Model 5144 & 6235
SMD Test Probe
The microtip is specially designed to probe SMD contacts.
It features a stainless steel needle tip that is flexible to help prevent damage to the SMD leads.
The microtip is curved to aid in probing of hard to reach areas.
Test Probe
Removable Micro Tip – Stainless steel.
Removable Chuck – Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard.
Finish: Chuck – Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches.
Insulation: Chuck Nut and Probe Body – Nylon. Color matches color of wire.
Wire: 20 AWG, stranding 41 x 36, tinned copper, PVC insulated, 2.21 (.087) O.D.
Stacking Banana Plug
Spring – Beryllium Copper per QQ-C-533, Alloy 172, Cond. HT.
Plug Body – Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard.
Finish: Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches.
Insulation: Polypropylene, molded to plug body and wire. Color matches color of wire.
Operating Voltage: Hands free usage in controlled voltage environments: 1200 Vrms maximum. For CE compliance: not
intended for hand-held use at voltages above 33 Vrms/70 Vdc.
Current: 5 Amps
Operating Temperature: +131ºF (+55ºC) Max.
Model; 5144-48-0 48” (122cm) black test lead
Model: 5144-48-2 48” (122cm) red test lead
Model: 6235
Set contains one each of model
5144-48-0 and 5144-48-2.
For custom lengths, send email request to:
Replaceable Tips:
Model 5688: Standard
Model 4172: Stainless-Steel Sharp Point
Model 5133: SMD Microtip, Stainless-Steel Sharp Point
Model 4988: Needle Stainless-Steel Sharp Point
Model 6364: Set of tips
All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = ±.02” (,51 mm), .xxx = ± .005” (,127 mm).
All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360 Technical Support: 800-241-2060 (technicalsupport@pomonatest.com)
For “Where to Buy” information, visit the Pomona web site at www.pomonaelectronics.com
Rev: 100
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