Features • Incorporates the ARM7TDMI™ ARM Thumb Processor Core • • • • • • • • • • • • – High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture – High-density 16-bit Instruction Set – Leader in MIPS/Watt – Embedded ICE (In-circuit Emulation) 136K Bytes On-chip SRAM – 32-bit Data Bus – Single-clock Cycle Access Fully-programmable External Bus Interface (EBI) – Maximum External Address Space of 64M Bytes – Up to 8 Chip Selects – Software-programmable 8/16-bit External Databus 8-level Priority, Individually Maskable, Vectored Interrupt Controller – 4 External Interrupts, Including a High-priority Low-latency Interrupt Request 32 Programmable I/O Lines 3-channel 16-bit Timer/Counter – 3 External Clock Inputs – 2 Multi-purpose I/O Pins per Channel 2 USARTs – 2 Dedicated Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) Channels per USART Programmable Watchdog Timer Advanced Power-saving Features – CPU and Peripheral Can Be Deactivated Individually Fully Static Operation: – 0 Hz to 33 MHz Internal Frequency Range at 3.0V, 85°C 1.8V to 3.6V Operating Range -40°C to +85°C Temperature Range Available in a 100-lead TQFP Package AT91 ARM® Thumb® Microcontrollers AT91R40807 Summary Description The AT91R40807 microcontroller is a member of the Atmel AT91 16/32-bit microcontroller family, which is based on the ARM7TDMI processor core. This processor has a high-performance 32-bit RISC architecture with a high-density 16-bit instruction set and very low power consumption. In addition, a large number of internally banked registers result in very fast exception handling, making the device ideal for real-time control applications. The AT91R40807 microcontroller features a direct connection to off-chip memory, including Flash, through the fully-programmable External Bus Interface (EBI). An eight-level priority vectored interrupt controller, in conjunction with the Peripheral Data Controller, significantly improves the real-time performance of the device. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density CMOS technology. By combining the ARM7TDMI processor core with a large on-chip high-speed SRAM and a wide range of peripheral functions on a monolithic chip, the AT91R40807 is a powerful microcontroller that offers a flexible and high-performance solution to many computeintensive embedded control applications. Rev. 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Note: This is a summary document. A complete document is available on our web site at www.atmel.com. 1 Pin Configuration 2 P21/TXD1/NTRI P20/SCK1 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15/RXD0 P14/TXD0 P13/SCK0 P12/FIQ GND P11/IRQ2 P10/IRQ1 VDD VDD P9/IRQ0 P8/TIOB2 P7/TIOA2 P6/TCLK2 P5/TIOB1 P4/TIOA1 P3/TCLK1 GND GND P2/TIOB0 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Figure 1. AT91R40807 Pinout (Top View) P22/RXD1 76 50 P1/TIOA0 NWR1/NUB 77 49 P0/TCLK0 GND 78 48 D15 NRST 79 47 D14 NWDOVF 80 46 D13 VDD 81 45 D12 MCKI 82 44 VDD P23 83 43 D11 P24/BMS 84 42 D10 P25/MCKO 85 41 D9 GND 86 40 D8 GND 87 39 D7 TMS 88 38 D6 TDI 89 37 D5 TDO 90 36 GND TCK 91 35 D4 100-lead TQFP NRD/NOE 92 34 D3 NWR0/NWE 93 33 D2 VDD 94 32 D1 VDD 95 31 D0 NWAIT 96 30 P31/A23/CS4 NCS0 97 29 P30/A22/CS5 24 25 A19 23 P28/A20/CS7 22 A18 16 A13 A17 15 A12 21 14 A11 20 13 A10 A16 12 A9 A15 11 A8 19 10 VDD GND 9 A7 18 8 A6 17 7 A5 A14 6 A4 GND 5 A3 P29/A21/CS6 4 26 3 100 A2 P27/NCS3 A1 VDD 2 VDD 27 1 28 99 GND 98 A0/NLB NCS1 P26/NCS2 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Pin Description Table 1. AT91R40807 Pin Description Module Name Function A0 - A23 Address Bus D0 - D15 Data Bus NCS0 - NCS3 Type Active Level Comments Output – I/O – Chip Select Output Low CS4 - CS7 Chip Select Output High A23 - A20 after reset NWR0 Lower Byte 0 Write Signal Output Low Used in Byte Write option NWR1 Upper Byte 1 Write Signal Output Low Used in Byte Write option NRD Read Signal Output Low Used in Byte Write option NWE Write Enable Output Low Used in Byte Select option NOE Output Enable Output Low Used in Byte Select option NUB Upper Byte Select Output Low Used in Byte Select option NLB Lower Byte Select Output Low Used in Byte Select option NWAIT Wait Input Input Low BMS Boot Mode Select Input – Sampled during reset FIQ Fast Interrupt Request Input – PIO-controlled after reset IRQ0 - IRQ2 External Interrupt Request Input – PIO-controlled after reset TCLK0 - TCLK2 Timer External Clock Input – PIO-controlled after reset TIOA0 - TIOA2 Multipurpose Timer I/O pin A I/O – PIO-controlled after reset TIOB0 - TIOB2 Multipurpose Timer I/O pin B I/O – PIO-controlled after reset SCK0 - SCK1 External Serial Clock I/O – PIO-controlled after reset TXD0 - TXD1 Transmit Data Output Output – PIO-controlled after reset RXD0 - RXD1 Receive Data Input Input – PIO-controlled after reset PIO P0 - P31 Parallel I/O Line I/O – WD NWDOVF Watchdog overflow Output Low MCKI Master Clock Input Input – MCKO Master Clock Output Output – NRST Hardware Reset Input Input Low Schmidt trigger NTRI Tri-state Mode Select Input Low Sampled during reset TMS Test Mode Select Input – Schmidt trigger, internal pull-up TDI Test Data Input Input – Schmidt trigger, internal pull-up TDO Test Data Output Output – TCK Test Clock Input – VDD Power Power – GND Ground Ground – EBI All valid after reset AIC TC USART Open-drain Schmidt trigger Clock Reset ICE Schmidt trigger, internal pull-up Power 3 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Block Diagram Figure 2. AT91R40807 TMS TDO TDI TCK NRST Reset Embedded ICE D0-D15 ARM7TDMI Core 128K-byte Extended SRAM MCKI Clock 8K-byte RAM P25/MCKO ASB Controller EBI: External Bus Interface ASB A1-A19 A0/NLB NRD/NOE NWR0/NWE NWR1/NUB NWAIT NCS0 NCS1 P26/NCS2 P27/NCS3 P28/A20/CS7 P29/A21/CS6 P30/A22/CS5 P31/A23/CS4 AMBA Bridge P12/FIQ P9/IRQ0 P10/IRQ1 P11/IRQ2 P13/SCK0 P14/TXD0 P15/RXD0 EBI User Interface AIC: Advanced Interrupt Controller P I O P20/SCK1 P21/TXD1/NTRI P22/RXD1 USART0 TC: Timer Counter 2 PDC Channels 2 PDC Channels P0/TCLK0 P3/TCLK1 P6/TCLK2 TC0 P1/TIOA0 P2/TIOB0 TC1 P4/TIOA1 P5/TIOB1 TC2 P7/TIOA2 P8/TIOB2 WD: Watchdog Timer NWDOVF APB USART1 P I O PS: Power Saving P16 P17 P18 P19 P23 P24/BMS Chip ID PIO: Parallel I/O Controller 4 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Architectural Overview The AT91R40807 microcontroller integrates an ARM7TDMI with Embedded ICE interface, memories and peripherals. The architecture consists of two main buses, the Advanced System Bus (ASB) and the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). Designed for maximum performance and controlled by the memory controller, the ASB interfaces the ARM7TDMI processor with the on-chip 32-bit memories, the External Bus Interface (EBI) and the AMBA™ Bridge. The AMBA Bridge drives the APB, which is designed for accesses to on-chip peripherals and optimized for low power consumption. The AT91R40807 microcontroller implements the ICE port of the ARM7TDMI processor on dedicated pins, offering a complete, low-cost and easy-to-use debug solution for target debugging. Memories The AT91R40807 microcontroller embeds 136K bytes of internal SRAM. The internal memory is directly connected to the 32-bit data bus and is single-cycle accessible. This provides maximum performance of 36 MIPS at 40 MHz by using the ARM instruction set of the processor, minimizing system power consumption and improving on the performance of separate memory solutions. The AT91R40807 microcontroller features an External Bus Interface (EBI), which enables connection of external memories and application-specific peripherals. The EBI supports 8- or 16-bit devices and can use two 8-bit devices to emulate a single 16-bit device. The EBI implements the early read protocol, enabling faster memory accesses than standard memory interfaces. Peripherals The AT91R40807 microcontroller integrates several peripherals, which are classified as system or user peripherals. All on-chip peripherals are 32-bit accessible by the AMBA Bridge, and can be programmed with a minimum number of instructions. The peripheral register set is composed of control, mode, data, status and enable/disable/status registers. An on-chip Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) transfers data between the on-chip USARTs and on- and off-chip memories address space without processor intervention. Most importantly, the PDC removes the processor interrupt handling overhead, making it possible to transfer up to 64K contiguous bytes without reprogramming the start address, thus increasing the performance of the microcontroller, and reducing the power consumption. System Peripherals The External Bus Interface (EBI) controls the external memory or peripheral devices via an 8- or 16-bit data bus and is programmed through the APB. Each chip select line has its own programming register. The Power-saving (PS) module implements the Idle mode (ARM7TDMI core