400W Transient Voltage Suppressor P4KE Series Stand-off Voltage: 6.8 ~ 440V Power Dissipation: 440 Walts Features: Glass passivated chip Low leakage Uni and Bidirection unit Excellent clamping capability The plastic material has UL recognition 94V-0 Fast response time .034(.86) DIA. .028(.71) 1.0(25.4) MIN. .205(5.2) .160(4.1) .107(2.7) DIA. .080(2.0) Mechanical Data: Case: Molded plastic DO-41 Polarity: by cathode band denotes unidirectional device none cathode band denoted bi-directional device Weight: 0.34 gram 1.0(25.4) MIN. Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Rating at 25oC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%. SYMBOL VALUE UNIT PPK Minimum 400 Watts IFSM 40 A PM(AV) 1.0 Watts VF 3.5 V TJ, TSTG -55 to +150 o Peak Power Dissipation at TL=25 C TP=1ms (Note 1,2) Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3ms single Half sine-wave super imposed on rated load (Note 3) (JEDEC method) o Steady State Power Dissipation at TL=75 C Maximum lnstantaneous forward voltage at 35A for unidirectional devices only (Note 3) Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range o NOTES : (1) Non-repetitive current pulse, per fig. 3 and derated above TA=25 C per fig. 1. (2) Thermal Resistance junction to ambient. (3) 8.3ms single half-sine wave duty cycle= 4pulses maximum per minute(unidirectional units only). ā-Gā suffix designates RoHS compliant Version o C Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25OC) Part No. VWM (V) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25OC) VBR Min. VBR Max. IT IFSM (A)@8.3mS (V) (V) ( mA ) Max. Vc @IPPM IPPM(A) (V) Max. ID(uA) @VWM UNI BI P4KE6.8(c) 5.50 6.12 7.48 10 40 10.8 38.0 1000 2000 P4KE6.8(c)A 5.80 6.45 7.14 10 40 10.5 40.0 1000 2000 P4KE7.5(c) 6.05 6.75 8.25 10 40 11.7 36.0 500 1000 P4KE7.5(c)A 6.40 7.13 7.88 10 40 11.3 37.0 500 1000 P4KE8.2(c) 6.63 7.38 9.02 10 40 12.5 33.0 200 400 P4KE8.2(c)A 7.02 7.79 8.61 10 40 12.1 35.0 200 400 P4KE9.1(c) 7.37 8.19 10.00 1 40 13.8 30.0 50 100 P4KE9.1(c)A 7.78 8.65 9.55 1 40 13.4 31.0 50 100 P4KE10(c) 8.10 9.00 11.0 1 40 15.0 28.0 10 20 P4KE10(c)A 8.55 9.50 10.5 1 40 14.5 29.0 10 20 P4KE11(c) 8.92 9.90 12.1 1 40 16.2 26.0 5 10 P4KE11(c)A 9.40 10.5 11.6 1 40 15.6 27.0 5 10 P4KE12(c) 9.72 10.8 13.2 1 40 17.3 24.0 5 5 P4KE12(c)A 10.2 11.4 12.6 1 40 16.7 25.0 5 5 P4KE13(c) 10.5 11.7 14.3 1 40 19.0 22.0 5 5 P4KE13(c)A 11.1 12.4 13.7 1 40 18.2 23.0 5 5 P4KE15(c) 12.1 13.5 16.5 1 