Alcatel 1905 LMI Up to 20 mW WDM L-band version for external modulation CW 1.55 µm Laser Module with optical Isolator Description This laser module contains an Alcatel SLMQW DFB laser and is designed for use with external modulation optimized for high power Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) systems. The module incorporates a polarization maintaining fiber pigtail, thermoelectric cooler, precision thermistor, and optical isolator for stable operation under all conditions. Features • • • Up to 20 mW output power Wavelength selection according to ITU-T G.692 (L-band) 50 GHz spacing available • • • • • • Optimized for use with LiNbO3 external modulator Polarization maintaining fiber pigtail InGaAsP Distributed FeedBack SLMQW (DFB) laser Integral optical isolator Internal TEC and monitor photodiode Industry-standard hermetic 14-pin butterfly package Applications • • • Ultra long haul DWDM synchronous digital transmission systems WDM submarine terminal digital transmission systems Instrumentation. Optical characteristics Parameter Threshold current Output power Forward voltage Laser forward current Emission wavelength ∆(Emitted-Target) Wavelength Laser chip temperature range for tunability Spectral width Side mode suppression ratio Relative Intensity Noise Photodiode dark current Wavelength drift vs Tcase Thermistor resistance Thermistor temperature coefficient TEC current TEC voltage TE/TM fiber extinction ratio of pigtail Note : Symb. Ith PF VF IF λm ∆λe Tλ ∆λ SMSR RIN Id ∆λ/∆Tc RTH Rt It Vt Er Conditions Min Twave = 15 to 30 °C Twave = 15 to 25 °C Pf, pin 3 & 11 10 mW, pin 3 & 11 20 mW, pin 3 & 11 10 20 @Tchip[2] @10mW [2] @20mW [2] CW, Pf, FWHM Pf 10MHz to 10 GHz @ Pf V = -5 V - 0.1 15 15 Typical Max 40 2.5 120 210 Units mA mW mW V mA mA See table 1 +0.1 30 25 5 35 9.7 -3 [1] [1] -140 100 0.5 10.3 -5 1.3 2.5 20 nm °C °C MHz dB dB/Hz nA pm/°C k=Ω %/K A V dB All limits start of life (except It, Vt), Tsubmount = 25 °C, Tcase = 25 °C, Pf = 20 mW, monitor bias – 5 V, unless otherwise stated [1] Tcase = 70° C, Tsubmount = 20 °C, P = 20 mW [2] Tchip = Tλ .Tλ is chip temperature required to meet target wavelength (see table 1) Absolute maximum ratings Parameters Min Max Unit Operating case temperature -10 70 °C Storage temperature -40 85 °C Laser forward current 350 mA Laser reverse voltage 2 V Photodiode forward current 1 mA Photodiode reverse voltage 20 V TEC Voltage 2.8 V TEC Current 1.4 A Lead soldering time (at 260°C) 10 s Packing Mounting Screw Torque 0.2 Nm [1] Human body model. Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Mechanical details Pin out N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Thermistor Thermistor Laser DC bias (-) Photodetector Anode (-) Photodetector Cathode (+) TEC (+) TEC (-) 7 6 N° 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 Description Case Ground Case Ground Not Connected RF common (+) RF input (-) Not Connected 4 3 2 1 PD TEC TS 200 nH 10 KΩ pigtail 20Ω LD 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ordering information Alcatel 1905 LMI Nominal power 10 mW 10 mW 20 mW 20 mW Connector type Part number [1] FC/PC or FC/APC SC/PC FC/PC or FC/APC SC/PC 3CN 00386 ## 3CN 00461## 3CN 00410 ## 3CN 00462 ## ## defines the wavelength and the connector according to table 1. Connector λ 1570,00 