preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 1/10 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Digital sensors ♦ Light barriers ♦ Proximity switches Configurable high-side, low-side and push-pull operation Current limited output (< 450 mA) Reverse polarity protection 150 mA output current 5 µs input filter for spike supression Wide supply voltage range from 8 to 30 V Driver shut-down with over temperature Integrated free-wheeling diode for inductive loads Sensor supply voltage output of 5 V, 10 mA PACKAGES DFN6 2x2mm BLOCK DIAGRAM ..30V VB LDO + - VOUT VREF VB CVB 1μF High Side Switch 5V <150 C 36V CVOUT 100nF.. OUT DIGITAL INPUT OE & 36V & IN iC-DX Copyright © 2011 iC-Haus GND Low Side Switch GND preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 2/10 DESCRIPTION The iC-DX is a monolithic switch capable of driving ohmic, inductive and capacitive loads and features integrated reverse polarity protection. The supply voltage VB of the device can range from 8 to 30 V. Output source/sink-current is at least 150 mA, with saturation voltages of typically 2 V. With input OE on high level state, the output works as a push-pull stage under control of pin IN. If pin IN is set either to high or low level, the output acts as a high-side (PNP) or low-side (NPN) driver which is activated by a high logic level on input OE. Output transitions are slew-rate limited to minimize interference on lines. The output is current limited to 450 mA maximum and short circuit protected by shutting down the device with excessive temperature. A regulated 5 V supply which can be loaded up to 10 mA is available at pin VOUT. PACKAGES DFN6 2x2 PIN CONFIGURATION PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 6 2 5 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOUT GND IN OE OUT VB Regulated +5 V Voltage Ground Input Output Enabled Driver Output Supply Voltage dra_dfn6-1_pack_3, 20:1 The Thermal Pad is to be connected to a Ground Plane (GND) on the PCB. Only pin 1 marking on top or bottom defines the package orientation (top label and coding is subject to change). preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 3/10 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DFN6 2x2 RECOMMENDED PCB-FOOTPRINT 1.40 5 17 R0. 0.65 0.35 BOTTOM 2 1.40 0.65 0.25 1.95 0.35 2 0.80 TOP 0.65 0.80 0.90 SIDE dra_dfn6-1_pack_5, 20:1 All dimensions given in mm. preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 4/10 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Beyond these values damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Max. G001 VB Supply Voltage Referenced to lowest voltage of GND, OUT -36 36 V G002 OUT OUT Voltage Referenced to lowest voltage of VB, GND -36 36 V G003 GND GND Voltage Referenced to lowest voltage of VB, OUT -36 36 V G004 V() Voltage at IN, OE -0.3 7 V G005 Tj Junction Temperature -40 150 °C G006 Ts Storage Temperature -40 150 G007 Vd() ESD Susceptibility HBM, 100 pF discharged through 1.5 kΩ 2 °C kV THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VB = 8..30 V Item No. T01 Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range no thermal shutdown All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise stated. All currents flowing into the device pins are positive; all currents flowing out of the device pins are negative. -40 Typ. Max. +150 °C preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 5/10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VB = 8..30 V, Tj = -40..120°C, unless otherwise stated Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. General 001 Vc()lo Clamp Voltage lo at IN, OE, VOUT I() = -1 mA 002 003 VB Permissible Supply Voltage Referenced to GND I(VB) Supply Current in VB no load, IN = lo, OE = lo IN = lo, OE = hi IN = hi, OE = hi Turn-on threshold 8 24 30 V 0.9 1.2 1.5 mA mA mA V(VB)on 8 V Ilk(GND)rp Reverse Polarity Leakage Current V(VB) = 0; V(OUT) = 0; V(GND)= 0...30 V 300 uA 006 Ilk(OUT)rp Reverse Polarity Leakage Current V(VB)=0;V(GND)=0; V(OUT)= 0...30 V 300 uA 007 Ilk(VB)rp V(OUT) =0 ; GND open; ; V(VB)= 0...30 V 300 uA IN = lo, OE = hi I(OUT) = 100 mA I(OUT) = 150 mA 1.5 2 V V Output characteristics 101 Vs(IOUT)lo Saturation voltage Low-Side driver 102 6 V 004 005 Reverse Polarity Leakage Current increasing VB -1.4 Vs(IOUT)hi Saturation voltage High-Side driver IN = hi, OE = hi I(OUT) = -100 mA I(OUT) = -150 mA 103 Isc()lo Short-Circuit Current lo in OUT V(OUT) = 3 V...VB 150 450 mA 104 105 Isc()hi Short-Circuit Current Hi in OUT V() = 0...VB − 3 V -450 -150 mA llk() Leakage Current at OUT OUTPUT Disabled V(OUT) = -6...0 V V(OUT) = 0 V...VB V(OUT) > VB...30 V -100 -40 0 0 40 100 µA µA µA 40 V/µs Slew Rate (switch off → on, switch on → off ) -1.5 -2 VB = 30 V, Cl = 2.2 nF, I(OUT) = 0 V V 106 SR() 107 Vfw(OUT)lo Freewheeling Voltage I(OUT) = -1 mA, with reference to VB -50 -36 V 108 Vfw(OUT)hi Freewheeling Voltage I(OUT) = 1 mA, with reference to GND 36 50 V increasing Tj 150 198 °C 2 V Temperature monitor 201 Toff Overtemperature shutdown Inputs OE, IN 301 Vt()hi Input Threshold Voltage hi at IN, OE 302 Vt()lo Input Threshold Voltage lo at IN, OE 303 Vt()hys Hysteresis at IN, OE Vt()hys = Vt()hi − Vt()lo 304 Ipd() Pull-Down Current at IN, OE V() > 0.4 V 305 tpio Propagation Delay IN, OE → OUT 306 tsup() Permissible Spurious Pulse Width at IN, OE 307 ttrig() Required Pulse Width at IN, OE Series regulator output VOUT 401 V(VOUT) Regulated output voltage 402 C(VOUT) 403 Isc(VOUT) Short circuit current at VOUT Capacitor at VOUT 0.8 V 200 mV 2 150 µA 2.1 6.5 µs 1.6 µs 4 µs VB = 9..30 V, I(VOUT) = 10 .. 0 mA VB = 8..9 V, I(VOUT) = 10 .. 0 mA 4.7 4.5 5.3 5.3 V V I(VOUT) = 0 I(VOUT) > 0 0 0.1 10 10 µF µF -125 mA VOUT connected to GND preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 6/10 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS iC-DX is a current limited switching channel which enables digital sensors to drive peripheral elements. They are designed to cope with high driver currents. The switches are reverse-polarity protected, feature a free-wheeling circuit for inductive loads, and a current limited output. Reverse polarity protection The pins VB, OUT an GND on the line side of the chip are reverse polarity protected. As far as the maximum voltage ratings are not exceeded, no possible supply combination at the line side pins can damage the chip. I(OUT) Isc()lo GND V(OUT) 3V A B VB C 36V Figure 1: OUT characteristic when Low side active Output characteristics of OUT The switching channel is current limited to a value between 150mA and 450mA. (cf. Electrical Characteristics Nos. 103, 104). The current limitation works only for voltages higher than 3 V at OUT resp. lower than VBO − 3 V. For smaller output voltages the current limitation is reduced in order to minimise the saturation voltages without increasing the power dissipation. Figures 1 and 2 show the characteristic of the switching channels when activated. Region "A" is the saturation range, where the current limitation is not fully active yet and region "B" is the current limited range. Region "C" corresponds to the free-wheeling circuit activated. The switching channel is designed so that the low side can only sink current and high side can only source current (no reverse current). Free-wheeling circuit for inductive loads The free-wheeling circuit is always present and does not depend on the current output status. It is activated by voltages higher than 36 V at OUT referenced to GND or lower than -36 V at OUT referenced to VB. In that case the correspondent channel will switch on without current limitation (see Figure 3). I(OUT) I(OUT) VB-36V 36V C GND B A VB V(OUT) VB-36V Isc()hi V(OUT) GND 36V Figure 2: OUT characteristic when high side active VB GND+36V 36V Figure 3: Free-wheeling characteristic preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 7/10 OPERATION MODES The iC-DX can be operated in High-Side (PNPSwitch), Low-Side (NPN-Switch) and Push-Pull switch mode. Figure 4 shows the high-side operation where IN pin must be kept high and the OE pin controls the switch. Figure 5 shows the low-side operation where IN pin must be kept low and the OE pin controls the switch. Figure 6 shows the push-pull operation where OE pin must be kept high and the IN pin controls the switch. ..30V VB REG + VREF 5V <150 - VOUT C R Load 36V CVOUT 100nF.. OUT DIGITAL INPUT OE CHEN VB CVB 1μF High Side Switch OUT & 36V & IN GND iC-DX GND GND Low Side Switch Figure 5: Configuration as Low-Side (NPN-Switch) VB REG + <150 VB CVB 1μF High Side Switch C 36V CVOUT 100nF.. OUT DIGITAL INPUT CHEN ..30V 5V - VOUT VREF Output Table. Low-side mode (NPN-Switch) OE IN OUT Mode L L Z (H) Low-Side, passive pull up H L L Low-Side, active pull down OE OUT Table 5: Output Function table Fig. 5. Low-side mode (NPN-Switch) with external pull-up. & 36V GND R Load & IN iC-DX VB REG GND Low Side Switch + GND - VOUT VREF VB 5V <150 C 36V CVOUT 100nF.. OUT DIGITAL INPUT Figure 4: Configuration as High-Side (PNP-Switch) ..30V CVB 1μF High Side Switch OE & 36V CHEN GND & IN iC-DX GND Low Side Switch GND Figure 6: Configuration as Push-Pull Output Table. High-side mode (PNP-Switch) OE IN OUT Mode L H Z (L) High-Side, passive pull down H H H High-Side, active pull up Table 4: Output Function table Fig. 4. High-side mode (PNP-Switch) with external pull-down. Output Table. Push-Pull mode OE IN OUT Mode H L L Push-Pull, active pull down H H H Push-Pull, active pull up Table 6: Output Function table Fig. 6. Push-Pull mode TIMING DESCRIPTION The iC-DX has a built-in spurious pulse suppression that prevents short (undesired) pulses at the input pins from reaching the output. Every pulse at OE or IN pins shorter than 1.6 µs (cf. Electrical Characteristics No. 306) will be ignored and the output will not react. The minimum required pulse length to be sure that the output reacts is 4 µs (cf. Electrical Characteristics No. 307). That means that every pulse longer than 4 µs will be propagated to the output but with an additional propagation delay of 1.2 µs maximum. The resulting maximum propagation delay is 5.2 µs (cf. Electrical Characteristics No. 305). preliminary iC-DX UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 8/10 tpio VB ttrig() REG + - VOUT IN VREF ..30V VB CVB 1μF High Side Switch 5V <150 C NEP 36V CVOUT 100nF.. OUT DIGITAL INPUT OE & 36V EN & IN iC-DX EN GND Low Side Switch GND NEP OUT Figure 8: Block diagram with EN and NEP internal signals Figure 7: Timing diagram in push-pull operation mode CIRCUIT PROTECTION The iC-DX is reverse polarity protected via internal circutry. As far as the maximum voltage ratings are not exceeded, no possible supply combination at the line side pins (VB, GND and OUT) can damage the chip. Since the chip current consumption is relatively low, discharging of the backup capacitor C1 can be very slow, and injected charge through disturbances may in general result in capacitor voltage exceeding maximum ratings, leading to malfunction or destruction of circuitry and associated parts. Thus EMC requirements will afford more external circuitry. Figure 9 shows the iC-DX with the additional protective device D1, D2 and D3. For over-voltage protection, the suppressor diodes D1,D2 and D3 absorbs transients on supply line injected externally on the cable. Clamp voltage of the diodes should be rated slightly above maximum specified supply voltage. These currents can be passed to ground or to VB by the internal ESD diodes of the iC-DX. Whereas negative current injection will simply be drained off to ground, positive current injection will charge capacitor C1 further to higher voltages. If not suppressor diodes nor any other over-voltage protection is implemented, the backup capacitor C1 should be kept small. A typical 100nF value is normally OK. Suggested protective devices At VBmax of 36V, suppressor diodes with a breakdown voltage from 36V has to be chosen in order to minimize the energie in iC-DX for higer Voltages. For example Diode type like Vishay GSOT36C or PJSD36W from Pan Jit should be enouch as protection. Figure 9: Circuit schematic showing protective devices iC-DX preliminary UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 9/10 iC-Haus expressly reserves the right to change its products and/or specifications. An info letter gives details as to any amendments and additions made to the relevant current specifications on our internet website; this letter is generated automatically and shall be sent to registered users by email. Copying – even as an excerpt – is only permitted with iC-Haus’ approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in these materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. As a general rule our developments, IPs, principle circuitry and range of Integrated Circuits are suitable and specifically designed for appropriate use in technical applications, such as in devices, systems and any kind of technical equipment, in so far as they do not infringe existing patent rights. In principle the range of use is limitless in a technical sense and refers to the products listed in the inventory of goods compiled for the 2008 and following export trade statistics issued annually by the Bureau of Statistics in Wiesbaden, for example, or to any product in the product catalogue published for the 2007 and following exhibitions in Hanover (Hannover-Messe). We understand suitable application of our published designs to be state-of-the-art technology which can no longer be classed as inventive under the stipulations of patent law. Our explicit application notes are to be treated only as mere examples of the many possible and extremely advantageous uses our products can be put to. iC-DX preliminary UNIVERSAL DIGITAL SENSOR OUTPUT DRIVER Rev A3, Page 10/10 ORDERING INFORMATION Type Package Order Designation iC-DX DFN6 iC-DX DFN6 For technical support, information about prices and terms of delivery please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel.: +49 (61 35) 92 92-0 Fax: +49 (61 35) 92 92-192 Web: E-Mail: Appointed local distributors: