Features • Incorporates the ARM926EJ-S™ ARM® Thumb® Processor • • • • • • • • • • – DSP Instruction Extensions – ARM Jazelle® Technology for Java® Acceleration – 16 Kbyte Data Cache, 16 Kbyte Instruction Cache, Write Buffer – 210 MIPS at 190 MHz – Memory Management Unit – EmbeddedICE™, Debug Communication Channel Support – Mid-level implementation Embedded Trace Macrocell™ Additional Embedded Memories – 32 Kbytes of Internal ROM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Bus Speed – 160 Kbytes of Internal SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Processor or Bus Speed External Bus Interface (EBI) – Supports SDRAM, Static Memory, NAND Flash and CompactFlash® LCD Controller – Supports Passive or Active Displays – Up to 16-bits per Pixel in STN Color Mode – Up to 16M Colors in TFT Mode (24-bit per Pixel), Resolution up to 2048 x 2048 USB – USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per second) Host Double Port • Dual On-chip Transceivers • Integrated FIFOs and Dedicated DMA Channels – USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per second) Device Port • On-chip Transceiver, 2 Kbyte Configurable Integrated FIFOs Bus Matrix – Handles Five Masters and Five Slaves – Boot Mode Select Option – Remap Command Fully Featured System Controller (SYSC) for Efficient System Management, including – Reset Controller, Shutdown Controller, Four 32-bit Battery Backup Registers for a Total of 16 Bytes – Clock Generator and Power Management Controller – Advanced Interrupt Controller and Debug Unit – Periodic Interval Timer, Watchdog Timer and Real-time Timer – Three 32-bit PIO Controllers Reset Controller (RSTC) – Based on Power-on Reset Cells, Reset Source Identification and Reset Output Control Shutdown Controller (SHDWC) – Programmable Shutdown Pin Control and Wake-up Circuitry Clock Generator (CKGR) – 32,768 Hz Low-power Oscillator on Battery Backup Power Supply, Providing a Permanent Slow Clock – 3 to 20 MHz On-chip Oscillator and two PLLs Power Management Controller (PMC) – Very Slow Clock Operating Mode, Software Programmable Power Optimization Capabilities – Four Programmable External Clock Signals AT91 ARM Thumb-based Microcontrollers AT91SAM9261 Preliminary Summary NOTE: This is a summary document. The complete document is available on the Atmel website at www.atmel.com. 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 • Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 – Individually Maskable, Eight-level Priority, Vectored Interrupt Sources – Three External Interrupt Sources and One Fast Interrupt Source, Spurious Interrupt Protected Debug Unit (DBGU) – 2-wire USART and support for Debug Communication Channel, Programmable ICE Access Prevention Periodic Interval Timer (PIT) – 20-bit Interval Timer plus 12-bit Interval Counter Watchdog Timer (WDT) – Key Protected, Programmable Only Once, Windowed 12-bit Counter, Running at Slow Clock Real-Time Timer (RTT) – 32-bit Free-running Backup Counter Running at Slow Clock Three 32-bit Parallel Input/Output Controllers (PIO) PIOA, PIOB and PIOC – 96 Programmable I/O Lines Multiplexed with up to Two Peripheral I/Os – Input Change Interrupt Capability on Each I/O Line – Individually Programmable Open-drain, Pull-up Resistor and Synchronous Output Nineteen Peripheral DMA (PDC) Channels Multimedia Card Interface (MCI) – SDCard and MultiMediaCard™ Compliant – Automatic Protocol Control and Fast Automatic Data Transfers with PDC, MMC and SDCard Compliant Three Synchronous Serial Controllers (SSC) – Independent Clock and Frame Sync Signals for Each Receiver and Transmitter – I²S Analog Interface Support, Time Division Multiplex Support – High-speed Continuous Data Stream Capabilities with 32-bit Data Transfer Three Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters (USART) – Individual Baud Rate Generator, IrDA® Infrared Modulation/Demodulation – Support for ISO7816 T0/T1 Smart Card, Hardware and Software Handshaking, RS485 Support Two Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) – 8- to 16-bit Programmable Data Length, Four External Peripheral Chip Selects One Three-channel 16-bit Timer/Counters (TC) – Three External Clock Inputs, Two multi-purpose I/O Pins per Channel – Double PWM Generation, Capture/Waveform Mode, Up/Down Capability Two-wire Interface (TWI) – Master Mode Support, All Two-wire Atmel EEPROMs Supported IEEE® 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on All Digital Pins Required Power Supplies: – 1.08V to 1.32V for VDDCORE and VDDBU – 3.0V to 3.6V for VDDOSC and for VDDPLL – 2.7V to 3.6V for VDDIOP (Peripheral I/Os) – 1.65V to 1.95V and 3.0V to 3.6V for VDDIOM (Memory I/Os) Available in a 217-ball LFBGA RoHS-compliant Package AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 1. Description The AT91SAM9261 is a complete system-on-chip built around the ARM926EJ-S ARM Thumb processor with an extended DSP instruction set and Jazelle Java accelerator. It achieves 210 MIPS at 190 MHz. The AT91SAM9261 is an optimized host processor for applications with an LCD display. Its integrated LCD controller supports BW and up to 16M color, active and passive LCD displays. The 160 Kbyte integrated SRAM can be configured as a frame buffer minimizing the impact for LCD refresh on the overall processor performance. The External Bus Interface incorporates controllers for synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) and Static memories and features specific interface circuitry for CompactFlash and NAND Flash. The AT91SAM9261 integrates a ROM-based Boot Loader supporting code shadowing from, for example, external DataFlash® into external SDRAM. The software controlled Power Management Controller (PMC) keeps system power consumption to a minimum by selectively enabling/disabling the processor and various peripherals and adjustment of the operating frequency. The AT91SAM9261 also benefits from the integration of a wide range of debug features including JTAG-ICE, a dedicated UART debug channel (DBGU) and an embedded real time trace. This enables the development and debug of all applications, especially those with real-time constraints. 3 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 2. Block Diagram ARM926EJ-S Core ICE Instruction Cache 16K bytes TCM Interface System Controller I AIC ITCM DBGU PLLA PLLRCB PLLB XIN XOUT OSC OSC POR VDDCORE POR EBI CompactFlash NAND Flash SDRAM Controller PIT Peripheral Bridge RTT Static Memory Controller Peripheral DMA Controller SHDWC VDDBU GNDBU DTCM 5-layer Matrix GPBREG SHDN WKUP D Fast ROM 32K bytes PMC WDT XIN32 XOUT32 I Fast SRAM 160K bytes PDC PLLRCA D DMA FIFO RSTC USB Host NRST APB PIOA PIOB TCLK TPS0-TPS2 TPK0-TPK15 BIU PIO PIO TST FIQ IRQ0-IRQ2 DRXD DTXD PCK0-PCK3 ETM Data Cache 16K bytes MMU PIO TSYNC JTAG Boundary Scan FIFO PIOC USB Device Transceiver JTAGSEL TDI TDO TMS TCK NTRST RTCK AT91SAM9261 Block Diagram BMS D0-D15 A0/NBS0 A1/NBS2/NWR2 A2-A15/A18-A21 A22/REG A16/BA0 A17/BA1 NCS0 NCS1/SDCS NCS2 NCS3/NANDCS NRD/CFOE NWR0/NWE/CFWE NWR1/NBS1/CFIOR NWR3/NBS3/CFIOW SDCK SDCKE RAS-CAS SDWE SDA10 NWAIT A23-A24 A25/CFRNW NCS4/CFCS0 NCS5/CFCS1 CFCE1 CFCE2 NCS6/NANDOE NCS7/NANDWE D16-D31 HDMA HDPA HDMB HDPB Transceiver Figure 2-1. DDM DDP DMA MCI LUT LCD Controller PDC RXD0 TXD0 SCK0 RTS0 CTS0 USART0 RXD1 TXD1 SCK1 RTS1 CTS1 USART1 SPI0_NPCS0 SPI0_NPCS1 SPI0_NPCS2 SPI0_NPCS3 SPI0_MISO SPI0_MOSI SPI0_SPCK SPI1_NPCS10 SPI1_NPCS1 SPI1_NPCS12 SPI1_NPCS3 SPI1_MISO SPI1_MOSI SPI1_SPCK 4 PIO PIO PDC SSC0 PDC TF0 TK0 TD0 RD0 RK0 RF0 SSC1 PDC TF1 TK1 TD1 RD1 RK1 RF1 PIO MCCK MCCDA MCDA0-MCDA3 RXD2 TXD2 SCK2 RTS2 CTS2 LCDD0-LCDD23 LCDVSYNC LCDHSYNC LCDDOTCK LCDDEN LCDCC FIFO PDC USART2 SSC2 PDC PDC Timer Counter SPI0 PDC TC0 TC1 TC2 TF2 TK2 TD2 RD2 RK2 RF2 TCLK0 TCLK1 TCLK2 TIOA0 TIOB0 TIOA1 TIOB1 TIOA2 TIOB2 SPI1 TWI PDC TWD TWCK AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 3. Signal Description Table 3-1. Signal Description by Peripheral Signal Name Function Type Active Level Comments Power VDDIOM EBI I/O Lines Power Supply Power 1.65 V to 1.95V and 3.0V to 3.6V VDDIOP Peripherals I/O Lines Power Supply Power 2.7V to 3.6V VDDBU Backup I/O Lines Power Supply Power 1.08V to 1.32V VDDPLL PLL Power Supply Power 3.0V to 3.6V VDDOSC Oscillator Power Supply Power 3.0V to 3.6V VDDCORE Core Chip Power Supply Power 1.08V to 1.32V GND Ground Ground GNDPLL PLL Ground Ground GNDOSC Oscillator Ground Ground GNDBU Backup Ground Ground XIN Main Oscillator Input XOUT Main Oscillator Output XIN32 Slow Clock Oscillator Input Clocks, Oscillators and PLLs Input Output Input XOUT32 Slow Clock Oscillator Output PLLRCA PLL Filter Output Input PLLRCB PLL Filter Input PCK0 - PCK3 Programmable Clock Output SHDN Shutdown Control WKUP Wake-Up Input Output Shutdown, Wakeup Logic Output Do not tie over VDDBU. Input Accepts between 0V and VDDBU. ICE and JTAG TCK Test Clock RTCK Returned Test Clock TDI Test Data In TDO Test Data Out Input No pull-up resistor. Output No pull-up resistor. Input No pull-up resistor. Output TMS Test Mode Select Input NTRST Test Reset Signal Input JTAGSEL JTAG Selection Input No pull-up resistor. Low Pull-up resistor. Pull-down resistor. Accepts between 0V and VDDBU. ETM™ TSYNC Trace Synchronization Signal Output TCLK Trace Clock Output TPS0 - TPS2 Trace ARM Pipeline Status Output TPK0 - TPK15 Trace Packet Port Output 5 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 Table 3-1. Signal Description by Peripheral (Continued) Signal Name Function Type NRST Microcontroller Reset TST Test Mode Select Input BMS Boot Mode Select Input Active Level Comments Reset/Test I/O Low Pull-up resistor Pull-down resistor. Debug Unit DRXD Debug Receive Data Input DTXD Debug Transmit Data Output AIC IRQ0 - IRQ2 External Interrupt Inputs FIQ Fast Interrupt Input Input Input PIO PA0 - PA31 Parallel IO Controller A I/O Pulled-up input at reset PB0 - PB31 Parallel IO Controller B I/O Pulled-up input at reset PC0 - PC31 Parallel IO Controller C I/O Pulled-up input at reset I/O Pulled-up input at reset EBI D0 - D31 Data Bus A0 - A25 Address Bus NWAIT External Wait Signal Output 0 at reset Input Low SMC NCS0 - NCS7 Chip Select Lines Output Low NWR0 - NWR3 Write Signal Output Low NRD Read Signal Output Low NWE Write Enable Output Low NBS0 - NBS3 Byte Mask Signal Output Low CompactFlash Support CFCE1 - CFCE2 CompactFlash Chip Enable Output Low CFOE CompactFlash Output Enable Output Low CFWE CompactFlash Write Enable Output Low CFIOR CompactFlash IO Read Output Low CFIOW CompactFlash IO Write Output Low CFRNW CompactFlash Read Not Write Output CFCS0 - CFCS1 CompactFlash Chip Select Lines Output Low NAND Flash Support NANDOE NAND Flash Output Enable Output Low NANDWE NAND Flash Write Enable Output Low NANDCS NAND Flash Chip Select Output Low 6 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary Table 3-1. Signal Description by Peripheral (Continued) Signal Name Function Type Active Level SDCK SDRAM Clock Output SDCKE SDRAM Clock Enable Output High SDCS SDRAM Controller Chip Select Output Low BA0 - BA1 Bank Select Output SDWE SDRAM Write Enable Output Low RAS - CAS Row and Column Signal Output Low SDA10 SDRAM Address 10 Line Output Comments SDRAM Controller Multimedia Card Interface MCCK Multimedia Card Clock MCCDA Multimedia Card A Command Output I/O MCDA0 - MCDA3 Multimedia Card A Data I/O USART SCK0 - SCK2 Serial Clock TXD0 - TXD2 Transmit Data Output I/O RXD0 - RXD2 Receive Data Input RTS0 - RTS2 Request To Send CTS0 - CTS2 Clear To Send Output Input Synchronous Serial Controller TD0 - TD2 Transmit Data Output RD0 - RD2 Receive Data Input TK0 - TK2 Transmit Clock I/O RK0 - RK2 Receive Clock I/O TF0 - TF2 Transmit Frame Sync I/O RF0 - RF2 Receive Frame Sync I/O TCLK0 - TCLK2 External Clock Input TIOA0 - TIOA2 I/O Line A I/O TIOB0 - TIOB2 I/O Line B I/O Timer/Counter Input SPI SPI0_MISO SPI1_MISO Master In Slave Out I/O SPI0_MOSI SPI1_MOSI Master Out Slave In I/O SPI0_SPCK SPI1_SPCK SPI Serial Clock I/O SPI0_NPCS0, SPI1_NPCS0 SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0 I/O Low SPI0_NPCS1 SPI0_NPCS3 SPI1_NPCS1 SPI1_NPCS3 SPI Peripheral Chip Select Output Low 7 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 Table 3-1. Signal Description by Peripheral (Continued) Signal Name Function Type TWD Two-wire Serial Data I/O TWCK Two-wire Serial Clock I/O Active Level Comments Two-Wire Interface LCD Controller LCDD0 - LCDD23 LCD Data Bus Output LCDVSYNC LCD Vertical Synchronization Output LCDHSYNC LCD Horizontal Synchronization Output LCDDOTCK LCD Dot Clock Output LCDDEN LCD Data Enable Output LCDCC LCD Contrast Control Output USB Device Port DDM USB Device Port Data - Analog DDP USB Device Port Data + Analog HDMA USB Host Port A Data - Analog HDPA USB Host Port A Data + Analog HDMB USB Host Port B Data - Analog HDPB USB Host Port B Data + Analog USB Host Port 8 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 4. Package and Pinout The AT91SAM9261 is available in a 217-ball LFBGA RoHS-compliant package, 15 x 15 mm, 0.8 mm ball pitch 4.1 217-ball LFBGA Package Outline Figure 4-1 shows the orientation of the 217-ball LFBGA Package. A detailed mechanical description is given in the section “AT91SAM9261 Mechanical Characteristics” of the product datasheet. Figure 4-1. 217-ball LFBGA Package Outline (Top View) 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U Ball A1 9 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 4.2 Pinout AT91SAM9261 Pinout for 217-ball LFBGA Package (1) Table 4-1. Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name A1 A19 D5 VDDCORE J14 VDDIOP P17 PA20 A2 A16/BA0 D6 A10 J15 PB9 R1 PC19 A3 A14 D7 A5 J16 PB6 R2 PC21 A4 A12 D8 A0/NBS0 J17 PB4 R3 GND A5 A9 D9 SHDN K1 D6 R4 PC27 A6 A6 D10 NC K2 D8 R5 PC29 A7 A3 D11 VDDIOP K3 D10 R6 PC4 A8 A2 D12 PB29 K4 D7 R7 PC8 A9 NC D13 PB28 K8 GND R8 PC12 A10 XOUT32 D14 PB23 K9 GND R9 PC14 A11 XIN32 D15 PB20 K10 GND R10 VDDPLL A12 DDP D16 PB17 K14 VDDCORE R11 PA0 A13 HDPB D17 TCK K15 PB3/BMS R12 PA7 A14 HDMB E1 NWR1/NBS1/CFIOR K16 PB1 R13 PA10 A15 PB27 E2 NWR0/NWE/CFWE K17 PB2 R14 PA13 A16 GND E3 NRD/CFOE L1 D9 R15 PA17 A17 PB24 E4 SDA10 L2 D11 R16 GND B1 A20 E14 PB22 L3 D12 R17 PA18 B2 A18 E15 PB18 L4 VDDIOM T1 PC20 B3 A15 E16 PB15 L14 PA30 T2 PC23 B4 A13 E17 TDI L15 PA27 T3 PC26 B5 A11 F1 SDCKE L16 PA31 T4 PC2 B6 A7 F2 RAS L17 PB0 T5 VDDIOP B7 A4 F3 NWR3/NBS3/CFIOW M1 D13 T6 PC5 PC9 B8 A1/NBS2/NWR2 F4 NCS0 M2 D15 T7 B9 VDDBU F14 PB16 M3 PC18 T8 PC10 B10 JTAGSEL F15 NRST M4 VDDCORE T9 PC15 B11 WKUP F16 TDO M14 PA25 T10 VDDOSC B12 DDM F17 NTRST M15 PA26 T11 GNDOSC B13 PB31 G1 D0 M16 PA28 T12 PA1 B14 HDMA G2 D1 M17 PA29 T13 PA4 B15 PB26 G3 SDWE N1 D14 T14 PA6 B16 PB25 G4 NCS3/NANDCS N2 PC17 T15 PA8 B17 PB19 G14 PB14 N3 PC31 T16 PA11 C1 A22 G15 PB12 N4 VDDIOM T17 PA14 C2 A21 G16 PB11 N14 PA22 U1 PC25 C3 VDDIOM G17 PB8 N15 PA21 U2 PC0 C4 A17/BA1 H1 D2 N16 PA23 U3 PC3 C5 VDDIOM H2 D3 N17 PA24 U4 GND C6 A8 H3 VDDIOM P1 PC16 U5 PC6 C7 GND H4 SDCK P2 PC30 U6 VDDIOP C8 VDDIOM H8 GND P3 PC22 U7 GND C9 GNDBU H9 GND P4 PC24 U8 PC13 C10 TST H10 GND P5 PC28 U9 PLLRCB C11 GND H14 PB10 P6 PC1 U10 PLLRCA C12 HDPA H15 PB13 P7 PC7 U11 XIN C13 PB30 H16 PB7 P8 PC11 U12 XOUT C14 NC H17 PB5 P9 GNDPLL U13 PA2 C15 VDDIOP J1 D4 P10 PA3 U14 PA5 C16 PB21 J2 D5 P11 VDDIOP U15 PA12 C17 TMS J3 GND P12 VDDCORE U16 PA9 D1 NCS2 J4 CAS P13 PA15 U17 RTCK D2 NCS1/SDCS J8 GND P14 PA16 D3 GND J9 GND P15 VDDIOP D4 VDDIOM J10 GND P16 PA19 Note: 10 1. Shaded cells define the pins powered by VDDIOM. AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 5. Power Considerations 5.1 Power Supplies The AT91SAM9261 has six types of power supply pins: • VDDCORE pins: Power the core, including the processor, the memories and the peripherals; voltage ranges from 1.08V and 1.32V, 1.2V nominal. • VDDIOM pins: Power the External Bus Interface I/O lines; voltage ranges from 1.65V to 1.95V and 3.0V to 3.6V, 1.8V and 3.3V nominal. • VDDIOP pins: Power the Peripheral I/O lines and the USB transceivers; voltage ranges from 2.7V and 3.6V, 3.3V nominal. • VDDBU pin: Powers the Slow Clock oscillator and a part of the System Controller; voltage ranges from 1.08V and 1.32V, 1.2V nominal. • VDDPLL pin: Powers the PLL cells; voltage ranges from 3.0V and 3.6V, 3.3V nominal. • VDDOSC pin: Powers the Main Oscillator cells; voltage ranges from 3.0V and 3.6V, 3.3V nominal. The double power supplies VDDIOM and VDDIOP are identified in Table 4-1 on page 10. These supplies enable the user to power the device differently for interfacing with memories and for interfacing with peripherals. Ground pins GND are common to VDDCORE, VDDIOM and VDDIOP pins power supplies. Separated ground pins are provided for VDDBU, VDDOSC and VDDPLL. The ground pins are GNDBU, GNDOSC and GNDPLL, respectively. 5.2 Power Consumption The AT91SAM9261 consumes about 550 µA of static current on VDDCORE at 25°C. This static current rises at up to 5.5 mA if the temperature increases to 85°C. On VDDBU, the current does not exceed 3 µA @25°C, but can rise at up to 20 µA @85°C. For dynamic power consumption, the AT91SAM9261 consumes a maximum of 50 mA on VDDCORE at maximum speed in typical conditions (1.2V, 25°C), processor running full-performance algorithm. 6. I/O Line Considerations 6.1 JTAG Port Pins TMS, TDI and TCK are Schmitt trigger inputs and have no pull-up resistors. TDO and RTCK are outputs, driven at up to VDDIOP, and have no pull-up resistor. The JTAGSEL pin is used to select the JTAG boundary scan when asserted at a high level (tied to VDDBU). It integrates a permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GNDBU, so that it can be left unconnected for normal operations. The NTRST pin is used to initialize the embedded ICE TAP Controller when asserted at a low level. It integrates a permanent pull-up resistor of about 15 kΩ to VDDIOP, so that it can be left unconnected for normal operations. 11 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 6.2 Test Pin The TST pin is used for manufacturing test purposes when asserted high. It integrates a permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GNDBU, so that it can be left unconnected for normal operations. Driving this line at a high level leads to unpredictable results. 6.3 Reset Pin NRST is an open-drain output integrating a non-programmable pull-up resistor. It can be driven with voltage at up to VDDIOP. As the product integrates power-on reset cells, the NRST pin can be left unconnected in case no reset from the system needs to be applied to the product. The NRST pin integrates a permanent pull-up resistor of 100 kΩ minimum to VDDIOP. The NRST signal is inserted in the Boundary Scan. 6.4 PIO Controller A, B and C Lines All the I/O lines PA0 to PA31, PB0 to PB31, and PC0 to PC31 integrate a programmable pull-up resistor of 100 kΩ. Programming of this pull-up resistor is performed independently for each I/O line through the PIO Controllers. After reset, all the I/O lines default as inputs with pull-up resistors enabled, except those which are multiplexed with the External Bus Interface signals that require to be enabled as Peripherals at reset. This is explicitly indicated in the column “Reset State” of the PIO Controller multiplexing tables. 6.5 Shutdown Logic Pins The SHDN pin is an output only, driven by Shutdown Controller. The pin WKUP is an input only. It can accept voltages only between 0V and VDDBU. 12 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 7. Processor and Architecture 7.1 ARM926EJ-S Processor • RISC Processor Based on ARM v5TEJ Architecture with Jazelle technology for Java acceleration • Two Instruction Sets – ARM High-performance 32-bit Instruction Set – Thumb High Code Density 16-bit Instruction Set • DSP Instruction Extensions • 5-Stage Pipeline Architecture: – Instruction Fetch (F) – Instruction Decode (D) – Execute (E) – Data Memory (M) – Register Write (W) • 16 Kbyte Data Cache, 16 Kbyte Instruction Cache – Virtually-addressed 4-way Associative Cache – Eight words per line – Write-through and Write-back Operation – Pseudo-random or Round-robin Replacement • Write Buffer – Main Write Buffer with 16-word Data Buffer and 4-address Buffer – DCache Write-back Buffer with 8-word Entries and a Single Address Entry – Software Control Drain • Standard ARM v4 and v5 Memory Management Unit (MMU) – Access Permission for Sections – Access Permission for large pages and small pages can be specified separately for each quarter of the page – 16 embedded domains • Bus Interface Unit (BIU) – Arbitrates and Schedules AHB Requests – Separate Masters for both instruction and data access providing complete AHB system flexibility – Separate Address and Data Buses for both the 32-bit instruction interface and the 32-bit data interface – On Address and Data Buses, data can be 8-bit (Bytes), 16-bit (Half-words) or 32-bit (Words) 13 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 7.2 Debug and Test Features • Integrated Embedded In-circuit Emulator Real-Time – Two real-time Watchpoint Units – Two Independent Registers: Debug Control Register and Debug Status Register – Test Access Port Accessible through JTAG Protocol – Debug Communications Channel • Debug Unit – Two-pin UART – Debug Communication Channel Interrupt Handling – Chip ID Register • Embedded Trace Macrocell: ETM9™ – Medium+ Level Implementation – Half-rate Clock Mode – Four Pairs of Address Comparators – Two Data Comparators – Eight Memory Map Decoder Inputs – Two 16-bit Counters – One 3-stage Sequencer – One 45-byte FIFO • IEEE1149.1 JTAG Boundary-scan on All Digital Pins 7.3 Bus Matrix • Five Masters and Five Slaves handled – Handles Requests from the ARM926EJ-S, USB Host Port, LCD Controller and the Peripheral DMA Controller to internal ROM, internal SRAM, EBI, APB, LCD Controller and USB Host Port. – Round-Robin Arbitration (three modes supported: no default master, last accessed default master, fixed default master) – Burst Breaking with Slot Cycle Limit • One Address Decoder Provided per Master – Three different slaves may be assigned to each decoded memory area: one for internal boot, one for external boot, one after remap. • Boot Mode Select Option – Non-volatile Boot Memory can be Internal or External. – Selection is made by BMS pin sampled at reset. • Remap Command – Allows Remapping of an Internal SRAM in Place of the Boot Non-Volatile Memory – Allows Handling of Dynamic Exception Vectors 7.4 Peripheral DMA Controller • Transfers from/to peripheral to/from any memory space without intervention of the processor. • Next Pointer Support, forbids strong real-time constraints on buffer management. 14 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary • Nineteen channels – Two for each USART – Two for the Debug Unit – Two for each Serial Synchronous Controller – Two for each Serial Peripheral Interface – One for the Multimedia Card Interface 15 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 8. Memories Figure 8-1. AT91SAM9261 Memory Mapping Internal Memory Mapping Address Memory Space 0x0000 0000 Notes : (1) Can be ROM, EBI_NCS0 or SRAM depending on BMS and REMAP 0x0000 0000 Boot Memory (1) Internal Memories 256M Bytes (2) Software programmable 0x10 0000 0x0FFF FFFF ITCM (2) 0x1000 0000 1M Bytes 0x20 0000 EBI Chip Select 0 256M Bytes 0x1FFF FFFF 0x2000 0000 0x2FFF FFFF EBI Chip Select 1/ SDRAMC 256M Bytes 1M Bytes SRAM (2) 1M Bytes ROM 1M Bytes UHP User Interface 1M Bytes LCD User Interface 1M Bytes 0x40 0000 0x3000 0000 EBI Chip Select 2 256M Bytes 0x50 0000 0x3FFF FFFF 0x4000 0000 DTCM (2) 0x30 0000 EBI Chip Select 3/ NANDFlash 256M Bytes EBI Chip Select 4/ Compact Flash Slot 0 256M Bytes EBI Chip Select 5/ Compact Flash Slot 1 256M Bytes 0x60 0000 0x4FFF FFFF 0x5000 0000 0x5FFF FFFF 0x6000 0000 0x6FFF FFFF 0x70 0000 Reserved 0x0FFF FFFF System Controller Mapping 0x7000 0000 0xFFFF C000 EBI Chip Select 6 256M Bytes Reserved Peripheral Mapping 0x7FFF FFFF 0x8000 0000 0xF000 0000 EBI Chip Select 7 Reserved 256M Bytes 0xFFFF EA00 0xFFFA 0000 0x8FFF FFFF 0x9000 0000 TCO, TC1, TC2 16K Bytes UDP 16K Bytes MCI 16K Bytes TWI 16K Bytes 0xFFFA 4000 SMC 512 Bytes MATRIX 512 Bytes AIC 512 Bytes DBGU 512 Bytes PIOA 512 Bytes PIOB 512 bytes PIOC 512 bytes 0xFFFF F000 0xFFFA C000 0xFFFB 0000 0xFFFF F200 USART0 16K Bytes 0xFFFF F400 0xFFFB 4000 USART1 16K Bytes 0xFFFF F600 0xFFFB 8000 1,518M Bytes 512 Bytes 0xFFFF EE00 0xFFFA 8000 Undefined (Abort) SDRAMC 0xFFFF EC00 USART2 16K Bytes 0xFFFB C000 0xFFFF F800 SSC0 16K Bytes SSC1 16K Bytes SSC2 16K Bytes SPI0 16K Bytes SPI1 16K Bytes 0xFFFC 0000 0xFFFF FA00 Reserved 0xFFFC 4000 0xFFFF FC00 0xFFFC 8000 0xFFFF FD10 0xFFFC C000 Internal Peripherals 256M Bytes 0xFFFF FD50 0xFFFF FD60 0xFFFF C000 SYSC 0xFFFF FFFF 16 0xFFFF FD40 Reserved 0xF000 0000 0xFFFF FD20 0xFFFF FD30 0xFFFC D000 0xEFFF FFFF 0xFFFF FFFF PMC 256 Bytes 0xFFFF FD00 RSTC 16 Bytes SHDWC 16 Bytes RTT 16 Bytes PIT 16 Bytes WDT 16 Bytes GPBR 16 Bytes Reserved 16K Bytes 0xFFFF FFFF AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary A first level of address decoding is performed by the Bus Matrix, i.e., the implementation of the Advanced High performance Bus (AHB) for its Master and Slave interfaces with additional features. Decoding breaks up the 4 Gbytes of address space into 16 areas of 256 Mbytes. The areas 1 to 8 are directed to the EBI that associates these areas to the external chip selects NCS0 to NCS7. The area 0 is reserved for the addressing of the internal memories, and a second level of decoding provides 1 Mbyte of internal memory area. The area 15 is reserved for the peripherals and provides access to the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). Other areas are unused and performing an access within them provides an abort to the master requesting such an access. The Bus Matrix manages five Masters and five Slaves. Each Master has its own bus and its own decoder, thus allowing a different memory mapping per Master. Regarding Master 0 and Master 1 (ARM926™ Instruction and Data), three different Slaves are assigned to the memory space decoded at address 0x0: one for internal boot, one for external boot, one after remap. Refer to Table 8-3 for details. Table 8-1. List of Bus Matrix Masters Master 0 ARM926 Instruction Master 1 ARM926 Data Master 2 PDC Master 3 LCD Controller Master 4 USB Host Each Slave has its own arbiter, thus allowing a different arbitration per Slave. Table 8-2. 8.1 List of Bus Matrix Slaves Slave 0 Internal SRAM Slave 1 Internal ROM Slave 2 LCD Controller and USB Host Port Interfaces Slave 3 External Bus Interface Slave 4 Internal Peripherals Embedded Memories • 32 KB ROM – Single Cycle Access at full bus speed • 160 KB Fast SRAM – Single Cycle Access at full bus speed – Supports ARM926EJ-S TCM interface at full processor speed 17 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 8.1.1 Internal Memory Mapping Table 8-3 summarizes the Internal Memory Mapping for each Master, depending on the Remap status and the BMS state at reset. Table 8-3. Address Internal Memory Mapping Master 0: ARM926 Instruction REMAP(RCB0) = 0 0x0000 0000 Note: BMS = 1 BMS = 0 Int. ROM EBI NCS0(1) Master 1: ARM926 Data REMAP (RCB0) = 1 Int. RAM C REMAP (RCB1) = 0 REMAP (RCB1) = 1 BMS = 1 BMS = 0 Int. ROM EBI NCS0(1) Int. RAM C 1. EBI NCS0 is to be connected to a 16-bit non-volatile memory. The access configuration is defined by the reset state of SMC Setup, SMC Pulse, SMC Cycle and SMC Mode CS0 registers. Internal SRAM The AT91SAM9261 embeds a high-speed 160 Kbyte SRAM. This Internal SRAM is split into three areas. Its Memory Mapping is detailed in Table 8-3 above. • Internal SRAM A is the ARM926EJ-S Instruction TCM and the user can map this SRAM block anywhere in the ARM926 instruction memory space using CP15 instructions. This SRAM block is also accessible by the ARM926 Data Master and by the AHB Masters through the AHB bus at address 0x0010 0000. • Internal SRAM B is the ARM926EJ-S Data TCM and the user can map this SRAM block anywhere in the ARM926 data memory space using CP15 instructions. This SRAM block is also accessible by the ARM926 Data Master and by the AHB Masters through the AHB bus at address 0x0020 0000. • Internal SRAM C is only accessible by all the AHB Masters. After reset and until the Remap Command is performed, this SRAM block is accessible through the AHB bus at address 0x0030 0000 by all the AHB Masters. After Remap, this SRAM block also becomes accessible through the AHB bus at address 0x0 by the ARM926 Instruction and the ARM926 Data Masters. Within the 160 Kbyte SRAM size available, the amount of memory assigned to each block is software programmable as a multiple of 16 Kbytes according to Table 8-4. This table provides the size of the Internal SRAM C according to the size of the Internal SRAM A and the Internal SRAM B. Table 8-4. Internal SRAM Block Size Internal SRAM A (ITCM) Internal SRAM C Internal SRAM B (DCTM) 0 16 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 0 160 Kbytes 144 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 96 Kbytes 16 Kbytes 144 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 112 Kbytes 80 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 112 Kbytes 96 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 96 Kbytes 80 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 32 Kbytes Note that among the ten 16 Kbyte blocks making up the Internal SRAM, two are permanently assigned to Internal SRAM C. At reset, the whole memory (160 Kbytes) is assigned to Internal SRAM C. 18 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary The memory blocks assigned to SRAM A, SRAM B and SRAM C areas are not contiguous and when the user dynamically changes the Internal SRAM configuration, the new 16 Kbyte block organization may affect the previous configuration from a software point of view. Table 8-5 illustrates different configurations and the related 16 Kbyte blocks (RB0 to RB9) assignments. Table 8-5. 16 Kbyte Block Allocation Configuration Examples and Related 16 Kbyte Block Assignments Decoded Area Internal SRAM A (ITCM) Internal SRAM B (DTCM) Internal SRAM C (AHB) Note: ITCM = 64 Kbytes DTCM = 64 Kbytes AHB = 32 Kbytes ITCM = 32 Kbytes DTCM = 64 Kbytes AHB = 64 Kbytes ITCM = 32 Kbytes DTCM = 16 Kbytes AHB = 112 Kbytes 0x0010 0000 RB3 RB3 RB3 0x0010 4000 RB2 RB2 RB2 0x0010 8000 RB1 0x0010 C000 RB0 0x0020 0000 RB7 RB7 RB7 0x0020 4000 RB6 RB6 0x0020 8000 RB5 RB5 0x0020 C000 RB4 RB4 Address ITCM = 0 Kbyte DTCM = 0 Kbyte AHB = 160 Kbytes (1) 0x0030 0000 RB9 RB9 RB9 RB9 0x0030 4000 RB8 RB8 RB8 RB8 0x0030 8000 RB7 RB1 RB6 0x0030 C000 RB6 RB0 RB5 0x0031 0000 RB5 RB4 0x0031 4000 RB4 RB1 0x0031 8000 RB3 RB0 0x0031 C000 RB2 0x0032 0000 RB1 0x0032 4000 RB0 1. Configuration after reset. Internal ROM The AT91SAM9261 integrates a 32 Kbyte Internal ROM mapped at address 0x0040 0000. It is also accessible at address 0x0 after reset and before remap if the BMS is tied high during reset. USB Host Port The AT91SAM9261 integrates a USB Host Port Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI). The registers of this interface are directly accessible on the AHB Bus and are mapped like a standard internal memory at address 0x0050 0000. LCD Controller The AT91SAM9261 integrates an LCD Controller. The interface is directly accessible on the AHB Bus and is mapped like a standard internal memory at address 0x0060 0000. 19 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 8.1.2 Boot Strategies The system always boots at address 0x0. To ensure a maximum number of possibilities for boot, the memory layout can be configured with two parameters. REMAP allows the user to lay out the first internal SRAM bank to 0x0 to ease development. This is done by software once the system has booted for each Master of the Bus Matrix. Refer to the Bus Matrix Section for more details. When REMAP = 0, BMS allows the user to lay out to 0x0, at his convenience, the ROM or an external memory. This is done via hardware at reset. Note: Memory blocks not affected by these parameters can always be seen at their specified base addresses. See the complete memory map presented in Figure 8-1 on page 16. The AT91SAM9261 Bus Matrix manages a boot memory that depends on the level on the BMS pin at reset. The internal memory area mapped between address 0x0 and 0x000F FFFF is reserved for this purpose. If BMS is detected at 1, the boot memory is the embedded ROM. If BMS is detected at 0, the boot memory is the memory connected on the Chip Select 0 of the External Bus Interface. BMS = 1, Boot on Embedded ROM The system boots using the Boot Program. • DataFlash Boot – Downloads and runs an application from SPI DataFlash into internal SRAM – Downloaded code size from SPI DataFlash depends on embedded SRAM – size – Automatic detection of valid application – SPI DataFlash connected to SPI NPCS0 • NANDFlash Boot • Boot Uploader in case no valid program is detected in external SPI DataFlash – Small monitor functionalities (read/write/run) interface with SAM-BA™ application – Automatic detection of the communication link Serial communication on a DBGU (XModem protocol) USB Device Port (CDC Protocol) BMS = 0, Boot on External Memory • Boot on slow clock (32,768 Hz) • Boot with the default configuration for the Static Memory Controller, byte select mode, 16-bit data bus, Read/Write controlled by Chip Select, allows boot on 16-bit non-volatile memory. The customer-programmed software must perform a complete configuration. To speed up the boot sequence when booting at 32 kHz EBI CS0 (BMS=0), the user must take the following steps: 1. Program the PMC (main oscillator enable or bypass mode). 