clock stopped until the next interrupt) and enables the user to adapt the power consumption of the microcontroller to application requirements (independent peripheral clock control). The Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC) controls the internal interrupt sources from the internal peripherals and the four external interrupt lines (including the FIQ), to provide an interrupt and/or fast interrupt request to the ARM7TDMI. It integrates an 8-level priority controller and, using the Auto-vectoring feature, reduces the interrupt latency time. The Parallel Input/Output Controller (PIO) controls up to 32 I/O lines. It enables the user to select specific pins for on-chip peripheral input/output functions, and general-purpose input/output signal pins. The PIO controller can be programmed to detect an interrupt on a signal change from each line. 5 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 The Watchdog (WD) can be used to prevent system lock-up if the software becomes trapped in a deadlock. The Special Function (SF) module integrates the Chip ID, the Reset Status and the Protect registers. User Peripherals Two USARTs, independently configurable, enable communication at a high baud rate in synchronous or asynchronous mode. The format includes start, stop and parity bits and up to 8 data bits. Each USART also features a Timeout and a Time Guard register, facilitating the use of the two dedicated Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) channels. The 3-channel, 16-bit Timer Counter (TC) is highly-programmable and supports capture or waveform modes. Each TC channel can be programmed to measure or generate different kinds of waves, and can detect and control two input/output signals. The TC has also three external clock signals. 6 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Associated Documentation The AT91R40807 is a part of the AT91X40 Series microcontrollers, a member of the Atmel AT91 16/32-bit microcontroller family which is based on the ARM7TDMI processor core. Table 2 contains details of associated documentation for further reference. Table 2. Associated Documentation Product AT91R40807 Information Document Title Internal architecture of processor ARM/Thumb instruction sets Embedded in-circuit-emulator ARM7TDMI (Thumb) Datasheet External memory interface mapping Peripheral operations Peripheral user interfaces AT91x40 Series Datasheet DC characteristics Power consumption Thermal and reliability considerations AC characteristics AT91R40807 Electrical Characteristics Product overview Ordering information Packaging information Soldering profile AT91R40807 Summary Datasheet (this document) 7 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Product Overview Power Supply The AT91R40807 microcontroller has a unique type of power supply pin – VDD. The VDD pin supplies the I/O pads and the device core. The supported voltage range on VDD is 1.8V to 3.6V. Input/Output Considerations The AT91R40807 accepts voltage levels up to the power supply limit on the pads. Master Clock The AT91R40807 microcontroller has a fully static design and work on the Master Clock (MCK), provided on the MCKI pin from an external source. After the reset, the peripheral I/Os are initialized as inputs to provide the user with maximum flexibility. It is recommended that in any application phase the inputs to the AT91R40807 microcontroller be held at valid logic levels to minimize the power consumption. The Master Clock is also provided as an output of the device on the pin MCKO, which is multiplexed with a general-purpose I/O line. While NRST is active, MCKO remains low. After the reset, the MCKO is valid and outputs an image of the MCK signal. The PIO controller must be programmed to use this pin as standard I/O line. Reset Reset restores the default states of the user interface registers (defined in the user interface of each peripheral), and forces the ARM7TDMI to perform the next instruction fetch from address zero. Except for the program counter the ARM7TDMI registers do not have defined reset states. NRST Pin NRST is active low-level input. It is asserted asynchronously, but exit from reset is synchronized internally to the MCK. The signal presented on MCKI must be active within the specification for a minimum of 10 clock cycles up to the rising edge of NRST to ensure correct operation. The first processor fetch occurs 80 clock cycles after the rising