BIPHASE M ODULATOR M -109A 10 to 1000 M Hz/1° PhaseDeviation (typ)/0.1 dB AmplitudeBal.(typ) PRINCIPAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Number Frequency Insertion Range, Loss, dB, MHz Typ. Max. M-109A 10 - 1000 2.5* 4.0* VSWR, Max. 2:1* *Applies 10 - 500 MHz only. Phase Carrier Deviation, Suppression, Max. dB, Typ. ±3° * 35** Data Signal Amplitude Level, mA, Balance, Logic 0 Logic 1 dB, Max. -15 +15 -3 **With 100 MHz RF and 1 MHz modulation TO-5 Package Outline NOTES: 1. Tolerance on 3 place decimals ±.010(.25) except as noted. 2. Dimensions in inches over millimeters. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Package type: Impedance: Weight: Operating Temperature: TO-5 50 Ω nom. 0.07 oz. (2 g) – 55° to +85°C General Notes: 1. The M-109A Biphase modulator covers the frequency range of 10 to 1000 MHz using broadband ferrite core transformers and specially selected diodes. 2. The M-109A is usable up to 1000 MHz while certain custom units are available for frequency ranges up to 4 GHz. The TO-5 package used in the M-109A is ideal where space is critical. 3. Merrimac offers a broad selection of Biphase Modulators for a variety of signal processing functions with frequencies and bandwidths available for most applications from routine to very special. 4. Merrimac Biphase Modulators comply with MIL-M-28837 and may be supplied screened for compliance with additional specifications for military and space applications requiring the highest reliability. 22Feb96 ForfurtherinformationcontactM ERRIM AC /41 Fairfield Pl.,W estCaldwell,NJ,07006 / 973-575-1300 /FAX 973-575-0531