MC1121 100mA Charge Pump Voltage Converter with Shutdown The MC1121 is a charge pump converter with 100mA output current capability. It converts a 2.4V to 5.5V input to a corresponding negative output voltage. As with all charge pump converters, the MC1121 uses no inductors saving cost, size, and reducing EMI. An on–board oscillator operates at a typical frequency of 10kHz (at VDD = 5V) when the frequency control input (FC) is connected to ground. The oscillator frequency increases to 200kHz when FC is connected to VDD, allowing the use of smaller capacitors. Operation at sub–10kHz frequencies results in lower quiescent current and is accomplished with the addition of an external capacitor from OSC (pin 7) to ground. The MC1121 can be driven from an external clock connected OSC. Typical supply current at 10kHz is 50µA, and falls to less than 1µA when the shutdown input is brought low, whether the internal or an external clock is used. The MC1121 is available in a Micro–8 package. Features • Converts a 2.4V to 5.5V Input Voltage to a Corresponding Negative Output Voltage (Inverter Mode) • Uses Only 2 Capacitors; No Inductors Required! • High Output Current: 100mA • Selectable Oscillator Frequency: 10kHz to 200kHz • Power–Saving Shutdown Input • Optional High–Frequency Operation Allows Use of Small Capacitors • Low Operating Current (FC = GND): 50µA • Tested Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C Typical Applications • Laptop Computers • Medical Instruments • Disk Drives • µP–Based Controllers • Process Instrumentation Micro8 DM SUFFIX CASE TBD PRELIMINARY INFORMATION PIN CONFIGURATION (Top View) FC 1 CAP+ 2 GND 3 8 VDD MC1121 7 OSC 6 SHDN 5 VOUT CAP– 4 ORDERING INFORMATION Device MC1121DMR2 Package Shipping Micro–8 2500 Tape/Reel FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM + CAP+ SHDN FC – C1 CAP– OSC CONTROL RC OSCILLATOR OSC Vout SWITCH MATRIX + C2 VDD GND MC1121 LOGIC CIRCUITS Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 1999 February, 2000 – Rev. 0 1 Publication Order Number: MC1121/D MC1121 PIN DESCRIPTION ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Pin No. Symbol Description 1 FC Frequency control for internal oscillator, FC = open, FOSC = 10kHz typ; FC = VDD, FOSC = 200kHz typ, FC has no effect when OSC pin is driven externally 2 CAP+ Charge–pump capacitor, positive terminal 3 GND Power–supply ground input 4 CAP– Charge–pump capacitor, negative terminal 5 VOUT Output, negative voltage 6 SHDN Shutdown 7 OSC Oscillator control input. An external capacitor can be added to slow the oscillator. Take care to minimize stray capacitance. An external oscillator also may be connected to overdrive OSC 8 VDD Power–supply positive voltage input ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Parameter Value Unit 6.0 V Operating Temperature Range –40 to +85 °C OSC, FC, SHDN Input Voltage –0.3 to (VDD + 0.3) V Output Short Circuit Duration 10 Sec Storage Temperature Range –65 to +150 °C VDD Supply Voltage Package Power Dissipation (TA ≤ 70°C) Micro8 Derate by 4mW/°C for TA > 70°C 333 Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 Seconds) +300 mW °C * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = –40°C to +85°C, VDD = 5V ±10% COSC = OPEN, C1, C2 = 10µF, FC = VDD, SHDN = VIH, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = 25°C.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Active Supply Current RL = Open, FC = Open or GND RL = Open, FC = VDD — — 50 0.6 100 1.0 µA mA IDD(SHDN) Shutdown Supply Current (SHDN = 0V) — 0.2 1.0 µA VDD Supply Voltage 2.4 — 5.5 V VIH SHDN Logic High Input Voltage VDD x 0.8 — — V VIL SHDN Logic Low Input Voltage — — 0.4 V IIN Input Leakage Current SHDN, OSC FC Pin –1.0 –4.0 — — 1.0 4.0 IDD Characteristic µA ROUT Output Source Resistance (IOUT = 60 mA) — 12 20 W IOUT Output Current (VOUT more negative than –3.75V) 60 100 — mA FOSC Oscillator Frequency OSC Open, FC = Open or GND SHDN = VIH, FC = VDD 5.0 100 10 200 — — Power Efficiency (FC = GND) RL = 2kW between VDD and VOUT RL = 1 kW between VOUT and GND IL = 60 mA to GND 93 94 — 97 97 92 — — — Voltage Conversion Efficiency (RL = OPEN) 99 99.9 — PEFF VEFF kHz % 2 % MC1121 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Negative Voltage Converter The oscillator runs at 10kHz (typical) when FC and OSC are not connected. The oscillator frequency is lowered by connecting a capacitor between OSC and GND, but FC can still multiply the frequency by 20 times in this mode. An external clock source that swings within 100mV of VDD and GND may overdrive OSC in the inverter mode. OSC can be driven by any CMOS logic output. When OSC is overdriven, FC has no effect. Note that the frequency of the signal appearing at CAP+ and CAP- is half that of the oscillator. In addition, by lowering the oscillator frequency, the effective output resistance of the charge–pump increases. To compensate for this, the value of the charge–pump capacitors may be increased. Because the 5kHz output ripple frequency may be low enough to interfere with other circuitry, the oscillator frequency can be increased with the use of the FC pin or an external oscillator. The output ripple frequency is half the selected oscillator frequency. Although the MC1121’s quiescent current will increase if the clock frequency is increased, it allows smaller capacitance values to be used for C1 and C2. The MC1121 is typically used as a charge–pump voltage inverter. C1 and C2 are the only two external capacitors used in the operating circuit (see Figure 1). 