selection for Multiplexed Inputs Registers (PSMI0–PSMI25)”) 13.6.3 External interrupts The SIUL supports 22 external interrupts, EIRQ0-EIRQ21. In the signal description chapter of this reference manual, mapping is shown for external interrupts to pads. The SIUL supports three interrupt vectors to the interrupt controller. Each vector interrupt has eight external interrupts combined together with the presence of flag generating an interrupt for that vector if enabled. All of the external interrupt pads within a single group have equal priority. Refer to Figure 111 for an overview of the external interrupt implementation. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 274 Freescale Semiconductor System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) Interrupt Controller Interrupt Vectors IRQ_21_16 IRQ_15_08 OR IRQ_07_00 OR OR IRE[21:0](1) Interrupt enable Glitch filter Prescaler EIF[21:16] EIF[15:8] EIF[7:0] IFCP[3:0] Glitch filter Counter_n Edge Detection MAXCOUNT[x] IRQ Glitch Filter enable IFE[21:0] Glitch Filter Interrupt Edge Enable Rising IREE[21:0](1) Falling IFEE[21:0](1) Pads Figure 111. External interrupt pad diagram Each interrupt can be enabled or disabled independently. This can be performed using the Interrupt Request Enable Register (IRER). A pad defined as an external interrupt can be configured to recognize interrupts with an active rising edge, an active falling edge or both edges being active. A setting of having both edge events disabled is reserved and should not be configured. The active EIRQ edge is controlled through the configuration of the registers IREER and IFEER. Each external interrupt supports an individual flag which is held in the Interrupt Status Flag Register (ISR). This register is a clear-by-write-1 register type, preventing inadvertent overwriting of other flags in the same register. 13.7 Pin muxing For pin muxing, please refer to the signal description chapter of this reference manual. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 275 System Integration Unit Lite (SIUL) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 276 Freescale Semiconductor e200z0h Core Chapter 14 e200z0h Core 14.1 Overview The MPC5606E microcontroller implements the e200z0h core. The e200 processor family is a set of CPU cores that implement low-cost versions of the Power Architecture™ Book E architecture. e200 processors are designed for deeply embedded control applications that require low cost solutions rather than maximum performance. The e200z0h processors integrate an integer execution unit, branch control unit, instruction fetch and load/store units, and a multi-ported register file capable of sustaining three read and two write operations per clock. Most integer instructions execute in a single clock cycle. Branch target prefetching is performed by the branch unit to allow single-cycle branches in some cases. The e200z0 core is a single-issue, 32-bit Power Architecture Book E VLE-only design with 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs). All arithmetic instructions that execute in the core operate on data in the GPRs. Instead of the base Power Architecture Book E instruction set support, the e200z0 core only implements the VLE (variable-length encoding) APU, providing improved code density. The VLE APU is further documented in the PowerPC™ VLE APU Definition, a separate document. 14.2 Features The following is a list of some of the key features of the e200z0h core: • High performance e200z0 core processor for managing peripherals and interrupts • 32-bit Power Architecture Book E VLE-only programmer’s model • Single issue, 32-bit CPU • Implements the VLE APU for reduced code footprint • In-order execution and retirement • Precise exception handling • Branch processing unit — Dedicated branch address calculation adder — Branch acceleration using Branch Target Buffer (e200z0h only) • Supports independent instruction and data accesses to different memory subsystems, such as SRAM and Flash memory via independent Instruction and Data bus interface units (BIUs) • Load/store unit — 1 cycle load latency — Fully pipelined — Big-endian support only — Misaligned access support — Zero load-to-use pipeline bubbles for aligned transfers MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 277 e200z0h Core • • Power management — Low power design — Dynamic power management of execution units Testability — Synthesizeable, full MuxD scan design — ABIST/MBIST for optional memory arrays 14.2.1 Microarchitecture summary The e200z0 processor utilizes a four stage pipeline for instruction execution. The Instruction Fetch (stage 1), Instruction Decode/Register file Read/Effective Address Calculation (stage 2), Execute/Memory Access (stage 3), and Register Writeback (stage 4) stages operate in an overlapped fashion, allowing single clock instruction execution for most instructions. The integer execution unit consists of a 32-bit Arithmetic Unit (AU), a Logic Unit (LU), a 32-bit Barrel shifter (Shifter), a Mask-Insertion Unit (MIU), a Condition Register manipulation Unit (CRU), a Count-Leading-Zeros unit (CLZ), an 8 × 32 Hardware Multiplier array, result feed-forward hardware, and a hardware divider. Arithmetic and logical operations are executed in a single cycle with the exception of the divide and multiply instructions. A Count-Leading-Zeros unit operates in a single clock cycle. The Instruction Unit contains a PC incrementer and a dedicated Branch Address adder to minimize delays during change of flow operations. Sequential prefetching is performed to ensure a supply of instructions into the execution pipeline. Branch target prefetching from the BTB is performed to accelerate certain taken branches. Prefetched instructions are placed into an instruction buffer with 4 entries, each capable of holding a single 32-bit instruction or a pair of 16-bit instructions. Conditional branches that are not taken execute in a single clock. Branches with successful target prefetching have an effective execution time of one clock on e200z0h. All other taken branches have an execution time of two clocks. Memory load and store operations are provided for byte, halfword, and word (32-bit) data with automatic zero or sign extension of byte and halfword load data as well as optional byte reversal of data. These instructions can be pipelined to allow effective single cycle throughput. Load and store multiple word instructions allow low overhead context save and restore operations. The load/store unit contains a dedicated effective address adder to allow effective address generation to be optimized. Also, a load-to-use dependency does not incur any pipeline bubbles for most cases. The Condition Register unit supports the condition register (CR) and condition register operations defined by the Power Architecture architecture. The condition register consists of eight 4-bit fields that reflect the results of certain operations, such as move, integer and floating-point compare, arithmetic, and logical instructions, and provide a mechanism for testing and branching. Vectored and autovectored interrupts are supported by the CPU. Vectored interrupt support is provided to allow multiple interrupt sources to have unique interrupt handlers invoked with no software overhead. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 278 Freescale Semiconductor e200z0h Core Block diagram OnCE/NEXUS CPU CONTROL LOGIC CONTROL LOGIC INSTRUCTION BUS INTERFACE UNIT N CONTROL 32 DATA 32 ADDRESS NEXUS DEBUG UNIT LR CR SPR INTEGER EXECUTION UNIT GPR CTR XER MULTIPLY UNIT INSTRUCTION UNIT INSTRUCTION BUFFER CONTROL EXTERNAL SPR INTERFACE DATA (MTSPR/MFSPR) PC UNIT BRANCH UNIT LOAD/STORE UNIT DATA BUS INTERFACE UNIT 32 ADDRESS 32 DATA N CONTROL Figure 112. e200z0h block diagram Instruction unit features The features of the e200 Instruction unit are: • 32-bit instruction fetch path supports fetching of one 32-bit instruction per clock, or as many as two 16-bit VLE instructions per clock MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 279 e200z0h Core • • • Instruction buffer with 4 entries in e200z0h, each holding a single 32-bit instruction, or a pair of 16-bit instructions Dedicated PC incrementer supporting instruction prefetches Branch unit with dedicated branch address adder supporting single cycle of execution of certain branches, two cycles for all others Integer unit features The e200 integer unit supports single cycle execution of most integer instructions: • 32-bit AU for arithmetic and comparison operations • 32-bit LU for logical operations • 32-bit priority encoder for count leading zero’s function • 32-bit single cycle barrel shifter for shifts and rotates • 32-bit mask unit for data masking and insertion • Divider logic for signed and unsigned divide in 5 to 34 clocks with minimized execution timing • 8 × 32 hardware multiplier array supports 1 to 4 cycle 32 × 32 32 multiply (early out) Load/Store unit features The e200 load/store unit supports load, store, and the load multiple / store multiple instructions: • 32-bit effective address adder for data memory address calculations • Pipelined operation supports throughput of one load or store operation per cycle • 32-bit dedicated interface to memory e200z0h system bus features The features of the e200z0h System Bus interface are as follows: • Independent Instruction and Data Buses • AMBA AHB Lite Rev 2.0 Specification with support for ARM v6 AMBA Extensions — Exclusive Access Monitor — Byte Lane Strobes — Cache Allocate Support • 32-bit address bus plus attributes and control on each bus • 32-bit read data bus for Instruction Interface • Separate uni-directional 32-bit read data bus and 32-bit write data bus for Data Interface • Overlapped, in-order accesses 14.3 Core registers and programmer’s model This section describes the registers implemented in the e200z0h core. It includes an overview of registers defined by the Power Architecture Book E architecture, highlighting differences in how these registers are MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 280 Freescale Semiconductor e200z0h Core implemented in the e200 core, and provides a detailed description of e200-specific registers. Full descriptions of the architecture-defined register set are provided in Power Architecture Book E Specification. The Power Architecture Book E defines register-to-register operations for all computational instructions. Source data for these instructions are accessed from the on-chip registers or are provided as immediate values embedded in the opcode. The three-register instruction format allows specification of a target register distinct from the two source registers, thus preserving the original data for use by other instructions. Data is transferred between memory and registers with explicit load and store instructions only. Figure 113 and Figure 114 show the e200 register set, including the registers that are accessible while in supervisor mode and the registers that are accessible in user mode. The number to the right of the special-purpose registers (SPRs) is the decimal number used in the instruction syntax to access the register (for example, the integer exception register (XER) is SPR 1). NOTE e200z0h is a 32-bit implementation of the Power Architecture Book E specification. In this document, register bits are sometimes numbered from bit 0 (Most Significant Bit) to 31 (Least Significant Bit), rather than the Book E numbering scheme of 32:63, thus register bit numbers for some registers in Book E are 32 higher. Where appropriate, the Book E defined bit numbers are shown in parentheses. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 281 e200z0h Core SUPERVISOR Mode Program Model Exception Handling/Control Registers General Registers CR GPR0 Count Register CTR Save and Restore SPR General General-Purpose Registers Condition Register SPRG0 SPR 272 SPRG1 SPR 273 GPR1 SPR 9 Link Register LR SPR 8 GPR31 Interrupt Vector Prefix SRR0 SPR 26 SRR1 SPR 27 CSRR0 SPR 58 CSRR1 SPR 59 DSRR0 SPR 574 DSRR1 SPR 575 IVPR SPR 63 Exception Syndrome XER ESR XER SPR 1 Machine Check Syndrome Register MCSR Processor Control Registers Processor Version SPR 287 HID1 DEAR Memory Management Registers Process ID SPR 286 Debug Registers2 - System Version1 SVR SPR 1023 SPR 61 SPR 1009 Processor ID PIR SPR 572 Data Exception Address Hardware Implementation Dependent1 HID0 SPR 1008 Machine State MSR PVR SPR 62 PID0 Instruction Address Compare Debug Control DBCR0 SPR 308 IAC1 SPR 312 DBCR1 SPR 309 IAC2 SPR 313 DBCR2 SPR 310 IAC3 SPR 314 IAC4 SPR 315 Debug Status DBSR SPR 304 Data Address Compare DAC1 SPR 316 DAC2 SPR 317 1 - These e200-specific registers may not be supported by other Power Architecture processors 2 - Optional registers defined by the Power Architecture Book E 3 - Read-only registers SPR 48 Configuration (Read-only MMUCFG SPR 1015 Cache Registers Cache Configuration (Read-only) L1CFG0 SPR 515 Figure 113. e200z0 Supervisor mode programmer’s model MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 282 Freescale Semiconductor e200z0h Core USER Mode Programmer Model General Registers Condition Register CR GPR0 Count Register CTR General-Purpose Registers SPR 9 GPR1 Link Register LR SPR 8 XER SPR 1 Cache Registers Cache Configuration (Read-only) L1CFG0 SPR 515 GPR31 XER Figure 114. e200 User mode program model 14.3.1 Unimplemented SPRs and read-only SPRs e200 fully decodes the SPR field of the mfspr and mtspr instructions. If the SPR specified is undefined and not privileged, an illegal instruction exception is generated. If the SPR specified is undefined and privileged and the CPU is in user mode (MSR[PR=1]), a privileged instruction exception is generated. If the SPR specified is undefined and privileged and the core is in supervisor mode (MSR[PR=0]), an illegal instruction exception is generated. For the mtspr instruction, if the SPR specified is read-only and not privileged, an illegal instruction exception is generated. If the SPR specified is read-only and privileged and the core is in user mode (MSR[PR=1]), a privileged instruction exception is generated. If the SPR specified is read-only and privileged and the core is in supervisor mode (MSR[PR=0]), an illegal instruction exception is generated. 14.4 Instruction summary The e200z0 core supports all VLE instructions described in the PowerPC™ VLE APU Definition version 1.2 together with the additional instructions for context save/restore. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 283 e200z0h Core MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 284 Freescale Semiconductor Crossbar Switch (XBAR) Chapter 15 Crossbar Switch (XBAR) 15.1 Introduction This chapter describes the multi-port crossbar switch (XBAR), which supports simultaneous connections between four master ports and four slave ports. XBAR supports a 32-bit address bus width and a 32-bit data bus width at all master and slave ports. 15.2 Block diagram Figure 115 shows a block diagram of the crossbar switch. Master Master .... Master Master modules Crossbar Switch Slave modules Slave Slave .... Slave Figure 115. XBAR block diagram Table 114 gives the crossbar switch port for each master and slave, the assigned and fixed ID number for each master and shows the master ID numbers as they relate to the master port numbers. Table 114. Device XBAR switch ports Port Module Logical number Physical master ID Type e200z0 core–CPU instructions Master 0 0 e200z0 core—Data Master 1 1 eDMA Master 2 2 Ethernet Master 4 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 285 Crossbar Switch (XBAR) Table 114. Device XBAR switch ports (continued) Port Module 15.3 Logical number Physical master ID Type Flash Slave 0 — Internal SRAM Slave 2 — Video encoder output buffer Slave Peripheral bridge Slave 7 — Overview The XBAR allows for concurrent transactions to occur from any master port to any slave port. It is possible for all master ports and slave ports to be in use at the same time as a result of independent master requests. If a slave port is simultaneously requested by more than one master port, arbitration logic selects the higher priority master and grants it ownership of the slave port. All other masters requesting that slave port are stalled until the higher priority master completes its transactions. Requesting masters are granted access based on a fixed priority. 15.4 • • • • • Features 4 Master ports — e200z0 core complex Instruction port — e200z0 core complex Load/Store Data port — eDMA — Ethernet 4 Slave ports — Flash memory (code flash and data flash) controller — SRAM controller — Video encoder output buffer — Peripheral bridge 32-bit internal address, 32-bit internal data paths Fully concurrent transfers between independent master and slave ports Fixed priority scheme and fixed parking strategy 15.5 15.5.1 Modes of operation Normal mode In normal mode, the XBAR provides the register interface and logic that controls crossbar switch configuration. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 286 Freescale Semiconductor Crossbar Switch (XBAR) 15.5.2 Debug mode The XBAR operation in debug mode is identical to operation in normal mode. 15.6 Functional description This section describes the functionality of the XBAR in more detail. 15.6.1 Overview The main goal of the XBAR is to increase overall system performance by allowing multiple masters to communicate concurrently with multiple slaves. To maximize data throughput, it is essential to keep arbitration delays to a minimum. This section examines data throughput from the point of view of masters and slaves, detailing when the XBAR stalls masters, or inserts bubbles on the slave side. 15.6.2 General operation When a master makes an access to the XBAR from an idle master state, the access is taken immediately by the XBAR. If the targeted slave port of the access is available (that is, the requesting master is currently granted ownership of the slave port), the access is immediately presented on the slave port. It is possible to make single clock (zero wait state) accesses through the XBAR by a granted master. If the targeted slave port of the access is busy or parked on a different master port, the requesting master receives wait states until the targeted slave port can service the master request. The latency in servicing the request depends on each master’s priority level and the responding slave’s access time. Because the XBAR appears to be just another slave to the master device, the master device has no indication that it owns the slave port it is targeting. While the master does not have control of the slave port it is targeting, it is wait-stated. A master is given control of a targeted slave port only after a previous access to a different slave port has completed, regardless of its priority on the newly targeted slave port. This prevents deadlock from occurring when a master has the following conditions: • Outstanding request to slave port A that has a long response time • Pending access to a different slave port B • Lower priority master also makes a request to the different slave port B. In this case, the lower priority master is granted bus ownership of slave port B after a cycle of arbitration, assuming the higher priority master slave port A access is not terminated. After a master has control of the slave port it is targeting, the master remains in control of that slave port until it gives up the slave port by running an IDLE cycle, leaves that slave port for its next access, or loses control of the slave port to a higher priority master with a request to the same slave port. However, because all masters run a fixed-length burst transfer to a slave port, it retains control of the slave port until that transfer sequence is completed. When a slave bus is idled by the XBAR, it is parked on the master that did the last transfer. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 287 Crossbar Switch (XBAR) 15.6.3 Master ports A master access is taken if the slave port to which the access decodes is either currently servicing the master or is parked on the master. In this case, the XBAR is completely transparent and the master access is immediately transmitted on the slave bus and no arbitration delays are incurred. A master access stall if the access decodes to a slave port that is busy serving another master, parked on another master. If the slave port is currently parked on another master, and no other master is requesting access to the slave port, then only one clock of arbitration is incurred. If the slave port is currently serving another master of a lower priority and the master has a higher priority than all other requesting masters, then the master gains control over the slave port as soon as the data phase of the current access is completed. If the slave port is currently servicing another master of a higher priority, then the master gains control of the slave port after the other master releases control of the slave port if no other higher priority master is also waiting for the slave port. A master access is responded to with an error if the access decodes to a location not occupied by a slave port. This is the only time the XBAR directly responds with an error response. All other error responses received by the master are the result of error responses on the slave ports being passed through the XBAR. 15.6.4 Slave ports The goal of the XBAR with respect to the slave ports is to keep them 100% saturated when masters are actively making requests. To do this the XBAR must not insert any bubbles onto the slave bus unless absolutely necessary. There is only one instance when the XBAR forces a bubble onto the slave bus when a master is actively making a request. This occurs when a handoff of bus ownership occurs and there are no wait states from the slave port. A requesting master that does not own the slave port is granted access after a one clock delay. 15.6.5 Priority assignment Each master port is assigned a fixed 3-bit priority level (hard-wired priority). Table 115 shows the priority levels assigned to each master (the lowest has highest priority). Table 115. Hardwired bus master priorities Port Module Priority level Type Number e200z0 core–CPU instructions Master 0 7 e200z0 core—Data Master 1 6 eDMA Master 2 5 Ethernet Master MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 288 Freescale Semiconductor Crossbar Switch (XBAR) 15.6.6 Arbitration XBAR supports only a fixed-priority comparison algorithm. Fixed priority operation When operating in fixed-priority arbitration mode, each master is assigned a unique priority level. If two masters both request access to a slave port, the master with the highest priority in the selected priority register gains control over the slave port. Any time a master makes a request to a slave port, the slave port checks to see if the new requesting master’s priority level is higher than that of the master that currently has control over the slave port (if any). The slave port does an arbitration check at every clock edge to ensure that the proper master (if any) has control of the slave port. If the new requesting master’s priority level is higher than that of the master that currently has control of the slave port, the higher priority master is granted control at the termination of any currently pending access, assuming the pending transfer is not part of a burst transfer. A new requesting master must wait until the end of the fixed-length burst transfer, before it is granted control of the slave port. But if the new requesting master’s priority level is lower than that of the master that currently has control of the slave port, the new requesting master is forced to wait until the master that currently has control of the slave port is finished accessing the current slave port. Parking If no master is currently requesting the slave port, the slave port is parked. The slave port parks always to the most recently requesting master (park-on-last). When parked on the last master, the slave port is passing that master’s signals through to the slave bus. When the master accesses the slave port again, no other arbitration penalties are incurred except that a one clock arbitration penalty is incurred for each access request to the slave port made by another master port. All other masters pay a one clock penalty. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 289 Crossbar Switch (XBAR) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 290 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Chapter 16 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 16.1 Introduction The Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM), provides miscellaneous control functions for the device Standard Product Platform (SPP) including program-visible information about the platform configuration and revision levels, a reset status register, a software watchdog timer, and wakeup control for exiting sleep modes, and optional features such as an address map for the device’s crossbar switch, information on memory errors reported by error-correcting codes and/or generic access error information for certain processor cores. It also provides with register access protection for the following slave modules: INTC, MCM, STM, and SWT. 16.2 Overview The Miscellaneous Control Module is mapped into the IPS space and supports a number of miscellaneous control functions for the platform device. 16.3 Features The MCM includes these features: • Program-visible information on the platform device configuration and revision • Registers for capturing information on platform memory errors if error-correcting codes (ECC) are implemented • Registers to specify the generation of single- and double-bit memory data inversions for test purposes if error-correcting codes are implemented • Access address information for faulted memory accesses for certain processor core micro-architectures, • AXBS_lite priority functions, including forcing round robin and high priority enabling. • Capability to restrict register access to supervisor mode to selected on-platform slave devices: INTC, MCM, STM, and SWT. 16.4 Memory Map and Registers Description This section details the programming model for the Miscellaneous Control Module. This is an on-platform 128-byte space mapped to the region serviced by an IPS bus controller. Some of the control registers have a 64-bit width. These 64-bit registers are implemented as two 32-bit registers, and include an “H” and “L” suffixes, indicating the “high” and “low” portions of the control function. The Miscellaneous Control Module does not include any logic which provides access control. Rather, this function is supported using the standard access control logic provided by the IPS controller. MCM registers are accessible only when the core is in supervisor mode (see Section 16.4.3, “MCM_reg_protection”). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 291 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 16.4.1 Memory Map Table 116 is a 32-bit view of the MCM’s memory map. The addresses presented here are the offsets relative to the controller base address 0xFFF4_0000. Table 116. MCM 32-bit Memory Map MCM Offset 0x0000 Register Processor Core Type (PCT) Revision (REV) 0x0004 Reserved 0x0008 IPS Module Configuration (IMC) 0x000c Reserved 0x0010 Reserved 0x0014 Reserved 0x0018 Reserved 0x001c Reserved Misc Interrupt (MIR) 0x0020 Reserved 0x0024 Miscellaneous User-Defined Control Register (MUDCR) 0x0028 Reserved 0x002c 0x003c Reserved 0x0040 Reserved ECC Configuration (ECR) 0x0044 Reserved ECC Status (ESR) 0x0048 Reserved ECC Error Generation (EEGR) 0x004c Reserved 0x0050 Flash ECC Address (FEAR) Reserved 0x0054 Flash ECC Master (FEMR) 0x0058 Reserved 0x005c Flash ECC Data (FEDR) 0x0060 RAM ECC Address (REAR) 0x0064 Reserved RAM ECC Syndrome (RESR) RAM ECC Master (REMR) 0x0068 Reserved 0x006c RAM ECC Data (REDR) 0x0070 0x007c Reserved Flash ECC Attributes (FEAT) RAM ECC Attributes (REAT) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 292 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 16.4.2 Registers Description Attempted accesses to reserved addresses result in an error termination, while attempted writes to read-only registers are ignored and do not terminate with an error. Unless noted otherwise, writes to the programming model must match the size of the register, e.g., an n-bit register only supports n-bit writes, etc. Attempted writes of a different size than the register width produce an error termination of the bus cycle and no change to the targeted register. Processor Core Type (PCT) register The PCT is a 16-bit read-only register specifying the architecture of the processor core in the device. The state of this register is defined by a module input signal; it can only be read from the IPS programming model. Any attempted write is ignored. See Table 117 and Table 118 for the Processor Core Type definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 PCT[0:15] W RESET: 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented Table 117. Processor Core Type (PCT) Register Table 118. Processor Core Type (PCT) Field Descriptions Name 0-15 PCT[0:15] Description Processor Core Type Revision (REV) register The REV is a 16-bit read-only register specifying a revision number. The state of this register is defined by an input signal; it can only be read from the IPS programming model. Any attempted write is ignored. See Table 119 and Table 120 for the Revision definition. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 293 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Register address: MCM Base + 0x0002 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REV[0:15] W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented Table 119. Revision (REV) Register Table 120. Revision (REV) Field Descriptions Name Description 0-15 REV[0:15] Revision The REV[0:15] field is specified by an input signal to define a software-visible revision number. IPS Module Configuration (IMC) register The IMC is a 32-bit read-only register identifying the presence/absence of the 32 low-order IPS peripheral modules connected to the primary IPI SkyBlue bus controller. The state of this register is defined by a module input signal; it can only be read from the IPS programming model. Any attempted write is ignored. See Table 121 and Table 122 for the IPS Module Configuration definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0008 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MC[0:15] W RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MC[16:31] W RESET: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented Table 121. IPS Module Configuration (IMC) Register Table 122. IPS Module Configuration (IMC) Field Descriptions Name 0-31 MC[0:31] Description IPS Module Configuration MC[n] = 0 if an IPS module connection to decoded slot “n” is absent MC[n] = 1 if an IPS module connection to decoded slot “n” is present MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 294 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Miscellaneous Interrupt Register (MIR) All interrupt requests associated with MCM are collected in the MIR register. This includes the processor core system bus fault interrupt. During the appropriate interrupt service routine handling these requests, the interrupt source contained in the MCMIR must be explicitly cleared. See Table 123 and Table 124. Register address: MCM Base + 0x001F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R FB0AI FB0SI FB1AI FB1SI 0 0 0 0 W 1 1 1 1 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XXXXXXX = Unimplemented Table 123. Miscellaneous Interrupt (MIR) Register Table 124. Miscellaneous Interrupt (MIR) Field Descriptions Name Description 0 FB0AI Flash Bank 0 Abort Interrupt 0: A flash bank 0 abort has not occurred. 1: A flash bank 0 abort has occurred. The interrupt request is negated by writing a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. 1 FB0SI Flash Bank 0 Stall Interrupt 0: A flash bank 0 stall has not occurred. 1: A flash bank 0 stall has occurred. The interrupt request is negated by writing a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. 2 FB1AI Flash Bank 1 Abort Interrupt 0: A flash bank 1 abort has not occurred. 1: A flash bank 1 abort has occurred. The interrupt request is negated by writing a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. 3 FB1SI Flash Bank 1 Stall Interrupt 0: A flash bank 1 stall has not occurred. 1: A flash bank 1 stall has occurred. The interrupt request is negated by writing a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. Miscellaneous User-Defined Control Register (MUDCR) The MUDCR provides a program-visible register for user-defined control functions. It typically is used as configuration control for miscellaneous SoC-level modules. The contents of this register is simply output from MCM to other modules where the user-defined control functions are implemented. See Table 125 and Table 126 for the Miscellaneous User-Defined Control Register definition. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 295 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Register address: MCM Base + 0x0024 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MUDC W RESET: R [0] R MUDC W RESET: R [16] 0 = Unimplemented Table 125. Miscellaneous User-Defined Control (MUDCR) Register Table 126. Miscellaneous User-Defined Control Register (MUDCR) Field Descriptions Name MUDCR Description Enable Crossbar Round-Robin Arbitration 0 = crossbar globally uses fixed priority arbitration. 1 = crossbar globally uses round robin arbitration. AXBS_lite force_round_robin bit (MUDCR[31])When the AXBS_lite is included on the platform, this bit is used to drive the force_round_robin bit of the AXBS_lite. This will force the slaves into round robin mode of arbitration rather than fixed mode. Unless a master is using priority elevation, which forces the design back into fixed mode regardless of this bit. By defining the ‘define ENABLE_ROUND_ROBIN_RESET, this bit will reset to 1. AXBS_lite is in round robin mode AXBS_lite is in fixed priority mode ECC registers There are a number of program-visible registers for the sole purpose of reporting and logging of memory failures. These registers include the following: • ECC Configuration Register (ECR) • ECC Status Register (ESR) • ECC Error Generation Register (EEGR) • Flash ECC Address Register (FEAR) • Flash ECC Master Number Register (FEMR) • Flash ECC Attributes Register (FEAT) • Flash ECC Data Register (FEDR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 296 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) • • • • • RAM ECC Address Register (REAR) RAM ECC Syndrome Register (RESR) RAM ECC Master Number Register (REMR) RAM ECC Attributes Register (REAT) RAM ECC Data Register (REDR) The details on the ECC registers are provided in the subsequent sections. If the design does not include ECC on the memories, these addresses are reserved locations within the MCM’s programming model. ECC Configuration Register (ECR) The ECC Configuration Register is an 8-bit control register for specifying which types of memory errors are reported. In all systems with ECC, the occurrence of a non-correctable error causes the current access to be terminated with an error condition. In many cases, this error termination is reported directly by the initiating bus master. However, there are certain situations where the occurrence of this type of non-correctable error is not reported by the master. Examples include speculative instruction fetches which are discarded due to a change-of-flow operation, and buffered operand writes. The ECC reporting logic in the MCM provides an optional error interrupt mechanism to signal all non-correctable memory errors. In addition to the interrupt generation, the MCM captures specific information (memory address, attributes and data, bus master number, etc.) which may be useful for subsequent failure analysis. The reporting of single-bit memory corrections can only be enabled via a an SoC-configurable module input signal. While not directly accessible to a user, this capability is viewed as important for error logging and failure analysis. See Table 127 and Table 128 for the ECC Configuration Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0043 R 0 1 0 0 2 3 ER1BR EF1BR 0 0 4 5 0 0 6 7 ERNCR EFNCR 0 0 W RESET: 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented Table 127. ECC Configuration (ECR) Register Table 128. ECC Configuration (ECR) Field Definitions Name 2 ER1BR Description Enable RAM 1-bit Reporting 0 = Reporting of single-bit RAM corrections is disabled. 1 = Reporting of single-bit RAM corrections is enabled. This bit can only be set if the SoC-configurable input enable signal is asserted. The occurrence of a single-bit RAM correction generates a MCM ECC interrupt request as signalled by the assertion of ESR[R1BC]. The address, attributes and data are also captured in the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 297 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 128. ECC Configuration (ECR) Field Definitions Name 3 EF1BR Description Enable Flash 1-bit Reporting 0 = Reporting of single-bit flash corrections is disabled. 1 = Reporting of single-bit flash corrections is enabled. This bit can only be set if the SoC-configurable input enable signal is asserted. The occurrence of a single-bit flash correction generates a MCM ECC interrupt request as signalled by the assertion of ESR[F1BC]. The address, attributes and data are also captured in the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers. 6 ERNCR Enable RAM Non-Correctable Reporting 0 = Reporting of non-correctable RAM errors is disabled. 1 = Reporting of non-correctable RAM errors is enabled. The occurrence of a non-correctable multi-bit RAM error generates a MCM ECC interrupt request as signalled by the assertion of ESR[RNCE]. The faulting address, attributes and data are also captured in the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers. 7 EFNCR Enable Flash Non-Correctable Reporting 0 = Reporting of non-correctable flash errors is disabled. 1 = Reporting of non-correctable flash errors is enabled. The occurrence of a non-correctable multi-bit flash error generates a MCM ECC interrupt request as signalled by the assertion of ESR[FNCE]. The faulting address, attributes and data are also captured in the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers. ECC Status Register (ESR) The ECC Status Register is an 8-bit control register for signaling which types of properly-enabled ECC events have been detected. The ESR signals the last, properly-enabled memory event to be detected. ECC interrupt generation is separated into single-bit error detection/correction, uncorrectable error detection and the combination of the two as defined by the following boolean equations: MCM_ECC1BIT_IRQ = ECR[ER1BR] & ESR[R1BC] | ECR[EF1BR] & ESR[F1BC] MCM_ECCRNCR_IRQ = ECR[ERNCR] & ESR[RNCE] MCM_ECCFNCR_IRQ = ECR[EFNCR] & ESR[FNCE] MCM_ECC2BIT_IRQ = MCM_ECCRNCR_IRQ | MCM_ECCFNCR_IRQ MCM_ECC_IRQ = MCM_ECC1BIT_IRQ | MCM_ECC2BIT_IRQ // ram, 1-bit correction // flash, 1-bit correction // ram, noncorrectable error // flash, noncorrectable error // ram, noncorrectable error // flash, noncorrectable error // 1-bit correction // noncorrectable error where the combination of a properly-enabled category in the ECR and the detection of the corresponding condition in the ESR produces the interrupt request. The MCM allows a maximum of one bit of the ESR to be asserted at any given time. This preserves the association between the ESR and the corresponding address and attribute registers, which are loaded on each occurrence of an properly-enabled ECC event. If there is a pending ECC interrupt and another properly-enabled ECC event occurs, the MCM hardware automatically handles the ESR reporting, MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 298 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) clearing the previous data and loading the new state and thus guaranteeing that only a single flag is asserted. To maintain the coherent software view of the reported event, the following sequence in the MCM error interrupt service routine is suggested: 1. Read the ESR and save it. 2. Read and save all the address and attribute reporting registers. 3. Re-read the ESR and verify the current contents matches the original contents. If the two values are different, go back to step 1 and repeat. 4. When the values are identical, write a 1 to the asserted ESR flag to negate the interrupt request. See Table 129 and Table 130 for the ECC Status Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0047 R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 R1BC F1BC 0 0 RNCE FNCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET: = Unimplemented Table 129. ECC Status (ESR) Register Table 130. ECC Status (ESR) Field Definitions Name 2 R1BC Description RAM 1-bit Correction 0 = No reportable single-bit RAM correction has been detected. 1 = A reportable single-bit RAM correction has been detected. This bit can only be set if ECR[EPR1BR] is asserted. The occurrence of a properly-enabled single-bit RAM correction generates a MCM ECC interrupt request. The address, attributes and data are also captured in the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers. To clear this interrupt flag, write a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. 3 F1BC Flash 1-bit Correction 0 = No reportable single-bit flash correction has been detected. 1 = A reportable single-bit flash correction has been detected. This bit can only be set if ECR[EPF1BR] is asserted. The occurrence of a properly-enabled single-bit flash correction generates a MCM ECC interrupt request. The address, attributes and data are also captured in the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers. To clear this interrupt flag, write a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. 6 RNCE RAM Non-Correctable Error 0 = No reportable non-correctable RAM error has been detected. 1 = A reportable non-correctable RAM error has been detected. The occurrence of a properly-enabled non-correctable RAM error generates a MCM ECC interrupt request. The faulting address, attributes and data are also captured in the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers. To clear this interrupt flag, write a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 299 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 130. ECC Status (ESR) Field Definitions Name 7 FNCE Description Flash Non-Correctable Error 0 = No reportable non-correctable flash error has been detected. 1 = A reportable non-correctable flash error has been detected. The occurrence of a properly-enabled non-correctable flash error generates a MCM ECC interrupt request. The faulting address, attributes and data are also captured in the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers. To clear this interrupt flag, write a 1 to this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect. In the event that multiple status flags are signaled simultaneously, MCM records the event with the R1BC as highest priority, then F1BC, then RNCE, and finally FNCE. ECC Error Generation Register (EEGR) The ECC Error Generation Register is a 16-bit control register used to force the generation of single- and double-bit data inversions in the memories with ECC, most notably the RAM. This capability is provided for two purposes: • It provides a software-controlled mechanism for “injecting” errors into the memories during data writes to verify the integrity of the ECC logic. • It provides a mechanism to allow testing of the software service routines associated with memory error logging. It should be noted that while the EEGR is associated with the RAM, similar capabilities exist for the flash, i.e., the ability to program the non-volatile memory with single- or double-bit errors is supported for the same two reasons previously identified. For both types of memories (RAM and flash), the intent is to generate errors during data write cycles, such that subsequent reads of the corrupted address locations generate ECC events, either single-bit corrections or double-bit noncorrectable errors that are terminated with an error response. The enabling of these error generation modes requires the same SoC-configurable input enable signal (as that used to enable single-bit correction reporting) be asserted. See Table 131 and Table 132 for the ECC Configuration Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x004a R 0 1 0 0 3 FRC1B FR11BI 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 FRCN FR1 0 CI NCI 0 0 I W RESET: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 ERRBIT[0:6] 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented Table 131. ECC Error Generation (EEGR) Register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 300 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 132. ECC Error Generation (EEGR) Field Definitions Name Description 2 Force RAM Continuous 1-Bit Data Inversions FRC1BI 0 = No RAM continuous 1-bit data inversions are generated. 1 = 1-bit data inversions in the RAM are continuously generated. The assertion of this bit forces the RAM controller to create 1-bit data inversions, as defined by the bit position specified in ERRBIT[0:6], continuously on every write operation. The normal ECC generation takes place in the RAM controller, but then the polarity of the bit position defined by ERRBIT is inverted to introduce a 1-bit ECC event in the RAM. After this bit has been enabled to generate another continuous 1-bit data inversion, it must be cleared before being set again to properly re-enable the error generation logic. This bit can only be set if the same SoC configurable input enable signal (as that used to enable single-bit correction reporting) is asserted. 3 FR11BI Force RAM One 1-bit Data Inversion 0 = No RAM single 1-bit data inversion is generated. 1 = One 1-bit data inversion in the RAM is generated. The assertion of this bit forces the RAM controller to create one 1-bit data inversion, as defined by the bit position specified in ERRBIT[0:6], on the first write operation after this bit is set. The normal ECC generation takes place in the RAM controller, but then the polarity of the bit position defined by ERRBIT is inverted to introduce a 1-bit ECC event in the RAM. After this bit has been enabled to generate a single 1-bit data inversion, it must be cleared before being set again to properly re-enable the error generation logic. This bit can only be set if the same SoC configurable input enable signal (as that used to enable single-bit correction reporting) is asserted. 6 Force RAM Continuous Noncorrectable Data Inversions FRCNCI 0 = No RAM continuous 2-bit data inversions are generated. 1 = 2-bit data inversions in the RAM are continuously generated. The assertion of this bit forces the RAM controller to create 2-bit data inversions, as defined by the bit position specified in ERRBIT[0:6] and the overall odd parity bit, continuously on every write operation. After this bit has been enabled to generate another continuous noncorrectable data inversion, it must be cleared before being set again to properly re-enable the error generation logic. The normal ECC generation takes place in the RAM controller, but then the polarity of the bit position defined by ERRBIT and the overall odd parity bit are inverted to introduce a 2-bit ECC error in the RAM. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 301 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 132. ECC Error Generation (EEGR) Field Definitions (continued) Name Description 7 Force RAM One Noncorrectable Data Inversions FR1NCI 0 = No RAM single 2-bit data inversions are generated. 1 = One 2-bit data inversion in the RAM is generated. The assertion of this bit forces the RAM controller to create one 2-bit data inversion, as defined by the bit position specified in ERRBIT[0:6] and the overall odd parity bit, on the first write operation after this bit is set. The normal ECC generation takes place in the RAM controller, but then the polarity of the bit position defined by ERRBIT and the overall odd parity bit are inverted to introduce a 2-bit ECC error in the RAM. After this bit has been enabled to generate a single 2-bit error, it must be cleared before being set again to properly re-enable the error generation logic. 9-15 Error Bit Position ERRBIT The vector defines the bit position which is complemented to create the data inversion on the write operation. For [0:6] the creation of 2-bit data inversions, the bit specified by this field plus the odd parity bit of the ECC code are inverted. The RAM controller follows a vector bit ordering scheme where LSB=0. Errors in the ECC syndrome bits can be generated by setting this field to a value greater than the RAM width. For example, consider a 32-bit RAM implementation. The 32-bit ECC approach requires 7 code bits for a 32-bit word. For PRAM data width of 32 bits, the actual SRAM (32b data + 7b for ECC) = 39 bits. The following association between the ERRBIT field and the corrupted memory bit is defined: if ERRBIT = 0, then RAM[0] of the odd bank is inverted if ERRBIT = 1, then RAM[1] of the odd bank is inverted ... if ERRBIT = 31, then RAM[31] of the odd bank is inverted if ERRBIT = 64, then ECC Parity[0] of the odd bank is inverted if ERRBIT = 65, then ECC Parity[1] of the odd bank is inverted ... if ERRBIT = 70, then ECC Parity[6] of the odd bank is inverted For ERRBIT values of 32 to 63 and greater than 70, no bit position is inverted. If an attempt to force a non-correctable inversion (by asserting EEGR[FRCNCI] or EEGR[FRC1NCI]) and EEGR[ERRBIT] equals 64, then no data inversion will be generated. The only allowable values for the 4 control bit enables {FR11BI, FRC1BI, FRCNCI, FR1NCI} are {0,0,0,0}, {1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0} and {0,0,0,1}. All other values result in undefined behavior. Flash ECC Address Register (FEAR) The FEAR is a 32-bit register for capturing the address of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the flash memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the flash causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers, and the appropriate flag (F1BC or FNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 133 and Table 134 for the Flash ECC Address Register definition. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 302 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Register address: MCM Base + 0x0050 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FEAR[0:15] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - - - - - - R FEAR[16:31] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 133. Flash ECC Address (FEAR) Register Table 134. Flash ECC Address (FEAR) Field Descriptions Name Description 0-31 FEAR[0:31] Flash ECC Address Register This 32-bit register contains the faulting access address of the last, properly-enabled flash ECC event. Flash ECC Master Number Register (FEMR) The FEMR is a 4-bit register for capturing the AXBS bus master number of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the flash memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the flash causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers, and the appropriate flag (F1BC or FNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 135 and Table 136 for the Flash ECC Master Number Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0056 R 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 - - FEMR[0:3] W RESET: - - = Unimplemented Table 135. Flash ECC Master Number (FEMR) Register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 303 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 136. Flash ECC Master Number (FEMR) Field Descriptions Name Description 4-7 FEMR[0:3] Flash ECC Master Number Register This 4-bit register contains the AXBS bus master number of the faulting access of the last, properly-enabled flash ECC event. Flash ECC Attributes (FEAT) register The FEAT is an 8-bit register for capturing the AXBS bus master attributes of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the flash memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the flash causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the FEAR, FEMR, FEAT and FEDR registers, and the appropriate flag (F1BC or FNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 137 and Table 138 for the Flash ECC Attributes Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0057 0 R 1 Write 2 3 4 5 Size[0:2] 6 7 Protection[0:3] W RESET: - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 137. Flash ECC Attributes (FEAT) Register Table 138. Flash ECC Attributes (FEAT) Field Descriptions Name 0 Write 1-3 Size[0:2] 4-7 Protection[0:3] Description AMBA-AHB HWRITE 0 = AMBA-AHB read access 1 = AMBA-AHB write access AMBA-AHB HSIZE[0:2] 0b000 = 8-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b001 = 16-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b010 = 32-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b1xx = Reserved AMBA-AHB HPROT[0:3] Protection[3]: Cacheable 0 = Non-cacheable,1 = Cacheable Protection[2]: Bufferable0 = Non-bufferable,1 = Bufferable Protection[1]: Mode 0 = User mode, 1 = Supervisor mode Protection[0]: Type 0 = I-Fetch, 1 = Data Flash ECC Data Register (FEDR) The FEDR is a 32-bit register for capturing the data associated with the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the flash memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the flash causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the FEAR, FEMR, MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 304 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) FEAT and FEDR registers, and the appropriate flag (F1BC or FNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. The data captured on a multi-bit non-correctable ECC error is undefined. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 139 and Table 140 for the Flash ECC Data Register definition. Register address: MCM Base +0x005C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FEDR[0:15] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - - - - - - R FEDR[16:31] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 139. Flash ECC Data (FEDR) Register Table 140. Flash ECC Data (FEDR) Field Descriptions Name 0-31 FEDR[0:31] Description Flash ECC Data Register This 32-bit register contains the data associated with the faulting access of the last, properly-enabled flash ECC event. The register contains the data value taken directly from the data bus. RAM ECC Address Register (REAR) The REAR is a 32-bit register for capturing the address of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the RAM memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the RAM causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers, and the appropriate flag (R1BC or RNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 141 and Table 142 for the RAM ECC Address Register definition. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 305 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Register address: MCM Base + 0x0060 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REAR[0:15] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - - - - - - R REAR[16:31] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 141. RAM ECC Address (REAR) Register Table 142. RAM ECC Address (REAR) Field Descriptions Name Description 0-31 REAR[0:31] RAM ECC Address Register This 32-bit register contains the faulting access address of the last, properly-enabled RAM ECC event. RAM ECC Syndrome Register (RESR) The RESR is an 8-bit register for capturing the error syndrome of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the RAM memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the RAM causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers, and the appropriate flag (R1BC or RNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 143 and Table 144 for the RAM ECC Syndrome Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0065 0 1 2 3 R 4 5 6 7 - - - - RESR[0:7] W RESET: - - - - = Unimplemented Table 143. RAM ECC Syndrome (RESR) Register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 306 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 144. RAM ECC Syndrome (RESR) Field Descriptions Name Description 0-7 RESR[0:7] RAM ECC Syndrome Register This 8-bit syndrome field includes 6 bits of Hamming decoded parity plus an odd-parity bit for the entire 39-bit (32-bit data + 7 ECC) code word. The upper 7 bits of the syndrome specify the exact bit position in error for single-bit correctable codewords, and the combination of a non-zero 7-bit syndrome plus overall incorrect parity bit signal a multi-bit, non-correctable error. For correctable single-bit errors, the mapping shown in Table 144 associates the upper 7 bits of the syndrome with the data bit in error. Note: Table 144 associates the upper 7 bits of the ECC syndrome with the exact data bit in error for single-bit correctable codewords. This table follows the bit vectoring notation where the LSB=0. Note that the syndrome value of 0x0001 implies no error condition but this value is not readable when the PRESR is read for the no error case. Table 145. RAM Syndrome Mapping for Single-Bit Correctable Errors RESR[0:7] Data Bit in Error 0x0000 ECC ODD[0] 0x0001 No Error 0x0002 ECC ODD[1] 0x0004 ECC ODD[2] 0x0006 DATA ODD BANK[31] 0x0008 ECC ODD[3] 0x000a DATA ODD BANK[30] 0x000c DATA ODD BANK[29] 0x000e DATA ODD BANK[28] 0x0010 ECC ODD[4] 0x0012 DATA ODD BANK[27] 0x0014 DATA ODD BANK[26] 0x0016 DATA ODD BANK[25] 0x0018 DATA ODD BANK[24] 0x001a DATA ODD BANK[23] 0x001c DATA ODD BANK[22] 0x0050 DATA ODD BANK[21] 0x0020 ECC ODD[5] 0x0022 DATA ODD BANK[20] 0x0024 DATA ODD BANK[19] 0x0026 DATA ODD BANK[18] 0x0028 DATA ODD BANK[17] 0x002a DATA ODD BANK[16] 0x002c DATA ODD BANK[15] 0x0058 DATA ODD BANK[14] 0x0030 DATA ODD BANK[13] 0x0032 DATA ODD BANK[12] 0x0034 DATA ODD BANK[11] 0x0064 DATA ODD BANK[10] MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 307 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Table 145. RAM Syndrome Mapping for Single-Bit Correctable Errors (continued) RESR[0:7] Data Bit in Error 0x0038 DATA ODD BANK[9] 0x0062 DATA ODD BANK[8] 0x0070 DATA ODD BANK[7] 0x0060 DATA ODD BANK[6] 0x0040 ECC ODD[6] 0x0042 DATA ODD BANK[5] 0x0044 DATA ODD BANK[4] 0x0046 DATA ODD BANK[3] 0x0048 DATA ODD BANK[2] 0x004a DATA ODD BANK[1] 0x004c DATA ODD BANK[0] 0x0003,0x0005........0x 004d Multiple bit error > 0x004d Multiple bit error RAM ECC Master Number Register (REMR) The REMR is a 4-bit register for capturing the AXBS bus master number of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the RAM memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the RAM causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers, and the appropriate flag (R1BC or RNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 146 and Table 147 for the RAM ECC Master Number Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0066 R 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 - - REMR[0:3] W RESET: - - = Unimplemented Table 146. RAM ECC Master Number (REMR) Register Table 147. RAM ECC Master Number (REMR) Field Descriptions Name Description 4-7 REMR[0:3] RAM ECC Master Number Register This 4-bit register contains the AXBS bus master number of the faulting access of the last, properly-enabled RAM ECC event. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 308 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) RAM ECC Attributes (REAT) register The REAT is an 8-bit register for capturing the AXBS bus master attributes of the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the RAM memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the RAM causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers, and the appropriate flag (R1BC or RNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 148 and Table 149 for the RAM ECC Attributes Register definition. Register address: MCM Base + 0x0067 0 R 1 Write 2 3 4 5 Size[0:2] 6 7 Protection[0:3] W RESET: - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 148. RAM ECC Attributes (REAT) Register Table 149. RAM ECC Attributes (REAT) Field Descriptions Name 0 Write 1-3 Size[0:2] 4-7 Protection[0:3] Description AMBA-AHB HWRITE 0 = AMBA-AHB read access 1 = AMBA-AHB write access AMBA-AHB HSIZE[0:2] 0b000 = 8-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b001 = 16-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b010 = 32-bit AMBA-AHB access 0b1xx = Reserved AMBA-AHB HPROT[0:3] Protection[3]: Cacheable 0 = Non-cacheable, 1 = Cacheable Protection[2]: Bufferable 0 = Non-bufferable,1 = Bufferable Protection[1]: Mode 0 = User mode, 1 = Supervisor mode Protection[0]: Type 0 = I-Fetch, 1 = Data RAM ECC Data Register (REDR) The REDR is a 32-bit register for capturing the data associated with the last, properly-enabled ECC event in the RAM memory. Depending on the state of the ECC Configuration Register, an ECC event in the RAM causes the address, attributes and data associated with the access to be loaded into the REAR, RESR, REMR, REAT and REDR registers, and the appropriate flag (R1BC or RNCE) in the ECC Status Register to be asserted. The data captured on a multi-bit non-correctable ECC error is undefined. This register can only be read from the IPS programming model; any attempted write is ignored. See Table 150 and Table 151 for the RAM ECC Data Register definition. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 309 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Register address: MCM Base +0x006c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REDR[0:15] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - - - - - - R REDR[16:31] W RESET: - - - - - - - - - = Unimplemented Table 150. RAM ECC Data (REDR) Register Table 151. RAM ECC Data (REDR) Field Descriptions 16.4.3 Name Description 0-31 REDR[0:31] RAM ECC Data Register This 32-bit register contains the data associated with the faulting access of the last, properly-enabled RAM ECC event. The register contains the data value taken directly from the data bus. MCM_reg_protection The MCM_reg_protection logic provides hardware enforcement of supervisor mode access protection for four on-platform IPS modules: INTC, MCM, STM, and SWT. This logic resides between the on-platform bus sourced by the AIPS bus controller and the individual slave modules. It monitors the bus access type (supervisor or user) and if a user access is attempted, the transfer is terminated with an error and inhibited from reaching the slave module. Identical logic is replicated for each of the five, targeted slave modules. A block diagram of the MCM_reg_protection module is shown in Figure 116. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 310 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) INTC ips_supervisor_access MCM AIPS_LITE MCM_REG_PROTECTION STM SWT Figure 116. Spp_Ips_Reg_Protection block diagram Attempted accesses to reserved addresses result in an error termination, while attempted writes to read-only registers are ignored and do not terminate with an error. Unless noted otherwise, writes to the programming model must match the size of the register; for example, an n-bit register only supports n-bit writes, etc. Attempted writes of a different size than the register width produce an error termination of the bus cycle and no change to the targeted register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 311 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 312 Freescale Semiconductor Internal Static RAM (SRAM) Chapter 17 Internal Static RAM (SRAM) 17.1 Introduction The general-purpose SRAM has a size of 96 KB. The SRAM provides the following features: • SRAM can be read/written from any bus master • Byte, halfword, word and doubleword addressable • Single-bit correction and double-bit error detection 17.2 SRAM operating mode The SRAM has only one operating mode. No standby mode is available. Table 152. SRAM operating modes 17.3 Mode Configuration Normal (functional) Allows reads and writes of SRAM Register memory map The SRAM occupies 96 KB of memory starting at the base address as shown in Table 153. Table 153. SRAM memory map Address Register name Register description Size 0x4000_0000 (Base) — — 96 KB The internal SRAM has no registers. Registers for the SRAM ECC are located in the MCM . 17.4 SRAM ECC mechanism The SRAM ECC detects the following conditions and produces the following results: • Detects and corrects all 1-bit errors • Detects and flags all 2-bit errors as non-correctable errors • Detects 39-bit reads (32-bit data bus plus the 7-bit ECC) that return all zeros or all ones, asserts an error indicator on the bus cycle, and sets the error flag SRAM does not detect all errors greater than 2 bits. Internal SRAM write operations are performed on the following byte boundaries: • • • 1 byte (0:7 bits) 2 bytes (0:15 bits) 4 bytes or 1 word (0:31 bits) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 313 Internal Static RAM (SRAM) If the entire 32 data bits are written to SRAM, no read operation is performed and the ECC is calculated across the 32-bit data bus. The 8-bit ECC is appended to the data segment and written to SRAM. If the write operation is less than the entire 32-bit data width (1 or 2-byte segment), the following occurs: 1. The ECC mechanism checks the entire 32-bit data bus for errors, detecting and either correcting or flagging errors. 2. The write data bytes (1or 2-byte segment) are merged with the corrected 32 bits on the data bus. 3. The ECC is then calculated on the resulting 32 bits formed in the previous step. 4. The 7-bit ECC result is appended to the 32 bits from the data bus, and the 39-bit value is then written to SRAM. 17.4.1 Access timing The system bus is a two-stage pipelined bus that makes the timing of any access dependent on the access during the previous clock. Table 154 lists the various combinations of read and write operations to SRAM and the number of wait states used for the each operation. The table columns contain the following information: • Current operation—Lists the type of SRAM operation currently executing • Previous operation—Lists the valid types of SRAM operations that can precede the current SRAM operation (valid operation during the preceding clock) • Wait states—Lists the number of wait states (bus clocks) the operation requires, which depends on the combination of the current and previous operation Table 154. Number of wait states required for SRAM operations Operation type Current operation Previous operation Number of wait states required Read Read Idle 1 Pipelined read 8 , 16 or 32-bit write 0 (read from the same address) 1 (read from a different address) Pipelined read Read 0 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 314 Freescale Semiconductor Internal Static RAM (SRAM) Table 154. Number of wait states required for SRAM operations (continued) Operation type Current operation Previous operation Number of wait states required Write 8 or 16-bit write Idle 1 Read Pipelined 8- or 16-bit write 2 32-bit write 8 or 16-bit write 0 (write to the same address) Pipelined 8, 16 or 32-bit write 8 , 16 or 32-bit write 0 32-bit write Idle 0 32-bit write Read 17.4.2 Reset effects on SRAM accesses Asynchronous reset will possibly corrupt RAM if it asserts during a read or write operation to SRAM. The completion of that access depends on the cycle at which the reset occurs. If no access is occurring when reset occurs, RAM corruption does not happen. Instead synchronous reset (SW reset) should be used in controlled function (without RAM accesses) in case initialization procedure is needed without RAM initialization. 17.5 Functional description ECC checks are performed during the read portion of an SRAM ECC read/write (R/W) operation, and ECC calculations are performed during the write portion of a R/W operation. Because the ECC bits can contain random data after the device is powered on, the SRAM must be initialized by executing 32-bit write operations prior any read accesses. This is also true for implicit read accesses caused by any write accesses smaller than 32 bits as discussed in Section 17.4, “SRAM ECC mechanism”. 17.6 Initialization and application information To use the SRAM, the ECC must check all bits that require initialization after power on. All writes must specify an even number of registers performed on 32-bit word-aligned boundaries. If the write is not the entire 32-bits (8 or 16 bits), a read/modify/write operation is generated that checks the ECC value upon the read. Refer to Section 17.4, “SRAM ECC mechanism”. NOTE You must initialize SRAM, even if the application does not use ECC reporting. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 315 Internal Static RAM (SRAM) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 316 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Chapter 18 Flash Memory 18.1 Introduction The flash memory comprises a platform flash controller interface and two flash memory arrays: one array of 512 KB for code (code flash) and one array of 64 KB for data (data flash). The flash architecture of the MPC5606E device is illustrated in Figure 117. AHB CROSSBAR SWITCH AHB ports 32 4x128 Page Buffer 1x128 Page Buffer PFlash Controller 512 KB Code Flash 64 KB Data Flash Array 0 Array 1 Bank0 (code flash) Bank1 (data flash) Figure 117. MPC5606E flash memory architecture MPC5606E flash memory is arranged as follows: Array0 (code flash): • 512 KB + 16 KB shadow block + 16 KB test block • 8 small blocks organized as 16 KB, 16 KB, 32 KB, 32 KB, 16 KB, 16 KB, 64 KB and 64 KB • 2 large blocks organized as 128 KB and 128 KB • 1 Shadow block, 16 KB • 1 Test block, 16 KB Array1 (data flash): • 64 KB + 8 KB test block • 4 small blocks organized as 16 KB, 16 KB, 16 KB, 16 KB, • 1 Test block, 8 KB MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 317 Flash Memory 18.2 Platform flash controller 18.2.1 Introduction This section provides an introduction of the platform flash controller, which acts as the interface between the system bus and as many as two banks of flash memory arrays (program and data). It intelligently converts the protocols between the system bus and the dedicated flash array interfaces. Several important terms are used to describe the platform flash controller module and its connections. These terms are defined here. • Port—This term describes the AMBA-AHB connection(s) into the platform flash controller. From an architectural and programming model viewpoint, the definition supports as many as two AHB ports, even though this specific controller only supports a single AHB connection. • Bank—This term describes the attached flash memories. From the platform flash controller’s perspective, there may be one or two attached banks of flash memory. The code flash bank is required and always attached to bank0. Additionally, there is a data flash attached to bank1. The platform flash controller interface supports two separate connections, one to each memory bank. On the MPC5606E device, bank0 and bank1 are internal to the device. • Array—Each memory bank has one flash array instantiation. • Page—This value defines the number of bits read from the flash array in a single access. For this controller and memory, the page size is 128 bits (16 bytes). The nomenclature “page buffers” and “line buffers” are used interchangeably. Overview The platform flash controller supports a 32-bit data bus width at the AHB port and connections to 128-bit read data interfaces from two memory banks, where each bank contains one instantiation of the flash memory array. One flash bank is connected to the code flash memory and the other bank is connected to the data flash memory. The memory controller capabilities vary between the two banks with each bank’s functionality optimized with the typical use cases associated with the attached flash memory. As an example, the platform flash controller logic associated with the code flash bank contains a four-entry “page” buffer, each entry containing 128 bits of data (1 flash page) plus an associated controller that prefetches sequential lines of data from the flash array into the buffer, while the controller logic associated with the data flash bank only supports a 128-bit register that serves as a temporary page holding register and does not support any prefetching. Prefetch buffer hits from the code flash bank support 0-wait AHB data phase responses. AHB read requests that miss the buffers generate the needed flash array access and are forwarded to the AHB upon completion, typically incurring two wait states at an operating frequency of 60 to 64 MHz. This memory controller is optimized for applications where a cacheless processor core, for example the Power e200z0h, is connected through the platform to on-chip memories, for example flash and RAM, where the processor and platform operate at the same frequency. For these applications, the 2-stage pipeline AMBA-AHB system bus is effectively mapped directly into stages of the processor’s pipeline and 0 wait state responses for most memory accesses are critical for providing the required level of system performance. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 318 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Features The following list summarizes the key features of the platform flash controller: • Single AHB port interface supports a 32-bit data bus. All AHB aligned and unaligned reads within the 32-bit container are supported. Only aligned word writes are supported. • Array interfaces support a 128-bit read data bus and a 64-bit write data bus for each bank. • Interface with code flash provides configurable read buffering and page prefetch support. Four page read buffers (each 128 bits wide) and a prefetch controller support single-cycle read responses (0 AHB data phase wait states) for hits in the buffers. The buffers implement a least-recently-used replacement algorithm to maximize performance. • Interface with data flash includes a 128-bit register to temporarily hold a single flash page. This logic supports single-cycle read responses (0 AHB data phase wait states) for accesses that hit in the holding register. There is no support for prefetching associated with bank1. • Programmable response for read-while-write sequences including support for stall-while-write, optional stall notification interrupt, optional flash operation termination, and optional termination notification interrupt • Separate and independent configurable access timing (on a per bank basis) to support use across a wide range of platforms and frequencies • Support of address-based read access timing for emulation of other memory types • Support for reporting of single- and multi-bit flash ECC events • Typical operating configuration loaded into programming model by system reset 18.2.2 Modes of operation The platform flash controller module does not support any special modes of operation. Its operation is driven from the AMBA-AHB memory references it receives from the platform’s bus masters. Its configuration is defined by the setting of the programming model registers, physically located as part of the flash array modules. 18.2.3 External signal descriptions The platform flash controller does not directly interface with any external signals. Its primary internal interfaces include a connection to an AMBA-AHB crossbar (or memory protection unit) slave port and connections with as many as two banks (code and data) of flash memory, each containing one instantiation of the flash array. Additionally, the operating configuration for the platform flash controller is defined by the contents of certain code flash array0 registers that are inputs to the module. 18.2.4 Memory map and registers description Two memory maps are associated with the platform flash controller: one for the flash memory space and another for the program-visible control and configuration registers. The flash memory space is accessed via the AMBA-AHB port. The program-visible registers are accessed via the slave peripheral bus. Details on both memory spaces are provided in Section, “Memory map”. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 319 Flash Memory There are no program-visible registers that physically reside inside the platform flash controller. Rather, the platform flash controller receives control and configuration information from the flash array controller(s) to determine the operating configuration. These are part of the flash array’s configuration registers mapped into its slave peripheral (IPS) address space but are described here. Memory map First, consider the flash memory space accessed via transactions from the platform flash controller’s AHB port. To support the two separate flash memory banks, the platform flash controller uses address bit 23 (haddr[23]) to steer the access to the appropriate memory bank. In addition to the actual flash memory regions, there are shadow and test sectors included in the system memory map. The program-visible control and configuration registers associated with each memory array are included in the slave peripheral address region. The system memory map defines one code flash array and one data flash array. See Table 155. Table 155. Flash-related regions in the system memory map Start address End address Size (KB) Region 0x0000_0000 0x0000_3FFF 16 0x0000_4000 0x0000_7FFF 16 0x0000_8000 0x0000_FFFF 32 0x0001_0000 0x0000_17FF 32 0x0001_8000 0x0001_BFFF 16 0x0001_C000 0x0001_FFFF 16 0x0002_0000 0x0002_FFFF 64 0x0003_0000 0x0003_FFFF 64 0x0004_0000 0x0005_FFFF 128 0x0006_0000 0x0007_FFFF 128 0x0008_0000 0x001F_FFFF 1536 Reserved 0x0020_0000 0x0020_3FFF 16 Code Flash Array 0 Shadow Sector 0x0020_4000 0x003F_FFFF 2032 Reserved 0x0040_0000 0x0040_3FFF 16 Code Flash Array 0 Test Sector 0x0040_4000 0x005F_FFFF 2032 Reserved 0x0080_0000 0x0080_3FFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_4000 0x0080_7FFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_8000 0x0080_BFFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0080_C000 0x0080_FFFF 16 Data Flash Array 0 0x0081_0000 0x009F_FFFF 1984 Reserved 0x00A0_0000 0x00BF_FFFF 2048 Reserved Code Flash Array 0 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 320 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 155. Flash-related regions in the system memory map (continued) Start address Size (KB) End address Region 0x00C0_0000 0x00C0_1FFF 8 Reserved 0x00C0_2000 0x00C0_3FFF 8 Data Flash Test Sector 0x00C0_4000 0x00FF_FFFF 4080 Reserved For additional information on the address-based read access timing for emulation of other memory types, see Section 18.2.17, “Wait state emulation”. Next, consider the memory map associated with the control and configuration registers. There are registers that control operation of the platform flash controller. Note the first two flash array registers (PFCR0, PFCR1) are reset to a device-defined value, while the remaining register (PFAPR) is loaded at reset from specific locations in the array’s shadow region. Regardless of the number of populated banks or the number of flash arrays included in a given bank, the configuration of the platform flash controller is wholly specified by the platform flash controller control registers associated with code flash array0. The code array0 register settings define the operating behavior of both flash banks. It is recommended to set the platform flash controller control registers for both arrays to the array0 values. NOTE To perform program and erase operations, the control registers in the actual referenced flash array must both be programmed, but the configuration of the platform flash controller module is defined by the platform flash controller control registers of code array0. NOTE The APC (Address Pipelining Control) field should be set to the same value as the RWSC (Read Wait State Control) The 32-bit memory map for the platform flash controller control registers is shown in Table 156. Table 156. Platform Flash Controller 32-bit memory map Offset from PFLASH_BASE (0xFFE8_8000) Register Access 0x001C Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0) R/W 0x0020 Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1) R/W 0x0024 Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR) R/W Registers description This section details the individual registers of the platform flash controller. The platform flash registers control flash behavior globally. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 321 Flash Memory Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0) The Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0) defines the configuration associated with flash memory bank0, which corresponds to the code flash. The register is described in Figure 118 and Table 157. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 R W 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B0_P0_IPFE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Reset 1 1 1 B0_P0_BFE B0_P0_PFLM 0 B0_P0_DPFE W 0 B0_P0_BCFG R BK0_RWSC BK0_RWWC Reset BK0_WWSC BK0_RWWC BK0_APC 15 BK0_RWWC Address: Base + 0x001C 0 1 Figure 118. Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0) Table 157. PFCR0 field descriptions Field BK0_APC Description Bank0 Address Pipelining Control This field controls the number of cycles between flash array access requests. This field must be set to a value appropriate to the operating frequency of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 00001 00010 ... 11110 11111 BK0_WWSC Accesses may be initiated on consecutive (back-to-back) cycles. Access requests require one additional hold cycle. Access requests require two additional hold cycles. Access requests require 30 additional hold cycles. Access requests require 31 additional hold cycles. Bank0 Write Wait State Control This field controls the number of wait states to be added to the flash array access time for writes. This field must be set to a value appropriate to the operating frequency of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. This field is set to an appropriate value by hardware reset. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 No additional wait states are added. 00001 1 additional wait state is added. 00010 2 additional wait states are added. ... 111111 31 additional wait states are added. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 322 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 157. PFCR0 field descriptions (continued) Field BK0_RWSC Description Bank0 Read Wait State Control This field controls the number of wait states to be added to the flash array access time for reads. This field must be set to a value corresponding to the operating frequency of the PFLASH and the actual read access time of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. 0 MHz, < 23 MHz 23 MHz, < 45 MHz 45 MHz, < 68 MHz 68 MHz, < 90 MHz APC = RWSC = 0. APC = RWSC = 1. APC = RWSC = 2. APC = RWSC = 3. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 No additional wait states are added. 00001 1 additional wait state is added. 00010 2 additional wait states are added. ... 111111 31 additional wait states are added. BK0_RWWC Bank0 Read-While-Write Control This 3-bit field defines the controller response to flash reads while the array is busy with a program (write) or erase operation. 0xx 100 101 110 111 Reserved. This configuration should be avoided. Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the operation termination and the abort notification interrupt. Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the operation abort, disable the abort notification interrupt. Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the stall notification interrupt, disable the abort + abort notification interrupt. Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, disable the stall notification interrupt, disable the abort + abort notification interrupt. This field is set to 0b111 by hardware reset enabling the stall-while-write/erase and disabling the abort and notification interrupts. Reserved MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 323 Flash Memory Table 157. PFCR0 field descriptions (continued) Field B0_P0_BCFG Description Bank0, Port 0 Page Buffer Configuration This field controls the configuration of the four page buffers in the PFLASH controller. The buffers can be organized as a “pool” of available resources, or with a fixed partition between instruction and data buffers. If enabled, when a buffer miss occurs, it is allocated to the least-recently-used buffer within the group and the just-fetched entry then marked as most-recently-used. If the flash access is for the next-sequential line, the buffer is not marked as most-recently-used until the given address produces a buffer hit. 00 All four buffers are available for any flash access, that is, there is no partitioning of the buffers based on the access type. 01 Reserved. 10 The buffers are partitioned into two groups with buffers 0 and 1 allocated for instruction fetches and buffers 2 and 3 for data accesses. 11 The buffers are partitioned into two groups with buffers 0,1,2 allocated for instruction fetches and buffer 3 for data accesses. This field is set to 2b11 by hardware reset. B0_P0_DPFE Bank0, Port 0 Data Prefetch Enable This field enables or disables prefetching initiated by a data read access. This field is cleared by hardware reset. 0 No prefetching is triggered by a data read access. 1 If page buffers are enabled (B0_P0_BFE = 1), prefetching is triggered by any data read access. B0_P0_IPFE Bank0, Port 0 Instruction Prefetch Enable This field enables or disables prefetching initiated by an instruction fetch read access. This field is set by hardware reset. 0 No prefetching is triggered by an instruction fetch read access. 1 If page buffers are enabled (B0_P0_BFE = 1), prefetching is triggered by any instruction fetch read access. B0_P0_PFLM Bank0, Port 0 Prefetch Limit This field controls the prefetch algorithm used by the PFLASH controller. This field defines the prefetch behavior. In all situations when enabled, only a single prefetch is initiated on each buffer miss or hit. This field is set to 2b10 by hardware reset. 00 No prefetching is performed. 01 The referenced line is prefetched on a buffer miss, that is, prefetch on miss. 1x The referenced line is prefetched on a buffer miss, or the next sequential page is prefetched on a buffer hit (if not already present), that is, prefetch on miss or hit. B0_P0_BFE Bank0, Port 0 Buffer Enable This bit enables or disables page buffer read hits. It is also used to invalidate the buffers. This bit is set by hardware reset. 0 The page buffers are disabled from satisfying read requests, and all buffer valid bits are cleared. 1 The page buffers are enabled to satisfy read requests on hits. Buffer valid bits may be set when the buffers are successfully filled. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 324 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1) The Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1) defines the configuration associated with flash memory bank1. This corresponds to the data flash. The register is described in Figure 119 and Table 158. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 R W Reset 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B1_P0_BFE W BK1_RWSC BK1_RWWC R BK1_WWSC BK1_RWWC Reset BK1_APC 15 BK1_RWWC Address: Base + 0x0020 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Figure 119. Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1) Table 158. PFCR1 field descriptions Field Description BK1_APC Bank1 Address Pipelining Control This field controls the number of cycles between flash array access requests. This field must be set to a value appropriate to the operating frequency of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 00001 00010 ... 11110 11111 Accesses may be initiated on consecutive (back-to-back) cycles. Access requests require one additional hold cycle. Access requests require two additional hold cycles. Access requests require 30 additional hold cycles. Access requests require 31 additional hold cycles. BK1_WWSC Bank1 Write Wait State Control This field controls the number of wait states to be added to the flash array access time for writes. This field must be set to a value appropriate to the operating frequency of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. This field is set to an appropriate value by hardware reset. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 No additional wait states are added. 00001 1 additional wait state is added. 00010 2 additional wait states are added. ... 111111 31 additional wait states are added. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 325 Flash Memory Table 158. PFCR1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description BK1_RWSC Bank1 Read Wait State Control This field controls the number of wait states to be added to the flash array access time for reads. This field must be set to a value corresponding to the operating frequency of the PFLASH and the actual read access time of the PFLASH. Higher operating frequencies require non-zero settings for this field for proper flash operation. 0 MHz, < 23 MHz 23 MHz, < 45 MHz 45 MHz, < 68 MHz 68 MHz, < 90 MHz APC = RWSC = 0. APC = RWSC = 1. APC = RWSC = 2. APC = RWSC = 3. This field is set to 0b00010 by hardware reset. 00000 No additional wait states are added. 00001 1 additional wait state is added. 00010 2 additional wait states are added. ... 111111 31 additional wait states are added. BK1_RWWC Bank1 Read-While-Write Control This 3-bit field defines the controller response to flash reads while the array is busy with a program (write) or erase operation. 0xx Reserved. This configuration should be avoided. 100 Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the operation abort and the abort notification interrupt. 101 Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the operation abort, disable the abort notification interrupt. 110 Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, enable the stall notification interrupt, disable the abort + abort notification interrupt. 111 Generate a bus stall for a read while write/erase, disable the stall notification interrupt, disable the abort + abort notification interrupt. This field is set to 0b111 by hardware reset enabling the stall-while-write/erase and disabling the abort and notification interrupts. Reserved, should be cleared. Bank1, Port 0 Buffer Enable B1_P0_PFE This bit enables or disables read hits from the 32-bit holding register. It is also used to invalidate the contents of the holding register. This bit is set by hardware reset, enabling the use of the holding register. 0 The holding register is disabled from satisfying read requests. 1 The holding register is enabled to satisfy read requests on hits. Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR) The Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR) controls read and write accesses to the flash based on system master number. Prefetching capabilities are defined on a per master basis. This register also defines the arbitration mode for controllers supporting two AHB ports. The register is described in Figure 120 and Table 159. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 326 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory The contents of the register are loaded from location 0x20_3E00 of the shadow region in the code flash (bank0) array at reset. To temporarily change the values of any of the fields in the PFAPR, a write to the IPS-mapped register is performed. To change the values loaded into the PFAPR at reset, the word location at address 0x20_3E00 of the shadow region in the flash array must be programmed using the normal sequence of operations. The reset value shown in Table 120 reflects an erased or unprogrammed value from the shadow region. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. Address: Base + 0x0024 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 W Reset R W Reset M7AP 1 1 M6AP 1 1 M5AP 1 1 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ARBM M4AP 1 1 M3AP 1 1 11 13 14 15 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0 PFD PFD PFD PFD PFD M2AP 1 12 1 M1AP 1 1 M0AP 1 1 Figure 120. Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR) Table 159. PFAPR field descriptions Field Description Reserved, should be cleared. ARBM Arbitration Mode This 2-bit field controls the arbitration for PFLASH controllers supporting 2 AHB ports. 00 Fixed priority arbitration with AHB p0 > p1. 01 Fixed priority arbitration with AHB p1 > p0. 1x Round-robin arbitration. MxPFD Master x Prefetch Disable (x = 0,1,2,...,7) These bits control whether prefetching may be triggered based on the master number of the requesting AHB master. This field is further qualified by the PFCR0[B0_Px_DPFE, B0_Px_IPFE, Bx_Py_BFE] bits. 0 Prefetching may be triggered by this master. 1 No prefetching may be triggered by this master. MxAP Master x Access Protection (x = 0,1,2,...,7) These fields control whether read and write accesses to the flash are allowed based on the master number of the initiating module. 00 01 10 11 No accesses may be performed by this master. Only read accesses may be performed by this master. Only write accesses may be performed by this master. Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 327 Flash Memory 18.2.5 Functional description The platform flash controller interfaces between the AHB-Lite 2.v6 system bus and the flash memory arrays. The platform flash controller generates read and write enables, the flash array address, write size, and write data as inputs to the flash array. The platform flash controller captures read data from the flash array interface and drives it onto the AHB. As much as four pages of data (128-bit width) from bank0 are buffered by the platform flash controller. Lines may be prefetched in advance of being requested by the AHB interface, allowing single-cycle (0 AHB wait states) read data responses on buffer hits. Several prefetch control algorithms are available for controlling page read buffer fills. Prefetch triggering may be restricted to instruction accesses only, data accesses only, or may be unrestricted. Prefetch triggering may also be controlled on a per-master basis. Buffers may also be selectively enabled or disabled for allocation by instruction and data prefetch. Access protections may be applied on a per-master basis for both reads and writes to support security and privilege mechanisms. Throughout this discussion, bkn_ is used as a prefix to refer to two signals, each for each bank: bk0_ and bk1_. Also, the nomenclature Bx_Py_RegName is used to reference a program-visible register field associated with bank “x” and port “y”. 18.2.6 Basic interface protocol The platform flash controller interfaces to the flash array by driving addresses (bkn_fl_addr[23:0]) and read or write enable signals (bkn_fl_rd_en, bkn_fl_wr_en). The read or write enable signal (bkn_fl_rd_en, bkn_fl_wr_en) is asserted in conjunction with the reference address for a single rising clock when a new access request is made. Addresses are driven to the flash array in a flow-through fashion to minimize array access time. When no outstanding access is in progress, the platform flash controller drives addresses and asserts bkn_fl_rd_en or bkn_fl_wr_en and then may change to the next outstanding address in the next cycle. Accesses are terminated under control of the appropriate read/write wait state control setting. Thus, the access time of the operation is determined by the settings of the wait state control fields. Access timing can be varied to account for the operating conditions of the device (frequency, voltage, temperature) by appropriately setting the fields in the programming model for either bank. The platform flash controller also has the capability of extending the normal AHB access time by inserting additional wait states for reads and writes. This capability is provided to allow emulation of other memories that have different access time characteristics. The added wait state specifications are provided by bit 28 to bit 24 of Flash address (haddr[28:24], see Table 161 and Table 162). These wait states are applied in addition to the normal wait states incurred for flash accesses. Refer to Section 18.2.17, “Wait state emulation”, for more details. Prefetching of next sequential page is blocked when haddr[28:24] is non-zero. Buffer hits are also blocked as well, regardless of whether the access corresponds to valid data in one of the page read buffers. These MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 328 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory steps are taken to ensure that timing emulation is correct and that excessive prefetching is avoided. In addition, to prevent erroneous operation in certain rare cases, the buffers are invalidated on any non-sequential AHB access with a non-zero value on haddr[28:24]. 18.2.7 Access protections The platform flash controller provides programmable configurable access protections for both read and write cycles from masters via the Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR). It allows restriction of read and write requests on a per-master basis. This functionality is described in Section, “Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR)”. Detection of a protection violation results in an error response from the platform flash controller on the AHB transfer. 18.2.8 Read cycles — buffer miss Read cycles from the flash array are initiated by driving a valid access address on bkn_fl_addr[23:0] and asserting bkn_fl_rd_en for the required setup (and hold) time before (and after) the rising edge of hclk. The platform flash controller then waits for the programmed number of read wait states before sampling the read data on bkn_fl_rdata[127:0]. This data is normally stored in the least-recently updated page read buffer for bank0 in parallel with the requested data being forwarded to the AHB. For bank1, the data is captured in the page-wide temporary holding register as the requested data is forwarded to the AHB bus. Timing diagrams of basic read accesses from the flash array are shown in Figure 121 through Figure 124. If the flash access was the direct result of an AHB transaction, the page buffer is marked as most-recently-used as it is being loaded. If the flash access was the result of a speculative prefetch to the next sequential line, it is first loaded into the least-recently-used buffer. The status of this buffer is not changed to most-recently-used until a subsequent buffer hit occurs. 18.2.9 Read cycles — buffer hit Single cycle read responses to the AHB are possible with the platform flash controller when the requested read access was previously loaded into one of the bank0 page buffers. In these “buffer hit” cases, read data is returned to the AHB data phase with a 0 wait state response. Likewise, the bank1 logic includes a single 32-bit temporary holding register and sequential accesses that “hit” in this register are also serviced with a 0 wait state response. 18.2.10 Write cycles In a write cycle, address, write data, and control signals are launched off the same edge of hclk at the completion of the first AHB data phase cycle. Write cycles to the flash array are initiated by driving a valid access address on bkn_fl_addr[23:0], driving write data on bkn_fl_wdata[63:0], and asserting bkn_fl_wr_en. Again, the controller drives the address and control information for the required setup time before the rising edge of hclk, and provides the required amount of hold time. The platform flash controller then waits for the appropriate number of write wait states before terminating the write operation. On the cycle following the programmed wait state value, the platform flash controller asserts hready_out to indicate to the AHB port that the cycle has terminated. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 329 Flash Memory 18.2.11 Error termination The platform flash controller follows the standard procedure when an AHB bus cycle is terminated with an ERROR response. First, the platform flash controller asserts hresp[0] and negates hready_out to signal an error has occurred. On the following clock cycle, the platform flash controller asserts hready_out and holds both hresp[0] and hready_out asserted until hready_in is asserted. The first case that can cause an error response to the AHB is when an access is attempted by an AHB master whose corresponding Read Access Control or Write Access Control settings do not allow the access, thus causing a protection violation. In this case, the platform flash controller does not initiate a flash array access. The second case that can cause an error response to the AHB is when an access is performed to the flash array and is terminated with a flash error response. See Section 18.2.13, “Flash error response operation”. This may occur for either a read or a write operation. The third case that can cause an error response to the AHB is when a write access is attempted to the flash array and is disallowed by the state of the bkn_fl_ary_access control input. This case is similar to case 1. A fourth case involves an attempted read access while the flash array is busy doing a write (program) or erase operation if the appropriate read-while-write control field is programmed for this response. The 3-bit read-while-write control allows for immediate termination of an attempted read, or various stall-while-write/erase operations are occurring. The platform flash controller can also terminate the current AHB access if hready_in is asserted before the end of the current bus access. While this circumstance should not occur, this does not result in an error condition being reported, as this behavior is initiated by the AHB. In this circumstance, the platform flash controller control state machine completes any flash array access in progress (without signaling the AHB) before handling a new access request. 18.2.12 Access pipelining The platform flash controller does not support access pipelining since this capability is not supported by the flash array. As a result, the APC (Address Pipelining Control) field should be typically set to the same value as the RWSC (Read Wait State Control), that is, BKn_APC = BKn_RWSC. 18.2.13 Flash error response operation The flash array may signal an error response by asserting bkn_fl_xfr_err to terminate a requested access with an error. This may occur due to an uncorrectable ECC error, or because of improper sequencing during program/erase operations. When an error response is received, the platform flash controller does not update or validate a bank0 page read buffer nor the bank1 temporary holding register. An error response may be signaled on read or write operations. For more information on the specifics related to signaling of errors, including flash ECC, refer to subsequent sections in this chapter. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 330 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 18.2.14 Bank0 page read buffers and prefetch operation The logic associated with bank0 of the platform flash controller contains four 128-bit page read buffers that hold data read from the flash array. Each buffer operates independently, and is filled using a single array access. The buffers are used for both prefetch and normal demand fetches. The organization of each page buffer is described as follows in a pseudo-code representation. The hardware structure includes the buffer address and valid bit, along with 128 bits of page read data and several error flags. struct { } // bk0_page_buffer reg addr[23:4];// page address reg valid; // valid bit reg rdata[127:0];// page read data reg xfr_error; // transfer error indicator from flash array reg multi_ecc_error;// multi-bit ECC error indicator from flash array reg single_ecc_error;// single-bit correctable ECC indicator from flash array bk0_page_buffer[4]; For the general case, a page buffer is written at the completion of an error-free flash access and the valid bit asserted. Subsequent flash accesses that “hit” the buffer, that is, the current access address matches the address stored in the buffer, can be serviced in 0 AHB wait states as the stored read data is routed from the given page buffer back to the requesting bus master. As noted in Section 18.2.13, “Flash error response operation”, a page buffer is not marked as valid if the flash array access terminated with any type of transfer error. However, the result is that flash array accesses that are tagged with a single-bit correctable ECC event are loaded into the page buffer and validated. For additional comments on this topic, see Section, “Buffer invalidation”. Prefetch triggering is controllable on a per-master and access-type basis. Bus masters may be enabled or disabled from triggering prefetches, and triggering may be further restricted based on whether a read access is for instruction or data. A read access to the platform flash controller may trigger a prefetch to the next sequential page of array data on the first idle cycle following the request. The access address is incremented to the next-higher 16-byte boundary, and a flash array prefetch is initiated if the data is not already resident in a page buffer. Prefetched data is always loaded into the least-recently-used buffer. Buffers may be in one of six states, listed here in prioritized order: 1. Invalid—the buffer contains no valid data. 2. Used—the buffer contains valid data that has been provided to satisfy an AHB burst type read. 3. Valid—the buffer contains valid data that has been provided to satisfy an AHB single type read. 4. Prefetched—the buffer contains valid data that has been prefetched to satisfy a potential future AHB access. 5. Busy AHB—the buffer is currently being used to satisfy an AHB burst read. 6. Busy Fill—the buffer has been allocated to receive data from the flash array, and the array access is still in progress. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 331 Flash Memory Selection of a buffer to be loaded on a miss is based on the following replacement algorithm: 1. First, the buffers are examined to determine if there are any invalid buffers. If there are multiple invalid buffers, the one to be used is selected using a simple numeric priority, where buffer 0 is selected first, then buffer 1, etc. 2. If there are no invalid buffers, the least-recently-used buffer is selected for replacement. Once the candidate page buffer has been selected, the flash array is accessed and read data loaded into the buffer. If the buffer load was in response to a miss, the just-loaded buffer is immediately marked as most-recently-used. If the buffer load was in response to a speculative fetch to the next-sequential line address after a buffer hit, the recently-used status is not changed. Rather, it is marked as most-recently-used only after a subsequent buffer hit. This policy maximizes performance based on reference patterns of flash accesses and allows for prefetched data to remain valid when non-prefetch enabled bus masters are granted flash access. Several algorithms are available for prefetch control that trade off performance versus power. They are defined by the Bx_Py_PFLM (prefetch limit) register field. More aggressive prefetching increases power slightly due to the number of wasted (discarded) prefetches, but may increase performance by lowering average read latency. In order for prefetching to occur, a number of control bits must be enabled. Specifically, the global buffer enable (Bx_Py_BFE) must be set, the prefetch limit (Bx_Py_PFLM) must be non-zero and either instruction prefetching (Bx_Py_IPFE) or data prefetching (Bx_Py_DPFE) enabled. Refer to Section, “Registers description”, for a description of these control fields. Instruction/data prefetch triggering Prefetch triggering may be enabled for instruction reads via the Bx_Py_IPFE control field, while prefetching for data reads is enabled via the Bx_Py_DPFE control field. Additionally, the Bx_Py_PFLIM field must also be set to enable prefetching. Prefetches are never triggered by write cycles. Per-master prefetch triggering Prefetch triggering may be also controlled for individual bus masters. AHB accesses indicate the requesting master via the hmaster[3:0] inputs. Refer to Section, “Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR)” for details on these controls. Buffer allocation Allocation of the line read buffers is controlled via page buffer configuration (Bx_Py_BCFG) field. This field defines the operating organization of the four page buffers. The buffers can be organized as a “pool” of available resources (with all four buffers in the pool) or with a fixed partition between buffers allocated to instruction or data accesses. For the fixed partition, two configurations are supported. In one configuration, buffers 0 and 1 are allocated for instruction fetches and buffers 2 and 3 for data accesses. In the second configuration, buffers 0, 1, and 2 are allocated for instruction fetches and buffer 3 reserved for data accesses. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 332 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Buffer invalidation The page read buffers may be invalidated under hardware or software control. Any falling edge transition of the array’s bkn_fl_done signal causes the page read buffers to be marked as invalid. This input is negated by the flash array at the beginning of all program/erase operations as well as in certain other cases. Buffer invalidation occurs at the next AHB non-sequential access boundary, but does not affect a burst from a page read buffer in progress. Software may invalidate the buffers by clearing the Bx_Py_BFE bit, which also disables the buffers. Software may then re-assert the Bx_Py_BFE bit to its previous state, and the buffers will have been invalidated. One special case needing software invalidation relates to page buffer “hits” on flash data that was tagged with a single-bit ECC event on the original array access. Recall that the page buffer structure includes an status bit signaling the array access detected and corrected a single-bit ECC error. On all subsequent buffer hits to this type of page data, a single-bit ECC event is signaled by the platform flash controller. Depending on the specific hardware configuration, this reporting of a single-bit ECC event may generate an ECC alert interrupt. In order to prevent repeated ECC alert interrupts, the page buffers need to be invalidated by software after the first notification of the single-bit ECC event. Finally, the buffers are invalidated by hardware on any non-sequential access with a non-zero value on haddr[28:24] to support wait state emulation. 18.2.15 Bank1 temporary holding register Recall the bank1 logic within the flash includes a single 128-bit data register, used for capturing read data. Since this bank does not support prefetching, the read data for the referenced address is bypassed directly back to the AHB data bus. The page is also loaded into the temporary data register and subsequent accesses to this page can hit from this register, if it is enabled (B1_Py_BFE). The organization of the temporary holding register is described as follows, in a pseudo-code representation. The hardware structure includes the buffer address and valid bit, along with 128 bits of page read data and several error flags and is the same as an individual bank0 page buffer. struct { } // bk1_page_buffer reg addr[23:4];// page address reg valid; // valid bit reg rdata[127:0];// page read data reg xfr_error; // transfer error indicator from flash array reg multi_ecc_error;// multi-bit ECC error indicator from flash array reg single_ecc_error;// single-bit correctable ECC indicator from flash array bk1_page_buffer; For the general case, a temporary holding register is written at the completion of an error-free flash access and the valid bit asserted. Subsequent flash accesses that “hit” the buffer, that is, the current access address matches the address stored in the temporary holding register, can be serviced in 0 AHB wait states as the stored read data is routed from the temporary register back to the requesting bus master. The contents of the holding register are invalidated by the falling edge transition of bk1_fl_done and on any non-sequential access with a non-zero value on haddr[28:24] (to support wait state emulation) in the MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 333 Flash Memory same manner as the bank0 page buffers. Additionally, the B1_Py_BFE register bit can be cleared by software to invalidate the contents of the holding register. As noted in Section 18.2.13, “Flash error response operation”, the temporary holding register is not marked as valid if the flash array access terminated with any type of transfer error. However, the result is that flash array accesses that are tagged with a single-bit correctable ECC event are loaded into the temporary holding register and validated. Accordingly, one special case needing software invalidation relates to holding register “hits” on flash data that was tagged with a single-bit ECC event. Depending on the specific hardware configuration, the reporting of a single-bit ECC event may generate an ECC alert interrupt. In order to prevent repeated ECC alert interrupts, the page buffers need to be invalidated by software after the first notification of the single-bit ECC event. The bank1 temporary holding register effectively operates like a single page buffer. 18.2.16 Read-While-Write functionality The platform flash controller supports various programmable responses for read accesses while the flash is busy performing a write (program) or erase operation. For all situations, the platform flash controller uses the state of the flash array’s bkn_fl_done output to determine if it is busy performing some type of high-voltage operation, namely, if bkn_fl_done = 0, the array is busy. Specifically, there are two 3-bit read-while-write (BKn_RWWC) control register fields that define the platform flash controller’s response to these types of access sequences. There are five unique responses that are defined by the BKn_RWWC setting: one immediately reports an error on an attempted read, and four settings that support various stall-while-write capabilities. Consider the details of these settings. • BKn_RWWC = 0b0xx — For this mode, any attempted flash read to a busy array is immediately terminated with an AHB error response and the read is blocked in the controller and not seen by the flash array. • BKn_RWWC = 0b111 — This defines the basic stall-while-write capability and represents the default reset setting. For this mode, the platform flash controller module stalls any read reference until the flash has completed its program/erase operation. If a read access arrives while the array is busy or if a falling-edge on bkn_fl_done occurs while a read is still in progress, the AHB data phase is stalled by negating hready_out and saving the address and attributes into holding registers. Once the array has completed its program/erase operation, the platform flash controller uses the saved address and attribute information to create a pseudo address phase cycle to “retry” the read reference and sends the registered information to the array as bkn_fl_rd_en is asserted. Once the retried address phase is complete, the read is processed normally and once the data is valid, it is forwarded to the AHB bus and hready_out negated to terminate the system bus transfer. • BKn_RWWC = 0b110 — This setting is similar to the basic stall-while-write capability provided when BKn_RWWC = 0b111 with the added ability to generate a notification interrupt if a read arrives while the array is busy with a program/erase operation. There are two notification interrupts, one for each bank. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 334 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory • • BKn_RWWC = 0b101 — Again, this setting provides the basic stall-while-write capability with the added ability to terminate any program/erase operation if a read access is initiated. For this setting, the read request is captured and retried as described for the basic stall-while-write, plus the program/erase operation is terminated by the platform flash controller’s assertion of the bkc_fl_abort signal. The bkn_fl_abort signal remains asserted until bkn_fl_done is driven high. For this setting, there are no notification interrupts generated. BKn_RWWC = 0b100 — This setting provides the basic stall-while-write capability with the ability to terminate any program/erase operation if a read access is initiated plus the generation of a termination notification interrupt. For this setting, the read request is captured and retried as described for the basic stall-while-write, the program/erase operation is terminated by the platform flash controller’s assertion of the bkn_fl_abort signal and a termination notification interrupt generated. There are two termination notification interrupts, one for each bank. As detailed above, there are a total of four interrupt requests associated with the stall-while-write functionality. These interrupt requests are captured as part of MCM’s Interrupt Register and logically summed together to form a single request to the interrupt controller. Table 160. Platform flash controller stall-while-write interrupts MIR[n] Interrupt description MCM.MIR[7] Platform flash bank0 termination notification, MIR[FB0AI] MCM.MIR[6] Platform flash bank0 stall notification, MIR[FB0SI] MCM.MIR[5] Platform flash bank1 termination notification, MIR[FB1AI] MCM.MIR[4] Platform flash bank1 stall notification, MIR[FB1S1] For example timing diagrams of the stall-while-write and terminate-while-write operations, see Figure 125 and Figure 126 respectively. 18.2.17 Wait state emulation Emulation of other memory array timings are supported by the platform flash controller on read cycles to the flash. This functionality may be useful to maintain the access timing for blocks of memory that were used to overlay flash blocks for the purpose of system calibration or tuning during code development. The platform flash controller inserts additional wait states according to the values of haddr[28:24],where haddr represents the Flash address. When these inputs are non-zero, additional cycles are added to AHB read cycles. Write cycles are not affected. In addition, no page read buffer prefetches are initiated, and buffer hits are ignored. Table 161 and Table 162 show the relationship of haddr[28:24] to the number of additional primary wait states. These wait states are applied to the initial access of a burst fetch or to single-beat read accesses on the AHB system bus. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 335 Flash Memory Note that the wait state specification consists of two components: haddr[28:26] and haddr[25:24] and effectively extends the flash read by (8 × haddr[25:24] + haddr[28:26]) cycles. Table 161. Additional wait state encoding Memory address haddr[28:26] Additional wait states 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 Table 162 shows the relationship of haddr[25:24] to the number of additional wait states. These are applied in addition to those specified by haddr[28:26] and thus extend the total wait state specification capability. Table 162. Extended additional wait state encoding Memory address haddr[25:24] Additional wait states (added to those specified by haddr[28:26]) 00 0 01 8 10 16 11 24 18.2.18 Timing diagrams Since the platform flash controller is typically used in platform configurations with a cacheless core, the operation of the processor accesses to the platform memories, for example flash and SRAM, plays a major role in the overall system performance. Given the core/platform pipeline structure, the platform’s memory controllers (PFLASH, PRAM) are designed to provide a 0 wait state data phase response to maximize processor performance. The following diagrams illustrate operation of various cycle types and responses referenced earlier in this chapter including stall-while-read (Figure 125) and terminate-while-read (Figure 126) diagrams. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 336 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Read, no buffering, no prefetch, APC = 0, RWSC = 0, PFLM = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay okay okay hclk htrans nonseq haddr, hprot addr y seq seq seq addr y+4 addr y+12 addr y+8 hwrite C(y) hrdata C(y+4) C(y+8) C(y+12) hwdata hready_out hresp bkn_fl_addr okay okay y okay y+4 okay y+8 okay y+12 bkn_fl_rd_en addr y addr y+4 addr y+8 addr+12 bkn_fl_wr_en bkn_fl_rdata C(y) C(y+4) C(y+8) C(y+12) Figure 121. 1-cycle access, no buffering, no prefetch MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 337 Flash Memory Burst Read, buffer miss, no prefetch, APC=2, RWSC=2, PFLM=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hclk htrans nonseq seq haddr,hprot addr y addr y+4 seq seq addr y+8 addr y+12 hwrite C(y) hrdata C(y+4) hwdata hready_out hresp bkn_fl_addr okay okay okay okay okay okay okay y+4 y okay y+8 bkn_fl_rd_en addr y addr y+4 addr y+8 C(y) C(y+4) bkn_fl_wr_en bkn_fl_rdata bkn_fl_xfr_err Figure 122. 3-cycle access, no prefetch, buffering disabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 338 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Burst Read, buffer miss, no prefetch, APC = 2, RWSC = 2, PFLM = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hclk htrans nonseq haddr,hprot addr y seq seq addr y+8 addr y+4 seq addr y+12 hwrite C(y) hrdata C(y+4) C(y+8) C(y+12) hwdata hready_out hresp okay bkn_fl_addr okay okay okay okay okay okay okay Y bkn_fl_wr_en addr y bkn_fl_wr_en bkn_fl_rdata C(y) bkn_fl_xfr_err Figure 123. 3-cycle access, no prefetch, buffering enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 339 Flash Memory Burst Read, buffer miss, prefetch, APC = 2, RWSC = 2, PFLM = 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 seq 7 8 hclk htrans haddr, hprot nonseq seq seq addr y addr y+4 addr y+8 addr y+12 seq seq addr y+16 addr y+20 hwrite C(y+4) C(y) hrdata C(y+16) C(y+12) C(y+8) hwdata hready_out hresp bkn_fl_addr okay okay okay okay okay okay okay y+16 y okay y+32 bkn_fl_rd_en addr y addr y+16 addr y+32 bkn_fl_wr_en bkn_fl_rdata C(y) C(y+16) bkn_fl_xfr_err Figure 124. 3-cycle access, prefetch and buffering enabled MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 340 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Burst Read, Stall-and-Retry, APC = 2, RWSC = 2, PFLM = 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 hclk htrans nonseq seq seq haddr, hprot addr y addr y+4 addr y+8 hwrite C(y) hrdata C(y+4) hwdata hready_out okay hresp okay y bkn_fl_addr okay y+16 okay okay okay okay y okay okay okay y+16 bkn_fl_rd_en addr y addr y (retry) addr y+16 bkn_fl_wr_en C(y) bkn_fl_rdata bkn_fl_xfr_err bkn_done bkn_abort mcm_mir[fbnsi] mcm_mir[fbnai] Figure 125. 3-cycle access, stall-and-retry with BKn_RWWC = 11x As shown in Figure 125, the 3-cycle access to address y is interrupted when an operation causes the bkn_done signal to be negated, signaling that the array bank is busy with a high-voltage program or erase event. Eventually, this array operation completes (at the end of cycle 4) and bkn_done returns to a logical 1. In cycle 6, the platform flash controller module retries the read to address y that was interrupted by the negation of bkn_done in cycle 3. Note that throughout cycles 2–9, the AHB bus pipeline is stalled with a read to address y in the AHB data phase and a read to address y + 4 in the address phase. Depending on the state of the least-significant-bit of the BKn_RWWC control field, the hardware may also signal a stall notification interrupt (if BKn_RWWC = 110). The stall notification interrupt is shown as the optional assertion of MCM’s MIR[FBnSI] (flash bank n stall interrupt). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 341 Flash Memory Burst Read, Abort-and-Retry, APC = 2, RWSC = 2, PFLM = 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 10 9 hclk htrans nonseq haddr, hprot addr y seq seq addr y+8 addr y+4 hwrite C(y) hrdata C(y+4) hwdata hready_out hresp bkn_fl_addr okay okay y okay y+16 okay okay okay y okay okay okay okay y+16 bkn_fl_rd_en addr y addr y (retry) addr y+16 bkn_fl_wr_en C(y) bkn_fl_rdata bkn_fl_xfr_err bkn_done bkn_abort mcm_mir[fbnsi] mcm_mir[fbnai] Figure 126. 3-cycle access, terminate-and-retry with BKn_RWWC = 10x Figure 126 shows the terminate-while-write timing diagram. In this example, the 3-cycle access to address y is interrupted when an operation causes the bkn_done signal to be negated, signaling that the array bank is busy with a high-voltage program or erase event. Based on the setting of BKn_RWWC, once the bkn_done signal is detected as negated, the platform flash controller asserts bkn_abort, which forces the flash array to cancel the high-voltage program or erase event. The array operation completes (at the end of cycle 4) and bkn_done returns to a logical 1. It should be noted that the time spent in cycle 4 for Figure 126 is considerably less than the time in the same cycle in Figure 125 (because of the terminate operation). In cycle 6, the platform flash controller module retries the read to address y that was interrupted by the negation of bkn_done in cycle 3. Note that throughout cycles 2–9, the AHB bus pipeline is stalled with a read to address y in the AHB data phase and a read to address y+4 in the address phase. Depending on the state of the least-significant-bit of the BKn_RWWC control field, the hardware may also signal an termination notification interrupt (if BKn_RWWC = 100). The stall notification interrupt is shown as the optional assertion of MCM’s MIR[FBnAI] (flash bank n termination interrupt). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 342 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 18.3 Code Flash Memory (C90LC) 18.3.1 Overview The primary function of the Flash Module is to serve as electrically programmable and erasable Non-Volatile Memory. NV Memory may be used for instruction and/or data storage. The Module is a Non-Volatile solid-state silicon memory device consisting of blocks (called also sectors) of single transistor storage elements, an electrical means for selectively adding (programming) and removing (erasing) charge from these elements, and a means of selectively sensing (reading) the charge stored in these elements. The Flash Module is arranged as two functional units: the Flash Core and the Memory Interface. The Flash Core is composed of arrayed Non-Volatile storage elements, sense amplifiers, row decoders, column decoders and charge pumps. The arrayed storage elements in the Flash Core are sub-divided into physically separate units referred to as blocks (or sectors). The Memory Interface contains the registers and logic which control the operation of the Flash Core. The Memory Interface is also the interface between the Flash Module and a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and may contain the ECC logic and redundancy logic. A BIU connects the Flash Module to a system bus, and contains all system level customization required for the SoC application. The Flash Module is generic and requires a BIU to configure it for different SoC applications. A BIU is not included as a part of the Flash Module. 18.3.2 • • • • • • • • • • Features Good Access Time High Read parallelism (128 bits) Error Correction Code (SEC-DED) to enhance Data Retention Double Word Program (64 bits) Sector Erase Single Bank: Read-While-Modify not available Erase Suspend available (Program Suspend not available) Software programmable Program/Erase Protection to avoid unwanted writings Censored Mode against piracy Usable as main Code Memory of the device: Shadow Sector available 18.3.3 Block Diagram The Flash Macrocell contains one Matrix Module, composed by a Single Bank: Bank 0, normally used for Code storage. No Read-While-Modify operations are possible. The Modify operations are managed by an embedded Flash Program/Erase Controller (FPEC). Commands to the FPEC are given through a User Registers Interface. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 343 Flash Memory The read data bus is 128 bits wide, while the Flash registers are on a separate bus 32 bits wide. The High Voltages needed for Program/Erase operations are internally generated. HV generator Flash Program/Erase Controller Flash Bank 0 Flash Registers Matrix Interface Registers Interface Figure 127. Flash Macrocell Structure 18.3.4 Functional Description Macrocell Structure The Flash Macrocell is designed for use in embedded MCU/SoC applications which require high density Non-Volatile Memories with high speed read access. The Flash Module is addressable by Word (32 bits) or Double Word (64 bits) for program, and page (128 bits) for read. Reads done to the Flash always return 128 bits, although read page buffering may be done in the platform BIU. Each read of the Flash Module retrieves a page, or 4 consecutive words (128 bits) of information. The address for each word retrieved within a page differ from the other addresses in the page only by address bits (3:2). The Flash page read architecture easily supports both cache and burst mode at the BIU level for high speed read application. The Flash Module supports fault tolerance through Error Correction Code (ECC) and/or error detection. The ECC implemented within the Flash Module will correct single bit failures and detect double bit failures. The Flash Module uses an embedded hardware algorithm implemented in the Memory Interface to program and erase the Flash Core. Control logic that works with the software block enables, and software lock mechanisms, is included in the embedded hardware algorithm to guard against accidental program/erase. The hardware algorithm performs the steps necessary to ensure that the storage elements are programmed and erased with sufficient margin to guarantee data integrity and reliability. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 344 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory A programmed bit in the Flash Module reads as logic level 0 (or low). An erased bit in the Flash Module reads as logic level 1 (or high). Program and erase of the Flash Module requires multiple system clock cycles to complete. The erase sequence may be suspended. The program and erase sequences may be aborted. 18.3.5 Code flash sectorization The Flash Module supports total memory sizes ranging from 32 KB to 512 KB of User Memory, plus 16 KB of Test Memory (a portion of which is One-Time Programmable by the User). Optionally an extra sector of 8 or 16 KB can be available as Shadow space. • There are three User Address Spaces: Low, Mid and High Address Space. • Low Address Space must always be present and be up to 256 KB in size. • Mid Address Space can be present and be up to 256 KB in size. • High Address Space is normally always empty, but it can be present in case there are holes in the address space. High Address Space may extend up to 1.5 MB in the address mapping. In any case the total size of the Flash Module will be not greater than 512 KB and the maximum number of blocks cannot exceed 16, included Test and eventually Shadow Sector. There are five sizes of blocks available to the User in the Flash Core: 128 KB, 64 KB, 32 KB, 16 KB, 8 KB. These blocks can be mapped anywhere in the Low, Mid and High address spaces, provided that the total Flash Memory size is not greater than 512 KB. The Flash Module is composed by a single Bank (Bank 0): Read-While-Modify is not supported. Bank 0 of the 544 KB Flash macrocell is divided in 10 sectors. Bank 0 contains also a reserved sector named TestFlash in which some One Time Programmable User data are stored. Besides Bank 0 contains also a Shadow Sector in which User erasable configuration values can be stored. Table 163. 544 KB Code flash module sectorization Bank Sector Addresses Size Address space B0 B0F0 0x0000_0000–0x0000_3FFF 16 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F1 0x0000_4000–0x0000_7FFF 16 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F2 0x0000_8000–0x0000_FFFF 32 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F3 0x0001_0000–0x0001_7FFF 32 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F4 0x0001_8000–0x0001_BFFF 16 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F5 0x0001_C000–0x0001_FFFF 16 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F6 0x0002_0000–0x0002_FFFF 64 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F7 0x0003_0000–0x0003_FFFF 64 KB Low Address Space B0 B0F8 0x0004_0000–0x0005_FFFF 128 KB Mid Address Space B0 B0F9 0x0006_0000–0x0007_FFFF 128 KB Mid Address Space MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 345 Flash Memory Table 163. 544 KB Code flash module sectorization Bank Sector Addresses Size Address space B0 Reserved 0x0008_0000–0x001F_FFFF 1536 KB High Address Space B0 B0SH 0x0020_0000–0x0020_3FFF 16 KB Shadow Address Space B0 B0TF 0x0040_0000–0x0040_3FFF 16 KB Test Address Space The Flash Module is divided into blocks also to implement independent Erase/Program protection. A software mechanism is provided to independently lock/unlock each block in low, mid and high address space against program and erase. Test Flash Block The TestFlash block exists outside the normal address space and is programmed, erased and read independently of the other blocks. The independent TestFlash block is included also to support systems which require Non-Volatile Memory for security and/or to store system initialization information. A section of the TestFlash is reserved to store the Non Volatile informations related to Redundancy, Configuration and Protection. Due to this special usage, the TestFlash sector is not affected by the Column Redundancy. The ECC, on the contrary, is applied also to TestFlash. The usage of reserved TestFlash sector is detailed in the following table. Table 164. TestFlash Structure Name Description Addresses Size User OTP Area 0x400000 to 0x401FFF 8192 byte Reserved 0x402000 to 0x403CFF 7424 byte User Reserved 0x403D00 to 0x403DE7 232 byte NV Low/Mid address space block Locking reg 0x403DE8 to 0x403DEF 8 byte NVHBL Non Volatile High address space Block Locking reg 0x403DF0 to 0x403DF7 8 byte NVSLL NV Secondary Low/mid add space block Lock reg 0x403DF8 to 0x403DFF 8 byte User Reserved 0x403E00 to 0x403EFF 256 byte Reserved 0x403F00 to 0x403FFF 256 byte NVLML The Test Flash block can be enabled by the BIU. When the Test space is enabled, all the operations are mapped to the Test block. User Mode program of the test block are enabled only when MCR.PEAS is high, also if the Shadow block is available. The Test Flash block may be locked/unlocked against program by using the LML.TSLK and SLL.STSLK registers. Erase of Test Flash block is always locked in user mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 346 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Program of the TestFlash block has similar restriction as the array in terms of how ECC is calculated. Only one program is allowed per 64 bit ECC segment, unless ECC evaluation is disabled on TestFlash block (SoC dependent). The TestFlash block contains specified data that are needed for Flash Macrocell or SoC features. The first 8KB of TestFlash block may be used for user defined functions (possibly to store boot code, other configuration words or factory process codes). Locations of the TestFlash block marked as reserved cannot be programmed by the User application. Shadow block A Shadow block is present in the 544 KB Flash Macrocell. The Shadow block can be enabled by the BIU. When the Shadow space is enabled, all the operations are mapped to the Shadow block. User Mode program and erase of the shadow block are enabled only when MCR.PEAS is high. The Shadow block may be locked/unlocked against program or erase by using the LML.TSLK and SLL.STSLK registers. Program of the Shadow block has similar restriction as the array in terms of how ECC is calculated. Only one program is allowed per 64 bit ECC segment between erases, unless ECC evaluation is disabled on Shadow block (SoC dependent). Erase of the Shadow block is done similarly as an array erase. The Shadow block contains specified data that are needed for SoC features. The first 8KB of Shadow block may be used for user defined functions (possibly to store boot code, other configuration words or factory process codes). The usage of Shadow sector is detailed in the following table: Table 165. Shadow Sector Structure Addresses Name Description Size 0x200000 to 0x203DCF User Area 15824 byte 0x203DD0 to 0x203DD7 Reserved 8 byte Non Volatile private censorship PassWorD 0-1 reg 8 byte Non Volatile System Censorship Information 0-1 8 byte Reserved 24 byte Non Volatile Bus Interface Unit 2-3 regs 16 byte Reserved 8 byte Non Volatile USeR Options register 8 byte Reserved 480 byte 0x203DD8 to 0x203DDF NVPWD0-1 0x203DE0 to 0x203DE7 NVSCI0-1 0x203DE8 to 0x203DFF 0x203E00 to 0x203E0F NVBIU2-3 0x203E10 to 0x203E17 0x203E18 – 0x203E1F 0x203E20 – 0x203FFF NVUSRO MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 347 Flash Memory User Mode Operation In User Mode the Flash Module may be read and written (register writes and interlock writes), programmed or erased. The default state of the Flash Module is read. The main, shadow and test address space can be read only in the read state. The Flash registers are always available for read, also when the Module is in disable mode (except few documented registers). The Flash Module enters the read state on reset. The Module is in the read state under two sets of conditions: • The read state is active when the Module is enabled (User Mode Read) • The read state is active when MCR.ERS and MCR.ESUS are high and MCR.PGM is low (Erase Suspend). NOTE No Read-While-Modify is available. Flash Core reads return 128 bits (1 Page = 2 Double Words). Registers reads return 32 bits (1 Word). Flash Core reads are done through the Bus Interface Unit. In many cases the BIU will do “read page buffering” to allow sequential reads to be done with higher performance. This could provide Data Coherency issue that must be handled with software. Data Coherency may be an issue after a program or an erase operation, as well as Shadow or Test block operations. Registers reads to unmapped register address space will return all 0’s. Registers writes to unmapped register address space will have no effect. Array reads attempted to invalid locations will result in indeterminate data. Invalid locations occur when addressing is done to blocks that do not exist in non 2n array sizes. Interlock writes attempted to invalid locations, will result in an interlock occurring, but attempts to program these blocks will not occur since they are forced to be locked. Erase will occur to selected and unlocked blocks even if the interlock write is to an invalid location. Simultaneous Read cycle on the Flash Matrix and Read/Write cycles on the Registers are possible. On the contrary Registers Read/Write accesses simultaneous to a Flash Matrix interlock write are forbidden. Chip Select, Write Enable, Addresses and Data Input of Registers are not internally latched and must be kept stable by the CPU for all the read/write access that lasts 2 clock cycles. Reset A reset is the highest priority operation for the Flash Module and terminates all other operations. The Flash Module uses reset to initialize register and status bits to their default reset values. If the Flash Module is executing a Program or Erase operation (MCR.PGM = 1 or MCR.ERS = 1) and a reset is issued, the operation will be suddenly terminated and the module will disable the high voltage logic without damage to the high voltage circuits. Reset terminates all operations and forces the Flash Module MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 348 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory into User Mode ready to receive accesses. Reset and power-off must not be used as a systematic way to terminate a Program or Erase operation. After reset is negated, read register access may be done, although it should be noted that registers that require updating from shadow information, or other inputs, may not read updated values until MCR.DONE transitions. MCR.DONE may be polled to determine if the Flash Module has transitioned out of reset. Notice that the registers cannot be written until MCR.DONE is high. Disable Mode (Power-Down) The Disable (or Power-Down) Mode allows to turn-off all Flash DC current sources, so that all power dissipation is due only to leakage in this mode. In Disable Mode no reads from or write to the Module are possible. The User may not read some registers (UMISR0-4, UT1-2 and part of UT0) until the Disable Mode is exited . On the contrary write access is locked on all the registers in Disable Mode. When enabled the Flash Module returns to its pre-disable state in all cases unless in the process of executing an erase high voltage operation at the time of disable. If the Flash Module is disabled during an erase operation, MCR.ESUS bit is set to 1. The User may resume the erase operation at the time the Module is enabled by clearing MCR.ESUS bit. MCR.EHV must be high to resume the erase operation. If the Flash Module is disabled during a program operation, the operation will be in any case completed and the Disable Mode will be entered only after the programming end. If the Flash Macrocell is put in Power-Down Mode and the Vector Table remain mapped in the Flash Address space, the User must take care than the Flash Macrocell will strongly increase the interrupt response time by adding several Wait States. It is forbidden to enter in Sleep Mode when the Disable Mode is active. Sleep Mode (Low Power Mode) The Sleep Mode turns-off most of the DC current sources within the Flash Module. Wake-up time from sleep is faster than wake-up time from disable mode. In Sleep Mode no reads from or write to the Module are possible. The User may not read some registers (UMISR0-4, UT1-2 and part of UT0) until the Sleep Mode is exited . On the contrary write access is locked on all the registers in Sleep Mode. When exiting from sleep mode the Flash Module returns to its pre-sleep state in all cases unless in the process of executing an erase high voltage operation at the time of sleep entering. If the Flash Module is put in sleep during an erase operation, MCR.ESUS bit is set to 1. The User may resume the erase operation at the time the Module is exited from sleep by clearing MCR.ESUS bit. MCR.EHV must be high to resume the erase operation. If the Flash Module is put in sleep during a program operation, the operation will be in any case completed and the Sleep Mode will be entered only after the programming end. It is forbidden to enter in Disable Mode when the Sleep Mode is active. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 349 Flash Memory 18.3.6 Registers Description The Flash User registers represents the communication interface between the host CPU and the FPEC. me register bits (command bits) are read/write for the CPU and read-only for the FPEC. Some other register bits (status bits) are read/write for the FPEC and read-only for the CPU. Table 166. Code flash module registers Address Offset Register Name Reset Value 0x0000 Module Configuration Register (MCR) 0x02700600 0x0004 Low/Mid address space block Locking reg (LML) 0x00XX00XX 0x0008 High address space Block Locking reg (HBL) 0x00000000 0x000C Secondary Low/mid address space block Lock reg (SLL) 0x00XX00XX 0x0010 Low/Mid address space block Select reg (LMS) 0x00000000 0x0014 High address space Block Select reg (HBS) 0x00000000 0x0018 ADress Register (ADR) 0x00000000 0x001C Bus Interface Unit reg 0 (BIU0)1 0xXXXXXXXX 0x0020 Bus Interface Unit reg 1 (BIU1)1 0xXXXXXXXX 0x0024 Bus Interface Unit reg 2 (BIU2)2 0xXXXXXXXX 0x002C Reserved — 0x003C User Test reg 0 (UT0) 0x00000001 0x0040 User Test reg 1 (UT1) 0x00000000 0x0044 User Test reg 2 (UT2) 0x00000000 0x0048 User Multiple Input Signature Reg 0 (UMISR0) 0x00000000 0x004C User Multiple Input Signature Reg 1 (UMISR1) 0x00000000 0x0050 User Multiple Input Signature Reg 2 (UMISR2) 0x00000000 0x0054 User Multiple Input Signature Reg 3 (UMISR3) 0x00000000 0x0058 User Multiple Input Signature Reg 4 (UMISR4) 0x00000000 1 Bus Interface Unit register 0 and 1 (BIU0 and BIU1) are same as Section, “Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0)” and Section, “Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1)”. 2 Bus Interface Unit register 2 (BIU2) is same as Section, “Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR)” In the following some Non Volatile Registers are described. Please notice that such entities are not Flip-Flops, but locations of TestFlash or Shadow sectors with a special meaning. During the Flash Initialization phase, the FPEC reads these Non Volatile Registers and update their related Volatile Registers. When the FPEC detects ECC double errors in these special locations, it behaves in the following way: MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 350 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory • • In case of a failing system locations (configurations, device options, redundancy, EmbAlgo firmware), the initialization phase is interrupted and a Fatal Error is flagged . In case of failing user locations (protections, censorship, BIU, ...), the Volatile Registers are filled with all ‘1’s and the Flash initialization ends setting low the PEG bit of MCR. In this section, the following abbreviations are used. Table 167. Abbreviations Case Abbrev. Description read/write rw The software can read and write to these bits. read/clear rc The software can read and clear to these bits. read-only r The software can only read these bits. write-only w The software should only write to these bits. Module Configuration Register (MCR) The Module Configuration Register enables and monitors all the modify operations of each flash module. Identical MCRs are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x0000 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R EDC 5 6 7 SIZE2 SIZE1 SIZE0 8 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 MAS 1 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 LAS2 LAS1 LAS0 W r1c Reset R EER RWE W r1c Reset 0 PEAS DONE PEG r1c 0 0 1 1 PGM PSUS ERS ESUS EHV 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 128. Module Configuration Register (MCR) Table 168. MCR field descriptions Field Description EDC ECC Data Correction EDC provides information on previous reads. If a ECC Single Error detection and correction occurs, the EDC bit is set to 1. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to 1 by the user. In the event of a ECC Double Error detection, this bit is not set. If EDC is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous reads (from the last reset, or clearing of EDC) were not corrected through ECC. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. 0 Reads are occurring normally. 1 An ECC Single Error occurred and was corrected during a previous read. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 351 Flash Memory Table 168. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field SIZE[2:0] Description Array space SIZE 2–0 The value of SIZE field depends on the size of the flash module: 000 128 KB 001 256 KB 010 512 KB (the value for the MPC5606E device in the code flash module) 011 Reserved (1024 KB) 100 Reserved (1536 KB) 101 Reserved (2048 KB) 110 64 KB (the value for the MPC5606E device in the data flash module) 111 Reserved Note: The value for this bitfield is different between the code and data flash modules. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. LAS[2:0] Low Address Space 2–0 The value of the LAS field corresponds to the configuration of the Low Address Space: 000 Reserved 001 Reserved 011 Reserved 100 Reserved 101 Reserved 110 4 × 16 KB (the value for the MPC5606E device in the data flash module) Note: The value for this bitfield is different between the code and data flash modules. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. MAS Mid Address Space The value of the MAS field corresponds to the configuration of the Mid Address Space: 0 2 × 128 KB 1 Reserved EER ECC Event Error EER provides information on previous reads. When an ECC Double Error detection occurs, the EER bit is set to 1. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to 1 by the user. In the event of a ECC Single Error detection and correction, this bit will not be set. If EER is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous reads (from the last reset, or clearing of EER) were correct. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. 0 Reads are occurring normally. 1 An ECC Double Error occurred during a previous read. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 352 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 168. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description RWE Read-while-Write event Error RWE provides information on previous reads when a Modify operation is on going. If a RWW Error occurs, the RWE bit is set to 1. Read-While-Write Error means that a read access to the flash module has occurred while the FPEC was performing a program or Erase operation or an Array Integrity Check. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to 1 by the user. If RWE is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous RWW reads (from the last reset, or clearing of RWE) were correct. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. 0 Reads are occurring normally. 1 A RWW Error occurred during a previous read. Note: If stall/terminate-while-write is used, the software should ignore the setting of the RWE flag and should clear this flag after each erase operation. If stall/terminate-while-write is not used, software can handle the RWE error normally. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. PEAS Program/Erase Access Space PEAS indicates which space is valid for program and Erase operations: main array space or shadow/test space. PEAS = 0 indicates that the main address space is active for all flash module program and erase operations. PEAS = 1 indicates that the test or shadow address space is active for program and erase. The value in PEAS is captured and held with the first interlock write done for Modify operations. The value of PEAS is retained between sampling events (that is, subsequent first interlock writes). 0 Shadow/Test address space is disabled for program/erase and main address space enabled. 1 Shadow/Test address space is enabled for program/erase and main address space disabled. DONE Modify Operation Done DONE indicates if the flash module is performing a high voltage operation. DONE is set to 1 on termination of the flash module reset. DONE is cleared to 0 just after a 0-to-1 transition of EHV, which initiates a high voltage operation, or after resuming a suspended operation. DONE is set to 1 at the end of program and erase high voltage sequences. DONE is set to 1 (within tPABT or tEABT, equal to P/E Abort Latency) after a 1-to-0 transition of EHV, which terminates a high voltage program/erase operation. DONE is set to 1 (within tESUS, time equal to Erase Suspend Latency) after a 0-to-1 transition of ESUS, which suspends an erase operation. 0 Flash is executing a high voltage operation. 1 Flash is not executing a high voltage operation. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 353 Flash Memory Table 168. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description PEG Program/Erase Good The PEG bit indicates the completion status of the last flash program or erase sequence for which high voltage operations were initiated. The value of PEG is updated automatically during the program and erase high voltage operations. Aborting a program/erase high voltage operation causes PEG to be cleared to 0, indicating the sequence failed. PEG is set to 1 when the flash module is reset, unless a flash initialization error has been detected. The value of PEG is valid only when PGM = 1 and/or ERS = 1 and after DONE transitions from 0 to 1 due to a termination or the completion of a program/erase operation. PEG is valid until PGM/ERS makes a 1-to-0 transition or EHV makes a 0-to-1 transition. The value in PEG is not valid after a 0-to-1 transition of DONE caused by ESUS being set to logic 1. If program or erase are attempted on blocks that are locked, the response is PEG = 1, indicating that the operation was successful, and the content of the block were properly protected from the program or erase operation. If a program operation tries to program at 1 bits that are at 0, the program operation is correctly executed on the new bits to be programmed at 0, but PEG is cleared, indicating that the requested operation has failed. In Array Integrity Check or Margin Mode, PEG is set to 1 when the operation is completed, regardless the occurrence of any error. The presence of errors can be detected only comparing checksum value stored in UMIRS[0:1]. 0 Program or erase operation failed; or program, erase, Array Integrity Check, or Margin Mode was terminated. 1 Program or erase operation successful; or Array Integrity Check or Margin Mode completed successfully. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. PGM Program PGM sets up the flash module for a program operation. A 0-to-1 transition of PGM initiates a program sequence. A 1-to-0 transition of PGM ends the program sequence. PGM can be set only under User mode Read (ERS is low and UT0[AIE] is low). PGM can be cleared by the user only when EHV is low and DONE is high. PGM is cleared on reset. 0 Flash is not executing a program sequence. 1 Flash is executing a program sequence. PSUS Program Suspend Writing to this bit has no effect, but the written data can be read back. ERS Erase ERS sets up the flash module for an Erase operation. A 0-to-1 transition of ERS initiates an Erase sequence. A 1-to-0 transition of ERS ends the Erase sequence. ERS can be set only under User mode Read (PGM is low and UT0[AIE] is low). ERS can be cleared by the user only when ESUS and EHV are low and DONE is high. ERS is cleared on reset. 0 Flash is not executing an Erase sequence. 1 Flash is executing an Erase sequence. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 354 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 168. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description ESUS Erase Suspend ESUS indicates that the flash module is in Erase Suspend or in the process of entering a Suspend state. The flash module is in Erase Suspend when ESUS = 1 and DONE = 1. ESUS can be set high only when ERS = 1 and EHV = 1, and PGM = 0. A 0-to-1 transition of ESUS starts the sequence that sets DONE and places the flash in erase suspend. The flash module enters Suspend within tESUS of this transition. ESUS can be cleared only when DONE = 1 and EHV = 1, and PGM = 0. A 1-to-0 transition of ESUS with EHV = 1 starts the sequence that clears DONE and returns the Module to Erase. The flash module cannot exit Erase Suspend and clear DONE while EHV is low. ESUS is cleared on reset. 0 Erase sequence is not suspended. 1 Erase sequence is suspended. EHV Enable High Voltage The EHV bit enables the flash module for a high voltage program/Erase operation. EHV is cleared on reset. EHV must be set after an interlock write to start a program/Erase sequence. EHV may be set under one of the following conditions: • Erase (ERS = 1, ESUS = 0, UT0[AIE] = 0) • Program (ERS = 0, ESUS = 0, PGM = 1, UT0[AIE] = 0) In normal operation, a 1-to-0 transition of EHV with DONE high and ESUS low terminates the current program/Erase high voltage operation. When an operation is terminated, there is a 1-to-0 transition of EHV with DONE low and the eventual Suspend bit low. A termination causes the value of PEG to be cleared, indicating a failing program/Erase; address locations being operated on by the terminated operation contain indeterminate data after a termination. A suspended operation cannot be terminated. Terminating a high voltage operation leaves the flash module addresses in an indeterminate data state. This may be recovered by executing an Erase on the affected blocks. EHV may be written during Suspend. EHV must be high to exit Suspend. EHV may not be written after ESUS is set and before DONE transitions high. EHV may not be cleared after ESUS is cleared and before DONE transitions low. 0 Flash is not enabled to perform an high voltage operation. 1 Flash is enabled to perform an high voltage operation. A number of MCR bits are protected against write when another bit, or set of bits, is in a specific state. These write locks are covered on a bit by bit basis in the preceding description, but those locks do not consider the effects of trying to write two or more bits simultaneously. The flash module does not allow the user to write bits simultaneously which would put the device into an illegal state. This is implemented through a priority mechanism among the bits. Table 169 shows the bit changing priorities. Table 169. MCR bits set/clear priority levels Priority level MCR bits 1 ERS 2 PGM 3 EHV 4 ESUS MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 355 Flash Memory If the user attempts to write two or more MCR bits simultaneously, only the bit with the lowest priority level is written. Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) The Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register provides a means to protect blocks from being modified. These bits, along with bits in the SLL register, determine if the block is locked from program or erase. An “OR” of LML and SLL determine the final lock status. Identical LML registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. In the code flash module, the LML register has a related Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) located in TestFlash that contains the default reset value for LML. The NVLML register is read during the reset phase of the flash module and loaded into the LML. The reset value is 0x00XX_XXXX, initially determined by the NVLML value from test sector. Address: Base + 0x0004 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLK 7 LLK 6 LLK 5 LLK 4 LLK 3 LLK 2 LLK 1 LLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x R LME W Reset R W Reset 11 TSLK x 12 13 0 0 0 0 14 15 MLK1 MLK0 x x Figure 129. Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) Address: Base + 0x40_3DE8 0 Delivery value: 0xFFFFFFFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLK 7 LLK 6 LLK 5 LLK 4 LLK 3 LLK 2 LLK 1 LLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x R LME W Reset R W Reset 11 TSLK x 12 13 0 0 0 0 14 15 MLK1 MLK0 x x Figure 130. Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) The NVLML register is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. Identical NVLML registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 356 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 170. LML /NVLML field descriptions Field Description LME1 Low/Mid Address Space Block Enable This bit enables the Lock registers (TSLK, MLK[1:0], and LLK[15:0]) to be set or cleared by registers writes. This bit is a status bit only. The method to set this bit is to write a password, and if the password matches, the LME bit is set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until a reset operation occurs. For LME the password 0xA1A11111 must be written to the LML register. 0 Low Address Locks are disabled: TSLK, MLK[1:0], and LLK[15:0] cannot be written. 1 Low Address Locks are enabled: TSLK, MLK[1:0], and LLK[15:0] can be written. TSLK Test/Shadow Address Space Block Lock This bit locks the block of Test and Shadow Address Space from program and Erase (Erase is any case forbidden for Test block). A value of 1 in the TSLK register signifies that the Test/Shadow block is locked for program and Erase. A value of 0 in the TSLK register signifies that the Test/Shadow block is available to receive program and Erase pulses. The TSLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR[DONE] is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the TSLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the TSLK register. The TSLK bit may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bit to go back to its TestFlash block value. The default value of the TSLK bit (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. TSLK is not writable unless LME is high. 0 Test/Shadow Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also SLL[STSLK] = 0). 1 Test/Shadow Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. MLK[1:0] Mid Address Space Block Lock 1-0 These bits lock the blocks of Mid Address Space from program and Erase. MLK[1:0] are related to sectors B0F[7:6], respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the MLK bitfield signifies that the corresponding block is locked for program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the MLK bitfield signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive program and Erase pulses. The MLK bitfield is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR[DONE] is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the MLK bitfield is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the MLK bitfields. The MLK bits may be written as a register. Reset causes the bits to revert to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the MLK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the MLK bits default to locked, and are not writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes will have no effect. MLK is not writable unless LME is high. 0 Mid Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also SLL[SMLK] = 0). 1 Mid Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 357 Flash Memory Table 170. LML /NVLML field descriptions (continued) 1 Field Description LLK[7:0] LLK7-0: Low address space block LocK 7-0 (Read/Write) These bits are used to lock the blocks of Low Address Space from Program and Erase. LLK7-0 are related to sectors B0F7-0, respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the LLK register signifies that the corresponding block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the LLK register signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The LLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the LLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the LLK registers. The LLK bits may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bits to go back to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the LLK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the LLK bits will default to locked, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes will have no effect. LLK is not writable unless LME is high. 0: Low Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also SLL.SLK=0). 1: Low Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. This field is present only in LML High address space Block Locking register (HBL) The High Address Space Block Locking (HBL) register provides a means to protect blocks from being modified. The HBL register has a related Non Volatile High Address Space Block Locking register located in TestFlash that contains the default reset value for HBL: the NVHBL register is read during the reset phase of the Flash Module and loaded into the HBL. The NVHBL register is a 64 bit register, the 32 most significative bits of which (bits 63-32) are don’t care and eventually used to manage ECC codes. Address: Base + 0x0008 0 Access: User read-only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R HBE W Reset R W Reset Figure 131. High address space Block Locking register (HBL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 358 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Non Volatile High address space Block Locking register (NVHBL) Address: Base + 0x403DF0 0 Delivery value: 0xFFFFFFFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R HBE W Reset R W Reset Figure 132. Non Volatile High address space Block Locking register (NVHBL) Table 171. HBL/NVHBL field descriptions Field HBE Description High address space Block Enable (Read Only) This bit is used to enable the Lock registers (HLK) to be set or cleared by registers writes. This bit is a status bit only. The method to set this bit is to write a password, and if the password matches, the HBE bit will be set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until a reset operation occurs. For HBE the password 0xB2B22222 must be written to the HBL register. 0: High Address Locks are disabled: none cannot be written. 1: High Address Locks are enabled: none can be written. Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (SLL) The Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register provides an alternative means to protect blocks from being modified. These bits, along with bits in the LML register, determine if the block is locked from program or Erase. An “OR” of LML and SLL determine the final lock status. Identical SLL registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. In the code flash module, the SLL register has a related Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) located in TestFlash that contains the default reset value for SLL. The reset value is 0x00XX_XXXX, initially determined by NVSLL. The NVSLL register is read during the reset phase of the flash module and loaded into the SLL. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 359 Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x000C 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STS LK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLK 7 SLK 6 SLK 5 SLK 4 SLK 3 SLK 2 SLK 1 SLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x R SLE W Reset R W Reset 14 15 SMK SMK 1 0 x x Figure 133. Secondary Low/mid address space block Locking reg (SLL) Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) The NVSLL register is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. Identical NVSLL registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x40_3DF8 0 Delivery value: 0xFFFFFFFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STS LK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLK 7 SLK 6 SLK 5 SLK 4 SLK 3 SLK 2 SLK 1 SLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x R SLE W Reset R W Reset 14 15 SMK SMK 1 0 x x Figure 134. Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) Table 172. SLL and NVSLL field descriptions Field SLE1 Description Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Enable This bit enables the Lock registers (STSLK, SMK[1:0], and SLK[15:0]) to be set or cleared by registers writes. This bit is a status bit only. The method to set this bit is to write a password, and if the password matches, the SLE bit is set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until a reset operation occurs. For SLE the password 0xC3C3_3333 must be written to the SLL register. 0 Secondary Low/Mid Address Locks are disabled: STSLK, SMK[1:0], and SLK[15:0] cannot be written. 1 Secondary Low/Mid Address Locks are enabled: STSLK, SMK[1:0], and SLK[15:0] can be written. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 360 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 172. SLL and NVSLL field descriptions (continued) Field Description STSLK Secondary Test/Shadow address space block LocK This bit is used as an alternate means to lock the block of Test and Shadow Address Space from program and Erase (Erase is any case forbidden for Test block). A value of 1 in the STSLK bitfield signifies that the Test/Shadow block is locked for program and Erase. A value of 0 in the STSLK register signifies that the Test/Shadow block is available to receive program and Erase pulses. The STSLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR[DONE] is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the STSLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the STSLK register. The STSLK bit may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bit to go back to its TestFlash block value. The default value of the STSLK bit (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. STSLK is not writable unless SLE is high. 0 Test/Shadow Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also LML[TSLK] = 0). 1 Test/Shadow Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. SMK[1:0] Secondary Mid Address Space Block Lock 1–0 These bits are used as an alternate means to lock the blocks of Mid Address Space from program and Erase. SMK[1:0] are related to sectors B0F[7:6], respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the SMK register signifies that the corresponding block is locked for program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the SMK register signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive program and Erase pulses. The SMK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR[DONE] is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the SMK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the SMK registers. The SMK bits may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bits to go back to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the SMK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the SMK bits will default to locked, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes have no effect. SMK is not writable unless SLE is high. 0 Mid Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also LML[MLK] = 0). 1 Mid Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 361 Flash Memory Table 172. SLL and NVSLL field descriptions (continued) 1 Field Description SLK[7:0] SLK7-0: Secondary Low address space block locK 7-0 (Read/Write) These bits are used as an alternate means to lock the blocks of Low Address Space from Program and Erase. SLK7-0 are related to sectors B0F7-0, respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the SLK register signifies that the corresponding block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the SLK register signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The SLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the SLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the SLK registers. The SLK bits may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bits to go back to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the SLK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the SLK bits will default to locked, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes will have no effect. SLK is not writable unless SLE is high. 0: Low Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also LML.LLK=0). 1: Low Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. This field is present only in SLL Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) The Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register provides a means to select blocks to be operated on during erase. Identical LMS registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x0010 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSL 7 LSL 6 LSL 5 LSL 4 LSL 3 LSL 2 LSL 1 LSL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset 14 15 MSL MSL 1 0 0 0 Figure 135. Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 362 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 173. LMS field descriptions Field Description MSL[1:0] Mid Address Space Block Select 1–0 A value of 1 in the select register signifies that the block is selected for erase. A value of 0 in the select register signifies that the block is not selected for erase. The reset value for the select register is 0, or unselected. MSL[1:0] are related to sectors B0F[7:6], respectively. The blocks must be selected (or unselected) before doing an erase interlock write as part of the Erase sequence. The select register is not writable once an interlock write is completed or if a high voltage operation is suspended. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the corresponding MSL bits default to unselected, and are not writable. The reset value will always be 0, and register writes have no effect. 0 Mid Address Space Block is unselected for Erase. 1 Mid Address Space Block is selected for Erase. LSL[7:0] LSL7-0: Low address space block SeLect 7-0 (Read/Write) A value of 1 in the select register signifies that the block is selected for erase. A value of 0 in the select register signifies that the block is not selected for erase. The reset value for the select register is 0, or unselected. LSL7-0 are related to sectors B0F7-0, respectively. The blocks must be selected (or unselected) before doing an erase interlock write as part of the Erase sequence. The select register is not writable once an interlock write is completed or if a high voltage operation is suspended. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the corresponding LSL bits will default to unselected, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 0, and register writes will have no effect. 0: Low Address Space Block is unselected for Erase. 1: Low Address Space Block is selected for Erase. High address space Block Select register (HBS) The High Address Space Block Select register provides a means to select blocks to be operated on during erase. Address: Base + 0x0014 R Access: User read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 136. High address space Block Select register (HBS) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 363 Flash Memory Address Register (ADR) The Address Register provides the first failing address in the event module failures (ECC, RWW, or FPEC) or the first address at which a ECC single error correction occurs. Address: Base + 0x0018 0 R 1 SAD TAD Access: User read-only 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AD 19 AD 18 AD 17 AD 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 0 0 16 R AD 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD 14 AD 13 AD 12 AD 11 AD 10 AD 9 AD 8 AD 7 AD 6 AD 5 AD 4 AD 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 0 Figure 137. Address Register (ADR) Table 174. ADR field descriptions Field Description SAD SAD: Shadow ADdress (Read Only) When this bit is high, the address indicated by AD20-3 belongs to the Shadow Sector. TAD TAD: Test ADdress (Read Only) When this bit is high, the address indicated by AD20-3 belongs to the Test Sector. AD[20:3] Address 20–3 ADR provides the first failing address in the event of ECC error (MCR[EER] set) or the first failing address in the event of RWW error (MCR[RWE] set), or the address of a failure that may have occurred in a FPEC operation (MCR[PEG] cleared). ADR also provides the first address at which a ECC single error correction occurs (MCR[EDC] set). The ECC double error detection takes the highest priority, followed by the RWW error, the FPEC error, and the ECC single error correction. When accessed ADR will provide the address related to the first event occurred with the highest priority. The priorities between these four possible events is summarized in Table 175. This address is always a double word address that selects 64 bits. In case of a simultaneous ECC double error detection on both double words of the same page, bit AD3 will output 0. The same is valid for a simultaneous ECC single error correction on both double words of the same page. In User mode, ADR is read only. Table 175. ADR content: priority list Priority level Error flag ADR content 1 MCR[EER] = 1 Address of first ECC Double Error 2 MCR[RWE] = 1 Address of first RWW Error 3 MCR[PEG] = 0 Address of first FPEC Error 4 MCR[EDC] = 1 Address of first ECC Single Error Correction MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 364 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Bus Interface Unit 0 register (BIU0) Address offset: 0x0001C Reset value: 0xXXXX_XXXX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BI031 BI030 BI029 BI028 BI027 BI026 BI025 BI024 BI023 BI022 BI021 BI020 BI019 BI018 BI017 BI016 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BI015 BI014 BI013 BI012 BI011 BI010 BI009 BI008 BI007 BI006 BI005 BI004 BI003 BI002 BI001 BI000 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X Figure 138. Bus Interface Unit 0 register (BIU0) The Bus Interface Unit 0 Register provides a means for BIU specific information or BIU configuration information to be stored. Please refer to Section, “Platform Flash Configuration Register 0 (PFCR0)” for more information about register description. Table 176. BIU0 field descriptions Field BI0 Description BI0[31:00]: Bus Interface unit 0 31-00 (Read/Write) The writability of the bits in this register can be locked. Bus Interface Unit 1 register (BIU1) Address offset: 0x00020 Reset value: 0xXXXX_XXXX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BI131 BI130 BI129 BI128 BI127 BI126 BI125 BI124 BI123 BI122 BI121 BI120 BI119 BI118 BI117 BI116 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BI115 BI114 BI113 BI112 BI111 BI110 BI109 BI108 BI107 BI106 BI105 BI104 BI103 BI102 BI101 BI100 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X Figure 139. Bus Interface Unit 1 register (BIU1) The Bus Interface Unit 1 Register provides a means for BIU specific information or BIU configuration information to be stored. Please refer to Section, “Platform Flash Configuration Register 1 (PFCR1)” for more information about register description. Table 177. BIU1 field descriptions Field BI1 Description BI1[31:00]: Bus Interface unit 1 31-00 (Read/Write) The writability of the bits in this register can be locked. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 365 Flash Memory Bus Interface Unit 2 register (BIU2) Address offset: 0x00024 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX Please refer to Section, “Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR)” to see register description. Non-volatile Bus Interface Unit 2 register (NVBIU2) Address offset: 0x003E001 Delivery value: 0xXXXX_XXXX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BI231 BI230 BI229 BI228 BI227 BI226 BI225 BI224 BI223 BI222 BI221 BI220 BI219 BI218 BI217 BI216 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BI215 BI214 BI213 BI212 BI211 BI210 BI209 BI208 BI207 BI206 BI205 BI204 BI203 BI202 BI201 BI200 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X Figure 140. Bus Interface Unit 2 register (BIU2) 1 See device memory map table for base address information of shadow flash. The Bus Interface Unit 2 Register provides a means for BIU specific information or BIU configuration information to be stored. Please refer to Section, “Platform Flash Access Protection Register (PFAPR)”for more information about register description. The BIU2 register has a related Non-volatile Bus Interface Unit 2 register located in the Shadow Sector that contains the default reset value for BIU2. During the reset phase of the Flash module, the NVBIU2 register content is read and loaded into the BIU2. The NVBIU2 register is a 64-bit register, of which the 32 most significant bits 63:32 are ‘don’t care’ and eventually used to manage ECC codes. Table 178. BIU2 field descriptions Field Description BI2[31:00]: Bus Interface unit 2 31-00 (Read/Write) The BI2[31:00] generic registers are reset based on the information stored in NVBIU2. The writability of the bits in this register can be locked. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 366 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Non Volatile Bus Interface Unit 3 register (NVBIU3) Address offset: 0x003E081 1 Delivery value: 0xXXXX_XXXX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BI331 BI330 BI329 BI328 BI327 BI326 BI325 BI324 BI323 BI322 BI321 BI320 BI319 BI318 BI317 BI316 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BI315 BI314 BI313 BI312 BI311 BI310 BI309 BI308 BI307 BI306 BI305 BI304 BI303 BI302 BI301 BI300 rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X rw/X See device memory map table for base address information of shadow flash. The Bus Interface Unit 3 Register provides a means for BIU specific information or BIU configuration information to be stored. The BIU3 register has a related Non-Volatile Bus Interface Unit 3 register located in the Shadow Sector that contains the default reset value for BIU3. the NVBIU3 register is read during the reset phase of the Flash Module and loaded into the BIU3. The NVBIU3 register is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significative bits of which (bits 63:32) are ‘don’t care’ and eventually used to manage ECC codes. Table 179. BIU3 field descriptions Field Description BI331-00: Bus Interface unit 3 31-00 (Read/Write) The BI331-00 generic registers are reset based on the information stored in NVBIU3. The writability of the bits in this register can be locked. The use of this bus is SoC specific. User Test 0 register (UT0) The User Test feature gives the user of the flash module the ability to perform test features on the flash. The User Test 0 register allows controlling the way in which the flash content check is done. The UT0[MRE], UT0[MRV], UT0[AIS], UT0[EIE], and DSI[7:0] bits are not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 367 Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x003C 0 1 R UTE SBC E W Reset Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DSI7 DSI6 DSI5 DSI4 DSI3 DSI2 DSI1 DSI0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 15 X MRE MRV 0 0 0 EIE AIS AIE 0 0 0 0 31 AID 1 Figure 141. User Test 0 register (UT0) Table 180. UT0 field descriptions Field Description UTE User Test Enable This status bit indicates when User Test is enabled. All bits in UT0–2 and UMISR0–4 are locked when this bit is 0. This bit is not writeable to a 1, but may be cleared. The reset value is 0. The method to set this bit is to provide a password, and if the password matches, the UTE bit is set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until it is cleared by a register write. For UTE the password 0xF9F9_9999 must be written to the UT0 register. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. DSI7-0 Data Syndrome Input 7–0 These bits represent the input of Syndrome bits of ECC logic used in the ECC Logic Check. The DSI7–0 bits correspond to the 8 syndrome bits on a double word. These bits are not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 The syndrome bit is forced at 0. 1 The syndrome bit is forced at 1. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. Reserved (Read/Write) This bit can be written and its value can be read back, but there is no function associated. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. MRE Margin Read Enable MRE enables margin reads to be done. This bit, combined with MRV, enables regular user mode reads to be replaced by margin reads. Margin reads are only active during Array Integrity Checks; Normal user reads are not affected by MRE. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 Margin reads are disabled. All reads are User mode reads. 1 Margin reads are enabled. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 368 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 180. UT0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description MRV Margin Read Value If MRE is high, MRV selects the margin level that is being checked. Margin can be checked to an erased level (MRV = 1) or to a programmed level (MRV = 0). This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 Zero’s (programmed) margin reads are requested (if MRE = 1). 1 One’s (erased) margin reads are requested (if MRE = 1). EIE ECC data Input Enable EIE enables the ECC Logic Check operation to be done. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 ECC Logic Check is disabled. 1 ECC Logic Check is enabled. AIS Array Integrity Sequence AIS determines the address sequence to be used during array integrity checks or Margin Mode. The default sequence (AIS = 0) is meant to replicate sequences normal user code follows, and thoroughly checks the read propagation paths. This sequence is proprietary. The alternative sequence (AIS = 1) is just logically sequential. It should be noted that the time to run a sequential sequence is significantly shorter than the time to run the proprietary sequence. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. In Margin Mode only the linear sequence (AIS = 1) is allowed, while the proprietary sequence (AIS = 0) is forbidden. 0 Array Integrity sequence is a proprietary sequence. 1 Array Integrity or Margin Mode sequence is sequential. AIE Array Integrity Enable AIE set to 1 starts the Array Integrity Check done on all selected and unlocked blocks. The pattern is selected by AIS, and the MISR (UMISR0–4) can be checked after the operation is complete, to determine if a correct signature is obtained. AIE can be set only if MCR[ERS], MCR[PGM], and MCR[EHV] are all low. 0 Array Integrity Checks are disabled. 1 Array Integrity Checks are enabled. AID Array Integrity Done AID is cleared upon an Array Integrity Check being enabled (to signify the operation is on-going). Once completed, AID is set to indicate that the Array Integrity Check is complete. At this time, the MISR (UMISR0–4) can be checked. 0 Array Integrity Check is on-going. 1 Array Integrity Check is done. User Test 1 register (UT1) The User Test 1 register allows to enable the checks on the ECC logic related to the 32 LSB of the Double Word. The User Test 1 register is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 369 Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x0040 0 R DAI W 31 Reset 0 16 R DAI W 15 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DAI 30 DAI 29 DAI 28 DAI 27 DAI 26 DAI 25 DAI 24 DAI 23 DAI 22 DAI 21 DAI 20 DAI 19 DAI 18 DAI 17 DAI 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DAI 14 DAI 13 DAI 12 DAI 11 DAI 10 DAI 9 DAI 8 DAI 7 DAI 6 DAI 5 DAI 4 DAI 3 DAI 2 DAI 1 DAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 142. User Test 1 register (UT1) Table 181. UT1 field descriptions Field Description DAI[31:0] Data Array Input 31–0 These bits represent the input of the even word of ECC logic used in the ECC Logic Check. The DAI[31:0] bits correspond to the 32 array bits representing Word 0 within the double word. 0 The array bit is forced at 0. 1 The array bit is forced at 1. User Test 2 register (UT2) The User Test 2 register allows to enable the checks on the ECC logic related to the 32 MSB of the Double Word. The User Test 2 register is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0044 0 R DAI 63 W Reset 0 16 R DAI W 47 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DAI 62 DAI 61 DAI 60 DAI 59 DAI 58 DAI 57 DAI 56 DAI 55 DAI 54 DAI 53 DAI 52 DAI 51 DAI 50 DAI 49 DAI 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DAI 46 DAI 45 DAI 44 DAI 43 DAI 42 DAI 41 DAI 40 DAI 39 DAI 38 DAI 37 DAI 36 DAI 35 DAI 34 DAI 33 DAI 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 143. User Test 2 register (UT2) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 370 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 182. UT2 field descriptions Field Description DAI[63:32] Data Array Input [63:32] These bits represent the input of the odd word of ECC logic used in the ECC Logic Check. The DAI[63:32] bits correspond to the 32 array bits representing Word 1 within the double word. 0 The array bit is forced at 0. 1 The array bit is forced at 1. User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) The Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) provides a mean to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR0 represents the bits 31:0 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR0 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0048 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 030 MS 029 MS 028 MS 027 MS 026 MS 025 MS 024 MS 023 MS 022 MS 021 MS 020 MS 019 MS 018 MS 017 MS 016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 014 MS 013 MS 012 MS 011 MS 010 MS 009 MS 008 MS 007 MS 006 MS 005 MS 004 MS 003 MS 002 MS 001 MS 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MS W 031 Reset R MS W 015 Reset Access: User read/write 0 Figure 144. User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) Table 183. UMSIR0 field descriptions Field Description MS[031:000] Multiple input Signature 031–000 These bits represent the MISR value obtained by accumulating the bits 31:0 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR0 register. User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) The Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) provides a means to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR1 represents bits 63:32 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR1 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 371 Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x004C 0 R MS W 063 Reset 0 16 R MS W 047 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 062 MS 061 MS 060 MS 059 MS 058 MS 057 MS 056 MS 055 MS 054 MS 053 MS 052 MS 051 MS 050 MS 049 MS 048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 046 MS 045 MS 044 MS 043 MS 042 MS 041 MS 040 MS 039 MS 038 MS 037 MS 036 MS 035 MS 034 MS 033 MS 032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 145. User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) Table 184. UMISR1 field descriptions Field Description MS[063:032] Multiple input Signature 063–032 These bits represent the MISR value obtained accumulating the bits 63:32 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR1 register. User Multiple Input Signature Register 2 (UMISR2) The Multiple Input Signature Register (UMISR2) provides a mean to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR2 represents the bits 95-64 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR2 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0050 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 094 MS 093 MS 092 MS 091 MS 090 MS 089 MS 088 MS 087 MS 086 MS 085 MS 084 MS 083 MS 082 MS 081 MS 080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 078 MS 077 MS 076 MS 075 MS 074 MS 073 MS 072 MS 071 MS 070 MS 069 MS 068 MS 067 MS 066 MS 065 MS 064 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MS W 095 Reset R MS W 079 Reset Access: User read/write 0 Figure 146. User Multiple Input Signature Register 2 (UMISR2) Table 185. UMISR2 field descriptions Field Description MS[095:064] Multiple input Signature 095–064 These bits represent the MISR value obtained by accumulating the bits 95:64 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR2 register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 372 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory User Multiple Input Signature Register 3 (UMISR3) The Multiple Input Signature Register 3 (UMISR3) provides a means to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR3 represents bits 127:96 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR3 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0054 0 R MS W 127 Reset 0 16 R MS W 111 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 126 MS 125 MS 124 MS 123 MS 122 MS 121 MS 120 MS 119 MS 118 MS 117 MS 116 MS 115 MS 114 MS 113 MS 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 110 MS 109 MS 108 MS 107 MS 106 MS 105 MS 104 MS 103 MS 102 MS 101 MS 100 MS 099 MS 098 MS 097 MS 096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 147. User Multiple Input Signature Register 3 (UMISR3) Table 186. UMISR3 field descriptions Field Description MS[127:096] Multiple Input Signature 127–096 These bits represent the MISR value obtained accumulating bits 127:96 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR3 register. User Multiple Input Signature Register 4 (UMISR4) The Multiple Input Signature Register 4 (UMISR4) provides a means to evaluate the array integrity. The UMISR4 represents the ECC bits of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). Bits 8:15 are ECC bits for the odd double word and bits 24:31 are the ECC bits for the even double word. Bits 4:5 and 20:21 of UMISR4 are the double and single ECC error detection for odd and even double words, respectively. UMISR4 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 373 Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x0058 0 R MS W 159 Reset 0 16 R MS W 143 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 158 MS 157 MS 156 MS 155 MS 154 MS 153 MS 152 MS 151 MS 150 MS 149 MS 148 MS 147 MS 146 MS 145 MS 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 142 MS 141 MS 140 MS 139 MS 138 MS 137 MS 136 MS 135 MS 134 MS 133 MS 132 MS 131 MS 130 MS 129 MS 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 148. User Multiple Input Signature Register 4 (UMISR4) Table 187. UMISR4 field descriptions Field Description MS[159:128] Multiple Input Signature 159:128 These bits represent the MISR value obtained accumulating: • MS[135:128]—8 ECC bits for the even double word • MS138—Single ECC error detection for even double word • MS139—Double ECC error detection for even double word • MS[151:144]—8 ECC bits for the odd double word • MS154—Single ECC error detection for odd double word • MS155—Double ECC error detection for odd double word The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR4 register. Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 0 register (NVPWD0) The Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 0 register (NVPWD0) contains the 32 LSB of the password used to validate the Censorship information contained in NVSCI0–1 registers. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. Address: 0x20_3DD8 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 W 31 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 R PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W 15 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 149. Non-Volatile private Censorship Password 0 register (NVPWD0) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 374 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 188. NVPWD0 field descriptions Field Description PWD[31:0] Password 31–0 The PWD[31:0] bits represent the 32 LSB of the private censorship password. Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 1 register (NVPWD1) The Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 1 Register (NVPWD1) contains the 32 MSB of the password used to validate the Censorship information contained in NVSCI0–1 registers. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. Address: 0x20_3DDC 0 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 W 63 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 R PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD PWD 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 W 47 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 150. Non-Volatile Private Censorship Password 1 register (NVPWD1) Table 189. NVPWD1 field descriptions Field Description PWD63–32: PassWorD 63–32 The PWD63–32 registers represent the 32 MSB of the Private Censorship Password. Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 0 register (NVSCI0) The Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 0 register (NVSCI0) stores the 32 LSB of the Censorship Control Word of the device. NVSCI0 is a non-volatile register located in Shadow sector. It is read during the reset phase of the flash module and the protection mechanisms are activated consequently. The parts are delivered uncensored to the user. Delivery value: 0x55AA_55AA. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 375 Flash Memory Address: 0x20_3DE0 0 R SC W 15 Reset 0 16 R CW W 15 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SC 14 SC 13 SC 12 SC 11 SC 10 SC 9 SC 8 SC 7 SC 6 SC 5 SC 4 SC 3 SC 2 SC 1 SC 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CW 14 CW 13 CW 12 CW 11 CW 10 CW 9 CW 8 CW 7 CW 6 CW 5 CW 4 CW 3 CW 2 CW 1 CW 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Figure 151. Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 0 register (NVSCI0) Table 190. NVSCI0 field descriptions Field Description SC[15:0] Serial Censorship control word 15–0 These bits represent the 16 LSB of the Serial Censorship Control Word (SCCW). If SC[15:0] = 0x55AA and NVSCI1 = NVSCI0, the Public Access is disabled. If SC[15:0] 0x55AA or NVSCI1 NVSCI0, the Public Access is enabled. CW[15:0] Censorship control Word 15–0 These bits represent the 16 LSB of the Censorship Control Word (CCW). If CW[15:0] = 0x55AA and NVSCI1 = NVSCI0, the Censored mode is disabled. If CW[15:0] 0x55AA or NVSCI1 NVSCI0, the Censored mode is enabled. Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 1 register (NVSCI1) The Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 1 register (NVSCI1) stores the 32 MSB of the Censorship Control Word of the device. NVSCI1 is a non-volatile register located in Shadow sector. It is read during the reset phase of the flash module and the protection mechanisms are activated consequently. The parts are delivered uncensored to the user. Delivery value: 0x55AA_55AA. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. Address: 0x20_3DE4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SC 30 SC 29 SC 28 SC 27 SC 26 SC 25 SC 24 SC 23 SC 22 SC 21 SC 20 SC 19 SC 18 SC 17 SC 16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CW 30 CW 29 CW 28 CW 27 CW 26 CW 25 CW 24 CW 23 CW 22 CW 21 CW 20 CW 19 CW 18 CW 17 CW 16 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 R SC W 31 Reset R CW W 31 Reset Access: User read/write 0 Figure 152. Non-Volatile System Censoring Information 1 register (NVSCI1) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 376 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 191. NVSCI1 field descriptions Field Description SC[32:16] Serial Censorship control word 32–16 These bits represent the 16 MSB of the Serial Censorship Control Word (SCCW). If SC[32:16] = 0x55AA and NVSCI1 = NVSCI0, the Public Access is disabled. If SC[32:16] 0x55AA or NVSCI1 NVSCI0, the Public Access is enabled. CW[32:16] Censorship control Word 32–16 These bits represent the 16 MSB of the Censorship Control Word (CCW). CW[32:16] = 0x55AA and NVSCI1 = NVSCI0, the Censored mode is disabled. CW[32:16] 0x55AA or NVSCI1 NVSCI0, the Censored mode is enabled. Non-Volatile User Options register (NVUSRO) The Non-Volatile User Options Register (NVUSRO) contains configuration information for the user application. NVUSRO is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. NOTE This register is not implemented on the data flash block. Address: 0x20_3E18 0 R W 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 UO31 UO30 UO29 UO28 UO27 UO26 UO25 UO24 UO23 UO22 UO21 UO20 UO19 UO18 UO17 UO16 Reset x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R W 13 0 UO15 UO14 UO13 UO12 UO11 UO10 UO9 UO8 UO7 UO6 UO5 UO4 UO3 Reset x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 30 31 OSCI WAT LLAT CH OR_ DOG MAR _EN GIN x x Figure 153. Non-Volatile User Options register (NVUSRO) The Non-Volatile User Options Register (NVUSRO) contains configuration information for the user application. NVUSRO is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. Table 192. NVUSRO field descriptions Field UO Description User Options 31–3 The UO[31:3] bits are reset based on the information stored in NVUSRO. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 377 Flash Memory Table 192. NVUSRO field descriptions (continued) Field Description OSCILLATOR_ Oscillator Margin MARGIN 0 Low consumption configuration (4 MHz/8 MHz). 1 High margin configuration (4/16 MHz). Default manufacturing value before flash initialization is '1' WATCHDOG_E Watchdog Enable N 0 Disable after reset. 1 Enable after reset. Default manufacturing value before flash initialization is '1' 18.3.7 Programming Considerations NOTE Like all flash memory, before an arbitrary value can be written to a memory location in flash on these devices, the block containing that address must be erased (all values set to “1”). The electrical characteristics of flash memory allow write operations to only transition individual bits from “1” to “0”, and to perform erase operations only at the block-level. Modify Operations All the modify operations of the flash modules are managed through the flash array control registers. All blocks of each flash array module belong to the same partition (bank), therefore when a modify operation is active on some blocks no read access is possible on any other block within the same array module. During a flash modify operation any attempt to read any flash location within the same module will output invalid data and bit RWE of MCR will be automatically set. This means that the flash module is not fetchable when a modify operation is active within the same array module: the modify operation commands must be executed from another array. If during a modify operation a reset occurs, the operation is suddenly interrupted and the array is reset to Read Mode. The data integrity of the flash section where the modify operation has been aborted is not guaranteed: the interrupted flash modify operation must be repeated. In general each modify operation is started through a sequence of 3 steps: 1. The first instruction is used to select the desired operation by setting its corresponding selection bit in MCR (PGM or ERS) or UT0 (MRE or EIE). 2. The second step is the definition of the operands: the Address and the Data for programming or the blocks for erase or factory margin read. 3. The third instruction is used to start the modify operation, by setting EHV in MCR or AIE in theUT0 register. Once selected, but not yet started, one operation can be canceled by resetting the operation selection bit. A summary of the available flash modify operations are shown in Table 193. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 378 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 193. Flash Modify Operations Operation Select bit Operands Start bit Double Word Program MCR.PGM Address and Data by Interlock Writes MCR.EHV Block Erase MCR.ERS LMS, HBS MCR.EHV Array Integrity Check1 None LMS, HBS UT0.AIE Factory Margin Read 1 UT0.MRE UT0.MRV + LMS, HBS UT0.AIE ECC Logic Check 1 UT0.EIE UT0.DSI, UT1, UT2 UT0.AIE 1 This operation is executed from User Test Mode. See Section, “User Test Mode”,for details. In general each modify operation is completed through a sequence of 4 steps: 1. Wait for operation completion: wait for bit MCR.DONE (or UT0.AID) to go high. 2. Check operation result: check bit MCR.PEG (or compare UMISR0-4 with expected value). 3. Switch-Off flash controller by resetting MCR.EHV (or UT0.AIE). 4. Deselect current operation by clearing MCR.PGM/ERS (or UT0.MRE/EIE). If a modify operation is on-going in an array then it is forbidden to start any other modify operation in the other arrays on the device. In the following sections all modify operations are described and some examples of the sequences needed to activate them are presented. Double Word Program A flash program sequence operates on any double word within the flash. Up to 2 words within the double word may be altered in a single program operation. During a program operation, ECC bits are programmed. ECC is handled on a 64 bit boundary. Thus, if only 1 word in any given 64 bit ECC segment is programmed, the adjoining word (in that segment) should not be programmed since ECC calculation has already completed for that 64 bit segment. Attempts to program the adjoining word will result in an operation failure. It is recommended that all programming operations be of 64 bits. The programming operation should completely fill selected ECC segments within the double word. Programming changes the value stored in an array bit from logic 1 to logic 0 only. Programming cannot change a stored logic 0 to a logic 1. Addresses in locked/disabled blocks cannot be programmed. You can program the values in any or all of 2 words, of a double word, with a single program sequence. Double word-bound words have addresses which differ only in address bit 2. The Program operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Change the value in the MCR.PGM bit from 0 to 1. 2. Ensure the block that contains the address to be programmed is unlocked. — Write the first address to be programmed with the program data. — The flash module latches address bits (22:3) at this time. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 379 Flash Memory 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. — The flash module latches data written as well. — This write is referred to as a program data interlock write. An interlock write may be as large as 64 bits, and as small as 32 bits (depending on the CPU bus). If more than one word is to be programmed, write the additional address in the double word with data to be programmed. This is referred to as a program data write. The flash modules ignore address bits (22:3) for program data writes. The eventual unwritten data word default to 0xFFFFFFFF. Write a logic 1 to the MCR.EHV bit to start the internal program sequence or skip to step 9 to terminate. Wait until the MCR.DONE bit goes high. Confirm MCR.PEG=1. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.EHV bit. If more addresses are to be programmed, return to step 2. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.PGM bit to terminate the program operation. A program may be initiated with the 0 to 1 transition of the MCR.PGM bit or by clearing the MCR.EHV bit at the end of a previous program. The first write after a program is initiated determines the page address to be programmed. This first write is referred to as an interlock write. The interlock write determines if the shadow or normal array space will be programmed by causing MCR.PEAS to be set/cleared. An interlock write must be performed before setting MCR.EHV. An application may terminate a program sequence by clearing MCR.PGM prior to setting MCR.EHV. While MCR.DONE is low and MCR.EHV is high, an application may clear EHV, resulting in a program abort. A program abort forces the Module to step 8 of the program sequence. An aborted program will result in MCR.PEG being set low, indicating a failed operation. MCR.DONE must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. The data space being operated on before the abort will contain indeterminate data. This may be recovered by repeating the same program instruction with the same data or executing an erase of the affected blocks. Example 18-1. Double Word Program of data 0x55AA55AA at address 0x00AAA8 and data 0xAA55AA55 at address 0x00AAAC. MCR = 0x00000010; /* Set PGM in MCR: Select PGM Operation */ (0x00AAA8) = 0x55AA55AA; /* Latch Address and 32 LSB data */ (0x00AAAC) = 0xAA55AA55; /* Latch 32 MSB data */ MCR = 0x00000011; /* Set EHV in MCR: Operation Start */ do /* Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ { tmp = MCR; /* Read MCR */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); status = MCR & 0x00000200; /* Check PEG flag */ MCR = 0x00000010; /* Reset EHV in MCR: Operation End */ MCR = 0x00000000; /* Reset PGM in MCR: Deselect Operation */ MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 380 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Block Erase Erase changes the value stored in all bits of the selected block(s) to logic 1. An erase sequence operates on any combination of blocks in the low, mid or high address space, or the shadow block (if available). • The erase sequence is fully automated within the flash. an application only needs to select the blocks to be erased and initiate the erase sequence. • Locked/disabled blocks cannot be erased. • If multiple blocks are selected for erase during an erase sequence, no specific operation order must be assumed. The Erase operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Change the value in the MCR.ERS bit from 0 to 1. 2. Select the block(s) to be erased by writing 1’s to the appropriate register(s) in LMSR or HSR registers. If the shadow block is to be erased, this step may be skipped, and LMSR and HSR are ignored. Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no erase will occur. 3. Write to any address in flash. This is referred to as an erase interlock write. 4. Write a logic 1 to the MCR.EHV bit to start the internal erase sequence or skip to step 9 to terminate. 5. Wait until the MCR.DONE bit goes high. 6. Confirm MCR.PEG=1. 7. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.EHV bit. 8. If more blocks are to be erased, return to step 2. 9. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.ERS bit to terminate the erase operation. Additional considerations: • After setting MCR.ERS, one write, referred to as an interlock write, must be performed before MCR.EHV can be set to 1. • Data words written during erase sequence interlock writes are ignored. • An application may terminate the erase sequence by clearing ERS before setting EHV. • An erase operation may be aborted by clearing MCR.EHV assuming MCR.DONE is low, • MCR.EHV is high and MCR.ESUS is low. • An erase abort forces the Module to step 8 of the erase sequence. • An aborted erase will result in MCR.PEG being set low, indicating a failed operation. • MCR.DONE must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. • The block(s) being operated on before the abort contain indeterminate data. This may be recovered by executing an erase on the affected blocks. • An application may not abort an erase sequence while in erase suspend. The following example selects two blocks using the LSEL[2-1] bits of the LMSR register to select blocks 2a and 1b (see Table 155 for the flash space memory map and Section, “Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML)”, ) and performs an erase. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 381 Flash Memory Example 18-2. Erase of Blocks 2a and 1b MCR = 0x00000004; /* Set ERS in MCR: Select ERS Operation */ LMSR = 0x00000006; /* Set LSEL2-1 in LMSR: Select blocks to erase */ (0x000000) = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Latch a Flash Address with any data */ MCR = 0x00000005; /* Set EHV in MCR: Operation Start */ do /* Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ { tmp = MCR; /* Read MCR */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); status = MCR & 0x00000200; /* Check PEG flag */ MCR = 0x00000004; /* Reset EHV in MCR: Operation End */ MCR = 0x00000000; /* Reset ERS in MCR: Deselect Operation */ Erase Suspend/Resume The erase sequence may be suspended to allow read access to the flash array. It is not possible to program or to erase during an erase suspend. During erase suspend, all reads to blocks targeted for erase return indeterminate data. An erase suspend is initiated by changing the value of the MCR.ESUS bit from 0 to 1. MCR.ESUS can be set to 1 at any time when MCR.ERS and MCR.EHV are high and MCR.PGM is low. A 0 to 1 transition of MCR.ESUS causes the array module to start the sequence which places it in erase suspend. An application must wait until MCR.DONE=1 before the erase operation is suspended and further actions are attempted. MCR.DONE will go high after MCR.ESUS is set to 1. Once suspended, the array may be read. Reads while MCR.ESUS=1 from the block(s) being erased return indeterminate data. Example 18-3. Block Erase Suspend. MCR = 0x00000007; /* Set ESUS in MCR: Erase Suspend */ do /* Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ { tmp = MCR; /* Read MCR */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); Note that there is no need to clear MCR.EHV and MCR.ERS in order to perform reads during erase suspend. The erase sequence is resumed by writing a logic 0 to MCR.ESUS. MCR.EHV must be set to 1 before MCR.ESUS can be cleared to resume the operation. The array module continues the erase sequence from one of a set of predefined points. This may extend the time required for the erase operation. Example 18-4. Block Erase Resume. MCR = 0x00000005; /* Reset ESUS in MCR: Erase Resume */ User Test Mode User Test Mode is a mode that customers can put the flash array module in to do specific tests to check integrity. Three kinds of test can be performed: MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 382 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory • • • Array Integrity Self Check Factory Margin Mode Read ECC Logic Check The User Test Mode is equivalent to a modify operation: read accesses attempted during User Test Mode generate a Read-While-Write Error (RWE of MCR set). User Test operations are not allowed on the Test and Shadow blocks. Array Integrity Self Check Array Integrity is checked using a pre-defined address sequence (proprietary), and is executed on selected and unlocked blocks. Once the operation is completed, the results of the reads can be checked by reading the MISR value (stored in UMISR0-4), to determine if an incorrect read, or ECC detection was noted. The internal MISR calculator is a 32 bit register. The 128-bit data, the 16 ECC data and the single and double ECC errors of the two double words are therefore captured by the MISR through 5 different read accesses at the same location. The whole check is done through 5 complete scans of the memory address space: 1. The first pass will scan only bits 31-0 of each page. 2. The second pass will scan only bits 63-32 of each page. 3. The third pass will scan only bits 95-64 of each page. 4. The fourth pass will scan only bits 127-96 of each page. 5. The fifth pass will scan only the ECC bits (8 + 8) and the single and double ECC errors (2 + 2) of both double words of each page. The 128 data bit and the 16 ECC data are sampled before the eventual ECC correction, while the single and double error flags are sampled after the ECC evaluation. Only data from existing and unlocked locations are captured by the MISR. The MISR can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR0-4 registers. The Array Integrity Self Check consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. 2. Select the block(s) to be checked by writing 1’s to the appropriate register(s) in LMSR or HSR registers. Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no Array Integrity Check will occur. 3. Set UT0.AIS bit for a sequential addressing only. 4. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the Array Integrity Check. 5. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. 6. Compare UMISR0-4 content with the expected result. 7. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE bit. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 383 Flash Memory 8. If more blocks are to be checked, return to step 2. It is recommended to leave UT0.AIS at 0 and use the proprietary address sequence that checks the read path more fully, although this sequence takes more time. While UT0.AID is low and UT0.AIE is high, an application may clear AIE, resulting in a Array Integrity Check abort. UT0.AID must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. The following example selects two blocks using the LSEL[2-1] bits of the LMSR register to select blocks 2a and 1b and performs an array integrity check of those blocks. Example 18-5. Array Integrity Check of Blocks 2a and 1b UT0 = 0xF9F99999; /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ LMSR = 0x00000006; /* Set LSEL2-1 in LMSR: Select blocks */ UT0 = 0x80000002; /* Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ do /* Loop to wait for AID=1 */ { tmp = UT0; /* Read UT0 */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; /* Read UMISR0 content*/ data1 = UMISR1; /* Read UMISR1 content*/ data2 = UMISR2; /* Read UMISR2 content*/ data3 = UMISR3; /* Read UMISR3 content*/ data4 = UMISR4; /* Read UMISR4 content*/ UT0 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UTE and AIE in UT0: Operation End */ Factory Margin Read NOTE Factory margin read is a diagnostic to check proper programming, for example by 3rd party programming service providers. It is not supported in customer applications because the voltages used for margin reads can reduce the life expectancy of the flash array. The factory margin read procedure (either Margin 0 or Margin 1) can be run on unlocked blocks to unbalance the sense amplifiers with respect to standard read conditions so that all read accesses reduce the margin vs ‘0’ (UT0.MRV = ‘0’) or vs ‘1’ (UT0.MRV = ‘1’). Locked sectors are ignored by MISR calculation and ECC flagging. The results of the factory margin reads can be checked by comparing the checksum value in the UMISR0-4 registers. Since factory margin reads are done at voltages that are higher than the normal read voltages, lifetime expectancy of the flash may be impacted. Doing factory margin reads repeatedly results in degradation of the flash array and shortens the lifetime expected with normal read levels. For these reasons this capability is reserved for factory use only and is not supported in user applications. Charge losses detected via margin reads are not considered failures of the device and no Failure Analysis will be opened on them. The Margin Read Setup operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. 2. Select the block(s) to be checked by writing 1’s to the appropriate register(s) in LMS or HBS registers. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 384 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no Margin Read will occur. 3. Set eventually UT0.AIS bit for a sequential addressing only. 4. Change the value in the UT0.MRE bit from 0 to 1. 5. Select the Margin level: UT0.MRV=0 for 0’s margin, UT0.MRV=1 for 1’s margin. 6. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the Margin Read Setup or skip to step 6 to terminate. 7. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. 8. Compare UMISR0-4 content with the expected result. 9. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE, UT0.MRE and UT0.MRV bits. 10. If more blocks are to be checked, return to step 2. It is recommended to leave UT0.AIS at 1 and use the linear address sequence, which takes less time. During the execution of the Margin Read operation it is forbidden to modify the content of Block Select (LMS, HBS) and Lock (LML, SLL, HBL) registers, otherwise the MISR value can vary in an unpredictable way. The read accesses will be done with the addition of a proper number of Wait States to guarantee the correctness of the result. While UT0.AID is low and UT0.AIE is high, the user may clear AIE, resulting in a Array Integrity Check abort. UT0.AID must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. Example 18-6. Margin Read Check versus 1’s . UMISR0 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UMISR0 content */ UMISR1 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UMISR1 content */ UMISR2 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UMISR2 content */ UMISR3 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UMISR3 content */ UMISR4 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UMISR4 content */ UT0 = 0xF9F99999; /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ LMS = 0x00000006; /* Set LSL2-1 in LMS: Select Sectors */ UT0 = 0x80000004; /* Set AIS in UT0: Select Operation */ UT0 = 0x80000024; /* Set MRE in UT0: Select Operation */ UT0 = 0x80000034; /* Set MRV in UT0: Select Margin versus 1’s */ UT0 = 0x80000036; /* Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ do /* Loop to wait for AID=1 */ { tmp = UT0; /* Read UT0 */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; /* Read UMISR0 content*/ data1 = UMISR1; /* Read UMISR1 content*/ data2 = UMISR2; /* Read UMISR2 content*/ data3 = UMISR3; /* Read UMISR3 content*/ data4 = UMISR4; /* Read UMISR4 content*/ UT0 = 0x80000034; /* Reset AIE in UT0: Operation End */ UT0 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UTE, MRE, MRV, AIS in UT0: Deselect Op. */ MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 385 Flash Memory ECC Logic Check ECC Logic Check verifies the integrity of the ECC correction and detection logic. The operation provides user control over the 64 data bit + 8 parity bit inputs. Results of the ECC logic can be checked by reading the MISR value. The ECC Logic Check operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. 2. Write in UT1.DAI31-0 and UT2.DAI63-32 the double word input value. 3. Write in UT0.DSI7-0 the Syndrome Input value. 4. Select the ECC Logic Check: write a logic 1 to the UT0.EIE bit. 5. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the ECC Logic Check. 6. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. 7. Compare UMISR0-4 content with the expected result. 8. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE bit. Notice that when UT0.AID is low UMISR0-4, UT1-2 and bits MRE, MRV, EIE, AIS and DSI7-0 of UT0 are not accessible: reading returns indeterminate data and writing has no effect. Example 18-7. ECC Logic Check UT0 = 0xF9F99999; /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ UT1 = 0x55555555; /* Set DAI31-0 in UT1: Even Word Input Data */ UT2 = 0xAAAAAAAA; /* Set DAI63-32 in UT2: Odd Word Input Data */ UT0 = 0x80FF0000; /* Set DSI7-0 in UT0: Syndrome Input Data */ UT0 = 0x80FF0008; /* Set EIE in UT0: Select ECC Logic Check */ UT0 = 0x80FF000A; /* Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ do /* Loop to wait for AID=1 */ { tmp = UT0; /* Read UT0 */ } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; /* Read UMISR0 content (expected 0x55555555) */ data1 = UMISR1; /* Read UMISR1 content (expected 0xAAAAAAAA) */ data2 = UMISR2; /* Read UMISR2 content (expected 0x55555555) */ data3 = UMISR3; /* Read UMISR3 content (expected 0xAAAAAAAA) */ data4 = UMISR4; /* Read UMISR4 content (expected 0x00FF00FF) */ UT0 = 0x00000000; /* Reset UTE, AIE and EIE in UT0: Operation End */ Error correction code The Flash module provides a method to improve the reliability of the data stored in Flash: the usage of an Error Correction Code. The word size is fixed at 64 bits. Eight ECC bits, programmed to guarantee a Single Error Correction and a Double Error Detection (SEC-DED), are associated to each 64-bit Double Word. ECC circuitry provides correction of single bit faults and is used to achieve automotive reliability targets. Some units will experience single bit corrections throughout the life of the product with no impact to product reliability. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 386 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory ECC algorithms The Flash module supports one ECC Algorithm: “All ‘1’s No Error”. A modified Hamming code is used that ensures the all erased state (that is, 0xFFFF.....FFFF) data is a valid state, and will not cause an ECC error. This allows the user to perform a blank check after a sector erase operation. EEprom emulation Eprom Emulation The choosen ECC algorithm allows some bit manipulations so that a Double Word can be rewritten several times without needing an erase of the sector. This allows to use a Double Word to store flags useful for the Eeprom Emulation. As an example the choosen ECC algorithm allows to start from an All ‘1’s Double Word value and rewrite whichever of its four 16-bits Half-Words to an All ‘0’s content by keeping the same ECC value. The following table shows a set of Double Words sharing the same ECC value: Table 194. Bits Manipulation: Double Words with the same ECC value Double Word ECC All ‘1’s No Error 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 0xFF 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_0000 0xFF 0xFFFF_FFFF_0000_FFFF 0xFF 0xFFFF_0000_FFFF_FFFF 0xFF 0x0000_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 0xFF 0xFFFF_FFFF_0000_0000 0xFF 0xFFFF_0000_FFFF_0000 0xFF 0x0000_FFFF_FFFF_0000 0xFF 0xFFFF_0000_0000_FFFF 0xFF 0x0000_FFFF_0000_FFFF 0xFF 0x0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF 0xFF 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000 0xFF 0x0000_FFFF_0000_0000 0xFF 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 0xFF When some Flash sectors are used to perform an Eeprom Emulation, it is reccomended for safety reasons to reserve at least 3 sectors to this purpose. All ‘1’s No Error The All ‘1’s No Error Algorithm detects as valid any Double Word read on a just erased sector (all the 72 bits are ‘1’s). This option allows to perform a Blank Check after a Sector Erase operation. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 387 Flash Memory Protection strategy Two kinds of protection are available: Modify Protection to avoid unwanted program/erase in Flash sectors and Censored Mode to avoid piracy. Modify protection The Flash Modify Protection information is stored in non-volatile Flash cells located in the TestFlash. This information is read once during the Flash initialization phase following the exiting from Reset and is stored in volatile registers that act as actuators. The reset state of all the volatile modify protection registers is the protected state. All the non-volatile modify protection registers can be programmed through a normal Double Word Program operation at the related locations in TestFlash. The non-volatile modify protection registers cannot be erased. • The non-volatile Modify Protection Registers are physically located in TestFlash their bits can be programmed to ‘0’ only once and they can no more be restored to ‘1’. • The Volatile Modify Protection Registers are Read/Write registers which bits can be written at ‘0’ or ‘1’ by the user application. A software mechanism is provided to independently lock/unlock each Low, Mid and High Address Space Block against program and erase. Software locking is done through the LML (Low/Mid Address Space Block Lock Register) or HBL (High Address Space Block Lock Register) registers. An alternate means to enable software locking for blocks of Low Address Space only is through the SLL (Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Lock Register). All these registers have a non-volatile image stored in TestFlash (NVLML, NVHBL, NVSLL), so that the locking information is kept on reset. On delivery the TestFlash non-volatile image is at all ‘1’s, meaning all sectors are locked. By programming the non-volatile locations in TestFlash the selected sectors can be unlocked. Being the TestFlash One Time Programmable (that is, not erasable), once unlocked the sectors cannot be locked again. Of course, on the contrary, all the volatile registers can be written at 0 or 1 at any time, therefore the user application can lock and unlock sectors when desired. Censored Mode The Censored Mode information is stored in non-volatile Flash cells located in the Shadow Sector. This information is read once during the Flash initialization phase following the exiting from Reset and is stored in volatile registers that act as actuators. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 388 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory The reset state of all the Volatile Censored Mode Registers is the protected state. All the non-volatile Censored Mode registers can be programmed through a normal Double Word Program operation at the related locations in the Shadow Sector. The non-volatile Censored Mode registers can be erased by erasing the Shadow Sector. • The non-volatile Censored Mode Registers are physically located in the Shadow Sector their bits can be programmed to ‘0’ and eventually restored to ‘1’ by erasing the Shadow Sector. • The Volatile Censored Mode Registers are registers not accessible by the user application. The Flash module provides two levels of protection against piracy: • If bits CW15:0 of NVSCI0 are programmed at 0x55AA and NVSC1 = NVSCI0 the Censored Mode is disabled, while all the other possible values enable the Censored Mode. • If bits SC15:0 of NVSCI0 are programmed at 0x55AA and NVSC1 = NVSCI0 the Public Access is disabled, while all the other possible values enable the Public Access. The parts are delivered to the user with Censored Mode and Public Access disabled. 18.4 18.4.1 Data Flash Memory Block Overview The primary function of the Flash Module is to serve as electrically programmable and erasable Non-Volatile Memory. NV Memory may be used for instruction and/or data storage. The Module is a Non-Volatile solid-state silicon memory device consisting of blocks (called also sectors) of single transistor storage elements, an electrical means for selectively adding (programming) and removing (erasing) charge from these elements, and a means of selectively sensing (reading) the charge stored in these elements. The Flash Module is arranged as two functional units: the Flash Core and the Memory Interface. The Flash Core is composed of arrayed Non-Volatile storage elements, sense amplifiers, row decoders, column decoders and charge pumps. The arrayed storage elements in the Flash Core are sub-divided into physically separate units referred to as blocks (or sectors). Flash core is organized including ECC correction code. ECC circuitry provides correction of single bit faults and is used to achieve automotive reliability targets. Some units will experience single bit corrections throughout the life of the product with no impact to product reliability. The Memory Interface contains the registers and logic which control the operation of the Flash Core. The Memory Interface is also the interface between the Flash Module and a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and may contain the ECC logic and redundancy logic. A BIU connects the Flash Module to a system bus, and contains all system level customization required for the SoC application. The Flash Module is generic and requires a BIU to configure it for different SoC applications. A BIU is not included as a part of the Flash Module. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 389 Flash Memory 18.4.2 • • • • • • • • • Features 120 ns Access Time 32 bits Read/Write parallelism 7 bits Error Correction Code (SEC-DED) to enhance Data Retention Sector Erase Single Bank: Read-While-Modify not available Erase Suspend available (Program Suspend not available) Software programmable Program/Erase Protection to avoid unwanted writings Shadow Sector not available Optimized Data Flash is a slave IP that requires clocks and reference current coming from Master LC Data Flash 18.4.3 Block Diagram The Flash Macrocell contains one Matrix Module, composed by a Single Bank: Bank 0, normally used for Code storage. No Read-While-Modify operations are possible. The Modify operations are managed by an embedded Flash Program/Erase Controller (FPEC). Commands to the FPEC are given through a User Registers Interface. The read data bus is 32 bits wide, while the Flash registers are on a separate bus 32 bits wide. The High Voltages needed for Program/Erase operations are internally generated. HV generator Flash Bank 0 Flash Program/Erase Controller 64KB + 8KB TestFlash Flash Registers Matrix Interface Registers Interface Figure 154. Flash Macrocell Structure MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 390 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 18.4.4 Functional Description Macrocell Structure The Flash Macrocell is designed for use in embedded MCU/SoC applications which require Data Non-Volatile Memories for EE emulation. The Flash Module is addressable by Word (32 bits) for program and for read. The Flash Module supports fault tolerance through Error Correction Code (ECC) and/or error detection. The ECC implemented within the Flash Module will correct single bit failures and detect double bit failures. The Flash Module uses an embedded hardware algorithm implemented in the Memory Interface to program and erase the Flash Core. Control logic that works with the software block enables, and software lock mechanisms, is included in the embedded hardware algorithm to guard against accidental program/erase. The hardware algorithm perform the steps necessary to ensure that the storage elements are programmed and erased with sufficient margin to guarantee data integrity and reliability. A programmed bit in the Flash Module reads as logic level 0 (or low). An erased bit in the Flash Module reads as logic level 1 (or high). Program and erase of the Flash Module requires multiple system clock cycles to complete. The erase sequence may be suspended. The program and erase sequences may be aborted. Being a slave IP, Data Flash requires Code Flash to be active (means not under reset or in Disable Mode or in Sleep Mode) in order to be active. Data flash sectorization The Flash Module supports memory sizes of 72 KB of User Memory, plus 8KB of Test Memory. There are two User Address Spaces: Low and Mid Address Space. There is only one size of blocks available to the User in the Flash Core: 16KB. 8KB is reseved for Test Flash The Flash Module is composed by a single Bank (Bank 0): Read-While-Modify is not supported. Bank 0 of the 72 KB Flash macrocell is divided in 4 sectors. Bank 0 contains also a reserved sector named TestFlash in which some One Time Programmable User data are stored. Table 195. Data Flash Module Sectorization Bank Sector Addresses Size Address Space B0 B0F0 0x000000 to 0x003FFF 16KB Low Address Space B0 B0F1 0x004000 to 0x007FFF 16KB Low Address Space B0 B0F2 0x008000 to 0x00BFFF 16KB Low Address Space B0 B0F3 0x00C000 to 0x00FFFF 16KB Low Address Space MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 391 Flash Memory Table 195. Data Flash Module Sectorization Bank Sector Addresses Size Address Space B0 Reserved 0x010000 to 0x03FFFF 192KB Low Address Space B0 Reserved 0x040000 to 0x07FFFF 256KB Mid Address Space B0 B0TF 0x402000 to 0x403FFF 8KB Test Address Space B0 Reserved 0x404000 to 0x7FFFFF 4080KB Test Address Space The Flash Module is divided into blocks also to implement independent Erase/Program protection. A software mechanism is provided to independently lock/unlock each block in low, mid address space against program and erase. Test Flash Block The TestFlash block exists outside the normal address space and is programmed, erased and read independently of the other blocks. The independent TestFlash block is reserved to store the Non Volatile informations related to Redundancy, Configuration and Protection. Due to this special usage, the TestFlash sector is not affected by the Column Redundancy. The ECC, on the contrary, is applied also to TestFlash. The usage of reserved TestFlash sector is detailed in the following table. Table 196. TestFlash structure Name NVLML NVSLL Description Addresses Size User Reserved 0x403D00 to 0x403DE7 232 byte NV Low/Mid address space block Locking reg 0x403DE8 to 0x403DEF 8 byte Reserved 0x403DF0 to 0x403DF7 8 byte NV Secondary Low/mid add space block Lock reg 0x403DF8 to 0x403DFF 8 byte User Reserved 0x403E00 to 0x403EFF 256 byte Reserved 0x403F00 to 0x403FB7 184 byte The Test Flash block can be enabled by the BIU. When the Test space is enabled, the program operations to the Test block are allowed from 0x403D00 to 0x403EFF (User/Lock area is One Time Programmable). User Mode program of the test block are enabled only when MCR.PEAS is high. The TestFlash block contains specified data that are needed for Flash Macrocell or the device features. In User Mode the Flash Module may be read and written (register writes and interlock writes), programmed or erased. The default state of the Flash Module is read. The main and test address space can be read only in the read state. The Flash registers are always available for read, also when the Module is in disable mode (except few documented registers). The Flash Module enters the read state on reset. The Module is in the read state under two sets of conditions: • The read state is active when the Module is enabled (User Mode Read) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 392 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory • The read state is active when MCR.ERS and MCR.ESUS are high and MCR.PGM is low (Erase Suspend). Notice that no Read-While-Modify is available. Flash Core reads return 32 bits. Registers reads return 32 bits (1 Word). Flash Core reads are done through the Bus Interface Unit. Registers reads to unmapped register address space will return all 0’s. Registers writes to unmapped register address space will have no effect. Array reads attempted to invalid locations will result in indeterminate data. Invalid locations occur when addressing is done to blocks that do not exist in non 2n array sizes. Interlock writes attempted to invalid locations, will result in an interlock occurring, but attempts to program these blocks will not occur since they are forced to be locked. Erase will occur to selected and unlocked blocks even if the interlock write is to an invalid location. Simultaneous Read cycle on the Flash Matrix and Read/Write cycles on the Registers are possible. On the contrary Registers Read/Write accesses simultaneous to a Flash Matrix interlock write are forbidden. Reset A reset is the highest priority operation for the Flash module and terminates all other operations. The Flash Module uses reset to initialize register and status bits to their default reset values. If the Flash Module is executing a Program or Erase operation (MCR.PGM = 1 or MCR.ERS = 1) and a reset is issued, the operation will be suddently terminated and the module will disable the high voltage logic without damage to the high voltage circuits. Reset terminates all operations and forces the Flash Module into User mode ready to receive accesses. Reset and power-off must not be used as a systematic way to terminate a Program or Erase operation. After reset is negated, read register access may be done, although it should be noted that registers that require updating from TEST block or KRAM information, or other inputs, may not be read until MCR.DONE transitions. MCR.DONE may be polled to determine if the Flash module has transitioned out of reset. Notice that the registers cannot be written until MCR.DONE is high. Power-down mode The power-down mode allows to turn off all Flash DC current sources, so that all power dissipation is due only to leakage in this mode. Reads from or writes to the module are not possible in power-down mode. The user may not read some registers (UMISR0–1, UT1–1 and part of UT0) until the power-down mode is exited. On the contrary write access is locked on all the registers in Disable Mode. When enabled the Flash Module returns to its pre-disable state in all cases unless in the process of executing an erase high voltage operation at the time of disable. If the Flash Module is disabled during an erase operation, MCR.ESUS bit is set to 1. This means that Flash macrocell is first put into suspend state (after tSUSP). The User may resume the erase operation at the time the Module is enabled by clearing MCR.ESUS bit. MCR.EHV must be high to resume the erase operation. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 393 Flash Memory If the Flash Module is disabled during a program operation, the Disable Mode will be entered only after the programming ends. Slave Mode Being a slave, Data Flash requires Code Flash to be active (means not under reset or in Disable Mode or in Sleep Mode) in order to be active. It is forbidden to put code flash0 in Disable Mode or in Sleep mode or under reset when the data flash is active. 18.4.5 Register description The Flash user registers mapping is shown in the Table 197. Table 197. Data Flash Registers Address offset Register name 0x0000 Module Configuration Register (MCR) 0x0004 Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) 0x0008 Reserved 0x000C Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (SLL) 0x0010 Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) 0x0014 Reserved 0x0018 Address Register (ADR) 0x001C-0x0038 Reserved 0x003C User Test 0 register (UT0) 0x0040 User Test 1 register (UT1) 0x0044 Reserved 0x0048 User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) 0x004C User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) 0x0050-0x0058 Reserved Locations 0x0044, 0x0050, 0x0054 and 0x0058 are Write/Read from user point of view but no functionaly is associated. Registers are not accessible whenever MCR.DONE or UT0.AID are low: reading returns indeterminate data while writing has no effect. In the following some non-volatile registers are described. Please notice that such entities are not Flip-Flops, but locations of TestFlash sector with a special meaning. During the Flash initialization phase, the FPEC reads these non-volatile registers and update the corresponding volatile registers. When the FPEC detects ECC double errors in these special locations, it behaves in the following way: MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 394 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory • • In case of a failing system locations (configurations, redundancy, EmbAlgo firmware), the initialization phase is interrupted and a Fatal Error is flagged. In case of failing user locations (protections, ...), the volatile registers are filled with all ‘1’s and the Flash initialization ends setting low the PEG bit of MCR. Table 198 lists bit access type abbreviations used in this section. Table 198. Abbreviations Abbreviation Case rw read/write The software can read and write to these bits. rc read/clear The software can read and clear to these bits. r read-only The software can only read these bits. w write-only The software should only write to these bits. Description Module Configuration Register (MCR) The Module Configuration Register enables and monitors all the modify operations of each flash module. Identical MCRs are provided in the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x0000 0 R EDC 1 Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MAS MAS MAS 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIZE2 SIZE1 SIZE0 0 LAS2 LAS1 LAS0 0 W r1c Reset R EER RWE W r1c Reset 0 PEAS DONE PEG r1c 0 0 X 1 PGM PSUS ERS ESUS EHV 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 155. Module Configuration Register (MCR) Table 199. MCR field descriptions Field Description EDC EDC: Ecc Data Correction (Read/Clear) EDC provides information on previous reads. If a ECC Single Error detection and correction occurred, the EDC bit will be set to 1. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to 1 by the User. In the event of a ECC Double Error detection, this bit will not be set. If EDC is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous reads (from the last reset, or clearing of EDC) were not corrected through ECC. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. The function of this bit is SoC dependent and it can be configured to be disabled. 0: Reads are occurring normally. 1: An ECC Single Error occurred and was corrected during a previous read. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 395 Flash Memory Table 199. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description SIZE[2:0] Array space SIZE 2–0 The value of SIZE field depends on the size of the flash module: 110 64 KB LAS[2:0] Low Address Space 2–0 The value of the LAS field corresponds to the configuration of the Low Address Space: 110 4 × 16 KB MAS[2:0] Mid Address Space The value of the MAS field corresponds to the configuration of the Mid Address Space: EER EER: ECC event Error (Read/Clear) EER provides information on previous reads. If an ECC Double Error detection occurred, the EER bit is set to ‘1’. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to ‘1’ by the user. In the event of an ECC Single Error detection and correction, this bit will not be set. If EER is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous reads (from the last reset, or clearing of EER) were correct. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to ‘0’ by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. 0: Reads are occurring normally. 1: An ECC Double Error occurred during a previous read. RWE RWE: Read-while-Write event Error (Read/Clear) RWE provides information on previous reads when a Modify operation is on going. If a RWW Error occurs, the RWE bit will be set to 1. Read-While-Write Error means that a read access to the Flash Matrix has occurred while the FPEC was performing a Program or Erase operation or an Array Integrity Check. This bit must then be cleared, or a reset must occur before this bit will return to a 0 state. This bit may not be set to 1 by the User. If RWE is not set, or remains 0, this indicates that all previous RWW reads (from the last reset, or clearing of RWE) were correct. Since this bit is an error flag, it must be cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the register location. A write of 0 will have no effect. 0: Reads are occurring normally. 1: A RWW Error occurred during a previous read. PEAS PEAS: Program/Erase Access Space (Read Only) PEAS is used to indicate which space is valid for program and erase operations: main array space or test space. PEAS = 0 indicates that the main address space is active for all Flash module program and erase operations. PEAS = 1 indicates that the test address space is active for program and erase. The value in PEAS is captured and held with the first interlock write done for Modify operations. The value of PEAS is retained between sampling events (that is, subsequent first interlock writes). 0: Test address space is disabled for program/erase and main address space enabled. 1: Test address space is enabled for program/erase and main address space disabled. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 396 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 199. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description DONE DONE: modify operation DONE (Read Only) DONE indicates if the Flash Module is performing a high voltage operation. DONE is set to 1 on termination of the Flash Module reset. DONE is cleared to 0 just after a 0 to 1 transition of EHV, which initiates a high voltage operation, or after resuming a suspended operation. DONE is set to 1 at the end of program and erase high voltage sequences. DONE is set to 1 (within tPABT or tEABT, equal to P/E Abort Latency) after a 1 to 0 transition of EHV, which aborts a high voltage Program/Erase operation. DONE is set to 1 (within tESUS, time equals to Erase Suspend Latency) after a 0 to 1 transition of ESUS, which suspends an erase operation. 0: Flash is executing a high voltage operation. 1: Flash is not executing a high voltage operation. PEG PEG: Program/Erase Good (Read Only) The PEG bit indicates the completion status of the last Flash Program, Erase, AIC or MM sequence for which high voltage operations were initiated. The value of PEG is updated automatically during the Program, Erase, AIC or MM high voltage operations. Aborting a Program/Erase/AIC/MM high voltage operation will cause PEG to be cleared to ‘0’, indicating the sequence failed. PEG is set to ‘1’ when the Flash Module is reset, unless a Flash initialization error has been detected. The value of PEG is valid only when PGM=1 and/or ERS=1 and after DONE transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’ due to an abort or the completion of a Program/Erase/AIC/MM operation. PEG is valid until PGM/ERS makes a ‘1’ to ‘0’ transition or EHV makes a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition. The value in PEG is not valid after a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of DONE caused by ESUS being set to logic ‘1’. If Program or Erase are attempted on blocks that are locked, the response will be PEG=1, indicating that the operation was successful, and the content of the block were properly protected from the Program or Erase operation. If a Program operation tries to program at ‘1’ bits that are at ‘0’, the program operation is correctly executed on the new bits to be programmed at ‘0’, but PEG is cleared, indicating that the requested operation has failed. In AIC or MM PEG is set to ‘1’ when the operation is completed, regardless the occurrence of any error. The presence of errors can be detected only comparing checksum value stored in UMIRS0-1. 0: Program or Erase, operation failed or aborted. 1: Program or Erase operation successful. 0: AIC or MM aborted. 1: AIC or MM operation successfully concluded, with or without checksum errors. PGM PGM: ProGraM (Read/Write) PGM is used to set up the Flash module for a Program operation. A 0 to 1 transition of PGM initiates a Program sequence. A 1 to 0 transition of PGM ends the Program sequence. PGM can be set only under User Mode Read (ERS is low and UT0.AIE is low). PGM can be cleared by the user only when EHV is low and DONE is high. PGM is cleared on reset. 0: Flash is not executing a Program sequence. 1: Flash is executing a Program sequence. PSUS PSUS: Program SUSpend (Read/Write) Write this bit has no effect, but the written data can be read back. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 397 Flash Memory Table 199. MCR field descriptions (continued) Field ERS Description ERS: ERaSe (Read/Write) ERS is used to set up the Flash module for an erase operation. A 0 to 1 transition of ERS initiates an erase sequence. A 1 to 0 transition of ERS ends the erase sequence. ERS can be set only under User Mode Read (PGM is low and UT0.AIE is low). ERS can be cleared by the user only when ESUS and EHV are low and DONE is high. ERS is cleared on reset. 0: Flash is not executing an erase sequence. 1: Flash is executing an erase sequence. ESUS ESUS: Erase SUSpend (Read/Write) ESUS is used to indicate that the Flash module is in Erase Suspend or in the process of entering a Suspend state. The Flash module is in Erase Suspend when ESUS = 1 and DONE = 1. ESUS can be set high only when ERS and EHV are high and PGM is low. A 0 to 1 transition of ESUS starts the sequence which sets DONE and places the Flash in Erase Suspend. The Flash module enters Suspend within tESUS of this transition. ESUS can be cleared only when DONE and EHV are high and PGM is low. A 1 to 0 transition of ESUS with EHV = 1 starts the sequence which clears DONE and returns the module to Erase. The Flash module cannot exit Erase Suspend and clear DONE while EHV is low. ESUS is cleared on reset. 0: Erase sequence is not suspended. 1: Erase sequence is suspended. EHV EHV: Enable High Voltage (Read/Write) The EHV bit enables the Flash Module for a high voltage Program/Erase operation. EHV is cleared on reset. EHV must be set after an interlock write to start a Program/Erase sequence. EHV may be set under one of the following conditions: Erase (ERS=1, ESUS=0, UT0.AIE=0) Program (ERS=0, ESUS=0, PGM=1, UT0.AIE=0) In normal operation, a 1 to 0 transition of EHV with DONE high and ESUS low terminates the current Program/Erase high voltage operation. When an operation is aborted, there is a 1 to 0 transition of EHV with DONE low and the eventual Suspend bit low. An abort causes the value of PEG to be cleared, indicating a failing Program/Erase;address locations being operated on by the aborted operation contain indeterminate data after an abort. A suspended operation cannot be aborted. Aborting a high voltage operation will leave the Flash Module addresses in an undeterminate data state. This may be recovered by executing an Erase on the affected blocks. EHV may be written during Suspend. EHV must be high to exit Suspend. EHV may not be written after ESUS is set and before DONE transitions high. EHV may not be cleared after ESUS is cleared and before DONE transitions low. 0: Flash is not enabled to perform an high voltage operation. 1: Flash is enabled to perform an high voltage operation. A number of MCR bits are protected against write when another bit, or set of bits, is in a specific state. These write locks are covered on a bit by bit basis in the preceding description, but those locks do not consider the effects of trying to write two or more bits simultaneously. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 398 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory The flash module does not allow the user to write bits simultaneously which would put the device into an illegal state. This is implemented through a priority mechanism among the bits. Table 169 shows the bit changing priorities. Table 200. MCR bits set/clear priority levels Priority level MCR bits 1 ERS 2 PGM 3 EHV 4 ESUS If the user attempts to write two or more MCR bits simultaneously, only the bit with the lowest priority level is written. Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) The Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register provides a means to protect blocks from being modified. These bits, along with bits in the SLL register, determine if the block is locked from program or erase. An “OR” of LML and SLL determine the final lock status. Identical LML registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. The LML register has a related Non Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register located in TestFlash that contains the default reset value for LML: the NVLML register is read during the reset phase of the Flash Module and loaded into the LML. Address: Base + 0x0004 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLK 3 LLK 2 LLK 1 LLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x R LME W Reset R 11 TSLK W Reset 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 156. Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (LML) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 399 Flash Memory Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) Address: Base + 0x40_3DE8 0 Delivery value: 0xFFFFFFFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLK 3 LLK 2 LLK 1 LLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x R LME W Reset R 11 TSLK W Reset 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 157. Non-Volatile Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVLML) The NVLML register is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. Identical NVLML registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Table 201. LML /NVLML field descriptions Field Description LME1 LME: Low/Mid address space block Enable (Read Only) This bit is used to enable the Lock registers (TSLK and LLK3-0) to be set or cleared by registers writes. This bit is a status bit only. The method to set this bit is to write a password, and if the password matches, the LME bit will be set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until a reset operation occurs. For LME the password 0xA1A11111 must be written to the LML register. 0: Low Address Locks are disabled: TSLK and LLK3-0 cannot be written. 1: Low Address Locks are enabled: TSLK and LLK3-0 can be written. TSLK TSLK: Test address space block LocK (Read/Write) This bit is used to lock the block of Test Address Space from Program and Erase (Erase is any case forbidden for Test block). A value of 1 in the TSLK register signifies that the Test block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in the TSLK register signifies that the Test block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The TSLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the TSLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended or if a margin mode is on going. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the TSLK register. The TSLK bit may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bit to go back to its TestFlash block value. The default value of the TSLK bit (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. TSLK is not writable unless LME is high. 0: Test Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also SLL.STSLK=0). 1: Test Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 400 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 201. LML /NVLML field descriptions (continued) 1 Field Description LLK[3:0] LLK3-0: Low address space block LocK 3-0 (Read/Write) These bits are used to lock the blocks of Low Address Space from Program and Erase. LLK3-0 are related to sectors B0F3-0, respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the LLK register signifies that the corresponding block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the LLK register signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The LLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the LLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended or if a margin mode is on going. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the LLK registers. The LLK bits may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bits to go back to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the LLK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the LLK bits will default to locked, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes will have no effect. In the 72 KB Flash Macrocell the writability of bits LLK3-0 is controlled by bits CS3-0 of FVSCR. LLK is not writable unless LME is high. 0: Low Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also SLL.SLK=0). 1: Low Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. This field is present only in LML Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (SLL) The Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register provides an alternative means to protect blocks from being modified. These bits, along with bits in the LML register, determine if the block is locked from program or Erase. An “OR” of LML and SLL determine the final lock status. Identical SLL registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. The SLL register has a related Non Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register located in TestFlash that contains the default reset value for SLL: the NVSLL register is read during the reset phase of the Flash Module and loaded into the SLL. Address: Base + 0x000C 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STS LK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLK 3 SLK 2 SLK 1 SLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x R SLE W Reset R W Reset Figure 158. Secondary Low/mid address space block Locking reg (SLL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 401 Flash Memory Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) The NVSLL register is a 64-bit register, the 32 most significant bits of which (bits 63:32) are “don’t care” bits that are eventually used to manage ECC codes. Identical NVSLL registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x40_3DF8 0 Delivery value: 0xFFFFFFFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STS LK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLK 3 SLK 2 SLK 1 SLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x R SLE W Reset R W Reset Figure 159. Non-Volatile Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Locking register (NVSLL) Table 202. SLL and NVSLL field descriptions Field Description SLE1 Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Enable This bit is used to enable the Lock registers (STSLK and SLK3-0) to be set or cleared by registers writes. This bit is a status bit only. The method to set this bit is to write a password, and if the password matches, the SLE bit will be set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until a reset operation occurs. For SLE the password 0xC3C33333 must be written to the SLL register. 0: Secondary Low/Mid Address Locks are disabled: STSLK and SLK3-0 cannot be written. 1: Secondary Low/Mid Address Locks are enabled: STSLKand SLK3-0 can be written. STSLK Secondary Test/Shadow address space block LocK This bit is used as an alternate means to lock the block of Test Address Space from Program and Erase (Erase is any case forbidden for Test block). A value of 1 in the STSLK register signifies that the Test block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in the STSLK register signifies that the Test block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The STSLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the STSLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended or if a margin mode is on going. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the STSLK register. The STSLK bit may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bit to go back to its TestFlash block value. The default value of the STSLK bit (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. STSLK is not writable unless SLE is high. 0: Test Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also LML.TSLK=0). 1: Test Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 402 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 202. SLL and NVSLL field descriptions (continued) 1 Field Description SLK[3:0] Secondary Low Address Space Block Lock 3–0 These bits are used as an alternate means to lock the blocks of Low Address Space from Program and Erase. SLK3-0 are related to sectors B0F3-0, respectively. A value of 1 in a bit of the SLK register signifies that the corresponding block is locked for Program and Erase. A value of 0 in a bit of the SLK register signifies that the corresponding block is available to receive Program and Erase pulses. The SLK register is not writable once an interlock write is completed until MCR.DONE is set at the completion of the requested operation. Likewise, the SLK register is not writable if a high voltage operation is suspended or if a margin mode is on going. Upon reset, information from the TestFlash block is loaded into the SLK registers. The SLK bits may be written as a register. Reset will cause the bits to go back to their TestFlash block value. The default value of the SLK bits (assuming erased fuses) would be locked. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the SLK bits will default to locked, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 1 (independent of the TestFlash block), and register writes will have no effect. SLK is not writable unless SLE is high. 0: Low Address Space Block is unlocked and can be modified (if also LML.LLK=0). 1: Low Address Space Block is locked and cannot be modified. This field is present only in SLL Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) The Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register provides a means to select blocks to be operated on during erase. Identical LMS registers are provided in the code flash and the data flash blocks. Address: Base + 0x0010 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSL 3 LSL 2 LSL 1 LSL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset Figure 160. Low/Mid Address Space Block Select register (LMS) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 403 Flash Memory Table 203. LMS field descriptions Field Description LSL[3:0] Low Address Space Block Select 3–0 LSL3-0: Low address space block SeLect 3-0 (Read/Write) A value of 1 in the select register signifies that the block is selected for erase. A value of 0 in the select register signifies that the block is not selected for erase. The reset value for the select register is 0, or unselected. LSL3-0 are related to sectors B0F3-0, respectively. The blocks must be selected (or unselected) before doing an erase interlock write as part of the Erase sequence. The select register is not writable once an interlock write is completed or if a high voltage operation is suspended or if a margin mode is on going. In the event that blocks are not present (due to configuration or total memory size), the corresponding LSL bits will default to unselected, and will not be writable. The reset value will always be 0, and register writes will have no effect. 0: Low Address Space Block is unselected for Erase. 1: Low Address Space Block is selected for Erase. Address Register (ADR) The Address Register provides the first failing address in the event module failures (ECC, RWW or FPEC) or the first address at which a ECC single error correction occurs. Address: Base + 0x0018 0 R 1 Access: User read-only 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AD 21 AD 20 AD 19 AD 18 AD 17 AD 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 16 R AD 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD 14 AD 13 AD 12 AD 11 AD 10 AD 9 AD 8 AD 7 AD 6 AD 5 AD 4 AD 3 AD 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 0 Figure 161. Address Register (ADR) Table 204. ADR field descriptions Field Description Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 404 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 204. ADR field descriptions (continued) Field Description AD[22:2] Address 20–3 AD22-2: ADdress 22-2 (Read Only) The Address Register provides the first failing address in the event of ECC error (MCR.EER set) or the first failing address in the event of RWW error (MCR.RWE set), or the address of a failure that may have occurred in a FPEC operation (MCR.PEG cleared). The Address Register provides also the first address at which a ECC single error correction occurs (MCR.EDC set), if the SoC is configured to show this feature. The ECC double error detection takes the highest priority, followed by the RWW error, the FPEC error and the ECC single error correction. When accessed ADR will provide the address related to the first event occurred with the highest priority. The priorities between these 4 possible events is summarized in the following table. In User Mode the Address Register is read only. Table 205. ADR content: priority list Priority level Error flag ADR content 1 MCR[EER] = 1 Address of first ECC Double Error 2 MCR[RWE] = 1 Address of first RWW Error 3 MCR[PEG] = 0 Address of first FPEC Error 4 MCR[EDC] = 1 Address of first ECC Single Error Correction User Test 0 register (UT0) The User Test feature gives the user of the flash module the ability to perform test features on the flash. The User Test 0 register allows controlling the way in which the flash content check is done. The UT0[MRE], UT0[MRV], UT0[AIS], UT0[EIE], and DSI[6:0] bits are not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x003C 0 1 R UTE SBC E Access: User read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R 10 11 12 13 14 15 DSI6 DSI5 DSI4 DSI3 DSI2 DSI1 DSI0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 9 X 0 MRE MRV 0 0 EIE AIS AIE 0 0 0 0 31 AID 1 Figure 162. User Test 0 register (UT0) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 405 Flash Memory Table 206. UT0 field descriptions Field Description UTE UTE: User Test Enable (Read/Clear) This status bit gives indication when User Test is enabled. All bits in UT0-1 and UMISR0-1 are locked when this bit is 0. This bit is not writeable to a 1, but may be cleared. The reset value is 0. The method to set this bit is to provide a password, and if the password matches, the UTE bit is set to reflect the status of enabled, and is enabled until it is cleared by a register write. For UTE the password 0xF9F99999 must be written to the UT0 register. 1:8 DSI6-0 16:24 Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. DSI6-0: Data Syndrome Input 6-0 (Read/Write) These bits represents the input of Syndrome bits of ECC logic used in the ECC Logic Check. The DSI6-0 correspond to the 7 syndrome bits on a single word. These bits are not accessible whenever MCR.DONE or UT0.AID are low: reading returns indeterminate data while writing has no effect. 0: The syndrome bit is forced at 0. 1: The syndrome bit is forced at 1. Reserved (Read Only) A write to these bits has no effect. A read of these bits always outputs 0. 25 Reserved (Read/Write) This bit can be written and its value can be read back, but there is no function associated. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. MRE Margin Read Enable MRE enables margin reads to be done. This bit, combined with MRV, enables regular user mode reads to be replaced by margin reads. Margin reads are only active during Array Integrity Checks; Normal user reads are not affected by MRE. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 Margin reads are disabled. All reads are User mode reads. 1 Margin reads are enabled. MRV Margin Read Value If MRE is high, MRV selects the margin level that is being checked. Margin can be checked to an erased level (MRV = 1) or to a programmed level (MRV = 0). This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 Zero’s (programmed) margin reads are requested (if MRE = 1). 1 One’s (erased) margin reads are requested (if MRE = 1). EIE ECC data Input Enable EIE enables the ECC Logic Check operation to be done. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. 0 ECC Logic Check is disabled. 1 ECC Logic Check is enabled. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 406 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Table 206. UT0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description AIS Array Integrity Sequence AIS determines the address sequence to be used during array integrity checks or Margin Mode. The default sequence (AIS = 0) is meant to replicate sequences normal user code follows, and thoroughly checks the read propagation paths. This sequence is proprietary. The alternative sequence (AIS = 1) is just logically sequential. It should be noted that the time to run a sequential sequence is significantly shorter than the time to run the proprietary sequence. This bit is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data, and writes have no effect. In Margin Mode only the linear sequence (AIS = 1) is allowed, while the proprietary sequence (AIS = 0) is forbidden. 0 Array Integrity sequence is a proprietary sequence. 1 Array Integrity or Margin Mode sequence is sequential. AIE Array Integrity Enable AIE set to 1 starts the Array Integrity Check done on all selected and unlocked blocks. The pattern is selected by AIS, and the MISR (UMISR0–4) can be checked after the operation is complete, to determine if a correct signature is obtained. AIE can be set only if MCR[ERS], MCR[PGM], and MCR[EHV] are all low. 0 Array Integrity Checks are disabled. 1 Array Integrity Checks are enabled. AID Array Integrity Done AID is cleared upon an Array Integrity Check being enabled (to signify the operation is on-going). Once completed, AID is set to indicate that the Array Integrity Check is complete. At this time, the MISR (UMISR0–4) can be checked. 0 Array Integrity Check is on-going. 1 Array Integrity Check is done. User Test 1 register (UT1) The User Test 1 register allows to enable the checks on the ECC logic related to the 32 LSB of the Double Word. The User Test 1 register is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0040 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DAI 30 DAI 29 DAI 28 DAI 27 DAI 26 DAI 25 DAI 24 DAI 23 DAI 22 DAI 21 DAI 20 DAI 19 DAI 18 DAI 17 DAI 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DAI 14 DAI 13 DAI 12 DAI 11 DAI 10 DAI 9 DAI 8 DAI 7 DAI 6 DAI 5 DAI 4 DAI 3 DAI 2 DAI 1 DAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R DAI W 31 Reset R DAI W 15 Reset Access: User read/write 0 Figure 163. User Test 1 register (UT1) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 407 Flash Memory Table 207. UT1 field descriptions Field Description DAI[31:0] Data Array Input 31–0 These bits represent the input of the even word of ECC logic used in the ECC Logic Check. The DAI[31:0] bits correspond to the 32 array bits representing Word 0 within the double word. 0 The array bit is forced at 0. 1 The array bit is forced at 1. User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) The Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) provides a mean to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR0 represents the bits 31:0 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR0 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. Address: Base + 0x0048 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 030 MS 029 MS 028 MS 027 MS 026 MS 025 MS 024 MS 023 MS 022 MS 021 MS 020 MS 019 MS 018 MS 017 MS 016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 014 MS 013 MS 012 MS 011 MS 010 MS 009 MS 008 MS 007 MS 006 MS 005 MS 004 MS 003 MS 002 MS 001 MS 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R MS W 031 Reset R MS W 015 Reset Access: User read/write 0 Figure 164. User Multiple Input Signature Register 0 (UMISR0) Table 208. UMSIR0 field descriptions Field Description MS[031:000] Multiple input Signature 031–000 These bits represent the MISR value obtained by accumulating the bits 31:0 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR0 register. User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) The Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) provides a means to evaluate the array integrity. UMISR1 represents bits 63:32 of the whole 144-bit word (2 double words including ECC). UMISR1 is not accessible whenever MCR[DONE] or UT0[AID] are low. Reads return indeterminate data. Writes have no effect. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 408 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory Address: Base + 0x004C 0 R MS W 063 Reset 0 16 R MS W 047 Reset 0 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MS 062 MS 061 MS 060 MS 059 MS 058 MS 057 MS 056 MS 055 MS 054 MS 053 MS 052 MS 051 MS 050 MS 049 MS 048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS 046 MS 045 MS 044 MS 043 MS 042 MS 041 MS 040 MS 039 MS 038 MS 037 MS 036 MS 035 MS 034 MS 033 MS 032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 165. User Multiple Input Signature Register 1 (UMISR1) Table 209. UMISR1 field descriptions Field MS[063:032] 18.4.6 Description Multiple input Signature 063–032 These bits represent the MISR value obtained accumulating the bits 63:32 of all the pages read from the flash memory. The MS can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR1 register. Programming considerations Modify operation All the Modify Operations of the Flash Module are managed through the Flash User Registers Interface. All the sectors of the Flash Module belong to the same partition (Bank), therefore when a Modify operation is active on some sectors no read access is possible on any other sector (Read-While-Modify is not supported). During a Flash Modify Operation any attempt to read any Flash location will output invalid data and bit RWE of MCR will be automatically set. This means that the Flash Module is not fetchable when a Modify Operation is active: the Modify Operation commands must be executed from another Memory (internal Ram or external Memory). If during a Modify Operation a reset occurs, the operation is suddenly terminated and the Macrocell is reset to Read Mode. The data integrity of the Flash section where the Modify Operation has been terminated or aborted is not guaranteed: the interrupted Flash Modify Operation must be repeated. In general each Modify Operation is started through a sequence of 3 steps: 1. The first instruction is used to select the desired operation by setting its corresponding selection bit in MCR (PGM or ERS) or UT0 (MRE or EIE). 2. The second step is the definition of the operands: the Address and the Data for programming or the Sectors for erase or margin read. 3. The third instruction is used to start the Modify Operation, by setting EHV in MCR or AIE in UT0. Once selected, but not yet started, one operation can be canceled by resetting the operation selection bit. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 409 Flash Memory A summary of the available Flash modify operations is shown in the Table 210. Table 210. Flash modify operations Operation Select bit Operands Start bit Double word program MCR.PGM Address and data by interlock writes MCR.EHV Sector erase MCR.ERS LMS MCR.EHV Array integrity check None LMS UT0.AIE Margin read UT0.MRE UT0.MRV + LMS UT0.AIE ECC logic check UT0.EIE UT0.DSI, UT1, UT2 UT0.AIE Once bit MCR.EHV (or UT0.AIE) is set, all the operands can no more be modified until bit MCR.DONE (or UT0.AID) is high. In general each modify operation is completed through a sequence of four steps: 1. Wait for operation completion: wait for bit MCR.DONE (or UT0.AID) to go high. 2. Check operation result: check bit MCR.PEG (or compare UMISR0-1 with expected value). 3. Switch off FPEC by resetting MCR.EHV (or UT0.AIE). 4. Deselect current operation by clearing MCR.PGM/ERS (or UT0.MRE/EIE). In the following all the possible modify operations are described and some examples of the sequences needed to activate them are presented. Word program A Flash program sequence operates on any word within the Flash core. Whenever flash bits are programmed, ECC bits also get programmed, unless the selected address belongs to a sector in which the ECC has been disabled in order to allow bit manipulation. ECC is handled on a 32-bit boundary. Programming changes the value stored in an array bit from logic 1 to logic 0 only. Programming cannot change a stored logic 0 to a logic 1. Addresses in locked/disabled blocks cannot be programmed. The user may program the values in any words within a single program sequence. The Program operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Change the value in the MCR.PGM bit from 0 to 1. 2. Ensure the block that contains the address to be programmed is unlocked. a) Write the first address to be programmed with the program data. b) The Flash module latches address bits (22:2) at this time. c) The Flash module latches data written as well. d) This write is referred to as a program data interlock write. An interlock is at 32 bits. 3. Write a logic 1 to the MCR[EHV] bit to start the internal program sequence or skip to step 8 to terminate. . MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 410 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wait until the MCR[DONE] bit goes high. Confirm MCR[PEG]=1. Write a logic 0 to the MCR[EHV] bit. If more addresses are to be programmed, return to step 2. Write a logic 0 to the MCR[PGM] bit to terminate the program operation. Program may be initiated with the 0 to 1 transition of the MCR[PGM] bit or by clearing the MCR[EHV] bit at the end of a previous program. The first write after a program is initiated determines the page address to be programmed. This first write is referred to as an interlock write. The interlock write determines if the test or normal array space will be programmed by causing MCR[PEAS] to be set/cleared. An interlock write must be performed before setting MCR[EHV]. The user may terminate a program sequence by clearing MCR[PGM] prior to setting MCR[EHV]. After the interlock write, additional writes only affect the data to be programmed in the word. If multiple writes are done to the same location the data for the last write is used in programming. While MCR[DONE] is low and MCR[EHV] is high, the user may clear EHV, resulting in a program abort. A Program abort forces the module to step 7 of the program sequence. An aborted program will result in MCR[PEG] being set low, indicating a failed operation. MCR[DONE] must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. The data space being operated on before the abort will contain indeterminate data. This may be recovered by repeating the same program instruction or executing an erase of the affected blocks. Example 1. Word program of data 0x55AA55AA at address 0x00AAA8 MCR = 0x00000010; (0x00AAA8) = 0x55AA55AA; MCR = 0x00000011; do { tmp = MCR; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); status = MCR & 0x00000200; MCR = 0x00000010; MCR = 0x00000000; /* /* /* /* /* Set PGM in MCR: Select Operation */ Latch Address and 32 LSB data */ Set EHV in MCR: Operation Start */ Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ Read MCR */ /* Check PEG flag */ /* Reset EHV in MCR: Operation End */ /* Reset PGM in MCR: Deselect Operation */ Sector erase Erase changes the value stored in all bits of the selected block(s) to logic 1. An erase sequence operates on any combination of blocks (sectors). The test block cannot be erased. The erase sequence is fully automated within the Flash. The user only needs to select the blocks to be erased and initiate the erase sequence. Locked/disabled blocks cannot be erased. If multiple blocks are selected for erase during an erase sequence, no specific operation order must be assumed. The erase operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Change the value in the MCR.ERS bit from 0 to 1. 2. Select the block(s) to be erased by writing ‘1’s to the appropriate register(s). Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no erase will occur. 3. Write to any address in Flash. This is referred to as an erase interlock write. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 411 Flash Memory 4. Write a logic 1 to the MCR.EHV bit to start the internal erase sequence or skip to step 9 to terminate. 5. Wait until the MCR.DONE bit goes high. 6. Confirm MCR.PEG=1. 7. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.EHV bit. 8. If more blocks are to be erased, return to step 2. 9. Write a logic 0 to the MCR.ERS bit to terminate the erase operation. After setting MCR.ERS, one write, referred to as an interlock write, must be performed before MCR.EHV can be set to 1. Data words written during erase sequence interlock writes are ignored. The User may terminate the erase sequence by clearing ERS before setting EHV. An erase operation may be aborted by clearing MCR.EHV assuming MCR.DONE is low, MCR.EHV is high and MCR.ESUS is low. An erase abort forces the Module to step 8 of the erase sequence. An aborted erase will result in MCR.PEG being set low, indicating a failed operation. MCR.DONE must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. The block(s) being operated on before the abort contain indeterminate data. This may be recovered by executing an erase on the affected blocks. The User may not abort an erase sequence while in erase suspend. Example 2. Erase of sectors B0F1 and B0F2 MCR = 0x00000004; LMS = 0x00000006; (0x000000) = 0xFFFFFFFF; MCR = 0x00000005; do { tmp = MCR; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); status = MCR & 0x00000200; MCR = 0x00000004; MCR = 0x00000000; /* /* /* /* /* /* Set ERS in MCR: Select Operation */ Set LSL2-1 in LMS: Select Sectors to erase */ Latch a Flash Address with any data */ Set EHV in MCR: Operation Start */ Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ Read MCR */ /* Check PEG flag */ /* Reset EHV in MCR: Operation End */ /* Reset ERS in MCR: Deselect Operation */ Erase suspend/resume The erase sequence may be suspended to allow read access to the Flash Core. It is not possible to program or to erase during an erase suspend. During erase suspend, all reads to blocks targeted for erase return indeterminate data.An erase supend can be initiated by changing the value of the MCR.ESUS bit from 0 to 1. MCR.ESUS can be set to 1 at any time when MCR.ERS and MCR.EHV are high and MCR.PGM is low. A 0 to 1 transition of MCR.ESUS causes the Module to start the sequence which places it in erase suspend. The User must wait until MCR.DONE=1 before the Module is suspended and further actions are attempted. MCR.DONE will go high no more than tESUS after MCR.ESUS is set to 1. Once suspended, the array may be read. Flash Core reads while MCR.ESUS=1 from the block(s) being erased return indeterminate data. Example 3. Sector erase suspend MCR do = 0x00000007; /* Set ESUS in MCR: Erase Suspend */ /* Loop to wait for DONE=1 */ MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 412 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory { tmp = MCR; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000400) ); /* Read MCR */ Notice that there is no need to clear MCR.EHV and MCR.ERS in order to perform reads during erase suspend. The erase sequence is resumed by writing a logic 0 to MCR.ESUS. MCR.EHV must be set to ‘1’ before MCR.ESUS can be cleared to resume the operation. The module continues the erase sequence from one of a set of predefined points. This may extend the time required for the erase operation. Example 4. Sector erase resume MCR = 0x00000005; /* Reset ESUS in MCR: Erase Resume */ User Test Mode User Test Mode is a procedure to check the integrity of the Flash Module. Three kinds of test can be performed: • Array Integrity Self Check • Margin Read • ECC Logic Check The User Test Mode is equivalent to a Modify operation: read accesses attempted by the user during User Test Mode generates a Read-While-Write Error (RWE of MCR set). It is not allowed to perform User Test operations on the Test and Shadow blocks. Array integrity self check Array Integrity is checked using a pre-defined address sequence (proprietary), and this operation is executed on selected and unlocked blocks. Once the operation is completed, the results of the reads can be checked by reading the MISR value (stored in UMISR0-1), to determine if an incorrect read, or ECC detection was noted. The internal MISR calculator is a 32 bit register. The 32 bit data, the 7 ECC data and the single and double ECC errors of the Word are therefore captured by the MISR through 2 different read accesses at the same location. The whole check is done through 2 complete scans of the memory address space: 1. The 1st pass will scan only bits 31-0 of each word. 2. The 2nd pass will scan only the ECC bits (7) and the single and double ECC errors (1 + 1) of each word. The 32 data bit and the 7 ECC data are sampled before the eventual ECC correction, while the single and double error flags are sampled after the ECC evaluation. Only data from existing and unlocked locations are captured by the MISR. The MISR can be seeded to any value by writing the UMISR0-1 registers. Once command is started, Array Integrity check is run by FPEC using system clock and the number of wait states identified by address and data wait states. The Array Integrity Self Check consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 413 Flash Memory 2. Select the block(s) to be checked by writing 1’s to the appropriate register(s) in LMS. Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no Array Integrity Check will occur. 3. Set eventually UT0.AIS bit for a sequential addressing only. 4. Clear (or insert seed) UMISR0-1 5. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the Array Integrity Check. 6. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. 7. Compare UMISR0-1 content with the expected result. 8. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE bit. 9. If more blocks are to be checked, return to step 2. 10. clear UT0 writing UT0.UTE to ‘0’ It is recomended to leave UT0.AIS at 0 and use the proprietary address sequence that checks the read path more fully, although this sequence takes more time. While UT0.AID is low and UT0.AIE is high, the User may clear AIE, resulting in a Array Integrity Check abort. UT0.AID must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. Example 5. Array integrity check of sectors B0F1 and B0F2 UT0 = 0xF9F99999; LMS = 0x00000006; UT0 = 0x80000002; do { tmp = UT0; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; data1 = UMISR1; UT0 = 0x00000000; /* /* /* /* /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ Set LSL2-1 in LMS: Select Sectors */ Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ Loop to wait for AID=1 */ Read UT0 */ /* Read UMISR0 content*/ /* Read UMISR1 content*/ /* Reset UTE and AIE in UT0: Operation End */ Margin read Margin read procedure (either Margin 0 or Margin 1), can be run on unlocked blocks in order to unbalance the Sense Amplifiers, respect to standard read conditions, so that all the read accesses reduce the margin vs ‘0’ (UT0.MRV = ‘0’) or vs ‘1’ (UT0.MRV = ‘1’). Locked sectors are ignored by MISR calculation and ECC flagging. The results of the margin reads can be checked comparing checksum value in UMISR0-1. Since Margin reads are done at voltages that differ than the normal read voltage, lifetime expectancy of the Flash macrocell is impacted by the execution of Margin reads. Doing Margin reads repetitively results in degradation of the Flash Array, and shorten expected lifetime experienced at normal read levels. It is recommended the Margin reads be done on a limited basis (less than 10 times before the next chip erase). The Margin Read Setup operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. 2. Select the block(s) to be checked by writing 1’s to the appropriate register(s) in LMS. Note that Lock and Select are independent. If a block is selected and locked, no Margin Readwill occur. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 414 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set eventually UT0.AIS bit for a sequential addressing only. Change the value in the UT0.MRE bit from 0 to 1. Select the Margin level: UT0.MRV=0 for 0’s margin, UT0.MRV=1 for 1’s margin. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the Margin Read Setup or skip to step 6 to terminate. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. Compare UMISR0-1 content with the expected result. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE UT0.MRE and UT0.MRV bits. It is recomended to leave UT0.AIS at 1 and use the linear address sequence and takes less time. While UT0.AID is low and UT0.AIE is high, the User may clear AIE, resulting in a Margin Mode abort. UT0.AID must be checked to know when the aborting command has completed. Example 6. Margin read setup versus ‘1’s UT0 = 0xF9F99999; UT0 = 0x80000020; UT0 = 0x80000030; UT0 = 0x80000032; do { tmp = UT0; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; data1 = UMISR1; UT0 = 0x00000000; Operation */ /* /* /* /* /* /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ Set MRE in UT0: Select Operation */ Set MRV in UT0: Select Margin versus 1’s */ Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ Loop to wait for AID=1 */ Read UT0 */ /* Read UMISR0 content*/ /* Read UMISR1 content*/ /* Reset UTE, AIE, MRE, MRV in UT0: Deselect ECC logic check ECC logic can be checked by forcing the input of ECC logic: the 32 bits of data and the 7 bits of ECC syndrome can be individually forced and they will drive simultaneously at the same value the ECC logic of the word. The results of the ECC Logic Check can be verified by reading the MISR value. The ECC Logic Check operation consists of the following sequence of events: 1. Set UTE in UT0 by writing the related password in UT0. 2. Write in UT1.DAI31-0 Word Input value. 3. Write in UT0.DSI6-0 the Syndrome Input value. 4. Select the ECC Logic Check: write a logic 1 to the UT0.EIE bit. 5. Write a logic 1 to the UT0.AIE bit to start the ECC Logic Check. 6. Wait until the UT0.AID bit goes high. 7. Compare UMISR0-1 content with the expected result. 8. Write a logic 0 to the UT0.AIE bit. Notice that when UT0.AID is low UMISR0-1, UT1 and bits MRE, MRV, EIE, AIS and DSI6-0 of UT0 are not accessible: reading returns undeterminate data and write has no effect. Example 7. ECC logic check UT0 = 0xF9F99999; /* Set UTE in UT0: Enable User Test */ MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 415 Flash Memory UT1 = 0x55555555; UT0 = 0x80380000; UT0 = 0x80380008; UT0 = 0x8038000A; do { tmp = UT0; } while ( !(tmp & 0x00000001) ); data0 = UMISR0; UT0 = 0x00000000; 18.4.7 /* /* /* /* /* /* Set DAI31-0 in UT1: Word Input Data */ Set DSI6-0 in UT0: Syndrome Input Data */ Set EIE in UT0: Select ECC Logic Check */ Set AIE in UT0: Operation Start */ Loop to wait for AID=1 */ Read UT0 */ /* Read UMISR0 content (expected 0x55555555) */ /* Reset UTE, AIE and EIE in UT0: Operation End */ Error correction code The Flash Macrocell provides a method to improve the reliability of the data stored in Flash: the usage of an Error Correction Code. ECC circuitry provides correction of single bit faults and is used to achieve automotive reliability targets. Some units will experience single bit corrections throughout the life of the product with no impact to product reliability. Word size is fixed at 32 bits. At each Word of 32 bits there are associated 7 ECC bits that are programmed in such a way to guarantee a Single Error Correction and a Double Error Detection (SEC-DED). ECC algorithms The Flash module supports one ECC Algorithm: “All ‘1’s No Error”. A modified Hamming code is used that ensures the all erased state (that is, 0xFFFF.....FFFF) data is a valid state, and will not cause an ECC error. This allows the user to perform a blank check after a sector erase operation. ECC Algorithms Features The Flash Macrocell ECC Algorithm supports the following features: • All ‘0’s Error — The All ‘0’s Error Algorithm detects as Double ECC Error any Word in which all the 39 bits are “0’s. • All ‘1’s No Error — The All ‘1’s No Error Algorithm detects as valid any Word read on a just erased sector (all the 39 bits are “1’s). This option allows to perform a Blank Check after a Sector Erase operation. • Bit Manipulation — 8 bits clears (by byte) are allowed on any erased word mantaining valid the syndrome of the word. 8 bits clears can be done on any byte of the word without a specific order. This featured is intended as a counter for EE-Emulation. Example 1: data patterns with the same ECC syndrome (equal to 0x7F). 0xFFFFFFFF -> 7F 0xFFFFFF00 -> 7F 0xFFFF00FF -> 7F MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 416 Freescale Semiconductor Flash Memory 0xFF00FFFF 0x00FFFFFF 0xFFFF0000 0x0000FFFF 0xFF000000 0x000000FF 0x00000000 • 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F Enhanced flagging In case flagging method is required for more then 4 writes, the following sequence aloows up to 7 pattern with the same ECC syndrome. 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFB1 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFACFF00 0xFF00FF00 0xCA00FF00 0x0000FF00 0x00000000 • -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 3 Bits Error Detection — 40.21% of the possible 3 bits errors are detects as Double ECC Error. — 59.79% of the possible 3 bits errors are instead detects as Single ECC Error and miscorrected.. 18.4.8 Protection strategy Two kinds of protection are available: Modify Protection to avoid unwanted program/erase in Flash sectors. The Censored Mode to avoid piracy must be managed by the associated Code Flash Macrocell embedded in the same device. Modify protection The Flash Modify Protection information is stored in non-volatile Flash cells located in the TestFlash. This information is read once during the Flash initialization phase following the exiting from Reset and they are stored in volatile registers that act as actuators. The reset state of all the Volatile Modify Protection Registers is the protected state. All the non-volatile Modify Protection registers can be programmed through a normal Word Program operation at the related locations in TestFlash. The non-volatile Modify Protection registers cannot be erased. • The non-volatile Modify Protection Registers are physically located in TestFlash their bits can be programmed to ‘0’ only once and they can no more be restored to ‘1’. • The Volatile Modify Protection Registers are Read/Write registers which bits can be written at ‘0’ or ‘1’ by the user application. A software mechanism is provided to independently lock/unlock each Low, Mid Address Space Block against program and erase. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 417 Flash Memory Software locking is done through the LML (Low/Mid Address Space Block Lock Register). An alternate means to enable software locking for blocks of Low Address Space only is through the SLL (Secondary Low/Mid Address Space Block Lock Register). All these registers have a Non Volatile image stored in TestFlash (NVLML, NVSLL), so that the locking information is kept on reset. On delivery the TestFlash Non Volatile image is at all 1’s that means all sectors locked. By programming the Non Volatile locations in TestFlash the selected sectors can be unlocked. Being the TestFlash One Time Programmable (i.e. not erasable), once unlocked the sectors cannot be locked again. Of course, on the contrary, all the volatile registers can be written at 0 or 1 at any time, therefore the User Application can lock and unlock sectors when desired. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 418 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Chapter 19 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 19.1 Introduction This chapter describes the enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Controller, a second-generation module capable of performing complex data transfers with minimal intervention from a host processor. 19.2 Overview The enhanced direct memory access (eDMA) controller hardware microarchitecture includes a DMA engine that performs source and destination address calculations, and the actual data movement operations, along with SRAM-based local memory containing the transfer control descriptors (TCD) for the channels. Figure 166 is a block diagram of the eDMA module. eDMA SRAM Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) Slave write address Slave write data TCD0 TCD15* eDMA Engine Bus read data Slave Interface System Bus SRAM Program model/ channel arbitration Data path Address path Control Slave read data Bus write data Bus address *n = 16 channels eDMA peripheral request eDMA done Figure 166. eDMA block diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 419 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 19.3 Features The eDMA is a highly programmable data transfer engine, which has been optimized to minimize the required intervention from the host processor. It is intended for use in applications where the data size to be transferred is statically known, and is not defined within the data packet itself. The eDMA module features: • All data movement via dual-address transfers: read from source, write to destination • Programmable source, destination addresses, transfer size, plus support for enhanced addressing modes • 16-channel implementation performs complex data transfers with minimal intervention from a host processor — 32 bytes of data registers, used as temporary storage to support burst transfers (refer to SSIZE bit) — Connections to the crossbar switch for bus mastering the data movement • Transfer control descriptor (TCD) organized to support two-deep, nested transfer operations — 32-byte TCD per channel stored in local memory — An inner data transfer loop defined by a minor byte transfer count — An outer data transfer loop defined by a major iteration count • Channel activation via one of three methods: — Explicit software initiation — Initiation via a channel-to-channel linking mechanism for continual transfers — Peripheral-paced hardware requests (one per channel) NOTE For all three methods, one activation per execution of the minor loop is required. • • • • Support for fixed-priority and round-robin channel arbitration Channel completion reported via optional interrupt requests — One interrupt per channel, optionally asserted at completion of major iteration count — Error terminations are enabled per channel, and logically summed together to form a single error interrupt. Support for scatter/gather DMA processing Any channel can be programmed so that it can be suspended by a higher priority channel’s activation, before completion of a minor loop. Throughout this chapter, n is used to reference the channel number. Additionally, data sizes are defined as byte (8-bit), halfword (16-bit), word (32-bit) and doubleword (64-bit). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 420 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 19.4 19.4.1 Modes of operation Normal mode In normal mode, the eDMA transfers data between a source and a destination. The source and destination can be a memory block or an I/O block capable of operation with the eDMA. 19.4.2 Debug mode If enabled by EDMA_CR[EDBG] and the CPU enters debug mode, the eDMA does not grant a service request when the debug input signal is asserted. If the signal asserts during a data block transfer as described by a minor loop in the current active channel’s TCD, the eDMA continues the operation until the minor loop completes. 19.5 19.5.1 Memory map and register definition Memory map The eDMA programming model is partitioned into two regions: Region 1 defines control registers; Region 2 defines the local transfer control for the descriptor memory. Table 211 is a 32-bit view of the eDMA memory map. Table 211. eDMA memory map Offset from EDMA_BASE (0xFFF4_4000) Register Access Reset Value Location 0x0000 EDMA_CR—Control Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 423 0x0004 EDMA_ESR—eDMA Error Status Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 423 0x0008 Reserved 0x000C EDMA_ERQL—eDMA Enable Request Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 427 0x0010 Reserved 0x0014 EDMA_EEIRL—eDMA Enable Error Interrupt Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 428 0x0018 EDMA_SERQR—eDMA Set Enable Request Register W 0x00 on page 429 0x0019 EDMA_CERQR—eDMA Clear Enable Request Register W 0x00 on page 429 0x001A EDMA_SEEI—eDMA Set Enable Error Interrupt Register 0x00 on page 430 0x001B EDMA_CEEI—eDMA Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register 0x00 on page 430 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 421 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 211. eDMA memory map (continued) Offset from EDMA_BASE (0xFFF4_4000) Register Access Reset Value Location 0x001C EDMA_CIRQR—eDMA Clear Interrupt Request Register 0x00 on page 431 0x001D EDMA_CER—eDMA Clear Error Register 0x00 on page 432 0x001E EDMA_SSBR—eDMA Set START Bit Register 0x00 on page 432 0x001F EDMA_CDSBR—eDMA Clear DONE Status Register 0x00 on page 433 0x0020 Reserved 0x0024 EDMA_IRQRL—eDMA Interrupt Request Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 433 0x0028 Reserved 0x002C EDMA_ERL—eDMA Error Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 434 0x0030 Reserved 0x0034 EDMA_HRSL—eDMA Hardware Request Status Register R/W 0x0000_0000 on page 435 0x0038–0x00FF Reserved 0x0100 EDMA_CPR0—eDMA Channel 0 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0101 EDMA_CPR1—eDMA Channel 1 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0102 EDMA_CPR2—eDMA Channel 2 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0103 EDMA_CPR3—eDMA Channel 3 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0104 EDMA_CPR4—eDMA Channel 4 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0105 EDMA_CPR5—eDMA Channel 5 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0106 EDMA_CPR6—eDMA Channel 6 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0107 EDMA_CPR7—eDMA Channel 7 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0108 EDMA_CPR8—eDMA Channel 8 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 on page 436 0x0109 EDMA_CPR9—eDMA Channel 9 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 0x010A EDMA_CPR10—eDMA Channel 10 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x010B EDMA_CPR11—eDMA Channel 11 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x010C EDMA_CPR12—eDMA Channel 12 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x010D EDMA_CPR13—eDMA Channel 13 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x010E EDMA_CPR14—eDMA Channel 14 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x010F EDMA_CPR15—eDMA Channel 15 Priority Register R/W 0x0n1 on page 436 0x0110–0x0FFF Reserved 0x1000 TCD00—Transfer Control Descriptor 0 R/W U2 on page 437 0x1020 TCD01—Transfer Control Descriptor 1 R/W U2 on page 437 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 422 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 211. eDMA memory map (continued) Offset from EDMA_BASE (0xFFF4_4000) 0x1040 Register TCD02—Transfer Control Descriptor 2 Access Reset Value Location R/W U2 on page 437 2 0x1060 TCD03—Transfer Control Descriptor 3 R/W U on page 437 0x1080 TCD04—Transfer Control Descriptor 4 R/W U2 on page 437 2 0x10A0 TCD05—Transfer Control Descriptor 5 R/W U on page 437 0x10C0 TCD06—Transfer Control Descriptor 6 R/W U2 on page 437 2 0x10E0 TCD07—Transfer Control Descriptor 7 R/W U on page 437 0x1100 TCD08—Transfer Control Descriptor 8 R/W U2 on page 437 on page 437 0x1120 TCD09—Transfer Control Descriptor 9 R/W U2 0x1140 TCD10—Transfer Control Descriptor 10 R/W U2 on page 437 on page 437 0x1160 TCD11—Transfer Control Descriptor 11 R/W U2 0x1180 TCD12—Transfer Control Descriptor 12 R/W U2 on page 437 on page 437 0x11A0 TCD13—Transfer Control Descriptor 13 R/W U2 0x11C0 TCD14—Transfer Control Descriptor 14 R/W U2 on page 437 R/W U2 on page 437 0x11E0 TCD15—Transfer Control Descriptor 15 0x1200–0x3FFF Reserved 1 2 Reset value is0x0n where n is the eDMA channel number. Undefined at reset, 256-bit value. 19.5.2 Register descriptions Read operations on reserved bits in a register return undefined data. Do not write operations to reserved bits. Writing to reserved bits in a register can generate errors. The maximum register bit-width for this device is 16 bits wide. eDMA Control Register (EDMA_CR) The 32-bit EDMA_CR defines the basic operating configuration of the eDMA. The eDMA arbitrates channel service requests in one group of 16 channels. Arbitration can be configured to use either fixed-priority or round-robin. In fixed-priority arbitration, the highest priority channel requesting service is selected to execute. The priorities are assigned by the channel priority registers. In round-robin arbitration mode, the channel priorities are ignored and the channels are cycled through, from channel 15 down to channel 0, without regard to priority. Refer to Section, “eDMA Channel n Priority Registers (EDMA_CPRn)”. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 423 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Address: Base + 0x0000 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset ERCA EDBG 0 0 0 0 Figure 167. eDMA Control Register (EDMA_CR) Table 212. EDMA_CR field descriptions Field 0-28 Description Reserved. 29 ERCA Enable round-robin channel arbitration. 0 Fixed-priority arbitration is used for channel selection within each group. 1 Round-robin arbitration is used for channel selection within each group. 30 EDBG Enable debug. 0 The assertion of the system debug control input is ignored. 1 The assertion of the system debug control input causes the eDMA to stall the start of a new channel. Executing channels are allowed to complete. Channel execution resumes when either the system debug control input is negated or the EDBG bit is cleared. 31 Reserved. eDMA Error Status Register (EDMA_ESR) The EDMA_ESR provides information concerning the last recorded channel error. Channel errors can be caused by a configuration error (an illegal setting in the transfer control descriptor or an illegal priority register setting in fixed arbitration mode) or an error termination to a bus master read or write cycle. A configuration error is caused when the starting source or destination address, source or destination offsets, minor loop byte count, and the transfer size represent an inconsistent state. The addresses and offsets must be aligned on 0-modulo-transfer_size boundaries, and the minor loop byte count must be a multiple of the source and destination transfer sizes. All source reads and destination writes must be configured to the natural boundary of the programmed transfer size respectively. In fixed arbitration mode, a configuration error is caused by any two channel priorities being equal within a group, or any group priority levels being equal among the groups. For either type of priority configuration error, the ERRCHN field is undefined. All channel priority levels within a group must be unique and all group priority levels among the groups must be unique when fixed arbitration mode is enabled. If a scatter/gather operation is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration error is reported if the scatter/gather address (DLAST_SGA) is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary. If minor loop channel linking is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration error is reported when the link is attempted if the TCD.CITER.E_LINK bit does not equal the TCD.BITER.E_LINK bit. All configuration error conditions MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 424 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) except scatter/gather and minor loop link error are reported as the channel is activated and assert an error interrupt request if enabled. When properly enabled, a scatter/gather configuration error is reported when the scatter/gather operation begins at major loop completion. A minor loop channel link configuration error is reported when the link operation is serviced at minor loop completion. If a system bus read or write is terminated with an error, the data transfer is immediately stopped and the appropriate bus error flag is set. In this case, the state of the channel’s transfer control descriptor is updated by the eDMA engine with the current source address, destination address, and minor loop byte count at the point of the fault. If a bus error occurs on the last read prior to beginning the write sequence, the write executes using the data captured during the bus error. If a bus error occurs on the last write prior to switching to the next read sequence, the read sequence executes before the channel is terminated due to the destination bus error. The occurrence of any type of error causes the eDMA engine to stop the active channel, and the appropriate channel bit in the eDMA error register to be asserted. At the same time, the details of the error condition are loaded into the EDMA_ESR. The major loop complete indicators, setting the transfer control descriptor DONE flag and the possible assertion of an interrupt request, are not affected when an error is detected. After the error status has been updated, the eDMA engine continues to operate by servicing the next appropriate channel. A channel that experiences an error condition is not automatically disabled. If a channel is terminated by an error and then issues another service request before the error is fixed, that channel executes and terminates with the same error condition. Address: Base + 0x0004 0 Access: User read-only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 R VLD W Reset R GPE CPE ERRCHN SAE SOE DAE DOE NCE SGE SBE DBE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 168. eDMA Error Status Register (EDMA_ESR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 425 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 213. EDMA_ESR field descriptions Field Description 0 VLD Logical OR of all EDMA_ERH and EDMA_ERL status bits. 0 No EDMA_ER bits are set. 1 At least one EDMA_ER bit is set indicating a valid error exists that has not been cleared. 1–15 Reserved. 16 GPE Group priority error. 0 No group priority error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error among the group priorities indicating not all group priorities are unique. 17 CPE Channel priority error. 0 No channel priority error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error in the channel priorities within a group, indicating not all channel priorities within a group are unique. 18–23 Error channel number. Channel number of the last recorded error (excluding GPE and CPE errors). ERRCHN[0:5] Note: Do not rely on the number in the ERRCHN field for group and channel priority errors. Group and channel priority errors need to be resolved by inspection. The application code must interrogate the priority registers to find groups or channels with duplicate priority level. 24 SAE Source address error. 0 No source address configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.SADDR field, indicating TCD.SADDR is inconsistent with TCD.SSIZE. 25 SOE Source offset error. 0 No source offset configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.SOFF field, indicating TCD.SOFF is inconsistent with TCD.SSIZE. 26 DAE Destination address error. 0 No destination address configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.DADDR field, indicating TCD.DADDR is inconsistent with TCD.DSIZE. 27 DOE Destination offset error. 0 No destination offset configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.DOFF field, indicating TCD.DOFF is inconsistent with TCD.DSIZE. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 426 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 213. EDMA_ESR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 28 NCE NBYTES/CITER configuration error. 0 No NBYTES/CITER configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.NBYTES or TCD.CITER fields, indicating the following conditions exist: • TCD.NBYTES is not a multiple of TCD.SSIZE and TCD.DSIZE, or • TCD.CITER is equal to zero, or • TCD.CITER.E_LINK is not equal to TCD.BITER.E_LINK. 29 SGE Scatter/gather configuration error. 0 No scatter/gather configuration error. 1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCD.DLAST_SGA field, indicating TCD.DLAST_SGA is not on a 32-byte boundary. This field is checked at the beginning of a scatter/gather operation after major loop completion if TCD.E_SG is enabled. 30 SBE Source bus error. 0 No source bus error. 1 The last recorded error was a bus error on a source read. 31 DBE Destination bus error. 0 No destination bus error. 1 The last recorded error was a bus error on a destination write. eDMA Enable Request Register (EDMA_ERQRL) The EDMA_ERQRL provides a bit map for the 16 implemented channels to enable the request signal for each channel. EDMA_ERQRL maps to channels 15–0. The state of any given channel enable is directly affected by writes to this register; the state is also affected by writes to the EDMA_SERQR and EDMA_CERQR. The EDMA_CERQR and EDMA_SERQR are provided so that the request enable for a single channel can easily be modified without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the EDMA_ERQRL. Both the DMA request input signal and this enable request flag must be asserted before a channel’s hardware service request is accepted. The state of the eDMA enable request flag does not affect a channel service request made explicitly through software or a linked channel request. Address: Base + 0x000C R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Reset R ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ ERQ 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 W 15 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 169. eDMA Enable Request Low Register (EDMA_ERQRL) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 427 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 214. EDMA_ERQRL field descriptions Field Description 16–31 ERQn Enable DMA hardware service request n. 0 The DMA request signal for channel n is disabled. 1 The DMA request signal for channel n is enabled. As a given channel completes the processing of its major iteration count, there is a flag in the transfer control descriptor that can affect the ending state of the EDMA_ERQR bit for that channel. If the TCD.D_REQ bit is set, then the corresponding EDMA_ERQR bit is cleared after the major loop is complete, disabling the DMA hardware request. Otherwise if the D_REQ bit is cleared, the state of the EDMA_ERQR bit is unaffected. eDMA Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_EEIRL) The EDMA_EEIRL provides a bit map for the 16 channels to enable the error interrupt signal for each channel. EDMA_EEIRL maps to channels 15-0. The state of any given channel’s error interrupt enable is directly affected by writes to these registers; it is also affected by writes to the EDMA_SEEIR and EDMA_CEEIR. The EDMA_SEEIR and EDMA_CEEIR are provided so that the error interrupt enable for a single channel can easily be modified without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the EDMA_EEIRL. Both the DMA error indicator and this error interrupt enable flag must be asserted before an error interrupt request for a given channel is asserted. Address: Base + 0x0014 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Reset R W EEI15 EEI14 EEI13 EEI12 EEI11 EEI10 EEI09 EEI08 EEI07 EEI06 EEI05 EEI04 EEI03 EEI02 EEI01 EEI00 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 170. eDMA Enable Error Interrupt Low Register (EDMA_EEIRL) Table 215. EDMA_EEIRL field descriptions Field 16-31 EEIn Description Enable error interrupt n. 0 The error signal for channel n does not generate an error interrupt. 1 The assertion of the error signal for channel n generate an error interrupt request. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 428 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) eDMA Set Enable Request Register (EDMA_SERQR) The EDMA_SERQR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the EDMA_ERQRL to enable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_ERQRL to be set. Setting bit 1 (SERQn) provides a global set function, forcing the entire contents of EDMA_ERQRL to be asserted. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x0018 R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SERQ[0:6] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 171. eDMA Set Enable Request Register (EDMA_SERQR) Table 216. EDMA_SERQR field descriptions Field Descriptions 0 Reserved. 1–7 SERQ[0:6] Set enable request. 0–15 Set corresponding bit in EDMA_ERQRL 16–63Reserved 64–127Set all bits in EDMA_ERQRL Note: Bit 2 (SERQ1) is not used. eDMA Clear Enable Request Register (EDMA_CERQR) The EDMA_CERQR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EDMA_ERQRL to disable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_ERQRL to be cleared. Setting bit 1 (CERQn) provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the EDMA_ERQRL to be zeroed, disabling all DMA request inputs. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x0019 R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset CERQ[0:6] 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 172. eDMA Clear Enable Request Register (EDMA_CERQR) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 429 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 217. EDMA_CERQR field descriptions Field Description 0 Reserved. 1–7 CERQ[0:6] Clear enable request. 0–15 Clear corresponding bit in EDMA_ERQRL 16–63Reserved 64–127Clear all bits in EDMA_ERQRL Note: Bit 2 (CERQ1) is not used. eDMA Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_SEEIR) The EDMA_SEEIR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the EDMA_EEIRL to enable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_EEIRL to be set. Setting bit 1 (SEEIn) provides a global set function, forcing the entire contents of EDMA_EEIRL to be asserted. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x001A R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEEI[0:6] W Reset 0 Figure 173. eDMA Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_SEEIR) Table 218. EDMA_SEEIR field descriptions Field Description 0 Reserved. 1–7 SEEI[0:6] Set enable error interrupt. 0–15 Set corresponding bit in EDMA_EIRRL 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Set all bits in EDMA_EEIRL Note: Bit 2 (SEEI1) is not used. eDMA Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_CEEIR) The EDMA_CEEIR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EDMA_EEIRL to disable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_EEIRL to be cleared. Setting bit 1 (CEEIn) provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the EDMA_EEIRL to be zeroed, disabling error interrupts for all channels. Reads of this register return all zeroes. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 430 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Address: Base + 0x001B R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W CEEI[0:6] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 174. eDMA Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (EDMA_SEEIR) Table 219. EDMA_CEEIR field descriptions Field Description 0 Reserved. 1–7 CEEI[0:6] Clear enable error interrupt. 0–15 Clear corresponding bit in EDMA_EEIRL 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Clear all bits in EDMA_EEIRL Note: Bit 2 (CEEI1) is not used. eDMA Clear Interrupt Request Register (EDMA_CIRQR) The EDMA_CIRQR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EDMA_IRQRL to disable the interrupt request for a given channel. The given value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_IRQRL to be cleared. Setting bit 1 (CINTn) provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the EDMA_IRQRL to be zeroed, disabling all DMA interrupt requests. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x001C R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CINT[0:6] W Reset 0 Figure 175. eDMA Clear Interrupt Request (EDMA_CIRQR) Table 220. EDMA_CIRQR field descriptions Field 1–7 CINT[0:6] Description Clear interrupt request. 0–15 Clear corresponding bit in EDMA_IRQRL 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Clear all bits in EDMA_IRQRL Note: Bit 2 (CINT1) is not used. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 431 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) eDMA Clear Error Register (EDMA_CERR) The EDMA_CERR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EDMA_ERL to disable the error condition flag for a given channel. The given value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EDMA_ERL to be cleared. Setting bit 1 (CERn) provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the EDMA_ERL to be zeroed, clearing all channel error indicators. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x001D R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CERR[0:6] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 176. eDMA Clear Error Register (EDMA_CERR) Table 221. EDMA_CERR field descriptions Field 1–7 CER[0:6] Description Clear error indicator. 0–15 Clear corresponding bit in EDMA_ERL 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Clear all bits in EDMA_ERL eDMA Set START Bit Register (EDMA_SSBR) The EDMA_SSBR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set the START bit in the TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the START bit in the corresponding transfer control descriptor to be set. Setting bit 1 (SSBn) provides a global set function, forcing all START bits to be set. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: Base + 0x001E R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset SSB[0:6] 0 Figure 177. eDMA Set START Bit Register (EDMA_SSBR) Table 222. EDMA_SSBR field descriptions Field 1–7 SSB[0:6] Description Set START bit (channel service request). 0–15 Set the corresponding channel’s TCD START bit 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Set all TCD START bits Note: Bit 2 (SSB1) is not used. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 432 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) eDMA Clear DONE Status Bit Register (EDMA_CDSBR) The EDMA_CDSBR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear the DONE bit in the TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the DONE bit in the corresponding transfer control descriptor to be cleared. Setting bit 1 (CDSBn) provides a global clear function, forcing all DONE bits to be cleared. Address: Base + 0x001F R Access: User write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset CDSB[0:6] 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 178. eDMA Clear DONE Status Bit Register (EDMA_CDSBR) Table 223. EDMA_CDSBR field descriptions Field 1–7 CDSB[0:6] Description Clear DONE status bit. 0–15 Clear the corresponding channel’s DONE bit 16–63 Reserved 64–127 Clear all TCD DONE bits Note: Bit 2 (CDSB1) is not used. eDMA Interrupt Request Register (EDMA_IRQRL) The EDMA_IRQRL provide a bit map for the 16 channels signaling the presence of an interrupt request for each channel. EDMA_IRQRL maps to channels 15–0. The eDMA engine signals the occurrence of a programmed interrupt upon the completion of a data transfer as defined in the transfer control descriptor by setting the appropriate bit in this register. The outputs of this register are directly routed to the interrupt controller (INTC). During the execution of the interrupt service routine associated with any given channel, it is software’s responsibility to clear the appropriate bit, negating the interrupt request. Typically, a write to the EDMA_CIRQR in the interrupt service routine is used for this purpose. The state of any given channel’s interrupt request is directly affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the EDMA_CIRQR. On writes to the EDMA_IRQRL, a 1 in any bit position clears the corresponding channel’s interrupt request. A zero in any bit position has no affect on the corresponding channel’s current interrupt status. The EDMA_CIRQR is provided so the interrupt request for a single channel can easily be cleared without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the EDMA_IRQRL. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 433 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Address: Base + 0x0024 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 16 R INT W 15 Reset 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INT 14 INT 13 INT 12 INT 11 INT 10 INT 09 INT 08 INT 07 INT 06 INT 05 INT 04 INT 03 INT 02 INT 01 INT 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 179. eDMA Interrupt Request Low Register (EDMA_IRQRL) Table 224. EDMA_IRQRL field descriptions Field 16–31 INTn Description eDMA interrupt request n. 0 The interrupt request for channel n is cleared. 1 The interrupt request for channel n is active. eDMA Error Register (EDMA_ERL) The EDMA_ERL provides a bit map for the 16 channels signaling the presence of an error for each channel. EDMA_ERL maps to channels 15-0. The eDMA engine signals the occurrence of a error condition by setting the appropriate bit in this register. The outputs of this register are enabled by the contents of the EDMA_EEIR, then logically summed across groups of 16 and 32 channels to form several group error interrupt requests that are then routed to the interrupt controller. During the execution of the interrupt service routine associated with any DMA errors, it is software’s responsibility to clear the appropriate bit, negating the error interrupt request. Typically, a write to the EDMA_CERR in the interrupt service routine is used for this purpose. Recall the normal DMA channel completion indicators, setting the transfer control descriptor DONE flag and the possible assertion of an interrupt request, are not affected when an error is detected. The contents of this register can also be polled and a non-zero value indicates the presence of a channel error, regardless of the state of the EDMA_EEIR. The EDMA_ESR[VLD] bit is a logical OR of all bits in this register and it provides a single bit indication of any errors. The state of any given channel’s error indicators is affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the EDMA_CERR. On writes to EDMA_ERL, a 1 in any bit position clears the corresponding channel’s error status. A 0 in any bit position has no affect on the corresponding channel’s current error status. The EDMA_CERR is provided so the error indicator for a single channel can easily be cleared. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 434 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Address: Base + 0x002C R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Reset R ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 W 15 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 180. eDMA Error Low Register (EDMA_ERL) Table 225. EDMA_ERL field descriptions Field Description 16–31 ERRn eDMA Error n. 0 An error in channel n has not occurred. 1 An error in channel n has occurred. DMA Hardware Request Status (DMAHRSL) The DMAHRSL registers provide a bit map for the implemented channels 16 to show the current hardware request status for each channel. DMAHRSL covers channels 31:00. Hardware request status reflects the current state of the registered and qualified (via the DMAERQ field) ipd_req lines as seen by the DMA2’s arbitration logic. This view into the hardware request signals may be used for debug purposes. Address: Base + 0x0034 R Access: User read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Reset R HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 W 15 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 181. EDMA Hardware Request Status Register Low (EDMA_HRSL) Table 226. EDMA_HRSL field descriptions Field 16–31 HRSn Description DMA Hardware Request Status 0 A hardware service request for channel n is not present. 1 A hardware service request for channel n is present. Note: The hardware request status reflects the state of the request as seen by the arbitration logic. Therefore, this status is affected by the EDMA_ERQRL[ERQn] bit. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 435 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) eDMA Channel n Priority Registers (EDMA_CPRn) When the fixed-priority channel arbitration mode is enabled (EDMA_CR[ERCA] = 0), the contents of these registers define the unique priorities associated with each channel within a group. The channel priorities are evaluated by numeric value; that is, 0 is the lowest priority, 1 is the next higher priority, then 2, 3, etc. If software chooses to modify channel priority values, then the software must ensure that the channel priorities contain unique values, otherwise a configuration error is reported. The range of the priority value is limited to the values of 0 through 15. When read, the GRPPRI bits of the EDMA_CPRn register reflect the current priority level of the group of channels in which the corresponding channel resides. GRPPRI bits are not affected by writes to the EDMA_CPRn registers. The group priority is assigned in the EDMA_CR. Refer to Figure 167 and Table 212 for the EDMA_CR definition. Channel preemption is enabled on a per-channel basis by setting the ECP bit in the EDMA_CPRn register. Channel preemption allows the executing channel’s data transfers to be temporarily suspended in favor of starting a higher priority channel. After the preempting channel has completed all of its minor loop data transfers, the preempted channel is restored and resumes execution. After the restored channel completes one read/write sequence, it is again eligible for preemption. If any higher priority channel is requesting service, the restored channel is suspended and the higher priority channel is serviced. Nested preemption (attempting to preempt a preempting channel) is not supported. After a preempting channel begins execution, it cannot be preempted. Preemption is only available when fixed arbitration is selected for both group and channel arbitration modes. Address: Base + 0x100 + n 0 R ECP W Reset 0 1 Access: User read/write 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 CHPRI —1 The reset value for the channel priority fields, GRPPRI[0–1] and CHPRI[0–3] is the channel number for the priority register; EDMA_CPR15[CHPRI] = 0b1111. Figure 182. eDMA Channel n Priority Register (EDMA_CPRn) The following table describes the fields in the eDMA channel n priority register: Table 227. EDMA_CPRn field descriptions Field 0 ECP 4–7 CHPRI[0:3] Description Enable channel preemption. 0 Channel n cannot be suspended by a higher priority channel’s service request. 1 Channel n can be temporarily suspended by the service request of a higher priority channel. Channel n arbitration priority. Channel priority when fixed-priority arbitration is enabled. The reset value for the channel priority fields CHPRI[0–3], is equal to the corresponding channel number for each priority register; that is, EDMA_CPR31[CHPRI] = 0b1111. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 436 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) Each channel requires a 256-bit transfer control descriptor for defining the desired data movement operation. The channel descriptors are stored in the local memory in sequential order: channel 0, channel 1,... channel 15. The definitions of the TCD are presented as 23 variable-length fields. Table 228 defines the fields of the basic TCD structure. Table 228. TCDn 32-bit memory structure eDMA Bit Offset Bit Length 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 0 32 Source address SADDR Word 0 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 32 5 Source address modulo SMOD Word 1 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 37 3 Source data transfer size SSIZE 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 40 5 Destination address modulo DMOD 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 45 3 Destination data transfer size DSIZE 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 48 16 Signed Source Address Offset SOFF 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 64 32 Inner minor byter count 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 96 32 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 128 TCDn Field Name TCDn Abbreviation Word # NBYTES Word 2 Last Source Address Adjustment SLAST Word 3 32 Destination Address DADDR Word 4 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 160 1 Channel-to-channel Linking on Minor Loop Complete CITER.E_LINK Word 5 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 161 6 Current Major Iteration Count or Link Channel Number CITER or CITER.LINKCH 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 167 9 Current Major Iteration Count CITER 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 176 16 Destination Address Offset (Signed) DOFF 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 192 32 Last Destination Address Adjustment / Scatter Gather Address DLAST_SGA Word 6 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 437 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 228. TCDn 32-bit memory structure (continued) eDMA Bit Offset Bit Length 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 224 1 Channel-to-channel Linking on Minor Loop Complete BITER.E_LINK 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 225 6 Starting Major Iteration Count or Link Channel Number BITER or BITER.LINKCH 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 231 9 Starting Major Iteration Count 0x1000 + (32 × n) +240 2 Bandwidth Control 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 242 6 Link Channel Number 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 248 1 Channel Done DONE 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 249 1 Channel Active ACTIVE 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 250 1 Channel-to-channel Linking on Major Loop Complete 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 251 1 Enable Scatter/Gather Processing 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 252 1 Disable Request 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 253 1 Channel Interrupt Enable When Current Major Iteration Count is Half Complete INT_HALF 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 254 1 Channel Interrupt Enable When Current Major Iteration Count Complete INT_MAJ 0x1000 + (32 × n) + 255 1 Channel Start TCDn Field Name TCDn Abbreviation Word # Word 7 BITER BWC MAJOR.LINKCH MAJOR.E_LINK E_SG D_REQ START Figure 183 defines the fields of the TCDn structure. Word 0 Offset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0x0 SADDR 0x4 SMOD SSIZE DMOD DSIZE SOFF 0x8 NBYTES 0xC SLAST 0x10 CITER.E_ LINK 1 CITER 0x18 START INT_MAJ MAJOR LINKCH INT_HALF BWC E_SG BITER BITER.LINKCH D_REQ BITER or 2 DONE 2 MAJOR.E_LINK DLAST_SGA BITER.E_ LINK 0x1C DOFF CITER.LINKCH ACTIVE 0x14 DADDR 1 CITER or Figure 183. TCD structure MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 438 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 1 If channel linking on minor link completion is disabled, TCD bits [161:175] form a 15-bit CITER field; if channel-to-channel linking is enabled, CITER becomes a 9-bit field. 2 If channel linking on minor link completion is disabled, TCD bits [225:239] form a 15-bit BITER field; if channel-to-channel linking is enabled, BITER becomes a 9-bit field. NOTE The TCD structures for the eDMA channels shown in Figure 183 are implemented in internal SRAM. These structures are not initialized at reset. Therefore, all channel TCD parameters must be initialized by the application code before activating that channel. Table 229 gives a detailed description of the TCNn fields. Table 229. TCDn field descriptions Bits Word Offset [n:n] Field Name 0–31 0x0 [0:31] SADDR [0:31] Source address. Memory address pointing to the source data. Word 0x0, bits 0–31. 32–36 0x4 [0:4] SMOD [0:4] Source address modulo. 0 Source address modulo feature is disabled. not 0 This value defines a specific address range that is specified to be either the value after SADDR + SOFF calculation is performed or the original register value. The setting of this field provides the ability to easily implement a circular data queue. For data queues requiring power-of-2 “size” bytes, start the queue at a 0-modulo-size address and set the SMOD field to the value for the queue, freezing the desired number of upper address bits. The value programmed into this field specifies the number of lower address bits that are allowed to change. For this circular queue application, the SOFF is typically set to the transfer size to implement post-increment addressing with the SMOD function constraining the addresses to a 0-modulo-size range. 37–39 0x4 [5:7] SSIZE [0:2] Source data transfer size. 000 8-bit 001 16-bit 010 32-bit 011 64-bit 100 32-bit 101 32-byte burst (64-bit x 4) 110 Reserved 111 Reserved The attempted specification of a ‘reserved’ encoding causes a configuration error. 40–44 0x4 [8:12] DMOD [0:4] Destination address modulo. Refer to the SMOD[0:5] definition. 45–47 0x4 [13:15] DSIZE [0:2] Destination data transfer size. Refer to the SSIZE[0:2] definition. 48–63 0x4 [16:31] SOFF [0:15] Source address signed offset. Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to form the next-state value as each source read is completed. Description MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 439 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 229. TCDn field descriptions (continued) Bits Word Offset [n:n] Field Name Description 96–127 0xC [0:31] SLAST [0:31] Last source address adjustment. Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the outer major iteration count. This value can be applied to “restore” the source address to the initial value, or adjust the address to reference the next data structure. 128–159 0x10 [0:31] DADDR [0:31] Destination address. Memory address pointing to the destination data. 160 0x14 [0] CITER.E_LINK Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor loop completion. As the channel completes the inner minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by CITER.LINKCH. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCD.START bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the CITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJOR.E_LINK channel linking. 0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled. 1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled. Note: This bit must be equal to the BITER.E_LINK bit otherwise a configuration error is reported. 161–166 0x14 [1:6] CITER [0:5] or CITER.LINKCH [0:5] Current “major” iteration count or link channel number. If channel-to-channel linking is disabled (TCD.CITER.E_LINK = 0), then • No channel-to-channel linking (or chaining) is performed after the inner minor loop is exhausted. TCD bits [161:175] form a 15-bit CITER field. otherwise • After the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at the channel defined by CITER.LINKCH[0:5] by setting that channel’s TCD.START bit. 167–175 0x14 [7:15] CITER [6:14] Current “major” iteration count. This 9 or 15-bit count represents the current major loop count for the channel. It is decremented each time the minor loop is completed and updated in the transfer control descriptor memory. After the major iteration count is exhausted, the channel performs a number of operations (for example, final source and destination address calculations), optionally generating an interrupt to signal channel completion before reloading the CITER field from the beginning iteration count (BITER) field. Note: When the CITER field is initially loaded by software, it must be set to the same value as that contained in the BITER field. Note: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER must be 0x0001. 176–191 0x14 [16:31] DOFF [0:15] Destination address signed offset. Sign-extended offset applied to the current destination address to form the next-state value as each destination write is completed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 440 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 229. TCDn field descriptions (continued) Bits Word Offset [n:n] Field Name Description 192–223 0x18 [0:31] DLAST_SGA [0:31] Last destination address adjustment or the memory address for the next transfer control descriptor to be loaded into this channel (scatter/gather). If scatter/gather processing for the channel is disabled (TCD.E_SG = 0) then • Adjustment value added to the destination address at the completion of the outer major iteration count. This value can be applied to “restore” the destination address to the initial value, or adjust the address to reference the next data structure. Otherwise • This address points to the beginning of a 0-modulo-32 byte region containing the next transfer control descriptor to be loaded into this channel. This channel reload is performed as the major iteration count completes. The scatter/gather address must be 0-modulo-32 byte, otherwise a configuration error is reported. 224 0x1C [0] BITER.E_LINK Enables channel-to-channel linking on minor loop complete. As the channel completes the inner minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by BITER.LINKCH[0:5]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCD.START bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the BITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJOR.E_LINK channel linking. 0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled. 1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled. Note: When the TCD is first loaded by software, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field, otherwise a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. 225–230 0x1C [1:6] Beginning or starting “major” iteration count or link channel number. BITER1 [0:5] If channel-to-channel linking is disabled (TCD.BITER.E_LINK = 0), then or BITER.LINKCH • No channel-to-channel linking (or chaining) is performed after the inner minor [0:5] loop is exhausted. TCD bits [225:239] form a 15-bit BITER field. Otherwise • After the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at the channel, defined by BITER.LINKCH[0:5], by setting that channel’s TCD.START bit. Note: When the TCD is first loaded by software, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field, otherwise a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. 231–239 0x1C [7:15] BITER [6:14] Beginning or starting major iteration count. As the transfer control descriptor is first loaded by software, this field must be equal to the value in the CITER field. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. Note: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER must be 0x0001. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 441 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 229. TCDn field descriptions (continued) Bits Word Offset [n:n] Field Name Description 240–241 0x1C [16:17] BWC [0:1] Bandwidth control. This two-bit field provides a mechanism to effectively throttle the amount of bus bandwidth consumed by the eDMA. In general, as the eDMA processes the inner minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. This field forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the system bus crossbar switch (XBAR). To minimize start-up latency, bandwidth control stalls are suppressed for the first two system bus cycles and after the last write of each minor loop. 00 01 10 11 No eDMA engine stalls Reserved eDMA engine stalls for four cycles after each r/w eDMA engine stalls for eight cycles after each r/w 242–247 MAJOR.LINKCH Link channel number. If channel-to-channel linking on major loop complete is 1 disabled (TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK = 0) then: 0x1C [18:23] [0:5] • No channel-to-channel linking (or chaining) is performed after the outer major loop counter is exhausted. Otherwise • After the major loop counter is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at the channel defined by MAJOR.LINKCH[0:5] by setting that channel’s TCD.START bit. 248 0x1C [24] DONE Channel done. This flag indicates the eDMA has completed the outer major loop. It is set by the eDMA engine as the CITER count reaches zero; it is cleared by software or hardware when the channel is activated (when the channel has begun to be processed by the eDMA engine, not when the first data transfer occurs). Note: This bit must be cleared to write the MAJOR.E_LINK or E_SG bits. 249 0x1C [25] ACTIVE Channel active. This flag signals the channel is currently in execution. It is set when channel service begins, and is cleared by the eDMA engine as the inner minor loop completes or if any error condition is detected. 250 0x1C [26] 251 0x1C [27] MAJOR.E_LINK Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop completion. As the channel completes the outer major loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by MAJOR.LINKCH[0:5]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCD.START bit of the specified channel. NOTE: To support the dynamic linking coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written to while the TCD.DONE bit is set. 0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled. 1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled. E_SG Enable scatter/gather processing. As the channel completes the outer major loop, this flag enables scatter/gather processing in the current channel. If enabled, the eDMA engine uses DLAST_SGA as a memory pointer to a 0-modulo-32 address containing a 32-byte data structure that is loaded as the transfer control descriptor into the local memory. NOTE: To support the dynamic scatter/gather coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written to while the TCD.DONE bit is set. 0 The current channel’s TCD is “normal” format. 1 The current channel’s TCD specifies a scatter gather format. The DLAST_SGA field provides a memory pointer to the next TCD to be loaded into this channel after the outer major loop completes its execution. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 442 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 229. TCDn field descriptions (continued) Bits Word Offset [n:n] 1 Field Name Description 252 0x1C [28] D_REQ Disable hardware request. If this flag is set, the eDMA hardware automatically clears the corresponding EDMA_ERQL bit when the current major iteration count reaches zero. 0 The channel’s EDMA_ERQL bit is not affected. 1 The channel’s EDMA_ERQL bit is cleared when the outer major loop is complete. 253 0x1C [29] INT_HALF Enable an interrupt when major counter is half complete. If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the bit in the EDMA_ERQL when the current major iteration count reaches the halfway point. The eDMA engine performs the compare (CITER == (BITER >> 1)). This halfway point interrupt request supports double-buffered (aka ping-pong) schemes, or where the processor needs an early indication of the data transfer’s progress during data movement. CITER = BITER = 1 with INT_HALF enabled generates an interrupt as it satisfies the equation (CITER == (BITER >> 1)) after a single activation. 0 The half-point interrupt is disabled. 1 The half-point interrupt is enabled. 254 0x1C [30] INT_MAJ Enable an interrupt when major iteration count completes. If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the appropriate bit in the EDMA_ERQL when the current major iteration count reaches zero. 0 The end-of-major loop interrupt is disabled. 1 The end-of-major loop interrupt is enabled. 255 0x1C [31] START Channel start. If this flag is set, the channel is requesting service. The eDMA hardware automatically clears this flag after the channel begins execution. 0 The channel is not explicitly started. 1 The channel is explicitly started via a software initiated service request. Only 0 to 15 value is allowed if channel to channel linking is enabled. 19.6 Functional description This section provides an overview of the microarchitecture and functional operation of the eDMA module. 19.6.1 eDMA microarchitecture The eDMA module is partitioned into two major modules: the eDMA engine and the transfer control descriptor local memory. Additionally, the eDMA engine is further partitioned into four submodules, as shown in the following list: • eDMA engine — Address path: This module implements registered versions of two channel transfer control descriptors: channel ‘x’ and channel ‘y,’ and is responsible for all the master bus address calculations. All the implemented channels provide the exact same functionality. This hardware structure allows the data transfers associated with one channel to be preempted after the completion of a read/write sequence if a higher priority channel service request is asserted while the first channel is active. After a channel is activated, it runs until the minor loop is completed unless preempted by a higher priority channel. This capability provides a MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 443 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) • mechanism (optionally enabled by EDMA_CPRn[ECP]) where a large data move operation can be preempted to minimize the time another channel is blocked from execution. When any other channel is activated, the contents of its transfer control descriptor is read from the local memory and loaded into the registers of the other address path channel{x,y}. After the inner minor loop completes execution, the address path hardware writes the new values for the TCDn.{SADDR, DADDR, CITER} back into the local memory. If the major iteration count is exhausted, additional processing is performed, including the final address pointer updates, reloading the TCDn.CITER field, and a possible fetch of the next TCDn from memory as part of a scatter/gather operation. — Data path: This module implements the actual bus master read/write datapath. It includes 32 bytes of register storage (matching the maximum transfer size) and the necessary mux logic to support any required data alignment. The system read data bus is the primary input, and the system write data bus is the primary output. The address and data path modules directly support the 2-stage pipelined system bus. The address path module represents the 1st stage of the bus pipeline (the address phase), while the data path module implements the 2nd stage of the pipeline (the data phase). — Program model/channel arbitration: This module implements the first section of eDMA’s programming model as well as the channel arbitration logic. The programming model registers are connected to the slave bus (not shown). The eDMA peripheral request inputs and eDMA interrupt request outputs are also connected to this module (via the Control logic). — Control: This module provides all the control functions for the eDMA engine. For data transfers where the source and destination sizes are equal, the eDMA engine performs a series of source read, destination write operations until the number of bytes specified in the inner ‘minor loop’ byte count has been moved. A minor loop interaction is defined as the number of bytes to transfer (nbytes) divided by the transfer size. Transfer size is defined as the following: if (SSIZE < DSIZE) transfer size = destination transfer size (# of bytes) else transfer size = source transfer size (# of bytes) Minor loop TCD variables are SOFF, SMOD, DOFF, DMOD, NBYTES, SADDR, DADDR, BWC, ACTIVE, AND START. Major loop TCD variables are DLAST, SLAST, CITER, BITER, DONE, D_REQ, INT_MAJ, MAJOR_LNKCH, and INT_HALF. For descriptors where the sizes are not equal, multiple access of the smaller size data are required for each reference of the larger size. As an example, if the source size references 16-bit data and the destination is 32-bit data, two reads are performed, then one 32-bit write. TCD local memory — Memory controller: This logic implements the required dual-ported controller, handling accesses from both the eDMA engine as well as references from the slave bus. As noted earlier, in the event of simultaneous accesses, the eDMA engine is given priority and the slave transaction is stalled. The hooks to a BIST controller for the local TCD memory are included in this module. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 444 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) — Memory array: The TCD is implemented using a single-ported, synchronous compiled RAM memory array. 