NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 xRP2-50E3A0 RoHS Compliant PRELIMINARY Rev.A Features • Non-Isolated • Wide Input Voltage Range (5Vdc-13.8Vdc) • High Efficiency • Output Voltage Trim (0.6Vdc-5Vdc) • Fixed Switching Frequency • Output Overvoltage Shut Down • Power Good Signal • OCP/SCP • Low Output Ripple • Excellent Thermal Performance • Remote On/Off • Low Cost • Class 1, Category 2, Non-Isolated DC/DC Converter (refer to IPC-9592) Applications • Networking • Computers and peripherals • Telecommunications Description The xRP2-50E3A0 is a non-isolated dc/dc converter that operates over a wide range of input voltage (VIN = 5 Vdc-13.8 Vdc). This unit can provide a precisely regulated output voltage from 0.6 Vdc to 5.0 Vdc and can deliver up to 50 A of output current. This unit is designed to be highly efficient and low cost. The converter is provided in an industry standard package. Part Selection Output Voltage 0.6 V - 5 V Input Voltage 5 V - 13.8 V Max. Output Current 50 A Max. Output Power 250 W Typical Efficiency (Vo=1.8 Vdc) 88.8% Model Number Active High VRP2-50E3A0 Model Number Active High 0RP2-50E3A0 Notes: Add “G” suffix at the end of the model number to indicate Tray Packaging. Part Number Explanation V R P2 – 50 E 3A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1---Vertical mount, change “V” to “0” means through hole mount 2---RoHS 6, change “R” to “7” means RoHS 5 3---Series name, SIP 4---Series code, 50A output 5--- Wide input range (5-13.8V) 6---Wide output range (0.6-5V) 7---Enable, active high Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 1 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Absolute Maximum Ratings Min Typ Max Unit Continuous Input Voltage -0.3 - 15 V Remote On/Off -0.3 - 15 V Ambient Temperature 0 - 70 °C Storage Temperature -55 - 125 °C Parameter Notes Note: Ratings used beyond the maximum ratings may cause a reliability degradation of the converter or may permanently damage the device. Input Specifications Parameter Operating Input Voltage Vo≤ 2.8 V Vo > 2.8 V Min Typ Max Unit 5 1.8*Vo 12 12 13.8 13.8 V V Input Current (full load) - - 32.0 A Input Current (no load) - 200 400 mA Remote Off Input Current - 30 50 mA Input Reflected Ripple Current (rms) - 5 8 mA Input Reflected Ripple Current (pk-pk) - 20 35 mA I t Inrush Current Transient - - 1 As Turn-on Voltage Threshold - 4.6 4.8 V Turn-off Voltage Threshold 3.9 4.1 - V 2 Notes With simulated source impedance of 10 uH, 5 Hz to 20 MHz. Use a 1000 uF/16 V electrolytic capacitor with ESR=0.1 ohm max, at 100 kHz at 25°C. 2 Note: All specifications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. Output Specifications Parameter Output Voltage Set Point Min Typ Max Unit Notes -1.5 -10 - +1.5 +10 %Vo mV Vin=Vinmin, Io=Iomax Vo≥2.5 V Vo<2.5 V - - 0.6 12 %Vo mV Vo≥2.5 V Vo<2.5 V - - 0.3 9 %Vo mV - - 0.02 %Vo/C - 55 50 50 50 40 25 110 100 100 90 80 60 mV mV mV mV mV mV Vo≥1 V Vo<1 V Load regulation Line Regulation Regulation Over Temperature (-40 deg.C-85deg.C) Ripple and Noise (pk-pk) Vo=5.0 V Vo=3.3 V Vo=2.5 V Vo=1.8 V Vo=1.2 V Vo=0.6 V Test conditions: 0-20MHz BW, with a 1µF ceramic capacitor and a 10 uF Tantalum cap at output. Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 2 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Output Specifications (continued) Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Notes - 10 12 12 12 10 8 30 35 25 25 25 25 mV mV mV mV mV mV Ripple and Noise (pk-pk) under worst case - - 150 mV Output Current Range 0 - 50 A Output DC Current Limit 55 65 75 A Rise Time 1 - 2 mS - 4 7 mS Enable form Vin - 4 7 mS Enable form ON/OFF Overshoot at Turn on - 0 3 % Output Capacitance 0 - 4700 uF Ripple and Noise (rms) Vo=5.0 V Vo=3.3 V Vo=2.5 V Vo=1.8 V Vo=1.2 V Vo=0.6 V Turn on Time Test conditions: 0-20MHz BW, with a 1µF ceramic capacitor and a 10 uF Tantalum cap at output. over all operating input voltage, load and ambient temperature condition Transient Response △V50%~100% Overshoot - 200 300 mV of Max Load Settling Time - 50 100 uS △V100%~50% Overshoot - 200 300 mV of Max Load Settling Time - 50 100 uS Test conditions: di/dt=2.5A/us, Vin=12Vdc, Vo=1.5Vdc, Ta=25°C, with a 1µF ceramic capacitor and a 10uF Tantalum cap at output. Note: All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25°C unless otherwise stated. General Specifications (continued) Parameter Min Typ Max Unit 92 86 72 94.2 88.8 74 - % % % Switching Frequency - 330 - kHz Over Voltage Protection - 125 130 %Vo Weight - 25 - g Notes Efficiency Vo=5.0 V Vo=1.8 V Vo=0.6 V Dimensions Inches (L × W × H) Millimeters (L × W × H) Dimensions Inches (L × W × H) Millimeters (L × W × H) Vin=12V, full load 1.45 x 1.1 x 0.783 36.83 x 27.94 x 19.89 - Through Hole Mount 0RP2-50E3A0 1.45 x 1.1 x 0.743 36.83 x 27.94 x 18.87 - Vertical Mount VRP2-50E3A0 Note: All specifications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 3 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Efficiency Data Efficiency Curve Vo=1.2 V 95.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 90.0% 5V 12 V 13.8 V Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Curve Vo=0.6 V 12 V 75.0% 13.8 V 65.0% 60.0% 5 12.5 25 37.5 50 5 12.5 25 37.5 Output Current (A) Output Current (A) Efficiency Curve Vo=1.8 V Efficiency Curve Vo=2.5 V 95.0% 100.0% 90.0% 95.0% 85.0% 5V 12 V 80.0% 75.0% Efficiency Efficiency 5V 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 13.8 V 50 90.0% 5V 85.0% 12 V 80.0% 70.0% 75.0% 65.0% 70.0% 13.8 V 65.0% 60.0% 5 12.5 25 37.5 5 50 25 37.5 Output Current (A) Efficiency Curve Vo=3.3 V Efficiency Curve Vo=5.0 V 100.0% 100.0% 95.0% 95.0% 90.0% 6V 85.0% 12 V 80.0% 13.8 V 70.0% 65.0% 65.0% Output Current(A) 37.5 50 12 V 80.0% 70.0% 25 9V 85.0% 75.0% 12.5 50 90.0% 75.0% 5 12.5 Output Current(A) Efficiency Efficiency 85.0% 13.8 V 5 12.5 25 37.5 50 Output Current(A) Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 4 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Nov. 02, 2010 Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Ripple and Noise Waveforms 12 Vdc input, 0.6 Vdc/50 A output 12 Vdc input, 1.2 Vdc/50 A output 12 Vdc input, 1.8 Vdc/50 A output 12 Vdc input, 2.5 Vdc/50 A output 12 Vdc input, 3.3 Vdc/50 A output 12 Vdc input, 5.0 Vdc/50 A output Note: Ripple and noise at full load, 12 Vdc input and Ta=25 deg C. Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 5 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Nov. 02, 2010 Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Transient Response Waveforms Vout= 0.6 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=0.6 V 50%-0% Load Transient Vout=1.2 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=1.2 V 50%-0% Load Transient Vout=1.8 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=1.8 V 50%-0% Load Transient Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 6 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Nov. 02, 2010 Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Transient Response Waveforms (continued) Vout= 2.5 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=2.5 V 50%-0% Load Transient Vout=3.3 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=3.3 V 50%-0% Load Transient Vout=5 V 0%-50% Load Transient Vout=5 V 50%-0% Load Transient Note: Transient response at Vin=12 V, di/dt =2.5 A/uS, 1uF ceramic cap and 10uF aluminum cap at output, and Ta=25 deg C. Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 7 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Nov. 02, 2010 Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Startup & Shutdown Rise Time Test Condition: 12Vdc input, 5Vdc/50A output, Ta=25 deg C Startup time Startup from Vin Ch1: Vo Ch2: Vin Test Condition: 12Vdc input, 5Vdc/50A output, Ta=25 deg C Startup from on/off Ch1: Vo Ch2: on/off Test Condition: 12Vdc input, 5Vdc/50A output, Ta=25 deg C Shutdown Test Condition: 12Vdc input, 5Vdc/0A output, Ta=25 deg C Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 8 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Control Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Notes Remote On/Off (Active High) Signal Low (Unit Off) -0.3 - 0.8 V Signal High (Unit On) 2 - Vin,max V Current Source/Sink 0 - 3.3 mA Remote On/Off pin is open, unit is off. Recommended remote on/off circuit for active high V cc Vin + Vin+ Vc c O n/o ff On/off V in- Vin- Control with open collector/drain circuit Control with photocoupler circuit Vin+ Vin+ On/off On/off V cc Vin- Vin- Control with logic circuit Permanently on Output Trim Equations Equations for calculating the trim resistor are shown below. The Trim Up resistor should be connected between the Trim+ pin and Trim- pin. Maximum duty cycle is 65%. Minimum trim down voltage is 0.6V Maximum trim up voltage is 5V. The total voltage increased by trim and remote sense should not exceed 10% of the nominal output voltage. The resistor trim equation: R trim Vout 1.2 = (K Ω ) Vo − 0.6 Module Trim+ Rtrim Trim– The voltage trim equation: Trim+ Rtrim2 = Rtrim1 (1.2 − 2Vtrim ) Rtrim1 (Vo − 0.6) −1.2 Rtrim2 (KΩ) Vtrim - + Rtrim1 Trim- Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 9 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Remote Sense This module has remote sense compensation feature. It can minimize the effects of resistance between module’s output and load in system layout and facilitates accurate voltage regulation at load terminals or other selected point. 1. The remote sense lines carries very little current and hence do not require a large cross-sectional area. 2. This module compensates for a maximum drop of 10% of the nominal output voltage. 3. If the unit is already trimmed up, the available remote sense compensation range should be correspondingly reduced. The total voltage increased by trim and remote sense should not exceed 10% of the nominal output voltage. 4. When using remote sense compensation, all the resistance, parasitic inductance and capacitance of the system are incorporated within the feedback loop of this module. It can make an effect on the module's compensation, affecting the stability and dynamic response. A 0.1uF ceramic capacitor can be connected at the point of load to de-couple noise on the sense wires. 5. Recommend the connection of remote sense compensation as below figure. There are a resistor RS+ (100 ohm) from Vo+ to Sense+ and a resistor RS- (51 ohm)) from Vo- to Sense- inside of this module. RS+ Vo+ Sense+ Load RS- Sense- V o- 6. If not using remote sense compensation, please connect sense directly to output at module's pin, that is, connect sense+ to Vo+ and sense- to Vo- at module's pin, the shorter the better. see below figure. RS+ V o+ Sense+ Load RS- Sense- Vo- Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 10 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Over Current Protection To provide protection in a fault output overload condition, the module is equipped with internal current-limiting circuitry and can endure current limiting for a few mili-seconds. If the over current condition persists beyond a few milliseconds, the module will shut down into hiccup mode and restart once every 12mS. The module operates normally when the output current goes into specified range. The typical average output current is 3A during hiccup. Vout= 0.6V, Vin=12V@Ta=25℃ Vout= 5.0V, Vin=12V@Ta=25℃ Expansion of on time portion of above figure Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 11 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Input Under-voltage Lockout Input Current Under-voltage Lockout Voltage Falling V1=4.1V V2=4.6V Voltage Rising V1 V2 Input Voltage (V) Power Good 1. This module has a power good indicator output. Power good pin used positive logic and is open collector. 2. Power good pin can sink 10mA. 3. The maximum voltage pulled up externally on Power Good pin should not exceed 5.3V. 4. When the output reaches 90% of the nominal set-point, the power good pin will be pulled high. Typical Start-up Using Remote ON/OFF Vin=12.0V, Vout=0.6V, Io=50A CH1: Output Voltage CH3: PG Typical Start-up Using Remote ON/OFF Vin=12.0V, Vout=5V, Io=50A CH1: Output Voltage CH3: PG Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 12 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Mechanical Outline 0RP2-50E3A0 Pin Connections Pin Function Pin Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vout Vout Vout 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PwGOOD SenseSense+ Vin Vin GND GND GND GND Enable TrimTrim+ Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 13 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Mechanical Outline (continued) VRP2-50E3A0 Pin Connections Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Function Vout Vout Vout GND GND Enable TrimTrim+ PwGOOD SenseSense+ Vin Vin GND GND Note: This module is recommended and compatible with Pb-Free Wave Soldering and must be soldered using a peak solder temperature of no more than 260 ºC for less than 5 seconds. Note: 1) All Pins: Material - Copper Alloy; Finish – 3 micro inches minimum Gold over 50 micro inches minimum Nickel plate. 2) Undimensioned components are shown for visual reference only. 3) All dimensions in inches (mm); Tolerances: x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm). Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • 14 NON-ISOLATED DC/DC CONVERTERS 5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5 Vdc/50 A Output Bel Power, Inc. , a subsidiary of Bel Fuse, Inc. Nov. 02, 2010 Revision History Date Version 2010-11-02 PA Changes Detail Approval First release XF JIANG RoHS Compliance Complies with the European Directive 2002/95/EC, calling for the elimination of lead and other hazardous substances from electronic products. ©2010 Bel Fuse Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. 110210 15 CORPORATE FAR EAST EUROPE Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Tel 201-432-0463 Fax 201-432-9542 Bel Fuse Ltd. 8F/ 8 Luk Hop Street San Po Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel 852-2328-5515 Fax 852-2352-3706 Bel Fuse Europe Ltd. Preston Technology Management Centre Marsh Lane, Suite G7, Preston Lancashire, PR1 8UD, U.K. Tel 44-1772-556601 Fax 44-1772-888366