INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA58641 High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI Objective data 2004 Dec 16 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI DESCRIPTION SA58641 PIN CONFIGURATION The SA58641 is a high performance monolithic FM IF system with high-speed RSSI incorporating a mixer/oscillator, two limiting intermediate frequency amplifiers, quadrature detector, logarithmic received signal strength indicator (RSSI), voltage regulator, wideband data output and fast RSSI op amps. The SA58641 is available in 20-lead SSOP (shrink small outline package). DK Package RFIN The SA58641 was designed for high bandwidth portable communication applications and will function down to 2.7 V. The RF section is similar to the famous SA605. The data output has a minimum bandwidth of 600 kHz. This is designed to demodulate wideband data. The RSSI output is amplified. The RSSI output has access to the feedback pin. This enables the designer to adjust the level of the outputs or add filtering. 1 20 MIXER OUT RF BYPASS 2 19 IF AMP DECOUPLING (EMITTER) 3 18 IF AMP IN (BASE) 4 17 IF AMP DECOUPLING VCC 5 16 IF AMP OUT 6 15 GND RSSIOUT 7 14 LIMITER IN POWER DOWN CONTROL 8 13 LIMITER DECOUPLING DATA OUT 9 12 LIMITER DECOUPLING QUADRATURE IN 10 11 LIMITER OUT XTAL OSC XTAL OSC RSSI FEEDBACK SA58641 incorporates a power-down mode which powers down the device when Pin 8 is LOW. Power down logic levels are CMOS and TTL compatible with high input impedance. FEATURES • Wideband data output (600 kHz min.) • Fast RSSI rise and fall times • Low power consumption: 7.5 mA typ. at 5 V • Mixer input to >500 MHz • Mixer noise figure of 12 dB at 240 MHz • XTAL oscillator effective to 150 MHz (L.C. oscillator to 1 GHz local SR00491 Figure 1. Pin configuration APPLICATIONS • DECT (Digital European Cordless Telephone) • Digital cordless telephones • Digital cellular telephones • Portable high performance communications receivers • Single conversion VHF/UHF receivers • FSK and ASK data receivers • Wireless LANs oscillator can be injected) • 92 dB of IF Amp/Limiter gain • 25 MHz limiter small signal bandwidth • Temperature compensated logarithmic Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with a dynamic range in excess of 90 dB • RSSI output internal op amp • Internal op amps with rail-to-rail outputs • Low external component count; suitable for crystal/ceramic/LC filters • Excellent sensitivity: 0.54 µV into 50 Ω matching network for 12 dB SINAD (Signal to Noise and Distortion ratio) for 1 kHz tone with RF at 240 MHz and IF at 10.7 MHz • ESD hardened • 10.7 MHz filter matching (330 Ω) • Power-down mode (ICC = 200 µA) ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION 20-Pin Plastic Shrink Small Outline Package (Surface-mount) 2004 Dec 16 2 TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDER CODE DWG # –40 °C to +85 °C SA58641DK SOT266–1 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 BLOCK DIAGRAM 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 GND IF AMP LIMITER MIXER – + VCC 1 2 E B 3 4 QUAD FAST RSSI OSCILLATOR PWR DWN – + AUDIO RSSI 5 6 7 8 9 10 SR00492 Figure 2. Block diagram ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SYMBOL PARAMETER VCC Single supply voltage VIN Voltage applied to any other pin Tstg Tamb θJA RATING UNITS 0.3 to 7 V –0.3 to (VCC+0.3) V Storage temperature range –65 to +150 °C Operating ambient temperature range SA58641 –40 to +85 °C 117 °C/W Thermal impedance (DC package) DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = +5 V, Tamb = 25 °C; unless