MODULABLE LASERDIODEDRIVER EU-42 TECHNICAL DATA: • • • • • • Dimension: 10.5 x 11.3 mm² Supply voltage Ub: typ. 4.0 .. 6.0 VDC Max. LD-current: typ. 120 mA Modulation frequency: DC .. 1.0 MHz, analog and digital voltage input Modulation input voltage: 0 V = laser off, Ub = laser on, any voltage between 0 and Ub possible cw laserpower adjustable with potentiometer Drives the following laserdiode: 1) Laserdiode cathode 2) Laserdiode anode and photodiode cathode 3) Photodiode anode option 1: with laserdiode Ub= + 4.0..+ 6.0 VDC 3 2 modulation input 1 GND option 2: with aserdiode and collimating optic GND 1 turn right = less power 2 3 laserpower modulation input Ub= + 4.0..+ 6.0 VDC optic: ∅ 10 x 18 mm ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK A-1040 WIEN, FLEISCHMANNGASSE 9 TEL: +43 -1- 586 52 43 FAX: +43 -1- 586 41 43 e-mail: [email protected]