ML145428 Asynchronous–to–Synchronous and Synchronous–to– Asynchronous Converter Legacy Device: Motorola MC145428 The ML145428 Data Set Interface provides asynchronous-to-synchronous and synchronous-to-asynchronous data conversion. It is ideally suited for voice/data digital telesets supplying an EIA-232 compatible data port into a synchronous transmission link. Other applications include: data multiplexers, concentrators, data-only switching, and PBX-based local area networks. This low-power CMOS device directly interfaces with either the 64 kbps or 8kbps channel of Motorola’s MC145422 and MC145426 Universal Digital Loop Transceivers (UDLTs), as well as the MC145421 and MC145425 Second Generation Universal Digital Loop Transceivers (UDLT II). DL BR1-BR3 BCLK BRCLK BAUD RATE GEN SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL TRANSMITTER DCO DOE DIE DCLK CM CONTROL 1 PIN ASSIGNMENT TxS Tx FIFO SOG 20 = -6P PLASTIC CASE 751D 20 Note: Lansdale lead free (Pb) product, as it becomes available, will be identified by a part number prefix change from ML to MLE. BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA STRIPPER 1 CROSS REFERENCE/ORDERING INFORMATION MOTOROLA LANSDALE PACKAGE P DIP 20 MC145428P ML145428RP SOG 20 MC145428DW ML145428-6P • Provides the Interface Between Asynchronous Data Ports and Synchronous Transmission Lines • Up to 128 kbps Asynchronous Data Rate Operation • Up to 2.1 Mbps Synchronous Data Rate Operation • On-Board Bit Rate Clock Generator with Pin Selectable Bit Rates of 300, 1200, 1400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 bps or an Externally Supplied 16 Times Bit Rate Clock • Accepts Asynchronous Data Words of 8 or 9 Bits in Length • False Start Detection Provided • Automatic Sync Insertion and Checking • Single 5 V Power Supply • Low Power Consumption of 5 mW Typical • Application Notes AN943 and AN946 • Operating Temperature Range TA = –40º to +85ºC. TxD 20 P DIP 20 = RP PLASTIC CASE 732 TxS 1 20 VDD TxD 2 19 RESET DL 3 18 DCO BRCLK 4 17 DOE BCLK 5 16 CM BR1 6 15 DCLK BR2 7 14 DIE BR3 8 13 DCI SB 9 12 RxS VSS 10 11 RxD RESET RxD SB DATA FORMATTER Rx FIFO SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER DCI RxS Page 1 of 14 Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. ML145428 DSI PIN DESCRIPTIONS VDD. POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY The most positive power supply pin, normally 5 volts. VSS. NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY The most negative supply pin, normally 0 volts. TxD. TRANSMIT DATA INPUT Input for asynchronous data, idle is logic high; break is 11 baud or more of logic low. One stop bit is required RxD. RECEIVE DATA OUTPUT Output for asynchronous data. The number of stop bits and the data word length are selected by teh SB and DL pins. Idle is logic high; break is a continuous logic low. TxS. TRANSMIT STATUS OUTPUT This pin will go low if the transmit FIFO holds 2 or more data words or if RESET is low. Page 2 of 14 RxS. RECEIVE STATUS OUTPUT This pin will go low if framing of the synchronous channel is lost or not established or if RESET is low, or if the receive FIFO is overwritten. SB, STOP BITS INPUT This pin controls the number of stop bits the DATA FORMATTER will re–create when outputting data at the RxD asynchronous output. A high on this pin selects two stop bits; a low selects one stop bit. DL, DATA LENGTH INPUT This pin instructs the DSI to look for either 8 or 9 bits of data to be input at the TxD asynchronous input between the start and stop bits. The DL input also instructs the DSI’s SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER and SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL TRANSMITTER to expecct 8 or 9 bit data words and also instructs the DSI’s DATA FORMATTER to re–create 8 or 9 data bits between the start and stop bits when outputting data at its RxD asynchronous output. A high on this pin selects a 9 bit data word, a low selects an 8 bit data word length. Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. ML145428 DSI PIN DESCRIPTIONS – cont’d BC, BAUD CLOCK INPUT This pin serves as an input for an externally supplied 16 times data clock. Otherwise, the BC pin expects a 4.096 MHz clock signal which is internally divided to obtain the 16 times clock for the most frequentlly used standard bit rates (see BR1 - BR3 pin description). BRCLD, 16 TIMES CLOCK INTERNAL OUTPUT This pin outputs the internal 16 times asynchronous data rate clock. BR1, BR2, BR3, BIT RATE SELECT INPUTS These three pins select the asynchronous bit rate, either externally supplied at the BC pin (16 times clock) or one of the internally supplied bit rates. (See Table 1.) DCO, DATA CHANNEL OUTPUT This pin is a three–state output pin. Synchronous data is output when DOE is high. This pin will go high impedance when DOE or RESET are low. When CM is low, synchronous data is output on DCO on the falling edges of DC as long as DOE is high. When CM is high, synchronous data is output on DCO on the rising edges of DC, while DOE is held high. No more than eight data bits can be output during a given DOE high interval when CM = high. This feature allows the DSI to interface directly with the MC145422/26 Universal Digital Loop Transceivers (UDLT’s) and PABX time division multiplexed highways. Page 3 of 14 DOE, DATA OUTPUT ENABLE INPUT See DCO pin description and the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL INTERFACE section. DIE, DATA INPUT ENABLE OUTPUT See DCI and DCO pin descriptions and the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL INTERFACE section. CM, CLOCK MODE INPUT See the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL INTERFACE section and the SYNCHRONOUS CLOCKING MODE SUMMARY. (See Table 2.) RESET, RESET INPUT When held low, this pin clears the internal FIFO’s, forces the TxD asynchronous input to appear high to the DSI’s internal circuitry, forces TxS and RxS low. When returned high, normal operation results. When the RESET input is returned high the DSI’s SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER will not accept or transfer any incoming data words on the DCI pin to the Rx FIFO until one “flag” word is input at the DCI pin. (Also see RxS pin description) DCI, DATA CHANNEL INPUT Synchronous data is input on this pin on the falling edges of DC when DIE is high. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 4 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 5 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The ML145428 Data Set Interface provides a means for conversion of an asynchronous (start/stop format) data channel to a synchronous data channel and synchronous to asynchronous data channel conversion. Although primarily intended to facilitate the implementation of RS - 232 compatible asynchronous data ports in digital telephone sets using the MC145422/26 UDLTs, this device is also useful in many applications that require the conversion of synchronous and asynchronous data. TRANSMIT CIRCUIT Asynchronous data is input on the TxD pin. This data is expected to consist of a start bit (logic low) followed by eight or nine data bits and one or more stop bits (logic high). The length of the data word is selected by the DL pin. The data baud rate is selected with the BR1, BR1 and BR3 pins to obtain the internal sampling clock. This internal sampling clock is selected to be 16 times the baud rate at the TxD pin. Page 6 of 14 An externally supplied 16 times clock may also be used, in which case the BR1, BR2, and BR3 pins should all be at logic zero and the 16 times sampling clock supplied at the BC pin. Data input at the TxD pin is stripped of start and stop bits and is loaded into a four–word deep FIFO register. A break condition is also recognized at the TxD pin and this information is relayed to the synchronous channel transmitter which codes this condition so it may be re–created at the remote receiving device. The synchronous channel transmitter sends one bit at a time under control of the DC, CM and DOE pins. The synchronous channel transmitter transmits one of three possible data patterns based on whether or not the top of the Tx FIFO is full and whether or not a break condition has been recognized by the data stripper. When no data is available at the top of the Tx FIFO for transmission, the synchronous data transmitter sends a special synchronizing flag pattern (011111110). When a break condition is detected by the data stripper and no data is available at the top of the Tx FIFO, the break pattern (111111110) is sent. Figure 2A depicts this operation. Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. If the incoming data rate at TxD exceeds the rate at which it is output at DCO, the FIFO will fill. The TxS pin will go low when the FIFO contains two or more words. TxS may, therefore, be used as a local Clear-to-Send control line at the asynchronous interface port to avoid transmit data over-runs. In order to insure synchronization during the transfer of a continuous stream of data the DSI’s synchronous channel transmitter will insert a flag synchronnizing word (01111110) every 61st data word. The DSI’s synchronous channel receiver checks for this synchronizing word and if not present, the loss of synchronizaion will be indicated by the RxS pin being latched low until the flag synchronizing word is received. Note that under these conditions the data will continue to output at RxD. When stripped data words reach the top of the Tx FIFO they are loaded into the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL TRANSMITTER and are sent using a special zero insertion technique. When stripped data is being transmitted, the synchronous data transmitter will insert a binary 0 after any succession of five continuous 1’s of data. Therefore, using this technique, no pattern of (01111110) or (11111110) can occur while sending data. This also allows the DSI to synchronize itself to the incoming synchronous data word boundaries based on the data alone. The receive section of the DSI (synchronous channel receiver) performs the reverse operation by removing a binary 0 that follows five continuous 1’s in order to recover the transmitted data. (note that a binary 1 which follows five continuous 1’s is not removed so that flags and breaks may be detected.) Figure 2B shows an example of this process. RECEIVE CIRCUIT Data incoming from the synchronous channel is loaded into the ML145428 at the DCI pin under the control of the DC and DIE pins (see SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL INTERFACE section). Framing information, break code detection, and data word recovery functions are performed by the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER. Recovered data words are loaded into the four word deep Rx FIFO. When the recovered data words reach the top of the Rx FIFO they are taken by the DATA FORMATTER, start and stop bits are re-inserted and the re-constructed asynchronous data is output at the TxD pin at the same baud rate as the transmit side. The number of stop bits and word length are those selected by the SB and DL pins. Loss of framing, if it occurs, is indicated by the RxS pin going low. Data will continue to be output under these conditions, but RxS will remain low until frame synchronization, i.e., the detection of a framing flag word, is re-established. If the output data rate is less than the data rate of the incoming synchronous data channel, data will be lost at the rate of one word at a time due to the bottom word on the Rx FIFO being overwritten. In order to prevent data loss (in the form of asynchronous terminal to asynchronous terminal over-runs) due to clock slip between remote DSI links, (during long bursts the stop bit which it re-creates at its RxD output by 1/32nd. This action allows the originator of a transmission (of asynchronous data) to be up to 3% faster than the receive device is expecting for any given data rate. This tolerance is well with in the normally expected differences in clock frequencies between remote stations. If the Rx FIFO is overwriting the RxS line will pulse low for one DC clock period following the overwriting of the bottom level of the Rx FIFO. INITIALIZATION Initialization is accomplished by use of the RESET pin. When held low, the internal FIFOs are cleared, the TxD input appears high to the data strippers, internal circuitry. DCO is forced to a high impedance state, TxS and RxS are forced low. When brought high normal operation resumes and and the synchronous channel transmitter sends the flag code until data has reached the top of the Tx FIFO. Note that the TxS line will immediately go high after RESET goes high, while RxS will remain low until framing is detected. The synchronous channel Page 7 of 14 Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. receiver section of the DSI is forced into a “HOLD” state while the RESET line is low. The synchronous channel receiver remains in the “HOLD” state after RESET goes high until a flag code word (01111110) is received at the DCI pin. While in the “HOLD” state no data words can be transferred to the Rx FIFO and, therefore, the DATA FORMATTER and RxD line are hold in the MARK idle state. After receiving the flag code pattern the RxS line goes high and normal operation proceeds. RESET should be held low when power is first applied to the DSI. RESET may be tied high permanently, if a short period of undefined operation at initial power application can be tolerated. SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL INTERFACE The synchronous channel interface is generally operated in one of three basic modes of operation. The first is a continuous mode. A new data bit is clocked out of the DCO pin on each successive falling edge of the DC clock, and a new data bit is accepted by the DSI at its DCI pin on each successive falling edge of the DC clock. In this mode of operation, the CM control line is always low and the DOE and DIE enable control lines are always High. This is the typical setup when interfacing the DSI to the 8 kbps signal bit inputs and outputs of the MC145422/26 UDLTs (See Figures 3A and 4) The second synchronous clocking mode is one in which 8 bits at a time are clocked out at the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL TRANSMITTER, and 8 bits are read by the SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER at a time. The transferring of these 8 bit groups of data would normally be repeated on some cyclic basis. An example is a time division multiplexed data highway. In this mode (Cm = 1), the rising edge of the enable signal DIE and DOE should be roughly aligned to the rising edge of the DC clock signal. When enabled, the data is clocked out on the rising edge of the DC clock through the DCO pin and clocked in on the falling edge of the DC clock through the DCI pin. A variation of this clocking mode is to transfer less than 8 bits of data into or out of the DSI on a cyclic basis. If less than eight bits are to be transmitted and received, enable pins DIE and DOE should be returned low while the DC clock is low. This is illustrated in Figure 3D where five bits are being locked out of the DSI through the DCO pin and four bits are being input to the DSI through the DCI pin. This restriction does not apply if eight bits are to be clocked into or out of the synchronous channels of the DSI, i.e., the DSI has internal circuitry to prevent more than eight clocks following the rising edge of the respective enable signal(s). Figure 3B illustrates a timing diagram depicting an eight bit data format. If the DOE enable is held high beyond the eight Page 8 of 14 clock periods the last data bit B8 will remain at the output of the DCO pin until the DOE enable is brought low to reinitialize the sequence. Similarly the DSI’s SYNCHRONOUS CHANNEL RECEIVER will read (at its DCI input) a minimum of eight data bits for any given DIE high period. The CM = high mode, using 8 bits of data, is the typical set up for interfacing the DSI to the 64 kbps channel of the MC145422 or MC145426 Universal Digital Loop Transceivers. (See Figure 3B and Figure 5). In the third mode of operation, an unlimited variable number of data bits may be clocked into or out of the synchronous side of the DSI at a time. When the CM line is low, any number of data bits may be clocked into or out of the DSI’s synchronous channels provided that the respective enable signal is high. Figure 3C illustrates three data bits being clocked out of the DCO pin and three data bits being clocked into the DCI pin. In the CM = low mode of operation, an internal clock is formed, which is the logical NAND of DC, DOE and CM, (IDC•DOE•CM). It is on the rising edge of this signal that a new data bit is clocked out of the DCO pin. Therefore, the DOE signal should be raised and lowered following the falling edge of the DC clock (i.e., when the DC clock is low). Also in the CM = low mode of operation another internal clock is formed which is the logical NAND of DC, DIE, and CM (DC•DIE•CM). It is on the falling edge of this signal that a new bit is clocked into the DCI pin. Therefore the DIE signal should be raised or lowered following the rising edge of the DC clock (i.e., when the DC clock is high). The following table summarizes when data bits are advanced from the synchronous channel transmitter and when data bits are read by the synchronous channel receiver dependent on the CM control line. (Shown below in Table 2.) Issue 0 ML145428 Page 9 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 10 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 11 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 12 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 Page 13 of 14 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. Issue 0 ML145428 LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc. OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SO 20 = -6P (ML145428-6P) CASE 751J-01 –A– 20 11 1 10 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS “A” AND “B” ARE DATUMS AND “T” IS A DATUM SURFACE. 2. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y 14.5M, 1982. 3. CONTROLLING DIM: MILLIMETER. 4. DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 5. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. –B– G S 10 PL B 0.13 (0.005) M M J C D 0.13 (0.005) M T 0.10 (0.004) –T– L 20 PL B S A SEATING PLANE S DIM A B C D G J K L M S M K MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 12.55 12.80 5.10 5.40 – 2.00 0.45 0.35 1.27 BSC 0.18 0.23 0.85 0.55 0.20 0.05 0° 7° 7.40 8.20 INCHES MIN MAX 0.494 0.504 0.201 0.213 – 0.079 0.014 0.018 0.050 BSC 0.007 0.009 0.022 0.033 0.002 0.008 0° 7° 0.291 0.323 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS PLASTIC DIP 20 = RP (ML145428RP) CASE 738–03 -A- NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 11 20 B 1 10 C -T- L K SEATING PLANE E G M N F J 20 PL 0.25 (0.010) D 20 PL 0.25 (0.010) M T A M M T B M DIM A B C D E F G J K L M N INCHES MILLIMETERS 1.010 1.070 0.240 0.260 0.150 0.180 0.015 0.022 0.050 BSC 0.050 0.070 0.100 BSC 0.008 0.015 0.110 0.140 0.300 BSC 0° 15° 0.020 0.040 25.66 27.17 6.10 6.60 3.81 4.57 0.39 0.55 1.27 BSC 1.27 1.77 2.54 BSC 0.21 0.38 2.80 3.55 7.62 BSC 0° 15° 1.01 0.51 Lansdale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Lansdale does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Lansdale data sheets and/or specifications can vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Lansdale Semiconductor is a registered trademark of Lansdale Semiconductor, Inc. Page 14 of 14 Issue 0