TIGER ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD B/W TV Synchronization, Deflection Circuit DESCRIPTION: LA7806 outline drawing The LA7806 is a mu ltifunctional integrated circuit, incorporates various functions required for synchronization and deflection circuits of monochromatic television set, and operates on line voltage or from battery. This IC was so designed as to streamline the set by making the device more compact (DIP-16) and reducing the number of parts. FEATURES The ground pins for horizontal and vertical are provided separately. Minimum number of parts required. Horizontal and vertical oscillators being stable to variation of ambient temperature and supply voltage owing to small warming-up drift. Small variation of horizontal oscillation frequency. Good linearity and interlace owing to DC bias at vertical output stage being sampling controlled within retrace time. Vertical blanking pulse width being freely set up according to peripheral parts. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) CHARACTERISTICS Maximu m supply voltage Allowable power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature SYMBOL V 1 2 ,V 1 5 Pd max Topr Tstg CONDITION Ta=6 0°C VALUE 14 450 -20~ +85 -55 ~ +125 UNITS V mW °C VALUE 12 UNITS V °C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION(Ta=25°C) CHARACTERISTICS Recommended supply voltage SYMBOL V 1 2 ,V 1 5 CONDITION SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 1/3 LA7806 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( Ta=2 5°C) Characteristics Symbol V c c 1 2 current drain V c c 1 5 current drain Te s t C o n d i t i o n s Icc12 Icc15 Ty p Max Unit 10.0 13.0 8.0 10.0 55.0 19.0 mA 11 . 0 mA 11 . 0 Hz 60 Hz 6.0 Ve r t i c a l f r e q u e n c y p u l l - i n r a n g e Ve r t i c a l f r e e - r u n n i n g f r e q u e n c y Supply voltage dependence of vertical frequency Te m p e r a t u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f vertical frequency Ve r t i c a l d r i v e r a m p l i f i c a t i o n factor Horizontal free-running frequency Supply voltage dependence of horizontal frequency Te m p e r a t u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f horizontal frequency Horizontal output pulse width Min 9.0 fV fH fV center 55Hz 50 V12=12±1V 55Hz at 12V -0.5 +0.5 Hz Ta = - 1 0 t o + 6 0 ℃ -0.028 +0.028 Hz/℃ 4.0 7.0 times -750 +750 Hz -50 +50 Hz Ta = - 1 0 t o + 6 0 ℃ -3.4 +3.4 Hz/℃ fH=15.750kHz 21.5 fH center 15.750kHz V15=12±1V 15.750kHz at 12V Horizontal output driver current 4.2 24.0 6.0 26.5 µs 7.8 mA POWER DISSIPATION CURVE SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 2/3 LA7806 APPLICATION CIRCUIT ※ Polyester-polypropylene film capa citor Unit(resistance:Ω, capacitance:F) Note) 1.The vertical The vertical output circuit is shown by the basic circuit. 2. The peripheral parts at pin 8 should be changed in accordance with the Ver. Out circuit conditions. 3. The limiting resistor (220Ω : 1Vp-p) at pin 14 should be changed in proportion to the magnitude of the input video signal. 4. In the time constant circuit (120kΩ, 4.7 µF) at pin 14, the time constant should be changed by changing the resistance value in accordance with the DC level of the input video signal and then by changing the capacitance value. Peripheral parts at pin 8 (other applications) R1 C1 R2 C2 Line operate 220kΩ 0.01µF 68k Ω 0.068µF Battery drive(pump-up) 220kΩ 0.0033µF 68kΩ 0.068µF SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 3/3