2. Program and start the PLL. 20 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 3. Reprogram the SMC setup, cycle, hold, mode timings registers for CS0 to adapt them to the new clock 4. Switch the main clock to the new value. 8.1.3 ETM™ Memories The eight ETM9 Medium+ memory map decoder inputs are connected to custom address decoders and the resulting memory mapping is summarized in Table 8-6. Table 8-6. 8.2 ETM9 Memory Mapping Product Resource Area Access Type Start Address End Address SRAM Internal Data 0x0000 0000 0x002F FFFF SRAM Internal Fetch 0x0000 0000 0x002F FFFF ROM Internal Data 0x0040 0000 0x004F FFFF ROM Internal Fetch 0x0040 0000 0x004F FFFF External Bus Interface External Data 0x1000 0000 0x8FFF FFFF External Bus Interface External Fetch 0x1000 0000 0x8FFF FFFF User Peripherals Internal Data 0xF000 0000 0xFFFF BFFF System Peripherals Internal Data 0xFFFF C000 0xFFFF FFFF External Memories The external memories are accessed through the External Bus Interface (Bus Matrix Slave 3). Refer to the memory map in Figure 8-1 on page 16. 21 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 9. System Controller The System Controller manages all vital blocks of the microcontroller: interrupts, clocks, power, time, debug and reset. The System Peripherals are all mapped within the highest 6 Kbytes of address space, between addresses 0xFFFF EA00 and 0xFFFF FFFF. Each peripheral has an address space of 256 or 512 Bytes, representing 64 or 128 registers. Figure 9-1 on page 23 shows the System Controller block diagram. Figure 8-1 on page 16 shows the mapping of the User Interfaces of the System Controller peripherals. 22 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 9.1 Block Diagram Figure 9-1. System Controller Block Diagram System Controller irq0-irq2 fiq nirq nfiq Advanced Interrupt Controller periph_irq[2..21] int pit_irq rtt_irq wdt_irq dbgu_irq pmc_irq rstc_irq ice_nreset MCK periph_nreset dbgu_irq force_ntrst dbgu_txd Debug Unit dbgu_rxd MCK debug periph_nreset SLCK debug idle proc_nreset pit_irq Watchdog Timer wdt_irq ice_nreset jtag_nreset Reset Controller periph_nreset proc_nreset backup_nreset rstc_irq VDDBU POR SLCK backup_nreset Real-Time Timer SLCK rtt_alarm SHDN Boundary Scan TAP Controller SLOW CLOCK OSC periph_nreset Bus Matrix UDPCK periph_clk[10] USB Device Port periph_irq[10] usb_suspend UHPCK periph_clk[20] backup_nreset periph_nreset 4 General-purpose Backup Registers USB Host Port periph_irq[20] SLCK periph_clk[2..21] pck[0-3] MAIN OSC MAINCK XOUT PLLRCA PLLA PLLACK PLLRCB PLLB PLLBCK Power Management Controller int periph_nreset usb_suspend periph_nreset periph_clk[2..4] dbgu_rxd PB0-PB31 rtt_irq rtt_alarm Shutdown Controller VDDBU Powered PA0-PA31 jtag_nreset periph_nreset SLCK XIN PCK MCK VDDCORE POR XOUT32 proc_nreset wdt_fault WDRPROC NRST XIN32 ARM926EJ-S debug Periodic Interval Timer VDDCORE Powered WKUP ntrst force_ntrst LCDCK periph_clk[21] PCK UDPCK UHPCK LCDCK MCK periph_nreset pmc_irq periph_clk[6..21] idle LCD Controller periph_irq[21] periph_nreset Embedded Peripherals PIO Controllers periph_irq{2..4] irq0-irq2 fiq dbgu_txd periph_irq[6..21] in out enable PC0-PC31 23 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 9.2 Reset Controller • Based on two Power-on-Reset cells • Status of the last reset – Either cold reset, first reset, soft reset, user reset, watchdog reset, wake-up reset • Controls the internal resets and the NRST pin output 9.3 Shutdown Controller • Shutdown and Wake-up logic: – Software programmable assertion of the SHDN pin – Deassertion Programmable on a WKUP pin level change or on alarm 9.4 General-purpose Backup Registers • Four 32-bit general-purpose backup registers 9.5 Clock Generator • Embeds the Low-power 32768 Hz Slow Clock Oscillator – Provides the permanent Slow Clock to the system • Embeds the Main Oscillator – Oscillator bypass feature – Supports 3 to 20 MHz crystals • Embeds Two PLLs – Outputs 80 to 240 MHz clocks – Integrates an input divider to increase output accuracy – 1 MHz minimum input frequency • Provides SLCK, MAINCK, PLLACK and PLLBCK. Figure 9-2. Clock Generator Block Diagram Clock Generator XIN32 Slow Clock Oscillator Slow Clock SLCK Main Oscillator Main Clock MAINCK PLLRCA PLL and Divider A PLLA Clock PLLACK PLLRCB PLL and Divider B PLLB Clock PLLBCK XOUT32 XIN XOUT Status Control Power Management Controller 24 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 9.6 Power Management Controller • The Power Management Controller provides: – the Processor Clock PCK – the Master Clock MCK – the USB Clock USBCK (HCK0) – the LCD Controller Clock LCDCK (HCK1) – up to thirty peripheral clocks – four programmable clock outputs: PCK0 to PCK3 Figure 9-3. Power Management Controller Block Diagram Processor Clock Controller int Master Clock Controller SLCK MAINCK PLLACK PLLBCK PCK Idle Mode Divider /1,/2,/4 Prescaler /1,/2,/4,...,/64 MCK APB Peripherals Clock Controller periph_clk[2..21] ON/OFF AHB Peripherals Clock Controller HCKx ON/OFF Programmable Clock Controller SLCK MAINCK PLLACK PLLBCK PLLBCK 9.7 Prescaler /1,/2,/4,...,/64 USB Clock Controller ON/OFF Divider /1,/2,/4 pck[0..3] usb_suspend UDPCK UHPCK Periodic Interval Timer • Includes a 20-bit Periodic Counter with less than 1 µs accuracy • Includes a 12-bit Interval Overlay Counter • Real time OS or Linux®/WindowsCE® compliant tick generator 9.8 Watchdog Timer • 12-bit key-protected only-once programmable counter • Windowed, prevents the processor to be in a dead-lock on the watchdog access 9.9 Real-time Timer • 32-bit Free-running backup counter • Alarm Register capable to generate a wake-up of the system 25 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 9.10 Advanced Interrupt Controller • Controls the interrupt lines (nIRQ and nFIQ) of an ARM Processor • Thirty-two individually maskable and vectored interrupt sources – Source 0 is reserved for the Fast Interrupt Input (FIQ) – Source 1 is reserved for system peripherals (PIT, RTT, PMC, DBGU, etc.) – Source 2 to Source 31 control up to thirty embedded peripheral interrupts or external interrupts – Programmable edge-triggered or level-sensitive internal sources – Programmable positive/negative edge-triggered or high/low level-sensitive • Four External Sources • 8-level Priority Controller – Drives the normal interrupt of the processor – Handles priority of the interrupt sources 1 to 31 – Higher priority interrupts can be served during service of lower priority interrupt • Vectoring – Optimizes Interrupt Service Routine Branch and Execution – One 32-bit Vector Register per interrupt source – Interrupt Vector Register reads the corresponding current Interrupt Vector • Protect Mode – Easy debugging by preventing automatic operations when protect mode is enabled • Fast Forcing – Permits redirecting any normal interrupt source on the Fast Interrupt of the processor • General Interrupt Mask – Provides processor synchronization on events without triggering an interrupt 9.11 Debug Unit • Composed of four functions – Two-pin UART – Debug Communication Channel (DCC) support – Chip ID Registers – ICE Access Prevention • Two-pin UART – Implemented features are 100% compatible with the standard Atmel USART – Independent receiver and transmitter with a common programmable Baud Rate Generator – Even, Odd, Mark or Space Parity Generation – Parity, Framing and Overrun Error Detection – Automatic Echo, Local Loopback and Remote Loopback Channel Modes – Support for two PDC channels with connection to receiver and transmitter • Debug Communication Channel Support 26 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary – Offers visibility of COMMRX and COMMTX signals from the ARM Processor • Chip ID Registers – Identification of the device revision, sizes of the embedded memories, set of peripherals • ICE Access prevention – Enables software to prevent system access through the ARM Processor’s ICE – Prevention is made by asserting the NTRST line of the ARM Processor’s ICE 9.12 PIO Controllers • Three PIO Controllers, each controlling up to 32 programmable I/O Lines – PIOA has 32 I/O Lines – PIOB has 32 I/O Lines – PIOC has 32 I/O Lines • Fully programmable through Set/Clear Registers • Multiplexing of two peripheral functions per I/O Line • For each I/O Line (whether assigned to a peripheral or used as general-purpose I/O) – Input change interrupt – Glitch filter – Multi-drive option enables driving in open drain – Programmable pull up on each I/O line – Pin data status register, supplies visibility of the level on the pin at any time • Synchronous output, provides Set and Clear of several I/O lines in a single write 27 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 10. Peripherals 10.1 User Interface The User Peripherals are mapped in the upper 256 Mbytes of the address space between the addresses 0xFFFA 0000 and 0xFFFC FFFF. Each User Peripheral is allocated 16 Kbytes of address space. A complete memory map is presented in Figure 8-1 on page 16. 10.2 Peripheral Identifiers Table 10-1 defines the Peripheral Identifiers of the AT91SAM9261. A peripheral identifier is required for the control of the peripheral interrupt with the Advanced Interrupt Controller and for the control of the peripheral clock with the Power Management Controller. Table 10-1. 28 Peripheral Identifiers Peripheral ID Peripheral Mnemonic Peripheral Name External Interrupt 0 AIC Advanced Interrupt Controller FIQ 1 SYSIRQ System Interrupt 2 PIOA Parallel I/O Controller A 3 PIOB Parallel I/O Controller B 4 PIOC Parallel I/O Controller C 5 - Reserved 6 US0 USART 0 7 US1 USART 1 8 US2 USART 2 9 MCI Multimedia Card Interface 10 UDP USB Device Port 11 TWI Two-Wire Interface 12 SPI0 Serial Peripheral Interface 0 13 SPI1 Serial Peripheral Interface 1 14 SSC0 Synchronous Serial Controller 0 15 SSC1 Synchronous Serial Controller 1 16 SSC2 Synchronous Serial Controller 2 17 TC0 Timer/Counter 0 18 TC1 Timer/Counter 1 19 TC2 Timer/Counter 2 20 UHP USB Host Port 21 LCDC LCD Controller 22 - 28 - Reserved 29 AIC Advanced Interrupt Controller IRQ0 30 AIC Advanced Interrupt Controller IRQ1 31 AIC Advanced Interrupt Controller IRQ2 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary Note: 10.3 Setting AIC, SYSIRQ, UHP, LCDC and IRQ0 to IRQ2 bits in the clock set/clear registers of the PMC has no effect. Peripheral Multiplexing on PIO Lines The AT91SAM9261 features three PIO controllers, PIOA, PIOB and PIOC, that multiplex the I/O lines of the peripheral set. Each PIO Controller controls up to thirty-two lines. Each line can be assigned to one of two peripheral functions, A or B. Table 10-2 on page 31, Table 10-3 on page 32 and Table 10-4 on page 33 define how the I/O lines of the peripherals A and B are multiplexed on the PIO Controllers. The two columns “Function” and “Comments” have been inserted for the user’s own comments; they may be used to track how pins are defined in an application. Note that some output only peripheral functions might be duplicated within the tables. The column “Reset State” indicates whether the PIO line resets in I/O mode or in peripheral mode. If I/O is mentioned, the PIO line resets in input with the pull-up enabled, so that the device is maintained in a static state as soon as the reset is released. As a result, the bit corresponding to the PIO line in the register PIO_PSR (Peripheral Status Register) resets low. If a signal name is mentioned in the “Reset State” column, the PIO line is assigned to this function and the corresponding bit in PIO_PSR resets high. This is the case of pins controlling memories, in particular the address lines, which require the pin to be driven as soon as the reset is released. Note that the pull-up resistor is also enabled in this case. 10.3.1 Resource Multiplexing LCD Controller The LCD Controller can interface with several LCD panels. It supports 4, 8 or 16 bit-per-pixel without any limitation. Interfacing 24 bit-per-pixel TFTs panel prevents using the SSC0 and the chip select line 0 of the SPI1. 16 bit-per-pixel TFT panels are interfaced through peripheral B functions, as color data is output on LCDD3 to LCDD7, LCDD11 to LCDD15 and LCDD19 to LCDD23. Intensity bit is output on LCDD2, LCDD10 and LCDD18. Using the peripheral B does not prevent using the SSC0 and the SPI1 lines. ETM Using the ETM prevents: • using the USART1 and USART2 control signals, in particular the SCK lines which are required to use the USART as ISO7816 and the RTS and CTS to handle hardware handshaking on the serial lines. In case the ETM and an ISO7816 connection are both required, the USART0 has to be used as a Smart Card interface. • using the SSC1 • addressing a static memory of more than 8 Mbytes, which requires the A23 and A24 address lines • using the chip select lines 1 to 3 of SPI0 and SPI1 EBI If not required, the NWAIT function (external wait request) can be deactivated by software, allowing this pin to be used as a PIO. 29 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 32-bit Data Bus Using a 32-bit Data Bus prevents: • using the three Timer Counter channels’ outputs and trigger inputs • using the SSC2 NAND Flash Interface Using the NAND Flash interface prevents: • using NCS3, NCS6 and NCS7 to access other parallel devices Compact Flash Interface Using the CompactFlash interface prevents: • using NCS4 and/or NCS5 to access other parallel devices SPI0 and the MultiMedia Card Interface As the DataFlash Card is compatible with the SDCard, it is useful to multiplex SPI and MCI. Here, the SPI0 signal is multiplexed with the MCI. USARTs • Using the USART1 and USART2 control signals prevents using the ETM. • Alternatively, using USART0 with its control signals prevents using some clock outputs and interrupt lines. Clock Outputs • Using the clock outputs multiplexed with the PIO A prevents using the Debug Unit and/or the Two Wire Interface. • Alternatively, using the second implementation of the clock outputs prevents using the LCD Controller Interface and/or USART0. Interrupt Lines • Using FIQ prevents using the USART0 control signals. • Using IRQ0 prevents using the NWAIT EBI signal. • Using the IRQ1 and/or IRQ2 prevents using the SPI1. 30 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 10.3.2 PIO Controller A Multiplexing Table 10-2. Multiplexing on PIO Controller A PIO Controller A Comments Application Usage Reset State I/O Line Peripheral A Peripheral B Power Supply PA0 SPI0_MISO MCDA0 I/O VDDIOP PA1 SPI0_MOSI MCCDA I/O VDDIOP PA2 SPI0_SPCK MCCK I/O VDDIOP PA3 SPI0_NPCS0 I/O VDDIOP PA4 SPI0_NPCS1 MCDA1 I/O VDDIOP PA5 SPI0_NPCS2 MCDA2 I/O VDDIOP PA6 SPI0_NPCS3 MCDA3 I/O VDDIOP PA7 TWD PCK0 I/O VDDIOP PA8 TWCK PCK1 I/O VDDIOP PA9 DRXD PCK2 I/O VDDIOP PA10 DTXD PCK3 I/O VDDIOP PA11 TSYNC SCK1 I/O VDDIOP PA12 TCLK RTS1 I/O VDDIOP PA13 TPS0 CTS1 I/O VDDIOP PA14 TPS1 SCK2 I/O VDDIOP PA15 TPS2 RTS2 I/O VDDIOP PA16 TPK0 CTS2 I/O VDDIOP PA17 TPK1 TF1 I/O VDDIOP PA18 TPK2 TK1 I/O VDDIOP PA19 TPK3 TD1 I/O VDDIOP PA20 TPK4 RD1 I/O VDDIOP PA21 TPK5 RK1 I/O VDDIOP PA22 TPK6 RF1 I/O VDDIOP PA23 TPK7 RTS0 I/O VDDIOP PA24 TPK8 SPI1_NPCS1 I/O VDDIOP PA25 TPK9 SPI1_NPCS2 I/O VDDIOP PA26 TPK10 SPI1_NPCS3 I/O VDDIOP PA27 TPK11 SPI0_NPCS1 I/O VDDIOP PA28 TPK12 SPI0_NPCS2 I/O VDDIOP PA29 TPK13 SPI0_NPCS3 I/O VDDIOP PA30 TPK14 A23 A23 VDDIOP PA31 TPK15 A24 A24 VDDIOP Function Comments 31 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 10.3.3 PIO Controller B Multiplexing Table 10-3. Multiplexing on PIO Controller B PIO Controller B Reset State I/O Line Peripheral A PB0 LCDVSYNC I/O VDDIOP PB1 LCDHSYNC I/O VDDIOP PB2 LCDDOTCK I/O VDDIOP I/O VDDIOP PB3 Comments PCK0 (1) LCDDEN See footnote Power Supply PB4 LCDCC LCDD2 I/O VDDIOP PB5 LCDD0 LCDD3 I/O VDDIOP PB6 LCDD1 LCDD4 I/O VDDIOP PB7 LCDD2 LCDD5 I/O VDDIOP PB8 LCDD3 LCDD6 I/O VDDIOP PB9 LCDD4 LCDD7 I/O VDDIOP PB10 LCDD5 LCDD10 I/O VDDIOP PB11 LCDD6 LCDD11 I/O VDDIOP PB12 LCDD7 LCDD12 I/O VDDIOP PB13 LCDD8 LCDD13 I/O VDDIOP PB14 LCDD9 LCDD14 I/O VDDIOP PB15 LCDD10 LCDD15 I/O VDDIOP PB16 LCDD11 LCDD19 I/O VDDIOP PB17 LCDD12 LCDD20 I/O VDDIOP PB18 LCDD13 LCDD21 I/O VDDIOP PB19 LCDD14 LCDD22 I/O VDDIOP PB20 LCDD15 LCDD23 I/O VDDIOP PB21 TF0 LCDD16 I/O VDDIOP PB22 TK0 LCDD17 I/O VDDIOP