eKT8100A Product Specification DOC. VERSION 1.3 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. November 2006 Trademark Acknowledgments: IBM is a registered trademark and PS/2 is a trademark of IBM. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ELAN and ELAN logo are trademarks of ELAN Microelectronics Corporation. Copyright © 2006 by ELAN Microelectronics Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in Taiwan The contents of this specification are subject to change without further notice. ELAN Microelectronics assumes no responsibility concerning the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of this specification. ELAN Microelectronics makes no commitment to update, or to keep current the information and material contained in this specification. Such information and material may change to conform to each confirmed order. In no event shall ELAN Microelectronics be made responsible for any claims attributed to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the information or material contained in this specification. ELAN Microelectronics shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of such information or material. The software (if any) described in this specification is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement. ELAN Microelectronics products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of ELAN Microelectronics product in such applications is not supported and is prohibited. NO PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ELAN MICROELECTRONICS. Headquarters: Hong Kong: USA: No. 12, Innovation Road 1 Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu, TAIWAN 30077 Tel: +886 3 563-9977 Fax: +886 3 563-9966 http://www.emc.com.tw Elan (HK) Microelectronics Corporation, Ltd. Flat A, 19F., World Tech Centre 95 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon , Hong Kong Tel: +852 2723-3376 Fax: +852 2723-7780 elanhk@emc.com.hk Elan Information Technology Group (U.S.A.) 1821 Saratoga Ave., Suite 250 Saratoga, CA 95070 USA Tel: +1 408 366-8225 Fax: +1 408 366-8220 Europe: Shenzhen: Shanghai: Elan Microelectronics Corp. (Europe) Elan Microelectronics Shenzhen, Ltd. Elan Microelectronics Shanghai, Ltd. Siewerdtstrasse 105 8050 Zurich, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 43 299-4060 Fax: +41 43 299-4079 http://www.elan-europe.com SSMEC Bldg., 3F, Gaoxin S. Ave. Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park Shenzhen, Guandong, China Tel: +86 755 2601-0565 Fax: +86 755 2601-0500 23/Bldg. #115 Lane 572, Bibo Road Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5080-3866 Fax: +86 21 5080-4600 Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 Features ................................................................................................................... 1 Three-Mode State Transition................................................................................... 2 Interface Description............................................................................................... 3 4.1 5 6 7 8 4.2 SPI Interface..................................................................................................... 5 Pin Assignment ....................................................................................................... 8 Pin Description ...................................................................................................... 10 Timing Description ................................................................................................ 13 Special Pin Description......................................................................................... 13 8.1 8.2 9 10 UART Interface ................................................................................................. 3 Interface Selection Pin .................................................................................... 13 /INT Pin........................................................................................................... 14 8.3 I/O-Output Pin................................................................................................. 15 Electrical Characteristic........................................................................................ 17 9.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................ 17 9.2 DC Electrical Characteristic ............................................................................ 17 9.3 AC Electrical Characteristic............................................................................. 17 Application Circuit................................................................................................. 18 10.1 Mode1 (Button mode) ..................................................................................... 18 10.1.1 LQFP 64 .........................................................................................................18 10.1.2 QFN 40 .............................................................................................................19 10.2 Mode 2 (Single Scroll Mode)........................................................................... 20 11 10.3 Mode 3 (Double Scroll Mode) ......................................................................... 21 Protocol Description ............................................................................................. 22 11.1 Command Description .................................................................................... 22 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.1.5 11.1.6 11.1.7 11.1.8 Packet Synchronous (Host to Device, UART Mode Only) ................................22 Packet Hello (Device to Host; Mode 1 Only).....................................................22 Packet Hello (Device to Host; Mode 2 and Mode 3 Only).................................22 Packet ID #6 (Device to Host; Mode 1).............................................................23 Packet ID #8 (Device to Host; Mode 2 and Mode 3).........................................24 Packet ID #2 (Device to Host)...........................................................................25 Packet ID #3 (Host to Device)...........................................................................26 Packet ID #4 (Host to Device)...........................................................................26 11.2 Register Description........................................................................................ 