NI WSN-3202

Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input
Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3202, NI WSN-3212 NEW!
◾◾ Programmable with the LabVIEW
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
Module Pioneer
◾◾ Extend battery life
◾◾ Increase sample rates
◾◾ Embed local decision making
◾◾ NI-WSN software provides easy
network configuration and drag-anddrop LabVIEW programming
◾◾ Up to 3-year battery life
◾◾ 2.4 GHz, IEEE 802.15.4 radio
◾◾ Outdoor range up to 300 m
with line of sight
◾◾ Four analog input channels
◾◾ Four bidirectional digital channels
(input, sinking output, or
sourcing output)
◾◾ Industrial ratings:
◾◾ -40 to 70 °C operating temperature
◾◾ 50 g shock, 5 g vibration
Sample Interval
DIO Voltage
Range (V)
Additional Features
Signal Type
Analog Input
Input Range(s)
DIO Channels
NI WSN-3202
±10, ±5, ±2,
±0.5 V
4 (sinking or
5 to 30
1 A
12 V, 20 mA sensor power output
NI WSN-3212
±73 mV
4 (sinking or
5 to 30
500 mA
Support for J, K, R, S, T, N, B, E
thermocouple types
Node sample intervals can be improved by customizing how the node samples and transmits data. Refer to the section on Node Programming for more information.
Table 1. WSN Node Specifications
National Instruments wireless sensor networks (WSNs) deliver low-power
measurement nodes that offer industrial certifications, reliable networking, and
optional weatherproof outdoor enclosures for long-term, remote deployments.
The measurement nodes have direct sensor connectivity and a 2.4 GHz radio
You can configure the four digital I/O channels for input, sinking output, or
sourcing output. You must use an external power supply to provide sourcing
output through the digital I/O channels, with a maximum total current output
(aggregate on all channels) of 500 mA on the NI WSN-3212 and 1 A on the
NI WSN-3202. The WSN-3202 also offers a 12 V, 20 mA sensor power output
to wirelessly transmit data to the WSN Ethernet gateway. Each measurement
line that drives external sensors.
node offers four analog input channels and four digital I/O channels that you can
Wireless Networking
configure for input, sinking output, or sourcing output. You can customize the
behavior of programmable NI WSN measurement nodes with the NI LabVIEW
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. Use this module to perform
custom analysis, embed decision making on NI WSN measurement nodes, and
extend battery life by optimizing node behavior.
You can power the NI WSN measurement nodes with four 1.5 V AA alkaline
battery cells, with operation up to three years on battery power at one sample
per minute, or with a 9 to 30 V supply of external power.
The measurement nodes and the NI WSN-9791 Ethernet gateway communicate
wirelessly using 2.4 GHz radios and the reliable NI WSN protocol based on
IEEE 802.15.4. The network accommodates up to 36 nodes per gateway and
provides an outdoor range of up to 300 m with line of sight. The gateway
maintains a list of nodes (by serial number) that have been authorized for
network access. When a node powers up, it scans for available networks,
locates either a gateway or mesh router node, and attempts to join. If the
gateway has the node in its list, the node joins the network, downloads the
latest configuration from the gateway, and begins its normal operation of
acquiring measurement data and controlling digital I/O.
Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
Mesh Networking
Gateways, routers, and end nodes work together to form a mesh network.
You can integrate your NI WSN measurement data directly into the LabVIEW
Measurement nodes can operate as routers or end nodes, providing the flexibility
graphical development environment. After adding the WSN Ethernet gateway
to extend the range of your sensor network. When nodes are configured as
to a LabVIEW project, the nodes configured with the gateway in MAX are
routers, they can repeat messages from end nodes and extend network range
automatically added underneath the gateway in the project, giving you instant
while acquiring measurement data. Router nodes must remain on to send and
access to their I/O and properties (see Figure 2).
receive data across the network, and should be powered with an external source
such as a 9 to 30 V supply, solar panel, or larger battery.
Software Overview
With NI-WSN software, you can easily configure your sensor network in
the NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) configuration utility
(see Figure 1) and quickly extract measurement data from your wireless
sensor network with the LabVIEW graphical development environment.