19.6.2 eDMA basic data flow The basic flow of a data transfer can be partitioned into three segments. As shown in Figure 184, the first segment involves the channel service request. In the diagram, this example uses the assertion of the eDMA peripheral request signal to request service for channel n. Channel service request via software and the TCDn.START bit follows the same basic flow as an eDMA peripheral request. The eDMA peripheral request input signal is registered internally and then routed through the eDMA engine, first through the control module, then into the program model/channel arbitration module. In the next cycle, the channel arbitration is performed, either using the fixed-priority or round-robin algorithm. After the arbitration is complete, the activated channel number is sent through the address path and converted into the required address to access the TCD local memory. Next, the TCD memory is accessed and the required descriptor read from the local memory and loaded into the eDMA engine address path channel{x,y} registers. The TCD memory is organized 64-bits in width to minimize the time needed to fetch the activated channel’s descriptor and load it into the eDMA engine address path channel{x,y} registers. eDMA SRAM Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) Slave Write Address Slave Write Data TCD0 TCDn – 1* eDMA Engine Bus Read Data Slave Interface System Bus SRAM Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Data Path Address Path Control Slave Read Data Bus Write Data Bus Address *n = 16 channels eDMA Interrupt Request eDMA Done Handshake eDMA Peripheral Request Figure 184. eDMA operation, part 1 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 445 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) In the second part of the basic data flow as shown in Figure 185, the modules associated with the data transfer (address path, data path and control) sequence through the required source reads and destination writes to perform the actual data movement. The source reads are initiated and the fetched data is temporarily stored in the data path module until it is gated onto the system bus during the destination write. This source read/destination write processing continues until the inner minor byte count has been transferred. The eDMA Done Handshake signal is asserted at the end of the minor byte count transfer. SRAM Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) eDMA Slave Write Address Slave Write Data TCD0 TCDn – 1* eDMA Engine Bus Read Data Slave Interface System Bus SRAM Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Address Path Data Path Control Slave Read Data Bus Write Data Bus Address *n = 16 channels eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Interrupt Request eDMA Done Handshake Figure 185. eDMA operation, part 2 After the inner minor byte count has been moved, the final phase of the basic data flow is performed. In this segment, the address path logic performs the required updates to certain fields in the channel’s TCD: for example., SADDR, DADDR, CITER. If the outer major iteration count is exhausted, then additional operations are performed. These include the final address adjustments and reloading of the BITER field into the CITER. Additionally, assertion of an optional interrupt request occurs at this time, as does a possible fetch of a new TCD from memory using the scatter/gather address pointer included in the descriptor. The updates to the TCD memory and the assertion of an interrupt request are shown in Figure 186. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 446 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) eDMA SRAM Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) Slave Write Address Slave Write Data TCD0 TCDn – 1* eDMA Engine Bus Read Data Slave Interface System Bus SRAM Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Address Path Data Path Control Slave Read Data Bus Write Data Bus Address *n = 16 channels eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Done Figure 186. eDMA operation, part 3 19.6.3 eDMA performance This section addresses the performance of the eDMA module, focusing on two separate metrics. In the traditional data movement context, performance is best expressed as the peak data transfer rates achieved using the eDMA. In most implementations, this transfer rate is limited by the speed of the source and destination address spaces. In a second context where device-paced movement of single data values to/from peripherals is dominant, a measure of the requests that can be serviced in a fixed time is a more useful metric. In this environment, the speed of the source and destination address spaces remains important, but the microarchitecture of the eDMA also factors significantly into the resulting metric. The peak transfer rates for several different source and destination transfers are shown in Table 230. The following assumptions apply to Table 230 and Table 231: • Internal SRAM can be accessed with zero wait-states when viewed from the system bus data phase. • All slave reads require two wait-states, and slave writes three wait-states, again viewed from the system bus data phase. • All slave accesses are 32-bits in size. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 447 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 230. eDMA peak transfer rates (MB/Sec) System Speed, Transfer Size Internal SRAM-toInternal SRAM 32-bit Slave-toInternal SRAM Internal SRAM-to32-bit Slave (buffering disabled) Internal SRAM-to32-bit Slave (buffering enabled) 66.7 MHz, 32-bit 66.7 66.7 53.3 88.7 66.7 MHz, 64-bit 133.3 66.7 53.3 88.7 66.7 MHz, 256-bit1 213.4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 83.3 MHz, 32-bit 83.3 83.3 66.7 110.8 83.3 MHz, 64-bit 166.7 83.3 66.7 110.8 1 83.3 MHz, 256-bit 266.6 2 N/A 2 N/A N/A2 100.0 MHz, 32-bit 100.0 100.0 80.0 133.0 200.0 100.0 80.0 133.0 320.0 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 132.0 MHz, 32-bit 132.0 132.0 105.6 175.6 132.0 MHz, 64-bit 264.0 132.0 105.6 175.6 132.0 MHz, 256-bit1 422.4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 100.0 MHz, 64-bit 100.0 MHz, 256-bit 1 2 1 A 256-bit transfer occurs as a burst of four 64-bit beats. Not applicable: burst access to a slave port is not supported. Table 230 presents a peak transfer rate comparison, measured in MBs per second where the internal-SRAM-to-internal-SRAM transfers occur at the core’s datapath width; that is, either 32- or 64-bits per access. For all transfers involving the slave bus, 32-bit transfer sizes are used. In all cases, the transfer rate includes the time to read the source plus the time to write the destination. The second performance metric is a measure of the number of DMA requests that can be serviced in a given amount of time. For this metric, it is assumed the peripheral request causes the channel to move a single slave-mapped operand to/from internal SRAM. The same timing assumptions used in the previous example apply to this calculation. In particular, this metric also reflects the time required to activate the channel. The eDMA design supports the following hardware service request sequence: • Cycle 1: eDMA peripheral request is asserted. • Cycle 2: The eDMA peripheral request is registered locally in the eDMA module and qualified. (TCD.START bit initiated requests start at this point with the registering of the slave write to TCD bit 255). • Cycle 3: Channel arbitration begins. • Cycle 4: Channel arbitration completes. The transfer control descriptor local memory read is initiated. • Cycle 5–6: The first two parts of the activated channel’s TCD is read from the local memory. The memory width to the eDMA engine is 64 bits, so the entire descriptor can be accessed in four cycles. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 448 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) • • Cycle 7: The first system bus read cycle is initiated, as the third part of the channel’s TCD is read from the local memory. Depending on the state of the crossbar switch, arbitration at the system bus can insert an additional cycle of delay here. Cycle 8 – n: The last part of the TCD is read in. This cycle represents the 1st data phase for the read, and the address phase for the destination write. The exact timing from this point is a function of the response times for the channel’s read and write accesses. In this case of an slave read and internal SRAM write, the combined data phase time is 4 cycles. For an SRAM read and slave write, it is 5 cycles. • Cycle n + 1: This cycle represents the data phase of the last destination write. • Cycle n + 2: The eDMA engine completes the execution of the inner minor loop and prepares to write back the required TCDn fields into the local memory. The control/status fields at word offset 0x1C in TCDn are read. If the major loop is complete, the MAJOR.E_LINK and E_SG bits are checked and processed if enabled. • Cycle n + 3: The appropriate fields in the first part of the TCDn are written back into the local memory. • Cycle n + 4: The fields in the second part of the TCDn are written back into the local memory. This cycle coincides with the next channel arbitration cycle start. • Cycle n + 5: The next channel to be activated performs the read of the first part of its TCD from the local memory. This is equivalent to Cycle 4 for the first channel’s service request. Assuming zero wait states on the system bus, DMA requests can be processed every 9 cycles. Assuming an average of the access times associated with slave-to-SRAM (4 cycles) and SRAM-to-slave (5 cycles), DMA requests can be processed every 11.5 cycles (4 + (4 + 5)/2 + 3). This is the time from Cycle 4 to Cycle “n 5.” The resulting peak request rate, as a function of the system frequency, is shown in Table 231. This metric represents millions of requests per second. Table 231. eDMA peak request Rate (MReq/sec) System Frequency (MHz) Request Rate (Zero Wait States) Request Rate (with Wait States) 66.6 7.4 5.8 83.3 9.2 7.2 100.0 11.1 8.7 133.3 14.8 11.6 150.0 16.6 13.0 A general formula to compute the peak request rate (with overlapping requests) is: PEAKreq = freq / [entry + (1 + read_ws) + (1 + write_ws) + exit] Eqn. 1 where: PEAKreq — peak request rate freq — system frequency entry — channel startup (four cycles) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 449 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) read_ws — wait states seen during the system bus read data phase write_ws — wait states seen during the system bus write data phase exit — channel shutdown (three cycles) For example: consider a system with the following characteristics: • Internal SRAM can be accessed with one wait-state when viewed from the system bus data phase. • All slave reads require two wait-states, and slave writes three wait-states, again viewed from the system bus data phase. • System operates at 150 MHz. For an SRAM to slave transfer, PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [4 + (1 + 1) + (1 + 3) + 3] cycles = 11.5 Mreq/sec Eqn. 2 For an slave to SRAM transfer, PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [4 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 1) + 3] cycles = 12.5 Mreq/sec Eqn. 3 Assuming an even distribution of the two transfer types, the average peak request rate is: PEAKreq = (11.5 Mreq/sec + 12.5 Mreq/sec) / 2 = 12.0 Mreq/sec Eqn. 4 The minimum number of cycles to perform a single read/write, zero wait states on the system bus, from a cold start (no channel is executing, eDMA is idle) are the following: • 11 cycles for a software (TCD.START bit) request • 12 cycles for a hardware (eDMA peripheral request signal) request Two cycles account for the arbitration pipeline and one extra cycle on the hardware request resulting from the internal registering of the eDMA peripheral request signals. For the peak request rate calculations above, the arbitration and request registering is absorbed in or overlap the previous executing channel. NOTE When channel linking or scatter/gather is enabled, a two-cycle delay is imposed on the next channel selection and startup. This allows the link channel or the scatter/gather channel to be eligible and considered in the arbitration pool for next channel selection. 19.7 19.7.1 Initialization / application information eDMA initialization A typical initialization of the eDMA has the following sequence: 1. Write the EDMA_CR if a configuration other than the default is desired. 2. Write the channel priority levels into the EDMA_CPRn registers if a configuration other than the default is desired. 3. Enable error interrupts in the EDMA_EEIRL and/or EDMA_EEIRH registers (optional). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 450 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 4. Write the 32-byte TCD for each channel that can request service. 5. Enable any hardware service requests via the EDMA_ERQRH and/or EDMA_ERQRL registers. 6. Request channel service by either software (setting the TCD.START bit) or by hardware (slave device asserting its eDMA peripheral request signal). After any channel requests service, a channel is selected for execution based on the arbitration and priority levels written into the programmer's model. The eDMA engine reads the entire TCD, including the primary transfer control parameter shown in Table 232, for the selected channel into its internal address path module. As the TCD is being read, the first transfer is initiated on the system bus unless a configuration error is detected. Transfers from the source (as defined by the source address, TCD.SADDR) to the destination (as defined by the destination address, TCD.DADDR) continue until the specified number of bytes (TCD.NBYTES) have been transferred. When the transfer is complete, the eDMA engine's local TCD.SADDR, TCD.DADDR, and TCD.CITER are written back to the main TCD memory and any minor loop channel linking is performed, if enabled. If the major loop is exhausted, further post processing is executed: for example, interrupts, major loop channel linking, and scatter/gather operations, if enabled. Table 232. TCD primary control and status fields TCD Field Name Description START Control bit to explicitly start channel when using a software initiated DMA service (Automatically cleared by hardware) ACTIVE Status bit indicating the channel is currently in execution DONE Status bit indicating major loop completion (Cleared by software when using a software initiated DMA service) D_REQ Control bit to disable DMA request at end of major loop completion when using a hardware-initiated DMA service BWC Control bits for “throttling” bandwidth control of a channel E_SG Control bit to enable scatter-gather feature INT_HALF Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop is half complete INT_MAJ Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop completes Figure 187 shows how each DMA request initiates one minor loop transfer (iteration) without CPU intervention. DMA arbitration can occur after each minor loop, and one level of minor loop DMA preemption is allowed. The number of minor loops in a major loop is specified by the beginning iteration count (biter). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 451 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Current Major Loop Iteration Count (CITER) Example Memory Array DMA Request • • • Minor Loop • • • Minor Loop • • • Minor Loop 3 DMA Request Major Loop 2 DMA Request 1 Figure 187. Example of multiple loop iterations Figure 188 lists the memory array terms and how the TCD settings interrelate. xADDR: (Starting Address) xSIZE: (Size of one data transfer) • • • Minor Loop (NBYTES in Minor Loop, often the same value as xSIZE) • • • • • • Minor Loop xLAST: Number of bytes added to current address after Major Loop (Typically used to loop back) • • • Last Minor Loop Offset (xOFF): Number of bytes added to current address after each transfer (Often the same value as xSIZE) Each DMA Source (S) and Destination (D) has its own: • Address (xADDR) • Size (xSIZE) • Offset (xOFF) • Modulo (xMOD) • Last Address Adjustment (xLAST) where x = S or D Peripheral queues typically have size and offset equal to NBYTES Figure 188. Memory array terms 19.7.2 DMA programming errors The eDMA performs various tests on the transfer control descriptor to verify consistency in the descriptor data. Most programming errors are reported on a per channel basis with the exception of two errors: group priority error and channel priority error, or EDMA_ESR[GPE] and EDMA_ESR[CPE], respectively. For all error types other than group or channel priority errors, the channel number causing the error is recorded in the EDMA_ESR. If the error source is not removed before the next activation of the problem channel, the error is detected and recorded again. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 452 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) If priority levels are not unique, the highest (channel/group) priority that has an active request is selected, but the lowest numbered (channel/group) with that priority is selected by arbitration and executed by the eDMA engine. The hardware service request handshake signals, error interrupts and error reporting are associated with the selected channel. 19.7.3 DMA request assignments The assignments between the DMA requests from the modules to the channels of the eDMA are shown in Table 233. The source column is written in C language syntax. The syntax is module_instance.register[bit]. Table 233. DMA request summary for eDMA DMA Request Ch. Source Description DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG0_SOURCE 0 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG0[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 0 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG1_SOURCE 1 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG1[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 1 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG2_SOURCE 2 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG2[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 2 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG3_SOURCE 3 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG3[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 3 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG4_SOURCE 4 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG4[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 4 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG5_SOURCE 5 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG5[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 5 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG6_SOURCE 6 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG6[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 6 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG7_SOURCE 7 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG7[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 7 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG8_SOURCE 8 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG8[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 8 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG9_SOURCE 9 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG9[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 9 source 10 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG10[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 10 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG11_SOURCE 11 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG11[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 11 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG12_SOURCE 12 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG12[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 12 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG13_SOURCE 13 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG13[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 13 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG14_SOURCE 14 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG14[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 14 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG15_SOURCE 15 DMA_MUX.CHCONFIG15[SOURCE] DMA MUX channel 15 source DMA_MUX_CHCONFIG10_SOURCE 19.7.4 DMA arbitration mode considerations Fixed-channel arbitration In this mode, the channel service request from the highest priority channel is selected to execute. The advantage of this scenario is that latency can be small for channels that need to be serviced quickly. Preemption is available in this scenario only. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 453 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Fixed-group arbitration, round-robin channel arbitration Channels are serviced starting with the highest channel number and rotating through to the lowest channel number without regard to the channel priority levels assigned within the group. 19.7.5 DMA transfer Single request To perform a simple transfer of ‘n’ bytes of data with one activation, set the major loop to 1 (TCD.CITER = TCD.BITER = 1). The data transfer begins after the channel service request is acknowledged and the channel is selected to execute. After the transfer completes, the TCD.DONE bit is set and an interrupt is generated if correctly enabled. For example, the following TCD entry is configured to transfer 16 bytes of data. The eDMA is programmed for one iteration of the major loop transferring 16 bytes per iteration. The source memory has a byte-wide memory port located at 0x1000. The destination memory has a word-wide port located at 0x2000. The address offsets are programmed in increments to match the size of the transfer; one byte for the source and four bytes for the destination. The final source and destination addresses are adjusted to return to their beginning values. TCD.CITER = TCD.BITER = 1 TCD.NBYTES = 16 TCD.SADDR = 0x1000 TCD.SOFF = 1 TCD.SSIZE = 0 TCD.SLAST = –16 TCD.DADDR = 0x2000 TCD.DOFF = 4 TCD.DSIZE = 2 TCD.DLAST_SGA= –16 TCD.INT_MAJ = 1 TCD.START = 1 (Initialize all other fields before writing to this bit) All other TCD fields = 0 This generates the following sequence of events: 1. Slave write to the TCD.START bit requests channel service. 2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 3. eDMA engine writes: TCD.DONE = 0, TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 1. 4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file. 5. The source to destination transfers are executed as follows: a) read_byte (0x1000), read_byte(0x1001), read_byte(0x1002), read_byte(0x1003) b) write_word (0x2000) first iteration of the minor loop MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 454 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) c) read_byte (0x1004), read_byte(0x1005), read_byte(0x1006), read_byte(0x1007) d) write_word (0x2004) second iteration of the minor loop e) read_byte (0x1008), read_byte(0x1009), read_byte(0x100a), read_byte(0x100b) f) write_word (0x2008) third iteration of the minor loop g) read_byte (0x100c), read_byte(0x100d), read_byte(0x100e), read_byte(0x100f) h) write_word (0x200c) last iteration of the minor loop major loop complete 6. eDMA engine writes: TCD.SADDR = 0x1000, TCD.DADDR = 0x2000, TCD.CITER = 1 (TCD.BITER). 7. eDMA engine writes: TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 1, EDMA_IRQRn = 1. 8. The channel retires. The eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. Multiple requests The next example is the same as previous with the exception of transferring 32 bytes via two hardware requests. The only fields that change are the major loop iteration count and the final address offsets. The eDMA is programmed for two iterations of the major loop transferring 16 bytes per iteration. After the channel’s hardware requests are enabled in the EDMA_ERQR, channel service requests are initiated by the slave device (set ERQR after TCD; TCD.START = 0). TCD.CITER = TCD.BITER = 2 TCD.NBYTES = 16 TCD.SADDR = 0x1000 TCD.SOFF = 1 TCD.SSIZE = 0 TCD.SLAST = –32 TCD.DADDR = 0x2000 TCD.DOFF = 4 TCD.DSIZE = 2 TCD.DLAST_SGA = –32 TCD.INT_MAJ = 1 TCD.START = 0 (Initialize all other fields before writing this bit.) All other TCD fields = 0 This generates the following sequence of events: 1. First hardware (eDMA peripheral request) request for channel service. 2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 3. eDMA engine writes: TCD.DONE = 0, TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 1. 4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 455 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 5. The source to destination transfers execute as follows: a) read_byte (0x1000), read_byte (0x1001), read_byte (0x1002), read_byte (0x1003) b) write_word (0x2000) first iteration of the minor loop c) read_byte (0x1004), read_byte (0x1005), read_byte (0x1006), read_byte (0x1007) d) write_word (0x2004) second iteration of the minor loop e) read_byte (0x1008), read_byte (0x1009), read_byte (0x100a), read_byte (0x100b) f) write_word (0x2008) third iteration of the minor loop g) read_byte (0x100c), read_byte (0x100d), read_byte (0x100e), read_byte (0x100f) h) write_word (0x200c) last iteration of the minor loop 6. eDMA engine writes: TCD.SADDR = 0x1010, TCD.DADDR = 0x2010, TCD.CITER = 1. 7. eDMA engine writes: TCD.ACTIVE = 0. 8. The channel retires one iteration of the major loop. The eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. 9. Second hardware (eDMA peripheral request) requests channel service. 10. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 11. eDMA engine writes: TCD.DONE = 0, TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 1. 12. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file. 13. The source to destination transfers execute as follows: a) read_byte (0x1010), read_byte (0x1011), read_byte (0x1012), read_byte (0x1013) b) write_word (0x2010) first iteration of the minor loop c) read_byte (0x1014), read_byte (0x1015), read_byte (0x1016), read_byte (0x1017) d) write_word (0x2014) second iteration of the minor loop e) read_byte (0x1018), read_byte (0x1019), read_byte (0x101a), read_byte (0x101b) f) write_word (0x2018) third iteration of the minor loop g) read_byte (0x101c), read_byte (0x101d), read_byte (0x101e), read_byte (0x101f) h) write_word (0x201c) last iteration of the minor loop major loop complete 14. eDMA engine writes: TCD.SADDR = 0x1000, TCD.DADDR = 0x2000, TCD.CITER = 2 (TCD.BITER). 15. eDMA engine writes: TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 1, EDMA_IRQRn = 1. 16. The channel retires major loop complete. The eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. Modulo feature The modulo feature of the eDMA provides the ability to easily implement a circular data queue in which the size of the queue is a power of 2. MOD is a 5-bit field for the source and destination in the TCD, and specifies which lower address bits are incremented from their original value after the address + offset MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 456 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) calculation. All upper address bits remain the same as in the original value. Clearing this field to 0 disables the modulo feature. Table 234 shows how the transfer addresses are specified based on the setting of the MOD field. Here a circular buffer is created where the address wraps to the original value while the 28 upper address bits (0x1234567x) retain their original value. In this example the source address is set to 0x12345670, the offset is set to 4 bytes and the mod field is set to 4, allowing for a 24 byte (16-byte) size queue. Table 234. Modulo feature example 19.7.6 Transfer Number Address 1 0x12345670 2 0x12345674 3 0x12345678 4 0x1234567C 5 0x12345670 6 0x12345674 TCD status Minor loop complete There are two methods to test for minor loop completion when using software initiated service requests. The first method is to read the TCD.CITER field and test for a change. Another method can be extracted from the following sequence. The second method is to test the TCD.START bit AND the TCD.ACTIVE bit. The minor loop complete condition is indicated by both bits reading zero after the TCD.START was written to a one. Polling the TCD.ACTIVE bit can be inconclusive because the active status can be missed if the channel execution is short in duration. The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a software activated channel: 1. TCD.START = 1, TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 0 (issued service request via software) 2. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 1, TCD.DONE = 0 (executing) 3. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 0 (completed minor loop and is idle) or 4. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 1 (completed major loop and is idle) The best method to test for minor loop completion when using hardware initiated service requests is to read the TCD.CITER field and test for a change. The hardware request and acknowledge handshakes signals are not visible in the programmer’s model. The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a hardware activated channel: 1. eDMA peripheral request asserts (issued service request via hardware) 2. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 1, TCD.DONE = 0 (executing) 3. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 0 (completed minor loop and is idle) or 4. TCD.START = 0, TCD.ACTIVE = 0, TCD.DONE = 1 (completed major loop and is idle) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 457 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) For both activation types, the major loop complete status is explicitly indicated via the TCD.DONE bit. The TCD.START bit is cleared automatically when the channel begins execution regardless of how the channel was activated. Active channel TCD reads the eDMA reads the true TCD.SADDR, TCD.DADDR, and TCD.NBYTES values if read while a channel is executing. The true values of the SADDR, DADDR, and NBYTES are the values the eDMA engine is currently using in its internal register file and not the values in the TCD local memory for that channel. The addresses (SADDR and DADDR) and NBYTES (decrements to zero as the transfer progresses) can give an indication of the progress of the transfer. All other values are read back from the TCD local memory. Preemption status Preemption is only available when fixed arbitration is selected for both group and channel arbitration modes. A preempt-able situation is one in which a preempt-enabled channel is running and a higher priority request becomes active. When the eDMA engine is not operating in fixed group, fixed channel arbitration mode, the determination of the relative priority of the actively running and the outstanding requests become undefined. Channel and/or group priorities are treated as equal (or more exactly, constantly rotating) when round-robin arbitration mode is selected. The TCD.ACTIVE bit for the preempted channel remains asserted throughout the preemption. The preempted channel is temporarily suspended while the preempting channel executes one iteration of the major loop. Two TCD.ACTIVE bits set at the same time in the overall TCD map indicates a higher priority channel is actively preempting a lower priority channel. 19.7.7 Channel linking Channel linking (or chaining) is a mechanism where one channel sets the TCD.START bit of another channel (or itself) thus initiating a service request for that channel. This operation is automatically performed by the eDMA engine at the conclusion of the major or minor loop when properly enabled. The minor loop channel linking occurs at the completion of the minor loop (or one iteration of the major loop). The TCD.CITER.E_LINK field determines whether a minor loop link is requested. When enabled, the channel link is made after each iteration of the minor loop except for the last. When the major loop is exhausted, only the major loop channel link fields are used to determine whether to make a channel link. For example, with the initial fields of: TCD.CITER.E_LINK = 1 TCD.CITER.LINKCH = 0xC TCD.CITER value = 0x4 TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK = 1 TCD.MAJOR.LINKCH = 0x7 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 458 Freescale Semiconductor Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) channel linking executes as: 1. Minor loop done set channel 12 TCD.START bit 2. Minor loop done set channel 12 TCD.START bit 3. Minor loop done set channel 12 TCD.START bit 4. Minor loop done, major loop done set channel 7 TCD.START bit When minor loop linking is enabled (TCD.CITER.E_LINK = 1), the TCD.CITER field uses a nine bit vector to form the current iteration count. When minor loop linking is disabled (TCD.CITER.E_LINK = 0), the TCD.CITER field uses a 15-bit vector to form the current iteration count. The bits associated with the TCD.CITER.LINKCH field are concatenated onto the CITER value to increase the range of the CITER. NOTE After configuration, the TCD.CITER.E_LINK bit and the TCD.BITER.E_LINK bit must be equal or a configuration error is reported. The CITER and BITER vector widths must be equal to calculate the major loop, half-way done interrupt point. Table 235 summarizes how a DMA channel can “link” to another DMA channel, i.e, use another channel’s TCD, at the end of a loop. Table 235. Channel linking parameters Desired Link Behavior Link at end of Minor Loop Link at end of Major Loop 19.7.8 TCD Control Field Name Description citer.e_link Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor loop completion (current iteration) citer.linkch Link channel number when linking at end of minor loop (current iteration) major.e_link Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop completion major.linkch Link channel number when linking at end of major loop Dynamic programming This section provides recommended methods to change the programming model during channel execution. Dynamic channel linking and dynamic scatter/gather Dynamic channel linking and dynamic scatter/gather is the process of changing the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK or TCD.E_SG bits during channel execution. These bits are read from the TCD local memory at the end of channel execution thus allowing the user to enable either feature during channel execution. Because the user is allowed to change the configuration during execution, a coherency model is needed. Consider the scenario where the user attempts to execute a dynamic channel link by enabling the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK bit at the same time the eDMA engine is retiring the channel. The MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 459 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK is set in the programmer’s model, but it is unclear whether the link completed before the channel retired. Use the following coherency model when executing a dynamic channel link or dynamic scatter/gather request: 1. Set the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK bit 2. Read the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK bit 3. Test the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK request status: a) If the bit is set, the dynamic link attempt was successful.D b) If the bit is cleared, the channel had already retired before the dynamic link completed. This same coherency model is true for dynamic scatter/gather operations. For both dynamic requests, the TCD local memory controller forces the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK and TCD.E_SG bits to zero on any writes to a channel’s TCD after that channel’s TCD.DONE bit is set indicating the major loop is complete. NOTE The user must clear the TCD.DONE bit before writing the TCD.MAJOR.E_LINK or TCD.E_SG bits. The TCD.DONE bit is cleared automatically by the eDMA engine after a channel begins execution. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 460 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX Chapter 20 DMACHMUX 20.1 20.1.1 Introduction Overview The DMA Mux allows to route 21 DMA peripheral sources (called slots) to 16 DMA channels. This is illustrated in Figure 189. Source #1 DMA_CH_MUX DMA Channel #0 DMA Channel #1 Source #2 Source #3 Source #21 Always #1 Always #9 Trigger #1 DMA Channel Trigger #4 Figure 189. DMA Mux Block Diagram 20.1.2 Features The DMA Channel Mux provides these features: • 21 peripheral slots + 9 always-on slots can be routed to 16 channels • 16 independently selectable DMA channels routers — the first 4 channels additionally provide a trigger functionality MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 461 DMACHMUX • Each channel router can be assigned to one of 21 possible peripheral DMA slots or to one of the 9 always-on slots. 20.1.3 Modes of Operation The following operation modes are available: • Disabled Mode In this mode, the DMA channel is disabled. Since disabling and enabling of DMA channels is done primarily via the DMA configuration registers, this mode is used mainly as the reset state for a DMA channel in the DMA Channel Mux. It may also be used to temporarily suspend a DMA channel while reconfiguration of the system takes place (e.g. changing the period of a DMA trigger). • Normal Mode In this mode, a DMA source (such as DSPI transmit or DSPI receive for example) is routed directly to the specified DMA channel. The operation of the DMA Mux in this mode is completely transparent to the system. • Periodic Trigger Mode In this mode, a DMA source may only request a DMA transfer (such as when a transmit buffer becomes empty or a receive buffer becomes full) periodically. Configuration of the period is done in the registers of the Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT). This mode is only available for channels 0-4. 20.2 20.2.1 External Signal Description Overview The DMA Mux has no external pins. 20.3 Memory Map and Register Definition This section provides a detailed description of all memory-mapped registers in the DMA Mux. Table 236 shows the memory map for the DMA Mux. Note that all addresses are offsets; the absolute address may be computed by adding the specified offset to the base address of the DMA Mux. Table 236. DMA_MUX memory map Offset from DMA_MUX_BASE (0xFFFD_C000) Register Access Reset value Location 0x00 Channel #0 Configuration (CHCONFIG0) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x01 Channel #1 Configuration (CHCONFIG1) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x02 Channel #2 Configuration (CHCONFIG2) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x03 Channel #3 Configuration (CHCONFIG3) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x04 Channel #4 Configuration (CHCONFIG4) R/W 0x00 on page 463 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 462 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX Table 236. DMA_MUX memory map (continued) Offset from DMA_MUX_BASE (0xFFFD_C000) Register Access Reset value Location 0x05 Channel #5 Configuration (CHCONFIG5) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x06 Channel #6 Configuration (CHCONFIG6) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x07 Channel #7 Configuration (CHCONFIG7) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x08 Channel #8 Configuration (CHCONFIG8) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x09 Channel #9 Configuration (CHCONFIG9) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0A Channel #10 Configuration (CHCONFIG10) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0B Channel #11 Configuration (CHCONFIG11) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0C Channel #12 Configuration (CHCONFIG12) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0D Channel #13 Configuration (CHCONFIG13) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0E Channel #14 Configuration (CHCONFIG14) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x0F Channel #15 Configuration (CHCONFIG15) R/W 0x00 on page 463 0x001F–0x3FFF Reserved All registers are accessible via 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit accesses. However, 16-bit accesses must be aligned to 16-bit boundaries, and 32-bit accesses must be aligned to 32-bit boundaries. As an example, CHCONFIG0 through CHCONFIG3 are accessible by a 32-bit READ/WRITE to address ‘Base + 0x00’, but performing a 32-bit access to address ‘Base + 0x01’ is illegal. 20.3.1 Register Descriptions The following memory-mapped registers are available in the DMA Channel Mux. Channel Configuration Registers Each of the DMA channels can be independently enabled/disabled and associated with one of the DMA slots (peripheral slots or always-on slots) in the system. Address: Base + #n Access: User read/write 0 1 ENBL TRIG 0 0 R 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 SOURCE W Reset 0 0 0 0 Figure 190. Channel Configuration Registers (CHCONFIG#n) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 463 DMACHMUX Table 237. CHCONFIGxx Field Descriptions Field Description 0 ENBL DMA Channel Enable. ENBL enables the DMA Channel 0 DMA channel is disabled. This mode is primarily used during configuration of the DMA Mux. The DMA has separate channel enables/disables, which should be used to disable or re-configure a DMA channel. 1 DMA channel is enabled 1 TRIG DMA Channel Trigger Enable (for triggered channels only). TRIG enables the periodic trigger capability for the DMA Channel 0 Triggering is disabled. If triggering is disabled, and the ENBL bit is set, the DMA Channel will simply route the specified source to the DMA channel. 1 Triggering is enabled 3–7 SOURCE DMA Channel Source (slot). SOURCE specifies which DMA source, if any, is routed to a particular DMA channel. Table 238. Channel and Trigger Enabling ENBL TRIG Function Mode 0 X DMA Channel is disabled Disabled Mode 1 0 DMA Channel is enabled with no triggering (transparent) Normal Mode 1 1 DMA Channel is enabled with triggering Periodic Trigger Mode NOTE Setting multiple CHCONFIG registers with the same Source value will result in unpredictable behavior. NOTE Before changing the trigger or source settings a DMA channel must be disabled via the CHCONFIG[#n].ENBL bit. 20.4 DMA request mapping This sections defines the integration of the DMA channel multiplexer. Table 239, shows which modules are connected to which DMA multiplexer slot. Table 240 shows the trigger inputs. Table 239. DMA channel mapping DMA Requesting Module DMA Channel Resource Module 1 DSPI_TFFF DSPI 0 DSPI_0 TX DMA MUX Source #1 2 DSPI_RFDF DSPI 0 DSPI_0 RX DMA MUX Source #2 3 DSPI_TFFF DSPI 1 DSPI_1 TX DMA MUX Source #3 4 DSPI_RFDF DSPI 1 DSPI_1 RX DMA MUX Source #4 5 DSPI_TFFF DSPI 2 DSPI_2 TX DMA MUX Source #5 DMA Mux Input MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 464 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX Table 239. DMA channel mapping (continued) DMA Requesting Module DMA Channel Resource Module 6 DSPI_RFDF DSPI 2 DSPI_2 RX DMA MUX Source #6 8 SAI_TFIFO SAI_0 SAI_TX DMA MUX Source #8 9 SAI_RFIFO SAI_0 SAI_RX DMA MUX Source #9 10 SAI_TFIFO SAI_1 SAI_TX DMA MUX Source #10 11 SAI_RFIFO SAI_1 SAI_RX DMA MUX Source #11 12 SAI_TFIFO SAI_2 SAI_TX DMA MUX Source #12 13 SAI_RFIFO SAI_2 SAI_RX DMA MUX Source #13 16 channel0 etimer0 eTimer_0 CH1 DMA MUX Source #16 17 channel1 etimer0 eTimer_0 CH2 DMA MUX Source #17 20 DMA adc0 ADC_0 DMA MUX Source #20 21 Always requestor — — — 22 Always requestor — — — 23 Always requestor — — — 24 Always requestor — — — 25 Always requestor — — — 26 Always requestor — — — 27 Always requestor — — — 28 Always requestor — — — 29 Always requestor — — — 30 Always requestor — — — DMA Mux Input . < Table 240. DMA Trigger Mapping DMACHMUX Channel Trigger Source Module 0 PIT Trigger Channel 0 1 PIT Trigger Channel 1 2 PIT Trigger Channel 2 3 PIT Trigger Channel 3 Source Signal MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 465 DMACHMUX The triggers can be used to gate the request signals from the individual IP modules. Using the periodic timer impulses limits the peak bandwidth of an individual DMA channel, to prevent delay of other transactions. 20.5 Functional Description This section provides a functional description of the DMA Mux. The primary purpose of the DMA Mux is to provide flexibility in the system’s use of the available DMA channels. As such, configuration of the DMA Mux is intended to be a static procedure done during execution of the system boot code. However, if the procedure outlined in Section 20.6.2, “Enabling and Configuring Sources” is followed, the configuration of the DMA MUX may be changed during the normal operation of the system. Functionally, the DMA Mux channels may be divided into two classes: Channels, which implement the normal routing functionality plus periodic triggering capability, and channels, which implement only the normal routing functionality. 20.5.1 DMA Channels with periodic triggering capability Besides the normal routing functionality, the first 4 channels of the DMA Mux provide a special periodic triggering capability that can be used to provide an automatic mechanism to transmit bytes, frames or packets at fixed intervals without the need for processor intervention. The trigger is generated by the Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT); as such, the configuration of the periodic triggering interval is done via configuration registers in the PIT. Please refer to the Periodic Interrupt Timer Block Guide for more information on this topic. NOTE Because of the dynamic nature of the system (i.e. DMA channel priorities, bus arbitration, interrupt service routine lengths, etc.), the number of clock cycles between a trigger and the actual DMA transfer cannot be guaranteed. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 466 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX Source #1 Source #2 Source #3 Trigger #1 DMA Channel #0 Trigger #2 Source #21 Trigger #4 Always #1 DMA Channel #3 Always #9 Figure 191. DMA Mux triggered channels The DMA channel triggering capability allows the system to “schedule” regular DMA transfers, usually on the transmit side of certain peripherals, without the intervention of the processor. This trigger works by gating the request from the Peripheral to the DMA until a trigger event has been seen. This is illustrated in Figure 192. Periph Request Trigger DMA Request Figure 192. DMA Mux Channel Triggering: Normal Operation Once the DMA request has been serviced, the peripheral will negate its request, effectively resetting the gating mechanism until the peripheral re-asserts its request AND the next trigger event is seen. This means that if a trigger is seen, but the peripheral is not requesting a transfer, that trigger will be ignored. This situation is illustrated in Figure 193. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 467 DMACHMUX Periph Request Trigger DMA Request Figure 193. DMA Mux Channel Triggering: Ignored Trigger This triggering capability may be used with any peripheral that supports DMA transfers, and is most useful for two types of situations: • Periodically polling external devices on a particular bus. As an example, the transmit side of an SPI is assigned to a DMA channel with a trigger, as described above. Once setup, the SPI will request DMA transfers (presumably from memory) as long as its transmit buffer is empty. By using a trigger on this channel, the SPI transfers can be automatically performed every 5s (as an example). On the receive side of the SPI, the SPI and DMA can be configured to transfer receive data into memory, effectively implementing a method to periodically read data from external devices and transfer the results into memory without processor intervention. • Using the GPIO Ports to drive or sample waveforms. By configuring the DMA to transfer data to one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to create complex waveforms using tabular data stored in on-chip memory. Conversely, using the DMA to periodically transfer data from one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to sample complex waveforms and store the results in tabular form in on-chip memory. A more detailed description of the capability of each trigger (i.e.-resolution, range of values, etc.) may be found in the Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) Block Guide. 20.5.2 DMA Channels with no triggering capability The other channels of the DMA Mux provide the normal routing functionality as described in Section 20.1.3, “Modes of Operation”. 20.5.3 "Always Enabled" DMA Sources In addition to the peripherals that can be used as DMA sources, there are 9 additional DMA sources that are "always enabled". Unlike the peripheral DMA sources, where the peripheral controls the flow of data during DMA transfers, the "always enabled" sources provide no such "throttling" of the data transfers. These sources are most useful in the following cases: • Doing DMA transfers to/from GPIO - Moving data from/to one or more GPIO pins, either un-throttled (i.e.-as fast as possible), or periodically (using the DMA triggering capability). • Doing DMA transfers from memory to memory - Moving data from memory to memory, typically as fast as possible, sometimes with software activation. • Doing DMA transfers from memory to the external bus (or vice-versa) - Similar to memory to memory transfers, this is typically done as quickly as possible. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 468 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX • Any DMA transfer that requires software activation - Any DMA transfer that should be explicitly started by software. In cases where software should initiate the start of a DMA transfer, a "always enabled" DMA source can be used to provide maximum flexibility. When activating a DMA channel via software, subsequent executions of the minor loop require a new "start" event be sent. This can either be a new software activation, or a transfer request from the DMA Channel Mux. The options for doing this are: • Transfer all data in a single minor loop. By configuring the DMA to transfer all of the data in a single minor loop (i.e.-major loop counter = 1), no re-activation of the channel is necessary. The disadvantage to this option is the reduced granularity in determining the load that the DMA transfer will incur on the system. For this option, the DMA channel should be disabled in the DMA Channel Mux. • Use explicit software re-activation. In this option, the DMA is configured to transfer the data using both minor and major loops, but the processor is required to re-activate the channel (by writing to the DMA registers) after every minor loop. For this option, the DMA channel should be disabled in the DMA Channel Mux. • Use a "always enabled" DMA source. In this option, the DMA is configured to transfer the data using both minor and major loops, and the DMA Channel Mux does the channel re-activation. For this option, the DMA channel should be enabled and pointing to an "always enabled" source. Note that the re-activation of the channel can be continuous (DMA triggering is disabled) or can use the DMA triggering capability. In this manner, it is possible to execute periodic transfers of packets of data from one source to another, without processor intervention. 20.6 20.6.1 Initialization/Application Information Reset The reset state of each individual bit is shown within the Register Description section (See Section 20.3.1, “Register Descriptions”). In summary, after reset, all channels are disabled and must be explicitly enabled before use. 20.6.2 Enabling and Configuring Sources Enabling a source with periodic triggering 1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability. 2. Clear the ENBL and TRIG bits of the DMA channel 3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel may be enabled at this point 4. Configure the corresponding timer 5. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCONFIG register, ensuring that the ENBL and TRIG bits are set MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 469 DMACHMUX Example 1. Configure source #5 Transmit for use with DMA Channel 2, with periodic triggering capability 1. 2. 3. 4. Write 0x00 to CHCONFIG2 (Base Address + 0x02) Configure Channel 2 in the DMA, including enabling the channel Configure a timer for the desired trigger interval Write 0xC5 to CHCONFIG2 (Base Address + 0x02) The following code example illustrates steps #1 and #4 above: In File registers.h: #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */ /* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */ volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F); In File main.c: #include "registers.h" : : *CHCONFIG2 = 0x00; *CHCONFIG2 = 0xC5; Enabling a source without periodic triggering 1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability. 2. Clear the ENBL and TRIG bits of the DMA channel 3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel may be enabled at this point 4. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCONFIG register, ensuring that the ENBL is set and the TRIG bit is cleared Example 2. Configure source #5 Transmit for use with DMA Channel 2, with no periodic triggering capability. 1. Write 0x00 to CHCONFIG2 (Base Address + 0x02) 2. Configure Channel 2 in the DMA, including enabling the channel 3. Write 0x85 to CHCONFIG2 (Base Address + 0x02) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 470 Freescale Semiconductor DMACHMUX The following code example illustrates steps #1 and #3 above: In File registers.h: #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */ /* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */ volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F); In File main.c: #include "registers.h" : : *CHCONFIG2 = 0x00; *CHCONFIG2 = 0x85; Disabling a source A particular DMA source may be disabled by not writing the corresponding source value into any of the CHCONFIG registers. Additionally, some module specific configuration may be necessary. Please refer to the appropriate section for more details. Switching the source of a DMA Channel 1. Disable the DMA channel in the DMA and re-configure the channel for the new source 2. Clear the ENBL and TRIG bits of the DMA channel 3. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCONFIG register, ensuring that the ENBL and TRIG bits are set Example 3. Switch DMA Channel 8 from source #5 transmit to source #7 transmit 1. In the DMA configuration registers, disable DMA channel 8 and re-configure it to handle the transfers to peripheral slot 7. This example assumes channel 8 doesn’t have triggering capability. 2. Write 0x00 to CHCONFIG8 (Base Address + 0x08) 3. Write 0x87 to CHCONFIG8 (Base Address + 0x08). (In this example, setting the TRIG bit would have no effect, due to the assumption that channels 8 does not support the periodic triggering functionality). The following code example illustrates steps #2 and #3 above: In File registers.h: MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 471 DMACHMUX #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */ /* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */ volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F); In File main.c: #include "registers.h" : : *CHCONFIG8 = 0x00; *CHCONFIG8 = 0x87; 20.6.3 Freezing in STOP and HALT mode If a DMA capable peripheral is programmed to run on divided system clock, then do not configure DMACHMUX to be frozen in STOP/HALT mode using the DMACHMUX PCTL register. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 472 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 21 Video Encoder Wrapper 21.1 Introduction Figure 194 shows the block diagram of video encoder. The video encoder accepts either an ITU-BT656 like compatible video stream with embedded sync signals, or a video stream with external vsync and href signals on its parallel interface. The encoder downsamples the stream to 4:2:0 format, compresses it using JPEG encoding, and then stores it in the output buffer. Synchronizer receives the input video stream, and changes clocking to the ipg_video_clk (128 MHz). If the input video stream is ITU-BT656 like compliant, it is fed to the sync extraction or decoder. The sync extraction block extracts the ITU-BT656 like sync (FF-00-00), and sends the video to the processing functions. If the video stream is non ITU-BT656 like compliant, it does not go through the sync extraction block and is directly fed to the third block. Block 3 converts the 4:2:2 stream to a 4:2:0 stream by providing interpolation on the chroma components of the stream. Block 4 performs the reordering of the stream from scan line order to MCU block order. After this, the stream is MJPEG encoded. The encoded stream is then written to a circular buffer SRAM. Ext synch mode 1 pixclk 2 videoin href vsync 1 Syncho -nizer 2 Sync Extrac tion Int synch mode 4 3 Chroma Down sample Data Reorder 5 MJPEG Encoder 6 Output Buffer Amba Slave Interface 7 Subchannel Reception 1. pixclk is 80–96 MHz. 2. videoin data is YUV422 or ITU656 compliant stream. Figure 194. Video encoder block diagram MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 473 Video Encoder Wrapper The block has the capability to send interrupt on the following conditions: • Start of frame • End of picture • Pixel count mismatch in a line • Line count error in a frame • Protection bit error in decoder • JPEG In stream received from JPEG SRAM • Subchannel received • Buffer filling alarm • Configuration Error (from MJPEG Encoder) 21.1.1 • • • • • Features Baseline/extended sequential ISO/IEC 10918-1 JPEG encoder (8/12 bit) Programmable huffman tables (2AC, 2DC) and quantization tables (4) Embedded sync (ITU-BT656 like) or external synced input interface, supporting 422 video formats Receives ‘embedded line’ information from sensor, containing all register settings, as ‘subchannel information’ into dedicated SRAM. Encoded stream is stored in SRAM output buffer memory, accessible over slave AHB bus. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 474 Video Encoder Wrapper Block Diagram Input Interface Asynchronous FIFO href_ext jpegout vsync pix_data_sync MJPEG encoder video_data_ext External sync c_valid_ext information extraction y_valid_ext block sync_mode (select line) Demux for internal/ external synced data data_decoder_skip ipg_video_clk_sync Clock gating cell Decoder (sync information extraction for embedded sync ITU 656 data_decoder data) MUX for selection between external and internal sync MJPEG encoder memories (DQT, DCT, CFG, HUFFMAN FIFO and HUFFMAN TABLE etc.) ipg_video_clk pixel data data_valid ipg_video_clk href JPEG Encoder video_data_int video_data_int c_valid_int c_valid_int y_valid_int y_valid_int pixelk_we Data or pixel data AHB slave interface Output buffer (2048x32) vsync_ext pixel_rdy/ Pixel clock Output Interface jpegout_we 21.2 Conversion from YUV422 to YUV420 format hsync hsync vsync vsync LUMA buffer (10240x24) Chroma buffer (10240x12) Down sample buffer (1280x12) Figure 195. Video Encodder Wrapper Block Diagram 21.2.1 MJPEG Video Encoder The MJPEG encoder is a third party IP, which performs 8/12 bit data encoding. The video encoder needs to be programmed using the MJPEG encoder configuration registers. All the MJPEG control/status registers are available for configuration through the Video Encoder Wrapper. The encoder will output compressed data to the circular/output buffer which is an AHB slave to read by the Ethernet/DMA. The MJPEG Encoder needs to be pre-configured to define the Huffman & Quantization tables, frame format, length of restart interval etc. This information is provided to the MJPEG IP using its configuration Interface. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 475 Video Encoder Wrapper To implement this, the video encoder wrapper has a JPEGIn Buffer (256x32 bits). This buffer RAM needs to be configured with the configuration stream prior to starting the MJPEG encoder. The RAM is accesible through the IPS interface for writing. During the vertical blanking period, the core can configure this RAM with the values required. The Video Encoder Wrapper also specifies JPEGIn offset address register, which specifies the offset in the RAM from where the reading of configuration data shall start. The first byte is taken from the address pointed to by JPEGIn Offset address register. Subsequent data bytes are from subsequent addresses. The configuration stream is terminated using the EOI marker. Then the MJPEG is configured to read in the configuration stream from the JPEGIn buffer. After the MJPEG Encoder reads the configuration stream, the Jpeg IN stream IRQ interrupt is generated. This interrput can be cleared by writing one to the clear bit. 21.2.2 MJPEG Operation Modes Figure 196 shows the control flow implemented by the JPEG encoder. After reset, the JPEG encoder enters idle mode. In the idle mode, access to the control and the status registers is enabled. The MJPEG encoder exits the idle mode when the CONF or GO bit of the control register are detected to be 1. The core then enters one of the operation’s mode. See Section, “MODE”. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 476 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper AUTOCLR_ CONF=1 EOI Detected CONFIG MODE Y Y CONF=1 CONF=0 IDLE MODE RESET N GO=1 N Y SINGLE-SCAN ENCODING MODE N AUTOCLR_ GO=1 Y GO=0 Figure 196. Global control flow (LP=SWR=0) Configuration Mode Configuration mode is entered after the idle mode, if the CONF bit of the MODE control-register is detected to be 1. During the configuration mode, the core receives marker segments through the JPEGIn interface. Marker segments define the following: • Huffman and Quantization tables (DQT and DHT marker segments) • Frame format (SOF0) • Length of the restart interval (DRI) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 477 Video Encoder Wrapper • • Start of Scan (SOS) Comment and application marker segments (COM and APP) The DQT, DHT, SOF0, DRI and SOS marker segments are decoded and used for the self-configuration of the core, while the COM and APP marker segments are internally stored so that they are available for extracting in the JPEG stream whenever needed. Once configuration mode is completed, and if the AUTOCLR_CONF bit of the CFG_MODE control register is 1, the CONF bit of the MODE control register is automatically cleared. If an error (illegal marker or corrupted marker segment) is detected during marker segments’ decoding, the error is reported in the JPEG Stat 12 field description and the ConfigError output pin is asserted. In order to continue working properly, a Software Reset command should be given via the control-register. NOTE After Soft reset (bit 30 in Status_config register) is asserted and released, CAST registers need re-configuration. The wrapper registers need not be re-configured once soft-reset is released, but all CAST configuration registers like MODE, CFG_MODE, and so on need to be re-configured for proper re-functioning of the video encoder sub-system. The referenced marker segments must be packed in a configuration-stream. A configuration stream must always start with a SOI marker and must always be terminated with an EOI marker. The configuration stream may contain the rest of the marker segments reported in the table below. Marker Code Description SOI FFD8h Start of image DQT FFDBh Define Quantization table(s) DHT FFC4h Define Huffman table(s) DRI FFDDh Define restart interval SOF0 FFC0h Baseline frame definition SOF1 FFC1h Extended Sequential frame definition SOS FFDAh Start of scan COM FFFEh Comment APPn FFE0h-FFEFh Application segment, n=0...F The configuration mode must be entered in one of the following cases: 1. After to perform encoding. In this case, the format of the configuration stream must be as follows: SOI (Start Of Image) APPn (Application Segment: Optional) COM (Comment segment: Optional) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 478 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper DQT (Quantization Table(s) segment(s))1 SOF0 (Start Of Frame (JPEG Baseline) segment) (EXTSEQ=0) or SOF1 (Start Of Frame (JPEG Extended) segment) (EXTSEQ=1) DHT (Huffman Table(s) segment(s)) DRI (Restart Interval segment: Optional) SOS (Start Of Scan segment(s)) EOI (End Of Image) 2. Whenever the frame format and/or the encoding options, as defined by the most recently decoded DHT, DQT, SOF0, DRI and SOS marker segments, will change for the next frame or scan to be encoded. In those cases, the configuration stream needs to contain only the marker segments that need to be updated. So, for example if only the DQT marker needs to be updated, the configuration stream can be: SOI (Start Of Image) DQT (Quantization Tables(s) segment(s)) EOI (End Of Image) NOTE Whenever the SOF0 is updated, the SOS marker must be updated too. Encoding Mode The MJPEG encoder will enter the single-scan encoding mode, if the control-register is configured so that: CONF=0 and GO=1. As in all encoding modes, the core receives image samples on an MCU, raster scan order via the Pixel-In interface and outputs a Baseline ISO/IEC 10918-1 JPEG stream via the Jpeg-Out interface. Figure 197 shows the control flow implemented under single-scan encoding mode. Specifically, the core automatically outputs on the Jpeg-Out interface the marker segments that are not masked by the bits 0-7 of the control register (see Table 241). It then encodes the frame samples and outputs the entropy-coded segments via the Jpeg-Out interface. See Section Table 253., “CFG_MODE field description”. After the entire scan is encoded the core extracts the EOI marker and leaves the encoding mode. To identify the end of an image (scan), the SOF0 (0 need to be an index) marker needs to define the image geometry (Y-field > 0). Thus, the MJPEG Encoder apriori knows the number of samples to expect in each scan and it just counts the incoming samples. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 479 Video Encoder Wrapper Extract SOI Extract Non-Masked Marker Segments Encode scan Extract EOI EXIT Figure 197. Control flow under single-scan encoding mode Rate Control operation In principle there are two different set of methods of controlling the bit rate of a jpeg stream. One set of methods is about controlling the output data peak bandwidth, and the other one is about controlling the total size of the jpeg output stream. The first set of methods applies to bandwidth limited applications, while the second one applies to storage limited applications. The size based rate control gives superior results in terms of image quality but it can guarantee maximum output rate only on a per frame basis. The size control set of methods have the add-on basic principle of accumulating “unused threshold bits” from past DCT blocks (this happens in areas of the image which are highly compressed) and then using these bits in the more demanding image areas, compensating thus the quality around the whole image. Size based rate control needs to be done using software. This version of the JPEG-E-X does not implement size based rate control; rather it implements bandwidth based rate control. The bandwidth based rate control is activated when one or both of the LUMTH and CHRTH control registers are programmed with a value different than FFFF. This option of the implemented rate control is to set a maximum number-of-bits threshold which applies uniformly to all DCT blocks. During encoding each DCT block is prevented from producing more encoded bits than this threshold by zeroing out as many as needed, if needed at all, quantized DCT coefficients in the Zig-Zag scan order. One optimization of this method, implemented as a second option, is to use different thresholds between Luminance and Chrominance DCT blocks. The core supports this by programming different values to the LUMTH and CHRTH control registers. This option gives better results, in terms of image quality, since the user can allocate different bandwidth between Luminance and Chrominance data. LUMTH and CHRTH needs to be selected according to the read bandwidth of the output buffer. Thus, an overflow of the circular output buffer can be avoided. NOTE In all cases proper initial selection of the quantization tables is a critical factor for the resulting image quality after rate control. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 480 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper 21.3 21.3.1 Memory Map and Register Definition Memory Map Table 241. Video Encoder memory map Offset or Address Video Encoder registers Access Section/Page 0x001 Status_config RW 0x041 Picture_size RW 0x08 Pixel_count RW 0x0c1 Reserved R 1 1 0x10 Dma_address 0x141 Dma_vstart_address RW 0x181 Dma_vend_address R 0x1C1 Dma_alarm_address RW 0x201 Subchannel buffer start RW 0x241 Jpeg in offset address RW Control registers 0x28 RC_REGS_SEL W 0x2c LUMTH W 0x302 MODE W 0x34 CFG_MODE W 0x38 CHRTH W Status registers 0x40 JPEG stat 0 R 0x44 JPEG stat 1 R 0x48 JPEG stat 2 R 0x4C JPEG stat 3 R 0x50 JPEG stat 4 R 0x54 JPEG stat 5 R 0x58 JPEG stat 6 R 0x5C JPEG stat 7 (Not Used) R 0x60 JPEG stat 8 R 0x64 JPEG stat 9 R 0x68 JPEG stat 10 R 0x6C JPEG stat 11 R MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 481 Video Encoder Wrapper Table 241. Video Encoder memory map (continued) Offset or Address Video Encoder registers Access Section/Page 0x70 JPEG stat 12 R 0x74 JPEG stat 13 R 0x78 JPEG stat 14 R 0x7c JPEG stat 15 R Subchannel buffer space (256 bytes) RW — 0x1000–0x13ff Jpeg in buffer space (1024 bytes) RW — 0x5000_0000– 0x5000_3FFF circular buffer space. This does not reflect in IPS address space. Instead this is AHB mapped address range. RW — 0x0200–0x02FF 1 The registers from offset 0x00 to 0x24 remains accessible if Video Encoder peripheral is frozen through ME_PCTL30 register in all the modes. 2 Registers 0x28 - 0x7c are resident in the MJPEG encoder but are mapped in Wrapper. The registers 0x28-0x38 are Write Only through wrapper. We cannot read the reset values of these registers as well. However JPEG_encode CFG_MODE register can be read from address 0x74.LUMTH can be read from 0x78.CHRTH can be read from 0x7c NOTE Video output buffer RAM inside Video Encoder should not be used as a General Purpose system RAM. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 482 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper 21.3.2 Register Descriptions Status_config 0x00 status_config 0 1 read/write 2 3 4 5 6 7 R DMA Vstart subch jpeg len count Vend txfer irq an irq in irq err irq err irq irq irq Reset 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DMA subch Vstart Jpeg Len Count Vend error_ txfer an irq irq en irq en irq en irq en irq en en irq en en subch len count Vend Vstart jpeg_ an irq err irq err irq irq irq clr irq clr clr clr clr clear W 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 R error_ error_ subch Subc code1 code2 Pixel_ _irq buffer buffer Video annel hann _irq Sync Href_ Vsync Pixel_ clock sw_re el error_ error_ W write restar encod data Mode Bit Width IN Pol _pol order _pola set on t er on reque start code1 cod21 rity st point _ irq _ irq clr clr Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 198. status_config Register Table 242. status_config Fields Field DMA txfer irq Vstart irq Subchannel data irq Description DMA transfer request - given every time dma_address >= dma_alarm_address Interrupt signalling the SOI marker of the MJPEG Encoder i.e. the MJPEG is configured for encoding. Subchannel data received and ready for processor read. Jpeg IN stream Request for JPEG In stream received from MJPEG encoder, and data provided from JPEGIn RAM. irq Line Len err irq Interrupt signalling mismatch between active line length and programmed line length Line count err irq Interrupt signalling mismatch between active number of lines in an image and programmed number of lines in the image Interrupt signalling the completion of encoding of Current Frame. It is asserted at the detection of EOI Vend irq DMA txfer irq_en 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Vstart irq_en 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 483 Video Encoder Wrapper Table 242. status_config Fields Field Subchannel data irq_en Description 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Jpeg IN stream 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. irq_en 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Line Len err irq_en 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Line count err irq en 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Vend irq en 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. Error En 1’b1 : Interrupt is Enabled. 1’b0: Interrupt is Disabled. buffer_write_on 1: write to buffer enabled 0: write to buffer disabled Note:- Bit will be open to be written by the software all the time, but active state of bit will be locked at theSOI marker of the frame, and will be open to be changed again at the end of current frame encoding. buffer_restart 1: dma_address will reload from dma_vstart_address at next SOI 0: dma_address will free-run, is not updated on next SOI Bit clears automatically on dma_address reload. Video_encoder 1: turn video encoder on _on 0: video encoder off Note:- Bit will be open to be written by the software all the time, but active state of state of bit will be locked at the positive edge of vsync, and will be open to be changed again at the end of current frame encoding. Subchannel data request 1: Request video in block to receive subchannel data 0: Do not request subchannel data. Bit will auto-clear on reception of subchannel data. After receiving subchannel data, Subchannel Data IRQ will be generated. If no data is requested, interrupt is not generated. Sync Mode 0: Hsync/Vsync external signals used for syncing 1: ITU-BT656-like embedded syncs Bit Width In 00 : 8 bit 01 : 10 bit 10 : 12 bit 11 : Reserved, do not use subchannel start point 0: start counting pixels from the starting edge of vsync 1: start counting pixels from first valid pixel of frame error code1 irq Interrupt signalling protection single bit error in decoder error code2 irq Interrupt signalling protection double bit error in decoder href_pol Defines the active polarity of HREF signal.Applicable only for External Sync Mode 1’b1: HREF is active high 1’b0: HREF is active low MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 484 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper Table 242. status_config Fields Field Description vsync_pol Defines the active polarity of VSYNC signal.Applicable only for External Sync Mode 1’b1: VSYNCis active high 1’b0: VSYNCis active low pixel_order Defines whether first chroma pixel or luma pixel will come in the camera input stream.Apllicable both for internal & external sync modes. 1’b1: Chroma pixel first in YCbCr Stream 1’b0: Luma pixel first in YCbCr stream. pixel_clock_pol Defines whether data is sampled on positive or negative edge of pixel clock 1’b1: data is sampled on positive edge of pixel clock 1’b0: data is sampled on negative edge of pixel clock sw_rst Initialises all flops of design on to a known state. Signal is active high. Note: This bit must be cleared to exit reset state. Picture_size 0x04 picture_size read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 R W Reset R picture_vsize[10:4] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 picture_hsize[10:5] 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved T Table 243. Picture size register fields Field Description picture_hsize[10:5] Number of pixels in line, increments of 32. For example, if hsize is 256 then the value to be programmed is 'b001000. Number of pixels in a line should be divided by 32. You must carefully provide number of lines in a pixel as multiples of 32. picture_vsize[10:4] Number of lines in field, increments of 16. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 485 Video Encoder Wrapper Pixel count 0x08 pixel_count read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 R W Reset R pixel_count[8:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved T Table 244. Pixel count register fields Field Description pixel_count[8:0] Number of pixels to be stored in subchannel RAM. Dma_address 0x10 dma_address 0 1 read 2 3 4 5 6 R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 dma_address[12:2] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 199. dma_address Register T Table 245. dma_address Fields Field Description dma_address[12:2] Address where the video encoder is currently writing in the output buffer.This can indicate the current buffer fill level. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 486 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper Dma_vstart_address 0x14 dma_vstart_address 0 1 2 read/write 3 4 5 6 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 dma_vstart_address[12:2] W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 200. dma_vstart_address Register T Table 246. dma_vstart_address Fields Field Description dma_vstart_addres Address where the write of next frame will start if buffer_restart bit is 1’b1. s[12:2] Dma_vend_address 0x18 dma_vend_address read Power PC 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Conventional 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 dma_vend_address[12:2] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 201. dma_vend_address Register T Table 247. dma_vend_address Fields Field Description dma_vend_addres Belongs with vend interrupt. Address at which write of current frame ended. s[12:2] MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 487 Video Encoder Wrapper Dma_alarm_address 0x1C dma_alarm_address 0 1 2 read/write 3 4 5 6 R 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 dma_alarm_address[12:2] W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 202. dma_alarm_address Register T Table 248. dma_alarm_address Fields Field Description dma_alarm_addres When dma_address >= dma_alarm_address, alarm interrupt is generated. s[12:2] Subchannel buffer start 0x20 subchannel_buffer_start 0 1 2 3 read/write 4 5 6 7 8 9 R 10 11 12 13 14 15 subchannel_buffer_start[23:16] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Power PC 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Conventional 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 R subchannel_buffer_start[15:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Field Description subchannel_buff Subchannel buffer start addres. This specifies the number of pixel clocks after HREF/VSYNC from er_start[23:0] where subchannel data starts arriving from camera. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 488 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper JPEG In Offset Address 0x24 jpeg_in_offset_address read/write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 1 R W Reset R jpegin_data_offset[9:2] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Table 249. JPEG data in offset Fields Field Description jpeg data in offset[9:2] This is a pointer in JPEG in buffer RAM where jpeg IN stream will be sourced next time MJPEG encoder requests RC_REGS_SEL The RC_REGS_SEL control register is used as an indirect status register select. It selects between the two sets of Rate-Control (RC) status registers, which are available for read at JPEG stat 14 and JPEG stat 15. The RC_REGS_SEL register can be programmed with the values 0, 1 and 2. The corresponding set of registers that will be available for read through status registers 14 and 15 is shown in the Table 250: 0x0028 R write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R W Reset 0 RC_REGS_ SEL 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 203. RC_REGS_SEL control register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 489 Video Encoder Wrapper Table 250. The RC_REGS_SEL control register RC_REGS_SEL Value RC_REGS0 (JPEG stat 14) RC_REGS1 (JPEG stat 15) 0 LUMATH CHROMATH 1 LumaTruncH (Bits 31:16 of register with total Truncated Bits of Luminance blocks). LumaTruncL (Bits 15:0 of register with total Truncated Bits of Luminance blocks). 2 ChromaTruncH (Bits 31:16 of register with total Truncated Bits of Chrominance blocks). ChromaTruncL (Bits 15:0 of register with total Truncated Bits of Chrominance blocks). LUMTH This register is used with AC(0) Huffman Table. Huffman Tables must be assigned for Luminance components in SOS marker segment accordingly. Maximum allowed programmed threshold value for both registers is 0x03DF. 0x002C R write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset R W Reset LUMTH 1 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 204. LUMTH register Table 251. LUMTH field description Field LUMTH Description Maximum number of bits threshold used in rate control of Luminance DCT blocks (the maximum value is 0x03DF). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 490 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper MODE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AUTOCLR_CONF GO CONF EXTSEQ R write AUTOCLR_GO 0x0030 SWR LP 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 W Reset R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 205. MODE register Table 252. MODE field description Field LP SWR EXTSEQ CONF GO AUTOCLR_CONF AUTOCLR_GO Description Low Power 0 LP is disabled 1 The core enters low-power mode (all internal registers are frozen) Soft Reset 0 SWR is not enabled 1 The core can be reset Selector between Baseline and Extended Sequential mode of operation 0 Baseline mode is selected 1 Extended Sequential mode Configuration. When 1 the core enters configuration mode GO 0 GO is disabled 1 The core exits the idle mode Auto clear CONF bit when the core exits from configuration mode Auto clear GO bit when the core exits from its current encoding mode of operation MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 491 Video Encoder Wrapper CFG_MODE write1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MSOS MDHT MDQT MDRI MSOF0 R 0 MDNL 0x0034 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 MAPP DICOM W MCOM R COMB_DHT Reset COMB_DQT W 1 1 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 206. CFG_MODE register 1 The register is Write only through wrapper. The reset values of this register cannot be read. However, the register can be read from the address 0x74. Table 253. CFG_MODE field description Field MSOF0 Description Mask Start of Frame 0 No SOF0 segments are output by the core 1 SoF0 segments are output by the core MDRI Mask DRI 0 No DRI segments are output by the core 1 DRI segments are output by the core. MDQT Mask DQT 0 No DQT segments are output by the core 1 DQT segments are output by the core MDHT Mask DHT 0 No DHT segments are output by the core 1 DHT segments are output by the core MSOS Mask SOS 0 No SOS segments are output by the core 1 SOS segments are output by the core MDNL Mask DNL 0 No DNL segments are output by the core 1 DNL segments are output by the core MAPP Mask APP 0 No APP segments are output by the core 1 APP segments are output by the core MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 492 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper Table 253. CFG_MODE field description Field Description MCOM Mask COM 0 No COM segments are output by the core 1 COM segments are output by the core COMB_DQT 0 Transmits all Quantization Tables in one combined DQT segment to support EXIF 2.2 format 1 Do not transmit all Quantization Tables in one combined DQT segment to support EXIF 2.2 format COMB_DHT 0 Transmits all Huffman Tables in one combined DHT segment to support EXIF 2.2 format 1 Do not transmits all Huffman Tables in one combined DHT segment to support EXIF 2.2 format DICOM 0 Transmits SOF0 and SOS markers after DQT and DHT markers to support DICOM format 1 Do not transmits SOF0 and SOS markers after DQT and DHT markers to support DICOM format CHRTH This register is used with AC(1) Huffman Table. Huffman Tables must be assigned for Chrominance components in SOS marker segment accordingly. Maximum allowed programmed threshold value for both registers is 0x03DF. 0x0038 R write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset R W Reset CHRTH 1 = Unimplemented or Reserved Table 254. CHRTH_SEL_ADDR field description Field Description CHRTH Maximum number of bits threshold used in rate control of Chrominance DCT blocks (the maximum value is 0x03DF). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 493 Video Encoder Wrapper Status registers JPEG Stat 0 0x0040 Read R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R X W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 207. JPEG Stat 0 register Table 255. JPEG STAT 0 field description Field Description X Image Width JPEG Stat 1 0x0044 Read R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R Y W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 208. JPEG Stat 1 register Table 256. JPEG Stat 1 field description Field Y Description Image Height MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 494 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper JPEG Stat 2 0x0048 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset R HMCU W Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Table 257. JPEG STAT 2 field description Field HMCU Description Number of MCUs in the current scan in horizontal direction JPEG Stat 3 0x004C R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tq0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R VMCU W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 209. JPEG Stat 3 Table 258. JPEG STAT 3 field description Field VMCU Description Number of MCUs in the current scan in vertical direction MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 495 Video Encoder Wrapper JPEG Stat 4 0x0050 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W Reset R C0 H0 V0 31 Tq0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 210. JPEG Stat 4 register Table 259. JPEG Stat 4 field description Field Description C0 Component identifier for scan component 0 H0 Horizontal sampling for scan component 0 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 2) V0 Vertical sampling for scan component (expected value for 4:2:0 = 2) Tq0 Quantization table identifier for scan component 0 JPEG Stat 5 0x0054 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W Reset R C1 H1 V1 31 Tq1 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 211. JPEG Stat 5 register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 496 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper Table 260. JPEG Stat 5 field description Field Description C1 Component identifier for scan component 1 H1 Horizontal sampling for scan component 1 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 1) V1 Vertical sampling for scan component 1 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 1) Tq1 Quantization table identifier for scan component 1 JPEG Stat 6 0x0058 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W Reset R C2 H2 V2 31 Tq2 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 212. JPEG Stat 6 register Table 261. JPEG Stat 6 field description Field Description C2 Component identifier for scan component 2 H2 Horizontal sampling for scan component 2 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 1) V2 Vertical sampling for scan component 2 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 1) Tq2 Quantization table identifier for scan component 2 JPEG Stat 7 This register is not used. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 497 Video Encoder Wrapper JPEG Stat 8 0x0060 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R NF W Reset 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 213. JPEG Stat 8 register Table 262. JPEG Stat 8 field description Field NF Description Number of components in frame (expected value for 4:2:0 = 3) JPEG Stat 9 0x0064 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R DRI W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 214. JPEG Stat 9 register Table 263. JPEG Stat 9 field description Field DRI Description Restart interval MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 498 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper JPEG Stat 10 0x0068 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 W Reset R Hmax Vmax NBMCU Ns W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 215. JPEG Stat 10 register Table 264. JPEG Stat 10 field description Field Description Hmax Maximum horizontal sampling factor in frame (expected value for 4:2:0 = 2) Vmax Maximum vertical sampling factor in frame (expected value for 4:2:0 = 2) NBMCU Number of blocks per MCU in current scan (expected value for 4:2:0 = 6) Ns Number of components in current scan (expected value for 4:2:0 = 3) JPEG Stat 11 0x006C R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Reset R VHS3 VHS2 VHS1 VHS0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 216. JPEG Stat 11 register MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 499 Video Encoder Wrapper Table 265. JPEG Stat 11 field description Field Description VHS3 Number of blocks of the fourth component in MCU. VHS2 Number of blocks of the third component in MCU. VHS3 = VHS2 + V3 H3 , when Ns = 4 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 0) VHS2 = VHS1 + V2 H2 , when Ns 3 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 6) VHS1 Number of blocks of the second component in MCU. VHS1 = VHS1 + V1 H1 , when Ns 2 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 5) VHS0 Number of blocks of the first component in MCU. VHS0 = V0 H0 , when Ns 1 , VHS0 = 1 and Ns = 1 (expected value for 4:2:0 = 4) JPEG Stat 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 SOF_E SOS_E DQT_E DHT_E DNL_E DRI_E APPn_E COM_E R Read SCANACTIVE 0x0070 CONFIFERROR R JPEGIN_RDY Reset PIXELIN_RDY W = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 217. JPEG Stat 12 register Table 266. JPEG Stat 12 field description Field Description SCANACTIVE Indicates that core encodes entropy coded scan data PIXELIN_RDY Pixel input data ready: Core is ready to accept new pixel data JPEGIN_RDY JPEG stream input data ready: Core is ready to read new data on JPEG (0x1000:0x13ff) CONFIGERROR Configuration error indicator SOF_E SOF0 error: 1 when an error in SOF0 segment is detected SOS_E Scan error : 1 when an error in SOS segment is detected MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 500 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper Table 266. JPEG Stat 12 field description Field Description DQT_E DQT error : 1 when an error in DQT segment is detected DHT_E DHT error : 1 when an error in DHT segment is detected DNL_E DNL error : 1 when an error in DNL segment is detected DRI_E DRI error : 1 when an error in DRI segment is detected APPn_E APPn error : 1 when an error in APPn segment is detected COM_E COM error : 1 when an error in COM segment is detected JPEG Stat 13 0x0074 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Reset R CFG_MODE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 218. JPEG Stat 13 register Table 267. JPEG Stat 13 field description Field CFG_MODE Description Programmed CFG_MODE control register. Allows to read back the value programmed to 0x34. JPEG Stat 14 This register allows to read the values as selected by RC_REGS_SEL (at offset 0x28). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 501 Video Encoder Wrapper 0x0078 R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R RC_REGS0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 219. JPEG Stat 14 register JPEG Stat 15 This register allows to read the values as selected by RC_REGS_SEL at offset 0x28. 0x007C R Read 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset R RC_REGS1 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Unimplemented or Reserved Figure 220. JPEG Stat 15 register 21.4 Functional Description The video encoder receives the video data, at pixel clock from camera (vsync and href also in case of external sync mode). This data is synchronised with ipg_video_clk with the help of asynchronous fifo, and then this data is made to pass through Decoder block for sync extraction(for embedded sync). The data is fed directly to the reordering logic, which downsamples the data from YUV422 to YUV420 data. This data is fed to the MJPEG encoder in MCU 8*8 Blocks (4 Luma blocks then 2 Chroma blocks), which compresses the JPEG Image and stores the data in a circular output buffer, from which the data can be read via AHB Slave Interface. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 502 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper 21.4.1 Input interface The input interface accepts ITU-BT656 mode data with external href/vsync sync inputs. In case mode is set to ITU-BT656, syncing is embedded per ITU-BT656 specification in the 8 most significant data lines. In case href/vsync syncing is enabled, href and vsync signal are input. href is active when line pixel data is valid, vsync goes active during the vertical blanking. The format on the pixel data is always YUV4:2:2. Y pixels are alternated with U and V pixels. The video interface can interface with 8-bit, 10-bit or 12-bit input. Input format is 8/10/12 bit, programmable. Use of ITU-BT656-like syncing or href/vsync is programmable. In case 8 or 10 bit mode is used, 4 or 2 bits on LSB side of input word are not used. When less than 12 bit is taken, the data is taken from the most significant bits. The input interface can be used in ITU-BT656-like mode, using embedded syncs, and using external href/vsync sync signals.Pixel clock frequency should be lower than ipg_video_clk at all times. External Sync Interface Timing Diagram Figure 221 shows the timing signals from the camera. Camera sends two signals VSYNC and HREF for the input interface. The figure shows the signals for one line of data and one complete frame of data. VSYNC indicates the start of new frame while SHSYNC indicates start of new line. Figure 221 shows the timing diagram for a case when both HREF and VSYNC are active high. The design supports configurability in the active polarity for HREF, VSYNC, and pix_clk. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 503 Video Encoder Wrapper pix_clk pixel data invalid data 1 2 3 4 delta x invalid data HREF Timing Diagram for One Line of Pixel data line data invalid data 1 2 3 4 invalid data VSYNC PW_V BP_V FP_V HREF 1/RR where RR is the frame refresh rate 1. PW_V is the width of VSYNC pulse. 2. BP_V is the back porch period. 3. FP_V is the front porch period. Note FP_V + PW_V >= 16 lines. Figure 221. External Sync Timing Diagram ITU-BT656 sync information extraction According to ITU-BT656 recommendation, the digital video input data signals will be in the form of binary signals coded in 8, 10 bit data words. These data words can be video data signals or timing reference signals (VSYNC, HSYNC) MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 504 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper In this mode, the Horizontal (H), Vertical (V), and Field (F) signals are sent as an embedded part of the video data stream in a series of bytes that form a control word. The Start of Active Video (SAV) and End of Active Video (EAV) signals indicate the beginning and end of data elements to read in on each line. SAV occurs on a 1-to-0 transition of H, and EAV begins on a 0-to-1 transition of H. An entire field of video comprises Active Video + Horizontal Blanking (the space between an EAV and SAV code) and Vertical Blanking (the space where V = 1). A field of video commences on a transition of the F bit. blanking SAV code EAV code 8 1 F 0 0 X F 0 0 X8 1 8 1 0 0 F 0 0 Y F 0 0 Y0 0 0 0 Start of Digital line Active Video Data Start of digital Active Line Next Line H Control Signal Figure 222. ITU-BT656 like 8 bit parallel data format The SAV and EAV codes have a defined preamble of three bytes (0xFF,0x00,0x00) followed by XY status word which aside from the Field (F), Vertical blanking (V) and Horizontal blanking bits contains four protection bits for single bit error correction and detection. Also, F and V fields are only allowed to change as part of EAV sequences i.e transition from H=0 to H=1. NOTE 1) 8/10 bit video is supported on this device. 2) Only progressive mode is supported. Table 268. Input data Format for Internal Sync Data Bit FirstWord SecondWord ThirdWord FourthWord (00) (00) (FF) (XY) 0 0 1 D9(MSB) 1 0 0 F D8 1 0 0 V D7 1 0 0 H D6 1 0 0 P3 D5 1 0 0 P2 D4 1 0 0 P1 D3 1 0 0 P0 D2 1 0 0 0 D1 1 0 0 0 D0(LSB) 1 t The bit definitions for the status word XY are F = 0 for field 0 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 505 Video Encoder Wrapper F = 1 for field 1 V = 1 during vertical blanking period V = 0 when not in vertical blanking H = 0 at SAV H = 1 at EAV P3 = V XOR H P2 = F XOR H P1 = F XOR V P0 = F XOR V XOR H Video In Data Format for embedded Sync Mode Physical Interface available as Input data width (pdi_datain) is 8/10/12 bits XY word in the input stream is used to decode the vaule of VSYNC & HSYNC ipg_video_clk itu656_in_in [7:0] FF 00 00 XY Figure 223. Location of Sync Preamble Sync Preamble would come continuously for 4 clock cycles as shown in Figure 223. Sync extraction is done using itu656_in. Sync Extraction identifies the horizontal and vertical blanking period using H and V field of the 'XYh' data as mentioned in Table 0-12 ITU-BT656 Sync preamble pattern (FFh 00h 00h) has to be masked out in the YCbCr data. The data stream must not include FFh 00h 00h as the valid pixel data to avoid malfunction. Horizontal blanking period must be coming during the Vertical blanking period. Gap between 2 Horizontal blanking should be same during Vertical Blanking period as during line active. During blanking period the sequence to sent is 80h 10h 80h 10h sequence. This sequence would be present both during line blanking and frame blanking period. Framing Bit (F field in XYh) would be ignored during extraction.ECC error is detected.Any error in HSYNC or VSYNC bits in the stream are detecetd.Single bit errors are detected & corrected while two bit errors are only detected. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 506 Freescale Semiconductor SAV 80 Frame of image data EAV 9D Line blanking period Video Encoder Wrapper Line 480 SAV AB Frame blanking period EAV B6 Figure 224. Relationship Between Hblank and Vblank in Internal Sync Video In Format for External Sync Mode In External sync Mode, the sensor inputs data in YCbCr422 format.The data can be in any of 8/10/12 bit format.This can be selected by Bit Width In field in status config register.Following suggests the setting of MJPEG Encoder for different bit widths 1) When data format is 8 bit, data is present in itu656_in[11:4] bits.The MJPEG Encoder must be configured to work in in Baseline( 8 bit) mode. 2) When data format is 10 bits, the data is present itu656_in[11:2] bits.The design will append 2’b0 in the LSB’s .The MJPEG encoder must be configured to work in Extended Sequential1 (12 bit) Mode 3)When data format is 12 bit, data is present in itu656_in[11:0] bits.The MJPEG Encoder must be configured to work in in Extended Sequential (12 bit) mode ipg_video_clk video_in [7:0] Cb0 Y0 Cr0 Y1 Cb1 Y2 Cr1 Y3 Cb2 Y4 Cr2 Y5 Cb3 Y6 Cr3 Figure 225. Data Format in External Sync YCbCr422 8 bit Mode Figure 225 shows the data input from the camera interface in YcbCr422 format.This figure is also applicable for 10/12 bits mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 507 Video Encoder Wrapper NOTE The data ordering for Chroma and Luma pixels is programmable. This is applicable for both internal and external sync modes. The ordering can be selected by a bit(pixel_order) in the status config register. 21.4.2 Circular buffer The block encodes imager data, and stores in the internal circular buffer. The circular buffer is of size 2048x32 bits. The circular buffer is directly visible in the AHB address space of the device. The circular buffer needs to be configured before starting the encoding process. To start the circular buffer: 1. Write dma_vstart_address 2. Enable encoder to start on next frame, and set dma_alarm_address at the address when enough data is received to start data transfer to external. Once the encoding starts, the processor accepts the dma_alarm interrupt. Whenever this interrupt is received, the processor does the following: 1. Rewrites the dma_alarm_address. This turns off the interrupt, and reenables it for later triggering. If the output buffer already passed the new alarm address, then the interrupt is requested again. In case of an address wrap around, the software needs to ensure proper alarm address handling. 2. Initiates a transfer, via DMA or ethernet, from the circular buffer to read the produced data. DMA or ethernet transfer increments addresses, as it is reading data from physical address of the RAM included in the video in block. Circular buffer implements a memory interface, no FIFO interface. NOTE While configuring the alarm address, the last alarm address before the wrap around must be 0x1FFC. The block has the option to generate an interrupt after every picture, and stores the end-of-picture address in a register. So, the ethernet transmission can be synchronized to coincide with every encoded picture end. The block automatically pads every image frame length to be aligned to 32 bits. This padding is done by inserting FF bytes in front of the end-of-image marker. On reception of the end-of-picture interrupt, the dma_vend_address pointer will point to the first longword following the valid image. The design supports 8/16/32 bits access on AHB bus. The MJPEG Encoder always outputs data in 16 bits. This data is converted to 32 bit before being written to the output buffer. It is therefore guarenteed that the write to the buffer will always be on the alternate clock cycle. To provide minimum wait states on the read side, the design implements a prefetch buffer. Generally, the access to the output buffer is sequential. The prefetch buffer then fetches data corresponding to the next sequential addresses. However, it is possible to perform any non-sequential access to the AHB buffer with multiple wait states. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 508 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper 21.4.3 Subchannel Mode Many imagers transmit data during the vertical blanking. The nature of the data can be imager register values or histogram data. As the video encoder does not do any interpretation of the data, it is referred to as the ‘subchannel’, without making any assumptions on the content of the data. Subchannel data recovery is possible possible in the Data lines D[11:4]. The subchan_data_req flag needs to be written 1 every time the subchannel reception is requested. The encoder then follows the following steps:1)Check the subchannel_start_point field of status config register to know the starting point of pixel count as defined by the subchannel_buffer_start register. 2)If the subchannel_start_point bit is ‘0’, then it starts counting from the vsync’s starting edge irrespective of sync_mode. If the subchannel_start_point bit is ‘1’, then it starts counting from the first valid pixel of frame i.e. from first href’s starting edge after vsync in case sync_mode is ‘0’{external sync} and first hsync’s negative edge after vsync in case sync_mode is ‘1’{internal sync}, and . 3) Once the counting defined by subchannel_buffer_start is done, the pixel data of number of pixels defined by pixel_count register needs to be stored. For this, part subchan_data_req flag needs to be set to ‘1’. If the flag is set, then the data is written to the subchannel 64x32 SRAM. 4) After writing the complete data in the SRAM, subchnl irq is generated which needs to be cleared by asserting the subchnl_irq_clear bit in status config register. 5)The subchan_data_req bit is automatically cleared on assertion of subchnl_irq and it needs to be set for every frame in which subchannel data is expected. ipg_video_clk video_in [7:0] subchannel_buffer_start Starting edge of Vsync Pixel count(to be stored in subchannel SRAM) VSYNC period NOTE:- Subchannel_start_point bit = 1’b0 Figure 226. Subchannel data for External/Internal sync MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 509 Video Encoder Wrapper ipg_video_clk video_in [7:0] subchannel_buffer_start Pixel count(to be stored in subchannel SRAM) Hsync Internal sync mode, First valid pixel comes at the falling edge of 1st Hsync after vsync. NOTE:- Subchannel_start_point = 1 Figure 227. Internal Sync mode for Subchannel_start_point = 1 ipg_video_clk video_in [7:0] subchannel_buffer_start Pixel count(to be stored in subchannel SRAM) Href External sync mode, First valid pixel comes at the Rising edge of 1st Href after vsync. NOTE:- Subchannel_start_point = 1 Figure 228. External Sync mode for Subchannel_start_point =1 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 510 Freescale Semiconductor Video Encoder Wrapper 21.4.4 Programming Sequence The software should program the wrapper, memories and MJPEG registers in a specific sequence as mentioned below. Initial configuration for the First Frame 1. Initialize Wrapper registers.( Buffer_restart=1 & Buffer_write_ON = 1). Make sure that Video Encoder ON bit is not SET. 2. Video Encoder ON = 1 3. Upload JPEGIn Configuartion data to JPEGIN RAM. NOTE All contents of JPEGIn buffer (except last two words) are copied to Output buffer once the CAST and wrapper are enabled. 4. Set CONF = 1 ( Autoclear = 1) 5. Set GO = 1 ( AutoClear = 1) 6. Dma Alarm Address = xxxx For follow up frames 1. EOI service routine 2. Read Bitrate of passed Frame. 3. Update Quantization Tables in JPEGIn of Wrapper. 4. Set CONF = 1 ( Autoclear = 1) 5. Set GO = 1 ( AutoClear = 1) 6. Set DMA Alarm Address = DMA Vend Address + xxxx 7. Return From Interrupt. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 511 Video Encoder Wrapper THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 512 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 22 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) 22.1 Introduction The I2S (or I2S) module provides a Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) that supports half-duplex serial interfaces with frame synchronization such as I2S, AC97, and CODEC/DSP interfaces. 22.1.1 • • • • • • Features Transmitter with independent Bit Clock and Frame Sync supporting 4 data channels Receiver with independent Bit Clock and Frame Sync supporting 4 data channels Maximum Frame Size of 16 Words Word size of between 8-bits and 32-bits Word size configured separately for first word and remaining words in frame Asynchronous 8 × 32-bit FIFO for each Transmit and Receive Channel Graceful restart after FIFO Error 22.1.2 Modes of Operation The SAI operating modes include run mode and debug mode. Run Mode In run mode, the SAI Transmitter and Receiver operate normally. Debug Mode In Debug Mode, the SAI Transmitter and/or Receiver can continue operating provided the Debug Enable bit is set. When the Transmitter or Receiver Debug Enable bit is clear and Debug mode is entered, the SAI is disabled after completing the current Transmit or Receive Frame. The Transmitter and Receiver bit clocks are not affected by debug mode. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 513 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) 22.2 External signals Name Function I/O Reset Pull SAI_TX_BCLK Transmit Bit Clock I/O 0 — SAI_TX_SYNC Transmit Frame Sync I/O 0 — SAI_TX_DATA[3:0] Transmit Data O 0 — SAI_RX_BCLK Receive Bit Clock I/O 0 — SAI_RX_SYNC Receive Frame Sync I/O 0 — SAI_RX_DATA[3:0] Receive Data I 0 — SAI_MCLK Audio Master Clock I/O 0 — 22.3 Memory Map and Registers Offset 0xFFFD_8000 (SAI 0) 0xFFFF0000 (SAI 1) 0xFFFF4000 (SAI 2) Register Access Implemented in SAI0 Implemented in SAI 1/SAI 2 0x0000 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2S_TCSR) R/W Yes Yes 0x0004 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2S_TCR1) R/W Yes Yes 0x0008 SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2S_TCR2) R/W Yes Yes 0x000C SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2S_TCR3) R/W Yes Yes 0x0010 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2S_TCR4) R/W Yes Yes 0x0014 SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register (I2S_TCR5) R/W Yes Yes 0x0020 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S_TDR0) W (always reads zero) Yes Yes 0x0024 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S_TDR1) W (always reads zero) Yes No 0x0028 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S_TDR2) W (always reads zero) Yes No 0x002C SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S_TDR3) W (always reads zero) Yes No 0x0040 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S_TFR0) R Yes Yes MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 514 Freescale Semiconductor Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) Offset 0xFFFD_8000 (SAI 0) 0xFFFF0000 (SAI 1) 0xFFFF4000 (SAI 2) Register Access Implemented in SAI0 Implemented in SAI 1/SAI 2 0x0044 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S_TFR1) R Yes No 0x0048 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S_TFR2) R Yes No 0x004C SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S_TFR3) R Yes No 0x0060 SAI Transmit Mask Register (I2S_TMR) R/W Yes Yes 0x0080 SAI Receive Control Register (I2S_RCSR) R/W Yes Yes 0x0084 SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register (I2S_RCR1) R/W Yes Yes 0x0088 SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register (I2S_RCR2) R/W Yes Yes 0x008C SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register (I2S_RCR3) R/W Yes Yes 0x0090 SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register (I2S_RCR4) R/W Yes Yes 0x0094 SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register (I2S_RCR5) R/W Yes Yes 0x00A0 SAI Receive Data Register (I2S_RDR0) R Yes Yes 0x00A4 SAI Receive Data Register (I2S_RDR1) R Yes No 0x00A8 SAI Receive Data Register (I2S_RDR2) R Yes No 0x00AC SAI Receive Data Register (I2S_RDR3) R Yes No 0x00C0 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S_RFR0) R Yes Yes 0x00C4 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S_RFR1) R Yes Yes 0x00C8 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S_RFR2) R Yes Yes 0x00CC SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S_RFR3) R Yes No 0x00E0 SAI Receive Mask Register (I2S_RMR) R/W Yes Yes 0x0100 SAI MCLK Control Register (I2S_MCR) R/W Yes Yes 0x0104 MCLK Divide Register (I2S_MDR) R/W Yes Yes MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 515 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) 22.3.1 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2S_TCSR) Offset: 0h 0 R 1 2 3 0 DBG E BCE 0 0 TE W Reset 0 Bit 0 15 14 R W Reset 0 0 0 5 0 6 7 8 9 0 10 0 11 12 13 14 15 WSF SEF FEF FWF FRF w1c w1c w1c 0 0 SR FR 13 0 4 0 12 0 11 0 10 WSI E SEIE FEIE 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 FWI E FRIE 0 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 FWD FRD E E 0 0 0 Table 269. I2S_TCSR field descriptions Field Description TE Transmitter enable Enables/disables the transmitter. When software clears this bit, the transmitter remains enabled (and this bit remains set) until the end of the current frame. 0 — Transmitter is disabled. 1 — Transmitter is enabled, or transmitter has been disabled and not end of frame. DBGE Debug enable Enables/disables transmitter operation in debug mode. The transmit bit clock is not affected by debug mode. 0 — Transmitter is disabled in debug mode, after completing the current frame. 1 — Transmitter is enabled in debug mode. BCE Bit clock enable Enables the transmit bit clock, separately from the transmit enable. This bit is automatically set whenever the transmit enable is also set. When software clears this bit, the transmit bit clock remains enabled (and this bit remains set) until the end of the current frame. 0 — Transmit bit clock is disabled 1 — Transmit bit clock is enabled FR FIFO reset Resets the FIFO pointers. 0 — No effect. 1 — FIFO reset. SR Software reset When set, resets the internal transmitter logic including the FIFO pointers. Software visible-registers are not affected, except for the status registers. 0 — No effect. 1 — Software reset. WSF Word start flag Indicates that the start of the configured word has been detected. Write a logic one to this register bit to clear this flag. 0 — Start of word not detected. 1 — Start of word detected. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 516 Freescale Semiconductor Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) Table 269. I2S_TCSR field descriptions Field Description SEF Sync error flag Indicates that an error in the externally-generated frame sync has been detected. Write a logic one to this register bit to clear this flag. 0 — Sync error not detected. 1 — Frame sync error detected. FEF FIFO error flag Indicates that an enabled transmit FIFO has underrun. Write a logic one to this register bit to clear this flag. 0 — Transmit underrun not detected. 1 — Transmit underrun detected. FWF FIFO warning flag Indicates that an enabled transmit FIFO is empty. 0 — No enabled transmit FIFO is empty. 1 — Enabled transmit FIFO is empty. FRF FIFO request flag Indicates that the number of words in an enabled transmit channel FIFO is less than or equal to the transmit FIFO watermark. 0 — Transmit FIFO watermark not reached. 1 — Transmit FIFO watermark has been reached. WSIE Word start interrupt enable Enables/disables word start interrupts. 0 — Disables interrupt. 1 — Enables interrupt. SEIE Sync error interrupt enable Enables/disables sync error interrupts. 0 — Disables interrupt. 1 — Enables interrupt. FEIE FIFO error interrupt enable Enables/disables FIFO error interrupts. 0 — Disables the interrupt, 1 — Enables the interrupt. FWIE FIFO warning interrupt enable Enables/disables FIFO warning interrupts. 0 — Enables the interrupt. 1 — Disables the interrupt. FRIE FIFO request interrupt enable Enables/disables FIFO request interrupts. 0 — Disables the interrupt. 1 — Enables the interrupt. FWDE FIFO warning DMA enable Enables/disables DMA requests. 0 — Disables the DMA request. 1 — Enables the DMA request. FRDE FIFO request DMA enable Enables/disables DMA requests. 0 — Disables the DMA request. 1 — Enables the DMA request. MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 517 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) 22.3.2 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2S_TCR1) Offset: 4h Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 TFW W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 270. I2S_TCR1 field descriptions Field Description TFW 22.3.3 Transmit FIFO watermark Configures the watermark level for all enabled transmit channels. SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2S_TCR2) Offset: 8h 0 1 R 2 3 4 5 6 7 BCP BCD 0 0 8 9 10 11 0 12 13 14 15 0 CLKMODE W Reset 0 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 R 0 20 21 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 31 0 DIV W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 271. I2S_TCR2 field descriptions Field Description CLKMODE Clocking mode When configured for external bit clock configures for asynchronous or synchronous operation. When configured for internal bit clock, selects the Audio Master Clock used to generate the internal bit clock. 00 — Asynchronous mode (external bit clock) or Bus Clock selected (internal bit clock). 01 — Synchronous with receiver (external bit clock) or Master Clock 1 selected (internal bit clock). 10 — Synchronous with another SAI transmitter (external bit clock) or Master Clock 2 selected (internal bit clock). 11 — Synchronous with another SAI receiver (external bit clock) or Master Clock 3 selected (internal bit clock). BCP Bit clock polarity Configures the polarity of the bit clock. 0 — Bit Clock is active high (drive outputs on rising edge and sample inputs on falling edge). 1 — Bit Clock is active low (drive outputs on falling edge and sample inputs on rising edge). MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 518 Freescale Semiconductor Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) Table 271. I2S_TCR2 field descriptions Field Description BCD Bit clock direction Configures the direction of the bit clock. 0 — Bit clock is generated externally (slave mode). 1 — Bit clock is generated internally (master mode). DIV Bit clock divide Divides down the audio master clock to generate the bit clock when configured for an internal bit clock. The division value is (DIV + 1) * 2. 22.3.4 SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2S_TCR3) NOTE: On SAI1/SAI2, the TCE field occupies only bit 16, and the WDFL field occupies only bit 0. Offset: Ch Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 TCE WDFL W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 272. I2S_TCR3 field descriptions Field Description TCE Transmit channel enable Enables a data channel for a transmit operation. A channel must be enabled before its FIFO can be accessed. WDFL Word flag configuration Configures which word the start of word flag is set. The value written should be one less than the word number (for example, write zero to configure for the first word in the frame). When configured to a value greater than the Frame Size field, then the start of word flag is never set. 22.3.5 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2S_TCR4) NOTE: On SAI1/SAI2, the FRSZ field occupies only bit 16. Offset: 10h Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 FRSZ W Reset 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 F F M S S S F E P D SYWD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPC5606E Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2 Freescale Semiconductor 519 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) Table 273. I2S_TCR4 field descriptions Field Description FRSZ Frame size Configures the number of words in each frame. The value written should be one less than the number of words in the frame (for example, write 0 for one word per frame). The maximum supported frame size is 16 words. SYWD Sync width Configures the length of the frame sync in number of bit clocks. The value written should be one less than the number of bit clocks (for example, write 0 for the frame sync to assert for one bit clock only). The sync width cannot be configured longer than the first word of the frame. MF MSB first Specifies whether the LSB or the MSB i