iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 1/11 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ Low-noise current amplifier with an integrated position-sensitive photodiode ♦ High reliability due to monolithical design ♦ Effective photodiode area: 2.6 mm x 0.88 mm (iC-OD) resp. 8.4 mm x 0.88 mm (iC-ODL) ♦ High sensitivity for visible light and near infrared ♦ Integrated bandpass filter with 100 kHz center frequency ♦ High background light suppression ♦ Analogue current source output ♦ Minimum external circuitry required ♦ Low power consumption from 3.9 to 13.2 V supply voltage ♦ Position-sensitive detection of pulse lights ♦ Receiver for motion or proximity sensors PACKAGES oLGA OD4C optoBGA™ ODL2C cDFN10 4 mm x 4 mm BLOCK DIAGRAM (3.9) 4.5..13.2V 2 VCC A IAC1 3 f iph1 Vout1 AC−AMP iph2 R1 10kΩ VCC A IAC2 f iC−OD/L 4 Vout2 AC−AMP GND R2 10kΩ 1 Pin numbers given for iC-OD oLGA OD4C Copyright © 2010 iC-Haus http://www.ichaus.com iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 2/11 DESCRIPTION The iC-OD/L device is an optical position sensitive detector with a monolithic integrated photodiode. The device supersedes one PSD and two conventional photoelectric detectors, e.g. in motion sensors. Constant light and low-frequency variing light are suppressed by a highpass filter. A lowpass filter reduces high-frequency interference to a minimum. The maximum sensitivity for alternating-light signals (for AC photoelectric currents) is about 100 kHz, with a current amplification of typically 48 dB. The photoelectric current is partitioned to the two photocurrent amplifiers according to the position of the light signal. The analogue outputs IAC1 and IAC2 offer directly the amplified AC photoelectric current. iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 3/11 PACKAGES PIN CONFIGURATION OLGA OD4C 2 1 3 4 PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 2 3 4 PIN CONFIGURATION cDFN10 4 mm x 4 mm 10 9 8 7 Backside Pad/Shield (BP) 1 2 3 4 Ground +(3.9)4.5 to +13.2 V Supply Voltage Current Output 1 Current Output 2 PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 GND VCC IAC1 IAC2 VCC IAC1 IAC2 GND +(3.9)4.5 to +13.2 V Supply Voltage Current Output 1 n/c Current Output 2 Ground n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c 5 dra_cdfn10-1_pack_3 PIN CONFIGURATION OBGA™ ODL2C 7 8 6 5 1 2 3 4 PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VCC IAC1 IAC2 GND n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. +(3.9)4.5 to +13.2 V Supply Voltage Current Output 1 Current Output 2 Ground iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 4/11 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS cDFN10 4 mm x 4 mm RECOMMENDED PCB-FOOTPRINT 15 R0. 3.25 0.65 0.30 4 2.62 3.15 0.65 0.25 3.85 0.40 0.282 4 2.55 BOTTOM 0.874 TOP 0.70 0.50 1 2.55 SIDE dra_od4-cdfn10-1_pack_1, 10:1 All dimensions given in mm. iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 5/11 CHIP LAYOUT iC-OD VCC IAC1 IAC2 GND iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 6/11 CHIP LAYOUT iC-ODL VCC IAC1 IAC2 GND iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 7/11 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Beyond these values damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Max. G001 VCC Supply Voltage 0 15 V G002 I() Current in IAC1, IAC2 -1 0 mA G003 Tj Junction Temperature -40 130 °C G004 Ts Storage Temperature see package specifications THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VCC = 4.5...13.2 V Item No. T01 Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range cDFN10 oLGA OD4C and oBGA ODL2C, see package specifications All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise stated. All currents flowing into the device pins are positive; all currents flowing out of the device pins are negative. 0 Typ. Max. 70 °C iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 8/11 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VCC = 4.5...13.2 V, λ = 880 nm, Tj = -25...85 °C, unless otherwise noted Item No. Symbol 003 004 Conditions Unit Min. Totel Device 001 VCC 002 Parameter I(VCC) Permissible Supply Voltage VCC Tj = -25...85 °C Tj = 0...60 °C 4.5 3.9 Supply Current in VCC 0.55 iph = 0 Tj = 27 °C Vs() Saturation Voltage at IAC1, IAC2 Vs() = VCC – V(); I() = -400 µA I0() Output Bias Current in IAC1, IAC2 Typ. Max. 13.2 13.2 V V 2.4 mA mA 0.95 0.5 iph = 0 Tj = 27 °C -210 Se(λar ) = 0.1 x S(λ)max 500 V µA µA -108 Photodiode 101 S(λ)max Spectral Sensitivity 102 λar Range of Spectral Sensitivity 0.5 A/W 103 Aph () Radiant Sensitive Area iC-OD 2.63 x 0.88 mm² 104 Aph () Radiant Sensitive Area iC-ODL 8.42 x 0.88 mm² 1050 nm Photo Current Amplifier IAC1, IAC2 201 I() Output Current Operating Range in IAC1, IAC2 202 Pe()pk Permissible Irradiance for Alternating Light (peak value) f = fc; ic-OD iC-ODL Sum of Output Currents (RMS) ISUM = I(IAC1) + I(IAC2); f = fc, Ee()ac = 30 µW/cm² Tj = 27 °C -25 Position of light spot arbitrary Tj = -25...85 °C Tj = 0...60 °C Tj = 27 °C, position of light spot centered 2.7 4.5 203 204 205 ISUM iph()dc Ev()dc DC Photo Current Capabillity Permissible Ambient Light Level -500 Standard Illuminant A at T = 2856 K; iC-OD iC-ODL 0 µA 2.2 0.7 µW µW -50 µA µA 16 µA µA µA 250 75 lx lx 206 fc Bandpass Center Frequency 207 Q Filter Q-Factor Q = fc / (fhc − flc) 0.35 208 I()/ISUM Single Amplifier Output Current to Sum of Output Currents f = fc, position of light spot centered 0.40 0.60 209 I()min / ISUM Smaller Output Current to Sum of f = fc, position of light spot 1 mm out of center Output Currents 0.13 0.18 210 Ai()fc Photo Current Gain for Alternating Light Ai()fc = ISUM / (iph1 + iph2); f = fc, position of light spot centered 44 211 dAi()fc Change of Photo Current Gain f = fc, position of light spot 1 mm out of center -10 212 Ai()100 Low-Frequency Photo Current Gain f = 100 Hz 213 Vn(Vout) RMS Noise Voltage 214 ton (VCC) Power-on Setup Time 215 ton (VCC) Power-on Setup Time 100 0.5 48 kHz 0.52 52 dB 10 % 3 6 dB With external filter: R1, R3 = 10 kΩ, C1, C3 = 120 pF, R2, R4 = 50 kΩ, C2, C4 = 100 pF (see Fig. 6) 2.1 2.8 mV 50 Tj = 27 °C 30 µs µs VCC = 0 → 4 V; Tj = 0...60 °C Tj = 27 °C 100 70 µs µs 1 iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 9/11 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 100 % 90 1.0 relative AC photo current IAC1 IAC2 80 70 0.5 60 50 40 0 −1.25 0 position on PSD 30 +1.25 [mm] 20 Figure 1: Example for position sensing characteristics ext. Filter 10 400 External filter (RG850) improves the suppression of ambient light by a factor of ca. 20 to 30. 600 800 1000 nm Figure 2: Relative spectral sensitivity APPLICATIONS INFORMATION iC−OD/L OUTPUT RL1= 10k, RL2= 10k CH1 iC−OD/L OUTPUT RL1= 10k, RL2= 10k CH2 CH2 CH1 CH1, CH2= 0V CH1 − CH2 CH1, CH2= 0V CH1 − CH2 CH1−CH2= 0V CH1−CH2= 0V CH2 0.5V/DIV CH1 0.5V/DIV TIME 2US/DIV CH1 0.5V/DIV Figure 3: The light spot impinges to the left iC−OD/L OUTPUT RL1= 10k, RL2= 10k CH1 CH2 CH1, CH2= 0V CH1 − CH2 CH1−CH2= 0V CH1 0.5V/DIV CH2 0.5V/DIV TIME 2US/DIV Figure 4: The light spot impinges in the center CH2 0.5V/DIV TIME 2US/DIV Figure 5: The light spot impinges to the right Examples of output signals The oscilloscope pictures show the signal patterns at iC-OD outputs IAC1 and IAC2 when receiving a 5 µs light pulse. The differential signal shown has been calculated. Both of the outputs are terminated with 10 kΩ. An external filter is not used. iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 10/11 Example: external filter (3.9) 4.5..13.2V VCC A iph1 C2 100pF IAC1 f Vout1 AC−AMP iph2 R1 10kΩ C1 120pF R2 50kΩ VCC A f iC−OD/L C4 100pF IAC2 Vout2 AC−AMP GND R3 10kΩ C3 120pF R4 50kΩ Figure 6: External filter to detach the DC-portion and to reduce the noise iC-Haus expressly reserves the right to change its products and/or specifications. An info letter gives details as to any amendments and additions made to the relevant current specifications on our internet website www.ichaus.de/infoletter; this letter is generated automatically and shall be sent to registered users by email. Copying – even as an excerpt – is only permitted with iC-Haus’ approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in these materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. As a general rule our developments, IPs, principle circuitry and range of Integrated Circuits are suitable and specifically designed for appropriate use in technical applications, such as in devices, systems and any kind of technical equipment, in so far as they do not infringe existing patent rights. In principle the range of use is limitless in a technical sense and refers to the products listed in the inventory of goods compiled for the 2008 and following export trade statistics issued annually by the Bureau of Statistics in Wiesbaden, for example, or to any product in the product catalogue published for the 2007 and following exhibitions in Hanover (Hannover-Messe). We understand suitable application of our published designs to be state-of-the-art technology which can no longer be classed as inventive under the stipulations of patent law. Our explicit application notes are to be treated only as mere examples of the many possible and extremely advantageous uses our products can be put to. iC-OD, iC-ODL OPTICAL POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR (PSD) Rev D4, Page 11/11 ORDERING INFORMATION Type Package Order Designation iC-OD OLGA OD4C cDFN10 4 mm x 4 mm iC-OD chip iC-OD oLGA OD4C iC-OD cDFN10 iC-ODL OBGA™ ODL2C iC-ODL chip iC-ODL oBGA ODL2C For technical support, information about prices and terms of delivery please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel.: +49 (61 35) 92 92-0 Fax: +49 (61 35) 92 92-192 Web: http://www.ichaus.com E-Mail: sales@ichaus.com Appointed local distributors: http://www.ichaus.com/sales_partners