PB23 TD0 LCDD18 I/O VDDIOP PB24 RD0 LCDD19 I/O VDDIOP PB25 RK0 LCDD20 I/O VDDIOP PB26 RF0 LCDD21 I/O VDDIOP PB27 SPI1_NPCS1 LCDD22 I/O VDDIOP PB28 SPI1_NPCS0 LCDD23 I/O VDDIOP PB29 SPI1_SPCK IRQ2 I/O VDDIOP PB30 SPI1_MISO IRQ1 I/O VDDIOP PB31 SPI1_MOSI PCK2 I/O VDDIOP Note: 32 (1) Peripheral B Application Usage Function Comments 1. PB3 is multiplexed with BMS signal. Care should be taken during reset time. AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 10.3.4 PIO Controller C Multiplexing Table 10-4. Multiplexing on PIO Controller C PIO Controller C I/O Line Peripheral A Peripheral B Comments Application Usage Reset State Power Supply PC0 NANDOE NCS6 I/O VDDIOP PC1 NANDWE NCS7 I/O VDDIOP PC2 NWAIT IRQ0 I/O VDDIOP PC3 A25/CFRNW A25 VDDIOP PC4 NCS4/CFCS0 I/O VDDIOP PC5 NCS5/CFCS1 I/O VDDIOP PC6 CFCE1 I/O VDDIOP PC7 CFCE2 I/O VDDIOP PC8 TXD0 PCK2 I/O VDDIOP PC9 RXD0 PCK3 I/O VDDIOP PC10 RTS0 SCK0 I/O VDDIOP PC11 CTS0 FIQ I/O VDDIOP PC12 TXD1 NCS6 I/O VDDIOP PC13 RXD1 NCS7 I/O VDDIOP PC14 TXD2 SPI1_NPCS2 I/O VDDIOP PC15 RXD2 SPI1_NPCS3 I/O VDDIOP PC16 D16 TCLK0 I/O VDDIOM PC17 D17 TCLK1 I/O VDDIOM PC18 D18 TCLK2 I/O VDDIOM PC19 D19 TIOA0 I/O VDDIOM PC20 D20 TIOB0 I/O VDDIOM PC21 D21 TIOA1 I/O VDDIOM PC22 D22 TIOB1 I/O VDDIOM PC23 D23 TIOA2 I/O VDDIOM PC24 D24 TIOB2 I/O VDDIOM PC25 D25 TF2 I/O VDDIOM PC26 D26 TK2 I/O VDDIOM PC27 D27 TD2 I/O VDDIOM PC28 D28 RD2 I/O VDDIOM PC29 D29 RK2 I/O VDDIOM PC30 D30 RF2 I/O VDDIOM PC31 D31 PCK1 I/O VDDIOM Function Comments 33 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 10.3.5 System Interrupt The System Interrupt in Source 1 is the wired-OR of the interrupt signals coming from: • the SDRAM Controller • the Debug Unit • the Periodic Interval Timer • the Real-Time Timer • the Watchdog Timer • the Reset Controller • the Power Management Controller The clock of these peripherals cannot be deactivated and Peripheral ID 1 can only be used within the Advanced Interrupt Controller. 10.3.6 10.4 External Interrupts All external interrupt signals, i.e., the Fast Interrupt signal FIQ or the Interrupt signals IRQ0 to IRQ2, use a dedicated Peripheral ID. However, there is no clock control associated with these peripheral IDs. External Bus Interface • Integrates two External Memory Controllers: – Static Memory Controller – SDRAM Controller • Additional logic for NAND Flash and CompactFlash support – NAND Flash support: 8-bit as well as 16-bit devices are supported – CompactFlash support: all modes (Attribute Memory, Common Memory, I/O, True IDE) are supported but the signals -IOIS16 (I/O and True IDE modes) and -ATA SEL (True IDE mode) are not handled. • Optimized External Bus – 16- or 32-bit Data Bus – Up to 26-bit Address Bus, up to 64 Mbytes addressable – Eight Chip Selects, each reserved to one of the eight Memory Areas – Optimized pin multiplexing to reduce latencies on External Memories • Configurable Chip Select Assignment Managed by EBI_CSA Register located in the MATRIX user interface – Static Memory Controller on NCS0 – SDRAM Controller or Static Memory Controller on NCS1 – Static Memory Controller on NCS2 – Static Memory Controller on NCS3, Optional NAND Flash Support – Static Memory Controller on NCS4 - NCS5, Optional CompactFlash Support – Static Memory Controller on NCS6 - NCS7 34 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 10.5 Static Memory Controller • External memory mapping, 256 Mbyte address space per Chip Select Line • Up to Eight Chip Select Lines • 8-, 16- or 32-bit Data Bus • Multiple Access Modes supported – Byte Write or Byte Select Lines – Asynchronous read in Page Mode supported (4- up to 32-byte page size) • Multiple device adaptability – Compliant with LCD Module – Control signal programmable setup, pulse and hold time for each Memory Bank • Multiple Wait State Management – Programmable Wait State Generation – External Wait Request – Programmable Data Float Time • Slow Clock Mode Supported 10.6 SDRAM Controller • Supported Devices – Standard and Low Power SDRAM (Mobile SDRAM) • Numerous configurations supported – 2K, 4K, 8K Row Address Memory Parts – SDRAM with two or four Internal Banks – SDRAM with 16- or 32-bit Data Path • Programming Facilities – Word, half-word, byte access – Automatic page break when Memory Boundary has been reached – Multibank Ping-pong Access – Timing parameters specified by software – Automatic refresh operation, refresh rate is programmable • Energy-saving Capabilities – Self-refresh, power down and deep power down modes supported • Error detection – Refresh Error Interrupt • SDRAM Power-up Initialization by software • CAS Latency of 1, 2 and 3 supported • Auto Precharge Command not used 35 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 10.7 Serial Peripheral Interface • Supports communication with serial external devices – Four chip selects with external decoder support allow communication with up to fifteen peripherals – Serial memories, such as DataFlash and 3-wire EEPROMs – Serial peripherals, such as ADCs, DACs, LCD Controllers, CAN Controllers and Sensors – External co-processors • Master or slave serial peripheral bus interface – 8- to 16-bit programmable data length per chip select – Programmable phase and polarity per chip select – Programmable transfer delays between consecutive transfers and between clock and data per chip select – Programmable delay between consecutive transfers – Selectable mode fault detection • Very fast transfers supported – Transfers with baud rates up to MCK – The chip select line may be left active to speed up transfers on the same device 10.8 Two-wire Interface • Compatibility with standard two-wire serial memory • One, two or three bytes for slave address • Sequential read/write operations 10.9 USART • Programmable Baud Rate Generator • 5- to 9-bit full-duplex synchronous or asynchronous serial communications – 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits in Asynchronous Mode or 1 or 2 stop bits in Synchronous Mode – Parity generation and error detection – Framing error detection, overrun error detection – MSB- or LSB-first – Optional break generation and detection – By-8 or by-16 over-sampling receiver frequency – Hardware handshaking RTS-CTS – Receiver time-out and transmitter timeguard – Optional Multi-drop Mode with address generation and detection – Optional Manchester Encoding • RS485 with driver control signal • ISO7816, T = 0 or T = 1 Protocols for interfacing with smart cards – NACK handling, error counter with repetition and iteration limit • IrDA modulation and demodulation 36 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary – Communication at up to 115.2 Kbps • Test Modes – Remote Loopback, Local Loopback, Automatic Echo 10.10 Synchronous Serial Controller • Provides serial synchronous communication links used in audio and telecom applications (with CODECs in Master or Slave Modes, I2S, TDM Buses, Magnetic Card Reader and more). • Contains an independent receiver and transmitter and a common clock divider. • Offers a configurable frame sync and data length. • Receiver and transmitter can be programmed to start automatically or on detection of different event on the frame sync signal. • Receiver and transmitter include a data signal, a clock signal and a frame synchronization signal. 10.11 Timer Counter • Three 16-bit Timer Counter Channels • Wide range of functions including: – Frequency Measurement – Event Counting – Interval Measurement – Pulse Generation – Delay Timing – Pulse Width Modulation – Up/down Capabilities • Each channel is user-configurable and contains: – Three external clock inputs – Five internal clock inputs – Two multi-purpose input/output signals • Two global registers that act on all three TC Channels 10.12 Multimedia Card Interface • Compatibility with MultiMedia Card Specification Version 2.2 • Compatibility with SD Memory Card Specification Version 1.0 • Cards clock rate up to Master Clock divided by 2 • Embedded power management to slow down clock rate when not used • Each MCI has two slots, each supporting – One slot for one MultiMedia Card bus (up to 30 cards) or – One SD Memory Card • Support for stream, block and multi-block data read and write 37 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 10.13 USB • USB Host Port: – Compliance with Open HCI Rev 1.0 specification – Compliance with USB V2.0 Full-speed and Low-speed Specification – Supports both Low-speed 1.5 Mbps and Full-speed 12 Mbps USB devices – Root hub integrated with two downstream USB ports – Two embedded USB transceivers – No overcurrent detection – Supports power management – Operates as a master on the Bus Matrix • USB Device Port: – USB V2.0 full-speed compliant, 12 Mbits per second – Embedded USB V2.0 full-speed transceiver – Embedded dual-port RAM for endpoints – Suspend/Resume logic – Ping-pong mode (two memory banks) for isochronous and bulk endpoints – Six general-purpose endpoints: Endpoint 0: 8 bytes, no ping-pong mode Endpoint 1, Endpoint 2: 64 bytes, ping-pong mode Endpoint 3: 64 bytes, no ping-pong mode Endpoint 4, Endpoint 5: 256 bytes, ping-pong mode • Embedded pad pull-up configurable via USB_PUCR Register located in the MATRIX user interface 10.14 LCD Controller • Single and Dual scan color and monochrome passive STN LCD panels supported • Single scan active TFT LCD panels supported. • 4-bit single scan, 8-bit single or dual scan, 16-bit dual scan STN interfaces supported • Up to 24-bit single scan TFT interfaces supported • Up to 16 gray levels for mono STN and up to 4096 colors for color STN displays • 1, 2 bits per pixel (palletized), 4 bits per pixel (non-palletized) for mono STN • 1, 2, 4, 8 bits per pixel (palletized), 16 bits per pixel (non-palletized) for color STN • 1, 2, 4, 8 bits per pixel (palletized), 16, 24 bits per pixel (non-palletized) for TFT • Single clock domain architecture • Resolution supported up to 2048 x 2048 38 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 11. Package Drawing Figure 11-1. 217-ball LFBGA Package Drawing 39 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 12. Ordering Information Table 12-1. 40 AT91SAM9261 Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Package Type Temperature Operating Range AT91SAM9261-CJ BGA217 RoHS-compliant Industrial -40°C to 85°C AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 13. Revision History Table 13-1. Doc. Rev. Revision History Source 6062AS Comments Qualified/Internal: 23-Aug-04 Date: 02-Jun-05 CSR 04-370 Change to Additional Embedded Memories in “Features” on page 1. Change to Section 5.2 “Power Consumption” on page 11. Change to Table 8-3 on page 18. CSR 04-371 Change to AIC, “Features” on page 1, SMCS signal added to Table 3-1, “Signal Description by Peripheral,” on page 5, Change to Section “NAND Flash Interface” on page 30. CSR 04-376 Added NTRST signal to“Block Diagram” on page 4. NTRST signal added to Table 3-1 on page 5. F1 modified in Table 4-1 on page 10. Change to “JTAG Port Pins” on page 11. CSR 04-446 Changed ROM access to single cycle in “Features” on page 1 and Section 8.1 “Embedded Memories” on page 17. CSR 04-447 Replaced “PDMA” with “PDC” throughout. Replaced “Peripheral DMA” with “Peripheral DMA Controller” throughout. CSR 04-461 New pinout for 217-ball LFBGA package, Table 2 updated. Updated Section 8.1.2 ”Boot Program” on page 20. CSR 04-475 Removed “Embedded Software Services” on page 18. 6062BS CSR 05-023 Changed min voltage level for VDDIOM and VDDIOP to 2.7V throughout. Corrected nominal voltage level for VDDIOP and VDDIOP in Section 5.1 “Power Supplies” on page 11. Added information on chip select assignment management in Section 10.4 “External Bus Interface” on page 34. CSR 05-024 Added information on configuration management of embedded pad pull-up in Section 10.13 “USB” on page 38. Throughout document: All references to SmartMedia removed and replaced by NAND Flash. All signals SMxx changed to NANDxx. Throughout document: Package now qualified as RoHS-compliant Changed pull-up resistor level to 10 kOhm in Section 6.4 “PIO Controller A, B and C Lines” on page 12. Changed typical conditions for VDDCORE to 1.2V in Section 5.2 “Power Consumption” on page 11. Corrected BMS state in Table 8-3, “Internal Memory Mapping,” on page 18. Corrected BMS reset condition for ROM access in Section “Internal ROM” on page 19. Date: 15-Nov-05 CSR 05-398 Changed SPI pin names in Figure 2-1, “AT91SAM9261 Block Diagram,” on page 4, Table 3-1, “Signal Description by Peripheral,” on page 5, Table 10-2, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller A,” on page 31, Table 10-3, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller B,” on page 32 and Table 10-4, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller C,” on page 33. CSR 05-481 Updated A22 pin in Figure 2-1, “AT91SAM9261 Block Diagram,” on page 4. CSR 05-496 Changed value of programmable pull-up resistor in Section 6.4 “PIO Controller A, B and C Lines” on page 12. CSR 05-487 Updated Table 12-1, “AT91SAM9261 Ordering Information,” on page 40. 6062CS 41 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 Table 13-1. Doc. Rev. Revision History Source Comments Corrected MIPS and speed on page 1. 6062DS 2292 Added information on EBI NCS0 hwhen BMS = 0 in Table 8-3, “Internal Memory Mapping,” on page 18. 2946 Updated information on JTAGSEL in Section 3-1 “Signal Description by Peripheral” on page 5 and in Section 6.1 “JTAG Port Pins” on page 11. 2475 Reformatted Section 8. “Memories” on page 16. Inserted new Figure 8-1, “AT91SAM9261 Memory Mapping,” on page 16 to show full product memory mapping. 2474 Removed information on Timer Counter clock assignments in Section 10.11 “Timer Counter” on page 37. 2480 Inserted new Section 8.1.2 “Boot Strategies” on page 20 to replace Boot ROM section. 3068 Changed pin name for ball D9 to SHDN in Table 4-1, “AT91SAM9261 Pinout for 217-ball LFBGA Package (1),” on page 10. 3147 Updated information on shutdown pin in Section 6.5 “Shutdown Logic Pins” on page 12. 3067 Updated peripheral mnemonics in Figure 8-1, “AT91SAM9261 Memory Mapping,” on page 16. 3503 Added note to Table 10-1, “Peripheral Identifiers,” on page 28. 3660, 3695 Updated VDDOSC, VDDPLL and VDDIOM ranges in”Features”, Table 3-1, “Signal Description by Peripheral,” on page 5 and Section 5.2 “Power Consumption” on page 11. 3660 Added ROM to Figure 8-1, “AT91SAM9261 Memory Mapping,” on page 16. 3491 Updated Section 9.6 “Power Management Controller” on page 25 and Figure 9-3, “Power Management Controller Block Diagram,” on page 25. 6062ES 6062FS 6062GS 6062HS Added Section 11. “Package Drawing” on page 39. 6062IS 5042 Table 10-4, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller C,” on page 33, PCO - PC7 and PC12-PC13 power supplies are VDDIOP not VDDIOM. Table 10-2, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller A,” on page 31 PA30-PA31 power supplies are VDDIOP not VDDIOM 5027 rfo Section 8.1.2 “Boot Strategies”, removed sentence pertaining to “remap” Section “BMS = 1, Boot on Embedded ROM”, added NANDFlash Boot. 4965 Section 5.1 “Power Supplies”, startup voltage slope requirements for VDDCORE and VDDBU added. 4844 Table 10-3, “Multiplexing on PIO Controller B,” on page 32, Note added to “PB3” comments 4835 Figure 9-3, “Power Management Controller Block Diagram,” on page 25, in the master memory controller representation, the divider has been updated. 4241 Table 4-1 on page 10, PCO - PC7, PC8 - PC11, PC12 - PC15 power supplies are VDDIOP not VDDIOM. 5250 Section 5.2 “Power Consumption”, startup voltage slope requirements for VDDCORE and VDDBU removed. 5248 In Features, on page 2: Required Power Supply updated, 3.0V to 3.6V for VDDOSC and for VDDPLL 6062JS 42 AT91SAM9261 Preliminary 6062JS–ATARM–06-Feb-08 Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-enYvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support AT91SAM Support Atmel techincal support Sales Contacts www.atmel.com/contacts/ Product Contact Web Site www.atmel.com www.atmel.com/AT91SAM Literature Requests www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. 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Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2008 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel ®, logo and combinations thereof, DataFlash ®, SAM-BA ® and others are registered trademarks and others are trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. ARM ®, the ARMPowered ® logo, Thumb® and others are the registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. 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