Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA® Series 4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Programmable Features ■ ■ High-performance platform design. — 0.13 µm seven-level metal technology. — Internal performance of >250 MHz (four logic levels). — I/O performance of >416 MHz for all user I/Os. — Over 1.5 million usable system gates. — Meets multiple I/O interface standards. — 1.5 V operation (30% less power than 1.8 V operation) translates to greater performance. — Embedded block RAM (EBR) for onboard storage and buffer needs. — Built-in system components including an internal system bus, eight PLLs, and microprocessor interface. Traditional I/O selections. — LVTTL and LVCMOS (3.3 V, 2.5 V, and 1.8 V) I/Os. — Per pin-selectable I/O clamping diodes provide 3.3 V PCI compliance. — Individually programmable drive capability. 24 mA sink/12 mA source, 12 mA sink/6 mA source, or 6 mA sink/3 mA source. — Two slew rates supported (fast and slew-limited). — Fast-capture input latch and input flip-flop (FF)/ latch for reduced input setup time and zero hold time. — Fast open-drain drive capability. — Capability to register 3-state enable signal. — Off-chip clock drive capability. — Two-input function generator in output path. ■ New programmable high-speed I/O. — Single-ended: GTL, GTL+, PECL, SSTL3/2 (class I & II), HSTL (Class I, III, IV), zero-bus turn-around (ZBT*), and double data rate (DDR). — Double-ended: LDVS, bused-LVDS, LVPECL. — Customer defined: Ability to substitute arbitrary standard-cell I/O to meet fast moving standards. ■ New capability to (de)multiplex I/O signals. — New DDR on both input and output at rates up to 311 MHz (622 MHz effective rate). — Used to implement emerging RapidIO† backplane interface specification. — New 2x and 4x downlink and uplink capability per I/O (i.e., 104 MHz internal to 416 MHz I/O). ■ Enhanced twin-quad programmable function unit (PFU). — Eight 16-bit look-up tables (LUTs) per PFU. — Nine user registers per PFU, one following each LUT and organized to allow two nibbles to act independently, plus one extra for arithmetic carry/borrow operations. * ZBT is a trademark of Integrated Device Technologies Inc. † RapidIO is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Table 1. ORCA Series 4—Available FPGA Logic Device Columns Rows PFUs User I/O LUTs EBR Blocks EBR Bits (k) Usable† Gates (k) OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 26 36 46 60 70 24 36 44 56 66 624 1296 2024 3360 4620 400 576 720 928 1088 4992 10368 16,192 26,880 36,960 8 12 16 20 24 74 111 148 185 222 260—470 400—720 530—970 740—1350 930—1700 † The usable gate counts range from a logic-only gate count to a gate count assuming 20% of the PFUs/SLICs being used as RAMs. The logic-only gate count includes each PFU/SLIC (counted as 108 gates/PFU), including 12 gates per LUT/FF pair (eight per PFU), and 12 gates per SLIC/FF pair (one per PFU). Each of the four PIO groups are counted as 16 gates (three FFs, fast-capture latch, output logic, CLK, and I/O buffers). PFUs used as RAM are counted at four gates per bit, with each PFU capable of implementing a 32 x 4 RAM (or 512 gates) per PFU. Embedded block RAM (EBR) is counted as four gates per bit plus each block has an additional 25k gates. 7k gates are used for each PLL and 50k gates for the embedded system bus and microprocessor interface logic. Both the EBR and PLLs are conservatively utilized in the gate count calculations. Note: Devices are not pinout compatible with ORCA Series 2/3. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Table of Contents Contents Page Programmable Features............................................. 1 System Features .........................................................4 Product Description .....................................................6 Architecture Overview .............................................6 Programmable Logic Cells ..........................................7 Programmable Function Unit ...................................8 Look-Up Table Operating Modes ..........................11 Supplemental Logic and Interconnect Cell ............21 PLC Latches/Flip-Flops .........................................25 Embedded Block RAM ..............................................27 EBR Features ........................................................27 Routing Resources ...................................................31 Clock Distribution Network ........................................31 Primary Clock Nets ................................................31 Secondary Clock and Control Nets .......................31 Edge Clock Nets ....................................................31 Programmable Input/Output Cells .............................31 Programmable I/O .................................................31 Inputs .....................................................................34 Special Function Blocks ............................................38 Microprocessor Interface (MPI) .................................48 Embedded System Bus (ESB) ..................................49 Phase-Locked Loops.................................................52 FPGA States of Operation.........................................55 Initialization............................................................56 Configuration .........................................................56 Start-Up .................................................................56 Reconfiguration .....................................................60 Partial Reconfiguration ..........................................60 Other Configuration Options ..................................60 Bit Stream Error Checking .....................................62 FPGA Configuration Modes.......................................62 Master Parallel Mode.............................................63 Master Serial Mode ...............................................64 Asynchronous Peripheral Mode ............................65 Microprocessor Interface Mode .............................66 Slave Serial Mode .................................................70 Slave Parallel Mode...............................................70 Daisy Chaining ......................................................71 Daisy-Chaining with Boundary Scan .....................72 Absolute Maximum Ratings.......................................72 Recommended Operating Conditions .......................73 Electrical Characteristics ...........................................73 Pin Information ..........................................................75 Pin Descriptions.....................................................75 Package Compatibility ...........................................78 Package Thermal Characteristics Summary ...........118 ΘJA ......................................................................118 ψJC ......................................................................118 ΘJC ......................................................................118 ΘJB ......................................................................118 Package Thermal Characteristics............................119 2 Contents Page Package Coplanarity ...............................................119 Package Parasitics ..................................................119 Package Outline Diagrams......................................120 Terms and Definitions..........................................120 Package Outline Drawings ......................................121 352-Pin PBGA .....................................................121 432-Pin EBGA .....................................................122 680-Pin PBGAM ..................................................123 Ordering Information................................................124 Figure Page Figure 1. Series 4 Top-Level Diagram ........................7 Figure 2. PFU Ports .....................................................9 Figure 3. Simplified PFU Diagram .............................10 Figure 4. Simplified F4 and F5 Logic Modes .............12 Figure 5. Simplified F6 Logic Modes .........................13 Figure 6. MUX 4 x 1...................................................13 Figure 7. MUX 8 x 1...................................................14 Figure 8. Softwired LUT Topology Examples.............15 Figure 9. Ripple Mode ...............................................16 Figure 10. Counter Submode ....................................17 Figure 11. Multiplier Submode...................................18 Figure 12. Memory Mode ..........................................19 Figure 13. Memory Mode Expansion Example—128 x 8 RAM ........................................21 Figure 14. SLIC All Modes Diagram ..........................22 Figure 15. Buffer Mode ..............................................23 Figure 16. Buffer-Buffer-Decoder Mode ....................23 Figure 17. Buffer-Decoder-Buffer Mode ....................24 Figure 18. Buffer-Decoder-Decoder Mode ................24 Figure 19. Decoder Mode..........................................25 Figure 20. Latch/FF Set/Reset Configurations ..........26 Figure 21. EBR Read and Write Cycles with Write Through ................................................29 Figure 22. Series 4 PIO Image from ORCA Foundry ......................................................33 Figure 23. ORCA High-Speed I/O Banks ..................36 Figure 24. PIO Shift Register.....................................38 Figure 25. Printed-Circuit Board with BoundaryScan Circuitry ........................................................39 Figure 26. Boundary-Scan Interface..........................40 Figure 27. ORCA Series Boundary-Scan Circuitry Functional Diagram .................................43 Figure 28. TAP Controller State Transition Diagram .................................................................44 Figure 29. Boundary-Scan Cell .................................45 Figure 30. Instruction Register Scan Timing Diagram .................................................................46 Figure 31. PLL_VF External Requirements...............53 Figure 32. PLL Naming Scheme ...............................54 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Table of Contents (continued) Contents Page Figure 33. FPGA States of Operation ....................... 55 Figure 34. Initialization/Configuration/Start-Up Waveforms............................................................. 57 Figure 35. Start-Up Waveforms................................. 59 Figure 36. Serial Configuration Data Format—Autoincrement Mode .............................. 60 Figure 37. Serial Configuration Data Format—Explicit Mode .......................................... 60 Figure 38. Master Parallel Configuration Schematic ....................................... 63 Figure 39. Master Serial Configuration Schematic.... 65 Figure 40. Asynchronous Peripheral Configuration... 66 Figure 41. PowerPC/MPI Configuration Schematic... 67 Figure 42. Configuration Through MPI ...................... 68 Figure 43. Readback Through MPI ........................... 69 Figure 44. Slave Serial Configuration Schematic ...... 70 Figure 45. Slave Parallel Configuration Schematic ... 71 Figure 46. Daisy-Chain Configuration Schematic ..... 72 Figure 47. Package Parasitics ................................. 120 Table Page Table 1. ORCA Series 4—Available FPGA Logic ....... 1 Table 2. System Performance .................................... 5 Table 3. Look-Up Table Operating Modes ................ 11 Table 4. Control Input Functionality .......................... 11 Table 5. Ripple Mode Equality Comparator Functions and Outputs .......................................... 18 Table 6. SLIC Modes ................................................ 22 Table 7. Configuration RAM Controlled Latch/ Flip-Flop Operation................................................ 25 Table 8. ORCA Series 4— Available Embedded Block RAM .......................................... 27 Table 9. RAM Signals ............................................... 28 Table 10. FIFO Signals ............................................ 29 Table 11. Constant Multiplier Signals ....................... 30 Table 12. 8 x 8 Multiplier Signals.............................. 30 Table 13. CAM Signals ............................................. 30 Table 14. Series 4 Programmable I/O Standards ..... 32 Table 15. PIO Options .............................................. 35 Table 16. PIO Register Control Signals .................... 35 Lucent Technologies Inc. Contents Page Table 17. PIO Logic Options..................................... 36 Table 18. Compatible Mixed I/O Standards .............. 36 Table 19. LVDS I/O Specifications........................... 37 Table 20. LVDS Termination Pin ............................. 37 Table 21. Dedicated Temperature Sensing.............. 39 Table 22. Boundary-Scan Instructions ..................... 40 Table 23. Series 4E Boundary-Scan Vendor-ID Codes................................................... 41 Table 24. TAP Controller Input/Outputs ................... 43 Table 25. Readback Options .................................... 46 Table 26. MPC 860 to ORCA MPI Interconnection .. 48 Table 27. Embedded System Bus/MPI Registers..... 50 Table 28. Interrupt Register Space Assignments ..... 50 Table 29. Status Register Space Assignments ........ 51 Table 30. Command Register Space Assignments .. 51 Table 31. PPLL Specifications.................................. 52 Table 32. DPLL DS-1/E-1 Specifications.................. 53 Table 33. Dedicated Pin Per Package ...................... 53 Table 34. STS-3/STM-1 DPLL Specifications........... 54 Table 35. Phase-Lock Loops Index .......................... 54 Table 36A. Configuration Frame Format and Contents ......................................................... 61 Table 36B. Configuration Frame Format and Contents for Embedded Block RAM............... 61 Table 37. Configuration Frame Size ......................... 62 Table 38. Configuration Modes................................. 63 Table 39. Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................... 73 Table 40. Recommended Operating Conditions....... 73 Table 41. Electrical Characteristics .......................... 73 Table 42. Pin Descriptions........................................ 75 Table 43. ORCA I/Os Summary ............................... 78 Table 44. 352-Pin PBGA Pinout ............................... 79 Table 45. 432-Pin EBGA .......................................... 89 Table 46. 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout ............................ 99 Table 47. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Plastic Package Thermal Guidelines .............................. 119 Table 48. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Parasitics .............................................. 119 Table 49. Series 4 Package Matrix (Speed Grades)................................................... 124 Table 50. Package Options..................................... 124 3 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Features (continued) — New register control in each PFU has two independent programmable clocks, clock enables, local set/reset, and data selects. — New LUT structure allows flexible combinations of LUT4, LUT5, new LUT6, 4-to-1 MUX, new 8-to-1 MUX, and ripple mode arithmetic functions in the same PFU. — 32 x 4 RAM per PFU, configurable as single- or dual-port. Create large, fast RAM/ROM blocks (128 x 8 in only eight PFUs) using the supplemental logic and interconnect cell (SLIC) decoders as bank drivers. — Softwired LUTs (SWL) allow fast cascading of up to three levels of LUT logic in a single PFU through fast internal routing which reduces routing congestion and improves speed. — Flexible fast access to PFU inputs from routing. — Fast-carry logic and routing to all four adjacent PFUs for nibble-, bytewide, or longer arithmetic functions, with the option to register the PFU carry-out. ■ Abundant high-speed buffered and nonbuffered routing resources provide 2x average speed improvements over previous architectures. ■ Hierarchical routing optimized for both local and global routing with dedicated routing resources. This results in faster routing times with predictable and efficient performance. ■ SLIC provides eight 3-statable buffers, up to 10-bit decoder, and PAL1-like and-or-invert (AOI) in each programmable logic cell. ■ 4 New 200 MHz embedded quad-port RAM blocks, two read ports, two write ports, and two sets of byte lane enables. Each embedded RAM block can be configured as: — One 512 x 18 (quad-port, two read/two write) with optional built-in arbitration. — One 256 x 36 (dual-port, one read/one write). — One 1K x 9 (dual-port, one read/one write). — Two 512 x 9 (dual-port, one read/one write for each). — Two RAMs with arbitrary number of words whose sum is 512 or less by 18 (dual-port, one read/one write). — Supports joining of RAM blocks. — Two 16 x 8-bit content addressable memory (CAM) support. — FIFO 512 x 18, 256 x 36, 1K x 9 or dual 512 x 9. — Constant multiply (8 x 16 or 16 x 8). — Dual-variable multiply (8 x 8). ■ Built-in testability. — Full boundary-scan (IEEE 2 1149.1 and Draft 1149.2 joint test access group (JTAG)). — Programming and readback through boundaryscan port compliant to IEEE Draft 1532:D1.7. — TS_ALL testability function to 3-state all I/O pins. — New temperature-sensing diode used to determine device junction temperature. System Features ■ PCI local bus compliant. ■ Improved PowerPC 3 860 and PowerPC II high-speed (66 MHz) synchronous MPI interface can be used for configuration, readback, device control, and device status, as well as for a general-purpose interface to the FPGA logic, RAMs, and embedded standard-cell blocks. Glueless interface to synchronous PowerPC processors with user-configurable address space provided. ■ New embedded AMBA4 specification 2.0 AHB system bus (ARM 4processor) facilitates communication among the microprocessor interface, configuration logic, EBR, FPGA logic, and embedded standard-cell blocks. Embedded 32-bit internal system bus plus 4-bit parity interconnects FPGA logic, microprocessor interface (MPI), embedded RAM blocks, and embedded standard-cell blocks with 100 MHz bus performance. Included are built-in system registers that act as the control and status center for the device. ■ New network phase-locked loops (PLLs) meet ITU-T G.811 specifications and provide clock conditioning for DS-1/E-1 and STS-3/STM-1 applications. ■ Flexible general-purpose programmable PLLs offer clock multiply (up to 8x), divide (down to 1/8x), phase shift, delay compensation, and duty cycle adjustment combined. Improved built-in clock management with programmable phase-locked loops (PPLLs) provide optimum clock modification and conditioning for phase, frequency, and duty cycle from 20 MHz up to 420 MHz. Each PPLL provides two separate clock outputs. 1. PAL is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2. IEEE a is registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3. PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Corporation. 4. AMBA and ARM are trademarks of ARM Limited. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs System Features (continued) ■ Variable-size bused readback of configuration data capability with the built-in MPI and system bus. ■ Internal, 3-state, bidirectional buses with simple control provided by the SLIC. ■ Meets universal test and operations PHY interface for ATM (UTOPIA) Levels 1, 2, and 3. Also meets proposed specifications for UTOPIA Level 4 for 10 Gbits/s interfaces. ■ New clock routing structures for global and local clocking significantly increases speed and reduces skew (<200 ps for OR4E4). ■ New local clock routing structures allow creation of localized clock trees anywhere on the device. ■ New DDR, QDR, and ZBT memory interfaces support the latest high-speed memory interfaces. ■ New 2x/4x uplink and downlink I/O shift registers capabilities interface high-speed external I/Os to reduced internal logic speed. ■ ORCA Foundry 2000 development system software. Supported by industry-standard CAE tools for design entry, synthesis, simulation, and timing analysis. Table 2. System Performance Function 16-bit loadable up/down counter 16-bit accumulator No. PFUs 2 Unit 2 2 282 282 MHz MHz 11.5 8 15 72 175 197 MHz MHz MHz 4 4 264 340 MHz MHz 8 8 264 264 MHz MHz 0.25 0 2 0 2 1.37 0.73 4.68 2.08 4.68 ns ns ns ns ns 8 x 8 Parallel Multiplier Multiplier mode, unpipelined 1 ROM mode, unpipelined 2 Multiplier mode, pipelined 3 32 x 16 RAM (synchronous) Single port, 3-state bus 4 Dual-port 5 128 x 8 RAM (synchronous) Single port, 3-state bus 4 Dual-port, 3-state bus 5 Address Decode 8-bit internal, LUT-based 8-bit internal, SLIC-based 6 32-bit internal, LUT-based 32-bit internal, SLIC-based 7 36-bit Parity Check (internal) 1. Implemented using 8 x 1 multiplier mode (unpipelined), register-to-register, two 8-bit inputs, one 16-bit output. 2. Implemented using two 32 x 4 RAMs and one 12-bit adder, one 8-bit input, one fixed operand, one 16-bit output. 3. Implemented using 8 x 1 multiplier mode (fully pipelined), two 8-bit inputs, one 16-bit output (seven of 15 PFUs contain only pipelining registers). 4. Implemented using 32 x 4 RAM mode with read data on 3-state buffer to bidirectional read/write bus. 5. Implemented using 32 x 4 dual-port RAM mode. 6. Implemented in one partially occupied SLIC, with decoded output setup to CE in the same PLC. 7. Implemented in five partially occupied SLICs. Lucent Technologies Inc. 5 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Product Description Architecture Overview The ORCA Series 4 architecture is a new generation of SRAM-based programmable devices from Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group. It includes enhancements and innovations geared toward today’s high-speed systems on a single chip. Designed with networking applications in mind, the Series 4 family incorporates system-level features that can further reduce logic requirements and increase system speed. ORCA Series 4 devices contain many new patented enhancements and are offered in a variety of packages and speed grades. The hierarchical architecture of the logic, clocks, routing, RAM, and system-level blocks create a seamless merge of FPGA and ASIC designs. Modular hardware and software technologies enable system-on-chip integration with true plug-and-play design implementation. The architecture consists of four basic elements: programmable logic cells (PLCs), programmable input/output cells (PIOs), embedded block RAMs (EBRs), and system-level features. These elements are interconnected with a rich routing fabric of both global and local wires. An array of PLCs and its associated resources are surrounded by common interface blocks (CIBs) that provide an abundant interface to the adjacent PIOs or 6 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 system blocks. Routing congestion around these critical blocks is eliminated by the use of the same routing fabric implemented within the programmable logic core. PICs provide the logical interface to the PIOs which provide the boundary interface off and onto the device. Also, the interquad routing blocks (hIQ, vIQ) separate the quadrants of the PLC array and provide the global routing and clocking elements. Each PLC contains a PFU, SLIC, local routing resources, and configuration RAM. Most of the FPGA logic is performed in the PFU, but decoders, PAL-like functions, and 3-state buffering can be performed in the SLIC. The PIOs provide device inputs and outputs and can be used to register signals and to perform input demultiplexing, output multiplexing, uplink and downlink functions, and other functions on two output signals. The Series 4 architecture integrates macrocell blocks of memory known as EBR. The blocks run horizontally across the PLC array and provide flexible memory functionality. Large blocks of 512 x 18 quad-port RAM complement the existing distributed PFU memory. The RAM blocks can be used to implement RAM, ROM, FIFO, multiplier, and CAM. System-level functions such as a microprocessor interface, PLLs, embedded system bus elements (located in the corners of the array), the routing resources, and configuration RAM are also integrated elements of the architecture. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Product Description (continued) EMBEDDED BLOCK RAM HIGH-SPEED I/Os EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE (MPI) SYSTEM BUS CLOCK PINS PFU SLIC PLC PIC PIO FPGA/SYSTEM BUS INTERFACE PLLs 5-7536 (F)a Figure 1. Series 4 Top-Level Diagram Programmable Logic Cells The PLCs are arranged in an array of rows and columns. The location of a PLC is indicated by its row and column so that a PLC in the second row and the third column is R2C3. The array of actual PLCs for every device begins with R3C2 in all Series 4 generic FPGAs. The PLC consists of a PFU, SLIC, and routing resources. Each PFU within a PLC contains eight 4-input (16-bit) LUTs, eight latches/FFs, and one additional FF that may be used independently or with arithmetic functions. The PFU is the main logic element of the PLC, containing elements for both combinatorial Lucent Technologies Inc. and sequential logic. Combinatorial logic is done in LUTs located in the PFU. The PFU can be used in different modes to meet different logic requirements. The LUTs twin-quad architecture provides a configurable medium-/large-grain architecture that can be used to implement from one to eight independent combinatorial logic functions or a large number of complex logic functions using multiple LUTs. The flexibility of the LUT to handle wide input functions, as well as multiple smaller input functions, maximizes the gate count per PFU while increasing system speed. 7 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) The PFU is organized in a twin-quad fashion: two sets of four LUTs and FFs that can be controlled independently. Each PFU has two independent programmable clocks, clock enables, local set/reset, and data selects with one available per set of quad FFs. LUTs may also be combined for use in arithmetic functions using fast-carry chain logic in either 4-bit or 8-bit modes. The carry-out of either mode may be registered in the ninth FF for pipelining. Each PFU may also be configured as a synchronous 32 x 4 single- or dual-port RAM or ROM. The FFs (or latches) may obtain input from LUT outputs or directly from invertible PFU inputs, or they can be tied high or tied low. The FFs also have programmable clock polarity, clock enables, and local set/reset. The LUTs can be programmed to operate in one of three modes: combinatorial, ripple, or memory. In combinatorial mode, the LUTs can realize any 4-, 5-, or 6-input logic function and many multilevel logic functions using ORCA’s SWL connections. In ripple mode, the high-speed carry logic is used for arithmetic functions, comparator functions, or enhanced data path functions. In memory mode, the LUTs can be used as a 32 x 4 synchronous RAM or ROM, in either single- or dual-port mode. The SLIC is connected from PLC routing resources and from the outputs of the PFU. It contains eight 3-state, bidirectional buffers and logic to perform up to a 10-bit AND function for decoding, or an AND-OR with optional INVERT to perform PAL-like functions. The 3-state drivers in the SLIC and their direct connections from the PFU outputs make fast, true 3-state buses possible within the FPGA. Programmable Function Unit The PFUs are used for logic. Each PFU has 53 external inputs and 20 outputs and can operate in several modes. The functionality of the inputs and outputs depends on the operating mode. 8 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 The PFU uses 36 data input lines for the LUTs, eight data input lines for the latches/FFs, eight control inputs (CLK[1:0], CE[1:0], LSR[1:0], SEL[1:0]), and a carry input (CIN) for fast arithmetic functions and generalpurpose data input for the ninth FF. There are eight combinatorial data outputs (one from each LUT), eight latched/registered outputs (one from each latch/FF), a carry-out (COUT), and a registered carry-out (REGCOUT) that comes from the ninth FF. The carry-out signals are used principally for fast arithmetic functions. There are also two dedicated F6 mode outputs which are for the 6-input LUT function and 8-to-1 MUX. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show high-level and detailed views of the ports in the PFU, respectively. The eight sets of LUT inputs are labeled as K0 through K7 with each of the four inputs to each LUT having a suffix of _x, where x is a number from 0 to 3. There are four F5 inputs labeled A through D. These are used for additional LUT inputs for 5- and 6-input LUTs or as a selector for multiplexing two 4-input LUTs. Four adjacent LUT4s can also be multiplexed together with a 4-to-1 MUX to create a 6-input LUT. The eight direct data inputs to the latches/FFs are labeled as DIN[7:0]. Registered LUT outputs are shown as Q[7:0], and combinatorial LUT outputs are labeled as F[7:0]. The PFU implements combinatorial logic in the LUTs and sequential logic in the latches/FFs. The LUTs are static random access memory (SRAM) and can be used for read/write or ROM. Each latch/FF can accept data from its associated LUT. Alternatively, the latches/FFs can accept direct data from DIN[7:0], eliminating the LUT delay if no combinatorial function is needed. Additionally, the CIN input can be used as a direct data source for the ninth FF. The LUT outputs can bypass the latches/FFs, which reduces the delay out of the PFU. It is possible to use the LUTs and latches/FFs more or less independently, allowing, for instance, a comparator function in the LUTs simultaneously with a shift register in the FFs. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) F5D K7_0 K7_1 K7_2 K7_3 K6_0 K6_1 K6_2 K6_3 K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 K5_3 LUT603 LUT647 K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 K4_3 F5C DIN7 DIN6 DIN5 DIN4 DIN3 DIN2 DIN1 DIN0 PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION UNIT (PFU) Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 COUT REGCOUT CIN F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 F5B K3_0 K3_1 K3_2 K3_3 K2_0 K2_1 K2_2 K2_3 K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 K1_3 K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 K0_3 F5A LSR[0:1] CLK[0:1] CE[0:1] SEL[0:1] 5-5752(F)a Figure 2. PFU Ports The PFU can be configured to operate in four modes: logic mode, half-logic mode, ripple mode, and memory (RAM/ ROM) mode. In addition, ripple mode has four submodes and RAM mode can be used in either a single- or dualport memory fashion. These submodes of operation are discussed in the following sections. Lucent Technologies Inc. 9 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) FSDMUX F7 AMUX F5D 0 K7_0 K7_0MUX K7_1 K7_2 DIN7 A K7 0 DIN7MUX B K7_2MUX K7_3 K6_0 C H7H6MUX REG7 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR Q7 RESET SET D K6_0MUX K6_1 K6_2 A K6 LUT6MUX DIN6 0 B K6_2MUX K6_3 DIN6MUX C D K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 K5_3 DIN5 0 H5H4MUX A K4 B C D DIN5MUX FSCMUX F5C F6 Q6 RESET SET DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 LUT647 F5 A K5 B C D K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 K4_3 REG6 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 DIN4 0 0 CLK1MUX CLK1 SR1MODEATTR SR1MODE DIN4MUX 0 CE1_OVER_LSR1 LSR1_OVER_CE1 RSYNC1 REG5 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR REG4 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR Q5 RESET SET F4 Q4 RESET SET SEL1MUX SEL1 DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 REGMODE_TOP 0 CE1MUX CE1 1 CE47MUX FF LATCH REG 4 THROUGH 7 1 LSR1MUX 0 LSR1 LSR47MUX 0 CINMUX CIN COUT 0 CLK0MUX CLK0 0 SEL0MUX SEL0 THIS IS ALWAYS A FLIPFLOP 0 CE0MUX CE0 1 1 0 SR0MODEATTR SR0MODE CE0_OVER_LSR0 LSR0_OVER_CE0 ASYNC0 LSR0MUX LSR0 0 1 0 CEBMUX CE03MUX LSRBMUX REG8 D0 SP CK LSR RECCOUT RESET SET LSR03MUX DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 FSBMUX F3 BMUX F5B 0 K3_0 K3_0MUX K3_1 K3_2 0 DIN3MUX B K3_2MUX K3_3 K2_0 C H3H2MUX Q3 RESET SET D K2_0MUX K2_1 K2_2 A K2 LUT6MUX DIN2 0 B K2_2MUX K2_3 DIN2MUX C D K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 K1_3 DIN1 0 H1H0MUX A K0 B C D DIN1MUX F5AMUX F5A 0 GSR REG2 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 F2 Q2 RESET SET DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 LUT603 F1 A K1 B C D K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 K0_3 LOGIC MLOGIC RIPPLE RAM ROM DIN3 A K3 REG3 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR DIN0 0 DIN0MUX ENABLED DISABLED REG1 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR REG0 D0 D1 SD SP CK LSR Q1 RESET SET DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 F0 Q0 RESET SET DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 REGMODE_BOT FF LATCH PFU MODES REG 0 THROUGH 3 5-9714(F) Note: All multiplexers without select inputs are configuration selector multiplexers. Figure 3. Simplified PFU Diagram 10 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) Look-Up Table Operating Modes The operating mode affects the functionality of the PFU input and output ports and internal PFU routing. For example, in some operating modes, the DIN[7:0] inputs are direct data inputs to the PFU latches/FFs. In memory mode, the same DIN[7:0] inputs are used as a 4-bit write data input bus and a 4-bit write address input bus into LUT memory. Table 3 lists the basic operating modes of the LUT. Figure 4—Figure 7 show block diagrams of the LUT operating modes. The accompanying descriptions demonstrate each mode’s use for generating logic. Table 3. Look-Up Table Operating Modes Mode Function Logic 4-, 5-, and 6-input LUTs; softwired LUTs; latches/FFs with direct input or LUT input; CIN as direct input to ninth FF or as pass through to COUT. Half Logic/ Upper four LUTs and latches/FFs in logic mode; lower four LUTs and latches/FFs in ripple mode; Half Ripple CIN and ninth FF for logic or ripple functions. Ripple All LUTs combined to perform ripple-through data functions. Eight LUT registers available for direct-in use or to register ripple output. Ninth FF dedicated to ripple out, if used. The submodes of ripple mode are adder/subtractor, counter, multiplier, and comparator. Memory All LUTs and latches/FFs used to create a 32x4 synchronous dual-port RAM. Can be used as single-port or as ROM. PFU Control Inputs Each PFU has eight routable control inputs and an active-low, asynchronous global set/reset (GSRN) signal that affects all latches and FFs in the device. The eight control inputs are CLK[1:0], LSR[1:0], CE[1:0], and SEL[1:0], and their functionality for each logic mode of the PFU is shown in Table 4. The clock signal to the PFU is CLK, CE stands for clock enable, which is its primary function. LSR is the local set/reset signal that can be configured as synchronous or asynchronous. The selection of set or reset is made for each latch/FF and is not a function of the signal itself. SEL is used to dynamically select between direct PFU input and LUT output data as the input to the latches/FFs. All of the control signals can be disabled and/or inverted via the configuration logic. A disabled clock enable indicates that the clock is always enabled. A disabled LSR indicates that the latch/FF never sets/resets (except from GSRN). A disabled SEL input indicates that DIN[7:0] PFU inputs or the LUT outputs are always input to the latches/ FFs. Table 4. Control Input Functionality Mode Logic CLK[1:0] CLK to all latches/ FFs Half Logic/ CLK to all latches/ Half Ripple FFs Ripple Memory (RAM) Memory (ROM) CLK to all latches/ FFs CLK to RAM LSR[1:0] LSR to all latches/FFs, enabled per nibble and for ninth FF LSR to all latches/FF, enabled per nibble and for ninth FF LSR to all latches/FFs, enabled per nibble and for ninth FF LSR0 port enable 2 Optional for Not used synchronous outputs Lucent Technologies Inc. CE[1:0] CE to all latches/FFs, selectable per nibble and for ninth FF CE to all latches/FFs, selectable per nibble and for ninth FF CE to all latches/FFs, selectable per nibble and for ninth FF CE1 RAM write enable CE0 Port enable 1 Not used SEL[1:0] Select between LUT input and direct input for eight latches/FFs Select between LUT input and direct input for eight latches/FFs Select between LUT input and direct input for eight latches/FFs Not used Not used 11 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) Logic Mode The PFU diagram of Figure 3 represents the logic mode of operation. In logic mode, the eight LUTs are used individually or in flexible groups to implement user logic functions. The latches/FFs may be used in conjunction with the LUTs or separately with the direct PFU data inputs. There are three basic submodes of LUT operation in PFU logic mode: F4 mode, F5 mode, and the F6 mode. Combinations of the submodes are possible in each PFU. F4 mode, shown simplified in Figure 4, illustrates the uses of the basic 4-input LUTs in the PFU. The output of an F4 LUT can be passed out of the PFU, captured at the LUTs associated latch/FF, or multiplexed with the adjacent F4 LUT output using one of the F5[A:D] inputs to the PFU (not shown). Only adjacent LUT pairs (K0 and K1, K2 and K3, K4 and K5, K6 and K7) can be multiplexed, and the output always goes to the even-numbered output of the pair. The F5 submode of the LUT operation, shown simplified in Figure 4, indicates the use of 5-input LUTs to implement logic. 5-input LUTs are created from two 4-input LUTs and a multiplexer. The F5 LUT is the same as the multiplexing of two F4 LUTs described previously with the constraint that the inputs to both F4 LUTs be the same. The F5[A:D] input is then used as the fifth LUT input. The equations for the two F4 LUTs will differ by the assumed value for the F5[A:D] input, one F4 LUT assuming that the F5[A:D] input is zero, and the other assuming it is a one. The selection of the appropriate F4 LUT output in the F5 MUX by the F5[A:D] signal creates a 5-input LUT. Two 6-input LUTs are created by shorting together the inputs of four 4-input LUTs (K0:3 and K4:7) which are multiplexed together. The F5 inputs of the adjacent F4 LUTs derive the fifth and sixth inputs of the F6 mode as shown in Figure 5. The F6 outputs, LUT603 and LUT647, are dedicated to the F6 mode or can be used as the outputs of MUX8x1. MUX8x1 modes as shown in Figure 7 are created by programming adjacent 4-input LUTs to 2x1 MUXs and multiplexing down to create MUX8x1. Other functions can be implemented from the configuration shown in Figure 5 where the four LUT4s drive the 4x1 MUX in each half of the PFU if the LUT4 inputs are not tied to the same inputs. Both F6 mode and MUX8x1 are available in the upper and lower PFU nibbles. 12 Any combination of F4 and F5 LUTs is allowed per PFU using the eight 16-bit LUTs. Examples are eight F4 LUTs, four F5 LUTs, a combination of four F4 plus two F5 LUTs, a combination of two F4, one F5, plus one F6, or a combination of one F5, one MUX21 of two LUT4s, and one MUX41 of four LUT4s. K7 F7 K7_0 K7_1 K7_2 K7_3 LUT4 F5D K6 F6 K5 F5 K6_0 K6_1 K6_2 K6_3 LUT4 K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 K5_3 LUT4 2x1 MUX F6 F5C K4 F4 K3 F3 K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 K4_3 LUT4 K3_0 K3_1 K3_2 K3_3 LUT4 2x1 MUX F4 F5B K2 F2 K1 F1 K2_0 K2_1 K2_2 K2_3 LUT4 K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 K1_3 LUT4 2x1 MUX F2 F5A K0 F0 K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 K0_3 LUT4 2x1 MUX F0 5-9733(F) Figure 4. Simplified F4 and F5 Logic Modes Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) K7_0 K7_1 K7_2 LUT4 F5D K7_0 K7_1 K7_2 K7_3 LUT4 K6_0 K6_1 K6_2 LUT4 K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 LUT4 2x1 MUX F4 2x1 MUX F3 2x1 MUX F2 2x1 MUX F0 F5D K6_0 K6_1 K6_2 K6_3 LUT4 K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 K5_3 LUT4 4x1 MUX LUT647 F5C F5C K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 K4_3 LUT4 K3_0 K3_1 K3_2 LUT4 LUT4 K3_0 K3_1 K3_2 K3_3 LUT4 F5B F5B K2_0 K2_1 K2_2 K2_3 LUT4 K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 K1_3 LUT4 4x1 MUX LUT603 K2_0 K2_1 K2_2 LUT4 K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 LUT4 F5A F5A K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 K0_3 K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 LUT4 LUT4 5-9735(F) 5-9734(F)a Figure 5. Simplified F6 Logic Modes Lucent Technologies Inc. Figure 6. MUX 4x1 13 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) K7_0 K7_1 K7_2 LUT4 F5D K6_0 K6_1 K6_2 LUT4 K5_0 K5_1 K5_2 LUT4 4x1 MUX MUX8x1 [LUT647] 4x1 MUX MUX8x1 [LUT603] F5C K4_0 K4_1 K4_2 LUT4 K3_0 K3_1 K3_2 LUT4 F5B K2_0 K2_1 K2_2 LUT4 K1_0 K1_1 K1_2 LUT4 F5A K0_0 K0_1 K0_2 LUT4 5-9736(F)a Figure 7. MUX 8x1 Softwired LUT capability uses F4, F5, and F6 LUTs, along with MUX21 and MUX41 blocks together with internal PFU feedback routing, to generate complex logic functions up to three LUT levels deep. Multiplexers can be independently configured to route certain LUT outputs to the input of other LUTs. In this manner, very complex logic functions, some of up to 22 inputs, can be implemented in a single PFU at greatly enhanced speeds. It is important to note that an LUT output that is fed back for softwired use is still available to be registered or output from the PFU. This means, for instance, that a logic equation that is needed by itself and as a term in a larger equation need only be generated once, and PLC routing resources will not be required to use it in the larger equation. 14 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) F4 F4 F4 F4 F5 F5 F4 F4 F4 F4 F5 F5 FOUR 7-INPUT FUNCTIONS IN ONE PFU TWO 9-INPUT FUNCTIONS IN ONE PFU F5 F5 F4 F4 F5 F4 F4 F5 F5 F5 ONE 21-INPUT FUNCTION IN ONE PFU ONE 17-INPUT FUNCTION IN ONE PFU 5-5753 (F) F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 3 F4 F4 ONE OF TWO 21-INPUT FUNCTIONS IN ONE PFU TWO 10-INPUT FUNCTIONS IN ONE PFU F4 F4 F4 F4 F5 F6 ONE 22-INPUT FUNCTION IN ONE PFU F4 4-INPUT LUT F5 5-INPUT LUT F6 6-INPUT LUT 5-5754 (F) Figure 8. Softwired LUT Topology Examples Lucent Technologies Inc. 15 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) Half-Logic Mode Series 4 FPGAs are based upon a twin-quad architecture in the PFUs. The bytewide nature (eight LUTs, eight latches/FFs) may just as easily be viewed as two nibbles (two sets of four LUTs, four latches/FFs). The two nibbles of the PFU are organized so that any nibblewide feature (excluding some softwired LUT topologies) can be swapped with any other nibblewide feature in another PFU. This provides for very flexible use of logic and for extremely flexible routing. The half-logic mode of the PFU takes advantage of the twin-quad architecture and allows half of a PFU, K[7:4] and associated latches/FFs, to be used in logic mode while the other half of the PFU, K[3:0] and associated latches/FFs, is used in ripple mode. In half-logic mode, the ninth FF may be used as a general-purpose FF or as a register in the ripple mode carry chain. operation (K3, F[3:0]), respectively. The ripple mode diagram (Figure 9) shows full PFU ripple operation, with half-logic ripple connections shown as dashed lines. The result output and ripple output are calculated by using generate/propagate circuitry. In ripple mode, the two operands are input into KZ[1] and KZ[0] of each LUT. The result bits, one per LUT, are F[7:0]/F[3:0] (see Figure 9). The ripple output from LUT K7/K3 can be routed on dedicated carry circuitry into any of four adjacent PLCs, and it can be placed on the PFU COUT/ FCOUT outputs. This allows the PLCs to be cascaded in the ripple mode so that nibblewide ripple functions can be expanded easily to any length. Result outputs and the carry-out may optionally be registered within the PFU. The capability to register the ripple results, including the carry output, provides for improved counter performance and simplified pipelining in arithmetic functions. Ripple Mode The PFU LUTs can be combined to do bytewide ripple functions with high-speed carry logic. Each LUT has a dedicated carry-out net to route the carry to/from any adjacent LUT. Using the internal carry circuits, fast arithmetic, counter, and comparison functions can be implemented in one PFU. Similarly, each PFU has carry-in (CIN, FCIN) and carry-out (COUT, FCOUT) ports for fast-carry routing between adjacent PFUs. The ripple mode is generally used in operations on two data buses. A single PFU can support an 8-bit ripple function. Data buses of 4 bits and less can use the nibblewide ripple chain that is available in half-logic mode. This nibblewide ripple chain is also useful for longer ripple chains where the length modulo 8 is four or less. For example, a 12-bit adder (12 modulo 8 = 4) can be implemented in one PFU in ripple mode (8 bits) and one PFU in half-logic mode (4 bits), freeing half of a PFU for general logic mode functions. Each LUT has two operands and a ripple (generally carry) input, and provides a result and ripple (generally carry) output. A single bit is rippled from the previous LUT and is used as input into the current LUT. For LUT K0, the ripple input is from the PFU CIN or FCIN port. The CIN/FCIN data can come from either the fast-carry routing (FCIN) or the PFU input (CIN), or it can be tied to logic 1 or logic 0. In the following discussions, the notations LUT K7/K3 and F[7:0]/F[3:0] are used to denote the LUT that provides the carry-out and the data outputs for full PFU ripple operation (K7, F[7:0]) and half-logic ripple 16 C D Q REGOUT FCOUT COUT C F7 K7[1] K7[0] K7 D Q K6 D Q K5[1] K5[0] K5 D Q K4[1] K4[0] K4 D Q K3 D Q K2[1] K2[0] K2 D Q K1[1] K1[0] K1 D Q K0 D Q Q7 F6 K6[1] K6[0] Q6 F5 Q5 F4 Q4 F3 K3[1] K3[0] Q3 F2 Q2 F1 Q1 F0 K0[1] K0[0] Q0 IN/FCIN 5-5755(F). Figure 9. Ripple Mode Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) The ripple mode can be used in one of four submodes. The first of these is adder-subtractor submode. In this submode, each LUT generates three separate outputs. One of the three outputs selects whether the carry-in is to be propagated to the carry-out of the current LUT or if the carry-out needs to be generated. If the carry-out needs to be generated, this is provided by the second LUT output. The result of this selection is placed on the carry-out signal, which is connected to the next LUT carry-in or the COUT/FCOUT signal, if it is the last LUT (K7/K3). Both of these outputs can be any equation created from KZ[1] and KZ[0], but in this case, they have been set to the propagate and generate functions. The third LUT output creates the result bit for each LUT output connected to F[7:0]/F[3:0]. If an adder/subtractor is needed, the control signal to select addition or subtraction is input on F5A/F5C inputs. These inputs generate the controller input AS. When AS = 0, this function performs the adder, A + B. When AS = 1, the function performs the subtractor, A – B. The result bit is created in one-half of the LUT from a single bit from each input bus KZ[1:0], along with the ripple input bit. The second submode is the counter submode (see Figure 10). The present count, which may be initialized via the PFU DIN inputs to the latches/FFs, is supplied to input KZ[0], and then output F[7:0]/F[3:0] will either be incremented by one for an up counter or decremented by one for a down counter. If an up/down counter is needed, the control signal to select the direction (up or down) is input on F5A and F5C. When F5[A:C], respectively per nibble, is a logic 1, this indicates a down counter and a logic 0 indicates an up counter. Lucent Technologies Inc. C D Q REGCOUT FCOUT COUT C F7 K7[0] K7 D Q K6 D Q K5 D Q K4 D Q K3 D Q K2 D Q K1 D Q K0 D Q Q7 F6 K6[0] Q6 F5 K5[0] Q5 F4 K4[0] Q4 F3 K3[0] Q3 F2 K2[0] Q2 F1 K1[0] Q1 F0 K0[0] Q0 CIN/FCIN 5-5756(F) Figure 10. Counter Submode 17 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) In the third submode, multiplier submode, a single PFU can affect an 8x1 bit (4x1 for half-ripple mode) multiply and sum with a partial product (see Figure 11). The multiplier bit is input at F5[A:C], respectively per nibble, and the multiplicand bits are input at KZ[1], where K7[1] is the most significant bit (MSB). KZ[0] contains the partial product (or other input to be summed) from a previous stage. If F5[A:C] is logical 1, the multiplicand is added to the partial product. If F5[A:C] is logical 0, 0 is added to the partial product, which is the same as passing the partial product. CIN/FCIN can bring the carry-in from the less significant PFUs if the multiplicand is wider than 8 bits, and COUT/FCOUT holds any carry-out from the multiplication, which may then be used as part of the product or routed to another PFU in multiplier mode for multiplicand width expansion. Ripple mode’s fourth submode features equality comparators. The functions that are explicitly available are A ≥ B, A ≠ B, and A ≤ B, where the value for A is input on KZ[0], and the value for B is input on KZ[1]. A value of 1 on the carry-out signals valid argument. For example, a carry-out equal to 1 in AB submode indicates that the value on KZ[0] is greater than or equal to the value on KZ[1]. Conversely, the functions A ≤ B, A + B, and A > B are available using the same functions but with a 0 output expected. For example, A > B with a 0 output indicates A ≤ B. Table 5 shows each function and the output expected. If larger than 8 bits, the carry-out signal can be cascaded using fast-carry logic to the carry-in of any adjacent PFU. The use of this submode could be shown using Figure 9, except that the CIN/FCIN input for the least significant PFU is controlled via configuration. C REGCOUT D Q F5[A:C] COUT C K7[1] 0 1 0 F7 K7[0] Q Q7 K7 K6[1] 0 1 0 F6 D + K6[0] Q Q6 K6 K5[1] 0 1 0 F5 D + K5[0] Q Q5 K5 K4[1] 0 1 0 F4 D + K4[0] Q Q4 K4 K3[1] 0 1 0 F3 D + K3[0] Q Q3 K3 K2[1] 0 1 0 F2 D + K2[0] Q Q2 K2 K1[1] 0 1 0 F1 D + K1[0] Q Q1 K1 K0[1] 0 K0[0] D + 1 0 F0 D + Q Q0 K0 5-5757(F) Key: C = configuration data. Note: F5[A:C] shorted together. Figure 11. Multiplier Submode Table 5. Ripple Mode Equality Comparator Functions and Outputs 18 Equality Function ORCA Foundry Submode True, if Carry-Out Is: A≥B A≤B A≠B A<B A>B A=B A≥B A≤B A≠B A>B A<B A≠B 1 1 1 0 0 0 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) Memory Mode The Series 4 PFU can be used to implement a 32 x 4 (128-bit) synchronous, dual-port RAM. A block diagram of a PFU in memory mode is shown in Figure 12. This RAM can also be configured to work as a single-port memory and because initial values can be loaded into the RAM during configuration, it can also be used as a ROM. F5[A:D] CIN(WA1) D Q DIN7(WA3) D Q DIN5(WA2) D Q DIN3(WA1) D Q DIN1(WA0) DIN6(WD3) READ ADDRESS[4:0] 4 KZ[3:0] 5 F6 F4 F2 F0 READ DATA[3:0] D Q D Q DIN4(WD2) D Q DIN2(WD1) D Q DIN0(WD0) D Q CE0, LSR0 (SEE NOTE 2.) D Q CE1 S/E WRITE ADDRESS[4:0] 4 D Q Q6 D Q Q4 D Q Q2 D Q Q0 4 WRITE DATA[3:0] WRITE ENABLE RAM CLOCK CLK[0:1] 5-5969(F)a 1. CLK[0:1] are commonly connected in memory mode. 2. CE1 = write enable = wren; wren = 0 (no write enable); wren = 1 (write enabled). CE0 = write port enable 0; CE0 = 0, wren = 0; CE0 = 1, wren = CE1. LSR0 = write port enable 1; LSR0 = 0, wren = CE0; LSR0 = 1, wren = CE1. Figure 12. Memory Mode Lucent Technologies Inc. 19 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) The PFU memory mode uses all LUTs and latches/FFs including the ninth FF in its implementation as shown in Figure 12. The read address is input at the KZ[3:0] and F5[A:D] inputs where KZ[0] is the LSB and F5[A:D] is the MSB, and the write address is input on CIN (MSB) and DIN[7, 5, 3, 1], with DIN[1] being the LSB. Write data is input on DIN[6, 4, 2, 0], where DIN[6] is the MSB, and read data is available combinatorially on F[6, 4, 2, 0] and registered on Q[6, 4, 2, 0] with F[6] and Q[6] being the MSB. The write enable controlling ports are input on CE0, CE1, and LSR0. CE1 is the activehigh write enable (CE1 = 1, RAM is write enabled). The first write port is enabled by CE0. The second write port is enabled with LSR0. The PFU CLK (CLK0) signal is used to synchronously write the data. The polarities of the clock, write enable, and port enables are all programmable. Write-port enables may be disabled if they are not to be used. Data is written to the write data, write address, and write enable registers on the active edge of the clock, but data is not written into the RAM until the next clock edge one-half cycle later. The read port is actually asynchronous, providing the user with read data very quickly after setting the read address, but timing is also provided so that the read port may be treated as fully synchronous for write then read applications. If the read and write address lines are tied together (maintaining MSB to MSB, etc.), then the dual-port RAM operates as a synchronous single-port RAM. If the write enable is disabled, and an initial memory contents are provided at configuration time, the memory acts as a ROM (the write data and write address ports and write port enables are not used). 20 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 Wider memories can be created by operating two or more memory mode PFUs in parallel, all with the same address and control signals, but each with a different nibble of data. To increase memory word depth above 32, two or more PLCs can be used. Figure 10 shows a 128 x 8 dual-port RAM that is implemented in eight PLCs. This figure demonstrates data path width expansion by placing two memories in parallel to achieve an 8-bit data path. Depth expansion is applied to achieve 128 words deep using the 32-word deep PFU memories. In addition to the PFU in each PLC, the SLIC (described in the next section) in each PLC is used for read address decodes and 3-state drivers. The 128 x 8 RAM shown could be made to operate as a single-port RAM by tying (bit-for-bit) the read and write addresses. To achieve depth expansion, one or two of the write address bits (generally the MSBs) are routed to the write port enables as in Figure 10. For 2 bits, the bits select which 32-word bank of RAM of the four available from a decode of two WPE inputs is to be written. Similarly, 2 bits of the read address are decoded in the SLIC and are used to control the 3-state buffers through which the read data passes. The write data bus is common, with separate nibbles for width expansion, across all PLCs, and the read data bus is common (again, with separate nibbles) to all PLCs at the output of the 3-state buffers. Figure 13 also shows the capability to provide a read enable for RAMs/ROMs using the SLIC cell. The read enable will 3-state the read data bus when inactive, allowing the write data and read data buses to be tied together if desired. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) 8 WD[7:0] 4 4 PLC WD[7:4] 5 WA RA WD[3:0] 5 5 WA RA 4 PLC WD[7:4] 5 5 WA RA PLC WD[3:0] 5 5 WA RA WPE 1 WPE 1 WPE 1 WPE 1 WPE 2 WPE 2 WPE 2 WPE 2 WE WE WE WE RD[7:4] RD[3:0] RE 4 RD[7:0] 4 PLC RD[7:4] RE 4 RD[3:0] RE 4 5 RE 4 8 WE WA[6:0] RA[6:0] 7 7 CLK RE 5-5749(F) Figure 13. Memory Mode Expansion Example—128 x 8 RAM Supplemental Logic and Interconnect Cell Each PLC contains a SLIC embedded within the PLC routing, outside of the PFU. As its name indicates, the SLIC performs both logic and interconnect (routing) functions. Its main features are 3-statable, bidirectional buffers, and a PAL-like decoder capability. Figure 14 shows a diagram of a SLIC with all of its features shown. All modes of the SLIC are not available at one time. The ten SLIC inputs can be sourced directly from the PFU or from the general routing fabric. SI[0:9] inputs can come from the horizontal or vertical routing, and I[0:9} comes from the PFU outputs O[9:0]. These inputs can also be tied to a logical 1 or 0 constant. The inputs are twin-quad in nature and are segregated into two groups of four nibbles and a third group of two inputs for control. Each input nibble groups also have 3-state capability; however, the third pair does not. There is one 3-state control (TRI) for each SLIC, with the capability to invert or disable the 3-state control for each group of four BIDIs. Separate 3-state control for each nibblewide group is achievable by using the SLICs decoder (DEC) output, driven by the group of Lucent Technologies Inc. two BIDIs, to control the 3-state of one BIDI nibble while using the TRI signal to control the 3-state of the other BIDI nibble. Figure 15 shows the SLIC in buffer mode with available 3-state control from the TRI and DEC signals. If the entire SLIC is acting in a buffer capacity, the DEC output may be used to generate a constant logic 1 (VHI) or logic 0 (VLO) signal for general use. The SLIC may also be used to generate PAL-like ANDOR with optional INVERT (AOI) functions or a decoder of up to 10 bits. Each group of buffers can feed into an AND gate (4-input AND for the nibble groups and 2-input AND for the other two buffers). These AND gates then feed into a 3-input gate that can be configured as either an AND gate or an OR gate. The output of the 3-input gate is invertible and is output at the DEC output of the SLIC. Figure 19 shows the SLIC in full decoder mode. The functionality of the SLIC is parsed by the two nibblewide groups and the 2-bit buffer group. Each of these groups may operate independently as BIDI buffers (with or without 3-state capability for the nibblewide groups) or as a PAL/decoder. 21 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) As discussed in the Memory Mode section on page 19, if the SLIC is placed into one of the modes where it contains both buffers and a decode or AOI function (e.g., BUF_BUF_DEC mode), the DEC output can be gated with the 3-state input signal. This allows up to a 6-input decode (e.g., BUF_DEC_DEC mode) plus the 3-state input to control the enable/disable of up to four buffers per SLIC. Figure 15—Figure 19 show several configurations of the SLIC, while Table 6 shows all of the possible modes. SIN9 I9 SOUT09 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN8 I8 SOUT08 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN7 I7 SOUT07 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN6 I6 SOUT06 LOGIC 1 OR 0 Table 6. SLIC Modes Mode No. Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BUFFER BUF_BUF_DEC BUF_DEC_BUF BUF_DEC_DEC DEC_BUF_BUF DEC_BUF_DEC DEC_DEC_BUF DECODER SIN5 I5 BUF [3:0] BUF [7:4] BUF [9:8] Buffer Buffer Buffer Buffer Decoder Decoder Decoder Decoder Buffer Buffer Decoder Decoder Buffer Buffer Decoder Decoder Buffer Decoder Buffer Decoder Buffer Decoder Buffer Decoder SOUT05 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN4 I4 DEC SOUT04 LOGIC 1 OR 0 TRI 0/1 0/1 DEC 0/1 0/1 SIN3 I3 SOUT03 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN2 I2 SOUT02 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN1 I1 SOUT01 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN0 I0 SOUT00 LOGIC 1 OR 0 5-5744(F).a. Figure 14. SLIC All Modes Diagram 22 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) SIN9 I9 SIN9 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SOUT09 I9 SIN8 LOGIC 1 OR 0 I8 SIN8 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SOUT08 I8 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN7 SIN7 SOUT07 I7 SOUT07 I7 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN6 SIN6 SOUT06 I6 SOUT06 I6 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN5 SIN5 SOUT05 I5 SOUT05 I5 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN4 SOUT04 I4 SIN4 SOUT04 I4 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 1 DEC TRI TRI 0/1 1 1 DEC 0 1 THIS CAN BE USED TO GENERATE A VHI OR VLO. 1 0/1 SIN3 I3 SIN3 SOUT03 I3 SOUT03 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN2 I2 SIN2 SOUT02 I2 SOUT02 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN1 I1 SIN1 SOUT01 I1 SOUT01 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN0 I0 SIN0 SOUT00 I0 SOUT00 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 5-5746(F).a 5-5745(F).a Figure 16. Buffer-Buffer-Decoder Mode Figure 15. Buffer Mode Lucent Technologies Inc. 23 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) SIN9 SIN9 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SOUT09 I9 SIN8 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN8 SOUT08 I8 SIN7 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN7 SIN6 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN6 SIN5 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN4 SIN5 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 DEC SIN4 TRI LOGIC 1 OR 0 1 DEC TRI 1 IF LOW, THEN 3-STATE BUFFERS ARE HIGH Z. SIN3 I3 SOUT03 LOGIC 1 OR 0 1 SIN2 I2 1 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN3 I3 SIN1 SOUT03 I1 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN0 SOUT02 I0 SOUT00 LOGIC 1 OR 0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 5-5750(F).a SIN1 I1 SOUT01 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN2 I2 SOUT02 SOUT01 Figure 18. Buffer-Decoder-Decoder Mode LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN0 I0 SOUT00 LOGIC 1 OR 0 5-5747(F).a Figure 17. Buffer-Decoder-Buffer Mode 24 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) PLC Latches/Flip-Flops The eight general-purpose latches/FFs in the PFU can be used in a variety of configurations. In some cases, the configuration options apply to all eight latches/FFs in the PFU and some apply to the latches/FFs on a nibblewide basis where the ninth FF is considered independently. For other options, each latch/FF is independently programmable. In addition, the ninth FF can be used for a variety of functions. SIN9 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN8 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN7 Table 7 summarizes these latch/FF options. The latches/FFs can be configured as either positive- or negative-level sensitive latches, or positive or negative edge-triggered FFs (the ninth register can only be a FF). All latches/FFs in a given nibble of a PFU share the same clock, and the clock to these latches/FFs can be inverted. The input into each latch/FF is from either the corresponding LUT output (F[7:0]) or the direct data input (DIN[7:0]). The latch/FF input can also be tied to logic 1 or to logic 0, which is the default. LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN6 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN5 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN4 LOGIC 1 OR 0 DEC Table 7. Configuration RAM Controlled Latch/ Flip-Flop Operation Function Options Common to All Latches/FFs in PFU Enable GSRN GSRN enabled or has no effect on PFU latches/FFs. Set Individually in Each Latch/FF in PFU Set/Reset Mode Set or reset. By Group (Latch/FF[3:0], Latch/FF[7:4], and FF[8]) Clock Enable CE or none. LSR Control LSR or none. Clock Polarity Noninverted or inverted. Latch/FF Mode Latch or FF. LSR Operation Asynchronous or synchronous. Front-end Select* Direct (DIN[7:0]) or from LUT (F[7:0]). LSR Priority Either LSR or CE has priority. SIN3 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN2 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN1 LOGIC 1 OR 0 SIN0 LOGIC 1 OR 0 5-5748(F) * Not available for FF[8]. Figure 19. Decoder Mode Each PFU has two independent programmable clocks, clock enable CE[1:0], local set/reset LSR[1:0], and front-end data selects SEL[1:0]. When CE is disabled, each latch/FF retains its previous value when clocked. The clock enable, LSR, and SEL inputs can be inverted to be active-low. Lucent Technologies Inc. 25 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Logic Cells (continued) The set/reset operation of the latch/FF is controlled by two parameters: reset mode and set/reset value. When the GSRN and local set/reset (LSR) signals are not asserted, the latch/FF operates normally. The reset mode is used to select a synchronous or asynchronous LSR operation. If synchronous, LSR has the option to be enabled only if clock enable (CE) is active or for LSR to have priority over the clock enable input, thereby setting/resetting the FF independent of the state of the clock enable. The clock enable is supported on FFs, not latches. It is implemented by using a 2-input multiplexer on the FF input, with one input being the previous state of the FF and the other input being the new data applied to the FF. The select of this 2-input multiplexer is clock enable (CE), which selects either the new data or the previous state. When the clock enable is inactive, the FF output does not change when the clock edge arrives. The GSRN signal is only asynchronous, and it sets/ resets all latches/FFs in the FPGA based upon the set/ reset configuration bit for each latch/FF. The set/reset value determines whether GSRN and LSR are set or reset inputs. The set/reset value is independent for each latch/FF. An option is available to disable the GSRN function per PFU after initial device configuration. The latch/FF can be configured to have a data frontend select. Two data inputs are possible in the frontend select mode, with the SEL signal used to select which data input is used. The data input into each latch/FF is from the output of its associated LUT, CE F DIN LOGIC 1 LOGIC 0 F[7:0], or direct from DIN[7:0], bypassing the LUT. In the front-end data select mode, both signals are available to the latches/FFs. If either or both of these inputs is unused or is unavailable, the latch/FF data input can be tied to a logic 0 or logic 1 instead (the default is logic 0). The latches/FFs can be configured in three basic modes: ■ Local synchronous set/reset: the input into the PFU’s LSR port is used to synchronously set or reset each latch/FF. ■ Local asynchronous set/reset: the input into LSR asynchronously sets or resets each latch/FF. ■ Latch/FF with front-end select, LSR either synchronous or asynchronous: the data select signal selects the input into the latches/FFs between the LUT output and direct data in. For all three modes, each latch/FF can be independently programmed as either set or reset. Figure 20 provides the logic functionality of the front-end select, global set/reset, and local set/reset operations. The ninth PFU FF, which is generally associated with registering the carry-out signal in ripple mode functions, can be used as a general-purpose FF. It is only an FF and is not capable of being configured as a latch. Because the ninth FF is not associated with an LUT, there is no front-end data select. The data input to the ninth FF is limited to the CIN input, logic 1, logic 0, or the carry-out in ripple and half-logic modes. CE CE D Q S_SET F DIN LOGIC 1 LOGIC 0 CE D Q F DIN LOGIC 1 LOGIC 0 CE SEL CE D Q DIN LSR S_RESET GSRN LSR CLK CLK GSRN LSR CLK SET RESET SET RESET SET RESET GSRN CD CD CD 5-9737(F).a Key: CD = configuration data. Figure 20. Latch/FF Set/Reset Configurations 26 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded Block RAM The ORCA Series 4 devices complement the distributed PFU RAM with large blocks of memory macrocells. The memory is available in 512 words by 18 bits/ word blocks with two write and two read ports. Two byte lane enables also operate with quad-port functionality. Additional logic has been incorporated for FIFO, multiplier, and CAM implementations. The RAM blocks are organized along the PLC rows and are added in proportion to the FPGA array sizes as shown in Table 8. The contents of the RAM blocks may be optionally initialized during FPGA configuration. Table 8. ORCA Series 4— Available Embedded Block RAM Device Number of Blocks Number of EBR Bits OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 8 12 16 20 24 74K 111K 148K 185K 222K Each highly flexible 512 x 18 (quad-port, two read/two write) RAM block can be programmed by the user to meet their particular function. Each of the EBR configurations use the physical signals as shown in Table 9. Quad-port addressing permits simultaneous read and write operations. The EBR ports are written synchronously on the positive edge of CKW. Synchronous read operations use the positive edge of CKR. Options are available to use synchronous read address registers and read output registers, or to bypass these registers and have the RAM read operate asynchronously. EBR Features Quad-Port Modes (Two Read/Two Write) ■ 512 x 18 with optional built-in arbitration between write ports. ■ 1024 x 18 built on two blocks with built-in decode logic for simplified implementation and increased speed. Dual-Port Modes (One Read/One Write) ■ One 256 x 36. ■ One 1K x 9. Lucent Technologies Inc. ■ Two 512 x 9 built in one EBR with two separate read, write clocks and enables for independent operation. ■ Two RAMs with a user customized number of words whose sum is 512 (or less) by 18. The joining of RAM blocks is supported to create wider and deeper memories. The adjacent routing interface provided by the CIBs allow the cascading of blocks together with minimal penalties due to routing delays. FIFO Modes FIFOs can be configured to 256, 512, or 1K depths and 36, 18, or 9 widths respectively or two-512 x 9 but also can be expanded using multiple blocks. FIFO works synchronously with the same read and write clock where the read port can be registered on the output or not registered. It can also be optionally configured asynchronously with different read and write clocks. Integrated flags allow the user the ability to fully utilize the EBR for FIFO, without the need to dedicate an address for providing distinct full/empty status. There are four programmable flags provided for each FIFO: Empty, partially empty, full, and partially full FIFO status. The partially empty and partially full flags are programmable with the flexibility to program the flags to any value from the full or empty threshold. The programmed values can be set to a fixed value through the bit stream, or a dynamic value can be controlled by input pins of the EBR FIFO. Multiplier Modes The ORCA EBR supports two variations of multiplier functions. Constant coefficient MULTIPLY [KCM] mode will produce a 24-bit output of a fixed 8-bit constant multiply of a 16-bit number or a fixed 16-bit constant multiply of an 8-bit number. This KCM multiplies a constant times a 16- or 8-bit number and produces a product as a 24-bit result. The coefficient and multiplication tables are stored in memory. Both the input and outputs can be configured to be registered for pipelining. Both write ports are available during MULTIPLY mode so that the user logic can update and modify the coefficients for dynamic coefficient updates. An 8 x 8 MULTIPLY mode is configurable to either a pipelined or combinatorial multiplier function of two 8-bit numbers. Two 8-bit operands are multiplied to yield a 16-bit product. The input and outputs can be registered in pipeline mode. 27 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded Block RAM (continued) CAM Mode The CAM block is a content address memory that provides fast address searches by receiving data input and returning addresses that contain the data. Implemented in each EBR are two 16-word x 8-bit CAM function blocks. The CAM has three modes: single match, multiple match, and clear, which are all achieved in one clock cycle. In single-match mode, an 8-bit data input is internally decoded and reports a match when data is present in a particular RAM address. Its result is reported by a corresponding single address bit. In multiple match, the same occurs with the exception of multiple address lines report the match. Clear mode is used to clear the CAM contents in one clock cycle by erasing all locations.) Arbitration logic is optionally programmed by the user to signal occurrences of data collisions as well as to block both ports from writing at the same time. The arbitration logic prioritizes PORT1. When utilizing the arbiter, the signal BUSY indicates data is being written to PORT1. This BUSY output signals PORT1 activity by driving a high output. The arbitration default is enabled; however, the user may disable the arbiter in configuration. If the arbiter is turned off, both ports could be written at the same time and the data would be corrupt. In this scenario, the BUSY signal will indicate a possible error. There is also a user option which dedicates PORT 1 to communications to the system bus. In this mode, the user logic only has access to PORT0 and arbitration logic is enabled. The system bus utilizes the priority given to it by the arbiter; therefore, the system bus will always be able to write to the EBR. Table 9. RAM Signals Port Signals I/O Function PORT 0 AR0[#:0] AW0[#:0] BW0<1:0> I I I CKR0 CKW0 CSR0 CSW0 D [#:0] Q [#:0] I I I I I O Address to be read. Address to be written. Byte-write enable. Byte = 8 bits + parity bit. <1> = bits[17, 15:9] <0> = bits[16, 7:0] Positive-edge asynchronous read clock. Positive-edge synchronous write clock. Enables read to output. Active-high. Enables write to occur. Active-high. Input data to be written to RAM. Output data of memory contents at referenced address. PORT 1 AR1[#:0] AW1[#:0] BW1<1:0> I I I CKR1 CKW1 CSR1 CSW1 D [#:0] Q [#:0] I I I I I O Address to be read. Address to be written. Byte-write enable. Byte = 8 bits + parity bit. <1> = bits[17, 15:9] <0> = bits[16, 7:0] Positive-edge asynchronous read clock. Positive-edge synchronous write clock. Enables read to output. Active-high. Enables write to occur. Active-high. Input data to be written to RAM. Output data of memory contents at referenced address. O I PORT1 writing. Active-high. Data output registers cleared. Memory contents unaffected. Active-low. Control BUSY RESET 28 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded Block RAM (continued) CKWPL CKWPH CKW CSWSU CSWH CSW AWSU AWH c AW DSU DH D d BWSU BWH BW AR a b c AQH Q a AQ b CKWQ c d 0308 (F) Figure 21. EBR Read and Write Cycles with Write Through Table 10. FIFO Signals Port Signals I/O AR(1:0)[9:0] AW(1:0)[9:0] FF PFF PEF EF D0[17:0] D1[17:0] CKW[0:1] CKR[0:1] CSW[1:0] CSR[1:0] RESET Q0[17:0] Q1[17:0] I I O O O O I I I I I I I O O Lucent Technologies Inc. Function Programs FIFO flags. Used for partially empty flag size. Programs FIFO flags. Used for partially full flag size. Full flag. Partially full flag. Partially empty flag. Empty flag. Data inputs for all configurations. Data inputs for 256 x 36 configurations only. Positive-edge write port clock. Port 1 only used for 256 x 36 configurations. Positive-edge read port clock. Port 1 only used for 256 x 36 configurations. Active-high write enable. Port 1 only used for 256 x 36 configurations. Active-high read enable. Port 1 only used for 256 x 36 configurations. Active-low. Resets FIFO pointers. Data outputs for all configurations. Data outputs for 256 x 36 configurations. 29 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded Block RAM (continued) Table 11. Constant Multiplier Signals Port Signals I/O AR0[15:0] AW(1:0)[8:0] D(1:0)[17:0] CKW[0:1] CKR[0:1] CSW[1:0] CSR[1:0] Q[23:0] I I I I I I I O Function Data input—operand. Address bits. Data inputs to load memory or change coefficient. Positive-edge write port clock. Positive-edge read port clock. Used for synchronous multiply mode. Active-high write enable. Active-high read enable. Data outputs—product result. Table 12. 8 x 8 Multiplier Signals Port Signals I/O AR0[7:0] AR1[7:0] AW(1:0)[8:0] D(1:0)[17:0] CKW[0:1] CKR[0:1] CSW[1:0] CSR[1:0] BW(1:0)[1:0] Q[15:0] I I I I I I I I I O Function Data input—multiplicand. Data input—multiplier. Address bits for memory. Data inputs to load memory. Positive-edge write port clock. Positive-edge read port clock. Used for synchronous multiply mode. Active-high write enable. Active-high enables. For enabling address registers. Byte-lane write for loading memory. Data outputs—product. Table 13. CAM Signals 30 Port Signals I/O AR(1:0)[7:0] AW(1:0)[8:0] D(1:0)[17] D(1:0)[16] D(1:0)[3:0] CSW[1:0] CSR[1:0] Q(1:0)15:0] I I I I I I I O Function Data match. Data write. Clear data active-high. Single match active-high. CAM address for data write. Active-high write enable. Enable for CAM data write. Active-high enable data registers. Enable for CAM data registers. Decoded data outputs. 1 corresponds to a data match at that address location. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 Routing Resources The abundant routing resources of the Series 4 architecture are organized to route signals individually or as buses with related control signals. Both local and global signals utilize high-speed buffered and nonbuffered routes. One PLC segmented (x1), six PLC segmented (x6), and bused half-chip (xHL) routes are patterned together to provide high connectivity with fast software routing times and high-speed system performance. x1 routes cross width of one PLC and provide local connectivity to PFU and SLIC inputs and outputs. x6 lines cross width of six PLCs and are unidirectional and buffered with taps in the middle and on the end. Segments allow connectivity to PFU/SLIC outputs (driven at one endpoint), other x6 lines (at endpoints), and x1 lines for access to PFU/SLIC inputs. xH lines run vertically and horizontally the distance of half the device and are useful for driving medium-/long-distance 3-state routing. The improved routing resources offer great flexibility in moving signals to and from the logic core. This flexibility translates into an improved capability to route designs at the required speeds even when the I/O signals have been locked to specific pins. Generally, the ORCA Foundry Development System is used to automatically route interconnections. Interactive routing with the ORCA Foundry design editor (EPIC) is also available for design optimization. The routing resources consist of switching circuitry and metal interconnect segments. Generally, the metal lines which carry the signals are designated as routing segments. The switching circuitry connects the routing segments, providing one or more of three basic functions: signal switching, amplification, and isolation. A net running from a PFU or PIO output (source) to a PLC or PIO input (destination) consists of one or more routing segments, connected by switching circuitry called configurable interconnect points (CIPs). Clock Distribution Network Primary Clock Nets The Series 4 FPGAs provide eight fully distributed global primary net routing resources. These eight primary nets can only drive clock signals. The scheme dedicates four of the eight resources to provide fast primary nets and four are available for general primary nets. The fast primary nets are targeted toward low-skew and small injection times while the general primary nets are also targeted toward low-skew but have more source location flexibility. Fast access to the global primary nets can be sourced from two pairs of pads Lucent Technologies Inc. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs located in the center of each side of the device, from the programmable PLLs, and dedicated network PLLs located in the corners, or from PLC logic. The I/O pads are dedicated in pairs for use of differential I/O clocking or single-ended I/O clock sources. However, if these pads are not needed to source the clock network, they can be utilized for general I/O. The clock routing scheme is patterned using vertical and horizontal routes which provide connectivity to all PLC columns. Secondary Clock and Control Nets Secondary spines provide flexible clocking and control signaling for local regions. Secondary nets usually have high fan-outs. The Series 4 utilizes a spine and branches that use additional x6 segments. This strategy provides a flexible connectivity and routes can be sourced from any I/O pin, all PLLs, or from PLC logic. Edge Clock Nets Routes are distributed around the edges and are available for every four PIOs (one per PIC). All PIOs and PLLs can drive the edge clocks and are used in conjunction with the secondary spines discussed above to drive the same edge clock signal into the internal logic array. The edge clocks provide fast injection to the PLC array and I/O registers. Many edge clock nets are provided on each side of the device. Programmable Input/Output Cells Programmable I/O The Series 4 PIO addresses the demand for the flexibility to select I/O that meets system interface requirements. I/Os can be programmed in the same manner as in previous ORCA devices with the addition of new features that allow the user the flexibility to select new I/O types that support high-speed interfaces. Each PIC contains up to four programmable I/O pads and are interfaced through a common interface block to the FPGA array. The PIO group is split into two pairs of I/O pads with each pair having independent clock enables, local set/reset, and global set/reset. On the input side, each PIO contains a programmable latch/FF which enables very fast latching of data from any pad. The combination provides for very low setup requirements and zero hold times for signals coming on-chip. It may also be used to demultiplex an input signal, such as a multiplexed address/data signal, and register the signals without explicitly building a demultiplexer with a PFU. 31 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) On the output side of each PIO, an output from the PLC array can be routed to each output FF, and logic can be associated with each I/O pad. The output logic associated with each pad allows for multiplexing of output signals and other functions of two output signals. The output FF, in combination with output signal multiplexing, is particularly useful for registering address signals to be multiplexed with data, allowing a full clock cycle for the data to propagate to the output. The output buffer signal can be inverted, and the 3-state control can be made active-high, active-low, or always enabled. In addition, this 3-state signal can be registered or nonregistered. The Series 4 I/O logic has been enhanced to include modes for speed uplink and downlink capabilities. These modes are supported through shift register logic which divides down incoming data rates or multiplies up outgoing data rates. This new logic block also supports high-speed DDR mode requirements where data is clocked into and out of the I/O buffers on both edges of the clock. The new programmable I/O cell allows designers to select I/Os that meet many new communication standards permitting the device to hook up directly without any external interface translation. They support traditional FPGA standards as well as high-speed singleended and differential pair signaling (as shown in Table 14). Based on a programmable, bank-oriented I/O ring architecture, designs can be implemented using 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, and 1.5 V output levels. Table 14. Series 4 Programmable I/O Standards Standard VDDIO (V) VREF (V) LVTTL LVCMOS2 LVCMOS1.8 PCI LVDS Bused-LVDS 3.3 2.5 1.8 3.3 2.5 2.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA LVPECL 2.5 NA PECL GTL GTL+ HSTL-Class I HTSL-Class III and IV STTL3-Class I and II SSTL2-Class I and II 3.3 3.3 3.3 1.5 1.5 3.3 2.5 2.0 0.8 1.0 0.75 0.9 1.5 1.25 Interface Usage General purpose. PCI. Point to point and multidrop backplanes, high noise immunity. Network backplanes, high noise immunity, bus architecture backplanes. Network backplanes, differential 100 MHz+ clocking, optical transceiver, high-speed networking. Backplanes. Backplane or processor interface. High-speed SRAM and networking interfaces. Synchronous DRAM interface. Note: Interfaces to DDR and ZBT memories are supported through the interface standards shown above. 32 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells The I/O on the OR4Exxx Series devices allows compliance with PCI Local Bus (Rev. 2.2) 3.3 V signaling environments. The signaling environment used for each input buffer can be selected on a per-pin basis. The selection provides the appropriate I/O clamping diodes for PCI compliance. (continued) The PIOs are located along the perimeter of the device. The PIO name is represented by a two-letter designation to indicate on which side of the device it is located followed by a number to indicate in which row or column it is located. The first letter, P, designates that the cell is a PIO and not a PLC. The second letter indicates the side of the array where the PIO is located. The four sides are left (L), right (R), top (T), and bottom (B). The individual I/O pad is indicated by a single letter (either A, B, C, or D) placed at the end of the PIO name. As an example, PL10A indicates a pad located on the left side of the array in the tenth row. The CIBs that bound the PIOs have significant local routing resources, similar to routing in the PLCs. This new routing increases the ability to fix user pinouts prior to placement and routing of a design and still maintain routability. The flexibility provided by the routing also provides for increased signal speed due to a greater variety of optimal signal paths. Each PIC interfaces to four bond pads and contains the necessary routing resources to provide an interface between I/O pads and the PLCs. Each PIC is composed of four programmable I/Os and significant routing resources. Each PIC contains input buffers, output buffers, routing resources, latches/FFs, and logic and can be configured as an input, output, or bidirectional I/O. Any PIO is capable of supporting the I/O standard listed in Table 12 and supporting DDR and ZBT specifications. Included in the PIO routing interface is a fast path from the input pins to the PFU logic. This feature allows for input signals to be very quickly processed by the SLIC decoder function and used on-chip or sent back off of the FPGA. Also, the Series 4 PIOs include latches and FFs and options for using fast, dedicated secondary, and edge clocks. A diagram of a single PIO is shown in Figure 22, and Table 15 provides an overview of the programmable functions in an I/O cell. RESISTOR LEVELMODE OUTPUT SIDE AND OUTSH OUTDD CLK NOR XNOR OUTSH FAST HSTL1 NA HSTL3 CE OFF ON INCK PECL LVPECL LATCHFF INMUX DELAY CELL LVDS D0 OUTREG DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 OUTREG P2MUX USRTS DO DO CK CK SP LSR LSR RESET SET IOPAD CE TSREG 1 OUTDD LATCH FF EC SC NORMAL INVERTED CK RESET SET UP DOWN NONE D1 CK PULLMODE 0 INFF D0 TSMUX 0 CEMUX0 SIX TWELVE TWENTYFOUR NA GTLPLUS OUTMUX OUTDD SC MILLIAMPS GTL PMUX CLK CLK4MUX KEEPERMODE SSTL2 SSTL3 OUTFFMUX OUTFF EC ON SLEW OUTSHMUX 0 LVCMOS2 PCI BUFMODE PLOGIC XOR OUTDDMUX OUTDD OFF LVCMOS18 NAND OR INPUT SIDE LVTTL SP 1 CEMUXI 1 DEL0 DEL1 DEL2 DEL3 LATCHFF LATCH FF LSR RESET SET INDDMUX INDD LSRMUX LSR 0 SRMODE GSR ENABLED DISABLED CE_OVER_LSR LSR_OVER_CE ASYNC 5-9732(F) Figure 22. Series 4 PIO Image from ORCA Foundry Lucent Technologies Inc. 33 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) Inputs There are many major options on the PIO inputs that can be selected in the ORCA Foundry tools listed in Table 15. Inputs may have a pull-up or pull-down resistor selected on an input for signal stabilization and power management. A weak keeper circuit is also available on inputs. Input signals in a PIO are passed to CIB routing and/or a fast route into the clock routing system. There is also a programmable delay available on the input. When enabled, this delay affects the INFF and INDD signals of each PIO, but not the clock input. The delay allows any signal to have a guaranteed zero hold time when input. This feature is discussed subsequently. Inputs should have transition times of less than 500 ns and should not be left floating. If any pin is not used, it is 3-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled automatically after configuration. Floating inputs increase power consumption, produce oscillations, and increase system noise. The inputs have a typical hysteresis of approximately 250 mV to reduce sensitivity to input noise. The PIC contains input circuitry that provides protection against latch-up and electrostatic discharge. The other features of the PIO inputs relate to the latch/ FF structure in the input path. In latch mode, the input signal is fed to a latch that is clocked by either the primary, secondary, or edge clock signal. The clock may be inverted or noninverted. There is also a local set/ reset signal to the latch. The senses of these signals are also programmable and have the capability to enable or disable the global set/reset signal and select the set/reset priority. The same control signals may 34 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 also be used to control the input latch/FF when it is configured as a FF instead of a latch, with the addition of another control signal used as a clock enable. The PIOs are paired together and have independent CE, set/reset, and GSRN control signals for the pair. Note that these control signals are paired to the same pair of pins used for differential signaling. The input path is also capable of accepting data from any pad using a fast capture feature. This feature can be programmed as a latch or FF referenced to any clock. There are two options for zero-hold input capture in the PIO. If input delay mode is selected to delay the signal from the input pin, data can be either registered or latched with guaranteed zero-hold time in the PIO using a system clock. To further improve setup time, the fast zero-hold mode of the PIO input takes advantage of the latch/FF combination and sources the input FF data from a dedicated latch that is clocked by a fast edge clock from the dedicated clock pads or any local pad. The input FF is then driven by a primary clock sourced from a dedicated input pin designed for fast, low-skew operation at the I/Os. These dedicated pads are located in pairs in the center of each side of the array and if not utilized by the clock spine can be used as general user I/O. The clock inputs to both the dedicated fast capture latch and the input FF can also be driven by the on-chip PLLs. The combination of input register capability provides for input signal demultiplexing without any additional resources such as for address and data arriving on the same pins. On the positive edge of the clock, the data would come from the pad to latch. The PIO input signal is sent to both the input latch and directly to INDD. The signal is latched on the falling edge of the clock and output to routing at INFF. The address and data are then both available at the rising edge of the clock. These signals may be registered or otherwise processed in the PLCs. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) Table 15. PIO Options Input Input Level Input Speed Float Value Register Mode Clock Sense Input Selection Option LVTTL, LVCMOS 2, LVCMOS 1.8, 3.3 V PCI Compliant. Fast, Delayed. Pull-up, Pull-down, None. Latch, FF, Fast Zero Hold FF, None (direct input). Inverted, Noninverted. Input 1, Input 2, Clock Input. is a fast, open-drain output option that directly connects the output signal to the 3-state control, allowing the output buffer to either drive to a logic 0 or 3-state, but never to drive to a logic 1. The PIO has both input and output shift register capabilities. This ability allows the data rate to be reduced from the pad or increased to the pad by two or four times. The shift register block (SRB) is available in groups of four PIO. Both the input and output shift registers are controlled by the same clock and can operate at the same time at the same speed as long as the SRB is not connected to the same pads.The output control signals are similar to the input control signals in that they are per pair of PIOs. Keeper Mode On, Off. Bus Hold LVDS Resistor On, Off. Each PIO can be programmed with a KEEPERMODE feature. This element is user programmed for bus hold requirements. This mode retains the last known state of a bus when the bus goes into 3-state. It prevents floating buses and saves system power. Output Output Drive Current Output Function Output Speed Output Source Output Sense 3-State Sense FF Clocking Clock Sense Logic Options Option 12 mA/6 mA or 6 mA/3 mA 24 mA/12 mA. Normal, Fast Open Drain. Fast, Slew. FF Direct-out, General Routing. Active-high, Active-low. Active-high, Active-low (3-state). Edge Clock, System Clock. Inverted, Noninverted. See Table 17. I/O Controls Option Clock Enable Active-high, Active-low, Always Enabled. Set/Reset Level Active-high, Active-low, No Local Reset. Set/Reset Type Synchronous, Asynchronous. Set/Reset Priority CE over LSR, LSR over CE. GSR Control Enable GSR, Disable GSR. Outputs The PIO’s output drivers for TTL/CMOS outputs have programmable drive capability and slew rates. Two propagation delays (fast, slewlim) are available on output drivers. There are three combinations of programmable drive currents (24 mA sink/12 mA source, 12 mA sink/6 mA, and 6 mA sink/3 mA source). At powerup, the output drivers are in slewlim mode and 12 mA sink/6 mA source. If an output is not to be driven in the selected configuration mode, it is 3-stated. The output buffer signal can be inverted, and the 3-state control signal can be made active-high, activelow, or always enabled. In addition, this 3-state signal can be registered or nonregistered. Additionally, there Lucent Technologies Inc. PIO Register Control Signals The PIO latches/FFs have various clock, clock enable (CE), local set/reset (LSR), and GSRN controls. Table 16 provides a summary of these control signals and their effect on the PIO latches/FFs. Note that all control signals are optionally invertible. The output control signals are similar to the input control signals in that they are per pair of PIOs. Table 16. PIO Register Control Signals Control Signal Edge Clock (ECLK) Effect/Functionality Clocks input fast-capture latch; optionally clocks output FF, or 3-state FF. System Clock Clocks input latch/FF; optionally (SCLK) clocks output FF, or 3-state FF. Clock Enable Optionally enables/disables input FF (CE) (not available for input latch mode); optionally enables/disables output FF; separate CE inversion capability for input and output. Local Set/Reset Option to disable; affects input latch/ (LSR) FF, output FF, and 3-state FF if enabled. Global Set/Reset Option to enable or disable per PIO (GSRN) (the input FF, output FF, and 3-state FF) after initial configuration. Set/Reset Mode The input latch/FF, output FF, and 3-state FF are individually set or reset by both the LSR and GSRN inputs. 35 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) Table 18. Compatible Mixed I/O Standards VDDIO BANK Voltage The PIO output FF can perform output data multiplexing with no PLC resources required. This type of scheme is necessary for DDR applications which require data clocking out of the I/O on both edges of the clock. In this scheme, the output of OUTFF and OUTDD are serialized and shifted out on both the positive and negative edges of the clock using the shift registers. The PIC logic block can also generate logic functions based on the signals on the OUTDD and CLK ports of the PIO. The functions are AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. Table 17 is provided as a summary of the PIO logic options. 3.3 V 2.5 V 1.8 V 1.5 V Compatible Standards LVTTL, SSTL3-I, SSTL3-II, GTL, GTL+, PECL LVCMOS2, SSTL2-I, SSTL2-II, LVDS, LVPECL LVCMOS18 HSTL I, HSTL III, HSTL IV TL TC TR Option Description AND Output logical AND of signals on OUTFF and clock. Output logical NAND of signals on OUTFF and clock. Output logical OR of signals on OUTFF and clock. Output logical NOR of signals on OUTFF and clock. Output logical XOR of signals on OUTFF and clock. Output logical XNOR of signals on OUTFF and clock. NAND OR NOR XOR XNOR Flexible I/O features allow the user to select I/O to meet different high-speed interface requirements. These I/Os require different input references or supply voltages. The perimeter of the device is divided into groups of PIOs or buffer banks. For each bank, there is a separate VDDIO. Every device is equally broken up into eight I/O banks. The VDDIO supplies the correct output voltage for a particular standard. The user must supply the appropriate power supply to the VDDIO pin. Within a bank, several I/O standards may be mixed as long as they use a common VDDIO. Also, some interface standards require a specified threshold voltage known as VREF. In these modes, where a particular VREF is required, the device is automatically programmed to dedicate a pin for the appropriate VREF which must be supplied by the user. The VREF is dedicated exclusively to the bank and cannot be intermixed with other signaling requiring other VREF voltages. However, pins not requiring VREF can be mixed in the bank. The VREF pad is then no longer available to the user for general use. See Table 14 for a list of the I/O standards supported. 36 BL PLC ARRAY BC CR CL Table 17. PIO Logic Options BR 0205(F). Figure 23. ORCA High-Speed I/O Banks High-Speed Memory Interfaces PIO features allow high-speed interfaces to external SRAM and/or DRAM devices. Series 4 I/Os provide 200 MHz ZBT requirements when switching between write and read cycles. ZBT allows 100% use of bus cycles during back-to-back read/write and write/read cycles. However, this maximum utilization of the bus increases probability of bus contention when the interfaced devices attempt to drive the bus to opposite logic values. The LVTTL I/O interfaces directly with commercial ZBT SRAMs signaling and allows the versatility to program the FPGA drive strengths from 6 mA to 24 mA. DDR allows data to be read or written on both the rising and the falling edge of the clock which delivers twice the bandwidth. QDR (quad data rate) are similar, but have separate read and write parts for over double the bandwidth. The DDR capability in the PIO also allows double the bandwidth per pin for generic transfer of data between two devices. DDR doubles the memory speed from SDRAMs without the need to increase clock frequency. The flexibility of the PIO allows 133 MHz/266 Mbits per second performance using the SSTL I/O features of the Series 4. All DDR interface functions are built into the PIO. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) LVDS I/O The LVDS differential pair I/O standard allows for high-speed, low-voltage swing and low-power interfaces defined by industry standards: ANSI*/TIA/EIA†-644 and IEEE 1596.3 SSI-LVDS. The general-purpose standard is supplied without the need for an input reference supply and uses a low switching voltage which translates to low ac power dissipation. The ORCA LVDS I/O provides an integrated 100 Ω matching resistor used to provide a differential voltage across the inputs of the receiver. The on-chip integration provides termination of the LVDS receiver without the need of discrete external board resistors. The user has the programmable option to enable termination per receiver pair for point-to-point applications or, in multipoint interfaces, limit the use of termination to bused pairs. If the user chooses to terminate any differential receiver, a single LVDS_R pin is dedicated to connect a single 100 Ω resistor to VSS, which will provide a balance termination to all of the LVDS receiver pairs programmed to termination. See Table 20 for the LVDS termination pin location. Table 19 provides the dc specifications for the ORCA LVDS solution. Table 19. LVDS I/O Specifications Parameter Built-in Receiver Differential Input Resistor Receiver Input Voltage Differential Input Threshold Output Common-mode Voltage Input Common-mode Voltage Min Typical Max Unit 95 0.0 –100 1.125 0.2 100 — — 1.25 1.25 105 2.4 100 1.375 2.2 Ω V mV V V Table 20. LVDS Termination Pin Dedicated Chip LVDS External Termination Pin (LVDS_R) Per Package BA352 BC432 BM680 AC3 AH29 AL1 PIO Downlink/Uplink Each group of four PIO have access to an input/output shift register as shown in Figure 24. This feature allows highspeed input data to be divided down by 1/2 or 1/4, and output data can be multiplied by 2x or 4x its internal speed. Both the input and output shift can be programmed to operate at the same time. However, the same PIO cannot be used for both input and output shift registers at the same time. For input shift mode, the data from INDD from the PIO is connected to the input shift register. The input data is divided down and is returned to the routing through the INSH nodes. In 4x mode, all the INSH nodes are used. 2x mode uses INSH4 and INSH3. Similarly, the output shift register brings data into the register from dedicated OUTSH nodes. 4x mode uses all the OUTSH signals. However, only OUTSH2 and OUTSH1 are used for 2x mode. * ANSI is a registered trademark of American National Standards Institute, Inc. † EIA is a registered trademark of Electronic Industries Association. Lucent Technologies Inc. 37 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Programmable Input/Output Cells (continued) OUTDD OUTSH INDD PIO OUTDD OUTSH INDD PIO OUTDD OUTSH INDD PIO OUTDD OUTSH INDD PIO SHIFT REGISTER INTO FPGA SHIFT REGISTER OUT FROM FPGA OUTSH1 OUTSH2 OUTSH3 OUTSH4 INSH1 INTSH2 INSH3 INSH4 CLK 0204(F). Figure 24. PIO Shift Register Special Function Blocks Internal Oscillator The internal oscillator resides in the upper left corner of the FPGA array. It has output clock frequencies of 1.25 MHz and 10 MHz. The internal oscillator is the source of the internal CCLK used for configuration. It may also be used after configuration as a generalpurpose clock signal. Global Set/Reset (GSRN) The GSRN logic resides in the lower-right corner of the FPGA. GSRN is an invertible (default active-low) signal that is used to reset all of the user-accessible latches/ FFs on the device. GSRN is automatically asserted at powerup and during configuration of the device. The timing of the release of GSRN at the end of configuration can be programmed in the start-up logic described below. Following configuration, GSRN may be connected to the RESET pin via dedicated routing, or it may be connected to any signal via normal routing. Within each PFU and PIO, individual FFs and latches 38 can be programmed to either be set or reset when GSRN is asserted. Series 4 allows individual PFUs and PIOs to turn off the GSRN signal to its latches/FFs after configuration. The RESET input pad has a special relationship to GSRN. During configuration, the RESET input pad always initiates a configuration abort, as described in the FPGA States of Operation section. After configuration, the GSRN can either be disabled (the default), directly connected to the RESET input pad, or sourced by a lower-right corner signal. If the RESET input pad is not used as a global reset after configuration, this pad can be used as a normal input pad. Start-Up Logic The start-up logic block can be configured to coordinate the relative timing of the release of GSRN, the activation of all user I/Os, and the assertion of the DONE signal at the end of configuration. If a start-up clock is used to time these events, the start-up clock can come from CCLK, or it can be routed into the startup block using lower-right corner routing resources. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) Temperature Sensing The built-in temperature-sensing diodes allow junction temperature to be measured during device operation. A physical pin (PTEMP) is dedicated for monitoring device junction temperature. PTEMP works by forcing a 10 µA current in the forward direction, and then measuring the resulting voltage. The voltage decreases with increasing temperature at approximately –1.69 mV/°C. A typical device with a 85 °C device temperature will measure approximately 630 mV. Table 21. Dedicated Temperature Sensing Dedicated Temperature Sensing Diode Pin Per Package BA352 AB3 BC432 AH31 between BSCAN devices (U2 and U3), and out TDO of the last BSCAN device (U4). In this configuration, the TMS and TCK signals are routed to all boundary-scan ICs in parallel so that all boundary-scan components operate in the same state. In other configurations, multiple scan paths are used instead of a single ring. When multiple scan paths are used, each ring is independently controlled by its own TMS and TCK signals. Figure 26 provides a system interface for components used in the boundary-scan testing of PCBs. The three major components shown are the test host, boundaryscan support circuit, and the devices under test (DUTs). The DUTs shown here are ORCA Series FPGAs with dedicated boundary-scan circuitry. The test host is normally one of the following: automatic test equipment (ATE), a workstation, a PC, or a microprocessor. BM680 AK4 S TMS TDI TCK TDO Boundary-Scan TMS TDI TCK TDO net a net b U1 U2 net c The IEEE standards 1149.1 and 1149.2 (IEEE Standard test access port and boundary-scan architecture) are implemented in the ORCA series of FPGAs. It allows users to efficiently test the interconnection between integrated circuits on a PCB as well as test the integrated circuit itself. The IEEE 1149 standard is a well-defined protocol that ensures interoperability among boundary-scan (BSCAN) equipped devices from different vendors. TDI TMS TCK TDO TMS TDI TCK TDO TMS TDI TCK TDO U3 U4 SEE ENLARGED VIEW BELOW. Series 4 FPGAs are also compliant to IEEE standard 1532/D1. This standard for boundary-scan based insystem configuration of programmable devices provides a standardized programming access and methodology for FPGAs. A device, or set of devices, implementing this standard may be programmed, read back, erased verified, singly or concurrently, with a standard set of resources. TDO TCK TMS TDI PT[ij] TAPC BDC DCC p_in INSTRUCTION REGISTER DCC p_ts SCAN IN p_ts p_out BDC p_in PLC ARRAY p_out PR[ij] p_ts SCAN IN SCAN OUT p_out p_ts SCAN OUT BSC BDC DCC p_in PL[ij] SCAN OUT p_out SCAN OUT BSC The IEEE 1149 standards define a test access port (TAP) that consists of a four-pin interface with an optional reset pin for boundary-scan testing of integrated circuits in a system. The ORCA Series FPGA provides four interface pins: test data in (TDI), test mode select (TMS), test clock (TCK), and test data out (TDO). The PRGM pin used to reconfigure the device also resets the boundary-scan logic. BSC SCAN IN BYPASS REGISTER p_in BSC DCC BDC SCAN IN PB[ij] The user test host serially loads test commands and test data into the FPGA through these pins to drive outputs and examine inputs. In the configuration shown in Figure 26, where boundary-scan is used to test ICs, test data is transmitted serially into TDI of the first BSCAN device (U1), through TDO/TDI connections Lucent Technologies Inc. 5-5972(F) Key: BSC = boundary-scan cell, BDC = bidirectional data cell, and DCC = data control cell. Figure 25. Printed-Circuit Board with BoundaryScan Circuitry 39 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) D[7:0] D[7:0] TDO TDI MICROPROCESSOR INTR CE RA R/W DAV INT SP TMS0 TCK (BSM) TDO TDO TDI ORCA SERIES FPGA ORCA SERIES FPGA LUCENT BOUNDARYSCAN MASTER TMS (DUT) TCK TMS (DUT) TCK TDI TDI TDO ORCA SERIES FPGA TMS (DUT) TCK 5-6765(F) Figure 26. Boundary-Scan Interface The boundary-scan support circuit shown in Figure 26 is the 497Aa boundary-scan master (BSM). The BSM off-loads tasks from the test host to increase test throughput. To interface between the test host and the DUTs, the BSM has a general MPI and provides parallel-to-serial/serial-to-parallel conversion, as well as three 8K data buffers. The BSM also increases test throughput with a dedicated automatic test-pattern generator and with compression of the test response with a signature analysis register. The PC-based boundary-scan test card/software allows a user to quickly prototype a boundary-scan test setup. Boundary-Scan Instructions The Series 4 boundary-scan circuitry includes ten IEEE 1149.1, 1149.2, and 1532/D1 instructions and six ORCA-defined instructions. These also include one IEEE 1149.3 optional instruction. A 6-bit wide instruction register supports all the instructions listed in Table 22. The BYPASS instruction passes data internally from TDI to TDO after being clocked by TCK. 40 Table 22. Boundary-Scan Instructions Code 000000 000001 000011 000100 000101 000110 001000 001001 001010 001011 001101 001110 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 111111 Instruction EXTEST SAMPLE PRELOAD RUNBIST IDCODE USERCODE ISC_ENABLE ISC_PROGRAM ISC_NOOP ISC_DISABLE ISC_PROGRAM_USERCODE ISC_READ PLC_SCAN_RING1 PLC_SCAN_RING2 PLC_SCAN_RING3 RAM_WRITE RAM_READ BYPASS Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) RAMs, ROMs, FIFOs, etc., and the surrounding RANDOM logic in the circuit. The external test (EXTEST) instruction allows the interconnections between ICs in a system to be tested for opens and stuck-at faults. If an EXTEST instruction is performed for the system shown in Figure 25, the connections between U1 and U2 (shown by nets a, b, and c) can be tested by driving a value onto the given nets from one device and then determining whether this same value is seen at the other device. This is determined by shifting 2 bits of data for each pin (one for the output value and one for the 3-state value) through the BSR until each one aligns to the appropriate pin. Then, based upon the value of the 3-state signal, either the I/O pad is driven to the value given in the BSR, or the BSR is updated with the input value from the I/O pad, which allows it to be shifted out TDO. Also implemented in Series 4 devices is the IEEE 1532/D1 standards for in-system configuration for programmable logic devices. Included are four mandatory and two optional instructions defined in the standards. ISC_ENABLE, ISC_PROGRAM, ISC_NOOP, and ISC_DISABLE are the four mandatory instructions. ISC_ENABLE initializes the devices for all subsequent ISC instructions. The ISC_PROGRAM instruction is similar to the RAM_WRITE instruction implemented in all ORCA devices where the user must monitor the PINITN pin for a high indicating the end of initialization and a successful configuration can be started. The ISC_PROGRAM instruction is used to program the configuration memory through a dedicated ISC_Pdata register. The ISC_NOOP instruction is used when programming multiple devices in parallel. During this mode, TDI and TDO behave like BYPASS. The data shifted through TDI is shifted out through TDO. However, the output pins remain in control of the BSR, unlike BYPASS where they are driven by the system logic. The ISC_DISABLE is used upon completion of the ISC programming. No new ISC instructions will be operable without another ISC_ENABLE instruction. The SAMPLE and PRELOAD instructions are useful for system debugging and fault diagnosis by allowing the data at the FPGA’s I/Os to be observed during normal operation or written during test operation. The data for all of the I/Os is captured simultaneously into the BSR, allowing them to be shifted-out TDO to the test host. Since each I/O buffer in the PIOs is bidirectional, two pieces of data are captured for each I/O pad: the value at the I/O pad and the value of the 3-state control signal. For preload operation, data is written from the BSR to all of the I/Os simultaneously. There are six ORCA-defined instructions. The PLC scan rings 1, 2, and 3 (PSR1, PSR2, PSR3) allow userdefined internal scan paths using the PLC latches/FFs and routing interface. The RAM_Write Enable (RAM_W) instruction allows the user to serially configure the FPGA through TDI. The RAM_Read Enable (RAM_R) allows the user to read back RAM contents on TDO after configuration. The IDCODE instruction allows the user to capture a 32-bit identification code that is unique to each device and serially output it at TDO. The IDCODE format is shown in Table 23. An optional IEEE 1149.3 instruction RUNBIST has been implemented. This instruction is used to invoke the built-in self-test (BIST) of regular structures like Optional 1532/D1 instructions include ISC_PROGRAM_USERCODE. When this instruction is loaded, the user shifts all 32 bits of a user-defined ID (LSB first) through TDI. This overwrites any ID previously loaded into the ID register. This ID can then be read back through the USERCODE instruction defined in IEEE 1149.2. ISC_READ is similar to the ORCA RAM_Read instruction which allows the user to read back the configuration RAM contents serially out on TDO. Both must monitor the PDONE signal to determine weather or not configuration is completed. ISC_READ used a 1-bit register to synchronously read back data coming from the configuration memory. The readback data is clocked into the ISC_READ data register and then clocked out TDO on the falling edge or TCK. Table 23. Series 4E Boundary-Scan Vendor-ID Codes Device Version (4-bit) Part* (10-bit) Family (6-bit) Manufacturer (11-bit) LSB (1-bit) OR4E2 0000 0011100000 001000 00000011101 1 OR4E4 0000 0001010000 001000 00000011101 1 OR4E6 0000 0000110000 001000 00000011101 1 OR4E10 0000 0011110000 001000 00000011101 1 OR4E14 0000 0010001000 001000 00000011101 1 * PLC array size of FPGA, reverse bit order. Note: Table assumes version 0. Lucent Technologies Inc. 41 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) ORCA Boundary-Scan Circuitry The ORCA Series boundary-scan circuitry includes a test access port controller (TAPC), instruction register (IR), boundary-scan register (BSR), and bypass register. It also includes circuitry to support the 18 predefined instructions. Figure 27 shows a functional diagram of the boundaryscan circuitry that is implemented in the ORCA Series. The input pins’ (TMS, TCK, and TDI) locations vary depending on the part, and the output pin is the dedicated TDO/RD_DATA output pad. Test data in (TDI) is the serial input data. Test mode select (TMS) controls the boundary-scan TAPC. Test clock (TCK) is the test clock on the board. The BSR is a series connection of boundary-scan cells (BSCs) around the periphery of the IC. Each I/O pad on the FPGA, except for CCLK, DONE, and the boundaryscan pins (TCK, TDI, TMS, and TDO), is included in the BSR. The first BSC in the BSR (connected to TDI) is located in the first PIO I/O pad on the left of the top side of the FPGA (PTA PIO). The BSR proceeds clockwise around the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the array. The last BSC in the BSR (connected to TDO) is located on the top of the left side of the array (PL1D). 42 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 The bypass instruction uses a single FF, which resynchronizes test data that is not part of the current scan operation. In a bypass instruction, test data received on TDI is shifted out of the bypass register to TDO. Since the BSR (which requires a two FF delay for each pad) is bypassed, test throughput is increased when devices that are not part of a test operation are bypassed. The boundary-scan logic is enabled before and during configuration. After configuration, a configuration option determines whether or not boundary-scan logic is used. The 32-bit boundary-scan identification register contains the manufacturer’s ID number, unique part number, and version (as described earlier). The identification register is the default source for data on TDO after RESET if the TAP controller selects the shiftdata-register (SHIFT-DR) instruction. If boundary scan is not used, TMS, TDI, and TCK become user I/Os, and TDO is 3-stated or used in the readback operation. An optional USERCODE is available. The USERCODE is a 32-bit value that the user can set during device configuration and can be written to and read from the FPGA via the boundary-scan logic. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) I/O BUFFERS DATA REGISTERS BOUNDARY-SCAN REGISTER IDCODE REGISTER PSR1/PSR2/PSR3 REGISTERS (PLCs) USER CODE REGISTERS VDD TDI DATA MUX CONFIGURATION REGISTER (RAM_R, RAM_W) BYPASS REGISTER INSTRUCTION DECODER VDD RESET CLOCK DR SHIFT-DR UPDATE-DR TMS INSTRUCTION REGISTER RESET CLOCK IR SHIFT-IR UPDATE-IR VDD TCK TDO M U X SELECT ENABLE TAP CONTROLLER VDD PUR PRGM 5-5768(F) Figure 27. ORCA Series Boundary-Scan Circuitry Functional Diagram ORCA Series TAP Controller The ORCA Series TAP controller is a 1149 compatible TAPC. The 16 JTAG state assignments from the IEEE 1149 specification are used. The TAPC is controlled by TCK and TMS. The TAPC states are used for loading the IR to allow three basic functions in testing: providing test stimuli (Update-DR), providing test execution (Run-Test/Idle), and obtaining test responses (CaptureDR). The TAPC allows the test host to shift in and out both instructions and test data/results. The inputs and outputs of the TAPC are provided in the table below. The outputs are primarily the control signals to the instruction register and the data register. Lucent Technologies Inc. Table 24. TAP Controller Input/Outputs Symbol I/O Function TMS TCK PUR I I I I O O O O O O O O O Test Mode Select Test Clock Powerup Reset BSCAN Reset Test Logic Reset Select IR (High); Select-DR (Low) Test Data Out Enable Capture/Parallel Load-DR Capture/Parallel Load-IR Shift Data Register Shift Instruction Register Update/Parallel Load-DR Update/Parallel Load-IR PRGM TRESET Select Enable Capture-DR Capture-IR Shift-DR Shift-IR Update-DR Update-IR 43 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) The TAPC generates control signals that allow capture, shift, and update operations on the instruction and data registers. In the capture operation, data is loaded into the register. In the shift operation, the captured data is shifted out while new data is shifted in. In the update operation, either the instruction register is loaded for instruction decode, or the boundary-scan register is updated for control of outputs. The test host generates a test by providing input into the ORCA Series TMS input synchronous with TCK. This sequences the TAPC through states in order to perform the desired function on the instruction register or a data register. Figure 28 provides a diagram of the state transitions for the TAPC. The next state is determined by the TMS input value. 1 TEST-LOGICRESET 0 RUN-TEST/ IDLE 0 1 1 SELECTDR-SCAN 0 1 0 1 CAPTURE-DR CAPTURE-IR 0 0 0 SHIFT-DR SHIFT-IR 1 0 1 1 EXIT1-DR 1 EXIT1-IR 0 0 PAUSE-DR 0 PAUSE-IR 1 0 1 SELECTIR-SCAN 0 1 0 EXIT2-DR EXIT2-IR 1 1 UPDATE-DR UPDATE-IR 1 1 0 0 5-5370(F) Figure 28. TAP Controller State Transition Diagram Boundary-Scan Cells Figure 29 is a diagram of the boundary-scan cell (BSC) in the ORCA series PIOs. There are four BSCs in each PIO: one for each pad, except as noted above. The BSCs are connected serially to form the BSR. The BSC controls the functionality of the in, out, and 3-state signals for each pad. The BSC allows the I/O to function in either the normal or test mode. Normal mode is defined as when an output buffer receives input from the PLC array and provides output at the pad or when an input buffer provides input from the pad to the PLC array. In the test mode, the BSC executes a boundary-scan operation, such as shifting in scan data from an upstream BSC in the BSR, providing test stimuli to the pad, capturing test data at the pad, etc. 44 The primary functions of the BSC are shifting scan data serially in the BSR and observing input (p_in), output (p_out), and 3-state (p_ts) signals at the pads. The BSC consists of two circuits: the bidirectional data cell is used to access the input and output data, and the direction control cell is used to access the 3-state value. Both cells consist of a FF used to shift scan data which feeds a FF to control the I/O buffer. The bidirectional data cell is connected serially to the direction control cell to form a boundary-scan shift register. The TAPC signals (capture, update, shiftn, treset, and TCK) and the MODE signal control the operation of the BSC. The bidirectional data cell is also controlled by the high out/low in (HOLI) signal generated by the direction control cell. When HOLI is low, the bidirectional data cell receives input buffer data into the BSC. When HOLI is high, the BSC is loaded with functional data from the PLC. Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Special Function Blocks (continued) The MODE signal is generated from the decode of the instruction register. When the MODE signal is high (EXTEST), the scan data is propagated to the output buffer. When the MODE signal is low (BYPASS or SAMPLE), functional data from the FPGA’s internal logic is propagated to the output buffer. The boundary-scan description language (BSDL) is provided for each device in the ORCA Series of FPGAs on the ORCA Foundry CD. The BSDL is generated from a device profile, pinout, and other boundary-scan information. SCAN IN I/O BUFFER PAD_IN p_in PAD_OUT BIDIRECTIONAL DATA CELL 0 0 0 D 1 Q D Q 1 PAD_TS 1 p_out HOLI 0 0 p_ts D Q D Q 1 1 DIRECTION CONTROL CELL SHIFTN/CAPTURE TCK SCAN OUT UPDATE/TCK MODE 5-2844(F) Figure 29. Boundary-Scan Cell Boundary-Scan Timing To ensure race-free operation, data changes on specific clock edges. The TMS and TDI inputs are clocked in on the rising edge of TCK, while changes on TDO occur on the falling edge of TCK. In the execution of an EXTEST instruction, parallel data is output from the BSR to the FPGA pads on the falling edge of TCK. The maximum frequency allowed for TCK is 10 MHz. Figure 30 shows timing waveforms for an instruction scan operation. The diagram shows the use of TMS to sequence the TAPC through states. The test host (or BSM) changes data on the falling edge of TCK, and it is clocked into the DUT on the rising edge. Lucent Technologies Inc. 45 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs RUN-TEST/IDLE UPDATE-IR EXIT1-IR SHIFT-IR EXIT2-IR PAUSE-IR EXIT1-IR SHIFT-IR CAPTURE-IR SELECT-IR-SCAN SELECT-DR-SCAN RUN-TEST/IDLE TEST-LOGIC-RESET Special Function Blocks (continued) TCK TMS TDI 5-5971(F) Figure 30. Instruction Register Scan Timing Diagram Readback Logic The readback logic can be enabled via a bit stream option or by instantiation of a library readback component. Readback is used to read back the configuration data and, optionally, the state of all PFU and PIO FF outputs. A readback operation can be done while the FPGA is in normal system operation. The readback operation can be daisy-chained. To use readback, the user selects options in the bit stream generator in the ORCA Foundry development system. Table 25 provides readback options selected in the bit stream generator tool. The table provides the number of times that the configuration data can be read back. This is intended primarily to give the user control over the security of the FPGA’s configuration program. The user can prohibit readback (0), allow a single readback (1), or allow unrestricted readback (U). Table 25. Readback Options Option 46 Readback can be performed via the Series 4 MPI or by using dedicated FPGA readback controls. If the MPI is enabled, readback via the dedicated FPGA readback logic is disabled. Readback using the MPI is discussed in the MPI section. The pins used for dedicated readback are readback data (RD_DATA), read configuration (RD_CFG), and configuration clock (CCLK). A readback operation is initiated by a high-to-low transition on RD_CFG. The RD_CFG input must remain low during the readback operation. The readback operation can be restarted at frame 0 by driving the RD_CFG pin high, applying at least two rising edges of CCLK, and then driving RD_CFG low again. One bit of data is shifted out on RD_DATA at the rising edge of CCLK. The first start bit of the readback frame is transmitted out several cycles after the first rising edge of CCLK after RD_CFG is input low (see the readback timing characteristics table in the timing characteristics section). To be certain of the start of the readback frame, the data can be monitored for the 01 frame start bit pair. Function 0 Prohibit Readback 1 Allow One Readback Only U Allow Unrestricted Number of Readbacks Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 Special Function Blocks (continued) Readback can be initiated at an address other than frame 0 via the new MPI control registers (see the Microprocessor Interface section for more information). In all cases, readback is performed at sequential addresses from the start address. It should be noted that the RD_DATA output pin is also used as the dedicated boundary-scan output pin, TDO. If this pin is being used as TDO, the RD_DATA output from readback can be routed internally to any other pin desired. The RD_CFG input pin is also used to control the global 3-state (TS_ALL) function. Before and during configuration, the TS_ALL signal is always driven by the RD_CFG input and readback is disabled. After configuration, the selection as to whether this input drives the readback or global 3-state function is determined by a set of bit stream options. If used as the RD_CFG input for readback, the internal TS_ALL input can be routed internally to be driven by any input pin. The readback frame contains the configuration data and the state of the internal logic. During readback, the value of all registered PFU and PIO outputs can be captured. The following options are allowed when doing a capture of the PFU outputs: ■ Do not capture data (the data written to the RAMs, usually 0, will be read back). ■ Capture data upon entering readback. ■ Capture data based upon a configurable signal internal to the FPGA. If this signal is tied to logic 0, capture RAMs are written continuously. ■ Capture data on either options two or three above. Lucent Technologies Inc. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs The readback frame has an identical format to that of the configuration data frame, which is discussed later in the Configuration Data Format section. If LUT memory is not used as RAM and there is no data capture, the readback data (not just the format) will be identical to the configuration data for the same frame. This eases a bitwise comparison between the configuration and readback data. The configuration header, including the length count field, is not part of the readback frame. The readback frame contains bits in locations not used in the configuration. These locations need to be masked out when comparing the configuration and readback frames. The development system optionally provides a readback bit stream to compare to readback data from the FPGA. Also note that if any of the LUTs are used as RAM and new data is written to them, these bits will not have the same values as the original configuration data frame either. Global 3-State Control (TS_ALL) To increase the testability of the ORCA Series FPGAs, the global 3-state function (TS_ALL) disables the device. The TS_ALL signal is driven from either an external pin or an internal signal. Before and during configuration, the TS_ALL signal is driven by the input pad RD_CFG. After configuration, the TS_ALL signal can be disabled, driven from the RD_CFG input pad, or driven by a general routing signal in the upper right corner. Before configuration, TS_ALL is active-low; after configuration, the sense of TS_ALL can be inverted. The following occur when TS_ALL is activated: ■ All of the user I/O output buffers are 3-stated. ■ The TDO/RD_DATA output buffer is 3-stated. ■ The RD_CFG, RESET, and PRGM input buffers remain active with a pull-up. ■ The DONE output buffer is 3-stated, and the input buffer is pulled up. 47 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Microprocessor Interface (MPI) The Series 4 FPGAs have a dedicated synchronous MPI function block. The MPI is programmable to operate with PowerPC MPC860/MPC8260 series microprocessors. The pin listing is shown in Table 26. The MPI implements an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit interface with 4-bit parity to the host processor (PowerPC) that can be used for configuration and readback of the FPGA as well as for user-defined data processing and general monitoring of FPGA functions. In addition to dedicated-function registers, the MPI bridges to the AMBA embedded system bus through which the PowerPC bus master can access the FPGA configuration logic, EBR, and other user logic. There is also capability to interrupt the host processor either by a hard interrupt or by having the host processor poll the MPI and the embedded system bus. The control portion of the MPI is available following powerup of the FPGA if the mode pins specify MPI mode, even if the FPGA is not yet configured. The width of the data port is selectable among 8-, 16-, or 32-bit and the parity bus can be 1-, 2-, or 4- bit. In configuration mode, the data bus width and parity are related to the state of the M[0:3] mode pins. For postconfiguration use, the MPI must be included in the configuration bit stream by using an MPI library element in your design from the ORCA macro library, or by setting the bit of the MPI configuration control register prior to the start of configuration. The user can also enable and disable the parity bus through the configuration bit stream. These pads can be used as general I/O when they are not needed for MPI use. The ORCA FPGA is a memory-mapped peripheral to the PowerPC processor. The MPI interfaces to the user-programmable FPGA logic using the AMBA embedded system bus. The MPI has access to a series of addressable registers made accessible by the AMBA system bus that provide FPGA control and status, configuration and readback data transfer, FPGA device identification, and a dedicated user scratchpad register. All registers are 8 bits wide. The address map for these registers and the user-logic address space utilize the same registers as the AMBA embedded system bus. The internal AMBA bus is 32 bits wide and the proper transformation of 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data of the MPI is done when transferring data between the MPI and ESB. Table 26. MPC 860 to ORCA MPI Interconnection PowerPC Signal ORCA Pin Name MPI I/O Function D[n:0] D[31:0] I/O 8-, 16-, 32-bit data bus. DP[m:0] DP[3:0] I/O Selectable parity bus width from 1-, 2-, and 4-bit. A[14:31] A[17:0] I 32-bit MPI address bus. TS MPI_STRB I Transfer start signal. BURST MPI_BURST I Active-low indicates burst transfer in-progress/high indicates current transfer not a burst. — CS0 I Active-low MPI select. — CS1 I Active-high MPI select. CLKOUT MPI_CLK I PowerPC interface clock. RD/WR MPI_RW I Read (high)/write (low) signal. TA MPI_ACK O Active-low transfer acknowledge signal. BDIP MPI_BDIP O Active-low burst transfer in progress signal indicates that the second beat in front of the current one is requested by the master. Negated before the burst transfer ends to abort the burst data phase. Any of IRQ[7:0] MPI_IRQ O Active-low interrupt request signal. TEA MPI_TEA O Active-low indicates MPI detects a bus error on the internal system bus for current transaction. RETRY MPI_RTRY O Requests the MPC860 to relinquish the bus and retry the cycle. 48 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 Embedded System Bus (ESB) Implemented using the open standard, on-chip bus AMBA-AHB 2.0 specification, the Series 4 devices connects all the FPGA elements together with a standardized bus framework. The ESB facilitates communication among MPI, configuration, EBRs, and user logic in all the generic FPGA devices. AHB serves the need for high-performance SoC as well as aligning with current synthesis design flows. Multiple bus masters optimize system performance by sharing resources between different bus masters such as the MPI and configuration logic. The wide data bus configuration of 32 bits with 4-bit parity supports the high-bandwidth of data-intensive applications of using the wide on-chip memory. AMBA enhances a reusable design methodology by defining a common backbone for IP modules. The ESB is a synchronous bus that is driven by either the MPI clock, internal oscillator, CCLK (slave configuration modes), TCK (JTAG configuration modes), or by a user clock from routing. During initial configuration and reconfiguration, the bus clock is defaulted to the configuration clock. The postconfiguration clock source is set during configuration. The user has the ability to program several slaves through the user logic interface. Embedded block RAM also interfaces seamlessly to the AHB bus. Lucent Technologies Inc. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs A single bus arbiter controls the traffic on the bus by ensuring that only one master has access to the bus at any time. The arbiter monitors a number of different requests to use the bus and decides which request is currently the highest priority. The configuration modes have the highest priority and overrides all normal user modes. Priority can be programmed between MPI and user logic at configuration in generic FPGAs. If no priority is set, a round-robin approach is used by granting the next requesting master in a rotating fixed order. Several interfaces exist between the ESB and other FPGA elements. The MPI interface acts as a bridge between the external microprocessor bus and ESB. The MPI may have different clock domains than the ESB if the ESB clock is not sourced from the external microprocessor clock. Pipelined operation allows highspeed memory interface to the EBR and peripheral access without the requirement for additional cycles on the bus. Burst transfers allow optimal use of the memory interface by giving advance information of the nature of the transfers. Table 27 is a listing of the ESB register file and brief descriptions. Table 28 shows the system interrupt registers, and Table 29 and Table 30 show the FPGA status and command registers, all with brief descriptions. 49 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded System Bus (ESB) (continued) Table 27. Embedded System Bus/MPI Registers Register Byte 00 01 02 03 04 03—00 07—04 0B—08 0F—0C 13 12 11 10 17—14 1B—18 1F—1C 23—20 27—24 2B—28 2F—2C 33—30 37—34 3B—38 3F—3C 43—40 47—44 53—50 63—60 67—64 73—70 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 14 18 19 1C Read/Write Initial Value RO R/W R/W RO R/W R/W R/W RO R/W RO R/W RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Description 32-bit device ID Scratchpad register Command register Status register Interrupt enable register—MPI Interrupt enable register—USER Interrupt enable register—FPSC Interrupt cause register Readback address register (14 bits) Readback data register Configuration data register Reserved Bus error address register Interrupt vector 1 predefined by configuration bit stream Interrupt vector 2 predefined by configuration bit stream Interrupt vector 3 predefined by configuration bit stream Interrupt vector 4 predefined by configuration bit stream Interrupt vector 5 predefined by configuration bit stream Interrupt vector 6 predefined by configuration bit stream Top-left PPLL control/status Top-left HPLL control/status Top-right PPLL control/status Bottom-left PPLL control/status Bottom-left HPLL control/status Bottom-right PPLL control/status Table 28. Interrupt Register Space Assignments 50 Byte Bit Read/Write 13 12 11 10 7—0 7—0 7—0 R/W R/W R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Description Interrupt enable register—MPI Interrupt enable register—USER Interrupt enable register—FPSC Interrupt cause registers USER_IRQ_GENERAL; USER_IRQ_SLAVE; USER_IRQ_MASTER; CFG_IRQ_DATA; ERR_FLAG 1 MPI_IRQ FPSC_IRQ_SLAVE; FPSC_IRQ_MASTER Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Embedded System Bus (ESB) (continued) Table 29. Status Register Space Assignments Byte Bit Read/Write Description 0F 0E OD 7:0 7:0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 — — RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Reserved Reserved Configuration write data acknowledge Readback data ready Unassigned (zero) Unassigned (zero) FPSC_BIT_ERR RAM_BIT_ERR Configuration write data size (1, 2, or 4 bytes) Use with above for HSIZE[1:0] (byte, half-word, word) Readback addresses out of range Error response received by CFG from system bus Error responses received by CFG from system bus Unassigned (zero) Unassigned (zero) Unassigned (zero) ERR_FLAG 1 ERR_FLAG 0 0C Table 30. Command Register Space Assignments Byte Bit Description 08 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7:0 7:0 Bus reset from MPI > drives HRESETn Bus reset from USER > drives HRESETn Bus reset from FPSC > drives HRESETn SYS_DAISY REPEAT_RDBK (Don't increment readback address.) MPI_USR_ENABLE Readback data size (1, 2, or 4 bytes) Use with above for HSIZE[1:0] R/W SYS_GSR (GSR Input) SYS_RD_CFG (similar to FPGA pin RD_CFGN, but active-high) PRGM from MPI > (similar to FPGA pin, but active-high) PRGM from USER > (similar to FPGA pin, but active-high) PRGM from FPSC > (similar to FPGA pin, but active-high) LOCK from MPI LOCK from USER LOCK from FPSC Reserved Reserved 09 0A 0B Lucent Technologies Inc. 51 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Phase-Locked Loops There are eight PLLs available to perform many clock modification and clock conditioning functions on the Series 4 FPGAs. Six of the PLLs are programmable allowing the user the flexibility to configure the PLL to manipulate the frequency, phase, and duty cycle of a clock signal. Four of the programmable PLLs are capable of manipulating and conditioning clocks from 20 MHz to 200 MHz and two others are capable of manipulating and conditioning clocks from 60 MHz to 420 MHz. Frequencies can be adjusted from 1/8x to 8x the input clock frequency. Each programmable PLL provides two outputs that have different multiplication factors with the same phase relationships. Duty cycles and phase delays can be adjusted in 12.5% of the clock period increments. An input buffer delay compensation mode is available for phase delay. Each PPLL provides two outputs (MCLK, NCLK) that can have programmable (12.5% steps) phase differences. The PPLLs can be utilized to eliminate skew between the clock input pad and the internal clock inputs across the entire device. The PPLLs can drive onto the primary, secondary, and edge clock networks inside the FPGA. Each PPLL can take a clock input from the dedicated pad or differential pair of pads in its corner or from general routing resources. Functionality of the PPLLs is programmed during operation through a read/write interface to the internal system bus command and status registers or via the configuration bit stream. There is also a PLL output signal, LOCK, that indicates a stable output clock state. Unlike Series 3, this signal does not have to be intergrated before use. Table 31. PPLL Specifications Parameter VDD1.5 VDD3.3 Operating Temp Input Clock Voltage Output Clock Voltage Input Clock Frequency (no division) Output Clock Frequency Min PPLL HPPLL PPLL HPPLL Input Duty Cycle Tolerance Output Duty Cycle dc Power Total On Current Total Off Current Cycle to Cycle Jitter (p-p) Lock Time Frequency Multiplication Frequency Division Duty Cycle Adjust of Output Clock Delay Adjust of Output Clock Phase Shift Between MCLK & NCLK Nom Max Unit 1.425 1.5 1.575 3.0 3.3 3.6 –40 25 125 1.425 1.5 1.575 1.425 1.5 1.575 20 — 200 60 — 420 20 — 200 60 — 420 30 — 70 45 50 55 — 28 — — 8.5 — — 30 — — <0.02 — — <50 — 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5 0, 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 V V °C V V MHz MHz % % mW mA pA UIp-p µs — — % % degree Additional highly tuned and characterized dedicated phase-locked loops (DPLLs) are included to ease system designs. These DPLLs meet ITU-T G.811 primary clocking specifications and enable system designers to target very tightly specified clock conditioning not available in the universal PPLLs. DPLLs are targeted to low-speed networking DS1 and E1 and high-speed SONET/SDH networking STS-3 and STM-1 systems. 