iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 1/7 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MLT04 replacement Four independent channels Four-quadrant multiplication Voltage output: W = 0.4 × X × Y ±2.5 V analog input range 3.5 MHz bandwidth Low power dissipation Analog computation Squaring circuits Modulation and demodulation Voltage controlled amplifiers and filters PACKAGES SO18W (RoHS compliant) BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC W1 W4 X1 X4 Y1 Y4 GND4 GND1 0.4 0.4 Four-Channel, Four-Quadrant Analog Multiplier Y2 Y3 X2 X3 GND2 0.4 0.4 W2 GND3 W3 iC-BM Copyright © 2011 iC-Haus VEE http://www.ichaus.com iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 2/7 DESCRIPTION iC-BM features four analog multipliers. Each fourquadrant multiplier consists of a Gilbert cell multiplier with a 0.4 scale factor, a linearisation circuit and a unity gain output amplifier. For higher precision all internal bias currents are derived from an internal band-gap reference. All pins are ESD protected. PACKAGES PIN CONFIGURATION SO18W PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 W1 GND1 X1 Y1 VCC Y2 X2 GND2 W2 W3 GND3 X3 Y3 VEE Y4 X4 GND4 W4 Channel 1: Analog multiplier output Channel 1: Ground Channel 1: First input of multiplier Channel 1: Second input of multiplier Positive power supply +5 V Channel 2: Second input of multiplier Channel 2: First input of multiplier Channel 2: Ground Channel 2: Analog multiplier output Channel 3: Analog multiplier output Channel 3: Ground Channel 3: First input of multiplier Channel 3: Second input of multiplier Negative power supply -5 V Channel 4: Second input of multiplier Channel 4: First input of multiplier Channel 4: Ground Channel 4: Analog multiplier output iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 3/7 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SO18W SIDE 45° FRONT 4° 0.20 2.25 0.27 0.84 TOP RECOMMENDED PCB-FOOTPRINT 0.41 9.40 1.27 0.60 1.90 1.27 10.30 7.50 11.55 dra_so18w-1_pack_1, 5:1 All dimensions given in mm. iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 4/7 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Beyond these values damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Max. G001 VCC Positive Power Supply G002 VEE Negative Power Supply -7 7 V G003 V() Voltage at Pins X1...4 , Y1...4 and W1...4 -7 7 V G004 Tj Chip Temperature -40 150 °C G005 Ts Storage Temperature -40 150 °C V THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VCC = 5 V ±0.25 V , VEE = -5 V ±0.25 V, Tj = -40...100 °C, RL = 2 kΩ, if not other specified Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. T01 Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range T02 Rthja Thermal Resistance Chip/Ambient All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise stated. All currents flowing into the device pins are positive; all currents flowing out of the device pins are negative. Typ. -40 Max. 85 68 °C K/W iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 5/7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VCC = 5 V ±0.25 V , VEE = -5 V ±0.25 V, Tj = -40...100 °C, RL = 2 kΩ, if not other specified Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. General 101 V(VCC) Positive Supply Voltage Range 4.75 5 5.25 102 V(VEE) Negative Supply Voltage Range -5.25 -5 -4.75 V 103 I(VCC) Positive Supply Current W1...4 without load resistors 15 20 mA 104 I(VEE) Negative Supply Current W1...4 without load resistors 105 PDISS Power Dissipation PDISS = 5 V × ICC + 5 V × IEE 200 mW -20 -15 150 V mA Multiplier Performance 201 V(X1...4 )os Offset Voltage X1...4 V(X1...4 ) = 0 V, V(Y1...4 ) = ±2.5 V -50 50 mV 202 V(Y1...4 )os Offset Voltage Y1...4 V(Y1...4 ) = 0 V, V(X1...4 ) = ±2.5 V -50 50 mV 203 V(W1...4 )os Output Offset Voltage W1...4 V(X1...4 ) = 0 V, V(Y1...4 ) = 0 V -50 50 204 TCV()os Output Offset Drift W1...4 V(X1...4 ) = 0 V, V(Y1...4 ) = 0 V 205 K Fix Scale Factor V(X1...4 ) = ±2.5 V, V(Y1...4 ) = ±2.5 V 0.38 0.4 0.42 1/V 206 