celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 1/6 GB DIGITAL THREE PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER SVTA4694 ! Allows to set the voltage applied to different sort of loads with 3 wires, 4 wires or inside the delta wiring: ! Resistive (Bulbs, UV and IR lamps, ovens, …), ! Inductive (inductors, transformers, …), ! Motor (motorfan speed control (60 to 100% from the nominal speed), ! Rectified (power supplies, …). ! Small housing, easy and ready to use. ! Large mains frequency and voltage range. ! Fully optoisolated full cycle three phase phase angle controller (balanced currents, less harmonics, …) ! Dynamic control voltage range according to the power factor of the load. ! Softstart and softstop functions (increase lifetime expectancy of the load). ! Adjustable filter regarding fast input voltage changes (ramps). ! Motor softstarting functions to control its speed within the stable area. ! Input-output transfert characteristic linearization function (resistive load). ! Diagnostic features : Status given on LED and AC/DC switches. Mains Voltage Mains Frequency 200 to 480VAC 40 to 65Hz Max AC-51 Current 50A (125A) (with heatsink) Max AC-53a Current 30A (with heatsink) Proportionnal analog current control input 4-20mA 200->480VAC 50A(125A) AC51 Control Input Status Ouputs In / Out Insulation Wire Size Dimensions (WxHxD) 4-20mADC 0 to 24VDC 1A AC/DC 4kV In=2.5mm² Out=10mm² 100x78x56,5 (mm) Fig. 1 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Fig. 2 WIRING DIAGRAM Fig. 3 PHASE ANGLE CONTROL DESCRIPTION Fig. 4 INTERNAL DIAGRAM Proud to serve you Data given at Tambient=40°C and subject to modification without previous notice Weight 500g celduc ® r e l a i s celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 2/6 GB SETTINGS “Ramp Time (s)” “Initial Value” “Soft Stop” “Comp” “Load” “Ntrl” “Curve” Ramp up time (Softstart and smooth transients) Initial load voltage (footstep) Ramp down time Allows to adapt the control signal range whatever the power factor of the load Ask the unit to make a softstart up to the max. before analog control. Tells the unit the load star point is connected to the mains neutral Tells the unit what kind of inout response to use (angle or RMS voltage linearity) Setting possibilities 0 x ts = On (Up) On (Up) On (Up) On (Up) White squares = buttons Example : 0,5 x ts = Inductive load Motor Star wiring with neutral (4 wires) RMS voltage control ts = Off (Down) Off (Down) Off (Down) Off (Down) 2 x ts = Resistive load Other loads than motors Delta or star without neutral Phase angle control Label SETTINGS AND OPTIONS Description Function Ts= 0 to 64s Vi=0 to 100 % = all switches down (OFF) (factory setting) INPUT CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC LABEL Labels INPUT CIRCUIT Function Control type Terminals INFO. “4-20mA” “Urg. Stop” Analog control input Stop the thyristor controls DC control current Opening the connection between 5 & 6 4&6 5&6 Ic 4-20mA - Icsmin 4.5mA - Icsmax 9.5mA - Max. input voltage Ucmax 30VDC 6VDC Max. reverse voltage -Ucmax 30VDC 6VDC Control voltage range Release and control threshold voltage Full power threshold control voltage Release voltage Ut Input impedance Re 250Ω - See fig. 5 Current to switch Ict - 20mADC Ict=f(Ut) Labels STATUS OUTPUTS VALUE >1,5V “Diag. “ “Pwr“ Terminals 1&2 2&3 Function Indicates a problem detected in the circuit configuration Indicates the load is supplied Nominal operating voltage Operating voltage range Max. peak voltage Usan 24VAC/DC Usa 0->28VAC/DC Usap 60V Overvoltage protection Built-in 25V size7 varistors Minimum load current Ipw/Ipb 0A Maximum load current Ipw/Ipb 1A AC/DC See fig. 6 Maximum overload current Ipw/Ipb 2.4A AC/DC @100ms 10% of the cycle On and off state switch resistance Ron / Roff 500mΩ / 100MΩ See fig. 6 On and off time delay Ton / Toff 0.5ms / 2ms celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 3/6 GB OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC Mains voltage range VALUE Ue 200 -> 480VAC Non-repetitive peak voltage Uep 1200V Overvoltage protection VDR Built-in 510V size 14 varistors Maximum nominal currents Nota : Wire cross section limited to 10mm² (50A) by the terminals Maximum line currents in delta wiring Max motor power Ie Resistive AC51 Ithmax 50A (125A) ILine 87A (216A) Motor AC53a Iemax INFO. Motor Ie AC53a 30A 52A 22A 38A See fig. 7 for limits Values with heatsink Delta wiring : See installation manual Pe 15kW @400VAC star connection Non-repetitive peak overload current (1 cycle of 10ms) ITSM 2000A See fig. 8 Melting limit for choosing the protective fuses I²t 20000A²s @10ms Iemin 100mA Ielk 7mA Pf 0->1 F 40->65Hz dv/dt 500V/µs Minimum load current Maximum leakage current Power factor Mains frequency range Max. off-state voltage rise POWER CIRCUIT LABEL Protection against fast voltage transients Max. current rise @400VAC 50Hz Buit-in RC network di/dt 50A/µs On-state voltage drop Ud 1.4V @Ith Resistive part of the voltage drop rt 2mΩ @125°C Potential part of the voltage drop Vto 0.9V @125°C Maximum junction temperature Tjmax 125°C Junction/case thermal resistance per power element Rthjc 0.25K/W Case heatsink thermal resistance Rthcs - Product only thermal resistance vertically mounted Rthra 4K/W @∆Tra=60°C Heatsink thermal time constant Tthra 15min @∆Tra=60°C Inputs/power ouputs insulation voltage Uimp 4kV Input/status outputs insulation voltage Uied 2.5kV Inputs/case insulation voltage Uimp 4kV Status outputs/case insulation voltage Uimp 4kV Isolation resistance Rio 1GΩ Isolation capacitance Cio <8pF Storage ambient temperature Tstg -40->+100°C Tamb -40->+90°C Tc 100°C Operating ambient temperature Max. heatsink temperature Total = 3 power elements See fig. 7 celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 4/6 GB INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTIC LABEL VALUE Mains voltage range Ue 200->480VAC Consumption Is 1mA typical Mains frequency range F 40-65Hz tm 100ms Terminals Turn-on time INFO. 3L2 & 5L3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONNECTIONS Connections Screwdriver advised Min and max tightening torque Input terminal block 0.8 x 2mm 1.8->3N.m 2 x 1.5->6mm2 Number and cross section of the wires 1 x 2.5mm2 (10mm2 without ferrule) Screwdriver for settings 0.8 x 2mm Housing MISC. Power Posidriv 2 or 0.8 x 5.5mm UL94V0 Mounting Screwed Noise level Low audible vibrations Weight 500g STANDARDS GENERAL Standards EN60947-4-2 & EN60947-4-3 Protection level IP2L0 Accordin to V.D.E. 160 part 100 : Back hand and finger safety Protection against direct touch CE marking Yes E.M.C. EMISSION E.M.C. IMMUNITY UL, cULUS and VDE approvals Pending TYPE OF TEST STANDARD LEVEL EFFECT E.S.D. (Electrostatic discharges) EN61000-4-2 8kV (air) 4kV (touch) No effect Radiated electromagnetic fields EN61000-4-3 10V/m No effect Fast transients bursts EN61000-4-4 2kV direct coupling on the power side 2kV coupling by clamp on the input side No effect Electric chocks EN61000-4-5 1kV direct coupling differential mode (input and output) 2kV direct coupling common mode (input and output) No effect Voltage drop EN61000-4-11 - Radiated and conducted disturbances The conducted or radiated disturbances generated by solid state relays depend on the wiring and load configuration. The test method recommended by the European standards NFEN55011 and concerning electromagnetic compatibility leading to results far from reality, we decided to advise our customer in order to adapt their filtering scheme to their application. Please refer to the SVTA – SWTA installation manual. celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 5/6 GB CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Fig. 5 INPUT CHARACTERISTIC Fig. 7 CURRENT AND ON RESISTANCE VS TEMPERATURE POWER DISSIPATED AND LOAD CURRENT LIMIT VS TEMPERATURE Permanent current Ie AC51 (ARMS) 140 Wire cross section >10mm² : Use 2 wires with lower size or use a special adaptors 120 110 100 Power dissipated (W) 458 Please refere to the installation notice for precautions about mounting the device on a heatsink. 130 0.2K/W 0.3K/W 0.1K/W 90 80 4K/W = No Heatsink 1.2K/W = WF121000 0.9K/W = WF115100 0.7K/W = WF070000 0.55K/W = WF050000 0.3K/W = WF031100 0.2K/W = WF020000 0.1K/W = No reference 0.55K/W 50 10 0 267 233 51 25 4K/W 0 303 78 1.2K/W 20 340 107 0.9K/W Max AC53a current 30 378 137 0.7K/W 40 417 200 167 70 60 Fig. 8 Fig. 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Ambient temperature (°C) 80 90 100 CURRENT OVERLOAD CHARACTERISTIC (ITSM PER POWER ELEMENT) 110 celduc® r e l a i S/GRA/SVTA4694/C/10/07/2002 s Page 6/6 GB DIMENSIONS AND ACCESSORIES Fig. 9 DIMENSIONS celduc® r e l a i s www.celduc.com Rue Ampère B.P. 4 42290 SORBIERS - France Phone : 33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Fax : 33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Email : celduc-relais@celduc.com