G5535 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. LCD Panel Power Supplies with Low-Cost LinearRegulator, Charge-Pumps and High-Current OP Features General Description High-Performance Linear Regulator 1.6% Output Accuracy Works with Small Ceramic Output Capacitors Fast Transient Response Foldback Current Limit High-Current Operational Amplifier: 12V/µs Slew Rate 12MHz, -3dB Bandwidth Rail-to-Rail Inputs/Output 100mA Negative Charge Pump Regulator 50mA Positive Charge Pump Regulator with Adjustable Delay Built-In Power-Up Sequence Gate-on Pulse Modulator for Sequence & Discharge Control Thermal Protection Latched Fault Protection with Timer TQFN4X4-24 Package G5535 incorporates a high-performance linear regulator, two low-power charge-pump regulators, a highcurrent operational amplifier, and logic-controlled gate-on pulse modulator to control the positive charge-pump output sequence and waveform. The linear regulator generates the source-driver supply voltage from the input voltage directly. The two charge-pump regulators generate the positive gate-on and negative gate-off supply voltages. The operational amplifier supplies the VCOM buffer with high output current, fast slew rate and wide bandwidth performances for driving capacitive loads. The gate-on pulse modulator control (SWCTL) is independent of the SHDN chip enable control. The G5535 adopts a 24-pin TQFN package which is 4mm × 4mm with a maximum thickness of 0.8mm for ultra-thin LCD panel application. Ordering Information Applications LCD Monitor Panel Modules LCD TV Panel Modules ORDER NUMBER MARKING G5535R51U 5535 Note: R5: TQFN4X4-24 1: Bonding Code U: Tape & Reel TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE (Pb free) -40°C to 85°C TQFN4X4-24 DLP AGOTP FBL SWCTL 22 21 20 19 VPS 24 23 FBN Pin Configuration 1 18 DRN 2 17 FBP REF 3 16 THR POSOP 4 15 VDDOP INL 5 14 OUTOP NEGOP 6 13 GND 11 12 SWP NC 9 VDDCP 10 8 SWN 7 VCC Thermal Pad OUTL GON SHDN G5535 TQFN4X4-24 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw Ver: 0.1 Jun 04, 2008 1