STLC3075 INTEGRATED POTS INTERFACE FOR HOME ACCESS GATEWAY AND WLL 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FEATURES Figure 1. Package MONOCHIP SLIC OPTIMISED FOR WLL & VoIP APPLICATIONS IMPLEMENT ALL KEY FEATURES OF THE BORSHT FUNCTION SINGLE SUPPLY (4.5 TO 12V) BUILT IN DC/DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER. SOFT BATTERY REVERSAL WITH PROGRAMMABLE TRANSITION TIME. ON-HOOK TRANSMISSION. PROGRAMMABLE OFF-HOOK DETECTOR THRESHOLD METERING PULSE GENERATION AND FILTER INTEGRATED RINGING INTEGRATED RING TRIP PARALLEL CONTROL INTERFACE (3.3V LOGIC LEVEL) PROGRAMMABLE CONSTANT CURRENT FEED SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE INTEGRATED THERMAL PROTECTION DUAL GAIN VALUE OPTION AUTOMATIC RECOGNITION FLYBACK AND TQFP44 Table 1. Order Codes ■ ■ Part Number Package STLC3075 TQFP44 BUCKBOOST CONFIGURATION BCDIIIS 90V TECNOLOGY -40 TO +85°C OPERATING RANGE 2 DESCRIPTION The STLC3075 is a SLIC device specifically designed for WLL (Wireless Local Loop), and ISDNTerminal Adaptors and VoIP applications. One of the distinctive characteristic of this device is the ability to operate with a single supply voltage (from +4.5V to +12V) and self generate the negative battery by means of an on chip DC/DC converter controller that drives an external MOS switch. Figure 2. Block Diagram PD GAIN SETTING D0 D1 D2 DET INPUT LOGIC AND DECODER OUTPUT LOGIC BGND Status and functions TIP TX RX SUPERVISION LINE OUTPUT DRIVER STAGE ZAC1 ZAC RING AC PROC RS CREV ZB DC PROC CLK RSENSE GATE VF CZ DC/DC CKTTX CONV. CTTX1 CTTX2 TTX PROC REFERENCE FTTX Vcc Vss Agnd CSVR CVCC VPOS VBAT VOLT. REG. Vbat RTTX January 2005 CAC ILTF RD IREF RLIM RTH AGND Rev. 3 1/26 STLC3075 2 DESCRIPTION (continued) The battery level is properly adjusted depending on the operating mode. A useful characteristic for these applications is the integrated ringing generator. The control interface is a parallel type with open drain output and 3.3V logic levels. The metering pulses are generated on chip starting from two logic signals (0, 3.3V) one define the metering pulse frequency and the other the metering pulse duration. An on chip circuit then provides the proper shaping and filtering. Metering pulse amplitude and shaping (rising and decay time) can be programmed by external components. A dedicated cancellation circuit avoid possible CODEC input saturation due to Metering pulse echo. Constant current feed can be set from 20mA to 40mA. Off-hook detection threshold is programmable from 5mA to 9mA. The device, developed in BCDIIIS technology (90V process), operates in the extended temperature range and integrates a thermal protection that sets the device in power down when Tj exceeds 140°C. 38 CSVR 39 BGND 40 RING 41 VBAT TIP 42 N.C. N.C. 43 N.C. CREV 44 N.C. VBAT1 Figure 3. Pin Connection 37 36 35 34 GAIN SET 29 RLIM N.C. 6 28 AGND DET 7 27 CVCC CKTTX 8 26 VPOS CTTX1 9 25 RSENSE CTTX2 10 24 GATE 11 23 CLK RTTX 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 VF IREF 5 N.C. 30 CZ 4 TX RTH PD CAC 31 ZB 3 RS RD D2 ZAC ILTF 32 ZAC1 33 2 RX 1 D1 FTTX D0 D00TL488 Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Vpos A/BGND Vdig Tj Vbtot (1) ESD RATING Parameter Positive Supply Voltage AGND to BGND Value Unit -0.4 to +13 V -1 to +1 V -0.4 to 5.5 V Max. junction Temperature 150 °C Vbtot=|Vpos|+|Vbat|. (Total voltage applied to the device supply pins). 90 V Human Body Model ±1750 V Charged Device Model ±500 V Pin D0, D1, D2, DET, CKTTX (1) Vbat is self generated by the on chip DC/DC converter and can be programmed via RF1 and RF2. RF1 and RF2 shall be selected in order to fulfil the a.m limits (see External Components Table page 10) 2/26 STLC3075 Table 3. Operating Range Symbol Vpos Parameter Value 4.5 to +12 V AGND to BGND -100 to +100 mV Vdig Pin D0, D1, D2, DET, CKTTX, PD -0.25 to 5.25 V Top Ambient Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85 °C -74 max. V A/BGND Vbat (1) Positive Supply Voltage Unit Self Generated Battery Voltage (1) Vbat is self generated by the on chip DC/DC converter and can be programmed via RF1 and RF2. RF1 and RF2 shall be selected in order to fulfil the a.m limits (see External Components Table page 10) Table 4. Thermal Data Symbol Rth j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Typ. Value Unit 60 °C/W Table 5. Pin Description N° Pin 1 D0 Control Interface: input bit 0. 2 D1 Control Interface: input bit 1. 3 D2 Control interface: input bit 2. 4 PD Power Down input. Normally connected to CVCC (or to logic level high). 5 Gain SET 6,22,38, 39,40,42 NC 7 DET 8 CKTTX Function Control gain interface: 0 Level Rxgain = 0dB Txgain = -6dB 1 Level Rxgain = +6dB Txgain = -12dB Not connected. Logic interface output of the supervision detector (active low). Metering pulse clock input (12 KHz or 16KHz square wave). 9 CTTX1 Metering burst shaping external capacitor. 10 CTTX2 Metering burst shaping external capacitor. 11 RTTX Metering pulse cancellation buffer output. TTX filter network should be connected to this point. If not used should be left open. 12 FTTX Metering pulse buffer input this signal is sent to the line and used to perform TTX filtering. 13 RX 14 ZAC1 RX buffer output (the AC impedance is connected from this node to ZAC). 15 ZAC AC impedance synthesis. 16 RS Protection resistors image (the image resistor is connected from this node to ZAC). 