otherwise stated. LIMITS SYMBOL PARAMETER VCC Power supply voltage range ICC DC current drain Input current Input level ICC Standby tON Power-up time tOFF Power-down time 2004 Dec 16 TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Pin 8 = HIGH 5.5 7.5 8.5 mA Pin 8 LOW –10 10 µA Pin 8 HIGH –10 10 µA Pin 8 LOW 0 0.3VCC V Pin 8 HIGH 0.7VCC VCC V 0.5 mA Pin 8 = LOW 0.2 RSSI valid (10% to 90%) 10 µs RSSI invalid (90% to 10%) 5 µs 3 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tamb = 25 °C; VCC = +5 V, unless otherwise stated. RF frequency = 240.05 MHz + 14.5 dBV RF input step-up; IF frequency = 10.7 MHz; RF level = –45 dBm; FM modulation = 1 kHz with ±125 kHz peak deviation. Audio output with C-message weighted filter and de-emphasis capacitor. Test circuit Figure 1. The parameters listed below are tested using automatic test equipment to assure consistent electrical characteristics. The limits do not represent the ultimate performance limits of the device. Use of an optimized RF layout will improve many of the listed parameters. LIMITS SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Mixer/Osc section (ext LO = 160mVRMS) fIN fOSC Input signal frequency 500 MHz External oscillator (buffer) 500 MHz Noise figure at 240 MHz 12 dB –16 dBm 11 dB Third-order input intercept point Conversion power gain RF input resistance Matched f1=240.05 MHz; f2=240.35 MHz Matched 14.5 dBV step-up 8 700 Ω 3.5 pF (Pin 20) 330 Ω 330 Ω load 38 dB Single-ended input RF input capacitance Mixer output resistance IF section IF amp gain Limiter gain Input limiting –3dB AM rejection Data level 330 Ω load 54 dB Test at Pin 18 –105 dBm 80% AM 1 kHz RLOAD = 100 kΩ 3 dB data bandwidth SINAD sensitivity THD Total harmonic distortion S/N Signal-to-noise ratio 50 dB 120 130 mVRMS 600 700 kHz 16 dB RF level = –111 dBm –43 No modulation for noise IF level = –90 dBm IF RSSI output with buffer IF RSSI output rise time (10kHz pulse, no 10.7MHz filter) (no RSSI bypass capacitor) IF RSSI output fall time –38 60 dB dB 0.6 1.0 V IF level = –45 dBm 0.2 1.2 1.8 V IF level = –10 dBm 0.8 1.6 2.3 V IF frequency = 10.7 MHz RF level = –56 dBm 1.2 µs RF level = –28 dBm 1.1 µs IF frequency = 10.7 MHz (10 kHz pulse, no 10.7 MHz filter) RF level = –56 dBm 2.0 µs (no RSSI bypass capacitor) RF level = –28 dBm 7.3 µs RSSI range 70 dB RSSI accuracy ±2.0 dB IF input impedance 330 Ω IF output impedance 330 Ω Limiter input impedance 330 Ω Limiter output impedance 300 Ω Limiter output level with no load 130 mVRMS RF/IF section (int LO) 2004 Dec 16 System RSSI output RF level = –10 dBm 1.4 V System SINAD RF level = –95 dBm 12 dB 4 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 9.0 0.50 0.45 POWER DOWN SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 8.5 VCC = 5V 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 0.40 0.35 VCC = 5V 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 5.0 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 60 0.00 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) 70 80 90 Supply Current vs Temperature and Supply Voltage Power Down Supply Current vs Temperature and Supply Voltage –5 20 RF level = -45 dBm 19 –7 18 RF level = -45 dBm –9 17 MIXER IIP3 (deB) MIXER GAIN (dB) 16 15 5.5V 14 –11 –13 13 5.5V –15 12 –17 11 10 –19 9 –21 8 7 –23 6 –25 5 –40 0 25 Temperature (°C) 70 85 –40 Mixer Power Gain vs Temperature and Supply Voltage 0 25 Temperature (°C) 70 85 Mixer IIP3 at 240MHz vs Temperature and Supply Voltage 20 300 AUDIO 0 –20 5.5V AM REJECTION 200 AUDIO (dB) AUDIO REFERENCE (mVrms) 250 150 100 –40 DISTORTION –60 –80 50 –100 NOISE 12dB SINAD –120 0 –40 0 25 70 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 85 Temperature (°C) 70 80 90 12dB SINAD and Relative Audio, THD, Noise and AM Rejection for VCC = 5 V vs Temperature RF = 240MHz, Level = –68dBm, Deviation = 125kHz Audio Reference Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage Figure 3. Performance Characteristics 2004 Dec 16 60 5 SR02522 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) –10 –20 1.8 0 1.6 –10 1.4 AM REJECTION 1.3 RSSI –40 RSSI (V) –30 1.0 THD+N –50 0.8 –60 0.6 NOISE 2.0 AUDIO 1.8 1.6 –20 1.4 AM REJECTION –30 1.2 –40 1.0 –50 0.8 THD+N NOISE –60 0.6 –70 0.4 0.0 RF INPUT LEVEL (dBm) 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 RSSI 0 –100 –10 –90 –20 0 –30 –90 –40 0.2 –50 –80 –60 0.2 –70 –80 –80 0.4 –90 –70 –110 RSSI (V) AUDIO RELATIVE TO AUDIO OUTPUT (dB) 0 RELATIVE TO AUDIO OUTPUT (dB) 10 2 10 RF INPUT LEVEL (dBm) Receiver RF Performance — T = 25°C, Audio Level = 129mVRMS Receiver RF Performance — T = –40°C, Audio Level = 118mVRMS 10 2 0 1.8 –10 1.6 –20 –20 IF OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 0 –10 1.4 AM REJECTION RSSI –30 1.2 –40 1 –50 THD+N 0.8 –60 NOISE 0.6 RSSI (V) RELATIVE TO AUDIO OUTPUT (dB) AUDIO –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –70 0.4 –80 0.2 –90 0 –10 –15 –20 –25 –30 –35 –40 –45 –50 –55 –60 –65 –110 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –100 RF INPUT POWER (dBm) Mixer Third Order Intercept and Compression Receiver RF Performance – T = 85°C, Audio Level = 131mVRMS 85 2 –40°C RF level = -45 dBm –5 1.8 –7 25°C 1.6 85°C –9 MIXER IIP3 (dB) 1.4 –11 1.2 5.5V RSSI (V) –13 –15 –17 1 0.8 0.6 –19 0.4 –21 0.2 –23 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 RF INPUT LEVEL (dBm) RSSI vs RF Input Level and Temperature Mixer IIP3 at 240MHz vs Temperature and Supply Voltage SR02523 Figure 4. Performance Characteristics 2004 Dec 16 –80 25 70 Temperature (°C) –90 0 –110 –40 –100 0 –25 6 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 50.00 65.00 48.00 63.00 46.00 61.00 44.00 59.00 POWER GAIN (dB) VCC = 5V 42.00 40.00 38.00 36.00 34.00 VCC = 5V 57.00 55.00 53.00 51.00 49.00 32.00 47.00 30.00 TEMPERATURE (°C) 90.00 70.00 50.00 30.00 TEMPERATURE (°C) Limiting Amplifier Gain vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage IF Amplifier Gain vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage 0.8 0.8 600kHz Data Rate, IF = 9.85MHz, Dev = 288kHz, RF = -40dBm 0.6 0.7 0.5 5.5V 0.4 5.5V 0.6 DATA LEVEL (Vp-p) 0.7 DATA LEVEL (Vp-p) 10.00 –10.00 –50.00 90.00 70.00 50.00 30.00 10.00 –10.00 –30.00 –50.00 45.00 –30.00 POWER GAIN (dB) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 1kHz Data Rate, IF = 9.85MHz, Dev = 288kHz, RF = -40dBm 0 0 –40 0 25 70 Temperature (°C) –40 85 Data Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage 0 25 70 Temperature (°C) 85 Data Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage SR02524 Figure 5. Performance Characteristics 2004 Dec 16 7 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) 300 0.8 0.7 AUDIO REFERENCE (mVrms) 250 5.5V 600kHz Data Rate, IF = 9.85MHz, Dev = 288kHz, RF = -40dBm 0.6 DATA LEVEL (Vp-p) 200 150 100 0.5 5.5V 0.4 0.3 0.2 50 0.1 0 –40 0 25 70 Temperature (°C) 85 0 –40 0 Audio Reference Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage 25 70 Temperature (°C) 85 Data Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage 0.8 1kHz Data Rate, IF = 9.85MHz, Dev = 288kHz, RF = -40dBm 0.7 5.5V DATA LEVEL (Vp-p) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 –40 0 25 70 Temperature (°C) 85 Data Level vs Temperature