Model 5144 & 6235 SMD Test Probe FEATURES: The microtip is specially designed to probe SMD contacts. It features a stainless steel needle tip that is flexible to help prevent damage to the SMD leads. The microtip is curved to aid in probing of hard to reach areas. MATERIALS: Test Probe Removable Micro Tip – Stainless steel. Removable Chuck – Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard. Finish: Chuck – Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches. Insulation: Chuck Nut and Probe Body – Nylon. Color matches color of wire. Wire: 20 AWG, stranding 41 x 36, tinned copper, PVC insulated, 2.21 (.087) O.D. Stacking Banana Plug Spring – Beryllium Copper per QQ-C-533, Alloy 172, Cond. HT. Plug Body – Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard. Finish: Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches. Insulation: Polypropylene, molded to plug body and wire. Color matches color of wire. RATINGS: Operating Voltage: Hands free usage in controlled voltage environments: 1200 Vrms maximum. For CE compliance: not intended for hand-held use at voltages above 33 Vrms/70 Vdc. Current: 5 Amps Operating Temperature: +131ºF (+55ºC) Max. ORDERING INFORMATION: Model; 5144-48-0 48” (122cm) black test lead Model: 5144-48-2 48” (122cm) red test lead Model: 6235 Set contains one each of model 5144-48-0 and 5144-48-2. For custom lengths, send email request to: Replaceable Tips: Model 5688: Standard Model 4172: Stainless-Steel Sharp Point Model 5133: SMD Microtip, Stainless-Steel Sharp Point Model 4988: Needle Stainless-Steel Sharp Point Model 6364: Set of tips All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = ±.02” (,51 mm), .xxx = ± .005” (,127 mm). All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360 Technical Support: 800-241-2060 ( For “Where to Buy” information, visit the Pomona web site at Rev: 100 D1094217 Page 1 of 1