TE(X1...4 ) Total Error X1...4 -2.5 V ≤ X ≤ 2.5 V, Y = 2.5 V, measured as % of the ±2.5 V full scale -5 ±2 5 % 207 TE(Y1...4 ) Total Error Y1...4 -2.5 V ≤ Y ≤ 2.5 V, X = 2.5 V, measured as % of the ±2.5 V full scale -5 ±2 5 % 208 TCE(X1...4 ) Total Error Drift X1...4 V(X1...4 ) = -2.5 V, V(Y1...4 ) = 2.5 V 0.005 %/°C 209 TCE(Y1...4 ) Total Error Drift Y1...4 V(Y1...4 ) = -2.5 V, V(X1...4 ) = 2.5 V 0.005 %/°C 210 SE() Total Square Error X1...4 , Y1...4 V(X1 ) = V(Y1 ), V(X2 ) = V(Y2 ), V(X3 ) = V(Y3 ) and V(X4 ) = V(Y4 ) 5 % 211 LE(X1...4 ) Linearity Error X1...4 -2.5 V ≤ X ≤ 2.5 V, Y = 2.5 V -1 ±0.2 1 % 212 LE(Y1...4 ) Linearity Error Y1...4 -2.5 V ≤ Y ≤ 2.5 V, X = 2.5 V -1 ±0.2 1 % 50 mV µV/°C Dynamic Performance 301 BW Small Signal Bandwidth V(W1...4 ) = 0.1 Vrms 3.5 MHz 302 SR Slew Rate V(W1...4 ) = ±2.5 V 30 V/µs 303 tS Settling Time V(W1...4 ) = ∆2.5 V and 1% error band 1 µs 304 FTAC AC Feedthrough V(X1...4 ) = 0 V, V(Y1...4 ) = 1 Vrms and f = 1 kHz -65 dB 305 CTAC Crosstalk V(X1...4 ) = V(Y1...4 ) = 1 Vrms , f = 100 kHz, applied to adjecent channel -90 dB Outputs: W1...4 401 Isc() ±30 mA 402 THD(X1...4 ) Total Harmonic Distortion X1...4 Short Circuit Current f = 1 kHz, V(Y1...4 ) = 2.5 V 0.1 % 403 THD(Y1...4 ) Total Harmonic Distortion Y1...4 f = 1 kHz, V(X1...4 ) = 2.5 V 0.02 404 PSSR() Power Supply Sensitivity Ratio V(X1...4 ) = V(Y1...4 ) = 0 V, VCC = ∆5% or VEE = ∆5% 405 ENA Audio Band Noise BW = 10 Hz to 50 kHz 70 µVrms 406 ENW Wide Band Noise BW = 1.9 MHz 590 407 en Spot Noise Voltage Noise at f = 1 kHz 0.3 µVrms √ µV/ Hz 408 Vmax() Voltage Swing VCC = +5 V, VEE = -5 V 409 ROUT() Open Loop Output Resistance VCC = +5 V, VEE = -5 V, T = +25 °C % 10 3.0 mV/V 3.3 V 60 Ω Inputs: X1...4 , Y1...4 V 10 µA VR()in Analog Input Range V(GND1...4 ) = 0 V 502 I()in Input Current V(X1...4 ) = V(Y1...4 ) = 0 V 503 R()in Input Resistance 1 MΩ 504 C()in Input Capacitance 3 pF ∗ For input voltages > 3 V the output is undefined. -2.5 2.5∗ 501 2.3 iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 6/7 iC-Haus expressly reserves the right to change its products and/or specifications. An info letter gives details as to any amendments and additions made to the relevant current specifications on our internet website www.ichaus.de/infoletter; this letter is generated automatically and shall be sent to registered users by email. Copying – even as an excerpt – is only permitted with iC-Haus’ approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in these materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. As a general rule our developments, IPs, principle circuitry and range of Integrated Circuits are suitable and specifically designed for appropriate use in technical applications, such as in devices, systems and any kind of technical equipment, in so far as they do not infringe existing patent rights. In principle the range of use is limitless in a technical sense and refers to the products listed in the inventory of goods compiled for the 2008 and following export trade statistics issued annually by the Bureau of Statistics in Wiesbaden, for example, or to any product in the product catalogue published for the 2007 and following exhibitions in Hanover (Hannover-Messe). We understand suitable application of our published designs to be state-of-the-art technology which can no longer be classed as inventive under the stipulations of patent law. Our explicit application notes are to be treated only as mere examples of the many possible and extremely advantageous uses our products can be put to. iC-BM FOUR-CHANNEL FOUR-QUADRANT ANALOG MULTIPLIER Rev B1, Page 7/7 ORDERING INFORMATION Type Package Order Designation iC-BM SO18W iC-BM SO18W For technical support, information about prices and terms of delivery please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel.: +49 (61 35) 92 92-0 Fax: +49 (61 35) 92 92-192 Web: http://www.ichaus.com E-Mail: [email protected] Appointed local distributors: http://www.ichaus.com/sales_partners