1570,41 1570,82 1571,24 1571,65 1572,06 1572,47 1572,88 1573,30 1573,71 1574,12 1574,54 1574,95 1575,36 1575,78 1576,19 1576,61 1577,02 1577,44 1577,85 1578,27 1578,68 1579,10 1579,51 1579,93 1580,35 1580,76 1581,18 1581,60 1582,01 1582,43 1582,85 1583,27 THz 190,95 190,90 190,85 190,80 190,75 190,70 190,65 190,60 190,55 190,50 190,45 190,40 190,35 190,30 190,25 190,20 190,15 190,10 190,05 190,00 189,95 189,90 189,85 189,80 189,75 189,70 189,65 189,60 189,55 189,50 189,45 189,40 189,35 FC/PC SC/PC FC/APC FV FW FX FY FZ GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GJ GK GL GM GN GP GR GS GT GU GV GW GX GY GZ HA HB HC HD HE RV RW RX RY RZ SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ SK SL SM SN SP SR SS ST SU SV SW SX SY SZ TA TB TC TD TE Connector λ THz FC/PC FC/APC SC/PC 1583,69 1584,10 1584,52 1584,94 1585,36 1585,78 1586,20 1586,62 1587,04 1587,46 1587,88 1588,30 1588,72 1589,14 1589,56 1589,98 1590,41 1590,83 1591,25 1591,67 1592,10 1592,52 1592,94 1593,37 1593,79 1594,21 1594,64 1595,06 1595,49 1595,91 1596,33 1596,76 1597,19 189,30 189,25 189,20 189,15 189,10 189,05 189,00 188,95 188,90 188,85 188,80 188,75 188,70 188,65 188,60 188,55 188,50 188,45 188,40 188,35 188,30 188,25 188,20 188,15 188,10 188,05 188,00 187,95 187,90 187,85 187,80 187,75 187,70 HF HG HH HJ HK HL HM HN HP HR HS HT HU HV HW HX HY HZ JA JB JC JD JE JF JG JH JJ JK JL JM JN JP JR TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TP TR TS TT TU TV TW TX TY TZ UA UB UC UD UE UF UG UH UJ UK UL UM UN UP UR Connector λ THz FC/PC FC/APC SC/PC 1597,61 1598,04 1598,46 1598,89 1599,32 1599,74 1600,17 1600,60 1601,02 1601,45 1601,88 1602,31 1602,74 1603,16 1603,59 1604,02 1604,45 1604,88 1605,31 1605,74 1606,17 1606,60 1607,03 1607,46 1607,89 1608,32 1608,76 1609,19 1609,62 1610,05 187,65 187,60 187,55 187,50 187,45 187,40 187,35 187,30 187,25 187,20 187,15 187,10 187,05 187,00 186,95 186,90 186,85 186,80 186,75 186,70 186,65 186,60 186,55 186,50 186,45 186,40 186,35 186,30 186,25 186,20 JS JT JU JV JW JX JY JZ KA KB KC KD KE KF KG KH KJ KK KL KM KN KP KR KS KT KU KV KW KX KY US UT UU UV UW UX UY UZ VA VB VC VD VE VF VG VH VJ VK VL VM VN VP VR VS VT VU VV VW VX VY Table 1, All wavelengths referenced to vaccum @ Tsubmount Standards ITU-T G.652 optical fiber IEC 68-2 and MIL STD 883 environment LASER RADIATION AVOID EXPOSURE TO BEAM Class 3 B laser product ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES October 00 Copyright © 2000 Alcatel Optronics Customized versions are available for large quantities. Performance figures contained in this document must be specifically confirmed in writing by Alcatel Optronics before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. Alcatel Optronics reserves the right to make changes to the products or information contained herein without notice. EUROPE Route de Villejust F-91625 NOZAY CEDEX Tel : (+33) 1 64 49 49 10 Fax : (+33) 1 64 49 49 61 USA 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive RESTON - VA 2 2091 Tel : (+1) 703 715 3921 Fax : (+1) 703 860 1183 CANADA 45, De Villebois, suite 200 Gatineau (PQ) Canada, J8T 8J7 Tel : (+1) 819 243 3755 Fax : (+1) 819 243 3354 JAPAN Yebisu Garden Place Tower PO Box 5024 20-3, Ebisu 4 - Chome Shibuya - ku TOKYO 150 - 6028 Tel : (+81) 3 5424 85 65 Fax : (+81) 3 5424 85 81