LKHS LINKLED HEATSINKS FEATURES / BENEFITS Heatsink for up to 9 (LKHS9) or 12 (LKHS12) Linkleds or RGB Linkleds Improves thermal dissipation, LED efficiency and LED life Flexible alluminum can be bent to virtually any shape MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS MATERIALS / FINISH Section size: 45mm x 60mm (1.77” X 2.36”) Pliable 1mm thick Alluminum Section Height: 9mm (0.35”) Pitch between sections: 110mm (4.33”) Total length LKHS9: 990mm (38.98”) LKHS12: 1320mm (51.97”) PART NUMBERS LKHS9: Heatsink for up to 9 Linkleds LKHS12: Heatsink for up to 12 Linkleds Dialight Corporation 1501 Route 34 South • Farmingdale, NJ 07727 USA Dialight reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to supply the best product possible. Tel: (1) 732-919-3119 • Fax: (1) 732-751-5778 • MDEXLUMLKHS_A