edge of NRST. Watchdog Reset The watchdog can be programmed to generate an internal reset. In this case, the reset has the same effect as the NRST pin assertion, but the pins BMS and NTRI are not sampled. Boot mode and Tri-state mode are not updated. If the NRST pin is asserted and the Watchdog triggers the internal reset, the NRST pin has priority. Emulation Functions Tri-state Mode The AT91R40807 provides a Tri-state mode, which is used for debug purposes. This enables the connection of an emulator probe to an application board without having to desolder the device from the target board. In Tri-state mode, all the output pin drivers of the AT91R40807 microcontroller are disabled. To enter Tri-state mode, the pin NTRI must be held low during the last 10 clock cycles before the rising edge of NRST. For normal operation the pin NTRI must be held high during reset, by a resistor of up to 400K Ohm. NTRI is multiplexed with I/O line P21 and USART 1 serial data transmit line TXD1. Standard RS232 drivers generally contain internal 400K Ohm pull-up resistors. If TXD1 is connected to a device not including this pull-up, the user must make sure that a highlevel is tied on NTRI while NRST is asserted. 8 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 JTAG/ICE Debug ARM Standard Embedded In-circuit Emulation is supported via the JTAG/ICE port. The pins TDI, TDO, TCK and TMS are dedicated to this debug function and can be connected to a host computer via the external ICE interface. In ICE Debug mode, the ARM7TDMI core responds with a non-JTAG chip ID that identifies the microcontroller. This is not fully IEEE1149.1 compliant. Memory Controller The ARM7TDMI processor address space is 4G bytes. The memory controller decodes the internal 32-bit address bus and defines three address spaces: • Internal memories in the four lowest megabytes • Middle space reserved for the external devices (memory or peripherals) controlled by the EBI • Internal peripherals in the four highest megabytes In any of these address spaces, the ARM7TDMI operates in Little-Endian mode only. Internal Memories The AT91R40807 microcontroller integrates 8K bytes of primary internal SRAM. All internal memories are 32 bits wide and single-clock cycle accessible. Byte (8-bit), halfword (16-bit) or word (32-bit) accesses are supported and are executed within one cycle. Fetching Thumb or ARM instructions is supported and internal memory can store twice as many Thumb instructions as ARM ones. The primary SRAM bank is mapped at address 0x0 (after the remap command), allowing ARM7TDMI exception vectors between 0x0 and 0x20 to be modified by the software. The rest of the bank can be used for stack allocation (to speed up context saving and restoring) or as data and program storage for critical algorithms. The AT91R40807 also integrates an extended memory bank of 128K bytes at address 0x0010 0000. Placing the SRAM on-chip and using the 32-bit data bus bandwidth maximizes the microcontroller performance and minimizes the system power consumption. The 32-bit bus increases the effectiveness of the use of the ARM instruction set, and the ability of processing data that is wider than 16-bit, thus making optimal use of the ARM7TDMI advanced performance. Being able to dynamically update application software in the 128-Kbyte SRAM adds an extra dimension to the AT91R40807. This 128-Kbyte SRAM can also be used to validate the code to be stored in the on-chip ROM memory prior to mass production of the AT91M40807. At system boot, the code is downloaded from external nonvolatile memory to this on-chip extended SRAM. In order to prevent accidental write to the extended SRAM during the ROM emulation, a write detection feature has been implemented. The AT91R40807 microcontroller ROM version (AT91M40807) integrates 128K bytes of internal ROM at address 0x0010 0000. The ROM version offers a reduced-cost option for high-volume applications in which the software is stable. Boot Mode Select The ARM reset vector is at address 0x0. After the NRST line is released, the ARM7TDMI executes the instruction stored at this address. This means that this address must be mapped in nonvolatile memory after the reset. The input level on the BMS pin during the last 10 clock cycles before the rising edge of the NRST selects the type of boot memory. The Boot Mode depends on BMS (see Table 3). The AT91R40807 supports boot in on-chip extended SRAM, for the purpose of emulating ROM versions. In this case, the microcontroller must first boot from external nonvolatile memory, and ensure that a valid program is downloaded in the on-chip 9 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 extended SRAM. Then, the NRST must be reasserted by external circuitry after the level on the pin BMS is changed. The pin BMS is multiplexed with the I/O line P24 that can be programmed after reset like any standard PIO line. Table 3. Boot Mode Select BMS Boot Memory 1 Internal 32-bit extended SRAM 0 External 16-bit memory on NCS0 Remap Command The ARM vectors (Reset, Abort, Data Abort, Prefetch Abort, Undefined Instruction, Interrupt, Fast Interrupt) are mapped from address 0x0 to address 0x20. In order to allow these vectors to be redefined dynamically by the software, the AT91R40807 Microcontrollers use a remap command that enables switching between the boot memory and the internal primary SRAM bank addresses. The remap command is accessible through the EBI User Interface, by writing one in RCB of EBI_RCR (Remap Control Register). Performing a remap command is mandatory if access to the other external devices (connected to chip-selects 1 to 7) is required. The remap operation can only be changed back by an internal reset or an NRST assertion. Abort Control The abort signal providing a Data Abort or a Prefetch Abort exception to the ARM7TDMI is asserted when accessing an undefined address in the EBI address space. No abort is generated when reading the internal memory or by accessing the internal peripherals, whether the address is defined or not. External Bus Interface The External Bus Interface handles the accesses between addresses 0x0040 0000 and 0xFFC0 0000. It generates the signals that control access to the external devices, and can be configured from eight 1-Mbyte banks up to four 16-Mbyte banks. It supports byte-, half-word- and word- aligned accesses. For each of these banks, the user can program: • Number of wait states • Number of data float times (wait time after the access is finished to prevent any bus contention in case the device is too long in releasing the bus) • Data bus-width (8-bit or 16-bit). • With a 16-bit wide data bus, the user can program the EBI to control one 16-bit device (Byte Access Select mode) or two 8-bit devices in parallel that emulate a 16bit memory (Byte Write Access mode). The External Bus Interface features also the Early Read Protocol, configurable for all the devices, that significantly reduces access time requirements on an external device in the case of single-clock cycle access. 10 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Peripherals The AT91R40807 peripherals are connected to the 32-bit wide Advanced Peripheral Bus. Peripheral registers are only word accessible – byte and half-word accesses are not supported. If a byte or a half-word access is attempted, the memory controller automatically masks the lowest address bits and generates an word access. Each peripheral has a 16-Kbyte address space allocated (the AIC only has a 4-Kbyte address space). Peripheral Registers The following registers are common to all peripherals: • Control Register – write only register that triggers a command when a one is written to the corresponding position at the appropriate address. Writing a zero has no effect. • Mode Register – read/write register that defines the configuration of the peripheral. Usually has a value of 0x0 after a reset. • Data Registers – read and/or write register that enables the exchange of data between the processor and the peripheral. • Status Register – read only register that returns the status of the peripheral. • Enable/Disable/Status Registers – shadow command registers. Writing a one in the Enable Register sets the corresponding bit in the Status Register. Writing a one in the Disable Register resets the corresponding bit and the result can be read in the Status Register. Writing a bit to zero has no effect. This register access method maximizes the efficiency of bit manipulation, and enables modification of a register with a single non-interruptible instruction, replacing the costly read-modify-write operation. Unused bits in the peripheral registers are shown as “–” and must be written at 0 for upward compatibility. These bits read 0. Peripheral Interrupt Control The Interrupt Control of each peripheral is controlled from the status register using the interrupt