52 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Phase-Locked Loops (continued) Table 32. DPLL DS-1/E-1 Specifications Parameter VDD1.5 VDD3.3 Operating Temp Input Clock Voltage Output Clock Voltage Input Clock Frequency Output Clock Frequency Input Duty Cycle Tolerance Output Duty Cycle dc Power Total On Current Total Off Current Cycle to Cycle Jitter (p-p) Lock Time Min Nom Max Unit 1.425 3.0 –40 1.425 1.425 1.0 — — 30 47 — — — 1.5 3.3 25 1.5 1.5 — 1.544 2.048 — 50 20 2.5 40 0.015 at 1.544 MHz 0.05 at 2.048 MHz <1200 1.575 3.6 125 1.575 1.575 2.5 — — 70 53 — — — V V °C V V MHz MHz — — % % mW mA pA UIp-p µs A dedicated pin PLL_VF is needed for externally connecting a low-pass filter circuit, as shown in Table 33. This provides the specified DS–1/E–1 PLL operating condition. C1 R C2 R = 6 kΩ WITH 1% ACCURACY C1 = 100 pF 5% ACCURACY C2 = 0.01 µF 5% ACCURACY DEDICATED VSS PLL_VF HPPLL PLL1 LPPLL LPPLL LPPLL LPPLL HPPLL PLL2 1001(F). Figure 31. PLL_VF External Requirements Lucent Technologies Inc. 53 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Phase-Locked Loops (continued) Table 33. Dedicated Pin Per Package Dedicated PLL_VF Pin Per Package BA352 B24 BC432 C4 BM680 D30 Table 34. STS-3/STM-1 DPLL Specifications Parameter Input Clock Frequency Output Clock Frequency Input Duty Cycle Tolerance Output Duty Cycle dc Power Total On Current Total Off Current Cycle to Cycle Jitter (p-p) Lock Time Min Nom Max Unit — — 30 47 — — — 155.52 155.52 — 50 50 2.4 30 0.02 <50 — — 70 53 — — — MHz MHz % % mW mA pA UIp-p µs — — ULPPLL ULHPPLL URPPLL URPLL1 LLPPLL LLHPPLL LRPPLL LRPLL2 0045(F) Figure 32. PLL Naming Scheme 54 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Phase-Locked Loops (continued) Table 35. Phase-Lock Loops Index Name [UL][LL][UR][LR]PPLL [UL][LL]HPPLL URPLL1 LRPLL2 Description Universal user-programmable PLL (20 MHz—200 MHz) Universal user-programmable PLL (60 MHz—420 MHz) DS-1/E-1 dedicated PLL STS-1/STM-1 dedicated PLL FPGA States of Operation Prior to becoming operational, the FPGA goes through a sequence of states, including initialization, configuration, and start-up. Figure 33 outlines these three states. POWERUP – POWER-ON TIME DELAY INITIALIZATION – CLEAR CONFIGURATION MEMORY – INIT LOW, HDC HIGH, LDC LOW RESET, INIT, OR PRGM LOW BIT ERROR YES NO YES NO CONFIGURATION – M[3:0] MODE IS SELECTED – CONFIGURATION DATA FRAME WRITTEN – INIT HIGH, HDC HIGH, LDC LOW – DOUT ACTIVE RESET OR PRGM LOW START-UP – ACTIVE I/O – RELEASE INTERNAL RESET – DONE GOES HIGH PRGM LOW OPERATION 5-4529(F). Figure 33. FPGA States of Operation Lucent Technologies Inc. 55 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) Initialization Upon powerup, the device goes through an initialization process. First, an internal power-on-reset circuit is triggered when power is applied. Dedicated power pins called VDD33 are used by the configuration logic. When VDD33 reaches the voltage at which portions of the FPGA begin to operate (2.0 V), the I/Os are configured based on the configuration mode, as determined by the mode select inputs M[2:0]. A time-out delay is initiated when VDD33 reaches between 2.7 V to 3.0 V to allow the power supply voltage to stabilize. The INIT and DONE outputs are low. At powerup, if VDD33 does not rise from 2.0 V to VDD33 in less than 25 ms, the user should delay configuration by inputting a low into INIT, PRGM, or RESET until VDD33 is greater than the recommended minimum operating voltage. At the end of initialization, the default configuration option is that the configuration RAM is written to a low state. This prevents shorts prior to configuration. As a configuration option, after the first configuration (i.e., at reconfiguration), the user can reconfigure without clearing the internal configuration RAM first. The active-low, open-drain initialization signal INIT is released and must be pulled high by an external resistor when initialization is complete. To synchronize the configuration of multiple FPGAs, one or more INIT pins should be wire-ANDed. If INIT is held low by one or more FPGAs or an external device, the FPGA remains in the initialization state. INIT can be used to signal that the FPGAs are not yet initialized. After INIT goes high for two internal clock cycles, the mode lines (M[3:0]) are sampled, and the FPGA enters the configuration state. The high during configuration (HDC), low during configuration (LDC), and DONE signals are active outputs in the FPGA’s initialization and configuration states. HDC, LDC, and DONE can be used to provide control of external logic signals such as reset, bus enable, or PROM enable during configuration. For parallel master configuration modes, these signals provide PROM enable control and allow the data pins to be shared with user logic signals. If configuration has begun, an assertion of RESET or PRGM initiates an abort, returning the FPGA to the initialization state. The PRGM and RESET pins must be pulled back high before the FPGA will enter the configuration state. During the start-up and operating states, only the assertion of PRGM causes a reconfiguration. initialization state is extended to ensure that, in daisychain operation, all daisy-chained slave devices are ready. Independent of differences in clock rates, master mode devices remain in the initialization state an additional six internal clock cycles after INIT goes high. When configuration is initiated, a counter in the FPGA is set to 0 and begins to count configuration clock cycles applied to the FPGA. As each configuration data frame is supplied to the FPGA, it is internally assembled into data words. Each data word is loaded into the internal configuration memory. The configuration loading process is complete when the internal length count equals the loaded length count in the length count field, and the required end of configuration frame is written. During configuration, the PIO and PLC latches/FFs are held set/reset and the internal BIDI buffers are 3-stated. The combinatorial logic begins to function as the FPGA is configured. Figure 34 shows the general waveform of the initialization, configuration, and startup states. Configuration The ORCA Series FPGA functionality is determined by the state of internal configuration RAM. This configuration RAM can be loaded in a number of different modes. In these configuration modes, the FPGA can act as a master or a slave of other devices in the system. The decision as to which configuration mode to use is a system design issue. Configuration is discussed in detail, including the configuration data format and the configuration modes used to load the configuration data in the FPGA, following a description of the start-up state. Start-Up After configuration, the FPGA enters the start-up phase. This phase is the transition between the configuration and operational states and begins when the number of CCLKs received after INIT goes high is equal to the value of the length count field in the configuration frame and when the end of configuration frame has been written. The system design issue in the start-up phase is to ensure the user I/Os become active without inadvertently activating devices in the system or causing bus contention. A second system design concern is the timing of the release of global set/reset of the PLC latches/FFs. In the master configuration modes, the FPGA is the source of configuration clock (CCLK). In this mode, the 56 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) VDD RESET PRGM INIT M[3:0] CCLK HDC LDC DONE USER I/O INTERNAL RESET (gsm) INITIALIZATION CONFIGURATION START-UP OPERATION 5-4482(F) Figure 34. Initialization/Configuration/Start-Up Waveforms Lucent Technologies Inc. 57 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) There are configuration options that control the relative timing of three events: DONE going high, release of the set/reset of internal FFs, and user I/Os becoming active. Figure 35 shows the start-up timing for ORCA FPGAs. The system designer determines the relative timing of the I/Os becoming active, DONE going high, and the release of the set/reset of internal FFs. In the ORCA Series FPGA, the three events can occur in any arbitrary sequence. This means that they can occur before or after each other, or they can occur simultaneously. There are four main start-up modes: CCLK_NOSYNC, CCLK_SYNC, UCLK_NOSYNC, and UCLK_SYNC. The only difference between the modes starting with CCLK and those starting with UCLK is that for the UCLK modes, a user clock must be supplied to the start-up logic. The timing of start-up events is then based upon this user clock, rather than CCLK. The difference between the SYNC and NOSYNC modes is that for SYNC mode, the timing of two of the start-up events, release of the set/reset of internal FFs, and the I/Os becoming active is triggered by the rise of the external DONE pin followed by a variable number of rising clock edges (either CCLK or UCLK). For the NOSYNC mode, the timing of these two events is based only on either CCLK or UCLK. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 The default for ORCA is the CCLK_SYNC synchronized start-up mode where DONE is released on the first CCLK rising edge, C1 (see Figure 35). Since this is a synchronized start-up mode, the open-drain DONE signal can be held low externally to stop the occurrence of the other two start-up events. Once the DONE pin has been released and pulled up to a high level, the other two start-up events can be programmed individually to either happen immediately or after up to four rising edges of CCLK (Di, Di + 1, Di + 2, Di + 3, Di + 4). The default is for both events to happen immediately after DONE is released and pulled high. A commonly used design technique is to release DONE one or more clock cycles before allowing the I/O to become active. This allows other configuration devices, such as PROMs, to be disconnected using the DONE signal so that there is no bus contention when the I/Os become active. In addition to controlling the FPGA during start-up, other start-up techniques that avoid contention include using isolation devices between the FPGA and other circuits in the system, reassigning I/O locations, and maintaining I/Os as 3-stated outputs until contentions are resolved. Each of these start-up options can be selected during bit stream generation in ORCA Foundry, using Advanced Options. For more information, please see the ORCA Foundry documentation. DONE is an open-drain bidirectional pin that may include an optional (enabled by default) pull-up resistor to accommodate wired ANDing. The open-drain DONE signals from multiple FPGAs can be tied together (ANDed) with a pull-up (internal or external) and used as an active-high ready signal, an active-low PROM enable, or a reset to other portions of the system. When used in SYNC mode, these ANDed DONE pins can be used to synchronize the other two start-up events, since they can all be synchronized to the same external signal. This signal will not rise until all FPGAs release their DONE pins, allowing the signal to be pulled high. 58 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) CCLK PERIOD ORCA CCLK_NOSYNC F DONE C1 C2 C3 C4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C1 C2 C3 C4 I/O GSRN ACTIVE ORCA CCLK_SYNC DONE IN DONE I/O F C1, C2, C3, OR C4 GSRN ACTIVE Di Di + 1 Di + 2 Di + 3 Di + 4 Di Di + 1 Di + 2 Di + 3 Di + 4 ORCA UCLK_NOSYNC UCLK F DONE I/O C1 GSRN ACTIVE U1 U2 U3 U4 U1 U2 U3 U4 U1 U2 U3 U4 ORCA UCLK_SYNC DONE IN DONE I/O GSRN ACTIVE C1 F U1, U2, U3, OR U4 Di Di + 1 Di + 2 Di + 3 Di Di + 1 Di + 2 Di + 3 Di + 4 UCLK PERIOD SYNCHRONIZATION UNCERTAINTY F = FINISHED, NO MORE CLKS REQUIRED. 5-2761(F) Figure 35. Start-Up Waveforms Lucent Technologies Inc. 59 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) Other bit stream options are also available that allow one portion of the FPGA to remain in operation while a partial reconfiguration is being done. If this is done, the user must be careful to not cause contention between the two configurations (the bit stream resident in the FPGA and the partial reconfiguration bit stream) as the second reconfiguration bit stream is being loaded. Reconfiguration To reconfigure the FPGA when the device is operating in the system, a low pulse is input into PRGM or a program command is sent to the system bus. The configuration data in the FPGA is cleared, and the I/Os not used for configuration are 3-stated. The FPGA then samples the mode select inputs and begins reconfiguration. When reconfiguration is complete, DONE is released, allowing it to be pulled high. Other Configuration Options There are many other configuration options available to the user that can be set during bit stream generation in ORCA Foundry. These include options to enable boundary scan and/or the MPI and/or the programmable PLL blocks, readback options, and options to control and use the internal oscillator after configuration. Partial Reconfiguration All ORCA device families have been designed to allow a partial reconfiguration of the FPGA at any time. This is done by setting a bit stream option in the previous configuration sequence that tells the FPGA to not reset all of the configuration RAM during a reconfiguration. Then only the configuration frames that are to be modified need to be rewritten, thereby reducing the configuration time. Other useful options that affect the next configuration (not the current configuration process) include options to disable the global set/reset during configuration, disable the 3-state of I/Os during configuration, and disable the reset of internal RAMs during configuration to allow for partial configurations (see above). For more information on how to set these and other configuration options, please see the ORCA Foundry documentation. CONFIGURATION DATA CONFIGURATION DATA 0 0 1 0 0 1 PREAMBLE LENGTH COUNT ID FRAME 0 0 0 1 CONFIGURATION DATA FRAME 1 CONFIGURATION DATA FRAME 2 POSTAMBLE CONFIGURATION HEADER 5-5759(F) Figure 36. Serial Configuration Data Format—Autoincrement Mode CONFIGURATION DATA 0 0 1 0 PREAMBLE LENGTH COUNT 0 1 ID FRAME CONFIGURATION DATA 0 0 CONFIGURATION DATA FRAME 1 0 1 ADDRESS FRAME 1 0 0 CONFIGURATION DATA FRAME 2 ADDRESS FRAME 2 0 0 POSTAMBLE CONFIGURATION HEADER 5-5760(F) Figure 37. Serial Configuration Data Format—Explicit Mode 60 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) Table 36A. Configuration Frame Format and Contents Frame Header ID Frame FPGA Header FPGA Address Frame FPGA Data Frame Postamble for Generic FPGA Contents Description 11110010 24-bit length count 11111111 0101 1111 1111 1111 44 reserved bits Part ID Checksum 11111111 1111 0010 11111111 Preamble for generic FPGA. Configuration bit stream length. 8-bit trailing header. ID frame header. Reserved bits set to 0. 20-bit part ID. 8-bit checksum. 8 stop bits (high) to separate frames. This is a new mandatory header for generic portion. 8 stop bits (high) to separate frames. 00 14-bit address Checksum 11111111 01 Alignment bits Data bits Checksum 11111111 00 or 10 11111111 111111 11111111 11111111 Address frame header. 14-bit address of generic FPGA. 8-bit checksum. Eight stop bits (high) to separate frames. Data frame header, same as generic. String of 0 bits added to frame to reach a byte boundary. Number of data bits depends upon device. 8-bit checksum. Eight stop bits (high) to separate frames. Postamble header, 00 = finish, 10 = more bits coming. Dummy address. 16 stop bits (high). Table 36B. Configuration Frame Format and Contents for Embedded Block RAM Frame Contents 11110001 11111111 RAM Header RAM Address Frame RAM Data Frame Postamble for RAM 00 6-bit address Checksum 11111111 01 000000 512x18 data bits Checksum 11111111 00 or 10 111111 11111111 11111111 Lucent Technologies Inc. Description A mandatory header for RAM bit stream portion. 8 stop bits (high) to separate frames. Address frame header, same as generic. 6-bit address of RAM blocks. 8-bit checksum. Eight stop bits (high) to separate frames. Data frame header, same as generic. Six of 0 bits added to reach a byte boundary. Exact number of bits in a RAM block. 8-bit checksum. Eight stop bits (high) to separate frames. Postamble header. 00 = finish, 10 = more bits coming. Dummy address. 16 stop bits (high). 61 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA States of Operation (continued) Table 37. Configuration Frame Size Devices OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 Number of Frames 1796 2436 3076 3972 4356 Data Bits/Frame 900 1284 1540 1924 2372 Maximum Configuration Data (Number of bits/frame x Number of frames) 1,610,400 3,127,824 4,737,040 7,642,128 10,332,432 Maximum PROM Size (bits) (add configuration header and postamble) 1,161,648 3,128,072 4,737,288 7,642,376 10,332,680 Bit Stream Error Checking FPGA Configuration Modes There are three different types of bit stream error checking performed in the ORCA Series 4 FPGAs: ID frame, frame alignment, and CRC checking. There are twelve methods for configuring the FPGA. Eleven of the configuration modes are selected on the M0, M1, and M2 inputs. The twelfth configuration mode is accessed through the boundary-scan interface. A fourth input, M3, is used to select the frequency of the internal oscillator, which is the source for CCLK in some configuration modes. The nominal frequencies of the internal oscillator are 1.25 MHz and 10 MHz. The 1.25 MHz frequency is selected when the M3 input is unconnected or driven to a high state. The ID data frame is sent to a dedicated location in the FPGA. This ID frame contains a unique code for the device for which it was generated. This device code is compared to the internal code of the FPGA. Any differences are flagged as an ID error. This frame is automatically created by the bit stream generation program in ORCA Foundry. Each data and address frame in the FPGA begins with a frame start pair of bits and ends with eight stop bits set to 1. If any of the previous stop bits were a 0 when a frame start pair is encountered, it is flagged as a frame alignment error. Error checking is also done on the FPGA for each frame by means of a checksum byte. If an error is found on evaluation of the checksum byte, then a checksum/ parity error is flagged. The checksum is the XOR of all the data bytes, from the start of frame up to and including the bytes before the checksum. It applies to the ID, address, and data frames. There are three basic FPGA configuration modes: master, slave, and peripheral. The configuration data can be transmitted to the FPGA serially or in parallel bytes. As a master, the FPGA provides the control signals out to strobe data in. As a slave device, a clock is generated externally and provided into the CCLK input. In the three peripheral modes, the FPGA acts as a microprocessor peripheral. Table 38 lists the functions of the configuration mode pins. When any of the three possible errors occur, the FPGA is forced into an idle state, forcing INIT low. The FPGA will remain in this state until either the RESET or PRGM pins are asserted. Also the pin CFQ_IRQ/MPI_IRQ is forced low to signal the error and the specific type of bit stream error is written to one of the system bus registers by the FPGA configuration logic. The PGRM bit of the system bus control register can also be used to reset out of the error condition and restart configuration. 62 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) Table 38. Configuration Modes M3 M2 M1 M0 CCLK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Output. High-frequency. Output. High-frequency. Output. High-frequency. NA. Output. Low-frequency. Input. Output. Output. Output. Low-frequency. Output. Low-frequency. Output. Input. Configuration Mode Data Master Serial Master Parallel Asynchronous Peripheral Reserved Master Serial Slave Parallel MPC860 MPI MPC860 MPI Master Parallel Asynchronous Peripheral MPC860 MPI Slave Serial Serial 8-bit 8-bit NA Serial 8-bit 8-bit 16-bit 8-bit 8-bit 32-bit Serial Master Parallel Mode The master parallel configuration mode is generally used to interface to industry-standard, bytewide memory. Figure 38 provides the connections for master parallel mode. The FPGA outputs an 18-bit address on A[17:0] to memory and reads 1 byte of configuration data on the rising edge of RCLK. The parallel bytes are internally serialized starting with the least significant bit, D0. D[7:0] of the FPGA can be connected to D[7:0] of the microprocessor only if a standard prom file format is used. If a .bit or .rbt file is used from ORCA Foundry, then the user must mirror the bytes in the .bit or .rbt file or leave the .bit or .rbt file unchanged and connect D[7:0] of the FPGA to D[0:7] of the microprocessor. DOUT A[21:0] A[21:0] D[7:0] D[7:0] EPROM CCLK TO DAISYCHAINED DEVICES ORCA SERIES FPGA OE DONE CE PROGRAM VDD VDD OR GND PRGM M2 HDC M1 LDC M0 RCLK 5-9738(F) Figure 38. Master Parallel Configuration Schematic Lucent Technologies Inc. 63 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) In master parallel mode, the starting memory address is 00000 hex, and the FPGA increments the address for each byte loaded. One master mode FPGA can interface to the memory and provide configuration data on DOUT to additional FPGAs in a daisy-chain. The configuration data on DOUT is provided synchronously with the falling edge of CCLK. The frequency of the CCLK output is eight times that of RCLK. Master Serial Mode In the master serial mode, the FPGA loads the configuration data from an external serial ROM. The configuration data is either loaded automatically at start-up or on a PRGM command to reconfigure. Serial PROMs can be used to configure the FPGA in the master serial mode. Configuration in the master serial mode can be done at powerup and/or upon a configure command. The system or the FPGA must activate the serial ROM's RESET/OE and CE inputs. At powerup, the FPGA and serial ROM each contain internal power-on reset circuitry that allows the FPGA to be configured without the system providing an external signal. The power-on reset circuitry causes the serial ROM's internal address pointer to be reset. After powerup, the FPGA automatically enters its initialization phase. The serial ROM/FPGA interface used depends on such factors as the availability of a system reset pulse, availability of an intelligent host to generate a configure command, whether a single serial ROM is used or multiple serial ROMs are cascaded, whether the serial ROM contains a single or multiple configuration programs, etc. Because of differing system requirements and capabilities, a single FPGA/serial ROM interface is generally not appropriate for all applications. Data is read in the FPGA sequentially from the serial ROM. The DATA output from the serial ROM is connected directly into the DIN input of the FPGA. The CCLK output from the FPGA is connected to the CLK input of the serial ROM. During the configuration process, CCLK clocks one data bit on each rising edge. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 serial ROM’s RESET/OE and CE inputs. The serial ROM’s RESET/OE is programmable to function with RESET active-high and OE active-low or RESET activelow and OE active-high. In Figure 39, serial ROMs are cascaded to configure multiple daisy-chained FPGAs. The host generates a 500 ns low pulse into the FPGA's PRGM input. The FPGA’s INIT input is connected to the serial ROMs’ RESET/OE input, which has been programmed to function with RESET active-low and OE active-high. The FPGA DONE is routed to the CE pin. The low on DONE enables the serial ROMs. At the completion of configuration, the high on the FPGA’s DONE disables the serial ROM. Serial ROMs can also be cascaded to support the configuration of multiple FPGAs or to load a single FPGA when configuration data requirements exceed the capacity of a single serial ROM. After the last bit from the first serial ROM is read, the serial ROM outputs CEO low and 3-states the DATA output. The next serial ROM recognizes the low on CE input and outputs configuration data on the DATA output. After configuration is complete, the FPGA’s DONE output into CE disables the serial ROMs. This FPGA/serial ROM interface is not used in applications in which a serial ROM stores multiple configuration programs. In these applications, the next configuration program to be loaded is stored at the ROM location that follows the last address for the previous configuration program. The reason the interface in Figure 39 will not work in this application is that the low output on the INIT signal would reset the serial ROM address pointer, causing the first configuration to be reloaded. In some applications, there can be contention on the FPGA's DIN pin. During configuration, DIN receives configuration data, and after configuration, it is a user I/O. If there is contention, an early DONE at start-up (selected in ORCA Foundry) may correct the problem. An alternative is to use LDC to drive the serial ROM's CE pin. In order to reduce noise, it is generally better to run the master serial configuration at 1.25 MHz (M3 pin tied high), rather than 10 MHz, if possible. Since the data and clock are direct connects, the FPGA/serial ROM design task is to use the system or FPGA to enable the RESET/OE and CE of the serial ROM(s). There are several methods for enabling the 64 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) DATA DOUT DIN CLK CCLK CE RESET/OE DONE TO DAISYCHAINED DEVICES PRGM CEO ORCA SERIES FPGA DATA CLK CE M2 M1 M0 RESET/OE CEO TO MORE SERIAL ROMs AS NEEDED PROGRAM 5-4456(F) Figure 39. Master Serial Configuration Schematic Asynchronous Peripheral Mode Figure 40 shows the connections needed for the asynchronous peripheral mode. In this mode, the FPGA system interface is similar to that of a microprocessor-peripheral interface. The microprocessor generates the control signals to write an 8-bit byte into the FPGA. The FPGA control inputs include active-low CS0 and active-high CS1 chip selects and WR and RD inputs. The chip selects can be cycled or maintained at a static level during the configuration cycle. Each byte of data is written into the FPGA’s D[7:0] input pins. D[7:0] of the FPGA can be connected to D[7:0] of the microprocessor only if a standard prom file format is used. If a .bit or .rbt file is used from ORCA Foundry, then the user must mirror the bytes in the .bit or .rbt file or leave the .bit or .rbt file unchanged and connect D[7:0] of the FPGA to D[0:7] of the microprocessor. The FPGA provides an RDY/BUSY status output to indicate that another byte can be loaded. A low on RDY/BUSY indicates that the double-buffered hold/shift registers are not ready to receive data, and this pin must be monitored to go high before another byte of data can be written. The shortest time RDY/BUSY is low occurs when a byte is loaded into the hold register and the shift register is empty, in which case the byte is immediately transferred to the shift register. The longest time for RDY/BUSY to remain low occurs when a byte is loaded into the holding register and the shift register has just started shifting configuration data into configuration RAM. The RDY/BUSY status is also available on the D7 pin by enabling the chip selects, setting WR high, and applying RD low, where the RD input provides an output enable for the D7 pin when RD is low. The D[6:0] pins are not enabled to drive when RD is low and, therefore, only act as input pins in asynchronous peripheral mode. Optionally, the user can ignore the RDY/BUSY status and simply wait until the maximum time it would take for the RDY/BUSY line to go high, indicating the FPGA is ready for more data, before writing the next data byte. Lucent Technologies Inc. 65 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) DOUT PRGM D[7:0] RDY/BUSY INIT DONE 8 CCLK TO DAISYCHAINED DEVICES MICROPROCESSOR ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC CS0 CS1 BUS CONTROLLER RD WR VDD M2 ORCA SERIES FPGA HDC M1 M0 LDC 5-9739(F) Figure 40. Asynchronous Peripheral Configuration Microprocessor Interface Mode The built-in MPI in Series 4 FPGAs is designed for use in configuring the FPGA. Figure 41 shows the glueless interface for FPGA configuration and readback from the PowerPC processor. When enabled by the mode pins, the MPI handles all configuration/readback control and handshaking with the host processor. For single FPGA configuration, the host sets the configuration control register PRGM bit to zero then back to a one and, after reading that the configuration write data acknowledge register is high, transfers data 8, 16, or 32 bits at a time to the FPGA’s D[#:0] input pins. If configuring multiple FPGAs through daisy-chain operation is desired, the SYS_DAISY bit must be set in the configuration control register of the MPI. There are two options for using the host interrupt request in configuration mode. The configuration control register offers control bits to enable the interrupt on either a bit stream error or to notify the host processor when the FPGA is ready for more configuration data. The MPI status register may be used in conjunction with, or in place of, the interrupt request options. The status register contains a 2-bit field to indicate the bit stream error status. As previously mentioned, there is also a bit to indicate the MPI’s readiness to receive another byte of configuration data. A flow chart of the MPI configuration process is shown in Figure 42. 66 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) DOUT CCLK 8, 16, 32 D[#:0] A[14:31] CLKOUT RD/WR TA POWERPC BDIP IRQx TS D[#:0] A[17:0] MPI_CLK MPI_RW ORCA MPI_ACK SERIES 4 MPI_BDIP FPGA MPI_IRQ MPI_STRB DONE CS0 INIT CS1 HDC LDC TO DAISYCHAINED DEVICES BUS CONTROLLER 5-5761(F) Figure 41. PowerPC/MPI Configuration Schematic Configuration readback can also be performed via the MPI when it is in user mode. The MPI is enabled in user mode by setting the MPI_USER_ENABLE bit to 1 in the configuration control register prior to the start of configuration or through a configuration option. To perform readback, the host processor writes the 14-bit readback start address to the readback address registers and sets the RD_CFG bit to 0 in the configuration control register. Readback data is returned 8 bits at a time to the readback data register and is valid when the DATA_RDY bit of the status register is 1. There is no error checking during readback. A flow chart of the MPI readback operation is shown in Figure 43. The RD_DATA pin used for dedicated FPGA readback is invalid during MPI readback. Lucent Technologies Inc. 67 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) POWER ON WITH VALID M[3:0] WRITE CONFIGURATION CONTROL REGISTER BITS READ STATUS REGISTER NO INIT = 1? YES WRITE CONFIGURATION DATA REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER YES DONE DONE = 1? NO ERROR YES BIT STREAM ERROR? NO DATA_RDY = 1? NO YES WRITE DATA TO CONFIGURATION DATA REG 5-5763(F) Figure 42. Configuration Through MPI 68 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) ENABLE MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE IN USER MODE SET READBACK ADDRESS WRITE RD_CFG TO 0 IN CONTROL REGISTER 1 READ STATUS REGISTER NO DATA_RDY = 1? YES READ DATA REGISTER ERROR NO DATA = 0xFF? YES READ DATA REGISTER ERROR NO DATA = 0xFF? YES READ DATA REGISTER ERROR NO START OF FRAME FOUND? YES READ UNTIL END OF FRAME INCREMENT ADDRESS COUNTER IN SOFTWARE STOP WRITE RD_CFG TO 1 IN CONTROL REGISTER 1 YES FINISHED READBACK? NO 5-5764(F) Figure 43. Readback Through MPI Lucent Technologies Inc. 69 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) Slave Serial Mode The slave serial mode is primarily used when multiple FPGAs are configured in a daisy chain (see the Daisy Chaining section). It is also used on the FPGA evaluation board that interfaces to the download cable. A device in the slave serial mode can be used as the lead device in a daisy chain. Figure 44 shows the connections for the slave serial configuration mode. The configuration data is provided into the FPGA’s DIN input synchronous with the configuration clock CCLK input. After the FPGA has loaded its configuration data, it retransmits the incoming configuration data on DOUT. CCLK is routed into all slave serial mode devices in parallel. Multiple slave FPGAs can be loaded with identical configurations simultaneously. This is done by loading the configuration data into the DIN inputs in parallel. DOUT INIT MICROPROCESSOR OR DOWNLOAD CABLE PRGM DONE TO DAISYCHAINED DEVICES ORCA SERIES FPGA CCLK DIN VDD M2 M1 M0 HDC LDC 5-4485(F) Figure 44. Slave Serial Configuration Schematic Slave Parallel Mode The slave parallel mode is essentially the same as the slave serial mode except that 8 bits of data are input on pins D[7:0] for each CCLK cycle. Due to 8 bits of data being input per CCLK cycle, the DOUT pin does not contain a valid bit stream for slave parallel mode. As a result, the lead device cannot be used in the slave parallel mode in a daisy-chain configuration. Figure 45 is a schematic of the connections for the slave parallel configuration mode. WR and CS0 are active-low chip select signals, and CS1 is an active-high chip select signal. These chip selects allow the user to configure multiple FPGAs in slave parallel mode using an 8-bit data bus common to all of the FPGAs. These chip selects can then be used to select the FPGAs to be configured with a given bit stream. The chip selects must be active for each valid CCLK cycle until the device has been completely programmed. They can be inactive between cycles but must meet the setup and hold times for each valid positive CCLK. D[7:0] of the FPGA can be connected to D[7:0] of the microprocessor only if a standard prom file format is used. If a .bit or .rbt file is used from ORCA Foundry, then the user must mirror the bytes in the .bit or .rbt file or leave the .bit or .rbt file unchanged and connect D[7:0] of the FPGA to D[0:7] of the microprocessor. 70 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) 8 D[7:0] DONE INIT MICROPROCESSOR OR SYSTEM CCLK PRGM ORCA SERIES FPGA VDD CS1 CS0 WR M2 HDC M1 LDC M0 5-4487(F) Figure 45. Slave Parallel Configuration Schematic Daisy Chaining Multiple FPGAs can be configured by using a daisy chain of the FPGAs. Daisy chaining uses a lead FPGA and one or more FPGAs configured in slave serial mode. The lead FPGA can be configured in any mode except slave parallel mode. All daisy-chained FPGAs are connected in series. Each FPGA reads and shifts the preamble and length count in on positive CCLK and out on negative CCLK edges. An upstream FPGA that has received the preamble and length count outputs a high on DOUT until it has received the appropriate number of data frames so that downstream FPGAs do not receive frame start bit pairs. After loading and retransmitting the preamble and length count to a daisy chain of slave devices, the lead device loads its configuration data frames. The loading of configuration data continues after the lead device has received its configuration data if its internal frame bit counter has not reached the length count. When the configuration RAM is full and the number of bits received is less than the length count field, the FPGA shifts any additional data out on DOUT. The configuration data is read into DIN of slave devices on the positive edge of CCLK, and shifted out DOUT on the negative edge of CCLK. Figure 46 shows the connections for loading multiple FPGAs in a daisy-chain configuration. The generation of CCLK for the daisy-chained devices that are in slave serial mode differs depending on the configuration mode of the lead device. A master parallel mode device uses its internal timing generator to produce an internal CCLK at eight times its memory address rate (RCLK). The asynchronous peripheral mode device outputs eight CCLKs for each write cycle. If the lead device is configured in slave mode, CCLK must be routed to the lead device and to all of the daisy-chained devices. Lucent Technologies Inc. 71 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs FPGA Configuration Modes (continued) CCLK A[17:0] A[17:0] EPROM D[7:0] D[7:0] OE CE DONE PRGM PROGRAM VDD VDD OR GND M2 M1 M0 CCLK CCLK DOUT DIN DIN DOUT ORCA SERIES FPGA MASTER DOUT ORCA SERIES FPGA SLAVE 2 ORCA SERIES FPGA SLAVE 1 INIT VDD HDC LDC RCLK DONE DONE PRGM PRGM M2 M1 M0 INIT VDD HDC LDC RCLK M2 M1 M0 VDD INIT HDC LDC RCLK VDD 5-4488(F Figure 46. Daisy-Chain Configuration Schematic As seen in Figure 46, the INIT pins for all of the FPGAs are connected together. This is required to guarantee that powerup and initialization will work correctly. In general, the DONE pins for all of the FPGAs are also connected together as shown to guarantee that all of the FPGAs enter the start-up state simultaneously. This may not be required, depending upon the start-up sequence desired. Daisy-Chaining with Boundary Scan Multiple FPGAs can be configured through the JTAG ports by using a daisy chain of the FPGAs. This daisychaining operation is available upon initial configuration after powerup, after a power-on reset, after pulling the program pin to reset the chip, or during a reconfiguration if the EN_JTAG RAM has been set. All daisy-chained FPGAs are connected in series. Each FPGA reads and shifts the preamble and length count in on the positive TCK and out on the negative TCK edges. The loading of configuration data continues after the lead device had received its configuration read into TDI of downstream devices on the positive edge of TCK, and shifted out TDO on the negative edge of TCK. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. The ORCA Series FPGAs include circuitry designed to protect the chips from damaging substrate injection currents and to prevent accumulations of static charge. Nevertheless, conventional precautions should be observed during storage, handling, and use to avoid exposure to excessive electrical stress. An upstream FPGA that has received the preamble and length count outputs a high on TDO until it has received the appropriate number of data frames so that downstream FPGAs do not receive frame start bit pairs. After loading and retransmitting the preamble and length count to a daisy chain of downstream devices, the lead device loads its configuration data frames. 72 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Absolute Maximum Ratings (continued) Table 39. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Tstg –65 150 °C Storage Temperature VDD3 — ≤4.2 V VDD15 — 2 V Input Signal with Respect to Ground — VSS – 0.3 VDDIO + 0.3 V Signal Applied to High-impedance Output — VSS – 0.3 VDDIO + 0.3 V Maximum Package Body Temperature — — 220 °C Symbol Min Max Unit Power Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground Recommended Operating Conditions Table 40. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter VDD3 2.7 3.6 V VDD15 1.4 1.6 V Input Voltages VIN VSS – 0.3 VDDIO + 0.3 V Junction Temperature TJ –40 125 °C Power Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground Note: The maximum recommended junction temperature (TJ) during operation is 125 °C. Electrical Characteristics Table 41. Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min IL VDD = max, VIN = VSS or VDD –10 10 µA Standby Current: OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 IDDSB TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V internal oscillator running, no output loads, inputs VDD or GND (after configuration) — — — — — TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD mA mA mA mA mA Standby Current: OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 IDDSB — — — — — TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD mA mA mA mA mA Powerup Current: OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 OR4E14 Ipp — — — — — mA mA mA mA mA Input Leakage Current TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V internal oscillator stopped, no output loads, inputs VDD or GND (after configuration) Power supply current at approximately 1 V, within a recommended power supply ramp rate of TBD 1 ms—200 ms TBD TBD TBD TBD Max Unit * The pull-up resistor will externally pull the pin to a level 1.0 V below VDDIO. Lucent Technologies Inc. 73 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Electrical Characteristics (continued) Table 41. Electrical Characteristics (continued) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Data Retention Voltage (VDD33) VDR TA = 25 °C 2.3 — V Input Capacitance CIN TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V Test frequency = 1 MHz — 6 pF COUT TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V Test frequency = 1 MHz — 6 pF Output Capacitance Max Unit DONE Pull-up Resistor* RDONE — 100 — kΩ M[3:0] Pull-up Resistor* RM — 100 — kΩ I/O Pad Static Pull-up Current* IPU VDDIO = 3.6 V, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C I/O Pad Static Pull-down Current IPD VDDIO = 3.6 V, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C 26 103 µA I/O Pad Pull-up Resistor* RPU VDDIO = all, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C 100 — kΩ I/O Pad Pull-down Resistor RPD VDDIO = all, VIN = VDD, TA = 0 °C 50 — kΩ DONE Pull-up Resistor* RDONE — 100 — kΩ M[3:0] Pull-up Resistor* RM — 100 — kΩ I/O Pad Static Pull-up Current* IPU VDDIO = 3.6 V, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C I/O Pad Static Pull-down Current IPD VDDIO = 3.6 V, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C 26 103 µA I/O Pad Pull-up Resistor* RPU VDDIO = all, VIN = VSS, TA = 0 °C 100 — kΩ I/O Pad Pull-down Resistor RPD VDDIO = all, VIN = VDD, TA = 0 °C 50 — kΩ 14.4 50.9 14.4 50.9 µA µA * The pull-up resistor will externally pull the pin to a level 1.0 V below VDDIO. 74 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information Pin Descriptions This section describes the pins found on the Series 4 FPGAs. Any pin not described in this table is a user-programmable I/O. During configuration, the user-programmable I/Os are 3-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded to a package pin), it is also 3-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled after configuration. Table 42. Pin Descriptions Symbol I/O Description Dedicated Pins VDD33 — 3 V positive power supply. VDD15 — 1.5 V positive power supply for internal logic. VDDIO — Positive power supply used by I/O banks. GND — Ground supply. PLL_VF — Dedicated pins for PLL filtering. PTEMP I Temperature-sensing diode pin. Dedicated input. RESET I During configuration, RESET forces the restart of configuration and a pull-up is enabled. After configuration, RESET can be used as a general FPGA input or as a direct input, which causes all PLC latches/FFs to be asynchronously set/reset. CCLK I In the master and asynchronous peripheral modes, CCLK is an output which strobes configuration data in. In the slave or readback after configuration, CCLK is input synchronous with the data on DIN or D[7:0]. CCLK is an output for daisy-chain operation when the lead device is in master, peripheral, or system bus modes. O DONE I As an input, a low level on DONE delays FPGA start-up after configuration.* O As an active-high, open-drain output, a high level on this signal indicates that configuration is complete. DONE has an optional pull-up resistor. PRGM I PRGM is an active-low input that forces the restart of configuration and resets the boundary-scan circuitry. This pin always has an active pull-up. RD_CFG I This pin must be held high during device initialization until the INIT pin goes high. This pin always has an active pull-up. During configuration, RD_CFG is an active-low input that activates the TS_ALL function and 3-states all of the I/O. After configuration, RD_CFG can be selected (via a bit stream option) to activate the TS_ALL function as described above, or, if readback is enabled via a bit stream option, a high-to-low transition on RD_CFG will initiate readback of the configuration data, including PFU output states, starting with frame address 0. RD_DATA/TDO O RD_DATA/TDO is a dual-function pin. If used for readback, RD_DATA provides configuration data out. If used in boundary-scan, TDO is test data out. CFG_IRQ/MPI_IRQ O During JTAG, slave, master, and asynchronous peripheral configuration assertion by the FPGA on this CFG_IRQ (active-low) indicates an error or errors for block RAM or FPSC initialization. MPI active-low interrupt request output. * The FPGA States of Operation section contains more information on how to control these signals during start-up. The timing of DONE release is controlled by one set of bit stream options, and the timing of the simultaneous release of all other configuration pins (and the activation of all user I/Os) is controlled by a second set of options. Lucent Technologies Inc. 75 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 42. Pin Descriptions (continued) Symbol I/O Description Special-Purpose Pins (Can also be used as a general I/O) M[3:0] I During powerup and initialization, M0—M3 are used to select the configuration mode with their values latched on the rising edge of INIT. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. I/O After configuration, these pins are user-programmable I/O.* PLL_CK[0:7] I/O Dedicated PCM clock pins. These pins are a user-programmable I/O pins if not used by PLLs. P[TBTR]CLK[1:0][ I/O Pins dedicated for the primary clock. Input pins on the middle of each side with differential TC] pairing. They may be used as general I/O pins if not needed for clocking purposes. TDI, TCK, TMS I If boundary-scan is used, these pins are test data in, test clock, and test mode select inputs. If boundary-scan is not selected, all boundary-scan functions are inhibited once configuration is complete. Even if boundary-scan is not used, either TCK or TMS must be held at logic 1 during configuration. Each pin has a pull-up enabled during configuration. I/O After configuration, these pins are user-programmable I/O.* RDY/BUSY/RCLK O During configuration in peripheral mode, RDY/RCLK indicates another byte can be written to the FPGA. If a read operation is done when the device is selected, the same status is also available on D7 in asynchronous peripheral mode. After configuration, if the MPI is not used, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* I/O During the master parallel configuration mode, RCLK is a read output signal to an external memory. This output is not normally used. HDC O High during configuration is output high until configuration is complete. It is used as a control output, indicating that configuration is not complete. I/O After configuration, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* LDC O Low during configuration is output low until configuration is complete. It is used as a control output, indicating that configuration is not complete. INIT I/O INIT is a bidirectional signal before and during configuration. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled, but an external pull-up resistor is recommended. As an active-low, open-drain output, INIT is held low during power stabilization and internal clearing of memory. As an active-low input, INIT holds the FPGA in the wait-state before the start of configuration. After configuration, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* I/O After configuration, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* CS0, CS1 I CS0 and CS1 are used in the asynchronous peripheral, slave parallel, and microprocessor configuration modes. The FPGA is selected when CS0 is low and CS1 is high. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. I/O After configuration, these pins are user-programmable I/O pins.* RD/MPI_STRB I RD is used in the asynchronous peripheral configuration mode. A low on RD changes D7 into a status output. As a status indication, a high indicates ready, and a low indicates busy. WR and RD should not be used simultaneously. If they are, the write strobe overrides. This pin is also used as the MPI data transfer strobe. I/O After configuration, if the MPI is not used, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* * The FPGA States of Operation section contains more information on how to control these signals during start-up. The timing of DONE release is controlled by one set of bit stream options, and the timing of the simultaneous release of all other configuration pins (and the activation of all user I/Os) is controlled by a second set of options. 76 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 42. Pin Descriptions (continued) Symbol I/O Description Special-Purpose Pins (continued) A[17:0] I During MPI mode, the A[17:0] are used as the address bus driven by the PowerPC bus master utilizing the least significant bits of the PowerPC 32-bit address. O During master parallel configuration mode, A[17:0] address the configuration EPROM. In MPI mode, many of the A[n] pins have alternate uses as described below. See the Special Function Blocks section for more MPI information. During configuration, if not in master parallel or an MPI configuration mode, these pins are 3-stated with a pull-up enabled. MPI_BURST I A[21] is used as the MPI_BURST. It is driven low to indicate a burst transfer is in progress. Driven high indicates that the current transfer is not a burst. MPI_BDIP I A[22] is used as the MPI_BDIP. It is driven by the PowerPC processor. Assertion of this pin indicates that the second beat in front of the current one is requested by the master. Negated before the burst transfer ends to abort the burst data phase. MPI_TSZ[1:0] I A[19:18] are used as the MPI_TSZ[1:0] signals and are driven by the bus master to indicate the data transfer size for the transaction. Set 01 for byte, 10 for half-word, and 00 for word. During master parallel mode A[21:0], address the configuration EPROMs up to 4M bytes. A[21:0] O If not used for MPI, these pins are user-programmable I/O pins.* MPI_ACK O In PowerPC mode MPI operation, this is driven low indicating the MPI received the data on the write cycle or returned data on a read cycle. MPI_CLK I MPI_TEA O A low on the MPI transfer error acknowledge indicates that the MPI detects a bus error on the internal system bus for the current transaction. MPI_RTRY D[31:0] O This pin requests the MPC860 to relinquish the bus and retry the cycle. I/O Selectable data bus width from 8, 16, 32 bits. Driven by the bus master in a write transaction. Driven by MPI in a read transaction. I DP[3:0] DIN This is the PowerPC synchronous, positive-edge bus clock used for the MPI interface. It can be a source of the clock for the embedded system bus. If MPI is used, this can be the AMBA bus clock. D[7:0] receive configuration data during master parallel, peripheral, and slave parallel configuration modes and each pin has a pull-up enabled. During serial configuration modes, D0 is the DIN input. D[7:3] output internal status for asynchronous peripheral mode when RD is low. After configuration, the pins are user-programmable I/O pins.* I/O Selectable parity bus width from 1, 2, 4-bit, DP[0] for D[7:0], DP[1] for D[15:8], DP[2] for D[23:16], and DP[3] for D[32:24]. After configuration, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* I During slave serial or master serial configuration modes, DIN accepts serial configuration data synchronous with CCLK. During parallel configuration modes, DIN is the D0 input. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. I/O After configuration, this pin is a user-programmable I/O pin.* DOUT O During configuration, DOUT is the serial data output that can drive the DIN of daisy-chained slave devices. Data out on DOUT changes on the rising edge of CCLK. I/O After configuration, DOUT is a user-programmable I/O pin.* * The FPGA States of Operation section contains more information on how to control these signals during start-up. The timing of DONE release is controlled by one set of bit stream options, and the timing of the simultaneous release of all other configuration pins (and the activation of all user I/Os) is controlled by a second set of options. Lucent Technologies Inc. 77 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Package Compatibility Table 43 provides the number of user I/Os available for the ORCA Series 4 FPGAs for each available package. Each package has seven dedicated configuration pins. Table 44 through Table 46 provide the package pin and pin function for the ORCA Series 4 FPGAs and packages. The bond pad name is identified in the PIO nomenclature used in the ORCA Foundry design editor. When the number of FPGA bond pads exceeds the number of package pins, bond pads are unused. When the number of package pins exceeds the number of bond pads, package pins are left unconnected (no connects). When a package pin is to be left as a no connect for a specific die, it is indicated as a note in the device pad column for the FPGA. The tables provide no information on unused pads. Table 43. ORCA I/Os Summary Device 352 PBGA 432 EBGA 680 PBGAM1 262 128 7 3 16 8 24 68 306 150 7 3 40 8 24 44 466 196 7 3 48 8 60 88 OR4E2/OR4E4/OR4E6 User I/O Single Ended Available Differential Pairs (LVDS, LVPECL) Configuration Dedicated Function VDD15 VDD33 VDDIO VSS 78 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) As shown in the Pair column, differential pairs and physical locations are numbered within each bank (e.g., L19C_A0 is the nineteenth pair in an associated bank). The C indicates complementary differential whereas a T indicates true differential. The _A0 indicates the physical location of adjacent balls in either the horizontal or vertical direction. Other physical indicators are as follows: ■ _A1 indicates one ball between pairs. ■ _A2 indicates two balls between pairs. ■ _D0 indicates balls are diagonally adjacent. ■ _D1 indicates diagonally adjacent separated by one physical ball. VREF pins, shown in the Additional Function column, are associated to the bank and group (e.g., VREF_TL_01 is the VREF for group one of the top left (TL) bank). Table 44. 352-Pin PBGA Pinout 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group D12 TL B10 A10 D10 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential L1C_D2 COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 1 PT11D PT13D PT18D MPI_RTRY TL 1 PT11C PT13C PT18C MPI_ACK L1T_D2 TRUE TL 1 PT10D PT12D PT16D M0 L2C_A2 COMPLEMENT TL 1 PT10C PT12C PT16C M1 L2T_A2 TRUE COMPLEMENT B9 TL 2 PT10B PT12B PT15D MPI_CLK L3C_D0 C10 TL 2 PT10A PT12A PT15C A21/MPI_BURST L3T_D0 TRUE A9 TL 2 PT9D PT11D PT14D M2 L4C_D0 COMPLEMENT B8 TL 2 PT9C PT11C PT14C M3 L4T_D0 TRUE A8 TL 2 PT9B PT11B PT13D VREF_TL_02 L5C_D1 COMPLEMENT C9 TL 2 PT9A PT11A PT13C MPI_TEA B7 TL 3 PT8B PT9D PT11D VREF_TL_03 L5T_D1 — COMPLEMENT COMPLEMENT TRUE D8 TL 3 PT7D PT8D PT10D D0 L6C_D2 A7 TL 3 PT7C PT8C PT10C TMS L6T_D2 TRUE C8 TL 4 PT7B PT7D PT9D A20/MPI_BDIP L7C_D2 COMPLEMENT B6 TL 4 PT7A PT7C PT9C A19/MPI_TSZ1 L7T_D2 TRUE D7 TL 4 PT6D PT6D PT8D A18/MPI_TSZ0 L8C_D2 COMPLEMENT A6 TL 4 PT6C PT6C PT8C D3 L8T_D2 TRUE COMPLEMENT B5 TL 5 PT5D PT5D PT6D D1 L9C_A0 A5 TL 5 PT5C PT5C PT6C D2 L9T_A0 TRUE C6 TL 5 PT4D PT4D PT4D TDI L10C_D2 COMPLEMENT B4 TL 5 PT4C PT4C PT4C TCK L10T_D2 TRUE D5 TL 6 PT2D PT2D PT2D PLL_CK1C/PPLL L11C_D2 COMPLEMENT A4 TL 6 PT2C PT2C PT2C PLL_CK1T/PPLL L11T_D2 TRUE E2 TL 7 PL2D PL2D PL2D PLL_CK0C/ HPPLL L12C_A1 COMPLEMENT E4 TL 7 PL2C PL2C PL2C PLL_CK0T/ HPPLL L12T_A1 TRUE E3 TL 7 PL3D PL4D PL4D D5 L13C_A1 COMPLEMENT E1 TL 7 PL3C PL4C PL4C D6 L13T_A1 TRUE F2 TL 8 PL4D PL5D PL6D HDC L14C_D1 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 79 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group G4 TL 8 PL4C PL5C PL6C TRUE TL 9 PL5D PL6D PL8D LDC — L14T_D1 F3 L15C_A1 COMPLEMENT F1 TL 9 PL5C PL6C PL8C D7 L15T_A1 TRUE COMPLEMENT General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential G1 TL 9 PL5B PL7D PL9D VREF_TL_09 L16C_A1 G3 TL 9 PL5A PL7C PL9C A17 L16T_A1 TRUE H2 TL 9 PL6D PL8D PL10D CS0 L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT J4 TL 9 PL6C PL8C PL10C CS1 L17T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT H1 TL 10 PL7D PL10D PL12D INIT L18C_A1 H3 TL 10 PL7C PL10C PL12C DOUT L18T_A1 TRUE J2 TL 10 PL7B PL11D PL13D VREF_TL_10 L19C_A0 COMPLEMENT 10 — PL7A PL11C PL13C VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 A16 — L19T_A0 — TRUE — PRD_DATA PRD_DATA PRD_DATA — — PRESET TDO — — — — — J1 TL B1 TL C2 TL — TL — D2 TL — PRD_CFG PRD_CFG PRD_CFG — D3 TL — PPRGRM PPRGRM PPRGRM — — — TL — VDDIO_TL — — — G2 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — C11 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — C5 TL — PCFG_MPI_IRQ PCFG_MPI_IRQ PCFG_MPI_IRQ — B3 TL — PCCLK PCCLK PCCLK CFG_IRQ/ MPI_IRQ — — — — C4 TL — PDONE PDONE PDONE — — — TL — VDD33 — — — TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — A2 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — A26 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AC13 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AC18 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AC23 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — TL — — — — C1 D1 C7 A3 A1 AC4 PRESET VDDIO_TL VDD33 PRESET VDDIO_TL VDD33 VSS VSS VSS — AC8 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — AD24 TL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AA23 TL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA4 TL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — A19 TC 1 PT21D PT28D PT35D — L1C_A1 COMPLEMENT C19 TC 1 PT21C PT28C PT35C — L1T_A1 TRUE B18 TC 1 PT20D PT27D PT34D L2C_A0 COMPLEMENT A18 TC 1 PT20C PT27C PT34C VREF_TC_01 — L2T_A0 TRUE L3C_D0 COMPLEMENT B17 TC 1 PT20B PT27B PT33D — C18 TC 1 PT20A PT27A PT33C — L3T_D0 TRUE A17 TC 2 PT19D PT26D PT32D — L4C_A2 COMPLEMENT D17 TC 2 PT19C PT26C PT32C VREF_TC_02 L4T_A2 TRUE 80 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group B16 TC C17 B15 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 2 PT18D PT25D PT30D — L5C_D0 TC 2 PT18C PT25C PT30C — L5T_D0 TRUE TC 3 PT18B PT24D PT29D — L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT L6T_A0 TRUE L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT A15 TC 3 PT18A PT24C PT29C C16 TC 3 PT17D PT23D PT28D VREF_TC_03 — B14 TC 3 PT17C PT23C PT28C — L7T_D1 TRUE D15 TC 4 PT16D PT21D PT26D — L8C_D2 COMPLEMENT A14 TC 4 PT16C PT21C PT26C — L8T_D2 TRUE C15 TC 4 PT15D PT19D PT24D — L9C_D1 COMPLEMENT B13 TC 4 PT15C PT19C PT24C VREF_TC_04 L9T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT A13 TC 5 PT14D PT18D PT23D PTCK1C L10C_D1 C14 TC 5 PT14C PT18C PT23C PTCK1T L10T_D1 TRUE B12 TC 5 PT13D PT17D PT22D PTCK0C L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT C13 TC 5 PT13C PT17C PT22C PTCK0T L11T_D0 TRUE A12 TC 5 PT13B PT16D PT21D L12C_D0 COMPLEMENT B11 TC 5 PT13A PT16C PT21C VREF_TC_05 — L12T_D0 TRUE C12 TC 6 PT12B PT14D PT19D — L13C_D1 COMPLEMENT A11 TC PT12A PT14C PT19C A16 TC 6 — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC VREF_TC_06 — L13T_D1 — TRUE — D13 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — R16 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — T11 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — T12 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — T13 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — T14 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — TC — VSS — — — T16 TC — VSS VSS VSS — — — T23 TC — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — TC — VDD15 — — — R15 T15 T4 VSS VDD15 VSS VDD15 J24 TR 1 PR8C PR11C PR13C — L1T_D1 TRUE G25 TR 1 PR8D PR11D PR13D L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT L2T_D2 TRUE L2C_D2 COMPLEMENT H23 TR 1 PR7A PR10C PR12C VREF_TR_01 — G26 TR 1 PR7B PR10D PR12D — H24 TR 1 PR7C PR9C PR11C — L3T_D1 TRUE F25 TR 1 PR7D PR9D PR11D — L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT G23 TR 2 PR6A PR8C PR10C — L4T_D2 TRUE F26 TR 2 PR6B PR8D PR10D — L4C_D2 COMPLEMENT E25 TR 2 PR6C PR7C PR9C L5T_A0 TRUE E26 TR 2 PR6D PR7D PR9D VREF_TR_02 — L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT F24 TR 3 PR5C PR6C PR7C — L6T_D1 TRUE D25 TR 3 PR5D PR6D PR7D VREF_TR_03 L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 81 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group E23 TR D26 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 3 PR4C PR5C PR5C — L7T_D2 TRUE TR 3 PR4D PR5D PR5D — L7C_D2 COMPLEMENT E24 TR 4 PR3C PR3C PR3C PLL_CK3T/ PLL1(1.554/ 2.048 MHz) L8T_D1 TRUE C25 TR 4 PR3D PR3D PR3D PLL_CK3C/ PLL1(1.554/ 2.048 MHz) L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT A24 TR 5 PT27D PT37D PT47D PLL_CK2C/PPLL L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT B23 TR 5 PT27C PT37C PT47C PLL_CK2T/PPLL L9T_A0 TRUE C23 TR 5 PT26D PT36D PT45D COMPLEMENT TR 5 PT26C PT36C PT45C VREF_TR_05 — L10C_A1 A23 L10T_A1 TRUE B22 TR 6 PT26B PT35B PT43D — L11C_A1 COMPLEMENT D22 TR 6 PT26A PT35A PT43C — L11T_A1 TRUE C22 TR 6 PT25D PT34D PT42D L12C_A1 COMPLEMENT A22 TR 6 PT25C PT34C PT42C VREF_TR_06 — L12T_A1 TRUE L13C_D1 COMPLEMENT L13T_D1 TRUE L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT B21 TR 7 PT24D PT33D PT40D — D20 TR 7 PT24C PT33C PT40C A21 TR 7 PT24B PT32D PT39D VREF_TR_07 — B20 TR 7 PT24A PT32C PT39C — L14T_D0 TRUE A20 TR 8 PT23D PT31D PT38D — L15C_A1 COMPLEMENT C20 TR 8 PT23C PT31C PT38C TRUE TR 8 PT22D PT29D PT36D VREF_TR_08 — L15T_A1 B19 L16C_D1 COMPLEMENT D18 TR PT22C PT29C PT36C — G24 TR 8 — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — L16T_D1 — TRUE — D24 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — TR — VDD33 — — — A25 TR — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — B24 TR — PLL_VF PLL_VF PLL_VF — — — C21 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — P12 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — P13 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — TR — VSS — — — P15 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — P16 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — R11 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — R12 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — R13 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — R14 TR — VSS VSS VSS — — — L23 TR — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — L4 TR — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — V25 CR 1 PR20C PR29C PR35C — L1T_A0 TRUE C26 P14 82 VDD33 VSS VDD33 VSS Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group V26 CR U25 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 1 PR20D PR29D PR35D — L1C_A0 CR 1 PR19C PR28C PR33C L2T_D0 TRUE V24 CR 1 PR19D PR28D PR33D VREF_CR_01 — L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT U23 CR 2 PR18C PR26A PR31C — L3T_D1 TRUE T25 CR 2 PR18D PR26B PR31D L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT U24 CR 2 PR17A PR25A PR30C VREF_CR_02 — L4T_D1 TRUE T26 CR 2 PR17B PR25B PR30D — L4C_D1 COMPLEMENT R25 CR 3 PR17C PR25C PR29C — L5T_A0 TRUE R26 CR 3 PR17D PR25D PR29D VREF_CR_03 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT T24 CR 4 PR16C PR23C PR27C PRCK1T L6T_D1 TRUE PRCK1C — L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT L7T_D2 TRUE L7C_D2 COMPLEMENT P25 CR 4 PR16D PR23D PR27D R23 CR 4 PR15A PR22C PR26C P26 CR 4 PR15B PR22D PR26D N25 CR 5 PR15C PR21C PR25C VREF_CR_04 — L8T_A1 TRUE N23 CR 5 PR15D PR21D PR25D — L8C_A1 COMPLEMENT N26 CR 5 PR14A PR20C PR24C PRCK0T L9T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT P24 CR 5 PR14B PR20D PR24D PRCK0C L9C_D1 M25 CR 5 PR14C PR19C PR23C L10T_D0 TRUE N24 CR 5 PR14D PR19D PR23D VREF_CR_05 — L10C_D0 COMPLEMENT M26 CR 6 PR13C PR17C PR21C — L11T_D0 TRUE L25 CR 6 PR13D PR17D PR21D L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT L12T_D1 TRUE L12C_D1 COMPLEMENT M24 CR 6 PR12A PR16C PR20C VREF_CR_06 — L26 CR 6 PR12B PR16D PR20D — K25 CR 7 PR12C PR15C PR19C — L13T_D0 TRUE L24 CR 7 PR12D PR15D PR19D — COMPLEMENT K26 CR 7 PR11B PR14B PR18D — L13C_D0 — K23 CR 7 PR11C PR14C PR17C TRUE CR 7 PR11D PR14D PR17D VREF_CR_07 — L14T_D1 J25 L14C_D1 COMPLEMENT K24 CR 8 PR10C PR13C PR15C — L15T_D1 TRUE L15C_D1 COMPLEMENT L16T_A0 TRUE COMPLEMENT — — COMPLEMENT J26 CR 8 PR10D PR13D PR15D — H25 CR 8 PR9C PR12C PR14C H26 CR PR9D PR12D PR14D U26 CR 8 — VREF_CR_08 — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — L16C_A0 — R24 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — M23 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — M16 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N11 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N12 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N13 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N14 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N15 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — N16 CR — VSS VSS VSS — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 83 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group P11 CR — F23 CR — VDD15 F4 CR — VDD15 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 VSS VSS VSS — — — VDD15 VDD15 — — — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AE20 BR 1 PB22A PB30C PB37C — L1T_D1 TRUE AC19 BR 1 PB22B PB30D PB37D — L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT L2T_D1 TRUE L2C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF20 BR 1 PB22C PB31C PB38C AD19 BR 1 PB22D PB31D PB38D VREF_BR_01 — AE21 BR 1 PB23A PB32C PB39C — L3T_D1 TRUE AC20 BR 1 PB23B PB32D PB39D — L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT AD20 BR 2 PB23C PB33C PB40C — L4T_D1 TRUE AE22 BR 2 PB23D PB33D PB40D BR 2 PB24C PB34C PB42C VREF_BR_02 — L4C_D1 — COMPLEMENT AF22 AD21 BR 3 PB25A PB35A PB43A — — TRUE AE23 BR 3 PB25C PB35C PB44C — L5T_D1 TRUE AC22 BR 3 PB25D PB35D PB44D L5C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF23 BR 3 PB26C PB36C PB45C VREF_BR_03 — L6T_D1 TRUE L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT TRUE AD22 BR 3 PB26D PB36D PB45D — AE24 BR 4 PB27C PB37C PB47C PLL_CK5T/PPLL L7T_D0 TRUE AD23 BR 4 PB27D PB37D PB47D PLL_CK5C/PPLL L7C_D0 COMPLEMENT AD26 BR 5 PR26A PR38A PR46C PLL_CK4T/PLL2 (155.52 MHz) L8T_D0 TRUE AC25 BR 5 PR26B PR38B PR46D PLL_CK4C/PLL2 (155.52 MHz) L8C_D0 COMPLEMENT AC24 BR 5 PR25A PR37C PR44C TRUE BR 5 PR25B PR37D PR44D VREF_BR_05 — L9T_A1 AC26 L9C_A1 COMPLEMENT AB25 BR 6 PR25C PR36C PR43C — L10T_A1 TRUE L10C_A1 COMPLEMENT AB23 BR 6 PR25D PR36D PR43D — AB26 BR 6 PR24C PR35C PR41C L11T_D0 TRUE AA25 BR 6 PR24D PR35D PR41D VREF_BR_06 — L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT Y23 BR 7 PR23A PR34C PR40C — L12T_D0 TRUE L12C_D0 COMPLEMENT AA24 BR 7 PR23B PR34D PR40D — AA26 BR 7 PR23C PR33C PR39C — L13T_D0 TRUE Y25 BR 7 PR23D PR33D PR39D L13C_D0 COMPLEMENT Y26 BR 7 PR22A PR32C PR38C VREF_BR_07 — L14T_A1 TRUE Y24 BR 7 PR22B PR32D PR38D — L14C_A1 COMPLEMENT W25 BR 8 PR22C PR31C PR37C — L15T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT V23 BR 8 PR22D PR31D PR37D BR 8 PR21C PR30C PR36C VREF_BR_08 — L15C_D1 W26 L16T_A1 TRUE W24 BR PR21D PR30D PR36D — AF21 BR 8 — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — L16C_A1 — COMPLEMENT — AF24 BR — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AE26 BR — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — 84 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AD25 BR — AB24 BR — VDDIO_BR L13 BR — VSS BR — L15 BR — VSS L16 BR — M11 BR — M12 BR — VSS M13 BR — M14 BR — BR — L14 M15 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — VSS VSS — — — VSS — — — VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS VSS — — — — — VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS — D21 BR — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D6 BR — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AD11 BC 1 PB13A PB17C PB21C — L1T_D1 TRUE AE13 BC 1 PB13B PB17D PB21D — L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT AC12 BC 1 PB13C PB18C PB22C L2T_D2 TRUE L2C_D2 COMPLEMENT AF13 BC 1 PB13D PB18D PB22D VREF_BC_01 — AD12 BC 2 PB14C PB19C PB23C PBCK0T L3T_D1 TRUE AE14 BC 2 PB14D PB19D PB23D PBCK0C L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF14 BC 2 PB15C PB20C PB24C L4T_D1 TRUE AD13 BC 2 PB15D PB20D PB24D VREF_BC_02 — L4C_D1 COMPLEMENT AE15 BC 3 PB16C PB21C PB26C — L5T_D0 TRUE AD14 BC 3 PB16D PB21D PB26D L5C_D0 COMPLEMENT AF15 BC 3 PB17A PB22C PB27C VREF_BC_03 — L6T_D0 TRUE AE16 BC 3 PB17B PB22D PB27D — L6C_D0 COMPLEMENT AD15 BC 3 PB17C PB23C PB28C PBCK1T L7T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT AF16 BC 3 PB17D PB23D PB28D BC 4 PB18A PB24C PB29C PBCK1C — L7C_D1 AC15 L8T_D1 TRUE AE17 BC 4 PB18B PB24D PB29D — L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF17 BC 4 PB18C PB25C PB30C — L9T_A2 TRUE AC17 BC 4 PB18D PB25D PB30D L9C_A2 COMPLEMENT AE18 BC 5 PB19C PB26C PB32C VREF_BC_04 — L10T_D0 TRUE AD17 BC 5 PB19D PB26D PB32D COMPLEMENT BC 5 PB20C PB27C PB34C VREF_BC_05 — L10C_D0 AF18 L11T_D0 TRUE AE19 BC 5 PB20D PB27D PB34D — L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT AF19 BC 6 PB21A PB28C PB35C — L12T_D1 TRUE AD18 BC PB28D PB35D BC 6 — PB21B AC14 VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC VREF_BC_06 — L12C_D1 — COMPLEMENT — AD16 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — — — H4 BC — VSS VSS VSS — J23 BC — VSS VSS VSS — — — N4 BC — VSS VSS VSS — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 85 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank P23 BC — V4 BC — VSS W23 BC — VSS BC — BC — L11 L12 VREF Group General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 VSS VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS — — — VSS VSS — — — VSS — — — — — VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS — D11 BC — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D16 BC — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — COMPLEMENT Y1 BL 1 PL22D PL32D PL38D D8 L1C_D1 W3 BL 1 PL22C PL32C PL38C VREF_BL_01 L1T_D1 TRUE AA2 BL 1 PL22B PL33D PL39D D9 L2C_D1 COMPLEMENT Y4 BL 1 PL22A PL33C PL39C D10 BL 2 PL23C PL34C PL40C VREF_BL_02 L2T_D1 — TRUE AA1 AB2 BL 3 PL24D PL35B PL42D D11 L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT AB1 BL 3 PL24C PL35A PL42C D12 L3T_A0 TRUE AA3 BL 3 PL25D PL36B PL44D VREF_BL_03 L4C_D1 COMPLEMENT AC2 BL 3 PL25C PL36A PL44C D13 L4T_D1 TRUE AB4 BL 4 PL27D PL39D PL47D PLL_CK7C/ HPPLL L5C_D2 COMPLEMENT AC1 BL 4 PL27C PL39C PL47C PLL_CK7T/ HPPLL L5T_D2 TRUE AE3 BL 5 PB2A PB2A PB2A DP2 — TRUE AF3 BL 5 PB2C PB2C PB2C PLL_CK6T/PPLL L6T_A0 TRUE AE4 BL 5 PB2D PB2D PB2D PLL_CK6C/PPLL L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT TRUE AD4 BL 5 PB3C PB4A PB4C VREF_BL_05 L7T_A1 TRUE AF4 BL 5 PB3D PB4B PB4D DP3 L7C_A1 COMPLEMENT AE5 BL 6 PB4C PB5C PB6C VREF_BL_06 L8T_A1 TRUE AC5 BL 6 PB4D PB5D PB6D D14 L8C_A1 COMPLEMENT AF5 BL 7 PB5C PB6C PB8C D15 L9T_D0 TRUE AE6 BL 7 PB5D PB6D PB8D D16 L9C_D0 COMPLEMENT AC7 BL 7 PB6A PB7C PB9C D17 L10T_D0 TRUE AD6 BL 7 PB6B PB7D PB9D D18 L10C_D0 COMPLEMENT AF6 BL 7 PB6C PB8C PB10C VREF_BL_07 L11T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT AE7 BL 7 PB6D PB8D PB10D D19 L11C_D0 AF7 BL 8 PB7A PB9C PB11C D20 L12T_A1 TRUE AD7 BL 8 PB7B PB9D PB11D D21 L12C_A1 COMPLEMENT AE8 BL 8 PB7C PB10C PB12C VREF_BL_08 L13T_D1 TRUE AC9 BL 8 PB7D PB10D PB12D D22 L13C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF8 BL 9 PB8C PB11C PB13C D23 L14T_A1 TRUE AD8 BL 9 PB8D PB11D PB13D D24 L14C_A1 COMPLEMENT AE9 BL 9 PB9C PB12C PB14C VREF_BL_09 L15T_A0 TRUE AF9 BL 9 PB9D PB12D PB14D D25 L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT AE10 BL 10 PB10C PB13C PB16C D26 L16T_D0 TRUE 86 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AD9 BL AC10 AE11 AD10 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential L16C_D0 COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 10 PB10D PB13D PB16D D27 BL 10 PB11C PB14C PB18C VREF_BL_10 L17T_D1 TRUE BL 10 PB11D PB14D PB18D D28 L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT BL 11 PB12A PB15C PB19C D29 L18T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT AF11 BL 11 PB12B PB15D PB19D D30 L18C_D1 AE12 BL 11 PB12C PB16C PB20C VREF_BL_11 L19T_A0 TRUE AF12 BL PB12D PB16D PB20D Y3 BL 11 — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL D31 — L19C_A0 — COMPLEMENT — AB3 BL — PTEMP PTEMP PTEMP — — — AD2 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AC3 BL — LVDS_R LVDS_R LVDS_R — — — AD1 BL — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AF2 BL — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AD5 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — BL — — — AF10 VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — B25 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — B26 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — BL — VSS — — — C3 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — D14 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — BL — VSS — — — D23 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — D4 BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — BL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AC21 BL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AC6 BL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — K2 CL 1 PL8D PL12D PL14D A15 L1C_D0 COMPLEMENT C24 D19 D9 VSS VSS VSS VSS J3 CL 1 PL8C PL12C PL14C A14 L1T_D0 TRUE K1 CL 1 PL9D PL13D PL16D VREF_CL_01 L2C_A2 COMPLEMENT K4 CL 1 PL9C PL13C PL16C D4 L2T_A2 TRUE L2 CL 2 PL10D PL14D PL18D RDY/BUSY/ RCLK L3C_D0 COMPLEMENT K3 CL 2 PL10C PL14C PL18C VREF_CL_02 L3T_D0 TRUE M2 CL 2 PL10B PL15D PL19D A13 L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT M1 CL 2 PL10A PL15C PL19C A12 L4T_A0 TRUE COMPLEMENT L3 CL 3 PL11B PL17D PL21D A11 L5C_D1 N2 CL 3 PL11A PL17C PL21C VREF_CL_03 L5T_D1 TRUE M4 CL 4 PL13D PL19D PL23D RD/MPI_STRB L6C_D2 COMPLEMENT N1 CL 4 PL13C PL19C PL23C VREF_CL_04 L6T_D2 TRUE M3 CL 4 PL14D PL20D PL24D PLCK0C L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT P2 CL 4 PL14C PL20C PL24C PLCK0T L7T_D1 TRUE P1 CL 5 PL15D PL21D PL25D A10 L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 87 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 44. OR4E6 352-Pin PBGA Pinout (continued) 352 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group N3 CL R2 P3 R1 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential A9 L8T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 5 PL15C PL21C PL25C CL 5 PL16D PL22D PL26D A8 L9C_D0 CL 5 PL16C PL22C PL26C VREF_CL_05 L9T_D0 TRUE CL 6 PL17D PL24D PL28D PLCK1C L10C_D0 COMPLEMENT T2 CL 6 PL17C PL24C PL28C PLCK1T L10T_D0 TRUE R3 CL 6 PL17B PL25D PL29D VREF_CL_06 L11C_D1 COMPLEMENT T1 CL 6 PL17A PL25C PL29C A7 L11T_D1 TRUE R4 CL 6 PL18D PL26D PL30D A6 L12C_D1 COMPLEMENT U2 CL 6 PL18C PL26C PL30C A5 L12T_D1 TRUE U1 CL 7 PL19D PL27D PL32D WR/MPI_RW L13C_A2 COMPLEMENT U4 CL 7 PL19C PL27C PL32C VREF_CL_07 L13T_A2 TRUE COMPLEMENT V2 CL 8 PL20D PL28D PL34D A4 L14C_D1 U3 CL 8 PL20C PL28C PL34C VREF_CL_08 L14T_D1 TRUE V1 CL 8 PL20B PL29D PL35D A3 L15C_D0 COMPLEMENT W2 CL 8 PL20A PL29C PL35C A2 L15T_D0 TRUE W1 CL 8 PL21D PL30D PL36D A1 L16C_D1 COMPLEMENT V3 CL 8 PL21C PL30C PL36C A0 L16T_D1 TRUE Y2 CL 8 PL21B PL31D PL37D DP0 L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT W4 CL PL21A PL31C PL37C L1 CL 8 — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL DP1 — L17T_D1 — TRUE — P4 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — T3 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — AD3 CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AE25 CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AF1 CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AF26 CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — B2 CL — VSS VSS VSS — — — AC11 CL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AC16 CL — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AE1 AE2 AF25 88 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) As shown in the Pair column, differential pairs and physical locations are numbered within each bank (e.g., L19C_A0 is the nineteenth pair in an associated bank). The C indicates complementary differential whereas a T indicates true differential. The _A0 indicates the physical location of adjacent balls in either the horizontal or vertical direction. Other physical indicators are as follows: ■ _A1 indicates one ball between pairs. ■ _A2 indicates two balls between pairs. ■ _D0 indicates balls are diagonally adjacent. ■ _D1 indicates diagonally adjacent separated by one physical ball. VREF pins, shown in the Additional Function column, are associated to the bank and group (e.g., VREF_TL_01 is the VREF for group one of the top left (TL) bank). Table 45. 432-Pin EBGA 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 PT18D MPI_RTRY B19 0 1 PT11D PT13D C19 0 1 PT11C PT13C PT18C MPI_ACK L1T_A0 TRUE D19 0 1 PT11B PT13B PT17D — L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT C20 0 1 PT11A PT13A PT17C VREF_TL_01 L2T_D0 TRUE A21 0 1 PT10D PT12D PT16D M0 L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT B21 0 1 PT10C PT12C PT16C M1 L3T_A0 TRUE A22 0 2 PT9D PT11D PT14D M2 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT B22 0 2 PT9C PT11C PT14C M3 L5T_A0 TRUE C22 0 2 PT9B PT11B PT13D VREF_TL_02 L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT A23 0 2 PT9A PT11A PT13C MPI_TEA L6T_D1 TRUE D20 0 2 PT10B PT12B PT15D MPI_CLK L4C_D0 COMPLEMENT C21 0 2 PT10A PT12A PT15C A21/MPI_BURST L4T_D0 TRUE B23 0 3 PT8B PT9D PT11D VREF_TL_03 L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT D22 0 3 PT8A PT9C PT11C — L7T_D1 TRUE C23 0 3 PT7D PT8D PT10D D0 L8C_D0 COMPLEMENT B24 0 3 PT7C PT8C PT10C TMS L8T_D0 TRUE C24 0 4 PT7B PT7D PT9D A20/MPI_BDIP L9C_D0 COMPLEMENT D23 0 4 PT7A PT7C PT9C A19/MPI_TSZ1 L9T_D0 TRUE A25 0 4 PT6D PT6D PT8D A18/MPI_TSZ0 L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT B25 0 4 PT6C PT6C PT8C D3 L10T_A0 TRUE D24 0 5 PT5D PT5D PT6D D1 L11C_D2 COMPLEMENT A26 0 5 PT5C PT5C PT6C D2 L11T_D2 TRUE B26 0 5 PT4D PT4D PT4D TDI L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT C26 0 5 PT4C PT4C PT4C TCK L12T_A0 TRUE A27 0 6 PT3D PT3D PT3D — L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT B27 0 6 PT3C PT3C PT3C VREF_TL_06 L13T_A0 TRUE C27 0 6 PT2D PT2D PT2D PLL_CK1C L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT D26 0 6 PT2C PT2C PT2C PLL_CK1T L14T_D0 TRUE F31 0 7 PL3D PL4D PL4D D5 L17C_D2 COMPLEMENT H28 0 7 PL3C PL4C PL4C D6 L17T_D2 TRUE E30 0 7 PL2D PL2D PL2D PLL_CK0C L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT E31 0 7 PL2C PL2C PL2C PLL_CK0T L15T_A0 TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. 89 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT F29 0 7 PL2B PL3D PL3D — L16C_A0 F30 0 7 PL2A PL3C PL3C VREF_TL_07 L16T_A0 TRUE G29 0 8 PL4D PL5D PL6D HDC L18C_A0 COMPLEMENT G30 0 8 PL4C PL5C PL6C LDC L18T_A0 TRUE K28 0 9 PL6D PL8D PL10D CS0 L21C_D1 COMPLEMENT J30 0 9 PL6C PL8C PL10C CS1 L21T_D1 TRUE G31 0 9 PL5D PL6D PL8D L19C_D2 COMPLEMENT J28 0 9 PL5C PL6C PL8C D7 L19T_D2 TRUE H30 0 9 PL5B PL7D PL9D VREF_TL_09 L20C_D0 COMPLEMENT J29 0 9 PL5A PL7C PL9C A17 L20T_D0 TRUE K30 0 10 PL7D PL10D PL12D INIT L23C_A0 COMPLEMENT K31 0 10 PL7C PL10C PL12C DOUT L23T_A0 TRUE COMPLEMENT L29 0 10 PL7B PL11D PL13D VREF_TL_10 L24C_D0 M28 0 10 PL7A PL11C PL13C A16 L24T_D0 TRUE J31 0 10 PL6B PL9D PL11D — L22C_D1 COMPLEMENT K29 0 10 PL6A PL9C PL11C — L22T_D1 TRUE A12 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A16 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A2 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A20 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A24 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A29 0 — VSS VSS VSS — — — H29 0 — VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL — — — E29 0 — VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL — — — — C25 0 — VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL — — B20 0 — VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL VDDIO0_TL — — — E28 0 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — D27 0 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — A1 0 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — A31 0 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA28 0 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA4 0 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AE28 0 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D30 0 — PRESET PRESET PRESET — — — D29 0 — PRD_DATA PRD_DATA PRD_DATA TDO — — D31 0 — PRD_CFG PRD_CFG PRD_CFG — — — F28 0 — PPRGRM PPRGRM PPRGRM — — — C28 0 — PDONE PDONE PDONE — — — A28 0 — PCFG_MPI_IRQ PCFG_MPI_IRQ PCFG_MPI_IRQ CFG_IRQ/MPI_IRQ — — B28 0 — PCCLK PCCLK PCCLK — — — COMPLEMENT A9 1 1 PT21D PT28D PT35D — L1C_D1 C10 1 1 PT21C PT28C PT35C — L1T_D1 TRUE B10 1 1 PT20D PT27D PT34D VREF_TC_01 L2C_A0 COMPLEMENT A10 1 1 PT20C PT27C PT34C — L2T_A0 TRUE 90 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT C11 1 1 PT20B PT27B PT33D — L3C_D0 D12 1 1 PT20A PT27A PT33C — L3T_D0 TRUE B11 1 2 PT19D PT26D PT32D — L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT A11 1 2 PT19C PT26C PT32C VREF_TC_02 L4T_A0 TRUE C12 1 2 PT19B PT26B PT31D — L5C_D0 COMPLEMENT D13 1 2 PT19A PT26A PT31C — L5T_D0 TRUE B12 1 2 PT18D PT25D PT30D — L6C_D0 COMPLEMENT C13 1 2 PT18C PT25C PT30C — L6T_D0 TRUE D14 1 3 PT18B PT24D PT29D — L7C_D2 COMPLEMENT A13 1 3 PT18A PT24C PT29C VREF_TC_03 L7T_D2 TRUE C14 1 3 PT17D PT23D PT28D — L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT B14 1 3 PT17C PT23C PT28C — L8T_A0 TRUE A14 1 4 PT16D PT21D PT26D — L9C_D1 COMPLEMENT C15 1 4 PT16C PT21C PT26C — L9T_D1 TRUE B15 1 4 PT15D PT19D PT24D — L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT A15 1 4 PT15C PT19C PT24C VREF_TC_04 L10T_A0 TRUE D16 1 5 PT14D PT18D PT23D PTCK1C L11C_A1 COMPLEMENT B16 1 5 PT14C PT18C PT23C PTCK1T L11T_A1 TRUE A17 1 5 PT13D PT17D PT22D PTCK0C L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT B17 1 5 PT13C PT17C PT22C PTCK0T L12T_A0 TRUE C17 1 5 PT13B PT16D PT21D VREF_TC_05 L13C_D1 COMPLEMENT A18 1 5 PT13A PT16C PT21C — L13T_D1 TRUE B18 1 6 PT12D PT15D PT20D — L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT C18 1 6 PT12C PT15C PT20C — L14T_A0 TRUE A19 1 6 PT12B PT14D PT19D — L15C_D2 COMPLEMENT D18 1 6 PT12A PT14C PT19C VREF_TC_06 L15T_D2 TRUE M31 1 — VSS VSS VSS — — — T1 1 — VSS VSS VSS — — — T31 1 — VSS VSS VSS — — — Y1 1 — VSS VSS VSS — — — Y31 1 — VSS VSS VSS — — — — C16 1 — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — B13 1 — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — L4 1 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — R28 1 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — R4 1 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — R4 1 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — U28 1 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — J1 2 1 PR8D PR11D PR13D VREF_TR_01 L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT K3 2 1 PR8C PR11C PR13C — L1T_D1 TRUE H2 2 1 PR7D PR9D PR11D — L3C_D0 COMPLEMENT J3 2 1 PR7C PR9C PR11C — L3T_D0 TRUE K4 2 1 PR7B PR10D PR12D — L2C_D1 COMPLEMENT J2 2 1 PR7A PR10C PR12C — L2T_D1 TRUE G3 2 2 PR6D PR7D PR9D — L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 91 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential G2 2 2 PR6C PR7C PR9C VREF_TR_02 L5T_A0 TRUE J4 2 2 PR6B PR8D PR10D — L4C_D0 COMPLEMENT H3 2 2 PR6A PR8C PR10C — L4T_D0 TRUE F1 2 2 PR5B PR6B PR8D — L6C_D2 COMPLEMENT H4 2 2 PR5A PR6A PR8C — L6T_D2 TRUE F3 2 3 PR5D PR6D PR7D VREF_TR_03 L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT F2 2 3 PR5C PR6C PR7C — L7T_A0 TRUE F4 2 3 PR4D PR4D PR5D — L9C_D0 COMPLEMENT E3 2 3 PR4C PR4C PR5C — L9T_D0 TRUE E2 2 3 PR4B PR5D PR6D — L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT E1 2 3 PR4A PR5C PR6C — L8T_A0 TRUE D2 2 4 PR3D PR3D PR3D PLL_CK3C L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT D1 2 4 PR3C PR3C PR3C PLL_CK3T L10T_A0 TRUE B4 2 5 PT27D PT37D PT47D PLL_CK2C L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT A4 2 5 PT27C PT37C PT47C PLL_CK2T L11T_A0 TRUE D6 2 5 PT26D PT36D PT45D VREF_TR_05 L12C_D0 COMPLEMENT C5 2 5 PT26C PT36C PT45C — L12T_D0 TRUE B5 2 6 PT26B PT35B PT43D — L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT A5 2 6 PT26A PT35A PT43C — L13T_A0 TRUE C6 2 6 PT25D PT34D PT42D VREF_TR_06 L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT B6 2 6 PT25C PT34C PT42C — L14T_A0 TRUE A6 2 7 PT25B PT34B PT41D — L15C_D2 COMPLEMENT D8 2 7 PT25A PT34A PT41C — L15T_D2 TRUE C7 2 7 PT24D PT33D PT40D — L16C_A0 COMPLEMENT B7 2 7 PT24C PT33C PT40C VREF_TR_07 L16T_A0 TRUE D9 2 7 PT24B PT32D PT39D — L17C_D0 COMPLEMENT C8 2 7 PT24A PT32C PT39C — L17T_D0 TRUE B8 2 8 PT23D PT31D PT38D — L18C_D0 COMPLEMENT C9 2 8 PT23C PT31C PT38C VREF_TR_08 L18T_D0 TRUE D10 2 8 PT22D PT29D PT36D — L19C_D1 COMPLEMENT B9 2 8 PT22C PT29C PT36C — L19T_D1 TRUE C2 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — C30 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — C31 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — H1 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — H31 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — 92 M1 2 — VSS VSS VSS — — — D3 2 — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — G1 2 — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — A7 2 — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — E4 2 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — D5 2 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — D4 2 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D7 2 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential G28 2 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — G4 2 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — L28 2 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — C4 2 — PLL_VF PLL_VF PLL_VF — — — AB1 3 1 PR20D PR29D PR35D — L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT AB2 3 1 PR20C PR29C PR35C — L1T_A0 TRUE Y4 3 1 PR19D PR28D PR33D — L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT AA3 3 1 PR19C PR28C PR33C VREF_CR_01 L2T_D0 TRUE Y2 3 2 PR18D PR26B PR31D VREF_CR_02 L4C_D1 COMPLEMENT W4 3 2 PR18C PR26A PR31C — L4T_D1 TRUE AA1 3 2 PR18B PR27B PR32D — L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT AA2 3 2 PR18A PR27A PR32C — L3T_A0 TRUE W2 3 2 PR17B PR25B PR30D — L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT W3 3 2 PR17A PR25A PR30C — L5T_A0 TRUE W1 3 3 PR17D PR25D PR29D VREF_CR_03 L6C_D2 COMPLEMENT V4 3 3 PR17C PR25C PR29C — L6T_D2 TRUE V2 3 4 PR16D PR23D PR27D PRCK1C L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT V3 3 4 PR16C PR23C PR27C PRCK1T L7T_A0 TRUE U3 3 4 PR15B PR22D PR26D VREF_CR_04 L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT V1 3 4 PR15A PR22C PR26C — L8T_D1 TRUE T3 3 5 PR15D PR21D PR25D — L9C_D1 COMPLEMENT U1 3 5 PR15C PR21C PR25C — L9T_D1 TRUE R2 3 5 PR14D PR19D PR23D — L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT R1 3 5 PR14C PR19C PR23C VREF_CR_05 L11T_A0 TRUE T2 3 5 PR14B PR20D PR24D PRCK0C L10C_A1 COMPLEMENT T4 3 5 PR14A PR20C PR24C PRCK0T L10T_A1 TRUE P1 3 5 PR13B PR18D PR22D — L12C_D1 COMPLEMENT R3 3 5 PR13A PR18C PR22C — L12T_D1 TRUE P3 3 6 PR13D PR17D PR21D VREF_CR_06 L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT P2 3 6 PR13C PR17C PR21C — L13T_A0 TRUE P4 3 6 PR12B PR16D PR20D — L14C_D2 COMPLEMENT N1 3 6 PR12A PR16C PR20C — L14T_D2 TRUE M2 3 7 PR12D PR15D PR19D — L15C_D0 COMPLEMENT N3 3 7 PR12C PR15C PR19C — L15T_D0 TRUE L2 3 7 PR11D PR14D PR17D — L17C_A0 COMPLEMENT L1 3 7 PR11C PR14C PR17C VREF_CR_07 L17T_A0 TRUE M3 3 7 PR11B PR14B PR18D — L16C_D0 COMPLEMENT N4 3 7 PR11A PR14A PR18C — L16T_D0 TRUE K2 3 8 PR9D PR12D PR14D — L19C_A0 COMPLEMENT K1 3 8 PR9C PR12C PR14C VREF_CR_08 L19T_A0 TRUE L3 3 8 PR10D PR13D PR15D — L18C_D0 COMPLEMENT M4 3 8 PR10C PR13C PR15C — L18T_D0 TRUE B1 3 — VSS VSS VSS — — — B29 3 — VSS VSS VSS — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 93 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential B3 3 — VSS VSS VSS — — — B31 3 — VSS VSS VSS — — — C1 3 — VSS VSS VSS — — — N2 3 — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — U2 3 — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — Y3 3 — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — D15 3 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D17 3 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D21 3 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D25 3 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D28 3 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — COMPLEMENT AJ8 4 1 PB23B PB32D PB39D — L3C_A0 AK8 4 1 PB23A PB32C PB39C — L3T_A0 TRUE AJ9 4 1 PB22D PB31D PB38D — L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT AH10 4 1 PB22C PB31C PB38C VREF_BR_01 L2T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT AK9 4 1 PB22B PB30D PB37D — L1C_A0 AL9 4 1 PB22A PB30C PB37C — L1T_A0 TRUE AL6 4 2 PB24C PB34C PB42C — — TRUE AH8 4 2 PB24B PB34B PB41D — L5C_D0 COMPLEMENT AJ7 4 2 PB24A PB34A PB41C — L5T_D0 TRUE AK7 4 2 PB23D PB33D PB40D VREF_BR_02 L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL7 4 2 PB23C PB33C PB40C — L4T_A0 TRUE AJ5 4 3 PB26D PB36D PB45D — L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK5 4 3 PB26C PB36C PB45C — L7T_A0 TRUE AL5 4 3 PB25D PB35D PB44D VREF_BR_03 L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT AJ6 4 3 PB25C PB35C PB44C — L6T_D1 TRUE AK6 4 3 PB25A PB35A PB43A — — TRUE COMPLEMENT AJ4 4 4 PB27D PB37D PB47D PLL_CK5C L9C_A0 AK4 4 4 PB27C PB37C PB47C PLL_CK5T L9T_A0 TRUE AL4 4 4 PB27B PB37B PB46D VREF_BR_04 L8C_D2 COMPLEMENT AH6 4 4 PB27A PB37A PB46C — L8T_D2 TRUE COMPLEMENT AH1 4 5 PR26B PR38B PR46D PLL_CK4C L10C_A0 AH2 4 5 PR26A PR38A PR46C PLL_CK4T L10T_A0 TRUE AG3 4 5 PR25B PR37D PR44D — L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT AF4 4 5 PR25A PR37C PR44C VREF_BR_05 L11T_D0 TRUE AG1 4 6 PR25D PR36D PR43D — L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT AG2 4 6 PR25C PR36C PR43C — L12T_A0 TRUE AE3 4 6 PR24D PR35D PR41D — L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT AD4 4 6 PR24C PR35C PR41C VREF_BR_06 L14T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT AF2 4 6 PR24B PR35B PR42D — L13C_A0 AF3 4 6 PR24A PR35A PR42C — L13T_A0 TRUE AD3 4 7 PR23D PR33D PR39D VREF_BR_07 L16C_D0 COMPLEMENT AC4 4 7 PR23C PR33C PR39C — L16T_D0 TRUE AE1 4 7 PR23B PR34D PR40D — L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT AE2 4 7 PR23A PR34C PR40C — L15T_A0 TRUE 94 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT AC3 4 7 PR22B PR32D PR38D — L17C_D0 AD2 4 7 PR22A PR32C PR38C — L17T_D0 TRUE AC2 4 8 PR22D PR31D PR37D VREF_BR_08 L18C_D1 COMPLEMENT AB4 4 8 PR22C PR31C PR37C — L18T_D1 TRUE AB3 4 8 PR21D PR30D PR36D — L19C_D1 COMPLEMENT AC1 4 8 PR21C PR30C PR36C — L19T_D1 TRUE AL20 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL24 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL29 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL3 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL30 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL8 4 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AF1 4 — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AH3 4 — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AH9 4 — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AG4 4 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AH5 4 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — B2 4 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — B30 4 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — C29 4 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — C3 4 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — D11 4 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AK17 5 1 PB13D PB18D PB22D — L2C_A0 COMPLEMENT AJ17 5 1 PB13C PB18C PB22C VREF_BC_01 L2T_A0 TRUE AL18 5 1 PB13B PB17D PB21D — L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK18 5 1 PB13A PB17C PB21C — L1T_A0 TRUE AL15 5 2 PB15D PB20D PB24D — L4C_D0 COMPLEMENT AK16 5 2 PB15C PB20C PB24C VREF_BC_02 L4T_D0 TRUE AJ16 5 2 PB14D PB19D PB23D PBCK0C L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT AL17 5 2 PB14C PB19C PB23C PBCK0T L3T_D1 TRUE AL13 5 3 PB17D PB23D PB28D PBCK1C L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT AJ14 5 3 PB17C PB23C PB28C PBCK1T L7T_D1 TRUE AK14 5 3 PB17B PB22D PB27D — L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL14 5 3 PB17A PB22C PB27C — L6T_A0 TRUE AJ15 5 3 PB16D PB21D PB26D VREF_BC_03 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK15 5 3 PB16C PB21C PB26C — L5T_A0 TRUE AL11 5 4 PB19B PB26B PB31D — L10C_D1 COMPLEMENT AJ12 5 4 PB19A PB26A PB31C — L10T_D1 TRUE AH13 5 4 PB18D PB25D PB30D VREF_BC_04 L9C_D1 COMPLEMENT AK12 5 4 PB18C PB25C PB30C — L9T_D1 TRUE AK13 5 4 PB18B PB24D PB29D — L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT AH14 5 4 PB18A PB24C PB29C — L8T_A0 TRUE AL10 5 5 PB20D PB27D PB34D — L12C_D1 COMPLEMENT AJ11 5 5 PB20C PB27C PB34C — L12T_D1 TRUE AH12 5 5 PB19D PB26D PB32D VREF_BC_05 L11C_D1 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 95 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential AK11 5 5 PB19C PB26C PB32C — L11T_D1 TRUE AJ10 5 6 PB21B PB28D PB35D VREF_BC_06 L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK10 5 6 PB21A PB28C PB35C — L13T_A0 TRUE AK3 5 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AK31 5 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL12 5 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL16 5 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AL2 5 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AJ13 5 — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AH16 5 — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AJ3 5 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AK2 5 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AK30 5 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AL1 5 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AL31 5 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — COMPLEMENT AC29 6 1 PL22D PL32D PL38D D8 L1C_D0 AD30 6 1 PL22C PL32C PL38C VREF_BL_01 L1T_D0 TRUE AD29 6 1 PL22B PL33D PL39D D9 L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT AC28 6 1 PL22A PL33C PL39C D10 L2T_D0 TRUE AE31 6 2 PL23D PL34D PL40D — L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT AE30 6 2 PL23C PL34C PL40C VREF_BL_02 L3T_A0 TRUE AF30 6 3 PL25D PL36B PL44D VREF_BL_03 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT AF29 6 3 PL25C PL36A PL44C D13 L5T_A0 TRUE AD28 6 3 PL24D PL35B PL42D D11 L4C_D2 COMPLEMENT AF31 6 3 PL24C PL35A PL42C D12 L4T_D2 TRUE AG29 6 4 PL27D PL39D PL47D PLL_CK7C L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT AF28 6 4 PL27C PL39C PL47C PLL_CK7T L7T_D1 TRUE AG31 6 4 PL26D PL37B PL45D — L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT AG30 6 4 PL26C PL37A PL45C VREF_BL_04 L6T_A0 TRUE AJ27 6 5 PB3D PB4B PB4D DP3 L9C_D0 COMPLEMENT AH26 6 5 PB3C PB4A PB4C VREF_BL_05 L9T_D0 TRUE AL28 6 5 PB2D PB2D PB2D PLL_CK6C L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK28 6 5 PB2C PB2C PB2C PLL_CK6T L8T_A0 TRUE AJ28 6 5 PB2A PB2A PB2A DP2 — TRUE AH24 6 6 PB5B PB6B PB7D — L12C_D2 COMPLEMENT AL26 6 6 PB5A PB6A PB7C — L12T_D2 TRUE AK26 6 6 PB4D PB5D PB6D D14 L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT AJ26 6 6 PB4C PB5C PB6C VREF_BL_06 L11T_A0 TRUE AL27 6 6 PB4B PB4D PB5D — L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK27 6 6 PB4A PB4C PB5C — L10T_A0 TRUE AJ23 6 7 PB6D PB8D PB10D D19 L15C_D0 COMPLEMENT AK24 6 7 PB6C PB8C PB10C VREF_BL_07 L15T_D0 TRUE AJ24 6 7 PB6B PB7D PB9D D18 L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT AH23 6 7 PB6A PB7C PB9C D17 L14T_D0 TRUE AL25 6 7 PB5D PB6D PB8D D16 L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT 96 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45.OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential AK25 6 7 PB5C PB6C PB8C D15 L13T_A0 TRUE AJ22 6 8 PB7D PB10D PB12D D22 L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT AL23 6 8 PB7C PB10C PB12C VREF_BL_08 L17T_D1 TRUE COMPLEMENT AK23 6 8 PB7B PB9D PB11D D21 L16C_D1 AH22 6 8 PB7A PB9C PB11C D20 L16T_D1 TRUE AH20 6 9 PB9D PB12D PB14D D25 L19C_D0 COMPLEMENT AJ21 6 9 PB9C PB12C PB14C VREF_BL_09 L19T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT AL22 6 9 PB8D PB11D PB13D D24 L18C_A0 AK22 6 9 PB8C PB11C PB13C D23 L18T_A0 TRUE AJ19 6 10 PB11D PB14D PB18D D28 L21C_D0 COMPLEMENT AK20 6 10 PB11C PB14C PB18C VREF_BL_10 L21T_D0 TRUE AJ20 6 10 PB11B PB14B PB17D — AL21 6 10 PB10D PB13D PB16D D27 L20C_A0 COMPLEMENT COMPLEMENT AK21 6 10 PB10C PB13C PB16C D26 L20T_A0 TRUE AJ18 6 11 PB12D PB16D PB20D D31 L23C_D1 COMPLEMENT AL19 6 11 PB12C PB16C PB20C VREF_BL_11 L23T_D1 TRUE AH18 6 11 PB12B PB15D PB19D D30 L22C_D1 COMPLEMENT AK19 6 11 PB12A PB15C PB19C D29 L22T_D1 TRUE AJ1 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AJ2 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AJ30 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AJ31 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AK1 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AK29 6 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AH19 6 — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AJ25 6 — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AH30 6 — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AE29 6 — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AH27 6 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AG28 6 — VDD33 VDD33 VDD33 — — — AH25 6 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH28 6 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH4 6 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH7 6 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AJ29 6 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH31 6 — PTEMP PTEMP PTEMP — — — AH29 6 — LVDS_R LVDS_R LVDS_R — — — M29 7 1 PL9D PL13D PL16D VREF_7_01 L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT N28 7 1 PL9C PL13C PL16C D4 L2T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT L30 7 1 PL8D PL12D PL14D A15 L1C_A0 L31 7 1 PL8C PL12C PL14C A14 L1T_A0 TRUE M30 7 2 PL9B PL13B PL17D — — COMPLEMENT N29 7 2 PL10D PL14D PL18D RDY/BUSY/RCLK L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT N30 7 2 PL10C PL14C PL18C VREF_7_02 L3T_A0 TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. 97 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 45. OR4E6 432-Pin EBGA (continued) 432 BGA Ball VDDIO VREF Bank Group General-Purpose User I/O OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 Additional Function Pair Differential COMPLEMENT N31 7 2 PL10B PL15D PL19D A13 L4C_D1 P29 7 2 PL10A PL15C PL19C A12 L4T_D1 TRUE P30 7 3 PL11D PL16D PL20D — L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT P31 7 3 PL11C PL16C PL20C — L5T_A0 TRUE R29 7 3 PL11B PL17D PL21D A11 L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT R30 7 3 PL11A PL17C PL21C VREF_7_03 L6T_A0 TRUE T28 7 4 PL14D PL20D PL24D PLCK0C L8C_A1 COMPLEMENT T30 7 4 PL14C PL20C PL24C PLCK0T L8T_A1 TRUE R31 7 4 PL13D PL19D PL23D RD/MPI_STRB L7C_D1 COMPLEMENT T29 7 4 PL13C PL19C PL23C VREF_7_04 L7T_D1 TRUE V31 7 5 PL16D PL22D PL26D A8 L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT V30 7 5 PL16C PL22C PL26C VREF_7_05 L10T_A0 TRUE U30 7 5 PL15D PL21D PL25D A10 L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT U29 7 5 PL15C PL21C PL25C A9 L9T_A0 TRUE W29 7 6 PL18D PL26D PL30D A6 L13C_D0 COMPLEMENT Y30 7 6 PL18C PL26C PL30C A5 L13T_D0 TRUE COMPLEMENT V29 7 6 PL17D PL24D PL28D PLCK1C L11C_D1 W31 7 6 PL17C PL24C PL28C PLCK1T L11T_D1 TRUE V28 7 6 PL17B PL25D PL29D VREF_7_06 L12C_D1 COMPLEMENT W30 7 6 PL17A PL25C PL29C A7 L12T_D1 TRUE L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT AA31 7 7 PL19D PL27D PL32D WR/MPI_RW AA30 7 7 PL19C PL27C PL32C VREF_7_07 L14T_A0 TRUE Y29 7 7 PL18B PL26B PL31D — — COMPLEMENT AB29 7 8 PL21D PL30D PL36D A1 L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT AC31 7 8 PL21C PL30C PL36C A0 L17T_D1 TRUE AC30 7 8 PL21B PL31D PL37D DP0 L18C_D1 COMPLEMENT AB28 7 8 PL21A PL31C PL37C DP1 L18T_D1 TRUE Y28 7 8 PL20D PL28D PL34D A4 L15C_D0 COMPLEMENT AA29 7 8 PL20C PL28C PL34C VREF_7_08 L15T_D0 TRUE AB31 7 8 PL20B PL29D PL35D A3 L16C_A0 COMPLEMENT AB30 7 8 PL20A PL29C PL35C A2 L16T_A0 TRUE A3 7 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A30 7 — VSS VSS VSS — — — A8 7 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AD1 7 — VSS VSS VSS — — — AD31 7 — VSS VSS VSS — — — W28 7 — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — U31 7 — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — P28 7 — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — AE4 7 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH11 7 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH15 7 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH17 7 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — AH21 7 — VDD15 VDD15 VDD15 — — — 98 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) As shown in the Pair column, differential pairs and physical locations are numbered within each bank (e.g., L19C_A0 is the nineteenth pair in an associated bank). The C indicates complementary differential whereas a T indicates true differential. The _A0 indicates the physical location of adjacent balls in either the horizontal or vertical direction. Other physical indicators are as follows: ■ _A1 indicates one ball between pairs. ■ _A2 indicates two balls between pairs. ■ _D0 indicates balls are diagonally adjacent. ■ _D1 indicates diagonally adjacent separated by one physical ball. VREF pins, shown in the Additional Function column, are associated to the bank and group (e.g., VREF_TL_01 is the VREF for group one of the top left (TL) bank). Table 46. 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group E16 TL D14 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 1 PT13D PT18D MPI_RTRY TL 1 PT13C PT18C MPI_ACK C14 TL 1 PT13B PT17D — D13 TL 1 PT13A PT17C VREF_TL_01 L2T_D0 TRUE A12 TL 1 PT12D PT16D M0 L3C_A0 COMPLEMENT B12 TL 1 PT12C PT16C M1 L3T_A0 TRUE E15 TL 2 PT12B PT15D MPI_CLK B11 TL 2 PT12A PT15C A21/ MPI_BURST C11 TL 2 PT11D PT14D M2 L5C_D2 COMPLEMENT E14 TL 2 PT11C PT14C M3 L5T_D2 TRUE D12 TL 2 PT11B PT13D VREF_TL_02 L6C_A0 COMPLEMENT D11 TL 2 PT11A PT13C MPI_TEA L6T_A0 TRUE A10 TL 3 PT10D PT12D — L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT L1T_D1 TRUE L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT L4C_D3 COMPLEMENT L4T_D3 TRUE B10 TL 3 PT10C PT12C — L7T_A0 TRUE C10 TL 3 PT10A PT12A — — TRUE C9 TL 3 PT9D PT11D VREF_TL_03 D10 TL 3 PT9C PT11C — L8T_D0 TRUE E13 TL 3 PT9A PT11A — — TRUE B9 TL 3 PT8D PT10D D0 L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT A9 TL 3 PT8C PT10C TMS L9T_A0 TRUE D9 TL 4 PT7D PT9D A8 TL 4 PT7C PT9C A19/MPI_TSZ1 L10T_D2 B8 TL 4 PT6D PT8D A18/MPI_TSZ0 L11C_D3 COMPLEMENT E12 TL 4 PT6C PT8C D3 C8 TL 4 PT6B PT7D VREF_TL_04 D8 TL 4 PT6A PT7C — L12T_A0 E11 TL 5 PT5D PT6D D1 L13C_D3 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. L8C_D0 COMPLEMENT A20/MPI_BDIP L10C_D2 COMPLEMENT L11T_D3 TRUE TRUE L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT TRUE 99 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group A7 TL A6 100 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential TRUE OR4E4 OR4E6 5 PT5C PT6C D2 L13T_D3 TL 5 PT5B PT5D — L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT B7 TL 5 PT5A PT5C VREF_TL_05 C7 TL 5 PT4D PT4D TDI L14T_D0 TRUE L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT D7 TL 5 PT4C PT4C TCK E10 TL 5 PT4B PT4B — L16C_D4 COMPLEMENT L15T_A0 A5 TL 5 PT4A PT4A — L16T_D4 B6 TL 6 PT3D PT3D — L17C_D2 COMPLEMENT E9 TL 6 PT3C PT3C VREF_TL_06 A4 TL 6 PT3B PT3B — L18C_D0 COMPLEMENT B5 TL 6 PT3A PT3A — L18T_D0 D6 TL 6 PT2D PT2D PLL_CK1C/ PPLL L19C_A0 COMPLEMENT C6 TL 6 PT2C PT2C PLL_CK1T/ PPLL L19T_A0 C5 TL 6 PT2B PT2B — L20C_D1 COMPLEMENT E8 TL 6 PT2A PT2A — L20T_D1 D1 TL 7 PL2D PL2D PLL_CK0C/ HPPLL L21C_D2 COMPLEMENT F4 TL 7 PL2C PL2C PLL_CK0T/ HPPLL L21T_D2 F3 TL 7 PL3D PL3D — G4 TL 7 PL3C PL3C VREF_TL_07 E2 TL 7 PL4D PL4D D5 H5 TL 7 PL4C PL4C D6 L23T_D2 E1 TL 8 PL4B PL5D — L24C_D0 COMPLEMENT F2 TL 8 PL4A PL5C VREF_TL_08 J5 TL 8 PL5D PL6D HDC L25C_D3 COMPLEMENT F1 TL 8 PL5C PL6C LDC L25T_D3 H4 TL 8 PL5B PL7D — L26C_D0 COMPLEMENT G3 TL 8 PL5A PL7C — L26T_D0 H3 TL 9 PL6D PL8D — L27C_D0 COMPLEMENT G2 TL 9 PL6C PL8C D7 K5 TL 9 PL7D PL9D VREF_TL_09 G1 TL 9 PL7C PL9C A17 L28T_D3 J4 TL 9 PL8D PL10D CS0 L29C_D1 COMPLEMENT L5 TL 9 PL8C PL10C CS1 L29T_D1 J3 TL 10 PL9D PL11D — L17T_D2 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE L22C_D0 COMPLEMENT L22T_D0 TRUE L23C_D2 COMPLEMENT L24T_D0 L27T_D0 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE L28C_D3 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE L30C_D0 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group H2 TL K4 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 10 PL9C PL11C — L30T_D0 TRUE TL 10 PL9A PL11A — — TRUE H1 TL 10 PL10D PL12D INIT J2 TL 10 PL10C PL12C DOUT L31C_D0 COMPLEMENT L31T_D0 TRUE J1 TL 10 PL11D PL13D VREF_TL_10 K3 TL 10 PL11C PL13C A16 L32T_D1 TRUE M5 TL 10 PL11A PL13A — — TRUE F5 TL — VDD33 VDD33 — — — E4 TL — PRD_DATA PRD_DATA — — — E3 TL — PRESET PRESET — — — D2 TL — PRD_CFG PRD_CFG — — — — PPRGRM PPRGRM — — — — — G5 TL L32C_D1 COMPLEMENT E7 TL — PCFG_MPI_IRQ PCFG_MPI_IRQ CFG_IRQ/ MPI_IRQ E6 TL — PCCLK PCCLK — — — B4 TL — PDONE PDONE — — — D5 TL — VDD33 VDD33 — — — A1 TL — VSS VSS — — — A2 TL — VSS VSS — — — A18 TL — VSS VSS — — — A33 TL — VSS VSS — — — A34 TL — VSS VSS — — — B1 TL — VSS VSS — — — B2 TL — VSS VSS — — — B33 TL — VSS VSS — — — B34 TL — VSS VSS — — — C3 TL — VSS VSS — — — C13 TL — VSS VSS — — — N16 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — N17 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — N18 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — N19 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — P16 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — P17 TL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — A3 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — B3 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — C1 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — C2 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 101 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group C4 TL D3 102 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — — — — — E5 TL — VDDIO_TL VDDIO_TL — C25 TC 1 PT28D PT35D — L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT E24 TC 1 PT28C PT35C — L1T_D1 TRUE D24 TC 1 PT28A PT35A — L2T_D2 TRUE A25 TC 1 PT28B PT35B — L2C_D2 COMPLEMENT D23 TC 1 PT27D PT34D VREF_TC_01 L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT B25 TC 1 PT27C PT34C — L3T_D1 C24 TC 1 PT27B PT33D — L4C_D1 COMPLEMENT TRUE E23 TC 1 PT27A PT33C — L4T_D1 B24 TC 2 PT26D PT32D — L5C_D1 COMPLEMENT D22 TC 2 PT26C PT32C VREF_TC_02 E22 TC 2 PT26B PT31D — L6C_D0 COMPLEMENT D21 TC 2 PT26A PT31C — L6T_D0 TRUE B23 TC 2 PT25D PT30D — L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT B22 TC 2 PT25C PT30C — L7T_A0 TRUE A23 TC 3 PT24D PT29D — L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT C21 TC 3 PT24C PT29C VREF_TC_03 L8T_D1 TRUE E21 TC 3 PT24A PT29A — — TRUE D20 TC 3 PT23D PT28D — L9C_D2 COMPLEMENT A22 TC 3 PT23C PT28C — L9T_D2 TRUE E20 TC 3 PT23A PT28A — — TRUE A21 TC 3 PT22D PT27D — L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT B21 TC 3 PT22C PT27C — L10T_A0 TRUE D19 TC 3 PT22A PT27A — — TRUE B20 TC 4 PT21D PT26D — L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT A20 TC 4 PT21C PT26C — L11T_A0 B19 TC 4 PT20D PT25D — L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT C19 TC 4 PT20C PT25C — L12T_A0 E19 TC 4 PT19D PT24D — L13C_D0 COMPLEMENT D18 TC 4 PT19C PT24C VREF_TC_04 L13T_D0 TRUE B18 TC 4 PT19A PT24A — L14T_A0 TRUE C18 TC 4 PT19B PT24B — L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT L5T_D1 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE B17 TC 5 PT18D PT23D PTCK1C L15C_D0 