Network Configuration
MAX provides an intuitive user interface to add and remove measurement nodes
and configure wireless settings. Upon connection, the WSN-9791 Ethernet
gateway is autodetected under Remote Systems in MAX, and you can assign
WSN nodes to the gateway by entering the node serial number. Upon power-up
or reset, the nodes automatically connect to the assigned gateway. If a node is
unable to connect, it executes a retry sequence with increasingly higher wait
periods beginning with one minute between connect attempts and ending with
55 minutes between connect attempts. This preserves battery power if a
gateway is offline.
MAX also provides an overview of the nodes connected to your network
including their last communication time, battery status, and link quality. In
addition, MAX offers an interface to set the wireless communication channel,
configure the gateway IP address, and wirelessly update firmware on the
measurement nodes.
Figure 2. NI WSN System in the LabVIEW Project
Simply drag and drop I/O variables from a LabVIEW project to a LabVIEW
block diagram for data extraction, analysis, and presentation (see Figure 3).
Figure 1. Network Configuration in MAX
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
Using a subset of LabVIEW analysis functions and floating-point math
operations, you can preprocess data acquired by NI WSN measurement nodes.
A variety of analog and digital sensors can interface directly with these nodes,
and you can use LabVIEW WSN Pioneer to scale and convert raw sensor data
into meaningful engineering units before transmitting.
With LabVIEW WSN Pioneer, you can also embed decision making on
NI WSN measurement nodes, so decisions can be made autonomously
without transmitting the stimulus and response to and from a host computer
or embedded controller. You can use the digital output lines on an NI WSN
measurement node to actuate relays and perform simple on/off control. For
example, a programmed node can turn on a fan when a temperature threshold is
Figure 3. Extracting NI WSN Measurement Data Using LabVIEW
Using the drag-and-drop LabVIEW variables, you can monitor the analog and
exceeded, which reduces response time and increases reliability by removing the
need for host interaction.
digital channels as well as other node attributes such as link quality, battery
voltage, and whether a node is configured as a router or end node. The LabVIEW
Project interface also offers access to node property configuration utilities.
You can modify node sample intervals, define the analog and digital channel
parameters, and provide aliases.
Node Programming
You can customize the behavior of programmable NI WSN measurement nodes
with LabVIEW WSN Pioneer. Use this module to perform custom analysis, embed
decision making on NI WSN measurement nodes, and extend battery life by
NI WSN Applications and Architectures
With NI WSNs and access to the full breadth of NI platforms through LabVIEW,
you have the flexibility to create simple, stand-alone wireless monitoring
networks or completely integrated wired and wireless measurement solutions.
In a simple architecture, as seen in Figure 4, the WSN measurement nodes
acquire data and communicate wirelessly to the central gateway, which provides
a wired Ethernet connection to a Windows or LabVIEW Real-Time host controller
where you can log, analyze, process, and present your data.
optimizing node behavior.
With LabVIEW WSN Pioneer, you can significantly increase the battery life of
your NI WSN measurement nodes while increasing performance and flexibility.
By default, a node transmits every acquired value back to the gateway at the
specified sample interval; however, in many applications, it is sufficient to simply
monitor a given input for a threshold crossing or average values over a period of
time. In these applications, powering the radio to transmit every acquired sample
uses excessive power and reduces battery life. With LabVIEW WSN Pioneer,
you can add intelligence to the node to transmit data only when required.
Additionally, you can monitor battery voltage and network status as well as
modify the sample interval of the node to optimize behavior for specific
operating conditions.
This also helps you achieve higher sample rates by customizing how the node
acquires and transmits data. Exact sample rates depend on how many channels
you are sampling, the analysis performed on each sample, and how many
samples are transmitted back to the host. Without transmitting samples, the
programmable WSN-3202 node can achieve a 35 Hz sample rate on one channel,
while the programmable WSN-3212 can achieve a 4 Hz sample rate on one
channel. Refer to the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking white paper on NI Developer
Zone for more information on increasing sample rates.
Figure 4. NI WSN systems provide flexible connectivity to Windows or LabVIEW Real-Time
host controllers.
Furthermore, you can combine NI WSNs with other NI platforms to customize
and enhance your measurement capabilities. You can complement your NI WSN
with programmable automation controllers (PACs), vision systems, or even
human machine interfaces (HMIs) to create a fully integrated solution that meets
your unique application needs (see Figure 5).
