ICEPIC2 MODULAR, REAL TIME EMULATOR SYSTEM FOR ALL PIC’s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FULL SPEED, REAL TIME EMULATION TO 33MHz. CAN EMULATE ALL PIC DEVICES (12CXX, 16C5X, 16CXX & 17CXX) SOURCE LEVEL DEBUG IN ASSEMBLER OR “C”. 8K HARDWARE REAL TIME TRACE BUFFER. UNLIMITED HARDWARE “TRIGGER OUTPUTS” ON ANY ADDRESS OR ADDRES RANGES HARDWARE FILTER TO CONTROL MULTI CYCLE INSTRUCTION CAPTURE. MICROCHIP EMULATION CHIP INSIDE! 16K OF 16CXX EMULATION MEMORY RUNS UNDER WinNT, Win98/95, & Win3.X rd THE ONLY 3 PARTY EMULATOR OPERATING WITHIN MPLAB. SIMPLE TO USE TOOLBAR. UNLIMITED NUMBER OF BREAK POINTS. SINGLE, MULTIPLE & PROCEDURE STEP. DISPLAY & MODIFY ANY REGISTER (PROGRAM OR DATA). DISPLAY & WORK IN HEX/DEC/BIN. USER SELECTABLE PROCESSOR SPEEDS (VIA OSCILLATOR MODULE). SAME INTERFACE FOR ALL PICs FULL CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP. DS044 V2.0 ©1999 RF Solutions Ltd, ENGLAND. Tel +44 (0) 1273 898 000. Fax +44 (0) 1273 480661. All Trademarks acknowledged and remain the property of the respective owners. Page 1 ICEPIC2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FEATURES Emulation Speed SPECIFICATION 32KHz to Emulation Memory Real Time Trace Hardware Trigger Output IDE to 20Mhz to 33Mhz 16K Circular 8k memory one Yes Source Level Debug “C” Source Level Debug Freeze Mode Break Points Stack Breaks WDT Breaks Stack View Custom WatchPoints Assembler Support User Interface Host Interface Power Supply Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPASM Windows RS-232”C” Supplied COMMENTS Real Time Emulation from 32KHz to the following speeds according to the Microchip Emulation chip on the Daughterboard (DB): for DB’s using PIC16C01/3 for DB’s using PIC17C03 (for 17CXX series) Unlimited hardware trace points on any address/address ranges Unlimited Trigger outputs on any address/address ranges 3 Available Microchip MPLAB interface ICEPIC32 for Windows 95/NT ICEPIC16 for Windows 3.X MPASM Compatible (Microchip Assembler) Compatible with all known currently available Compilers Peripherals run/stop when halted, software controlled Effectively unlimited number of Break Points Limited by Emulator Chip (available on all 16CXX, & 17CXX) Limited by Emulator Chip (available on all 16CXX, & 17CXX) Direct Stack watch window available Multibyte watch points can be set and modified Microchip Universal Assembler Support MS Windows NT, 98, 95, & 3.11. Communications Speed up to 115Kbps International power supply. (IEC Connector) ICEPIC2 is supplied as a system, including emulator unit, power supply, RS232 cable, full supporting documentation and software (including Microchip’s MPASM). Each personality daughter boards is interchangeable with ICEPIC and ICEPIC2 (as listed below) and are available separately. New daughterboards are continually in development so please check with our sales department for the latest product availability. EMULATOR SYSTEM ICEPIC2 SYSTEM PART No ICEPIC2-SYS For further information and demo software – RF Solutions Ltd, Unit 12, Cliffe Industrial Estate, Lewes, E Sussex. BN8 6JL Tel : +44 (0)1273 898 000 Fax : +44 (0)1273 480 661 E-mail Web Page : DS044 V2.0 ©1999 RF Solutions Ltd, ENGLAND. Tel +44 (0) 1273 898 000. Fax +44 (0) 1273 480661. All Trademarks acknowledged and remain the property of the respective owners. Page 2