17 ZB Balance Network for 2 to 4 wire conversion (the balance impedance ZB is connected from this node to AGND. ZA impedance is connected from this node to ZAC1). 18 CAC 19 TX 20 CZ Fly-Back compensation 21 VF Feedback input for DC/DC converter controller. 4 wire input port (RX input); 300KΩ input impedance. This signal is referred to AGND. If connected to single supply CODEC output it must be DC decoupled with proper capacitor. AC feedback input, AC/DC split capacitor (CAC). 4 wire output port (TX output). The signal is referred to AGND. If connected to single supply CODEC input it must be DC decoupled with proper capacitor. 3/26 STLC3075 Table 5. Pin Description (continued) N° Pin Function 23 CLK Power Switch Controller Clock (typ. 125KHz). This pin can also be connected to CVCC or AGND. When the CLK pin is connected to CVCC an internal auto-oscillation is internally generated and it is used instead of the external clock. When the CLK pin is connected to AGND, the GATE output is disabled. 24 GATE Driver for external Power MOS transistor (P-chanell in Buck-boost configuration, N-channel in Fly-back configuration). 25 RSENSE Voltage input for current sensing. RSENSE resistor should be connected close to this pin and VPOS pin (Buck-boost) or GND (Fly-back). The PCB layout should minimize the extra resistance introduced by the copper tracks. 26 VPOS Positive supply input. 27 CVCC Internal positive voltage supply filter. 28 AGND Analog Ground, must be shorted with BGND. 29 RLIM Constant current feed programming pin (via RLIM). RLIM should be connected close to this pin and AGND pin to avoid noise injection. 30 IREF Internal bias current setting pin. RREF should be connected close to this pin and AGND pin to avoid noise injection. 31 RTH Off-hook threshold programming pin (via RTH). RTH should be connected close to this pin and AGND pin to avoid noise injection. 32 RD DC feedback and ring trip input. RD should be connected close to this pin and AGND pin to avoid noise injection. 33 ILTF Transversal line current image output. 34 CSVR 35 BGND Battery supply filter capacitor. Battery Ground, must be shorted with AGND. 36 VBAT Regulated battery voltage self generated by the device via DC/DC converter. Must be shorted to VBAT1. 37 RING 2 wire port; RING wire (Ib is the current sunk into this pin). 41 TIP 43 CREV Reverse polarity transition time control. A proper capacitor connected between this pin and AGND is setting the reverse polarity transition time. This is the same transition time used to shape the "trapezoidal ringing" during ringing injection. 44 VBAT1 Frame connection. Must be shorted to VBAT. 3 2 wire port; TIP wire (Ia is the current sourced from this pin). FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The STLC3075 is a device specifically developed for WLL VoIP and ISDN-TA applications. It is based on a SLIC core, on purpose optimised for these applications, with the addition of a DC/DC converter controller to fulfil the WLL and ISDN-TA design requirements. The SLIC performs the standard feeding, signalling and transmission functions. It can be set in three different operating modes via the D0, D1, D2 pins of the control logic interface (0 to 3.3V logic levels). The loop status is carried out on the DET pin (active low). The DET pin is an open drain output to allow easy interfacing with both 3.3V and 5V logic levels. The four possible SLIC’s operating modes are: ■ Power Down ■ High Impedance Feeding (HI-Z) ■ Active ■ Ringing 4/26 STLC3075 Table 6 shows how to set the different SLIC operating modes. Table 6. SLIC operating modes. PD D0 D1 D2 Operating Mode 0 0 0 X Power Down 1 0 0 X H.I. Feeding (HI-Z) 1 0 1 0 Active Normal Polarity 1 0 1 1 Active Reverse Polarity 1 1 1 0 Active TTX injection (N.P.) 1 1 1 1 Active TTX injection (R.P.) 1 1 0 0/1 Ring (D2 bit toggles @ fring) 3.1 DC/DC Converter The DC/DC converter controller is driving an external power MOS transistor N-Ch plus transformer (Flyback configuration) or P-Ch plus inductor (BuckBoost configuration), in order to generate the negative battery voltage needed for device operation. The DC/DC converter controller is synchronised with an external CLK (125KHz typ.) or with an internal clock generated when the pin CLK is connected to CVCC. One Rsense in series to PGND supply (FlyBack) or to VPOS supply (BuckBoost) allows to fix the maximum allowed input peak current. This feature is implemented in order to avoid overload on Vpos supply in case of line transient (ex. ring trip detection). Typ. value is 110mΩ for both configuration and it will guarantee an average current consumption from Vpos < 700mA for BuckBoost configuration and < 1.5A for Fly- Back configuration. The self generated battery voltage is set to a predefined value in on-hook state. This value can be adjusted via one external resistor (RF1) and it is typical -50V. When RING mode is selected this value is increased to -70V typ. Once the line goes in off-hook condition, the DC/DC converter automatically adjusts the generated battery voltage in order to feed the line with a fixed DC current (programmable via RLIM) optimising the power dissipation. 3.2 OPERATING MODES 3.2.1 Power Down When this mode is selected the SLIC is switched off and the TIP and RING pins are in high impedance. Also the line detectors are disabled therefore the off-hook condition cannot be detected. This mode can be selected in emergency condition when it is necessary to cut any current delivered to the line. This mode is also forced by STLC3075 in case of thermal overload (Tj > 140°C). In this case the device goes back to the previous status as soon as the junction temperature decrease under the hysteresis threshold. No AC transmission is possible 3.2.2 High Impedance Feeding (HI-Z) This operating mode is normally selected when the telephone is in on-hook in order to monitor the line status keeping the power consumption at the minimum. 5/26 STLC3075 The output voltage in on-hook condition is equal to the self generated battery voltage (-50V typ). When off-hook occurs the DET becomes active (low logic level). The off-hook threshold in HI-Z mode is the same value as programmed in ACTIVE mode. The DC characteristic in HI-Z mode is just equal to the self generated battery with 2x(1600Ω+Rp) in series (see fig. 4), where Rp is the external protection resistance. No AC transmission is possibile. Figure 4. DC Characteristic in HI-Z Mode. IL Vbat 2x(R1+Rp) Slope: 2x(R1+Rp) (R1=1600ohm) VL Vbat (-50V) 3.2.3 Active DC Characteristics & Supervision When this mode is selected the STLC3075 provides both DC feeding and AC transmission. The STLC3075 feeds the line with a constant current fixed by RLIM (20mA to 40mA range). The on-hook voltage is typically 40V allowing on-hook transmission; the self generated Vbat is -50V typ. If the loop resistance is very high and the line current cannot reach the programmed constant current feed value, the STLC3075 behaves like a 40V voltage source with a series impedance equal to the protection resistors 2xRp (typ. 2x50Ω). Fig. 5 shows the typical DC characteristic in ACTIVE mode. The line status (on/off hook) is monitored by the SLIC’S supervision circuit. The off-hook threshold can be programmed via the external resistor RTH in the range from 5mA to 9mA. Independently on the programmed constant current value, the TIP and RING buffers have a current source capability limited to 80mA typ. Figure 5. DC characteristic in ACTIVE mode IL Ilim (20 to 40mA) 2Rp 10V VL Vbat (-50V) Moreover the power available at Vbat is controlled by the DC/DC converter that limits the peak current drawn from the Vpos supply. The maximum allowed current peak is set by RSENSE resistor. 6/26 STLC3075 AC Characteristics The SLIC provides the standard SLIC transmission functions: Once in active mode the SLIC can operate with two different Tx, Rx Gain. Setting properly by the Gain set control bit (see table7). Table 7. Gain Set in Active Mode Gain set 4 to 2 wire Gain 2 to 4 wire Gain Impedance Synthesis Scale Factor 0 0dB -6dB x 50 1 +6dB -12dB x 25 ■ Input impedance synthesis: can be real or complex and is set by a scaled (x50 or x25) external ZAC impedance. ■ Transmit and receive: The AC signal present on the 2W port (TIP/RING) is transferred to the TX output with a -6dB or -12dB gain and from the RX input to the 2W port with a 0dB or +6dB gain. 2 to 4 wire conversion: The balance impedance can be real or complex, the proper cancellation is obtained by means of two external impedance ZA and ZB Once in Active mode (D1=1) the SLIC can operate in different states setting properly D0 and D2 control bits (see also Table 8). ■ Table 8. SLIC states in ACTIVE mode D0 D1 D2 0 1 0 Active Normal Polarity Operating Mode 0 1 1 Active Reverse Polarity 1 1 0 Active TTX injection (N.P.) 1 1 1 Active TTX injection (R.P.) Polarity Reversal The D2 bit controls the line polarity, the transition between the two polarities is performed in a "soft" way. This means that the TIP and RING wire exchange their polarities following a ramp transition (see fig. 6). The transition time is controlled by an external capacitor CREV. This capacitor is also setting the shape of the ringing trapezoidal waveform. When the control pins set battery reversal the line polarity is reversed with a proper transition time set via an external capacitor (CREV). Figure 6. TIP/RING typical transition from Direct to Reverse Polarity GND TIP 4V typ. 40V typ ON-HOOK dV/dT set by CREV RING Metering Pulse Injection (TTX) The metering pulses circuit consist of a burst shaping generator that gives a square wave shaped and a low pass filter to reduce the harmonic distortion of the output signal. 7/26 STLC3075 The metering pulse is obtained starting from two logic signals: ■ CKTTX: is a square wave at the TTX frequency (12 or 16KHz) and should be permanently applied to the CKTTX pin or at least for all the duration of the TTX pulse (including rising and decay phases). ■ D0: enable the TTX generation circuit and define the TTX pulse duration. These two signals are processed by a dedicated circuitry integrated on chip that generate the metering pulse as an amplitude modulated shaped squarewave (SQTTX) (see fig. 7). Both the amplitude and the envelope of the squarewave (SQTTX) can be programmed by means of external components. In particular the amplitude is set by the two resistors RLV and the shaping by the capacitor CS. Figure 7. Metering pulse generation circuit. Low Pass Filter C1 CTTX1 RLV BURST SHAPING SQTTX CS GENERATOR + CFL C2 Sinusoidal wave pulse metering RLV CTTX2 D0 CKTTX RTTX R2 FTTX OP1 R1 Required external components vs. filter order. Order CFL 1 X 2 3 X R1 C1 R2 C2 THD 13% X X X X 6% X X X X 3% Square wave pulse metering The waveform so generated is then filtered and injected on the line. The low pass filter can be