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
NI WSN accessories feature options for gateway and measurement node
mounting as well as a weatherproof enclosure for outdoor use of the
measurement nodes. Available mounting accessories include options to panel
mount and DIN-rail mount WSN measurement nodes and gateways. The
NI WSN-3281 magnetic panel mount kit provides easy setup and takedown
on virtually any metal surface. For high shock and vibration applications,
NI recommends a panel mounting configuration rather than DIN-rail.
Figure 5. Customize and enhance your NI WSN system.
LabVIEW integration with NI WSNs delivers a common development
environment for your applications as well as rapid programming, easy network
configuration, and remote data access with LabVIEW Web services. You can also
use other NI software such as DIAdem to conduct advanced data processing
and analysis or the LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module for
integrated event detection and alarming.
NI WSN-3280
NI WSN node panel mount bracket with spring-loaded screw-locking
mechanism and integrated strain relief
NI WSN-3281
NI WSN node magnetic panel mount bracket with spring-loaded
screw-locking mechanism and integrated strain relief
NI WSN-3282
NI WSN DIN-rail mount kit for nodes or gateway (includes four screws)
NI WSN-3283
NI WSN panel mount plate for nodes or gateway (recommended for
gateway) with additional four keyholes for mounting to wall in multiple
orientations (includes four screws)
Table 2. Mounting Kits
The NI WSN-3291 is an outdoor, weatherproof enclosure for NI WSN
measurement nodes (see Figure 7). The enclosure features two I/O glands
for routing power or sensor cables and is shipped with four I/O gland inserts
and two I/O gland plugs so you can customize the glands for your application.
The WSN-3291 offers an IP64 (Ingress Protection) rating to protect NI WSN
measurement nodes for long-term, outdoor deployment.
Mechanical Information
The measurement node housing measures 5 by 3.3 by 1.5 in. (H by W by D),
with the external antenna extending 4.25 in., resulting in a total height of
9.25 in. You can unscrew the faceplate of the measurement node to reveal the
battery compartment, which holds four AA alkaline batteries and a reset button
for manual reboots. Consult the user guide for detailed mechanical information.
and User LEDs
Power Connector
Battery Access, 4AA
18-Position ScrewTerminal Connector
Figure 6. Measurement Node External Features
The nodes also offer screw terminals for direct sensor connectivity and signalstrength LEDs for network monitoring.
Figure 7. Outdoor Enclosure with NI WSN Measurement Node (not included)
NI WSN-3291
IP64 outdoor enclosure for WSN measurement nodes
NI WSN-3292
Set of replacement I/O glands: two glands, four inserts, two plugs
NI WSN-3293
Additional I/O gland inserts (set of 5)
Table 3. Outdoor Enclosure and Accessories
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
You can choose from several power accessories that provide external power
to the WSN Ethernet gateway or WSN measurement nodes.
Ordering Information
NI WSN Starter Kit (Americas).......................................................781080-01
Desktop Power Supply
This power supply provides 12 VDC power up to 1.25 A /15 W, and is
rated for 0 to 70 °C. The supply terminates with a 2-position MINICOMBICON connector that plugs directly into the WSN gateway or
measurement nodes.
PS-5 Power Supply
This DIN-rail-mountable, 24 VDC power supply delivers up to 5 A of
current and is rated for operation from -25 to 60 °C. Recommended for
industrial installations.
Table 4. External Power Supplies
NI WSN Starter Kit (Europe/Asia)..................................................781080-11
Ethernet Gateway
NI WSN-9791 (Americas)...............................................................780996-01
NI WSN-9791 (Europe/Asia)...........................................................780996-11
Programmable Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3202 (Americas)...............................................................780997-02
NI WSN-3202 (Europe/Asia)...........................................................780997-12
The connectivity accessories for NI WSN products include additional screw-
NI WSN-3212 (Americas)...............................................................780998-02
terminal kits for the measurement nodes and a power connector backshell kit
NI WSN-3212 (Europe/Asia)...........................................................780998-12
that contains a strain relief attachment for the two-position power connector on
the Ethernet gateway and measurement nodes.
