ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RZF Series: Low Impedance Type FEATURES • Long life, 105°C, 3000 ~ 10000 hours assured • Low impedance at 100KHz with selected materials SPECIFICATIONS Performance Item Operating Temp. -40°C ~ +105°C ± 20% (120Hz, 20°C) Capacitance Toloerance Leakage Current (at 20°C) I = 0.01CV or 3 (mA) whichever is greater (after 2 minutes) Where, C= rated capacitance in mF. V= rated DC working voltage in V. Dissipation Factor Tan d at 120Hz, 20°C Rated Voltage Tan d (max) 6.3 10 16 25 35 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 Rated Voltage Low Temperature Z(-25°C)/Z(+20°C) Characteristics (at 120Hz) Impedance Ratio Z(-40°C)/Z(+20°C) Rated Voltage Test Time Load Life Test When the capacitance exceeds 1000mF, 0.02 shall be added every 1000mF increase. 6.3 10 16 25 35 4 3 2 2 2 8 6 4 3 3 Impedance ratio shall not exceed the values given in the table. 6.3 ~ 10 16 ~ 35 3000 hours for jD £ 6.3mm 6000 hours for jD =8~10mm 8000 hours for jD ³12.5mm 4000 hours for jD £ 6.3mm 6000 hours for jD =8mm 8000 hours for jD =10mm 10000 hours for jD ³12.5mm Capacitance Change Within ±25% of initial value Dissipation Factor Less than 200% of specified value Within specified value Leakage Current The above specifications shall be satisfied when capacitors are restored to 20°C after the rated voltage applied with rated ripple current for test time at 105°C. Shelf Life Test Test Time 1000 hours Capacitance Change Within ±25% of initial value Dissipation Factor Less than 200% of specified value Within specified value Leakage Current The above specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20°C after exposing them for 1000 hours at 105°C without voltage applied. Freq. (Hz) 120 1K 10K 100K 0.50 0.55 0.73 0.77 0.92 1.0 330 to 680 0.94 1.0 820 to 1800 0.60 0.80 0.96 1.0 2200 up above 0.70 0.85 0.98 1.0 Temperature (°C) Under 65 1.7 85 105 Multiplier 2.1 1.7 Cap. (mF) Ripple Current & Frequency Multipliers Ripple Current & Frequency Multipliers Under 270 Standards DIMENSIONS Unit: mm jD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P jd 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 a b 1.0 Satisfies Characteristic JIS C 5101-4 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.5 0.5 RFE International • Tel:(949) 833-1988 • Fax:(949) 833-1788 • E-Mail [email protected] C1CD12 REV 2004.8.5 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RZF Series: Low Impedance Type Impedence: W at 100KHz, 20°C Ripple Current: mA/rms at 100Hz, 105°C DIMENSIONS & PERMISSIBLE RIPPLE CURRENT V.DC 6.3V (0J) Item mF jD x L 10V (1A) Impedance Ripple Current (W, Max/100K Hz) (mA/rms, 105°C) 20°C -10°C mF 120Hz 100KHz 16V (1C) Impedance Ripple Current (W, Max/100K Hz) (mA/rms, 105°C) mF 120Hz 100KHz 20°C -10°C 120 0.72 1.8 116 165 82 0.72 1.8 116 165 56 0.72 1.8 116 165 6.3 x 11 220 0.38 0.95 179 255 180 0.38 0.95 179 255 120 0.38 0.95 179 255 6.3 x 15 330 0.27 0.68 231 330 270 0.27 0.68 231 330 180 0.27 0.68 231 330 8 x 11.5 390 0.20 0.50 332 415 330 0.20 0.50 291 415 270 0.20 0.50 332 415 8 x 15 560 0.16 0.40 396 495 470 0.16 0.40 396 495 330 0.16 0.40 396 495 8 x 20 820 0.11 0.28 512 640 680 0.11 0.28 512 640 470 0.11 0.28 512 640 10 x 12.5 470 0.12 0.30 500 625 390 0.12 0.30 500 625 270 0.12 0.30 500 625 10 x 16 680 0.084 0.21 660 825 680 0.084 0.21 660 825 470 0.084 0.21 660 825 10 x 20 1200 0.062 0.16 936 1040 1000 0.062 0.16 832 1040 680 0.062 0.16 936 1040 10 x 25 1500 0.052 0.13 1134 1260 1200 0.052 0.13 1134 1260 820 0.052 0.13 1134 1260 10 x 30 2200 0.044 0.11 1296 1440 1500 0.044 0.11 1296 1440 1200 0.044 0.11 1296 1440 12.5 x 20 2200 0.046 0.12 1206 1340 1800 0.046 0.12 1206 1340 1200 0.046 0.12 1206 1340 12.5 x 25 2700 0.034 0.085 1521 1690 2200 0.034 0.085 1521 1690 1500 0.034 0.085 1521 1690 12.5 x 30 3900 0.030 0.075 1755 1950 2700 0.030 0.075 1755 1950 2200 0.030 0.075 1755 1950 12.5 x 35 4700 0.027 0.068 1980 2200 3300 0.027 0.068 1980 2200 2700 0.027 0.068 1980 2250 12.5 x 40 5600 0.024 0.060 2151 2390 3900 0.024 0.060 2151 2390 3300 0.024 0.060 2151 2390 16 x 25 5600 0.028 0.070 1863 2070 3900 0.028 0.070 1863 2070 2700 0.028 0.070 1863 2070 16 x 31.5 6800 0.025 0.063 2115 2350 5600 0.025 0.063 2115 2350 3900 0.025 0.063 2115 2350 6800 0.022 0.055 2295 2550 4700 0.022 0.055 2295 2550 16 x 40 5600 0.018 0.045 2610 2900 18 x 35.5 6800 0.021 0.053 2394 2660 V.DC 25V (1E) Item jD x L -10°C 120Hz 100KHz 5 x 11 16 x 35.5 20°C Impedance Ripple Current (W, Max/100K Hz) (mA/rms, 105°C) mF 35V (1V) Impedance Ripple Current (W, Max/100K Hz) (mA/rms, 105°C) 20°C -10°C mF 120Hz 100KHz Impedance Ripple Current (W, Max/100K Hz) (mA/rms, 105°C) 120Hz 100KHz 20°C -10°C 5 x 11 39 0.72 1.8 116 165 27 0.72 1.8 91 165 6.3 x 11 82 0.38 0.95 179 255 56 0.38 0.95 179 255 6.3 x 15 120 0.27 0.68 231 330 82 0.27 0.68 231 330 8 x 11.5 150 0.20 0.50 291 415 120 0.20 0.50 291 415 8 x 15 220 0.16 0.40 347 495 180 0.16 0.40 347 495 8 x 20 330 0.11 0.28 448 640 220 0.11 0.28 448 640 10 x 12.5 180 0.12 0.30 438 625 120 0.12 0.30 438 625 10 x 16 330 0.084 0.21 578 825 220 0.084 0.21 578 825 10 x 20 470 0.062 0.16 832 1040 330 0.062 0.16 728 1040 10 x 25 560 0.052 0.13 1008 1260 390 0.052 0.13 1008 1260 10 x 30 820 0.044 0.11 1152 1440 560 0.040 0.11 1152 1440 12.5 x 20 820 0.046 0.12 1072 1340 560 0.046 0.12 1072 1340 12.5 x 25 1000 0.034 0.085 1352 1690 680 0.034 0.085 1352 1690 12.5 x 30 1500 0.030 0.075 1755 1950 1000 0.030 0.075 1560 1950 12.5 x 35 1800 0.027 0.068 1980 2200 1200 0.027 0.068 1980 2200 12.5 x 40 2200 0.024 0.060 2151 2390 1500 0.024 0.060 2151 2390 16 x 25 1800 0.028 0.070 1863 2070 1200 0.028 0.070 1863 2070 16 x 31.5 2700 0.025 0.063 2115 2350 1800 0.025 0.063 2115 2350 16 x 35.5 3300 0.022 0.055 2295 2550 2200 0.022 0.055 2295 2550 16 x 40 3900 0.018 0.045 2610 2900 2700 0.018 0.045 2610 2900 18 x 35.5 3900 0.021 0.053 2394 2660 2700 0.021 0.053 2394 2660 18 x 35.5 4700 0.017 0.043 2709 3010 3300 0.010 0.043 2709 3010 RFE International • Tel:(949)583-0808 • Fax:(949)583-9898 • E-Mail [email protected] C1CD12 REV 2004.8.5