COMPLEMENT C17 TC 5 PT18C PT23C PTCK1T L15T_D0 TRUE D17 TC 5 PT18A PT23A L16T_D2 TRUE A16 TC 5 PT18B PT23B L16C_D2 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group B16 TC C16 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 5 PT17D PT22D PTCK0C L17C_A0 COMPLEMENT TC 5 PT17C PT22C PTCK0T L17T_A0 TRUE D16 TC 5 PT17A PT22A — — TRUE E18 TC 5 PT16D PT21D VREF_TC_05 L18C_D3 COMPLEMENT A15 TC 5 PT16C PT21C — L18T_D3 TRUE B15 TC 5 PT16A PT21A — — TRUE D15 TC 6 PT15D PT20D — L19C_D2 COMPLEMENT A14 TC 6 PT15C PT20C — L19T_D2 TRUE B14 TC 6 PT15A PT20A — — TRUE E17 TC 6 PT14D PT19D — A13 TC 6 PT14C PT19C VREF_TC_06 L20T_D3 TRUE B13 TC 6 PT14A PT19A — — TRUE C22 TC — VSS VSS — — — C32 TC — VSS VSS — — — D4 TC — VSS VSS — — — D31 TC — VSS VSS — — — N3 TC — VSS VSS — — — N13 TC — VSS VSS — — — N14 TC — VSS VSS — — — N15 TC — VSS VSS — — — N20 TC — VSS VSS — — — N21 TC — VSS VSS — — — N22 TC — VSS VSS — — — P18 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — P19 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — R16 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — R17 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — R18 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — R19 TC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — A11 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — A17 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — A19 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — A24 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — C12 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — C15 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — C20 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — C23 TC — VDDIO_TC VDDIO_TC — — — J34 TR 1 PR11B PR13B — L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. L20C_D3 COMPLEMENT 103 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group H34 TR J33 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 1 PR11A PR13A — L1T_A0 TRUE TR 1 PR11C PR13C — L2T_A1 TRUE J31 TR 1 PR11D PR13D VREF_TR_01 L2C_A1 COMPLEMENT J32 TR 1 PR10C PR12C — L3T_D1 TRUE L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT G34 TR 1 PR10D PR12D — M30 TR 1 PR9A PR11A — — TRUE H33 TR 1 PR9C PR11C — L4T_A0 TRUE H32 TR 1 PR9D PR11D — L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT L30 TR 1 PR8A PR10A — — TRUE H31 TR 2 PR8C PR10C — L5T_D1 TRUE G33 TR 2 PR8D PR10D — L5C_D1 COMPLEMENT F34 TR 2 PR7A PR9A — 104 — TRUE L6T_D0 TRUE F33 TR 2 PR7C PR9C VREF_TR_02 G32 TR 2 PR7D PR9D — L6C_D0 COMPLEMENT K30 TR 2 PR6A PR8C — L7T_D2 G31 TR 2 PR6B PR8D — L7C_D2 COMPLEMENT E34 TR 3 PR6C PR7C — L8T_D2 J30 TR 3 PR6D PR7D VREF_TR_03 D34 TR 3 PR5A PR6A — — TRUE F32 TR 3 PR5C PR6C — L9T_A0 TRUE TRUE TRUE L8C_D2 COMPLEMENT F31 TR 3 PR5D PR6D — L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT E33 TR 3 PR4C PR5C — L10T_A0 TRUE D33 TR 3 PR4D PR5D — L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT H30 TR 4 PR3A PR4C — L11T_D2 E32 TR 4 PR3B PR4D VREF_TR_04 L11C_D2 COMPLEMENT E31 TR 4 PR3C PR3C PLL_CK3T/ PLL1(1.554/ 2.048 MHz) L12T_A0 G30 TR 4 PR3D PR3D PLL_CK3C/ PLL1(1.554/ 2.048 MHz) L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT C30 TR 5 PT37D PT47D PLL_CK2C/ PPLL L13C_D0 COMPLEMENT B31 TR 5 PT37C PT47C PLL_CK2T/ PPLL L13T_D0 E28 TR 5 PT37B PT46D — L14C_D2 COMPLEMENT B30 TR 5 PT37A PT46C — L14T_D2 D29 TR 5 PT36D PT45D VREF_TR_05 A31 TR 5 PT36C PT45C — TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE L15C_D2 COMPLEMENT L15T_D2 TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group D28 TR B29 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 6 PT35D PT44D — L16C_D1 COMPLEMENT TR 6 PT35C PT44C — L16T_D1 E27 TR 6 PT35B PT43D — L17C_D1 COMPLEMENT C29 TR 6 PT35A PT43C — L17T_D1 A30 TR 6 PT34D PT42D VREF_TR_06 E26 TR 6 PT34C PT42C — L18T_D3 A29 TR 7 PT34B PT41D — L19C_D2 COMPLEMENT D27 TR 7 PT34A PT41C — L19T_D2 C28 TR 7 PT33D PT40D — L20C_A0 COMPLEMENT C27 TR 7 PT33C PT40C VREF_TR_07 B28 TR 7 PT32D PT39D — L21C_D2 COMPLEMENT E25 TR 7 PT32C PT39C — L21T_D2 L22C_D2 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE L18C_D3 COMPLEMENT L20T_A0 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE A28 TR 8 PT31D PT38D — D26 TR 8 PT31C PT38C VREF_TR_08 L22T_D2 TRUE C26 TR 8 PT30D PT37D — — COMPLEMENT B27 TR 8 PT30A PT37A — — TRUE D25 TR 8 PT29D PT36D — L23C_D2 COMPLEMENT A27 TR 8 PT29C PT36C — L23T_D2 TRUE A26 TR 8 PT29A PT36A — L24T_A0 TRUE B26 TR 8 PT29B PT36B — L24C_A0 COMPLEMENT F30 TR — VDD33 VDD33 — — — E29 TR — VDD33 VDD33 — — — D30 TR — PLL_VF PLL_VF — — — N32 TR — VSS VSS — — — P13 TR — VSS VSS — — — P14 TR — VSS VSS — — — P15 TR — VSS VSS — — — P20 TR — VSS VSS — — — P21 TR — VSS VSS — — — P22 TR — VSS VSS — — — R13 TR — VSS VSS — — — R14 TR — VSS VSS — — — R15 TR — VSS VSS — — — R20 TR — VSS VSS — — — T13 TR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — T14 TR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — T15 TR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 105 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group T20 TR T21 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 — VDD15 VDD15 — — — TR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — T22 TR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — A32 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — B32 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — C31 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — C33 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — C34 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — D32 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — E30 TR — VDDIO_TR VDDIO_TR — — — AE32 CR 1 PR29A PR35C — L1T_D1 TRUE AC30 CR 1 PR29B PR35D — L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT AD31 CR 1 PR28A PR34A — — TRUE AE33 CR 1 PR29C PR34C — L2T_D1 TRUE AC31 CR 1 PR29D PR34D — L2C_D1 COMPLEMENT AE34 CR 1 PR28B PR33B — — COMPLEMENT AD32 CR 1 PR28C PR33C VREF_CR_01 L3T_D1 TRUE AB30 CR 1 PR28D PR33D — AD33 CR 2 PR27D PR32B — — COMPLEMENT AB31 CR 2 PR27A PR32C — L4T_D0 TRUE AA30 CR 2 PR27B PR32D — L4C_D0 COMPLEMENT AA31 CR 2 PR27C PR31A — — TRUE AC33 CR 2 PR26A PR31C — L5T_A0 TRUE L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT AB33 CR 2 PR26B PR31D VREF_CR_02 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT AC34 CR 2 PR26C PR30A — — TRUE AA32 CR 2 PR25A PR30C — L6T_D1 TRUE Y30 CR 2 PR25B PR30D — L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT Y31 CR 3 PR24B PR29B — — COMPLEMENT AB34 CR 3 PR25C PR29C — L7T_D3 TRUE W30 CR 3 PR25D PR29D VREF_CR_03 AA34 CR 3 PR24A PR28A — AA33 CR 3 PR24C PR28C W31 CR 3 PR24D PR28D Y33 CR 4 PR23A PR27A — — TRUE Y34 CR 4 PR23C PR27C PRCK1T L9T_D0 TRUE W33 CR 4 PR23D PR27D PRCK1C L9C_D0 COMPLEMENT W32 CR 4 PR22A PR26A — 106 L7C_D3 COMPLEMENT — TRUE — L8T_D1 TRUE — L8C_D1 COMPLEMENT — TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group V30 CR V31 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential L10T_A0 TRUE OR4E4 OR4E6 4 PR22C PR26C — CR 4 PR22D PR26D VREF_CR_04 V33 CR 5 PR21C PR25C — L11T_A0 V32 CR 5 PR21D PR25D — L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT U33 CR 5 PR20A PR24A — L12T_A0 U32 CR 5 PR20B PR24B — L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT T34 CR 5 PR20C PR24C PRCK0T L13T_D2 U31 CR 5 PR20D PR24D PRCK0C L13C_D2 COMPLEMENT T33 CR 5 PR19A PR23A — — TRUE T32 CR 5 PR19C PR23C VREF_CR_05 L14T_A0 TRUE T31 CR 5 PR19D PR23D — U30 CR 5 PR18A PR22A — R31 CR 5 PR18C PR22C R34 CR 5 PR18D PR22D R33 CR 5 PR17A PR21A — — TRUE P34 CR 6 PR17C PR21C — L16T_A1 TRUE P32 CR 6 PR17D PR21D VREF_CR_06 T30 CR 6 PR16A PR20A — — TRUE P31 CR 6 PR16C PR20C — L17T_A1 TRUE P33 CR 6 PR16D PR20D — L17C_A1 COMPLEMENT L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE TRUE L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT — TRUE — L15T_D1 TRUE — L15C_D1 COMPLEMENT L16C_A1 COMPLEMENT R30 CR 6 PR16B PR19B — — COMPLEMENT N33 CR 7 PR15C PR19C — L18T_A1 TRUE N31 CR 7 PR15D PR19D — L18C_A1 COMPLEMENT N34 CR 7 PR15B PR18B — — COMPLEMENT M31 CR 7 PR14A PR18C — L19T_A1 TRUE M33 CR 7 PR14B PR18D — L19C_A1 COMPLEMENT P30 CR 7 PR15A PR17A — — TRUE M34 CR 7 PR14C PR17C VREF_CR_07 L20T_D1 TRUE L32 CR 7 PR14D PR17D — L31 CR 8 PR13B PR16D — — COMPLEMENT L33 CR 8 PR13A PR15A — — TRUE K34 CR 8 PR13C PR15C — L21T_A0 TRUE K33 CR 8 PR13D PR15D — L21C_A0 COMPLEMENT K32 CR 8 PR12A PR14A — — TRUE N30 CR 8 PR12C PR14C VREF_CR_08 L22T_D2 TRUE K31 CR 8 PR12D PR14D — R21 CR — VSS VSS — Lucent Technologies Inc. L20C_D1 COMPLEMENT L22C_D2 COMPLEMENT — — 107 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group R22 CR T16 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 — VSS VSS — — — CR — VSS VSS — — — T17 CR — VSS VSS — — — T18 CR — VSS VSS — — — T19 CR — VSS VSS — — — U16 CR — VSS VSS — — — U17 CR — VSS VSS — — — U18 CR — VSS VSS — — — U19 CR — VSS VSS — — — V1 CR — VSS VSS — — — U13 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — U14 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — U15 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — U20 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — U21 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — U22 CR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — L34 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — M32 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — R32 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — U34 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — W34 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — Y32 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — AC32 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — AD34 CR — VDDIO_CR VDDIO_CR — — — AM26 BR 1 PB30A PB37A — — TRUE AP27 BR 1 PB30C PB37C — L1T_A0 TRUE AN27 BR 1 PB30D PB37D — L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK25 BR 1 PB31C PB38C VREF_BR_01 L2T_D0 TRUE AL26 BR 1 PB31D PB38D — L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT AM27 BR 1 PB32C PB39C — L3T_D1 AK26 BR 1 PB32D PB39D — L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT AP28 BR 2 PB33C PB40C — L4T_A0 TRUE AN28 BR 2 PB33D PB40D VREF_BR_02 L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL27 BR 2 PB34A PB41C — L5T_A0 TRUE AL28 BR 2 PB34B PB41D — L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK27 BR 2 PB34C PB42C — — TRUE AM28 BR 3 PB35A PB43A — — TRUE AN29 BR 3 PB35B PB43D — — COMPLEMENT 108 TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AK28 BR AM29 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential L6T_D1 TRUE OR4E4 OR4E6 3 PB35C PB44C — BR 3 PB35D PB44D VREF_BR_03 AP29 BR 3 PB36B PB45B — L7C_A2 COMPLEMENT AL29 BR 3 PB36A PB45A — L7T_A2 TRUE L6C_D1 COMPLEMENT AP30 BR 3 PB36C PB45C — L8T_A0 TRUE AN30 BR 3 PB36D PB45D — L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK29 BR 4 PB37A PB46C — L9T_D1 TRUE AM30 BR 4 PB37B PB46D VREF_BR_04 AL30 BR 4 PB37C PB47C PLL_CK5T/ PPLL L10T_D2 AP31 BR 4 PB37D PB47D PLL_CK5C/ PPLL L10C_D2 COMPLEMENT AJ30 BR 5 PR38A PR46C PLL_CK4T/PLL2 (155.52 MHz) AK32 BR 5 PR38B PR46D PLL_CK4C/PLL2 L11C_D1 COMPLEMENT (155.52 MHz) L9C_D1 COMPLEMENT L11T_D1 TRUE TRUE AL33 BR 5 PR38C PR45C — L12T_D2 AH30 BR 5 PR38D PR45D — L12C_D2 COMPLEMENT AL34 BR 5 PR37C PR44C VREF_BR_05 AJ31 BR 5 PR37D PR44D — L13C_D2 COMPLEMENT AJ32 BR 6 PR36C PR43C — L14T_D0 AH31 BR 6 PR36D PR43D — L14C_D0 COMPLEMENT AK33 BR 6 PR35A PR42C — L15T_D2 AG30 BR 6 PR35B PR42D — L15C_D2 COMPLEMENT AK34 BR 6 PR35C PR41C VREF_BR_06 AJ33 BR 6 PR35D PR41D — AF30 BR 7 PR34A PR40A — — TRUE AJ34 BR 7 PR34C PR40C — L17T_D2 TRUE AG31 BR 7 PR34D PR40D — L17C_D2 COMPLEMENT AH32 BR 7 PR33A PR39A — — TRUE AG32 BR 7 PR33C PR39C — L18T_D0 TRUE AH33 BR 7 PR33D PR39D VREF_BR_07 L13T_D2 L16T_D0 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE L16C_D0 COMPLEMENT L18C_D0 COMPLEMENT AE30 BR 7 PR32A PR38A — — TRUE AH34 BR 7 PR32C PR38C — L19T_D2 TRUE AF31 BR 7 PR32D PR38D — L19C_D2 COMPLEMENT AF32 BR 8 PR31A PR37A — — TRUE AG33 BR 8 PR31C PR37C — L20T_D1 TRUE AE31 BR 8 PR31D PR37D VREF_BR_08 AG34 BR 8 PR30A PR36A — Lucent Technologies Inc. L20C_D1 COMPLEMENT — TRUE 109 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AF33 BR AD30 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 8 PR30B PR36B — — COMPLEMENT BR 8 PR30C PR36C — L21T_D3 TRUE AF34 BR 8 PR30D PR36D — L21C_D3 COMPLEMENT AN31 BR — VDD33 VDD33 — — — AK31 BR — VDD33 VDD33 — — — V16 BR — VSS VSS — — — V17 BR — VSS VSS — — — V18 BR — VSS VSS — — — V19 BR — VSS VSS — — — V34 BR — VSS VSS — — — W16 BR — VSS VSS — — — W17 BR — VSS VSS — — — W18 BR — VSS VSS — — — W19 BR — VSS VSS — — — Y13 BR — VSS VSS — — — Y14 BR — VSS VSS — — — V13 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — V14 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — V15 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — V20 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — V21 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — V22 BR — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AK30 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AL32 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AM31 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AM33 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AM34 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AN32 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AP32 BR — VDDIO_BR VDDIO_BR — — — AN15 BC 1 PB17A PB21A — — TRUE AN16 BC 1 PB17C PB21C — L1T_D2 TRUE AK17 BC 1 PB17D PB21D — L1C_D2 COMPLEMENT AL16 BC 1 PB18A PB22A — — TRUE AM16 BC 1 PB18C PB22C VREF_BC_01 L2T_A1 TRUE AP16 BC 1 PB18D PB22D — L2C_A1 COMPLEMENT AN17 BC 2 PB19A PB23A — L3T_A1 TRUE AL17 BC 2 PB19B PB23B — L3C_A1 COMPLEMENT AM17 BC 2 PB19C PB23C PBCK0T L4T_A0 TRUE 110 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AM18 BC AN18 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 2 PB19D PB23D PBCK0C L4C_A0 COMPLEMENT BC 2 PB20B PB24B — L5C_A1 COMPLEMENT AL18 BC 2 PB20A PB24A — L5T_A1 TRUE AL19 BC 2 PB20C PB24C VREF_BC_02 L6T_D0 TRUE AK18 BC 2 PB20D PB24D — L6C_D0 COMPLEMENT AM19 BC 2 PB21A PB25C — L7T_A0 TRUE AN19 BC 2 PB21B PB25D — L7C_A0 COMPLEMENT AP20 BC 3 PB21C PB26C — L8T_A0 TRUE AN20 BC 3 PB21D PB26D VREF_BC_03 L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL20 BC 3 PB22A PB27A — — TRUE AP21 BC 3 PB22C PB27C — L9T_A0 TRUE AN21 BC 3 PB22D PB27D — L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK19 BC 3 PB23A PB28A — — TRUE AM21 BC 3 PB23C PB28C PBCK1T L10T_A0 TRUE AL21 BC 3 PB23D PB28D PBCK1C L10C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK20 BC 3 PB24A PB29A — — TRUE AP22 BC 4 PB24C PB29C — L11T_A0 TRUE AN22 BC 4 PB24D PB29D — L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK21 BC 4 PB25A PB30A — — TRUE AL22 BC 4 PB25C PB30C — L12T_A0 TRUE AL23 BC 4 PB25D PB30D VREF_BC_04 AK22 BC 4 PB26A PB31C — L13T_D2 AN23 BC 4 PB26B PB31D — L13C_D2 COMPLEMENT AP23 BC 5 PB26C PB32C — L14T_A3 AK23 BC 5 PB26D PB32D VREF_BC_05 AN24 BC 5 PB27A PB33C — L15T_A0 AM24 BC 5 PB27B PB33D — L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL24 BC 5 PB27C PB34C — L16T_D2 L16T_D2 COMPLEMENT L12C_A0 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE L14C_A3 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE AP25 BC 5 PB27D PB34D — AN25 BC 6 PB28A PB35A — — TRUE AK24 BC 6 PB28C PB35C — L17T_D3 TRUE AP26 BC 6 PB28D PB35D VREF_BC_06 AN26 BC 6 PB29A PB36A — — TRUE AL25 BC 6 PB29C PB36C — L18T_A0 TRUE AM25 BC 6 PB29D PB36D — L18C_A0 COMPLEMENT Y15 BC — VSS VSS — — — Y20 BC — VSS VSS — — — Y21 BC — VSS VSS — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. L17C_D3 COMPLEMENT 111 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group Y22 BC AA13 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 — VSS VSS — — — BC — VSS VSS — — — AA14 BC — VSS VSS — — — AA15 BC — VSS VSS — — — AA20 BC — VSS VSS — — — AA21 BC — VSS VSS — — — AA22 BC — VSS VSS — — — AB3 BC — VSS VSS — — — W13 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — W14 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — W15 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — W20 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — W21 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — W22 BC — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AM12 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AM15 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AM20 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AM23 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AP11 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AP17 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AP19 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AP24 BC — VDDIO_BC VDDIO_BC — — — AF1 BL 1 PL32D PL38D D8 L1C_A0 COMPLEMENT AF2 BL 1 PL32C PL38C VREF_BL_01 L1T_A0 TRUE AE4 BL 1 PL32A PL38A — — TRUE AF3 BL 1 PL33D PL39D D9 L2C_A0 COMPLEMENT AF4 BL 1 PL33C PL39C D10 L2T_A0 TRUE AE5 BL 2 PL34D PL40D — L3C_D3 COMPLEMENT AG1 BL 2 PL34C PL40C VREF_BL_02 AG2 BL 2 PL34B PL41D — L4C_D2 COMPLEMENT AF5 BL 2 PL34A PL41C — L4T_D2 TRUE AG3 BL 3 PL35B PL42D D11 L5C_A0 COMPLEMENT AG4 BL 3 PL35A PL42C D12 L5T_A0 TRUE AH1 BL 3 PL36D PL43D — L6C_A1 COMPLEMENT AH3 BL 3 PL36C PL43C — L6T_A1 TRUE AH4 BL 3 PL36B PL44D VREF_BL_03 L3T_D3 TRUE L7C_D0 COMPLEMENT AG5 BL 3 PL36A PL44C D13 L7T_D0 TRUE AH2 BL 4 PL37D PL44B — — COMPLEMENT 112 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AJ2 BL AH5 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 4 PL37B PL45D — BL 4 PL37A PL45C VREF_BL_04 L8T_D2 TRUE AJ3 BL 4 PL38C PL45A — — TRUE AJ4 BL 4 PL38B PL46D — — COMPLEMENT L8C_D2 COMPLEMENT AJ1 BL 4 PL38A PL46A — — TRUE AK1 BL 4 PL39D PL47D PLL_CK7C/ HPPLL L9C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK2 BL 4 PL39C PL47C PLL_CK7T/ HPPLL L9T_A0 TRUE AJ5 BL 4 PL39B PL47B — L10C_D1 COMPLEMENT AK3 BL 4 PL39A PL47A — L10T_D1 TRUE AL5 BL 5 PB2A PB2A DP2 L11T_A0 TRUE AM5 BL 5 PB2B PB2B — AN4 BL 5 PB2C PB2C PLL_CK6T/ PPLL L12T_D2 AK7 BL 5 PB2D PB2D PLL_CK6C/ PPLL L12C_D2 COMPLEMENT AP4 BL 5 PB3A PB3A — — TRUE AL6 BL 5 PB3C PB3C — L13T_A0 TRUE AM6 BL 5 PB3D PB3D — L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL7 BL 5 PB4A PB4C VREF_BL_05 AN5 BL 5 PB4B PB4D DP3 AK8 BL 6 PB4C PB5C — L15T_D3 AP5 BL 6 PB4D PB5D — L15C_D3 COMPLEMENT AN6 BL 6 PB5C PB6C VREF_BL_06 AK9 BL 6 PB5D PB6D D14 AP6 BL 6 PB6A PB7C — L17T_D2 AL8 BL 6 PB6B PB7D — L17C_D2 COMPLEMENT AM7 BL 7 PB6C PB8C D15 L18T_A0 AM8 BL 7 PB6D PB8D D16 L18C_A0 COMPLEMENT AN7 BL 7 PB7A PB9A — — TRUE AK10 BL 7 PB7C PB9C D17 L19T_D3 TRUE L19C_D3 COMPLEMENT L11C_A0 COMPLEMENT L14T_D1 TRUE TRUE L14C_D1 COMPLEMENT L16T_D2 TRUE TRUE L16C_D2 COMPLEMENT TRUE TRUE AP7 BL 7 PB7D PB9D D18 AL9 BL 7 PB8A PB10A — — TRUE AK11 BL 7 PB8C PB10C VREF_BL_07 L20T_D1 TRUE AM9 BL 7 PB8D PB10D D19 AN8 BL 8 PB9A PB11A — — TRUE AL10 BL 8 PB9C PB11C D20 L21T_D2 TRUE AP8 BL 8 Lucent Technologies Inc. PB9D PB11D D21 L21C_D2 COMPLEMENT 113 L20C_D1 COMPLEMENT Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AN9 BL AP9 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 8 PB10A PB12A — — TRUE BL 8 PB10C PB12C VREF_BL_08 L22T_D1 TRUE AM10 BL 8 PB10D PB12D D22 AK12 BL 9 PB11A PB13A — L23T_D0 AL11 BL 9 PB11B PB13B — L23C_D0 COMPLEMENT AN10 BL 9 PB11C PB13C D23 L24T_A0 AP10 BL 9 PB11D PB13D D24 L24C_A0 COMPLEMENT AN11 BL 9 PB12A PB14A — L25T_A0 AM11 BL 9 PB12B PB14B — L25C_A0 COMPLEMENT AK13 BL 9 PB12C PB14C VREF_BL_09 L22C_D1 COMPLEMENT L26T_D0 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE AL12 BL 9 PB12D PB14D D25 AN12 BL 9 PB13A PB15C — L26C_D0 COMPLEMENT L27T_D2 AK14 BL 9 PB13B PB15D — L27C_D2 COMPLEMENT AP12 BL 10 PB13C PB16C D26 L28T_A0 AP13 BL 10 PB13D PB16D D27 L28C_A0 COMPLEMENT AL13 BL 10 PB14A PB17C — L29T_A1 AN13 BL 10 PB14B PB17D — L29C_A1 COMPLEMENT AP14 BL 10 PB14C PB18C VREF_BL_10 L30T_D3 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE AK15 BL 10 PB14D PB18D D28 AN14 BL 11 PB15A PB19A — — TRUE AM14 BL 11 PB15C PB19C D29 L31T_D1 TRUE AK16 BL 11 PB15D PB19D D30 L31C_D1 COMPLEMENT AL14 BL 11 PB16A PB20A — — TRUE AP15 BL 11 PB16C PB20C VREF_BL_11 L32T_A2 TRUE AL15 BL 11 PB16D PB20D D31 AK4 BL — PTEMP PTEMP — AL1 BL — LVDS_R LVDS_R — — — AL2 BL — VDD33 VDD33 — — — AK6 BL — VDD33 VDD33 — — — AB13 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB14 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB15 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB20 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB21 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB22 BL — VSS VSS — — — AB32 BL — VSS VSS — — — AL4 BL — VSS VSS — — — AL31 BL — VSS VSS — — — 114 L30C_D3 COMPLEMENT L32C_A2 COMPLEMENT — — Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AM3 BL AM13 BL General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 — VSS VSS — — — — VSS VSS — — — Y16 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — Y17 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — Y18 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — Y19 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA16 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA17 BL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AK5 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AL3 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AM1 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AM2 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AM4 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AN3 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — AP3 BL — VDDIO_BL VDDIO_BL — — — L4 CL 1 PL12D PL14D A15 L1C_D1 COMPLEMENT K2 CL 1 PL12C PL14C A14 L1T_D1 K1 CL 1 PL12B PL15D — L2 CL 1 PL12A PL15C — L3 CL 1 PL13D PL16D VREF_CL_01 N5 CL 1 PL13C PL16C D4 L3T_D1 TRUE M4 CL 2 PL13B PL17D — L4C_A1 COMPLEMENT M2 CL 2 PL13A PL17C — L4T_A1 TRUE P5 CL 2 PL14D PL18D RDY/BUSY/ RCLK L5C_D3 COMPLEMENT M1 CL 2 PL14C PL18C VREF_CL_02 L5T_D3 TRUE N1 CL 2 PL15D PL19D A13 L6C_A2 COMPLEMENT N4 CL 2 PL15C PL19C A12 L6T_A2 TRUE N2 CL 3 PL16D PL20D — L7C_D0 COMPLEMENT P1 CL 3 PL16C PL20C — L7T_D0 TRUE R5 CL 3 PL16A PL20A — — TRUE P2 CL 3 PL17D PL21D A11 L8C_A0 COMPLEMENT P3 CL 3 PL17C PL21C VREF_CL_03 L8T_A0 TRUE T5 CL 3 PL17A PL21A — — TRUE P4 CL 3 PL18D PL22D — TRUE L2C_D0 COMPLEMENT L2T_D0 TRUE L3C_D1 COMPLEMENT L9C_D2 COMPLEMENT R1 CL 3 PL18C PL22C — L9T_D2 TRUE R2 CL 3 PL18A PL22A — L10T_A1 TRUE R4 CL 3 PL18B PL22B — L10C_A1 COMPLEMENT Lucent Technologies Inc. 115 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group U5 CL T4 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 4 PL19D PL23D RD/MPI_STRB L11C_D0 COMPLEMENT CL 4 PL19C PL23C VREF_CL_04 L11T_D0 TRUE TRUE T1 CL 4 PL19A PL23A — L12T_D3 V5 CL 4 PL19B PL23B — L12C_D3 COMPLEMENT T2 CL 4 PL20D PL24D PLCK0C L13C_A0 COMPLEMENT T3 CL 4 PL20C PL24C PLCK0T L13T_A0 U4 CL 4 PL20B PL24B — L14C_A0 COMPLEMENT U3 CL 4 PL20A PL24A — L14T_A0 U2 CL 5 PL21D PL25D A10 L15C_A0 COMPLEMENT V2 CL 5 PL21C PL25C A9 L15T_A0 TRUE TRUE TRUE V3 CL 5 PL21B PL25B — L16C_A0 COMPLEMENT V4 CL 5 PL21A PL25A — L16T_A0 W5 CL 5 PL22D PL26D A8 L17C_A2 COMPLEMENT W2 CL 5 PL22C PL26C VREF_CL_05 W3 CL 5 PL23D PL27D — L18C_D1 COMPLEMENT Y1 CL 5 PL23C PL27C — L18T_D1 TRUE Y2 CL 5 PL23A PL27A — — TRUE W4 CL 6 PL24D PL28D PLCK1C L19C_D2 COMPLEMENT AA1 CL 6 PL24C PL28C PLCK1T L19T_D2 TRUE AA2 CL 6 PL24A PL28A — — TRUE Y5 CL 6 PL25D PL29D VREF_CL_06 Y4 CL 6 PL25C PL29C A7 L20T_A0 TRUE AA3 CL 6 PL25A PL29A — — TRUE AA5 CL 6 PL26D PL30D A6 L21C_D3 COMPLEMENT AB1 CL 6 PL26C PL30C A5 L21T_D3 TRUE AB2 CL 7 PL26B PL31D — — COMPLEMENT L22C_A0 COMPLEMENT L22T_A0 L17T_A2 TRUE TRUE L20C_A0 COMPLEMENT AA4 CL 7 PL27D PL32D WR/MPI_RW AB4 CL 7 PL27C PL32C VREF_CL_07 AB5 CL 7 PL27B PL33D — L23C_D3 COMPLEMENT AC1 CL 7 PL27A PL33C — L23T_D3 AC2 CL 8 PL28D PL34D A4 L23C_A2 COMPLEMENT AC5 CL 8 PL28C PL34C VREF_CL_08 AD2 CL 8 PL29D PL35D A3 L23C_A0 COMPLEMENT AD3 CL 8 PL29C PL35C A2 L23T_A0 TRUE AC4 CL 8 PL29A PL35A — — TRUE 116 L23T_A2 TRUE TRUE TRUE Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Pin Information (continued) Table 46. OR4E6 680-Pin PBGAM Pinout (continued) 680 BGA Ball VDDIO Bank VREF Group AE1 CL AE2 General-Purpose User I/O Additional Function Pair Differential OR4E4 OR4E6 8 PL30D PL36D A1 L24C_A0 COMPLEMENT CL 8 PL30C PL36C A0 L24T_A0 AD4 CL 8 PL31D PL37D DP0 L25C_D0 COMPLEMENT AE3 CL 8 PL31C PL37C DP1 L25T_D0 TRUE AD5 CL 8 PL31A PL37A — — TRUE AM22 CL — VSS VSS — — — AM32 CL — VSS VSS — — — AN1 CL — VSS VSS — — — AN2 CL — VSS VSS — — — AN33 CL — VSS VSS — — — AN34 CL — VSS VSS — — — AP1 CL — VSS VSS — — — AP2 CL — VSS VSS — — — AP18 CL — VSS VSS — — — AP33 CL — VSS VSS — — — AP34 CL — VSS VSS — — — AA18 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AA19 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AB16 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AB17 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AB18 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — AB19 CL — VDD15 VDD15 — — — L1 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — TRUE M3 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — R3 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — U1 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — W1 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — Y3 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — AC3 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — AD1 CL — VDDIO_CL VDDIO_CL — — — Lucent Technologies Inc. 117 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Thermal Characteristics Summary There are three thermal parameters that are in common use: ΘJA, ψJC, and ΘJC. It should be noted that all the parameters are affected, to varying degrees, by package design (including paddle size) and choice of materials, the amount of copper in the test board or system board, and system airflow. ΘJA This is the thermal resistance from junction to ambient (theta-JA, R-theta, etc.). T –T Q J A Θ JA = -------------------- where TJ is the junction temperature, TA, is the ambient air temperature, and Q is the chip power. Experimentally, ΘJA is determined when a special thermal test die is assembled into the package of interest, and the part is mounted on the thermal test board. The diodes on the test chip are separately calibrated in an oven. The package/board is placed either in a JEDEC natural convection box or in the wind tunnel, the latter for forced convection measurements. A controlled amount of power (Q) is dissipated in the test chip’s heater resistor, the chip’s temperature (TJ) is determined by the forward drop on the diodes, and the ambient temperature (TA) is noted. Note that ΘJA is expressed in units of °C/W. ψJC This JEDEC designated parameter correlates the junction temperature to the case temperature. It is generally used to infer the junction temperature while the device is operating in the system. It is not considered a true thermal resistance, and it is defined by: where TC is the case temperature at top dead center, TJ is the junction temperature, and Q is the chip power. During the ΘJA measurements described above, besides the other parameters measured, an additional temperature reading, TC, is made with a thermocouple attached at top-dead-center of the case. ψJC is also expressed in units of °C/W. ΘJC This is the thermal resistance from junction to case. It is most often used when attaching a heat sink to the top of the package. It is defined by: T –T Q J C Θ JC = ------------------- The parameters in this equation have been defined above. However, the measurements are performed with the case of the part pressed against a water-cooled heat sink to draw most of the heat generated by the chip out the top of the package. It is this difference in the measurement process that differentiates ΘJC from ψJC. ΘJC is a true thermal resistance and is expressed in units of °C/W. ΘJB This is the thermal resistance from junction to board (ΘJB). It is defined by: TJ – TB Q Θ JB = -------------------where TB is the temperature of the board adjacent to a lead measured with a thermocouple. The other parameters on the right-hand side have been defined above. This is considered a true thermal resistance, and the measurement is made with a water-cooled heat sink pressed against the board to draw most of the heat out of the leads. Note that ΘJB is expressed in units of °C/W, and that this parameter and the way it is measured are still in JEDEC committee. TJ – TC ψ JC = ------------------Q 118 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Thermal Characteristics Table 47. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Plastic Package Thermal Guidelines ΘJA (°C/W) Package 352-Pin PBGA 432-Pin EBGA 680-Pin PBGAM 0 fpm 200 fpm 500 fpm T = 70 °C Max, TJ = 125 °C Max 0 fpm (W) 19.0 11.0 14.5 16.0 8.5 TBD 15.0 7.5 TBD 2.9 5.0 3.8 Package Coplanarity The coplanarity limits of the Lucent packages are as follows: ■ PBGA: 8.0 mils ■ EBGA: 8.0 mils ■ PBGAM: 8.0 mils Package Parasitics The electrical performance of an IC package, such as signal quality and noise sensitivity, is directly affected by the package parasitics. Table 48 lists eight parasitics associated with the ORCA packages. These parasitics represent the contributions of all components of a package, which include the bond wires, all internal package routing, and the external leads. Four inductances in nH are listed: LSW and LSL, the self-inductance of the lead; and LMW and LML, the mutual inductance to the nearest neighbor lead. These parameters are important in determining ground bounce noise and inductive crosstalk noise. Three capacitances in pF are listed: CM, the mutual capacitance of the lead to the nearest neighbor lead; and C1 and C2, the total capacitance of the lead to all other leads (all other leads are assumed to be grounded). These parameters are important in determining capacitive crosstalk and the capacitive loading effect of the lead. Resistance values are in m Ω. The parasitic values in Table 48 are for the circuit model of bond wire and package lead parasitics. If the mutual capacitance value is not used in the designer’s model, then the value listed as mutual capacitance should be added to each of the C1 and C2 capacitors. Table 48. ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Parasitics Package Type 352-Pin PBGA 432-Pin EBGA 680-Pin PBGAM Lucent Technologies Inc. LSW LMW RW C1 C2 CM LSL LML 5 4.0 3.8 2 1.5 1.3 220 500 250 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.3 0.3 7—12 3.0—5.5 2.8—5 3—6 0.5—1 0.5—1 119 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Parasitics (continued) L SW LSL RW CIRCUIT BOARD PAD PAD N C1 LMW C2 LML CM PAD N + 1 L SW LSL RW C1 C2 5-3862(C)r2 Figure 47. Package Parasitics Package Outline Diagrams Terms and Definitions Basic Size (BSC): The basic size of a dimension is the size from which the limits for that dimension are derived by the application of the allowance and the tolerance. Design Size: The design size of a dimension is the actual size of the design, including an allowance for fit and tolerance. Typical (TYP): When specified after a dimension, this indicates the repeated design size if a tolerance is specified or repeated basic size if a tolerance is not specified. Reference (REF): The reference dimension is an untoleranced dimension used for informational purposes only. It is a repeated dimension or one that can be derived from other values in the drawing. Minimum (MIN) or Maximum (MAX): Indicates the minimum or maximum allowable size of a dimension. 120 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Outline Drawings 352-Pin PBGA Dimensions are in millimeters. 35.00 ± 0.20 +0.70 30.00 –0.00 A1 BALL IDENTIFIER ZONE +0.70 30.00 –0.00 35.00 ± 0.20 MOLD COMPOUND PWB 1.17 ± 0.05 0.56 ± 0.06 2.33 ± 0.21 SEATING PLANE 0.20 0.60 ± 0.10 SOLDER BALL 25 SPACES @ 1.27 = 31.75 CENTER ARRAY FOR THERMAL ENHANCEMENT (OPTIONAL) (SEE NOTE BELOW) A1 BALL CORNER AF AE AD AC AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A 0.75 ± 0.15 25 SPACES @ 1.27 = 31.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 5-4407(F) Note: Although the 36 thermal enhancement balls are stated as an option, they are standard on the 352 FPGA package. Lucent Technologies Inc. 121 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Outline Drawings (continued) 432-Pin EBGA Dimensions are in millimeters. 40.00 ± 0.10 A1 BALL IDENTIFIER ZONE 40.00 ± 0.10 0.91 ± 0.06 1.54 ± 0.13 SEATING PLANE 0.20 SOLDER BALL 0.63 ± 0.07 30 SPACES @ 1.27 = 38.10 AL AK AJ AH AG AF AD AB Y AE 0.75 ± 0.15 AC AA W V U T P M K H F 30 SPACES @ 1.27 = 38.10 R N L J G E D C B A A1 BALL CORNER 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 12 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 5-4409(F) 122 Lucent Technologies Inc. Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Package Outline Drawings (continued) 680-Pin PBGAM Dimensions are in millimeters. 35.00 + 0.70 30.00 – 0.00 A1 BALL IDENTIFIER ZONE 35.00 + 0.70 30.00 – 0.00 1.170 0.61 ± 0.08 SEATING PLANE 0.20 SOLDER BALL 0.50 ± 0.10 2.51 MAX 33 SPACES @ 1.00 = 33.00 AP AN AM AL AK AJ AH AG AF 0.64 ± 0.15 AE AD AC AB AA Y W 33 SPACES @ 1.00 = 33.00 V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A A1 BALL CORNER 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 5-4406(F) Lucent Technologies Inc. 123 Preliminary Data Sheet December 2000 ORCA Series 4 FPGAs Ordering Information OR4Exx -1 BM 680 DEVICE TYPE SPEED GRADE NUMBER OF PINS PACKAGE TYPE 5-6435 (F) Table 49. Series 4 Package Matrix (Speed Grades) Packages 352-Pin PBGA 1.27 mm 432-Pin EBGA 1.27 mm 680-Pin PBGAM 1 mm OR4E2 OR4E4 OR4E6 OR4E10 -1/-2 -1/-2 -1/-2 — -1/-2 -1/-2 -1/-2 — — -1/-2 -1/-2 -1/-2 Table 50. Package Options Symbol BA BC BM Description Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Enhanced Ball Grid Array (EBGA) Plastic Multilayer Ball Grid Array (PBGAM) For additional information, contact your Microelectronics Group Account Manager or the following:, or for FPGA information, INTERNET: [email protected] E-MAIL: N. AMERICA: Microelectronics Group, Lucent Technologies Inc., 555 Union Boulevard, Room 30L-15P-BA, Allentown, PA 18109-3286 1-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712-4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712-4106) ASIA PACIFIC: Microelectronics Group, Lucent Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd., 77 Science Park Drive, #03-18 Cintech III, Singapore 118256 Tel. (65) 778 8833, FAX (65) 777 7495 CHINA: Microelectronics Group, Lucent Technologies (China) Co., Ltd., A-F2, 23/F, Zao Fong Universe Building, 1800 Zhong Shan Xi Road, Shanghai 200233 P. R. China Tel. (86) 21 6440 0468, ext. 325, FAX (86) 21 6440 0652 JAPAN: Microelectronics Group, Lucent Technologies Japan Ltd., 7-18, Higashi-Gotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan Tel. (81) 3 5421 1600, FAX (81) 3 5421 1700 EUROPE: Data Requests: MICROELECTRONICS GROUP DATALINE: Tel. (44) 7000 582 368, FAX (44) 1189 328 148 Technical Inquiries: GERMANY: (49) 89 95086 0 (Munich), UNITED KINGDOM: (44) 1344 865 900 (Ascot), FRANCE: (33) 1 40 83 68 00 (Paris), SWEDEN: (46) 8 594 607 00 (Stockholm), FINLAND: (358) 9 3507670 (Helsinki), ITALY: (39) 02 6608131 (Milan), SPAIN: (34) 1 807 1441 (Madrid) Lucent Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information. ORCA is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc. Foundry is a trademark of Xilinx, Inc. Copyright © 2000 Lucent Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved December 2000 DS01-024NCIP (Replaces DS00-221FPGA)