Nonprogrammable Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3202 (Americas)...............................................................780997-01
NI WSN-3202 (Europe/Asia)...........................................................780997-11
NI WSN-3284
Extra 18-position screw-terminal connectors for WSN-3202 – 2 top entry,
2 side entry – with labels
NI WSN-3212 (Americas)...............................................................780998-01
NI WSN-3285
Extra 18-position screw-terminal connectors for WSN-3212 – 2 top entry,
2 side entry – with labels
Power Connectors
Extra 2-position MINI-COMBICON power connectors – quantity 4
Power Connector
Strain relief attachment for the 2-position power connector on the
measurement nodes and gateway; clips to the connector and includes
a zip tie to hold the power cable in place
Table 5. Connectivity Accessories
NI WSN-3212 (Europe/Asia)...........................................................780998-11
Power Accessories
Desktop supply................................................................................780703-01
U.S. power cord..............................................................................763000-01
PS-5 industrial supply.....................................................................778805-90
Mounting Accessories
NI WSN-3280..................................................................................780999-01
NI WSN-3281..................................................................................781073-01
NI WSN-3282..................................................................................781074-01
NI WSN-3283..................................................................................781075-01
Connectivity Accessories
NI WSN-3284..................................................................................781076-01
NI WSN-3285..................................................................................781077-01
Power connectors...........................................................................780702-01
Power connector backshell kit........................................................196375-01
Outdoor Enclosure and Accessories
NI WSN-3291..................................................................................780994-01
NI WSN-3292..................................................................................195712-01
NI WSN-3293..................................................................................195738-01
For complete product specifications, pricing, and accessory information,
call 800 813 3693 (U.S.) or go to
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3202 Specifications
Range (V)
Gain Error
(ppm of
Offset Error
(ppm of
(ppm of
INL Error
(ppm of
can be optimized by customizing node behavior with the LabVIEW Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking
document, found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
These specifications are typical for the range -40 to 70 °C unless otherwise
noted. Some specifications (such as sample interval and power consumption)
» For complete WSN-3202 analog input node specifications, see
the NI WSN-3202 User Guide and Specifications manual at
Table 7. Accuracy Details
Absolute Accuracy Formulas
Analog Input Characteristics
Number of channels............................... 4 single-ended channels
ADC resolution....................................... 16 bits
DNL ...................................................... No missing codes guaranteed
INL ...................................................... Refer to the Absolute
Accuracy Formulas
Minimum sample interval1. ................... 1 second
Input coupling........................................ DC
Nominal input ranges............................ ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±0.5 V
Minimum over range.............................. 4%
Input impedance (at DC)
Digital I/O
Powered on........................................ >1 GΩ
Static Characteristics
Powered off/overload........................ 10 kΩ
Number of channels............................... 4 bidirectional, individually settable
Input bias current................................... 3 nA
Modes (configurable per channel)......... Drive High Only, Drive Low Only,
Crosstalk (at 1 kHz)
Adjacent channels............................. >100 dB
Voltage range
Nonadjacent channels....................... >100 dB
Input................................................... 0 to 30 V
Analog bandwidth.................................. 7 kHz
Output (sourcing)............................... 5 to 30 V
Overvoltage protection.......................... ±30 V (one channel only)
Output current (sourcing or sinking)...... 1 A max on any one channel,
Minimum sample interval for WSN-3202 can be improved by customizing node behavior with the
LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking
document, found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
Drive High and Low, and Tristate
1 A total for all four channels
Power-on output state........................... High impedance, tristate
DIO power supply voltage range........... 5 to 30 V
AI Absolute Accuracy Tables and Formulas
The values in the following tables are based on calibrated scaling coefficients,
which are stored in the onboard EEPROM.
Digital input logic levels
Input high range................................ 1.65 to 30 V
Input low range................................. 0 to 0.45 V
Nominal Range (V)
Absolute Accuracy
at Full Scale (mV)1
Random Noise
Sensitivity2 (μV)
5 V input............................................ 125 μA
30 V input.......................................... 220 μA
Input current
0 V input............................................ -160 μA
Absolute accuracy values at full scale on the analog input channels assume the device is operating
within 45 °C of the last calibration and are valid for averaging 100 samples immediately following
calibration. Refer to the Absolute Accuracy Formulas for more information.
Sensitivity is the smallest voltage change that can be detected. It is a function of noise.
Table 6. Accuracy Summary
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
DIO output voltage drop
Sourcing............................................. 0.5 V at 0.1 A; 1.1 V at 1 A
Sinking............................................... 0.06 V at 0.1 A; 0.52 V at 1 A
DIO overcurrent fuse
Maximum voltage.............................. 30 V
Hold current....................................... 1.1 A at 25 °C
Trip time............................................. 2.5 s at 5 A at 25 °C
Dynamic Characteristics
Output delay time
Sinking, 10 kΩ pull up........................ 15 μs
Sourcing, 10 kΩ pull down................ 3.5 ms
Power Requirements
Caution: Use the WSN-3202 with a 24 VDC, UL-listed, limited power source
(LPS) supply. The power supply bears the UL-listed mark, LPS. It must also meet
any safety and compliance requirements for the country of use. Do not use
rechargeable batteries.
The following power requirements specifications are typical at 25 °C.
Battery Power
Internal battery
Type.................................................... 4 AA, alkaline only
Voltage range.................................... 3.6 to 7.5 V
Power consumption1, 3
60-second sample interval............ 0.5 mW at 6 V
1-second sample interval.............. 13.3 mW at 6 V
Battery life1
60-second sample interval................ Up to 3 years
1-second sample interval.................. Up to 1 month
External Power
External power....................................... 9 to 30 V
Power input mating connector............... 2-position MINI-COMBICON,
Phoenix Contact part number: 1714977
Power consumption3
End node mode
60-second sample interval............ 16 mW at 24 V
1-second sample interval.............. 33 mW at 24 V
Router mode2..................................... 300 mW at 24 V
Device executing NI-WSN firmware. End node mode. Sensor power not used.
Router connected directly to gateway. Routing messages for one end node
at a one minute sample interval.
Power consumption for WSN-3202 can be improved by customizing node behavior with the LabVIEW
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking document,
found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3212 Specifications
These specifications are typical for the range -40 to 70 °C unless otherwise
noted. Some specifications (such as sample interval and power consumption)
can be optimized by customizing node behavior with the LabVIEW Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking
document, found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
» For complete WSN-3212 thermocouple input node specifications, see
the NI WSN-3212 User Guide and Specifications manual at
Analog Input Characteristics
Output current (sourcing or sinking)...... 500 mA max on any one channel,
500 mA total for all four channels
Power-on output state........................... High impedance, tristate
DIO power supply voltage range........... 5 to 30 V
Digital input logic levels
Input high range................................ 1.65 to 30 V
Input low range................................. 0 to 0.45 V
Input current
0 V input............................................ -160 μA
5 V input............................................ 125 μA
Number of channels............................... Thermocouple input channels
30 V input.......................................... 220 μA
ADC resolution....................................... 24 bits
DIO output voltage drop
Type of ADC............................................ delta-sigma
Sourcing............................................. 0.5 V at 0.1 A; 0.763 V at 0.5 A
Voltage measurement range.................. ±73 mV
Sinking............................................... 0.057 V at 0.1 A; 0.286 V at 0.5 A
Common-mode range
DIO overcurrent fuse
Channel-to-common.......................... ±700 mV
Maximum voltage.............................. 30 V
Common-mode rejection ratio (0 to 60 Hz)
Hold current....................................... 1.1 A at 25 °C
Channel-to-common.......................... 95 dB
Trip time............................................. 2.5 s at 5 A at 25 °C
Temperature measurement ranges
Dynamic Characteristics
Thermocouple types J, K,
R, S, T, N, and B............................ Works over temperature ranges
defined by NIST
Thermocouple type E......................... -270 to 950 °C
Output delay time
Sinking, 10 kΩ pull up........................ 15 μs
Sourcing, 10 kΩ pull down................ 3.5 ms
Minimum sample interval1. ................... 2 seconds
Power Requirements
Input bandwidth (-3 dB)......................... 1 Hz
Caution: Use the WSN-3212 with a 24 VDC, UL-listed, limited power source
Noise rejection....................................... 65 dB min at 50/60 Hz
(LPS) supply. The power supply bears the UL-listed mark, LPS. It must also meet
Overvoltage protection.......................... ±30 V between any input and common
any safety and compliance requirements for the country of use. Do not use
Differential input impedance................. 20 MΩ
rechargeable batteries.
Input current........................................... 50 nA
The following power requirements specifications are typical at 25 °C.
