Thick Film Chip Resistors (RC General) Thi k Film Thick Fil General G l Chip Chi Resistors R i t - 1005(0402), 1608(0603), 2012(0805), 3216(1206), 3225(1210), 5025(2010), 6432(2512) ■ Features ● ● ● ● ● Small, thin and lightweight High reliability Applicable Both flow and reflow soldering. soldering Suitable size and package for surface mount assembly RoHS Compliant. ■ Part Number System RC RC 1005 F 7320 CS Type Size : mm (inch) Tolerance Resistance Value Packing Type General purpose chip resistor 1005 10 05 1.0×0.5mm (0402) 1608 1.6×0.8mm (0603) 2012 2.0×1.2mm (0805) 3216 3.2×1.6mm (1206) 3225 3.2×2.5mm (1210) 5025 5.0×2.5mm (2010) 6432 6.4×3.2mm (2512) F ±1% G ±2% J ±5% * Jumper : ‘J’ -3-digit 3 di i coding di S System (E-24 series) -4-digit coding System (E-96 series) -Jumper : ‘000’ CS 7” reel ES 10” reel AS 13” reel ex)7320 : 732Ω Ver. 2012.11 Thick Film Chip Resistors (RC General) ■ Structure and Dimensions < Top View > < Side View > W l1 T l2 L ( Unit : mm ) TYPE (Inch) L W T l1 l2 Unit Weight 1005 (0402) 1.00±0.05 0.50±0.05 0.35±0.05 0.20±0.10 0.25±0.10 0.6mg 1608 (0603) 1.60±0.10 0.80±0.10 0.45±0.10 0.30±0.20 0.35±0.10 2.1mg 2012 (0805) 2 00±0 15 2.00±0.15 1 25±0 15 1.25±0.15 0 50±0 10 0.50±0.10 0 40±0 20 0.40±0.20 0 35±0 20 0.35±0.20 4 9mg 4.9mg 3216 (1206) 3.20±0.15 1.60±0.15 0.55±0.10 0.45±0.20 0.40±0.20 9.5mg 3225 (1210) 3.20±0.20 2.55±0.20 0.55±0.10 0.45±0.20 0.40±0.20 16mg 5025 ((2010)) 5.00±0.20 2.50±0.20 0.55±0.10 0.60±0.20 0.60±0.20 g 26mg 6432 (2512) 6.30±0.20 3.20±0.20 0.55±0.10 0.60±0.20 0.60±0.20 41mg Ver. 2012.11 Thick Film Chip Resistors (RC General) ■ Applications and Ratings TYPE Power Rating at 70℃ (W) Max Working Voltage (V) Max Overload Voltage (W) Resistance Range (Ω) 1005 (0402) 1/16 50 100 1 ~ 10M -55 ~ 155 1608 (0603) 1/10 50 100 1 ~ 10M -55 ~ 155 2012 (0805) 1/8 150 300 1 ~ 10M 3216 (1206) 1/4 200 400 1 ~ 10M 3225 (1210) 1/3 200 400 1 ~ 10M -55 ~ 155 5025 (2010) 2/3 200 400 1 ~ 10M -55 ~ 155 6432 (2512) 1 200 400 1 ~ 10M -55 ~ 155 % Rated Power ■ Power Derating Curve T.C.R (ppm/℃) 1~9.9Ω 1~9 9Ω :+300,-200 :+300 -200 10Ω ~ 1㏁ : ±100 1.1㏁~10㏁ : ±300 Working Temperature (℃) -55 ~ 155 -55 ~ 155 ■ Jumper Ratings 100 Type Rated Current (A) Max Overload Current (A) 80 1005, 1608 1 2 60 2012, 3216, 3225, 5025, 6432 2 4 40 20 ■ Rated Voltage 0 ‐60 ‐40 ‐20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 160 ‐55 70 155 Ambient Temperature(℃) E = E : Rated Voltage (V) P : Rated Power (W) R : Resistance Value (Ω) Ver. 2012.11 Thick Film Chip Resistors (RC General) ■ Recommended land pattern : Land Pattern C : Chip Resistor A B A [ Unit : mm ] TYPE (Inch) Reflow Soldering Flow Soldering Dimension A B 2A + B C A B 2A + B C 1005 (0402) 0.60 0.50 1.70 0.50 0.70 0.50 1.90 0.50 1608 (0603) 0.80 0.80 2.40 0.80 0.90 0.80 2.60 0.80 2012 (0805) 0.90 1.40 3.20 1.20 1.00 1.40 3.40 1.30 3216 (1206) 1.30 1.80 4.40 1.50 1.40 1.80 4.60 1.60 3225 (1210) 1.30 1.80 4.40 2.40 1.40 1.80 4.60 2.60 5025 (2010) 1 40 1.40 3 30 3.30 6 10 6.10 2 40 2.40 1 50 1.50 3 30 3.30 6 30 6.30 2 50 2.50 6432 (2512) 1.40 4.60 7.40 3.00 1.50 4.60 7.60 3.20 Ver. 2012.11 Thick Film Chip Resistors (RC General) ■ Performance Characteristics ITEM Requirements Specification Test Conditions (JIS C 5201-1) Resistance Within the specified tolerance JIS C 5201-1 4.5 Temperature Characteristic Within the specified T.C.R JIS C 5201-1 4.8 +20℃ → -55℃ / +20℃ → +125℃ Short time Sh i Overload ΔR < ±1%+0.1Ω JIS C 5201-1 4.13 Rated Voltage×2.5, 5sec Solderability Immersed over 95% JIS C 5201-1 4.17 Rosin Ethanol (25%WT) 245+5/ 0℃ 2±0.5 245+5/-0℃, 2±0 5 sec Resistance to Solder Heat ΔR < ±1%+0.05Ω JIS C 5201-1 4.18 260±5℃, 10±1 sec Temperature Cycle ΔR < ±1%+0.1Ω ±1%+0 1Ω JIS C 5201-1 4.19 -55℃ ↔ +155℃, 100 cycle Moisture Resistance ΔR < ±3%+0.1Ω JIS C 5201-1 4.24 40±2℃, 90~95%RH, 1,000+48hours Load Life ΔR < ±3%+0.1Ω JIS C 5201 5201-1 1 4.25 4 25 Rated Voltage, 70±2℃, 1,000+48hours 90mins ON, 30mins OFF High Temp. Exposure ΔR < ±3%+0.1Ω JIS C 5201-1 4.25.3 +48hours 155±2℃,, 1,000 , ※ NOTICE :All specifications are subject to change without previous notice. Please contact with product representatives or engineers to check specifications. Ver. 2012.11