40 22.0 19.0 5 5 P4KE15(c)A 12.8 14.3 15.8 1 40 21.2 20.0 5 5 P4KE16(c) 12.9 14.4 17.6 1 40 23.5 18.0 5 5 P4KE16(c)A 13.6 15.2 16.8 1 40 22.5 19.0 5 5 P4KE18(c) 14.5 16.2 19.8 1 40 26.5 16.0 5 5 P4KE18(c)A 15.3 17.1 18.9 1 40 25.5 17.0 5 5 P4KE20(c) 16.2 18.0 22.0 1 40 29.1 14.0 5 5 P4KE20(c)A 17.1 19.0 21.0 1 40 27.7 15.0 5 5 P4KE22(c) 17.8 19.8 24.2 1 40 31.9 13.0 5 5 P4KE22(c)A 18.8 20.9 23.1 1 40 30.6 14.0 5 5 P4KE24(c) 19.4 21.6 26.4 1 40 34.7 12.0 5 5 P4KE24(c)A 20.5 22.8 25.2 1 40 33.2 13.0 5 5 P4KE27(c) 21.8 24.3 29.7 1 40 39.1 11.0 5 5 P4KE27(c)A 23.1 25.7 28.4 1 40 37.5 11.2 5 5 P4KE30(c) 24.3 27.0 33.0 1 40 43.5 10.0 5 5 P4KE30(c)A 25.6 28.5 31.5 1 40 41.4 10.0 5 5 P4KE33(c) 26.8 29.7 36.3 1 40 17.7 9.0 5 5 P4KE33(c)A 28.2 31.4 34.7 1 40 45.7 9.0 5 5 P4KE36(c) 29.1 32.4 39.6 1 40 52.0 8.0 5 5 P4KE36(c)A 30.8 34.2 37.8 1 40 49.9 8.4 5 5 P4KE39(c) 31.6 35.1 42.9 1 40 56.4 7.4 5 5 P4KE39(c)A 33.3 37.1 41.0 1 40 53.9 7.8 5 5 P4KE43(c) 34.8 38.7 47.3 1 40 61.9 6.8 5 5 P4KE43(c)A 36.8 40.9 45.2 1 40 59.3 7.1 5 5 P4KE47(c) 38.1 42.3 51.7 1 40 67.8 6.2 5 5 P4KE47(c)A 40.2 44.7 49.4 1 40 64.8 6.5 5 5 P4KE51(c) 41.3 45.9 56.1 1 40 73.5 5.7 5 5 P4KE51(c)A 43.6 48.5 53.6 1 40 70.1 6.0 5 5 P4KE56(c) 45.4 50.4 61.6 1 40 80.5 5.2 5 5 Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25OC) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25OC) Max. Vc @IPPM IPPM(A) (V) Max. ID(uA) @VWM UNI BI Part No. VWM (V) P4KE56(c)A 47.8 53.2 58.8 1 40 77.0 5.5 5 5 P4KE62(c) 50.2 55.8 68.2 1 40 89.0 4.7 5 5 P4KE62(c)A 53.0 58.9 65.1 1 40 85.0 5.0 5 5 P4KE68(c) 55.1 61.2 74.8 1 40 98.0 4.3 5 5 P4KE68(c)A 58.1 61.6 71.4 1 40 92.0 4.6 5 5 P4KE75(c) 60.7 67.5 82.5 1 40 108.0 3.9 5 5 P4KE75(c)A 64.1 71.3 78.8 1 40 103.0 4.1 5 5 P4KE82(c) 66.4 73.8 90.2 1 40 118.0 3.6 5 5 VBR Min. VBR Max. IT IFSM (V) (V) ( mA ) (A)@8.3mS P4KE82(c)A 70.1 77.9 86.1 1 40 113.0 3.7 5 5 P4KE91(c) 73.7 81.9 100.0 1 40 131.8 3.2 5 5 P4KE91(c)A 77.8 86.5 95.5 1 40 125.0 3.4 5 5 P4KE100(c) 81.0 90.0 110.0 1 40 144.0 2.9 5 5 P4KE100(c)A 85.5 95.0 105.0 1 40 137.0 3.1 5 5 P4KE110(c) 89.2 99.0 121.0 1 40 158.0 2.7 5 5 P4KE110(c)A 94.0 105.0 116.0 1 40 152.0 2.8 5 5 P4KE120(c) 97.2 108.0 132.0 1 40 173.0 2.4 5 5 P4KE120(c)A 102.0 114.0 126.0 1 40 165.0 2.5 5 5 P4KE130(c) 105.0 117.0 143.0 1 40 187.0 2.2 5 5 P4KE130(c)A 111.0 124.0 137.0 1 40 179.0 2.3 5 5 P4KE150(c) 121.0 135.0 165.0 1 40 215.0 2.0 5 5 P4KE150(c)A 128.0 143.0 158.0 1 40 207.0 2.0 5 5 P4KE160(c) 130.0 144.0 176.0 1 40 230.0 1.8 5 5 P4KE160(c)A 136.0 152.0 168.0 1 40 219.0 1.9 5 5 P4KE170(c) 138.0 153.0 187.0 1 40 244.0 1.7 5 5 P4KE170(c)A 145.0 162.0 179.0 1 40 234.0 1.8 5 5 P4KE180(c) 146.0 162.0 198.0 1 40 258.0 1.6 5 5 P4KE180(c)A 154.0 171.0 189.0 1 40 246.0 1.7 5 5 P4KE200(c) 162.0 180.0 220.0 1 40 287.0 1.50 5 5 P4KE200(c)A 171.0 190.0 210.0 1 40 274.0 1.53 5 5 P4KE220(c) 175.0 198.0 242.0 1 40 344.0 1.16 5 5 P4KE220(c)A 185.0 209.0 231.0 1 40 328.0 1.22 5 5 P4KE250(c) 202.0 225.0 275.0 1 40 360.0 1.11 5 5 P4KE250(c)A 214.0 237.0 263.0 1 40 344.0 1.16 5 5 P4KE300(c) 243.0 270.0 330.0 1 40 430.0 0.93 5 5 P4KE300(c)A 256.0 285.0 315.0 1 40 414.0 0.97 5 5 P4KE350(c) 284.0 315.0 385.0 1 40 504.0 0.79 5 5 P4KE350(c)A 300.0 332.0 368.0 1 40 482.0 0.83 5 5 P4KE400(c) 324.0 360.0 440.0 1 40 574.0 0.70 5 5 P4KE400(c)A 342.0 380.0 420.0 1 40 548.0 0.73 5 5 P4KE440(c) 356.0 396.0 484.0 1 40 630.0 0.64 5 5 P4KE440(c)A 378.0 418.0 462.0 1 40 600.0 0.67 5 5 1. VF<3.5V @ IF=25A for P4KE6.8 thru P4KE200A, VF<6.5V @IF=25A for P4KE220 thru P4KE440A 2. "C" Suffix for Bi-Directional Devices 3. For the bidirection typ having Vrwm of 10 volts and less, the IR limit is doubled. 400W Transient Voltage Suppressor RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES P4KE SERIES FIG.2 - TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICS 10000 100 o TJ = 25 C MEASURED AT STAND-OFF VOLTAGE 75 CAPACITANCE. (pF) PEAK PULSE DERATING IN %OF PEAK POWER OR CURRENT FIG.1 - PULSE DERATING CURVE 50 25 1000 100 10 X 1000 WAVEFORM AS DEFINED BY R.E.A. 0 10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 10 1 o AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, C FIG.3 - PULSE RATING CURVE 1000 FIG.4 - STEADY STATE POWER DERATING CURVE 10 100 o PW(AV), STEADY STATE POWER DISSIPATION(W) TA = 25 C Non-repetive Pulse Waveform Showen in Figure 5 PP, PEAK POWER 100 STAND-OFF VOLTAGE, VOLTS 10 1.0 8 6 4 2 60HZ RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD 0 0.1 0.1us 1us 10us 100us 1.0ms 0 10ms 25 50 100 125 150 175 200 TL, LEAD TEMPERATURE STAND-OFF VOLTAGE, VOLTS FIG.5 - PULSE WAVEFORM IP, PEAK PULSE CURRENT,(%) 75 TR=10us Peak value (IRSM) 100 IRSM Half value= 2 Pluse width(TP)is defined as that point where the peak current decays to 50% of IRSM 10 X 1000 waveform as defined by R.E.A. 50 o TJ = 25 C TP 0 0 ā-Gā suffix designates RoHS compliant Version 1.0 2.0 T, TIME (ms) 3.0 4.0