mask. The status register bits are ANDed to their corresponding interrupt mask bits and the result is then ORed to generate the Interrupt Source signal to the Advanced Interrupt Controller. The interrupt mask is read in the Interrupt Mask Register and is modified with the Interrupt Enable Register and the Interrupt Disable Register. The enable/disable/status (or mask) makes it possible to enable or disable peripheral interrupt sources with a noninterruptible single instruction. This eliminates the need for interrupt masking at the AIC or core level in real-time and multi-tasking systems. Peripheral Data Controller The AT91R40807 microcontroller has a 4-channel PDC dedicated to the two on-chip USARTs. One PDC channel is dedicated to the receiver and one to the transmitter of each USART. The user interface of a PDC channel is integrated in the memory space of each USART. It contains a 32-bit Address Pointer Register (RPR or TPR) and a 16-bit Transfer Counter Register (RCR or TCR). When the programmed number of transfers are performed, a status bit indicating the end of transfer is set in the USART Status Register and an interrupt can be generated. 11 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 System Peripherals PS: Power-saving The Power-saving feature optimizes power consumption, enabling the software to stop the ARM7TDMI clock (idle mode), restarting it when the module receives an interrupt (or reset). It also enables on-chip peripheral clocks to be enabled and disabled individually, matching power consumption and application need. AIC: Advanced Interrupt Controller The Advanced Interrupt Controller has an 8-level priority, individually maskable, vectored interrupt controller, and drives the NIRQ and NFIQ pins of the ARM7TDMI from: • The external fast interrupt line (FIQ) • The three external interrupt request lines (IRQ0-IRQ2) • The interrupt signals from the on-chip peripherals. The AIC is largely programmable offering maximum flexibility, and its vectoring features reduce the real-time overhead in handling interrupts. The AIC also features a spurious vector, which reduces spurious interrupt handling to a minimum, and a protect mode that facilitates the debug capabilities. PIO: Parallel I/O Controller The AT91R40807 microcontroller has 32 programmable I/O lines. Six pins are dedicated as general-purpose I/O pins. Other I/O lines are multiplexed with an external signal of a peripheral to optimize the use of available package pins. The PIO controller enables generation of an interrupt on input change and insertion of a simple input glitch filter on any of the PIO pins. WD: Watchdog The Watchdog is built around a 16-bit counter and is used to prevent system lock-up if the software becomes trapped in a deadlock. It can generate an internal reset or interrupt, or assert an active level on the dedicated pin NWDOVF. All programming registers are password-protected to prevent unintentional programming. SF: Special Function The AT91R40807 microcontroller provide registers that implement the following special functions. 12 • Chip identification • RESET status • Protect mode • Write protection for the AT91R40807 internal 128-Kbyte memory AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 User Peripherals USART: Universal Synchronous/ Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter The AT91R40807 microcontroller provides two identical, full-duplex, universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitters. Each USART has its own baud rate generator, and two dedicated Peripheral Data Controller channels. The data format includes a start bit, up to 8 data bits, an optional programmable parity bit and up to 2 stop bits. The USART also features a Receiver Timeout register, facilitating variable length frame support when it is working with the PDC, and a Time Guard register, used when interfacing with slow remote equipment. TC: Timer Counter The AT91R40807 microcontroller features a Timer Counter block that includes three identical 16-bit timer counter channels. Each channel can be independently programmed to perform a wide range of functions including frequency measurement, event counting, interval measurement, pulse generation, delay timing and pulse width modulation. The Timer Counter can be used in Capture or Waveform mode, and all three counter channels can be started simultaneously and chained together. 