Green Power Solutions srl Via Venezia 34D - 10088 Volpiano (TO), Italy Phone: +39-011-988 2251 Fax: +39-011-988 1358 Web: E-mail: GPDN1230 RECTIFIER DIODE VOLTAGE UP TO 1000 V AVERAGE CURRENT 2300 A SURGE CURRENT BLOCKING CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage VRSM IRRM Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage Repetitive peak reverse current, max. Conditions 28 kA Value 1000 V 1100 V VRRM, single phase, half wave, Tjmax 50 mA FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS IF(AV) Average forward current Sine wave,180° conduction, T h = 55°C 2300 A IF(RMS) R.M.S. forward current Sine wave,180° conduction, Th = 55°C 3613 A IFSM Surge forward current Non rep. half sine wave, 50 Hz, VR = 0 V, Tj = Tjmax I²t I² t for fusing coordination VF(TO) Threshold voltage Tj = Tjmax 0.72 V rF Forward slope resistance Tj = Tjmax 0.123 mΩ VFM Peak forward voltage, max Forward current IF = 4000 A, Tj = Tjmax 28 kA 3920 kA²s 1.21 V SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Qrr Rverse recovery charge, typ Irr Reverse recovery current Tj = Tjmax, IF = 1000 A, di/dt = -5 A/µs µC A THERMAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Rth(j-h) Thermal resistance (junction to heatsink) Tjmax Max operating junction temperature Tstg Storage temperature F Clamping force ± 10% Mass Document GPDN1230T001 Double side cooled 0.037 °C/W 175 °C -40 / 175 °C 12 kN 300 g GPDN1230 RECTIFIER DIODE Current rating - sine wave Power loss - sine wave 3500 170 90° 3000 150 2500 130 2000 PF [W] Case temperature [°C] 190 110 180° 120° 60° 30° 1500 1000 90 70 30° 50 0 400 60° 800 90° 1200 120° 1600 500 180° 0 2000 0 2400 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 IF [A] IF [A] Maximum surge current d.s. cooled Forward voltage drop 30 25 IF [A] IFSM [A] 20 15 10 5 0 1 10 100 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Tj=Tjmax 0.5 0.7 0.9 Number of cycle current pulses [n] 1.3 1.5 VF [V] Ø 58.5 Ø 34 Thermal Impedance (j-h) 0.040 26±0.5 0.035 ZTH(j-h) [°C / W] 1.1 0.030 Ø 53 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Ø 3.5±0.2 x 4±0.2 (Both sides) Time [s] dimensions mm In the interest of product improvement Green Power Solutions reserves the right to change any specification given in this data sheet without notice. Document GPDN1230T001