NJG1512V SPDT SWITCH GaAs MMIC nGENERAL DESCRIPTION NJG1512V is a GaAs SPDT switch IC featuring high isolation and low insertion loss. This switch allows low operating voltage from 2.5V at the wide frequency range from 1MHz to 3GHz. NJG1512V is suitable to switch the synthesizer signals between transmit and receiving circuit. A very small SSOP package is adopted. nFEATURES lSingle, low voltage control lHigh isolation lLow insertion loss lLow current consumption lPackage nPACKAGE OUTLINE NJG1512V +2.5~+5.5V 46dB typ. @f=0.05~2GHz, Pin=0dBm 0.8dB typ. @f=2GHz, Pin=0dBm 2uA typ. @f=0.05~2.5GHz, Pin=10dBm SSOP14 (Mount Size: 6.4x5.0x1.25mm) nPIN CONFIGURATION V Type (Top View) 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 Pin Connection 1. VCTR2 2. GND 3. GND 4. PC 5. GND 6. GND 7. VCTR1 8. P1 9. GND 10. GND 11. GND 12. GND 13. GND 14. P2 nTRUTH TABLE “H”=VCTR (H), “L”=VCTR (L) VCTR1 H L L H VCTR2 L H L H PC-P1 OFF ON PC-P2 ON OFF *1 *1) Combinations of VCTR1/VCTR2=L/L, H/H are not available. -1- NJG1512V nABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C, Zs=Zl=50Ω) PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITS Pin 27 dBm VCTR 6.0 V Power Dissipation PD 600 mW Operating Temp. Topr -20~+85 °C Storage Temp. Tstg -40~+150 °C Input Power Control Voltage nELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 (TEST CIRCUIT 1: VCTR (L)=0V, VCTR (H)=2.7V, Zs=Zo=50Ω, Ta=25°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Control voltage (L) VCTR (L) f=0.05~2.5GHz, Pin=10dBm -0.2 0 0.2 V Control voltage (H) VCTR (H) f=0.05~2.5GHz, Pin=10dBm 2.5 2.7 5.5 V Control current ICTR f=0.05~2.5GHz, Pin=10dBm - 2.0 4.0 uA Isolation ISL1 f=0.05~2.0GHz, Pin=0dBm 43 46 - dB Insertion loss 1 LOSS1 f=1.0GHz, Pin=0dBm - 0.6 1.0 dB Insertion loss 2 Pin at 1dB compression point LOSS2 f=2.0GHz, Pin=0dBm - 0.8 1.2 dB 19.0 22.0 - dBm VSWR VSWR f=0.05~2.5GHz, ON STATE - 1.2 1.8 f=0.05~2.5GHz - 8 - Switching time P-1dB TSW f=2.0GHz ns nELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2 (TEST CIRCUIT 2: VCTR (L)=0V, VCTR (H)=2.7V, Zs=Zo=50Ω, Ta=25°C) PARAMETER Isolation 2 Insertion loss 3 -2- SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS ISL2 f=1~100MHz, Pin=0dBm - 55 - dB LOSS3 f=1~100MHz, Pin=0dBm - 0.5 - dB NJG1512V nTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS P in Pin vs. Isolation vs. Insertion Loss (VCTR =0V/2.7V,fin =2GHz) Isolation:ISL (dB) Insertion Loss:LOSS (dB) -1 PC-P1 PC-P2 -1.5 (VCTR=0V/2.7V,f in =2GHz) -40 -0.5 -2 -2.5 -42 -44 PC-P1 PC-P2 -46 -48 -3 -50 -3.5 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -5 30 0 5 Input Power (dBm) (PC-P1) P vs. P in (V CTR 30 10 15 20 25 Input Power (dBm) (PC-P2) P vs. P in out (V =0V/2.7V, f =2.0GHz) CTR in out =0V/2.7V, f =2.0GHz) in 30 Pout P-1 Output Power (dBm) Output Power (dBm) Pout P-1 25 P-1(in) = 23.16 dBm 20 15 10 25 P-1(in) = 23.15 dBm 20 15 10 10 15 20 25 30 10 15 Input Power (dBm) (PC-P1) P in CTR Control Current:I CTR (uA) 4 3 =2.7V 2 V 1 CTR =2.5V 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Input Power (dBm) 30 (f in=2GHz) 6 5 CTR 25 (PC-P2) Pin vs. ICTR vs. I (f in=2GHz) V 20 Input Power (dBm) 6 Control Current:I CTR (uA) 30 25 30 5 4 3 V =2.7V V =2.5V CTR 2 1 CTR 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Input Power (dBm) -3- NJG1512V nTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS -4- NJG1512V nTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS PC-P2 Isolation 1-100MHz (VCTR=0V/2.7V) 1-100MHz (VCTR=0V/2.7V) 0 -20 Isolation:ISL (dB) Isolation:ISL (dB) 0 PC-P1 Isolation -40 -60 -80 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 0 20 40 60 80 -100 100 0 20 frequency (MHz) PC-P1 Insertion Loss 80 100 1-100MHz (V CTR=0V/2.7V) 0 Insertion Loss:LOSS (dB) Insertion Loss:LOSS (dB) 60 PC-P2 Insertion Loss 1-100MHz (V CTR=0V/2.7V) 0 40 frequency (MHz) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 20 40 60 frequency (MHz) 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 frequency (MHz) -5- NJG1512V nTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0 PC-P1 Isolation PC-P2 Isolation 0.1-3GHz (VCTR =0V/2.7V) 0.1-3GHz (VCTR =0V/2.7V) 0 -10 Isolation:ISL (dB) Isolation:ISL (dB) -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -40 -50 -70 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 frequency (MHz) frequency (MHz) PC-P1 Insertion Loss PC-P2 Insertion Loss 0.1-3GHz (VCTR =0V/2.7V) 0.1-3GHz (VCTR =0V/2.7V) 0 Insertion Loss:LOSS (dB) 0 Insertion Loss:LOSS (dB) -30 -60 -70 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 3000 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 frequency (MHz) -6- -20 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 frequency (MHz) 2500 3000 NJG1512V nAPPLICATION CIRCUIT: Single control signal operation by using C-MOS inverter (frequency range: 0.1~2.0GHz) VCTR2 (2.7V/0V) C4 Zo=50Ω 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 P2 C1 Zo=50Ω PC C3 VCTR1 (0V/2.7V) Zo=50Ω C5 C2 NJG1512V Test circuit 1 0.5~2GHz Test circuit 2 1~500MHz P1 C1~C3 56pF 0.1uF C4, C5 10pF 1000pF P2 P1 nRECOMMENDED PCB DESIGN (TOP VIEW) C1 C2 PCB SIZE=30.0x22.5mm C4 C5 VCTR2 VCTR1 PCB: FR-4, t=0.5mm STRIPLINE WIDTH =1mm PC C3 CAPACITOR: size 1005 PRECAUTIONS [1] The external capacitors should be connected to the input and output RF terminals (P1, P2, PC) to block DC current. Please use a 0.01uF capacitor at 50 to 100MHz, a 0.1uF capacitor at 100 to 500MHz, and 56pF at 500MHz to 2.0GHz. [2] To avoid coupling between terminals, the capacitors have to be placed at the control terminals (VCTR1, VCTR2) as close as possible. The capacitor values of 0.01uF at 50 to 100MHz, 100pF at 100 to 500MHz, and 10pF at 500MHz to 2GHz are desired. In general, the switching time is depend on the capacitor values, so please be careful choosing capacitor values. [3] For good isolation characteristics, the ground terminals (2, 3, 5, 6, 9~13 pin) should be directly connected to the ground patterns and through-holes as close as possible using relatively wide patterns. -7- NJG1512V nAPPLICATION CIRCUIT 1: Single control signal operation by using C-MOS inverter (frequency: 0.1~2.0GHz) 56pF 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 Z0=50Ω P2 Z0=50Ω P1 10pF Z0=50Ω PC 56pF +3.0V VC 0.01uF 5 2 4 7S04 3 7 8 10pF 56pF NJG1512V 510KΩ VC=3.0V: PC-P1 ON VC=0V: PC-P2 ON [1]Please connect the bypass capacitor to the power supply terminal of the C-MOS inverter. [2]In order to stabilize the input impedance of inverter, the input terminal of the C-MOS inverter should be pulled down by the resistor of 510KΩ to the ground plane. -8- NJG1512V nAPPLICATION CIRCUIT 2: High Isolation SPDT Switch (PA to PC, PB to PC, and PA to PB Isolation are greater than 70dB@fin=0.7~2GHz) C8 VCTR1 VCTR1 PA Z0=50Ω Z0=50Ω 7 P1 C6 8 C2 PC P2 4 14 NJG1512V C3 VCTR1 1 8 VCTR2 50Ω Termination PB P1 Z0=50Ω C9 14 C10 50Ω Termination 7 Z0=50Ω Z0=50Ω C4 C1 1 7 P1 4 P2 NJG1512V VCTR1 PC VCTR2 8 PC P2 C5 C7 4 14 NJG1512V 1 VCTR2 C11 VCTR2 nPCB DESIGN PC C1 VCTR1 VCTR1 C9 C7 VCTR2 C10 VCTR2 C11 C8 C2 PA C5 C3 VCTR2 50Ω VCTR1 C4 50Ω PB PCB SIZE=40.0x30.0mm PCB: FR-4 t=0.5mm STRIPLINE WIDTH=1mm CAPACITOR: size 1005 C1~C5: 56pF C6~C11: 10pF NOTE: As shown in the schematic above, the two 50Ω ports should be terminate externally. -9- NJG1512V nPACKAGE OUTLINE (SSOP14) Lead material: Copper Lead surface finish: Solder plating Molding material: Epoxy resin UNIT: mm Weight: 66mg Cautions on using this product This product contains Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs) which is a harmful material. • Do NOT eat or put into mouth. • Do NOT dispose in fire or break up this product. • Do NOT chemically make gas or powder with this product. • To waste this product, please obey the relating law of your country. This product may be damaged with electric static discharge (ESD) or spike voltage. Please handle with care to avoid these damages. - 10 - [CAUTION] The specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. The application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights.