!"# $&%(' )+*-,+.-' /&021 32, 35476987/ $&J&:K(; L+<7A = M >-B&?+N-@5DG@&L-A ?+B2M CEO+DG?-FM D&H2D&I CED2F DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 P+QER+SUT-V WEX2V Y9Z The MAS9181 comprises eight digital to analog 2 converters (DACs) each controlled by a two-wire I C bus. The DACs are individually programmed using an 8bit word to select an output from one of 256 voltage steps. The maximum output voltage of all DACs is set []\E^+_2`-a-\Eb · Rail to rail output stages · Octal 8-bit DACs on a single monolithic chip · Power supply range from +5 V to +12 V · -20°C to +85°C temperature range · 16-pin PDIL and SO package · Power-up reset by Vmax and the resolution is Vmax/256. At power-on all 2 outputs are set to their lowest value. The I C-bus slave receiver has 3 programmable address pins (2 for MAS9181 CS). ^Ucdc2eEf gd^+_2f h9i · Trimmer replacement · AGC/AFT or TVs and VCRs · Graphic equalizers · High resolution monitors j-kml(nUop+q rUs9t2rUu SDA SCL { I C Bus Slave Receiver A0 A1 A2 8-BIT DAC DAC7 8-BIT DAC DAC6 DAC5 8-BIT DAC 8-BIT DAC DAC3 8-BIT DAC 8-BIT DAC vxwmy z Reference Voltage Generator DAC4 8-BIT DAC DAC2 DAC1 8-BIT DAC DAC0 VDD GND 1 |2} ~5-9~-E} 9-2 +2} 9~ PDIP 16 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 SO16 MAS9181BN VDD 1 16 DAC7 Vmax 2 15 DAC6 SDA 3 14 DAC5 SCL 4 13 DAC4 A0 5 12 DAC3 A1 6 11 DAC2 A2 7 10 DAC1 GND 8 9 DAC0 |2} ~+&dU-} |&&} 9~ U- U MAS9181CS VDD Vmax SDA SCL NC A0 A1 GND 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DAC7 DAC6 DAC5 DAC4 DAC3 DAC2 DAC1 DAC0 x VDD 1 1 P Positive supply voltage Vmax 2 2 I Control input for DAC maximum output voltage SDA 3 3 I/O SCL 4 4 I I C bus serial data clock A0 5 6 I Programmable address bits for I C bus slave receiver A1 6 7 I Programmable address bits for I C bus slave receiver A2 7 NC I Programmable address bits for I C bus slave receiver GND 8 8 G Ground DAC0 9 9 O Analog voltage output DAC1 10 10 O Analog voltage output DAC2 11 11 O Analog voltage output DAC3 12 12 O Analog voltage output DAC4 13 13 O Analog voltage output DAC5 14 14 O Analog voltage output DAC6 15 15 O Analog voltage output DAC7 16 16 O Analog voltage output 2 I C bus serial data input/output 2 2 2 2 *1 MAS9181BN (PDIP16) *2 MAS9181CS (SO16) 2 U d¡+¢9£]¤d¥2¦¨§(d©Uª §¤-§¬«2+¥2ª +®¯¡ °±² ±³-´ µ ´² ¶·³¯¸¹xº DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 »]¹x¼½¾ µ ¾ ¹¼ ¿ ÀU¾ ¼ÁÀ+± ÂÄÃ]¼¾ µ Å2Æ (conditions) Supply Voltage VDD -0.5 18 Supply current IDD -10 40 V(3),V(4) -0.5 5.9 Input voltage Vin -0.5 VDD+0.5 Output voltage Vo -0.5 VDD+0.5 2 I C-bus line voltage V V Ç V Maximum current on any pin Imax 10 mA total power dissipation Ptot 500 mW Operating ambient temperature range Storage temperature range Tamb -20 +85 o Tstg -65 +150 o C C È-É&Ê-Ë9Ì7ÌÉ+Í+ÉdÍGË9ÎdÉ2È2Ï-Ð&Ñ Ë9Ò5Ê-Ë9ÒUÍ+Ñ Ð2Ñ Ë9ÒdÓ Ô ÕÖ × Ø Ö Ù Ú Û Ü ÝÚ Þ Üxßxà Ù áÞ Ü Ý â Ü ã Ù Ù Øäåæç è Ú éêëmì í î ï ðññ2òmó ô ð2õ ö ÷ ø ù ùú û ü ø ý þxÿ ù øù ø ÿ ÿ ø o Supply Voltage VDD Supply current IDD Total power dissipation Ptot C !" #%$ 4.5 12 13.2 V No loads, Vmax=VDD=12V, All data=00OCT 3.0 5.0 mA No loads, Vmax=VDD=12V, All data=00OCT 40 60 mW &(')&+*",(-. *0/'1*2(/-(/*",+&0-. 3(,(. *"3 465 789 : ; <>=?)@ <BA)CD 789 :BE 8 D 7 ;"F @ GH (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) IJK J LM N MK OPLQ RS Input voltage range VI Input low voltage VIL Input high voltage VIH Input leakage current IIL Power-up reset TRU VBW N W RU X YW U[ZP\]Y0J ^`_UW N -0.5 5.5 V 1.0 V 3.0 Vin = 0V or VDD V -1 +1 A 3.5 V 3 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 a(b)a+c"d(ef c0gb1ch(ge(gc"d+a0ef i(d(f c"i j>kkl m n no pqr st qu p n0v w x w y z (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) {|} | ~ } ~ Input voltage range VI Input low voltage VIL Input high voltage VIH Input current low IIL Input current high IIH ]0| 0 VDD V 1.0 V 3.0 V -10 > B ¡¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦§"¨ £ © ª -15 A 1 A (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) «¬ ¬ ®¯ ° ¯ ±² ®³´µ Pin 2 current ¶´· ¸¹ ° ¹ ´· º »¹ ·¼²½]»0¬ ¾¿·¹ ° I2 7 10 A ÀÂÁ0Ã Ä ÅÃ Ä Æ (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) ÇÈÉ È ÊË Ì ËÉ DAC output (pin 9 to 16) Output voltage range ÍÎ ÊÏÐÑ ÒÐÓ ÔÕ Ì Õ ÐÓ Ö Vo Io = +/- 100 A 0.1 VDD-0.1 V Io = +/- 500 A 0.2 VDD-0.2 V 1 mA 2 nF Output impedance Zo data = 7F DAC output drive range Io Upper side saturation voltage= 0.2v Low side saturation voltage = 0.2v Output capacitive load Co ×Õ ÓØÎÙ]×0È ÚÛÓÕ Ì 30 -1 Ü>ÝÞ¢ß0à á âà áBã âä å"æ ç (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) èéê é ëì í ìê Output voltage low îïëð ñò óñô õBö í ö ñô ÷ VOL I3 = 3.0 mA øö ôúùïûüø"é ýÿþôö í 0.4 V (All voltages are with respect to GND; Tamb = -20 oC to 85 oC; VDD = 5V to 12V unless otherwise specified) Differential nonlinearity DNL Io = 0 (without load) Vmax = VDD-1.0 -1 1 LSB Integral nonlinearity INL Io = 0 (without load) Vmax = VDD-1.0 -1.5 1.5 LSB ZCE data = 00 30 mV 5 mV/V 200 V/ C Zero code error 1 1 Power supply rejection "!#$% &$' 10 PSRR 1 Zero code temperature coefficient TCo -200 o Note 1: Guaranteed by design but not production tested 4 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 ()*%+%,.- /0*21 354 6 798:; < 2 2 The MAS9181 I C-bus interface is a receiver- only slave. Data is accepted from the I C - bus in the following format. S 0 1 0 0 A2 A1 A0 0 A I3 I2 I1 I0 SD SC SB SA Address byte A D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Instruction byte A First data byte S Start condition A2, A1, A0 programmable address bits P Stop condition I3, I2, I1, I0 instruction bits A Acknowledgement SD, SC, SB, SA sub-address bits D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D2, D1, D0 data bits =5> ? @9ABC D2E F GF HI J Bit Transfer on the I C-bus SDA SCL Data line stable (data valid) Change of data allowed Complete Data Transfer SDA 1-7 SCL 8 9 1-7 8 9 8 1-7 9 P S Start condition Address R/W Ack Data Ack Data Ack Stop condition 5 P DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 KLM%N%O.P Q0M2R SUTWVVX Y Z Z\[] ^ Y Valid addresses are 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 4A, 4C, 4E(hex), depending on the programming of bits A2, A1 and A0. With these addresses, up to eight MAS9181 ICs can be 2 operated independently from one I C-bus. No other addresses are acknowledged by the MAS9181. The address inputs A0, A1 and A2 are programmed by connection to GND for An = 0 or to VDD for An = 1. If the inputs are left floating, An = 1 will result. For MAS9181CS, A2 is always 1. Valid instructions from 00 to 0F and F0 to FF (hex); MAS9181 will not respond to other instruction value, but will still generate an acknowledgement. Instructions 00 to0F cause auto-incrementing of the sub-address (bits SD to SA) when more than one data byte is sent within one transmission. With auto-incrementing, the first data byte is written into the DAC addessed by bits SD to SA and then the sub-address is automatically incremented by one position for the next databyte in the series. Auto- incrementing does not occur with instructions F0 to FF. The DAC addressed by the sub-address will always receive the data if more than one data byte is sent. Valid sub-addresses (bits SD to SA) are 0 to 7 (hex) relating numerically to DAC0 to DAC7. When the autoincrementing function is used, the sub-address will sequence through all possible values (0 to F, 0 to F, etc.). While the sub-address is between 8 and F no DAC outputs change. Input SCL (pin 4) and input/output SDA (pin 3) conform 2 to I C-bus specifications. Pins 3 and 4 are protected against voltage pulses by internal zener diodes connected to the ground plane and therefore the normal bus line voltage shall not exceed 5.5V. Input Vmax (pin 2) provides a means of comprising the output voltage swing of the DACs. The maximum DAC output voltage is restricted to approximately Vmax while the 8-bit resolution is maintained, therefore giving a finer voltage resolution of smaller output swings. _5` ab c d ef c g ha%iaj\ji c i\k l c m b n5o p q9rst u v5w xyz {|}~ 6 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 \2. 2%. 0U W0%. 0 +12v VDD DAC7 DAC6 100nF GND +5v DAC5 Micro Controller 5k 6 5k Clock 5 4 3 15 14 DAC4 13 DAC3 12 DAC2 7 16 A2 DAC1 A1 DAC0 11 10 9 A0 SCL +12v SDA 100nF Data MAS9181 7 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 \\.002 16 LEAD PDIP OUTLINE (300 MIL BODY) 6.10 7.11 7.62 BSC 0.254 0.36 0.56 1.15 1.77 5.33 MAX 5.5 5-7° 2.93 4.95 1.52 18.93 21.33 SEATING PLANE 2.54 BSC 0.63 TYPICAL 1 PIN 16 LEAD SO OUTLINE (300 MIL BODY) 1.27 5° TYP. TYP. 5°TYP 2.36 2.64 0.25 RAD. MIN. 5° TYP. . 0.8 6 T Y P SEATING PLANE 7.39 7.59 10.11 10.49 10.01 10.64 5° TYP. 0-0.13 RAD. 0.10 0.30 5° TYP. 0.36 0.48 0.94 1.12 0.33 x 45° PIN 1 ALL MEASUREMENTS IN mm 8 DA9181.006 13 October, 1999 0\%. ¡%¢£¡ ¤0¥¦§ 0¡ ¨© ª«¬ ®¯ª«°±¨© ª«¬ ® ¨²³ ²´° MAS9181BN OCTAL 8-BIT TRIMMER-IC 16 Pin PDIP 0.3" MAS9181CS OCTAL 8-BIT TRIMMER-IC 16 Pin SO 0.3" ¯ªµ\µ°¶ ® · 2 Address Pins ¸W¹º2»¸½¼%¾ ¿2ÀÁ¾ ÂÃ2À¹0Á Äž º\Á%¹Æ»Ç.»\¸¹ÈÉ¿Ê2¿2ÀË2Ŀ̹\Ê̺¹0Ç2ÀW»\º%À¿ Micro Analog Systems Oy Kamreerintie 2, P.O.Box 51 FIN-02771 ESPOO, FINLAND http://www.mas-oy.com Tel. (09) 80 521 Tel. Int. +358 9 80 521 Telefax +358 9 805 3213 E-mail: [email protected] NOTICE Micro Analog Systems Oy reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this data sheet in order to improve the design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Micro Analog Systems Oy assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this data sheet, conveys no license under any patent or other rights unless otherwise specified in this data sheet, and makes no claim that circuits are free from patent infringement. Applications for any devices shown in this data sheet are for illustration only and Micro Analog Systems Oy makes no claim or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. 9