2.4 V to 5.5 V VDD 8 MC1121 CAP+ OSC 2 7 1 FC + C2 – 3 4 GND CAP– SHDN 6 Vout 5 SHDN* Vout – C2 + NOTES: *SHDN should be tied to VDD if not used. Figure 1. Charge Pump Inverter The MC1121 is not actively regulated. A typical output source resistance of 11.8W means that an input of +5V results in - 5V output voltage under light load, and only decreases to - 3.8V (typ) with a 100mA load. The supplied output current is from capacitor C2 during one–half the charge–pump cycle. This results in a peak–to–peak ripple of: VRIPPLE = IOUT/2(fPUMP) (C2) + IOUT (ESRC2) Where fPUMP is 5kHz (one half the nominal 10kHz oscillator frequency), and C2 = 150µF with an ESR of 0.2W ripple is about 90mV with a 100mA load current. If C2 is raised to 390µF, the ripple drops to 45mV. Capacitor Selection In addition to load current, the following factors affect the MC1121 output voltage drop from its ideal value 1) output resistance, 2) pump (C1) and reservoir (C2) capacitor ESRs, and 3) C1 and C2 capacitance. The voltage drop is the load current times the output resistance. The loss in C2 is the load current times C2’s ESR; C1’s loss is larger because it handles currents greater than the load current during charge–pump operation. Therefore, the voltage drop due to C1 is about four times C1’s ESR multiplied by the load current, and a low (or high) ESR capacitor has a greater impact on performance for C1 than for C2. In general, as the MC1121’s pump frequency increases, capacitance values needed to maintain comparable ripple and output resistance diminish proportionately. Changing Oscillator Frequency The MC1121’s clock frequency is controlled by four modes: FC OSC Oscillator Frequency Cascading Devices Open Open 10kHz FC = VDD Open 200kHz Open or FC = VDD External Capacitor Reduced from 10kHz or 200kHz depending on FC state Open External Clock External Clock Frequency To produce greater negative magnitudes of the initial supply voltage, the MC1121 may be cascaded (see Figure 2). The resulting output resistance is approximately equal to the sum of individual MC1121 ROUT values. The output voltage (where n is an integer representing the number of devices cascaded) is defined by VOUT = - n (VIN). 3 MC1121 Vin+ MC1121 “1” 1 2 FC VDD 8 CAP+ OSC MC1121 “n” 1 2 7 + FC VDD 8 CAP+ OSC 7 + C1 SHDN GND 3 CAP– 4 C1n SHDN* 6 Vout 5 SHDN GND 3 CAP– 4 SHDN* 6 Vout 5 Vout C2 + C2 + NOTES: *SHDN should be tied to it’s respective VDD if not used. Figure 2. Cascading MC1121s to Increase Output Voltage Paralleling Devices capacitor C1, but the reservoir capacitor C2 serves all devices. The value of C2 should be increased by a factor of n (the number of devices). To reduce output resistance, multiple MC1121s may be paralleled (see Figure 3). Each device needs a pump MC1121 “1” 1 2 Vin+ FC VDD 8 CAP+ OSC 7 MC1121 “n” 1 OSC 2 + C1 FC VDD 8 CAP+ OSC 7 + 3 4 GND CAP– SHDN 6 *SHDN C1n 3 Vout 5 4 GND CAP– SHDN SHDN* 6 Vout 5 Rout = Rout (of MC1121)/n(number of devices) C2 + NOTES: *SHDN should be tied to VDD if not used. Figure 3. Paralleling MC1121s to Reduce Output Resistance Vin+ Combined Positive Supply Multiplication and Negative Voltage Conversion D1, D2 = 1N4148 Figure 4 shows this dual function circuit, in which capacitors C1 and C2 perform pump and reservoir functions to generate the negative voltage. Capacitors C2 and C4 are the respective capacitors for the multiplied positive voltage. This particular configuration leads to higher source impedances of the generated supplies due to the finite impedance of the common charge–pump driver. VDD 1 8 MC1121 CAP+ OSC 2 7 FC + D1 Vout = Vin– C1 3 4 GND Vout 5 CAP– SHDN 6 SHDN* + D2 NOTES: *SHDN should be tied to VDD if not used. Figure 4. Combined Positive Multiplier and Negative Converter 4 C2 Vout = (2Vin) – (VFD1) – (VFD2) C3 + + C4 MC1121 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION Component Taping Orientation for Micro–8 Devices USER DIRECTION OF FEED PIN 1 Standard Reel Component Orientation for R2 Suffix Device (Mark Right Side Up) Tape & Reel Specifications Table Package Tape Width (W) Pitch (P) Part Per Full Reel Diameter Micro–8 12 mm 4 mm 2500 13 inches MARKING MC1121DMR2 1121 5 MC1121 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Micro8 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE TBD ISSUE TBD PIN 1 .122 (3.10) .197 (5.00) .114 (2.90) .187 (4.80) .026 (0.65) TYP. .122 (3.10) .114 (2.90) .043 (1.10) MAX. .008 (0.20) .005 (0.13) 6 ° MAX. .006 (0.15) .016 (0.40) .002 (0.05) .010 (0.25) .028 (0.70) .016 (0.40) Dimensions: inches (mm) 6 MC1121 Notes 7 MC1121 ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 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