TN3440A TN3440A C TO-226 B E NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for use in horizontal driver, class A off-line amplifier and off-line switching applications. Sourced from Process 36. Absolute Maximum Ratings* Symbol TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Value Units VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage Parameter 250 V VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 300 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 7.0 V IC Collector Current - Continuous 100 mA TJ, Tstg Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 to +150 °C *These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. NOTES: 1) These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C. 2) These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations. Thermal Characteristics Symbol PD TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Characteristic RθJC Total Device Dissipation Derate above 25°C Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RθJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 1997 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Max Units TN3440A 1.0 8.0 125 W mW/°C °C/W 50 °C/W (continued) Electrical Characteristics Symbol TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter Test Conditions Min Max Units OFF CHARACTERISTICS VCEO(sus) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage* IC = 50 mA, IB = 0 250 V V(BR)CBO Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage IC = 100 µA, IE = 0 300 V ICEO Collector-Cutoff Current VCE = 200 V, IB = 0 50 µA ICEX Collector-Cutoff Current VCE = 300 V, VBE = 1.5 V 500 µA ICBO Collector-Cutoff Current VCB = 250 V, IE = 0 20 µA IEBO Emitter-Cutoff Current VEB = 5.0 V, IC = 0 20 µA 160 0.5 V 1.3 V ON CHARACTERISTICS hFE DC Current Gain VCE(sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC = 2.0 mA, VCE = 10 V IC = 20 mA, VCE = 10 V IC = 50 mA, IB = 4.0 mA VBE(sat) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC = 50 mA, IB = 4.0 mA 30 40 SMALL SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS fT Current Gain - Bandwidth Product Cobo Output Capacitance IC = 10 mA, VCE = 10 V, f = 5.0 MHz VCB = 10 V, IE = 0, f = 1.0 MHz Cibo Input Capacitance VBE = 5.0 V, IC = 0, f = 1.0 MHz hfe Small-Signal Current Gain IC = 5.0 mA, VCE = 10 V, f = 1.0 kHz 15 MHz 10 pF 95 pF 25 *Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 µs, Duty Cycle ≤ 1.0% Typical Pulsed Current Gain vs Collector Current 1000 V CE = 5V 25 °C 125 °C 100 - 40 °C 10 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 I C - COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) 1 VCESAT - COLLE CTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) h FE - TYP ICAL PULSED CURRE NT GAIN Typical Characteristics Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage vs Collector Current 0.3 β = 10 125 °C 0.2 25 °C 0.1 - 40 °C 1 10 100 I C - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 1000 TN3440A NPN General Purpose Amplifier (continued) (continued) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage vs Collector Current 1000 - 40 °C 800 600 25 ° C 125 ° C 400 β = 10 200 0 1 IC 10 100 - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 1000 V BE(O N) - BASE- EMITTER ON VOLTAGE (mV) V BESAT - BASE-E MITTER VOLTAGE (mV) Typical Characteristics 1000 - 40 °C 800 25 °C 600 125 °C 400 VCE = 5V 200 0 1 CAPACITANCE (pF) VCB = 225V 1000 100 10 1 1000 800 600 400 200 C ib, I E = 8 100 80 60 40 Ccb, I E = 0 20 0.1 25 50 75 100 125 T A- AMBIENT TE MPE RATURE (°C) 10 0.1 150 100 1 PD - POWER DISSIPATION (W) 10 60 MHz 5 40 MHz 40 MHz 20 MHz 1 1 10 REVERSE BIAS VOLTAGE (V) Power Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature Contours of Constant Gain Bandwidth Product (f T ) VCE- COLLECTOR VOLTAGE (V) 10 100 I C - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) Collector-Base / Emitter-Base Capacitance vs Reverse Bias Voltage Collector-Cutoff Current vs Ambient Temperature I CBO - COLLECTOR CURRENT (nA) Base-Emitter ON Voltage vs Collector Current 1 20 MHz 10 100 I C- COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 1000 TO-226 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (o C) 125 150 TN3440A NPN General Purpose Amplifier TO-226AE Tape and Reel Data TO -226AE Packaging Conf iguratio n: Fi gur e 1.0 TAPE and REEL OPTION FSCINT Label sampl e See Fig 2.0 for va rious FAIRCHIL D S EMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION L OT: CBVK741B019 PN2222N NSID: D/C1: QTY: Reeling Styles HTB:B 10000 SP EC: FSCINT D9842 SP EC RE V: Labe l B2 QA REV: 5 Reels per Int er med iate B ox (FSCINT) Cus tom ized F63TNR Label s ampl e Labe l LOT: CBVK7 41B019 FSID: PN222N D/C1: D9842 D/C2: F63TNR QTY: 2000 Labe l SPEC: QTY1: QTY2: SPEC REV: CPN: N/F: F Cus tom ized Labe l (F63TNR)3 375m m x 267m m x 375mm Int er med iate B ox AMMO PACK OPTION See Fig 3.0 for 2 Ammo Pack Options TO-226AE TNR/AMMO PACKING INFO RMATION Packing Style Quantity Reel A 2,000 D26Z E 2,000 D27Z Am m o M P EOL code 2,000 Uni t wei gh t FSCINT D74Z 2,000 Labe l D75Z 327m m x 158m m x 135mm = 0.300g m Reel weig ht wi th c om po nents = 0.868 k g Amm o weig ht wi th c omp on en ts = 0.880 k g Im med iate B ox 5 A mm o box es per Int er med iate B ox Cus tom ized Labe l Max q uanti ty p er i nte rm ed iate b ox = 10,000 un its Cus tom ized Labe l F63TNR Bar c ode Label 333m m x 231m m x 183mm Int er med iate B ox BULK OPTION See Bulk Packing Informat ion table Anti -stati c FSCINT Bar c ode Label Bub ble Sheets (TO-226AE ) BULK PACKING INFORMATION EOL CODE J18Z J05Z NO EOL CODE DESCRIPTION LEADCLIP DIMENSION QUANTITY TO-18 OPTION STD NO L EAD CLIP 1.0 K / BOX TO-5 NO L EAD CLIP 1.0 K / BOX NO L EADCLIP 1.5 K / BOX OPTION STD TO-226 STANDARD STRAIGHT 1,500 un its per 114m m x 102m m x 51mm EO70 box for s td o pti on EO70 Im mediate B ox 5 EO70 boxes pe r Int er med iate B ox 530m m x 130m m x 83mm Inter med iate box Cus tomized Label FSCINT Labe l 7,500 un its m axim um per interm edi at e box for st d opt ion ©2000 Fairchild Semiconductor International October 1999, Rev. A1 TO-226AE Tape and Reel Data, continued TO-226AE Reeling Style Configuration: Fi gure 2.0 Machine Option "A" (H) Machine Option "E"(J) Style "A" D26Z, D70Z (s/h) Style "E" D 27Z, D71Z (s/h) TO-226AE Radial Ammo Packaging Configuration: Fi gure 3.0 FIRST WIRE OFF IS EMITTER (ON PKG. 92) FIRST WIRE OFF IS COL LECTOR (ON PKG. 92) ADHESIVE TAPE IS ON THE TOP SIDE ADHESIVE TAPE IS ON THE TOP SIDE FLAT OF TRANSISTOR IS ON BOTTOM FLAT OF TRANSISTOR IS ON TOP ORDER STYLE D74Z (M) ORDER STYLE D75Z (P) FIRST WIRE OFF IS EMITTER FIRST WIRE OFF IS COL LECTOR ADHESIVE TAPE IS ON BOTTOM SIDE ADHESIVE TAPE IS ON BOTTOM SIDE FLAT OF TRANSISTOR IS ON BOTTOM FLAT OF TRANSISTOR IS ON TOP October 1999, Rev. A1 TO-226AE Tape and Reel Data, continued TO-226AE Tape and Reel Taping Dimension Configuration: Fi gur e 4.0 