and Supply Voltage SR02525 Figure 6. Performance Characteristics 2004 Dec 16 8 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 PIN FUNCTIONS PIN PIN DC V No. MNEMONIC PIN PIN DC V No. MNEMONIC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC RSSI 1 RF IN +1.07 6 0.8k FEEDBACK +0.20 — 6 + 0.8k 1 2 VCC RF 2 BYPASS RSSI +1.07 7 OUT +0.20 + 7 — R XTAL 3 OSC POWER 18k +1.57 8 DOWN +2.75 8 4 R MIX VCC 3 XTAL 4 OSC DATA 150µA +2.32 9 OUT +1.09 + 9 — 80k 5 5 VCC VREF 10 QUAD. +3.00 10 IN +3.00 BANDGAP 20µA SR00497 Figure 7. Pin Functions 2004 Dec 16 9 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 PIN FUNCTIONS (continued) PIN PIN DC V No. MNEMONIC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN PIN DC V No. MNEMONIC LIMITER 11 OUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT IF +1.35 16 11 AMP OUT +1.22 140Ω 16 8.8k 8.8k LIMITER 12 DECOUP IF AMP +1.23 17 DECOUP +1.22 14 18 LIMITER 13 COUPLING IF 330Ω +1.23 18 AMP IN 330Ω +1.22 50µA 50µA 12 17 13 19 LIMITER 14 IN IF AMP +1.23 19 0 20 DECOUP +1.22 110Ω MIXER 15 GND OUT 20 +1.03 400µA SR00498 Figure 8. Pin Functions (cont.) 2004 Dec 16 10 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI MIXER IF/LIM OUT SA58641 IF/LIM IN R9 R4 R2 C12 R3 1 1 2 19 1 C20 C17 FLT2 2 1 R10 2 C15 C13 20 R8 C14 FLT1 2 R7 R5 C11 L5 R11 R6 C16 18 17 SW5 C19 C18 16 15 14 IF AMP 13 12 11 LIMITER MIXER C21 QUAD RSSI OSCILLATOR – + VCC PWR DWN – + DATA 1 2 C1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C4 C3 C6 C8 R1 *L1 C2 L3 C5 FLT 3 C7 *L2 VCC RF IN L4 C9 FLT 4 RSSI OUT PWR DWN CTRL DATA OUT C10 LO IN Automatic Test Circuit Component List R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 8.2kΩ select 6.42kΩ 347.8Ω 49.9Ω 1kΩ 49.9Ω 6.42kΩ 347.8Ω 49.9Ω 1kΩ 49.9Ω C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 *C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 0.1µF 1–5pF select for input match 0.1µF 0.1µF 1–5pF select for input match 100pF 6.8µF 10V 1µF 39pF select 0.1µF 0.1µF C12 160pF select C13 1000pF C14 0.1µF C15 1000pF C16 0.1µF C17 0.1µF C18 1000pF C19 1000pF C20 0.1µF C21 1pF L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 FLT1 FLT2 FLT3 FLT4 *NOTE: This value can be reduced when a battery is the power source. 10.7MHz (Murata SFE10.7MA5-A) 10.7MHz (Murata SFE10.7MA5-A) “C” message weighted Active de-emphasis SR00501 Figure 9. SA58641 240.05MHz (RF) / 10.7MHz (IF) Test Circuit 2004 Dec 16 150nH select for input match 22nH select for input match 47nH select for input match 5.6µH select for input match 1.27–2.25µH select for mixer output match 11 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 C1 5–30pF SMA RF IN L4 680nH J1 110.592MHz +/–288kHz L1 180nH C20 68pF C21 330pF U1 1 RF IN 2 RF BYPASS 3 XTAL OSC (EMITTER) 4 XTAL OSC (BASE) 5 VCC MIXER OUT 20 IF AMP DECOUPLING 1 19 IF IN 18 C19 1nF C18 68pF C2 10nF SMA LO IN 120.392MHz @–10dBm C3 1nF C4 1nF J2 R1 51 IF AMP DECOUPLING 2 17 IF OUT 16 C17 1nF C16 100pF R3 22k 6 RSSI FEEDBACK 7 RSSI OUT GROUND 15 LIMITER IN 14 C13 100pF R4 33k +3V R2 10 8 PD CTRL LIMITER DEC1 13 9 DATA OUT LIMITER DEC2 12 LIMITER OUT 11 VCC GND C5 15µF + C6 100nF 10 QUAD IN C11 1nF C12 1nF SA58641 C14 47pF J3 RSSI C7 470pF C10 15pF PWR DWN + R5 1.2k C8 5-30pF C9 82pF L2 2.2µH C15 330pF L3 680nH DATA OUT R6 560 SR02526 Figure 10. SA58641 110.592 MHz (RF) / 9.8 MHz (IF) DECT Application Circuit 2004 Dec 16 12 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI Table 1. SA58641 DECT Application Circuit Electrical Characteristics RF frequency = 110.592 MHz; IF frequency = 9.8 MHz; RF level = –45 dBm; FM modulation = 100 kHz with ±288 kHz peak deviation. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS TYPICAL UNITS Mixer/Osc section (ext LO = 160 mVRMS) PG Conversion power gain 13 dB NF Noise Figure at 110 MHz 12 dB IIP3 Third order input intercept –15 dBm RIN RF input resistance 690 Ω CIN RF input capacitance 3.6 pF 38 dB Matched f1 = 110.592 MHz; f2 = 110.892 MHz IF section 330 Ω load IF amp gain 330 Ω load 54 dB RLOAD = 3 kΩ 130 mVRMS 700 kHz Limiter amp gain Data level 3 dB data bandwidth RF/IF section (internal LO) System RSSI output RF level = –10 dBm 1.4 V System S/N1 RF level = –83 dBm 10 dB NOTE: 1. 10 dB S/N corresponds to BER = 10–3. RF GENERATOR 110.592 MHz SA58641 DEMO BOARD RSSI DATA VCC = 5 V LO / GENERATOR 120.392 MHz DC VOLTMETER SCOPE SPECTRUM ANALYZER SR02527 Figure 11. SA58641 Application Circuit Test Set Up NOTES: 1. RF generator: Set your RF generator at 110.592 MHz, use a 100 kHz modulation frequency and a ±288 kHz deviation. 2. Layout: The layout is very critical in the performance of the receiver. We highly recommend our demo board layout. 3. RSSI: The smallest RSSI voltage (i.e., when no RF input is present and the input is terminated) is a measure of the quality of the layout and design. If the lowest RSSI voltage is 500 mV or higher, it means the receiver is in regenerative mode. In that case, the receiver sensitivity will be worse than expected. 4. Supply bypass and shielding: All of the inductors, the quad tank, and their shield must be grounded. A 0.1 µF bypass capacitor on the supply pin improves sensitivity. 2004 Dec 16 13 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 TOP SILK SCREEN (SSOP) SR02528 Figure 12. SA58641 Demoboard Layout (Not Actual Size) 2004 Dec 16 14 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 insertion loss between the first and second IF stages. If the IF filter or interstage network does not cause 6 dB(v) insertion loss, a fixed or variable resistor can be added between the first IF output (Pin 16) and the interstage network. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The SA58641 is an IF signal processing system suitable for second IF or single conversion systems with input frequency as high as 1 GHz. The bandwidth of the IF amplifier is about 40 MHz, with 38 dB of gain from a 50 Ω source. The bandwidth of the limiter is about 28 MHz with about 54 dB of gain from a 50 Ω source. However, the gain/bandwidth distribution is optimized for 10.7 MHz, 330 Ω source applications. The overall system is well-suited to battery operation as well as high performance and high quality products of all types, such as cordless and cellular hand-held phones. The signal from the second limiting amplifier goes to a Gilbert cell quadrature detector. One port of the Gilbert cell is internally driven by the IF. The other output of the IF is AC-coupled to a tuned quadrature network. This signal, which now has a 90° phase relationship to the internal signal, drives the other port of the multiplier cell. Overall, the IF section has a gain of 90 dB. For operation at intermediate frequency at 10.7 MHz. Special care must be given to layout, termination, and interstage loss to avoid instability. The input stage is a Gilbert cell mixer with oscillator. Typical mixer characteristics include a noise figure of 14 dB, conversion gain of 11 dB, and input third-order intercept of –16 dBm. The oscillator will operate in excess of 1 GHz in L/C tank configurations. Hartley or Colpitts circuits can be used up to 100 MHz for xtal configurations. Butler oscillators are recommended for xtal configurations up to 150 MHz. The demodulated output (DATA) of the quadrature is a voltage output. This output is designed to handle a minimum bandwidth of 600 kHz. This is designed to demodulate wideband data, such as in DECT applications. The output of the mixer is internally loaded with a 330 Ω resistor permitting direct connection to a 10.7 MHz ceramic filter for narrowband applications. The input resistance of the limiting IF amplifiers is also 330 Ω. With most 10.7 MHz ceramic filters and many crystal filters, no impedance matching network is necessary. For applications requiring wideband IF filtering, such as DECT, external LC filters are used (see Figure 10). To achieve optimum linearity of the log signal strength indicator, there must be a 6 dB(v) 2004 Dec 16 A Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) completes the circuitry. The output range is greater than 90 dB and is temperature compensated. This log signal strength indicator exceeds the criteria for AMPS or TACS cellular telephone, DECT and RCR-28 cordless telephone. This signal drives an internal op amp. The op amp is capable of rail-to-rail output. It can be used for gain, filtering, or 2nd-order temperature compensation of the RSSI, if needed. NOTE: dB(v) = 20log VOUT/VIN 15 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 SSOP20: plastic shrink small outline package; 20 leads; body width 4.4 mm 2004 Dec 16 16 SOT266-1 Philips Semiconductors Objective data High performance mixer FM IF system with high-speed RSSI SA58641 REVISION HISTORY Rev Date Description _1 20041216 Product data (9397 750 14339). Data sheet status Level Data sheet status [1] Product status [2] [3] Definitions I Objective data Development This data sheet contains data from the objective specification for product development. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to change the specification in any manner without notice. II Preliminary data Qualification This data sheet contains data from the preliminary specification. Supplementary data will be published at a later date. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to change the specification without notice, in order to improve the design and supply the best possible product. III Product data Production This data sheet contains data from the product specification. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve the design, manufacturing and supply. Relevant changes will be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN). [1] Please consult the most recently issued data sheet before initiating or completing a design. [2] The product status of the device(s) described in this data sheet may have changed since this data sheet was published. The latest information is available on the Internet at URL [3] For data sheets describing multiple type numbers, the highest-level product status determines the data sheet status. Definitions Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook. Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Disclaimers Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the products—including circuits, standard cells, and/or software—described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. When the product is in full production (status ‘Production’), relevant changes will be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN). Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Contact information For additional information please visit Fax: +31 40 27 24825 Date of release: 12-04 For sales offices addresses send e-mail to: Document order number: 2004 Dec 16 17 9397 750 14339