SM8135B White LED Driver IC OVERVIEW The SM8135B is a charge pump type white LED driver. It can drive 1 to 4 backlight white LED connected in parallel, making it ideal for portable devices with small LCD. The charge pump switches between ×1 bypass mode, ×1.5 and ×2 boost mode in response to LED drive current requirements. The boost switching occurs in response to the drive current of all the connected LED and thus supports variations in LED forward-bias voltage drop (VF). Besides, the detection of switching is repeated in approx. 1sec-cycle by mode reset action, the SM8135B can respond to temporary variation of supply voltage. These ingenuities on switching detection can prolong the battery life to the fullest extent. Each LED drive current is controlled by a 4-channel LED drive current control circuit. The LED drive current per channel is setup by external resistor. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ GND NC DIN3 DIN4 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm) TOP VIEW 3.0 ± 0.08 1.8 B A C 0.3 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Cellular phone PDA Portable games Handy terminal Digital still camera Digital video camera LCD panel back light White LED driving 0.22 ± 0.05 0.02 S A B S APPLICATIONS BOTTOM VIEW 1.8 ■ 3 = 1.5 ± 0.05 ■ ■ 0.3 ± 0.1 ■ ISET EN GND VIN 0.5 ■ DIN2 DIN1 VOUT C2P C2M PGND C1P C1M ■ 3.0 ± 0.08 ■ (Top view) φ 0.05 M S A B 0.2 S 0.05 S 0.5 0.7 ± 0.05 ■ Battery life extension by automatic charge pump switch between ×1, ×1.5 and ×2 according to the detection of the LED drive current Controlling 1 to 4 lights of white LED connected in parallel Set up LED drive current value by external resistor (120kΩ: 20mA/ch) 1-wire input controlling ON/OFF and brightness control by signal controlling of EN pin Soft start circuit built-in Thermal shut down circuit built-in Input voltage range No-load current (IOUT = 0mA): 2.7 to 4.6V Load current (IOUT = 80mA): 3.0 to 4.6V Maximum output voltage: 4.9V (typ) Maximum output current: 80mA (typ) Quiescent current Not-switching (×1 mode): 0.3mA (typ) Switching (×1.5 mode): 1.5mA (typ) Switching (×2 mode): 1.5mA (typ) Standby current: 0.01µA (typ) Operating frequency (boost mode): 1MHz (typ) LED drive current accuracy between channel (REST = 120kΩ): ± 5% (max) Package: 16-pin QFN 0.2 ± 0.05 ■ PINOUT 0.1 ± 0.05 FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION Device Package SM8135BB 16-pin QFN SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —1 SM8135B BLOCK DIAGRAM C1M C1P C2M C2P Charge pump 1/ 1.5/ 2 VIN VOUT DIN1 Mode control & Output voltage control & Protection DIN2 Current control & Current detect TSD DIN3 DIN4 Control logic EN ISET NC (open at any time) GND GND PGND PIN DESCRIPTION Number Name I/O Description 1 C2M – Charge pump boost capacitor connection 2M 2 PGND – Charge pump ground 3 C1P – Charge pump boost capacitor connection 1P 4 C1M – Charge pump boost capacitor connection 1M 5 VIN – Supply voltage input 6 GND – Ground 7 EN I Enable/LED drive current setting (High active) 8 ISET I LED drive current setting resistor connection 9 DIN4 O LED drive current control output 4 (connect to ground when not used) 10 DIN3 O LED drive current control output 3 (connect to ground when not used) 11 NC – No connection (leave open circuit for normal operation) 12 GND – Ground 13 DIN2 O LED drive current control output 2 (connect to ground when not used) 14 DIN1 O LED drive current control output 1 (connect to ground when not used) 15 VOUT O LED drive voltage output 16 C2P – Charge pump boost capacitor connection 2P SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —2 SM8135B SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings GND = 0V Parameter Symbol Rating Unit VIN voltage range VIN −0.3 to 5.5 V Input voltage range VEN –0.3 to VIN + 0.3 V VDIN1 to 4 –0.3 to VIN + 0.3 V VOUT 5.5 V IOUT 500 mA PD 800 (Ta = 25°C)*1 mW TJMAX +125 °C Tstg −55 to +125 °C Output voltage range VOUT output current Power dissipation Junction temperature Storage ambient temperature range *1. When mounted on a 4-layer PCB. Note. The device may suffer breakdown if any one of these parameter ratings is exceeded. Power dissipation [mW] 1000 800 600 400 200 0 25 35 45 55 65 Operating temperature [°C] 75 85 Package power dissipation when mounted on 4-layer board Recommended Operating Conditions GND = 0V Rating Parameter Supply voltage range Pin VIN Symbol Conditions Unit min typ max VIN0 IOUT = 0mA 2.7 3.6 4.6 V VIN IOUT = 80mA 3.3 3.6 4.6 V Logic-level pin 0 − VIN V −30 − +85 °C Input voltage range EN VES Ambient temperature range − Ta SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —3 SM8135B Electrical Characteristics VIN = 3.6V, GND = 0V, Ta = 25°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Standby current Pin Symbol VIN Quiescent current 1 Quiescent current 2*1 VIN Quiescent current 3 Condition Unit min typ max ISTB Standby mode – 0.01 1.00 µA IDD1 ×1.0 mode, IOUT = 0mA – 0.3 1.0 mA IDD2 ×1.5 mode, IOUT = 0mA – 1.5 4.5 mA IDD3 ×2.0 mode, IOUT = 0mA – 1.5 4.5 mA 4.4 4.9 5.4 V Output voltage VOUT VOUT Maximum output current VOUT IOUT ×1.5/×2.0 mode 80 – – mA Operating frequency C1M fOSC ×1.5/×2.0 mode switching frequency 750 1000 1250 kHz EN TPOR Rest time from when power is applied – 0.05 1.00 ms Soft start time DIN1 to 4 TSS EN startup → ILED rising edge 0.70 1.43 3.00 ms LED drive pin leakage current DIN1 to 4 ILeak1 to 4 Standby mode, DIN pin = 4.9V – 0.01 1.00 µA LED drive current DIN1 to 4 ILED1 to 4 ×1.0 mode 18.0 20.0 22.0 mA LED drive current matching DIN1 to 4 ∆ILED ×1.0 mode, relative accuracy between channels at ILED maximum setting –5.0 – +5.0 % LED drive pin voltage DIN1 to 4 VDIN1 to 4 ×1.0 mode – 200 – mV ISET RSET RSET minimum value 60 – – kΩ EN hold time*1*2 EN TCEH Time from when EN = LOW until shutdown 0.50 1.00 1.50 ms EN HIGH-level input time*1 EN TENH EN input pulse HIGH-level minimum pulsewidth 3.0 – – µs EN LOW-level input time*1*2 EN TENL EN input pulse LOW-level pulsewidth range 3.0 – 500 µs 1.4 – – V EN VIH HIGH-level input voltage range Logic input voltage VIL LOW-level input voltage range – – 0.3 V IIH Pull-down pin, EN pin = 3.6V – 5.0 10.0 µA IIL EN pin = 0V –1.0 – – µA Internal power-ON reset time*1 LED drive current setting resistance*1 Logic input current EN *1. Design guaranteed value *2. When shutdown EN When dimming > 1.5msec 3µsec to 500µsec EN SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —4 SM8135B FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION LED Drive Current Setting The SM8135B LED drive current can be set using a combination of 2 methods: (1) current setting resistance connected to ISET, and (2) input pulse control on the EN pin. (1) Setting LED drive current using RSET The LED drive maximum current value per LED (ILED MAX) is determined by the resistor (RSET) connected to the ISET pin. The relationship between RSET and ILED MAX is given by the following equation. ILED MAX [mA] = 2400/RSET [kΩ] (For example, ILED MAX = 20mA when RSET = 120kΩ.) The RSET resistance has a minimum rating of 60kΩ. At this value of resistance, the ILED MAX has a maximum rating of 40mA/LED. However, note that the total LED drive current for all LEDs must not exceed 80mA. 50 RSET ILED MAX [mA] ISET 40 30 20 10 0 GND 0 100 200 300 400 500 RSET [kΩ] RSET vs. ILED MAX SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —5 SM8135B (2) Setting LED current using pulse input on EN The EN pin has a built-in counter that can be used to set the LED current to one of 14 levels (DATA1 to DATA14) determined by the number of input pulses on EN. The LED current ILED begins to flow when EN is first set to HIGH. The built-in counter is set to DATA1 (maximum setting), and the current is the maximum LED current (ILED MAX) determined by resistor RSET. When an pulse input is applied on EN, the counter is incremented and the current changes from ILED MAX by a factor of approximately 1/√2 for each pulse. The current change is triggered by the falling edge of the input pulse, and each pulse should have a minimum 3.0µs pulsewidth. ILED = ILED MAX/(√2)N N: number of pulses = 0 to 13 On the 14th and 15th pulse (DATA15 and 16), the current drive circuit is shutdown and no LED drive current flows, turning the LEDs OFF. On the 16th pulse, the current returns to the DATA1 maximum value. When the EN input is held LOW for an interval longer than the EN hold time (1ms), the whole IC returns to standby mode, and the LED current is set to 0. Note that the counter is also reset to value DATA1. Since the current is set to the maximum value ILED MAX for 0 pulses (DATA1), applications that do not generate a pulse input can still use the device