26 11.2.1 Register Number = 0, Read F/W Version (Read Only) .....................................26 11.2.2 Register Number = 1, Read Button Status (Read Only) ...................................27 11.2.3 Register Number = 2, Read S1 Position (Read Only) ......................................28 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • iii Contents 11.2.4 Register Number = 3, Read S2 Position (Read Only) ......................................28 11.2.5 Register Number = 4, TP Sensitivity Setting(R/W) ...........................................29 11.2.6 Register Number = 5, TP Power State Setting(R/W) ........................................29 11.2.7 Register Number = 6, Multi-Finger Function Setting(R/W) ...............................30 11.2.8 Register Number = 13, TP Cold –Reset (Write Only) ......................................30 11.2.9 Register Number = 14, TP Report Rate Setting(R/W) ......................................30 11.2.10 Register Number = 15, Read Firmware ID (Read Only) ...................................31 12 Package Specification........................................................................................... 32 12.1 LQFP64 .......................................................................................................... 32 12.2 QFN40............................................................................................................ 33 Specification Revision History Doc. Version 1.0 Preliminary version 1.1 Delete I C interface 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 iv • Revision Description Date 2006/08/04 2 2006/8/28 1. Modified the Button mode – sensor capacitance range (5pF~15pF). 2. Modified the UART/SPI system diagram and added some timing description. Modified operating temperature 1. Modified F/W version description. 2. Modified F/W ID description. Add SPI timing description. (Page.6) 2006/10/17 2006/11/01 2006/11/02 2006/12/20 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 1 Introduction The eKT8100A is a low-cost single chip solution for capacitive touch pad. It is an 8-bit RISC microcontroller with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) and Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter (UART). The eKT8100A has three modes of application – First, it supports Full button mode, which provides only virtual buttons information at the same time. Second, it supports Single scroll bar mode, which provides scroll bar (S1) absolute position information and virtual buttons information at the same time. Third, it supports Double scroll bar mode, which provide 1st scroll bar (S1) absolute position information, 2nd scroll bar (S2) absolute position information and virtual buttons information at the same time. The customer can use these modes to develop their system control. The capacitive touch pad sensor is covered with a plastic case. The typical thickness of the plastic is 1.0mm ~ 1.5mm. It can also auto calibrate the parameters for a wide range of capacitance on the touch pad sensor (10pF~50pF). In Full button mode, the range of capacitance on the touch pad sensor (5pF~15pF). The system controller converts finger position data to either scrolling data or button presses, depending on finger location and human interface context. 2 Features Operating voltage: 2.6V ~ 5.5V, Ripple < 100mVpp Power-on reset time: Stable time for operating < 150ms, the touch pad will send “Packet Hello” after initialization Interface features: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) / Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) Operating mode: Mode Normal Idle Sleep Description Current 1. 2. Finger on touch pad Higher scan rate <1.5 mA 1. 2. 3. Finger leaves touch pad Lower scan rate Scan rate in idle mode can be adjusted by changing the external RC value. <200 µA No scan <20 µA Application mode: Mode 1 (Full button mode): maximum support for 18 virtual buttons Mode 2 (Single scroll mode): one scroll bar + 6 virtual buttons Mode 3 (Double scroll mode): two scroll bars + 8 virtual buttons Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 •1 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Useful Information S1 absolute position information and S2 absolute position information can be used for scrolling function. Virtual buttons information can be used for function controls (like physical buttons). Sensitivity: Sensitivity can be adjusted from 0 to 6 for different thickness of the plastic cover. The default label of Mode 1 / Mode 2 is “2”. Moreover, the default label of Mode 3 is “3”. Package type: LQFP64 / QFN40 3 Three-Mode State Transition Normal mode Command : 54 58 00 01 Finger leave touch pad Command : 54 50 00 01 Finger on touch pad Sleep mode Idle mode Command : 54 50 00 01 2• Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 4 Interface Description 4.1 UART Interface The UART interface parameter is 9600 baud rate with no parity check and 8 bits in length. The following diagram shows the system functional blocks including UART interface. The controller detects an object on the touch pad sensor and sends the information to host. The SDO_TX and SDI_RX signals must be pulled high with 20KΩ resistors on the host end. The host can send commands to eKT8100A via the SDI_RX pin and the touchpad controller will send the position information to the host via the SDO_TX pin. In normal mode operation, the touchpad controller will send continuously reports to the host via the SDO_TX. In case the host is in sleep mode, a GPIO (general purpose I/O) pin of host can be used for wake-up. After wake-up of the host, the host has to send “Packet Synchronous” to the touchpad controller for interface synchronization. Touchpad Module HOST VDD VDD DVDD 20 K Touchpad Sensor Touchpad Controller SDI_RX UART_TX SDO_TX UART_RX GPIO SCK /SS GND DGND UART GND UART Fig. 4-1 System Block Diagram and UART Interface Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 •3 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Tre Packet Hello Touchpad Packet ID # 6 or 8 Packet Synchronous Host Packet ID #2 Packet ID #4 Packet ID #3 Ttx Touchpad to Host (Packet Hello: 4 Bytes) (Packet ID # 6: 4 Bytes) (Packet ID # 8: 5 Bytes) (Packet ID # 2: 4 Bytes) Start-bit Stop-bit Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Trx Host to Touchpad (Packet ID # 3: 4 Bytes) (Packet ID # 4: 4 Bytes) Start-bit Data Byte 1 Stop-bit Data Byte 2 Tsync Tsync Host to Touchpad (Packet Synchronous: 4 Bytes) Start-bit Tdo Data Byte Definition Data Byte 1 Stop-bit Data Byte 2 Tbr StartStopBit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 bit bit Data Byte Fig. 4-2 Timing diagram for UART interface mode The timing conditions are as follows: Tre: 56 µs (typical), Touchpad response time after the host send command inquiring information from eKT8100A Ttx: 56 µs (typical), Stop-bit timing for touchpad to host communication Trx: 104 µs (Minimum), Stop-bit timing for host to touchpad communication Tsync: 250 µs (Minimum), Stop-bit timing after Packet Synchronous Tdo: 100 ns (Maximum), Start-bit falling edge timing from high to low Tbr: 104 µs (Typical), Timing of one bit (include of Start-bit) 4• Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 4.2 SPI Interface The SPI interface parameter is 23kHz, 8 bits in length, MSB first; host as slave. The following diagram shows the system functional blocks including SPI. The controller detects an object on the touch pad sensor and sends the information to host. In SPI interface, the signals should be pulled high with 20KΩ resistors on the host end. Although this controller is a master device, but the host can send commands to the touch pad by driving the /SS pin low. Touchpad Module HOST VDD VDD DVDD 20 K Touchpad Sensor Touchpad Controller SDI_RX SDO SDO_TX SDI SCK SCK SPI Master /SS /SS or GPIO /INT GPIO GND DGND GND SPI Slave Fig. 4-3 System Block Diagram and SPI Interface Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 •5 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller The timing of SPI master mode is defined below: 1 2 T-CKH T-CKL SCK T-DOMax SDO_TX T-DIMin SDI_RX Fig. 5-7 Timing diagram for SPI master mode The timing conditions are as follows: - T- CKH: 20.3 µs (± 10%), Time of Clock High - T- CKL: 20.3 µs (± 10%), Time of Clock Low - T- DOMax: 250 ns, Maximum prepare time to send Data out - T- DIMin:250 ns, Minimum prepare time to latch Data in When the eKT8100A wants to send reports to the host, it will pull-low the /INT signal. The touchpad controller will start to send the first clock and data to the host after the time of “TTr_Start_0” (~ 100 µs). The interval time between each clock byte is “TByte_Interval” (~ 50 µs). After the report transmission, the touchpad controller will pull-high again the /INT signal (see Fig. 4-5). 6• Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller TTr_Start_0 /INT TByte_Interval SCK (From Touchpad) SDO_TX TByte_Interval TTr_Start_1 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 SDI_RX Byte 2 /SS Touchpad to Host (Packet Hello: 4 Bytes) (Packet ID # 6: 5 Bytes) (Packet ID # 8: 5 Bytes) (Packet ID # 2: 4 Bytes) Host to Touchpad (Packet ID # 3: 4 Bytes) (Packet ID # 4: 4 Bytes) Fig. 4-5 Data transmission and Receiving in SPI master mode Although the eKT8100A is the SPI master, the host can send commands to the touchpad controller by driving /SS pin to low. When the touchpad controller detects the low state of the /SS pin, it will start to send the first clock to the host after “TTr_Start_1” ( ~ 250 µs). The interval time between each clock byte is “TByte_Interval” (~ 50 µs) (see Fig. 4-5). Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 •7 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 5 Pin Assignment LQFP64 Dimension: 7mm × 7mm Thickness: 1.4 mm AVDD AGND NC NC Trace0 Trace1 Trace2 Trace3 Trace4 Trace5 Trace6 Trace7 Trace8 Trace9 Trace10 Trace11 Green Package 49 64 8• 1 48 eKT8100A 33 17 32 /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Trace35 Trace34 Trace33 Trace32 Trace31 Trace30 Trace29 Trace28 Trace27 Trace26 16 IDLE ModeSel_H ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW6 IO_SW5 IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 IO_SW7_Scroll+ IO_SW8_ScrollAPPSEL ATEST NC Trace12 Trace13 Trace14 Trace15 Trace16 Trace17 Trace18 Trace19 Trace20 Trace21 Trace22 Trace23 Trace24 Trace25 NC Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller QFN40 Dimension: 6mm × 6mm Thickness: 0.8mm Green Package ModeSel_H AVDD AGND NC NC Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Only used in Mode 1 (Full button mode) and supports a maximum of 18 buttons. 40 ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 APPSEL 31 1 30 eKT8100A 10 21 20 ATEST IDLE /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Btn18 Btn17 Btn16 11 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 •9 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 6 Pin Description LQFP64 Pin No. 10 • Symbol Function Description Mode selection pin. ModeSel_H=0, ModeSel_L=0 ModeSel_H=0, ModeSel_L=1 ModeSel_H=1, ModeSel_L=1 1 ModeSel_H 2 ModeSel_L 3 DVDD Power supply input. A decoupling capacitor is needed between DVDD and DGND. 4 DGND Digital block’s ground. 5 OSCI 6MHz ± 10% RC oscillator input with external resistor 47KΩ ± 1% tied to DVDD. 6 OSCO Tied to DVDD 7 IO_SW6 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW6). Normal High and active low. 8 IO_SW5 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW5). Normal High and active low. 9 IO_SW1 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW1). Normal High and active low. 10 IO_SW2 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW2). Normal High and active low. 11 IO_SW3 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW3). Normal High and active low. 12 IO_SW4 Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW4). Normal High and active low. 13 1. Mode1 (full button mode): Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW7). Normal High and active low. IO_SW7_Scroll+ 2. Mode2/Mode3 (single/double scroll bar mode): Simulate switch signal from scroll bar1 (S1) positive moving (Scroll+). Normal High and active low. 14 1. Mode1 (full button mode): Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW8). Normal High and active low. IO_SW8_Scroll2. Mode2/Mode3 (single/double scroll bar mode): Simulate switch signal from scroll bar1 (S1) negative moving (Scroll-). Normal High and active low. 15 APPSEL 16 ATEST Connected to APPSEL 17 IDLE Idle Mode control. Scan rate in idle mode can be adjusted by changing the RC value. 18 /INT INT signal. - If “INT”=0, eKT8100A has data packet to transmit - If “INT”=1, eKT8100A has no data packet to transmit 19 SDI_RX 1. RX pin in UART mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 2. SDI pin in SPI mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 20 SDO_TX 1. TX pin in UART mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 2. SDOpin in SPI mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 21 SCK 1. SCK pin in SPI mode. 2. UART Mode select Pin 1. Mode 1 (Full button mode) Mode 2 (Single scroll mode) Mode 3 (Double scroll mode) Connected to ATEST Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Pin No. Symbol Function Description 22 /SS 1. Host command pin in SPI mode. 2. UARTMode select Pin 2. 23 Trace35 Trace35 24 Trace34 Trace34 25 Trace33 Trace33 26 Trace32 Trace32 27 Trace31 Trace31 28 Trace30 Trace30 29 Trace29 Trace29 30 Trace28 Trace28 31 Trace27 Trace27 32 Trace26 Trace26 34 Trace25 Trace25 35 Trace24 Trace24 36 Trace23 Trace23 37 Trace22 Trace22 38 Trace21 Trace21 39 Trace20 Trace20 40 Trace19 Trace19 41 Trace18 Trace18 42 Trace17 Trace17 43 Trace16 Trace16 44 Trace15 Trace15 45 Trace14 Trace14 46 Trace13 Trace13 47 Trace12 Trace12 49 Trace11 Trace11 50 Trace10 Trace10 51 Trace9 Trace9 52 Trace8 Trace8 53 Trace7 Trace7 54 Trace6 Trace6 55 Trace5 Trace5 56 Trace4 Trace4 57 Trace3 Trace3 58 Trace2 Trace2 59 Trace1 Trace1 60 Trace0 Trace0 63 AGND Analog block’s ground 64 AVDD 2.4V regulator output. A decoupling capacitor is needed between AVDD and AGND. 33, 48, 61, 62 NC Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 − • 11 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller QFN40 Pin No. 40 Symbol ModeSel_H 1 ModeSel_L 2 DVDD 3 DGND 4 OSCI 5 OSCO 6 IO_SW1 7 IO_SW2 8 IO_SW3 9 IO_SW4 10 11 APPSEL ATEST 12 IDLE 13 /INT 14 SDI_RX 15 SDO_TX 16 SCK 17 /SS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 BtN18 Btn17 Btn16 Btn15 Btn14 Btn13 Btn12 Btn11 Btn10 Btn9 Btn8 Btn7 Btn6 Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Btn2 Btn1 AGND 39 AVDD 36, 37 12 • NC Function Description Mode selection pin. ModeSel_H=0, ModeSel_L=0 Mode 1 (Full button mode) ModeSel_H=0, ModeSel_L=1 Mode 2 (Single scroll mode) ModeSel_H=1, ModeSel_L=1 Mode 3 (Double scroll mode) Power supply input. A decoupling capacitor is needed between DVDD and DGND. Connect to GND 6MHz ± 10% RC oscillator input with 47kΩ ± 1% external resistor tied to DVDD. Tied to DVDD pin Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW1). Normal High and active low. Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW2). Normal High and active low. Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW3). Normal High and active low. Simulate switch signal from virtual button (SW4). Normal High and active low. Connected to ATEST Connected to APPSEL Idle Mode control Scan rate in idle mode can be adjusted by changing the RC value. INT signal. - If “INT”=0, eKT8100A has data packet to transmit - If “INT”=1, eKT8100A has no data packet to transmit 1. RX pin in UART mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 2. SDI pin in SPI mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 1. TX pin in UART mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 2. SDOpin in SPI mode pulled high with 20KΩ resistors. 1. SCK pin in SPI mode. 2. UART Mode select pin1. 1. Host command pin in SPI mode. 2. UART Mode select Pin 2. Btn18 Btn17 Btn16 Btn15 Btn14 Btn13 Btn12 Btn11 Btn10 Btn9 Btn8 Btn7 Btn6 Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Btn2 Btn1 Analog block’s ground. 2.4V regulator output. A decoupling capacitor is needed between AVDD and AGND. − Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 7 Timing Description A. Power-on reset: After the touch pad is powered up, this controller will do initialization. The initialization includes MCU and analog parameter initialization. After the initial process, it will send Packet Hello to let the host know that the touch pad is ready to work. Fig. 7-1 shows the process after power up. TPowerUp is between 20ms and 100ms. TPowerUp MCU Initialization VDD Analog Parameter Initialization Fig. 7-1 Power-on Reset Timing Diagram B. Wakeup: Fig 7-2 below shows the eKT8100A wake-up time from deep sleep mode. wake up command in Deep Sleep If detect finger-->send 1st report Warm up time 1st Trace scan & Idle 20 us 25 ms 2nd Trace scan & Idle Fig. 7-2 Wake-up Timing from Deep Sleep Mode 8 Special Pin Description 8.1 Interface Selection Pin Interface SPI Mode UART Mode SCK High Low /SS High Low For each interface, the valid pins are: 1. SPI mode: /SS, SCK, SDO_TX, and SDI_RX 2. UART mode: SDO_TX, SDI_RX Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • 13 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 8.2 /INT Pin The /INT state is always high. If the eKT8100A detects a scroll position or the button state has changed, it will pull the /INT signal low first. After 100 µs (min), the eKT8100A will send a response data, and after 100 µs (max), the eKT8100A will pull the /INT signal high. TP send response data TP signals /INT Signal T_/INTE T_/INTB /INT Condition Description Minimum preparation time from pulling the /INT 130 µs (Typ.) low and begin sending response data T_/INTB 100 µs (min) T_/INTE 100 µs (max) 50 µs (Typ.) Maximum preparation time to end sending response data and pulling the /INT high Fig. 8-1 /INT Pin Timing Diagram 14 • Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 8.3 I/O-Output Pin Fig. 8-2 shows the system block diagram including I/O-Output. The eKT8100A detects the object on the touch pad sensor and sends the information in each mode including scroll bar S1 position change information and button state to host. In I/O-Output interface, the IO_SW1 ~ IO_SW6 signals connect to host control signals and the IO_SW7_Scroll+ , IO_SW7_Scroll- should be pulled high with 200 resisters on the end of the host. All I/O-Output are normal high and active low. Since the eKT8100A usually runs SPI or UART, if host wants to only use I/O-Output (without protocol communication), the circuit design on SDI_RX, SDO_TX, and SCK will be fixed. The SDI_RX and SDO_TX are both connected to VDD and the SCK connects to GND. Touch Pad Module Host eKT8100A 200 Touch Pad Sensor IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 IO_SW5 IO_SW6 IO_SW7_Scroll+ IO_SW8_Scroll- Fig. 8-2 System Block Diagram including I/O-Output Interface The IO-Output Interface is used for a quickly communication of host processor and peripherals. A couple of 8-bit’s multiple data are transmitted at the same time. Fig. 8-3a and Fig. 8-3b shows the finger status, switch I/O and scroll I/O operating timing. Fig. 8-4 shows the timing of multi-switch I/O operation with enabling multi-finger function. Finger Down Finger Up Finger Status Switch Down Switch Up Virtual Switch I/O state change = Switch Up = Return normal high High level Switch I/O Status I/O state change = Switch Down = acitve low Low level Time Fig. 8-3a the Timing of Touch Pad Switch I/O Operating Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • 15 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Finger Down Finger Up Finger Status Scroll Bar (S1) Status S1 finger on and position change (POS-Moving) S1 finger on and no moving S1 finger on and no moving S1 finger on and position change (NEG-Moving) S1 finger on and no moving Normal High IO_Scroll+ Status Active Low Normal High IO_ScrollStatus Active Low Fig. 8-3b the Timing of Touch Pad Scroll Bar (S1) I/O Operating Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 1 I/O state change = Switch Up = Return normal high High level Switch 1 I/O Status Switch 1 I/O state change = Switch Down = acitve low Low level Time High level Switch 2 I/O Status Switch 2 I/O state change = Switch Down = acitve low Switch 2 I/O state change = Switch Up = Return normal high Low level Time Fig. 8-4 Timing Diagram of a Multi-Switch I/O Operation (enable multi-finger function) 16 • Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 9 Electrical Characteristic 9.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Min. Max. Temperature under bias -40 85 o C - 65 150 o C 5 95 % Voltage from VDD to VSS - 0.5 7.0 V Voltage from any pin to VSS - 0.5 7.0 V 2 − KV Storage temperature Operating humidity (test 8h) Chip level ESD (HBM test) Unit 9.2 DC Electrical Characteristic Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2.6 − 5.5 V DVDD Power supply voltage request General purpose I_Normal1 Normal operating current (Mode 1) 2.8V power supply 6MHz RC oscillator − 0.5 1.5 mA I_Idle1 Idle operating current (Mode 1) 2.8V power supply − 110 200 µA I_Sleep1 Sleep operating current (Mode 1) 2.8V power supply − 2 20 µA I_Normal2 Normal operating current (Mode 2) 2.8V power supply 6MHz RC oscillator − 0.72 1.5 mA I_Idle2 Idle operating current (Mode 2) 2.8V power supply − 170 250 µA I_Sleep2 Sleep operating current (Mode 2) 2.8V power supply − 2 20 µA I_Normal3 Normal operating current (Mode 3) 2.8V power supply 6MHz RC oscillator − 0.73 1.5 mA I_Idle3 Idle operating current (Mode 3) 2.8V power supply − 180 250 µA I_Sleep3 Sleep operating current (Mode 3) 2.8V power supply − 2 20 µA MCU Operation V_OH Output high level 5V power supply I_DRIVER = 7mA 2.4 − − V V_OL Output low level 5V power supply I_SINK = 7mA − − 0.4 V V_IH Input high voltage level 5V power supply 2.0 − − V V_IL Input low voltage level 5V power supply − − 0.8 V I_IL Input leakage current for input pins VIN = VDD, VSS − − 1 µA Min. Typ. 9.3 AC Electrical Characteristic Symbol Parameter Condition Max. Unit F_OSC1 External R internal C oscillator 2.8V power supply − 6 − MHz F_OSC3 Internal RC oscillator 2.8V power supply − 512 − kHz Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • 17 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 10 Application Circuit 10.1 Mode1 (Button mode) 10.1.1 LQFP 64 T4 T1 Virtual Button 1 - 18 Senser T8 Top View 1 4.7uF Btn6 Btn5 Btn4 Btn3 Btn1 Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 Btn16 Btn17 Btn18 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 AVDD Btn2 1 1 C3 AGND DVDD 1 T7 AVDD AGND NC NC Trace0 Trace1 Trace2 Trace3 Trace4 Trace5 Trace6 Trace7 Trace8 Trace9 Trace10 Trace11 ModelSel_H 1 ModelSel_L 2 3 4 OSCI R1 5 OSCO 47k 6 IO_SW6 7 IO_SW5 8 IO_SW1 9 IO_SW2 10 IO_SW3 11 IO_SW4 12 IO_SW7_Scroll+ 13 IO_SW8_Scroll- 14 AppSel 15 ATest 16 ModeSel_H ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW6 IO_SW5 IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 IO_SW7_Scroll+ IO_SW8_ScrollAppSel ATest T3 56nF R3 2M 1 C2 eKT8100 IDLE /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Trace35 Trace34 Trace33 Trace32 Trace31 Trace30 Trace29 Trace28 Trace27 Trace26 1 DGND C1 4.7uF NC Trace12 Trace13 Trace14 Trace15 Trace16 Trace17 Trace18 Trace19 Trace20 Trace21 Trace22 Trace23 Trace24 Trace25 NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 Btn16 Btn17 Btn18 Btn11 R5 R4 Btn1 Btn7 Btn13 Btn2 Btn8 Btn14 Btn3 Btn9 Btn15 Btn4 Btn10 Btn16 Btn5 Btn11 Btn17 Btn12 Btn13 IDLE 17 INT 18 SDI_RX 19 SDO_TX20 SCK21 /SS 22 Btn18 23 24 Btn17 25 26 Btn16 27 28 Btn15 29 30 Btn14 31 32 T2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Btn6 Btn12 Btn18 0 0 BOM Table 18 • Component Component P/N Pin Location Package Qty. MCU eKT8100A U1 LQFP64 1 Resistor 47k R1 SMD 1 Resistor 2M R2 SMD 1 Resistor 0 R4, R5 SMD 2 Capacitor 4.7uF C1, C3 SMD 2 Capacitor 56nF C2 SMD 1 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 10.1.2 QFN 40 Top View U1 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 ModeSel_L 1 2 3 4 5 IO_SW1 6 IO_SW2 7 IO_SW3 8 IO_SW4 9 10 ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 APPSEL Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 Btn16 Btn17 Btn18 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 eKT8100 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 C2 56nf R2 2M 11 12 INT 13 SDI_RX14 SDO_TX15 SCK 16 /SS 17 Btn18 18 Btn17 19 Btn16 20 ATEST IDLE /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Btn18 Btn17 Btn16 R1 47k Virtual Button 1 - 18 Senser ModeSel_H AVDD AGND NC NC Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 C1 4.7uf DGND DVDD AVDD ModeSel_H T5 Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 4.7ufT4 AGND 1 1 C3 1 T3 R5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 Btn10 Btn11 Btn12 Btn13 Btn14 Btn15 Btn16 Btn17 Btn18 Btn1 Btn7 Btn13 Btn2 Btn8 Btn14 Btn3 Btn9 Btn15 Btn4 Btn10 Btn16 Btn5 Btn11 Btn17 0 Btn6 R4 Btn12 Btn18 0 BOM Table Component Component P/N Pin Location Package Qty. MCU eKT8100A U1 QFN40 1 Resistor 47k R1 SMD 1 Resistor 2M R2 SMD 1 Resistor 0 R4, R5 SMD 2 Capacitor 4.7µF C1, C3 SMD 2 Capacitor 56nF C2 SMD 1 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • 19 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 10.2 Mode 2 (Single Scroll Mode) T4 T1 T8 1 AGND 1 1 4.7uF 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 AVDD T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T09 T10 T11 DVDD 1 T7 C3 T2 AVDD AGND NC NC Trace0 Trace1 Trace2 Trace3 Trace4 Trace5 Trace6 Trace7 Trace8 Trace9 Trace10 Trace11 C1 4.7uF ModelSel_H 1 ModelSel_L 2 3 4 OSCI 5 R1 OSCO 6 47k IO_SW6 7 IO_SW5 8 IO_SW1 9 IO_SW2 10 IO_SW3 11 IO_SW4 12 IO_SW7_Scroll+ 13 IO_SW8_Scroll- 14 AppSel 15 ATest 16 ModeSel_H ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW6 IO_SW5 IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 IO_SW7_Scroll+ IO_SW8_ScrollAppSel ATest eKT8100 IDLE /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Trace35 Trace34 Trace33 Trace32 Trace31 Trace30 Trace29 Trace28 Trace27 Trace26 T3 56nF R3 2M 1 C2 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 NC Trace12 Trace13 Trace14 Trace15 Trace16 Trace17 Trace18 Trace19 Trace20 Trace21 Trace22 Trace23 Trace24 Trace25 NC T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 IDLE 17 INT 18 SDI_RX 19 SDO_TX20 SCK21 /SS 22 T35 23 T34 24 T33 25 T32 26 T33 27 T30 28 T29 29 T28 30 T27 31 T26 32 1 DGND R5 R4 0 0 Long Scroll Bar (96mm* 8mm) Top View T12 T14 T13 T16 T15 24 19 T17 T12 18 23 17 T19 T18 22 16 T20 T13 15 T21 T14 14 T22 21 13 T23 20 12 T24 T15 11 T25 T16 10 T26 T18 9 T27 T19 8 T28 T21 7 T29 T20 6 T30 T23 5 T31 T22 4 T32 T25 3 T33 T26 T27 2 T31 1 T34 T24 T11 Key6 T28 T09 Key5 T29 T07 Key4 T30 T05 Key3 T32 T03 Key2 T35 T34 T01 Key1 T17 T35 T34 T33 T32 T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 T15 T14 T13 T12 T01 T03 T05 T07 T09 T11 T33 25 26 27 28 29 30 T35 T01 T03 T05 T07 T09 T11 BOM Table 20 • Component Component P/N Pin Location Package Qty. MCU eKT8100A U1 QFN40 1 Resistor 47k R1 SMD 1 Resistor 2M R2 SMD 1 Resistor 0 R4, R5 SMD 2 Capacitor 4.7µF C1, C3 SMD 2 Capacitor 56nF C2 SMD 1 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 10.3 Mode 3 (Double Scroll Mode) T4 T1 T8 1 1 1 4.7uF Double Scroll Bar+8 KEYS Top View T25 T3 56nF R3 2M 1 C2 eKT8100 NC Trace12 Trace13 Trace14 Trace15 Trace16 Trace17 Trace18 Trace19 Trace20 Trace21 Trace22 Trace23 Trace24 Trace25 NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 R5 R4 T26 T16 SW1 SW2 T00 T01 T03 SW5 SW6 T08 T09 SW3 T02 T10 T11 T04 T05 SW7 T12 T13 T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 T06 T07 SW8 T14 T15 T35 T34 T33 T32 T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 ModeSel_H ModeSel_L DVDD DGND OSCI OSCO IO_SW6 IO_SW5 IO_SW1 IO_SW2 IO_SW3 IO_SW4 IO_SW7_Scroll+ IO_SW8_ScrollAppSel ATest 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 OSCI R1 OSCO 6 47k IO_SW6 7 IO_SW5 8 IO_SW1 9 IO_SW2 10 IO_SW3 11 IO_SW4 12 IO_SW7_Scroll+ 13 IO_SW8_Scroll- 14 AppSel 15 ATest 16 T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 SW4 T00 T35 T34 T33 T32 T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 ModelSel_H ModelSel_L AVDD AGND NC NC Trace0 Trace1 Trace2 Trace3 Trace4 Trace5 Trace6 Trace7 Trace8 Trace9 Trace10 Trace11 C1 4.7uF IDLE /INT SDI_RX SDO_TX SCK /SS Trace35 Trace34 Trace33 Trace32 Trace31 Trace30 Trace29 Trace28 Trace27 Trace26 1 DGND IDLE 17 INT 18 SDI_RX 19 SDO_TX20 SCK21 /SS 22 T35 23 T34 24 T33 25 T32 26 T33 27 T30 28 T29 29 T28 30 T27 31 T26 32 T2 T35 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 AVDD T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T09 T10 T11 AGND DVDD 1 T7 C3 0 0 BOM Table Component Component P/N Pin Location Package Qty. MCU eKT8100A U1 QFN40 1 Resistor 47k R1 SMD 1 Resistor 2M R2 SMD 1 Resistor 0 R4, R5 SMD 2 Capacitor 4.7µF C1, C3 SMD 2 Capacitor 56nF C2 SMD 1 Product Specification (V1.3) 11.01. 2006 • 21 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 11 Protocol Description After power on, the touch pad (TP) will send “Packet Hello” to let the host know that TP is ready for operation. When TP detects button status, it then sends the new information to host. In UART mode, Host should send “Packet Synchronous” to TP after receiving the “Packet Hello” from TP for synchronization interface. If host receives an unknown Packet ID, host can receive the correct packet after sending the “Packet Synchronous”. The TP always send Packet ID #6(Mode1) or Packet ID #8 (Mode 2/Mode 3) unless specifically asked by the host to send another type. In the case of sending another Packet ID, the TP will only send once for each request by the host and then revert to the type of Packet ID #6 or Packet ID #8. The touch pad will send Packet ID #6 packet or Packet ID #8 whenever it detects a change of sensing status. Host can change Touch pad’s power status or sensitivity by sending Packet ID #4 with the correct register number. It can also read information immediately by sending Packet ID #3 with the correct register number; then TP will send Packet ID #2 in response to this command. No matter which interfaces are used, the definition of the report packet is the same. 11.1 Command Description 11.1.1 Packet Synchronous (Host to Device, UART Mode Only) 31 30~24 23~16 15~8 7~1 0 0 0000000 00000000 00000000 0000000 0 Comment: This packet is used for interface synchronization in UART mode. After the host turns on the touch pad power, and received undefined packet ID, host should send this packet to do interface synchronization. 11.1.2 Packet Hello (Device to Host; Mode 1 Only) 31 30~24 23~16 15~8 7~1 0 0 1010101 01010101 01010101 0101010 1 Comment: After the touch pad is powered on, TP will send “Packet Hello” to host 11.1.3 Packet Hello (Device to Host; Mode 2 and Mode 3 Only) 39 38~32 23~16 23~16 15~8 7~1 0 0 1010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 0101010 1 Comment: After the touch pad is powered on, TP will send “Packet Hello” to host 22 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 11.1.4 Packet ID #6 (Device to Host; Mode 1) Type PID Reserve Button (Btn1 ~ Btn18) Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~2 1 0 0 101 0110 0000 1 : ON 0 : OFF 0 1 Comment: A. Enable multi-finger function: The Touch pad will send this packet if the button status is changed. The timing diagram is shown in Fig. 10-1 Button Down Button Up Btn 1 Button Down Button Up Btn 2 Sending Report = Btn1 & Btn2 Sending Report = Btn1 Sending Report = Btn2 Sending Report = All release Time Means no report is sent Means sending report Fig. 11-1 Enable Multi-Finger Timing Diagram B. Disable multi-finger function: eKT8100A only output single key information though multi keys are pressed. eKT8100A kernel will calculate the weight of every pressed key and output the highest sensing key. The timing diagram is shown in Fig.10-2. Button Down Button Up Btn 1 Button Down Button Up Btn 2 Note1 Sending Report: Btn1 Note2 Sending Report = All release Time Means sending report Means no report is sent Note1: Calculate key weight and send the highest. If Btn1 is highest--> no report because report is the same. If Btn2 is highest-->send report :Btn2 Note2: If the previous report is Btn1--> send report : Btn2 If the prevous report is Btn2 -->no report because report is the same. Fig. 11-2 Disable Multi-Finger Timing Diagram Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 23 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller EX: If Btn1 is pressed, the packet is 0B01010110 00001000 00000000 00000001. EX: If Btn18 is pressed, the packet is 0B01010110 00000000 00000000 00000101. EX: If Btn2 and Btn3 are pressed and enable multi-finger function, the packet is 0B01010110 00000110 00000000 00000001. EX: If Btn2 and Btn3 and Btn5 are pressed and enable multi-finger function, the packet is 0B01010110 00000110 10000000 00000001. EX: If the Button status is released, the bit will be 0. 11.1.5 Packet ID #8 (Device to Host; Mode 2 and Mode 3) Type PID 39 38~36 35~32 0 101 1000 S1 Position S2 Position Button 31~24 23~16 15~8 Absolute Position Absolute Position 0 : Off 1 : On S1 Finger S2 Finger Reserve 7~6 5~4 Finger Finger Numbers Numbers 3~1 0 000 1 Comment: The Touch pad will send this packet if the state of S1 absolute position, S2 absolute position, or button status is changed. User can select whether enable Multi-finger function (it is only used for virtual button) and then report form is the same as 10.1.4. The timing is shown in Fig. 10-3. EX: If Btn1 is pressed and S1-position is 96 (one finger) and S2 with no finger, the packet is 0B01011000 01100000 11111111 10000000 01000001. EX: If Btn1 is pressed and S2-position is 96 (one finger) and S1 with no finger, the packet is 0B01011000 11111111 01100000 10000000 00010001. EX: If no button is pressed and S1-position is 96 (one finger) and S2-position is 96 (1 finger), the packet is 0B01011000 01100000 01100000 00000000 01010001. EX: If no button is pressed and S1-position is 96 (two fingers) and S2 with no finger, the packet is 0B01011000 01100000 11111111 00000000 10000001. EX: If no button is pressed and S2-position is 96 (two fingers) and S1 with no finger, the packet is 0B01011000 11111111 01100000 00000000 00100001. EX: If there is no finger on S1 or S2, and the position is 0xFF. 24 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Finger Down Finger Up Finger Status Sending Report = New S1 Position Sending Report S1 = 0XFF No Moving S1 Position No Moving Time Finger Down Finger Up Finger Status Sending Report S2 = 0XFF Sending Report = New S2 Position No Moving S2 Position No Moving Time Button Down Button Up Virtual Button Sending Report = Button Up Sending Report = Button Down No Button Status Changed Button Status Time Means sending report Means no report is sent Fig. 11-3 Timing of Touch Pad Operation 11.1.6 Packet ID #2 (Device to Host) Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 − − 000 1 Comment: The Touch pad will send this packet in response to Packet ID #3. The response data is determined by the register number in Packet ID #3. Refer to register number description. EX: Host send command to TP’s button status, if Btn1 is pressed, the packet is 0B01010010 00011000 00000000 00000001. EX: Host send command to TP’s button status, if Btn18 is pressed, the packet is 0B01010010 00010000 00000000 00000101. Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 25 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller EX: Host send command to TP’s button status, if Btn2 and Btn3 are pressed, the packet is 0B01010010 00010110 00000000 00000001. EX: Host send command to TP’s button status, if no button is pressed, the packet is 0B01010010 00010000 00000000 00000001. 11.1.7 Packet ID #3 (Host to Device) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 000 1 Comment: This is a read command packet. The Host can read the information in different register number. Refer to register number description. 11.1.8 Packet ID #4 (Host to Device) Type PID Register No. Register Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 000 1 Comment: This is a write command packet. Host can change the Sensitivity or the Power State via sending this packet. Refer to register number description. EX: If host wants to change sensitivity to 5, the packet is 0B01010100 01000101 00000000 00000001. EX: If host wants to set the Power Status as 1, the packet is 0B01010100 01011000 00000000 00000001. 11.2 Register Description The register numbers in Packet ID #2, Packet ID #3 and Packet ID #4 are defined as follows: 11.2.1 Register Number = 0, Read F/W Version (Read Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0000 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If the host wants to read the firmware version of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0000. 26 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 0000 00000001 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the firmware version by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Bit 19 ~ Bit 12: Major Version Bit 11 ~ Bit 4: Minor Version 11.2.2 Register Number = 1, Read Button Status (Read Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0001 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If the host wants to read the button status of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0001. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~2 1 0 0 101 0010 0001 00000000 00000000 00 0 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the button status by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Btn1 Bit 19 Btn2 Bit 18 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn3 Bit 17 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn4 Bit 16 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn5 Bit 15 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn6 Bit 14 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn7 Bit 13 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn8 Bit 12 Btn9 Bit 11 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn10 Bit 10 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn11 Bit 09 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn12 Bit 08 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn13 Bit 07 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn14 Bit 06 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn15 Bit 05 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn16 Bit 04 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn17 Bit 03 Bit 02 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Btn18 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released 1 = Button pressed, 0 = Button released Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 27 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 11.2.3 Register Number = 2, Read S1 Position (Read Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 0 101 0011 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0010 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to read the S1 position of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0010. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~12 0 101 0010 0010 00000000 Reserve 11~1 0 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the S1 position by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Mode 1 (Full button mode): All return 255. Mode 2 (Single scroll bar): Bit 19 ~ Bit 12: S1 position; the position range is 0 ~ 175 and 255 means no finger is on this axis. The traces of the scroll bar are made up of T35~T12. If user doesn’t need so many traces, scroll bar resolution = ((number of trace-2) × 8) + 4. EX: if only 8 traces are used, the resolution is ((8-2) × 8) + 4 = 52 dots. Mode 3 (Double scroll bar): Bit 19 ~ Bit 12: S1 position; the position range is 0 ~ 63 and 255 means no finger is on this axis. The traces of S1 are made up of T35~T26 and S2 are made up of T25~T16. The resolution algorithm of the scroll bar is the same as that of the Single scroll bar above if user does not need so many traces. 11.2.4 Register Number = 3, Read S2 Position (Read Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0011 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If the host wants to read the S2 position of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0011. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~12 0 101 0010 0011 00000000 Reserve 11~1 0 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the S2 position by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Mode 1 (Full button mode): All return 255. Mode 2 (Single scroll bar): All return 255. Mode 3 (Double scroll bar): Bit 19 ~ Bit 12: S2 position; the position range is 0 ~ 63 and 255 means no finger is on this axis. The resolution algorithm of the scroll bar is the same as that of the Single scroll bar above if user does not need so many traces. 28 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 11.2.5 Register Number = 4, TP Sensitivity Setting(R/W) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0100 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to read the sensitivity of touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0100. Type PID Register No. 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 Read Register Response Data Reserve 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 0100 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the sensitivity by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Bit 19 ~ Bit 16: Sensitivity, the sensitivity range is 0 ~ 6. Type PID Register No. Write Register Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 0100 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment If the host wants to write the sensitivity of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #4 with register number 0100. Then the touch pad will keep the value. Bit 19 ~ Bit 16: Sensitivity, the sensitivity range is 0 ~ 6. The default value is 2. 11.2.6 Register Number = 5, TP Power State Setting(R/W) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0101 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to read the power state of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0101. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 0101 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the power state by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Bit 19: Power State 1 = Normal Operation, 0 = Deep Sleep Type PID Register No. Write Register Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 0101 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment If host wants to write the power state of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #4 with register number 0101. Then the touch pad will keep the value. Bit 19 Power State Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 1 = Normal Operation, 0 = Deep Sleep (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 29 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 11.2.7 Register Number = 6, Multi-Finger Function Setting(R/W) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 0110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to read the multi-finger state of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 0110. NOTE This function is only for the button including the button of Modes 1, 2, 3. In other words, it excludes the scroll bar. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 0 101 0010 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the multi-finger state by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Type PID Register No. Write Register Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 0110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment If host wants to enable multi-finger function of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #4 with register number 0110. Then the touch pad will retain the value. Bit 19: Multi-finger State 1 = Enable Multi-Finger function 0 = Disable Multi-Finger function (default) 11.2.8 Register Number = 13, TP Cold –Reset (Write Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 1101 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to cold-reset the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #4 with register number 1101. Then the touch pad will stop scanning, load the default setting, and send Hello packet. Bit 19: Cold-Reset State, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON 11.2.9 Register Number = 14, TP Report Rate Setting(R/W) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 1110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: If host wants to read the report rate of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 1110. 30 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 1110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment: The touch pad will then return the report rate by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Type PID Register No. Write Register Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0100 1110 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment If host wants to write the report rate of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #4 with register number 11110 Then the touch pad will keep the value. Bit 19: Report rate; 1 = Normal report rate (default), 0 = Faster report rate. In SPI mode, normal report rate is 20 ms and faster report rate is 12 ms. In UART mode, normal report rate is 25 ms and faster report rate is 17ms. 11.2.10 Register Number = 15, Read Firmware ID (Read Only) Type PID Register No. Reserve Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0011 1111 00000000 00000000 000 1 Comment If host wants to read the firmware ID of the touch pad, it should send Packet ID #3 with register number 1111. Type PID Register No. Read Register Response Data Reserve 31 30~28 27~24 23~20 19~4 3~1 0 0 101 0010 1111 10000001 00000000 000 1 Comment The touch pad will then return the firmware ID by sending Packet ID #2 to host. Bit 19 ~ Bit 12: firmware ID high byte Bit 11 ~ Bit 4: firmware ID low byte For this controller, the firmware ID is 8100: Firmware ID high byte = 0x81 Firmware ID low byte = 0x00 Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 31 eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 12 Package Specification 12.1 LQFP64 32 • Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKT8100A Capacitive Touch Pad Controller 12.2 QFN40 Product Specification (V1.2) 10.17.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 33