13 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Ordering Information Table 4. Ordering Information 14 Ordering Code Package Operation Range AT91R40807-33AI TQFP 100 Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Packaging Information Figure 3. 100-lead Thin Quad Flat Pack Package Drawing aaa bbb PIN 1 θ2 S ccc θ3 ddd R1 θ1 R2 0.25 θ c c1 L1 15 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Table 5. Common Dimensions (mm) Symbol Min Nom Max c 0.09 0.2 c1 0.09 0.16 L 0.45 0.6 L1 0.75 1.00 REF R2 0.08 R1 0.08 S 0.2 q 0° θ1 0° θ2 θ3 0.2 3.5° 7° 11° 12° 13° 11° 12° 13° A 1.6 A1 0.05 A2 1.35 0.15 1.4 1.45 Tolerances of form and position aaa 0.2 bbb 0.2 Table 6. Lead Count Dimensions (mm) b b1 Pin Count D/E BSC D1/E1 BSC Min Nom Max Min Nom Max e BSC ccc ddd 100 16.0 14.0 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.17 0.2 0.23 0.50 0.10 0.06 Table 7. Device and 100-lead TQFP Package Maximum Weight 739 16 mg AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 AT91R40807 Soldering Profile Table 8 gives the recommended soldering profile from J-STD-20. Table 8. Soldering Profile Convection or IR/Convection VPR Average Ramp-up Rate (183°C to Peak) 3°C/sec. max. 10°C/sec. Preheat Temperature 125°C ±25°C 120 sec. max Temperature Maintained Above 183°C 60 sec. to 150 sec. Time within 5°C of Actual Peak Temperature 10 sec. to 20 sec. 60 sec. Peak Temperature Range 220 +5/-0°C or 235 +5/-0°C 215 to 219°C or 235 +5/-0°C Ramp-down Rate 6°C/sec. 10°C/sec. Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 6 min. max Small packages may be subject to higher temperatures if they are reflowed in boards with larger components. In this case, small packages may have to withstand temperatures of up to 235°C, not 220°C (IR reflow). Recommended package reflow conditions depend on package thickness and volume. See Table 9. Table 9. Recommended Package Reflow Conditions (1, 2, 3) Parameter Temperature Convection 235 +5/-0°C VPR 235 +5/-0°C IR/Convection 235 +5/-0°C When certain small thin packages are used on boards without larger packages, these small packages may be classified at 220°C instead of 235°C. Notes: 1. The packages are qualified by Atmel by using IR reflow conditions, not convection or VPR. 2. By default, the package level 1 is qualified at 220°C (unless 235°C is stipulated). 3. The body temperature is the most important parameter but other profile parameters such as total exposure time to hot temperature or heating rate may also influence component reliability. A maximum of three reflow passes is allowed per component. 17 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Document Details Title AT91R40807 Summary Literature Number 1345S Revision History Version A Publication Date: Jan-00 Version B Publication Date: Mar-00 Version C Publication Date: May-00 Version D Publication Date: 21-Jan-02 Revisions Since Previous Version All pages. Reformatted. Page: 9 Added information to section Internal Memories Page: 14 Change in Table 4 Page: 16 Added Table 7, Package Weight Page: 17 Added section Soldering Profile 18 AT91R40807 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 487-2600 Europe Atmel SarL Route des Arsenaux 41 Casa Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Atmel Asia, Ltd. Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 Japan Atmel Japan K.K. 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Corporate 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 436-4270 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 Microcontrollers Atmel Corporate 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 436-4270 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 Atmel Nantes La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France TEL (33) 2-40-18-18-18 FAX (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards Atmel Rousset Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-42-53-60-00 FAX (33) 4-42-53-60-01 RF/Automotive Atmel Heilbronn Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany TEL (49) 71-31-67-0 FAX (49) 71-31-67-2340 Atmel Colorado Springs 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. 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The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. ATMEL ® is the registered trademark of Atmel. ARM ®, Thumb® and ARM Powered® are the registered trademarks of ARM Ltd.; ARM7TDMI™ is the trademark of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 1345DS–ATARM–02/02 0M