Input noise............................................. 0.5 μVrms
Gain error............................................... 0.02% max at 25 °C,
0.03% typ at -40 to 70 °C,
0.1% max at -40 to 70 °C
Offset error (with autozero)................... 11 μV typ, 12.5 μV max
Minimum sample interval for WSN-3212 can be improved by customizing node behavior with the
LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking
document, found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
Battery Power
Internal battery
Type.................................................... 4 AA, alkaline only
Voltage range.................................... 3.6 to 7.5 V
Power consumption1, 3
60-second sample interval................ 0.4 mW at 6 V
2-second sample interval.................. 7.4 mW at 6 V
Digital I/O
Battery life1
Static Characteristics
60-second sample interval................ Up to 3 years
Number of channels............................... 4 bidirectional, individually settable
2-second sample interval.................. Up to 2 months
Modes (configurable per channel)......... Drive High Only, Drive Low Only,
Drive High and Low, and Tristate
Voltage range
Input................................................... 0 to 30 V
Output (sourcing)............................... 5 to 30 V
External Power
Voltage range......................................... 9 to 30 V
Power input mating connector............... 2-position MINI-COMBICON,
Phoenix Contact part number: 1714977
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
Power consumption3
End node mode
60-second sample interval............ 15 mW at 24 V
2-second sample interval.............. 25 mW at 24 V
Router mode1..................................... 300 mW at 24 V
Device executing NI-WSN firmware. End node mode. Sensor power not used.
Router connected directly to gateway. Routing messages for one end node
at a one-minute sample interval.
Power consumption for WSN-3212 can be improved by customizing node behavior with the LabVIEW
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer. See the LabVIEW WSN Benchmarking document,
found on NI Developer Zone, for more information.
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Wireless Sensor Network Programmable Analog Input Measurement Nodes
NI WSN-3202 and NI WSN-3212 Specifications Environmental
Node Resources for LabVIEW WSN
User flash size........................................ 248 kB
Number of flash erase cycles
per sector........................................... 100,000
For outdoor use, mount the system in a suitably rated enclosure.
Operating temperature.......................... -40 to 70 °C
(IEC-60068-2-1 and IEC-60068-2-2)
Storage temperature.............................. -40 to 85 °C
(IEC-60068-2-1 and IEC-60068-2-2)
Operating humidity................................ 10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
Wireless Characteristics
Radio mode............................................ IEEE 802.15.4
RF data rate............................................ 250 kbits/s
Indoor range........................................... Up to 90 m
Outdoor range........................................ Up to 300 m
Frequency band1. ................................... ISM 2.4 GHz (2400 to 2483.5 MHz)
Channels2............................................... 11 to 24
TX power
Maximum Radio Output
+17 dBm max (50 mW)
+10 dBm max
Storage humidity.................................... 5 to 95% RH, noncondensing
Maximum altitude.................................. 2,000 m
Pollution degree..................................... 2 (IEC 60664)
Shock and Vibration
Operating vibration, random.................. 5 grms, 10 to 500 Hz
(IEC 60068-2-64)
Operating shock..................................... 30 g, 11 ms half sine,
50 g, 3 ms half sine,
Modulation type................................ DSSS (O-QPSK)
18 shocks at 6 orientations
Receiver sensitivity........................... -102 dBm
(IEC 60068-2-27)
Operating vibration, sinusoidal.............. 5 g, 10 to 500 Hz
Connector.......................................... Female RP-SMA connector
(IEC 60068-2-6)
VSWR................................................ MAX.2.0
Impedance......................................... 50 Ω
Directivity.......................................... Omni
Nominal gain.......................................... 1.5 dBi
Due to regulations, the frequency bands depend on the country of operation.
Due to regulations, the valid channels depend on country of operation.
Physical Characteristics
Screw-terminal wiring........................... 14 to 24 AWG wire
Torque for screw terminals.................... 0.2 to 0.25 N•m
Dimensions............................................ See the NI WSN-32xx User Guide
manuals for device dimensions.
Weight.................................................... Approx. 242 g (8.5 oz)
Weight with antenna............................. Approx. 256 g (9 oz)
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Finally, the standard program reduces the total cost of owning an NI system
We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you want to
online product advisors at to find a system assurance program
use our products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and
services for OEM customers, visit
by providing three years of warranty coverage and calibration service. Use the
to meet your needs.
Calibration Services
NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for highaccuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration procedures, services
to recalibrate your products, and automated calibration software specifically
designed for use by metrology laboratories. Visit
Repair and Extended Warranty
NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair and
advance replacement services are also available. We offer extended warranties
to help you meet project life-cycle requirements. Visit
800 813 3693
National Instruments
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