obtained using the integrated buffer OP1 connected between pin FTTX (OP1 non inverting input) and RTTX (OP1 output) (see fig. 7) and implementing a "Sallen and Key" configuration. Depending on the external components count it is possible to build an optimised application depending on the distortion level required. In particular harmonic distortion levels equal to 13%, 6% and 3% can be obtained respectively with first, second and third order filters (see fig. 7). The circuit showed in the "Application diagram" is related to the simple first order filter. Once the shaped and filtered signal is obtained at RTTX buffer output it is injected on the TIP/RING pins with a +6dB gain or +12dB gain. It should be noted that this is the nominal condition obtained in presence of ideal TTX echo cancellation (obtained via proper setting of RTTX and CTTX). In addition the effective level obtained on the line will depend on the line impedance and the protection resistors value. In the typical application (TTX line impedance =200Ω , RP = 50Ω, and ideal TTX echo cancellation) the metering pulse level on the line will be 1.33 or 2.66 times the level applied to the RTTX pin. As already mentioned the metering pulse echo cancellation is obtained by means of two external components (RTTX and CTTX) that should match the line impedance at the TTX frequency. This simple network has a double effect: ■ ■ Synthesize a low output impedance at the TIP/RING pins at the TTX frequency. Cut the eventual TTX echo that will be transferred from the line to the TX output. 8/26 STLC3075 3.2.4 Ringing When this mode is selected STLC3075 self generate an higher negative battery (-70V typ.) in order to allow a balanced ringing signal of typically 65Vpeak. In this condition both the DC and AC feedback loop are disabled and the SLIC line drivers operate as voltage buffers. The ring waveform is obtained toggling the D2 control bit at the desired ring frequency. This bit in fact controls the line polarity (0=direct; 1= reverse). As in the ACTIVE mode the line voltage transition is performed with a ramp transition, obtaining in this way a trapezoidal balanced ring waveform (see fig. 8). The shaping is defined by the CREV external capacitor. Figure 8. TIP/RING typical ringing waveform GND TIP 2.5V typ. 65V typ. dV/dT set by CREV RING VBAT 2.5V typ. Selecting the proper capacitor value it is possible to get different crest factor values. The following table shows the crest factor values obtained with a 20Hz and 25Hz ring frequency and with 1REN. These value are valid either with European or USA specification: Table 9. CREV CREST FACTOR @20Hz CREST FACTOR @25Hz 22nF 1.2 1.26 27nF 1.25 1.32 33nF 1.33 Not significant (*) (*) Distorsion already less than 10%. The ring trip detection is performed sensing the variation of the AC line impedance from on hook (relatively high) to off-hook (low). This particular ring trip method allows to operate without DC offset superimposed on the ring signal and therefore obtaining the maximum possible ring level on the load starting from a given negative battery. It should be noted that such a method is optimised for operation on short loop applications and may not operate properly in presence of long loop applications (> 500Ω). Once ring trip is detected, the DET output is activated (logic level low), at this point the card controller or a simple logic circuit should stop the D2 toggling in order to effectively disconnect the ring signal and then set the STLC3075 in the proper operating mode (normally ACTIVE). Ring Level in Presence of More Telephone in Parallel As already mentioned above the maximum current that can be drawn from the Vpos supply is controlled and limited via the external RSENSE. This will limit also the power available at the self generated negative battery. If for any reason the ringer load is too low the self generated battery will drop in order to keep the power 9/26 STLC3075 consumption to the fixed limit and therefore also the ring voltage level will be reduced. In the typical application with RSENSE = 110mΩ the peak current from Vpos is limited to about 900mA, which correspond to an average current of 700mA max. In this condition the STLC3075 can drive up to 3REN with a ring frequency fr=25Hz (1REN = 1800Ω + 1.0µF, European standard). In order to drive up to 5REN (1REN= 6930Ω + 8µF, US standard) it is necessary to modify the external components as follows: CREV = 15nF RD = 2.2KΩ RSENSE = 100mΩ 3.2.5 Layout Recommendation A properly designed PCB layout is a basic issue to guarantee a correct behaviour and good noise performances. Particular care must be taken on the ground connection and in this case the star configuration allows surely to avoid possible problems (see Application Diagram Figg. 11,12). The ground of the power supply (VPOS) has to be connected to the center of the star, let’s call this point SYSTEM-GND. This point should show a resistance as low as possible, that means it should be a ground plane. In particular to avoid noise problems the layout should prevent any coupling between the DC/DC converter components and analog pins that are referred to AGND (ex: RD, IREF, RTH, RLIM, VF). As a first reccomendation the components CV, L, T1, D1, CVPOS, RSENSE should be kept as close as possible to each other and isolated from the other components. Additional improvements can be obtained: ■ decoupling the center of the star from the analog ground of STLC3075 using small chokes. ■ adding a capacitor in the range of 100nF between VPOS and AGND in order to filter the switch frequency on VPOS. 3.2.6 External Components List In order to properly define the external components value the following system parameters have to be defined: ■ The AC input impedance shown by the SLIC at the line terminals "Zs" to which the return loss measurement is referred. It can be real (typ. 600Ω) or complex. ■ The AC balance impedance, it is the equivalent impedance of the line "Zl" used for evaluation of the trans-hybrid loss performances (2/4 wire conversion). It is usually a complex impedance. ■ The value of the two protection resistors Rp in series with the line termination. The line impedance at the TTX frequency "Zlttx". ■ The metering pulse level amplitude measured at line termination "VLOTTX". In case of low order filtering, VLOTTX represents the amplitude (Vrms) of the fundamental frequency component. (typ 12 or 16KHz). ■ Pulse metering envelope rise and decay time constant "τ". ■ The slope of the ringing waveform "∆VTR/∆T ". ■ The value of the constant current limit current "Ilim". ■ The value of the off-hook current threshold "ITH". ■ The value of the ring trip rectified average threshold current "IRTH". ■ The value of the required self generated negative battery "VBATR" in ring mode (max value is 70V). This value can be obtained from the desired ring peak level + 5V. ■ The value of the maximum current peak drawn from Vpos "IPK". 10/26 STLC3075 Table 10. External Components for BuckBoost configuration Name Function Formula RREF Bias setting current RREF = 1.3/Ibias Ibias = 50µA CSVR Negative Battery Filter CSVR = 1/(2π ⋅ fp ⋅ 1.8MΩ) fp = 50Hz Ring Trip threshold setting resistor RD = 100/IRTH 2KΩ < RD < 5KΩ RD CAC Line protection resistor Rp > 30Ω Current limiting programming RLIM = 1300/Ilim 32.5kΩ < RLIM < 65kΩ RTH Off-hook threshold programming (ACTIVE mode) RTH = 290/ITH 27kΩ < RTH < 52kΩ Reverse polarity transition time programming CREV = ((1/3750) · ∆T/∆VTR) CREV RDD Internally supply filter capacitor CVpos Positive supply filter capacitor with low impedance for switch mode power supply CV 1.5nF 10% 100V 4.12kΩ 1% @ IRTH = 24mA 50Ω 1% 52.3kΩ 1% @ Ilim = 25mA 32.4kΩ 1% @ITH = 9mA 22nF 10% 10V @ 12V/ms 100kΩ Pull up resistors CVCC 26kΩ 1% 22µF 20% 15V @ RD = 4.12kΩ AC/DC split capacitance RLIM RP Typ. Value 100nF 20% 10V 100µF(4) 100µF 20% 100V (5) Battery supply filter capacitor with low impedance for switch mode power supply CVB High frequency noise filter 470nF 20% 100V CRD (6) High frequency noise filter 100nF 10% 15V Q1 DC/DC converter switch P ch. MOS transistor RDS(ON)≤1.2Ω,VDS = -100V Total gate charge=20nC max. with VGS=4.5V and VDS=1V ID>500mA D1 DC/DC converter series diode Vr > 100V, tRR ≤ 50ns SMBYW01-200 or equivalent RSENSE DC/DC converter peak current limiting RSENSE = 100mV/IPK 110mΩ @IPK = 900mA RF1 Negative battery programming level RF2 Negative battery programming level L DC/DC converter inductor 250KΩ<RF1<300KΩ (7) Possible choiches: IRF9510 or IRF9520 or IRF9120 or equivalent 300kΩ 1% @ VBATR = -70V 9.1kΩ 1% DC resistance ≤ 0.1Ω (8) L=100µH SUMIDA CDRH125 or equivalent Table 11. External Components for Fly-back configuration Name Function Formula RREF Bias setting current RREF = 1.3/Ibias; Ibias = 50µA CSVR Negative Battery Filter CSVR = 1/(2π ⋅ fp ⋅ 1.8MΩ) fp = 50Hz Ring Trip threshold setting resistor RD = 100/IRTH 2KΩ < RD < 5KΩ RD CAC AC/DC split capacitance Typ. Value 26kΩ 1% 1.5nF 10% 100V 4.12kΩ 1% @ IRTH = 24mA 22µF 20% 15V @ RD = 4.12kΩ 11/26 STLC3075 Table 11. External Components for Fly-back configuration (continued) Name Function Formula Line protection resistor Rp > 30Ω RLIM Current limiting programming RLIM = 1300/Ilim 32.5kΩ < RLIM < 65kΩ RTH Off-hook threshold programming (ACTIVE mode) RTH = 290/ITH 27kΩ < RTH < 52kΩ Reverse polarity transition time programming CREV = ((1/3750) · ∆T/∆VTR) RP CREV RDD CVCC Internally supply filter capacitor Positive supply filter capacitor with low impedance for switch mode power supply CV 50Ω 1% 52.3kΩ 1% @ Ilim = 25mA 32.4kΩ 1% @ITH = 9mA 22nF 10% 10V @ 12V/ms 100kΩ Pull up resistors CVpos Typ. Value 100nF 20% 10V 100µF(4) 100µF 20% 100V (5) Battery supply filter capacitor with low impedance for switch mode power supply CVB High frequency noise filter 470nF 20% 100V CRD (6) High frequency noise filter 100nF 10% 15V Fly-Back compensation capacitor 2.2nF, 20% CSF CZ Sense Filter capacitor 120pF, 20% RSF Sense Filter resistor RSENSE DC/DC converter peak current limiting 1kΩ RSENSE = 375mV/IPK 110mΩ @IPK = 3.3A STN4NF03L or equivalent Q1 DC/DC converter switch Nchan MOS transistor RDS(ON)≤0.05Ω,VDSS = 30V VDG=30V, ID = 6.5A Low threshold drive D1 DC/DC converter series diode Vr > 350V, tRR ≤ 80ns T1 DC/DC Converter transformer Fly-Back transformer 4W, Turns Ratio 1:16 fro VPOS range from 4.5V to 8.5V Tyco COEV MAGNETICS MGPWG-00007 T1 DC/DC Converter transformer Fly-Back transformer 4W, Turns Ratio 1:8 fro VPOS range from 8.5V to 12V Tyco COEV MAGNETICS MGPWG-00008 RF1 Negative battery programming level 250KΩ<RF1<300KΩ (7) RF2 Negative battery programming level SMBYTW01-400 or equivalent 300kΩ 1% @ VBATR = -70V 9.1kΩ 1% Table 12. External Components @Gain Set = 0 Name Function Formula RS Protection resistance image RS = 50 ⋅ (2Rp) ZAC Two wire AC impedance ZAC = 50 ⋅ (Zs - 2Rp) Typ. Value 5kΩ @ Rp = 50Ω 25kΩ 1% @ Zs = 600Ω ZA (1) SLIC impedance balancing network ZA = 50 ⋅ Zs 30kΩ 1% @ Zs = 600Ω ZB (1) Line impedance balancing network ZB = 50 ⋅ Zl 30kΩ 1% @ Zl = 600Ω CCOMP AC feedback loop compensation fo = 250kHz CCOMP = 1/(2π⋅fo⋅100⋅(RP)) Trans-Hybrid Loss frequency compensation CH = CCOMP CH RTTX (3) Pulse metering cancellation resistor 12/26 RTTX = 50Re (Zlttx+2Rp) 120pF 10% 10V @ Rp = 50Ω 120pF 10% 10V 15kΩ @Zlttx = 200Ω real STLC3075 Table 12. External Components @Gain Set = 0 (continued) Name Function Formula Typ. Value CTTX = 1/{50⋅2π⋅fttx[-lm(Zlttx)]} CTTX (3) Pulse metering cancellation capacitor RLV = 63.3·103··α·VLOTTX α = (|Zlttx + 2Rp|/|Zlttx|) RLV Pulse metering level resistor CS Pulse metering shaping capacitor CS = τ/(2⋅RLV) CFL Pulse metering filter capacitor 100nF 10% 10V (2) @ Zlttx = 200Ω real 16.2kΩ @ VLOTTX = 170mVrms 100nF 10% 10V @ τ = 3.2ms, RLV = 16.2kΩ CFL = 2/(2π⋅fttx⋅RLV) 1.5nF 10% 10V @fttx = 12kHz RLV = 16.2kΩ Table 13. External Components @Gain Set = 1 Name Function RS Protection resistance image ZAC Formula Typ. Value RS = 25 ⋅ (2Rp) 2.55kΩ @ Rp = 50Ω Two wire AC impedance ZAC = 25 ⋅ (Zs - 2Rp) ZA (1) SLIC impedance balancing network ZA = 25 ⋅ Zs 15kΩ 1% @ Zs = 600Ω ZB (1) Line impedance balancing network ZB = 25 ⋅ Zl 15kΩ 1% @ ZI = 600Ω AC feedback loop compensation fo = 250kHz CCOMP = 2/(2π⋅fo⋅100⋅(RP)) Trans-Hybrid Loss frequency compensation CH = CCOMP CCOMP CH RTTX = 25Re (Zlttx+2Rp) CTTX (3) Pulse metering cancellation capacitor CTTX = 1/25⋅2π⋅fttx⋅[-lm(Zlttx)] RLV = 31.7·103··α·VLOTTX α = (|Zlttx + 2Rp|/|Zlttx|) Pulse metering level resistor CS Pulse metering shaping capacitor CS = τ/(2⋅RLV) CFL Pulse metering filter capacitor 220pF 10% 10VL @ Rp = 50Ω 220pF 10% 10V RTTX (3) Pulse metering cancellation resistor RLV 12.5kΩ 1% @ Zs = 600Ω 7.5kΩ @Zlttx = 200Ω real 100nF 10% 10V (2) @ Zlttx = 200Ω real 16.2kΩ @ VLOTTX = 340mVrms 100nF 10% 10V @ τ = 3.2ms, RLV = 16.2kΩ CFL = 2/(2π⋅fttx⋅RLV) 1.5nF 10% 10V @fttx = 12kHz RLV = 16.2kΩ (1) In case Zs=Zl, ZA and ZB can be replaced by two resistors of same value: RA=RB=|Zs|. (2) In this case CTTX is just operating as a DC decoupling capacitor (fp=100Hz). (3) Defining ZTTX as the impedance of RTTX in series with CTTX, RTTX and CTTX can also be calculated from the following formula: ZTTX=50*(Zlttx+2Rp). (4) CVpos should be defined depending on the power supply current capability and maximum allowable ripple. (5) For low ripple application use 2x47µ F in parallel. (6) Can be saved if proper PCB layout avoid noise coupling on RD pin (high impedance input). (7) RF1 sets the self generated battery voltage in RING and ACTIVE(Il=0) mode as follows: VBAT(ACTIVE) 267kΩ -46V 280kΩ -48V 294kΩ -49V 300kΩ -50V VBATR(RING) -62V -65V -68V -70V VBATR should be defined considering the ring peak level required (Vringpeak=VBATR-6V typ.). The above relation is valid provided that the Vpos power supply current capability and the RSENSE programming allow to source all the current requested by the particular ringer load configuration. (8) For high efficiency in HI-Z mode coil resistance @125kHz must be < 3Ω 13/26 STLC3075 Figure 9. Application Diagram with N-Channel. RX TX RX TX VPOS CVPOS CVCC T1 RS AGND BGND CVCC VPOS RS GATE ZAC CCOMP Q1 ZAC RSENSE CSF ZA D1 VBAT ZB CH N-ch RSF RSENSE ZAC1 RF1 CVB ZB VDD VF RDD CV CZ RF2 CZ GAIN SET CLK CLK RP CONTROL INTERFACE STLC3075 DET DET TIP D0 RING D1 D1 CSVR D2 D2 CREV PD PD TTX CLOCK TIP RP D0 RING CSVR CREV CKTTX RLV RTH CTTX1 RLV RLIM CS IREF CTTX2 RREF FTTX ILTF CAC RTTX RLIM RTH RD CFL RTTX RD CRD D04TL625 AGND CTTX BGND CAC SYSTEM GND SUGGESTED GROUND LAY-OUT PGND Figure 10. Application Diagram without Metering Pulse Generation with N-Channel. RX TX RX TX VPOS CVPOS CVCC T1 RS AGND BGND CVCC VPOS RS GATE ZAC CCOMP N-ch RSF RSENSE ZAC1 ZAC RSENSE CSF ZA D1 VBAT ZB CH Q1 ZB VDD CVB RF1 CZ RF2 VF GAIN SET RDD CV CZ STLC3075 CLK CLK RP CONTROL INTERFACE TIP DET DET D0 D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 PD PD TIP RP RING RING CSVR CREV CREV CKTTX CTTX1 RLIM CTTX2 FTTX IREF RREF RTTX CAC ILTF BGND SUGGESTED GROUND LAY-OUT 14/26 PGND CAC RLIM RTH RD RD AGND SYSTEM GND CSVR RTH CRD D04TL626 STLC3075 Figure 11. Application Diagram with P-Channel. VPOS CVPOS CVCC RS RX TX RX TX AGND BGND CVCC VPOS RS RSENSE ZAC CCOMP RSENSE Q1 P-ch GATE D1 ZAC1 VBAT ZAC ZA L CV VF ZB CH RF1 CVB ZB RF2 VDD CLK CLK GAIN SET RDD RP TIP TIP STLC3075 CONTROL INTERFACE RP DET DET D0 D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 PD PD TTX CLOCK RING RING CSVR CREV CSVR CREV CKTTX RTH CTTX1 RLIM RLV RLV CS IREF CTTX2 RREF FTTX ILTF CAC RTTX RLIM RTH RD CFL RTTX RD CRD D01TL493A AGND CTTX BGND CAC SYSTEM GND SUGGESTED GROUND LAY-OUT PGND Figure 12. Application Diagram without Metering Pulse Generation. VPOS CVPOS CVCC RS RX TX RX TX AGND BGND CVCC VPOS RS P-ch GATE D1 ZAC1 VBAT ZAC CVB ZA ZB CH Q1 RSENSE ZAC CCOMP RSENSE RF1 CV VF ZB L RF2 VDD CLK RDD RP RP RING DET DET D0 D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 PD PD RING CSVR CREV CSVR CREV CKTTX RTH CTTX1 RLIM CTTX2 IREF FTTX TIP TIP STLC3075 CONTROL INTERFACE CLK GAIN SET RREF RTTX ILTF CAC RLIM RTH RD RD CRD D01TL494A AGND BGND CAC SYSTEM GND SUGGESTED GROUND LAY-OUT PGND 15/26 STLC3075 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test conditions: Vpos = 6.0V, AGND = BGND, Normal Polarity, Tamb = 25°C. External components as listed in the "Typical Values" column of EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Table. Note: Testing of all parameter is performed at 25°C. Characterisation as well as design rules used allow correlation of tested performances at other temperatures. All parameters listed here are met in the operating range: -40 to +85°C. Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit DC CHARACTERISTICS Vlohi Line voltage Il = 0, HI-Z (High impedance feeding) Tamb = 0 to 85°C 44 50 V Vlohi Line voltage Il = 0, HI-Z (High impedance feeding) Tamb = -40 to 85°C 42 48 V Vloa Line voltage Il = 0, ACTIVE Tamb = 0 to 85°C 33 40 V Vloa Line voltage Il = 0, ACTIVE Tamb = -40 to 85°C 31 37 V Ilim Lim. current programming range ACTIVE mode 20 40 mA Ilima Lim. current accuracy ACTIVE mode. Rel. to programmed value 20mA to 40mA -10 10 % Feeding resistance HI-Z (High Impedance feeding) 2.4 3.6 kΩ Rfeed HI AC CHARACTERISTICS L/T Long. to transv. (see Appendix for test circuit) Rp = 50Ω, 1% tol., ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) f = 300 to 3400Hz 50 58 dB T/L Transv. to long. (see Appendix for test circuit) Rp = 50Ω, 1% tol., ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) f = 300 to 3400Hz 40 45 dB T/L Transv. to long. (see Appendix for test circuit) Rp = 50Ω, 1% tol., ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) f = 1kHz 48 53 dB 2W return loss 300 to 3400Hz, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) 22 26 dB THL Trans-hybrid loss 300 to 3400Hz, 20Log|VRX/VTX|, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) 30 dB Ovl 2W overload level at line terminals on ref. imped. ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) 3.2 dBm TXoff TX output offset ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) -250 250 mV G24 Transmit gain abs. 0dBm @ 1020Hz, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) -6.4 -5.6 dB G42 Receive gain abs. 0dBm @ 1020Hz, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) -0.4 0.4 dB 2WRL 16/26 STLC3075 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test conditions: Vpos = 6.0V, AGND = BGND, Normal Polarity, Tamb = 25°C. External components as listed in the "Typical Values" column of EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Table. Note: Testing of all parameter is performed at 25°C. Characterisation as well as design rules used allow correlation of tested performances at other temperatures. All parameters listed here are met in the operating range: -40 to +85°C. Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit G24f TX gain variation vs. freq. rel. 1020Hz; 0dBm, 300 to 3400Hz, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) -0.12 0.12 dB G24f RX gain variation vs. freq. rel. 1020Hz; 0dBm, 300 to 3400Hz, ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) -0.12 0.12 dB V2Wp Idle channel noise at line 0dB gainset psophometric filtered ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) Tamb = 0 to +85°C -73 -68 dBmp V2Wp Idle channel noise at line 0dB gainset psophometric filtered ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) Tamb = -40 to +85°C -68 V4Wp Idle channel noise at line 0dB gainset psophometric filtered ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) Tamb = 0 to +85°C -75 V4Wp Idle channel noise at line 0dB gainset psophometric filtered ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) Tamb = -40 to +85°C -75 Total Harmonic Distortion ACTIVE N. P., RL = 600Ω (*) Metering pulse level on line ACTIVE - TTX Zl = 200Ω fttx = 12kHz Thd VTTX CLKfreq CLK operating range dBmp -70 dBmp -44 130 170 -10% 125 dBmp dB mVrms 10% kHz (*) RL: Line Resistance RING Vring Line voltage RING D2 toggling @ fr = 25Hz Load = 3REN; Crest Factor = 1.25 1REN = 1800Ω + 1.0µF Tamb = 0 to +85°C 45 49 Vrms Vring Line voltage RING D2 toggling @ fr = 25Hz Load = 3REN; Crest Factor = 1.25 1REN = 1800Ω + 1.0µF Tamb = -40 to +85°C 44 48 Vrms 10.5 DETECTORS IOFFTHA Off/hook current threshold ACT. mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) ROFTHA Off/hook loop resistance threshold ACT. mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 3.4 kΩ IONTHA On/hook current threshold ACT. mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 6 mA mA 17/26 STLC3075 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test conditions: Vpos = 6.0V, AGND = BGND, Normal Polarity, Tamb = 25°C. External components as listed in the "Typical Values" column of EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Table. Note: Testing of all parameter is performed at 25°C. Characterisation as well as design rules used allow correlation of tested performances at other temperatures. All parameters listed here are met in the operating range: -40 to +85°C. Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit RONTHA On/hook loop resistance threshold ACT. mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 8 kΩ IOFFTHI Off/hook current threshold Hi Z mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 10.5 mA ROFFTHI Off/hook loop resistance threshold Hi Z mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 800 Ω IONTHI On/hook current threshold Hi Z mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 6 mA RONTHI On/hook loop resistance threshold Hi Z mode, RTH = 32.4kΩ 1% (Prog. ITH = 9mA) 8 Irt Ring Trip detector threshold range RING 20 50 mA Irta Ring Trip detector threshold accuracy RING -15 15 % Trtd Ring trip detection time RING Td Dialling distortion ACTIVE Rlrt (1) ThAl kΩ TBD -1 Loop resistance Tj for th. alarm activation ms 1 ms 500 Ω 160 °C (1) Rlrt = Maximum loop resistance (incl. telephone) for correct ring trip detection. DIGITAL INTERFACE INPUTS: D0, D1, D2, PD, CLK OUTPUTS: DET Vih In put high voltage Vil Input low voltage Iih Input high current Iil Input low current Vol Output low voltage 2 V 0.8 V -10 10 µA -10 10 µA 0.45 V Iol = 1mA PSRR AND POWER CONSUMPTION PSERRC Ivpos Ipk 18/26 Power supply rejection Vpos to 2W port Vripple = 100mVrms 50 to 4000Hz Vpos supply current @ ii = 0 HI-Z On-Hook ACTIVE On-Hook, RING (line open) Peak current limiting accuracy RING Off-Hook RSENSE = 110mΩ 26 -20% 36 dB 13 50 55 25 80 90 mA mA mA 950 +20% mApk STLC3075 5 APPENDIX A 5.1 STLC3075 Test Circuits Referring to the application diagram shown in fig. 11 and using as external components the Typ. Values specified in the "External Components" Tables 10 and 12 (pages 11 and 12) find below the proper configuration for each measurement. All measurements requiring DC current termination should be performed using "Wandel & Goltermann DC Loop Holding Circuit GH-1" or equivalent. Figure 13. 2W Return Loss 2WRL = 20Log(|Zref + Zs|/|Zref-Zs|) = 20Log(E/2Vs) W&G GH1 Zref TX TIP 600ohm 100 F Vs STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max 1Kohm E Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz 100 F 1Kohm RX RING Figure 14. THL Trans Hybrid Loss THL = 20Log|Vrx/Vtx| W&G GH1 TIP TX 100 F 600ohm Vtx STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz 100 F RING RX Vrx 19/26 STLC3075 Figure 15. G24 Transmit Gain G24 = 20Log|2Vtx/E| W&G GH1 TIP TX 100 F Vtx STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max 600ohm Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz E 100 F RING RX TIP TX Figure 16. G42 Receive Gain G42 = 20Log|VI/Vrx| W&G GH1 100 F Vl 600ohm STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz 100 F RX RING Vrx Figure 17. PSRRC Power supply rejection Vpos to 2W port PSSRC = 20Log|Vn/Vl| W&G GH1 TIP TX 100 F Vl 600ohm 100mA DC max Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz STLC3075 application circuit 100 F RING ~ 20/26 RX VPOS Vn STLC3075 Figure 18. L/T Longitudinal to Transversal Conversion L/T = 20Log|Vcm/Vl| 300ohm W&G GH1 100 F TIP TX 100 F Impedance matching better than 0.1% 100mA DC max STLC3075 application circuit Vl Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz Vcm 100 F RX RING 300ohm 100 F Figure 19. T/L Transversal to Longitudinal Conversion T/L = 20Log|Vrx/Vcm| 300ohm 100 F W&G GH1 TIP TX 100 F STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max Impedance matching better than 0.1% 600ohm Vcm Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz 100 F RING 300ohm RX Vrx 100 F Figure 20. VTTX Metering Pulse level on line TIP Vlttx 200ohm TX STLC3075 application circuit RING RX CKTTX fttx (12 or 16kHz) 21/26 STLC3075 Figure 21. V2Wp and W4Wp: Idle channel psophometric noise at line and TX. V2Wp = 20Log|Vl/0.774l|; V4Wp = 20Log|Vtx/0.774l| W&G GH1 TIP TX 100 F 600ohm Zin = 100K 200 to 6kHz Vl psophometric filtered 100 F RX RING 6 Vtx psophometric filtered STLC3075 application circuit 100mA DC max APPENDIX B 6.1 STLC3075 Overvoltage Protection Figure 22. Simplified configuration for indoor overvoltage protection STPR120A BGND STLC3075 2x SM6T39A TIP RING RP1 RP2 TIP RP1 RP2 RING VBAT STPR120A RP1 = 30ohm: RP2 =Fuse or PTC > 18ohm Figure 23. Standard overvoltage protection configuration for K20 compliance BGND STLC3075 RP1 2x SM6T39A TIP RP2 TIP RP2 RING LCP1521 RING RP1 VBAT RP1 = 30ohm: RP2 =Fuse or PTC > 18ohm 22/26 STLC3075 7 APPENDIX C 7.1 TYPICAL STATE DIAGRAM FOR STLC3075 OPERATION Figure 24. Normally used for On Hook Transmission Tj>Tth PD=0, D0=D1=0 Active On Hook Power Down Ring Pause D0=0, D1=1, D2=0 Ring Burst Ring Burst D0=1, D1=0, D2=0/1 PD=1, D0=D1=0 Ringing On Hook Detection for T>Tref HI-Z Feeding Ring Trip Detection Active Off Hook On Hook Condition Off Hook Detection D0=0, D1=1, D2=0 Off Hook Detection Note: all state transitions are under the microprocessor control. 23/26 STLC3075 Figure 25. TQFP44 (10 x 10) Mechanical Data & Package Dimensions mm inch DIM. MIN. TYP. A MAX. MIN. TYP. 1.60 A1 0.05 A2 1.35 B 0.30 C 0.09 D 11.80 D1 9.80 D3 0.063 0.15 0.002 1.40 1.45 0.053 0.055 0.057 0.37 0.45 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.20 0.004 12.00 12.20 0.464 0.472 0.480 10.00 10.20 0.386 0.394 0.401 8.00 0.006 0.008 0.315 E 11.80 12.00 12.20 0.464 0.472 0.480 E1 9.80 10.00 10.20 0.386 0.394 0.401 E3 8.00 0.315 e 0.80 0.031 L 0.45 0.60 L1 0.75 0.018 1.00 k OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA MAX. 0.024 0.030 TQFP44 (10 x 10 x 1.4mm) 0.039 0˚(min.), 3.5˚(typ.), 7˚(max.) D D1 A A2 A1 23 33 34 22 0.10mm .004 B E B E1 Seating Plane 12 44 11 1 C L e K TQFP4410 0076922 D 24/26 STLC3075 Table 14. Revision History Date Revision Description of Changes October 2004 1 First Issue November 2004 2 Removed all max. values of the ‘Line Voltage’ parameter on the page 16/26. Changed the unit from mA to % of the ‘Ilima’ parameter on the page 16/ 26. January 2005 3 Add pin 4 PD in Applications and Block Diagram . Add in Table 2 ‘ESD Rating’ 25/26 STLC3075 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2005 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 26/26