Hd P Pd b Hb W1 d L H1 HO L1 S WO t W2 W t1 P1 F1 DO P2 PO User Direction of Feed TO-226AE Reel Configuration: Fi gur e 5.0 ITEM DESCRI PTION SYM BOL DIMENSION Base of Package to Lead Bend b 0.098 (max) Component Height Hb 1.078 (+/- 0.050) Lead Clinch He ight HO 0.630 (+/- 0.020) Component Base Heig ht H1 0.748 (+/- 0.020) Component Alignment (s ide / side ) Pd 0.040 (max) Component Alignment ( front/back ) Hd 0.031 (max) Component Pitch P 0.500 (+/- 0.020) Feed Hole Pitch PO 0.500 (+/- 0.008) Hole Center to First Lead P1 0.150 (+0.009, -0.010 ) Hole Center to Component Center P2 0.247 (+/- 0.007) Lead Spread F1/F2 0.104 (+/- 0 .010) Lead Thickness d 0.018 (+0.002, -0.003) Cut Lead Length L 0.429 (max) Taped Lead Lengt h L1 0.209 (+0.051, -0.052) Taped Lead Thickness t 0.032 (+/- 0.006) Carrier Tape Thickness t1 0.021 (+/- 0.006) Carrier Tape Width W 0.708 (+0.020, -0.019) Hold - down Tape Width WO 0.236 (+/- 0.012) Hold - down Tape position W1 0.035 (max) Feed Hole Position W2 0.360 (+/- 0.025) Sprocket Hole Diameter DO 0.157 (+0.008, -0.007) Lead Spring O ut S 0.004 (max) Note : All dimensions are in inches. E LE CT ROS TA TIC S EN SI TIV E D EV ICE S D4 D1 D2 F63TNR Label ITEM DESCRIPT ION SYMBOL Reel Diamet er D1 13.975 Arbor Hole Diameter (Standard) D2 1.160 1.200 (Small Hole) D2 0.650 0.700 Customized Label MAXIMUM 14.025 Core Diameter D3 3.100 3.300 Hub Recess Inner Diameter D4 2.700 3.100 Hub Recess Dept h W1 MINIMUM W1 0.370 0.570 Flange to Flange Inner W idth W2 1.630 1.690 Hu b to Hu b Cente r W idth W3 2.09 0 W3 W2 Note: All dimensions are inches D3 October 1999, Rev. A1 TO-226AE Package Dimensions TO-226AE (FS PKG Code 95, 99) 1:1 Scale 1:1 on letter size paper Dimensions shown below are in: inches [millimeters] Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.300 S4.70-4.32; S1.52-1.02; 2" TYP S7.73-7.10; S7.87-7.37; 2" TYP S1.65-1.27; 0.51 S0.760.36; S15.61-14.47; S0.51-0.36; S0.48-0.30; S1.40-1.14; PIN S1.40-1.14; 99 95 1 E E 2 B C 3 C B S4.45-3.81; 5" TYP 1 2 3 TO-226AE (95,99) S2.41-2.13; ©2000 Fairchild Semiconductor International For leadformed option ordering, refer to Tape & Reel data information. October 1999, Rev. A1 TRADEMARKS The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. ACEx™ Bottomless™ CoolFET™ CROSSVOLT™ DOME™ E2CMOSTM EnSignaTM FACT™ FACT Quiet Series™ FAST FASTr™ GlobalOptoisolator™ GTO™ HiSeC™ ISOPLANAR™ MICROWIRE™ OPTOLOGIC™ OPTOPLANAR™ PACMAN™ POP™ PowerTrench QFET™ QS™ QT Optoelectronics™ Quiet Series™ SILENT SWITCHER SMART START™ SuperSOT™-3 SuperSOT™-6 SuperSOT™-8 SyncFET™ TinyLogic™ UHC™ VCX™ DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose support device or system, or to affect its safety or failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be effectiveness. reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user. PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status Definition Advance Information Formative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Preliminary First Production This datasheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary data will be published at a later date. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design. No Identification Needed Full Production This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design. Obsolete Not In Production This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor. The datasheet is printed for reference information only. Rev. G