eltrend WT50F5 8-bit µ C with 8KB Flash Memory, an 8-CH 12-bit A/D Converter and 16x4 LCD Driver DESCRIPTION The WT50F5 is a high-performance, low-cost, CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcontroller with 8Kbytes on-chip flash memory, an 8-channel 12-bit analog to digital converter and 16x4 LCD driver. This chip is suitable for variable applications, especially where analog signal (sensor output) to digital signal conversion, LCD display and short development cycle are required, including industrial control, consumer, communications, and security products. This chip has 8-bit CPU, RAM, flash memory, I/Os, dual 16-bit timer/counters, interrupt controller, 16x4 LCD driver and an 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter. To be suitable for portable batterypowered applications, a power saving function is included. FEATURES u u u u 8-bit single chip microcontroller with 8K bytes flash memory and 384bytes SRAM Wide voltage operating range from 2.7 V to 5.5 V On-chip RC oscillator runs at 2MHz and crystal oscillator can run up to 6.0 MHz 6 interrupt sources (external:1; internal:5) ; all sources have independent latches each and multiple interrupt control is available u I/O port (32 pins) u Port P0 8 pins (shared with analog inputs; 4 pins with 20 mA sink current) u Port P1 8 pins (20 mA sink current) u Port P2 8 pins (shared with SEG9~SEG16) u Port P3 8 pins (shared with SEG1~SEG8) u Interval Timer (Internal time base generator) u Operating current 2mA/4MHz@5V; providing standby mode stopped and current consumption < 1 uA@5V) and key wake-up mode u Watchdog timer u Dual PWM u Dual 16-bit timer/counters u A/D converter module (OSC u 8 analog inputs multiplexed into one A/D converter u Sample and hold u 20 µS conversion time/per channel 偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 1 Rev.1.00 Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN is eltrend WT50F5 8-bit µ C with 8KB Flash Memory, an 8-CH 12-bit A/D Converter and 16x4 LCD Driver u 12-bit resolution with ±2 LSB accuracy u External reference input, ADVRF u LCD driver (automatically display) u LCD direct drive (max. 8-digit display at 1/4 duty) u 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 duties and 1/2, 1/3 biases can be selected by programming u Programming lock for software security; read/write protection (signature compare) u Package: 40-pin PDIP 偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 2 Rev.1.00 Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN eltrend WT50F5 8-bit µ C with 8KB Flash Memory, an 8-CH 12-bit A/D Converter and 16x4 LCD Driver PACKAGE PIN ASSIGNMENT P04/AIN4 P05/AIN5 P06/AIN6 1 40 VDD 2 39 P03/AIN3 3 P07/AIN7 ADVRF P20/SEG9 P21/SEG1 4 P24/SEG1 37 5 36 6 35 7 34 P22/SEG1 P23/SEG1 38 8 33 9 32 10 31 P02/AIN2 P01/AIN1 P00/AIN0 P35/SEG6 P34/SEG5 P33/SEG4 P32/SEG3 P31/SEG2 WT50F5 P25/SEG14/VCAP1 11 P26/SEG15/VCAP2 P27/SEG16/VCAP3 12 13 P36/SEG7 P37/SEG8 P10/PWM P11/PWM 14 GND Rev.1.00 28 27 RESET EXTINT XOUT 26 XIN/ROSC 16 25 CLKSEL/TEST 17 24 P17/COM 18 23 19 22 20 21 偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 3 29 P30/SEG1 15 P12/ECT0 P13/VLCD 30 P16/COM P15/COM P14/COM1 Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN WWW.ALLDATASHEET.COM Copyright © Each Manufacturing Company. All Datasheets cannot be modified without permission. This datasheet has been download from : www.AllDataSheet.com 100% Free DataSheet Search Site. Free Download. No Register. Fast Search System. www.AllDataSheet.com