to drive LEDs. In this case, the LED current setting is determined exclusively by RSET (refer to section “(1) Setting LED drive current using RSET”). DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA15 DATA16 DATA5 DATA1 High EN EN hold time Low ILED MAX turn on (ILED MAX) turn on (ILED MAX) 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 ILED 1/ 2 1/ 2 0 turn off (0) turn off turn off (0) (0) turn off (0) Dimming control by EN pin Table 1. EN input pulse count and ILED relationship (ILED MAX = 20mA) DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ILED [mA] 20.00 14.00 10.00 7.00 5.00 3.50 2.50 1.80 1.27 0.91 0.64 0.45 0.32 0.23 0 0 Ratio 1 1/(√2)1 1/(√2)2 1/(√2)3 1/(√2)4 1/(√2)5 1/(√2)6 1/(√2)7 1/(√2)8 (OFF) (OFF) DIM pulse count 1/(√2)9 1/(√2)10 1/(√2)11 1/(√2)12 1/(√2)13 SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —6 SM8135B VOUT Output Circuit Mode Switching The SM8135B output mode switches between 4 operating modes in response to the operating conditions. The modes are: standby mode, ×1.0 mode (VIN through mode), ×1.5 mode (1.5-times charge pump boost), and ×2.0 mode (2.0-times charge pump boost). Specifically, the use of ×1.0 mode, ×1.5 mode, and ×2.0 mode allows the VOUT output to be adjusted automatically to match drive LED characteristics. Switching between ×1.0 mode, ×1.5 mode, and ×2.0 mode is controlled automatically by an internal circuit. The operating mode cannot be specified by an external control signal. Startup: Internal Reset Time and Soft Start Time The SM8135B normal startup procedure (after VIN has been applied previously) is to switch from standby mode to the ×1.0/×1.5/×2.0 operating modes when the EN enable input goes HIGH. The soft start time (described on the following page) begins after switching to the operating mode using EN. VIN VIN High (1) Soft start time EN Standby mode ENABLE ON (2) Normal startup (1) VIN is HIGH, EN is LOW (standby mode) (2) Switches to an operating mode when EN goes HIGH (soft start time begins) If the VIN supply voltage is applied when EN is HIGH level, startup commences after the power-ON reset (POR) time (approximately 50µs) has elapsed. (1) VIN power source Internal power on reset POR time typ: 50µs (2) Soft start time Internal enable (CE) (3) Standby mode 1.5 mode Internal reset operation when power is applied (power-ON reset) (1) VIN voltage rises when power is applied. (2) Power-ON reset (POR) circuit resets internal circuits approximately 50µs after the power is applied. (3) If EN is HIGH when power is applied, the internal circuits start operating when the internal “CE” signal rising edge occurs after the power-ON reset time. If EN is LOW when power is applied, the “CE” rising edge occurs simultaneously with the first rising edge. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —7 SM8135B Immediately after startup, the device operates in ×1.5 mode for a fixed interval (soft start time: approximately 1.43ms) to set the current for LEDs connected to the DIN pins. After the soft start time has elapsed, the LEDs are turned ON. Approximately 2ms is required for the LED drive current to reach the set drive value. (1) EN input signal LED current Soft start time typ: 1.43ms typ: 2ms (2) LED ON Soft start time and LED current (1) If the EN signal is input after power is applied, the soft start time begins on the EN rising edge. The DIM pulse input for dimming is active during the soft start time. (2) After the soft start time (1.43ms) has elapsed, the LEDs are turned ON. Approximately 2ms is required for LED drive current to reach set values. Switching to Standby Mode The SM8135B switches from ×1.0/×1.5/×2.0 mode to standby mode if EN goes LOW and stays LOW for an interval of 1.00ms (typ). This function is used to switch the internal circuits to standby mode automatically when the LEDs turn OFF in order to reduce current consumption. EN CE hold time typ: 1.00ms LED current 1.0 or 1.5 Standby mode Switching to standby mode, and EN hold time ■ If EN is LOW for longer than the enable hold time of 1.00ms (typ), the SM8135B switches to standby mode. In standby mode, the internal circuits are reset, hence the drive current settings must be re-entered to restart the device. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —8 SM8135B Boost Mode Auto-switching The SM8135B switches between ×1.0 mode (VIN through mode), ×1.5 mode (1.5-times charge pump boost), and ×2.0 mode (2.0-times charge pump boost) automatically in response to the operating state to reduce current consumption. The switching transition flow chart is shown in the following figure. LED ON 1.0 mode 1.5 mode ILED judgment ILED judgment insufficient sufficient insufficient sufficient 1.5 mode 2.0 mode 1.0sec 1.0sec Mode reset 1.5 1.0 Mode reset 2.0 1.5 ILED judgment sufficient ILED judgment sufficient insufficient insufficient Boost mode switching flow chart This section describes the boost mode switching in response to insufficient LED drive current level detection. The next section describes the mode reset functions. Initially, when the LED drive current begins to flow, operation begins in ×1.0 mode at the set current value if possible, without boosting the input voltage VIN. If the set current value cannot be attained in ×1.0 mode due to a VIN voltage drop or an increase in the set current value, a low-current detector circuit connected to each LED drive circuit is activated that switches the VOUT output to ×1.5 mode automatically, and the charge pump circuit starts boosting the voltage by 1.5 times. If the set current value still cannot be attained, the LED drive circuits are switched to ×2.0 mode, and the charge pump starts boosting the voltage by 2 times. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —9 SM8135B 1.0 1.5 threshold 1.5 VIN input voltage 2.0 threshold Lack of LED current detect 2.0 mode VOUT mode 1.5 mode 1.0 mode 4.9V VOUT output voltage VIN voltage drop and VOUT output voltage In ×1.0 mode, VIN = VOUT. However, the VOUT output does not always reach the electrical characteristics typical rating of 4.9V. However, as long as an insufficient current condition is not detected, ×1.0 mode operation continues. In other words, VOUT may drop below 4.9V if sufficient LED drive current is flowing to counter the LED forward-bias voltage drop VF. The longer the device can operate in the high output efficiency ×1.0 mode, the lower the total current consumption and the longer the battery drive time can be extended. Furthermore, the more that low VF LEDs and lower LED drive current are used, the longer the device can operate automatically in ×1.0 mode. 1.0 mode (high efficiency) 1.5 mode 2.0 mode (low efficiency) High VF LED 1.0 mode (high efficiency) 1.5 mode 2.0 mode (low efficiency) Low VF LED High VIN input Low VOUT mode switching time comparison due to drive LED “VF” variation The LED low-current detector circuit switches the output boost mode whenever a single insufficient current condition is detected among the 4 channel LED drive currents, hence drive LEDs with small VF variation should be used to increase overall efficiency. If, after startup, a LED connection to the DIN pins is switched ON/OFF, the LED current detection circuit will operate incorrectly and normal boost mode switching does not occur. Also, if LED drive current control using a DIM pin is not used, the low-current detector circuit does not operate and the boost mode does not switch to either ×1.5 or ×2.0 mode. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —10 SM8135B Mode Reset Function VF increases immediately after the LED current starts to flow, and then decreases as the LED temperature increases due to the heating effect of the current flow. It can take about 10 seconds for the LED temperature to stabilize and for VF to reach equilibrium, and VF may fluctuate more than 200mV. The VF fluctuation is affected by the ambient temperature and LED current setting, and has a large affect on the automatic mode switching voltage tolerances. To counter the effects of VF fluctuation, the SM8135B outputs a mode reset signal once every 1.0 seconds which automatically switches the output mode to ×1.0, and then a determination is made whether to make the ×1.0 → ×1.5 mode switch. Mode reset VOUT mode Mode hold L: hold (1) 1.0sec/cycle 1.0 mode 1.5 mode 1.5 mode (2) min 80µs max 200µs (3) ILED detector ignore 4.9V VOUT output voltage (4) ILED detector Switching from ×1.5 mode to ×1.0 mode due to mode reset signal (1) Mode reset signal is output once every 1.0 seconds. (2) Mode switches from ×1.5 to ×1.0 mode on the rising edge of the mode reset signal. (3) A 200µs (max) mode hold time begins after switching to ×1.0 mode. LED drive current insufficient state is detected but the mode is not switched during this interval. (4) LED drive current insufficient signal is ignored during the mode hold time, but normal mode switching operation resumes when the mode hold time elapses. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —11 SM8135B A mode hold signal of 200µs (max) duration is output immediately after switching to ×1.0 mode. The VOUT output is held in ×1.0 mode and any LED drive current insufficient detection signal is ignored during the mode hold signal output. For example, if the VIN voltage drops and the VOUT output voltage in ×1.0 mode cannot provide sufficient current to drive the LEDs, a LED drive current insufficient condition occurs momentarily due to the mode reset. The LED low-current detector circuit outputs a LED drive current insufficient signal immediately after switching modes, but during the mode hold time the device stays in ×1.0 mode and does not switch to ×1.5 mode. Consequently, the VOUT voltage drops and the LED brightness decreases during the 85µs (min) to 200µs (max) mode hold time. However, a 200µs decrease in the brightness is not a problem as it is not perceptible to the human eye. 1.0 1.5 threshold VIN input voltage 1.0sec Mode reset VOUT mode max 200µS Mode hold (L: hold) 4.9V VOUT output voltage ILED detector (H: lack) VOUT drop due to mode reset signal (between ×1.5 and ×1.0 mode) SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —12 SM8135B The mode reset operation when in ×2.0 mode performs boost mode switching between ×2.0 mode and ×1.5 mode. Mode switching directly from ×2.0 mode to ×1.0 mode does not occur. Mode reset 1.0sec/cycle VOUT mode 2.0 mode Mode hold (L: hold) 1.5 mode 2.0 mode min 80µs max 200µs ILED detector ignore 4.9V VOUT output voltage ILED detector Switching from ×2.0 mode to ×1.5 mode due to mode reset signal (1) Mode switches from ×2.0 to ×1.5 mode on the rising edge of the mode reset signal. (2) A 200µs (max) mode hold time begins after switching to ×1.5 mode. LED drive current insufficient state is detected but the mode is not switched during this interval. (3) LED drive current insufficient signal is ignored during the mode hold time, but normal mode switching operation resumes when the mode hold time elapses. The mode reset function periodically tests the boost mode to try to maximize the duration of operation in the higher efficiency ×1.0 and ×1.5 modes in order to extend battery drive time. Thermal Shutdown Circuit (Overtemperature Protection Circuit) The SM8135B features a thermal shutdown circuit that operates whenever the IC temperature exceeds approximately 170°C for whatever reason, stopping the VOUT output. VOUT output recommences when the IC temperature falls below approximately 150°C. At output shutdown, the LED drive current DATA settings are stored. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —13 SM8135B PERIPHERAL PARTS About the External Capacitors The best capacitors for use with the SM8135B are multi-layer ceramic capacitors. When selecting a multi-layer ceramic capacitor, only X5R and X7R dielectric types are strongly recommended, since the loss of capacitance in various conditions is less than other types such as Z5U and Y5V. The much loss of capacitance in various conditions may cause the output voltage unstable. Table. The EIA three digit "TC" code Lower temperature limit High temperature limit Maximum allowable capacitance change from +25°C (0V DC) X = −55°C 5 = +85°C F = ± 7.5% Y = −30°C 6 = +105°C P = ± 10% Z = +10°C 7 = +125°C R = ± 15% 8 = +150°C S = ± 22% T = +22%/−33% U = +22%/−56% V = +22%/−82% For example : X5R About the Input Capacitor "C4" The parts layout of PCB may merely cause the “VOUT” output voltage unstable. In this case, increasing the “C4” input capacitance value or adding another capacitor on the VIN input line is effective to solve the unstable output voltage. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —14 SM8135B TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS LED × 4, ILED MAX = 20mA C1 = 1µF C1M C1P 2.7 to 4.6V VIN C2 = 1µF C2M C2P VOUT Charge pump 1/ 1.5/ 2 C4 = 1µF C3 = 1µF MAX 20mA 4 DIN1 Mode control & Output voltage control & Protection DIN2 Current control & Current detect TSD DIN3 DIN4 EN Control logic ISET RSET = 120kΩ GND NC (open at any time) GND PGND Note. If the driving LED is less than 4 pcs, unused DIN pins should be connect to GND. Dimming and ON/OFF control is performed using pulse input on EN with a maximum LED current determined by resistor RSET (see P.6 “Setting LED current using pulse input on EN”). The HIGH-level and LOW-level pulsewidths for the pulse input on EN must be 3.0µs or longer (see “Electrical Characteristics”). SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —15 SM8135B LED × 3, ILED MAX = 20mA C1 = 1µF C1M C1P 2.7 to 4.6V VIN C2 = 1µF C2M C2P VOUT Charge pump 1/ 1.5/ 2 C4 = 1µF C3 = 1µF MAX 20mA 3 DIN1 Mode control & Output voltage control & Protection DIN2 Current control & Current detect TSD DIN3 DIN4 (connect to ground) EN Control logic ISET RSET = 120kΩ GND NC (open at any time) GND PGND Note. If the driving LED is less than 4 pcs, unused DIN pins should be connect to GND. Dimming and ON/OFF control is performed using pulse input on EN with a maximum LED current determined by resistor RSET (see P.6 “Setting LED current using pulse input on EN”). The HIGH-level and LOW-level pulsewidths for the pulse input on EN must be 3.0µs or longer (see “Electrical Characteristics”). SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —16 SM8135B LED × 2, ILED MAX = 29.3mA C1 = 1µF C1M C1P 2.7 to 4.6V VIN C2 = 1µF C2M C2P VOUT Charge pump 1/ 1.5/ 2 C4 = 1µF C3 = 1µF MAX 29.3mA 2 DIN1 Mode control & Output voltage control & Protection DIN2 Current control & Current detect TSD DIN3 (connect to ground) DIN4 (connect to ground) EN Control logic ISET RSET = 82kΩ GND NC (open at any time) GND PGND Note. If the driving LED is less than 4 pcs, unused DIN pins should be connect to GND. Dimming and ON/OFF control is performed using pulse input on EN with a maximum LED current determined by resistor RSET (see P.6 “Setting LED current using pulse input on EN”). The HIGH-level and LOW-level pulsewidths for the pulse input on EN must be 3.0µs or longer (see “Electrical Characteristics”). SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —17 SM8135B FOOTPRINT PATTERN 3.6 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 0. 32 0.25 ± 0.05 0.7 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 0.5 × 3 = 1.5 ± 0.05 3.6 ± 0.1 0.5 × 3 = 1.5 ± 0.05 SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —18 SM8135B Please pay your attention to the following points at time of using the products shown in this document. The products shown in this document (hereinafter “Products”) are not intended to be used for the apparatus that exerts harmful influence on human lives due to the defects, failure or malfunction of the Products. Customers are requested to obtain prior written agreement for such use from SEIKO NPC CORPORATION (hereinafter “NPC”). Customers shall be solely responsible for, and indemnify and hold NPC free and harmless from, any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses or lawsuits, due to such use without such agreement. NPC reserves the right to change the specifications of the Products in order to improve the characteristic or reliability thereof. NPC makes no claim or warranty that the contents described in this document dose not infringe any intellectual property right or other similar right owned by third parties. Therefore, NPC shall not be responsible for such problems, even if the use is in accordance with the descriptions provided in this document. Any descriptions including applications, circuits, and the parameters of the Products in this document are for reference to use the Products, and shall not be guaranteed free from defect, inapplicability to the design for the mass-production products without further testing or modification. Customers are requested not to export or re-export, directly or indirectly, the Products to any country or any entity not in compliance with or in violation of the national export administration laws, treaties, orders and regulations. Customers are requested appropriately take steps to obtain required permissions or approvals from appropriate government agencies. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION 15-6, Nihombashi-kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan Telephone: +81-3-6667-6601 Facsimile: +81-3-6667-6611 Email: [email protected] NC0707AE 2007.11 SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —19