Order this document by MC145202/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA $" & #% %"!& Includes On–Board 64/65 Prescaler The MC145202 is a low–voltage single–package synthesizer with serial interface capable of direct usage up to 2.0 GHz. The counters are programmed via a synchronous serial port which is SPI compatible. The serial port is byte-oriented to facilitate control via an MCU. Due to the innovative BitGrabber Plus registers, the MC145202 may be cascaded with other peripherals featuring BitGrabber Plus without requiring leading dummy bits or address bits in the serial data stream. In addition, BitGrabber Plus peripherals may be cascaded with existing BitGrabber peripherals. The device features a single–ended current source/sink phase detector A output and a double–ended phase detector B output. Both phase detectors have linear transfer functions (no dead zones). The maximum current of the single–ended phase detector output is determined by an external resistor tied from the Rx pin to ground. This current can be varied via the serial port. Slew–rate control is provided by a special driver designed for the REFout pin. This minimizes interference caused by REFout. This part includes a differential RF input that may be operated in a single–ended mode. Also featured are on–board support of an external crystal and a programmable reference output. The R, A, and N counters are fully programmable. The C register (configuration register) allows the part to be configured to meet various applications. A patented feature allows the C register to shut off unused outputs, thereby minimizing system noise and interference. In order to have consistent lock times and prevent erroneous data from being loaded into the counters, on–board circuitry synchronizes the update of the A register if the A or N counters are loading. Similarly, an update of the R register is synchronized if the R counter is loading. The double–buffered R register allows new divide ratios to be presented to the three counters (R, A, and N) simultaneously. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • F SUFFIX SOG PACKAGE CASE 751J 20 1 DT SUFFIX TSSOP CASE 948D 20 1 ORDERING INFORMATION MC145202F MC145202DT SOG Package TSSOP PIN ASSIGNMENT REFout 1 20 REFin LD 2 19 φR Din 3 18 CLK φV 4 17 ENB VPD PDout 5 16 OUTPUT A 6 15 OUTPUT B GND 7 14 VDD Rx 8 13 TEST 2 TEST 1 9 12 VCC 10 11 fin fin Maximum Operating Frequency: 2000 MHz @ – 10 dBm Operating Supply Current: 4 mA Nominal at 3.0 V Operating Supply Voltage Range (VDD and VCC Pins): 2.7 to 5.5 V Operating Supply Voltage Range of Phase Detectors (VPD Pin): 2.7 to 5.5 V Current Source/Sink Phase Detector Output Capability: 1.7 mA @ 5.0 V 1.0 mA @ 3.0 V Gain of Current Source/Sink Phase/Frequency Detector Controllable via Serial Port Operating Temperature Range: – 40 to + 85°C R Counter Division Range: 1 and 5 to 8191 Dual–Modulus Capability Provides Total Division up to 262,143 High–Speed Serial Interface: 4 Mbps OUTPUT A Pin, When Configured as Data Out, Permits Cascading of Devices Two General–Purpose Digital Outputs — OUTPUT A: Totem–Pole (Push–Pull) with Four Output Modes OUTPUT B: Open–Drain Patented Power–Saving Standby Feature with Orderly Recovery for Minimizing Lock Times, Standby Current: 30 µA Evaluation Kit Available (Part Number MC145202EVK) See Application Note AN1253/D for Low–Pass Filter Design, and AN1277/D for Offset Reference PLLs for Fine Resolution or Fast Hopping BitGrabber and BitGrabber Plus are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. REV 3 1/98 TN98012300 Motorola, Inc. 1998 MOTOROLA MC145202 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA OUT REFin REFout 20 OSC OR 4–STAGE DIVIDER (CONFIGURABLE) 1 fR 13–STAGE R COUNTER Din ENB 16 LOCK DETECTOR AND CONTROL 2 18 SHIFT REGISTER AND CONTROL LOGIC 19 8 24 BitGrabber C REGISTER 8 BITS STANDBY LOGIC 17 OUTPUT A 13 3 DOUBLE–BUFFERED BitGrabber R REGISTER 16 BITS CLK SELECT LOGIC PORT fV 6 PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTOR A AND CONTROL LD Rx PDout POR 3 φ R 4 φV PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTOR B AND CONTROL 2 BitGrabber A REGISTER 24 BITS INTERNAL CONTROL fin fin 6 4 12 6–STAGE A COUNTER 12–STAGE N COUNTER 64/65 PRESCALER MODULUS CONTROL LOGIC 15 OUTPUT B (OPEN– DRAIN OUTPUT) 11 10 INPUT AMP 13 9 TEST 2 TEST 1 SUPPLY CONNECTIONS: PIN 12 = VCC (V+ TO INPUT AMP AND 64/65 PRESCALER) PIN 5 = VPD (V+ TO PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTORS A AND B) PIN 14 = VDD (V+ TO BALANCE OF CIRCUIT) PIN 7 = GND (COMMON GROUND) MC145202 2 MOTOROLA MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to GND, unless otherwise stated) Symbol Parameter Value Unit – 0.5 to + 6.0 V DC Supply Voltage (Pin 5) VDD – 0.5 to + 6.0 V Vin DC Input Voltage – 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Vout DC Output Voltage (except OUTPUT B, PDout, φR, φV) – 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Vout DC Output Voltage (OUTPUT B, PDout, φR, φV) – 0.5 to VPD + 0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin (Includes VPD) ± 10 mA Iout DC Output Current, per Pin ± 20 mA IDD DC Supply Current, VDD and GND Pins ± 30 mA PD Power Dissipation, per Package 300 mW Tstg Storage Temperature – 65 to + 150 °C 260 °C VCC, VDD VPD Iin, IPD TL DC Supply Voltage (Pins 12 and 14) Lead Temperature, 1 mm from Case for 10 Seconds This device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high–impedance circuit. * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics tables or Pin Descriptions section. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, Voltages Referenced to GND, unless otherwise stated; VPD = 2.7 to 5.5 V, TA = – 40 to 85°C) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Guaranteed Limit Unit VIL Maximum Low–Level Input Voltage (Din, CLK, ENB) 0.3 x VDD V VIH Minimum High–Level Input Voltage (Din, CLK, ENB) 0.7 x VDD V VHys Minimum Hysteresis Voltage (CLK, ENB) VDD = 2.7 V VDD = 4.5 V 100 250 mV VOL Maximum Low–Level Output Voltage (REFout, OUTPUT A) Iout = 20 µA, Device in Reference Mode 0.1 V VOH Minimum High–Level Output Voltage (REFout, OUTPUT A) Iout = – 20 µA, Device in Reference Mode VDD – 0.1 V IOL Minimum Low–Level Output Current (REFout, LD) Vout = 0.3 V 0.36 mA IOL Minimum Low–Level Output Current (φR, φV) Vout = 0.3 V 0.36 mA IOL Minimum Low–Level Output Current (OUTPUT A) Vout = 0.4 V VDD = 4.5 V 1.0 mA IOL Minimum Low–Level Output Current (OUTPUT B) Vout = 0.4 V 1.0 mA IOH Minimum High–Level Output Current (REFout, LD) Vout = VDD – 0.3 V – 0.36 mA IOH Minimum High–Level Output Current (φR, φV) Vout = VPD – 0.3 V – 0.36 mA IOH Minimum High–Level Output Current (OUTPUT A Only) Vout = VDD – 0.4 V VDD = 4.5 V – 0.6 mA (continued) MOTOROLA MC145202 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Guaranteed Limit Unit Iin Maximum Input Leakage Current (Din, CLK, ENB, REFin) Vin = VDD or GND, Device in XTAL Mode ± 1.0 µA Iin Maximum Input Current (REFin) Vin = VDD or GND, Device in Reference Mode ± 100 µA Maximum Output Leakage Current (PDout) Vout = VPD or GND, Output in Floating State ± 130 nA Vout = VPD or GND, Output in High–Impedance State ±1 µA Maximum Standby Supply Current (VDD + VPD Pins) Vin = VDD or GND; Outputs Open; Device in Standby Mode, Shut–Down Crystal Mode or REFout–Static–Low Reference Mode; OUTPUT B Controlling VCC per Figure 21 30 µA Maximum Phase Detector Quiescent Current (VPD Pin) Bit C6 = High Which Selects Phase Detector A, PDout = Open, PDout = Static State, Bit C4 = Low Which is not Standby, IRx = 170 µA, VPD = 5.5 V 750 µA Bit C6 = Low Which Selects Phase Detector B, φR and φV = Open, φR and φV = Static Low or High, Bit C4 = Low Which is not Standby 30 IOZ (OUTPUT B) ISTBY IPD IT Total Operating Supply Current (VDD + VPD + VCC Pins) fin = 2.0 GHz; REFin = 13 MHz @ 1 Vp–p; OUTPUT A = Inactive and No Connect; VDD = VCC, REFout, φV, φR, PDout, LD = No Connect; Din, ENB, CLK = VDD or GND, Phase Detector B Selected (Bit C6 = Low) * mA * The nominal values are: 4 mA at VDD = 3.0 V and VPD = 3.0 V 6 mA at VDD = 5.0 V and VPD = 5.0 V These are not guaranteed limits. ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS — CURRENT SOURCE/SINK OUTPUT — PDout (Iout ≤ 1 mA @ VDD = 2.7 V and Iout ≤ 1.7mA @ VDD ≥ 4.5 V, VDD = VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, Voltages Referenced to GND) Parameter Maximum Source Current Variation (Part–to–Part) Maximum Sink–vs–Source Mismatch (Note 3) Output Voltage Range (Note 3) VPD Guaranteed Limit Unit 2.7 ± 15 % 4.5 ± 15 5.5 ± 15 2.7 11 4.5 11 5.5 11 Iout Variation ≤ 15% 2.7 0.5 to 2.2 Iout Variation ≤ 20% 4.5 0.5 to 3.7 Iout Variation ≤ 22% 5.5 0.5 to 4.7 Test Condition Vout = 0.5 x VPD Vout = 0.5 x VPD % V NOTES: 1. Percentages calculated using the following formula: (Maximum Value – Minimum Value)/Maximum Value. 2. See Rx Pin Description for external resistor values. 3. This parameter is guaranteed for a given temperature within – 40 to + 85°C. MC145202 4 MOTOROLA AC INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, TA = – 40 to + 85°C, CL = 25 pF, Input tr = tf = 10 ns; VPD = 2.7 to 5.5 V) Symbol fclk Parameter Guaranteed Limit Unit 1 dc to 4.0 MHz tPLH, tPHL Maximum Propagation Delay, CLK to OUTPUT A (Selected as Data Out) 1, 5 100 ns tPLH, tPHL Maximum Propagation Delay, ENB to OUTPUT A (Selected as Port) 2, 5 150 ns tPZL, tPLZ Maximum Propagation Delay, ENB to OUTPUT B 2, 6 150 ns tTLH, tTHL Maximum Output Transition Time, OUTPUT A and OUTPUT B; tTHLonly, on OUTPUT B 1, 5, 6 50 ns 10 pF Figure No. Guaranteed Limit Unit Minimum Setup and Hold Times, Din vs CLK 3 50 ns Minimum Setup, Hold and Recovery Times, ENB vs CLK 4 100 ns tw Minimum Pulse Width, ENB 4 * cycles tw Minimum Pulse Width, CLK 1 125 ns Maximum Input Rise and Fall Times, CLK 1 100 µs Cin Serial Data Clock Frequency (Note: Refer to Clock tw below) Figure No. Maximum Input Capacitance – Din, ENB, CLK TIMING REQUIREMENTS (VDD = VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, TA = – 40 to + 85°C, Input tr = tf = 10 ns, unless otherwise indicated) Symbol tsu, th tsu, th, trec tr, tf Parameter * The minimum limit is 3 REFin cycles or 195 fin cycles, whichever is greater. MOTOROLA MC145202 5 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS tf tr VDD 90% CLK 50% 10% ENB GND GND tw tPLH tw OUTPUT A 1/fclk tPLH OUTPUT A (DATA OUT) VDD 50% 50% tPHL tPLZ 90% 50% 10% OUTPUT B tTLH tPHL tPZL 50% 10% tTHL Figure 1. Figure 2. tw tw VDD VALID ENB 50% VDD 50% Din GND tsu th trec VDD th VDD 50% CLK GND tsu GND CLK 50% FIRST CLK LAST CLK Figure 3. GND Figure 4. +VPD TEST POINT TEST POINT 7.5 kΩ DEVICE UNDER TEST CL * * Includes all probe and fixture capacitance. Figure 5. MC145202 6 DEVICE UNDER TEST CL * * Includes all probe and fixture capacitance. Figure 6. MOTOROLA LOOP SPECIFICATIONS (VDD = VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V unless otherwise indicated, TA = – 40 to + 85°C) S b l Symbol P Parameter T Test C Condition di i Guaranteed Operating Range Fig. No. Min Max U i Unit Pin Input Sensitivity Range, fin 500 MHz ≤ fin ≤ 2000 MHz 7 – 10 4 dBm* fref Input Frequency, REFin Externally Driven in Reference Mode Vin ≥ 400 mV p–p 8 1.5 1.5 20 30 MHz Crystal Frequency, Crystal Mode C1 ≤ 30 pF, C2 ≤ 30 pF, Includes Stray Capacitance 9 2 15 MHz Output Frequency, REFout CL = 20 pF, Vout ≥ 1 V p–p 10, 12 dc 10 MHz dc 2 MHz 40 18 14 120 60 50 ns — 80 ns — 7 pF fXTAL fout f 2.7 ≤ VDD < 4.5 V 4.5 ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5 V Operating Frequency of the Phase Detectors Output Pulse Width (φR, φV, and LD) tw tTLH, tTHL Cin Output Transition Times (LD, φV, and φR) fR in Phase with fV, CL = 20 pF, φR and φV active for LD measurement, ** VPD = 2.7 to 5.5 V VDD = 2.7 V VDD = 4.5 V VDD = 5.5 V 11, 12 CL = 20 pF, VPD = 2.7 V, VDD = VCC = 2.7 V 11, 12 Input Capacitance, REFin * Power level at the input to the dc block. ** When PDout is active, LD minimum pulse width is approximately 5 ns. SINE WAVE GENERATOR DC BLOCK 50 Ω PAD 50 Ω fin TEST POINT OUTPUT A fin DEVICE UNDER TEST (fV) 0.01 µF SINE WAVE GENERATOR REFin OUTPUT A 50 Ω VCC GND VDD V+ Vin DEVICE UNDER TEST REFout VCC GND VDD (fR) TEST POINT TEST POINT V+ NOTE: Alternately, the 50 Ω pad may be a T network. Figure 7. Test Circuit Figure 8. Test Circuit — Reference Mode TEST POINT REFin OUTPUT A C1 C2 DEVICE UNDER TEST 1 / f REFout (fR) REFout REFout VCC GND VDD 50% Figure 10. Switching Waveform V+ TEST POINT Figure 9. Test Circuit — Crystal Mode DEVICE UNDER TEST tw OUTPUT 50% 90% 10% tTHL Figure 11. Switching Waveform MOTOROLA CL* * Includes all probe and fixture capacitance. tTLH Figure 12. Test Circuit MC145202 7 fin (PIN 11) SOG PACKAGE 4 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 3V 5V Figure 13. Normalized Input Impedance at fin — Series Format (R + jx) Table 1. Input Impedence at fin — Series Format (R + jx), VCC = 3 V Marker Frequency (GHz) Resistance (Ω) Reactance (Ω) Capacitance/ Inductance 1 0.5 11.4 – 168 1.9 pF 2 1 12.4 – 59.4 2.68 pF 3 1.5 19.8 – 34.9 3.04 pF 4 2 18.1 9.43 751 pH Table 2. Input Impedence at fin — Series Format (R + jx), VCC = 5 V MC145202 8 Marker Frequency (GHz) Resistance (Ω) Reactance (Ω) Capacitance/ Inductance 1 0.5 11.8 –175 1.82 pF 2 1 11.5 – 64.4 2.47 pF 3 1.5 22.2 – 36.5 2.91 pF 4 2 18.4 1.14 90.4 pH MOTOROLA PIN DESCRIPTIONS DIGITAL INTERFACE PINS Din Serial Data Input (Pin 19) The bit stream begins with the most significant bit (MSB) and is shifted in on the low–to–high transition of CLK. The bit pattern is 1 byte (8 bits) long to access the C or configuration register, 2 bytes (16 bits) to access the first buffer of the R register, or 3 bytes (24 bits) to access the A register (see Table 3). The values in the C, R, and A registers do not change during shifting because the transfer of data to the registers is controlled by ENB. CAUTION The value programmed for the N counter must be greater than or equal to the value of the A counter. The 13 least significant bits (LSBs) of the R register are double–buffered. As indicated above, data is latched into the first buffer on a 16–bit transfer. (The 3 MSBs are not double– buffered and have an immediate effect after a 16–bit transfer.) The second buffer of the R register contains the 13 bits for the R counter. This second buffer is loaded with the contents of the first buffer when the A register is loaded (a 24–bit transfer). This allows presenting new values to the R, A, and N counters simultaneously. If this is not required, then the 16–bit transfer may be followed by pulsing ENB low with no signal on the CLK pin. This is an alternate method of transferring data to the second buffer of the R register (see Figure 16). The bit stream needs neither address nor steering bits due to the innovative BitGrabber Plus registers. Therefore, all bits in the stream are available to be data for the three registers. Random access of any register is provided (i.e., the registers may be accessed in any sequence). Data is retained in the registers over a supply range of 2.7 to 5.5 V. The formats are shown in Figures 14, 15, and 16. Din typically switches near 50% of VDD to maximize noise immunity. This input can be directly interfaced to CMOS devices with outputs guaranteed to switch near rail–to–rail. When interfacing to NMOS or TTL devices, either a level shifter (MC74HC14A, MC14504B) or pull–up resistor of 1 kΩ to 10 kΩ must be used. Parameters to consider when sizing the resistor are worst–case IOL of the driving device, maximum tolerable power consumption, and maximum data rate. Table 3. Register Access (MSBs are shifted in first; C0, R0, and A0 are the LSBs) Number of Clocks Accessed Register Bit Nomenclature 8 16 24 Other Values ≤ 32 Values > 32 C Register R Register A Register Not Allowed See Figures 22 – 25 C7, C6, C5, . . ., C0 R15, R14, R13, . . ., R0 A23, A22, A21, . . ., A0 MOTOROLA CLK Serial Data Clock Input (Pin 18) Low–to–high transitions on CLK shift bits available at the Din pin, while high–to–low transitions shift bits from OUTPUT A (when configured as Data Out, see Pin 16). The 24–1/2–stage shift register is static, allowing clock rates down to dc in a continuous or intermittent mode. Eight clock cycles are required to access the C register. Sixteen clock cycles are needed for the first buffer of the R register. Twenty–four cycles are used to access the A register. See Table 3 and Figures 14, 15, and 16. The number of clocks required for cascaded devices is shown in Figures 23 through 25. CLK typically switches near 50% of V DD and has a Schmitt–triggered input buffer. Slow CLK rise and fall times are allowed. See the last paragraph of Din for more information. NOTE To guarantee proper operation of the power–on reset (POR) circuit, the CLK pin must be held at GND (with ENB being a don’t care) or ENB must be held at the potential of the V+ pin (with CLK being a don’t care) during power–up. Floating, toggling, or having these pins in the wrong state during power–up does not harm the chip, but causes two potentially undesirable effects. First, the outputs of the device power up in an unknown state. Second, if two devices are cascaded, the A Registers must be written twice after power up. After these two accesses, the two cascaded chips perform normally. ENB Active Low Enable Input (Pin 17) This pin is used to activate the serial interface to allow the transfer of data to/from the device. When ENB is in an inactive high state, shifting is inhibited and the port is held in the initialized state. To transfer data to the device, ENB (which must start inactive high) is taken low, a serial transfer is made via Din and CLK, and ENB is taken back high. The low–to–high transition on ENB transfers data to the C or A registers and first buffer of the R register, depending on the data stream length per Table 3. Transitions on ENB must not be attempted while CLK is high. This puts the device out of synchronization with the microcontroller. Resynchronization occurs when ENB is high and CLK is low. This input is also Schmitt–triggered and switches near 50% of VDD, thereby minimizing the chance of loading erroneous data into the registers. See the last paragraph of Din for more information. For POR information, see the note for the CLK pin. MC145202 9 OUTPUT A Configurable Digital Output (Pin 16) OUTPUT A is selectable as fR, fV, Data Out, or Port. Bits A22 and A23 in the A register control the selection; see Figure 15. If A23 = A22 = high, OUTPUT A is configured as fR. This signal is the buffered output of the 13–stage R counter. The fR signal appears as normally low and pulses high. The fR signal can be used to verify the divide ratio of the R counter. This ratio extends from 5 to 8191 and is determined by the binary value loaded into bits R0–R12 in the R register. Also, direct access to the phase detectors via the REFin pin is allowed by choosing a divide value of 1 (see Figure 16). The maximum frequency at which the phase detectors operate is 2 MHz. Therefore, the frequency of fR should not exceed 2 MHz. If A23 = high and A22 = low, OUTPUT A is configured as fV. This signal is the buffered output of the 12–stage N counter. The fV signal appears as normally low and pulses high. The fV signal can be used to verify the operation of the prescaler, A counter, and N counter. The divide ratio between the fin input and the fV signal is N × 64 + A. N is the divide ratio of the N counter and A is the divide ratio of the A counter. These ratios are determined by bits loaded into the A register. See Figure 15. The maximum frequency at which the phase detectors operate is 2 MHz. Therefore, the frequency of fV should not exceed 2 MHz. If A23 = low and A22 = high, OUTPUT A is configured as Data Out. This signal is the serial output of the 24–1/2–stage shift register. The bit stream is shifted out on the high–to–low transition of the CLK input. Upon power up, OUTPUT A is automatically configured as Data Out to facilitate cascading devices. If A23 = A22 = low, OUTPUT A is configured as Port. This signal is a general–purpose digital output which may be used as an MCU port expander. This signal is low when the Port bit (C1) of the C register is low, and high when the Port bit is high. OUTPUT B Open–Drain Digital Output (Pin 15) This signal is a general–purpose digital output which may be used as an MCU port expander. This signal is low when the Out B bit (C0) of the C register is low. When the Out B bit is high, OUTPUT B assumes the high–impedance state. OUTPUT B may be pulled up through an external resistor or active circuitry to any voltage less than or equal to the potential of the VPD pin. Note: the maximum voltage allowed on the VPD pin is 5.5 V. Upon power–up, power–on reset circuitry forces OUTPUT B to a low level. REFERENCE PINS REFin and REFout Reference Input and Reference Output (Pins 20 and 1) Configurable pins for a Crystal or an External Reference. This pair of pins can be configured in one of two modes: the crystal mode or the reference mode. Bits R13, R14, and R15 in the R register control the modes as shown in Figure 16. In crystal mode, these pins form a reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel–reso- MC145202 10 nant crystal. Frequency–setting capacitors of appropriate values, as recommended by the crystal supplier, are connected from each of the two pins to ground (up to a maximum of 30 pF each, including stray capacitance). An external resistor of 1 MΩ to 15 MΩ is connected directly across the pins to ensure linear operation of the amplifier. The required connections for the components are shown in Figure 9. To turn on the oscillator, bits R15, R14, and R13 must have an octal value of one (001 in binary, respectively). This is the active–crystal mode shown in Figure 16. In this mode, the crystal oscillator runs and the R Counter divides the crystal frequency, unless the part is in standby. If the part is placed in standby via the C register, the oscillator runs, but the R counter is stopped. However, if bits R15 to R13 have a value of 0, the oscillator is stopped, which saves additional power. This is the shut–down crystal mode (shown in Figure 16) and can be engaged whether in standby or not. In the reference mode, REFin (Pin 20) accepts a signal from an external reference oscillator, such as a TCXO. A signal swinging from at least the VIL to VIH levels listed in the Electrical Characteristics table may be directly coupled to the pin. If the signal is less than this level, ac coupling must be used as shown in Figure 8. Due to an on–board resistor which is engaged in the reference modes, an external biasing resistor tied between REFin and REFout is not required. With the reference mode, the REFout pin is configured as the output of a divider. As an example, if bits R15, R14, and R13 have an octal value of seven, the frequency at REFout is the REFin frequency divided by 16. In addition, Figure 16 shows how to obtain ratios of eight, four, and two. A ratio of one–to–one can be obtained with an octal value of three. Upon power up, a ratio of eight is automatically initialized. The maximum frequency capability of the REFout pin is listed in the Loop Specifications table for an output swing of 1 V p–p and 20 pF loads. Therefore, for higher REFin frequencies, the one–to–one ratio may not be used for this magnitude of signal swing and loading requirements. Likewise, for REFin frequencies above two times the highest rated frequency, the ratio must be more than two. The output has a special on–board driver that has slew– rate control. This feature minimizes interference in the application. If REFout is unused, an octal value of two should be used for R15, R14, and R13 and the REFout pin should be floated. A value of two allows REFin to be functional while disabling REFout, which minimizes dynamic power consumption. LOOP PINS fin and fin Frequency Inputs (Pins 11 and 10) These pins are frequency inputs from the VCO. These pins feed the on–board RF amplifier which drives the 64/65 prescaler. These inputs may be fed differentially. However, they are usually used in a single–ended configuration (shown in Figure 7). Note that fin is driven while fin must be tied to ground via a capacitor. Motorola does not recommend driving fin while terminating fin because this configuration is not tested for sensitivity. The sensitivity is dependent on the frequency as shown in the Loop Specifications table. MOTOROLA PDout Single–Ended Phase/Frequency Detector Output (Pin 6) This is a three–state current–source/sink output for use as a loop error signal when combined with an external low–pass filter. The phase/frequency detector is characterized by a linear transfer function. The operation of the phase/frequency detector is described below and is shown in Figure 17. POL bit (C7) in the C register = low (see Figure 14) Frequency of fV > fR or Phase of fV Leading fR: current– sinking pulses from a floating state Frequency of fV < fR or Phase of fV Lagging fR: current– sourcing pulses from a floating state Frequency and Phase of fV = fR: essentially a floating state; voltage at pin determined by loop filter POL bit (C7) = high Frequency of fV > fR or Phase of fV Leading fR: current– sourcing pulses from a floating state Frequency of fV < fR or Phase of fV Lagging fR: current– sinking pulses from a floating state Frequency and Phase of fV = fR: essentially a floating state; voltage at pin determined by loop filter This output can be enabled, disabled, and inverted via the C register. If desired, PDout can be forced to the high–impedance state by utilization of the disable feature in the C register (bit C6). This is a patented feature. Similarly, PDout is forced to the high–impedance state when the device is put into standby (STBY bit C4 = high). The PDout circuit is powered by VPD. The phase detector gain is controllable by bits C3, C2, and C1: gain (in amps per radian) = PDout current divided by 2π. φR and φV (Pins 3 and 4) Double–Ended Phase/Frequency Detector Outputs These outputs can be combined externally to generate a loop error signal. Through use of a Motorola patented technique, the detector’s dead zone has been eliminated. Therefore, the phase/frequency detector is characterized by a linear transfer function. The operation of the phase/frequency detector is described below and is shown in Figure 17. POL bit (C7) in the C register = low (see Figure 14) Frequency of fV > fR or Phase of fV Leading fR: φV = negative pulses, φR = essentially high Frequency of fV < fR or Phase of fV Lagging fR: φV = essentially high, φR = negative pulses Frequency and Phase of fV = fR: φV and φR remain essentially high, except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase POL bit (C7) = high Frequency of fV > fR or Phase of fV Leading fR: φR = negative pulses, φV = essentially high Frequency of fV < fR or Phase of fV Lagging fR: φR = essentially high, φV = negative pulses Frequency and Phase of fV = fR: φV and φR remain essentially high, except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase These outputs can be enabled, disabled, and interchanged via C register bits C6 or C4. This is a patented fea- MOTOROLA ture. Note that when disabled or in standby, φR and φV are forced to their rest condition (high state). The φR and φV output signal swing is approximately from GND to VPD. LD Lock Detector Output (Pin 2) This output is essentially at a high level with narrow low– going pulses when the loop is locked (fR and fV of the same phase and frequency). The output pulses low when fV and fR are out of phase or different frequencies. LD is the logical ANDing of φR and φV (see Figure 17). This output can be enabled and disabled via the C register. This is a patented feature. Upon power up, on–chip initialization circuitry disables LD to a static low logic level to prevent a false “lock” signal. If unused, LD should be disabled and left open. The LD output signal swing is approximately from GND to VDD. Rx External Resistor (Pin 8) A resistor tied between this pin and GND, in conjunction with bits in the C register, determines the amount of current that the PDout pin sinks and sources. When bits C2 and C3 are both set high, the maximum current is obtained at PDout; see Tables 4 and 5 for other current values. The recommended value for Rx is 3.9 kΩ . A value of 3.9 kΩ provides current at the PDout pin of approximately 1 mA @ VDD = 3 V and approximately 1.7 mA @ VDD = 5 V in the 100% current mode. Note that VDD, not VPD, is a factor in determining the current. When the φR and φV outputs are used, the Rx pin may be floated. Table 4. PDout Current*, C1 = Low with OUTPUT A not Selected as “Port”; Also, Default Mode When OUTPUT A Selected as “Port” Bit C3 Bit C2 PDout Current* 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 70% 80% 90% 100% * At the time the data sheet was printed, only the 100% current mode was guaranteed. The reduced current modes were for experimentation only. Table 5. PDout Current*, C1 = High with OUTPUT A not Selected as “Port” Bit C3 Bit C2 PDout Current* 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 25% 50% 75% 100% * At the time the data sheet was printed, only the 100% current mode was guaranteed. The reduced current modes were for experimentation only. MC145202 11 TEST POINT PINS TEST 1 Modulus Control Signal (Pin 9) This pin may be used in conjunction with the Test 2 pin for access to the on–board 64/65 prescaler. When Test 1 is low, the prescaler divides by 65. When high, the prescaler divides by 64. CAUTION This pin is an unbuffered output and must be floated in an actual application. This pin must be attached to an isolated pad with no trace. TEST 2 Prescaler Output (Pin 13) This pin may be used to access the on–board 64/65 prescaler output. CAUTION This pin is an unbuffered output and must be floated in an actual application. This pin must be attached to an isolated pad with no trace. POWER SUPPLY PINS VDD Positive Power Supply (Pin 14) This pin supplies power to the main CMOS digital portion of the device. Also, this pin, in conjunction with the Rx resistor, determines the internal reference current for the PDout pin. The voltage range is + 2.7 to + 5.5 V with respect to the GND pin. MC145202 12 For optimum performance, VDD should be bypassed to GND using a low–inductance capacitor mounted very close to these pins. Lead lengths on the capacitor should be minimized. VCC Positive Power Supply (Pin 12) This pin supplies power to the RF amp and 64/65 prescaler. The voltage range is + 2.7 to + 5.5 V with respect to the GND pin. In standby mode, the VCC pin still draws a few milliamps from the power supply. This current drain can be eliminated with the use of transistor Q1 as shown in Figure 21. For optimum performance, VCC should be bypassed to GND using a low–inductance capacitor mounted very close to these pins. Lead lengths on the capacitor should be minimized. VPD Positive Power Supply (Pin 5) This pin supplies power to both phase/frequency detectors A and B. The voltage applied on this pin may be more or less than the potential applied to the VDD and VCC pins. The voltage range for VPD is 2.7 to 5.5 V with respect to the GND pin. For optimum performance, VPD should be bypassed to GND using a low–inductance capacitor mounted very close to these pins. Lead lengths on the capacitor should be minimized. GND Ground (Pin 7) Common ground. MOTOROLA ENB 1 CLK 2 3 4 5 6 7 MSB Din C7 8 * LSB C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 * At this point, the new byte is transferred to the C register and stored. No other registers are affected. C7 – POL: Selects the output polarity of the phase/frequency detectors. When set high, this bit inverts PDout and interchanges the φR function with φV as depicted in Figure 17. Also see the phase detector output pin descriptions for more information. This bit is cleared low at power up. C6 – PDA/B: Selects which phase/frequency detector is to be used. When set high, enables the output of phase/frequency detector A (PDout) and disables phase/frequency detector B by forcing φR and φV to the static high state. When cleared low, phase/frequency detector B is enabled (φR and φV) and phase/frequency detector A is disabled with PDout forced to the high–impedance state. This bit is cleared low at power up. C5 – LDE: Enables the lock detector output when set high. When the bit is cleared low, the LD output is forced to a static low level. This bit is cleared low at power up. C4 – STBY: When set, places the CMOS section of device, which is powered by the VDD and VPD pins, in the standby mode for reduced power consumption: PDout is forced to the high–impedance state, φR and φV are forced high, the A, N, and R counters are inhibited from counting, and the Rx current is shut off. In standby, the state of LD is determined by bit C5. C5 low forces LD low (no change). C5 high forces LD static high. During standby, data is retained in the A, R, and C registers. The condition of REF/OSC circuitry is determined by the control bits in the R register: R13, R14, and R15. However, if REFout = static low is selected, the internal feedback resistor is disconnected and the input is inhibited when in standby; in addition, the REFin input only presents a capacitive load. NOTE: Standby does not affect the other modes of the REF/OSC circuitry. When C4 is reset low, the part is taken out of standby in two steps. First, the REFin (only in one mode) resistor is reconnected, all counters are enabled, and the Rx current is enabled. Any fR and fV signals are inhibited from toggling the phase/frequency detectors and lock detector. Second, when the first fV pulse occurs, the R counter is jam loaded, and the phase/frequency and lock detectors are initialized. Immediately after the jam load, the A, N, and R counters begin counting down together. At this point, the fR and fV pulses are enabled to the phase and lock detectors. (Patented feature.) C3, C2 – I2, I1: Controls the PDout source/sink current per Tables 4 and 5. With both bits high, the maximum current is available. Also, see C1 bit description. C1 – Port: When the OUTPUT A pin is selected as “Port” via bits A22 and A23, C1 determines the state of OUTPUT A. When C1 is set high, OUTPUT A is forced high; C1 low forces OUTPUT A low. When OUTPUT A is not selected as “Port,” C1 controls whether the PDout step size is 10% or 25%. (See Tables 4 and 5.) When low, steps are 10%. When high, steps are 25%. Default is 10% steps when OUTPUT A is selected as “Port.” The Port bit is not affected by the standby mode. C0 – Out B: Determines the state of OUTPUT B. When C0 is set high, OUTPUT B is high–impedance; C0 low forces OUTPUT B low. The Out B bit is not affected by the standby mode. This bit is cleared low at power up. Figure 14. C Register Access and Format (8 Clock Cycles are Used) MOTOROLA MC145202 13 MC145202 14 CLK ENB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOTE 3 D in 0 1 0 1 PORT DATA OUT fV fR A22 1 1 BOTH BITS MUST BE HIGH A20 A21 A19 A18 A17 A16 F F F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . A14 A13 F E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . . A11 A10 A9 N COUNTER = ÷4095 N COUNTER = ÷4094 NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED N COUNTER = ÷5 N COUNTER = ÷6 N COUNTER = ÷7 A12 HEXADECIMAL VALUE FOR N COUNTER A15 A8 A7 A6 0 1 2 3 . . . E F 0 1 . . . F 3 3 4 4 . . . F A3 0 0 0 0 . . . A4 A1 = ÷0 = ÷1 = ÷2 = ÷3 A0 NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED A COUNTER = ÷ 62 A COUNTER = ÷ 63 A COUNTER A COUNTER A COUNTER A COUNTER A2 HEXADECIMAL VALUE FOR A COUNTER A5 LSB NOTES: 1. A power-on initialize circuit forces the OUTPUT A function to default to Data Out. 2. The values programmed for the N counter must be greater than or equal to the values programmed for the A counter. This results in a total divide value = N x 64 + A. 3. At this point, the three new bytes are transferred to the A register. In addition, the 13 LSBs in the first buffer of the R register are transferred to the R register’s second buffer. Thus, the R, N, and A counters can be presented new divide ratios at the same time. The first buffer of the R register is not affected. The C register is not affected. BINARY OUTPUT A VALUE FUNCTION (NOTE 1) 0 0 1 1 A23 MSB ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ Figure 15. A Register Access and Format (24 Clock Cycles are Used) MOTOROLA ENB CLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MSB Din R15 16 NOTE NOTE 4 5 LSB R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 0 CRYSTAL MODE, SHUT DOWN 1 CRYSTAL MODE, ACTIVE 2 REFERENCE MODE, REFin ENABLED and REFout STATIC LOW 3 REFERENCE MODE, REFout = REFin (BUFFERED) 4 REFERENCE MODE, REFout = REFin/2 5 REFERENCE MODE, REFout = REFin/4 6 REFERENCE MODE, REFout = REFin/8 (NOTE 3) 7 REFERENCE MODE, REFout = REFin/16 OCTAL VALUE R9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · · · 1 1 R8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · · · F F R7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · · · F F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · · · E F R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 NOT ALLOWED R COUNTER = ÷ 1 (NOTE 6) NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED R COUNTER = ÷ 5 R COUNTER = ÷ 6 R COUNTER = ÷ 7 R COUNTER = ÷ 8 R COUNTER = ÷ 8190 R COUNTER = ÷ 8191 BINARY VALUE HEXADECIMAL VALUE NOTES: 1. Bits R15 through R13 control the configurable “OSC or 4–stage divider” block (see Block Diagram). 2. Bits R12 through R0 control the “13–stage R counter” block (see Block Diagram). 3. A power–on initialize circuit forces a default REFin to REFout ratio of eight. 4. At this point, bits R13, R14, and R15 are stored and sent to the “OSC or 4–Stage Divider” block in the Block Diagram. Bits R0 – R12 are loaded into the first buffer in the double–buffered section of the R register. Therefore, the R counter divide ratio is not altered yet and retains the previous ratio loaded. The C and A registers are not affected. 5. Optional load pulse. At this point, bits R0 – R12 are transferred to the second buffer of the R register. The R counter begins dividing by the new ratio after completing the rest of the present count cycle. CLK must be low during the ENB pulse, as shown. The C and A registers are not affected. The first buffer of the R register is not affected. Also, see note 3 of Figure 15 for an alternate method of loading the second buffer in the R register. 6. Allows direct access to reference input of phase/frequency detectors. Figure 16. R Register Access and Format (16 Clock Cycles are Used) MOTOROLA MC145202 15 fR REFERENCE REFin ÷ R VH VL fV FEEDBACK fin ÷ (N x 64 + A) VH VL * PDout SOURCING CURRENT FLOAT SINKING CURRENT φR VH VL φV VH VL LD VH VL VH = High voltage level VL = Low voltage level *At this point, when both fR and fV are in phase, the output source and sink circuits are turned on for a short interval. NOTE: The PDout either sources or sinks current during out–of–lock conditions. When locked in phase and frequency, the output is in the floating condition and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low–pass filter capacitor. PDout, φR, and φV are shown with the polarity bit (POL) = low; see Figure 14 for POL. Figure 17. Phase/Frequency Detectors and Lock Detector Output Waveforms MC145202 16 MOTOROLA DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola’s CMOS frequency synthesizers. Use of a Hybrid Crystal Oscillator Commercially available temperature–compensated crystal oscillators (TCXOs) or crystal–controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of CMOS logic levels at the output may be direct or dc coupled to REFin. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to REFin may be used (see Figure 8). For additional information about TCXOs and data clock oscillators, please consult the latest version of the eem Electronic Engineers Master Catalog, the Gold Book, or similar publications. by the crystal manufacturer represents the maximum stress that the crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in operating frequency. R1 in Figure 18 limits the drive level. The use of R1 is not necessary in most cases. To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not cause the crystal to be overdriven, monitor the output frequency (fR) at OUTPUT A as a function of supply voltage. (REFout is not used because loading impacts the oscillator.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal decreases in frequency or becomes unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start–up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful (see Table 6). Design an Off–Chip Reference FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The user may design an off–chip crystal oscillator using discrete transistors or ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12061 MECL device. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac coupled to REFin (see Figure 8). For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling may be used. REFin R1* Use of the On–Chip Oscillator Circuitry The on–chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure 18. The crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance (CL ) which does not exceed approximately 20 pF when used at the highest operating frequencies listed in the Loop Specifications table. Assuming R1 = 0 Ω, the shunt load capacitance (CL ) presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: CL = CinCout + Ca + Cstray + C1 • C2 C1 + C2 Cin + Cout C1 MOTOROLA C2 * May be needed in certain cases. See text. Figure 18. Pierce Crystal Oscillator Circuit Ca REFin REFout Cin Cout Cstray where Cin = 5 pF (see Figure 19) Cout = 6 pF (see Figure 19) Ca = 1 pF (see Figure 19) C1 and C2 = external capacitors (see Figure 18) Cstray = the total equivalent external circuit stray capacitance appearing across the crystal terminals The oscillator can be “trimmed” on–frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the REFin and REFout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. Circuit stray capacitance can also be handled by adding the appropriate stray value to the values for Cin and Cout. For this approach, the term Cstray becomes 0 in the above expression for CL. Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure 20. The maximum drive level specified REFout Rf Figure 19. Parasitic Capacitances of the Amplifier and Cstray RS 1 2 CS LS 1 2 CO 1 Re Xe 2 NOTE: Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). Figure 20. Equivalent Crystal Networks MC145202 17 RECOMMENDED READING Technical Note TN–24, Statek Corp. Technical Note TN–7, Statek Corp. E. Hafner, “The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit–Definitions and Method of Measurement”, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No. 2, Feb. 1969. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, “Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control”, Electro–Technology, June 1969. P. J. Ottowitz, “A Guide to Crystal Selection”, Electronic Design, May 1966. D. Babin, “Designing Crystal Oscillators”, Machine Design, March 7, 1985. D. Babin, “Guidelines for Crystal Oscillator Design”, Machine Design, April 25, 1985. Table 6. Partial List of Crystal Manufacturers Motorola — Internet Address http://motorola.com (Search for resonators) United States Crystal Corp. Crystek Crystal Statek Corp. Fox Electronics NOTE: Motorola cannot recommend one supplier over another and in no way suggests that this is a complete listing of crystal manufacturers. MC145202 18 MOTOROLA PHASE–LOCKED LOOP — LOW–PASS FILTER DESIGN (A) PDout Kφ KVCO NC ωn = VCO R ζ = C Kφ KVCOC N R 2 = ωnRC 2 1 + sRC Z(s) = sC NOTE: For (A), using Kφ in amps per radian with the filter’s impedance transfer function, Z(s), maintains units of volts per radian for the detector/filter combination. Additional sideband filtering can be accomplished by adding a capacitor C′ across R. The corner ωc = 1/RC′ should be chosen such that ωn is not significantly affected. R2 (B) φR R1 – φV + R1 R2 ωn = C A VCO ζ = Kφ KVCO NCR1 ωnR2C 2 ASSUMING GAIN A IS VERY LARGE, THEN: C F(s) = R2sC + 1 R1sC NOTE: For (B), R1 is frequently split into two series resistors; each resistor is equal to R1 divided by 2. A capacitor CC is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter the error pulses. The value of CC should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affect ωn. DEFINITIONS: N = Total Division Ratio in Feedback Loop Kφ (Phase Detector Gain) = IPDout / 2π amps per radian for PDout Kφ (Phase Detector Gain) = VPD / 2π volts per radian for φV and φR 2π∆fVCO KVCO (VCO Transfer Function) = radians per volt ∆VVCO For a nominal design starting point, the user might consider a damping factor ζ ≈ 0.7 and a natural loop frequency ωn ≈ (2πfR / 50) where fR is the frequency at the phase detector input. Larger ωn values result in faster loop lock times and, for similar sideband filtering, higher fR–related VCO sidebands. Either loop filter (A) or (B) is frequently followed by additional sideband filtering to further attenuate fR–related VCO sidebands. This additional filtering may be active or passive. RECOMMENDED READING: Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques (second edition). New York, Wiley–Interscience, 1979. Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition). New York, Wiley–Interscience, 1980. Blanchard, Alain, Phase–Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley–Interscience, 1976. Egan, William F., Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, Wiley–Interscience, 1981. Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice–Hall, 1983. Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase–Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams and Co., 1978. Kinley, Harold, The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. Seidman, Arthur H., Integrated Circuits Applications Handbook, Chapter 17, pp. 538–586. New York, John Wiley & Sons. Fadrhons, Jan, “Design and Analyze PLLs on a Programmable Calculator,” EDN. March 5, 1980. AN535, Phase–Locked Loop Design Fundamentals, Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., 1970. AR254, Phase–Locked Loop Design Articles, Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., Reprinted with permission from Electronic Design, 1987. AN1253, An Improved PLL Design Method Without ωn and ζ, Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., 1995. MOTOROLA MC145202 19 THRESHOLD DETECTOR +3 V 1 REF out 2 LD INTEGRATOR 3 φR 4 φV ENB 6 LOW–PASS FILTER 7 8 NC 20 Din 19 18 CLK 5 +3V REFin 9 10 VPD OUTPUT A PDout OUTPUT B VDD GND Rx TEST 2 TEST 1 VCC MCU 17 16 GENERAL–PURPOSE DIGITAL OUTPUT 15 +3 V 14 13 NC Q1 NOTE 2 12 fin 11 fin 1000 pF UHF VCO UHF OUTPUT BUFFER NOTES: 1. When used, the φR and φV outputs are fed to an external combiner/loop filter. See the Phase– Locked Loop — Low–Pass Filter Design page for additional information. 2. Transistor Q1 is required only if the standby feature is needed. Q1 permits the bipolar section of the device to be shut down via use of the general–purpose digital pin, OUTPUT B. If the standby feature is not needed, tie Pin 12 directly to the power supply. 3. For optimum performance, bypass the VCC, VDD, and VPD pins to GND with low–inductance capacitors. 4. The R counter is programmed for a divide value = REFin / fR. Typically, fR is the tuning resolution required for the VCO. Also, the VCO frequency divided by fR = NT = N x 64 + A; this determines the values (N, A) that must be programmed into the N and A counters, respectively. Figure 21. Example Application DEVICE #1 Din CLK ENB DEVICE #2 OUTPUT A (DATA OUT) Din CLK ENB OUTPUT A (DATA OUT) CMOS MCU OPTIONAL NOTE: See related Figures 23, 24, and 25. Figure 22. Cascading Two Devices MC145202 20 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA CLK ENB C7 1 C6 2 7 C0 8 X 9 X 10 15 X 16 17 X 18 23 X 24 25 C6 26 31 32 * Figure 23. Accessing the C Registers of Two Cascaded MC145202 Devices CLK ENB 1 A22 2 7 8 9 15 16 17 23 24 25 31 C0 32 38 39 C REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #1 IN FIGURE 22 C7 *At this point, the new bytes are transferred to the C registers of both devices and stored. No other registers are affected. C REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #2 IN FIGURE 22 X 40 47 ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ D in 48 * A23 A15 A8 A REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #2 IN FIGURE 22 A16 A7 A0 A23 A9 A8 A REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #1 IN FIGURE 22 A16 * At this point, the new bytes are transferred to the A registers of both devices and stored. Additionally, for both devices, the 13 LSBs in each of the first buffers of the R registers are transferred to the respective R register’s second buffer. Thus, the R, N, and A counter can be presented new divide ratios at the same time. The first buffer of each R register is not affected. Neither C register is affected. Din A0 ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ Figure 24. Accessing the A Registers of Two Cascaded MC145202 Devices MC145202 21 MC145202 22 1 2 7 R8 8 R7 9 15 16 17 23 24 25 31 32 33 39 R15 R14 R REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #2 IN FIGURE 22 R0 X X R15 R7 R REGISTER BITS OF DEVICE #1 IN FIGURE 22 R8 40 R0 2. Optional load pulse. At this point, the bits R0 through R12 are transfered to the second buffer of the R register. The R counter begins dividing by the new ratio after completing the rest of the present count cycle. CLK must be low during the ENB pulse, as shown. The C and A registers are not affected. The first buffer of the R register is not affected. Also, see note of Figure 24 for an alternate method of loading the second buffer in the R register. NOTES APPLICABLE TO EACH DEVICE: 1. At this point, bits R13, R14 and R15 are stored and sent to the ‘‘OSC or 4–Stage Divider” block in the Block Diagram. Bits R0 through R12 are loaded into the first buffer in the double–buffered section of the R register. Therfore, the R counter divide is not altered yet and retains the previous ratio loaded. The C and A registers are not affected. Din CLK ENB Note 1 Note 2 ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ Figure 25. Accessing the R Registers of Two Cascaded MC145202 Devices MOTOROLA PACKAGE DIMENSIONS F SUFFIX SOG (SMALL OUTLINE GULL–WING) PACKAGE CASE 751J–01 –A – 20 11 1 10 G S 10 PL 0.13 (0.005) B M NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS “A” AND “B” ARE DATUMS AND “T” IS A DATUM SURFACE. 2. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 3. CONTROLLING DIM: MILLIMETER. 4. DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 5. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. –B – M J C 0.13 (0.005) M 0.10 (0.004) –T – L D 20 PL T B S A DIM A B C D G J K L M S M SEATING PLANE S K MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 12.55 12.80 5.10 5.40 — 2.00 0.35 0.45 1.27 BSC 0.18 0.23 0.55 0.85 0.05 0.20 0° 7° 7.40 8.20 INCHES MIN MAX 0.494 0.504 0.201 0.213 — 0.079 0.014 0.018 0.050 BSC 0.007 0.009 0.022 0.033 0.002 0.008 0° 7° 0.291 0.323 DT SUFFIX TSSOP (THIN SHRUNK SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE) CASE 948D–03 A 20X 0.200 (0.004) 20 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSION A DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.25 (0.010) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION K DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.08 (0.003) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE K DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 6. TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 7. DIMENSIONS A AND B ARE TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE –U–. K REF M T 11 L B PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION 10 1 C -U0.100 (0.004) -T- D SEATING PLANE H G A K K1 J1 M J SECTION A-A MOTOROLA A F DIM A B C D F G H J J1 K K1 L M MILLIMETERS MIN MAX ––– 6.60 4.30 4.50 ––– 1.20 0.05 0.25 0.45 0.55 0.65 BSC 0.275 0.375 0.09 0.24 0.09 0.18 0.16 0.32 0.16 0.26 6.30 6.50 0° 10 ° INCHES MIN MAX ––– 0.260 0.169 0.177 ––– 0.047 0.002 0.010 0.018 0.022 0.026 BSC 0.011 0.015 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.007 0.006 0.013 0.006 0.010 0.248 0.256 0° 10 ° MC145202 23 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Mfax is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. How to reach us: USA / EUROPE / Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217. 1–303–675–2140 or 1–800–441–2447 Mfax: RMFAX0@email.sps.mot.com – TOUCHTONE 1–602–244–6609 Motorola Fax Back System – US & Canada ONLY 1–800–774–1848 – http://sps.motorola.com/mfax/ HOME PAGE: http://motorola.com/sps/ MC145202 24 ◊ JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.: SPD, Strategic Planning Office, 141, 4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan. 03–5487–8488 ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852–26629298 CUSTOMER FOCUS CENTER: 1–800–521–6274 MC145202/D MOTOROLA